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Lawrence Weekly World from Lawrence, Kansas • Page 3

Lawrence, Kansas
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ftO YOU GET DP WITH A LAM BACK A MIDNIGHT RAID FIRE IN STORE the general agent of the Mutual Life accepted the notes of Perkins and paid the premiums himself. The insurance companies them- officers Pay Unwelcome Call on Star Basement of 5 and 10-Cent Store selves, however, acknowledged that Ettney Trimble Hakes You Misers Umost everybody who reads fNe news 08 per is sure to know of tbi wo-iderfiai made by Dr. II it. I i lmer's Sivamp-RooL1 the prefct kidney, 'ivai; Somewhat Damaged, ACETYLENE GAS EXPLODED. Fred Klock Hammered an Abandoned Carbide Tank.

Water Ran Ont and He Lighted a Match to Investigate He Was Slightly Burned About Face. and bladder remedy, It is the p-efct medb cal triumph of the nine teenth century; discovered ftsr years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eml nent kidney and bladder specialist, and IF no valuation, indicate that the amount of property left by Mr. Perkins amounts to $242,085.65. Judge Means in the probate court this morning, appointed as appraisers for the Perkins estate, George Banks, Col.

Moore and A. L. Selig. The itemized statement of his prop erty as sworn to by the trustees, but with valuations made unofficially, as as follows: Household furniture and fixtures, library, and the horses, cattle, carriages, tools and utensils used in and about the homestead estimated Law library and office 8,000.00 Mortgages, notes and oth- seeuyties 3,135.00 Stocks and credits, estimated 20,000.00 Cash and other cash items 43,000.00 IP Club at 913 Mass. FOUND 12 CASES OF BEER.

20 Empties, Corkscrews, Glasses and $40 in Money. Cook, the Manager, Arrested Sheriff Woodward and Marshal Car-mean made the Raid. From Monday's daily. Sheriff Woodward and Marshal Carmean paid a midnight call to the Star club over Billy Williamson's cigar store and Harry Miller's barber shop at 913 Massachusetts street, Saturday evening. They catured 12 full cases of beer, $40 in cash, the proceeds of his afternoon and evening's sales, 15 or 20 cases of 'empties," some corkscrews and a large number of glasses and mugs.

Several members of the club were in the room at the time of the raid, but all were released except Cook, Mr. Perkins had said that he intended to convert his large fortune into the form of insurance. This the attorneys for Mrs. Perkins regard, as a strong point in favor of the estate, for while the interest alone would not be sufficient to pay the by converting his fortune into insurance as Mr. Perkins gave as his intention, the capital and interest would have been sufficient to pay the premiums for at least fifteen years.

The Mystery Solved. The statement of the property of Mr. Perkins filed with the probate court will be read with interest by the people of Lawrence. Ever since his death the amount of his property has been a mystery to the public. All sorts of vague rumors have been afloat as to its size and value.

The insurance companies aleged that he did not have anything, while many wonderfully successful in promptly curinf lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou-Jies and Bright" Disease, which is the worst hrm of kidney trouble. Dr. lmer's Swamp-Root i3 not rec-wnmended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder i it vdil be found hist fhe remedy vou need. It has beetn inxteA in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless to poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successfuUn every case that a special arrangement been made by which all readers of thispfMl who have not already tried it, may hatflk sample bottle sent free by also boo telling mere about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous Homestead 40,000.00 PERKINS LEFT A QUARTER MILLION Statement of Property Tiled in Probate Court Today.

SHOWS SUM TO BE $242,085.67. Money Was Invested in Securites of Various Kinds. Much of It Was Income-Bearing Property House Was Valued at $40,000. From Monday's daily. The estate left by the late L.

H. Perkins, exclusive of all insurance policies, amounts in all to nearly a quarter of a million dollars. The long-waited-for list of property, on which the result of the suit at Kansas City hinges so much was filed in the probate court today by the trustees of the estate, Alfred Whitman, A. C. Griesa and W.

E. Hazen. Estimates of the trustees as to the valuation, apart from the statement of property which shows If You Are Sick It is because some of the organs of the body-are not doing their work (well. There is a lack of nervous energy that gives them motion. Consequently you are weak, worn-out, nervous, irritable, cannot sleep; have headache, indigestion, etc.

As the result of an explosion of an acetyline gas machine Saturday evening, Fred Klock was burned painfully, bnt not seriously about the forehead and his store building at 816 Massachusetts street, the 5 and 10 cent store, was set on fire. The blaze was extinguished by some quick work of the fire department without any great amount of damage being Klock was working in his cellar cleaning up. He ran across an old acetylene machine and, not knowing just what it was, struck it with a hammer. This evidently let water into the carbide tank and caused the formation of acetylene gas. He noticed water running out and struck a match to see what the matter was.

A big explosion followed. Mr. Klock was nearly knocked down by the force of the explosion. Other real estate in Lawrence 10,000.00 Half interest in Perkins Co. real estate holding, not less for half after In this paper and send your address to Dr.

Kilmer Co. Bing-hamton, N. Y. The I who had charge of thinss. He was where he 60,000.00 arouna a nan million dollars.

JNo i taken to the county -jail regular fifty cent arrd Home of I I IlMUt IIS-' 11(1111 IFI I mi r'l f1 1 was kept until this morning when he was arraigned before the justice of interest than Third interest in Wisconsin homestead, cash value Farm in Jefferson Co of in what kind of property it was invested. It was rumored that he Yainr rt VI A Vi-iC! Vk-r- A mAkiCkA af 4llflO 8,00.00 10,000.00 dollar sires sold by all od druggist. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. on every bottle.

I v. turn Ilia uJi-LKi. k'lU civ held large quantities of land in Al-1 a a i An express wason was summoned and berta, Canada. The statement of his the confiscated property hauled to the jail where it is being kept aa evidence against Cook and the club. Marshal Carmean and Sheriff Cherokee, 515 acres 15,000.00 Seward, 160 acres 2,000.00 Bourbon 75 acres 2.000.00 Morris 160 10,000.00 Seven lots in 150.00 His mustache was singed and he was burned, although not the forehead.

The flames quickly spread about the basement and soon quite a fire was under headway. The estate does not show that he had any property there. The largest single item was his interest in the Perkins real estate company which the trustees place at $60,000. In cash and cash items he left nearly $45,000, while his mansion west of Lawrence was valued at $40,000. The fact that much of his money fi Woodward made the raid alone.

They entered by the back stairway, finding the door open and walking right in. No resistance was made and Cook, after being arrested, made no attempt to conceal the beer, but disclosed his entire stock to the two officers. The existence of the Star club came into prominence about two vears ago, when Williamson became was invested in oil lands, the friends smoke rolled out of the basement windows in great clouds and made the fire appear much worse than it really was. The fire department made a quick run and, although hampered by the crowd which gathered quickly and constantly got in the way, soon had a couple of streams Total $242,085.00 As shown by the statement, of the total real estate is tied up in the magnificent Perkins mansion and another $10,000 in household furniture and his library. The remainder of the estate however, amounting to nearly $200,000 is in income-bearing property.

This ivould be ample to justify the carrying of a large amount of insurance. Blow to Insurance Cos. The filing of an estate of such size of Mr. Perkins believe, is a strong argument against the suicide theory. These lands Mr.

Perkins had valued at their present market value, local agent for the Schlitz Brewm playing on the blaze. These extin The secret of old while he himself believed that they Co. and occupied rooms over his store would be worth many times that i The club is said to be run on the j. i I guished it in a few minutes. amount wneu tne present crisis and age is Health.

BALLARD'S had assessment plan, each member paying in so much money, the manager then lavinsr in stock of liquor for the The store building was occupied by the Coates Five and Ten Cents store It looked for a time as if the entire stock would be ruined by depression in the oil industry passed away. HOREHOUND members. SYRUP Ibecause there is not sum- eient nerve force to keep' the organs active andrf-low them to perform tMeir natural functions. Dr. Miles' Nervine restores health because it restores this nervous energy, "I have been sick for a year, and did not know what was the matter with me.

I tried many remedies and none of them proved of any value. I heard of Dr. Miles' Nervine. I procured a bottle, and before I had taken half of It I was better. I would have had nervous prostration if I had not got this medicine when I did.

I continued to take it until I was entirely well. I have since recommended it Ann von will have healt LISA I I A LWiUis-Morgan. the smoke and water, but it later developed that the stock was hardly damaged at all and the regular Saturday night sale was carried out without a change in plans. The principal damage was to the as this will be a severe blow to the Mutual Life and other insurance companies in their suit to resist payment of their policies. One of the chief allegations on which the Mutual based its suit was that Mr.

Perkins was unable to pay premiums on policies he held and attempted to hold. In the bill of charges filed in the I Saturday evening Miss Susie Wii- Great care Should be taken of ones health and Ballard's Horehound Syruo will cure -cuj xui nibs ana oniiaxern he UxA You Have Always BAfighi lis, who sings at the Nickel theater, and J. H. Morgan, who is also employed there, were married. They will live in tht 1300 block, Vermont street.

building, the basement being petty Signature of to five of my lady friends, and they lL vas nave all thanked me for doing so, for i nlleo-ed that Mr Perkins carried in it benefited them I aueea lIUU iVA1- riKiiib camwa iu COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, BRONCHITIS AND ALL PULMONARY DISEASES. Mrs. J. H. McNeil, Salt Lake City, Utah, writes: "I am eighty years old and I thank Horehound Syrup for having cured me of coughs colds and other like diseases." Three Sizes 25c, 50c and 1.00.

Ballard Snow Liniment Co. surance to the amount og $640,000, WAS AN AVERAGE JULY well charred in places. A hole had to be chopped in the first floor to let the hose down. The Baptist church had some seats in the cellar. These were not damaged to amount to anything.

R. C. Manley has reported the loss to his agency and it will be adjusted MRS. ROSE OTTO, 189 S. 3d Columbus, Ohio.

Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold by your for that he was financially unable to pay the premiums on the policies held, that he did not have the large fortune he is said to have had and that druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Elkhart. Ind Dr.

Snow's Weather Peport July Ont Today. DR. WRIGHT BURIED. Funeral Held at Episcopal Church Yesterday Afternoon. From Monday's daily.

The funeral of Dt. E. A. Wright, 0 ST. LOUIS, No 100-Degree Weather Wind, Rain and Heat About Normal who died at his home on Rhode Isl- in a few days.

WAS LAID TO REST Body of lAfred Anderson Reached Lawrence This Morning. Seven Thunder Showers. and street last Friday, was held at Sold and Recommended by DICK BROS. From Friday's Daily. Dr.

Snow's weather report for July was issued today. It shows GAST0R1A DR.COE'S SANITARIUM. fl LOCATSO AT AMD July to have been an average July, as regards temperature, rainfall and wind. Of the thirty-nine Julys on record here, 21 were cooler and eighteen warmer. The number of days on which the mereurv went Funeral Was Held This Afternoon-Was Caught Between Cars at Pocatello, Idaho.

From Monday's daily. The body of Alfred Anderson of Clinton, who was killed at Pocatello, Idaho, July 28th, arrived in Lawrence today. The funeral was held at the Clinton Methodist church at 2 o'clock and the body laid to rest in For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT, i AVegetable rTeparalionforAs-simiiaiing theFoodamlRegula ting the Stomachs andBowelsof Bears the Ait above 90 was two greater than the average. The month was a hot one until the last days, which were so very cool as to reduce the average for the the Clinton cemetery.

Best INVALID'S HOME in the West Organized wltb a full stall of physicians nam surgeons for treatment of all Chronic Diseases Alfred Anderson was killed a week ature THIRTY ROOMS for accommodation or pauenia. Difficult Surgical Operatint Performed mxitk Skill and Success when Surgery it Necessary. ago Sunday while on his way to Washington state to look at land. A telegram was received in Lawrence I wholfe month. The rainfall is be-1 low the July averasre, but was suf- i ioicient for all agricultural purposes.

DISEASES OF WOMEN JSMK of Promotes DigestionJCfe eri ness and Resf.C tains neither the next day telling of his death, but none cf the details of the accident of women. Many who hare suffered for; cured at home. Special book for women F. DR. E.

A. WRIGHT. Opivnu.Morphine nor Mineral. The wind run was above and the cloudiness below the July averasre. TTTrT" XTd PERMANENT CfRI Not Narcotic.

were given. His brother Anton Anderses, a young farmer near Clinton, tdpe of Old DcSAML'ELTTnMR left immediately for Idaho to bring JL Positively Quaaktk Without knife, ligature or caustic fie money accepted until patient is well. Bps BOOK rXXB VARICOCELE DiJiund'aVouiS Guarantee. Send for Special FREE Boojt; New restorative treatment for loss of vital Power, Hydrocele, Rupture, Stricture, eto. CRIPPLED CHILDREN gUS methods.

Trained attendants. the ho ly back to Lawrence. Pumpkin Seed" jUxJama From him, today, the sad details of the tragedy were learned The the Episcopal church yesterday afternoon. The Rev. E.

Baxter preached the funeral sermon and the Masons had charge of the sen-ices at the grave. The pallbearers were old friends of Dr. Wright. They were Prof. Charles Dunlap, Charles Seewir, W.

H. Peudleton, Charles Carmean, F. M. Perkins and Dr. Bumgardner.

The mean temperature was 77.68. The highest temperature was 98, on the 25th. The lowest was 60.5, on the 14th. The rainfall was 3.44 inches, whihe is 1.48 below the Julv average. The rainfall for the seven months ending July 31 is 24.54, which is 2.46 above the average precipita In Use WmSrtd- latgkdi.

WRITS FOB MU IOOKDM Lunar. Bye. Skfe. Club Feet, Curvature oi train which Anderson had taken for Washington made a short stop at Pocatello and Anderson got off and was on his way across the switch Spine, Hare Lip, Kidney, Bladder, Blood and Nervous Diseases v.nilftnsv. Catarrh.

Aperfect Remedy fwjK Stomach Troubles, Hon sour auraacii.i'un i e.fniiT tra.ted at home bv For Over yards to a nearby restaurent when mail. Consttltatien Fre and confldentiaa office or by letter. Thirty years' experlenoo. he was caught between some freight Worms ness and LOSS OF SLEEP- Facsimile Signature of Dili tion for that period in the past thirty-nine years. Measurable rain fell on seven day in July.

There were seven thunderstorms. The sky was 35 per cent cloudy. There were i cars and crushed to death. Ander Weak Women 170 page IUstrmte4 BooK Free, giving mnem valuable information. Call at office or write to nn ft II finC Office, Walhut DR.

C. M. CUE, KANSAS CITY, MO, Thirty Years son was just passing through a small gap between some cars, not wider NEW YORK. than live feet, when a switch engine 3 CASTORIA i i im I To weak and ailing women, there is at least one way to help. But with that way.

two treatments, must be combined. One is locar. one is constitutional, but both are important, both essentiaL Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local. Dr.

Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. The former Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. Shoop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat-ment. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve, I mX tfeauo and all Klrxvl ailrtlfints.

hit the front end of the train. The cars crashed together, pinning him between the couplings. He was hor-ribi crushed bv the cars, but lived ranteed. ttnrty days three entirely cloudy." The total wind run was 7.560 miles. 248 below the average for Julv.

The mean dailv run was 241.84. and the mean hourly velocity 10.16. The highest wind was 30 miles an hour, on Julv 21. sisters Booth of town and left here for Washington on the trip which proved fatal to him. He was a well liked young man and leaves many friends and neighbors who will be grieved to learn of his death when but in the prime of life.

the okntaur coNMiir, hew vouk errr. Exact Copy of Wrapper. arly an hour and a half after the i The "Night a3 its name implies, does. accident before death relieved his work while you sleep. It soothes sore ana mm I ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses agony.

His last words were a wish that his brother Anton, bring his discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed body back to Clinton for burial. Alfred Anderson was born near FOR DYSPEPSIA Drauve ianieia or jjhuiu sciwoi system. For positive local help, use aa well Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. Hoar will leave the last of this week for a trip in the east, Vinland and had lived in this countv practically all his life up until two Dr.nShoop's Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT years ago. Since that time he has Reiieres Indigestion. Sour Stomach. Belching of 3s.

been away from home most of the Mrs. Charles Edmondson and chil- Night Cure BPAR a ONLY AT THE LABORATORY OF E. C. TVWITT Sc COMPANY, CHICAGOILIA time on business. This summer, how 1 dren and have returned from a three ever he was visiting bis brothers and weekrs visit in Denver.

0. P. BARBER SON. Sold by all druggists.

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