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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


EAsT ha sr. J-LXU lead. Lo ear Be ir at I ear room, ewiv and comDleteiv furniahed for honsekeoniny 1 i I I uauu, yarn, nv liua eauetaiwa; convenient to tram ana loaosBjlC A FEW GENTLkMEN CAN BE A CO MOD A- ted with "ice sunny witb or with- out board; sea street CaU at 817 Jack- VOB. RENT ONE OR TWO FRONT ROOMS, M- 1 urn 111 eo, wivat awo 01 auicnen It sarv. Address 215 Sixth street, between Alice ana Jackson.

-pURMSHED ROOMS. BUNNY CORNER. single or in suite, for housekeeping; also room cicely faraished for gentlemen: one minute to cars. 7SB Seventh Street, corner Brush. Rent very moderate.

JEFFERfON STREET. CORNER OP Ntatb: nicely famlsbed room for gee tie-men; tltsaant location; beta and modern conveniences, three Mocks from Broadwsy station terms reatouab a. THE COLUSA FINE BAY WINDOW room for office: handaomely furnished suite and single terms low, 101OU W'Sbinaton street, near Ten in. rpo LET LAROE SONNY RNI8HED A room, for one or two gentlemen coaven- lent to trains; rent $12. 1107 Alice street.

Ref- erenees. a lE'l-rOJ CHAIRS; PARLOR FURNI-rare, oil paintings, fine rugs and brlc-a-brae fvr parties or esnertalnmanu: choice line ef bedroom suits at tt SCHELLHAAS'. 4Wito 416 Eleventh street. ktv AltDiMla CQC TENTH STREET. PLEASANT SUNNY JOD rooms: good board; central: no child- ren; prices reatonanie.

lOjIACKHON 6TBEET OPPOSITE FIF-XoDi teenth; rooms sad board; references leqolred. 570 THIBTEENTH bTBEBT PRETTILY furniahed room, single and ea suite. with board. References. 1427 FRANK.

IN STREET-SUNNY FUR-aisbed rooms with first class board. BURNISHED BOOMS WITH BOARD. Eighth aveane. East Oakland. 1274 NICELY FUMNlBHJtD SUNNY BOOMS TO rent with first class bosrd: two blocks from local trains; references exchanged.

562 Eighth street Oakland. TO LET, WITH BOARD TWO LARGE, pleasant rooms; large closets; hot and cold water: use oi parlor, bath, etc Apply at 918 Adelines or 1. B. BURNS. Sg Broadway.

E7 ANTED TWO YOUNG MEN OR A VV married couple (no children), in a large home, elegantly furnished, oa Lake Merritt fiont: good air, food, views snd comfort; ten minutes from Broadway. Address Elegance, box a this effice. HOARD AND ROOMS WAN 1 ED. WAN TED HOARD FOB A FAMILY OF fire at Fruit Vale or east of there for two or three months. Francisco.

Address box 2604, sen YV- BY A GENTLEMAN. ROOM and board with a privets family; convenient to Seventh street local and uptown. Address, giving location and terms, T. box 4, this office. ROOMS WANTED.

WANTED TWO UNFURNIoHED SUNNY rooms, -with closets; centrally lo cated. Address, stating price, C. box 8, this office. WANTED BY APRIL 1ST. THRER Unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping within five minutes' walk of Twelfth and Broadway; no children.

Address H. J. box 2, this office. l.Ni'.lt.MfinED i.OOMs 'AO LET yOR BENT FOUR SUNNY UNFUR-JT nlsbed rooms, for housekeeping for gentlemsn snd wife in one of the best neighborhoods in the city, near Market street station. For partlcnlais call at 926 Filbert atreet.

FOR BENT TWO OB THREE UNFUR-nlshed rooms, centrally located, with every convenience for light housekeeping; no children. Address B. box 4, this office. ROOMS IN ABKaHAMSON BROTHERS' BuUding for offices or residence. Apply ARRAH AMBON Waahington and 13th.

I'HREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE for housekeeping with the use of bath, 1761 Goes street. ItKMSRED Im'lSES TO LET. IOR REST A DESIRABLE COTTAGE OF six rooms, furnished or unfurnished; all modern conveniences; good locstion; rentrea-sonaole. Apply at 818 Third street, between Webster snd Harrison. IfOR RENT FURNISHED AT 277 EIGHTH JT street, to responsible parties, a sunny cor ner house of Bine lsrge rooms; large yard sisDie; central location; one mock froi local tralna.

F'OH SALE OR KENT, NEAR BERKELEY, completely furnished house of eight rooms snd bath, piano, boras and carriage, cow and chickens: an abundance of fruit; rent 880. Address box 49. qplden Gate. Alameda county. 'I LET THBEE UNFURNI HED ROOMS, JL lower flat: city water; convenient to all lines of street cars; Third avenue.

rent, 812. Apply at 106O HOUSES TO KENT. A MODERN TWO-STORY COTTAGE OF SIX rooms snd bath all latest improvements. Apply on premises, 2165 ban Antonio svsnua, Alameda. FOR RENT AN ELEGANT EIGHT ROOM ho us located within one block jf the Sessions-Vanderonok rosd: also Hsy wards electric road: electric service throughout: sunn and elegantly papered; also included, a fine large barn and room for fonr hone; moderate rent to a good tenant Apply RILEY A JACKSON, Tenth street.

tPOR REN 1 DOWN TOWN COTTAGE OF JT Ave 818 per month: Webster and Heventh aireets. J. H. MACi-ONALD A CO. 470 Ninth street, near Broadway.

VIODBRN SEVEN ROOM. HIGH BASEMENT Iva cottage: sun alt day; ga bath, hot and cold water; nice yard, desitable neighborhood, sear electric cars, Myrtle street, key at owners. gjM Myrtle street R1 ENT MODERN EIGHT ROOM HOU3E; located on Franklin street, niar Durani; rent to a reaponsib.e party for 83a Apply RILEY A JACKt-ON. 466 Ninth street. i liAiSt itl l.E.M.

a OA FOB BENT. LOWER FLOOR OF FIVE tPsaV rooms sad bath, iaa fine new bouse; every latest convenience: close to Oak street station Inquire 105 Filth atreet. hfc.M-rt.AT3 Of THREE AND FOUR Btsssmeaea. Urn housekeeping, lathe Hani-fa Uock. eeraer iaeteenth street sadbsa Pabie venae.

Apply st isMBaa PaOte aveaoa. at J. Ham fin i TO LET FURNISHED LOWER FLAT. FIVE rooms; large yarn; central; no children. Call between 12 and 1 or after r.

m. at 615 Fifteenth street rpO LET THRr UNFURNISHED ROOMS, A lower flat city water; convenient to all Hoes ot street ears: rent. 812. App.y at 1008 Third arena. Best Oakland, or T.

R. BURNS, 862 Broadway MOKES AND OEUCES XO-tjET. OR RENT A GOOD STORE ON NORTH-JT west corner of Sen Pablo avenue; very central; rent reasonable. GRaY A NAIsMlTH, 468 Ninth street GOOD CHANCE FcrB BAKERY FOR BENT store and bsssmm't with good bake oven; aio fonr rooms for living and stable for fonr horses. pply at 107 Broadway.

STORAGE WAREHOUSE THE ONLY COR-ru rated. iv. nued iron house in Oakland: strictly first -dsss storage for fine furniture; goods called for free of charge; terms reason- omce st n. BtursuaAas, eso tie renin rpo LAWYERS, jDOCTORS OR DENTISTS, or enyooe requiring offices at 472 Thirteenth sfgeat; plenty, of sunlight, and water tree; between Broadway end Waahington. $25.

Apply at 72o Eightn street, near Brush. 5 KBNT. RAND i ARMY HALL TO LET FRIDAY, Apply st LUC Broad- iaturday and Saaday. way. fcfcAKC OE KliCOKDS.

TYTJ RAY SMITH, SEARCHER OF PKCOBDS 459 Ninth street between Broadway and Wash ington. ctfcARVtJERo OF BJaatJaasL Oat aJCOEobORa FTTRNIFHED Oaklaad. i (j ''rV' YoNa of. "A3ih locawkva. at HOLLAND.



INQUIRE OF M. J. LAYMANCE A 466 BIGHTH STREET, OAKLAND. OR SALE- BARGAIN FiN'i NORTHEAST corner. 5oxl50, in Eaat Oakland, on line of electric street railroad: handy -to local trains: fine view, good elevation; easy terms.

Apply to E. P. VANDERCOOK A 4. 8 Ninth si IjlOR A NEW 2 STORY HOUSE OF 8 room, centrally located in East Oakland; pries 83000. Apply to E.

P. VANDERCOOK A 458 Ninth street. IjOR SALE A NICK NEW COTTAGE OF 6 rooms and bath 4 blocks from a railroad station; lot -14x130; only 8250 first cash payment required: very easy terms; price $2500. Apply tot P. VANDERCOOK 45 Ninthstreet djC.iC WILL BUY A CHOICE LOT IN K0 Blake tract, along line of new electric roaa; easv terms.

Apply to E. COOK 458 Ninth street. P. VANDER- C1 1 ifiil WILL BUY TWO FINE LOTS. kplUUU each, on line of electric street railroad and within five minutes' walk of local tiain, Newbury tation.

Apply E. P. VANDERCOOK. 458 Ninth street. flj (Tflfl WILL BUY A FINE SIGHTLY kpl JUU corner, 7cxl25.

on Bast Oakland Heictits; electric csrs witnin two blocks; will sell on easy terms. Apply to E. P. VANDER COOK 458 Ninth street. $4500 WILL BUY A GOOD TWO-STORY house on Twentieth street, nesr West street; lot 5vxlt0; very thesp.

Apply to E. P. VANDERCOOK A 45H Ninth street. aA Cnfi WILL BUY A BEAUIIFCL COT-WxOKJKJ tsge of 7 rooma in a very desirab locstion in East Oakland; lot -Ox IOC: easy terms. Apply to E.

P. VANDERCOOK 4,38 Ninth titrasc (tonnn will buy a nice 6 room cot- tPU UU tsge on Chestnut street; lot 3dx125 eood location. Apply to E. P. VANDERCOOK A 458 Ninth street.

No. 489. WILL BUY A FINE CoRNER LOT. I vJUU 66x150 eet whh good two-story ten room house and good stable; first-class neighborhood. Apply to E.

P. VANDERCOOK 1 458 Ninth street. qj-io home on fruit kplO.vJUU Vale venue, four acres of ground; abundance of fruit and plenty of good warer; also good stable. Apply to E. P.

VANDERCOOK St 458 Ninth streeet. ACRES BEAUTIFUL ROLLING LAND 2 commanding fine view oi surrounding country, between Mills Seminary aud Sao Lean iro road; flnn for subdividing; wi 1 sell ss a whole for 8800 per sere one sere. Apply to K. 458 Ninth street. or P.

in subdivisions of VANDERCOOK A BARGAIN FOR SALE FINE LOT 50 FEKT frontage: beantifallv located, commanding view of Oakland, San Francisco, bay and foothills; choict st locstion in East Oakland; one block to electric cars. Apply to E. P. VANDERCOOK A 458 Ninth atreet MONE TO LOAN. CO llPfl TO LOAN IN MORTGAGE ON aPauDaVuU country real estate, in sums of not lem than 8M00.

Apply to REED A NUS-BAUMER, attorneys-at-Uw. Union Saviuga Bank Building, Ninth street and Broadway. Oakland. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM sTCOUP, at rates ot int rest according to amounts leaned: loans negotiated. Apply to A.

KOE-NIG, Notary Public. 900 Broadway, corner Eighth (Bis ke-M offi tt building). A resident of Oakland 37 rears. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A YOUNG MAN WITH SOME CAPITAL would like to invest fn a wail estaulisbed business, or buy half interest.

Address with particulars or caU, Herman 1726 Thirteenth street, west vex i ana. 17 ROOM HOCSE-G OU BUSINESS FOR 1 sale cheep; rent $30 per month; house f'i-1. Apply at 409 Ninth street only one-half block from Broadway, Oakland. on AHA BALOON AND LCNCH HOUSE; aplUUUs splendid location near Wuhincton street; fixture A business could not be better; etebUahed thirty-six years; good reasons lor selling. Apply Owner, box 9.

thl office. FIR SALE CIGAR, NOTION AND BAKERY store; a bargain if mid soon; good locv Hon; cheep rent; three living rooms, 868 f-eventh street. UOR SALE IN CENTRAL LOCALITY. A guaranteed vi ng rests rant and coffee boose: rent low: living rooms upstair. Apply to T.

R. BURNS, 862 Broadwar. SALE THOROUGHLY ESTABLISHED JT restaurant ad coffee house, doing a good business; rent low; lease if required. Apply to BURh8.C6? Broadway. ANTED A RELIABLE MILK ROUTE rif r.nt 9-0 ran a nar dav.

Address, atat- in price, box 282. Oakland. CaL REMOVAL NOTICE is to to at Proceedings for Monday, March 27. 1893. Department 1.

Judge Greene Probate: J. Cunha. petition; F. Ehlers, account J. OC son.

pennon: F. A. Mitchell, petition A. Carooxa, petition: A. Baker, petition; vY.

E. Hughsa. petition: R. Ghirsr- delll, petition; R. Slrouss, petition; D.

Fiabavafi. petition; W. Kay wards, petition; E. Eeicbert, pM ion J. Apes, order.

Civit: Levelling vs. King, hearing; Logan vs. Paetan A Fiob Hutchinson vs. motion; Cooler re. Hoi way, demurrer; Taft vs.

Taft, motion; Lane vs. Torner. demurrer; People vs. Ketridge, sentence. Department 2, Judge Heoahaw Civil Pu ring ton vs.

Maxwell, tnal; Chapman vs. Mas tick, demurrer; People vs. Boogar. to be aet; Cohan vs. Alameda, trial; btuart vs.

Thomson, examination; St. Jobn vs. Wail, demurrer; Chapman vs. Enquirer, motion; Fori in vs. Macdonough.

oemur-rer. Probate: ML A. Lynde, petition; J. Roberts, account; W. Elliott, petition; 8.

M. Smith, petition; C. Brown, petition; P. Lebmann. petition; J.

Banders, petition P. Bars on, citation. Department 3, Judge Ellsworth Probate Marshal, petition; A.Caatano, petition; H. Ramsay, petition; A. Jones, petition; M.

8. Burns, petition: C. M. Garcelon, petition; M. Mangels, petition; P.

Murray, petition. N. Puriugton, petition J. Schmidt, petition. Civil; People vs.

Dugan. motion; Wilbelm vs. Burnbam, motion: Nicoll vs Southern Pacific Company, motion; Scotchier vs. creditors, hearing: Laren vs. Downing, motion; Okerlinn vs.

McKu.ican, demurrer Field vs. Crites, demurrer; Pbelpe vs. Jones, demurrer; Wilhelm vs. Burnbam, demurrer; Pereira vs. Pereira, show cease.

A Solid Oak Bedroom Set for 025. The fineet display of furniture in the State is to be seen at tbe ware rooms of The Schreiber Furniture Company, 1157 and 1159 Washington street. They uke special pleasure in recommending to tbe consideration of tbeir patrons their solid oak beJ-room suits, containing seven piece, and soid at tba extremely low figure of $25. They specially invite tbe public to make an inapeciion of tbeir stock and a comparison between it and tbeir prices and tbe furniture display and prices in San Francisco establishment. Tbe more thorough this inspection and comparison is tbe bet- ter pleased 1 he bebreiber Furnitnre Company will be.

as tbey are confident that tbe result will be in tbeir favor. In the immense took the company have on band are also parlor suits iu mahogany, maple and oak in great variety of pattern and designs. New bedroom suit- $15. H- Schellbaas Wilson, tbe jeweler, 052 Broadway. TJnlen Pacific Kail war OSSee Removal.

On and after March 15th the Union Pacific Railway ticket office will be located at 918 Broadway (Examiner Building), with F. R. Els wort ks Passenger Agent. Cor Rent Chsirs and parlor goods for public and private entertainments at H. Cnoice Lot Parlor and dining-room chairs at H.

408 Eleventh street. A actios Prices Dally. Bedroom suits, new, only $15, at 408 Eleventh street. Ladle. Sboppur 10 -an Franclsoa I.oncb at Swain's.

213 Sutter street. Car Load Woven wire at H. Crockery and glassware at H. Schellhsss 408 Eleventh street. CLASSifiED BUSINESS DIRECTOR! of Represeoiative Oakland Firms! rl'KMTl KB.

HENRY SCHLLHAAS SleTsnth street. HAT DSSLKB. 1 OUTS HEWLETT 1118 Eighth vsnue, Rss-Uence Use Eleventh avenue. orriciANa Broad -ray ItKAf. ERTAT1 a HOCS BKOKBRS.

M.J. LAYMANCE A CO. w. M068 856 Broadway. A.

A. HE HON -1050 Bread way. J.H. McDONaLD- 470 siintn sties, a LLLLAii J. DINGLE -sOO-ttiJ gigbth DKOKKrAECKS.

ALLXRT MtOWN-t Thirteenth street. rMPinrnc oreicst. J. B. BOBMS etc Broad war LOST 8uMB WHERE ETWEE 8IX1H venue and Broadway, a black Astrakhan buggy roll lined with drab plush.

A reward will be paid to anv ona leaving it at Union Savings Bank. Ninth street and Broadway. LOB SMALL GOLD LINK CHAIN. BE-torn to GEOKUB HATTOK. this office, and receive reward.

IOST A YELLOW BAG OF SOILED clothes on Adeline street, near Tenth S3 reward by returning it to laundry, 827 Adeline street, near Seventh. LOT MONDAY EVENING. MABCH 13th, in tbe vicinity of Twenty-third avenue asd Eaat Fourteenth street, a dead gold dragon scarf pin: neb veined as a gift. Be ward by re turn log to this office 08T ON ELEVENTH STREET BETWEEN Madiaon and Washington, a small package containing night sbirt and socks. Return to this office- LOb'I eATTJBDAY.

FEBRUARY lOTH, ON Broadway, an enameled silver watch with a chatelaine pin attached. Ibe finder will receive a soluble reward by nraralag the same to thl offi IyEOfLE WHO LOST GEORGE hMlTH A Co'a drag store, 336 Twelfth street, wlU find tbe store now at 4Q Twelfth, near Broadway, fj tttd up in aew aptf handeoma style. i KliS. liOTf 1 E.n 1 ii AAU WASHING ton stret ts. Oakland; E.

K. Lawtfiaa, Proprietor. The new management has thorough. I ovsrhanled every department; room tor traveling merchants; street ears connecting with all Uauu at clxteanth atreet deoot paai the door. EUREKA TEL SOUTH WrBT CORNER 7t and Waablngton streeta, Broadway station.

Oak a board and lodging St 50 to S6 per week: single Ruedy voegelln, ptop. HOTEL METRO POLS, CORNER JEFFXR-son and Thirteenth streets, Oakland. opened-cOptember U-S, W. E. VRAZIE, pro-prietor.

COL. W. H. O'BRIEN, maaager. MARKET 81 BEET HOCBE HANDSOME, sunny rooms with bosrd; sp ciel rates to permanent boarders.

Corner Market and Seventh, one atation from Broadway. MRS. M. H. I'ORTE Proprietress.

MtKKlii hOL'at, orletor. N. W. cor a. ET RSOR PRO-IStb aod rrankUa ata.

aaklaad: laaixn: every room anaay; table trst electric ears pass the door every tea ss liberal terms to permanent bosxders; ttreiae within a slock of hotel rptaR A The handsomest rooms la Oakland at the Brunswick, corner Piath sad Washington streets. Price tow. AJLLAKl) ISkANCH LACRalRV. P. CALOO CU iw awesatv-niaw wumm.

ta Franeisco snd Contra eat work as Cans sa mm mess sctss. Telephoae 844, PAAUalAN 2Sb TWELFTH kmncb el the u. CHAPAULIN Dye ing ana cieauung Wora; oeuvi HKN1ICKK OB SAIaB. AQA rwViOKTH oKPUatNlTUR UF ALL itOUiUUU kind; carpeta. oil eietke.

mat unga, 'stoves east ranges lots Ircos ft to IKO. Poet lively tbe beat and cheapest puce MR, BCRBl.l.H A Aff saw so AF KST CLAjW COOK AND LAUNDRX85 Wishes a aituation lodoicunl hnnie- work or cooking; no objection to abort dietenew country, cau at SW Broad ay, room 2. Azasaiaer block. A COM PATENT GIRL WANTS SITUATION to do koaaework in Haaaeda. Apply in arte moon at 31 Tbrrteent atiaet.

A GOOD SEAMSTRESS AND DRESSMAKER fa. a few more day. lias Fifth street. sata by the A RESPECTABLE GIRL WISHES -ITUA-don to do general bouse wora: reseretseas required. Please call at 664 Twentieth street, near Grove.

AY0U5S DANISH GiRL WANTS POSITION to de general housework. Apply at No. 17 Seventh street. Center LXP; RIE5C ED NURSE ASED ABOUT 30. JL4 wanted for laby 10 months old; Preteat-ant: personal references required.

Apply after r. at- 1017 Adeline atreet SITUATION la a private family: no objection to abort distance in country. Please apply at 17W Mar-ket street near Twenty-eighth. PLACE WANTED FOB GENERAL HOUSE -work; wagee $30. Apply 173 seventh at.

iwcwn i-cuitr anu nesier, enter station. PARTIES WISHING HELP OF ANY KIND please send tbeir orders to tbe Free Labor Bureau, No 364 seventh street; first class help lnmlshod on short notice. SITUATION WANTED TO DO SECOND OR light housework, br a rounr sirl: beat of references given if required, su sixteenth srreet Pleeae call at OlTUATlON WAN1ED BY A COLuBAD woman to do general homework in small family. Call at 769 Piiteenth atreet. 8 PECIAL WOBK-968 CASTRO STREET.

onty competent belp furnished, slris for domest wors: inteiUgent people to fill any position: alao information furnished In regard to "Land Saving Union." Bute county land AN TEH A SITUATION BY AN EASl EBN vv girl; is cood cook and laundress: wage $25 Apply at the Lester bouse, corner Eighth and Clay streets, room lo. WANTED-VOBK BY A FASHIONABLE vv dressmaker: tv the dav or at home: snits $5 snd upwards. 1465 Ninth atreet. MRS. M.

B. INGHRAM. "I7 ANTED 81TUATI0NB FOB CAPABLE aud trustworthy girls; a first class Swedish cook, and first class German cook, wacea 125 or 8j per month: girls for second -work and sewing: nurse girls $15 to $20. AjTrri504 seventh street. H.MALE HKLtl' WANTED AGIBL To DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK in private family; to washing wagea $30.

Apply in forenoon, 1065 Eleventh avenue. East OakUi d. A GOOD BOOM GIVEN IN EXCHANGE for dishwashing, in the evening; four in family. Apply 604 seventeenth atreet. ANTE I A WAIST good girl to learn Seventh street, near Clay.

TRIMMER AND A dressmaking at 521 WANTED-A COMPETEN RELIABLE girl to do general bonsowork in family of four. Apply 531 Twentieth street. YVANTED A MAID OR NURSE FOR AN vv old Isdy who is able to be out of tbe bed the most of the lime and will spend the summer in tho -country. Address C. P.

8, box 4, this office. TXTANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR HOUBB- work: German or Scandavian; large fam-ily. wages tSO. 948 Chestnut street, nesr tenth. ANTED A YOUNG LADY FOR A PLACE in a candy store; one of experience pre ferred: referent es Apply at Lehnhardi's, 471 Fourteen street, SITUATIONS WANTED HALE.

WANTED PLACE WITH PRIVATE FAM-12r, as coachman and gardener, by neat, intelligent young Danish man, fully compete to do aU required of bim. Apply to T. R. BURNS. 862 Broadway.

ANTED-PO-ITION BY A COMPETENT vt young man in a private family as coachman and gardener; gooa milker; best of reference. Apply to "Private Family Man," box 1, this office. AN I ED POSITION BY A WILLING. comDetcnt business man with rood Oak land references, to take charge of any kind of business in the absence of owner; is a good solicitor and mansger. Apply to T.

BURNS, 862 Broadway. WANTED POSITION BY A YOUNG ENG-Rsbman with good business education, iu store, ss clerk or salesman five years experience; good reierences. Apply to T. B. BURNS.

862 Broadwsy MALr. hKLP WANTED. AN 1 ED A SOLICITOR. BY CALEDON-ian Dyeing and Clesnlne Work. 2230 Adeline street.

AGENTS WANTED. flENTLEMAN OR LADY TO TRAVEL with expenses psid, representing established House. Salary $780. with increase. In-eliee reference and self-addressed stamped en-velope.

Gen. Lock Drawer P. Chicago. SALARY OR COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO bandle the patent chemical ink erasing pencil; the most useful snd novel invention of tbe age; erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; works like msglc; 200 to 500 per cent trufit; agents making too per week; we also want a general ageut to take charge of territory and appoint sub-agents; a rare ohmce to make money. Write for terms and specimen of erss-ing 10 MONRoE ERASER MFG.

box 251, La Crosse. Wia. A. MOORS. 80UTHXAr VOKMRat Ninth and broad war.

DODGE AERY, AVlORNEYsVAT-LA W. ftj Brosdway, rooms 81aa4 Blake A MoffitbuUdics. M. GIBSON. ATTOKNBY-AT-LAW.

Sat Broadway. Oakland. CaL RED V. WOOD. ATTORNET-AT LAW.

broadwar. room 1 and i Oakland CaL L. utiios. Airrututay-AT-LAvY Notarv Peblio, IM Broadway Tenth. Oakland CaL RED ERIC E.

WHITNEY. ATTORNEY-AT-t Law. and Notary Pnblie, MM Broadway, Rooms a and 2S. Oakland. CaL KELLOGG A GRAY.

ATTORNEYS AT JV law. Pacific Muiaal Building, entrance room 6. fourth floor. San Francisco. BROADWAY.

..1 w. VI w.oscner Telephone No. SB JOHNS. L. MS BROAD WAX, BOUMa and 4A JAMES ADAMS.

ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. It Sacaome street, xoosase; hOepboae No 6410. Han franeisco. JAMES K. PE1RBOL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW.

room 80 and St. 947 Broadway. Oakland. Je MCJkLJAATH. ATTORNEY AT -LAW.

and 10, Blake-Stotnl building. eornsr Broad war and Eighth street. Oakland, 1 PLUNKRrH ATlOR.tstY-A'X-AtW. Iiertbeaw cornet Broadway aad 1 UDGA HURL HAMILTON'S LAW OFFlUd tf It at rooms snd x. insuranos MO California street.

Saa Franeisoa I tVilisj a I AKilsM iTTfiUIJIVB.1T. AssWStAs east i.i. sieiVMtvsJSireiA- Law. rooms 23 and 24, Blake A offi tt Bauld- ic it. 906 Broadway; omces also at Hay wards and Li verm ore.

Mau.Va CHAPMAN. aTTO atNR Y-A C-Law. OW Broadway, OsAiaod Oei, tooaat sand A MORROW A STRATTON aTTORNEYS-AT-Law. Montgomery street, nan Fran- entrance, room 32. YEA RlCHARfaON.

ROOMS A CM Eighth ssrees, Oakland and 1 Removal j. p. Mcelroy, attorney at law, has removed to rooms 91 and 92 Chronicle Boilding. Baa Francisco. It UisihoO A HOLM AN, AlTOKKKYs At m.

SOS Mroad war. Oakland. CaL lie CaL ta. in.tehJ&AU, AXIaJOUkAVX -AT-LAW. stamlioadway.

romsi and A Oakland. BELL McK.EE. ATTORNEY-AI-5 law. k7 Broadway. Oakland.

CaL YY 1LL1AM F. ARAM, A lORNEY AND ConnaaUor at Law. will practice ta ail court et the State end la the United states eourta. Office mine txaaiiner oui.uing. soi BroadaOaJUan DHES8MAlilNG.

FASHION ABLE EASTERN DRESSMAKER, cut by Buddlngtoa tailor system suits $5 sad upwards. Satisfaction guaranteed STB a lath area pa- aet oeaiana. A DIES' FULL SUITS MADE FROM $3 UP; children's fine dressmaking a specialty; aU kinds of sewing done to ctder: sctantine system ased. cau at 7Si Twenty -si xtn tast east at San Paalo aveaae. ClVIle fcNtiiNEKRS.

W. MORGAN. CITY bURVE OR AND EN- 4CTAiiTiOWN- ttage WAsirW of 5 room, bath, nigh "iicx lounc' ion: centrally lot xl; baianoato antt purcbaeer. A. TAIT, ji4 tjSWeag street Center street station INVESTMENT- reiN-ntcTTVii na a doable flat ot five rooms; each modern i it com Die tad: lot ni.

i.w7 ud Minor side of street within a ctsp of the Saa rov street electric ut. Will pay a monthly rental of so iee $4900. s'jeet- RILEY A JACKeON. 468 Tenth RUMNE-S PROPERTY- CHOICE CORNER, lrtr SO T. SI.

yj three story build. nsr: lo: snxis- an fnveetment; snat be sold. JV H. e. mtn street.

ARUSTiC HOME OF WO UU five rooms, laundry and bath; just completed it contains two elegant tiled mantel with French ate mirrors in each: el ctric n.vplianc to ail he gas fixtu'es; also electric beds, sand finished wa Is: high basement, brb'k foundation, in feci ev.ryib.n.- to make a house mo-i ru and com-, le-e: lot 30 foot front; only live minutes' walk to local tmin and Fourteenth and Broadway: this lieautlful home oau Le secured dv paying the above amount down and the balance in monthly installments in sums to suit. Call and investisat GRaY A NAisHU'H, 453 Ninth street. Oakland. af'OBNER EAST TWELFTH AND PARK Vale rood eleven nmm streets. iiase, fruit trees, barn and shrubbery, lot leox-ji furnitnre and crne if desired; three minutes walk from Fruit Vale station.

Apply ou fRl nfl CASH A NEW COTTAGE, FOUR tDltftlO rooms; high bsiercent: good well: lot 50x122 Free nam on eiectr can. Call at COURTNEY'S, near Hermitage House. Fruit Vaic or Umbrella factory. 470 Thirteenth street. ONE ACRE LOT IN BRAY TRACT IMPR07-ed with fruit trees.

Address or inquire 10o3 Washington street C. A. SCOTT. $7flfl FOR SALE-NEW HOUSR. MOP-I OOVJ em improvements, 8 rooms and bain, on Chestnut street near Eighteenth street lot 46X.132.

Apply to P. W. BELLIN-GaLi, 1415 FUbe'rt street. Osklsnd. ANEW HOUSE OF EIGHT ROOMS AND bath, all modern improvements; flue view of Lake Merritt.

Piedmont bills aud Oakland; lot aixty-eigbt feet fronting on macadamised treet D. F. OLIVE owner, corner of Hau-over and Newton avenues, Peral'a Heights. A BARGAIN BUSINESS PROPERTY. ONI 84000.

a fine lodeing and board ine-house. bar or store, sll furnished. 17 rooms, lot 53)4x125; stable, large yard, weil and city water, rents 83o per month: adjoining Postoffice: terms to suit. Apply to H. J.

McAVOY A 46a Ninth street. Oakland. SIlriill NEW COTTAGE OF 4 GOOD rooma with lot 40 feat fmnt nnl. euu -aao bdq i'ai per montn; wen located at rruit Vale and one block from electric cars, over which a tree pass will be given to the purchaser of this cotrate for five vears. Apply to HENRY E.

ALDEN or E. W. 'WOODWARD A 902 Broadway. Oakland. $1650-, A NEW AND MODERN HOUSE OF iou.

eood room, hard f.mshed. wun lot auxii3; run vaie uimond a ana adjoining the electric car line; alto tree pass given over tbe road for five yean: easy terms. Apply to HENRY E. ALDEN or E. W.

WOODWARD A CO, 902 Broadway. Oakland ao-lCH-NEW SiX-ROOM HOUSE, BATH J.OUU and laundry lot 100x168: near de pot and school or bouse and 50 feet for 82500; on East Berkeley branch, get off at Golden n. 1 ei a iv. Appij 10 it. i- opposuse "sranon.

MUTUAL INVESTMENT' UNION THIS 18 the company which is buying largeiv of Oakland's tp-st real estate Investments may be made in its shares of $100 or more, psyablo annually, semi-snnually or quarterly. Shares psy to investors anuually in cash 6 per cent per annum, and are free from liabilities. Every dollar invested receives a pro rata share of profits. Oakland office. t08 Broadway.

WILL BUY A COlTAQE OF FIVE eplOUU rcoms on Linden street, lot 25x13 rl. i. McAVOY. 468 Ninth street nTY RK.ATi ESTATE-tJntmrrflred I7OR SALE BY THE OWNERS. $10 PER A front foot, fine lots in the Beandry A Peladeau tract.

Golden Gate station; eaay terma. Apply to L. M. BEAUDKY, 873 Washington street, Oakland, or G. PELADEAU, at Besudry Peladeau's Real Estate Office, opposite Go.

den Gate station. 'I'HE DOWLING TRACT, JUST OPENED. A only 62 lots, some already sold- Tbe Dowl-ing Tract is situated on Telegraph avenue, the only 100-foot street running out of Oak and and the most beautiful tract Oakland suburbs, tbe new e.ectrio can pass the property every four minutes, only 10 minutes' lido to Oakland. See W. c.

MORAN at once if you want a home; only 81') djwn, balance $5 per month lots only Cal: at 998 Broadway, or Wieman Block, Lorin, Sontb Berkeley, and to Carnall-Hopkins 624 Maiket street San Francisco. Office open evenings. 170R SALE LOT 25x100. ON EIGHTEENTH JT street near Sanchez, 8an Francisco, or to exchange for Oakland property. Inquire at 837 Madiaon street.

"POR 8A7.E 4 LOTS; 26x106: ON INSTALL-A menta only 850: down balance 810 per montb; also a good upright piano, best of make. H. SOHELLHAA-. Eleventh street. CTb.01CE LOT 60X117 IN NEW MONTEREY, worth SoOO, will be sold for 8800; centrally located: must be sold at once, Apply ef H.

McAVOY. 468 Ninth treet 1" pOR BARGAInTTn BUSINESS PROPERTY7 1 building lot, houses or ranches cau or afore H. j. McaVOY. 4Ui Ninth street E1I if 10 sUI A LOT ON CAMfBSLL eplUUU street near Fifteenth, 82x128; terms ene-half cast, balance lis per montn.

a. i. McAvov, OS Ninth atrea-, EXCHANGE. SALE OR til A OR A FRUTT A ranch ot 100 acre; location unsurpassed; six miles weat ol Santa Rosa; price 816,000, Aidless P. o.

box 903. Santa Rosa. CaL FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR OAKLAND properly 98 scr a on San Patdo creek. ood for pasture, hay and grain. Address ox 3.

thi office. VACANT LOIS WANTED IN TRADE, OR neat five room cottage, GRAY A NAI-EMITH. 463 Ninth street. WANTED TO EXCHANGE FOR A HOUSE and lot iu oakland -20 acres of ik proved lend in the rsisin belt 3 miles from Fresno. Irrigstlon ditch runs along side of the and.

Add-ess D. W. MCINTOSH, 820 Senaeroe atreet, Ssn Francisco. t. ANTED TO EX HANGE A GOOD vV saadie horse, six years out, for a boggy1 Address lostoffice box 54, Wast Berkeley.

COUNTRY REAL KST AT K. RENT FOR THE SUMMER OR FOR sale, fonr miles north from Sonoma, and only a naif mile irom railroad station; a completely, furnisbed house of 9 rooms, bathroom with hot or cold water, stable, six acres of land and fruit trees and vines; four trains dally to and from San Francisco Apply to D. HAVEN, northeast corner of Eighth snd Chestnut streets. Oakland, or 422 California street. Ban Francisco.

lpoR LITTLE HOMES. SMALL FARMS AND Jl chicken ranchea see D. H. 1 "WING, Sonoma city, California; fare 81 every Monday. 215 ea ny street, San franeisco.

70RSALE A SUMMER BOARDING HOU8E JT near Los Gstos; will accommodate about thirty persons, beds and bedding complete and iully furnished. School and chnrcn a vantages adjoiniag the place and commands a magnificent Jiew of ocean and vaifey. Good reason given for selling. Price, 826 j. Apply ALBERl SCHMIDT, 624 East weUth street Eat Oakland.

REeTA KAN TS. UNIVERSAL RES. AUatA 'T a AA feW oyster Reuse. 476 7th it, best meal fn gMW ttwn for 28 eis and upward: meals "saw at alt hours day or nigh to osier, choice wince, liquors A cigars: private rooms for ladies and parties; telephoae M. CATU81CH it proprietors.

CAMPBELL'S REolAL'RANT AND OYSTER grotto. Sweasoo A Co- proprietors, moved 1062 Washington street ut.der People's Theater; open day and night; private room for ladles; the best liquors and first-clam cooking. tADD KOUKKK TACRANT AND OYSTER bouse, J. J. MARCO ViCH, proprietor; asesleet all hoars, open day and night, banquets for all occasions, salads to order.

472 IwSUth street Oakland. CaL. telephone 438 NOTARIES PL II LIC. IN ROSS. NOI ARY PUBLIC, 1010 Broadwar.

Oakland. Monev loaned on most reasonable terms and insurance effected reasonable rates. MB. KATE L. HOWARD, NOTARY PUB1C 463 Ninth stree', bet.een Broadway and Weshincton streets.

Oakland. Cat D. BROWNS, NOTARY POB-IU, Ass wrees, ben Aiwsys in ll l-lsM Alttits WawM AJU 1 1 Vs l.Nfcs A Mi LIOIOUS, THE LOUVRE, WEITAIEIA A OU. proprietors, nortkeeat corner Twelfth and winea Honors and cirars: sole ilu Mtlwsukee Beer: private for ladies. Branch 454 Twelfth street.

ITC BARGATJTTO CALIFORNIA 1 Xi HANGE BUREAU, 41 Ninth street. Oaataad: exchangee all kinds of property; send for cataiogae. GREEN, sun HA CO. DANCING. BALLROOM OB STAGE, taaght at Irvine s.

corner Eleventh and Broadway, tend for term. REMOVAL NOTICE DR. SA-YON-NA (HA-vena.) baa removed to more convenient quarters at 1S564J 1 elegraph aveane, near Poet- omce. o1 PEN EVENINGS SCHELLBAAS' STORE durin month of December. Do tou waat to boy a Christmas present for your home or friend? Drop into H.

sCHELLH A as' store, 4c8 Eleventh stjeet 1 A DIES THE WONDER. 1214 SAN PABLO avenue and 1 213 Broad way. baa the larzesi asaorimeat of mill nery in LtticL Branch store 971 Weshlngton street MATRIMONIAL A GENTLEMAN OF SOME mean aged 25. refined, educated, honorable and ainct re. wUhea to meet a lady of iu-d pendent income- wlaow or single, with a view to an early marriage, should natures prove sympathetic; no objection to age or nationality, but must possess a coed figure; otyect.

a pleasant home, companionship and mutual enjoyment. Photo Band further particulars by snail. Address, in strictest confidence, L. Postofibe box 300. Oakland, MRS.

ANNIE JOHNSON WILL PLEASE send her address to this office and he will hear of something to her advantage; anyone knowing the whereabouts of the above-named lady will comer a favor by addressing A. box 8, this office; she has a small child named Lena STOP AND THINK FOR A MOMENT; WHY is it B. SCHELLH A as has held forth in tbe same blocs lor 21 yearaT Square deallug with rich and poor is bis answer. Call and see bim. ANTED GENTLEMEN TO SEND THEIR laundry work to tbe California Hand Laundry, 1715 Brokdwav; all work done extra nice; my work ehowa for itself.

H. A. all, proprietor. Wf ANTED INFORMATION OF WHERE-vv abouts or death of THOMAS WARD, formerly a resident of Uxbriogb. Ontabio.

He was last heard from in Oakland, in August, 1ST6. Please address any information to T. W. CHAPPLE, Box 2, Tribone office. at YOU CAN BUY AT CASH PRICES, ON easv installments at M.

FRIEDMAN A Co 22t 230 and 306 Stockton street stud 237 Post street. San Francisco, furniture, carpet-, rugs, Isce curtains, bankets, spread, pictures and mirrors, stoves, also a full linn of dress goods, silks, velvets, plushes, cloaks; folding beds a specalty largest and most complete installment house on the coast. Open evenings. WILL FIND THE LARGEST AND beat selected stock of furniture snd csrpets in the city st he Scbrieber Furniture tbe leader In low prices 1157-1159 Washington street near Fourteenth. DU KCTOKY.

DR. J.H. ToDD HAS REMOVED HIS KE3I-denee and office from 928 Magnolia street and 1169 Broadway, to 626 Fourteenth street, second door east of Grove office hours 2 to 4 r. Sundays 12:45 to 1:45 r. m.

Telephone 400. HOMEOPATHIC-E. M. P. LUDLAM, M.

of Chicago has located in Oakland: residence and office 526 Tenth street; office hours 9 to 10 a. 1 to 3 snd 7 to 8 r. a. Telephone 894. OB.

ADAMS, M. OFFICE AND RESI- dence, 1307 Eighth street: office bonrs 10 a. m. to 12 2 to 4 p. 6 to 7:30 evenings; telephone No.

229. Oakland, Cal. Dfc.f al'-i. TEETH, TEEiH. TEETri DR.

FIND LEY ihe crown and bridge work specialist has decided to make a reduction in price of artificial teeth that will enable everybody to have them. He will from now ou make teeth that cost from 810 to 20 elsewhere, for $8. This is done as a leader to introduce other work; call early and have your mouth examined free. Rememoer these teeth ate the best materi 1 and workmanship to be had. no matter what price you pay.

Office. Csnninz Block, 1115 Broadwar. Oakland; rooms 22 and 23. R. CECIL CORWIN HAS REMOVED TO tne Macdonough Building, room .5.

DR. R. E. BAUSKE illo BROADWAY, rooma 16 and 18 The very. lateFt best improvements in dental work (teeth without plates.) won't break, will fit, feel and look as good nsturai teeth, you csn est with com fort: first-class crowns and fillings; aching teeth rapidly cured.

DR. C. L. LANE. Clay.

Oakland: DEN 1 1ST. nr. 'J a 554 14TH, COR. at 4 .30 p. M.

JDlMMll K. DENTI-iT, S75 WASHINGTON street corner Eighth, Oakland. J. M. DUNN.

D. D. OFS 1vj wi iRO Ail- way room. 28 and 2. M1 COOL, DENTIST, HAS REMOVED TO tne new Lnronide rjuiidlne.

corner Marka: snd Kearny streets, room 10, where she will continue to practice all branches at deutiatry; cieaaine. poluhinx and baauUfrinz the btein specialty; teeta buut up wita gou ta aatnral sue. OCT LISTS AND A it IS I s. H. W.

Bll'WELL EYE. EAR, THROAT and nose. Room 18 1155 Broadway, Oak'd OOUTHARD. F.t-OFFICE 1155 BROAD- way residence. 1005 Msrket street.

Oak-m. Eve. Ear, Throat. land aOBTS. 4:30 to 6:30 P.

-E A 1 A Li- LADifco "DaMRlNU 1H11. VICES of an experienced and reliable physician, wbo makes a specialty of dlaeaaea of women, treats suppressed mouthiy periods; no instruments used; method scientific; guaranteeing a cure or no chsrge for treatment: ladies in Double or suffering from any complaint, who value their lives and futnre health, ahould call or write MRS. M. DA VIES, 1236 Market street, Murphy Building, room 53, 3d floor. Pilis $1.

C. AND RE3I-denee. 704 WAsainston street, corner Kearny. San Francisco. Office hours 10 a.

X. to 4 1. SL and 7 to p. Particular attention paid disesnei of women snd children. OK $35 BUYS A PEDDLER'S WAGON IN KOod condition.

App.y at 717 Eight eenth street Oaklsnd. A NEW AND SECOND -HAN-t Jr. proof ssu cheap. 13 Drumm street near California, san Francisco. A BARGAIN IN bECOND HAND 1NCU-bators and broodera, poultry auppiias.

books, paper a everything fc breeders and fanciers, GEORGE H. CROLEY, 416 Sacramento street San Francisco, EGG8 FOR SETTING, ALL thoroughbreds, and chick fcr rale by MAJOR FRED A. CLaRK. 907 Fifth avenue. Esst Oakland.

EGGS FOR HATCHING-LOVELY EASTERN Wnite snd Brown Leghorn and Ho dan eggs for sale; tl per setting; county order. 8L50. MRS. J. A.

JONES' POULTRY YARDS, Thirty-seventh street, between Grove and West; order box. north em corner of Ninth snd Broadway. 8 ALE AT ABOUT HALF PRICE: A grand upright piano es sropd aa owner leaving city. Address sVonce. P.

box 2, this office. new; a. T7OR SALE HORSE, BUGGY AND HAR-JD neaa, or will trade for real ee'ate. Horse is 4 years old, sonnd and gentle; parties wish, ing something better than ts generally offered, wllldo well to investigate. Address Horse and Buggy, box 1.

this office. TJtOR BALE A BABY BUGGY AS GOOD AS JT new; cheap. 140.33 Sea Pablo avenue, roomC. IVOR SALE AT 1168 A ICE STREET, NEAR JT Thirteenth, a number of fine steel plate engravings'; also oil paintings. Call from 2 to Jr.

at. 1TOR SALE A FINELY-BRED DOG, JT throe months old: cross between a ot. Bernard sr.d a Newfoundland; price very reasonable on account ef owner baving no suitable place to keep bim. Apply at 156' Seventh street Cenw-r street station. West Oakland.

UkNI i URE CONTENT OF A EWLY 1 furniahed boaae for sale, in nee only two months, bought new; will sell at a bargain; going East Call between 6 snd 8 o'clock evenings st 4S0 Twenty-fifth street Oakland. IREBH MILCH COWS FOB BALE. A I' PLY to R. E. ROWLAND, Oriada Park, on line of California A Nevada Railroad.

FOR SALE FORTY BEDROOM SUITS sixteen parlor salts, fancy chain, willow-ware, rockers and holiday goods, at 0 per cent lem than auction prices, at H. SCHELLHAA8, SOB Eleventh street. 17OR SALE BEDROOM SUITS IN ALL 1 Sty Meat H. 8CHELLMAA8'; also a number or nae boa sou at em Kieveatn 500 chain te rent st low WALE AUCTION PRICES THIS WEEK IN parlor, dining and bedroom furnitnre sale dally rem 8 a. m.

to 8 p. all goods delivered free of cliaree dav or nieht delivery every other day to a lamed a Fruit Vale, and fSkiCsi'rl jueveaoa TtWO GOOD SUBSTANTIAL seven rooms, centrally loca HOUSES or ed to be re-nee to RILEY -KstNthAJtra-ta, A JAC1 tOMRACTORS ANU liUlL.LEKJs Good Texts Selected for the Sunday Sermons. Eloquent Ministers Will Occupy the Pulpits. Ckvd Iiis That Will Bb Acceptable to the Faithful. First Unitarian Church Rev.

C. W. Wendte wilt preach at a. Topic: "A True At 7:30 p. a talk OB "Jesus in Art," illustrated vita the sterop- Market Street Congregational Church Topic of lb moroiDf will be: "Toe Power to the Church." Sunday school service in tbs ereoing.

i Second Presbyterian Church The pea-tor. Rer. H. Rice, Wdl preach on Sabbath ea usual. Morninz subject Palm Honda? and Passion Week." Event ok subject; (s or Death, the Greet Cnoice First Baptist Cuureta Rev.

Frank L. Sullivan will preach both morning and evening. Pain Bandar, tomorrow morning, at 8t Andrew's Episcopal Coorcb will eee installed the new rector, ca led from Tacoma, the Rer. Mardon L. Wilson, wbo comes higbi- commended by Bishop fNicbots and various of the energy.

Special music will be rendered bj toe quartet end ononis rbotr. First New Church Society of Oakland-Services oi worsbip at Montana Hall, Adeline street union, at 11:15 a.m.. to wbicb all are invited. Discourse by Rer. Richard de Charms.

Subject, "The Lord's Entrr Into Jerusalem." Sunday school at 10:15 A. V. Cheater street Metbodist Episcopal Cburcb, corner of Ninth The pastor. Dr. Anihoby; will preach in the morning on The Herri ca of "borrow." In the evening on "Toe Judgment." First Presb-ierian Church Dr.

Coyle will preach at 10 a. m. anu 7:30 r. x. Evening eabject, "A Parting Scene on the Way to Canaan." Rev.

O. H. Gulick, for yearaa miasionary In Japan, will speak et the Youne Men's Christian Association, Sunday at 3:30 p. u. Twentieth-street BaDtiat Churcn, G.N.

Baitentine, paator. Preaching morning and evening as nsual. Thirty fourth street Methedist Episcopal Cburcb Rev. K. P.

Dennett, paster; subject at 11 a. (., "Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever;" 7:30 r. "God's Frown and His Smile." Christian Church Preacujne by tbe pastor; morning subject. "The Monroe in religion evening subject, an address in bebelf of the Woman'e Christian Temperance Union. Ail Woman Christian Temperance Union and temperance workers are invited to be present.

Both Eden Baptist ChurchCalifornia Hall, 1015 Clay street; the pastor, R. A. McOuinn, speaks in tbe morning on the "Livbt of Truth; evening topic, "Tbe Joy of tbe Lord." First Metbodist Episcopal Cbnroh In tbe morning tbe pastor will preacb on the question "Why Does tbe Lord Tarrv at Bethabara When We Need Him in Bethany?" In the evening Mr. B. 8.

-Potter will on bebalf of tbe Woman's Home Missionary Society. Rev. E. b. Chapman.

D. D. -will preacb to tbe Prospect Hill Presbyterian Cburcb tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. F.

Thomas will preach in tbe Brooklyn Presbyterian Cburcb tomorrow morning and evening. Mrs. M. V. Sbouites wiil address tbe Tbeosopbical Society tomorrow, at 7:45 IV in the Synagogue, corner of Clay and Thirteenth streets.

Subject: "Theosopby lu Inspiration and lis Aspiration." Seats DtOa Services at tbe Christian Endeavor Gospel Mission. 418 Eighth street, bands afternoon at 3 o'clock and 7 Rev. A. C. Bane, pastor of Asburv Methodist Episcopal Church, cornet of Fifteenth and Clay streets, will preach, morning and evening.

Subject at 11 a. "God's Love at 7:30 p.m., "Tbe Most Important Question. At Si. Marcus German Lutheran Church there will be confirmation at 10:30 a. St.

also, serrices at 7:30 o'clock Tnursdsy evening and 10:30 Friday morning. Rev. A. Jatbo, psstor. First Congregational Church A morn ing service appropriate to Palm Sunday.

Dr. McLean will preach. Topic: "Witness With Power." Evening, special Lenten service; sermon by Rev. Mr. Rader.

At tbe German Metbodist Episcopal Cburcb A. Lem lean, tb paator, wiil preacb. Subject of sermon in tbe morning, 'Cbrist's Tears;" in tbe evening, "The Narrow and tbe Broad Way." First UniTersalist Church Rev. 8. Good-C-Oogb, pastor.

Subject of sermon at 11 A. "What Will You Know" Tbe pastor will conduct a service in toe ball at tbe corner of Telegraph and Clarsmont avenues, Te mescal, at 4 p. x. Tenth Avenue Bsp'ist Church Tbe Rev. Frank Dizon, will be assisted in tbe mornine service bv Rev.

J. Sunderland. Evening topic: "Not tbe Rlguteous, bat 8inners." "Christ's Growing Empire and Glory" will be tbe theme ot tbe Palm Snnday discourse of Rev. Philip Uraif at the First English Lutheran Cburcb. hereafter to be known as the Columbian Memorial.

In evening at 7:30, subject, "Martvr and persecutor, or Ibe Angel Pace in' Man," being the firat of a series on tbe dramatic scenes in tbe life of PauL Reception of members. MARRIAGE RECORD. Certificates Recorded for Week Ending March 25, 1893. March 18th John C. Barry, aged 22 years, and Alice Wrigbt.

aged 21 years, both residents cf Berkeley; by Rev. C. Coyle. March 14tb Adolpb T. Dean, aged 22 years, and ete M.

Bisbop. aced 22 years, both of Alameda; by Rev. W. W. Scud-der Jr.

March 21st Harrv M. Wells, aged 25 veers, and Marie Li Shaw, aged 24 vears, both of Oakland; bv Rev. R. Ritchie. March 17th William h.

Clifford, aged 49 'years, and EYxabeih Krukan, aged 17 jeara both ot Oakland; by Rer. W. March 15th Julius A. Crist, aged 28 years, and Augusta A. Fiegel, aged 21 years, botb of Oakland; by Rev.

A. Jatbo. March 13th Henry Martin, aired 40 years, and Bertha Scbroteer, aged 37 years, both of Oakland by Rer. J. Ti.eiss.

March 18th John Bvark. aged 33 years, resident ot San Francisco, and Katie Grace, aged 24 years, a resident of Oakland by A. G. L. Trew.

March 16th Perry H. Aneeon, ased 32 years, of Oak and. and Jessie E. Moss, cod 38 years, of Eimbarst; by Rev. R.

F. Co vie. March 15th Maxwell G. Bnebse, aged 27 years, a resident of San Francisco, and Bfengslipe Field, aced 21 years, a resident of Oakland; by Rev. H.

Siebbins. March a mee Ceil if. aged 32 veers, and Mary MrCauiv. aced 35 vears, both of Oakland; by Rev. T.

P. Kirb'y. Altrr Ala nar Ok. A determined effort is being mode to secure too niesssory subscription to brine tbs magnetic Fraoietn A us dec Oho to this city. A small regiment of can rasters go to work today amongst the muiic students, while tbe society people will bo reached through the malt Hut roar days remain Off too grace allowed, but the local manager is hopefur.

Assuredly all shooid mute to gain an end so desirable. They Are are Plenty of iwyitMoti There for Ba of Schools to be by I I saw A Lssasda JfZuSim kTsail'ssi staasstl asmses aw tea Ms i mjaiNEMfc PBeRSO.NAlA ill sahlBggsOeAiW COClclat the new Board of Educaboo, Too tatjoow lBdCSJfloO I rtOaaJCQoTO sLES-ALL Co RY II lmuval i hi r. iuu raaiaiAH I A.

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