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The Meriden Daily Republican from Meriden, Connecticut • 2

Meriden, Connecticut
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sbsb THE MERIDEN DAILY REPUBLICAN SCF 3 CONNECTICUT A VER TISEMENTS MERIDEN DAILY REFUBUGAN PLEASANT PARAGRAPHS I A woman asked for naturlization in Sacra-lnen'o Abyssinia rejoices in a new Emperor named Cobazzi Lord Napier of Maguala is to take command of the Bombay army The Pope is said to be the only male sovereign in Europe who does not smoke The cunard line of steamers it Is reported are to be adapted for emigrant passengers The queen of Spain according to tho latest announcement has become a Several editors of Pragaehave recently been imprisoned Bohemiuns are not well treated in Bohemia Spain at this moment possesses no less than 800 convents with 15000 nuns There are 55 bishops 2500 canons and abbots 1 800 regular 24000 vicars The buget for the Church is twice as high in Spain as in France The Germans are a people of strange customs In New York Monday morning a company ot seventy men of that race paraded all with long beards the shortest growth being not less than a foot in length One ex tended to his knees Eight open carriages followed containing young ladies with long curls SPIRIT OP THR From the New London Dally Press The democrats as a body through the late war opposed every effort of unionsts to quell the rebellion but whenever the rebels made a new move they received no censare from the democratic party of Connecticut For instance The first regiment of negroes was raised during the first year of the war in Now Orleans BY the rebels but no democrat complained of that It was soon found however iBit the negroes began to Lave ideas like freemen so the regiment was disbanded Subsequently New Orleans was captured by our force and this regiment whieh was first raisod by the rebels became the first negro regiment in the Army It was stationed at Ship Island as a garnson during the year of 1862 but participated in tbo siege of Port Hudson When they became union soldiers the democrats could not find words to express their horror but while rebels they were pelted as friends and So It is in the great political war which closes five weeks hence Every negro who can be induced to vote the democratic ticket is a fellow while all who dare to vote for their late leader Gen Grant and the union ticket are persecuted starved and shot May the republican voters of our country soon seud the rebel democracy to their last ditch From the Irlih Republic In the present contest we are convinced that the stability of republican institutions is tho stake that is played for and that must not be lost by any de aultor supineness on our part This government was founded at too great a stcrifice that we should allow any earthly interest to stand against it not even sympathy lor the south whose leaders again rally on that sympathetic trait of Irish character which always commends a to their affections But it is an undeniablq and Important fact that the most far-seeing and sagacious of the southern people themselves deprecate the success ot the democratic candidates as the return of anarchy and arc working earnestly against it whatever the firebrands may assert to the country as the greatest misfortune that could befall them To that considerable class therefore among our countrymen who sympathize with the south during the war and who would undoubtedly have fought loyally on her side had opportunity offered appealing to the faith of treaties as their palliation we say beware how you allow any political of tnis nature to lead you into another morass The true friends of the south will recognize the logic of events and trnst rather to the magnanimity of the soldier who has already given proof of his quality than to the arts of the demagogue tor the return of southern prosperity Erom The New York Day Book A lunatic faction has gotten possession of tkesymbols of power and it is trumping down constitutions laws principles everything on which rests oar republican Institutions in a blind sinful and utterly beastial effort tp realize its idea and incorporate four millions of an inferior species of mankind in our nationality It desires to give freedom to four millions of negroes to abolish the natural supremacy of our race to reverse the order of nature to reform the work ol God and to give thia imaginary and impossible freedom to negroes it now really enslaves eigtit millions of Americans in the South and if Grant is elected and is faithful to the faction that elects him he can only have peace by enslaving the masses of the North and the establishment of a military despotism over the whole country Negro freedom is only possible to men or devils by white slavery tiiat is to force four millions of negroes into the legal status of white people they must strike down the liberty of the latter of necessity and the South Carolinian who some years ago wrote that famous epitaph for his country hero was once a great people who in striving to give freedom to negroes lost their simply predicted a necessary truth From Jhc Democrat 'New York The progress of Jacobin reconstruction at the south is every day demonstrating that the two races cannot and will not rule jointly and coequally One or the other must become subordinate This is the history of all such experiments everywhere No two races races mark you not nationalities ever did or ever will sucoeod in forming themselves into one homogeneous society civil community or coequal ruling power in the state It is an unnatural a lalse an impossible order of things The civil war which the Jacobins have brought on and are perpetuating will last as long as the experiment shall be persisted iq We have abundant evidences already that the blacks and their pretended friends the white carpet-baggers and scalawags cannot get on harmoniously short a period as they have been acting together and strong as is the tie of mutual self interest and safety to make them adhere to each other But race jealousy is springing up and dividing even them We have seen it in Virginia South Carolina and Georgia and now it Is breaking out very decidedly in Louisiana It will prevail everywhere If these common believers in nsgro enfranchisement and white and black equality cannot unite and hold together what hope is there of this taking place between the mass of the Southern whites who are opposed to all this and the negroes If this be impracticable as must be palpable to the understanding of every candid citizen then there can be no peace while the attempt to force the two races into incompatible relation sliall be continued This is the inevitable conclusion and the only proper and practical view which can bo taken of the situation From The Boston Morning Journal It has generally been the case that business during the year of a presidential election was more or less depressed but the present year is an exception Business throughout the country has been good and there will be a balance on the right side of the ledgers of a large majority of our business men It is true that merchants do not find their stocks on hand increasing in value as they did during the second year ot the war but good sbrlng a fair profit and what is of greater consequence purchasers pay for their goods According to democratic authority republican rule has rained the country but we question whether the commercial community ever knew eight years of more unterrupted prosperty The percentage of loss by bad debts was never so trifling as it has been for six years past and this fact is substantiated by the personal experience of nine ont of ten merchants That business continues good may be attributed to the Confidence which la felt in the election of Grant and Colfax The gentleman who recently wrote up the McClellan for the World is great on language wonderful how he did it but he did Here it is read it for yourselves Then there was a cheer Spelt a cheer a Gen Ulysses Grant never heard and nover will hear in all his life It was a cheer long and shrill enough to have bunt the wnd-pines of a million a oaring whirlwind of a a sonorous affectionate as iriny ye a mighty protest against the ln-ustice done to a Hero by a a splendid assurance of the confidence of the people in the justice that history will do Gen McClellan when history comes to be written by calm-minded men instead of fanatics and when the country il at -1" -1 The Memphis Appeal is true to its record in the following passage The south is our land the north is foreign and hostile realm The day will come when the south will be A THOMAS A Jackson Club was organized in Wallingford on Wednesday evening of this week with Samuel Simpson Esq as president Thoso who are in want of a first-class English nurse would do well to refer to an advertisement in another column She lias had large experience in hospitals and private families and can furnish references of the highest respectability BOYS IN BLUE The Boys in Bine hold a meeting at headquarters on Thursday night when it was resolved to hold mass meetings of the Boys in Blue commencing at the latter part of this month The executive committee were instructed to confer with the town committee on this subject and report to next meeting Next Week ex-Gov Hawley is expected to address the Boys in Blue of this city We bespeak for Gen Hawley the chairman of the Chicago conventon which nominated Gen Grant for the presidency a cordial and enthusiastic reception A woman giving the name of Mrs James Pratt of East Belin lias been carrying on extensive operations at Middletown in the swindling line She has been in the habit ot purchasing drafts of $9 and upwards and by ad ding an ought converting them into $90 These drafts she presented at the several banks in neighboring cities and has been paid She must have realized a large amount She generally presented a blotted draft with the excuse that her daughter had upset the ink upon it The swindler is believed to be a man who aBsnmes faminine apparei to enable him to perpretato his frauds and then discarding it to avoid detetion A TALL CORN STALK The tallest of tall cornstalks which we have yet seen or heard of in this region was brought to our office yesterday by a staunch old war Grant democrat Mr Julius Andrews of Hemlock Grove It is 12 feet 9 inches in length and was grown from seed obtained from the battle field of North Carolina Like General popularity the proportions of corn grown from seed moistened and fertilized by the blood of our Blain heroes seem to be towering higher and higher The tall Union stalk brought to our office a few days since by Mr A Camp and which we thought a wonder in higlit is eclipsed by the one raised by Mr Andrews Who comes next? Mr Andrews obtained the seed from the battle ground a year or go ago while on a visit in that locality It will be remembered that the battle was fought at Forks while Gen Schofield was on his march from Ne wbern to Goldsburgh to join Sherman's on his march from tho sea Tho carnage was lrightful and lasted three days It is estimated that 30000 men were engaged on either side Col Upham and the 15th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers were in the fight Capt Waterman of Hanover and his company were taken prisoners at the same battle and sent on to Richmond The Southern (Va) Opinion declares that the southern whites must resort to arms in the Banie manner as they did at Camilla for keeping down the negro and securing their own rights We quote Ballots are cheaper than blood and elections better than battles Rut if Grant be chosen aDd we do not misjudge him and his policy then tho disciplined cohorts of the south must be marshaled once more and the issue will be bliall white or black men rule in the south When that issue comes to the last argument reposed in tho musket muzzle and the point where will the poor negro The following which we clip from an exchange will interest the many warm friends and admirer of Dr Neale in this city where he has so often thrilled and delighted our people with his fervid pulpit eloquence Rev Dr Neale of the First Baptist church on Somerset street Boston preached a sermon last Sunday morning on the occasion of the thirty-first anniversary of his pastorate With one exception in Vermont his pastorate is the oldest of the Baptist denomination in the country LATEST NEWS ITEMS The emperor of China has opened the port Chifan to foreign trade The Toledo Wabash and Western railway election was held at Toledo Wednesday Henry Soker 40 years of age was kicked to death by a horse in Philadelphia on Tuesday Surveys are preparing for a lighthouse on the reef at the entrance to the harbor of Honolulu Heavy shocks of earthquakes were felt at Hilo and other places in tho Pacific early in Seotember Tlie German Lutheran church and six stores in Sheyboygan Wisconsin was burned on Tuesday The Colorado from San Francisco for Panama Tuesdav took $520000 in specie including $228000 for New York Mr Bancroft has united with the foreign representatives at Vienna in a complimentary address to Mr Deak An explosion in a fireworks manufactory at Barnsley England Wednesday destroyed the building and killed at least five icrsons A Moore Son's elevator at Troy was burned Wednesday with about 200000 bushels of grain Loss about $212000 partially insured i A dispatch from Havana Wednesday sav that Santa Anna lias been ordered to leave the island for reasons as yet unknown to the public The Putnam Phalanx of Hartford visited the United States arsenal in Springfield Mass Wednesday morning and went to Northamp ton in the afternoon Gen Sheridrn has telegraphed to Washington that he must have more troops immediately If the country does not wish to be plunged into a long and disastrous war with the Indians Gent Hancock telegraphs from St Lotfls that he expected to leave lor NewYork on Thursday and will be ready for attendance upon tlie Dyer court-martial next week The American board ol foreign missions at Norwich Cl on Wednesday decided to adhere substantially to the existing system relative to aid to Auperanuated missionaries and to the children of missionaries Tlie raising of not less than $600000 lor the board the coming year was resolved upon Prince Napoleon is a strong friend of Gen Prim and the two with tho assistance of tlie Emperor Naooleon propose to unite Spain and Portugal nnuer one government Late returns of the town election have been received Of the one hundred ad sixty-three towns that voted on Monday last 86 are clearly republican 69 democratic and 7 divided Tlie republicans gain the entire registration boards in even towns that were wholly democratic last year Tho democracy gain the registration boards in five towns that were partially so and a portion of the boards of two towns that were wholly republican last year Tills is official and can bo relied upon hayti FRENCH CONSUL INSULTED Mail advices from Hayti received dated the 26th state that in the naval engagement off Petit (jrove two American sailors belonging to the Petion were drowned An insult lias been offered to the French consul but it was sternly discountenanced by Salnave ASSYCH reIts The prize fight between Siddons of Boston and Kelley of Baltimore took place Thursday morning at the Isle of Shoals Nine-six rounds were fought in 1 hour and 28 minutes Siddons was declared tho winner Both men were severely punished ILLINOIS llall Kenback Co ot Chicago importers and dealers in iron discovered lately great discrepancies in the books of their book-keeper and confidential clerk Wiley He has swindled his employers of $25000 MERIDEN MARKETS OOKItECTED DAILY FOB THE KERIDISN DAILY A AD WEEKLY REPUBLICAN Flour Pennfleld Lyon $1600 Hill $1860 Union Mills $1600 Cal Flour iu 00 Rye Flour extra $10 50 Corn Meal Corn Meal $260 Middlings $280 Shorts $260 Oats perbl Corn $1 150 Rye $175 Hay 1st qual Hay second qual $16 Straw Beef let ql $16 Beef second qual $14 Tallow $850 Mutton circass per lb 16 Fowls 30 Pork per barrel $33 Pork Der pound 22 Veal 20 Corned Beef ft lb1620 Shoulder Steak lb 22 Round Steak ft tb 25 Loin Steak ft lh 28 House Steak ft lb 28 Stew Pieces ft lb 16 Hard Sugars ft lb 1 A Sngar lb 18 Ex Sugar lb 1 Sugar ft lb 16 Sugar ft Tb 15 Tallow Candles ft lb 25 Sperm Candles ft lb 6o Adamantine ft lb 40 Starch ft tb 15 Cream Tartar ft tb 5080 Saleratus ft lb 1620 Soda ft lb 1620 Butter ft lb 5055 Codfish ft lb 810 New Potatoes $1251 50 Eggs dozen 8846 Mackerel lh 15 Hams lb 25 Beef Hams ft lb3038 White Beans ft quart 20 Lard 1b 2425 Smoked nalibut ft lb 20 Smoked 30 Dred do ft lb 30 Tomatoes quart i 15 Dried Apples lb 1620 Blackberries ft lb 25 Peaches ft lb 85 do unpeeled ft lb 26 Raspberries lb 65 Peaches quart 40 Watermelons each 815 Muskmelone each 1525 Prunes ft lb 90(2 Raisins ft lb 2030 Zante Currants ft lb 30 Cheese ft lb 206 Jap Tea ft Tea ft Tea ft Coffee lb1250 Coffee Kernel ft lb 50 Soap ft lb 1216 Rice ft lb 1815 Vinegar ft gallon 50 Molasses ft gallon 85 Coal Lehigh stove $900 Iiigh nut $900 Washington Stove $9 25 Lackawana nut $8 56 Scranton nut $856 Lackawana stove $900 Scranton stove $8T5 Cigars per thou $40 Seed Hav Clear per thou'd Clear per hun Best ditto MARKET REPORTS STOCK Money on call 7f) cent American Gold 139 6s reg 118V 6s coupon 114V 5-20s '62 reg 108 6-20s coup 112)4 85-20 coup 109)4 8 5-20s coup 109)4 10-408 reg 104)4 8 ll)-40s coup 104)4 une and July 7-30s 108)4 Pacific Mall 127 New York Central 128 Erie 49 Reading 98)4 West Tel 36)4 Ohio and Miss Cur 29)4 Northwestern 88)4 Northwestern pref 88 TABLE Now York Oct 8 Michigan Southern 84 Cleve and Pitts 87 Cleve and Toledo 103 Cbt and Rock Island 103 Hudson River 134 Michigan Central 118 Illinois Central 145 Adams Express 53 Canton Company 48 Boston Water Power 15 Atlantic Mall 20 Quick Min Co 24 Mariposa 7 Mariposa preferred 19 Cumberland Coal 23 Merchants Union 24 Wells Fargo A Co 29 8 Express 51 American Express 48 FLOUR PROVISIONS ETC Superfine State Flour $750775 Extra StateFlour $7808 Choice State Flour $88679U Fancy 8tatc t8 05890 Superfine Western Flour 775 Common to medlnm Extra Western Flour $780 850 Choice Extra Western Flour ZH901030 Oood tocholceWhlte Extra Flour $7751090 Mixed astern Corn afloat $1 18 Western Oats 78 New Mess Pork $28602875 Old Mess Pork $245 2852 Prime Pork $26252726 Prime Mess Pork $26252fi75 New Plain Mess Beef $1S0020 60 New Extra Mess Beef $20502475 Lard 19 Coton 27c Tallow 133c Crnde Petroleum 16c Refined Petroleum In bond 81)4 SPECIAL NOTICES 1000 PERSONS RECOMMEND THE "LAUGHING As given by ns Among them are the following HON JAMES DIXON OEN LEE HON CHARLES CHAPMAN Jr 8 CURTIS EX GOV A II HOLLEY OEN WHITTAKER HON JOHN 8 RICK MRS SAMUEL COLT We promise to extract teeth without the least pain or Injury to the health Beantlfiil artificial teeth allow prices CRANE 8 STATE STREET HARTFORD my22dlv NEW AD VER TJSEMENTlS I MPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS The undersigned Is In want of employment a a nurse or In any other domestic capacity First class ELIZA HALL Britannia Row references can octOdSt OTICE THR REGISTRARS TOWN OF MERIDEN Will meet for the purpose of perfecting the voting list and receiving the applications of those who desire to become Electors at tho TOWN HALL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY October Otb and 10th lrom 9 am to 5 On each of said day i Meriden Oct 5 1868 oCtSdlt PUBLISHED BT THE UNION PRINTING COMPANY FRIDAY OCTOBER 1868 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET FOR PRKi "DSJfT UKNEKAL ULYSSES 5 RANT POE TICK PRESIDENT SCHUYLER COLFAX FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS AT LARGE JOSEPH HAWLEY WILLIAM FITCH District Clark Holt District Luther Boardmax District Bill District George Dudley REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS The republican headquarters arc o10ll Wilcox A Co's store on Colony street All republicans who are to bo made electors this fill should report there at ouce to the republican town committee The room is open every evening ARB YOU ROISTERED Only trn days more! After Saturday there is do chance for new voters whose names are not on the list as to be REPUBLICANS Look about among your friends and aee if there is any one who can be made an elector Saturday is positively the last chance Send in tho application to the registrars immediately VOTERS TO BR MADE All young men who will be entitled to vote in November and who are not yet freemen and all who have heretofore voted in other towns must declare their intention to he made voter to the registrars on Friday or Saturday of this week or the opportunity will be lost Sessions of the registrars will be held at the Town Hall on each ot those days from 8 a till 5pm Do not neglect this important matter Suitable blanks are provided for the uae of applicants for admission Republicans see to it that your vote is not lost through negli gencc With every man in line this fall we shall bring old Connecticut back into the nnion again! LET US HAVE PEACE Every lionr brings mutterings of thunder from the south The clouds are gathering the skies are charged with electricitr and people begin to think that something mnst be done to prevent the wholesale slaughter of our loyal brethren in the still disloyal south The first question to be asked respecting the statements of mnrder and rapine of crime and terror which daily fill oar newspapers is are they true They may be exaggerated as first reports usually are but there always remains a substratum of truth which looked at in the most faromple aspect is sufficiently bad That the ku-klux-klan outrages are daily committed that colored citizens are being continually slaughtered and that men who profess union principles cannot dwell in peace on southern soil are facts substantiated beyond the shadow of a doubt What should be the attitnde of the people and especially the action of the press at the present crisis? That bitter ness of feeling should exist among the defeated is not to be wondered at and the only objection to it is that it should be manifested by deeds of violence The question now arises how shall this reign of southern terror be arrested in its destructive progress Not by answering threat with threat not by boasting and self-glorification bat by firmness on the part of the government where state governments do not exist and by the stern administration of justice where they do In addition to thia let the orators of both parties abstain from the nse of intemperate language let the possibility of war be ignored as a platform argument for should unfortunately the time arrive for a second appeal to arms the unionists the preservers of those principles which have made our country great will need no other incentive than the call of dnty It is the duty of newspapers and public speakers to eschew all frantic appeals to the passion and to fight this campaign out on pure argument only and to apply such epithets as and only to such persons or section of the democratic party that they properly belong to Let them remember that in applying these terms to that portion of our German and Irish fellow-citizens connected with the democratic party that they are acting in an knjust and impolitic manner because the majority of them fought in the union army and are therefore entitled to credit for their loyalty and devotion to their adopted country Let tho republican portion of the Dress at any rate set the example and while they adopt the glorious precept given them by our great national savior Grant act out in words and deeds the immortal principle of peace A letter of Secretary Schofield to Gen Grant dated May 25th and congratulating him on his nomination and that of Mr Colfax is just published It is worthy of Gen Schofield's reputation for good sense and moderate opinions This is the concluding half of it have al ways believed that the nnion could be fully re stored only by the men who put down the re hellion while 1 have not been without serious apprehensions that by forcing upon the conn-try extreme radical theoriee the -stability of the government might be endangered Great reforms require thne for their full development In which theoriee may be analyzed and that which is sound and of practical utility separated from the unsound and chimerical Wisdom and moderation in congress will now give ths country restoration and peace Your election to the presidency will be the end of oar poltlcal troubles as your accession to ths command-lnohief of the army was the end of tbs southern rebellion" JOHNSON JOINER AND JOBBER Shop on Veteran street up-stalrs In shop octOant ft RAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC iSrS Will be i meeting of Ifie Grand Army of the Republic" on Friday evening Oct th at Circle Hall for the purpose of reorganizing Ihe order All members having papers in their possession will please bring them Per order POST COMMANDER oct8d3t 8 GALLAOER Adjutant OR HALE A Dwelling House and Lot situated in East Merldeu Price $1600 Terms of sale easy Apply to WHEELER octSdtf West Meriden EWING I rs Edwin Hinckley residing next door from the residence of Rogers on Brltanuia Row is prepared to do all kinds of SEWING AND STITCHING by machine or otherwise at short order and in the very best manner having had a lonj business experience at tlie oct3dlf EAD! FEATHER BEDS RENOVATED Beds Including Pillows and Bolster are thoroughly RENOVATED BY A STEAM PROCESS al the low price of TWO DOLLARS PER BED We are located in WM BUILDING In the rear of the American Tea Store All persona are invited to call and witness tho process Satisfaction warranted or no charge BEVEN8 MUNSON oct8dl2t HEAD HEAD INTER OUR STOCK COMPLETE 1 1 CUSTOM MADE AND Clothing of all qualities Of Clothing we have as full an assortment as can be found in New England A TIP TOP LOT OF OVERCOATS ONLY $6 rappers and Drawer only 60 cents each Bargains can be bad at all times of DAY CASWELL CO MAMMOTH WADROBE 54 and 56 Asylum struct Hartford sep30dtf 'P'OR SALE! For Sale or exchange for other property THE MERIDEN BREWERY With all the fixtures necessary for carrying on the Brewing busluess together with HORSE HARNE8S AND WAGON The location of the Brewery Is In Plattsville about one mile from the Railroad Depot and Is well situated and convenient in all respects for carrying on tho BREWING BUSINESS This property and business will be disposed of on tb most reasonable and accommodating terms and for any one desiring to engage in this branch of business a most favorable opportunity is offered Apply to A WELLMAN sep26dtf or IRA TWI8S EW a STATIONERY NEWS FRUIT AND TOBACCO STORE GUSTAV REBSTOCK baa Just opened A NEWS OFFICE On "State street a fow doors north of HARBOR BiltlDGE Where cn be found the VARIOUS JOURNAL8 AND PERIODICALS Of the Day STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS FRUIT TOBACCO CIGARS I am also agent for the GERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York and the PEORIA MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ep29dtf GUSTAV REBSTOCK GENTS IV ANTED For Matthew Hale New Book SUNSHINE AND SHADOW IN NEW YORK If you wish to know how Fortunos arc made and lost In a day How arc swindled by Sharpers How Gambling Houses and Lotteries are conducted and everything of Interest relating to Prominent Men and Important places of New York Read Read Read! SUNSHINE AND SHADOW IN NEW YORK A large Octavo Volume over 700 pagos finely Illustrated We want agents Male or Female In every city and town to canvass for it Everybody wants to know all ahont New York No Book ever published that sells so rapidly Canvassers report Immense sales We employ no General Agents and offer the largest commiisio ne Send for our circular (82) pages Full particulars and terms to Agents sent free on application Address the Publishers BURR eo scpl5dlm Hartford Conn COOL! NEW FALL GOODS AT STEVENS Consisting of BEAVERS CLOTIIg CA8SIMERES DOESKINS Which will be cut and made In the very latest style cheap for Cash Alto a very large and well selected atock of Furnishing Goods bought at very low prices and acknowledged by all good judges to be very cheap 7'hankml for past favors I remain jours truly scplldtf OST 'rom a vehicle on Saturday ovenlng about seven o'clock between linns and Bake a Pocket Diary containing valuable papers of nse only to the owner Any one returning the same to Truman Stiles or the Republican office will be suitably rewarded TO The RENT West Store Room In Grain i Rogers Building Immedl-and Feed Store of Almond ately over the Flour 1 ately Andrews It la a desirable location for almost any kind epUdtf on tb premises jyBRIDEN ICE COMPANY TO WALLINGFORD AND OTHER TOWNS Thia Company have on hand 100 Tnna of Ie more than they require and will be happy to dlapoae of It at a reasonable price epl9dtf 1 OFFER HOUSE (Mclodeon Building) 887 Main Street Ilan Conn Meals at 111 hours Steaks Tta Coffee Hartford Con- fectionarv Jlc seplOdly Mra GARDNER rANTED A Colored I family Inqnl Irl to do general horn STATE ITEMS On Monday niglit a gentleman from Troy started to walk from the New Iiavm depot to the steamboat wharf A stranger of whom he inquired the route at the corner of Water-st decoyed him into a drinking saloon to take a glass of beer On the following morning he found himself lying alongside the railroad track minus his watch valued at $75 and about $30 in money The Litchfield Seutinel says Old people inform us that the late month September was tho coldest and most dismal one known in this region for many years There were but two or three days on which the weather was not rainy or lowering and The salaries of tlie four nrofessojs and of the financial secretary of the Hartford theological institute have been ulaced at $2500 each Rev Davenport has got dismissed from his pastorate at Danielsonville in order to take the latter position TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES new York WESTON WINS AT LAST Weston the pedestrain completed the task of walking 100 miles within 224 hours Wednesday He left Rye station at a little before 12 noon having only about six and a half miles to walk with two hours to accomplish it and arrived at the Orawampum hotel White Plains eleven minutes ahead of time having walked the entire distance in twenty-two hours and nineteen minuteB Tlie Governor respited Canta and Burke who were to have been hanged to-day for the murder of Miss Ellen Hicks in Westchester county two years ago until November 10th Wm blade Jr late counsel at and for United States commissioner at the Paris exhibition left for Europe Wednesday in the Cuba on official business connected with tlie government which will be principally con ducted in Paris Vienna and Petersburgh The conclave of Knight Templars of this state concluded their annual session Wudnesday by election and installation of officers for the ensuing year CASE Some weeks ago Binekley procured a man to visit Callicott in the Albany penitentiary and instructed him to say if he (Callicott) would testify to anything worth while it would be laid before the president in connection with his reeomendation for his release Callicott then went on to say that he had been informed during his trial that proceedings could be stopped by paying $11000 $5000 for Rollins and $5000 for Harian and $1000 for somebody else This and other things were duly communicated to Binckly and by him placed before the president The result has not yet appeared Thursday morning tlie boiler of the steam tug Vim lying at the foot of Twenty-Third street exploded with fearful force while the hands on board were asleep Two of th crew were blown into tlie East River and all the others were severely scalded and injured PENNSYLVANIA MORE DEMOCRATIC ARGUMENTS A serious riot occurred at Philadelphia Wednesday night about nine A republican torchlight procession while passing along Wylie street when near Trumbull avenue was assaulted by a party of roughs and a sevore fight ensued Stones and missiles flew in every direction and clulw were freely used About fifty shots were fired Several persons were severely wodnded in the back of the neck One man named McCann was seriously hurt Mayer Blackmere was slightly wounded In the arm while endeavoring to suppress the riot GEN RECEPTION Gen reception at Philadelphia on Thursday was without political emblems or other political demonstrations When running for the presidency the general would not consent to the democratic platform which was indeed an indirect reflection on himself and now that he is a private citizen he will take no part against Gen Grant Already the advice of leading democrats to him is very strong The precession consisting of seven divisions under Gen Caudle formed on Broad street and marched through the principal streets of the city The streets wore lined with people and the buildings gaily decorated Thousands of soldiers and sailors were in the line and nearly every organization in the city was represented It is estimated that 10000 persons participated in tho ceremonies FOREIGN REMS As tlie time for tho dec ion of member to tlie new parliament in England approaches the excitement becomaa more intense Boroughs that were hopelessly tory In tho paat are now contested by the whig who are counting on the favorable effects of tho bill for increasing the number ot voters and other liberal measures It is expected that many of tlie marking candidates will be elected OHIO George Pendleton addrestod a meningitis claimed of 10000 at Elyria on Wednesday night Tlie democrats arc Jubilant over tlie large attendance ift1.

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