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The Meriden Daily Republican from Meriden, Connecticut • 2

Meriden, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MERIDEN DAILY REPUBLICAN Tuesday August 10 1886 tarasBaoTio Xian tic Note be Um to bo daring tha caavaro It WL11 far th Democratic mad aid mm STILL IN DOUBT Plenty Theories Bat no New Facts About the Wallingford Mystery HOT-DAY CLOTHING SEERSUCKER COATS AND VESTS About half the tents on the Nlantic camp ground have already been put up and the remainder will be pitched this week First Lieutenant Samuel Jones of the Fourth United States Artillery has been ordered to visit the siege gun and mortar battery at Nlantic during the encampment and give instruction in heavy artillery drill The examining board of the First regiment examined tbe non commissioned officers of the New Britain companies Monday evening and will go to Manchester this evening On Friday they will complete the examination in Hartford Sicilian Coats andVests Drap de Ete Coats and Tests Office Coats Alpaca Coats (Black and Colored) Mohair Coats Fancy Flannel Coats Lawn Tennis Coats White Vests Linen Tests Silk Serge Coats and Tests Pongee Silk Coats and Vests French Flannel Coats Coats Bar Coats Jackets Traveling Dusters Pique Tests Fancy Tests Cholera If It each oar shore At all thi nBUMr likely to come by way of Japan to Baa Fraecleco Tbe Democratic goyernor of Taxae Isn't a bit of a Jlrgo bat he give point to Cleveland In that respect It noticeable that moat of tha Aery u4 antamed gentlemen who want to go imaeh Mexico right off hall from Democratic a la tea The Son serves notice oa the Democratic party that in laereaaing national expeaditaree $110718662 or 71 per cant in 10 year they are fast BOSTON STORE The Bush for Bargains In Suits Hats and Furnishings still continue An elegant 35 Custom Suit Made to Measure for 025 BAUM BERNSTEIN Makers of Good Clothing 10 Palace Block Notice There will be a meeting of the A Zion church of Meriden at 8 on tbe 11th day of August 1886 at the residence of Lyman Rue rear of 82 East Main street to take such action as may be deemed necessary towards buying real estate for church use Also to transact any other business proper to be done at said meeting Dated at Meriden Conn this 9th day of August 1886 Jacob Vincent augiots Chairman of Board of Trustees 38 COLONY ST IMMENSE BARGAINS The death of Hebert Thompson baa hae bad an effect on national aa well aa local politic With oat his protector Hedden la ao longer rote La the custom oase The pal name a of old daya were wont to aay that they could not sleep unless the coyotes bowled People In Belfast mast by this time feel terribly bored and uneasy Doe Hill say that he will take some time to consider the case of Mr Squire Of coarse be will And be may be as lealeat a judge as the gentle poet coaid desire WILL OFFER Hl Katate for Sol A flue residence opposite the new city park also six building lots on Franklin street A liberal loan can remain on the property at 5 per cent if desired Bela Carter agent mch25tf XCT For tbe Next Week A Hindi of Bloody doming Which May Iad to Haw UTlopmnt A Mlddlo- WSo I MlMlog Little else was talked about in Wallingford Monday all day and late Monday night bat about the shoe box mystery foond Sunday Very late Monday night groups of men coaid be heard discussing the mrstery Many were indignant that portions of the shoe box had been destroyed Others thought that a large party should be organized and thoroughly scour the whole vicinity where the box was found The post mortem examination made Monday afternoon only lendsi more mystery as to who the person was A slight theory was advanced by some that it might be Albert Cooley On back Is a scar and other marks A thorough examination made did not reveal any identity to Cooley and farther-more word was received In Wallingford Monday night that Cooley was alive and down In Baybrook The stomach of the unfortunate man waa saved and pat In a glass jar and taken to New Haven to-dav where It will be analyzed After the examination the memberless trunk was placed in an ordinary box and barled in the town plot in the Center street cemetery There Is a slight impression prevailing that possibly tbe arms legs and head of the body may be found near by where the shoe box was foand WHAT MAY PROVE A VALUABLE CLUE was discovered Monday afternoon The youngest son of employer Yoang says that a few days since the daughter of Walter Case a leading Yales-yllle citizen related an occarrence that caused considerable wonder and gossip in the neighborhood One day late last month or early this month (Miss Case Is not able to tell exactly which) she opened the kitchen door In response to a knock and was much horrified on seeing a ragged man covered with blood and mad standing before her She noticed that blood waa on his hands and shoes He Inqnired for pond Miss Case informed him that there was no such pond in the vicinity but that the Qalnniplac nyer was only a short distance back of the house and across tbe fields The man started off in the direction indicated and she noticed that he had a large bundle under his arm In about an hour Miss Case saw the same man coming that he did not carry a bundle that he had on a much better salt of clothes and that his hands and person were clean A day or two later some persons who went to the river for the purpose of fishing dlscoyered a large BUNDLE OF BLOODY CLOTHING They communicated their discovery to Tbe fruit canning season is right at hand and the Boston grocery hare a full line of all the leading fruit jars and jelly tumblers Give them a call BUSINESS NOTICES DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1 -j In Order to Reduce Stock Before Arrival of Fall Goods Smith Twichell The Biggest Bargains In Stomping Patterns Roae Broa It may be as Capt Herbert Beecher uaye that his distinguished father protested against his receiving a government appointment bat President Cleveland would never have thought of naming him If be bad not bean Henry Ward Beecher's sow je29tf augSwl Bicycle for tale at 60 Oak atreet Ferniahed rooms to rent atreet Enquire 116 Crown aeplVtf To Furnished rooms with bath room 66 Church street ieblXly max is a uxrrr axs Caxxot as diviokd A RXTIXW or MBS TSOST'S RXTLT Iu reply to my questions given In the RtmuciK few weeks since I notice that the good Mfs Frost bus published on excellent article I am glad to And her so much Inter eeted In the greet subject end that her views expressed In the Arst part of her essay so perfectly agree with mine namely that none have any authorised Bible hope of eternal life except by a resurrection from the dead But when coming direct to the questions st Issue the good sister having doubtless in common with most of ns been from childhood Indoctrinated Into the traditionary pi ritualistic heresy of modern orthodoxy to wit: that every man born into the world has an Immortal soul (a doctrine nowhere Uught or even mentioned in tbe Bible except to be denied) she Innocently perhaps yet certainly finds herself lnyolred In uncomfortable dilemmas and irreconcilable contradictions I appreciate her situation and sympathize with her In her difficulties haring been there myself but I thank God that by honestly receiving and believing the naked truth of the Bible In Its simplicity It has made mo free and I rejoice In that freedom She saya all the evidence of Sacred Writ we are confident there will be a resurrection and the apoetles and early Christians were firm in the belief that the resurrection would take place at the end of the world But now notice rather than giro up her heresy of Immortal soul-ism and her notions of an intermediate state (concerning which the Bible Is as silent as death) which her sentiments above quoted would refute she goes on Vo say "Nevertheless In view of the millions of Intervening tgea" (7) Adam to the eDd of time we are Inclined to the opinion that the resurrection mast take the place of death" i Now in advancing this latter oplnloa she seems to conti edict her former statement and hold in fact that there will be no death at all only a transition or continuance of life nor Indeed any resurrection from the dead either Does she not? Elsewhere In her treatise she speaks of and evidently wonld believe In a resurrection from the grave yet here she places the resurrection at death yes even before barlal thus setting aside both death and the resurrection Does she not? Again after speaking of the grand scriptural scenes of tbe resurrection as described In the 15th of 1st Corinthians and elsewhere she asks not all these declarations be fulfilled at death?" How preposterous! And then she concludes by saying: rejoice and am sure that Christ will come again together His elect from the fonr winds" Bat of what um I ask is His second coming to raise the dead If the reearrection Is at death? Or to gather His elect If they are already gathered? But she has probably done as well as she orsny one holding such contradictory irreconcilable and anscrlptaral sentiments could do If she end all others In like awkard predicament Instead of attempting the Impossibility of dividing tbe the unit man Into two or more separate self-existences or entitles (for if capable of being divided once then twice and so on sd Infinitum) should when speaking of the departed omit to employ tbe redundant unauthorized words Ac and should simply use Ac as tbe Bible does how easy plain and significant all wonld be And If Instead of trying or consenting to believe the heathenish dogma that at death part of the mu dies and part net that part Is to be raised and port not that the departed man is both dead and alivs both down and np at the same time how much better to take the facts In harmony with reason and revelation jast as the Bible states them viz that man not almply his soul nor his mind nor his spirit dies but that man as man when he dies is dead and that if he dies a believer In Christ he sleeps In Jesus till the second coming of Christ and that then be with all the sleeping saints at the last trump wOl be awaked and raised to an Immortal life and Inherit tbe kingdom un-der tha whole heaven forever even forever end ever Bkxkam It In to on Harnesses all grades for Hull to Kensington avenue 0 marlTtf Eer Shorn in Meriden ARTHUR MILLER 300 East Main Street 99 First-class teams to let atabout half livery rates Winslow 198 Cook avenue mayllme Fob Beal Estate First Mortgage Bonds bearing 7 per cent Interest in amount from $200 up No sater investment can be found Selah A Hull malltf Capital By a young man to begin the manufacture of a patented article needed in every household Can lurnlsh patent and factory with water power A young man as partner preferred Address care Republican Office aug9t ADVERTISEMENTS My Motto Is not the lowest prices but the lowest prices consistent with good quality I and honest quantity 1 Agent for Echo farm Bntter Nothing Better in the Market KP Telephone Connection Ueclyl Lot 1 100 doz All Linen Towels 5c each worth 10c Lot 2 75 doz All Linen Towels 10c each worth 17c Lot 3 50 doz All Linen Towels each worth 20c INCREASE OF BUSINESS AT The conditio of affairs which exists la Belfast Is Inly deplorable The oty has for three days peat been in the hands of aa la aria ted mo to whose sole ambition to be to destroy all the Urea and aa mack property aa possible The dty la now occupied by a strong force of military aad police and more are expected to arrrre hourly Some boa' mast be far this stats of affaire la the Acs risking metropolis of Ireland and I weld see tha a good deal of the rests npoa those la ao thority With a force of over Asa tbooa-ngshr soldier aad a correspond tagly Large force of constabulary they ooght to hara been able to aabdae the mob before tbt They had ample warn Us last last when the outbreak first commenced aad ooeld easily bare been fatly prepared for the preaeat owe But as la the case of the London riots ao one seems to know exactly what to do and the reign of terror aad bloodshed goes The city already presents a deplorable aspect a large part of the boat bowses haring bees reduced to wrecks md the streets sad sidewalks tors ap by Us mob their search for missies wltk which to rteist the police Party strife has raged la sahappy Ireland for generation aad there Is sot mweb proa pec of Its c-satiow Political leaders Instead of boa ertfy endeavor! ag to blot oat sectional hatred work apoa the feelings of the people sad faa the flames to gain their pOtUkni cade Lord Randolph Cbarchl wbo now aits la cabinet reap owsibte for the Uvea that bare been loe la Belfast Me visited Ulster and sought notoriety by exciting the pass! oas ot the peopia waUi they are now eating their wrath oa each other Lord Randolph swceeiilel pretty wall la wlaaiag notoriety hat Is not of the kind that should be attached to the same of owe of England' cabinet members A man who cannot ex-retro mors coatrol over an unruly tangos than Churchill eaa Is certainly not cape of taking part la the councils of nation a'BBxsT ooaaur dux ocas tic orusaurass Hartford Post The Democratic party of this state la la mock trepidation No matter what It may do it must suffer Cliques la New Hsyen will care for that end of the state unless a trace be patched op which would Impassible st this writing Is all quarters there la over tbe maldistribution of patronage There Is trouble everywhere Not tbe least of tbe demands is that for new and young men Tbe war horses except Hon James Gallagher wbo Is considered to have been very is humanly treated by Congressman Mitchell ssd Um general government must be retired that other men more able and nearer tbe people may come to tbe front Tbe Democrat were not Insensible to this necessity when Governor Waller was named bat the older office-bolding people tbs Warwicks of the day had to be fought Inch by Inch and only retired when absolutely compelled to do so This year It does not look as If this ty would be recognised for the Insane of the day mast very carefully considered lest the silk stockinged fellows refuse to vote tbe ticket at all and thes let the Be publics remain la fold tb cocmr cow stand it Sprtes said Colas So Samuel Randall and tbe 10 rigbt-of tbe Democratic party wbo voted with him to kill tbe Morrison ear-pi as resolution are to be blacklisted The country can stand It If tbe Democracy can When the Louisville Courier-Journal proposed reading these men out of tbe party nobody thought much of it but tbe New Tork Star which has passed as on administration organ Indorses suggestion Furniture Wardrooms No 18 Stato Street Lot 4 50 doz All Linen Towels 20c each worth 30c Lot 5 25 doz All Linen Towels25ceach worth 37c This Statement Shows were People are Buying their 400 yards Colored Satins only 35c per yard Value Rare May 65 per Cent Jnne 60 per Cent February 60 per Cent March 29 per Cent April 62 per Cent An Average of Nearly 60 percent over 1885 Millinery AT COST and BELOW COST AT I PARK Millinery FOR SALE $6000 Invoice and cheap at $8000 maohlne (hop steam and gas fitting etc business running In best of condition plenty of orders ahead 11 of the machinery tools engine boiler real estate bargains IN THE MERIDEN CROCKERY STORE Carries one of the best selected stocks of Foreign and Domestic Crockery and Glassware of any store in the state While ARIL1 CM TTURDDU7D I I we away9 keep a full line of low price goods we also carry a liAlluk) Ulllmi uJjAu choice selection of new rare and costly goods We can name rock bottom prices on all kinds of Bircasan i ctcl i st AT 8HBL-AXD DIO SHI ST live manufacturing city pay offered only on ao- prsonl property etc always a business that oount of other burin ts Drawers Chemises FRUIT JARS AND JELLY TUMBLERS Of which we have an immense stock S-A-AO IVES augiote Rockville Ct Steaks Brollwd Oysters 1793 Established Itreeti CORSET WAISTS BUY YOUR THE ROCHESTER LAMP STORE TH ST OX JOT urt IX A TXXT TUB LSUXD CATCH FISH daws William Loomis Miller Frank Stevenson Max Miller and Louis MLller returned Monday evening on the Cromwell road from Shelter Island where they have been camping out for tbe post two weeks Tbe party were fortunate In securing spot to pitch their tent on top of high bluff overlooking the bey They bsd good sail boat with them and enjoyed the privilege of selling about the sound and visiting sammer resorts While there they were witnesses to a drowning accident A waiter of tbe Man-hoaeeu boose swam out too far tosesjone day Help was given him but he was drowned Bine Ashing crabbing and clammtngwas tbe dally occupation of tbe boys and strong yarns are told of catching monster Ash weighing many pounds end of unearthing gigantic clams Tbe weather was a little against them Inasmuch as It ruined several times Two strong wind storms also shook them ap The last was a strong tight one and no oaa suffered All the boys returned with solid substantial mahogany color tumped on their faces which will sUy by them for several weeks some of the citizens in the vicinity and a party was being organized to drag tbe river when Miss Case Informed them that the clothing probably belonged to the man she had directed Since the discovery thst a murder has been committed all aorta of rnmors are in circulation in regard to the Identity of tbe blood-bespattered stranger ANOTHKR RUMOR was started Monday evening to the effect that the body might be that of Charles Hall constable missing prisoner of a few weeks ago Bamor said that as Hall was in possession of information that might send more than one Wallingford citizen to state prison for life 0nd Is believed by many that seme of these guilty parties have sought out hiding place and murdered him Tbe circumstances of Hall's escape and successful eluding of his pursuers were peculiar and many people have intimated that if be coaid be foud and induced to torn state's evidence there woald be a big sensation in Wallingford The rumors have been In circulation in regard to where biding place was have been numerous Some have said that he was secreted disreputable house It is not probable however that there is anything this story THX ADDRESS tbs box In which the body was found bad been carefully removed evidently with a chisel and this fact adds much to the difficulty of obtaining a clue as to where the box came from Into the possession Coroner Mix RKFUSXS TO TALK mnch on the subject and whatever conclusions he lias formed in regard to the mystery are carefully kept to himself He finally admitted however that be had been able to DISTINGUISH SOME MARKS that might lead to Important discoveries He positively refased to state where the box bad been consigned and would not say whether the merchant who had sold the box or had in hla possession was Cheshire man He also refused to state where the box was taken after the examination In the barn About all that he wonld aay was that be was satisfied that the case was one of murder and that he had some clues that probably would develop SOMETHING STARTLING IN A DAY OR TWO It was ascertained after considerable inquiry that all of the box excepting the corner on which tbe printing and other marks were had been barled by order of the coroner The cover Is In the possession of Constable Austin who after a long consultation with Coroner Mix made some extenslvo entries in his pass book hitched ap bia fleet horse and drove off IX Tint DIRECTION OF CHK8HIKIC A Wallingford citizen named Hall stated later that he bad met Austin drlv-inx like msd Into tbe town of Cheshire There Is little doubt that the clue that Coroner Mix 1s following leads In the direction of Cheshire anothbr man missing The search for Frederick Gardiner of Middletown by the New York police continues Mr Gardiner was last seen in Middletown on July 28 when he told his wife that he was golDg on his regular business trip His business was that of a wholesale frait and produce merchant On Jaly 28 29 and 30 Mr Gardiner was stopping at the Bancroft house New York Nothing has since been heard of him Ho Is 27 years old about five feet seven and a half inches tall with dark brown eyes dark moustache and balrand weighs 140 pounds When last seen he wore a light check salt of a bluish tinge and a straw hat and carried a gold watch and chain ie I iShoes BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS In order to have more room for Parlor Stoves and Ranges we have decided to offer the balance of our stockfe Oil Stores and Refrigerators at cost for tbe next 30 days People desiring anytblag in onr line would do well to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere Ijemember this offer only lasts for 30 days There were several gentlemen present Monday afternoon on Cherry street to witness tbe workings of a new furnace manufactured by the TurnerHeatlog company of this city I Ives who is one of the owners engineered tbe affair In his own peculiar manner The furnace was set upon the first floor and a pipe from It ended in a large square wooden box ap-stalra some 15 feet from the fire About one hall hour after the fire was started the temperature in the box was hoisting the mercary In a thermometer suspended on the Inside np to 380 degrees It kept growing hotter and a supply of clams oysters and porter bouse sleek was pot Inside and the glass slide shat After a few moments of confinement the edibles were taken ont cooked to a turn The guests Immediately fell to work and between monthfnls extolled on the virtues of the new apparatus It certainly showed great beating powers and will undoubtedly meet with a ready sale Tbe new heater Is manufactured at the shop on the corner of East Main and Broad street Another exhibition will be given at an early date AT- Sc ABBE ltr IWo a Colony 3 IIW FIRRl ORGANIZATION NO 25 COLONY STREET Those gentle Democrats who shudder aad feebly cry Doody shirt" every tli Bepebfieoa speaker or newspaper refers to Democratic beDdfslag la the South oru requested to rued usd consider Little extract from ea editorial La a recant Issue of the Vicksburg Poet a thorough Dem-cruAic paper Hers ta what It says The Gorton says will be a fall free aad ws believe a fair vote on the prohibition question la Hinds county The prohibition agitation has aeoom-pdahed own grant good st least has insured fair elections Now that fair election have been Inaugurated oa the prohibition question a purely local Issue why causo: we hsye fair elections for co egress met elections which involve national issues and elections In which all tbs people of the United butts are rightfully interested This Is an admission by a Southern Democratic paper that tbe charges made hr the Republican are true Now bow about the ensanguined garment? Soars of the newspaper correspondents who depend tor their pay oa tbe amount of space they All have of late been sending all aorta of yoras from New Loodoa about ex-Prestdeat Arthur's condition To rend them one would think that Mr Arthur was la the Mat stags of coasamp-11 ea The New Tork Tribune ibis sso lag parts a quietus apoa theea yams A restiemaa of this eltr who pasi severs! hours last week with ex-Prusldeat Arthur at New Loudoa said veeterday record lag tbe Oeuerafs condition view of the tortus about hi appearance and emaciated cowdluou I was meet happily surprised to see the general looking mo well I should say be weighs all of 176 pouada ta fact i know that Is bis weight from friend who told me There Is good healthy appearance to his skia none of the Aabbiaeas which has beau reported lie haa cerusly bees gala lag his con-versaUoe wa animated sad gars so Indication that ha was a sick assn He talked of taking a trip to see a friend which would taka four ha haa token the trip mvuruJ llwse of late During the ooavuraatiou General Arthur 1 tandteg around most of the time aad ao owe who hd u-ok heard of hi Ills would save thought of him as a sck a He certskaiy looks now like a mas who has mist years of Ufa before bias" Vow who wttl be the next A ve dollar per olumn panel show or to say tha tl haa one foot in the grave? mchlSyl 50 doz Hose 5c per pair 50 doz Socks 5c per pair Remember the balance of our Summer Dress Goods can now be bought for less than cost Fans Parasols Lawns Muslins Satines all at low prices JUST RECEIVED DIXkCTOaa OF THE CBOMWBLL ROAD Bkk ax oproaTuxrrT to aaxxrrr rmo-nx Tb dlroctora ot the Merldeo A railroad want over the road to la I week aad looked over the ground and sHoaUou for a furry It wa the general opinion that one could be eetab-Ltabed from Cromwell to Gllroratoeve A th! polat It would prove of great con-veoieac to people aa the only mean of crowiag Um river to two mile and a half balow at Portland By mean of tbe new ferry person could connect with the Cromwell and Connecticut Valley railroad and taro much time aad trouble The location to especially adapted for a ferry aad all wbo visited the spot were of the opinion that It wonld be a paying Institution Stock to being taken la it aad another meeting will be bald la a tow daya to take farthar action oa It WE JSf Commeuoiug to day a bonafide reduction in the prices of Wall Papers Window Shades And we would call attention to tbe fact that we are doing the best class of House Painting and Decorating Promptly add at Lower Prices than any other firm la the city owing to our having the Largest Corps of Skilled Workmenevor brought together In Meriden Get our prices before sending yonr orders elsewhere Little Somers Hyatt Great Wall Paper and Paint Depot New Figured Linen Lawns New Cheeked Nainsooks New Plain Nainsooks New Plaid Swiss Muslins New Grenadines New Veilings New Ottoman Grenadines New Organdie Muslins New White Dresses for Children New Muslin Underwear New Jersey Waists White and Black New Buttons for White Dresses New Linen Collars and Cuffs 500 New Fans 25 per cent discount on all Parasols From Alkery Park To Uu Editor of the Republican If we have a fair sample of the citizens of yoar city In those now visiting us here at Aebery pork consisting of Mr Geo Savage and wife Mrs Skerman Johnson and family Mr A Boardman and family Mr Eddie Camp and sister Bertie Mr Edwin Savage of Berlin Miss Florence Foster and others we most cheerfully Invite another delegation They ore enjoying the sea breeze and bathing here unmolested by moeqnltoea Tbe beautiful drive to Long Branch Ocean Grove Ocean Beach Spring Lake Bea Girt and places In this vicinity Invite the gay equipages of New York Pbiladel-Shlaand far off Chicago la represented by a stud of five fine animals The fishing here to good crabbing excellent and for tboae wbo wish for a sail up or down the coast a fine yacht offers every facility Mr Editor come down and verify tha aboTe Asburt Pass Wilson JVC 38 COLONY ST it a Fir aeha ky Uv Mrs John Bunting who Uvea on a farm oat la tbe western ead of th dty met with a dlstroaalag accident Monday after-30 She went out la the yard to feed ow A calf wa with Its mother and the animal got angry at Mr Buatiag Lowering Us bead aad making a more toward tha lady the onlmaJ 'a horn caught la her groin and torn the thigh muscles apart A doctor from the city was called and foesd that her woeoda though pain-fai were not fatal- Had tha wound been trifle higher np Mr Banting would have been disemboweled Her ecap was a fortunate oaa BEST ASSORTMENT Lowest Prices Merida Man tha Watar The New Haven yacht club fleet left Stony Creek at Monday morning and the Arat boat which arrived la New London with the rolling time watfl aa follows: Wild Plgaon 1:43 Flora -M Margnerlta 41 Viking 266 Maacott 3:49 Endeavor 4HX) Henry Footer and tbe rest of the brass quartette from Colony street are on board the Wild Pigeon Frank Wheeler's AH report a pleasant time Tbe carried aw yacht Kadaavor 1 away her topmast DS WILLIAMS DR BECKLEY VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the America Veterinary College of New York Office: Drug Store 48 East Mata St Merita Ooaa agnodhwty LARGEST STOCK Best Stock IIa- 44 East Male Street Meriden Conn Mb Blaxxb wul make his first speech of th Mala campaign a ftebago Lake oh Tou4oy afteraooa Aag-ust Vi Oa tM ISih ha will -at at Horvh DxrWck Mhh Sooth Paris a ad 27th Lewiston He will speak every day of ho I md la aaarty way cocaty Hoar ox-Gororaov Loag ataUro Thera waa a slight Are In tbe crockery tore of Iyea on West Main street Monday night- One of the lamps got wall tand np in the window and tha flam connected with some of the netting haaglnc near it Ive who waa In the store saw the Illumination and hla prompt action probably saved a loaa Hla hoods ware severely burned ia extinguishing the flames Sahacrlb for th Daily Ear ubuoax tr fimH.

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