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The Meriden Daily Republican from Meriden, Connecticut • 3

Meriden, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 1 r-' -y THE MERIDEN DAILY REPUBLICAN Monday August 9 1886 Meotioa MYSTERY Tkt kart The following la a record of the tern-perm tu re for the- 4 boon coding at 2 o'clock to-day aa furnished by thermometer At Sp 62 7 a 64 2 m80 bigbeat 81 lowest 67 BEIGE OF TEBBOB An Infuriated Mob Pillage Saloons and Assail tbe Soldiers Tbs motion Renewed at Noon To-Day With Terrible Removio Dead and Wounded Hloters From tbe Street JULY 17 SUCCESS THOMAS JUDGE COURT CROWDED People Brins Loach expecting to Bear Spies on the Stand Chicago 111 Ang 9 The rnmor current that August Spies would take the stand in the anarchist trial this morning served to attract tbe largest crowd that has thus far visited Judge court Among those present were Gen Parsons brother of one of the defend-f ants Michael Schwab was the first witness called He testified that he left his home 51 Florlmond street the evening of May 4 at 7 :30 and went to the Arbeiter Zeitnng office There a communication was received over tbe telephone requesting that a speaker be sent to Dee: ig Spies was the speaker wanted but he was at Haymarket and Schwab hastened there to find him bnt failed and instead saw his brother-in-law Rndolph Schnaubelt then took a car east to Clark street and boarded another going up Ciybonrn avenue to Deerlng At the factory he spoke to the strikers for about 20 minutes then stopped in a saloon had a glass of beer and some lunch and got back home abont 11 The witness farther testified that on May 4 he saw Spies for the last time in the aitsrnoon and did not see him again nntil the next morning did not walk west on Randolph street with Mr Spies was not in Crane's alley with him and did not see Spies hand his brother-in-law a package that night In the alley at Crane Schwab was cross questioned sharply at considerable length bat be stuck to bis story In reply to the qaestion yoa an the witness said: Is a question on which there is a good deal of difference of The court held that he was not compelled to answer or Angnst Spies was next called to the witness stand The noted anarchist testified that od May 4 he was one of the editors of the Arbeiter Zeitung and had held that position for six years He was also a member of the socialistic publication society Owing to the Extraordinary Low Prices and lmmense Stock I II 3 The sale ntinued another week and the same low rices Success Damask in this sale sale Toilet Qui)s are in this sale are Linen To 3ls are in this sale --ts6il Turkey RJ Table Table Line'n in this WW White Goods in this sale Lawns at Inme prices as previously advertised 41 i cji' -f You can bf now Parasols at a great discount from gular prices and also And what you wail If Gauze Underwear A nice adies Gents and Children Merino a assortment oi Ellas Sbsw of Memphis Tenois in the city visiting with Crohn Camp returned this morning from a vacation at Ashbnry Park Mr and Mrs Miles returned today from a trip to the Tbonaand Islands John Dlttmer left this morning on his vacation and will spend a week In New Tork Mias Gailmont of A 8 store has returned from a vacation trip ont of the city Lemuel Curtis returned to Vineyard on 8atnrday where his family are stopping Mr and Mrs Henry Warren returned 8atnrdayfrom Saratoga where they have been enjoying tbe summer Mrs Twlebell and family returned to-day from a two stay at tbe Hollywood's Spring honse Mr and Mrs Byrnes of Maple street will pay visit to their son Rev Patrick Byrnes of Litchfield this week Qalte comber of friends were st tbe depot this morning to see Joseph Bernstein take the train for a trip to Kansas City Prof Prescott and wife left this morn log on the train for his old home In Pennsylvania They will be absent one month Mrs John 8treicb left Saturday night for New Tork where she will take up her residence with sons of hers located In that city Kldress Lois Wentworth and Ida WJiIt-ney of tbe Shaker's community at West Pittsflhld are thg guests of Mrs Gilbert for a few weeks Joseph Fawthrop has returned from a three weeks' visit at bis home in Cromwell where he has been looking after the Improvement of his health Edwin Thompson and bride of Melrose Mass are spending a part of their honeymoon In this city with Mrs sister Mrs A Pierce Jotn Smith wife and family of Madison county arrived in the city this morning and will visit for tbe coming six weeks with Contractor John Bradley Miss Jessie Moses of South Crown street who has been qalte sick Is now convalescent and with her mother starts next week on a vacation to New Hampshire Mias Emma George of 143 8onth Colony atreet has gone to New York to spend vacation with her friend Miss Boetock who has been vlsitihgMles George for the past month Joaeph Morse who divides bta time between Meriden and the Western country ebont evenly left on the 4 o'clock train this afternoon for Kansas City He expects to be absent about one month a Zion Chareh Offlom The quarterly conference meeting of the A Zion chnrch waa held Saturday night at the honse of Jacob Vincent 46 South Colony street Elder Washington of Providence presided The following officers were elected Sen and Treas Mrs Jacob Vincent Mrs Josephine Smith and Mrs Clara Sharper Vincent Freeman Green A Cables and Mrs Vincent HEHIDBKi HOUSE KilLROl THE STOCK SUBSCRIBED FOR IVD RAILS TO BC LAID AT ONCE The Meriden Horse Railroad company is now an assured success The stock has been uken np by Messrs Wl cox CartU Lyman Rockwell I Lewis George Curtis Walter Hubbard and Bradley Tbe amount subscribed amounted to $60000 and operations on the road will commence at once It was thought by many out-aide that the stock wonld not be taken np this fall but gen Demon interested in tbe enterprise had made np their minds to pat the matter through at once and tbns save time and the city's reputation In dallying with a move that wonld proye of snch great benefit to all Us citizens Accordingly a move was made and resulted la the entire amount being virtually Uken np Operations on the road will be commenced with Immediately and it Is certain that cars will be running before cold weather Tracks will be laid over a portion of tbe route as named in the charter and the principal atreeU supplied with means of conveyance It 1 universally thought by those Interested that the new enterprise will prove a success from tbe start Meriden is to be congratulated In securing this privilege of street transit which will place It on a par with other state cities and prove of great convenience to Its citizens POISOS KU BY RATI BO TOADSTOOLS A SOX OF IV as HAS A CLOSE CALL FROM DEATH OX SATURDAY Psnl the 9 year old son of Ives vero nearly lost his life from a mistake la eating toadstools for mushrooms Saturday It seems he went with a younger brother fishing Satorday morning In a stream on his father's farm and forgetting the dinner hour remained till afternoon Tnen finding what he supposed to be mushrooms ate heartily of them Soon after be was aelted with vomiting and going home became delirious After a while be became narcotised His mother promptly administered emetics and at oeca sent for a physician Mr Ives returning with tbe doctor after obtaining the necessary medicine found the boy in a stupefied and nearly lifeless condition As last resort they began walking the boy heck and forth and with slight intermission persisted In it from a little alter 4 o'clock till after 10 at night At that time the atupor began to disappear and at midnight the boy was pot to bed awaking Sunday morning bright bat rather week and nervous To-day he is all right again Tlk A bit Cel lew or He See Washinotox Aug 9 Collector resignation and his probable successor is the leading topic talked about la treasury department and In political circles here The change is attrlbnted to dtasatlsfactloa on tbe pert of the real-pant and treasury officials with Mr Hadden' management of the office and to his civil service laps tea and complications A number of names are max lloaed as Mr Hadden successor among them Silas Bart naval oflioer at New York and Mr Blaaell of Buffalo the president' former law partner Shipping Wear New York Arrived Circassia from Glasgow argot fro Hambnag i Jan Breydel from Antwerp Dorset from The Body not yet Identified A MOST REMARKABLE CASE AH Sorts of Theories Gossip Rumors and What Thick Representative Tbe usual Sandsy qaletade of Walling ford was greatly disturbed Sunday when it became generally known that a body had been found in a shoe box over In tbe Parker Farm district on a lot owned by Charles Jones The discovery came abont In this way Edward Terrell his brother Joseph and Giles Somers were ont for a ramble In tbe lots and dlscov ered a shoe box nnder some small trees near tbe huckleberry bashes and noticed a bad odor proceeding from the box They wrenched the cover off and found the trank of a man with the head arms and legs gone They gave an alarm and word was sent to Medical Examiner Me Ganghey who viewed the remains as best be coaid at that time bat coaid find no violence on the naked lifeless trnnk He foand that the Interior of the box also contained straw Diligent search was made for some clothing or anything that woold tend to throw some light on to the Identity of the man bat none conld be foand Dr McGtaghey says the man was between 35 and 40 yeara and had been dead between five and ten days Some clots of blood were also In the box On the outside of the box marked with a pencil were these words dozen seamless Cong machine sewed 6 to 10 5 wide French toe fine stitched No 7149 Mo 1138 VISIT BY A REPUBLICAN REPRESENT TIVE There were so many stories afloat about the case that a representative of tbe Republican went to Walhngtord and over the scene this morning early and remained all day He learned that the body was discovered as stated In the foregoing on the mountain in a rough dreary unused woodpath on the Wallingford line close by the dividing line from the town of Cheshire and it was apparent that the rode box had been hauled or carried 300 or 400 feet at least It wonld appear as If tbe parties bad INTENDED TO BURY THE BODY bat were frightened off or changed their minds believing that the finding of the box wonld cause more mystery and throw suspicion from the perpetrators of the deed Tbe body could not have been very long dissected as THE BLOOD WAS FRE8H on the box although decomposition had set In and tbe odor from tbe box was almost QDendorable Sunday afternoon Constable Austin Undertaker Griswold Storrs Hall and Martin went over the grounds and had great difficulty to find tbe box tbe man who first discovered it being unable to locate It They finally bad to send for an employe of David Gaylord well acquainted with the place and after ao boar and a half's search they discovered it tbe employe baying previously seen tbe box A SCOUTING PARTY left Wallingford this forenoon to scour the woods thinking perhaps that the head arms and legs may be found In boxes or Interred bat they had not returned late this afternoon and we do Dot believe they will find anything for we are decidedly of tbe opinion tbat some of tbe missing paits have been UTILIZED BT MEDICAL STUDENTS although it is bat fair to say tbat Dr McGaogbey of Wallingford and other physicians scout such a theory Tney say It was a deliberate murder for robbery or other purposes and was Dot in the interest of medical science But we base tbe theory of Its being tbe work of a medical man on tbe fact tbat tbe cutting was scientifically performed The head waa cat off at the fifth vertebra from the apex of tbe neck to tbe end of tbe spinal bone In a manner tbat wonld have done credit to a medical college The trunk was wrapped in Ur paper used by builders This paper is water proof and a deodorizer Indicating that professionals did the work Still the physicians said that any man accustomed TO KILLING PIGS would know how to perform such a ueat job But we doubt It very much They also say that If It was the work of students they have other means of disposing of the parts not needed Bat tbe fact that tbe box was found as It was only strengthens our view as It wonld tend to throw suspicion from the students if they were the gnllty ones THE THEORY IN WALLINGFORD is that a pensioner named Albert Cooley a man of Irregular htblts drew 91800 pension nearly two weeks ago-lh New Haven and he has not been seen at his regular haunts since He had beeii employed by Charles Young of Yslesvllle a batcher and tbe supposition is that some of chums who understood butchering murdered him for his money But It he Is as Irregular as reported It is nothing strange that heshonld be missing nntil his money gave out Beside the measure of the trunk (twenty-eight Inches) does not agree with that of what would measure Cooley is known In Meriden as he worked here at one time at Paddock's meat market CHIEF FORD ON THE GROUND Chief Ford knowing that a Meriden mechanic named Patrick Kinney of No 20 North First street was missing for two weeks wlthoot his family knowing anything of him went to the scene bnt wax satisfied after an investigation that ha waa not tbe man COBOMIK MIX came to Wallingford thls morning and with Constable Austin went over the grounds returning shortly after noon Tbe coroner amid he had not foand anything that had aot been already known In the afternoon a post mortem examination was made and the body was In a worse state than Snnday but It revealed nothing Indicating poison SHOULD BB DISCOVERED It wonld seem that ifj pains were taken the perpetrators of this horrible crime might be discovered Tbe shoe box has a trade mark and numbers In stencil a record of which is probably kept at the factory that shipped the goods This might be followed to the retailer who In tarn might be able to tell how he disposes of his empty boxes and in this way lead to the detection of the criminals A Massachusetts MpMary Boston Ang 9 At 2 yesterday aa unknown middle aged man was foand lying insensible on the Fitcnbarg rnilrord near We ton Maas with a ballet wound In hie temple apparently self-inflicted A pistol lty beelde him and In his pocket were several cartridges He died in the hospital here at 5 :30 without having recovered cenaciouaneaa LOCAL NOTICES Colli A Miller reliable Palace block Main streets' or bread plea and cake made from flrtcLas floor light and fresh go to 78 Eaat Main street Hare yoa tried wood? Too will get more for $1 cash than anywhere else try him office 16 East Main street Yard corner Cooper and Cherry streets A fall line of perfumery toilet articles etc always om hand at Babb's Pharmacy 16 Waet Mala street The City Hotel thoroughly renovated 90 first class rooms the finest restaurant la the city regular dinner from IS to 9 40 cental table boarders taken I shall endeavor to make this a first class family hoteL Restaurant open from 6 a to Up Dillon Carpets cleaned st short notice st Mathews' Dye House tf grocers iTxma The bane yesterday waa postponed owing to the a mall attendance The Anchor Social club will picnic at Terrace Garden on Saturday of tbla week Joseph Morse acid the Lewis 8 Green place on West Main street to-day to Andrew Bluer The Ladle' Charitable Sawing society will be organised next Sunday at St church John Plods and Mia Aadela Cicero were married by City Clerk Selah A Hnll this afternoon Canton Meriden No 2 will meet tonight tor initiation and the transaction of Important bnaines The bicyclists in camp at Shelter Island are expected back this evening or to-morrow morning The Meriden Military band will give another open air concert at the Town ball band stand on Friday evening The Meriden Military band will meet for rehearsal to-morrow (Tuesday) evening in their rooms In Wilcox block Ban of marriage were published for the firs time Sandsy between John Walsh and Mary Marray ax St Eoae's chnrch Thomas Smith of Hanover street who has been ailing for the past year baa bad an 111 urn recently and is aot as well Meriden people by the hundred spent the Sabbath at the shore resorts The early morning train Snnday proves very convenient one Bee ham brought to this office today a Fair Sweet bough apple grown on tree in his yard this season that measure 11 inches la circumference The peach trains with open sides and emitting fragrant odor will commence running through to-morrow One was expected on Snnday bat the cool weather kept it back St Kom i A society will give one of their popular entertainments is October next The St Aloysios society at their meeting Sunday admitted five new member to their roil call Superintendent Howe of the Reform school went to New Toik this af ter noon to select the books for the school library provided for by tbe donation of ilon I Lewis Mr Howe will be absent an til Thorax's Spreweaberg tbe tobacconist of this city formerly located at the corner of Railroad avenue and West Main street has rented a large store on Chapel street New Haveo end wlU open la September with line of tobacco Rev Father McAleney will give the choir and pew collector of hi pariah their annas! picnic on Thursday The poiot of attraction wilt be Com pounce pond end start will be made from the i church at o'clock in the morning The Juvenile Tamer held a meeting yesterday morning and transacted regular business It was decided to hold a price turning match at Schnlten park some lime In September and invite neighboring societies A visit to the New Britain Juvenile will be made soon The funeral of Alweena Barr took place Sanday afternoon at 8 from the German Lutheran chnrch Rev Mr Kraft officiated Tbe remains were followed to the grave by ebont 200 Snnday school scholars the glrlAbelog dressed la while end bearing flows The A picnic to have taken place at Terrace Garden on Saturday afternoon and evening was poatpoaaed an til Saturday August 28 The game of baa ball between the Resolute and Atlantic of New Haven Saturday afternoon was also postponed on account of tbs rain Several geaUesoen who went ap to the reservoir on Sunday report that the source of the city's water aopply Is In aa excellent condition Situated as it is tbe appearance is perfectly satisfactory sod consumer should feel entirely satisfied that reservoir is shoaled as finely as any In the country William Robbias the brake mao killed ou the Consolidated road la this city Friday was a member of Charter Oak lodge of Odd Fallow of Hartford and an loss ranee of 600 will be paid to his moth Tbe faneral was held at the Congregational church In Rocky HU1 on Sunday Some twenty -five of the Brotherhood of Brakameu from Hartford attended and fare Lebed the pall bearers lav Holds Floto an employs at Miller A Co met with a painful accldant this morning While working around cutting machine she caught her hand la some pert of the machinery and the fleshy part of the hand between the finger and thumb was torn open Dr Hug bee sewed op the cut and dressed the wound A IN law rim to The Qulnnlptnc Fertiliser company of New London la embarrassed william Baker of Bouton has been appointed assignee The bunk of commerce the National Union bank and City National bank of New London each lose 930000 Liabilities 21 1 000 assets All at very lowtorices 1 vi Belfast Ang The excitement that has prevailed in Belfast for several days Increases rather than diminishes and a veritable reign of terror exists About noon yesterday a formidable mob collected on the old bridge road and began indiscriminately to attack buildings men women and children no provocation for the demonstration being apparent Tbe police were early on handand probably by abundant experience gained the past week resorted to drastic measures at once The arrival of the police was announced by a fusllade from their gnns and the crowd with frightful yells and imprecations scattered several of the rioters were struck by shots but none severely injured In the afternoon crowds again assembled on the Grosyenor and Springfield roads and renewed the scenes of the morning Stones bolts bottles and every sort of missile filled the air and the occasional crack of a pistol was heard The mob increased in numbers and a panic seized the peacef nl portion of the inhabitants of the district They attempted to escape to other parts of the town and were set npon by the rioters and some of them terribly beaten Fortunately at this juncture an adequate force of military arrived and the mob fell sullenly back fear Ing a volley Comparative quiet reigned after this nntil eight in the eve ning when immense crowds took poses sion of the streets exasperated by their repnlse and frenzied by drink As if by prearrangement the crowd lost no time in paying their respects to the wine stores not one of which in the vicinity of the scene of their operations escaped their visitation Their manner of treating these objects of attacks differed bnt slightly from the attention showed Mr place daring the not of Jane 11 The furniture etc was demolished and the wine beer and spirits carried ont and served to the crowd Again the military appeared in force bnt the mob now maddened instead of dispersing presented a determined front and showered stones into the ranks The order was giyen to fire and a deadly volley was poured into the thick of the crowd Two men fell dead another fatally wounded and snch howls went np from the mob as left no donbt of the accuracy of the aim or deadly intent of the soldiers The crowd after venting its rage on the soldiers discreetly retired before the volley was repeated As the mob fell back thirty or forty wounded men were found in the street These were picked np and carried to the hospital and perhaps as many more found their way there on foot for treatment Several of those taken to the hospital were found not to be serioasly wounded and were treated and discharged Twenty-six of them were discovered to be very seriously injured and were retained One of them a boy has slnee died lotion Renewed To-Day Rioting was renewed here this morning and desperate fighting between the mob and the police assisted by the military has been going on since an early hour At this writing the fighting is growing fiercer and assuming large proportions The rioters are showing no mercy the police firing into their ranks and remorselessly shooting them down as though they were wild beasts So far this morning 80 persons have been brought to the hospitals for gnn shot wounds Thus far the police reports show that 11 persons have been killed and folly 160 serioasly wonnded since Saturday evening A majority of the wounded are suffering from gnn shot wonnds A soldier fired at a boy at close range and shattered the hand The soldier was at once taken into custody Twelve hundred soldiers to reinforce those already here arrived to-day WHAT THE FUTURE MAY SHOW Interesting Development Expected tbe Sqolre-Flynn Ce New York Aug 9 The grand jury continued their inquiry into the Squlre-Flynn matter to-day Mayor Grace ex-Jndge Spencer Spier Jr and a number of former employes 5 of the department of pnblic works were the witnesses The utmost secrecy is observed Developments of an Interesting character aie looked for when the grand jury bring in the documents representing tbe result of their labors The first witness called to-day in the Sqnlre case was Mr William Ivins tbe present city chamberlain and private secretary to Mayor Grace daring the first term Witness testified tbat he first heard of the Sqnlre-Flynn letter abont the middle of December of last year Hubert Thompson told him that he (Thompson) possessed control over the department of pnblic works through Mr Squire and that Sqnlre conld be got ont of the office of commissioner of public works whenever It might be desirable to have him oat Some time later the witness had a conversation with Mr Sqnlre acknowledged having written the letter and said it was in the hands of Mr Newcombe connsel but that he intended to write a letter to the mayor cancelling it Caught on a Calvert Hudson Mass Ang 9 John Witney a Stow farmer aged 27 was canght by a Marlboro branch train last night while walking on a culvert near Maynard and both legs were nearly severed from the body He died late last night The Pope' nine London Ang 9 The Rome correspondent telegraphs that the Pope had two fainting spells on Saturday He is much exhausted but continues to perform his nsnal duties His physicians have no fear of a fatal result and have every hope of his speedy recovery Will Represent Midlothian London Ang 9 Mr Gladstone baa decided to represent Midlothian in the new house of commons He had been returned for both Midlothian and tbe Lleth Burghs and could not sit for either constituency NSW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE General Summary Naw YOBE Ang 9 Money 2 per oent exchange quiet 4841 to 48 6 government firm currency 6 126 bid 4a oonpons 12S bid 4 ado U1X bid The took market opened quiet bat declined fractionally during the Erst few transaction bat toward 10 20 the market stiffened on supporting orders and at the time of writing figure are to 1 per seat higher IVES UPHAM RAND CONTINUE THEIE Clearing Out Sale Of Summer Merchandise I AT- GREAT DISCOUNTS Bircaiaa are not Confined their Hot Weather to Dress Goods UNDERGARMENTS QLOVES HOSIERY PARASOLS LAWNS ItHilli Cai4fitiIi(iiti Screens Horse Covers Carriage Dusters but extend to other Goods which should be secured in anticipation of future wants notably Carpets which Manufacturers have advanced in price since our purchase IVES UPHAM AND Ivldii Dry Mi Cup( Dunn Underwear The sale Inaugurated last week on Ladies Muslin iJnder wear will be continued aud at same lo prices THE AUGUSTA STRIKE- till to Bbut Down To-morrow and 4000 Operative will bo Thrown Ont of Work Augusta Ga Aug 9 Several weeks ago the Augusta factory operatives struck for an advance of wages They numbered 600 Since that time there has been much diplomacy between the Knights of Labor and the proprietors The strike was sustained by the other factories To offset this organization the six cotton mill presidents organized for protection against the Knights and this morning decided that the quickest and best way to settle all trouble at the mills was to notify tbe operatives that unless the strikers in the Augusta factory returned to work to-morrow morning all the mills in tbe citv wonld be shut dowD The Knights of Labor regard tbe action of the mill presidents as a lockout and will do the best they can The Augusta factory operatives have decided not to go back at the old rates The mills will therefore be shut down to-morrow and 4000 operatives will be idle this week Geronlmo'i Llit Tombstone Arlz Aug 9 Details of raid by band near Ures have been received A wagon train was attacked and four Mexican teamsters killed The Indians then raided near Mineas Pretras and killed two wood-choppers and disappeared in the direction of Caneja stealing horses and committing other depredations The country is aroused and ranches for miles around are being abandoned Another Account Three different accounts have been received relative the Indian raid near Ures last week One wa9 that they killed eleven teamsters All Americans and forty mules Another said seven Mexicans and two Americans were killed The last and probably more reliable report is that they attacked a train of four wagons and killed fonr Mexican teamsters thence raided near Mileras Prietras and killed two Mexican wood choppers then made another detonr and raided round back toward the Mnlatos mountains stealing horses as they went and came from the direction of Puerto Car-nejo their old trail The country is terrorized and ranches for almost a hundred miles around will be abandonded It Is thought to be a portion of Geronl band sent out by him to divert tbe attention of Captain Lawton who has been pressing the wily chieftain to his utmost Geronlmo Is engineering for time What his next manoeuvre will be none can tell but it is highly probable that pursuit has been so pertinacious that he has concluded that the Sierra Madres are untennable The moon Is out and we may expect to hear from him on some flank movement up here or on some Mexican base of operations very soon Patrolling Peabody street Peabody Mass- Aug 9 The local police force which with specials numbered 20 seven officers from Salem and a citizen vigilance commiteee numbering 25 patrolled the streets this morning seven workmen were conveyed by wagon from their boarding honse to their work under a strong guard No strikers were In the streets bnt there was no hostile demonstration the show of anthority having evidently daunted the mob Drowned From a Row Boat Chicago III Ang 9 At a picnic of 8wlft A packing bouse at Cedar Lake Ind yesterday a party of five went ont in a row boat When in tbe middle of tbe lake tome of the party began rocking the boat The sport went farther than was Intended and the boat was capsized Miss Julia Sullivan and a young man whose name conld not be learned wore drowned Yacht Leave Newport Newport I Aug 9 The yachts started for New Bedford from Reef lightship at 11 o'clock this morning There was a good sailing breeze from the southwest a day above all for race and the fleet started ont nnder fall Ball for New Bedford with every Inch of canvass drawing Death of a Prominent Preacher Newbubyport Mass Ang The Rev Randolph Campbell who for half a century has been one of the most prominent clergymen of Essex county died this morning aged 77 He was born in Woodbrldge educated at Princeton and called 40 years ago by the fourth religions society here Saratoga Race Saratoga Weather clear and warm Attendance fair Track fast First race purse 9300 for two year olds five furlongs Rebellion first Cora second Bradburn third Time 1 :05 Mutuals paid $1430 WsSr Jersey Waists -SfJl fr Jj No such assortment ever in the city and never such loWprices- MILLINERY Hats at 25 $nts that were 50 v- Hats at 39 mts that were 75 All being of the latest shapes j- No old good Had a great sale on them the past week virfgr- 'aaa A THOMAS i isat.

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