The Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts • Page 8
- Publication:
- The Fitchburg Sentineli
- Location:
- Fitchburg, Massachusetts
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
SWCIW. ThoM Wbe KeprfstsUed It to This Coun IMr-Cops df Cwsw if you Clearance Sale BEST 3r GOES FAR TlfEST) I ITnrivarled, for bigestibility, Stifength and Delicacy of Flavor. PERFECTLY PURE. BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS AND RUBBERS, Commencing Saturday. February 4, and March 1st, will continue Thirty Days.
Tour Opportunity to Save Money. IT yon arr need of anjlfalntr in Footwear it will pat joo well to call and examiue oar stock belort buying elsewhere Out Spring goods will commeoce to arrive, and we must have the room now occupied bj Winter Overcoats and UUter; hence we ve made another cut in prices, and quote a few here: Good Warm Heavy Serviceable Ulsters, now $5 00 each, many bargain ie have to offrr: Ten Dollar Blue Chinchilla UUtero, now G.75. Very Heavy, Extra Long Shetland Ulster, were Ten Dol- Am, bow 17,50: Fifteen Dollar Jitters, now $11 00. Twenty DuiUr Ulsters, now $15.00. Twelve Dollar Kersey and Beaver Overcoats, now Fifteen, Sixteen and Eighteen Dollar Overcoats, $12 50.
Twenty Dollar Overcoats, now $15.00. JssrEememher also, our cut Overcoats aLd Suits. The foltoltig are a Ttir of the Lot i. We offer tare styles, of Men's Kangaroo Blucber cut Sboes at 42.40. Regular price 93.
Lot 2. offer 255 Pairs Mu's Rub- pair. Reftular price 50 cu. Lot 3. Contains two styles of Men's Felt Boots, at 60 cts.
a pair, to close. Lot 4. Men's Felt Boots, at 75 et. ft pair. Lot 5 is a Splendid Bargain.
This lot consist of eigbt different styles of 05 Lac aod Cougrtss Sbooe, iu Ca'f Patcat Leather and Heavy Winter Rntsia Sows, calf-lined. Prim through th ssle, 04. Lot 6. Men's 84 Russia Calf Bluchers, extra heavy solos for winter wear. Marked down to 92.00.
Lot 7. Contain 35 Pairs Men 'a Km- garoo Graham Toe Lace Shots Regular prioe 94; narked dosm 02 85. Lot 8, Four sIvIm of Men's Plain and Cap Toe Calf Congress Shoes at $2.75 Lot 9. We shall sell throe A ffVrent styles of 94 Patent Leather Lace Shoes lor the low price of 04.15. Lot 10.
We offer two styles of Men's Patent Leather Lice Shuea. Regular prioe, nuraea aown to si vo. Lot It Consists of 300 Pirs of Men's Genuine Cork Solo Calf Shoes, Lwe aud Congress, Urabiin Toe. lingular price, 92.75; maiked down to 92.15. Lot 12.
Men First Quality Lijht Ruckle Arotiw. $1 35. Kenlar Drue). 9150. Lot LT We offer 10 diffowDt atylei of itS KriruUr oriee S1.S0.
apientna oargeio. Lot. 14 Lxties Haed eewed Braver Shs, laoneMined. iWgntar prioe, 1150. tl.lOtoelow.
Lot 15 105 Pain of Lidiee' Fiss, Bright DoiiKola Biitbm Bowls, Pastai Leather Ttpi and Plain Connnoo Sense Toes. rWultr prioe, 0250. Through this sale, 01 66 a pair, avvety pair ss ftntred. Lot Id. FAmta R.trf A Hn Vlwm, French Kid Button Boots, 0(r and umnoo oanne iocs, widths to ResrnW puoe, 30 00.
Nj 3.50 a paic. Don't fail to take advantage of this bargain. Lot 17. Ladies' Move Xid, Ftftsnel Lined and ronton Sbove, Regular pn'fte, 01 75; Ol 40 to cloie. Lot 18, Our eutiie stock of Oxford Ties, at cost, to close.
Lot 10. Three different style of Ladies' Cloth Top Button. Boots at 0200. Original prioe 0360. Lot 20.
Consists of four different stileeof Ladit-s' Brifht Poneola Hand Turned Button Boots, widths A to D. I Rettul ir price, S3; to close 03 65. Thee goods wen madf by Emery liulmee. Lot 21. Ladies'' Hgh Rntton and Two Bwkle Overshoes, jl .50.
Regular prioe, 01.75. KIMBALL The Popular "Ready to Wear" Clothiers, 178 MAIN STREET, FITCHBURG. WEBBER HAYWAED, FURNITURE, Carpet and Ranges, Onr Entire Stock Meu's Itula Calf and Velvet Slippers at cot. It has i en our cnlom wry oon to ttp a Tla ance to clone brokrri lot aud 8aH)imblr Krod. To lo ling, hll gif our patroun an pportu Uy to buy ttuv goods at prb DOJi'T FAIL TO SEE OUR UUiilN COUSTfiK.
THE BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 385 Main near City Hall. Accommodation if deilred. for fltT 1 buy and Brown Diagonal Cloth prices on Boys' arid Children's STREET. 353 of both ladies and geiiHe the Place, try Act A Bonorabljr.
iKDlASiroLw, feb, sub-corn- mitt of congress arrived here yesterday of Colonel Thompson on matter! con-nected with tbe Panama canal. 1 be ex secretary, who sat in an loralul choir, said that the first offer of tbe chalr- ansbip ot the American coinrainsion was ad to bim by Jesse SeUcmnn in and was not aceepttd until after full conference with friends and the president. and the determination 03 bis part that there was nothing inimiial to the interests of tbe United State. He denied that the Hayes administration was opposed to tb canal, but said it did want it under American control. He bad the idea when be accented tbe cumrmansDip 01 Amencnnitiug tbe annii and tried to get an American construe- ion company to buna it.
ine eottreao- niuistvstion, so far as be knew, of tbe nlTuirs of the American commission was on tbe strictest business principles. He 19 unaware of any dishonorable action this country on tbe partof tbose 1 preset ited the Panama cannl. RICHARD OLNEY OF BOSTON tlie Latest Name to He Slated as a Cabinet Possibility. Teo. 81.
The Mtissachu- setts delegation grows more confident tbiu bngiana is to nave a place in the cabinet Josiah Quincy'sstar is at ill when he calls upon Mr. Cleveland this eek be will be invited to tbe navy port folio and will accept If lie declines it is doped that Richard Oluey will be made tbe attorney general, Mr. Oluey was called to Mr. Cleveland's favorable attention some time ago, and has not been forgotten. Everyone in Boston knows 1 hat he is an able lawyer and ranks among the first at the bar, and that be an old-time Democrat.
But not everyone knows that he is a brother of Peter Olney of New York, is the close friend of Mr. Whitney and stands high in the Cleveland coun cils. ir ne uesirea tne place, mat is an Important fact; and with such influence it is felt here that Mr. Olney may become itttoiuey ueoeral, provided mat Mr. Quincy determines to remain in private 11 le.
1.K WILLING HAS HIS SAY. Ilr Miikrs fireat Claim for Popnllsts and cieieb Scores Itepabllcam. TopLiiA, Feb. 31: Governor Lewelling bus given out a statement in writing, saying that, while the Republicans are clainoi'on? in their boosting, and affect to bfilicve tbnt they have gained their point, inquiry will establish that the Populists have never lost sight of tbe one great essential in this contest, and come out of thi imbroglio secure In its possession. That essential is "the preservation of the Populist house." To wipe that out of existence, he says, was "tue dastardly mid far-reaching purpose of the Republi-cans when they in the late indirection." The governor declares that for the supreme court now to declare the laws oy iqo populist uouse invalid would be to immolate itself to the basest partisan demands, and face a wave ot public indignation unparalleled since the days when tbe notorious Judge Trescllian was followed to the scaffold by an outraged people, where they beat him with staves to avike him ascend, and then exulted at hi hut STRIKE IN PROSPECT.
Shoe Cutters Will Insist Upon an Advance In Wages, HAVERHILL, Feb. 21. The mat-tor ot a new pneo list, recently submitted to tbe shoe, manufacturers by cutters' As sembly No. IS'Jj, Kniobts of Mbor. which asks an increase of 23 cents a day for cut ting, is creating consmeranie uneasiness in the shoe district.
Nearly one-half of lie ctutu employed in tne lactones are Knicbts of Labor, and are, as a whole, sliiliefi and steady men. A from the assembly held a Terence with the manufacturer yes-teiday iu reference to the matter, and the result, was that the manufacturer- Mused to rae the edvemee. They fen erallv a-ireel, however, to refer the sul lect to tbeWmrd of conciliation lor set. tlcment, which proved satisfactory to the Knights of bbor committee. A stroiiK effort is being made to prevent a strike, but the present indications are tbat a strike mint come, esnecial thi factories where the manufacturers do not beloDij to the board of conciliation.
cutlets suy thi-y mean business, and tbe fislit for an advance in pay will be a de- tt-iniintd one. Wrecked Off Black Island. VroviDEXCE, Veil. 21, Barge Reliance. 11 Rvmliiaton, was wrecked on tho wc-t shore of Rlock Island.
The ve.wcl which left Philadelphia four days ago for Boston or Cape Cod points," with a cargo of 1450 tons of coal, belonged to the Read-int! Railroad company, and was valued at ftf.OUO. She Kilt be a total loss. The captain and crew of three men were urowiii'U uciore assistance couta reacn Tliirtv-Tivo Rounder. ProvipeSCE, Feb. 21.
In the gamiest nod pluckiest, ring contest that ever oc curred in this state, Martin Flaherty ot Lowell, defeated Bobby Burns in 32 rounds by a complete knockout. Half a dozen times Flaherty was saved by the bell in tbe earlier rounds. Ho was repeatedly knocked down, and took terrific punching on the belly and jaw throughout the entire conflict. Won't Talift the Bisk. Chicago, Feb.
kI. The Chicagosirttch-nieii have made up their mind that thvy cautiot afford to strike this spring since all the roads have announced that the; will not accede to their demands for hifther rrhges. THE WEATHER INDICATIONS. Almaxac tou TtrESDAV, Fes. SI.
BCK Rtr RWIMook Xfm sa I FttLh Ska 3 oo Sen Englanfl: Genernllj fair; westerly winds and risine; Wmperature, followed by increasing cloudiness and threatening weather dnrlne the night. A Yankee Bllztard. HOSTO, Feb. 21. A tvlld storm, rising to the ferocftj of a blissard, swept over New England vestenliy.
It passed from Oswego, X. tdPortlaoS Sunday night, and the barometer fell to 98.7B low ft reading as it ever recorded. As wm the severest of the winter In New England, and, In truth, a regal Wttierd. At Portland tbe wmrwrest wm rle jrrees above ro, at Northfteld, 3 de-jrreee, and at Albany I degrees. The gale Boston Shoe Store, A.
G. NEWTON 182 MAIN STREET, FITCHBURfi. A Crisis in the Affairt of the Reading Combine. CREATES A SCARE IN STOCK MARKETS. Tlif Proceedings Brought About by Ex-Seualor Piatt.
Pltll rELPHtA, Feb. 21 Reading mat-In to a crisis yesterday afternoon when Judge Hellas appointed receivers. This proceeding was brought by ex-Senator Thomas C. Piatt ot Xeu. York, a bolder of third preference bauds.
The receiveisare A. McLeod, tbe president of tbe company: Cnief Justice Edward M. Pn.ion of tbe supreme court and Elisha P. Wilbur, e-preBident of. the Lehigh Yallc-v Kailroad com Dan v.
"The of each receiver vu fixed dt WXI.OOO, for which the? are to enter tbeit own booil. George L. Crawiora was anoointed master. Tbe bill says that tbe third preference income iiiottgave bonds amount to more than weve secured by a for insurance on lives and granting ao- tiuitiec. During the fiscal year ending Nov, 30, li92, the net earnings were sufficient to pay 5 per cent, and the railroad coinpuuy, prior to Feb.
4, 1S93, gave public notice that 5 oer cent Oil the third prefer ence bonds Would Be Paid Feb. 1, 1803. The complainant holds 35,000 third preference bonds. His demand for pay ment of Interest wm refotudoy tbe rail roiiu company, rue om declares tnat tne Read lug couutaay, though possessed of (tropic property, if the same be judiciously administered and held together, to pay All their Indebtedness, is insolvent in the sense that It is without funds sufficient to pay iudeMeUuesa actually matured, or which will within a short time mature. Tbe order of tbe court appointluc the receivers directs them to continue the biwliicss of the railroad company and of the coal and iron cormonny, and enjoins tue uciumianrs ana all otber persons irom interfering with the receivers.
George Earle, fe president of the Finance company of Pennsylvania and commercial agent ror xne Heading roau. When naked tbe cause of the present difficulty, Mr. Earle said it was due to every, body demanding their money at once. which was unnecessary, for the company Was Able to Pay Its Debts. When it was announced iu the Stock Exchange for tbe third time that Reading would be in the hands of receivers the stock rose from 1 to 14 1-5, During the last hour Read inx fotuid better support ami there was fairly tood buying, which produced a recovery to In the meantime Xew Engtand, from a decline in tlw morning of fir points toitfS-B, lallicd to405-8at the cLose-a fractional over Saturday.
One of the effects of the panic in Reading was the failure ot Ritchie Co. and W. A. Si stock brokers. Both tfrnis were caught "long" on Reading.
An Oplnlou from ItoAtou. KostoX, Feb. 21. -The Boston News Ifureau gives as the true story of the lieadmK-New England, while the Consolidated was "pinching" New York and New England, Mr, ileLeod climbed Tbe fence aud announced that the ct ol the Now England had been purchased In the open market. Becoming convinced of this, Morgan went toreLeod and asked him to baud over tbe same to him, but the Reading man refused, Then Mr.
McLeod looked up the control ct the New York and New England, and his friends immediately began selling short on Reading stuck. The Reading today is worth intrinsically (10 a share more it was ever worth before, l'orcrrt to the Wair. Ntw York, Feb. 21. The tension at tbe Consolidated tCxohause was boo cceat for many of the firms nod yesterday after-noon some failures began to be an nounced.
The first was F. Russell of nt New street. The second was that ot T. f. Delaney, 74 Broadway, and the tbird i bat 01 Lr.
S. ieet of Broadway. The amount 01 lueir iiaoumss is unKttown, but is. not believed to be large. In the London Market.
Losdut, Feb. 31. Although news of tbe heavy sales of Rending in Wall street did not reach Chapel court until the closing, tbe movement in American rails showed that a sonre was on in New York. Heavy selling orders received bv brokers from holders of Reading were executed Immediately after the opening, and had immediately a depi easing effect upon all American railway securities. Reading dropped three noints, and Northern Pac ific two points.
Other American rails fluctuated constantly, and dropped on the average about a uoint each. As the day advanced, the attention of all wns concentrated upon the fluctuations of the railway securities, and the otber departments of the house virtually suspended business. Men watched with intensa interest the come and go of prices, guessing at tbe cause, of which nothing was known beyond the liquidation of the Reading and the bad report of the Northern Pacific committee. After an official close an exceptional amount of business was done In the street. The latest tendency was slightly To Start TJp Again.
Woon socket, R. Feb. til. The Main street woolen milts of the Harris Woolen company, which have fceen idle for itbont three years, have been sold to parties who will engage in woolen manufacturing. These are the mills built in the forties, iu which the Into Edward Harris made a world-wide reputation.
Will toe Both Feat, Fall River, Feb. 21. Francis Jlurphy tramped from Providence to frozen that gangrene has set in, and amputation will be necessary. He lives at KM County street, and his wife has one thild. Nutmeg Democrats' Choice.
New Have, Feb. 21. Fred J. Brown of Waterbury, a member of the Democratic state committee, representing the fifth district, has been elected secretary of the committee to succeed J. H.
Bwartwout of Stamford. lcnnrae4 hj Sleeves KEE'Er N. h. 2tCrW W. ForrhttH, a FitRwlltlam.
itonecatter, yers old, cnt his throat with ft twor. Despondency, caused bjr the pip aaS ft sMc child, wa the oaoas. Be wife and three chUdrea. Graven, on the charged murderlni Barnabv. has been set for Mar 23.
Mn matter was determined in the Arapahoe- county district court. Deputy District Attorney stated tojtM court tnax be thought the state would be ready June 1. Judge TbuVman said that he wauted a full and complete understanding on th: part of the state, and that they make ry preparation for a trial. After a little ouibbllna Melons namel May 2f. This was accepted by counsel for Graves, and so set by the court.
Dr. Vifaves arose and followed juugt Furnani into the sheriff's office. He wore bis usual calm exterior, and pleasantly shook bands with a number of friends. rou xlve bonds was ajked of Judiee Furman. sir' resuonded the aUornev decision, "If we don't give bonds the court can't continue tbe trial.
It we do they can; sac? It has been tested. No, sir, Dr. Graves will remain in jail until freed by due process Qf law." GRAVE YAtjfP ISSUBAMCB. Inspectors Have Ksasen for Thinking It Is Carried On In Lawrenca. LAWRENCE, Feb.
81. A detail of inspectors from the Metropolitan Insur ance company, consisting of tbe chief and 3 ICew York, their object heiue; to look into all risks held by the company here aud report to the home office. The company had reason to believe that a gigantic system of "graveyard" stirsDce was beiiiK carried on In Lawn About 1600 in premiums is collected here every week and sent to New York, but the deaths here are twice as numerous as tn Fall River. There has been a general belief for two yean that "graveyard" insurance has been practiced here to a scandalous extent. COY MUST HANG.
tie Is Disappointed at the Decision but Ha Not Given Vp Hove. Bostos. Feb. 21. William L.
Cov. the murderer, is to be hanged on Friday, his motion ior a new trial on toe ground ot the prejudice of juror William Andrew havintc been denied. The three justices, Chief Justice Mason, Aldrich and Ham mond, denied the motion. PlTTSFiELD, Feb, 21, The news ol the denial of tbe motion for a trial was communicated to murderer Coy as soon as i was received He showed verv much disappointment, having been very confident 01. a new trial, and bad nothing to s.iv.
Despite the adverse de cision, he still hopes to escape tne gal lows. ftberiir (Jrosuy will erect tbegai- fiettled Oat of Court. Salem, Feb, 21. In the superior civil court the casJ of Eugene J. Donovan against the Edison General Electric company, in an action of tort to recover for personal injuries, was settled out of court, Everything- Gone.
F.VU River, Feb. 21. -Stockholders of the Crescent mills yesterday voted to sell the property. The treasurer confessed that he bad falsified the books for years. Stockholders loe everything.
In Congress. Wa'hiscto, Feb. 21, Amendments were ottered to the sundry civil appropri-tion bill in the senate. The house passed the New York and New Jersey bridge bil aud tbe naval appropriation bill. Big Hominy Mill Hnrned.
Mt. Veesos, Feb. 21. -The large butniny mill of tbe Hudnut company was burned yesterday. Loss, fully insured.
The fire was started by spontaneous comhntou. Porfnguese Cabinet Steps Out. Lisbon, Feb. 31. Owing to ike failure of tbe cortes to approve the financial schemes of the ministry the cabinet has resigned.
Democratic Senator. Bismarck, Feb. si. N. Roach (Dem.) of GMnd Forks was elected United States senator on the 67tb ballot.
SANFORD'S Cinger TO SO RICH in health preserving properties in the midst of summer dangers that it is almost criminal to be without it. No other ginger is so pure, so speedy and afe. For the stomach, bowels and nerves, for colds, chills and touches of rheumatism, it is a panacea without an equal, Conui ingredient the i ocb brandv and ih of imponed ginccr, it is vastly inferior ts Lhe cheap, worthltj, and often dangtroui MASON HAMLIN ORGANS: Htebert Honors at all Great World'. Exhibition fttiM WSJ. OH horMTd HT pirnwnt udrnMt.
154 and 135 Tremont Boston. nnninr Ueigafle tnoeftrred and Light Jebbtag. Trralfr Blejelea Stored QsQisjjsjstdg eaUee ter ai eltveree tn am "GrctiiJt lnnrovtmcnt In Pianoi In Half a Century." (-lo'-l rtep rcymtni and rrnfrf, 353 Af Main Street, FITCHBURfi. USEFUL HOLIDAY GOODS, Dinner Sets, Umbrella Stands, Toilet Sets, Jardinieres, Ice Cream Sets, Chandeliers, Royal Worcester, Banquet Lamps, Doulton, Hanging lamps Austrian and Table Lamps, German Ware, Sconces. The best line of China and Stone Chjna Wan tbis aide of Boston.
Carpets, Art Spares, its aifl Hack HiO PRIGESS. L. SPRAGUE CO. 382 MAIN STREET, FITCHBURG. THE CLOSING-OUT ASSIGNEE SALE 353 MAIN rsd'affin? larse crowds meo.
and from reijiarbs we hear, thy mut be hetl-fngr goods Terr cheap. They haye a very large stock of the best line of CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, In the city. Saturdaj's sales were tery largo, ana a large lot 01 doming was mh. ney nau 15 extra salesmen, and all they could do to wnlt on the people This sale nmt so on, by order of the IstJgnee till every article Is sold. STOCK MUST GO QUICK.
Every item marted plain red flsures, and the old prices in black still remain to sltow the difference in prices. Outside Windows ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. Full Hue of Brackets. Hund Turned Columns, Stair Posts aud toaluMcrSs Dooth. SaslivHHn(1saiid ljullderis' Remember FFhftkh, all our own Manufacture.
Large stock of spruce. Hemlock, Lath. Shinies. Oak, Asli WahtiU, WliltewMMl, CKerry, etc, WtutiHy hand. GHAK.LES A.
PRIEST LUMBER CO. 4S WLL8T0IE ST FIT0MBUI8. 353 Main Street, i a. j. i i.
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