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The Elgin Review from Elgin, Nebraska • 2

The Elgin Reviewi
Elgin, Nebraska
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PAGE ELGIN REVIEW ELGIN NEBRASKA NOVEMBER 10 1922 FARM NEWS might bl monarch or cat the ouest whom do you PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR BOYDEN GOITRE SPECIALIST Write for Appointment J- or Information Grand Island Nebraska To Protsot Christian Mission The new political status of Kffypt carries with it certain provisos whos exact limits are not yet defined lgi whose gem-nil character and scope ri known The first proviso however seems to Insure the permanency of ths Christian missionary work Under tha new constitution all religions are fret and are protected hy the Ntute lu far as they do not Interfere with pub lie order or morals All Egyptian cltk zens are declared equal before the law and all are eligible for public offices and honors Tills situation presents to all of ths Christian missionary work In Egypt an unusual opportunity The Christian educational work Is especially face face with a challenge seldom equaled Agricultural Extension Result Both IwkI ami caw of 1000000 hen giving no return wore saved in 1921 report to the United State Department of Agricultural show when farm women practicing for the first tlfno the methods of identifying non-layers demonstrated by agricultural extension workers culled these from their (lock A certain community club of farm women report 206fhealthly chicks from hatches totaling 2-IHfl a a result of following the methods of sanitation and feodinf demonstrated by the county extension agent Husk Corn With Hogs The practice of hogging down com is becoming thoroly established in Nebraska and rightly so as gains made by hogs In the cornfield are fully as economical as those made jn the dry lot (rood alfalfa hay in a rack or tankage and shorts in a self feeder1 should be accessible to cornfield fed hogs at all times if tho most economical gains a iv to be expected A liberal supply of clean water is also very important The belief by many people that hogging down ia a wasteful practice ia not supported by those feeders who have activity tried it out It is generally considered best to fence off and thoroughly hog down a Smal patch at a time according to tho animal husbandry specialists of the University of Nebraska Agricultural College Boys Study Farm Accounts Recently the inspiring sight of fourteen boys grouped about tables totaling columns and making out tho summaries of ffcrrn account books was presented in the home of Conk- Man Who Resemble Their Mothers Said to Mora Intelligent Ra-vtrs True of Woman Do you resemble your father or mother? Men who resemble their mothers are always more Intelligent than men who resemble their father according to William Windsor psychologist "If a man resembles hi fallier hie skull 1 usually not symmetrical and he is not as intelligent us one who resembles hi mother" said Mr Windsor If a woman resembles her father she Is uauully more Intelligent than the womun who resemble her mother When a girl resembles her mother she becomes too effeminate to he Intelligent Most girls very fortunately reaemble their father" Mr Windsor haa examined mors than 50000 heada In all parts of the North American continent "Von see this skull" Mr Windsor held up a specimen was the head of a negro beggar womun In New Orleans One can easily tell that she lucked Intelligence by the dimension of the skull This skull however (he held up another) "belonged to 'Poker Meyer of Pittsburgh He distinguished himself hy seizing a red-hot poker from the stove and ramming it through a stomach" The skull was short and thick while that of th negro woman was long and narrow CHOSE POOR TIME TO LISTEN Small Donald Got Very Little Satisfaction Out of What Elders Cal ltd "Intarmlaaton" The family was encircled about the radio listening to program The receivers were being Interchanged at Intervals so thqt each member got a fair share of the entertainment "What on was a frequent remark and farther with the receiver damped on hi' ears would talk loud saying Flue I Then after a pause mother you wot to hear this vocaf number and mother would take over the receiver It came turn She enjoyed number and then he heard Intermission announced on now Betty?" someone asked and smilingly she said "It Is Intermission now" At once eight-yea Donald put out his hands appealingly for the re celvers saying want) to hear some of that" Everybody laughed and some tried to explain but he Insisted on hearing "some of ft" Mother said "Let him" so Donald listened to- ilutermlsslon and finally announced rather disgustedly I hear Indianapolis News the leader of the Hubbell Farm trouble It was very uuxloue that It Accounts Club All too often boys In 1 not be stopped lest any exschool fail to see tho practical ap- CUIP sloud be given for looting pliention of arithmetic only to wish tie district offices was there-later in life that they could correctly fore not more than 26 yards foot colums of figures interpret a from hotel- un lrreulur btttincw analysis and keen a satis tronchold uow destroyed After aev-facto i-v eral hundred men Imd quietly entered ramrino- boy" undismayed hy the rifle tire from the go rom sixteen to twenty national and rebel forces outside and yeaiH weie on their last lesson in the tlgdfed for and received their money series and were enjoying their arith- even republicans came calmly across metic and bookkeeping and the busi- G-0111 th hotel showed that they were nos principals in which their leader to payment were paid and had drilled them This work was planned and carried on- in cooperation with the Agricultural College thru the county agricultural extension agent Crowding Insects Offiolalt of 8psnith Royal Palace Cartful In Thslr Invtttlgatloit ef Sound at Night One dny so the story goes member of the royal household-of Madrid heard mdse below liu ruse and went duwastslr "It ifiust he the eat" ha thought though us rule thr eat was not pen luitted to wander about the place at I its discretion They must have" for gotten to lock It up Suppose It should wake the king I Fearful thought I Conceive the royal anger I The official hurried through the dark pussnges and at last tracked the sound to tho pantry now got you he whispered as he opened the -and beheld the king rummaging around for food I If the above story is not true It Is at least founded on fact for the king of Spain sometimes feels hungry In the middle of the night und when the pangs Imconfe poignant he seeks royal joints a you or I would seek the humbler biscuit Going Into the royal pantry he will tear off the leg of a cold fowl or quietly carve himself a slice of meat "tVe never know" said an official who figures In the story "whether It I the cat or the king London Answers RECEIVED DOLE FROM ENEMY Irish Irrsgulart Stopped In ths Middle of Fighting to Draw Their Unemployment Pay For several years the unemployed In Ireland as In Britain Imve been receiving a government dole weekly relates Nlull Honan In the Outlook The provisional government has continued this Despite the difficulties of distributing It during the recent Man calling himself the master nature nmy yet 1ms Involved In life and -death struggle with Insects for possession of the globe and In some wuys scientists declare Insects are better fitted tlsnu men for survival on earth Baked beans Rt a dollar a portion Is the plebeian bean to be driven from Its present democratic company Into the ranks of the aristocracy! This possibility la suggested by the recent Invasion of the lout hem portion of the United States by the Mexican bean beetle a bandit pest of the first magnitude that now has gained a firm foothold and Is already at work In a limited territory undermining natural resources with such telling effect that the final outcome Is matter of grave concern Beans of 11 kinds are being attacked by this bandit a kind of and entire crops are being wiped out That Word "Hysteria" There Is a lot of scientific truth pertaining to the physical nature of woman concealed In the word hysteria The classic origin of the word Is the ancient Greek the womb The sexual or mother nature of worn so Is indicated In the word as the origin of the laughter the tears and the contradictory conduct Implied bj the word hysteria When man Is called therefore the Implication Is plainly conveyed that he Is acting under the Impulses understandable and excua able (though sometimes extremely annoying) In a woman but qot permissible In a person of the male per Milwaukee Sentinel Bad Teeth aa a Racial Trait Do poor teeth run In races? According to a report made by Dr A Schoenleber of tbe medical department of the Standard Oil company to the Eugenic Research association there la a racial difference In resistance to dental decay as shown by an examination of 2J58 men of various nationalities The gleaming whiteness of the negro's teetb Is not just contrast with hit black skin these figure ahow aa the greatest proportion of perfect teeth was found among tbe Afro-Americana Polish and Austrian Jaws showed the next highest percentage of excellent teoth while English German Dan tah Norwegian and 8wedlsh subjects hewed very feeble resistance to decay The Irish bad the wont teeth of alL Why Hoover Sant Com to Russia Someone asked Mr Hoover recentl why he sent corn to Russia Instead at wheat replied the aecra tary of commerce without a moment! hesitation "for one dollar I can buy many carrying out to tto third decimal "In corn and onlj so again to the third decimal wheat I get about twice at many In corn aa In Fro "Behind the Mirrors" Syncopates It Jud Tunklna says profanity to eaaveraatton what jazs to to Washington Star Toast Proposed by Loyal Soot Worthy of a Place Evan In Scrapbook of Good Republican The following on the back of a postal curd recently received by a fOinsas I'll yim from a friend In Bruit seta It evidently was composed during the life of the late Queen Vic tori a "Noo Gentlemen fill s' your glesaes for I'm about to bring forrlt The Queen' (Applause) Our Queen gen tleinen la really a woman If I may ay It She's o' the gud atild sort ime wjilguialeerles or falderals a boot her but a douce dal-cent bodle Respectable bqyond doot Slie'a brocht up a grand family lads and lnsaes her auld eat son wad Ire a credit to ony mlther and they're weel a' dauch ter Is nae leas than married to the duke son and he IF (Cheer) Gentlemen ye'll maybe no believe It but I ance saw the Queen (Sensation) 1 did It was when I took my auld broon coo to the Perth Show I mind her sic colour I ale hair! ale (Interruptions and erlea of 'Is It tbs coo or the Queen that propos In') The Queen gentlemen I beg jrour pardon hut I wa talkin' of the coo However as to the Queen some body pointed her oot tom at the Perth Station And there she was mart and tldy-llke and says I to myself 'Gin my auld woman at ham slips ye needna remain a widow anlther boor (Cheera) gentlemen the gude the nlcht's lang the weather's weet and the roads are saft and will harm nne-body that cornea to grief So aff wl' ye every gless to the The Queen Kansas City Star ON THE ROOF OF THE WORLD Englishman's Description of Life In the Andes Mountains Makes Inter tetlng Reading In a recent expedition to Peru Mr Joseph Bareroft of the University Cambridge did some exploring In the higher Andes and made some Interest Ing discoveries which are told Is the British Medical Journal At 12000 feet cows gave milk at 18000 feet they gave little or none At! 16000 feyt there were no cow At 11000 feet fleas disappeared though Mce remained so long as there war human beings At these heights men have lived for many generations having become ae cllmntlzed to the rarefied air Many of them lived In chlmneyless and wl dowless house they had a purely communal system of government and some of Clielr customs would hardly appeal te more civilized races When native was very ill for Instance thr date of Ms- funeral was fixed without reference to his convenience and aa fflclal saw to It that he was ready to keep the appointment It was remarkabte what loads th people were able to carry at- these altitudes A boy of about thirteen! would carry toxics the Interior of a mlae a burden of forty pounds ascending a staircase with It from a point 250 fA-t below while a fnll-grown man woald carry fere hundred pounds oh metal yet the Euroggan was out of breath If he carried bis coat up slight) Incline Stump Gutter Does Work Rapidly Tree stumps tau be cut off at ground leveg or a much aa SO Inches below very rapidly by a machine described and Illustrated In the Popular Me-chantoa Magazine that does the cutting with sort of combined band and circular saw for though It Is flat like a band saw It Is Inch thick and maintains its circular shape Thu saw la related rapidly by a smell gasoltaa engine and when cutting below ground! It Is started some dlstacwe from tha stump and la sloped and fed downward so that It descends Into the ground and strikes the stump at tha desired depth After cutting through the stump the slope ef tbe saw Is reversed and It proceeds to cut upward ending by having cat oot a saucershaped section of the ground containing tbe tree stump Snrcaatle A farm hand who had worked every day In the week from dawn till late at night finishing his duties by lantern light went to the farmer at the end ef the month and said "I am going to leave You promised me a steady "Well you oner was tha astonished reply said the worker "There are three or four hours every night when I don't have anything to do except tool away my time sleeping" Want Library fer Every Ship During the recent war the American Library association placed for the uaa of the men of the merchant marina ships a total of 250000 books Tbesa books were made up Into libraries and shifted from one vessel to another Recently the American Merchant Marine Library association has been organized for the purpose of carrying on this work under the slogan "A Library for Every The Classmate American Consume Much Milk The avenge American today to a gnat milk drinker and consume twice aa much aa former generation according to the Department of Agriculture Tbe consumption of milk last year waa estimated at 44 gallons for each person not Including that used to tee cream cheese and but Exchange AAA lllillilAlAAAiAA AA Ailli TTYtTttTTTTTTT TTTTTT DR MAXWELL I Dentist ALBION NEBRASKA Dental X-Ray Work Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extracting Telephone No 800 DR HIGGINS DENTIST Dental X-Ray Work Telephone 81 Albion Nebr I FEED BARN I I New Prices EFFECTIVE JUNE 1 1922 CASH Drive In 28c Team to Hay S5c Grain and Hay Mu GREEN DR A PETERSON Physician and Surgeon ELGIN nebr DR HINMAN DENTIST Community Building: XRAY Hours 9 to 12 1 to 6 I Phone Office 18A Rea 18C elgin Nebraska 1 Bunahadsa That 8it Over tha HaL Tourists In Greece during the last nmmer have been struck by the offered In the streets of Athena They are of light silk or muslin without a crown of any description as they are built over a large light frame that fits over the regulation hat Though known under the name of hats they are In better truth son-ahades They are said to lessen materially the discomfort of the Mediterranean sun and to be In general use In Greece Perhaps we shall yet fa them on this side of the ocean-Scientific American PROFESSIONAL CARDS JchRIS RINGS Drayman AH work In my line promptly and carefully handled 4-4-H- dr McCarthy PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Community Building X-RAY A SPECIALTY Office Hours 9 to 12 2 to 6 7 to 8:80 Sunday 9 to 12 Or by Appointment Phone Office ISA Res 18B The Food A child should not be allowed to make his entire meal from one or two articles he needs a variety of foods to aupply all kinds of growing materials He can not develop normally unless he has this variety Every day tha dieLof ISt cbiltLjhftuld rpotain some milk eggs fish fowl or meat bread and cereals vegetables fruits sweets and fats Milk is the best and moat important food for growing children say the nutrition specialists of the of Agricultural College Children over 5 years of age should have at least three cups a day If children rebel against milk It may be given in the form of cocoa milk soups custards etc Whore plenty of milk and egg several times a week are included in the diet of the child very little meat need bo given before the seventh yr Bread cereals and other grain products should furnish at least one-third of the food required by the child Cereals and flour with some of the outside of tho grain are more nourishing than the refined flours Hence entire wheat flour and brown rice are bettor than white flour and white rice They also help to prevent constipation Vegetables which are a very essential part of the diet also help to guard against constipation Often- timee hunger is due to the absence of vegetables in the meals and children who crave more food find their ap-1 petite satisfied where vegetables are given regularly There should bo some fruit in the diet every day Where fresh fruit is not possible use dried fruits Children should have a small amount of sweets given at the end of a meal never between meals or at the beginning of a meal They spoil the appetite for other necessary food Fat ia essential for growing Milk fat is the most important kind so children should have unskimmed milk More than 1600 technically trained Persons according to reports to the United State Department are employed in studying fanning problems in the State agricultural experiment stations In 1921 400 publications were issued containing results of their work Saffron One Royal Color In Ireland saffron early became a al color and for a long period after such exclusiveness was taken away In Erin the yellr saffron dyed shirt remained a mark or social distinction to the Hebrides In arf saffron was much employed In medieval Illuminated manuscripts In combination with tin foil as a substitute for gold and of course at all periods the color-tog of many textiles wa done wUb fettle crocus stigmas POSTPONED of Purebred 107 HEAD 107 92 Durocs 9 Spotted Polands 6 Stockers at my place of residence in ELGIN NEBRASKA two blocks south and one block east of the Catholic church on Saturday November 18th Sale to Start at 1 92 Duroc Jerseys Consisting of 12 tried sows four of which have litters at feet 3 has 8 pigs each and one 6 40 spring gilts weighing from 140 to 150 pounds each 8 spring boars weight from 140 to 150 pounds each 2 matured boars These hogs are alll from purebred sires and dams and were purchased from Emanuel Uhrenholdt 9 Spotted Poland Chinas 8 head of purebred Spotted Poland China sows All have litters of 9 pigs each at feet 1 Spotted Poland China boar 4 6 Head of Red Stock Hogs One house moving outfit One windmill One small gas engine One soft coal heating stove All hogs purchased will be delivered under 12 miles All hogs are vaccinated and are supposed to be cholera immune TERMS: $20 and under cash over that amount one years time will be given purchaser giving bankable note drawing 10 per cent interest from date Col John Hadds Auct CUS BEELART SALE Owner Geo Seymour Clerk.

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