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The Cairo Record from Cairo, Nebraska • 3

The Cairo Recordi
Cairo, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HIE RECORD CAIRO NEBRASKA SWAP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMEHTS Lyle Johnson 2-year-old eon of Ur and Ura Alhsrt Johnson living near Kearney fall Into a water trough and was dro wned bef bre assistance reach edhlm' The- Rev Richardson pastor of the Baptist church at Hastings for seven years has resigned and has accepted -a call to Stanncs Baptist church Seattle' Wish All local mortality records were -believed tp have been broken when-no deaths were reported In Falla City for a two-month -period ending 8uii day Postmaster General Halier) Work and John It Bnrjlett first' assistant Marlta Vl Hastings expto-tancy when I nauseated Dr fierce'! Favorite PrescripUonproved j': mat benefldal to mevl took only Dne battle but found It to hare -tools value Am very glad In-' to recommend Mrs Marita L'trUger 313 Lexington Your health la mart Important to yon It'e easily Improved 'AJ yon It's easily Improved Just ask your nearest druggist for this of Dr in tablet or There Is only one medicine that really standi oat pre-eminent a medicine for curable ailment of the kidney liver end bladder 1 'Dr' Swamp -Root standi the highest for the reason that it haa pram to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousand! of distressing rases Swamp-Root' makes friends quickly be-1 ranse its mild ahd immediats effect is soon realised ip most rases It a gen tie healing vegetable compound Start treatment at once Sold it all drug store in bottles of two sises medium nnd large i- However -if you wish first' to test this grant preparation send ten rants to Dr Kilmer A Co Binghamton for if sample bottle When writing be sotn and' this Advertisement The French! governmentlsrniakfhg an appeal to Arabrlonn wldlcre who extended "their actlvltiesu sotgenir hunters by taking fragments from the historic Rheima cathedraC tolsehd these mementos ba ck flh el ras Thousands members of the A i K- visited thecathedHil and many tor-' rled si way statuary and othr 'ele meats of- fabric from the structure Some bt theee- were priceless to the French'' iTh reconstruction efforts alm to- repltce 11 portions that can SSSISSI DYED HER DRAPERIES SKIRT AND A SWEATER WITHDIAMOND DYES JS tains-directions so sn dys or- tint tkist say woman' drrasei' wairts costs -t lencner na siuien yorigoi M)iom-SSfflSlSdpSsSSW-like: Jthmerka iei shy-wtlt Buy other- take up hef work In the inlsslon field Vind tTitoTi nerfeat tirmui Ainff (t Mtnib 7 A kind-then perfect home kdMkgnw- RuraritTliierrebt teacher has sailed for Bogot4 ColouK News of All Kinds Gathered From Yarioni Points Ihnmghout The State railway commission has begun a probe of Ik live stock situation in the Tlie Omaha Club la the largest organization of Its kind lnr the world' Its memberslilp totaling nearly Four members of the family of Ray mond JIcGulcr farmer ntor -Wymore were poisoned presuirtuhly'from eg tips Canned Slxtytwo head of hdgs'soU tor an average of 108 a head st the lMmlg snle-i aTTyrork'- Nineteen others brought fl30 ea Wirh-the central west the threshold of a serlous ir shortage (VnreK ihor McKelvle-has ajqiealed to shippers to load 'thelr tort tp caimdty7 vj There Is a shortage of labor In Otoe connty and "fanners are endeavoring' to get men to and husk corn- with but very Utfle success Bapllsts of Fremonf sr completing a nqw pressed brlek church which win take plnce sutong the fluent buildings ft Its kind In' this pr of the Ulal Noas Ranta telcphon opers- la in 'a hospital at Orqnd Island ptlnfully but- nof serlously: Injured as thd result of an' automobile accident Foll CltPs iChamber' of (Bommeree tnemhefship was lhcressed 'from' IKS Jo gjg-as Shlp drlve whlch hos Just terminated Coal has berii found on thi- rpweUfarmflfteen -mil to 'north kllnstare Pin pebbles df: thpiiuel have hrbught to 'the surfara by rraftospr-Robert Thomsen ploncra more than forty years of his life to the education of boys' and girls Is dead at his home at Plalnview The -Fremont Commerical dub is presenting tags th all visiting autolsts stating card entitles yon to park yonr car-anywhere yon please as long as you please and protects you from anyunlhtentlonal of 'local traffic liilea" -Laura Longa ere of Engl years old who won first prize at the state fair among children needle work-era for a doll's sweater won second prize at the Cain county falr at Weeping Watpr with an embroidered buffet et Bhe jCompeted with woinen for the award The largest vote efer Shown In city election at Clay Center was cost in a special election to decide Upon the installatloirof a city sewerage and dty well 413 votes bring coat' tJuder a hrferenilum 334 votes were cast In of tbe sewerage project which It Is expected will cost G6000 -The Scott Rian County Cow Tdst Ing association first to be organized In Nebraska has finished its first twelve months Under the supervision of tkrl JL Jtydberg tester for the association records were kept of the milk pud butterflit production of every cow in the county belonging-to the aksoclatlqh and many' unprofitable eowe 11 Hunk of University Place- Is a descendant of the lost soldier of the ucnxuuoui ujl uic uun awiuicr ui m-ji R-evutntUmnry w- Ills great gran father was Daniel Frederick -Rakenmn a resident of Cattaraugus county New York II served during the last tour years of the Revolution under Captain Van Afnurn and Colonel Willett bi tlie New York troops By sjieelal act of congre he wps pensioned atjlie rate of $HOO a year on a certificate that was Issued on Jply 17 1867 -lie was tbe last pensioned soldier of the war'and 10- died in 1809 at the age of 109 Agricultural workers in carrying the- results of research by the United Stateq Detriment of Agriculture and the State agrlcnltuml coTleges to the farmer visited 600000 farms in 1021 and held 1211000 community and other meetings with an attendance of 0006-000 Over 350000 farmers Introduced legume prlnrijirily- snyans -cow- -v -5 HfSrVr GivesOldCapesGlowofNew TfM M'J vj Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes jer tints you wlsti A it QtiQyer(m0 Lig wear maderi KEY Ovwrils and Work Pat rthchMt Workfar-Wdi Mataroaraalmr BMtqwUtyin ft woiwmitilp throuffhout Catfar art SatiibctlaaznafantMdarvMrBMMF back If jew dwlir I mt afiroar tlx writ TH MeXKY HFCkCa IUqim Citjr lla "i1- Ll postmaster general will ho in Omaha liter get her 13 Novfm for a conference with postal employes of the state' The the Ktoi will be Thf seventeenth annual meeting of riinska State Nurse'S association held at Oiniibh October SOfil Nurses from all parts -of the state are expected tO' be in attendance: 'Weylth Casei' assistant postmaster st Gordon wss stnng by few morfient later entire' face nd body toob'on ayAark purple cotbr nd blood-poisoning' is of Ord have threatened-n wrikont lf Jheclty conniclt Insists In tnrningovef to- the public library board certaln yooms vthat had 'been previously-assigned to the firemm -8everal Oagecoohty have quit business temporarily be? canyeof i 'shortageof jgraln carfv MratVoftheAleyatoraarfilledto bvbrflowing wlth 'wheat and corn Tlie buildings and of th company makers' of refrlgerstors 'andvlncubat onSTretofally'" flteotrpyvdiby far Inarlan at Qplumbna for the peat year will bit inuiuerredjy Ulwonrl yember L'fte hascompletedtubercu-losls eradication In Nebraska jetrltory lEhe kemeyDramsitlc leogae hag 'a IJttle Theater movement and already has part of a building fnndavatlabS) 'This money has been- raised aolialy through rcommnnlteLZ 'plays- George Rvsaonii living near Broken Row is falsing some monster sweet poptntocs having on exhllittloa three which Weigh fifteen pounds The largest tlpe the scales st seven-pounds 1 Carl Allard manager of store1 at Erickson was found dead- In his enr 15 rnlito northeast of Ordpfter bring missed lS hours It -4a thonglit he was overcome with gae while taking a rest from driving Governor UcKrivie has appointed Alexander UcFarlaue president of the Friend commercial club a delegate to Jhe southern cdiuincrclal conference to be held In Chicago Noveny her 20-22 'Sergeant Albright member of the crewf of tbe C-2 giant dlrglblo ro-rently wrecked et Sen Antonio Tex Is a Nebraska youth IBS borne Is at Hooper Dodge- eounty wliere bis rein ti ves Teslde Yeggmcn forced their way Into the balik of Hallaiu In Lancaster county knocked the combination off the safe but after blowing off the doorwlth dynamite were frightened a Wow without obtaining loot fn the nritflihorbodd of Anselmo complaln that their "ho signs have been: disregarded -by hunters wlrarvut iho fences and leave' the gatto opto without even attempt-k lugto repair the damages joe son of lir-nndUhs Charles Wagner llv- sbofgnn 4ore away bis rap and partly altered the ride of bis bead Because-of ctrricssnes of hunters In leaving gates open and lotting stock out of -pastures and In some cases shooting stock many farmers' In th section ground Nebraska City are posting signs on their places forbidding tresspassing or hunting One of- the largest land deals of recent days was -closed'- at Wymore last week wfaenU Rawlings Wy-jnore Ice dealer took over 160 acres one mile north of Blue Springs formerly owned by R- tL Jenkins the consideration being $32000 Talk of a hog shortage (s not substantiated by figures of receipts at the South Omaha -market fttr tbe first three 8000 more hogs arrived on the market this month to date then In' the last six years Under tire direction of Lew Skinner of the extension service of the Unlvendty of Nebraska agricultural college plans are beihg laid for the bolding of tlie winter 'meetings of organized' agricultural associations and societies of the state to be held at the -agricultural college cutnpuq at Lincoln during the first week in January A hand of three -men armed with revolvers held up seven workers at the Scottsiniff sugar factory aj different points as tlie men were going to work on tlie midnight shift The highway men get a con Over two thousand positions 111' army posts of the seventh corps area are hqw open according to a statement recently Issued by Brigadier General Duncan commander of the area' There are vacancies hr thq Infantry medical department' finance department tank platoons cavalry troops squads guard detachments nnd motor repair sections 8ix deacons and members of th German Evangelical Lutheran church of Emerald were fined $23 dhd costa for' promulgating and enforcing a decree that no sorvlees la Eug'lsh should -ha held 'lnllie church a Vv---5 -jb 4 AVAr liquid form-- Sited lOo-for 'trial pkg vto Dr Hotel Bulk falo or write for free tdvloo Her Chief8pnsatlon your thoughts while you were flying throughthe slr on tbe Whigs of the of replied' economical old Mrs abontth wasteful way my daughter-ln-Iaw always cuts thhresdand- tKejfact that-dt 'didn't looklike rcLever have another chance to ell hersbout r- W1 Business as He Found jkj: ilo'yoti Visfnai jthw out bud A Hope-ni UbuuU action 1s biilciruir doter VS- WLDOUGLAS '567 48SHOESM are actually demanded year after "yew by more people tli an any other Shoe in tbe world musMrja warkmaaship they art ma- ProfoedoMpiut -abls prodtsui gaaiaatsaS of th priM stanrsd sosTsry an of saUiCaatory sarrlet si la tha shoes sod bthro taetioa aSorilad by lbs OouflasTradaHsrk VLDOUGLAS Into ail of aw -MO stansM idsi art sold to yes It is ji ahoaa art sold to yes' worth doUari for yea to noMbsr that vhra yen boy Shoos at our -stone iocrMLT wxnorn MomttsrwhanyoBltnsbo fosfas sss sunayyos with WX-Douflm ihofls Thayeoat Donglm is SksatosydolsItosEiiglsaS- pSargUShoto srato ESS2UUl 4 Mifi 10Mr fiy is i- io: Radio There ben the huge GqI the Pnrls-London service a combined radio telephone amvtcle graph equipment of 85 watts antenna output with a sending range of about 180 ullto at 000 meters' wavs length The complete radio equipment according to Rndlojrieetrlcit s'righa only' 125 An nlrpropellei1' driven' generator for Sit volts and TOO volts and atx-volt storage battery supply the necessary current A three-bulb amplifier la used for recriv-Ing qn all wave lengths between 300 nietuts nnd ifiOO Sclentlflc American Organisation Growing The Auxiliary of the American Le- glon sold to be the fastest growing womntf raganlrattonmmlchy memberslilp of 140000 hi the 48 states Alaska Hawaii the Canal zone Cuba and Mexico These women are divided into 5060 posts He Wants-to Know "This production la rejiuted to pub atrip anything hitherto attempted for the Is It a beach Iranis!" jsi-j LINCOLN NO 44-1922 Therefore ft la of folth that It might f' be by groto which la of the faith ri iy Abraham who a ga fi irhop e-beireVed rT teedr even if yon' have never Tel) yony -druggist whether tM material yon wish to dye is wool or flkr whether It In linen cotton or mixed goode- Diamond Dyes never strrak ran So ftegr to-ne-Ai' "MonkiHeasOhsT It used to be thought that beasts and birds were guided' In thelrecjlon entlrely hy Instinct reason-pleylng no port whatever In their dolly lives Bat now naturalists are not so -surd To learn to use lever as mechanical Instrument Implies ofle would think a cerkn amount of reasoning power Yet a monkey kept 'In captivity employed a stick to Jify up the lid of a chest which wasotherwlratoo heavy for the animal to raise A Lady of Distinction Is recognized by the delicate fOsdnab big Influence of the perfume she uses A bath wltlPCutlcura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed by a dusting with Cutlcnn Talcum powder usually means clear sweet eultliy Advertisement Friends A newspaper writer saye Northcllffe had qo Mends except his wife slid his mother That a bad showing In these unsettled Birmingham AgerHerald handkerchiefs often look hopeless when they come to the laundry Wash with good soap rinse- In water bided with Bed Grass Ban Bine xA dvertisement Wasted I like euchre" "Why notr hear to see good pokqf hands going to waste The pessimist sees an obstacle In every opportunity the optimist sees ibstoue an-opportunlfy (n every ob I' Ji U'i cigarettes In hope that lie might become the thur of many Romans 411 to iK -fc i The greatest mlnclp of love la th cute of coquetry 'f VW ii ''To be without ambition la to mentally dead Doialt BeFoole -y'A Low Price and High Quality Go Together Stidc to aV-7 pens velvet -beans and alfalfa Into their cropping system as a result oLfirds available at th Exchange Oyer weeks of October according to reo The Economy BAKING POWDER Clever accept as Brands it will only mean disappointments and failures on bakeday which are expensive Calumet is a High Grade Baking Powder Moderate in Price demonstratlons In tlw use of legumai In soli Improvement given In 1021 by these agrlcnltcral exteinlim workers Tlip Rcottriiluff sugar factory paid out 103000 In -rash to formers in that region as the payment for beets delivered In September Exoslon of aholler of tliresldiig machine near Nebraska City instantly killed Frank Del timer scalding and throwing him 80 feet In the air John Solmidt a workman wan severely Injured Workmen are tearing out th old omerstone of the present state capl-ol The old cornerstone Which laid July 15 1884 will be laid betdile tlie new cornerstone the stpng foundation of which Is being constructed now More than fifteen hundred Indians of three tribes participated la the council which was one of the features of the Clinton fair and first Indian council which 'has been held since the battle of Wounded Knee A petition has been submitted to the Custer county board asking that the question of a change In the form of county government be submitted to vote at the coming election Nebraska City '-Is suffering from annoying depredation of chicken thleVea The prowlers -to con-flne tlielr work to the better dam of boultry i When you use it you nfever spoil any of the expensive ingredients used suchasflour sugar eggs and milk The sale of Calumet is 2H times as mudi as that of any other brand' BEST BT TEST HE WORLDS GREATEST BAKING POWDER.

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