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Nebraska Palladium from Bellevue, Nebraska • 1

Bellevue, Nebraska
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7 4 1 i 7 juE -i SBJUHLLJ '-I -i -W- A nm Society tnt r- AM to ry reed Latham BELLgyiED CITY NEBRAl URDAY JLfcY 15 VOL I 1 Steamships ttai locomotives Stitt te ifrU? These twd great Vvenflf'progresahave effected greater revolutions IADYTYPK SETT EH 8T CURTIS Sar-Q6vEiiviEXT ik ntflhiniLAwore touching than the ef nment trf are capable when ihe best purt of natures are growing vigorously under fheiiglit and Warmth of parental love The Bible How pomes kfthattliis lii lie volume composed by humble men in a sudw imsli irifjrc were 'i theft childliood has exerted TnVe inflii-Cuce on the human muid aiidon'llmsoeiitl system than all other books put together? Whence comes it ihat tlii book lum acfcio- of'go-nlicjnlalivonefis within the pasVIuuf ukl have century than ull the powers could nave Bw standing it the UttkiisMWtA awfMiml Gru'ifullVjtiH movei her head by be Workers The primes have stings (Hid are ipilte hurinless and inoffensive in (heir hstjits- Bet-wwu'tfe- hbttnrfctrts and 2 they daily take their flight in pleasant weather high in the regions of The reader has perhaps often the pctltldr bust of theft wings in forth rid many who are acquainted wiih'tliei) nature suppuse such occasions that the bees are wanting It is at this timo that nsUare has Jie young forth also meet The t)ie know children tlieir How little becanse him who on the have Hapirfly goes her ham) i'icking up thiiletuler tjiMj veu sucli marvellou'S changes fn the rtpi- beautiful is the self-control of creature who stifles his sobs' of pain his pitying tyC is upon in tender sorrow or that of the babe abstains from play find sits quietly floor because somebody is ill known a veiy young child slip over Putting themTri stick-Hear titem rattle against the tel dickl niofi of- mankind has abolished -Has put down polygamy and divproe created for families that blessed thing a Christian home and caused' its oilier triumphs by eou-ing benevolent institu- When the tottering Ha is She it even and me? side of the bed on a winter's uions Open tj('expanive to gprftigui be in- not be omit-t they ascend a and continue to iiigl that a grown up wight find a warm one I have known a iittle girl sub-nait spontaneously to hows of irksome re-straint apd disamw employment jiiere- wheintwy fy because itjt kymJa Klwbljl the goes into itt jrlaet The is lira we in vtrice Then her eyes the copy demurs And firm she hold her From box to box her fingers fly pick! When time has come Ktie handles wiill the The types fill in the empty scatter I And stcadityund dreamily -She flings the letter round With vision dancing tluo her brain To the music of the sound flit To Si return arise in rise fill lost with the Wand of enchantment Whet sort of a book is this that even the wind and waves and human jkisss-jii ufiey it? What other engine of social improvement V4 gyosaijkf SoTong Wt none ot its virtue Since it appeared many boasted plans of amelioration Imve been tried and- many codes of jftrUpudeime have arisen and ran their course und empire after empire have Lunched into the trip of time ami gone down leaving no trace on the wntersTTmf tliis so strong and yet 30 htiinldej so patient and so Dignified were never im paired by fear but flourisMd thus under the Muafice oi love aw set excitements and holy supports cliped to think fhat we got greater depths than the true ones For is found best to make the soundings from a boat the men in hand pulling the bauj into stioh a posithm ps always to stand directly over the line hen we sure that we touch the bottom we note the length given oui and 4 it is cheaper totjg tlmt to uttempt to draw up the jead which never fail? of course to part on the way But latterly we have adopted another to attach the weight to the line by a small iron rod beiit below in the form of a hook and so put on that when the freight strikes the bottom it frees' itself from tfie liook The line being 4rkslu-up brings withit substdffces from the bottom'' Prof Baity has eiEumined hiicroseoptcajly several specimens so brdugiu up and ani found them maiinq shells vvlilTotit lift impurity of any satgi The hoJUow then in these deep soundings is at mt If from a point midway of the A Atlantic and on the Equator you sail VV yon follow the channel of deepest wai until srikcjhe southwestern part ihc Newfoundland shoals These shoals like those of Iiatteras slopColTvery gradually toward the north but on the south the descent is preeinitous while a plateau stretches from' urn upper pipT'of Uc tiortli- rwe eastern portion of tliese khoals following the curve of the great circle to the coast of Ireland The average depth of water on the plateau is about im mites which is dom- hus bear ing upon the laying down telegraphic wires from continent 16 continent and indicates the place where it is to be attempted if at all Superintendent Bathe said that the soundings by Lieut Davis showed that the de-positicms' at the bottom of the deep sea were a jkind of infusorial showing that the sea being at lest deputies its slime like a sediment Jieirt 'fai-l hebad tnmfdpdf" nens of ib ep vifytl by iin mvnp ilsdaEit? cm- w'jftiiilif Were iul 1 fis sacked no of 11 space heal'd sallying not ori taught ib the Molier insect was Huber that This leaves swarm hive takes to ttwfjk ni i afjtppl on brotigltf about in thousand years- During the past fifty years steam engines and dirty firemen liave almost annihilated time and space Now a man of business takeshis break-fast tn Boston and an earltea in Phila-delphia haA'ing hi ten hours accomplished what in the good old staging times -would Have occupied ten days Me pursues his journey uhd yith the speed almost of lightning is borne far beyond what then were the limit of civilized habitat ion over what vyds wilderness but now is and blossomh us the beneath thg band of agrieulturatsaml through-townsi villages and proud cities cured wltere then the Indian built his wigwam and the beasts of the forests roamed in undisturbed freedom Floating palaces bear him along ournbble rivers or across the broSjd Atlantic and the mighty power of a'eam Jtas brpught-almost withiiua journey the two waLfejiyfrstefn an WjftflSf Now a trip to Straits of Paris a view the ru-e are til in a ipleattue sands where one went fifty yfcars ago We have become familiar with with their people their habits and peculiarities which fifty years ago wo hoard of and knew of as only strange and singular talcs Nations all over the world are daily growing more and more familiar with each other The brazen gales and lofty walls of the Celestial Mmpiretave broken down before the onward progress and here on these western shores the Magno-liau mingles in deUyi-JSstfyt'tifc and -chof Qua The Quadroon ladies of New Orlcan excite both a feeling of admiration and of admiration- for their aecompfMunents and -Qommisera-tion for the condition emailed upon them by the laws of Louisiana A man carinot legatljhnarry a Quadroon woman unless he is able to swear that he has black blood in bis veins many of these women are noil only white but very beautiful ann higlily accotnjihjlied resistance arms is their cliartns is no easy matter and as hook is still going aWit doing good lettL with its holy princi)lcs--cheef-mg tbe sorrowful with its consolation- strengi-hening the euconraging the calming the troubled spirit and soothing the pillow of death 4- And thua is growing in her mind Sweet fruit for coming years That she in bitterness so long Has watered with her tears Fur thought is bursting! to bloom Beneath the ray eMItglit And law i unking from th eKHH Of loqjodireliy iWfeUw 3 bote that (hey and continue to distance Not so with They on reaching con-venient height uiwpys dart off horigon-tttjy- The fecuiWation of the queen says Mr is subject that has puzzled more faturalislSjBan any other pertaiping to this Ifjs-now however pretty wnll Understefid put adthttted dial her fecundation in the air far above the frhphun vision The proof of this arrived at by many being devoted TO the investigation of the subject by the German naturalist who flourished in live eighteenth century His experiments jjeu shwgjbttt wlicn a queen is impregnated it is operative for life and on the first or second day after entering her tenement with a swarm she sallies out to meet the drones In the a hr is the only occasion that a queen evejg Mr hive except- at the lietid of a She comes to the entrance of the waflesapbut then arises on the wing a circular flight do'rn near the hive mark its position and returns This is £3-A little girl had seen her brother If: 1 Spm love is not opt to be eontrplied by statute playing with burning glass and hail liilliiatioiis the consequence of this absurd heard him talk about the Nnk state of things is readily antlcipatcft They' heard him talk about the Not knowing what the word focus meant glia wi1f jrtcrtd written on board Ucjlreh The wind baa heaved the breast The ship is rocking on the sea And time and tide that never rdHv Have brought the destined hoar to rnr consulted the dictionary and found that the focus was the place where the rays meet At dinner when the family were assembled she announced as grand ax could be that she knew the meaning of on I leave the Mary Oh hoW --None but tbyielt can ever Wiiyw Jlide from my heart that scalding War Unfold thy arine and let me go marry or place as they call it without the sanction of the Spite or the benedictions of the Qliurch The mother of the Quadroon girl consents to a temporary ar-raiigemeht provided her daughter is furnished with comfortable quarters and a couple of slaves witji ai promise on part of the mock lmsban-lio givcli quadroons a good education It i very uncommon thing for Norther: clors to say nothing of Northern diets to be under the necessity a 'id aihuitc -ff- WisHBttftC 95r- TV wW Tsk: Ti 6rns4l Lfttw "b1 wa iijn sty ft jT'suycfitiL In h-ve wklr' Oft op thus dark and raging sea Iiudfttant lands I roam of the My aptringheaffdiaiUlrink of Think oFour dear and cherished home trial' her fdftS hy-liut never 30alsptt iMicall-aOl vtrvr AwitfrfMi 40- i ve tlist rWr fr '-e ifeeaft- kpbWtit- an" oi -dMs o' rteay rt-wi Ife reewtl 'w-lfttk Ifsek -hloivl 'into lists trotSe with the Aitgto-Suion thk-j-Sinit-h Amwman the uhiUmf-of Ftanoe wrked gatiefaciorily Jt stry IwtrMy of Secs' MverylSmtly of tw-'' 'Itr-T nr tne rnf wa UUA nilptilvE Lit tot-Kwe ih-r wes-ns l-: WUJ-TV a -h -v oac'M SUee-flfT'OtlWB" rm? sLTwi -r Arrd fjaktiiid drift bw- -vi I TSSTftJt: eactfoiMli imp nvvd vV-y better old we l'orgeftthat every wrong agaijffvoman recoils iiph man narrow ut tlwwights to present comforts and find fault if ail our artifrcul wants are Pao fa itt All know Frtinciseo GWsftrm rfdvfagm shudderirigfreqiieiicWith ihiugks in the not grat lied A woman may fall to us iid mat thousand dollars lint in (his age of gold the mercenary spirit is an element not -Cure te OTtrlooked and lrere in tho 'Smith th bachelor in the ball-room it asked ti introduced tojr-young lady with to liugsheacTTofsugar or so many bales cotton or so many well-conditioned negroes A young lady wjth more charms purse Tlian person overheard -Sfi (uigyl-nt fellow remarking iM other evening upon-tlie number of 1'reckles'Vn her face vhen she returned with a Sharp retort tliarfier father had a negro for every freckle fives k- The prol'aiiity numbers catch the and to the tic speech gar phrases in-'i -vfMff pjftofts can4pn? poavae? nt queen and only one She is larger than the oilier taw- her iV ngs are much shorter and -Mr abdumen taper to a point somewhat like the small end of a sugar-loaf She is distinguished by the yellow orangt color of the lower side of Her body queen is constantly and never leaves her tenement except on the issue of a swarm Sometimes howover she ventures ilown upon the floor-board of tile hive vvbere she is soon surrounded by a cluster of her subjects that hold her a in mir midst the iouy and ewnoWing fuithy that nwnmwi 4' cnon TVJiei has been more powerfully impressed us by this uniourthan it could have evdr been by a century of sermoilzing The prophetic eye may Ttow look intiiilie ft tgre vyith the hope tliat our ehilfiraiys children will see the day when Atfflty and Peace shall prevail even where mighty ar-mieslrc now contending for each life blood and that enchained thgether In Hie 6my lgnd e( btother- and We ate in this lottery world- who is able to minister to tin highest wants of I fie soul She may hav the pencil of a Titian--vie vyan! a cook se may have tlie pen of a de SnmL or a we want a nurse for caused by our cook She may breathe the sweetest hdody her husband likes bet of habit spile of paternal great grief of all with enormous oa Difficult intelligent lady of onr UeS ter the hoarse brawl of politic-? or tfie music offiSycif'iiiJgolir tal'' aft great and gorgeous buildings: Fine houses Were nev-er sp po pnla Brnlge jt iad not enduntPTurur ehnrohe? ere in the ascendunhOWnimels fTliJ Scotch are probably as robust as any nalon paw on tlto globe LTlieft intclleet it clear iheir maruls arc firin: They batljp tlieir ftifams from birth incyld water dai and vjreft fowl eonsi fts mostly of oalmea potatoes and' buttermilk Child and it is only by tlie sense they can recogniso her Indeed the bee does4Ut very little from the sense of seeing Her aivtenoe feelers that she tlffows out when anything is placed before her thatgttracta Ipur attenfipinarc her only medium of recognising her friends from tier enemies The queen possesses a curved afiug which she ijildom rocs ex- Kealm ruled over bv Poets aro More than' the inthicnei of kings or rulers or statesmen TfiiiUj were mufii4dtgnfcl(W-is TMt ofitjjLv- whose winged word jmss thro ail lands tingle iri all cars touch all heart and in all efteumstanee ar0 remembered and come humming around us-in the hours of labor in the intervals of btfeftress iirt rouble and sorrow and sickness tnd ren are rried lo tlie clirisuming the 8J1 FLOWERS A great many pretty things have been raid of pretty women ami flowers but the real uses of both are often flowers and women seem to ns the sunshine of the world nd one of the strongest arguments to prove tliat God is wise pood is the fact that He neither forgot the one or the other in the mOlliform work of creation How the flowers' sjtangle over beallify tbe htttd rough earth Their meek and young add rywhere home you and chi -Hie ragged and --ftotherihr-te wwfe-fr hie-' nt hB your pAj Saying in words or long looks give me a -I Flowers never disappoint nm arthe women (heaven bless ftiem!) do sometimes but would' not if we did not tod much of them Of the flowers we ask only bcauly and fragrance We do not look to them for a future Enoh that they 1U1 the presoiit with aW -odor-ou- blessing Weh ave Always a thrift' when we see flowers in a window and we like to see a man who wears a pink or a role in Ids button-hole There is pleasant associa-lion with'the flower if not with him for ere certain fuir hands placed it there Then when we see the plants in tho window of a house be it ever so humble we are sure there Is-uo scolding there and if frortS sad experience we find that the fair cultivatofs of the roses da scold we comfort ourselves flow much worse they would seold without the flowers A pot of roses a pink a geranium he-iiotrope how they brighten the home of poverty! How wo forget the cheap ugly ehest of drswersttnd Ihelhrefiff-bare pov-wiy-struck carpet when we see these unfolding theif beauty and sweetness in the Window A well udd liouk ail(i a clean pinafore are sore flokeep them company on a child who though poor may bo ss pretty as any poetry Wf bespeak flowers We want qtir yiathWay lUerally strewed with They sre a necessary of life hero Tn another and better world they may be a attached ton vyas hoped enough to rs labk learn found that too light leads had spent 20 teen days rounding whether the Tlie force to make twine Lieut in sounding and yet fie 2(100 fatlmms We soon leads adopted two sinker The it rms out the line Wxaf It was madwin the would run in the form overtake and it was because diaiattce tbs sary It was the lead oift that it had to most While present The first from the ship day af and railway wonders fill tfie pyes The literature-bf sofilj Tnosonry is the charm tttid magnificent poems are spanning river Mechanic arts rule the (fey and adorns the' nTP" Aod ys men if you want to take your place among sun moon and stars go to work at onee arid bravely too and'eonvert granite and marble into the practical EnglisliTungimge of the year and tkus do your wn cepl in oilinbatB whlrrivar queeiis and then with the most deadly ffeut Itsoine- ejr bftthand iy mqthtr Tlie imVersnl U-L of ihc Bible wild cold iirttbpw venture to assert give" Scotland the morJund mafcriulhealih she so fully ovs have over us die tliree-fpfil grasp of beauty language and and le who at tkiies 4 power isgiven! fit the dreadful ijines iU power is given in uie urciun of tMirgehW to moveoiir being! M'usxaliuos These hairy decorations sufficient ftngth of-fine It if the fine were made long reach bottom by letting it run ffifch-wouldtaHouLTbstWe wlmt -we sought But soon we were experimenting with and too slender lines Lieut miles pf twine and seVmL before he could obtain one good Jfhe Hiio-wHl always run out lead is on the bottom orol of the undercurrents is sufficient a perpetual demand for more Barker of the Congress gave out Ten miles of fine was where the sea was not deep found that we must have heavier and stouter line Wc at last thiTy-two pound shot as tlie heavier it is the faster jt amfitlic less likely ft Is to let out'with tho currents noted too that thmigii a lead form of a common tinker fastest at first the same wejght of a round ball would soon pass it We concluded tlwt after descending a certain current drugged the tojp-of to their foundations and to make uyvbeUer or vvorse lower or higher men ttecolqhnfl to tbft pleasure to times happens tliat several young queens sally forth with a swarm and in SUch oases it is remarkable to see the jealousy and deadly strife thut takes place between them 1l these combats the strongest kills tlie rest and death ensues the instant that one queen is stung by another There are three classes of bees in every family queen the worker and the drone The Worker -are neither mak -fN ynitr-impiy pockets-Times -The following did you tuke the billet to Mr 1 -a Jon see him sar me just didv was he massa lie looked poofy well 'siileritig hefe so nor fcmuleJbut neuters They arc the what do you mosriby that a when I was in de room 'tYVhy'diiS(i smallest bees in the family This class arc tfio laborers of the family They construct the numbs gather tfie honey pollen Or bee-bread ilitirse and feed the beesand perform all other lahor pertaiuiiig to the association They have a fionoybag or is a Dose very remarkable offect produced- electricity we copy from the l'Eurdfpe employed In one of the offices in Frmioe accidentally arm in Tpittact with one ol while the electric current was it So violent was the he was Tnised from his chair with great forci tjirongh an into the adjoining garden whiskey bringing that aftiile any purtfiular clask nor to people of any particular age Such a rage for hair is oertaink tf fact worihy of nolive Some pfiilosoph3fts advanced the theory tfqitj A Doss ai the extent of beard is the measure of wvfaccoiint of "-a flizntiorr jf4iU thura-iuivar -f wusi theory loo absurd to find disciples tin capillary Standard (ids fieen (generally adopted A reeeiiU a tide in "Household Seem to tave -increased the' mania as it recammendetl musiacldos as 6ofiducive to health They are now worn ns lung pry-servprs is well as ornaments Ye tiave thm of all colors from a magnificent glos-sJn black To "a raggsdrliglu dral of all Shapfe-aid sizes exquisitely Thirled or rigidly ssftuolii i covering tipi mouth to serve ffiiers or ranged along the society ami A Dose xs by Courier de A gent leiton telegraph brought his the wires passing through shock that Thrown ij Window dealer in Bringing fiO g'bbing himfie paper he axed Te wl6 "Was my hat1 and massa perhaps jfte won-'t-helieve me but he wur de top my bond do hull vesicle wlftyh is expressly pfovidd for tho stores gathered in the fluids and this YYe talk of Adam apd Eve a belli before the fall in a very hajmy ditiofi but one tiling they tin never were children of the perpondloulur line d' sack 'is filled emptied in a yry short descend with one side- fore- a spherical body would always the seme face soundings were carefully maijc This wa? deemed neees- lime They also- have ottvilies in tlie shape of a spoon on the inner side of their hind legs to hold pollen und propolis the little yellow' pellets that arc seen attached to them men to the gijhows" wasthe Demoarat dilute unen the advantages mid disudvai- The drones arc the miM bees Th I mU5f8hiQS bubt it is snffieim lagea or mustaohios but us cate ling of the lip Shine of themare obedient liuusks for the expression winctl Will play ground the mouth others smvo as aoreeaUe reliefs when that orilieeroMp- We might He who marries a pretty fucc only like buyer of cheap the va nish thai 'caught theeye will not the fireside In gather no honey at all und are allowed to PrC to rcmafk that they for) decidedly Somebody has said that it itf as hard to tell where moderate drinking and drunkenness 4 it tell heh a ptg ceases te be a pig 6C0Bits a hog from tho ship that wc got five soundings iti the Gulf of Mexico Which mddc the deepest part 1000 fathoms NoW laid the fiouteimnt I timln- Choos- not our wives a fitWn on them th A sight at the Hide end of hnm the most lashionuble feature at atipie wliep-fttshMi' mn to hav a huntjng exist generally but a few weeks during tbojiwwrinif'g seftson wheit tfiey art mnS rw'.

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