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The Oil City Derrick from Oil City, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Oil City, Pennsylvania
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Pi. Friday, October 1955 tnariaj Oil Centennial Official Around The City Speaks To PERKTCX Dearborn 'of MJnl Mront Governs president of Oil Centennial; Ccoreo M. Leader In "OFF.THB CUFF-Ttie James Weavers have moved imZZ nio home, on Park Aveniic: est. speaker at the monihw long and illustrious career lii accident prevention, Becoming-Interested Jn safely education a number years he Mas named president of ilm Notional Saicly lit 1951 when the President ol'lbc United Stales called upon the counlry lo stress accident prevention lo con the guest speaker at the Oil 'CityRolory Club mecling on MoxtdaV; it was announc- yesterday; Mr. Dearborn ill discuss lh planning for the lOOLli birthday at thfi discovery of oil iliieh will be observed next sum- 1 mr.

'-'flie Crawford Cojbjy native will retire soon as president of the Na-lional Safety Council, wiliTtad-Quarters 'in Chicago. On September Mr. Dearborn received Pennsylvania' Meri- Hasson Heights." Wrs. -John Klesa. and Uo; ihc Venanjo-cotiBiy SzabalmenUto'thcir driver's tests', Margaret Siy nisht II, daughter of.

Mr-, and r. Croasmun's tali principally 202 'Lincoln has entered' the Preparatory De- falU'liK the veterinarian's prob. parlment o'f penn Ifall Junior-College and School ta Ctourg. ShoVa sopitomore. day greetings today to Jack Crpss of' Seneca, a' VNI to haVe a Jiealihy 'dog.

jie composing room foreman, and Andrew F.itzgcrald', Oil-ilrcsset lhe for inocuja. well and Kdward Peters of 109 West ond pi Rouscvjlle wilj mark Jiala) day Saturday; desirable that fhe of the Arllnfilon," -1 administered anytime from. Ki El "I serve manpower. safely program hai developed into a world movement," he said. "It's tremendous in scope." Mr.

Dearborn and his wile, the former Glennle Grant of Titus-ville, have built a beautiful house Ilrilnl an' nnf fdnrtinff Korea. Frnem3n l0 11 birth, CiBltnuIng, le'polBteJ eul iiat on Drake Manor where he has ner and rope-skipper half ZIV Tt Wash' from i cenlttry ago, will observe HisjKorean wignment. He commanding view o( Titusvlllc and the Oil Creek most dogs need winnlig ni tils fhauU bt toae j( the time vt iiocuJiUeii. A femaie dog sdould be wormed before she is bred, he said: Then the U. S.

lAMv Jjrw 82nd. birthday tomorrow. NEW COMMANDKR C. B. Miller (teeoiul from 'tf commander o( the America U-(ion post of Oil City; If conjfril- ulaW by Jawi McMsn-iy, lilrtct CununBder, ill.

cr UilalUtlta ceremony last 'sight, J.wlilnr us ire Ronald Toy (extreme left), eaniHurvdcr of the KoumvI lie Legion pisl, and Arthur Elscnman, past-commander of the 01! City post. ROLLING iisr The clerks in the pups, are nol so apt lo have 56, took' his basic training at Fort Canon, and his advanced training at Aberdeen; Md He attended Oil'Cily High Prior lo his enlistment. worms, Adult dogs as a rule do not need to be wormed unless thtv are American Legion Posts Hdld Installation Here ll office of Mrs. Lillian Marvin, city treasurer, were rolling in money Monday and Tneajsy local residents flocked to. City Ifall it pay' their taxes' before the September 30 discount deadline.

FOR THE FINEST In FURNITURE PLUS GREEN STAMPS With Eich Purelme WOP WAYSIDE FURNITURE STORE Oil Clty-Franklln Hold '9-3 Fri. 0-5 Tu Si I. EMERGENCY- VISIT S7S.I kennel dogs. And home dogs, he added, probably never need to be wormed. GEORGE Andrew Coburn.

station i Methodist Men Group Organized An organizational meeting for NEW ASSIGNMKNT-Cpl. Rob LEADER New officers of American Legion, In another part of the mcelwg, 1 report was given On' do present posts in Oil fiouscvillo' ah- ly at Ihe shelter on ihe Coal Bink ert Freeman, son of Mrs. Gladys Freeman, Chestnut Street, is home on' a 15-day furlough prior 16 leaving for hU new'-base in Clintciivlllc were installed Tail night at ceremonies in the r-ooins, WICU TV Channel 12 trlcf, James Murray of St. Marys, and members of his staff, rcter Strauh'and ilugn McCeckin. INSTALLED To' office for the Oil City post were; Arlliur Kiienman, past com the 'Methodist Men of the Grace ley Forge Hospital, and his wife' were called here by (he serious illness of Sgt.

Coburn's -mother, Mrs, Vcnic Coburn, who resides with a Rod-erlslll Evans Slreet. The elder Cobum suffered a broken hip in a fall len weeks ago. Sgt, Ce-burn and his wife have just returned to their home in Spring ot the James m- Henderson Post American I-eglon. in Oil City. Road.

Available fer kdeotlo ire cili, (iree kll. (eni, tad 11 4tg, Mr. and Mrs. William Sfahlman, 6:45 P. M.

Methodist Church was held 'last evening with a dinner lit Asbury Hill. The installation was directed by mander; C. E. Miller, commaml- J. Kiwi CM.) M.

IMi, UaMmy (ho commander ot the zeui ills supervisors of the pointed. Lay leader, John It. Meier, pre er; John Spence, senior vice-com sided at. the program. PIaa Talks Held Here I'BR and Erie Railroad renrc- mander; Kormah 0, Morton, junior vice-commander; C.

Trax, ti nance officer; Jack K. Miller, SHOP FRIDAY TIL 9 If. Ailen Stormer and music was provided bv the lie SEI11KS BQUND Sri Oil Cilv out that the shelter Is observing new hours. It wis explained that, the shelter is closed on Mondayi and Sundays, 11 Is open on the remaining dayi' from 9 a.m. lo male quartette, which consisted ot chaplain, 'and Olenn Gcg'ogeine, men arc eagerly awaiting noon today when tbey will leave for senbtives meet ivith the city's fa.

Si Our Toy Corral hdwani Knpp, Earl Weaver LU ward Rodgers, and Jack Frig-Sle. A Is Open Inslaltpd Id office for- the Hoy CiUf allend the World Series games Salnrrfai Railroad t'laza negotiating committee Wednesday in two sep hcrry fost ol nousevdle were Five members of the Titusvilk, Sunday at Yankee Sfadrum'. The arate meetings. i ftonold Toy, cominander Methodist Ciwreh described how Charles Fry, historian; Robert scrgcant-al-orhis; Harry party win consist of Art Rice Pete Jay Berlin', Butch rlctcher. Clark CjiwA Allli'ougti lhc meetings are still in Hie "husli-liush" stage.

Mayor Van Kirk said it was the'eene'ral Come one, come'- ill, to tH 'toy Corri, our wfenderf ul world of fun for boy't ind girls 6f every geJ Chooia from grand games, hobby gift! misel, -aujulojit; Nelson, lhc Methodist Mcnrcup was organized and operates in Titusvjlle, Tile-session pane! was composed of chairman. Kmcrv Miles Pn-. ard Kaster. The men arc driving nuance officer, and Voor- hies, service officer. feeling that definite steps.

forward were made in flic acquisition of Ihe. Plaza area. in.uus.i na expect 0 return home Monday. Ion Bishop, Bruce Kline, ftoborl Installed to office for Ihe Clin- tleaton and. Edward Kerr.

lonvillc American Legion Post HATS OFF Miss Jlarv Ann mm. Those elected were: Henrv H. were: Den aid lioffmnn. past com Dykins, a junior student-at Oil City High, has 'undertafcena rather unusual project for a teenager. mandcri J.

Cart Eakin, command BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE! MORE SO THAN EVER BEFORE WE ARE PROUD TO BOAST THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPUTE TOY DISPLAY IN THE TRINITY AREA I v' "linrrlng unforeseen circum: sfances, the rnnffrr of obtain-' ing' (he plaza should be com. plelcd. in near -future," Slid Ihe mayor apfiraiilically. "WilhDiit doubt," he continued, 'Uie attention ami consideration Krug, president Gem Fee, vice-prcsidotit; Edward-. Vacdenberg, treasurer, John II.

Hogg, secretary and Walter Meals, reporter.1 A LAllGE delcfialion legion Three, nights. a week Mary Ann gathers. up lo 12 pre-Jchool children for one-hour sessions, engag- Men provided (he dinner for the naires from the' Oil Cily area attended the final meeting conduct iite in games, stories and color- from' Uie representatives of the railroads has b'een excellent and has made working with them a ed by retiring- commander, Arthur "S- Miry the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dykins.

a meeting, Kitchen committee consisted of Kcrman Kimes, Earl Meals, Robert Stormer, Ralph Clark and George Scott who were assisted by young men of the church, mm ma BOTH UK lust come hi, phone, or writ forFREEdtKriiAveeilil MAX ELBAUM Certified Hearing Aid oligist, 3Z2-3U (i. Daniel Bild-Kh Erie, "Fa. who-ex tended bis llmnlss Id" Ih'o post members for pleasure." 'addition lo'lhe mayor, the their cooperation, during-, his Halyday Street, us she docs this as iHbrhe Project for her Home Fconomie's coiirsc at Senior High, 'award bcinE in eitra oincioi year. A charier-for organization has! negotiating cornniiltcc for (bci plaza representing the city, includes Samuel Mo- Commander Miller, as his first Dccn applied to the National Moth half-credit. official act.

named' a membership odist. Men (hJji is scheduled. for-October committee ta function for the en giiowilz, city solicitor, and. Joseph chairman of Ihe Oil Cily' Planning-Comm'is-' list Yeir's Graittst Senillion. it Beck 'Again The 'live' Ant Firm, Bowling him pi' uhbreikiblr (ype pins and lullj will no( damage furniture.

suing year. It includes: John Spc-ncc. riiair: map, and Thomas Nelson, Her It. L. Lockwood Dinner Sell, Tei Set, Cinfe Sel'i Kitchen 1 Sets delightful -iele'ctWi Priced 9.8 lo man Magdovilz.

George Stewart, Priced S2.9B Ltonaltl Wilson, W. D.EiUstoh and Prketl $4.98 Receives High Masonic Honor W. Umicli. Franklin Woman Dies FRANKLIN--'- The commander outlined plans for lhc moiibership contest during this year and urged all members Richard L. Lockwood otw West First Street, has been nominated and elected highest degree tn participate in-the event COMMANUKK MILLER in Aiascnry.

Bostwick Ainllins, well known resident' of 307 South Park Street, This action was taken recently THAU rOH'W I Vt UMM UFO ft. nounccd that the American Lesion and Auxiliary Poppy Day will be at the 146th annual meeting of the urcu in ncr name at Thursday. J-nriay, Kav. 7, and appoint supreme Council, 33rd degree Pittsburgh, cil Arthur Kiscnman chairmah of She was the widow of James Mullins who died in 1917. A more complete obituary will be 07b IMIVANo Power Arm 11.

PopUl, Game kP In- the Mrf. Monopoly can he filled Inilruminls, elr. with and or Priced S3.95 j6 95 the post's Poppy Day commillee "Mr. president of-the National Transit Company, was Chairman Kiscnman will select, his committee but all members! published in The Derrick Satur among mose to receive the de- day. ui 5ovcroiii rana in-, willing to assist arc asked t( tact the chairman.

It was announced also that the Junior Chamber of Commerce is. Driver Hurt In Collision Air cti oj Tf km I HI" wsw: JflflH i' One man was injured Thurs JtiL-iiurs scnerai oi me 33rd and last degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rile of Free Masonry for the Norllie'rn Masonic Jurisdiction of the U. He will receive the degree in Buffalo next September, T.ocku'ood -is Ihe past master of the Oil City Lodge past commander of (tic Knights Temp-far, Talbot Commandcry' No. 43 and secretary and treasurer of the Masonic ftal! Associalinn. day morning when the car Wis driving crashed into parked vehicle Plummcr sponsoring program in honor of Oil City's American Legion Band on the evening of October 15 in the local Eagles rooms.

Members of the post were urged to make reservations for this Lester Cubbison and Donald Wilson sverc asked to investigate possibilities for a post party" lo be held (his fall. A report will be made at the next post meeting. The lirst meeting of the new executive committee of Ihe local post will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct, 16, preceding the next regular meeting of the posl. vVigemi, Ride-'em Cars for thosi Anthony J.

Omiafek of 316 Rissell Avenue suffered cuts on Ever Popular 0me by 'Milton Bnvley, Uncle Wisaiiy; Cindylmd. the head and left knee. He was Uttle Cowboys and treated at the hospital an leased. 13.98 to Omialek's car struck a parked Milton Johnson Succumbs Here E. Johnson, 65, of 511 car owned by Riancbi of 55 Plummcr Street.

The parked vehicle was moved about 16 feet after the collision, East Third Street, husband of! The cheapest refrigentor in the world is your frown food locker. Rent one today. Save the locker way. Robert Slruub In Accident Robert V. Straub of 16 Harriett Avenue was involved in a two-car collision at Elm and North Titusvillc.

Thursday. Windcll Tracy, operator of the Dirt Boarcfi Western Roundup of Sllisht Shooters Wild sit replaceable darts. Vor roofin', loolih' cow- Vor roofin'. B-DIAMONDS HJ.WOOWH il tQ 3 diamond Frying CHICKEN juicv Club STEAKS eVDIAMONDS lilWOOWN i VJ5WWKIY 143 DoinLy Mf. sold mount-; ll'l Stinker Gai Powered Flying Model Pline, ready to fly, Price $8.95 39c 95c second car, was hospitalized in the Tilusvillc ifospilal with side in- juries.

boys. Priced 98c lo $9.98 wtoaipi diamond Priced $3.98 A erior vaiut, bend. Extensive damagesVere caused lo both cars. Florence Waslohn Johnson, died suddenly in his homte at 6:45 p. m.

Thursday. He was born March 17, 1853 in Greece and was a candy maker by Irade. He formerly worked for the BeneJios Candy Company in Oil City and the Lc Barries Company in Franklin. lie was a member of the. Oil Cily Loyal Order, of the.

Moose Club, will meet at p. lii. Saturday to pay Surviving besides- his wife is a step' son, Edward Bookel or Greenville. The body was taken to the Charles A. Morrison Funeral Home Where services will bo held at p.

Sunday. Dr. Wayne Fur pastor ot the Trinity Methodist will officiate at the service. Following, interment will be held in the Sunset Memorial Irish Canned HAMS 6.49 HEADQUARTERS: AMERICAN FLYER The trading floor ct (he New-York Stock Exchange is aboul Ground Beef lb. 69c (wo-fhirds as large as a football WEBB TRAINS IC1Q.

Frcmirr Green and IVm Ida Valley o. 254 cans PEACHES Your Complete Center SHOP EARLY, and use our Shop while jelec are the best Beat the rush! Come in today! American Flyer Trains and Accessories HO Gauge MAN'S DIAMOND 10-D)WrONDS M49 K-unl's Tomato Catsup, 3 for' 5Dc; Brandiert Mince Meat, 2S-or. jar, 63c; Tine Cone Tomatoes, No. 305, for 87c; Coronet Coffee, lit Pure Maple Syrup, pi. 73c; Fresh Cranberries, box 29c.

Pod-toes, 15-lb. hag -17c; Delicious Apples, 2 lbs. 29c; Fresh Turner's Cider and Apples, and Standard Gauge. FEATURE VALUE: Reg. 53.90 American Flyer Set Just $24.90 While They last! PHONE OR WRITE TODAY-FOR OUR GIANT COLOR TOY CATALOG! AUTOMATIC WASHER REPAIRS We Service Norj, Westing-h-owie, Hoi.

Point, Mi'ytig, Easy, Frrgidaire, Spied others. Hafer Electric 11 tait Fint St. Large diemend In hand-m moKiirm 5 brilliant In och lively ririB. Toy Corral Floor Two Who Ducked Draft Sentenced PITTSBURGH CAP) Two men who refused to report for induction into military service because of Teligioas beliefs Thursday drew prison terms in U. District Court.

Judge Joseph P. Wilton sentenced George W. 23, of fo one year. Donald D. Kerr, 23," of Morion Cenler, Indiana County, drew a IS-month sentence, NEVW AN EXTRA CHAUCI KHt CHEOIT KL1VANS Armstrong -Collier WE DELIVER North Side- 2:30 p.

m. South Side at 11:0 and KRAFT BROS. 12 K. 1st St. 501 Jnd Dial D-f)lfll-4M Centnl JEWEIKY COMPANY DIAL 6-1327 i FRANKUN 215 SENKA ST, OIL CITY.

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