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Nemaha County Herald from Auburn, Nebraska • 8

Auburn, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A i T1IE -HERALD. tiresome, but it other respects they etv excellent. Tbe singing especially w- a drawing feature. After the dose of the exercises Santa Claus THOMPSON rPEERY. have made a special-effort to show the finest line of Holiday Goods ever shown in Auburn.

It will paj you to step in and see our display of these Goods. day fast and that he has just pur-chasgd thir tew of the4srgt-t gobblers In tbe country, lie say be going to eat all hecsn for oncefif this is the case wont we catch it after Christmas. Prof. KeNo, of Beatrice, is here organizing a singing selctol. The pro-feiuMir comes welt tecum mended and we understand quite a number of our young )eople wdi receive Instruction.

We sincerely hope that he will Improve their voices befoie they again become possessed ltb the serenade fad. A man ho claimed to be an United States marshal went to the residence of Ned Mason for the purpose of searching bis house for James Mason, who be claimed bad been illegally selling whisky. Jim beard of it and departed fur unknown fields. Misbelieved now that the man was a fake who makes it a business to hunt dnw such cases and then scare them into enriching his ptivate purse. The young Indian ch'ef Many Ways, who is with the medicine company attempted suicide here Monday by shooting himself in the brea The wound however, did not prove serleus.

He is en intelligent and well educated young man, bur' seems to be dissatisfied when out of hie native element. Perhaps he had listened to Marion Baker tell of hi bunt last wnk.and longed to gel a gflmpee of even a happier hunliog ground than the one de-scrilied. Ester We bear that it is not the wonderful hunt which we supposed had made him so Intent lipnn leaving ibis woild. but it was a fair sample of what lovf will do He fell in love with a teautiful white giil in Missouri short time ago one who loves to make bashful men blush pi o-posed and is now suffering the consequence. If his.

character Is as his name Implies be will soon get over that however. I COSTS YOU LE To buy Goods of us and and you get GOOD FRESH GOODS. Oar mammoth business enables U3 to buy Groceries every day. Our Candies are manufactured expressly for us. In addition to our extremely low Grocery PriGes we will sell this week I IF A CKLA CQFFEE 200.

We are showing an elegant line of China atid Fancy Glassware on which we are making special prices this week. Hanging Lamps, decorated Shades and founts to match, with spring extentions for $3.25, $4.75, worth $4.50, $5.00 and $0.00. In our Dry Goods Department BttOWVYiLLS ftrSIffEM U. KAliFMAN, General Merchandlss, Produce taken tn exchange tor goods. JOHN CRADDOCK, Gunsmith and general repairer, All work warranted.

Give we a ealL JOHN W. HENTON, successor to Mercer Henton. lllaoksmithiiif and General Ke-palrlng. All work given prompt ttienttnn. MCLAUGHLIN A 00., groceries, provisions queensware, glassware, rlesra, Isloiccc sonfectlonerv.

and dealers in yomlcg land. IfT. HOP NCKRERIE8, C. Kauffman, sL Pronr. Pine fruits.

rout pruned aud trauw planted, Everrreena, Rosea. fetiuMa-ry, Ac. You will find Mufflers, Ties, Fancy Hair Ornaments, very cheap. We are continuing our cut prices on Goods. Special this week, 10 pieces all wool Dress Goods, 40 inches wide worth 50 and 65 cents, go for 25c.

SOUTH AUBURN, NEB. FRIDAY, DEI EMBER 2s lfU4. County News BR0HM1LLE BRETITIES. MBs Graves, of Fern, la vhitlng tn the city. Iliraui Kelly and Bob Smith visited Stockport MouJay.

'Mrs J. B. Lewie is visiting ber parent at Vesta, this week. Miss Munn, of Eockport, Mo la vis-ltlug friends in tbe city. Miss Minnie Cranmer, of Auburn, is visiting friends in the city.

John BteuteViile is home from his school on a short vacation. Miss Ora Den returned from a visit to Omaha a few days Since. (reo.Furnas came dowu from Lin coin Monday to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs.

Fordyce are in the city guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Itojce. Frank Cheesemau and Miss Minnie Dryden visiteu ltoekport Christmas. J.

Shurtz has been very sick tbe past two weeks, but at present is improving. Elmer Stout and family, of Lincoln1 are in town, guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis.

Will Beatrice, an old Brownvllle boy, is visiting friends here this week. The gentleman with tbe split whiskers has ceased to float his infamous sheet, The Record. A number of people from the state of you have to show me, attended tbe dance Monday evening. Bob Lazenliy and Jack Hughes, of ltockport, attended tbe ball at Brownvllle Christmas eve. Will Steutevllle, Will Davies and Miss Nellie Plaster are'bome from the State University on a visit.

Tbe Brownville Dancing Club gave a ball Christmas eve which was pooTly attended. The crowd was very jubilant. Rev. Van Fleet preached an excel lent sermon at the M. E.

church Sun. -day evening, which by the way Is -quite an imnrovemeut over what we have been bearing. Your correspondent promiwd in last week's paper to give tbe names of those attending the ball of two weeks previous. But in canvassing tbe city we find all participants refuse to have their names in print. While Lon Nash and family were attending the Christmas tree Mouday eveuiug, their house caught on fire nd before any ag-l Jan'-e cfmjd5arrl ve the Are had obtained such a headway that nothing could be saved.

A fanatic of South Dakota held a service at tbe old court room last Sun day evening. This fellow claims he is badly persecuted by some members of his own churrti. The drift of his sermon was in slandering some of the re-epectable members of the Christian church. As we see nothing in Just week's IIekald from the pen of our esteemed contemporary, the Blast Side man, wiio lives near the brewery, we suppose a tbe list has gradually frown larger in the past few mouths that the houoraole gentleman hag been compelled by the ipereasiug list of patients to use his paper to wrap his pills and powders in. Tbe Broanville gold mine is a reality instead of a fake as first suppoased.

Farmer May has had assayed and finds it yields very heavy, lie is now in Kansas City forming a stock company which ill buy op the surrounding land and proceed to work tbe mine, Tbe only objection to thi tii-covery we can see Is that It Is near the place where the truthful university student dl-eovered bis rich cargo of 1840 whiekey. This find however Is more truthful as ft was not trumped up by him fl rot. Christmas has psed and Die people wre viY qnxii asirj rlsed Jo thetreH at the different hurche a well Iad a they were. At the M. churih die exert f-es were short after woi thJ tifd, a Ime'y pine, wasstrijjed of its At the Clirietun hurt Pi (he mh' were a Bttle lor a and began to grow a little Awa, Jtu Highest WcriiA Fa.

tV" i 1 ro7 ct pure 7 i to- s. ttin A ail' i At. vrevy ei a iff Our greatest bargains may he found in OVERCOATS and BLANKETS. These goods must be closed out at once and you will MAKE A MISTAKE if you buy an OVERCOAT- on BLANKET -before seing ours. -i- appeared On time and proceeded to strip the twin trees of their burdens of toy etc.

FIST BliQttM'lLLE. Miss Beeie Muua came over Rock port Monday. from Gayt ShurU is speedily recovering from his ell of sickness. Prof, Shull and Jio. Steuteviile drove over to Auburn Haturday.

William Rwssel contemplates leaving for Texas the latter part of the week. Marlon Baker made a flying business trip to Auburn Friday and to Peru Saturday. MtkeKempf and family came In from Beatrice Monday to visit bis brother Jake and friends here. Mr.F.D.Clieesman and Blanche Sir-geaut spent Christmas with relatives of tbe former in Missouri, Mrs.Shuitzaodyouugeetson went to Tecumseh to spend Christmas ltb her daughter, Mrs. Ik C.

Tbot. The Marsh Hotel, has again changed hands. A. Opelt is now proprietor, to whom is Was leaned by Ed Grultt. Miss Maria Merrett and Miss Graves came down from Peru Monday to visit the friends and relatives of the former Will Nickel came down fruys Beatrice to visit friends lieie, returning home Monday.

He contemplate leaving for Texas soon. Mr. and Mrs, Buel Starry returned home from an extensive trip through Missouri and Illinois Wednesday last baviDg been gone about aix weeks. Mr. May, the gentleman who discovered gold in this community a short time ago, has organized a company and gone to Kansas City to make arrangements for going to work at once.

Considerable excitement prevail and all are eager to letrn the facta. The home of Lon Nash, west of town, burned down late Monday evening white he and his family were et the Christmas tree. Nothing was sav-edj, nnone arriving until It was totally dwernyrfl'. Mr. Nfbur has tbe heartfelt sympathy of all In this community.

Prof Kelso, of Beatrice, is now here instructing quite a number of our people in tbe way of voice culture. lie is quite a successful music teacher and we understand he is to make this his iuture borne, We are always glad to welcome such energetic citizens as the professor. perhaps if a great number of the bullies who came over from Missouri and elsewhere to 'paint tbe town Christmas eve, together with about a a half a dozen of tror most premioent bootleggers were used a little rough on the next occasion -of sucb visit they would learn to have a little respect for ladies, especially' when In the very homes of tbe latter. Received too late for last week's issue. Ed Grant went to Auburn IMonday, A.

MclDlnch came up from St. Joe, Monday, Mrs. Rose York Is visiting In Wat- sop, this week. Rev. Chamberlain drove up Nemaha City Tuesday.

A heavy fall of rsin Ml here Saturday afternoon and evening. W. T. Den made a trip to tbe western part of the state last week. Our fisherman shipped quite a number of floe fish to Beatrice last week.

Oscar York came over from Watson, visit his brother, Saturday, returning Monday, Mason, of Turlington, came down Monday to visit the par enta of her husband. to J. L. Caron, Jr, Tide president of the CarsoD National Bank, of Auburn, was here on business Tuesday. Quite number of people are coming here lately.

Sauta Claus generally is better here because he can buy cheap er than elsewhere. Look out now (Harrises; dont JU surprised if your be-. I frl fid gets married, barbe'S, blacksmiths, Lathe-Jors, druggists aLd all. Marion Baker killed a large jsrk rabbit while hunting latwcek. lie is now (M-sving freh venison1' to the patron of his retaurant.

A. O'Pell has leased the Hotel Marsh and will take possession scam. We Lei certain that he will make a success of it, as lie is an experienced hotel keeper, 'late ei- pon Indian Medicine Co wound up tt.eir affairs here by giving a dine On ih bt-t night of their enter tirjtneiit Th ir.b it Hauls of this I lace sre a wiser but poorer pe as a result of tin tr coma Miss Alice Mooney, our aceon inod sting post tn 1st reH, won the prie offered by Dr. Bill, ofthe medicine company, to the prittiest and mst popular young lady. We congratulate tho-e voting va their wise judgement.

It Is rumored that our si nt roller senbe, trie West Sider Is mi a twei ty Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's I air flight st Award. ASriNWjLL 1)01 XGS. Eddie Mattance was quite sick but is now improving slowly. Dottle Iioyd was on the sick list, hut is now able to tie out again.

The Hillsdale school closed last Friday and the next tenrf begins March 1, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cora, a fine girl. Mother, child and father doing well. After the sevle9 Sunday Elder Goodwin baptized six more converts.

Tbe gooff work got Jteadifyon. James W. Wolf, the corn king, says he wtll plow the old year out stiMhe, new one in if the weather remains favorable. Dauiel Mattance is preparing to build a bouse on the eighty acre farm purchased recently of Jarvi Church, of Auburn. Col.

Dlckison, of this place, lost one ofblf best hones several days age? The animal got mired In the river and iu getting him out ids leg was broken and he had to be killed. THOMPSON PEERT Department Store, AUBURN, NEBRASKA. lr S. H. AVEY.

AUBURN, NEBRASKA. i 'n I -4 R. AisLki Graduate of the Spencer Opi leal Rr bool, York and of tl ec.ars of Julio King Opt t. 4 eew ft ftf -J ti lr. jjjj lilk v- e- we.

7 1 -e n'k'erfi imunl I'zire A i 1 a a I I -1 1 a a Hi 11 a a (, 1 at pi rwitu tie 1 0 I acj i ct' at ante, i 1 t. Mtu people a biae lead are tuip.iiufiy a hma have nnldea abet rent lent died al-. yive them I Ii tin, ri imw univerimly e.iad -bid 1 fill'd ill Intariitb'f Ini )h iriiu) le and may lead to loin) blithln--. Our ability to adjuat f. 1, rectiy la bi joud ijUitainn.

(oh.u.l u. PHn. hit kV, awe pr Urt Tar Tnouk.n 1 euied Dr. Mile' hervme btert bteaihiarwdh, MiIm' Heart 1'ue. Notire for Hearing Claims.

Kttatcoi Joltxnn Hiurtrh Cbrtl)an i the Lmifity ivxinat Neuubs rounty, Nrbrs.ka. SiK-e I hereby given that Kebrueey Hih ivis, April gf l-'ft and June Jlih ItfM at lOo'riost a m. of dav, at the ofll re of the County Juries Of Nemaha lu Irtm robot Nehraxls, In Auburn Nebraaka, baViaLM. everv reaneet. been fixed by the rourt the limeend "vry reapeet.

wnen and where all tH-rnoux who have tiBimsi and demanda avalnsi saul dwiteed can have PERU BU8INE88 DIMEOTORV. tbeax-ne examined, adjueied and medirlnea, ei r' I) B. worker tn Iron All work HOWE SUBINEB DIRECTORY. HO esmt Phyxtdin and Mr-Ij, xeon. Jruga, paluta, oil, patent feneral warranted HOTEL, near depot.

K. ihrfluek, proprietor, tl.Ktd accommidrtlloua at reaaouab.e rale 'itr s-mY WHAT HFfERS KERVICS3 It pfirrtrjiy tjr, i tm'i wltfti gil t- fHii. a i a rntaa kvt bMi) if AWltiU'U lAtiur- vitttr. giihi mi, Mi inn Vt in. nrui uj en I ftj 9 it ODIA trr fffwifi 04 eonMu MJ I ilnlijfy UmAfaN ft ttvNfHUHpi Hi JOUltl'i Qjyt ft jrt pfi IttHkt bft Ititf HUHi I It IAaOHU 4 fr jt.

i an Hitrwi Tftwi lr otnd, I 11 l-t MB or 1 I If le ft (1 -4 fiMilll ft LtMrig(wl4i Hrh I kg lrtt. nu frtH 1mj. MAllbf4 ik 1 1 41 i biiaiL A Hohl by hdward lijfrt, Vrufti fWt OUT LI THE COLD ft's i irf prv- i irfl I ft) iU tft ftjr 4 a- ttra a 4 IV woa LC3TS. (mi A f1 it i i i jtr1 Yt uiQ lor If ft OiU KrI T'ksd Stjfs-sf 8 MIT 11' fiitd Mi 'jVhftOX mrs 1 by a ROSCOW nibwe't foiicr of Court Houne e.juare A new Sunday school has been organized herewith tew fffleers at the head. It Is bod it wtU progress and become one of tbe tst schools in the couuty.

lt all lent a helping bgnd. BEDFORD SENS. Miss Galena Quinn is uu the sick list. Colorado relatives have been visiting at Thus. Junes.

Miss Ella Deiiefiel, made a flying trip to Stella lat week. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Fordyee left last Tuesday for a few days visit iu Brownville. Mr. Ttios, Jones, who was on the jury this term, was let off tbe Arga-t.

right case. We undt-rsUod that the Bedford school is having a twowc ksva aU6n. This I quite sri advancement for frd as this is also her fiit fiftie month's school for years. Quit a mjmtier of out peq pre In attendance at the Argibright trial. It would stirely have ts'u neh- to to have tin to get a juryman from Imre hh alt wem so nod in their opinions against the prisoner.

sorrnor i cf'j tr I by di -t 4 5 h.iJ nt tiic A v'Jf, Mv'fi'i. cr ihcmec" 't an mv ha-r .1 ptf it! 1 v.M.tb) 2 HOT 3 'f to te cure4 ty tins c-Jc rdlcJ 41e.itmuit, hut very he, rrr a anJ to TRY -nae. I lid td-xf I comrrun ti to re- k'fvn a tn in tl nr arj by nig iC 1 cover atrr til V4 i-jr u.r I Iix I twtf fMy 4ft 4 hv fthra tj 4 fi it had iiij 3 A AL LCKJMIS. 1 1ir nWajM. nMi4d fi te jti iraif I Gs ft 721111 j- 3 1 I i i All elaim nl prewnled at the lust I ed dale will be roxert barred, by order of tbe court, Ji, A.

LAarT. I Dee, 12ib Ht. tounly i udgs. J0HN8GR BUSINESS DIRECTORY rtuStMEHOAL Ildt'HK n.T. Tayoe, T-oprleUir riiu.

Ue I mTiiITK, practical blacaamitb refmirer. tern tea. trin-knianablp and Give him a rail. dfttlum It! tami Jihpl Ac. and m.nflmih ii tat asiip aua siamin a i ty.

w7Z I) W.BLC KLKi Jlixtua of tbe Ptac. CohuctioD pronifitty to it ea a T. iOf HIGWIiidt Ifl Dry (idM, 9 fiWMtw, Hoot. fh(Jft, (tiftti Ur A'tlfc'Vftr, 41, JULIAN BUAiNf48 OiHECTQKY HHOH Atlorr() fl fw ftnd Jy'iij'-ffrf ii. I'fn for bru i.iita Couulj.

to on Nrom f.ratiie mn itivr fr 1 fm mi II tirDuit I Utnf fi If If I (fM mat it YOUNG BROS. WORLEY 0 0 0 lire RcceiUiiQ Their! FALL 1110 WINTER GOODS. Call and i i i. -a fpfore tiuyiug. If(, uUUAn, rsEBR.

1 1 i I I Y-SCody have tftyXll ra.0 i )Uk fruiu Urugcmo. to. 9 a (1 I.

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