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The Perry Daily Chief from Perry, Iowa • Page 6

Perry, Iowa
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8t G. CALLS A BLUFF Opera House Tonight The Right Kind of Shoes. i ne people oi iowa are sympathetic, schools oj use town, exclusive of the aid they giie evidence of their sym-jaios. libera! individual donations. ever a Shot co2ies to town.

WAS HOT TO BE COVED BY A COMMERCIAL i2i stnzKiuzii muns io aiu -err mu not oe ceniad aer sister SOME BOYS ABE S0U8CE OF AS.N'OTAXCE TO PASSESGESS. I sufferings wherever they may be fc-jua cities. We have arranged for a Lene- TBAVELEB. 3ne sent corn Russia a whohr 1 Si eiitetrainmeat at the armory ship load in the time of famine; she and the money secured good cum in the saip.e breath wka Walk-Overs" Vou -l find theui at Tilii K. (j.

GixAt are scarce, so artr oooti and so far "Walk-Overs'" lake the shine others sent thousands of bushels oi her wheat I be forwarded to swell the funds that to India when the starving give homes and coaifort to worth. The ol tieCrip Threatened Dire Ven- an" Boys Through Eggs At Minneapolis Train -Other MischieToassess Is the world's cnaritv. rea. We are glad to say the sale of geace. But Bis Citizens oi" all classes gar--- seats is progressing cuite satisfacjoril: ie rich mail from his weaiui and the and a good audience is expected lo- Bigh; at the armory.

widow from her mite. In Sre. Sold famine the man who hails from Before leaving the city Mayor DoJ Iowa will not be found wi'ii a tight- son expressed himself as pleased that here was mud in the sireeia. mud ened purse string. I the citizens of Perry did not wail for fa the 'bus and mud in she a The Right Kind of Prices.

Des Moines, our proud lanital oa I '1 official action of the powers that 1 hursday afternoon when the hacks ery occasion when nelp na; ne-iore tating denane steps to help mere are a number of our vouths and cabs conveying passengers from various hotels were enrouie to the Milwaukee depot. asked, has responded nobly uojtae unioruinates the Sooded cities, thought that she would ever seed toj It seems that as the daily reports who seemingly have passed beyond parental control. They are the heroes ask' alms. I come to ai the situation of mischievous episodes and are not has been jvenakeu I Moines wj underestimated and that nirequently prominent in malicious lire fortune, thou-sau is of Iiule of such, aid as we are ab! $3.50 daughters homeiess. "j-t-jto give will be appreciated.

The thrown by one of ihe 'bus teams made a shower of sliaiy stuff through the open windows of the Stewart houe literally besmeariug a half dozen or more passengers making them like Indians in their war paint. Oip of the passengers depredations which are legally punishable if brought properly to the attention of the authorities. are cold and hungry an 1 1 A great many people of this c-it weeping they cling to a mothers pre desirous of hearing Prof. Eartlett kac egiug for tarmih. lecture.

This evening at the armorv Xow, for instance, a few nights since-number of these voung hoodlu-is The cruel ti-e past fortnight I tbey will be aecomniodased threatened dir: against (be of i-y-f rin real- bis best efforts, and when it do are bidding for notoriety at the gh price of self esteem and public- whose team had occasioned i' cur suite. no jpc- jsidered that ordinarily the admission trouble. cine plea for help has been generally fee charged to such lectures respect, were gathered at the Rock Is land depot. Seme of them were uude: The plucky driver called his Muff. maue, the associated chanties of east- detsvereu ny him range to two and era cities has been offered and refused even four times the amount charged on cwe.Vi-r.

and to explain ence of liquor and all were he irritated knight of the grip that wreckless. The Minneapolis St. Lou SOLtE MGEJSLTS. i-- was not responsible to any degree train pulled into the station on time or the splashing of the mud. hut that luder the circumstances he would him provided he would pay the the sides of two of the cars teing bespattered with eggs.

Of course it may be that these boys may not have by our capital city. "Jtbis occasion, the house should be fill Under the circumstances Iowa can ed to its capacity. take care of her own and from hamlet. The time may come when Perry wil village and city all over the state, aid stand in need of succor. Then we wil quick, generous, wholesouled ha be remembered by the people who nov beea given.

Shave our help. Jefferson, in Green county, has shown Bear In mind the object of the en her generosity by sending la a doaa- I tertainmeni. and be as liberal as pos tion of gathered by tie Sunday Isible. engaged in the fusilade which suited in defacing the cars. LANSING PRINTING CO.

After considerable demurring -r EXCURSION TO BOSTON. j-t- Via Detroit, Buffalo and Xia-- SPECIAL RATES happy man from Omaha acceded sact remains that these youngsters Furnish Anything t.hat. is Printed the request, and in a short time ev- were congregated at the depot wh Fine, Fancy Advertising a the train stopped; they were having session which would put to shame The mora! to this story is that no Jobbers Art Novelties, Fans, fish at Leonards. salesman with a big grip and on of hoboes. When the train CALENDARS pulled out this malicious piece tor pianos anu organs of the very-best snakes, sold at the lowest prices and on the very best terms, do not fail see A.

U. Coates. whose i little heart can double-cross a A3! kinds of fish at Leonard's. mischief had been perpetrated. Mem bers of this same gang have been ra Falls.

1 BLACK HIIL3. National Educational Associa- The third week in June a party tioa. July to Pi. Special train i of I'errv Deoale will make a trp under the supervision of Supt. Z.

into the Black Hills Mining coun- C. Tnomburg of Des Moines. Low try over the Burlington. Stops rates, first class accommodations. will be made at Hot Snrings Hill Interesting side trips of hLstorie City, Lead City, Deadwood and interest.

For information on -f other A splendid oppor- or address W. M. TASK or L. A. tunity will be presented on this BLcZEK.

Perry Iowa. io se the tountry -r -t- grand mountain scenery, and in- spect the greatest gold mining ine only place a class'! i.rojerties in the world. At. P1r- naking life a burden to Agent Smart was iu Woodward yes- Tiie following is a list of letters re parlors are stocked with as Su-3 a se-! Section as can be found in ceu'ra! wa Mr. Coates is proficient ia every detail of the music trade, and buvipcj tne past few days.

maining at the postoflSce in Perry They mount and ride Incoming and unclaimed for the week ending outgoing trains, and not onlv endan- FOR SALE. Sis room cottage- on Seventh street, with well am! barn, high lot, will return II cent as rental property. Easy terras. $750.00. on J.

OLDS. -t--4- June- 4. for cash buys at right prices to give their own lives but constitute an the benefit Of his lenient of annoyance to Mr. Smart ence. uts; of and his employes about the depot.

has been se- Leonards Mil- The city authorities have been re line stove, or have sharpened, is at the -itor; cured, and there wiil be room --ie fac- I for a number more. or -t- -luested to keen strict watch on those the simplest musical iustrumen; -Mr. Coates carries a stck Wiien in iMrcti of anything in his lin it will be to your Suamial advantage insjKjct the gootis he offers. Dr. C.

M. Ciissicfc. lliss. Chant. Fred.

Hansen. Mrs. Mauie. Holmes. Mrs.

J. A. Kingry. Dan. Locke.

J. E. Scandou. W. C.

Stedman. C. F. F. M.

HOEYE. P. tory. Drop, us a r- iy. -la! ho may attempt to repeat the piece Dr.

W. W. Miller the rest. Wednesday morning two of these card and we write- to ICltf -1- p. jL Perry, Iowa, sale at Bohner's for information or particulars.

--d street. smart youths mounted the southbound the Rock Island at 10: 17 and attempted to enter the ladies' coach. ie P. E. I.

P. H. Co. have moved office temporarily at least, from basement oi the Brown block to Warford DENTIST, Clements Block, rsoce 133: Kes. 201 For Sale-My property reet.

between Second an rents. Loag. rooms in the First National bank uniiding. The-officers of the conspaay found it ratiier irksome to try to do Forest Moody has taken a iKisition in Dignans grocery store. less with four inches of water covering tin: of their office, so hey moved out.

Last year the water ras kept out of the basement of the n-own block by a syphon, but there too much, water in the ground at sent to accomplish much in that Claude Casey, the barber, made trip to Coon Rapids yester- 8 They were met on the platform by the conductor who asked their destination and for their tickets. Of course he lads had no ticketas and no raonc-y consequently the conductor immediately stopped the train and with the aid of the brakemaa marooned them in the vicinity of the stock yards. Marshal Willis happed to be In the at the time and hailed the boys, but they instead of coming to him started and na like so many wild kangaroos. Dave had his faithful white horse with hi mand gave chase- When the boys see that ihey aiade a effort to eiude the officer and ran south some distance where they rcr-sed fences and ditches at a clip and gained a place of saiety in the woods on the outskirts of the city. At iast accounts they were suii.

nm- The Prosperous City of Perry is easily covered by The Daily Chief 1 1 A farmers there are now in the nsicsi oi i.reaking season. Ir tur INGHEIM'S ner that the heavy rains of -r(uiMl in best condition for years and the sod is Mrs M. C. Wilson left yesterday for i-ranton to spend a week or ten days friends. i.iraed over at a rapid rate.

The $Cash Dry Goods Store breaking svason jmnsnaMy fav- oraoic will nave a tendency to greatlv ncrease Uic acreage of flax. Mrs. K. H. Pau! of Dallas Center em yesterday in the city as a Miss Oliver.

DRSS3 GOODS AND SiLKS. A. U. Coates. the leading music man the city, goes to Des Moines ibis to perfect arrangemenis for the LATEST.

AJ Carl Moody who the past week now convaiesccnt. IOWA MESSEXGER AXD DELIVERY SERVICE. The public is requested not to give our messengers tips the service is for the regular rates charged as per cards, a copy of which is carried by each boy. compliance with this request wiii oblige F. E.

Knell, manager. the music dealers convention. Mr. Coatiis is in receipt of scores of letters from prominent dealers of the state announcing their intention of being present at the meeting on June Mr and" Win Barker are rejoicing over the arrival of a Svc pound Kincv Wednesday. nn.d is read by the major and best portion of Perry's population Six Mornings of Each Week Leading Advertisers know its value.

They use its columns more freely than any other paper in Dailas county. Write or caii on THE DAxLY CHIEF Perry iQwa l'ia at ice capita! city. Will Bnford. son of T. C.

Buford. Mrs. E. F. Larson has gone to Des loines to be a guest for a few days at ie home of her father.

Jeft Thursjiay for Des Moines where iie ill remain indefinitely. His father XOTiCE. After the 10th of the outstanding accounts of the Ling restaurant will be in the hands of Attorney Winegar for collection. Your prompt attention In this matter wiii save those owing us on account extra cost- F. W.

LIXG. Dr. Criley of Dallas Center was in the city yesterday, called to consult with Dr. Ross on a case oi serious im o.ccompanicd him to lie present to see him initiated into his new duties as beli boy at tiie Savery hotel. Will has secured a good position there which Melrose, Mistral.

Voile. Etimene, Mohair anil Fancy Suitings, and Diac-k and Coiorcd Silks for Skirts and 1 1 Waists. WASH GOODS. vJ PRETTIEST WASH FABRICS here, JH for surely there never were any pret- tier wash fabrich than those we are fm showing Organdies. Dimities, Balists, i-aw-ns.

Piques, and Ginghams crowd each other for room and when you consider the prices are so very little tt the goods lecome donbiy tempting LACES AXD BROIDERIES. JD ALL TUB SPRING N0-ELT1ES in this department Appliques in white. binck and Arabian. AHovcrs. Edgings r.nd insertings.

in the various stvles Widths. SUITS AXD SKIRTS. A XICE LIXE OF TAILORED SUITS fg. and Skins now ready for your seiect- fji port. pays $20 per month and board.

airs. Ella Hoeye arrived in the city iast evening from Adel for a visit at the Miss 'Emma Ycager. who has b-on siting her father and numerous ot Last Thursday night the approach io the Garoutte bridge was washed off the piling and swung down the bank. Perhaps the county will put another steei span in again so that there will be a solid bridge clear across the river. icmes of F.

M. Hoeye and Mrs. Mary dams her friends here, left yesterday for Des Moines to spend a few riavs with i rot her George. Miss Yeager e.v-to return soon to Sioux City at i Fcr sale a tresh cow. part Jersey rives an abundance of rich milk.

Cokely. comer Second and Xortl which place she is engaged in hospital service. The transposition of head lines in Thursday's issue of the Daily Chief made the opera her-sc look much and Roiert Rao to be building rapidly. At this date both Mr. Rae and the opera house are out of danger.

and Mrs. -T. -I. Hayes and Mr. Mrs.

-Tas. Wiihelm and sor. left H. T. Mnnn has a nice roan a splendid location for sale.

Gooi' -veil. bam. and well seeded iawn. It'r bargain. Yeiva.

Xortli Dakota. They are going on a visit of yon want a suit or separate era! weeks among former Dallas people, residing in McHenry E. C. Freeman, a former li man of Perry, now engaged in grocery business at Woodward, here Thursday between trains. SHIRT WAISTS.

U. X. Stotts. the sewing machine mar -as a business visitor Boone thr rst part of the week, returning Tnes-ay evening. We have ATTRACTIVE LIXE of IE- GAMBLE'S UNOERTA ING The quarterly meeting service will held in the M.

E. church Sunday wstor of the hnrch but now of Ames. be in the and have charge of oth momi-ig and evening serriees. MbSLIX UNDERWEAR. PARTMEXT.

established 1S72. best -service, rates to suit all. day "phont 150. night "phone 44. STtf Don't borrow your neighbor's Chief oniy ten cents a week atd yoi afford to lie without the pape; so small cost.

At the white sale. Kinsey Graves riil offer their lot of So-ehon lace at cents: per yard. VT3 ARE IX A POSTTTOV TO crVK Ks Pnrviance was in r-s Moines yes-iy to see abort securing a place to He found the supply greater is cordially invited to at-Pd the ten cent social to be field at homeof. Miss Kate Dana this at o'clock. YOU MOXEY OX YOUR PURCHASES.

nan tiie demand and wiil start in a Instantly Relieved, Quickly Cured By the use of Paracamph A Soothing, Cooling, Healing Remedy Redoxes tfie Swelling, Semoes all Soreness, Stops the Bnrning, Draws oat Fever and Inflammation, Prevents Bad Odor, Stimulates its Circulation, Keeps the Feet Warm and ContfojtaMe. Policemen, Motormen, Conductors, Clerks, and all those who are on their feet a great deal should always keep a bottle of PARACAMPH in their homes for use at night. Gives Instant Relief io Corns. Bunions end Frost Bite, We Gua.ra.ntee every bottle to do What we claim for it. If it fails your money will be refuvaied.

25 cents, 50 cents and Sl.oo bottles. At AB Good Drajrtots. few days for Xorth Dakota where he For choice wedding presents see the imported har.d decorated china at -ayre Bros. 165tf The Milwaukee had about a dozen passengers out oi tnis csty yesterday, io change cars at Hemdon. most ol them to points south.

Mrs. Thomas Beatty and daughter Cleo returned yesterday from Rolfe their former home. Mrs. Beatty went to Roife to attend the graduating exercises of the higti school. CARDELL FAHEY.

-f -v ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS Gamble block. Perry. la. large number of Perry people ihie- e. RIN6HEIM 31' PeriT mostly of the masculine gender went a Des Moines yesterday to see the fter results of the Sood.

Mar. and Marie O'Connor went terday. They went to Mrs. Flygn of Omaha. In company attend exercises of Miss Kate Fitzgerald's school, add report a most enjoyable time- -f DR.

A. I. BROWN DENTIST Established in IS8L fyrUe Bldg. fPhone with her sis'- of Woodwa' a a0. JTssjrs eaJ7.

Sale By J. E. Perry, Iowa, NEWSPAPERflHCHIVE---.

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