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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 5

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MACIiAZTD DAILX CV EZTI1IG- -TKIBUirE. HON DAY; ATJOITST. 1E3S. AOTBstTiaaattstBTS A BULLET III HIS HEART. thsre Is talk ot securing a larger hall lot ALAMEDA.

The Descrsrle rally Batarday night was largely attended and soma very hi lares ting A. G. Hatford Sayt EccUDy to tbe addresses were made. Than via Terr interestine rsms of Iir A QUANDARY. Bennett HasHot Yet Decided Ubat He Wl Do.

BERKELEY. -J Is Efforts for an Extension of the Ifaiii Senlce. IE8." EIGOTiED, Worid. (U'e ot Puis). cricket played at tae Del Monte grounds Senator Stewart Helps tbe Hew yesterday between tbe ueniornlaa and toe Alameda, and to the surprise) of all the California elub won.

Taa Alamedas hare saw -v. 1 D. Kelson works for tna Judaea Iron Electric Line. been cooaidered invincible, this banc (hair Company sad goes to his daily toil along CITY of brat defeat tor tne season. Us fast Berkeley rauroaa tracx every NORTH moraine at eeioek.

This aaorntng. when near the racecourse, ha discovered the He Is Nervous and Goes About Protest Regarding the; Yater at Aqitation Reqarding the More Nostb Oaxxabu, Aocust 29. Taa "Ye w. of a man. evidently a suicide, dead.

will eivo a social next Friday at lit. Gibba Well with a ballet vossa in bh mwaeh i the University. Chinese Evil Coroner was at ones notified and tae body nnaitd to the MOTCUS. BaD, on Thirty-second and Peralta atreeta. Mr.

Murray of Hannah street ia having IHall ami Winter Season There was found upon las doot a piam bis bonaa raiaed. wold rine-. with the inscripuon: "Kataaiie. Geoiis Gnj, liHo Fired Tluici tt Hla, Us Salt mter Plant fill Sooa Be Mra. F.

J. Marshall baa ntnrnad after a Taa aa a. L- mx C( Sept. IOBO, watcu, ayicuaaw uu ft moatb'a viatt to Portland, Oregon. IS COtn, aiSO St jeuvr, i uu luiu.

Ipptus In CoaxL Eeaijfor Opcratioi- i STOCKYARDS. addressed to vv. layman, vrarnega, Kansas." IftlB'js ire TalklaS da (tapMilp Cbalieuga Beseixet, August 29 The action ot the Board of Regents of the 8tate University in bringing ust to condemn, certain nortiona of land to taa rear of the Univer i 1 EXHIBITION OF NEW GOODS There was also found another letter, so- STOCKTAasa, Angtut 29.Tba young eon drMsad: "To Whoau It May Coneern." C. R. BennetL secretary, Cali August 29.

As the time oftMrs. Burnbeisis bad hi noaa broken In fornia Society for tbe Suppression ot Vice. a. baseball fimi 'f hnrsdav. which proves that us aeeeasea toos thought ot the difficulties surrounding tbe draws near for the realistic production of Pinafore by the Enema Boat Club, as de Billy Muilan toad hie arm badly cut last war alive this morning, notwithstanding obtain IB got iacis anons sow uaauuwa ueau.

Thnrtdav. Ths letter aa ronows: tbe pullets which George Gray, the aged bent and almost blind contractor, sent fly scribed at length in Thx Tsibdsi recently, in'arest in the novel performance in creases. It baa been decided that tbe Johnuy curran naa tne mtarorxnne to break bia collar bone yesterday while horse Thta statement la to avoid an SBistakea aad na at hia had and after him last Saturday the oaseoeaaary mvatenes wuca always sar- back Tbe animal became trtgnten round oases this kino. moat desirable aeata shall be auctioned to night at the People's meeting front ol An x.verj jjepurtuicut, ttd POEDLAR PRICES ed and reared np, falling backward upon I I am a uennan oj pirui ana yean oia. SABotdeeaaU neoeaaary to give aay swaa the City HalL 1 Mr.

Curran witb tbe above result. tbe highest bidder. Tbe sale will be held in tbe clubhouse at the foot of Grand street on tbe evenlnr of September 2d. L. why I take say owa life.

It la enough to say He made his way to the office of bia at mt bran ai me. a am a awaaaer aera. torney. Mr. Johnson in the Hall at A POPULAR PASTOR.

to all or any inquiries concerning ayidentlfl- xisoaie wui act as auctioneer, xoe orat nary admission price will be II. with re sity grounds lorj the; purpose of erecting hereon a reservoir baa aUrred op a large ssed protest. There baa been a misunderstanding between the regent and the j.rerty The regents maintain that the property owners are stubborn and the latter claim tnat tba recent want to maintain a disease-spreading pond naar tbeir residence; itj' Tbe plan proposed by the regents ia to erect dam across: tbe vine lust back of the residences of C. H- Palmer and C. T.

Into be reservoir thus formed eattoa will be quits suaneceaaarr. an early hour, where he was found, by TaiBcax reporter was attired ia served seats 50 cents extra. Painter by oenpation. Rehearsals of the niece have been pro- Farewell Reception to the Rev. light gray-striped pair of trousers, cream colored vast and dark'- -bine sack KTeeslnc satisfactorily and the 8an Fran It is supposed tbat Halford commuted suicide at 10 o'clock last evening, aa a pistol shot was heard at that hour by those cisco Operatic Society, wbicb has chares of Dille.

His bead waa bare, disclosing the round bald summit and bis dark tbe operand Dart ot the entertainment, nas decided upon the following cast: "Sir living near by. Svea peered nervouslv through his glasses. Joseph Porter. K. A.

F. Stceihcher; In his left band be held a cigar stump and SILKS-MOST BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. I FRENCH NOVELTY DRESS GOODS, TASTEFULLY SELECTED BLACK DRESS GOODS FANCY NOVELTIES. Wka the Habr la Cat-Ja Teeta. The rules of government at the Methi theeht, rs of Strawberry creak are to be "Caotain Corcoran." Robert Lloyd: a heavv cane made of leather disks pressed i Be sure and use the old aad well-tried remedy 1 rhitTK AnfAMintv.

mu. thV let). Tbe vegetatiou in ins ravine ia not to RalDa Kackatraw." M. uomn "ticic together 'around an iron' rod. The Mas, VfiysLoWa Boutsimo Svaor, for children Deadeye," A.

M. Thornton: "Bill Bob-i re clened oat and tbe genii slopes of tbe do, the itinerancy of its clergy, brings son lower -Thicket oa tne right nana teething. It soot baa the ehtld. soften the gums atay." a L. Parent iJr.jr Bob Beeket," row to one church of tbat denomination In side hung loosely by his hip mos win give ample loom tor decay ana evaporation.

i geological experts of allays all pain, cures wind eolle and is the beat Oakland. Rev: Elbert R. Dille. D. D.

has! and it waa bnried his right hand, which Benjamin such; "torn TucKer," tiowara Maadcn: "berceant of Marines," David tue I'n lversity claim that the sandy ail rented for aiaxrohcea, xwentr-nve cents a no doubt. gTasoed a revolver, with which lor five vears been the pastor of the First tudr tbe dam ill allow tbe water to pan Wise: "Josephine," Miss Alviha bottle. Methodist Episcopal Church, and during he nrooosed to prevent any person from Henarr "Hebe." Mrs. J. W.

Maflden: ura into tne property of Messrs. Palmar TRIMMINGS LATEST FROM PARIS. theae tears his miniatrattons have endeared again making a target of his head or the If tacre ever waa a specific for any one "Little Buttercup." Miaa Lolita Levet. rest of hia anatomv. and liake.

A dam oi ruca eoit prove menace to the aafpty ol tbe poople living 1iow. On tnese groumts protest is For tbe cnorua the operatic society will furnish fifty singers and the boat club a HAND-PAINTED FANS GAUZE ROBES. LACES. like number, making a grand chorus of 100 ra-sed. tt Is claimed that the reseats have re voices.

tected an offer to have, constructed a fine reat-rvoir. An offer to place a dam across UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY for Ladies, Gents and Children Bis Injnrtaa Barton. N. L. Kirk, one of tbe bridgeboilders.

complaint, then Carter's Little liver Pills area specific for sick headache, and every woman should know Una, Only one pill a dose. Try them. A 6AFE" INVESTMENT. The Ensor Remedy Company will enre any irase of liquor or morphine habit free of chare and pay all hotel bills and railroad fare In anv case where a perfect eure is not effected, provided tha naiiant will ob.erve the rules of tha Bennett rose hesitatingly as the reporter accosted him, suit keeping his right band on his gun and awkwardly holding bis cane and atub in the other. "Have yon decided to file a complaint for shooting to commit murder against Mr.

Gray?" tbe reporter askea. Bennett hesitated and finally resumed hla chair without chaning the position of bis hands and replieJ "That has not beeu determined ou yet." I who waa so badly injursd by the collapse tbe ravine at rjedoioat avenue mat too came reception. Tne suit of condemnation will be bitterly co-itled. Iidprofnui Atatter. of a bridge oyer tbe San Lorenzo, near Santa Crur, a few days ago, is now at his home in Alameda.

He is suffering Tbe Isonti west Berkeley Improvement G.VERDIER institute. See H. DUKti, M. Fairmont Club baa appointed' George Schmidt, severely from injuries to bis apine aud head, which are of a very serious nature. Christopher Englebreuen af J.

Brotr oel Half an hour later Bennett bad a confidential talk with Assistant District Attorney Cburcn. Still later be bad a talk with bis attorney, Mr. Johnson, afiar which, be left tbe hall, going east on Fourteenth street to Broadway. Mr. Kirk resides on Versailles avenue with his family.

committee to secure, if possible, an ex i tension of tbe local train service to that llouse, ban lablo avenue. i 1 Carriaeaa. I Closing out an entire line of Sue car. riacee. surrey's: phaetons, top and open Loggiea at co-t.

most be sold immediately. Vatfon BOBEBT J. BEKBY, 1068 S. E. cor.

Geary St. and Grant S. F. end of town. An Influential Advocate.

The protestants who. oi ject to the con Tbe North Berkeley Club is vigorously Goods DellTered freo la 111' SatorUB Tern pushing its plans for. incorporation. Tne Executive Committee of tue North struction of an electric railroad on San Jose avenue should discuss tbe matter Samples Sent ca Ippllcitlos. west Berkeley I Olnb consist of (ieorge with Senator William Stewart of Naval a.

GBAT WA8 THERE, Bennett's nemesis, Uray. I had been palroling the corridor and front steps oi the City Hall only a few moments previously. IJjWas not known tbathejwac armed or that be knew that B-nneiv was within such easjr reach ol Him, Wuepr bu- jot family nee. Sparry a bcbmidt, Dan Jackson, II, iulscli, C. GiltnaniH and J.

F. Teaeue. who has larte Drooertv interest in this XKQOALZ flOUX. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS city. Senator Siewtrt owns 900ieet front- bina to the heiris ot hie parianxmfrs.

who Copies of toe general Uw re ating to ciiiee of tbe fifth elr. are bcin distributed age on the line ot tbe proposed road and yesterday afternoon, at 5 o'rionkr gathered is one of its warmest advocates. He be- in the Tabruacle to bid' him farewell, at bv tbe improvement clubs i Evry flower in our store 25o. Volt beim's Paradloe Millinery, 905 Waahincton street, between Niutn and Tenth streets. lieves the road will incre se the value -of The meettngi of the North wat Berkeley Club have beau cbaoited to the hret and least 3n00 people wbo.

know and love bim beiBar present. i -1, A short Christian Endeavor service was BUMMER RESORTS. property, and hia arguments in its favor cannot be shaken by the opponents of the COME AND GET CURED third Fridays of the month It ot held nndr the directio't of O. A. Lane sBtlit 8caBtllnx project.

Storage. Th finest brick etoragerooms In Oak-nd. Come and ee them. Office 413 Ninth president'of the Alame la Countv Christian 20 Yean in Uorona and Autnlia attornev, juavor unapman. arriveu.i accompanied the tatter into Judge OgleuV chambers', where be remained unknown to the -taroug which crowded the Police Court to are tbe assailant aad the ass-iuea brought face to face.

i In response to a question from The Tbibcke man City Attorney Johnson s.iid tuai he bad nothing to uo wi.h the case, yet, at ieast, and won nob till later pernaps. He dii not know whether or hot Beuneit would Hans Basmussen was arrested Saturday Endeavor Union, wno then introdnced. W. In the Tntere.t or rapraVtmut Says the Alameda Statetmant The Chtaesa have concluded the task of S. Mrriaro.

State secretary of the aoCietV. on a-complaint I awrh out byT, Peter Ma Tie East Suc loney, charging him witb an assault witn a 'haiinan ofxie even'ne. The uvmn 'All Hati the Power of Jesus' driving out tha devil from A lame-la. Now. If Aif laterest to Carriage-for cessful some means -coold be devised.

drive awa to. a deadly weapon. It is claimed tbat Ma foilowei bv -praver bv Br; tbe Chinatown from Its present location, Ala is of Interest to bibles as well as to It lonevoblected to Basmusien stakme a cow I Pniiip Gr-iif. pastor of ihe Lutheran meda would ba much better off. bnranta to know that, owl or to tne near ar- Catarrh.

on a vacant loq tie toilow4 np nis oniec- Ciurcii. Krv. ti. a. Kica of the Second Tne sucgeation is one of the greatest of proarh th-i bolldara.

we are clout out oar file a- complaint against Uny, but if tie (Johnson) were the assailant, a com plain i certainly woutd be sworn to long before ibis. tions, it is Said, with blows; dealt witu a 1 Presbvierian Cturcn spoke of the rerat of icuuortanca to Encinal. lor tbe dis Pi Immeuae stuck oi cmiaren a carriages oe roit tirand ilule bAzaar, 860 Washington Piece of acantiine. draw an the clervvciea of Oakland at the departure graceful collection of hovels at tne railroad depot has given Alameda a biggsr set-back of Dr. Djlie.

Aftr the in jing bv the atreet. Lyng ASP audiece of "Tna Banner of the I CrossJ" tban anvtntag else in town. Bargain Fine phaetons for $125 at B. J. Rev.

Dr. McLean delivered a short ndaress The Slatttman aiwavs bas been popular Throat and at its cloe preien'e 1 Dr. D''ie with a small gold badge of Endeavor 8ocietv. Dr. Dills responded by making his fare bv reason of its prozressive utterances, ana no doubt In conjunction witb Tub Tbibcke sufficient agitauon can be stirred up to secure tbe removal of tbe disgraceful Cures Constipation, Dyspepsia and Specialist called iw cocar.

Halt an hour later, tbe Gray case Va called in the Police Court, the charge being shooting to commit murder. "There is oo complaint filed In this case your honor," aaid Assistant Diatrict At torney Church. 'There are eome mor Charges." "Yes," ssid Judge Ogden, interrupting, "there are tbe charges of shooting irtsiOr the citv and carrving concealed Beeby's, 1053 Broadway; also four pony carta cheap. Siairac. Call and see Whitney Go's new brick fire broof storsgs house.

Office 41s Ninth sirteu' I aa well address, in which he briefly recapi Money iruumos. mmtmm tTMB tulated the work of his pastorate and spoke feelingly of bis regret at parting from those hovels to a less conspicuous place. Alameda Jcjts. Mil's Hannah Brock has returned from nglv looking but before he coul use it, bad his wrist broken and hU sc dp laid open. L'ter in the day he secured a gun and threatened to shoot Matoney.

lb. Xvoluii'-n lab. The Evolution Club held its first meeting of the new term! last Saturday night An unusually large attendance was present, end over twenty new members were added to tbe roll. The discussion of the evenitx waa upon tbe suoject, "Evolution as a Fact." President Chnes 1 A. Keller delivered the opening lie wi1 con- tinue his remarks uext Saiurd evening, wben tbe subject will be, "Evolut on as a Factor." Ia a few weeks the regular work of readinga and ducussion will be' ro-' eumed.

I Torrey.Whitman&G ard.ner WEST he ha learned to iove during his residence in this citv. lie congratulated th Pacific Grove. Christian Endeavor Society unon its growth and prophesiei a glorious future for Oak 461-463 Eleventh St. OAKLASD A6I5TS. HALL.aM D.C.

Toe experimental aalt water plant will be in operation within a month. land. At tne close of the exercises Dr. rtJtAeirn.T iocatio at Upon these." said Mr. Church, "the defendant is out upon his ewn recognizance.

On the charge to commit murder. 1 oesire to move that it be passed till tomor -row for investigation." tSS Breeewey. Car. airtli tweet. Oaklaad.

Cat rtra Ku.n'Huat. tr S1050. Payable at tbe rate of $10 per month; lot does rot (to with hone; present owner will occupy bouse for alz months and pay 118 per mouth rent. House ninat be moved sfte. alz months.

Adcress 911 Fourth avenue. I Abovb all others. Brxxai's faimT Dille held an informal reception. I HIS SUCCESSOR. BYKOJT SPRINGS ONE THOUSAND ftEWASO Who Dr.

Dille's successor will be is not Voranyeasebefai'stoeure eomln coder his Tnomas Stoddard says he will not ran on 'be Democratic ticket for the Assembly, There are about twenty-five children in the free public kindergarten. J. B. Lanktree has returned from Auburn. Mrs.

Lanktiee will remain a few davs longer. treatment t.y lonowmg nis airercona. tADira. 1 am alwara ntadr tn aaalat ron. Ka diseaeS peculiar to your delicate arranismia yet known.

The matter will not be deter-mened until the meeting of tbe Methodist Conference, at which tbe pastoral assignment will be mad. It i stated that the Official Bonrd of tbe church baa requested the conference, that Rev. Alfred Kremmer. oevona aorc control. Ateptuauug weoiciaea Warranted I Thla la the laat weak ot our immense olosins ont sale.

Wentworth Boot Shoe TH ROAT. Catarrhal sore throat, acute and Jot. The teachers of the San Francisco public schools have petitioned the faculty of tbe University to establish a 'course in Peda-gosics aa one of tbe special courses to be opened in that citv during tbe coming year. Tbe University Young Man's Curlstian Association has issued a "atu tent's Hand- chronic pharyngitis, enlarged tonsils and palate, hoarseneas, foes of voice, thick palegia la taa Company. now of Portland, may be assigned to 68 miles: hoar's; all rail: train, dally.

Tbe onlv MED or PEAT BATH ON THE COAT. D. B. Keuey will leave for bis stock ranch near Mitchell, Or. shortly.

The meeting of tbe Trustees tonight is liable to be very interesting, for it is expected the electric, railroad franchise trill be a top ic of considerable discussion. NATIONAL POLITICS. throat, which causes the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Tbe judge granted the motion, ana men Mavor Chapman said: "As regardt the other two charges, your honor, we ask that they be continued for a week, until a complaint is filed. The request was granted. OBIOIK Or THB TKOUBLK.

The cause which led td the enmity between Bennett and Gray1 is known to tbe people of tbis city. Gray charges thai Banuett, uudsr promise of marriage, be-traved his daughter EUal' They came together tov accident 8aiurday night at the City HalL Gray asked a party atandlng near him it he were Bennett. The latter reached for hia gun, but Gray's was snapped in hia the cartridof falling to ex A tiplaaMitil lataaant. HEART. Valvular diarasea.

weak And fatty thia Mtv. hut whether the reaueat will be For sale, anew two storv bonse In East heart, dropsy and rheumatism of heart, lanartiid Oakland: bas never been Hot salt water and salpbar baths; infallible cure for rheamaUssa. liver and kidney trouble and kindred complaints- Pamphlet mailed oa application. CL R. MASON.

Manager, Byron circulation. tains siz rooms, bath and store room and ulceration, atorrfe granteu or not is ViEST OAKLAND. modern improvements; convenient to and arid dyspepsia. IndlireEtlon, pain aadroU- Hot bpnngs g. Contra Costa county, cai.

street care and local grains, well located. neaa meaia. neanourn. waiernraen aaaou Ccnlty of iwalkirtcg. book" containing tnformajtion of use to men history ijof the College Young Men's Christian Association move- ment, notes concerning tho Berkeley churches, Bible classes and college ath-lttics are among Its The University Cub of San Francisco ia subscription forhe purpo.e of President Harrison is Baid to have Address Box l.

i bibcss omca, RUPTURE. Piles, fistula, varleole. hydroeela TALLAC HOUSE, Lake Tahoe, and swellings and ten Jirnees quickly evred, This is tbe last week of our Immense XTOW OPES TOR SEASON OF liW WHITE PRIVATE OlSEAtU OF MENaspedal stirty XI lor 1 Many new improvement closing out sale. Wentworth Boot A Shoe A Boy Hurt by One of Robinson Tigers. plode- ran and little daugh and practice for manyyeara over 400 es.aa M.

LA SUtDS at LIMIU. purchasing a cbainplonshif cup to be con rreateo yearly. Kecent eaaea oi riii vaii ajlb Compaoy. -J 1 Or Bariac eoeds Jniversliy and tested for by i tU State Paso de Mes fasc.9 careu in ashornme. ulaara.

rara, jteKa on the fsre or body cured without giv lug mercury or other poiaona Stanford University at'le iteams finished his letter of acceptance of the Minneapolis nomination, but its contents will not be made known until he leaves Looo Lake, where he and Mrs. Ha risoh have been sojourning since the adjournment ot Congress, for New York, which is xpected to be about the latter end of the current week. The President's visit this week to New York will 'be very brief. He will then At low prices at H. Bcbellhaas you will West Oakland, August 29.

Brakeman GET" AH Diseases ef the Live'. KSdaere, Eye. never forget tbat now is the time, i Davis, on attempting to board tbt locskl Aboat'T The Pastor's Aid Boci of the Pres-bvierian Church has ecuLjtbe services of Springs Hotel, iTbls is tbe lest week of our immense train at tha, pier Friday evening, was Ear aad tkia, RlMuir.atn.-s, Uloara, Hair Falliae, Boa Paiaa, Gaaarraata, Oiaet, Striata ra, rypaAisk SVeia Softaaiag, Vaatfaful Errors, etsk. Cat ad. thrown to the ground, smashing bis band Paso ds Boblei closing out sals.

Wentworth Boot Shoe Compaoy. a ter, aged 12. -years, who, was with bim ai the time, fled affrighted, shouting that ber father had been shot. Bennett ran 'west on Fourteenth? 'street toward while two sbots from Gray's pistol followed bim. Tnence be ran norm to Seventeenth street and Sao Pablo avenue, where be was found by Officer Banks concealed in a water closet.

He was brought to the ciiy jail, where be ascertained that hla assailant bad been arrested by Oeputy Sheriff Macy and placed in celL Bennett was then released. At 10:30 o'clock Gray was set at liberty, Frank Moffitt and Captain J. Wilson going on his bond in the sum of 15000 each. DR.T. D.

HALL'S It ia rumored among the trainmen that one of the brasremen on tbe Seventh street local has captured tha heart of, a beautiful goto Washington and remain there a day or two, afterward returning to Loon en Luis Obisro Couatr. Cal Miaa Kate Wbittaaer. a graduate of an Enitlisb school of and the conductor of tbe Chautauqua class at Pacific Grove, to conduct a aeries of demonstrations of tbe caliniry The first will be next Fridav at tbe armory ot tbe One bottle Ayer's earsaparllla la worth re of Medical and Surgical Institute, any other blood punter. na araataat haalta naort on the Padfle eaast: Lake. On the ZUth ot fcep'emDer ne will review the parad of the Grand Army of Weat Oakland said to be the daughter of a well-known dealer in fancy 105 BEOADWAT, OAX1AKD.

Bonzat 10 to 1X3 to AT to a. ConsuitaUaa Free climate unrivaled; sew hotel and cot tares: mad and sulphur betas; the waters of aneqoaled ane-diclnal value: new ann elegant bataoaae: eom-peieat attendanta Take train at Third and goods a the Point, and in consequence, weanng heiis win moop ring. the Republic at Washington, in all of these movements it not announced that he will make any public addresses. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon a large lownsena sireeia, oau xiauH, a ow a. m.t number ot men were engaged in moving arrive at i'M rt u.

same aay: no suzinc, Eichweae, PEAUaStS Fancy nn Staple Mm Cleveland is still suffering from the Robinson's circus at the Sixteenth! street AC W. UliHXA. agar. Fall Vrooa the Traia. John H.

Meyer, an old man 63 years of itch for writing letters. He has now age, who Tesides at 859 Peralta street, fell written a letter of thanks to tbe German-Americans of Colorado, through George station and were aurrounded by numerous urchins. A lad commenced to torment ja caced tiger when suddenly, the maddened animal thrust one of its paws out between Elamatli Hot Springs, Bovs Brigade on Bancroft Tbe local court American Foresters held a verv pleasant gathering at tne Acheaon Hotel Friday evening. Guests were present from Courts Lorin and Shell Mound. Tne Town Trustees will meet in regular session this evening.

IJie little son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Wright died Saturday morning and was buried yesterday' afternoon.

Rev. Dr. Del Witt of Fresno preached at the Firrt Baptist Church yesterday. Rev, E. B.

Payne, pastor of tbe Unitarian off a local tram at Seventh street and alaktraa wtiaty, Cat. Meyer, editor of tbe Denver tferald, for Broadway yesterday, and sustained serious the bars and caujht the reckless lad in tbe the assurances given him of their sup injuries. He is now at liome. His inju THIS KOTED rLEASUBa AND HEALTH resort Is now onea to the pabUe. It is beauU- face, badly lacerating it.

Tbe frightened youth wa taken to bis home, and will port. FAMILY W1NE8. And Liquors. Hos- ries were dressed at the Keoelving HORSES rolly located oa the aiiamata river, ju aauea from agar statioa, oa the C. and O.

A. K. Daily probably carry marxa as long aa ne uvea. A so-called, national convention ot tne "Socialist Labor Party of tbe United pital by Drs. Dunn and Johnson.

i-r 1 To laaallsa SlaStera. stage or private eonverauee tow frosa tne States," consisting of eight delegates, nwinn uauni. duiibi EAST OAKLAND. JT.W. Got.

Seventk aad Idalla Etrsits naaaad. KlavaUoa X7oO feet. Katural hat swias- Church, returned from bie vacation last week. Set vices: were resumed in. Unity three of whom were from New York, The Council wilt meet as a Board of mine mn.

niBB.r nu wm At PRIVATE SALE, Hall yesterday morning. ereph eoanectioa with Weetera Union sad fa SA A Equalisation tonight to correct errors made in the assessment, ths books ot which have OAJUAMtX Telewkaaa SS. two from Pennsylvania, two from Massachusetts and one from Connecticut, was held at New York yesterday, and nom Fire Results From an Explosion Tear Bella roa XlOS Proprietors. been referred to mat ooay oj we aaoiior. Gasoline: West BtBiuiT.

August 29. The effortt rjioertelrer. inated Simon Wing of 'Boston lor President and Charles Matehett of Brooklyn for Vice President, It also adopted a Carriage or Business; 1 of the superiutendentof the street car line LAKE TAHOE; CAU 'East Ait anp, August 29. An alarm platform providing for a multitude of so- K. LBITCB, SBWTOS AMWmUm to atop tbe small boy a from riding on tbe rear platforms of the oars baa resulted in a svstem of petty aohoyauces instituted by xrr stmuiR rxsort oh trb coabti called reforms, embracing reduction in was turned iu at 11 :45 o'clock yesterday EXCURSION ana batareoma ana rowooais iree, the hours of labor, -Government owner morning from box 87, on the corner of Single Drivers and Team, the boys.

On the late trips rocks and other 13 and tUO per day. 112 Vo $15 per weak. Twantv.third avenne and Kannedv street. obstructions are placed on tne trace Sat A gasoline stove th tbe residence of oseph B. COLVUXK, Proprietor, urday night a tie placed across the rails ship of telegraph and transportation lines, repeal of all tramp, pauper and sumptuary laws, the abolition of the Presidency, Vice Presidency and Senate Ught and Heavy; All Colors canned eonaiaerabia dainaae.

Bernnan. at bis Svenneoy aireei, ex Eunbaaaa SEWELL LEITCH, t'ndertakST and Enabalmere. SCSnOSOMAT. Tel. S4S.

yroaBpt attratlae. ear er atct The interest I manifested In tbe West Berkelev Uniformed Club is noneu Latelieg ploded, causing! tbe carpets and curtains to ignite. The flamea were extinguished before the engines of tbe department ar the election of a Board of Gontrol by the Toca increasing. Saturday night Captain com drilled foriy-two privataa and the full rived. Caoics rsox a Lasos Tasutt ass Kbasosasu PaiCES.

House of Representatives, changeable at pleasure, and municipal pelf-government. This is said to be the first social The friends of Edward Magtnnis will be SEPTEMBER 3, 1892. glad to learn that be has recovered from -complement or omcera. SOUTH BKHKELEY. ist national ticket ever put in the field.

bis recent spell of sickness. Xeavlna foot of Market street. Ban Iraneiaeo, The party indorsed weaver, the Green ater. M.sixteenth atreet, Oakland 35r. I Botal Arrivals.

back in isjso. South Beekilky. August 29. Tat elec- trie light at Asbby avenue station causes Qalindoi. T.

Robioson. SI H. 1 FUNKliAIj l'AKLOUS james Ia. McCarthy VHDtKTAUB 1301 SAW PABLO AVE, KeaS l.THtt Katnralnz. arrive aa Franeisso 9.15 A.

a. ANDREW WALLIN; 1368 OAVliAJtD, CAE. A semi-religious, semi-political meet Jamea Dennet and familv. Frank 8cok. Moadav.

Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday! mere snalsdictlohe to be brought down on ing was heia yesteraay aiternoon in WMliam Ahem and wife. Mr- tsana tana Vkleas Superintendent Osbarne than all I wife. Colonel Miaco. Charlea Wright and Telepaaaa Mew 45- As bury jfark, a. "Auditorium, Kev.

James McCoah, D. presiding. morale at your choice. ROUND TRIP, $15 frt rest' of th electrio light system of irkeley. This particular light bas a way wife, J.

M. ioster. unns jones, j. ru Secretary of the Treasury, Charles Fos Hutching, Robinson sirens; a. o.

crown, HUTCHISON SAHBQRH flashing gayiy until the last wayfarer Oakland: J. D. (iludden. Kw ork; Mr. The object of the ezemrslon is to enable ueonls to secure Gwvewiunt Taawsls.

ter, and his assistant. General Bussey, spoke on the subject of "Religion in Hollia and wife. Chicago; j. wuson achea tbe station and then, positively re-1 nng to sbed. its welcome rays, leaving HENRY EVERS, HATX AXMOVK) nril B.nSs: E.

8. Grav. atv. which can be taken op in thla valley, witkowt wasiaUneav We are "building extensive Irri 'V to grope about in Mygien aarxness. Economy," which dealt principally with the Treasury control over immigration JuMua r.

j. uotter. can fTancisco: ear 3D xi jc he Fresbytenana are, making prepara- Ranka. Kan Jose: H. Bcbmidt.

ban Jran gation works, and wish to have the land taken 4S to build a church in south Berkeley. Aiann Jean iLmDUT. JjO auiiih vtairw aoaons or alaAsba 09, S6S Washlncten and other features not strictly ol a financial nature. References to Blaine were loudly applauded. The suppression of up from the Government in oraar to sua ens-lafflcn for water.

The chance is aa untuual Reeves, Los Angelas; vnanes nicies, oaa Jose. IiOHlM. one and tbe land very tine, and can be taken In iarafe or small tracts, by men or women, mar all organised opposition to law waa AKIAjTB. i e.SS. XTg, August 29.

An unknown young q) Ton 0JHT iNSTftVCTlOMi fAKY INIeVY AKoArTRACa TJYE flATVniS TIS IARe rlle Coart Motes. strongly advocated by General Bussey. ried or aincle, and residence or Improvement 1. while attempting to alight from the a John Dougherty, a peddler. Senator Hill is getting in nis work trio ear at Benton street, last night, did against the Democratic National Com disturbance at tne vasiano.

pier joiuj a Is not required. Also lottta. HOliEY LAKE CITY, Tlielr Nursery, Flower, Seed Store BU aEAOMT. language.) being drunk and -using abusive t' calculate the apeed correctly, and in daaanbad several graceful mittee in a very ingenious way. -riDor Commissioner Peck of New York, one of a.

at' a vex. McAVOY, Ha vtll K. rinA tomorrow. BEAUDRY and tea. and struck terra firma witb such a From lU and Waahlnrtaa Bra to E.

J. Graham, manager of the Peoplre KxDreea Camnany. will be tried tomorrow tie center of acres of Irrigated farsaa. CWVfXSTAst Veance that the good people or rtn those officers who owes his appointment directly to Hill, has issued his annual report, which deals directly with the tariff FMtTH, an waa at nana, rw on tba eharn of not taklnc ont a licenae. areazoodiavaatateo 4nU lnformatioa wOl I 517 14tli, STS WABHTWOTOW STBKBrT, BetftkaaH Sta, Oala4.

Cat, laaarte S. Fred'kQjx, John Ihckerboif. who was arrested last td iely be was not aeriously Injured, mm atth a few, bruises and about SUtZTARr. be sent a avneauoa. xiezesa can os naa from the Secretary only, aad should be or question and lauds the operation of the PRCS.

and Clay ts. fid damage to his Sunday trousers. inraenplrom.caTt appearance of the and Market streets, will ba tried tomorrow. I report has i aiaed breeze among the dered early. r.

i KERRY. H. TAYLCrt, BAKS00 FUBSITUBE FACTORY New York Democracy. GOLDEN LzIb YiUsj Lani Witsr Co. ai ALBC1ST BKOWa, wwuj atasiaaea 1 Ibier, lih, Gold ex Gatk.

Aisost 29.Drl Randolph There' witt be a business meeting at the pjjOOD BTJIIiDIKO, U1IDERTAKEE AH khsde ef Pint Clean Bamboo Art Work seeds itr rr-r KKyeUa aad aalav slea tor Sale or AUre. i LaaAa. of 8t. Michael and Ail Angels miaaion headquarters ot the Young Women's Fototh and Market Btreets, S. F.

nreacbed a verv interesUnc discourse It is now reported tbat ths National Guard was. called out at Homestead against the sinkers at the request of Graver Cleveland, who persuaded Supreme Judge John IX. Kennedy to urge Governor i'attison to issue the order to the militia. and; posts. WXST BJEBUXXXX.

Christian Association, Clay, street, near Eleventh, tomorrow, Tuesday, at 10 o'clock. 4SSa4 4SSIStw8U. Betweeai Broadway aad WaabiagSoav TBtlVKPalOirB IS. vesterday to one of the largest congrega c.tu in regard to tba compteuoo of ths new IC4 tar SC. be.

Waablngtoa rad ClaySts, ar- Goods daUverad free in Oak- aaad. Alameda. I V. A 11 4 1., 6 SCa ST AST. tions that ever assembled in the halL The in thrivine- condition ana CA1X0AA LCT1 A borne, entertainments, etc AU snemnvrei are requested to be present increased sa in uutufcera that.

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