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The Chicago Chronicle du lieu suivant : Chicago, Illinois • 20

Chicago, Illinois
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THE SUNDAY CHRONICLE CHICAGO AUGUST 11 1895 20 TO PROCLAIM THEIR POLICY HOME FOR JOHN BROWN'S FORT BARRIERS TO LAKE PLANS ernor like W'illiam McKinley of Ohio and a democratic governor like Koswell Flower of New York John Brown's fort will surely go marching on Plelp me good readers Send your subscriptions no matter how small to me care of the Corn Exchange bank The Rookery Kate Fielo UNION DEPOT TODAY AT 1 :30 SHARP FREE TICKETS AT THE DEPOT GATE Tiie Sensation of the Day! Tfis One elm in a Life-Time! LET YOUR QUICK DECISION AT THIS MOMENT BE minister Mr Fox a diplomatist of the old school I was told that one day as he was leaning against a chimney-piece in a draw-room where dancing was going on in deep conversation an American came and stood just in front of him in a country dance Soon the young man began to show signs of anxiety his voice grew thick his cheeks swelled alternately and he cast anxious glances at the chimney-piece At last he could hold no longer and with the most admirable precision he shot all the juice of his quid into the fireplace just between Mr Fox and his interlocutor "Fine shot sir" the old diplomat contented himself with saying with a bow FETE LEACH'S ODD CHECK TO APT AND TO GRASP THIS ONE AND ONLY OPPORTUNITY AND TWO LOOK AT $5000 DOWN AND Let all Builders and Subdividers stand wBjflMls fiMri vTw ill If so bring it with you and your name will be placed on file tog-ether "with all other applicants at 3 o'clock your application with all others received before said time will be placed in envelopes and ten ixjcpcy feofii Out of 1000 or more applicants perhaps will be awarded these Homes on terms before described The houses are now being built in the beautiful suburb of Franklin Park and will be finished ready to be occupied by September 1st 1895 Is -well known in the City of Chicago not thriving suburb A village ot unusual beauty ior a home it lies 90 ieet above lake level is 11 miles from the center of the city has over 40 trains on two trunk lines with low fare and only 30 minutes' ride Purpose of the Irish Demonstration to Be Held Thursday John Deyoy Brings Messages and Emblems From the East The Confederated Irish Societies in their national demonstration that takes place at Burlington park next Thursday look for ward to one of the most important gather ings ever held in this city in the interest of their country's autonomy and nothing save unpropitious weather will prevent a tremendous concourse from being in attend ance They have perfected all the arrange ments for their great annual picnic and inspired by the sentiments that fire the leaders of their race both at home and abroad they will proclaim to the world the policy by which they hope in the near future to forge out the triumphant emancipation of their fatherland Whether that end is to be attained by constitutional agitation or physical force will be clearly and explicitly set forth In the resolutions and platform of the coming meeting and a programme or policy will be outlined in harmony with the secret and solemn decision just arrived at in Ireland but as yet only known to the executive officers of the movement in this country MEETING IN PHILADELPHIA Ten thousand Irishmen assembled in Philadelphia a few days ago selected John Devoy as a special envoy to represent them at the' meeting in Burlington park next Thursday and intrusted to him a message which will gladden the thousands who will assemble there on the occasion Mr Devoy will reach Chicago Tuesday and as a fra ternal tribute from the men of the east to their friends in this city will bring with him two flags that every patriot loves the one that of the American bark "The Catalpa" which rescued the fenian prisoners from the dungeons of Australia in 1S76 and the other that of the yankee cruiser the Gazelle which delivered the late John Boyle O'Reilly and his compatriots from British bpndage some years before These sacred relics of two gallant achievements have been turned over to Mr Devoy with the approval of Captains Anthony and Hathaway commanders of the Catalpa and Gazelle respectively and will be seen in the west for the first time at Burlington park on Thursday Martin Hogan one of the prisoners saved from a living death by the ship that carried the first-named of these merciful ensigns is now and has been for years a resident of Chicago and doubtless his voice will join the thundering cheers which will go up from grateful hearts next Thursday when Mr Devoy unfurls to the breeze the starry flag that freed the fenian captives At any rate there will be no lack of welcome for these priceless mementos of deeds well done nor will there be any lack of enthusiasm when Devoy recounts "in thoughts that breathe and words that burn" the heroic adventures in which they so gallantly figured COMMITTEE AT WORK All in all the Burlington park demonstration promises to eclipse all previous celebrations of the Confederated Irish Societies and some idea of the magnitude of the festival may be gathered from the fact that the following mammoth committee has been busily engaged for the past week or more in arranging the details of the great meeting: Cooney Morrlssey Dan Ryan Mike Collins Thos Moran Ed Quinn WPMcN'mara Martin Clarke Michael Foley Fogarty Murphy Devereaux Dolan Martin Murphy Moran John Bowen Michael Burke Con Murphy Kelleher Patrick Smith Ed Morris John O'Brien Thomas White Fanning O'Brien Thomas Ryan Jas Enright Dan Mangan Kelleher John O'Malley Shannon John Hayes Jas A Nolan Fogarty TMMorrissey Patrick Grace Patrick Ryan Remington Philip Nulty O'Brien Wm Burke McKevitt I Quirk Thomas Dillon O'Donnell Michael Dier Morrissey John Morgan HJO'Donovan John Byrnes John McGee Dudley Soion Lehaney James McGrath John Dier MJArmstrong McNultv II Ryan McNamara Moses Murphy Wm Tierney Dowling Devereaux John Muldoon Sheehy James Ryan McNamara Hartigan Thos O'Brien Dermis Kieley John Devoy Frank Hanlon O'SuIlivan Cavanaugh Bernard Sloan PMCarmody Scanlan McCann Thomas Canty Chas Harrison Michael Cristy Mangan Moylan Patrick Hyland John Broderlck McNulty AVilliam Ryan Tim Fogarty Barry Hugh Kelly Wm AVhalen Nolan Coghian John London Sullivan Patrick Haley Gorman Thos Flynn Hurley Fitzgerald Kennedy Peirce Kirwan Gleason Flannery Thos Meehan Joseph Tuohy Enright McGrath Michael Cudahy Murray Morgan Holland Geo Sullivan McGreevey Morrissey White Coghian Thomas Lynch Maher John Carroll John Morris O'Dowd Frank Rend Shanley Harrison Michael O'Shea Martin Fogarty Burke Edward Turner AV Dunne John Houlihan Thomas Reldy Hugh Bannon Moriarty McGarry James Cullen James Owens Michael Moore Laughrey O'Hearne Peter Burk Lark in Thos Murphy Rvan Philip Maher Thos O'Hare Thos Flood John McGrath Delaney O'D Ryan Gerald Barry A Long James Clearv McCarthy McCarthy John McClary Geo Fleming Mulcahy Scanlan McNamara Patrick Gordon Maurice Morris Mahoney Thomas Daly Tansey Judge Hogan will preside over the meeting McGarry national secretary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians will read the resolutions and declaration of principles and Thomas Farrell's orchestra will furnish national music for the occasion Gaelic athletic sports and prize games of all kinds will impart pleasure to the festivities and dancing mirth and general merrymaking will make the welkin ring in and around Burlington park from early morning till dewy eve Making Shot in Water The shot-making trade has a legend which recites that back in the days when guns were shot off by lighted matches and were swiveled to supports because they were too big and clumsy to be lifted to the shoulder and when all shot was molded as bullets are today some workmen were fastening an iron grating to the wall of a castle They had cut out the hole in the stone and after placing the iron In the hole poured some lead in to hold the iron in place just as they do today Some of the lead escaped and ran over the edge of the wall into the moat below Soon afterward the attention of the soldiers was attracted to the lead in the clear water and dipping it out they found that the metal in falling from the height had become globules After that these soldiers made their bullets by sprink-lmg melted lead over the castle wall into the waters of the moat Lilliputian Nations Monaco is probably the smallest kingdom in Europe It has an area of only eight square miles and a permanent population of 13000 people It boasts a "sovereign prince" named Albert but is more noted for the famous gambling den at Monte Carlo than for anything else Liechstein between the Tyrol and Switzerland is another tiny European kingdom Its area is sixtj'-one miles and its population about 10000 The state owes a tremendous debt of £5230 but could pajr its debts off at any time as its revenue amounts to $55000 a j'ear San Marino is a tiny republic of thirty-three square miles about a quarter the size of up in the hills near Rimini on the east coast of Italy The population is 8000 and most of the men are dukes or generals in the army Can't Stand Civilization Civilization has demoralized the Samoans They have taken a fancy for the large men-of-war's boats for which they have discarded their canoes and in which they row about from village to village discussing politics and neglecting their crops To build the boats they have mortgaged their land and instead of making an attempt to raise money to pay their creditors they spend their time playing cricket for stakes consisting of pigs or kegs of salt beef Ilueje Bee Hive in California The largest bee hive in the world is probably that at Bee Rock Cal It is a granite bowlder rising abruptly from the bed of a little affluent of the Arrovo alcade and it is seamed and scored with fissures of divers sizes They are all inhabited by a vast population of bees and overflow with honey Kate Pield Makes an Appeal for Contributions of Cash Is Anxious to Establish the Building at Harper's Ferry To the Editor of The Chronicle Chicago Aug 10 I am no reformer My experience with professional reformers leads me to the possibly uncharitable conclusion that their reformations unlike char ity do not begin at home Intent on distant motes they take no thought of the beams within their own baliwicks and dispensing too much morality to alleged sinners have litttle left for alleged saints In making a public appeal therefore for a cause that I believe to combine sentiment patriotism and philanthropy I am prompted solely by a love of country that knows no north no south no east no west that considers the civil war over "and would perpetuate war relics solely as milestones from which to trace the progress of our civilization I have never found it necessary to go in search of something to do Work has a fatal facility in finding me perhaps because one of my articles of faith is to accept what comesi unsought When therefore Garnsey asked me what should be done with John Brown's fort that a syndicate had moved to Chicago in 1802 thinking to make a fortune that never materialized I promptly replied: "It should go back to Harper's Ferry where it is sadly missed as the one historic building of a town that teems with memories of our civil war" With Shenandoah valley lying beneath the splendid heights of Bolivar with An-tietam and South mountain only a ew miles distant with the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers uniting at the eastern edge of the town with the mountains and bluffs of Maryland Virginia and West Virginia encircling it Harper's Ferry is marvelously beautiful in scenery There Jefferson is said to have written his "Notes on Virginia" The rock from which he surveyed a wondrous spectacle that he declared was worth crossing the Atlantic to behold is a popular resort today He was right When that rediscovery of Virginia is made that I predict Harper's Ferry will come into its kingdom Before the war this town flourished like a green bay tree As the seat of a United States armory its population consisted of high-class artisans and their dependents W7ith the destruction of the armory during the irrepressible conflict and the later consolidation of the armory with that of Springfield Mass poor Harper's Ferry lost her source of revenue and has been drooping ever since But for the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and a pulp factory there would be no commerce whatever These two industries Storer college an institution for the coeducation of colored people of the whole country and summer boarders barely keep alive a population of 2000 about one-fourth of whom are black When capitalists wake up and build a fine hotel on Maryland heights Harper's Ferry will be especially attractive to residents of the District of Cohimbia Only fifty-five miles from Washington it will be a blessing to officials who cannot leave their posts for many hours and for congressmen during the long term With that hotel perched 2G00 feet in the air and John Brown's fort standing on Bolivar heights commanding a view that the hero of Ossowatomie gazed upon with admiration before he paid the penalty of a desperate act Harper's Ferry will be the Mecca of southern tourists whose money will fill the empty pockets of its citizens Long ago Horace Greeley said that "the way to resume is to resume" The way to get anything done is to do it Committees look well on paper one man or one woman as a rule does the work Before leaving Washington I had an interview with Scull of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad who in reply to my request that his corporation restore John Brown's fort to its original site free of expense assured me of hearty co-operation as far as practicable The railroad would furnish gratuitous transportation of material from Chicago to Harper's Ferry but could not put the fort back on its old foundations for the best of the location adjoining the railroad station had been raised many feet to ward off disasters by flood and was covered with tracks On revisiting Harper's Ferry I realized the force of Mr Scull's argument and looked about for the best possible site that combined accessibility with historic reminiscence and scenic splendor Several citizens offered gfts of land notably Albertus Spencer who owns Fort Sullivan on Maryland heights Captain Green who owns a fine farm on Lowden heights in old Virginia Alexander Murphy whose farm of Buena Vista in West Virginia is especially attractive and the trustees of Storer college who offered a location on Bolivar heights As Mr Spencer made impossible conditions and as the road to Lowden heights is an insult to man and beast the choice lay between Buena Vista and Storer college Mr Murphy offers seven acres Storer college only two I want Storer college to give more land Having been the recipient of bounty from the national government and owning a farm of 100 acres bought for a song Storer college can afford to be generous to John Brown's memory especially as the placing of a fort on the rifle pits of Bolivar heights will enhance the value of the rest of the property I shall take it for granted therefore that Storer college will donate as many acres as good Farmer Murphy despite the popular belief that corporations have no souls Storer college depends upon the good will of the public for help It cannot afford to have no soul So much was accomplished before I reached Chicago a few days ago Then the real tug began for although that public-spirited citizen Charles Hutchinson who has fallen heir to the fort turns it over to me as a gift and although a site and transportation are assured without cost i needed for removal reconstruction and other expenses This is a big sum to raise in the silly season when rich folk are disporting by sea or lake or mountain and other folk are so hot that all they ask is to be let alone Still it is now or never with me I am en route to Hawaii where I ought to have been a month ago and the fort must be rescued at once or the winter's storms and perennial hoodlums will leave not a wrack behind It is packed in a back yard exposed to oi pollol I always thought Chicago generous Now I know it I have already raised two-thirds of the money needed to save the fort As my shoes are worn out and my steamer at San Francisco refuses to wait for John Brown or anybody else I now appeal to the general public Who will join subscribers whose names are given below? Scull Baltimore 5000 Kohlsaat 10000 Kdward Butler 5000 Logan 5000 A Pettibone 2500 Portus Weare 1000 A McNally 2500 Martin A Ryerson 5000 Baker 500 Bnrnham 2500 Hutchinson 10000 Gunther 2000 Victoria hotel 25 00 Bllsworth 2500 dowry 500 Charles Harmon 500 Cyrus McCormick 5000 Mandel brothers 2500 Cash 600 John Shortall 1000 Robert Llndblom 500 Charles Counselman 25 00 Kerfoot 500 Smith 200 A Waterman 500 Cash 500 Michael Cudahy 10 0) Franklin Head 500 Franklin MacVeagh 2500 George Davis 2500 William McKinley Ohio 30OO Afro-Americans Quinn chapel Aug 7 80 So Lawrence 500 Lefens 1000 A Revell 3000 Raymond 2500 Seipp Brewing Company through Lefens 2500 United States Brewing Company through Lefens 2500 Wacher 13 Irk Company through Lefens 2000 Otto Beats through Lefens 500 Roswell Flower New York 5000 Writh the moral and material support of some of tha be3t citizens of Chicago and with the co-operation of a republican gov DESCRIPTION OF THE HOUSE (Plans and Specifications can be seen at my oiEce) Remember that your payments of $2000 a month will apply on both principal and interest Filling in Lake Will Be an Expensive Process Contractors Not "Willing to Furnish All Material Free Other Methods of Dumping Are Considered Impracticable Attorney General Reiuly to Mo Suit When Work Is Begun The plans for filling in the lake front and creating' a magnificent pleasure ground with drives play grounds fountains public buildings and boulevards contemplate the use of a vast amount of excavation from the drainage channel In fact one of the main arguments used by the city authorities and the philanthropic gentlemen who have drafted the elaborate plans has been that this filling could be obtained free of cost It now transpires that the promoters of the Lake Front park reckoned somewhat carelessly in regard to the filling necessary The earth for the filling is to come presumably from sections and on the drainage channel These are the two sections nearest the city and form the only part of the big ditch-that is available for this purpose At present the contractors on and are towing the scows laden with excavated material to the mouth of the river and slightly beyond where the spoil is dumped It was taken for granted that the contractors would be put to very little extra trouble in turning their scows around the Illinois Central slip and making the dump along the site of the present outer harbor VIEWS OF CONTRACTORS The contractors say however that this is only practicable to a limited extent In conversation with a sanitary trustee a day or two ago General Fitz Simons one of the contractors of sections and said that not more than one-third of the requisite filling could come from the drainage channel without cost to the city There are about 2700000 cubic feet of earth to be taken out of sections and and counting what has already been removed or will be used on the works there will be 2000000 feet net to be removed According1 to General Fitz Simons the contractors could only dump about 500-000 feet of this material free of cost to the city This half million feet would only be about one-third the total amount necessary to complete the filling It would fill up to a level of perhaps seven or eight feet from the surface which is as high as could be reached by the ordinary dumping process To fill in the balance there would be probably trenches and dredge work which would cost money COST PER ACRE Reckoning the cost of this extra work at 15 cents a yard which is the figures the contractors give it would thus cost the city at the rate of $1000 an acre to complete the filling If the plan is adopted of making the lake front area a public dumping ground it may be completed in time free of cost but the end of the century would hardly see the filling-m process finished These are obstacles that seem to have been lightly passed over by the promoters of the lake improvements but they constitute probably one of the earliest drafts on the city's empty treasury The building of the breakwater at the outside line of the new park according to the plans furnished by Major Marshall of the war department will also be a preliminary expense for which no funds are in the city treasury This breakwater according to conservative estimates will cost the city 10 or $50 a foot or a total of about $200000 There are absolutely no funds in sight for either portion of the improvement but this fact has scarcely been touched upon by the promoters It has been suggested that a rapid filling in of the proposed park could be accomplished by constructing a temporary railroad switch and bringing in spoil by land from other sections of the drainage channel Contractors have figured on this scheme and declare it utterly impracticable METHOD OF DUMPING It would take five or six years of steady hauling for a double-track railroad they say to fill in the requisite area and the time no less than the expense forms an insuperable objection The water method of dredging and dumping is considered the most feasible plan and there is a disposition on the part of the drainage trustees to help the project along The refusal of contractors however to put themselves to any extra expense or trouble without recompense is not unexpected Attorney General Moloney has a bill In equity already prepared and declares he will file it against the city authorities the moment there is an overt act made toward filling in the lake front Mr Mr Moloney declares he is not hostile to any plan to increase public park areas to benefit the people but in the lake front case he considers it his duty to ward off encroachments either by the city or by individuals He says the water front belongs to the people of the whole state and cannot be alienated either by the legislature or the city council MAN'S MECHANICAL POWER His Work Reduced to Mathematical Terms by au Expert From the Electrical Review If the human heart be considered as a pump it can bo shown that it does 121 foot-tons of work in twenty-four hours the work spent by the muscles in breathing amounts to about twenty-one foot-tons in twenty-four hours If these figures which are given in a contemporary are correct a few interesting though otherwise useless deductions from them may be made The power of operating the heart is then equivalent to 3S9 watts and that of the lungs to OGS making a total of 455 watts This amount of power would develop a light of about two candles in an incandescent lamp a man is therefore continually day and night doing an amount of work necessary to keep him alive at a rate equal to that in a two-candle power Incandescent electric lamp If the luminous efficiency (or better Inefficiency) of the incandescent lamp Is 5 per cent this amount of power if converted into cold light would represent forty candles which would make every man wise or otherwise a shining light and would supply all the light necessary for him to live without artificial lighting or in other words if he had some organ similar to that in the firefly he could by exerting the same power as it takes to operate his heart and lungs surround himself with a flood of light As man power is usually rated as about one-eighth horse power which is equal to 9C3 watts his efficiency when "fully loaded" considering only the internal losses would therefore be about 95 per cent which is remarkably high especially when we consider that he is supposed to have been designed many thousand years ago and have been degenerating ever since Jiut does not take into account that both heart and lungs will work much harder when he is performing external work the good result is therefore only apparent and not real Never- theless some men are more efficient when doing treadmill work As we do not know the food which he eats nor the amount it is not possible to carry these useless figures any further It is of interest however to note in this connection that Professor Thurston considers man a very efficient machine by which we suppose he means as a converter of the energy of food into mechanical power Good Eispectoratiiiff Shot The Prince De Joiaville tells in his "Memoirs" a story that is rather hard on the Americans he found during his visit to this country In war times "One of the chief members of society at the time was the British TO BUY A BEAUTIFUL $3000 HOME LOTS AT FOR THE COST OF THE HOUSE ALONE -LOOK AT IT CAREFULLYI BUYS IT $2000 PER MONTH aside There can be no competition as a barren plain but a9 a beautiful and to lottery So do I And so does every ten houses at a cost of $2000 each and month with 6 per cent annual interest pay- principal ana interest lucky ones and to draw one of thesa return the money August lth lBilo to on said house and who has not been sharp returning at 5 your money on that day or when prem or Will Duptaie is Offer? TU-fn An rtrst- 11aTr tin fr Once Free of Charge two of said syndicate lots to bz selected of Smiling Fortune PLAGE THE OPPORTUNITY NOTES OFITHE DAY Omdurman the Khalifa's capital has according to Slatin Pashas a fluctuating population of 400000 The largest desert In the Sahara the greatest length of which is 3100 miles by a greatest width of 600 miles In London there is a street collection for one benevolent institution or another on almost every Saturday in the year Ottawa with a population of but 40000 has 50000 electric lights and has begun to employ electricity in heating also Word comes from Huntington I that a pearl as large as a marble was found a day or two since in a clam at that place Compulsory attendance at schools is to be tried as an experiment in the Russian governments of Kharkoff Poltava Kursk and Volonetz Von Hartman proposes to graduate taxes especially income taxes so that a bachelor shall have five times as much to pay as the father of five children Cholera is raging in Russian Podolia and the people refuse absolutely to have the patients removed to the hospitals Troops are called to restore order The German army is to spend 100000 marks for bicycles this year Two wheels are assigned to each battalion for work formerly done by mounted orderlies In the state of Texas one murder occurs to every 8500 inhabitants In Illinois this percentage is considerably lowered one murder being quoted to every 50000 Dublin Ireland has a new paper called Today's Woman It is edited and written by a group of talented women many of whom are university graduates Japanese editors are accustomed to employ an assistant whose duty it is to go to jail for his principal and Central American papers nearly all have special fighting editors Minden City Mich has just organized a brass band composed entirely of young women of that place The women's brass band hobby seems to prevail to a considerable extent in the west Oregon people are raising a strong protest against the continuance of the horse canning industry in that state They claim that it will injure the reputation of the state and of other canning industries Shoemakers Germans and others are invited to subscribe for a monument to Jacob Bohme the famous theosophist by the Gor-litz Schuhmacherinnung Bohme set up his shoe shop in Gorlitz 300 years ago At its last report the Bank of England had begun losing gold as compared with the same period last year while France was still gaining Germany which does not report gold and silver separately appeared to be gaining also A Bridgeport Conn man suddenly became insane a few days ago and his peculiar form of mania i3 that he is living over again the horrible prison life of Andersonville where he was confined during a portion of the civil war The new Panama company needs work-ingmen for the completion of the canal It offers from 30 cents up to $1 a day to those willing to catch the Chagres fever which is the disguised name of yellow fever and vomito-negro The most curious religious book ever written is Pere Berruger's "Improvements on the Bible" He rewrote the scriptures in the style of a fashionable novel stating in his preface that Moses and the other writers are too barren in their descriptions The Argentine Republic which has just begun its career as a wheat exporter expects to ship' 90000000 bushels of last year's crop Out of the crop for the previous year it exported 25000000 bushels chiefly to England Portland prison is England's largest prison Nearly 2000 convicts are located there being employed chiefly jn'the "crown quarries" from which something like 50000 to 00000 tons of Portland stone are annually exported There exist today in Valencia twelve big bag factories employing 500 looms of which 350 are of iron and moved by machinery and 150 are of wood and hand worked The iron looms and machinery are imported from England Last week a train of five schooners from northern Kansas arrived at Walla Walla Wash bound for the Great Palouse Two families of immigrants occupied the wagons and the outfit had been on the road ever since last April In Berlin alone there are nearly 400 American students 189 of them on the rolls of the university and in the other university towns of the empire the percentage of American students is so large as to excite the comment of the local press Under the new French arbitration law there were fifty-one appeals by workmen last year and four by employers The masters refused to arbitrate in twenty-four cases and the workmen in sixteen There were 391 strikes during the year In Germany a striking-decline is noticeable in fraudulent transactions The same conditions lack of civilization and education whieh prevail with other'crimes pertain to fraud Spain Italy Greece Turkey and above all Russia lead the line In spite of the hard times the south African diamond business keeps up its divi dends but as these are only 25 per cent a year at the maximum a number of people in the United States can see that they have better things than a diamond mine The police of a Paris suburb recently ar rested a woman for setting off fireworks without a permit and found that the occasion for the display was a small fete which she was giving to a number of her friends in celebration of her husband's death A movement is on foot among the vet erans of the Eleventh Massachusetts regiment to raise a fund for the erection of a monument to "Fighting Joe" Hooker A circular will be prepared and sent throughout the country agitating the proposition At the Pasteur institute in Paris 1387 persons bitten by mad dogs were treated during 1894 seven of whom died This is 2G1 less than in 1S93 Two hundred and twenty-six of the patients were foreigners 128 com ing from England and only one from Russia Litmus is produced from lichens which grow on the shores of the Mediterranean The lichens are ground moistened and treated with potash lime and ammonia and converted into dough It is then fermented and afterward mixed with plaster of paris and dried and pressed CrinDle Creek Col: will soon hold a car nival of sport at which the principal feature is to be a genuine bull fight after the Spanish fashion with ail the fixings and trimmings A pen 14U ieet wide in diameter has been constructed anoi seats to accom modate 10000 persons are to be built around it The domestic servants of London are now looking to organized labor as a means of helping their condition a large meeting was recentlv held In Hyde Park at which resolutions were passed favoring the enact ment of laws protecting: domestic servants from accidents and regulating the hours of their labor A Maine paper says that the days of "lad- dy-buckism" on the nigh seas are by no means past at least not on Maine ships It cites the case of a tough old salt of Portland who recently engaged as first mate on a ship solely on his record of being able to knock the tar out of any obstreperous mariner he ever sailed with The Ereocranhical congress at London is debating the feasibility of an expedition to the south pole Kx-niet Justice Charles Iialv who is a New lork delegate to it has been opposed to these polar searches and as the witty Judge John Brady once said of him: "My brother-in-law pours cold water on the whole north pole business" Mr and Mrs Stanford had but one son and they almost deified him The young man died some years ago when abroad with his tutor Everything is preserved as he left it when he went away Among the play things of his boyhood was a toy railroad laid across the lawn and through the shrubbery of his father's place At one end of the min iature road is a shed which are still stored the tiny yet perfect locomotives and cars The whole when new cost thousands of UNCLE SAM It Was Written on an Old Paper Collar but Was Good at the Hank From the Philadelphia Times! This was one of the many stories told us by Doc Reister that composite character philosopher cowboy and hermit Doc had been relating his experience of having held up Texas Jack attending a Rocky mountain funeral in the dual capacity of undertaker and preacher and his hunting mountain lion When we asked him if he had ever been in Wyoming he told us the story of the famous check Doc started by stating that he had been employed by an eastern syndicate as herder to a bunch of cattle which were ranging along the Powder river in Wyoming "Them was warm days" said Doc "Between the Indians and the drouth we had a of a hustle Every spring after the roundup I drove a bunch of cattle down to Cheyenne for shippin' I think it was in the spring of '88 I left with about 200 head of cattle and had crossed the north fork of the Sweetwater and had traveled over the Black Hills when I saw an outfit headed by old Pete Leach one of the dirtiest and richest herd owners in that there territory He didn't know me but I knowed him the minute I clapped my eye in him He'd been down to Cheyenne shippin' and I know'd he'd made a pretty good deposit in the First National bank there After we had grubbed together I noticed he had his eye on six of my ponies but I never let on catched on an' when he mentioned careless like that they wasn't such a bad lot I just praised 'em like they was dropped right down from the heavenly an' I drove a pretty stiff bargain When I told him I'd take 150 for 'em the old man kicked like a steer but I never weakened "Well when he offered me $125 as a kind of compromise I started to move over to pr corral and then the old skin called me back and said it was a go Then came the stickin' point we didn't carry greenbacks loose in our clothes no more'n we did an' when the old man suggested makin' out a check which I knowed was as good as gold I near had a lit Well he smoothed me down an' at last I told him to fork over his check Of course he didn't have none an' he said he'd left his check book at Rockville but that he'd give me something just as good "Well sir we had the time you ever saw huntin' a pencil and a bit of paper At last we did scratch up a pencil but there wasn't no paper in the whole outfit them cowbays not bein' of a literary turn of mind an' no mail carriers passin' that way There wasn't much use o' writin' letters Old Pete wasn't done up so easy so seein' a tenderfoot among his herders what was sj)orting a paper collar he ordered him take it off 1m-mejiet an' said he wasn't a-goin' to have no dudes among his men When the feller was out of sight he sat down an' writ his order on that collar like this: Cashier of the First National Bank Cheyenne: Pay to Doc Eeister within tho next six days one hundred an' fifty dollars for six ponies traded for near Laramie Park Wyoming' ltelster la a short Bkinny man about six feet Bix with a Ions' hook nose PETH LEACH "This was writ on the paper side of the collar an' I remember the old man tearing the cloth backin' off an' sayin' 'if that didn't go to write him at Rockville' Three days after that we was in Cheyenne an' I tell you I had a time tryin' to make that dude back of them bars in that there bank give me my $150 They kep' me standin' up there 'bout half an hour an' a lot of men come an' looked at me like I was some wild animal escaped from a show At last when I was gettin' red hot they showed me into a back room where six or seven gents were sittin' an' they asked me to swear all kinds of swears that I was myself Then an old gent with white hair lookin' for all the world like a Sunday school superintendent who 'peared to boss the whole shootin' match stood up an' speechified 'bout my probably bein' the right party an' then he kind o' winked at the cashier an' remarked that my features was pretty good proof Then he picked up that dirty paper collar with two fingers like it was goin' to bite an' it hadn't got any cleaner In my an' he said: 'We have warned Mr Leach about makin' out checks like this and have told him we would not honor them This once we will make an exception but it must be the last' "Then he nodded to the cashier an' he planked out the $150 "The next spring I went back to that there bank in Cheyenne an' there was that dirty old greasy paper collar check with a nice white paper border an' a fine wooden frame around it a-hanging over the desk where they kep' the pens and ink 'long with the real decent checks "That payin' teller knowed me an' he nodded up toward that there frame an' said somethin' about it havin' been honored an' 'bout the man what had writ it havin' $250000 to back it right in their safe "I s'pose that laundried dude thought he was tellin' me somethin' I didn't know but I had drove cattle myself for old Pete Leach five years before an' I think I ought a knowd what his check was good for if it was writ on an old paper collar" REMARKABLE TWINS Descendants of Cliang and Eng Now Living in North Carolina From the Flemmgsburg- Times-Democrat A few miles from Mount Airy were the homes of the famous Siamese twins Eng and Chang who were born in Siam of Chinese parents in 1811 These twins traveled all over the world in charge of their manager and protector Mr Bunker whose name they finally assumed They came at last into Surry county sightseeing they declared that it was the grandest country they had ever seen and having already made a decent fortune they decided to buy property and settle permanently in Surry They met and fell in love with Miss Adelaide Yates of "Wilkes an adjoining county Miss Yates was in an awkward predicament beloved by both but neither could tell of his affection without the other hearing it Finally the matter was settled by Miss Sallie Yates a sister of Miss Adelaide consenting to become the bride of one and Miss Adelaide the other The parents of the Misses Yates strenuously objected to the double marriage but the young ladies were not to be deterred so they eloped met their lovers on the bank of a little stream on the roadside near their home and a preacher being present they were quietly married The two couples settled within two miles of Mount Airy and for several years lived together Owing to domestic quarrels however two homes were found necessary and each built a comfortable home They lived alternate weeks at each other's homes and each raised a large family of children some of whom still live and arc among the most prosperous and highly respected people in Surry county They were probably the most wonderful of all human phenomena They lived to an advanced age and were clever law-abiding men It is said that they would' sometimes have their little quarrels and one would threaten to kick the other over the fence In 1874 Eng who had been in failing health died very suddenly Indeed on awakening one morning his brother Chang found that Eng had died during the night Physicians were summoned but before they arrived Chang had died and they were buried as they had lived side by side Trying on the Nerves A learned Frenchman says St Paul's has made a discovery that will fill with joy the heart of many a fond parent and of many more who are neither parents nor fond but whose ears have been tortured and nerves ruined by listening to the incessant scale-playing of their neighbors' children It seems that learning to play on the piano leads to the most awful results If the complaints it causes are anything like as bad as their names the consequences of practicing must be simply dreadful Chlorosis neurosis these may be found among little girls whose lingers cruel fate compels to stray up and down the keys for a certain period each day Out of 6000 pupils under 15 nearly 12 per cent were found to be Buttering from "nerves" Seriouslv obiects to anvthincr pertaining citizen of Franklin Park I firmly and irrevocably pledge myself to observe and uphold the laws of these United States The Land of the Fre AND THE LAND FOR THE POOR AS WELL AS THE RICH BUT MIND YOU Cannot prevent me from building these selling them together with two beautiiui lots worth 3iuuo to 10 Lucky People Only! For $200000 ($5000 cash and $20 per ment to apply on Dotn I do not guarantee you to be one of beautiful homes but I will guarantee to everyone who holds my receipt for $50 paid lucky in obtaining one the This great gift of 2 lots worth SlOUUoo to eacn 01 ju purcnasers is meaui ior an adrertifement which will loner be remembered I further grant the privilege to every applicant to come and visit and inspect these beautiful homes at Franklin Park TODAY SUNDAY AUGUST 11 1895 Train leaves Union Depot at 1:30 I further guarantee to cheerfully refund ises are completed and are not found entirely satisfactory to you hat suiier or Builder Can TTT1 1 1 VV flat Ctlli iciuac oull Li-lili-lti unvii uvi ikji ii" bring your $5000 and perhaps you will be the possessor of one of these homes And to further advertise Franklin Park I will on this day Sunday August 11 1895 in manner to be decided for one of 50 present purchasers of 100 syndicate lots at the uniform price of $250 each payable $10 down and $5 per month with 6 per cent annual interest Agree to Build at One beautiful house as above described on on this date IT MAY BE YOURS TRY ITi "Whatever be the result Loss is impossible Long and wistfully have many waited for some great boon like this For Just an Hour To make up for lost time and gather in advance the fruits of slow laborious years REMEMBER THE DAY THE HOUR THE AND MAKE THEM THE WATCHWORDS OF SUCCESS FJRSJ TICKETS AT TUB USIOX DEPOT GATS LESSER FRANKLIN 130 LA SALLE STREET.

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