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The Chicago Chronicle from Chicago, Illinois • 8

Chicago, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CHICAGO CITBOy ICIiE THTJRSD AY MORNING IMARCII 11 1897 8 LEAVE FOR HOI SPRINGS SILER EXPLAINS THE RULES A fence not one caring to venture near the excited dog Mrs Fitz begged Bob to desist and come into the house but Fitz refused until Yarrum showed signs of tiring and was apparently ready to quit He was finally forced into the yard and left to lick his wounds and meditate upon the folly of fighting prize fighters After this show of savage Instinct Yarrum will probably be watched more closely or the consequences are likely to be serious test on a technicality and to avoid any such contingency through hitting in clinches with a free arm and in a breakaway I will rule: "That you be permitted to hit in clinches with one arm free and also in breakaways With this interpretation this rule announced a week before the contest you will both have ample time to practice these important points and will have no cause for complaint should either of you be caught off your guard Pivot blows missing with either hand and whipping back with the elbow meeting an opponent with or deliberately striking him with the elbow or knees are barred and will be considered foul Should any of the above blows have any material effect on the result of the contest I shall use my judgment ac- cordingly" Should any of the seconds of either of the principals enter the ring durlnrj a round to render any assistance to the fighters or prevent them from crmmitting a foul or to throw water upon them it shall be considered a fouL Coaching by the seconds during the rounds is ob close watch has been" kept on him ever since Burkett was recently instructed to sign the player but ailed to get at him and Tebeau finally located him Sockalexis is saia to be a fine outfielder and a wonderful batter He is a full-blooded Indian QUAKERS GO SOUTH Philadelphia Pa March The Philadelphia Baseball club -with Manager Stal-lings in charge sailed away on its spring practice trip on the steamer City of Macon at 4:30 o'clock this af ternoon The boat is due to arrive in Savannah on Saturday morning From there the team will go to Augusta by train and locate for a few days They will spend nearly a month in the south playing exhibition games in various cities and returning to this city April 10 PITTSBURG WANTS HULEN Pittsburg Pa March The Pittsburg club tonight filed notice that she will take young Hulen the Philadelphia shortstop who has been sold to Columbus by Stal-lings Donovan will at least make a fight tera to the president 'withpower "to act Uniforms were selected as follows: Rockford gray and blue Dubuque blue and red Ce- dar Rapids white and black Quincy gray and brown Des Moines gray and black St Joseph gray and red Burlington gray blue and white The Peoria club was allowed to make its own selection but it must not conflict with the otfiers The schedule Isa as follows: CEDAR RAPIDS PLAYS: 14A15D16bUaUeIUne IX 12 13 July 9 10 11 Sept Eet lf 2 3: July 30 31 AuS" 1 8 29- 31 Aug 2 3 4 Sept 7 AtDes May 4 5 6 June 18 19 20 Aug Aug t-7JSepb-APm 29 Ma-y 2: June 22 23 24 At May 7 8 9 June 28 30 July 1 Aug 13 14 15 1011' 12 June 25 26 27 AuS-ROCKFORD PLAYS: At Cedar June 14 15 16 July 27 28 29 Sept 17 18 19 At May 29 30 31 Aug 2 3 4 Sept 2 Lt 22 At June 8 9 10 July 30 31 Aug 1 faept 4 6 6 Aug wes 10' 12 Jun 25 26 27 At" St' Jo'seph-JMay 7 8 9 June 29 30 July 1 Aug 13 14 15 APrtl 2S' May 2' JUDe 22' May 4 5 6 June 18 19 20 Aug 10 At Des May 7 8 9 June 22 23 24 August At Cedar June 8 9 10 July 6 7 8 September 4 5 6 7 Jurle 5- 6: July 3 September 'At Peoria--June 14 15 16 July 27 28 29 September 17 18 19 July 29 May 2: June 29 30 AuUBio11 5 6 June 25' 26' 27: 10' U' 125 JUDe 18 19' 30 May 7 8 9 June 22 23 24 August lo 14 10 PEORIA PLAYS: At Cedar June 4 5 6 July 3 4 5 September 20 21 22 j-At June 2 3 July 6 7 8 September At 'Rockford June 11 12 13 July 9 10 11 September 14 15 16 At Des May 7 9" June 22 23 24 August 13 14 lo At St May 10 11 12 June 18 19 20: August 17 18 19 At Burlington May 4 5 6 June 25 26 27: August 10 11 12 At April 23 May 1 2 June 29 30 uJly 1 Aug 6 7 8 DES MOINES PLAYS: At Cedar May 14 15 16 July 16 17 18 Aug 81 Sept 2 At May 18 19 20 July 13 14 15 Aug 27 28 29 At May 25 26 27 July 23 24 25 Aug 24 25 26 At Pftnria Mav 91 99 5l- Tn- 9rt 91 99 ao- 9A REPUDIATED BY YALE MESSAGE TO CORBETT New Haven Conn March The following Yale juniors who sent Pugilist Corbett a letter and a Yale flag with Yale's best wishes for Corbett's success over Fitzsimmons were summoned before Dean Wright of the faculty today: Payne Whitney of New York son of ex-Secretary William Whitney Wads-worth of Geneseo Simons of Brooklyn Gouverneur Morris of New York Bruce Clark of Chicago McLaughlin of Cleveland Rodgers of New York Forsyth Wickes of New York and Turn-bull Jr of Morristown The Yale News contains a drastic editorial utterly repudiating the sentiments expressed in the letter and demands a public apology In the same issue of the News the men who wrote the letter make a statement in which they announce their willingness to retract all phrases in which It was presumed to represent the sentiment of the university BICYCLING WOMAN'S SIX-DAY RACE Dottie Farnsworth the Minneapolis woman rider reached Chicago yesterday and went into training immediately at Tat-tersall's for the coming six-day rgee which begins next Monday afternoon Hansen "The Rainmaker" who won fifth money In' KANGAROO PREPARING It Pays from a Financial Standpoint to Quit Whisky Remarkable Work That Is Being Done by a Chicage Home Treatment A Safe Sure Inexpensive Cure with No Hypodermic Injections Nothing is more unbusinesslike and unprofitable than to expend our energies con--tending with sickness when by the investment of a little money we can enjoy perfect health What would you think of a business man who run machinery without oil Yet sickness causes more friction to the machinery of our bodies than lack of oil causes to machinery When an engine is worn out money will purchase another when the body is worn out it cannot be replaced The drink habit is a disease and can be cured for a little money by the Fittz Alcohol Cure It gives you perfect health and thus enables you to do the best work you are capable of doing It gives you a clear brain Are not these things worthy of your consideration? Then It will pay you monthly dividends of 100 per cent If these statements seem unreasonable call at our office and investigate for yourself If true are they not worth knowing? We desitroy the appetite for all kinds of liquor There Is no pain No se'f denial as we give you a healithy substitute for your accustomed drink We give you healthy medicine that takes the place of unhealthy alcohol That appetite being satip-fiedyoudonot suffer for your ordinary drink We have received hundreds of such letters as the following but we never publish them without special permission Willi a msfield 111 March 8 1897 Bartlett Manager: I write you as instructed! as to how I am getting along with my treatment I am feeling well have a good appetite and sleep well My nerves are steady and it (seems now as though I had never used liquor I have forgotten what it tastes like I am satisfied that I am more completely cured now than when I left the Institute I have no thought or desire for liquor now and when I left the Institute I wanted to drink and was kept from it only by fear I am thoroughly satisfied that your cure is the best and in the days that I have been taking it there-has been a great load lifted off me am sure til at i am completly cured: now and 1 would not be where I was before taking your treat-men for all fhe world I think it is mv dutv to let you use this letter as your medicine has done bC muenrorme ours respectfully JAS MAHAR JR Tou do not have to stop your work No hypodermic injection Consultation free and confidential THE BARTLETT CURE CO Proprietors BARTLETT Manager Suite It 155 Wasiingtoa Street Chicago 111 Open Sunday from 11 A to 1 WE MAKE Wheels Guaranteed Quality the Best Tool i STYLES LADIES' GENTLEMEN'S TANDEM The Lightest Running Wheels on Earth THE ELD RED GE AND THE BELVEDERE We always Made Good Sewing Machines I Why Shouldn't we Make Good Wheels! A full line of our 1897 wheels is now on exMbl-bition at the store of GLEASON SCHAFF Retail agents 275 Wabash Avenue Chicago Ills Open every eveninfj until 9 o'clock National Sewing Machine Co 339 Broadway Factory: New York Belvldere Ills Positively cured by these Little Pills They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect remedy for Dizziness Nausea Drowsiness Bad Taste in the Mouth Coated Tongue Pain in the Side TORPID LIVER They Regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable Small Pill Small Dose Small Price MADE SV1E A AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE JL Li Keneotts Failing Memory ImpotncySleepleffine6seto caused by Abuse and other Excesses and Indiscretions They ffttiofcitf and surely restore Lost Vitality in old or young and fif a man for ofndv hiiKinpss or marriasB Prnvent Insanity and Consumption it taken in time Their use shows immediate improvement and effects a CTXR-B where all others iail Insist upon haring the genuine Ajaa: Tablets They have cured thousands and will cure you give a positive written guarantee to effect a cure in each case or rfund the money Price 60 cents per package or six jSackages full treatment for $250 By mail in plain wrapper upon rsceint of price Circular fre" AJAX REMEDY CO 79 iearbarn st Chicago III For sale in Chicago by Dale Serapill 135 Clark st Geo Baker 280 Clark 8t and Clarlr and Randolph A Arend 189 Madison St and (J Wisshack 18tS Madison 4 nips a in the bud THE TEMPLE GUARANTEE is ta keep Temple Bicycles "in repair" free of cost Exchanges made) for wheels of well known makes Ask for Cat Branch stores everywhere Main store 20 35th st- bead GrantJpU-vd It name guarantee Catalogue Free A Spaloiwg Bros New York Chicago Phlla COLUMBIAS Standard of the World Riding Academy 638 No Clark St POPE MANUFACTURING CO X05 Wabash Avenue CARTERS PSLLS SIGK HEADACHE FT (SOUS) Captain Anson and His Ball Team Depart for the South Men Never Looked in Better Trim This Early in the Season Players" This Tear "Will -Be the Largest Ever Seen in a League Game Western League and Western Association Schedules Arranged NATIONAL LEAGUE CHICAGO TEAM IN TRAINING When Captain- Anson find jiis band Of colts lined up' at the railway liepot yesterday morning to take the train for Hot Springs President Hart let go of themost satisfactory smile that ever crossed his face In the spring of the year The fine feeling which made beautiful lines in 'his 'face went down his arms and found expression in his hands These he rubbed as only a man can do who is possessed of a feeling of the most Intense satisfaction After the coifs had departed for their training ground tti the Arkansas Ozarks the president let a little of his feeling come out of his mouth FIRST RIDE DAN HICKET "I have never seen" he said "such an athletic crowd of ball players at this season of the year Take the 'old man' to begin with He is down to 210 pounds In weight which is low for him at this season of the year He has been playing handball all winter and is as hard and fit aa an athlete on the eve of an important contest The rest of the party are in splendid condition and when they reach Hot Springs will be fit to commence playing pretty fair spring ball" Ten members of the team took the train in-Chicago yesterday McCormick joined these at St Louis As there are four already located at Hot Springs fourteen will answer the roll call today Connors who is in Massachusetts will join the team next week Everett will go direct from Denver while Lang will be on hand as soon as possible after the Corbett-Fitzslmmons fight -There will be eighteen men In the field within a fortnight and Anson will have them in fine shape for the opening of the league season The present opinion of the captain is that he will open the season stronger than ever before This is an an nual opinion but there is unusual force to it this year The team today ia the biggest that was ever seen in a league game and all of the larger men carry quality with their size io This year nothing of any consequence will be done In the way of experiments as was the case last year The experiments In the pitcher's box and at second base were particularly disastrous The club starts in the season fully confident that they are in the first six teams About this there Is no concern but the place they will hold in the first half is the matter of speculation There is promise in the teamwich goes far beyond the certainty of being among the best and Captain Anson promised when he left to nurse this promise very carefully President Hart said the club never started out with a better prospect of securing the pen-ant a'jf After three weeks of work at Hot Springs the team will go to Kansas City From there the club goes to Indianapolis and after playing two games will ppen the regular league season at Cincinnati April 22 One thing which Captain Anson is pleased with about his team is the fact that there is no one place in it where an Injury cannot be quickly repaired "This means too" he said "that while we" will be able to open the season strong we will run little risk of going stale There is a strong enough reserve to give the men a rest when the wire edge gets off their playing" The "old man" declared with emphasis that he personally would play the game of his life this season CLEVELAND SIGNS AN INDIAN Cleveland March Manager Tebeau of the Cleveland team went to South Bend Ind yesterday on a little scouting expedition and the result was that he signed Sockalexis the player whom several teams have been) trying to land for some time Tebeau first notlcedi thia player last season when he was on the Holy Cross college team at Worcester Mass An effort was made to secure him but it failed at the time and' a Jleferee Gives His Construction of Some Mooted Points Sends a Letter to Each Principal in the Coming Fight Allows Hitting in Clinches With One Ann Free and on Breakaways Keither or tlie Pngilists Pleased With His Interpretation RULES OF THE FICHT SILER INTERPRETS THEM Carson Nev March 10 One week from today Fitzsimmons and Corbett will battle for the heavy-weight championship of the world A staff correspondent of The Chronicle saw both men this afternoon Corbett was lean and drawn to the strong lines of a greyhound His eye was as clear and as blue as the sky and when he stretched himself upon the bench at his headquarters for the noon rub he declared that he was never better in his life This of course is what every prize fighter says of himself on the eve of battle but there can be no doubt that Corbett is now a splendid specimen of a gladiator Seven men out of ten in town say that he is a certain winner Five of them are ready to bet money that the Cor- nishman will not put "a glove on him Out at Cook's1 ranch Fitzsimmons is as fine a looking an animal as sporting men have ever trailed their bets behind' Martin Julian is not boasting Fitzsimmons has little to say But men who have seen the two fighters and these men by the way are men who have seen Corbett and Fitz in their biggest battles declare that all this talk about 10 to 7 money is nonsense and many of them are willing to bet that there will be no odds when the two men leap into the ring-cue week from today TRAVEL THE SAME ROUTE This morning the two fighters missed each other by an accident Corbett was at the penitentiary where he was much interested in the prehistoric footprints in the sandstone at that place He was willing to bet that the man who made those tracks could lick him So soon as the prisoners knew that Corbett was within the stone enclosure they sent up a cheer although not one of them was permitted to look at the champion While Corbett was stalking around the sandstone where some old timer had left his footprints Fitzsimmons robed in a pair of light canvas trousers and a blue sweater passed the place It has been his custom heretofore to spend an hour or so at the institution but this time although he did not know that Corbett was inside the grim building he jcgged on down the muddy road and barely missed meeting the champion An estimate of these two men after tern days careful and painstaking observation leaves the prophet still In doubt Corbett is strong in fine form and confident Thia may be said of Fitzsimmons also BILLY BRADY'S VIEWS Billy Brady who as everybody knows is with Corbett in this battle the greatest in his life said to a staff correspondent of The Chronicle last night: "It should be 5 to 1 that Corbett wins The big fellow was never in better shape in his life He can punch harder and he is more frisky on his feet than I ever saw him But mind you I have some doubt about the other fellow and the doubt lies this way Fitzsimmons is a dangerous man Corbett knows that as well as I do It is only a question of who lands the first blow If Corbett gets it in the neck he will stand up in the ring like John Sullivan did at New Orleans and say that he was licked by a better man" A man who was sitting at another table asked this question: "If this is so why should the betting be 5 to 1 In favor of Corbett?" Brady scowled over a glass of wine and made this confession £WelL on the square I think that's a little rough in the betting line but I will say that Fitzsimmons dangerous as he is (and wd give him credit for that) will not put a glove on the champion" Mrs Fitzsimmons had a story to tell to the correspondent of The Chronicle this afternoon "I have never seen Bob fight a man in my life but I am confident that I am not going to be a disappointed woman on the 17th You may say for me to all our friends in the east and west that Bob was never in better shape or more confident of victory" SILER LAYS DOWN THE RULES All of the sports here were much interested this afternoon in the statement issued by Referee Siler to Corbett and Fitzsimmons giving the boxers his interpretation of the Queensberry rules The important docu ment follows: Carson City Nev March 10 1897 James Cor bett Esq Robert Fitzsimmons Esq Gentlemen: Herewith I hand you each the rules of the marquis of Queensberry under the provisions of which you are to contest for the heavy-weight championship of the world in this city on March 17 1897 Accompanying the rules I hand you some sug gestions and instructions These are based on careful study research equity and fairness You are principals to what will be the greatest con test of modern times You have both trained faith fully and assiduously The principals and the purse are alike engrossed to an extent never before made manifest in a like encounter While it is a departure to issue instructions to the combatants of a battle like this a week in advance of the meeting I tliinK the importance of the affair fully warrants this move I am confident that you both want to win solely and wholly on your merits Neither of you can afford to have the slightest suspicion of doubt cloud the title which will belong to the victor To that end I herewith hand you the rules and certain interpretations under which you arer to battle A copy of the marquis of Queensberry rules was sent with the letter which continues as follows: The first three rules need no comment as they are plain simple and understood by almost every body Rule 4 however requires some analysis as some of" the points are often misconstrued The rule spys: "If either man fall through weakness or other wise he must get up unassisted ten seconds to bo allowed to do so the other man meanwhile to return to his corner" This of course was intended to prevent a man landing over his fallen opponent it probably never occurred to the framer of the rules that at times a man either falls or is knocked down in his opponent's corner If then the man on his feet retires to his corner as the rules direct he will be standing over his fallen opponent and doing Just what the rules mean he shall not do To avoid all disputes on this score I will simply instruct you in case of a breakdown to retire at least ten feet from your fallen opponent to give him an opportunity to rise Rule 12 which says: "The contest in all other respects to be governed by the revised rules of the London prize ring is I consider one of tha most Important of the twelve rules and appears to be the bone of contention in almost every contest It has been the custom of referees myself among them to Inquire of the principals whether they chose to hit in clinches with one arm free and also on breakaways Invariably the principals agree not to hit in clinches or on breakaways but they generally forget all about their agreement and frequently violate it This then causes not only the seconds but the spectators to cry "Foul" every time a blow is de livered in a clinch or on a breakaway and cause much trouble and argument It also makes the duties of a referee arduous and disagreeable and keeps him continually in hot water Furthermore it gives the referee an opportunity to determine a contest in a technical foul which Is generally unsatisfactory to everybody concerned Neither vou I am sure desires to win the coming con jectionable to everybody and is apt to create discord and argument Both of you have undoubtedly mapped out your plans of attack and defense and need no advice from your respective seconds The latter will therefore refrain from making any comment during the contest Trivial fouls may be unintentionally committed by either of you which unless they have a direct bearing on the result will be overlooked by me at my discretion This I believe covers all the Important points Both of you are thoroughly acquainted with the marquis of Queensberry rules not touched upon by me and I hope to see you both live strictly up to them With a fair field no favors no prejudices I re mains yours very truly GEORGE SILER Referee CORBETT NOT SUITED Duplicate copies of Siler's letter were made and a copy was snt to both Corbett and Fitzsimmons Corbett was writing a letter to his wife when Siler's communication was handed to Mm and when he had finis'bed writing he read the letter from the referee through with great care He then folded it up saying: "I do not care to make any reply on this today I will talk it over with my trainers tonight and will write a formal letter to Mr Siler tomorrow" "It gives you what you desired does it not?" he was asked No" he answered "all I want is that we fight under the marquis of Queensberry rules such as I have always fought under I carry those rules in my head and I am very likely to conform to them unconsciously while fighting When a new construction is put upon them I might forget all about it in the heat of the fight and commit a foul unintentionally All I want is a fair show and nothing else" 'It was reported some time ago that you desired to hit with one arm free and on breakaways?" "That is a mistake I never wanted any thing but the regular marquis of Queensberry rules and never said I did Now Fitzsimmons has said he did not want to hit with one arm free but everybody knows he wants just that very thing Everybody con cedes that Fitzstinrmons is a harder hitter than I am and everybody concedes that I am better at long-range fighting and more scientific It stands to reason then that he is the gainer by this thing You will see that Fitzsimmons will not agree to this as he wants to have the appearance of making some concession to me However! am not making any objections as yet I am going to talk it over with my trainers and will say what I think tomorrow I am glad however that Mr Siler has made it clear that the pivot blow and all that sort of thing is barred That is as it should be We don't want anything of that sort" SILER GIVES REASONS Siler said when giving out 'his construction- of the rules I have made my decision solely on the ground that it is declared In the marquis of Queensberry rules that when not ordered otherwise the rules of the London prize ring shall govern Now the marquis of Queensberry rules are silent on the subject of hitting in the breakaways and with one arm free but both are allowed by the rules of the London prize ring and therefore it seems to me that it plainly is the intention of the Queensberry rules that both hitting with one arm free and hitting in the break aways should be allowed "I suppose that some will differ from that but it really looks to me as though the thing is too plain to admit of any other construction than that I have put upon it However if Corbett and Fitzsimmons de clare they prefer to fight the other way it is all right All I want is for them to agree to something" NOT LIKED BY FITZ The receipt of Siler's letter raised a storm at Cook's ranch and Martin Julian declared that in his opinion Corbett had had a talk with Siler and had induced him to issue the letter Fitzsimmons asserted it wouldi not be right for him to agree on anything until both he and Corbett had entered the ring he had always fought under the marquis of Queensberry rules he declared and that was what he wanted to fight under this time Julian then took the stand that when a man is knocked down and his seconds throw water upon the fallen man with the Intention of reviving him it should be a ground for forfeiting the fight and he asserted that he was going to insist that this be agreed upon Then Fitzsimmons declared that he would fight under the marquis of Queensberry rules and that if they did not suit Corbett he weuld fight under the rules of the London prize ring 'He has fought all his battles under the Queensberry rules" said Fitzsimmons "and they should be good enough for him now" Both Fitzsimmons and Julian declared they did not want any hitting with one hand free and on the breakaways Both insisted that breaks should be clean and no hitting should be allowed until both hands were free Fitzsimmons above all things Insist ed that no agreement should be made before the men entered the ring This was his strong point and he stuck to it with all the obstinacy with which he was capable and that is saying a great deal Dan Stuart this morning appointed Mal- aehy Hogan of Chicago referee of the welter weight and feather-weight championship fights between "Mysterious" Billy Smith and George Green (Young Corbett) and Martin Flaherty and Dal Hawkins respectively This was done by Stuart after a conference with George Siler FITZ BATTLES WITH YARRUM Bob Fitzsimmons had an exciting and not entirely a bloodless battle with the Great Dane Yarrum this evening In which honors were about evenly aiviaea The big brute has lately shown himself to be possessed of a vicious disposition and on several occasions has attacked newspaper correspond ents who visited the ranch in quest of news There is a big yard in front of the ranch-house ordinarily used as a place to hitch rigs and divided from the cottage and pavilion by a fence The ranch barn is situated at one side of this enclosure Just before dinner tonight Fitz was pitching quoits with his train ers in the cottonwood grove just inside this fence when the party was startled by an unearthly noise Yarrum had attacked a calf belonging to Cook near the front gate and the terrified animal was struggling to reach the cow pen 100 yards distant Fitz grabbed a buggy whip and started to the rescue and arrived just as Yarrum seized the bellowing calf by the neck and threw it to the ground The Great Dane was Infuriated by the taste of blood and paid no attention to the blows showered upon him by his master for several minutes At last however the brute released the calf and sprang with a growl at the lanky New Zealander Fitz stood his ground and beat the brute off at the same time working around toward the barn Leaning against the outside of the building was a pitchfork Fitz grabbed it and stuck the tines into Yarrum's body and beat him over the head with it The dog fought back and refused to budge an Inch and the battle roya! between man and beast lasted nearly half an hour The fight was watched by his three trainers from safe positions on the WESTERN LEAGUE SCHEDULE OF GAMES Detroit Mich March After a long day of tedious discussion and waiting for a final committee report the Western Baseball league late tonight adopted the following season's schedule: DETROIT AT HOME: With April 30 May 1 3 4 June 28 29 30 July 1 Sept 20 21 With May 5 6 7 8 July 6 1 8 91 SeDt 17 18 With Grand May 12 13 14 15 June 23 net on 21 With Kansas June 10 11 12 Aug 6 7 7: sept 3 4 4 With June 6 7 8 9 July 31 Aug Sept 6 6 7 7 With St June 14 15 16 17 Aug 9 10 11 Aur 30 31 Sept 1 With June 2 3 4 5 Aug 3 4 5 Aug 27 28 28 INDIANAPOLIS AT HOME: With April 26 27 28 29 July 10 12 12 Sept 10 11 11 CARSON JACK STELZNER With May 13 14 15 July 3 5 5 Sept 15 15 16 16 With Grand April 21 22 23 24 July 6 8 9: Sept 13 14 7 With Kansas June 2 3 4 5r Aug 8 4 6 AUK Z6 zi a With June 14 15 16 17 Aug i T7 a ne an ai fipnt With St June 7 8 9 July 81 Aug 2 2 Sept 2 3 4 4 With June 10 11 12 Aug 9 10 11 11 Sept 6 6 7 COLUMBUS AT HOME: With April 22 23 24 25 June 19 20 21 zz sept 13 19 With May 9 10 11 12 June 25 28 27 July 4 Sept 8 9 With Grand April 26 27 28 29 June 28 29 30 July 1 Sept 11 12 With Kansas June 6 7 8 9 July 31 Aug 1 2 Aug 30 31 Sept 1 With Milwaukee June 2 3 4 5 Aug 9 10 11 Aur 27 28 29 With St faui June iu ju ia as Aug a Sept 5 6 6 With June 14 15 16 17 Aug 6 7 8 Sept 2 3 4 GRAND RAPIDS AT HOME: With May 9 10 11: May 16: July 3 4 5 5 Sept 15 16 with May June i zu zj 22: Sept 18 19 With May a 4 juiy 10 ia Sept 20 21 21 With Kansas City-June 14 lo 16 17 Aug 9 10 11 Sept 5 6 7 With June 10 11 12 13: Aug 3 4 5 5 3 A With St Paul-June 2 3 4 5 Aug 6 7 8 Aug 27 28 29 With June 6 7 8 9 July 81 Aug 1 2 Aug 30 31 Sept 1 KANSAS CITY AT HOME: With May 21 22 23: July 26 27 28 29: Aug 13 14 15 With May Z9 30 31 31 July 14 15 IB Alls- 9(1 21 22 With May 13 19 20 July 21 22 24 25 With 'Grand" May 25 26 27 28 July 17 18 10 An- II! 17 1R With May 13 14 15 16 July 8 4 5 5 April 22 23 24 25 June 23 24 26 Ct rt 01 With April 26 27 28 29 June 19 20 21 22 Sept 18 19 MILWAUKEE AT HOME: With May 18 19 20 July 21 22 24 25 AWlth indili-apoiis-May 24 26 278 July 17 18 1VHhS6olu'm2busMay 21 22 23 July 26 27 28 29 Rapids-May 29 30 31 31 July 14 -rtaAr1SlXln With Kansas May 9 10 11 12 June 29 30 ith 26 27 28 29 June 19 20 aa cs 10 i( With April 22 23 24 25 June 23 24 26 27 Sept no ST PAUL AT HOME With May 25 26 27 28 July 17 18 19 With fnhianapolls-May 2122 23 July 26 27 no on Ac- 1Q 11 1R on Of Tilv1l IK IK with commoua juay Aug 16 1 17 ia With 'Grand May 18 19 20 July 21 22 Tl 1- 11 11 Witn ivansas jity juiaj oj 10 1J 1- With April SO May 1 2 8: July 7 8 9 Sept 9 10 11 With May 13 14 15 16 July 2 3 4 (a m) Sept 15 16 MINNEAPOLIS AT HOME: With May 29 30 31 31 July 14 15 16 May 18 19 20 July 21 22 24 WithSCoIumbut-May 25 26 27 28 July 17 18 19 A -jig- iO A IS With 'Grknd May 2L 22 23 July 26 27 9Q 9Q Alio- 9rt 91 99 With Kansas April 30 May 1 8 8 July 7 8 9 Sept 8 10 11 With May 5 6 7 8 July 10 11 12 Cnt 19 13 11 With 'St' May 9 10 11 12: May 24: June 29 30 July 1 July 5 (p m) 6 WESTERN ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE IS ADOPTED Peoria 111 March The directors of t-he Western Baseball association today ap- proved the schedule an referred minor mat- 21 227 AtgSt June 11 12 13 July 9 10 11 Sept At TVTy 99 5fl ai "TiiItt 97 95! 9J- Sept 17 18 19 June 1 2 3 July 30 31 Aug 1 Sept 20 ST JOSEPH PLAYS: At Cftdar Ttanids Msv 9K 9R 97- Tnlir 15 1J I- Aug 27 28 29 At May 21 22 23 July 16 17 18 Aug Sept 1 2 At May 18 19 20 July 20 21 22 Aug 01 OO At May 14 15 16 July 23 24 25 Aug 24 25 AO At Des June 14 15 16 Aug 2 3 4 Sept At Tiiti 1 9 3 -Tiilv 50 51 Ana- 1 Sept 20 21 22 At May 9 30 31 July 27 28 29 Sept 17 is i ETTRLINOTrnSr PTA-TS: At Cftflnr- ATaxr 18 1Q 90- Tiilxf 93 9d 9K- Aug 20 21 22 At May 14 15 16 July 20 21 22 Aug 24 Kill At May 21 22 23 July 13 14 15 Aug 27 AO ll At TWit-in TMav 27? -Tlilv 1R 17 IS: 31: Sept 1 2 At Des June 4 5 6: July 6 7 8: Sept 14 15 16 At St June 8 9 10 July 3 4 5 Sept 10 11 12 At June 14 15 16: Aug 2 3 4: Sept 4 5 6 QUINCY PLATS: At Oedar Mav 21 22 23: July 20 21 22: Aug 24 25 26 At May 25 ze zt juiy za a zd aus i OO 20 At Mav 14 15 16: July 16 17 18: Aug 30 31: Sept 1 At May 18 i zu juiy us it ja Aua 27 28 29 At 'bes Moines-June 8 9 10 July 3 4 6 Sept 10A1t'st'josenh-June4 5 6 July 6 7 8 Sept 14 June 11 12 13 July 9 10 11 Sept i TURF AT NEW ORLEANS New Orleans La March Weather fine track fair Summaries: T3ict rttfo eIv fiiT-lnners The Plutocrat 100 m-ort to 1 fiTst Helen Wren 109 fT Burns) 9 a'nrmH- Tnrr! Valrfax 95 (Colev 12 to 1 time 1:17 Juanita Inconstancy Harry Lee Mamie Callahan and Tunic also-ran csecona race sellings one muiansu oo rvvmha a in 1 first: Gomez 100 (Walker) 3 to 1 second Rushflelds 99 (Guttierez) 4 to 1 timA Kenston Vanessa Benefit Beware The Delaware and Jim Kelly also ran Third race selling one ana one-iounn jnues Domingo 108 (Scherrer) 13 to 5 first Paros 104 OTui tn tseoond Jack the Jew 101 (M Dean) 8 to 1 time 2:14 Billy McKenzie and Henry Owsley also ran Fourth race Bayonet stakes purse $1000 one- half Festa 105 (Scherrer) 7 to 10 first Bliss Patrick 110 (Snell) 5 to 2 second: Our Lizzie 115 Clavton) ao to i mini nine uoj-a uuim Lillian 'Russell Sue Sue Btrathlou and Belle of Erin also ran Fifth race selling one Lizzie Mack 100 (A Parrett) 9 to 10 first: Ixion 112 (Overton) 6 to 1 second Bizarre 105 (T Burns) 4 to 1 third time 1:47 i-aura totta ana cpirixu-iiisi also ran Mrs Morgan pulled up bleeding Sixth race selling seven Alva 96 (T Powers) 7 to 5 first: Jim Hogg 96 OA Barrett) 7 to a secona ai a uorseyi to i uiiru time 1:31 Oily Gamin Jim Maddox Renaud and Eleanor Mc also ran Entries for tomorrow: First race six furlongs Laura Davis 101 Ella Penzance Waldine Belle of Fordham Gismonda Waterman 103 each Loyal Prince 105 Halloween 106 Plutus 111 Ban 116 Second race six furlongs Ray H- Glen Albyn Sugarcane Oldham 104 each Harry 6 Grayling AI Kyris Styx Pat Morrlssey Prince of India Pop Dixon 107 each Third race selling one and one-sixteenth miles AI Miles 96 Baaigad Granada 102 each Little Matt Chicot Ill each Sir John Tenochtitlan 108 Fourth race handicap one mile and a furlong Senator Penrose Harry Lee 90 each Favorine 93 Otbo 96 Fasig 100 Beau Ideal 104 Booze 105 Fifth race six Fiction Flora Ballard Slster Florence 98 each Roslyn Partisan Fa-vorita Glendaga 100 Nannie Lord 103: Cooper Tom Quirk 105 each Half Mine Mldstar Jake Zimmerman 108 each Sixth race selling seven furlongs Ilia Earth Harv 87 each Sister lone 89 Annie Teuton 82: Altadena Tagliona Oily Gamin Ben Wilson 93 each Robert Bonner 84 Pete Kitchen 100 AT SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco Cal March Weather fine track slow at Oakland The summar- ries: First race five and one-half Fortunate first Defender second Lena time 1:11 Second race one-half The Cheat first: Little second: Thorpe time 0:5034 Third race one mile Lobengula first Applause second Ben Amela time 1:44 Fourth race the Piedmont handicap seven furlongs value Lincoln II first Caesar second Instigator third time 1:31 Fifth race five and one-half -Mercu-tio first Siegfried second Queen Nubia Uiird time 1:11 Sixth race six furlongs Hazard first Miss Ross second Candor third time POOLROOM LAW INVALID Kassas Citt Mo March 10 The poolroom law as it at present stands upon the statute books was declared to be unconstitutional by the state supreme court today The decision holds that the law'is invalid because it is class legislation and was handed In in the case of the state against Bliler who was charged with unlawfully making books and selling pools on horse races in this city Criminal Judge Wolf ord previously held for Bliler but the prosecuting attorney took an appeal to the supreme court FOOTBALL COOK TO CAPTAIN PRINCETON Princeton March 10 Cook of Evanston 111 was today elected assistant manager of the football team for next season Mrs A Crausby of 158 Kerr St mr 1 nttAntinn jjaempiiis ieuu paiu iu acuiuu to a small lump in her breast but iv soon ueveiupeu into a cancer of the most malignant type The hpst nhTsicians CURED BY in New York treated her and finally declared fier case hopeless As a last resort was given and an immediate improvement re sulted a iew doc-tles cured her completely and no sign of the disease has return-pd for ten vears Books on Cancer free address Swift Specific Co Atlanta Ga 1m FITZSIMMONS the recent six-day continuous race will look after her interests during the race Miss Farnsworth is one of the most remarkable of the women riders of this country made her first appearance in a race at Minneapolis in December 1895 which she won covering 319 1-5 miles irf an elght- een-hour race three hours riding which is the world's record for a race of this kind Since then she has entered races in every large city in the country She invariably finishes among the first fourr She has never been able to defeat Tlllie Anderson and the result has been the most bitter rivalry between the two which expresses Itself in their relations both on and off the track Farnsworth has always claimed that she has never ridden on a track large enough to enable her to gain full benr-efit of her speed In the coming race she has a track to her liking and if she fails to win from Anfderson this time she will be forced to concede the superiority of her rival Earl Reynolds the champion skater of the United States will act as referee of the women's race Reysnolds is a bicycle rider of some repute although he has only ridden a wheel a few months The scene on Tattersall's track yesterday afternoon was a remarkable one with Arthur Gardiner James Michaels Helen Baldwin Dottle Farnsworth Stella Kowal-ski Mable Raymond Marie Fieriifg Edyth Peterson Elsie Gable Mazie Haskell and Rosie Hatch These riders are all in train ing and subjecting themselves to" very hard work and they reeled off a number of miles at a 2:50 clip The amateurs show the most marked improvement as a result of their steady work during the last week and it is not unreasonable to expect that someone of them may spring into prominence during the coming race with the same suddenness that Tillie Anderson did a year ago EVENTS AT THE ARMORY The management of the cycle meet to be held at the Second Regiment armory March 29 to April 3 announces the following events: Twelve hour race professional to be run two hours each night First prize $76 second prize $S0 third prize $25 to the rider covering the greatest number of miles each night a special prize of $10 will be given Monday Amateur mile open merchandise $15 $10 $5 two mile handicap professional $20 $10 $5 amateur mile handicap merchandise $10 $5 $250 Quarter mile open professional $10 $5 amateur mile open merchandise $15 $10 one mile handicap professional $15 $10 $5 Wednesday Amateur half mile handicap merchandise $10 $5 $250 unpaced half mile professional $25 amateur mile open merchandise $10 $5 $260 Mile open professional $15 $10 $5 amateur mile handicap merchandise $10 250 two mile handicap professional $20 $10 Friday Quarter mile open professional $10 $5 amateur mile open merchandise $15 $10 mile handicap professional $15 $10 $5 Saturday Five mile handicap professional $30 $15 $10 $5 amateur ten mile open merchandise $20 $10 $5 The meeting Is under A sanction andi it is announced that prizes for short races will be paid each night Entries close with Joseph A Locke March 23.

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