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The Oskaloosa Independent from Oskaloosa, Kansas • Page 1

Oskaloosa, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I 1 'if it. is i bi, H.EKKT5. Jli J'tiijjjir, 4 itaf tf ftf Ems, EeJd Crrtit tja Its Eat. 220 PER YAE. VOL.


I Lord Stirling at the Battle of SCRAPS. 'and fraud, while the public can be rescued from the despotism of the Kansas Exibits. The first State in the Union to select a site on the Centennial Grounds for a separate State building was Kansas, and by an arrangement with the State Board Colorado secured one wing of the An Honest Bootblack's Reward. The Chicago Tribune's New York correspondent says: Oue of the passengers bouud to Europe on the steamer Queen, which left this port last Saturday, was a young man named James Shirley, whose sudden rise in NMI'PEIIY It I Innce, driven into the earth, and in a hand to hand fight kills a white man with his own gun. The black marks show the ground fought and trampled over.

No. 51. A fort into which his enemies, the Crows, have retreated, and from which they maintain a hot fire, through which Sitting Bull charges the fort. No. 52.

In a fig hi, with the Crows Sitting Bull kill and seal jw one Indian and counts "coup" on another, who fires at barely missing him. No. 53. Steal- a drove of mules. No.

54. Sitting Bull, at the head of his band, charges into a camp of Crows and kills thirty of them. This happened in the winter of 1869-'70. No. 55.

Kills one Crow and counts "coup" on two others, who run from him disgracefully. my, either dead or alive, with a stick, bow, lance or other weapon, the number of "coups" counted are enumerated along with the number of horses stolen and scalps taken iu summing up the brave deeds of a warrior. The following is the index prepared by Dr. Kimball, descriptive, of each picture or scene in Sitting Bull's life No. 1.

Sitting Bull, a young man without reputation and therefore wearing no feather, engages in his first battle and charges his enemy, a Craw Indian, wko is in the act of drawing his bow, rides him down and Btrikes him with a "ccup" stick. Sittiug Bull's autograph, a buffalo bull sitting on his haunches, is inscribed over him. His shield suspended in front has on it the figure of an eagle, which he considers his medicine, in the Indian sense of the term. No. 2.

Sitting Bull, wearing a war bonnet, is leader of the war party who take a party of Crows, consisting of three women and a man, so completely by surprise that the man has not time to draw his arrow from the quiver. Sitting Ball kills one woman with his lance and captures another, the man meanwhile endeavoring to drag him from hi9 horse from which it is supposed he is forced to desist by others of the war party. The fate only of Sitting Bull and his victims is given in this history. No. 3.

Sitting Bu 11 pursuing his enemy, a Crow ludian, whom be strikes with his lance. N. 4T Lances a Crow woman. No. 5.

Lances a Crow ludian. No. 6. Sitting Bull twice wounded and unhorsed his enemy, a Crow, at length killed by a shot in the abdomcu and his scalp taken and buug to Sitting Bull's bridle. No.

7- In an engagement with the Crows Sitting Bull mortally wounds one of the enemy, and, dropping his lance, rides up and strikes him with his whip. The lines and dashes in the picture represent the arrows and bullets that were flying in the air during the combat. No. 8. Counts "coup" on a Gros Ventre de Prairie by striking him with a lance.

Gros Ventre distinguished fortune is quite an interesting story. Shirley was recently a boot black, and had his stand near St. Paul's Church. fortune is quite an interesting story One day about a mouth ago ho blacked the boots of Mr. Frank, Carriugton, of No.

45 East Tenth Street. This gentleman by mistake handed the boy a 820 gold piece instead of a silver half-dollar, and told him to keep the change. The boy was so dazed by the gift that before he could recover from his astonishment Mr. Ciirriug-ton had left. Ho searched for him iu vain, aud that uight gave the money into the hands of the Superintendent of the Newsboys' Lodging Home, desiring him to advertise for the party and return it to him.

The next day Mr. Carriugton was discovered, and the gold coin restored to him. He was so pleased by the occurrence that he instituted inquiries regarding the boy's associations and honesty, and wa3 so impressed by his worthiness that he determined to adopt him. The boy was only too willing to accept the offer, and after a few weeks' schooling he was called upon to accompany his benefactor upon a trip to Europe. Ou Saturday he distributed a pocket full of nickels to his old boot-black friends, and bade them good-by.

Tho boys gave him three cheers, and few passengers for Europe have depiTrted with more affectionate God -speeds than the young man whose honesty has lvd him iuto the path of fortune. Protestant Cow. Paddy Murphy and his wife, Bridget, after many years of hard labor ditching and wash ing, had accumulated a sufficiency (beside supporting themselves and the to purchase a cow (of course they had pigs!) which they did at the first opportunity. As it was bought of a rotes tan neighbor, I ad- dy stopped on his way home at the house of the priest, and procured a bottle of holy water with which to exorcise the false faith out of her. "Isn't she a foine creature?" asked ttia flitmtrtny flriitnrpf.

H.lMt hould her till I fix the To save the precious fluid from harm, he took it iuto the house and sat it up in a cupboard until he had "fixed" things. Then ho returned and brought the bottle back again, and while Bridget was holding the rope, proceoded to pour it upon her back. But poor Paddy had made a slight mistake. Standing within the same closet was a bottle of aquafortU, that had been procured for a far different purpose, and, as it dropped upon the back of the poor cow, and the hair began to smoke and the flesh burn, she exhibited dicided appearances of restlessness. "Pour on more, Paddy," shouted Bridget, ns she tugged at the rope.

"1 11 give her enough, now, quoth Paddy, and he emptied the bottle. Up went the heels of the cow, down went her head, over weut Bridget and a half a dozen of- the "childers," and away dashed the infuriated bo- vino down the street, to the terror of all the mothers and the delight of the dogs. Poor Paddy stood for a momeut breathless with astonishment, and then, clapping his hands upon bis hips, looked sorrowful, and exclaimed: "Be jabbers, Bridget, but isn't the Protestant strong in her the baste!" Young Mr. Heavyswcll, just arrived from London, went to one of the larg est hotels in Philadelphia to inquire about rooms. "Yes, sir," said the clerk.

"we can accommodate you, and would be pleased to have you patronize us." Handing a key to a brother clerk, he said, "Mr. Smith, show this gentleman 504." Pon me soul, you know," exclaimed Mr. Ileavyswell, "I really haven't time to look at so mauy, you know; suppose you show me a specimen, you know, of the others." Some mistaken genius has invented a pocket photograph apparatus. You meet a womau who plea''; you you draw out the machine, and before die has time to 1 astonished you have her likeness in your pocket. A man operating with such an apparatus war ranted to have an eye poked out with a several times a day.

most gigantic and heartless monopoly ever attempted to be fastened upon a free people, by making proper efforts to sustain those who are now engaged in contending against this self-constituted monopoly. This was not intended as a cam paign document; it was written before Tilden had become a "reformer" and a candidate for the Presidency. REFORMER TILDES8 CURREXCV. It is matter of public recorn that Tilden's two iron compauies in Michigan have for eleven years been issuing a fraudulent and illegal currency in express violation of the laws of the country. It is a fact that the court ruled as follows: They bear not only the ear marks, but all the principal features of a banknote, and are utterly worthless for the purpose of circulation.

They cannot be the subject of forgery; they are a spurious, worthless, bastard currency. It is a fact that the bank tax on this currency was evaded, and that Tilden's companies applied to Congress for a remission of the penalties for a violation of the law. Cin. Enquirer. Splendor and Distance of Sirius.

Mr. Proctor's "King of Suns" is the magnificent Sirius that splendid star of the southeastern sky, whose fixed blaze is not diminished even though he has receded from us, during the past century, more millions on millions of miles that we would dare to say. How must he have appeared with what unutterable glory to the first races of mankind! to the human beings who preceded the ancient Egyptians! These latter worshiped Sirius. He wore a red hue then three or four thousand years before the time of Christ. His color has changed during the last four thousand years and he, himself, is untold and untellable miles further away than he was then: but such is his unimaginable distance that even his swift recession, from this ticular region of endless space seems to make, in any one century, no peifc ceptible difference in his appearance.

Of one star alone, of all the infinite host outside of our solar system, the distance has been measured. It is Alpha Centauri. It is found to lie more than 200,000 times further away than the sun. At this distance our sun would shine much less brightly than Alpha Centauri. But Siriu', that ineffable sun, is still more remote.

He is at a vastly greater distance away; the best computations assign to him a distance exced ing that of Alpha Centauri five-fold to ten-fold. Taking the smallest of the distances, it follows that if Sirius shone no more brightly than Alpha Centauri in appearance, he must nevertheless give out twenty-five times as much light. Yet a careful comparison of his brightness with that of Alpha Centauri shows that Sirius is about one hundred times brighter. Therefore, saj's Mr. Proctor, in reality he must give out one hundred times as much light as that great star.

In other words, coming back to our sun, it is found that Sirius shines in reality three hundred times moro brightly than the suu. Proctor proves, mathematically, that if this be true (and he believes), then it follows that the volume of Sirius is about twenty-two hundred times as great as the sun'e. Even the diameter of this King of Suus is between seventeen or eighteen times that of our sun. Out of that kingly sphere of light inconceivable, two thousands such orbs as our sun might be formed, "each fit to be the center of a scheme of circling worlds as important as that over which our sun bears What must be the planetary system of Sirius? We take the following from the Irish World, a paper that is doing excellent service for the temperance cause "He said he didn't care anything about liquor only for the effects. He never liked the taste of it; it always made him "gag" to drink it, and he made up an awlul face as he took it down.

But it was the effects that he was after. If it wasn't for the effects he would never drink a drop of whisky in his life. He was a nice young man when we first heard him say that. He had health, good looks, and a respectable position in society. The only perceptible effects of his potations then were the heightened color in his cheek, in creased brilliancy of the eye, and vivacity in conversation.

He was generous and liberal with his monev. too. and had a host of friends. Well, he kept on drinking for the effects, and he got them, as every man will who keeps at it long enough. I he last time we saw him he was a pitiable object, a hu man wreck.

He was standing at a bar leading for a diink on time, his trem-ling hands WAng unable to find even asc'iary nickel in the rtockets of his ragged apparel. He had kept on "gag ging" over his whisky, and drinking for the effects, until he hadn't any effects left except those painfull apparent ones poverty, disease, privation, and vanished respectability. Verily, he got the eflbcta The question is asked, "What was the Sultan doing with a pair of scissors Philadelphia Chronicle. He was killing himself out of sheaf Long Island. The niluafion was terrible, but Rf.I ling did not lose in any least degree 1 1 nts sell possession, xiis titular lordship might be, denied him by English peers, but he would prove this day that he was one of nature's noblemen.

He saw that if he could not drive Corn wallis back beyond the Porte Road, or nt liist. hold him where he was. his whole command would suffer death or capture. He resolved upon a costly sacrifice, if haply one more costly might be prevented. Changing his front, and taking with him less than 300 of the Maryland regiment, he ordered the remainder of it and all his nt her trnons to retreat across the marsh and creek, which the rising tide was making every moment less and less passable.

He knew the quality of the young men whom he had chosen tor a perilous duty. They were Indeed young, hardly more than boys, sons of the "first families" of Maryland, bright, ardent spirits, eager to do something for liberty eager, too, to win distinction for themselves and for their belov-d Statn. Stirling invited them to no hardship which he did not mean to share, lafc-ing his place at their head, he led them rapidly along the Gowanus Road, which made quite a sharp bend three or four hundred yards from the Cor-telyou house, and till they reached this point the steep road-side with its brambly hedge concealed them from the enemy. Turning this bend, they came at once upon their advanced guard, and with impetuous courage drove them back upon house. Whereupon Cornwallis brought two field-pieces into position at the corner of the house, from whose doors and windows his grenadiers poured a steady fire, while from the adjacent hills the Hessian riflemen sent many a messen ger of death.

The slender column was lessened every second. At last it halted, closed up its ranks as the field-pieces thinned them out with crape and cauUter. stood for a moment, and then sullenly withdrew beyond tne uend iu road. nltincr across the marshes and the mill-dams, Stirling saw huudreds of his men iu full retreat, unce more ne called upon the remnant of his chosen band to interpose themselves between these fugitives and the advancing foe oace more be found them ready once more, turning the bend, they encountered the same dreadful fire of rifles, musketry, and cannon once more they drove back the advanced guard, quite to the house this time, reached the house themselves, drove the gunners from their pieces, seized them for a inoment, and then reeled agaiu under incessant firing from the house, and again slowly retreated. Again, again, and yet again, this little band of heroes, smaller every time, rallied around their leader, and returned with him "Into the Jaws of death.

Into the mouth of hell." After the fifth encounter there were too few remaining to make another rally, possible, and, indeed, it was not needed. The vicarious sacrifice had done its work. The fugitives had nearly all escaped. Two hundred and fifty-six killed, wounded, and missing were reported by the colonel of the regiment. Apparently the prisoners were few.

Of the whole number the tradition is that nearly all were killed outright or pierced with mortal wounds. Considering what the prisoners were obliged to suffer, the fortune of the dead was hanpiest. Their niaDgled forms were gathered up by friendly bands, and laid to rest under a little mouud, which, only a ftw years ago, was visible iu the vicinity of Seveuth Street and Third Avenue. Now, by the grad-dingof has been hidden. But the old Cortelyou house, which still stands at the junction of Third Street and Fifth Avenue, is a rude and crumbling monument, better than any that could be cast in bronze or carved in marble, of the heroism that swayed back and forth before its venerable walls on that eventful day.

A feeble remnant of the regiment struggled across the creek, bearing their tattered colors with them. Stirling, unable to do more, but disdaining to surrender to an English officer, spurred away across the hills until he found De Heistcr, and to him he gave his sword. John W. Chadwick, in Harper's Magazine for ugust. The San Francisco Chronical says: Friday afternoon the new gun patented bv Leonard and De Vry, and christened "Peace Conservator," was exhibited at the Pacific Iron Works.

The Iirompt action of the instrument de-ivering seventy shots in four seconds and 1,050 shots in one minute, through a thick oak barricade, proves that it is one of the most terrible death-dealing inventions ever known. The machinery is simple, easily worked, requiring but few attendants, who are perfectly protected from their adversary's bullets, and can be transported with much greater ease than an ordinary six-pounder. The bullets from this terrible machine will, it is claimed, divfrge 300 feet in 1,000 yards the distance claimed that it will effectually deliver shots and can be worked bv one nprsum in an direction, ftp tr shvvt proposed, to be equal to 3,000 infantry, tho hnt tto-fieM to three 1 ateries of regular artillery. "Can a politician be ho'ict Can a potato A youth whnnppcirs lo lc on the right track Prince 'Oscar. If your furs ever got worn down JP.

thi-m, for, lo Tl U' A vounir nuin miniirniLr the deluato fabrics for collars iu milliner's Hon, wished he was Emperor of nil the ruche. Profanity in Texas i against the law, SUM) worth each time. They think of enforcing the law for a and paying the national debt. Dr. Yandcr Wcyde says a first-ratu article of jelly can lie made, from old boots.

And almost any printing ottico Can furnish enough old boots tn make a barrel of that sort of jelly. A common rat has otio hundred and fifty bones under his hide. If ho hadn't over ono hundred and forty he might be hit with a club occasionally. Kcllcy has had and time and ime und now his tiruo is up. Slap-dab goes his name right along side of Seargeant Bates and Dr.

Mary Walker's. Probably tho most miserable crea-. ture on earth is the family dog which is suspected of having a leaning towards hydrophobia, but which suspicions are not strong enough to war rant his being ehot. Mr. Air tho nam" of an hotel leik.

and it isn't inappropriate AW York Commercial Advertiser. Don't Boreas with any more like that, or wo may conic to ''blows." Sorristowih Herald. A Virginian aceidentlv stumbled and fell. A lady, thinking to commiserate with the mishap, observed that she regretted hi.s unlucky faitx jm. "I didn't hurt my fore-paws," ho replied, "it was my kiK The few men who are still earnest advocates of the theory that lager Uh does not intoxicate, still cling fondly to the good old custom of winding tho clock at two a.

in. with hair brush. Burlington Hawk-cy. We have frequently beard of case of a man's hair growing after his death, but we never knew of whose heirs increased as fast as the late A. T.

Stewart's. He had lew. than half a dozew when he died now they number about 2,000. Mark Twain, speaking of a now mosquito netting, writes: "TIkj day is coming when we nhali lt wider our nets in church and slumlxT while the discomfited flies club together and lake it out ofthe minister." The future pitcher und catcher of some champion base-ball niun were observed yesterday practicing with a half brick tfone up in an old Mocking. This is what may be called he ragged edge ofthe game.

li'jilon Tranxcripl. The use of the editorial "we" pie-vails in the South, sw will be seen by the following remark in the Paris (Tenn.) Intelligencer "If we escapu the hog cholera this season, there will be a largenirpliisofitork next A man in town yesterday with no-hair, and a bullet hole in the calf of his left leg, savs he is satisfied thnt then: is gold in the" Blac Hills. He also says he is satisfied that there arc Indians iu the Black Hills. Chicago Times. The following, from Chicago source-may be received with some reserve: "Litt Tuesday, hile a St.

Louis young woman was putting a pair ot bal -dippers, she found a missing seulakin jacket iu the toe of one of them." There is a grave diggers' etrike iu Liveriool, which threatens extend to other parts ofthe United and, as a means of bringing the strikers to terms, the Board of Health gravely asks jersaii not to die for several weeks. To the demonst ration of Professor Huxley that the horse is au evolution from the archippus.the Buffalo Exjn very jintcdly responds: "No reputation is Fafc iu hot; days. This scan -dal would never have come out if tb horse; hadn't been running for something." Now is the time for lover get spoony over ice cream, t-he taking a few pretty dal at his vanilla, and ho borrowing a taste of her chocolate. This process inspires confidc-iico in tho day when they will be throwing corn Lecf and cabbages aero u'j luoie. A fw nights ago, a young man fIem jfy friend, ure ir." answcri Oil 1 tl.

etMrted note taker, "I'm-I'iu only j.prter. A vounir man who started for tl Black Hills, halted twenty miles this side of the objective oiiit nnd commenced to dig, and the result was a quarter of a pound of ad u.h1 fifteen minute. Iff du? it out leg, where it bad Imh-ii dejosil4-d bv Noble Red MaTi. Circumstantial evM-w: "Circum. slatM alter caw.

yi know." n'nvirt-ed a Scotch lawyer to mi old fartn'-r client. "Verra true, sir." replied th farmer, "and cases alter circumstances as wecl for, man, 1 mind when werj young and had but few iaur 'rircrni taiic werna ov -r bru'V." No. irtriinner. he doesn't live here now, lie slipped the vigilance don't know how. For we've hunted there digging high and low.

Since he vtooed the runeh. ten years ago. I reckon haven't heard ahoat The game he played when he diluted oat He lit about here in a nudden An' Minat by the fire, bnt wouldn't play Thing was aa lively aa common when The boy is over from Snnky OIn. The tables were piled knee-deep with gold. And biz with keerds were lri-k.

I'm told. Hill lot sullen thar for a while An' watched the proceedings without a cuiilo, But jeft as the game were gittcn" red hot. He slowly rix up from whar he sot. An" poured some powder into his paw. As he worked his quid from jaw to jaw.

"No luck, an I mought as well be dead As livin'." was what the hairpin said. His face was full of a wildish skecr. And. durn his picter. be acted queer.

'I will." he says. "I'in blowed if I don't. And I'll carve the galoot who says I won't. "When luck goes back on a cuss like I. He'd better pepper his carkiss, and die And if I don't do it.

just call me a liar." Chuck went the powder horn into the fire. "The way the boys lit out, beats all: They hid behind stumps, and rocks, and wall. Eat the gold and the powderhorn was left behind. With Bill all alone to go it blind. We waited an hour, acrost the road.

hear the shanty and Bill explode: We waited an hour after we ran. But never so much as a flash in the pan. An when we diskivered that we had been sold. And footed it back, we fuond no gold. Bat we found in that cussed horn of Bill's The blackest sand on these tarnal hills.

Autobiography of Sitting Bull Among the many ghastly souvenirs preserved at the Army Jiedical Muse urn of Washington, is an autobiography of Sittiug Bull, gotten up in the highest style of the art of savage picture history and telling, in fifty-five drawings or sketches, the story uf his life down to the year 1870. Each picture is rudely outliued with ink, the men, horses and other objects being such as children would make. Many of them are partly filled in with red and blue colors, as if Sittiug Bull had at some time got possession of one of tltH red and blue pencils so well knowu in newspaper offices, and with it elab orated his pictorial efforts. Blood or a wound is indicated by a red blotch with streamers falling down from it. The blue is used generally in indicat ing the white man's pantaloons.

Each picture is made on a sheet of paper eight by ten and is pasted into a book of blauk leaves, such as are used for a scrap book. By holding the sheets up to the light it is seen that they are the muster roll blanks of the Thirty first United States infantry, of which Colonel De Trobeland was the command mailt. The papers probably fell into Sittiug Bull's hands at the evacuatiou of a camp, or, as is more likelyj were stolen by him during a visit to some of our out posts. Sitting Bull is not at all modest in committing to posterity the story of his great deeds. Whether it bo the scalping of a soldier in battle or the sly theft of mule, he brags equally of his prowess in his curious autobiography.

This literary work, which is now likely to be famous, fell into the hands of Assistant-Surgeon James C. Kimball, of the army, in the month of August, 18-70, while he was stationed at Fort JJuford, Dakota Territory. lie had 4 he pictures translated and sent them, with the translation and an index, to the Curator of the Army Medical Museum. Washington, Surgeon Geo. A.

Otis.Uuited States, who has filed them, in book shape, among the archives of the JMuscum. Ihe introduction, writ-; ten by Dr. on to say that the autobiography contains a des-, cription of the principal adventures in life of Sitting Bull, who is an Unk-, pa-pp chief. It was sketched by himself in the picture language in common 'use with the Indians. Since the establishment of Fort Buford, in 1866, Sitting Bull, at the head of from sixty to seventy warriors, had been the terror of mail carriers, wood choppers and small parties in the vicinity of the post, and from one to two hundred miles from it either way, up and down the Missouri liiver.

During the time from 1866 to 1867, when the biography wan written, this band had several times captured and destroyed the mail, and had stolen and run off over two hundred head of cattle "and had killed near a score of white rneu in the immediate vicinity of the fort. The Unk-pa-pas are a tribe of the great Sioux nation living in the Yellowstone and Powder River couutries. The book was brought into Fort Buford by a Yanktonnais Sioux, and offered for sale and purchased for one dollar and fifty cents worth of provisions. The ludian gave conflicting statements regarding the manner in which he came into possession of the book, exciting suspicion that he had stolen it from Sitting Bull, who, in his turn, undoubtedly stole the book in blank form from the whites. An index has been prepared by the assistance of Indians and interpreters explanatory of the drawings.

The word 'coup," which occurs frequently in the index, has been appropriated by the Sioux from the French. 'Counting coup" signifies the striking of an. ene structure, so that now the two States are included under one roof, and both together make one ofthe finest displays on the grounds. The building, situated a little to the north of the Woman's Pavilion, is in the form of a Maltese cross, with four office-rooms at the outside intersections of the arm. The great seal of the State of Kansas is painted in the north wing, the picture being so framed in an open circle in the apex that it is illuminated by the light without, and on first eiTt ranee gleams like some gigantic gem.

The agricultural products of Kansas arc displayed in the north and east wings, the minerals and birds in the south wing, the insects the center, aud the timber and stoneafew steps to the east. Directly under the dome sparkles a handsome bronze fountain, presented by the ladies of Topeka, and above il is pendent a faesiviile in Kansas agricultural pro ducts of the old Independence lit II. This ornament is over eight feet in hightand the same in width at the out er rim, which is formed of wheat, millet, broom corn and sorghum. The tongue is a gourd six feet long, the hammer a bell-shaped gourd, one foot six inches in diameter, and around the top ofthe bell the inscription, "Proclaim Liberty throughout all the Laud," is form ed of millet and flax. Above the building wave the fl tgs of all nations par ticipating in the International Lxhibi tion.

The entire structure is surround ed by a wide, well shaped portico, from which visitors may enter to the neatly-furnished reading room, where files of Kansas papers are kepf, or to the offices of the State Board. The display of agricultural products is fully label led, the name of the county where the samples were grown and also the name ofthe exhibitor being written in plain, bold letters. In addition to this tne inquiring visitor may, upon application to the otate Board, ascertain the average yield of any crop per acre. The stalks of some of the wheat on exhibi- tion are from five feet to six and a half, feet high, while the heads are from 3 I to 6 inshes long; the corn is from Id to 17 feet in hight, with ears from 8 to 10 feet from the ground; oats from 5 to 6J feet high; rye from 5 to 7 feet, and broom corn over 18 feet in hight. Many samples of blue grass show an average hight of 3 feet 4 inches, and in additon there are fourteen different varieties of wild grass, beginning with buffalo grass only six inches high, and ending with blue prairie grass over ten feet from the grouud "too big for I hay, as a Kansas gentleman says, "aud not quite large enough for cord- wood.

All the other agricultural pro ducts seemed to have grown to equally gigantic proportions, for even the clo ver, which in the Jblast forms such a lovely turf, here stretches heaveuward from four to five feet. The ears of corn are from twelve to fifteen inches long, aud many other evidences of re markable growth are shown. Kan sas has never made any special claim to being a timber State, and yet succeeds in making one ofthe finest tim ber displays on the grounds. The long belt of timber fringing her streams af fords an ample storehouse for such a display, and at the same time furnishes a bountiful supply. of firewood and good material for furniture and agricultural implements.

Probably the most interesting ferture in this exhibit is the rapid growth shown by the suc cessive rings or circles in the wood. In these rings the dry seasons arc mar ked with light circles, indicating small growth, and the wet seasons by large circles. Cross sections of this timber one hundred years old may here be ex- amined, and they invariably show that the seasons of Kansas have been as uniformly good as the seasons of any other part of the country. In the col lection are cotton-growths twelve inch es in diameter in fourteen years from the seed, showing the practicability of growing forests in this State it neces sary, une space in the building is filled with a variety of hedge-plants f.ora twelve to fourteen feet high, all grown in one year, and many otner exhibits of equal interest, all proving the fallacy of the notion that Kansas is a vast plain ri sand or continued prairie. In 1855 there were less than 10,000 people in this State, and though now it boasts of a population of almost 600,000.

there are still 48.000,000 acres of land open to settlement. Philadelphia I'ress, July 14. In the race in Philadelphia on last Saturday between Smuggler and Judge Fullerton, for $2,000, Smuggler beat the Judge in the remarkable time of 2:18, 2:17 and 2:20. The second heat was a dead heat. These are the four fastest heats ever trotted by any stallion.

Smuggler was raised and trained in Kansas and was sold by Captain Tough to Colonel Rnssel, his present owner, two years ago, for $40,000. Commonwealth. "Speak up is becoming as familiar a cry in the British House of Commons as "Divide During the midnight and early morning scenes 'speak up" has become quite a joke. Whenever some member is bawling out, at the very top of a stentorian voice, iu the hope of roaring down opposition, he is assailed at every momentary pause jrith the cry of "peak up followed by shrieks of laughter- Story of a Railway. In the glare of the calcium light of impartial investigation the hoof-prints of Samuel J.

Tilden are found iu such devious and serpentine paths as were never trodden by the foot of a reformer. We have been led to this conclusion of late by the exposure of incidents in the career of the favorite son of York which have come to the light of day, and the story we are about to relate confirms it. The facts in the case have been carefully collated by a representative of the Enquirer, sent to Indiana for that especial purpose, and they will be found to be backed up by documentary evidence of a most corroborative character. Here follow the particulars of what the Enquirer denominates a "Story of a Hail way," and from the facts ascertained and related, the Enqvirer derives the following conclusion: SUMMARY OF CHARGES. First.

That Samuel J. Tilden sells the use of his name for a consideration, to bolster up the credit of fledgling railroads. Second That after occupying the position of Trustee of the Indiana Southern, he betrayed his trust by permitting its bonds to be taken from bis control and hypothecated for a song in foreign capitals. Third That he betrayed his trust by employing as the attorney to represent the interests of the road he was supposed to be guarding, a man who was employed by its bitterest opponents to foreclose its mortgages. Fourth That while acting as the sworn Trustee of the Indiana Southern Road, he has permitted himself to be used as the tool of the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance company.

Fifth. That he has betrayed his trust to the Indiana Southern by refusing to remove from its employ a man who is a corrupter of Judges. Nor is this all. The holders of the bnnds of the original Company have obtained the possession of numbers of the farms of the men who subscribed to the capital stock of the road, and these men blame Tilden for neglecting their interests, and they will vote for the devil in preference to him. Furthermore, it is charged that he has bought or been presented with worth of the stock of the Fort Wayne, Muncie Cincinnati Railroad Company by Wiuslow, Lanier a corporation which has its rails on the road-bed of the Indiana Southern.

This iu itself is a fraud in the eye of the law. Iu short Mr. Tilden, as a reformer, is a first-class fizzle. Suit has been brought against Mr. Tilden in the United States District Court of New York, by the Directors of Terre Haute, Alton St.

Louis Railroad Company, upon a charge of which the following is the substance Gov. Tilden, in confederation with Charles Butler and Russell Sage, of New York, about the year 1866, appropriated bonds bclouging to the railroad company amounting to upwards of. that these bonds carried coupons of semi-annual interest from 1865, and that the whole amount realized on the bonds and interest is now not less than $500,000. This suit is now pending and was brought against Mr. Tilden in his capacity as a trustee of the roa in question.

Tilden was one of the leading counsel for the Union Pacific Railroad in the days when it was nothing but a huge machine for corruption and rascality. In that capacity he drew the notorious Credit Mobilier contract, under which the immense frauds upon the stockholders and the Government were practiced that startled the world when they were brought to light by an investigating committee. Another affair that he mauaged was that by which the stockholders of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad were "consolidated" out of tfeeir property. This became the subject of litigation, and in deciding the case the United States Circuit Court used the following language Finally, those stockholders of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad who have exchanged their stock in ignorance of their rights, can now be restored, and the bond-holders saved from irnpeduing rqin, by joining in the efforts which are now being made to set aside the pretended consolidation, which was consummated by trickery from Crow by the wanner of wearing the hair. No.

9. Lances a Crow Indian. No. 10. A Crow Indian attempts to seize Sitting Bull's horse by the bridle; Sitting Bull knocks him down with a "coup" stick, takes his scalp and hangs it to his bridle.

No. 11. Sitting Bull, with his brother mounted behind him, kills a white man, a soldier. No. 12.

Counts "coup" on a white man by hitting him with a "coup" stick. No- 13. In a warm engagement with the whites, as shown by the bul lets flying about, Sitting Bull shoots an arrow through the body of a soldier, who turns end fires, wounding Sitting Bull in the hip. No. 14.

Sitting Bull counts "coup" on a white man by striking him with bow. bitting Bull wears a jacket and bandanna handkerchief taken from some of his victims. Nos. 15 to 22 are repetitions of No. 14, Sitting Bull in each counting 'coup" on a white man.

No. 23. Sitting Bull shoots a front iersman wearing a buckskin scalp, which he hangs to his owu bridle, and captures his horse. Sitting Bull wears a blanket. No.

24. Sitting Bull strikes a white soldier with his "ewup" stick, takes his scalp and his mule wears a war shirt. No. 2o. Counts "coup" on a soldier mounted, with overcoat on, gun sluug across his back, by riding upaud striking with his riding whip.

No. 26. Kills a white man and takes his scalp. No. 27.

Captures a mule and a scalp. No. 28. In a warm engagement captures a horse and a scalp. No.

2d. Steals a mule. No. tion. No.

No. 30. Captures two horses in ac- 31. Steals a horse. 32.

Steals and runs off a drove of horses from the Crows. No. 33. In an engagement captures Government horse and mule and scalp. No.

34. Steals a horse. No. 35. Captures three horses and a scalp.

No. 36. Steals a drove of horses from the Crows. No. 37.

Steals a Government horse. No. 38. Steals a drove of horses from the Crows. No.

39. In an engagement captures a mule. Sitting Bull first appears here as chief of the band of Strong Hearts, to which dignity his prowess has raised him. The insignia of his rank, a bow, having on one end a lance head, he carries in his hand. No.

40. Sitting Bull, chief of the band of Strong Hearts, captures two horses in an engagement iu which his horse is wounded in the shoulder. No. 41. Captures a horse in a fight.

No. 42. Steals a mule. No. 43.

Captures two horses in a fight, in which his horse is wounded in the leg. No. 44. Mounted on a government horse captures a white man. No, 45.

Steals two horses. No, 46. Captures four mules in a fight, in which his horse is wounded in the hip. Nos. 47 and 48.

Counts "coqp" on white men. No. 49. Stalls a government hone, No. 50.

Fattens his horse to his If you have money to invest, dontij in a u.ut busily taking- put it in New York real estate. Dr. Tvng came up, and laving Merri man states that by a reversion in noi the otlwr's shoulder, Vud polar conditions in ten thousand years from now New York City will he two hundred and fifty feet under water, ai iJ maa cuuiu live iwo imuureu and fifty feet under water many weeks without catching a dangerous cold. A New Jersey editor lost his best i gold pen and holder a few days ago. After making a thorough search all over the office, and accusing a dozea tramps of its theft, he happened KeoMsaher where he last placed it, and bending down the top of his ear, discovered no less than fourteen penholders of various styles which he had lost during the past two years.

The hnpptt pajor in the United States is an Indianapolis daily. It has but one "want," I.

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