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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 4

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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NAUGATUCK DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Jin Published Every Evening (Except Sunday) by THE NAUGATUCK NEWS CORPORATION CONNECTICUT W88 28CT-A1I Departments Entered muttnr at the post office in Naugntuck, Conn. 1 month 3 months RATES In Advance .75 0 months .....12.25 1 year M.oO JD.OO The United Press has the exclusive right to use for republlcation In any form, all news dispatches credited to tills paper. It also exclusively entitled to use for r.publication all the local and undated news published herein. FLUUGK TO THE plcdjfe« to Hie of United State, of Anirrlcu to Republic for which It One nation Indivisible, with Liberty itnd JiMtlco for all." SKirt KMBEIl REOPENING OF SCHOOLS reopened today. Tlio youngsters, refreshed Jiud cnlly fit after tlie lony sinninor vacation, are'in fine shape to take up tliu whicli are so important to Uiuir i'lituru welfare.

Tluit all of thorn may enjoy good health 'nnd spend the school year pleas- nntly and profitably is the sincere wish ot' their parents, relatives and friends. There may ho some hoys and yirls 'who. because of the money they are making- in war plants, have decided not to complete their high school course. They may not realize it now, but. they are making a serious mistake.

The time come when they will wish many times they had remained at school and accjuired a high school education. The jobs they hold today probably will not last long alter the war ends. Meanwhile, they will he passing tip a splendid opportunity for'self-improvement. out of work later, they may find themselves handicapped li'o't possessing a high school diploma. Oiir government'appreciates what they are doing, in.

the war industries, but il them to complete l.heir high 'course. Tt that it will be for their interests so. A CHALLENGE CONNECTICUT MUST MEET 'Connecticut must take thought the future in order to maintain its industrial leadership is pointed out in one of the most timely and interesting articles in the current issue Connecticut Tndutry. The writer, George 0. AValdo.

editor- in-chief of the Post Publishing Co. of Bridgeport, the end of the present war there will be a struggle for industry such as.this nation has never, bo fore known. From one end of the land to the othor, new factories have been greeted with government loans and lavishly equipped with the best of modern imicbinery. Communities which never had local industries are now bcnefitt'mg by war work and planning to retain these industries in some form after the war is over. JOvery inducement, will be offered by such communities to entice Connecticut's industries away and every legitimate fft'ort (a.nd some perhaps not so legitimate) will be made: to lure from the state the skilled who have been trained in Connecticut production methods.

In problem is this: can retain, 'our skilled manpower we can 1 'oui industrial leadership. If we cannot maintain our skilled manpower we shall lose our leadership. behooves us then, as those who love onr state, to take slock of ourselves, find sou what we-are going to do to keep the native skills we possess and to add to them as time goes on." Afr. Waldo, who' is chairman of the Connecticut' Park nnd Forest Commission, writes of some of tlio beauties of Connecticut as only one who loves and admires his state could write. And all that he says is absolutely true.

inspiring article is one that should be read by everyone who has Connecticut's welfare at heart. Mr. Waldo shows that, our state'must meet challenge that will call for serious thought, careful planning and tireless effort, coupled with a strong determination that- -Connecticut shall never People "are''saying the world has to he organized. And may ho a race bo- twecn the politician's and the captains of industry. DO YOU REMEMBER? From The Files Of The News 20 Years Ago Mr.

and Mrs. Hurry Hilliurd and daughters, Mai-inn and Harriet, or Bayonnc, N. and Oliver Burns, Jcracy City, N. visited Paul Packer of Prospect street. Ally.

Thomas Kcnncy returned to his New York city law practice utter spending; several days with his mother, Mrs. John Kenney. of Cherry street, 30 Years Ago Alvlcla and WinCircd Fugcr of Cherry street left to spend a few days visiting in Hartford. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Collins of New York city visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Birdsull of Maple street. Around the Clock Phyllis Behlman and Dottie Roberts were "all dressed up Saturday and ready to go away for tho weekend with no definite destinations. The two local gals finally wound up heading tor the beach and to get in some of the last sunshine of, the season Sophie Wailonis, Bertha Sol berg, and Marion Salisbury of the li- S.

J.x'ubber Co. offices spent the weekend at View in Milford. Dick Todd, the well-known singer, is in town, staying with Fred Lovine for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuczinski, of 143 School street, joined the Stork club, Monday at "St.

Mary's hospital. The little bundle, a gift from old Mr. Stork, was a baby girl. Pop works at Waterbury Tool Mr. and Mrs.

Wayne Moody, Salem street, became the parents of a baby boy also at St. Mary's. The dad is employed at the Bristol Co. Emma Zibell and Mildred Lavorgna Avere at. Ptmd Point, in M'ilford, over the past week-end, gutting sand into their hair, and plenty of sunshine, too Little Nancy Cook-.

Lewis and diminulivc Sandra Swift of 'Hunter's hill had their tousiU removed at St. Mary's the other day The', column had a 'nice Labor day weekend, after an ordeal of golf. We ended up lending our clubs to a friend, and reading three books, for the first pleasant rest in ages. Marie and Lucille Gonzales, and Janet Boyd of Union City, are preparing for the start of classes at Post Junior College in Waterbury, which opens September 18 for the fall term. The three young lassies are each employed at the Eastern Malleable Iron Lewis Engineering and Bristol in that order Andrew Eichorn of Harrisburg, is visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Jones, of 198 Meadow street, for a few days All St. Louis Browns' fans in town, including the Column, are swallowing the bitter pill, as the Brownies are now in second place. But our day is still coming. The Naiigatuck Community band, Al Smith tells us, will resume its rehearsals next Momlay night Seaman 2-c Louis Johnson is spending a shore leave at the home of his father, J.

Louis Johnsn on Walnut street. He recently completed his boot, trailing at Sampson Naval Training Station, N. Mrs. George 'Donovan of Park avenue spent the Labor day weekend in West Newburyporf, Mass, Ketiirning with them to the borough were their daughters, Mary Margaret and Helen, who'spent the month of August up there. FALL CROP PROSPECTS i i WINCHELL Coast-torGodst I Trade Mark Registered.

Copyright, Daily Mirror! fcl NFW YORK IIKARTHEAT FACES ABOUT TOWN: Fa Eaintci- the star, back from USO tour wearing a own numerous metal orn ncntsr which Club 18's Vincc Curra called out: "Honey, you look- Ilk you fell down in a-pawn shop. Shirlry Temple: Tho doll every fir wishes his staler looked like When Gooruc Je.s«el met her las night he said: "I when rn little Kirl K'-ows UP she will looJ kc Shirley Temple. "Because when I was your HBO I already 10 look like Temple Emanucl. The DiCiccos (Gloria Vandcr bill) enjoyed the Co.stclloqucnce Dlosa. at the Latin Quarter.

Fontaine netting' the brushcroo table in the rear) at El Morocco where they didn't recognize he "until she was aa laairring and am k-a'ing' Most envied woman in I0 wn, Miriam Hopkins, the star She manages- to hold on to two maids. Crouosc, the mil lionairc with John Erskinc's dghtr Anna, who probably will becpm his bride. "YOUR MIND AND BODY" Washington Observers See Four Power Rule A Reality American Pacific Strategy Has Proven Very Wise One Special to Central Tress Freddie Hennick found time to visit us while honie from Syracuse university in between semesters. Fred, however, returns to the-Empire State institution of higher learning today Corp. Technician Almar Svenson, who was stationed at Camp Gruber, spent a few hours in the borough the other day.

He is being stripped to a new station. The corpora! is the son of Mr, and. Mrs. John Svenson, of Walnut street. Seems as if the national shortage of paper would be helped, a good deal if governmental employes would quit writing letters to each other.

Industrial strikes in June wore rated as not very many, but they added up to nearlv a million lost days. LaBellc France will soon be there with bolls on. By LOGAN CLTiNbENING, M. D. The "Cultural Lag" SOCIOLOGISTS have a name for nn attitude of mind, they cull "oultui-al: lag." For instance, a.

lui-fe'e si-oup of influential citizens subscribe, whether they know it or not, to Adam Sniilh's laissez-faire ideas about political economy. They believe, for instance, that periods of unemployment arc the fault of the unemployed: it's man's own fault, laziness or lack of initia- vc if he is unemployed. The modern economist recognizes that conditions in the world today have forced u.s to po on past that theory place the responsibility of un- mployment and ius on the I do not know whether this is true or not. I am not a sociologist. I use it only because the term "cultural lag" is so appropriatr.

to the thinking of many persons about the prevention of contagious diseases by individual vaccination of the. entire population Triumph of Medicine This, which has been accomplished with the diseases smallpox, diphtheria and typhoid fever, is the triumph of modern medicine. Indeed of modern science. It is a sheer reversal of the malignancy of leap of man's intellect, imagination and ingenuity. The only accomplishments of man that arc comparable to it arc his discovery that useful plants could be deliberately grown from the proper seeds, that animals can be donics- ticatod, that fire can be controlled for useful purposes and the principle of the wheel and these arc applications ot the bounty of Nature while preventive medicine is, as I say, a reversal of the malignancy of Nature.

It is as meteorologists were able to prevent tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes. And. let us add, the final advantage in tli's field is that thrse particular have been tried so long that we know that they will do exactly what is claimed for them, and they work not haphazardly but the same under all circumstances. Yet in the face of all this there is always a group afflicted with the "cultural anti-vac- cinationists and their crank who going to have his child nllcrl with dead typhoid germs or diphtheria toxbid poison, who continue' to try to oppose these successes of the human genius, These same people fall heavily for such bunk as testosterone to make old men young. But they oppose methods of prevention of diseases that in other days afflicted and killed millions of people all over the world regardless of climate, year round regardless of season.

Antl-Viicclnatlonists To tell a man of the year 1800 that before a century and a half had passed smallpox, diphtheria and typhoid fever would have disappeared from the surface of the civilized earth and would no longer afflict mankind would have been to invite flat incredulity. The mind of that man of 1800 represents today's group of anti-vac- cinationists with the "cultural lag." Typhoid fever is one the best examples. Inoculation of each in- Wash in i ton observers, despite denials to the contrary, look for something' very much 'along the lines of military domination of'the world by the "bi? four" powers to grow out of the Dumbarton Oaks conference in historic old Georgetown. The form of the post-war orK.ini- xation, and not in accordance with i some which i have been wherein the i smalfer nations would have 'an equal voice in determining "asr- I jfi-cssors," The outcome probably will be i disguised and sugar-coated, but authority to invoke military power to maintain peace will rest primarily in the bands of the United States, Great Britain. Russia and China.

And a coalition ot smaller powers will not be able to block the decisions'of the "hip four." In the case of Russia, she is opposed to any plan whereby 20 small republics in Latin America will be able to veto the thoughts of the larjre owners at a conference table. Russia, frantically for peace in the old saw all her work RO for naupht due to the inertia and of forcful direction on the part of the IIURC mass of The smaller '-peace-loving" nations will have a place at the council table, and will hoyc ample machinery for submission of grievances of an international character, but suppression, of atrfrression by force will be the domain of the four" powers THE WISDOM of American strategy in the Pacific is becoming more evident daily with hundreds I of thousands of Japs eliminated as I llghtinK units a at little or no'cost in American lives So far. at least Nipponese warriors have been cut off from Ihcir supplies and left to starve on unproductive islands throughout the Pacific Eventually, it is expected that a handful of Marines will be put -i'ashore'at such'bases at Wotje and Millc in the Marshalls, and prob- ably to mop up the rem- I nants of once-powerful garrisons. By taking key islands and then cutting off nearby Jap-held points from their source of supply. American forces-have been able to win tremendouus victories without risking the lives of many U.

S. fighting men isolated Jap garrisons will never have, tho opportunity to die gloriously in battle for the Emperor. WORLD WAR II'is following almost identically the 19IS timetable in France. But the Allied military high command is making every effort to avoid one pitfall which cost the British, Americans. Canadians and France dearly 20 years ago.

This is the massive, battles east of Paris which took such a heavy toll of men and material. Among these, as World War I veterans recall, were the Meusc- Argonnc, the Somme, the Marnc, Verdun and Belleau Wood. General has overwhelming air supremacy, fast mobile units and superior artillery to keep the Germans on the run. The Allies hope to keep the offensive in Franco os-fluid as possible to avoid World War 1's stand-up-and-light battles. Military experts compare the strategy in France with the same fluidity of General Eisenhower's movement in-the U.

S. Civil War when sharp, decisive encounters took the place of prolonged battles. SALLIES IN OUR ALLEY: Mil ton Berlo who never admitted he borrowed jokes, gags, etc. from columnist-s (without their pcrmis sion) finally broke down and blurted it out in the Cub. A rib ber teased him by saying- that hi just saw a dancing wjth Mrs Bcrle.

"He kissed her, too: said the tattler "So wot, 1 shrugged Bcrlc, "I've taken from him for years, he ca.n take from Hall's recent adventun at Tommy Dorscy's house (when he was beaten up) was being dis cussed. himself can't fig ger it out," said a pal. "He says he merely patted Mrs. Dorscy on the him right," barked a famous -woir, shoulder is no place to pal woman." MIDTOWN VIGNETTE: A recent new show had plot and backstage trouble from tho day it wont into rehearsal. So much so that its press agent became convinced it was a flop and wearied of attending rehearsals.

'the final preview the ducked out of the theater into nearby bar where he remained two hours. Timing the end of the show, he returned and bumped into the producer .1 confident air. he said: "Well, boss, it looks great with tho new "You may be interested to the frigid retort, "that we h'av'en't got the curtain up yctl" i MEMOS OF A MIDXIGHTER: Oscar Hammcrstcin is bringing his beloved song. "The Last Time I Saw Paris." up to dato "by rewriting the lyrics to: "The Time I See Carfney is selling his farm at Martha's Vineyard because of trouble -in finding help. Simms.

the beauty in the title role of "Anna Lucasta." reports to work every 9 ayem despite her success on- the stage. She's a Girl Friday at Am- Draper, rumored ing after a South American flight, I is at the Copacablanca-Palace tcl. Marie, performing for 16 years (and barred 35 limes from playing the big Broadway movie theaters by the Society) goes into the Capitol dividual against typhoid fever began about JS12. In 1930 in 78 American cities there were 30,000 cases of typhoid fever and deaths. In IfMO in the same cities with a greatly increased population there-were about 700 cases of typhoid fever and about 120 deaths This has been brought about largely by public sanitation, but individual inoculation is still necessary on account, of the menace of carriers.

It is fair to say that the war against Japan could probably not have been prosecuted, were it not for an ti-typhoid vaccination. During the Spanish War with an an army of 4,000.000, all inoculated against typhoid, we had 1,200 cases and most of these could be traced to careless or incomplete inoculations. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS F. E. have had my chest Xrayed for tuberculosis but always negative.

Also the sputum for. tubercle baciili. But the tuberculin skin test is always positive. Why is this? Answer: The skin tuberculin test is a general test to show whether a person has or ever had any tuberculosis. It is very sensitive and persists after healing has fact for life.

Whenever a positive skin test is found it is wise to follow up with chest X-ray, but if theyare negative it can be concluded that there is no active tuberculosis THE ARMY-NAVY INVESTIGATION into the Pearl Harbor disaster, which began in Washington about a month ago. is expected to be completed in about a week. Information to this effect has been given Senator Homer Ferguson (R.) who is withholding introduction of a resolution for a congressional investigation pending completion of the current probe. Ferguson says he doesn't know whether the Army and Navy will hold sessions outside Washington when they have completed their work here, but contends that this is unnecessary. YOU MAY LOOK FOR WPB to start downhill soon in tho matter of importance and rank among Washington war agencies.

WPB probably will sink from a first-line organization to a'subordi- natc place under a demobilization setup co-ordinating all the necessary activities incident to concerting to BALLAD FOR DOROTHY PARKER (and other 'wives of servicemen): The stars that shine on you shine down on The lonely moon is his as well as yours. And though on such a night, your eyes arc dim. Remember well that faith and hope will be back when victory is won. To" walk the shaded streets again with laugh at trifles in the mid-day sun. And plan again- the way your used to do will be strange but only for a while.

And when the scars of battle fade away. He will regain the crooked, boyish smile. He 1 will be young and arrogant, and for him then and keep your courage high. Yours' is a dream too beautiful to Don Wahn. NEW YORK NOVELETTE: Commandcr McClelland Barclay, who was killed in action in the South Pacific a year ago, left his lovely home at Southampton.

L. to his favorite model, Mardce whose father is also one of tho nation's top artists. Miss Hoff is living in it Barclay designed the home himself and every painting in it was posed for by spends most of her time taking up the brush- where he left off art world is amazed at how she has acquired his technique! Install New Clocks For Greenwich Time London and Ihe Royal Observatory at Greenwich, arbiter of the world's clocks, march on. Abandoning the use of the ancient pendulum which have kept Greenwich time accurate to l-100th "of a second, Royal Astronomer Sir Harold S. Jones announced thai, quartz crystal clocks accurate to l-1000th of a second per day are being installed.

This means that if you follow Greenwich time you need make a correction of only one second in your clock every two and a half years hereafter, Minnesota ia the most northerly slate in the Union." THE ORCHID GARDEN: George Jcnn Nathan's summary, ir. Esquire in which he tosses orchids and sdallions at women in the Fontaine and Arun-o do a in Pat-amount's "Frenchmen's Hum- morls'H production on the hil Burns Allen nonwiiM CBS. 1 of "In Times Like Th "Meet the fo poem and melody called Lips Pal a Onyx Club toying -with- Yous Shoes Off, Baby, and Runnin' Through My 'Mind." MANHATTAN MURALS; soldiers doing tnelr daily drills near- the Soldier 1 Sailor's Monument. The in the vicinity open thoir unti do them utd shop at and 3d where a "If you love your dog bring it in here as our cat Hign in the 8th Street and B'way: "Co Pleaac. Go Out window display at paper-Dalit The tiniest restaurant In i The Old Denmark on Lexington.

One table for sign on the WcKt 07th Church (between Sth and KJ-J, Avenues): "This Is the Gute Heaven. Closed During July mi August." THE LATE is beating the pneuiuoait via drugs at Ml. Copa had a Jind in Kenny just out of the Navy. He WU'K the bar staffers took a poll: "Who Is The Most DesL-t. bio Wolf?" George Frazicr-Jolhy- Good-Fellow didn't even qualify Vargas of bij decorated Comdr.

Gregg Tolud, "formerly of La. (all Negro cast) was j. iginally written about-, a Polai explains the IK. Kerrick, the spars- Jane Fox Oct. Insfders'hear that Chas.

(Sockeri Coe was offered the top job in to Xtt'Ji- Ass'n of B'castors ta spurned thrcaieas to feature the prettiest chorus town' for i is new show on the 34U starring "Andy. Russel! and Dwijb, title: "The Home-tf the Pin-Tip' Girls." SOUNDS IX THE the Stork: "She getting to loot like a picture of 'What's Ux the Cub Room: "Et 1 the perfect broom for the'witch ne carries around wiih Ruby Foo's Den: "He's those producers who has in every Reuben's: "When that bore ivalks.iffis a room it's like a death-of. frest Toast: "Hcrc'sa vou, Beautiful: And you arejbrai- tiful. God made you beautiful. wish I could make you, Bcautifttl" Sjl tr You're Telling Me! By WILLIAM KITT (Central JUST AS REPAIRS to the Gtr- nmii battleship Tirpitz were ly complete, British planessmashs the ship again.

Maybe this is wfc: Hitler means when he says'then no unemployment among the Germans. What, Zadok Dumkopf know, do the post-war plan to do about those radio commercial jingles? jj It's Ihe mnh at the 1 who Munrchta that it xhoiiM Mussolini's turn to. rescue Hitler. Post-war refrigerators, we may be so cnstructed as 10 actur'e round ice cubes. TbiJ hould- furnish in 'endless supply of marbles.

The circular ice cube, if iM if colored water, would also nwl' very, cheap substitute for tte hcrry in the bottom of the WS ail glass. "Ach, Hermann." "urions, ven nly had a Afrika Korpj" Luftwaffe, also yet?" Maybe the Teutons i31 roved physically, at that, ecall it. the Germans in or, ISIS, didn't run nearly as they do now. FALL TERM Wednesday; Sept. Enroll Any Day 1 POST JUNIOR COLBG1 Smart Fall DRESSES Wools Crepes BUY WAR.

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