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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAKD DAILY, TBLBUKTE, SATtTBPAY, sTlXNTS 5, 1886. TRIPIiE $HEET of the etables, is on Thirteenth afreet, bf ance Com diht'i bnildinor is his work, and Oakland, the original firm having been conveniences, and suitable both for tran 7 70. Its premises are of considerable extent. It is of brick and wood, two sto solo agent for Oakland for Mme. Robinson's Maniccr goods and toilet articles.

Ladies' and children's hair shingled and the'r business. They keep a peifect set of block book, showing names bf own rs. size of lots, assessed valu of lm nrnvamenta. Their lone experience en thm to make reliable appraise. mnt of DroDertv.

TW charge of a large Hat of rented property for resident and absent owners, always giving satisfaction in their care ei prop- erty entrusted ia mem. uwici, tho uirinr member of the firsi. is a Notary Public of ten years standing, and hM earned a reputation ior carciui tn ill hnnineaa in the I line drawing deeds," mortgage and cher daners. and TMtvs special attention to taking depositions. This firm also ne gotiates loans on city or farm property in any amount C.

AV. laeLauffhlin Sc dp. Located at 4r Ninth street, are one of the oldest and most rename real estate uru 1. V. XI Af ri tieen in 111 IUV the business continuously since 1874, with Vint two chanarea in the firm in fell that titno Thia rirm has an established repu tation for square and the constant 'honesty is the best policy.

1hey are nniAt anH conservative in their manner of business, and we confidently rectanoiend all those who. want fair treatment! in the Tnrchfti nr sals of real estate to trite them a call. No Irm in Oakland hs ai larger or better listf property for sale, cbmpris Iner pJtv. suburban, and ranch property in all parts of the State. Their office! is on of the most attractive in the city: I Scareblnrthe Record There are no more important material in teresta in a community than property io teresta, and the validity -of titles is, the ba sis of all inqniry looking to the purchase of real estate.

So many complications am-nvnnH fVtA titles nf nronertv which has D11 sed through the hands of 'a multitude of owners, and so. many clouds are necessary to be dispelled, that too much cara cannot be used in securing the abstracts inj proper And accurate form. Under I these circa Distances the employment of alcompe-tentand ejperienced searcher is (almost khanlntnlv necessary. He must iar with the history of titles, and he must have some eeneral knowledge of the char acter of the properly within his jtorisdic tioo. This knowledge enables him to work rapidly, and this facility, obtained through constant familiarity witn tne records.

insures accuracy. AH there requirements are possessed by fir. lu Lay Kmith, whose office is at No. 49 Ninth street, between Broadway and Washington, and those desiring the services of a searcher or conveyancer can not do! bet terthan to consult him in their basiness. Mr.

Smith Jhvft beeo lonsr familiar, as searcher of records, with the character and title of Alameda county property, hnd in every instance where he has bean em- ployed has never failed to give thorough satisfaction. I alameda Coifnty Abstract Off ice, Geo. P. Wright and J. C.

Lynch, propria tors. This office was established in Janu ary, 1879, and tbe proprietoia ha vie compiled a very complete set of booLi, the most approved system. Briefly de' scribed the plan is that of a property ab stract system, so arranged that te full history of each city blocs or farm in Alameda county is shown on its lespec-tive pages; also ja complete nam indei segregated into individual names i and showing all transactions in real estate, arranged in ledger form. These two sets of books afford a thorough check on each other, and enable this office to dot work with a rapidity and accuracy impossible nnder any other method. O-nce, at ioom 4, Court Hour.

e. I GnttaTe L. mix, I Searcher of Records. His office ia in the corner of Ninth and Jiroadway, over Union Savings Bank. Mr.

Mix furnishes ab- tracts. and titles are eiannned to land in By county in theState, but makes specialty of Alameda count v. He Is well known ia this line, aa his office is dne of the largest in this business in thai whole State. He has been in the business in Oakland for over ten years, and fori about twenty years in the Stated He has work from all the principal counties. I Firai National Bank I Of Oakland.

This institution, incorriorated in 1873, has a capital stock paid! in of snrplas, 890,000, which ias sc cumulated above the dividends paid. A general commercial banking business is transacted. D. Moody is I Presi dent and A. D.

Thompson cashier! The management of this bank are well known and have succeeded in gaining fori it th entire confidence of the public. Ti4 First National Bank already so well 1 hown wiil no denbt abate largely In tbe prop. penty bifid is every any Deomijigj tnore apparent as in store ior tne nun re on Uis- laud. The back is located at roadway, near Tenth. It The Union Nallsnal Bank, Corner of Ninth and Broadway.

I bank is the largest commercial hanking in stitution in lha city, and is widely and popularly known. It was incorporated in 1875 nnder the National banking law! with a paid up capital of $100, but quentiy increased its capital to jou.jaju to meet urgent increasing business demands. It transacts a lare line of business In discounts and denoeus with merchants, farm-era and manufacturing enterprises and deals largely in foreign aod domestttc exchanges with the principal countries of Europe and cities of the United State3. This bank enjoys the confidence of the public, aod is nnder thorough and ompt business management. Tbe OaltlitiLd Hank of SaTings Ia tbe oldest and largest of oar local banks, incorporated in 1S6T, with sub scribed capital of $150,000.

Piesent 2 capital paid in ia $500,000, and total assets over two auu uun-uiu uiuuuu uui- lars. The bank transacts bdth a savings 'and commercial business nnder" an able and conservative management! Banking room in the handsome building owned by the corporation eor-ner-bf Twelfth and Broadway, embracing a massive Steel Safe Deposit Vault Officers: E. C. Sessions, Presiden VV. W.

Garth waite, Cashier. Tbe Union Savings Bant Corner Broadway and Ninth street was orgauized iu 1809, and has enjoyed a moat prosperous aod snccessCal career. It being the only Savings Bank in the city which does not. transact commercial busi ness, its mvestinents Demg in United States bonds. State, County and other bonds and mortgages, as a basis of security for its trust No institution stands hie her than this bank, its paid-up capital beiug $200,000, witir a reserve fuhd of 100, 000.

-J. Went Matiiu is President. Yt'. A. Koowlei, I nent bnilders and contractors of Oa daad stands that of V.

A. Knowlea, wt a ha" constructed a large number of publit and private buildings. Formerly locati on Thirteenth street, the course of the Nar- row-gauge railroad compelled a remo al of the works, which now occupy a rounds, 100 by 130 feet on li roadway, between Eighteenth and Twen tiet streets. With steam power and ullj supplied with all the latest improvemen in machinery, his establishment is the hnost Jeomplete on the coast. An evidence of ai 1- 1 1 may be seen in the important public buildings erected by him abroad.

Among which may be mentioned two Cufctom Houses for tbe Mexican government, a large freight Warehouse in Central Amer ica, two station houses for tbe Sbuth American Telegraph Company in Colombia, the cathedral at Bogata, besides others of lesser note, including an immense warehouse in Sonora, belonging to Ger nan merchants. Mr. Knowlea has also one much tine wojk in Eastern oak and mnple i 1 a. i The interior of the New Zealand Incur- tween Broadway and Franklin. The loca tion is prominent and within easy reach, Mr.

Gates has been established in "thfi business in Oakland fcr over ten years, and has had 'many years' erperience in this line. Besides keeping a fine end numerous collection of speedy, gentle, reliable and stylish roadsters, he has vehicles of all kinds for business or for pleasure driving, including single double buggies, and which are all new and of the latest style. One great feature of his stables, which person cannot helo but notice, is that everything about the place is kept neat and clean, -and the offcee is handsomely fitted up. The building is fire-proof and well ventilated, and the ceiling on both floors is over sixteen feet There is ninety stalls taken care of by experienced hostlers, as no one is employed at this place who ia not first-class and temperate and at all times capable of doing bis bus ness. This stable has a numerous patron- age of strictly first-class people, and any one who wishes to fly ever the ground lively can obtain steppers at the Thirteenth street stables wbicb join tbe mile poets in less tban three minutes.

Tbe Kemillard Brick Company Was first established in 1SG2, nnder the firm name of Kemillard Brothers. In 1S79 they incorporated nnder the name of the Kemillard Brick Company. The principal office is on the corner of Clay and Second streets, in this city. Their place of business in San Frandisco is at the foot of Pacific street wharf. The company have now threo'yards for the manufacture of common and pressed one being at San Rafael, the others being at Pieasanton and Sheep Islana, near San Pablo.

On an average, between l.COO.COO and 27,000,000 bricks are made annually. They also deal in fire brick, fire clay, lime, plaster, etc. Besides they t'o contract ing and building to a considerable having built some of the best busi ness blocks in Oakland- and adjoining; cities. They have in their employ be' tween 300 and 400 men. giving work to exclusively white labor.

Their bnsiuess has yearly increased, nJ to-day they are doing the largest amount ot work in their line in the State. Mr. P. IS Bemillard is President and P. H.

Lim- moureux Secretary. Petroline Metallic Paint Com pany. This company bas just been incorpor ated for the' purpose of manufacturing and placiog upon the market a new style of paiat, which is ca'led Petroline. It is madelfrom Petroleum and which is fouudTn abuudmce in Ventura county, in this State. It is shipped to the company here in its crude form.

After undergoing a refoing process an ecelleut gas om is formed, tins is Dougut by the gas company aud by them used as a substitute for coal in fchs ninkig' of gas. After the oil has been- removed, the solid pars 'which remains at tha bottom of the tank is by a peculiar process, manufactured in petroline, and used as paint for wocd aud iron work, samples qf which can be seen at the Company works, foot of Jefferson street, in this city. The crudest part of tbe solid, which- remans after the. oil is. taken off, makes au er-cellent pavement, -being smooth and noiseless, a sample of wliich has been laid on Froat street, Sau Francisco, for over a year.

"Jones? Bazar and 935-Broad way, serves our young men an example of what push, energy and euter- isecan accomplish. Six years ago une he started in a very modest way on the wrong side of Broadway but always on the rignt side of the public wants, till hisbus.ness has increased in a phenomenal manner. A firm believer in the printer's ink, but has a firmer belief that a pleased customer is the best advertis ing' raedum in the world. Being well acquainted in the Eastern markets, whatever lie handles is handled intelli gently, to the beat interests of bis pat-. rons.

A child can rely upon getting the same treatment as tbe adult. Having but one price he bas the confidence of all. His millinery store, 913 Broadway, is always thronged with customers, and the gymnasium and bowling allay, corner Ninth and Broadway, is very popular and growing in public favor. Dalziel Sc Moller Are the oldest and the best known es tablishment in the plumbing and gas-fitting line in Oak laud, and are also importers aud dealers in ranges, stoves and tinware, having been established nearly twenty years. Their workmanship has always given satisfaction, some of their worLmeu having1 been with the firm since its establishment.

They have done the plumbing and gas-fitting for some of the handsomest residences in Alameda county. This firm carries a large and most complete stock of pipe and gas-fixtures, as also stoves, ranges, tin and copperware of every description. They arenow located on the northeast corner of- Broadway, and Thirteenth streets, directly opposite from their for- met store. They invite all their old patrons aud those -wishing anything their line to give them a call, aud will guarantee, as in the past, to give enti satisfaction. The "Dirfsr." The reputation of Ed.

H. Campbell as a eiterer known through the length and l.reaHao; vneua sun ty. His liquors are ot tbe very best Drcnm and thsu- qaality bps never yet questioned, even by tne mcst lastidiou-i connois Moreover his patrons are always treated with the most punctilious consid eration, and no effort is spared to make the "Dirigo" the most pleasant resort of its kind in Oakland. This saloon located at 1050 Broadway, corner of Eleventh, and those who love good cheer well served, will not fail to pay it a visit, To know Ed. Campbell is know a prince of good fellows, whose smile is as, cheer ing and almost as refreshing.

As the liquor he keeps in stock. A substantial hot lunch is served every day, and all the sur roundings of the place are first-class and neat. Wines and liquors of every character aie kept constantly on hand at this establishment for delivery to families, and for such anairs as private suppers, ban quets aud. parlies, the quality of the article furnished being guaranteed pure and genuine. Pffet.Monnd tuber Compaur, A.

Powe'l, geiieral manager, Mnnac- turei--. id wholesale dea'-rs ao.l rtdVJ i in -ti'jer. TuU i- ie oldest ymds in Alaiueda ut iloi the li ges-t bu-iusM i its line in Ca ifoi-nia, having lumber yads in oath Vjdiejo, Alameda, Kutheriord, St. eleua, Dixon, Sacrroento, Woodland, WiilLtws, Maxwell, i'resno. Tulare ajud Hanford.

-It owns its mills. having tjhree of the largest fen Puget Sound; afso owns its vessels, cargoes being cut to oriler. G. W. Fisher ia manager of the Oakliud yard, -situated at the foot of Wasuiugjon street, and- wttuin tne last eiguteen ne bas received anduiscnai ged at the cdmpaay's -wharf about 2,000,000 feet of lumber.

Its business has assumed vast proportions, aa it ships to E.istern cities and foreign This company carries a full and complete stock of assorted lumber, and employs a large oree of taeu and teams iu the daily trans action of its business. Oakland Brewery, Kraottn Dieves, proprietors, is situ-j ated on the corner of Telegraph, avenue and Durant street. Tbis brewery has been established in Oakland over tnirtv.iwo I years. The present building was built in is unsnroaesed" in elegance and skillful workmanshin. While relying npon his own indomitable energy and force of char acter for access, Mr.

Knowles does not underestimate the valuable aid "derived from the emolovment of the best men attainable. Charles Mann is general su Derinfendent of the works, and -combines good taste and skill, with ample experience. The enterprise'and success attendant npon tbe bueiness yentures of Mr. Knowles, are the source of fnerdly envy among many brother builders; but having adopted the good old scriptural saying, "isy tneir works ye shall know them," he is content to abtde by results. The works are at 1419, 1421, 1423.

1425 and 1427 Broadway. Smith Butler, IS os. 423 and 425 Eleventh street, between Broadway and Franklinl This is one of tbe leading business firms in the city of Oakland, and though established but fonr years they are enjoying a large and lucrative run of business. YTbis firm are dealers in flour, hay. and grain of every descrip tion.

Certainly no enjoys a larger snare of tbe patronage of our farmers in the way of consignments than that of Smith Bctler, and their place of business has gradually become one of the centers of the hay trade of Alameda county. The shipping business of the house has kept pace with the rapid growth of their general trade and in this line they have invariably given satisfaction. It is worthy of special mention that the continually changing stock of the firm embraces not only il3ur and bay of all Borts, but oats, barley, wheat, corn, bran, middlings, ground and rolled barley, Oil cake meal, ground feed, etc This establishment is a representative of what enterprising men can do; it already has wide reputation aod for the magnitude of us operations. a ad the integrity which it has always maintained. makes it well wortbv of the patronage it receives.

It has ample storage facilities for the handling of ita goods and the stock which they carry at all times is tne largest in their line of trade in tbe city. The firm is composed of George W. Smith and Charles H. Butler, gentlemen combin ing experience and enterprise in a high de gree, and known as. -strictly reliable ana honorable business men E.

F. Beljfer, No. 1151 Broadway, corner Thirteenth This gentleejrm has recently opened a store at the above-named address, and it presents a most attractive appearance, be ing a handsome addition to Oakland's prom- lent business houses. It is filled to over flowing with a varied and complete assortment of gas 6 lures in all tbe latest designs; globes, colored, etched and plain, Candelabna shades, etc. together with a most complete stock of stores and fixtures, copper and agate stock in- c'udes every Bret-Hass article that an, es tablishment of this kind should oarry.

Mr. Dalger keeps men employed at present, and this number will be largely increaeed during the busy seasons in this line of trade. He has'eiitereu into this bas'uess with the ambition to succeed, by f.r dealings, and placing his goods before the public with the oP9 idea of meet ing tneir wants, and mating it to tne mutual benefit of both the buyer and teller. He already has a large share of the public's patronage, and starting out with tbe above principles he cannot fail to meet with success. He bas taken the agency for the Pacific Coast for the new Oak wood Barge, which Is bound to meet with popular favor on account of it he different advantages wtrch it possesses over other makes.

Mr. Delger employs none but the most skillful workmen, uses nothing but the best material, and requests all who wish to have first-class plumbing done to call at bis office and see Btmples of workmanship and be convinced of what he can-do in this line. Christian Scbreiber, 1GG2 and 1.064 Broadway, has one of of the moat extent ive furniture and uphol tieiy estaDiisnmeuts in establishments in This! house is nokd for ns artistic furniture, up- ho'stery goods, window ehadesj, though the useful, if less ornate, household furniture is by no means lieglectedA The geoda sold at his placed with regard to workmanship and material, are in every respect first-class, and in the latest styles. The manufactnrirg department is com plete, and turns but a great deal of house-bolctlfurniture, upholstering work, etc. Tbis 'latter feature of the bueiness is car ried fn extensively, and the upholstering done by this house is as good as the best produced anywhere.

Air. scbreiber is large importer of Eastern furniture, car pets, oil cloths, lace curtains and uphol stery which he keeps a large and most complete stock. All -goods are brought direct from the great manufactur ing establishments of the East and Europe, The reputation of the house for excellent work and fair dealing is universal. It is recognized as one of the leading commer cial houses of the city. Mr.

bchreiber first Btarted in bueiness in Oakland in 1871, Previous to that time be was in tne same line of business in San Francisco. He has been in the State since 1 850. At pres ent time he gives employment to the six teen hands, and is. the sole agent for the Pacihc (Joast for Avoca patent rockers, JTIcGovern Sc Cahill, Importers and dealers in paper hangings. carpets, oil window shades, etc ate )eaied at'lOCO Broadway, Oakland, and have a branch store in Alameda.

This 6im is a striking example of the opportu nities that Oakland presents to an ener getic man. They began- business in small way in lo, 4, and in "a quiet manner pu.sued their coutse, turning out tbe best work for a few the natural re suits followed; the trade increased- until lirger Cuarters were needed to accommo dais ti-e business: its facilities were im p-oved and they extended their business to the manufacturing of window shades and fixtures. These articles are now produced in superior style, the workmanship and materials being first-claps in every respect and are sold at such low prices that they are supplanting importations, lhis firm pays Special attention to interior decorat ing and fresco painting, aud some of finest specimens of skill in the line of par lor-and reception rooms furnishing and or namenting that can be found in Oakland, have, been done by the representatives of this establishment. They have thirty men employed in the store and in doing paper banging and decorative work. Both the members of the firm are practical mechan ics, and give ail their ability, skill and strict attention to the business.

They are energetic and reliable, and have all the necessary qualities that are needed to build up and retain a targe and nourishing busi ness. B. V. ITI tilers One of the leading t'rocery stores of this is located at 413 Twelfth atreet, ba tv'eea Broadway Franklin, wl'e- thev bay a been eitu- aed for the pant twelva yearn. This firm organized under tli firm name of H.

was afterward, 1S76.changed to In JiScoarged to 1. U. Miller and in ViJl snfr)ed its present lorm of ri.W.Mil- lr Sc Co Thi ti-ra have ueen steadily in- --ing fib ei 'bofiiii-s until now hs one of the Invest trades in their line Both 11. MiMer aud T.

ti. Hnmson ate enterprising yourg men. ii jave not oniy established a iarge busi--- in this city, but are looking to the biK.ness opportunities of this county. Con- t-cls have been nnde with the Ueaf and nub lnstilules of this State as well as tiie Insane Asylum, the Alaiueda iunty liifirinaiy of San Landro and Home of the Adult Blind. These contracts show that this firm are felling their KOod at as near livii prices as anv ia this all the contracts were let to the lowest' bidder.

2sot only do they sell at lowest cash prices but ail cnsionaers are t'entel with consideration and promptness. Tne proof of tiie pudding is iaits, and those woo have-an 7 changes to ti' are respsitfully to the viiove company. Ibirteenth Street Stables. The proprietorjof there convenient and comfortable livery, feed and sale headquarters is Mr, A. Gates, aud his place of business, as one might guess from the name established over fifteen years.

They: do in their line one of the largest bueinesa in the city. Their store presents1 handsome display of staple and fancy groceries, everything being systemati cally arranged. As a specialty theyare for Holmes Coiutt'a New Yorkjrancy biscuits. This firm has ihe i i i repuiiairiou oi ueing prompt in. tne ne-livering of its orders, having five delivery wagons.

(Notbing but the yery best class of tae different line of articles are kept in stock, thus always giving their customers the benefit of fresh goods They are located at 461 and 463 Eleventh street, near Broadway. mechanics' Store, Jonas proprietors, is located at 843 and 845 below Seventh. They Lave, besides, a branch store in Santa Cruz. These brothers all started in busi ness in Oakland about ten years ago. being then but boys, and by industry and indomitable energy they have succeeded in building uo one of the largest clothing and boot and shoe bouses in the city.

This sei ves our young men an example of what perse verance and attention to business wnl ido. These brothers commenced business in small way, but have now two large stores well stocked with goods, and their branch in Santa Cruz is one of the prominent stores of that town. They are by this means enabled, having'the three storenji to boy goods in large quantities at a heat? discount, and for that reason be able to eel) cheaper than any other house in towo. CTitchell, Fischer Sc KetscheiL 615 to 625' My i tie street, near Market-street depot, are manufacturers, of the celebrated Mitchell-Fischer straw burner. This firm was established in Oakland in, 1SS3.

They also manufac tare stationary engines, boilers, tanks, and do general repairing: Their straw-burning engine is tlie most easily fired aod the quickest to get up steam of ny in tne market, me engine runs I ex tremely regular, being well balanced in all its parts. The power is ample to drive the largest improved separators with aelf-feeder and cleaner. Fifty to sixty tons can oe mresneu ana crusnea extra in a day without any additional expense to thresher or farmer. It has, in fact. no equal for safety, durability, econofpy and powers 91.

A. 1105 Washington street, Masonic Temple building, deals in tbe finest and largest as sortment of pictures, picture-frames,) and artist materials. Tos farm does one of the latgest business in this line in having been established over fourteen years. Xbe store presents a handsome: dis p'ay of goods, is well-fitted up, and! has one of the largest stocks of fancy land p'ain mouldings that can be found in! the btate. Berg is well-known in his 'line of business, and all work entrusted to) bis care will be sure of giving satisfaction.

He is a practical workman, and all work is done under his personal supervision, aa be has a-tboronuh knowledge of the business in all ita details, which he conducts upon strict business principles. His stock of goods is as laree, varied and com plete aa the moat particular person cfuld wish for. Blax Co. Are importers and dealers in a large and fine assorted stock of dry goods, his is one of tho oldest firms in their line in Oakland, having been established nearly 1. 1 1 il twenty years, auu nave always nao.

large share of public patranage, and their business, it mighte said, has grown up with the city. Thisfirm is noted for its polite clerks, who areXalwavs in atten dance, ready to wait on yon, no one be ing urged to buy more than they wish to. They occupy the large and well ii tinted store luw. Broadway, between Tenth and Eleventh. Every city has its leading dry goods house, which becofnes well known to almost every one, andl we think it no exageration in giving -that popularity to Max Greenhood Co.

Oakland. for 4 Kahn Sc Sons, Established in 1378, importers and dealers in dry goods, fancy goods, millinery ind cloaks, are located at 1003 Broadway and 464, 466 and 468 Tenth street. This fi irm, wbicn is well-known in Uaklana, is com posed of four brothers. Their line of trade embraces everything pertaining to a dry goods and millinery store, but the particu lar specialties ot tne establisnment are white goods, cloaks and suits, which, they manufacture on the premises. Tbe stocks carried at all times are' large and well assorted, and complete in all the latest styles and grades.

The fancy goods and millinery departments, which are one of the main features of this bouse, are unsurpassed irextent and variety, and represent, as aDall the other line of goods handled, the products of the most noted and reliable manufacturers. nFnirAl i L-Worthsast corner Brcadway and Tenth street. This is one of Oakland's leading. millinery steres. iume.

ie orresc, aoput four nonths ago, succeeded to the business of Mrs. Bettman. She has besides two large stores in San Francisco. The'- ladies of Oakland in buying millinery from her will no longer be under the necessity of crossing the bay, as her here has a large and complete assortment of millinery goods. The Oakland branch will be under the management of Miss N.

King, whose long experience as a fashionable milliner gives her a thorough understanding of the business in all its details, which will be conducted upon the strictest principles of honesty and integrity, and the stock will always be as large, varied and complete as any one, even the most particular, could wish for. V. Li. Fort in Contractor for biickwork, corner Third and Washington streets. Deals in the best quality.

of lime, lath, cement, plaster, sand, flre-elay, etcY For fourteen years manager of Kemillard Brick still holds bis stock in that com--; pany. Abdnt three years ago he embarked largely into the brick-making, business, associating with himself V. Gregoire and J. Caron. They are now.

making the best quality of pressed and' common brick at Point San Pedro, San Francisco Bay. This firm is now doing a large business. Their offices being on the corner of Third and Washington streets, Oakland, and Berry street, east of Fourth, San Francisco. i Merriam Sc Wholesale and retail dealers in groce'ries and provisions, foreign and domestic fruits, poultry, game, butter, eta, are located at 1229 Broadway, one block north of the poBtotfice. This firm has always in stock a full line of goods of the finest quality, and which are sold at the lowest prices, and during the recenu low rates on freight from the East, this firm imported a large quantity of the best brands -of Eastern groceries.

They have been established in "business In Oakland about nine years, and have succeeded in building up a first-class run of trade. They have lately been refitting their store in dLIL t-how window of goods. Their motto is "Quick sales and small profits," a business axiom, when ad hered to never fails of success. Newlaud Corner Seventh and Washington streets, in one of tbe oldest and best known houses iu t'ue city, and has been under the management of W. M.

Kent for the last seven years, and during that time he has had a continuous run of custom. The bar con nected is nicely fitted up and is well stocked with the choicest brands of liquors and cigars. A restaurant is on the first floor, where meals are furnished at reasonable prices. This house has 42 nicely furnished rooms, with all modern cent ana permanent guests, it is con venient to the- railroad and street cars. and in one cf the most central locations i a Oakland.

I. TT. Ii. Prather, No. 956 Broadway, is manager of the Oakland branch of.

the Sou insurance Company of California. Sun Com pany represents in its ofFce the following Eastern companies: Boston Underwriters, of Boston; Williamsburg City, of New York: The Franklin, of Phiiadelobia, Tne Sun Company ia strictly local, a large proportion of tbe stock being held by frominent capitalists of Oakland. The Eastern companies are among tbe oldest and most favorably known in-the United tales. Tbe financial strength and management of these coniDanies recommend tnem to-the favorable consideration of the iosuung public. C.

O. Rutherford Is the pioneer paint dealer in the city, naving oeen estaDiisned in the business since 1903, and bas been for years tbe leading house in the line of house and decorative' painting. He is favorably known in this and the adjoining counties. tLu store is located at 1012 Broadway, lie has in connection with his painting busi ness a fine and well assorted stock, of plain and decorative paper hanging, which is presided over by Mr. H.

E. Fawcett, who is a superior artist in the line of paper nangtng. contracts are taken for all kinds of paint work, and good sign and gold work specialty. Levy's Cooperage establishment, 610 Broad way, corner First, does, in his b'ne, the largess trade in uakland, receiving many orders, from outside the eounty, It ia only a question of time with the increase of wineries in different parts of the State, but that this business will assume vast proportions. Mr.

Levy makes a specialty of wine, liquor casks and tanks of every description. Several men- are employed, all work being done at the pothing being imported; and repairing is done in a thorough and workmanlike -manner. W. Boardman, Civil engineer and surveyor, located at 1004 Broadway, Boom 9. He pays special attention to surveys, the subdivision and sale of real estate and the settlement of interest in the partition of property.

Mr. Boardman first came to Oakland in 1S57, and held the position of City Engineer from 1SC5 to 1869, and it was during his administration that the plan of streets north of Fourteenth street and west of Market was mapped out. He is well known in bis line of business, and all work lbtrusted to bis caie will be sure to give satisfaction. ft. Rosenberg, No.

959 BroadWay, between Ninth and Tenth streets, deals in the best brands of imported and domestic cigars and to- rbacqo. Having been I960, be bas built np a first-class run of trade. In -connection with this business he has fitted op in nice style a billiard parlor, and furnished it with the best Brunswick tables. Mr. Ros enberg is well-known in his line of trade, there being few who have lived in Oak land any length of time, but who know of his establishment.

Jaffe Is the pioneer in tbe coal business in California. Established in Oakland since 1874, but previous to that time be cart ied on the coal trade in San Fran cisco, having established himself there in the early "fifties." His business has grown until the present day, and he can ooast of. having the largest establish ment of qis line in Oakland. His office and yard is at the coiner of Franklin and Sixth street, and persons wishing anything bis line will do well by call ing on mm. 1 Mrs.

Bl. P. Scrantom Has been established in Oakland 10 years, and deals in a large and well assorted stock of toys, fancy goods, pic ture frames, school' books and a fins line of dolls in great variety. The business is located at 861 Broadway, between Seventh and Eighth. This is the Oak- land office for the San Francisco Chrmi- etc and Evening PoU for subscriptions and advertising.

A. full line of periodi cals and -magazines are kept on hand. and delivered by mail, or to any part of tne city free 01 cbarge. The Union Hotel, East Oakland. Many visitors to our beautiful city are attracted by the picturesque surroundings ofj.

East Oakland, it's, easy access and Tbe Union Hotel is one block from the stations of Jfche Eastern, Northern, Southern; San Francisco and local trains. Under the popular management of Calberg and Kluge the old Union has becotre the resort of many visiting the abiding place of a large number ot citizens and families. be table is exceptionally well, supplied. It is not equalled even by 'the high-priced noteis. Sunuyside House Southwest corner-Thirteenth and Harrison streets, is in one of the very best locati oua of'Oakland, and is in charge of Mrs.

Pi Meader, a lady who has bad charge of Jor over six years. The rooms are rented furnished and unfurnished at tbe very lowest prices. The house is specially adapted tor tnose who cbn tern plate housekeeping. It has 50 rooms nicely fitted np and is well suited for transient and per manent tenants, and all who -value quiet ness will find here all that tbe most puriiuuiar persuu can wian ior. 'li IS handy to the Narrow-gauge trains.

Petar Sc Dieses, Tip. lVt iiroaawsy, cor. weiitn. ibis firm is one of the oldest business houses Oakland, having been established since 1S60. The original firm was Ghi- radella Petar, but about four yeaia ago Mr.

liresco bought the interest of bit. Uhiradella and the business bas since been ably conducted by the new firm. They keep on band the finest and largest assortment of foreign and domes tic; wines, liquors and champagnes, and sell both wholesale and retail, and are agents for Ghiradelli'a celebrated Eagle shocolate, conee and. spices. S.A.Snyder, Ileal estate and isurance This odjee is one of the oldest real estate and insurance business in Oakland, originally composed of A.

J. Co. About the first df the year the senior member retired, and the business has sines heon ably conducted under the experienced managemeut of Mr. S. A.

Snvder. A general real estate and insurance busi ness 19 transacted, nouses are built on the instalment plan, and is scent for Paradise Park a most beauti- ul Duildmg site. Onice is 467 Ninth Lreet, near Washington. HruimtTlck, Northwest corner Ninth and Vasbiug- ton This fine, larva sAhI com- bouse has lately beeuWurn- islied, and is the only hotel in Oakland which has an elevator. The rooms are light and airy with bay window attachments.

It is undeajhe the able management of Mr. Alex. II oss. The table is supplied with all tbe delicacies of the season. Tbe Brunswick is well adapted fori; families and transient.

Its accommodations are superior in every respect, and the terms are reasonable and the legation is central. t. Eastern Hair Store. lrsv F. Springsteen, fashionable hairdresser and dealer in a large and fine assorted stock of hair goods.

And is nes, with a superstructure of wood, one story. It does double the business of any other brewery in Alameda county, and has a capacity of turning out 18,000 barrels or bee-per year. It ships beer to all parts of lha adjoining country. Ihe Oakland brewery is one of. the city's leading industries.

It nays out in wages each month over It consumes annually about 21,000 pounds of hops, and 15,000 sacks of frsr'ey, and gives employment to about fifteen bands. It is prompt in deliv ering cf orders, both in the. city and to the country. Kilts 1', 91. Beed Co.

One of the mort important and flourish ing business houses of its in our city is that of Miss F. M. Reed at 1161 Broadway. These ladies have been in business here since 77, and by their untiring energy and thorough knowledge of their business have placed themselves in the foremost ranK of their numerous competitors, The nreater part of their milli nery goods are received by them direct from some of the best houses in New York and Paris. One of the ladies of the firm will visit Europe this season, and will per sooally select their pattern hats and bonnets, as well as their fine millinery goods.

in Paris, the great center of fashionr. The ladies of Oakland cannot complain on ac count of not having artistically conducted mi'linery establishments within convenient reach, where the demands of fashion in all their delicate and dainty varieties can be supplied with metropolitan promptness and perfection. HaIert J. Sector Has lately bocceeded to the business of James Leu tell, 105S Broadway, near Eleventh street. This is an important manufacturing industry giving employ ment to several hands, and nothing but the very bast class of work is turned out.

The business is under the personal supervision of Mr. Beeby, who was for years in charge of the establish ment of Mr. L3utelL s. All work entrusted to bis care is warranted to give satisfaction. Ue lias theTiroet improved machinery for the manufacture 'of harness and saddlery.

There are feW houses on the coast carrying as fine and com plete assortment of this line of goods, A lull line of buggy and armirrg harness being kept constantly on baud. Also saddles, whips, collars, blankets, lap-robes, bridiea, bits, and everything fact that any kind of horseman needs iu the shape of trappings for his horses. Win. B. lugersoll Is the pioneer photographer of Oakland, having been established since 1SG5, and is well known in bis line of business work entrusted to nis care win receive the attention which only an experienced artist can give to it.

His pictures are done up in the most artistic manner and at reasonable prices. The gallery is nicely fitted up, and has a large variety of accessories. and which is the means of giving a handsome addition to tbe photograph. which are taken by the instantaneous process, making it easjTTor children and nejrvous people to ta be a good picture. studio is located at 1069 Broadway, rner Twelfth.

The large trade of old atom is a good criterion- that he ex its in this line. All his negatives. are preserved so that one may order the same picture any number of times. Jamea A. Biowa New ljveiy, sale and boarding stables, 510 Thirteenth street, between Washington and Clay, Oakland.

This stable being new, centrally located, and, supplied with all the latest. 5mprovements affords convenience to the general public. It is well ventilated, has 50 stalls, and one of the finest corrals attached that can be found iithefty. Kockaways, sauries, hacks, phaetons, single and pole teams furnished with A No. 1 horses, with or without drivers ai9 rented at reasonable prices.

Special attention is paid to boarding and transient horses. This stable has as fine a lot of roadsters for livery purposes as can be. found in Oakland, and it bas proved to be a financial and commercial success since it first was started. The vehicles are extra fine, being, new, and upholstered in an ele-gajt manner. Mr.

Brown be found at all times civil and obliging in all his dealings. Sau Pablo Avenue Carriage I'ac, tor, No. 1362 San Pablo avenue, near Seven teenth street. This factory represents an other of the manufacturing industries of Oakland. The building was specially erected tcr tbe convenience of this factory, Al.

(J. J. l.ur.ett nas cbarge ot tbe carriage and blaclrsmitn department. All kinds of vehicles are built to order, and the work which is now being turned out at this factory proves the eicelleuce of the products of local houses. The carriage trimming department is under tne charge of Mr.

Jr H. Carpenter, a gentleman who has had many years' experience in this line of busi- fness. Carriage trimming, in r.H its branch es, is promptly executed. He makes a specialty of private work, his charges being reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed. The paint work department is under the supervision "of K.

H. Dakes. Also black-smithing and general repairing done to order. fStcUard Bromitead, Corner of Sau Pablo avenue aud Peralta street, has been established in Oakland nearly a year. He is now doing a large and profitable business.

General black-smithing and repairing, horse-shoeing, carriage 1 and wagon making is done by him, and all work which he turns out is guaranteed to be as represented. He makes a specially cf shoeing horses with the late improved tip. This is something new and novel in the way of horseshoeing and is got up in the most scientific manner. A hot Be shod in this way is in no danger of su ferine from interfering, forging aod like troubles. It will pay any horseman to amine into the different merits which this shoe possesses over the oJd style shoe, and we can safely predict that any one, after having once used them on his horse, will never care to use any other.

A trial is to be convinced. O. JT1. Sa-JlorJ, No. 1161 San Pablo avenue, near Nineteenth street.

Mr. Sanfoid was for twelve years with James Daliel. in the plumbing and gas-fitting business, and during the last three years, owing to the ill-health of Mr. Daiziel, ha had charge of the entire establishment. He has lately fitted a store up in nice style and stocked it with a splendid assortment of stoves, ranges aud tinware, where he will be pleased to see all Mr.

Dalziel's former patrons and those who wish first-class work in the plumbing aud gas-fitting line. Mr. Santord baa had a practical experience of ma'iy years in this line, and -in addition has most of Mr. Dal.M's former workmen, amongst whom is Mr. Bank-head, who has charge of the tinning, and Mr-Green pf the phi cubing.

Both these eo'lemen are artists in their trades. He is, btsides, the agent for tlie celebrated Suns-it ranue. II. Fletcuey No. JS49 Sau Pablo avenne, sooth west corner Twenty-eighth street.

This gentle- mao, no lias receol'y opened a new store and stocked it with a splendid assortment of fresh staple and fancy groceries, is undoubtedly the right kind of a man for this business, and during tbe short time he has been here he has succeeded in building up a splendid run of trade. It ic only a question of time for a thorough business man like bua to succeed in whatever he undertakes. A brst-class business man is a good deal like a poet, be is boru with the natural qualities, and without the genius, as with tne poet, it is nard to sue-, ceed. He has also in stock green and dried fruits, nuts, etc Mr. i letcher vcadT for eighteen years in this line of business' iu New York, and combines experience iih an indomitable, energy and firm determination to succeed.

Xorrev. Sc Gardiner Are one of the leading grocery firms of snampooeo, ana au kinds of hair wort done at Eastern prices. Ladies wishing anything- this line will do well by calling on her. Wigs, waves, braids, etc, made to order on short notice. 40o Twelfth street, bet.

Broadway and Franklin. lr. P. J. Reiity.

Chemist and Druggist, Broadway, near Seventh street, ia the pioneer in Oakland jn his line, and one ot the oldest ih the State, having been continuously in the business since 1S52. He has always had a good ran of custom, and be- 4iag aconrate in the filling of prescrip tions, he has retained all his old trade. Pnra ilrnoi Anil rr, ininai fr 1 -n1 fancy articles are the best merits a drag store can have. His long experience in tbe business, and his steady run of old custom, proves- that is the case for his honse. wnr.

Dames, The leading photographer of Oakland, located at 91 1 Bi oad way. He has, previous to this, taken the lead in San Francisco, where he was in business for 15 years, bat residing ia Alameda; he prefers to do basiness on this side of tho bay. It is no longer necessaYy to visit San Francisco to obtain a first-class picture. Mr. Dames' work isequat, if not superior, to anything made in that city.

rlis gallery is elegantly htted nB. and all are welcome who wish the pleasure to inspect his gems of art. Brooklyn manufacturing- Com- pany. This establishment, on Sixteenth avenue and East Twelfth street, is the most extensive, as well as the best known carriage works in Oakland. Northy Wagor are pioneers in their line, standing high as skilled artisans.

-They manufacture and aell the celebrated Brewster- aide-bar for piano box. buggy, and the same with corning body, elegant, strong and light of structure; rockaways, ladies phaetons, English double facers, bnsiuess and in short everything from a wheelbarrow to a coach, all guaranteed superior in stength and finish. W. W. Goodrich and F.

B. New Ion, Associate architects, 1004 Broadway, near Tenth street. This firm now doing a large and successful business. having orders from several parts of the State. Having drawn the plans for some of the finest buildings in -the county.

Any one entrusting work to their care can be sure of receiving satis Plans, designs, elevation, specifications, superintendence, ventilation and sanitation being correctly executed. Bacon's Palace of Sweets, Established since 18701 This finely fitted and handsome confectionery establishment has long been known as the leading place 'to bny choice and plain candies. Nothing but pure confectionery is sold, and the large run of custom attests the populartty of this well-known and old-established "Palace of Sweets," 965 Broadway, between and Tenth streets, Oakland, i Orders are filled for parties, balls, at short notice. -t I Log Cabin Jlakery And Restaurant, at 473 and 475 Eleventh street. Mr.

A', Wheeler, tbe pr oprietor, is well known to the starting in. the most humble way in the year lssz. established the place known as the Cape Ann Bakery, and by his own skillful uae.of the best materials, he acquired for himself a large trade, which, has followed him in still greater numbers to nis new place. Xbe restaurant, which is connected, is run on the home plan, everything being cooked in a manner Jl Ww mat reminua uuo oi xiome. mercantile Collectionand Busi ness Agency.

Located at 969 room 30, Del ger block, makes a specialty of collect ing nonse rents, notes and book ac counts. This agency makes collections in all parts of the United States, and refers to any business house Oakland or San Francisco with whom they have nad business transactions, for beinz prompt and reliable in the making of collections. No charge is made unless successful. F. Saxe A.

11. D. D. 8- Has lately succeeded to the dental busi ness of Jno. Babe, and is located at 1055 Broadway, corner Eleventh street.

All operations in dentistry are performed. and those in 'need of his professional service, will find all the latest appliances for the speedy extraction, filling and treating of teeth, and the making of plates for partial or full sets. The saving of natural teeth is made a specialty. juisi uaiua snaiiacK' Fashionable dressmaking establishment, room 19, Everett's block, corner Eleventh and Broadway, Oakland. All, work is done in a first-class manner, and at prices to suit the times.

Miss Sbattuck is agent tor uakland and vicinity for Mrs. H. A. Leek's perfect system of dress cutting aud fitting. Young ladies who desire to learn this system will do well in placing themselves under such an experienced teacher.

Ier music House Armstrong Co. are -the sole aeents for Alameda county for. the Sohmer pianos, also tbe Peek Sen piano, and Standard organs, and are located at 463 Twelfth street, between Broadway Washing ton. Ihe above instruments are well known aud thoroughly tested here, and have a world-wide renntation for durability and tone, and tbis firm guarantees better than' San Francisco terms and prices. Pianos sold on easy installments, rented, tuned and repaired.

(( R. Read, 155 Washington streeCnar Thirteenth, deals in a large and complete assortment of oil stoves, lamps, etc. He is sole agent for Oakland for the Adams k. Westlake oil and gasoline stoves, which axe now used in thousands ot homes, and are giving complete satiafaftion. They are non-ss plo sive, and are everyway the best con structed stoves in the market.

He also deals in coal oil. gasoline, agate and tin- J. A. Carleten, No. 1307 Telegraph avenue, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets.

Las been established in Oakland since 1879, and has built up a good run of trade, by pay- strict attention to his business, and being prompt in the delivery of orders. He deals in all kinds of wood and coal, hav and auain. Mr. Carleton also bavs considerable attention to the buying and- selling of horses on commission, having considerable experience in tbia line. Husrh Bankbead, Auctioneer and dealer in a large and well-selected stock of new and second-hand furniture.

Mr. Bankbead has been in business nearly 20 years, and daes one of the largest business in this line in Oak land. Persons wishing to buy or aell fur niture will advance their own interests hv giving him a call. His location is 911, 913 aod vitf wasnington street, between Eighth and Ninth. Xhe novelty Ia the name given by the popular clothiers C.

A. Nordhausen, to their centrally located and well stocked clothing house, which is situated on the northwest corner Eleventh and Broadway. They keep on hand, in great variety, men's and boys clothing, furnishing goods, hats, caps eta.

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