Hinton Daily News from Hinton, West Virginia • 7
- Publication:
- Hinton Daily Newsi
- Location:
- Hinton, West Virginia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 7
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Wednesday, April 13, 1919 Hinton, (W. Va.) Daily News rA ww -w- Lash LaRue, Famous Western Action Star, To Be With Dales Circus Here iiuuMuuimiuigiiPiwuHwisuiw News Among The Colored People By MRS. B. C. PETERS 124 Park Avenue PHONE 1035-J it i iii Mil iljMIUI WU JLJVffiP 7 t.i t.t ti i it PV- MMt ny Want Ad Information PHONES: 33 5 Want Ad Copy must be In Daily News Officeefore 10 a.
m. day of Insertion. Q) iV'rACW mv iAu, vtvy 2 PROPERTY FOR SALE IN ALDERSON AND VICINITY 5 acres on RT. 13, 2 miles North of Alderson on Muddy Creek, 4 room new house, with basement, good Jnr Rt. 3 just outside of city limits.
This is a real place for poui- try, gardening and keeping a few PriAA'scwuift i 9 a elortricitv head of cattle. poultry house, some fruit. on RATES 'it Per Word 1st Day 1 Per Word Each Additional i Consecutive Day. Minimum Charge 50 "Card of Thanks" and In Memor-lam" Cards, Resolutions and Lodge Notices. 2f Per Word; Minimum Charge 50.
TERMS AIT" Classified -Advertising CASH, hlllldin nic. barn cellar The Publisher reserves the right tof hL 6iS Mis. 0 Neal of Prlnce waS reject any advertismg which does lI( Vfro on sur. vslU'r here yes1'frdayn not conform to our standards. Pub-1 reduced $5250 Frank Patk who 13 a Patient Usher will not be responsible for I Iatca roaa rrice reoucea eosou Hm(0il condition re- more than one Incorrect insertion.
6 mom house, barn, mams unchanged. Above -ate. are type set gJe Jhouse, OTchard! Gore remains Hi at her solid. KEYED or BLIND- ads are Hmk has elPtriclty, well with elec-1 State street 104 additional when addressed to a furnace heat and is lac-L w- F- Banks, a patient in the buvu nnmVvao AdTA rtf tnO DflllV NfiWS 1 JL a box number care of the Daily News well and electric pump, nice pro-iat ductive land about half ot which level, the balance not steep but roll Ing. The is new, and of ex- cellent construction.
New wood house and poultry house. A fine M- streamnd 7 town, amon clock. You are rnviied to be rresent 1 PRAYER SERVICL vice be held at the 1 Baptist church this evening k. Mis Maggie Wig Hinton hospital condition lemains So far, Lash hasn't had to kiss girl on the scieen, but in case some script writer should insert that kind of scene he always bdjl whip, the most novel and effective weapon used by any screen PRAYER 8ER IX gervice wl be 'held at the Baptist church this evening unchanged Langhcrne is ill at his home Herman street BIRTHDAY TODAY George Moore FOR SALE New 1948 Ford pick-up 1946 Ford Pick-up, 2 1941 Chevrolet Sedans 1938 Cherolet sedan 1948 CheroIet coupe West End Service Station 6 60X16 vice station Da Nite Ser-f-K-3tc FOR SALE Babv carriage Phone 1363. 1 I Try Our Famous SANITONE Cleaning Priced S4250.
iTICKETS ON SALL ifairgiounds I The following places and persons Lash will be outstanding star in Nice 5 house, splendid selling tickets for the a capella the circus performance this year. He basement, built-in closets book cases chV whth -PPear in Hinton does net play a guitar and does pot and sink on fine lot in desirable lo-on Sunday, Apul 24, 1949 General sing. But when he rides and lashes cation in town. This is one of the admission $125 Children $60 out at enemies with his famous best little houses to be found and is Hinton High school-Mr Maddy bullwhip audiences know that he is fullv worth the price we are asking. Pnn Poiters and Diners Club a cowhard without any syn-Price, $4750 Harvey Pack, Prop Wil-Bar Inn thetic lmbtlhshments Mrs Hariy Jones, Prop Mr 1 As a boy, he learned to ride like Several nice farms at prices to Frank Richardson Mr Auder- a demon, and has perfected the alt suit your pocketbook.
Also several son, Mr Flint White, Mr Robert of sinking out steers with the bull Attractive business properties, ami Moon, Dr Luws, Principal and whlP 0n his rancil Dear Van Noys, town properties in Beckley. If in- teachua of Lincoln High and Ele- jCaliioima terested' contact K. L. Bailey in mentary school, Mis Smithers les man if this Lash La Beckley or J. B.
THOMAS Aldetson Phone 363 R. L. BAILEY Beckley, W. Va. Phone 6997 Holt Davis pnD rOR SALE: Used bath-tub and commode Phone 484 13-3tc western aud.
cnees, Lash reasons, iaud they take them seriously Thats jwhy I have tried to make pictures with real historical significance Thee kios also have a well defined idea of how cowboy should con- 10 will be added for charged. ads FOR SALE Notice G. X. I have a few choice places for sale now on whjch can obtain a G. loan for you if you are interested purchasing a home for yourself.
Pay for like rent. 179-acre bluegrass farm, one 7-room house and 15-room house, electric available, two barns, two uutkenhouses, plenty of other outbuildings. Twenty acres or more bottom land, plenty of water, 85 to 90 acres umber On good road. A real buy at $5,250 oi acre farm, 4-room house, electricity, well water, plenty out building practically all level, 5 acres in wheat on hard top road. 4 miles from Hinton.
7 room house and bath, basement, gas furnace, hardwood trim plaster ed walls Lot 50 140 ft on Temple street, Tenth" Avenue Priced to sell. 1 acre land, new 3 room house, electricity, well water. On hard road, just out of city limits, at Keatley Springs $2250. 100 acre farm, 4 room house, acre farm, 4 l0 spring water. 2 apple orchards, 2 ncics cultivation th machinery.
Some timber. Located on Big Creek. $3250 Three-room house, water, gas and electric In house Lot 80 v2 379 feet camp, Hard- Wood trim, electricity, concrete Mora Dirt Removed! Perspiration Stain and Odor Removed! Colors Revived to Original Brightness! Dont wait til the last minute to bring your spring clothes in especially your Easter favorites. Call now for our better Samtooe Dry Cleaning Service and see how much brighter fresher 3 and cleaner your clothes will be! and filled fruit jars, 1 large ice box, 1 (lat ril0 81Ilki mte handmade foun-. cherry antug table, othen fur-daticn beautiful stone chimney, fur-niture 2 w00d or coal heaters, 1 lushed, on Greenbrier river.
$4,250. Home Comfoit c00k st0ve 8 seres land, 2-room house, elec- asb ju hand on day of sale Martha STURDY FIREPROOF INEXPENSIVE Tested ff LIMESTONE Building Blocks 8 i 8 16 FOR RENT: Lot for gardening Riv- iMaggie Meadows opened the meet-erside drive, Bellepoint Phone lDgr anj waa followed by the read- 12 4-12-4tpd mgs, t'Easter Symbols Daffodils FREE ESTIMATES trie, barn and other out buildings Young orchard on hard road. $1,700 140 acres blue grass farm, 0 acres best saw timber, entire farm jFOR SALE Outboard motor, five-logs good for farming with machin-1 horsepower SeaKing Nearly new. ery 6 room house, new bars 32x48 $75. C.
F. Feamster, Alderson ft and other out buildings, 4-12-3tp Priced to sell. $4 850 11 13'tttres tend 'flew toott house. 'POH SALE. Six-room new house, electricity, well water, all under half-mile from school, on hard good fence Located on state high- road, acre land, gaiden, fruit ties, wav 1-d mile from Hintons ly lim- lgd well, bath, electricity, hot and its Swell location for working In ater, half-basement, furnace rintv Win Priced for quick sale F.
Feamster, mcauuwc 81 1-- -p, sixth9' FOR RENT: Sana your own floor DaF- fiven by Mrs by renting our easy-to-operate Mra B- F- Pttlmer sander. Brice is reasonable. Weafern intn1 Contest prizes were awarded to Western Auto MnJ Bucklandi Mrs Janie I Meadows and Mrs. E. E.
Harvey. FOR RENT: Small furnished apart-: A tempting salad course was menL Front entrance, private aervecl to Mrs Janie Meadows, Mrs bath. Close m. Telephone 760. J- Robertson, Mrs W.
Surber, I Cement Mortar Cement Baas HINTON BLOCK CO. Phone 1066 1078 4-13-5tc AUCTION SALE April 19, 1949 'piace: Near Cross Roads onElkKnob Qne tWQ horse wag0n with bed, UlvatorSt 2 wheelbarrows, axes, SdWSj many other tools, several vegetable crates r1 for SALE Clarinet 305-W after 4pm -r FOR SALE Fuller brush products for all housecleamng and peisonal needs, phone 305-W. Helms 4-7-6tp 4-n-fitD 4UMP FOR SALE Baby stroller with upholstery and ehrome finish Pmptipa new. See 3021., finish Practically new. James Street See 302 4-11- FOR SALE Hayloader Write Hutchison, Ballard 4-13-3tp FOR SALE 1937 Plymouth Coupe, good condition Can be seen at Gnmmett Motor Co 4-ll-3tp FOR SALE OR LEASE Pool room, equipped for operation.
Three tables, other equipment. F. Feamster, Alderson. 4-12-3tp FOR SALE Four cars, five trucks. Good condition phone 944 4-ll-6tc 2 2te HINTON HARDWARE Where Summers County Shops For Its Hardware Needs I.
i 3 ,0 C1gs2 in. Phone 13 410 4th Ave-ur 4-ll-4tc RENT Five rooms with private bath, large garden. Call 522 Man with car wanted for route work. $15 to $20 a day. No exper- jence of capital required.
Steady i 212 3rd Ave. The famous bullwhip which has catapulted dashing Lash LaRue into a top fhgnt Western cowboy star b3 vety much in evidence when he appears in person with the Dales Jcirous coming to Burton on Tuesday. lApril 19, for two performances at the Ij.msell and kissing girls Just isnt the scheme of thitfgs Home Circle Has (Continued from Page Two) Mrs Jame Meadows called the meeting to order with the Scripture reading At 1116 conclusion of the 811 Easter program was conducted by Mrs. J. Robertson and Mrs.
W. E. Hutchison. An Easter message given by Miss Bellepoint. TTonORPfl AlUIXUieU VV 1U1 Birthday Party Mrs.
Walter Pennington honored Mrs. Leonard Meadows and Mrs 1)011 Mul a birthday party at the home Mrs. Meadows at Ghent, April 8. Clarence and ell, Mrs D. C.
Numm, Mrs Fred Russ and Miss Eliza- betn Settle. Mrs. Hedrick Hostess To PisgaKociety Mrs. Louise Houston, and Miss Sa- die Mann was RoslesS to the April meeting of the Pisgah Woman's So- Mrs. Cora Hedrick assisted by ciety of Christian Service Mrs Thelma Cales president, conducted the meeting which opened i with song, prayer and roll call Dur- mg the business correspondence and mww.woo vs csss' i minutes of the previous meeting 'veie read and reporta given on the Bible chapters read.
A fifty dollar contribution was given by the society for work on the Pisgah Methpdist church A- nominating committee composed of Mrs Rose Mann, Mrs Bess Mann, and Mia. Elizabeth Mann waa. appointed to Select new officers The devotional program was given by Mrs Jennie Lively and Miss Betsie Hedrick and consisted of the hymn, Blest Be The Tie Scripture, prayer and readings by the members "What A Friend was sung as the closing hymn I Refreshments were served to Mrs I Juanita Lane, Mrs. Anna Hedrick Mrs Beamer Hicks, Mrs Hazel Garten, Mrs Helen Richards, Miss Barbara Morgan, Miss Betsie Hedrick, Mrs Grace Jones, Mrs Bess Mann, Mrs Blanche Willey Mrs Thlma Cnles Mrs Josie Mrs. Jennie Lively, Mrs.
Rose Mann Mrs Amy Wood Mrs peail Bartels Miss Marlene Jones, Mrs Ehz-ibeth Morgan and hostesses The topic of the sermon tonight at the Central Baptist church wil be Jesus, The Suffering Servant Betrayed by Friend The pastor, Rev. H. Hackney is conducting a week of evangelism leading up to Eaater Gospel hjmns by the choir and congregation will feature the ser-v ice. Members of the Loyal Phi-lathea Bible class will "attend the service I The public is cordially invited. a Ws in to to at i cowboy star.
My advice to the children, Lash declared, if they become inteiested using the bullwhip is to be very careful ot the targets. Keep the whip down low to the ground, and don try remo ing targets from anyone mouth until you aie positive that you can do it as a person can put an eye out so quick 1 hate talk about it In Lashs pdrt of the circus program, all the embellishments of the old west are evidence, colorful fiuut'er days are brought back life Cowboys, cowgirls and Indians have beeu biought fiom the Hollywood colony to make the colorful backgiound complete. Two performances of the circus will be given one in the afternoon 2, the other in the evening at 8 poors to each performance will be open one huur earlier, opening at 1 and 7 pm. ITS BLt (Continued from Page OneJ Grey is getting more attention from A Cox patrons than blue, reported Mrs. W.
Mann, and lilac is much in demand in crepe and cotton dresses Light shades of hose are the thing, especially on called Summer Taupe, a greyish hue approximating what used to be called gunmetal Nude Mist (flesh). Naive (beige) and Apertif (reddish brown) are also popular, accoiding to Mrs Helen Honaker and Mrs. Daisy Gosney in the shoe and hosi-! ery departments Kesler is featuring the redm-gotee, the maize ai)d apricot and chartreuse blouses with jeweled necklines and frilly collars, and finds scatter pins and adaptable long beaded necklaces sought after Summer suits aie scoring at the Don Array, with tweed and full length coats in demand. Toppers or shortie coats aie the favorites at the CoopetaLive, report Mrs W. D.
Hume and Mrs Effie Bare Pink accessones are being grabbed up for wear with eveiy color, and punt dresses are enjoying aTpopulanty that began self felt last year. Navy and skipper blue in suits and coats are asked for most at Davis says Miss Anna i Laura Templeton, with grey and pink close behind i In the shoe departments, sandals are going better than pumps at Coxs, with green the favonte shade 1 At the Hub its navy for shoes, says Mrs. Evangeline Pajne, wnth quite a demand for greys and brow ns and something of a tiend toward suedes Dozens of Easter outfits turned up on downtown streets last Sunday morning, the sales ladies report, making Palm Sunday a preview of the-big show Consensus of opinion was that the girls feaied it piob-ably would ram for Easter Accoiding the the weatherman, they may be nght. Pool (Continued from Page One) Geoige Foster appeared on behalf of the seven Bellepoint families who, he said, have ordered 700 feet of sewer pipe in order to connect their homes to the main sewer. Street Foreman Morgan Gill was authorized to have his force lay the pipe.
The ordinance calling for the pn-, mary eiecttbn 'On May 10 earned J. E. Fisher and A. Comer as ballot commissioners, and a part of( the election clerks Mrs Jordan said the list of clerks was not com- plete, neither political party having, filed recommendations. Chief Humphreys announced thatj the police department had received a painting machine for marking1 street traffic lanes, ordered by the fcouncil at a previous meeting.
Cap-! tain Shire said some new mechanisms for pat king meters had been received and installation would begin today. Wanted! Men and Women Who Are Hard of Hearing To make this simple do rik heerioc teat with Ounae drops used with ample syringe li you are deafened bothered dv ringing buzzing bead noise due to hardened or coagulated wax (cerumen) try the Ounae Home Method test that so manv eay has enabled them to near well again Vou must hear better alter making this simple test 01 vou get your money back at once. We recommer'l urine. COLEMANS Walgreen Agency Phone 1068 Hinton, West Virginia SPECIAL GENERATORS REBUILT Ford, Chev Plymouth a HINTON ELECTRIC SHOP In Alley Behind Co-Operative Store Service that Satisfies, Write today. Mr.
McVey, Candler1 Delicious refreshments were served Bids. Baltimore 2, Md. to Mrs. Clyde Lilly, Mrs Noville Harvey, Mrs Orlando Rozell and daughter, Frances Ann, Mrs. Thurmond Powers, Mrs.
Elmer Vass, WANTED Painting by hour-or con- iJefiv Mrl tra.rf Phnnp 9i T9 a i9 ctn ciy, Mrs. Smith Osborns and -tract 4125tp daughter, Shirley Ann, Mrs Sam WANTED: Woman to work in Harper, Mrs Mull and Mrs. Mead- Appiy in ows an tiie hostess. 4-U-3tc 1 Glfts were sent by Mrs. Robert Pack, Mrs.
Hughie Osborne, Mrs. kitchen No cooking person. The Diner. i Dal.cm,.. Safeguard yourself and family against hospital and surgical bills I with the famous White Cross F.
Zickafoose. Agent. Phone 610 F0UND Watvch- describing 3-26-241C same may have it by paying for hi itlus d- 413-2tc Card of Thanks FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth coupe, fully equipped Price $600 Telephone 291 LOCAL HtN TON, W. VA .5 brier river Two miles from Hicks gai station $1850 112 acres land. 75 000 to 100 000 feet of saw timber, besides props Located Brooks falls $1200 6 room house, hardwood floors 1318 Fayette street good Bitv room house 1 aee land.
elHr. tv On Route 2 Tunnel Hill $3250 156 Acre farm. 5 room house soring orchard outbuildings, 3f 0 miles from Green Sulphur A real Buy $2500 Ono, nice building lot Temple ntreet, End Seven -nice building lots on both Summers and Temple street Thirteenth avenue. Reasonably priced on terms Will pay cash for farms and city pronertv. If vou want cash for your prop- erty.
see me JOHN W. 'OOK, Broker LEE HOGAN. phone 44 and 731 RESTYVOOn MEMORIAL ESTATE I Summers Countvs Only Perpetual 1 Care Cemetery. A Garden of i Memories MEMORIAL Bi DING Phone 1 003-IV Call SEED TRANSFER (nr Local and Long Distance Hauling Telephone 224 1 lfi Third Ave. -T- -i i iQ Hutchison S9 ts Insurance and Heal Estate I Phone I Hinton.
Va. 12 Id tlu EXPERT i i ELECTRICAL WORK I House Wiring I Appliances Repaired I Stokes Electric Co. PHONE 105 8 hi ST AUTO INSURANCE Of All Kinds REGLLAK RATES Revoked Licenses Restored When Eligible freoXmIppy PHONE 965 rJ i I I I I Light, Talcott 4-ll-6lp 'FOR SALE 1948 Ford-Sedaiiette BHjcaga. Good condition Call 275 or 1061 4-D-ti WOOD FOR SALE Stove lengths dear husband aud father The beau-fl-29-ti Wul ioral tribute, the gifts and those who donateA their cars. 1940 Chevrolety excell- Especially do we mink- Rev Hack- $10 Big Load.
Green 01 46. ddflP Vuishonrl nnJ S.4L.. fPl 1 WANTED Plowing with Rototijler. Leaves no clods. Ready for plant- ing Satisfaction guaranteed Write Hinton.
494tp CARD OF THANKS wish to take this means to thank each one of our many friends v.v wi ma uiuiijr iiicu cao who stayed so closely by our side during the illness and death of our ne- ev Martin and Rev Harvey Clark Also the Meadows fun- er-1 1 May Our Lord richly bless you. Mrs Paul Ballengee and family 4-13-ltc ports Parade (Continued from Page Five) than par for the course. Then, the next time out. he tailed off badly anrf1 5 Giant nme bits Bi.t lnTJ flV fraT3 Blt in. foar innutRS against Okla- homa City his last start he allowed ony twro hits.
Anybody naturally expects such a performance against such a foe from Feller. Some might even wonder why it wasnt better. The amwer is that these games dont count in the seasons standings Ncthmg is on the line and caution counts heavily in this spung i I Now is a good time to start painting your interior walls and trim We are offering interior paint, varnish enamel etc. at reduced prices during March and April. Remember we have insulated siding, roofing, 17 shingles, plywood, bath outfits, windows doois and frames, in fact anything to remodel and modernize.
Delivered Dry Phone' FOR SALE ent condition Apply at WiUon Co. or 1314 Summers St. -4-8-6tc FOR SALE 1941 Chevrolet See at Gulf Service Center, 282 Main Street 4-13-3tc NOTICE LERTf REED Is Now Working In The Barber Shop, 204 3rd Ave. HINTON ELECTRIC SHOP AUTO STARTERS GENERATORS ELECTRIC MOTORS REPAIRED ARMATURES REWOUND Located in Alley Behind Cooperative Store MOVING 1 Local, Long Distance 1 1 HAULING ATLAS TRANSFER! aR. PERSINGER, Owner Phone 1064 Nite 881 dnniiniuuHuiiuiiiiniiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiuuuujiiiia.
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