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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKIiAm DAIXTY EVEXIXG THIBIIXE, FRIDAY, MAI! CII 19, 18SG. LegaL Lesral Hew To-day New To-day. QaMaml ggmng miim Oakland Gas, Light Heat Go. The Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Co. take pleasure in announcing that on MAECH 1st, 1886, The Price of Gas will be Reduced to S2-7S Per Thousand Cubic Feet, And for Gas nsedainCooking Stoves, S2.25 Per Thousand Cubic Feet- iThis reduction is made in continuance of the policy which has hitherto goyerned the Company, of redncing- its rates as rapidly as warranted by its By order of the Board of Directors.

Til! IT! iiTii'iiTrinm old i JOHN Oakland, February 0, 1886. S2.50 per Gallon. From tho Red Mountain Vineyard. Beoommended, by the Beat Physicians of the State for Medicinal Purpose. per doa.

oo 5 SO 50 5 SO 8f4 Ol) 3 OO a 503? DO 8 OO RO 4 10 4V OO -ontlraan. Zlnfandel Outodel and Wbtte Wine Angelica Via de Or JUUltnc jmS Iils.w" TOlt 2281 -kJ GOOD TABLE CLIRET, 50 CTS. PEfl GAUON. Pure Wine Vinegar, 25 Cents a Gallon. RED M0TJ1TTAI1? VI1TETARD Situated in the Foothills, Stanislaus County.

A Committee Oi tbe Legislature on. the grape wine or ormuay oouia oe maaa iimu nL proauoea toe noantua vineyara. It needs only to be said that the soil of this vineysrtl is Tolcauiio In its origin, and henoo prodi meua iuiBay id toe aienest aegrw oi peneauoa. W. M.

WATSON 474 Eleventh Street, FLINT ZEMMER1 COAL and WOOD, .1 No. 413 Eleventh 500 cords Gilt Edge Fine for sale in lots to TVT Dexter First-class Iiivery and Boardingr. Finest Teams in the City rH spa- LITZ iUH-Tb Sonoma, March 17, Henrietta Josephine Lltilua, aged 6 years and 18 days. MOLTZaJi La San Francieoo. Match 17, Frederick Mnliian.

sMtinaf Oarmssr. lied nan. LKAHY Id San Francisco, March 13, Thomas Leahy, a native of Ireland, aged 40 years. SHIPPING IDiTIaIaIOCNC. i San Francisco 19, 1886 Arrivals.

Hl-RiJDAY. March IS. Ktmr Tjtm Anintli. Vim Helms. 2 clays from Ban Pedro, etc; aass and indse, to Goodall, Perkins tt fetmr SanFieente, Smith, 12 hours from Santa Cruz; product, to Goodall.

Perkins and Co. Abbi Jurgenson, 28 hours fm Caspar; loa-ber. toJOJukva no river direct. Bchr California, ira fm Caspar: Inm-ber, to White, up river direct. Bchr Barbara, Peterson, 24 hours frxo Mendocino; 143 sift mm (for, Mendocino Lumber Uo.

CI arances. Thursday, March 18. Ktmr Colurabia. Holies. Astoria: and Co Bark Julia Foard.

Benrman.lSanta Bosalia: A Carpentier. I Brig Coneielo, Cousins, Honolulu; John Spreckels and Bros. I ricnr i wlliiclit, Peterson, La raz; Gutte. Deprtarea. THCBSpav, March 18.

fitmr Bonita. Hunter. Br bark Victoria Cross. Robertson, ljuemfctown. Brig Consntlo, Cunsins.

Honolulu. Bchr Clara Kaatel, whaling. OFFICIAL Board oi Suyerrinprs-Iteport of i Procc 1 intra of ITIeetinsr Held ii ivlarch 15, 1886. The Boai met at 10:30 a. m.

Present: Supervisor Dusterberry, Molloy, Morgan, Pelouze an I Chairman Haoifiti. The read ng of the minutes of the last meeting wt a dispensed with. INDIfJEXTS. -Mrs. Eli- a Jensen of 1355 Thirteenth being 8won asked for aid.

Taken der advisement. M. J. Be oomis being, sworn; asked for aid for Fra Catnpas of 417 Second Bt IJeferred to Mr. Morgan with power to act.

A letter as received- from Ileriry Bar-iiett. ehdor ed by a cotnniunication from Charles 1U thke, asking refief for himself and family stating that he had served in the army f( seven years, and that during the past th ee weeks he had living on mustard ami potatoes. Referred to Mr. Dosterbnry with power to act. EEP0 RTS OF BOAI) OVERSEERS.

Supervise Dusterberry reported correct the reports of Koad Overseers VV. Tl. Ralph of District, J. A. Trefry of Centerville E.

H. Frick, of Valleci-tos, Andraw Elliott of Summit, John Schiebe of Dublin, S. Franz of Alvarado, John C. Vhipple of Cosmopolitan, E. Ryan of wry Landing, John Galway of Inman.

os. F. Muldoon of Sunol, and James X. of Washington. The rei was WISDMII.1.

Mr. PeL uze stated that there was a broken-dow windmill on San Pablo avenue which should be sold, there being no rise for it, 'ater pipes beinp laid in the street. IF On moticii of Mr. liusterberry the matter of dispijirig of said windmill was referred to Mir. Pelouze, power to act.

for public hoad. A petitto i was received from John Crel-lin and f0 thers for a public road, 50 feet wide in Pie tsanton Road District, commencing at a point at the easterly line of First street, in the town of and-runnin thence along the center line of Vineyard airenne to the west line of plot 4, Rancho el Valle de San Jose; thence along line 1 etween plots 3 and 35 and 4 to southwest rner plot 5: thence along line between pit ts 1 and 5, apd said line continued to the westerly line of G. W. Meeee; thdice north "to lands of Mrs. Thiesses; lenca southeasterly to land of Jno.

Creilh thence easterly to a point opposite the mth end of the county road leading ron Schween's lands to Liver-more on th south bank of the Arroyo del Valle; then following said bank of said Arroyo to lie Vallecitos county road. The petil ion was accompanied by the statutory ndjin the sum of 100, with Jno. E. Stc rer and Harris Arendt as sureties, Oa motio i of the petition was the bond (approved and C. Duerr, H.

Frick, and the county surveyor re appointed viewers with instructions view and survey the proposed PETTI ION FOR PRIVATE HOAD. A petitio i was received from F. Beier and others asking for a private road 30 feet wide in Mount Eden District, running fr a point on the line dividing the lands P. Hansen and E. Rans, northwest a cross the lands of C.

P. Han- sen and Fe rdinand Schultz. and parallel with and feet 'distant from the line dividing land i of said Hansen and Schultz from Diedr ckson and Hoos, to the county road leadin; from the road between Mount Eden and Alameda to the hills. j.The petition was accompanied by the statutory nd in the sum of $200, with Henry Pet rmann and Jas. J.

White as sureties. On mbtiii i of Mr. Molloy the petition was received, the bond approved, and Jus- tci Gading, Orin Dennis and the County Surveyor wi re appointed viewers, with instructions view and survey the proposed road. -1 PUBLIC iAD BnOO KLIN TOWNSHIP. The follov ing resolution was introduced by Molloy: Wherkas Good and sufficient deeds have been ie ade, executed and recorded by John Brennin, E.

F. Staples, Joseph H. Dorety, E. VValkenhaut, Sarah H. Tompkins, executrix of the estate cf Edward Tompkins, 'deceased, and Robert Sim'son, to Alameda county, of the right of way over.

and the granting of a public road and highway over and across the lands of each respectively, as evidenced by deed signed and executec by said parties, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda cc untv oh March 15. 1SSG. in Liber of cleeds at page to which deed reference isl hereby particularly made. together witl the1 map oT said road, filed in the ottice of paid ilecorder on March .12, 1886. Ifow therefore it is hereby- That the county of Alameda hereby accept and receive said deeds and hereby accept said dedication and hereby declare said I road to be a public county road and higt way of the county of Ala meda, forty feet in width, as the said road and highway is so shown, laid down an i delineated upon a certain plat entitled "Plat of Public Road from Height street to County Koad iso.

1,11, which said slat is the plat herein above referred to, and was filed for record in the office of said ilecorder March 12, 1886. And the Koad Overseer of Fruit Vale Road District is hereby directed to take such ineasurek to properly open and main tain said road. On motionlof Mr. Molloy. the resolution was unanimously adopted.

i PUBLIC JROAD, EDEN TOWNSHIP. The following resolution was then reaxl: Whereas there has been presented to his Board execute1 deed made by Renir Chabot to Alameda county convey ing to said Alameda county for the uses and purposes of a public road and highway the strip of land therein described, situate in Castro Valley- Road District, Eden Township, County of Alameda. which said daed has been duly recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said County, in Liber of deeds as page and which deed ia hereby referred to and made part hereof. I Now, therefore, it is hereby resolved an ordered that said deed is hereby accepted and the said public road and highway! therein described is hereby accepted anl adopted by this Alameda county as i Hublic county road and high-1 way ot tne. county with a wiatn or torty (not onI flu rtar AVOMoan rf caii) ffaoffA icrj ta (alio vuua.

wuu v. a octji ua faau voavsv Valley Road jDistrict is hereby ordered to properly open and maintain said road. On motion pi air. Molloy the resolution was unsnimohaly adopted. HEAVE OF ABSENCE.

A request! was received -from Coroner Hamilton asking for a leave of absence for 30 days, whiqli was granted. 1 CAKE: OF AGED PERSON'S. The following resolution was introduced by Mr. Morian and adopted: lles'iiixd, That the Hospital Committee, in conjniicticii with the District Attorney, are hereby directed to take such steps as are necessary; to Drocure from the state suen amount las is due to Alameda; county for the care! of aged persons under the laws of the PKT1TIOX roitl APPOINTMENT OF OVKRSKEK. A petition Kvas received from many tax payers of Lalirel Road District reauestine the appointnjent of James King as lload Uverseer.

Keferred to the Koad and Bridge ComrAittee. I JS DIGESTS. A petition fU'as received frum H. Bar- nett, of Pleafcanton, epresentine that he was very destitute, and asking for aid. On motion ol Mr.

Morgan referred to Mr. Dasterbury tvith power to act. for in tne UaKlana Home insurance Company, covering building No. 1 of the County Infirtnary, from March 25; 1886, March 'iJ 1SU, premium 173 was received and accepted. BOJD OK POUXDilAaTEE.

Winfield Hcott Dresented bis bond aa Ponndmastet of Sunol road district in the sum of 250, with N. Bugman and Mrs. t. bcott as rareties. ihe pond wm ac cepted and aipproved.

nEQrieiTIO.N'S. Bequisitiohs were received fretu the As VORFELD In gam Francisco, March 18. Henry "VnrfulA usnd vmm end 4 month. 1 EdeD Township, for a map of the i. snri mm A Xf-Alr.

XOWDshin fn mn luW nf whicfT-Were granted. BILLS ALLOWED. Rale Xo. 4 was then suspended and tha following bills havuigbfcjo examined and approved by the Auditing Committee, were then read and unanimuoosly allowed and ordered Daid. viz: County General, Fund James Black, 898; Geo.

(Black; S33 40; J. S. Beardaley, S45 20; Charles Babb, S3 20: N. S. Douglass, $3 20; John Dougherty, 3 20; J.

M. Faughnan, S3 20; Timothy Flvtoo. S3 40; ff, VV. Fox, S3 20, S3; VV. Eadon, S3 20; T.

Flaherty. S3 20; J. A. Gallett. 883 95: Joseph Green, S3 20; Helmke Brunje, S19: VV.

B. Hardy, 3118 53. S24, S44 43, Sol 88, S88 j53, $36 18; S. VV. Herrick, S3 20; Joseph Harris, S3 20; J.

C. Johnson, S3 20; VV.iF. Krpll, S3 20; A. Megabam, S40; H. H.

Pitcher, S8; J. A. Moore, S3 20; J. R. Palmer, assignee, S3; J.

Page, 86; H. H. Pitoher, assfenee, $10, S9, S7, S49, SIS; M. Rosenberg, S3 20, S3 20; Charles -eenberg, 812 20. 12 20, S3 20, S3 120; Jbhn E.

Rencke, S3 20; W. DJ S39; H. F. Toedt, S3 20; B. F.

fVilliams, $45 40; J. H. Williams, S3 Wood, S3 50. i The 'County Infiimarv A Alexander, Ge4T Black, S8, S8; W. F.

Bachelder, $10. 810; Phelan Fish, E. Kereyen-hagen $6, 812 50; A. Lippman, S3; iSteere Colby, S10; Scfcroeder Victors, S20 I General Road Fund Jno.Wohnston,$i0, T. D.

and Sir0; H. Pitcher: assignee, I i road kekdh. Bav Road A.B. Dixbn, S30; Arthur Dixon, S32; El. Lambert, S12; J.

H. Menicke, 82; JolA O'Neal, 510; R. bcanlon, S2. Inman H. H.

Pitcher, SI, S40" 50, SI, 811,1 Sll, SI. SI, S50. Lincoln E. Ross, S. Mission San Jose Paul de Vaux, S26 125; Thoa.

Scott. St2. Pleasanton H. H. pitcher, S(i4.

Vallecitos F. K. Carin, 22 50. Washington Clark S3 25; James N. Smith.

$12 50; T. frandervcort, So; E. Weston, H. Weston, S4. The Board then adjourned until Monday, March 29th.

RECEfcS. The Board then tooU a until one o'clock p. m. 1. Al teriioou, Session.

The Board reassembled at 1:30 p. all the members being present. I NEW 8CHO0LJ DISTRICt'. P. M.

Fisher presented the petition of E. M. Gibson and othtrs, representing 44 census children, asking for the; creation of a new school district, Jto be called Hays! school district, to -Gclmprise bortions of Peralta, Piedmont au Fruit 'ale school districts. Mr. Fisher also presented his recommendation, stating that the District Attorney reported that that portion of the property now in Peralfa district which it is proposed to place in -the new school district will still be subject to taxation for the redemption! of the School bonds heretofoie issuejd in Peralta district, but that inasmuch as the property owners desired the change, he (Fisher), would recommend that the petition, be granted and the new district be called "The Hays.School created with boundaries as "Beginning at Station 22 on the county line being the southerly corner of Plot according to map ofj the undivided hill and mountain land of fanchosi of V.

and D. Peralta, and also a fioint oji the northeasterly boundary of land now bwned by Mrs. Mary E. Guni, thence following the northeasterly line i of lands, of said Mary E. H.

Guni "ill a northwesterly direction to its intersection with line, of Wm. Glascock; thence following the northwesterly line of lands of Mrs. Mary E. H. Gtani, in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with the county road leading to the Summit House, being the northwesterly corner of the lands of said Guni; thence following the westerly line of said lands in a southerly direction to the southeasterly corner of lands of J.

C. Hays (plot K); thence west along the southerly line of said Hays to its intersection with easterly line of Edson Adams; thence southerly and southeasterly along the westerly line of lands of A. Chabot and Contra Costa Water Company (plot F), to to the southeasterly corner of plot being a point on tho northwesterly line of J. C. Hays (plot 29); thence southwesterly along; said line to the northwesterly corner iof plot 29; thence in a southeasterly' direction along the southwesterly line of said plot 29, and the easterly line of plot 28 to the line dividing the ranchosr of V.

and D. Peralta and A. M. Peralta, (being also a point on the westerly line of lands of J. H.

Freanor), thence south following said dividing line to the southwesterly corner of land of FT. L. Freanan, thence easterly along the southerly line of said FrcananV land, and an extension of said line to the center of Sausai creek; thence northeasterly along the 'center of said creek to its junction with the Palo Seco creek; thence following thj center of Palo Seco creek in an easterly direction along the southerly Jline of G. D. Morse and J.

Alexander to the southwesterly corner of lands of Mrs. B. McCormicktthence following the westerly line of B. McCormick and C. Silva to the county linej thence in a northwesterly direction along the county line to point of beginning.

On motion of Mr. Molloy the recommendation of the County Superintendent was iadopted and the new school district created. KOAIJ SURVEY NO. 14.JS DEl'lABEB A PCBL1C 1438 DECLARES 1 no AD. The following resolution was then read and adopted on motion of Mr.

Molloy: Whereas, That certain road known and surveyed as County lload No. (1,438, sixty feet in width, reference being hereby made to the survey thereof in the office of the County Cierk of Alameda county for a full description thereof, the samej being one mile, one chain and chains in length, has been opened and regularly traveled as a public road by the publie for over ten years, and the said road has been fenced in and enclosed as a road, and no one claims the land for private use, or otherwise than a county public road, and Whereas, Said road has never been formarly accepted as a County Koad; now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that said County Road No. 1438, as surveyed as aforesaid, be. and tje same is hereby accepted and declared to be a public county road, and the Road Overseer of Fruit Vale Road District is hereby ordered to properly open and maintain the same as a County Road. CENTRAL AVENUE, HKOOKLYN TOWNSHIP, DECLARED A COUNTY ROj AI), The following resolution was then read: Whereas, It duly appearing to the satisfaction of this Board that-the hereinafter described road has been used as such by the traveling public as a public road ana hiKbway for the last sixteen consecu tive years continuously; that the same has been during that time enclosed, open and treated and recognized by all persons in the neighborhood as a public road; that no person claims the same for private use or otherwise than as a pnblic road and Whereas, lhe same has never been formally accepted by this county.

Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that that certain strip of land. 60 feet in width situated in Brooklyn Township, Fruit Vale Road District in said Alameda county, described as follows: Commencing on the north line of the main County Road lead- irrar from Oakland to San Leandro, where the said main road is intersected by a road ojr street called Central avenue, thencr running north easterly following sakrstreet or road called Central avenue. 81) chains more or less to the lands of Sarah H. Tompkins, is hereby accepted by raid Alameda county, and adopted as a public county road of said pountv, and a public highway and the road overseer of said Fruit Vaile road dis trict is hereby ordered to properly opan and maintain said Central avenue, above set forth as a public county road. On motion of Mr, Molloy the.

resolution, was adopted. LEAVE Of K. G. Mathews, Justice of the Peace, asked for leave of absence from the State for (SO days. i ranted.

on motion" of Mr. 1'elouze. OVERSEER ICBEKJ1STUCT. On motion of Mr. Slolhiythe position of overseer of Laurel RoacfTjistrict was declared vacant by the following called vote: Ayes: Supervisors Molloy, and Chairman Haaifin.

No: Supervisor Dusterberry. On motion of Mr. Molloy, Mr. H. V.

Monsen waben appointed to fill said vacancy. ADJOURNMENT, The Board then adjourned to Monday, April 5th, 18St, at te.i o'clock I a. ji, Attest I CHAS. T. BOARDMAN, seal.

Clerk. I BODLEY BROWN, New Cjty Market, Fourteenth Street, between Broadway and Washington, DEALERS IN FIRST-CLASS MEATS, UHVUEHIEIS, and JfKUlTn. Orders Promptly Attended To. Cheap for Cash aeuor of lynV Town at Reasonable Rates. i Qrobato Notice.

IV THI 8CFERIOR COURT OF THE County of Alameda, State of California, i In the matter of the estate of Clark Tompkins, deceased. I Notice of Time Set for Proving Will, Etc. I Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Alameda County, notice. is hereby given, that a petition for the probate of the wiU of Clark Tompkins deceased, and for the issuance to fUchardson of letters of administration with the will annexed thereon, has been filed in this Court, and that Monday, the 29th day of March. A.

I. I88d, at 10 o'clock a. M. of Bald day, at the Courtroom of Department No. of said Court, at the Court House in the City of Oakland, in the County of Alameda, has been set for the hearing of said petition, when and where any person Interested may appear and contest the same, i Dated March 11th, 1886.

CHAS. T. BOARDMAN. I By Guv C. Deputy Clerk.

Railroad Travel. S0UTI1EB3 PACIFIC COMPANY. (PACIFIC SYSTEM.) Trains le we, and are da loarrlv SAN FRANCISCO. LEAVE ron From Jan. 17.

IBS6 AHJUV raoM 18 00 8 00 "4 oo 8 00 100 Aj 3 30 8 30 4 UO P. 8 00 3 03 i 3d 3 30 3 3J 10 00 3 00 3 00 p. 8 00 8 03 8 30 3 00 Byron iOauatoga and Nana 16 40 10 10 40 8 40 41 no 40 8 40 10 10 8 40 J8 40 1 10 10 40 10 40 5 40 11 10 11 10 6 40 4- Colfax Bedding and Portland Ualtvia iloae via Lrvermore, ifCnighta fLivermore and Pleasanton. (Martinez iMilion i Mojave, Derolcg, I Kxpreas ki uo i amig t. and Haywardn.

.1 Unden A Kask it Emigrant. reed tuns via MarywlUe. tSaotamento via 8 4 8 40 11 10 10 10 8 00 A. 40 11 40 40 8 4) 7 10 via Livermon via via 4 00 4 00 luver steamers. 8 33 Ban Joae 8 30 A.

Stockton via LI 9 30 via 3 30 p.i.i via l0 40 jo ltuara ana neua. 7 ltgl' A for Morning. i for Afternoon. From San Francisco. Dally.

To EAST OAKLAND 6.e0. 630, 7.00, 7.30,-8.00, 830. 9.00, 9 30, 10.00, 10.30. 11.00, lisO, 12.00, 13.30. 1.00, 1 30, 100.

1.30. 3.00. 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, 8.00, 6.30, 6.00, 6.30, 7 00, 8.00, 0.00, 10. 00, 1LO0. 13.00.

To FRUIT VALK 6.00, 830 7.00, n.SO. 8.00. P8.303.30, "4.00, A30, 8.00. S.S0, 6.00. 6.30, 9.00.

To FlTuiT YALE (vlaAlameda .30, 6.30, JU-OO, 11.00. i To ALAMEDA 8.00, SO, 7.00, "7.30, 8.00. 8.30 9.00, 9.30. 10.00, 110.30, 11.00, 111 30, 1S.00. 11130, 1.00.

11.30. 100, 3.00, 3.30, AGO, 4.30, 6.00, 9.30, 6.00 6.30, 7.00, 8.00. 9.00. 10.00, 11.00. 1S.00.

To BERKELEY 6.00, 6.30, 7.00, "7.30, 8.00. 8 30 9,00, 19.30, 10.00, 110.30, 11.00, 111.30, 1100. 1.00, 100, 3.00, 4.00, 4.30. 6.00, 6.30, 6,00, 6.30. 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00.

1100. TO WEST BERKELEY 6.30. 7.00, V.SA, 18.00, 9.00, 10.00. 11.00, 11.00, 100, 3.00, 4.00, 4.30, J.0O. 8 00.

-3il. T.W. To San Francisco, Dally. FEOM FRUIT VALE 6.23. 53, 7.0, nJS, 8.23.

8.63, 9 23, "10.J1, H.23, A63, 6.23, 6.63, 6.1(3, 1 From FRUIT VALE (via. Alameda) S.1 6 8.4B, if. ta jr. is i Fbom EAST 6.00, 6 OO, T.30. 8.00.

8.30, 00, 8.30, 10.00. 10.30, il 00. 11.30, 13.00, 12.30, 1.00, 1.30, S.00, 2.30,3.00, 3.30. 4.00, A nr ru 9A a A1 ft AA 1 K.T KI 1ft Jt7 9.W, U.JO, O.IM V-aTU, i.VU, W.V av.wi. F-v "KOADWAY, Oaklaxo minutes later tnan from Kast Oakland.

FBOM ALAMKDA .22. 5 64 6 .22, 6.62, T.22, an an ran a ret on a tit tin 01 1 A RQ 41 1 04 11 KO 4 -OA, 0.44, O.DA, V. AA, V.UAa 11V.M. 1U.W, AA.a,A.v 112.22, 12.62, J1.22, 1.62, 162. 3.22, 3.62, 4.2 4.62.

STi, 6.6i, Q.Xl, OX, 7.01, S.03, lU.Di. 7.48, "8.16, 8.45, 19.15, 9.46, 110.18. 16.46, 111.16, 1L45. 12.48, 1.43, 2.45, 1.46, 4.18, 4.46. 6.16.

6.45,6.16, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10 45. Fbom WEST BERKELEY "Si 8.46, "T.IS, 7.46, 8.4S, J9.15, 9.45. 10.40, I.40, LtO, Z.40, A46, "O-lft, 6.46, "S-IS B.4S, CREEK ROUTE. FROM BAN FRANCISCO 7.15, 9.15. 11.18, LIS, 3,16, 6.15.

i From OAKLAND 16: 8.16, iai 13.18, 115, 1 I Sundays executed. IHunday, only. Standard lime furnished by Randolph S. A. N.

TOWNE, I Omi. Managor T. HjOOODMANN, Qen. Pass. A Trt Agent, South Pacific Coast R.

R. San Franelsce, Alameda, Newark, I San Jose, Ijoa Gator, Glrnwood, Felten, Blr Trees and Kanfa Craa, TalCTURESOUE SCENERY. MOUNTAIlJ views. Big Trees, Santa Clara valley, Monterey bay. jrorty miles snorter to anta jrua wan any otner route, ooenangeoi can.

bo nun, riu ment and roadbed first-claas. PASSENUE TRAINS leave station. Twelfth and Webster street A dally. West Han Leanoro, wen Ham Ijoreuro. itusseiia, mt.

r.citin, iuvanao, news, Hants Clara, HAH juan, ix Wrlgbts, rllgnland, uienwooa, ixragnertys, rei ton. Big Tn. HAN TA CRUZ and Boulder Creek, arriving 12 15 P.M. 1 i P. except Sunday, express; Mt.

Eden .4. t)r Alvarado, Wewara, centvrviue, aivuo, Agnews, Santa Clara, SAN JOHK. Los Uatoa ax all atationa to SANTA CRUZ and Boulder Clock. ail stations ti 40anJ 4.00 i. dally, for ban Loa uasoe and Intermediate atationa.

I M. everv Sunday, Hunters train leaves First and Webster street for had judil fitouuinff at all wav atationa. 5JXCUtuiiUNM to HAN is ana AO to SAN JOSE oh SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS, to return until MONDAY. Inclusive. SI 75 to 8 ante Clara oi Sao Jose and return, Sundays only.

Througn passengers eoange ears at Aiameaa oie. To Oakland and Alameda tram San Franca J. 00 16.30 7 00 S7.30 9 00 9.30 lOOfl 1(1 SO 11 00 11 30 a.m. mi2.00 12.3V 1 00 1 30 00-2 80- .00 4.00 1305.00 7.dO-.3(l 9.30-10.46 U.46 FFrom FOURTEENTH AND WEBSTER STREET, OAKLAND, TO! SAN FRANC18CO 6.00 f8.30 7.00 7.30-8.00 8.50 9.00- .30 lo.oo- io 3o ii so ai 12.00- 11 se ll 1.001.301001.30-3.00 3.301.00 6.00 6.306.00-6.50-7.007.30830-2.30-10.45- U.45 r. M.

i 1 1 From HIGH STREET, ALAMEDA 16.46-6.16-.46-7.16-7.46-8.16-8.46-9.16- 9.46-10 If 110 46 1116 tll.48 A. M. 12.16-112.461.16- U46 116 2.46 4.16 3.46 4.16 4. 6. if 6.16 6.46 67.16 8.16- 9.1610.3111.31 r.M Bnndays excepted.

Saturday and toundays only TICKET. Telegraph and TraLider Ofbce, 222 Montgomery street, Han Franasco L. riLLMOrtK, W. T. FITZ GERALD, Soperi ntflndent O.

r.AP. A st. Alameda and Oakland Horse-Car Time Table FKOH OAKLAND TO ALAMEDA. Leave OAKLAND tos. t7J8, 8:08, 8.38, 98.

IUUS. 10:38. 1138. 12 1:08. 1:38, 2:08, 2:38, 3K, 3:38,, COS.

4:38. 6:08, 5J8, C-A8. 1M. 738. 84ML 8:38.

9-M. Lkavb SAN I'A CLARA Avbhve AKI WEBSTKR STFF.rT FOR FA KK MTKBF.T 8:25, 8:55, 9:25, 9:55. 10:25, 10:56. 11:26, 11:55. 12:25.

1:55, 2:25 2:55. 3:55, 4:25, 4:55, 5:25, 6:55. 6:25. 6:55, 7:25. 7:55, 8:25.

8:55, 9:25, 9:55. Lkavk MORTON Strekt roa PARK Strbet 16:55, J5, t8, 8 36, v'jo. 10-08, ll, ii.oo. a.oo, z.wj sjo, ajo. a.

1. rW 1 1 CI 9:00, 0.09, 4 4 o.w, 8:35, 9:05. 9:35. 10m Except Sundays. Saturday and Sundays only.

Twenty minutes rrota isroeaway. uakiana. -to the Alameda Bath. 1 Tha first oar in the morning for Oakland, leave tbe stable at Webster street, at 6:10, and tqe second at 1 1 Ocean Travel Occidental Oriental Steamsnlp Co. FOR JAPA.

AND CMIXA. Steamers leave wharf, corner of First and Bnnneai street, San Francisco, 3 clock r. for Yokohama and Ho rkenr, Connecting a Yokohama with nam for Shangha-. BTEAMEK. FROM 8 AS rRAKClHOO IHSO.

GAELIC. BELGIC SAN PABLO. GAELIC BELGIC, SAN PABLO. January 30th ti- Feliruary 20th larch 13th April 3d April 22a May 11th FucBday. Jno 1st OCEANIC June 22d Kuunion Ticket to Yokohama and return redniwd rate.

1 OaMnplans oa exhibition and Paasag TIcke for sale aid. P. R. R. Co' Oeneral Cfficee, Room 76 eor.

Fourth and Townsend treeta, San Fraooiaeo. For freizht a only to GEO. H. RICE. Frelg Agent, at the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

Wharf, No. 203 Market Union Block, oan rrancMoo. T. H. GOODMAN, Geo! Paa.

Agent AKII nTAMPOKI) Frwnfleni Mercliant Tailors. I get op FIRST-CLASS work for leas money than in Saa Francisco. Call and aatktfy younetf 1 I 'I 1 REMEMBER THE PLACE. 1 0Qg Broadwar, Oakland. Fine selection of Foreign and Domestic Cloths Beaver and Caasi meres for dm and busine suit made In the latest style, and warranted to fit O-A-KL-AJSnD'S LEADING Merchant 3H.

IIEALiY, No. 1056 Broadway, Iatest Styles THE EAST! 7s Suits made in 1 a riHhT CLAM Banner r-y gnnd rt vrorkaaen. fjie Jfcim trial ana be eonviaced. nitBrui. ixotisE Broker and Real Estaie Ajfeot Money to loan en arvrvjrcd security.

Ofnce, OaaKroadway i-wBfcesk 1 Two Lots for Sale) in the Eiissi Tract Administratrix Sale. fkl OTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN THAT, IN JL1 pursuance of an order of the Superior Court of Alameda County, California, In the matter of the estate of John duly made on the lith day of March, 1886, the: administratrix of said estate will pci "nmiHi aescrinea mn Lota numbers 32 and 83, In Block No. 45, of tbe Brigga Traet. 8aUl lota are situated in 1 I 1 A A I Oakland, commencing at a point on 'the western line of Adeline street, distant one hundred and six feet six inches southerly from Third htreel, and running thence southerly along said Hue of Adeline street ntty leet; thence westerly at right angles one hundred and twemy-elirht feet and three inches: thence uortnerly at right angle fifty feet; and tnence at right angles easterly lone hundred and twenty-eight feet niiu turcciui-uvi ic tne piace oi Deginnin. The same to be sold in one and for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, at private sale.

The sale will be made on or after Friday, tbejld day of April, lxfcti, and before the 6th day of April, Elds must be In writing and left at the law offlee of K. A. Kedmau, No. S21 Broad way, In the city of Oakland foresaid: or filed with tho Clerk of aaid Court, any time after the first publication of this notice and before the i bib. of April, 1886.

o- ANNA MtNERNEYj Administratrix of the estate of John Mc-Nerney, deceascil. Insolvent Notice- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Alameda, State of California. In the matterof Peter Buchannnn McKay, an inolL debtor. Peter JBuchannan JfcKay, an insolvent debtor, Imvini? applied to this Court for discharge from hisdebtsand liabilities, i It is hereby ordered, that the Clerk of this Court a-lve notice to all creditors who have proved their debts to appear before this Court at tho Court-room of Department I thereof, on tho mth davof ADril 186. at the hour of 10 o'clock and show cause, li any tney nave, why the said Peter u-chanuan McKay shduld not be discharged from all his dents, in acpordanco with the statutes hi such cases made and provided, ....1 ll.kfll.l..

It is further ordered, that notice of said application be Riven to the creditors by mall, and by publication for four weeks in, Tuc Oakland Daily Kvknino Tribune, newspaper published ltr said County. March isth, 188ti. 1. I N. HAMILTON, lucltce of the Superior Court.

Endorsed: Filed March 15ih, 18H8. I CHAS. T. BOARDMAN. I i County Clerk.

By Fr ak it J. Kbacth, Deputy Clerk. K. J. LINPOHTH, Attorney tor In-tolvnt i i I Probate Notxcei.

IN THE jcPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Alameda, State of California. In the matter of the estate of r'rederick D. Peck, deceased. Notice of time set for proving Will, etc. -Notice is hereby given that a petition for the probate ol thewlllof Frederick D.

Peck, deceased, and for tbe issuance to James It. CapeU of letters testamentary -thereon, has been fled in this Court, and that Monday the KM day of March, A. I. 18, at ten o'clock a. m.

of aaicf at the Courtroom of Department No. 1, of salcf Court, at the Court House in the City of Oakland, in the County of Alameda, has been set for the hearing of said petition, when and where any person iuteretited may appear and eon-test the same. Dated March 10th; 186. 1 CHAS. T.

BOARDMAN, Clerk. Uy Robert Edoar, Deputy Clerk. J. C. IIt AkBT I-, aanh.HM tor B'oadway and Mnvenlh street.

Oak. land. Attorney for PetlJoner. Notice to Creditors Estate DA VI L. BECK, NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN BY THE undersigned, administrator, with tho will annexed, of tho estate of Pavld L.

i Beck, decseaed, to the creditors of, and all persona having elaima 1 against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the neces-sary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to thel said administrator, at the law ofllce of (ilnoy, Chickerlng A ThomaH, No. 20S SuuMirne street, San Francisco, that tieiifg the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. i Jt EUGENE BECjt, AdmlniHtrAtor with the will annexed the last will and testament Of 1'avhl L. Beck, deceased. 1 lmtea at oajtiana, Marcn 10, Anction Sale of a Pledge.

OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I shall offer for sale at nubile auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, on 6th nay 01 April, ihwo, at 10 ciocK: a. at 10. 837 Washington street, in frout of the storerooms of MJ Marcusc, in the City of Oakland, one gold wfetch, McCloand make, No. 1345, received by me as lo se-' cure the payment of board stud lodgings furnished by me. Dated X)Jtiand, March 8, 1.

H. il. MYERS, I I I' Pledgee in. MARCL'NE, Auctioneer. Banks.

THE OAKLAND BANK of SAVINGS, Cor. Broadway and Twelfth street, Oakland. Capital and Reserve paid In $500,00 directors: I Ham! Merritt, 1 Iitrael Lawtcin, fW. A-Aidrlcb, i K. C.

SeMlou. E. A. Haines. Franc! Blake, Henry Kogcrs, W.

E. Miller, E. Cole, E. C. Skshioins WJ W.

GABljuWAlTE. President Cashier General lnkli busine transacted. Interest allowed on Tcr.n Deposit. Ixan on Real Estate and Approved Collateral at lowest market rates. 1 IXlKRESrONUKHni: Ban Francisco.

AnoLO-CAtiroBsnAW and Bankoki ai ikoknia; New York, London, AsciLo Bank (Limitkii); Dublin, Hank or Ikki.ani.; PirtarHiuuciw De ROTHNCUII.n FREREs: MKVEB. A Fine Burylar and iKIre-Proof SAFE DEfOSlTl VAULT Kate Keeping- of Bondt, storke. Jewelry Mhtrware, Valuable Paper or l.very iirscripusn, ie Offered for Cec of tbe Public tinder nanngement of title Bsnk. SMALL. SAFES for re tai.

at low rate. A separate coqipaitmeut for ilerwar and tther bulky article. far Entrance to vanlt In banking room. UNION SAVINGS II A NIC, Corner Broadway and Ninth Unci Capital and Reserve Fund, 300, OOO BOAfeD OF Henry. J.

Went Martin, J. Ainsworth, D. Henshaw Ward, J. Ainsworth. a Huff.

Samuel Woon. R. Frtliy, K. W. Kirk ham.

liiram Tublj. H. A. Palmer. J.

West Martin. H. A. Trea. all denotln rrrhalnlng tbre calendar month, tjeginning from the 1st of each monthsSucoeeding tb elate of deposit.

WO EKTRAHCB EE. I rUmttiMTitJm frcii the ocuintry be 'made by Exiweas, or Check upon Banka lu San Francisco; and book will be returned Loan mad only upon Mortgage, ltal e.tae una xuim erciacev vi Deposit bearing interest payable at da, agreed i i First atIonal Bank of, Oakland, 10O8 IIROADWAT. i Capital Authorized, 1,000,000 V. D. MootJT J.

E. IcroofcES A. D. THO-4HOH BOARIi OF DIRECrORM-A. lee-TrMldent Caahier fUUlt, J.

E. Ruggle', VI Mrebnu, A. J. W. P.

Jon. V. D. Moody, U. J.

Ainsworth, tuck. J. Ain.eorth K. bbat- TraneacU a gene ral commercial txuiklng busine Clht fcichanfe, foreign and climwlli-, UNION I1ANIC, TJb-iok Bakk Bfii-nmo, Oaslawd. H.

A. PALMER i Deposit acobunt opened in gold. isllver and enr- niey. Exchange and telegrai mc transier ou ork, in urn to uit. In gold or currency, at current rate.

Fund deposited with our in New Y- rk or San Francisco, paid here. New York correspondent, Cbemloal National Hank. CHAS. F. UUTCEN, Jiacpert Accouiijiaiii, AND ADJl'STEB OF I STATtS.

OFFICE 308 California Street, Sao Framlww. RKHHIKNOF. lOia KnirtwntK htrc-et THE SAN FIUCISCO DAILY ALTA I HAS ADOPTED AN j' ndependent' Carrier Service IN OAKLAND; AST All order uy be left at Foatbfiioa Nw Stand Pane" (erred early ana regularly, CTWIASKW." 'KT A MOHTTH. Any eomplain' a to service please report promptly to 1 1 THE liAlLl ALIA San Francbeo. J.

Henry Strachan, Walcbes. (lotkN Jewelry fcicv CAREFULtY REPAIEED Srwdal atteptma given to be ettlng of Si ta- io passu Mjw 103 Oakland THE GREAT -Usfailing Sp cifio FOR LIVER IU! DXfl Bitter or bad taste in mouth OirnrlUrilOS tongue cated white or covered with a brown fur; pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistakes For Rheumatism sour stomach loss of appetite sometimes nausea and watcrbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations; bowels alternately costive and tax; headache; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debility low spirits a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes a dry cough fever restlessness the urine is scanty airl high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. I LIVER REGULATOR I (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in tho South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acta with extraordinary efficacy on the TIVER, i KIDNEY9, and BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, trn .1 .,1, a Nausea.

'CoUc, Mental Depression, tfowei complaints, JStC, tb Endorsed the use of 1 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IN ANYONDTflON OF THE SYSTEM J. H.ZEILIN solb raoPRJEToas, PHILADELPHIA, PA I PKICE, 81.00. HAMILTON BROWN, UNDERTAKERS And Coroner of Alameda County, 1 60 4C8 TIIIK FKENTH STREET Bet. Broadway and Washington.

Everything; requisite ifor funerals. Orders attended to day or night by telephone. mcKENZIEtS Undertaking Parlors, Telephone 240 A. MEKKITT, 866 Broadway, cir. Sth Insurance Companies REMOV.

The Alameda and Contra Costa County Branch Home ftiutual insurance Co. THF. BUSIXKSS OF THE ABOVE NAMED Branch- having increanert so fast in the last few years it has been found necessary In increase its office room, an i have fitted up the building at viz ana uroanwy, tamana. uai, wnere it will be ulea-ced to' tee all of its own patrons and all who wib Insurance in one of the meet reliable Home Companies i HARRY F. GORDON.

Manager. HARKT B. HOUGHTON, Secretary- Incorporated 1564 Home Mutual Ids. Co 218 Sansome Street, SAN CALIFORNIA Mutual In name only. STATEMENT Of its condition December 31, 1SS3, at returned the various Insurance Departments: Capital Paid np in Cash 8300.000 Re-insurance Reserve 1....

200.0&9 76 Actual Net Surplus over Capital and all Liabilities 253,038 Caah Reserved for Unpaid Losses and Dividends due Shareholders 7.378 40 Total Cash Assets J. HOUOHTOS, President. J. L. N.

SKEPAItD, OHA8 K. STORY. Secretary. J759.478 Vice-President R. H.

MAUILL, Genera Agent Alameda County Branch, 912 914 Broadway, Oakland II. I'. OItI0, manager. HARRY IS. IIOI IITO, Sec'y W.

J. EDEN, City Agent. J3 so 9 S3 es la as W. P. JONES EMERY Vice President W.

F. BL4JOD Secretary Directors Win. P. Jones. C.

O. Brigham, Chas. L. atnon, F. K.

Shattuek, John Crellin. J. S. Krnery. V.

D. Moody, F. Dalger, John Everding, M. H. Eastman, Geo.

E. Whitney. HOME OFFICE-Company's Building, W. cor. Ninth and Washington Sts.

Telephone No. 118. J. TlRKELi City A jrent. FRED.

A. CAMPBELL, Lit'. BURN HAM. Solicitors. Sun Insurance Co.

HAS REMOVED ITS OFFICE IO JSTo. 956 BROADWAY East side bet. 9th and 10th Oakland. W. L.

PRATHER, Secretary. mmt No. 8 CALIFORNIA STREET San Frmicisico, Cal. '4H CAPITAL 300.000. C.

L. Tat Pres't; C. N. Knowles, Vice-Pres't; Ed E. Potter.

Secretary. C. Dic and A. Special Agents. OAKLAND BRANCH: Office -No.


P. Harmon. Piancia Blake, Oeo. VV. Grayson, C.

L. Dingley Alfred Bar-tow Geo. H. Collins, H. H.

-Beaton. O. W. J. Clunie J.

N. Kuowles, J. J. Scotchler, Isaac L. Reqoa, James Moffiot.

Geo. C. Perkins. HARMON. President A.

P. W. L. Prather. Secretary.

THE LION INSURANCE Of London, England. INS CO. of NORTH AMERICA Of Philadelphia. CAPITAL iIiO. II.

SEAMAS, Manager Oakland Branch, cor. Ninth and Broadway CAPITAL, $5,000,000 UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Total ..93,660.725 Snrplna or Policy Holders. 910, 965 Frank M. Gilcrest, Agent, o. 466 Eighth Street Oakland BALFOUR, GUTHRIE CO.

GJ-eneral Agents LONDON LANCASHIEE INS. Liverpool, England MANCHESTER FIRE INS. Manchester, England CALEDONIAN INtOKANCE CO-, Edinburgh, Scotland AMEEICAN INSURANCE Newark. N. J.

COMBINED CAPITAL (OVBl.MIt 7,41,097 oeo. v. SPENCER, nanager. B. Afftv.

H. T. City A sent, 466 Kinth Street. 1 J. 1j.

FOfMJ, A (rent, 480 Tenth treet, Oakland. JHSIIRMrJS 4k THE TEIBCKE CIrcvIatira atoro taa donblo ef aay tbr apor published ta Alameda Ceanty. arwed fejr Carrier a 1 Ct. a Week. 19, 1886 MOTHERHOOD- Only the look from tha eyes of a babe.

As it lay upon my knee. Yet I shall know tint wondrous gaze Wh in we met. to eternity. Ansel of death ye cannot then My heartstrings rend apart; I hull hold my boy forever and aye Cloie to my yearning heart-Motherhood hus dearly bought We little know the coat. Until we suffer birth and death.

Until ire to loved and lost. STEAMER MOVEMENTS. TO ttH.lVK ftmm. Australia Pedro Portland Portland To JiSPAK'f. OBSTIPATION.

NAM. Geo Elder. Ma roroa Colima Mexico Eureka Stale of i SAME. DUE. 21 22 22 23 f.3 March 25 March 2 28 DATS 20 20 March 20 March 22 24 24 March 24 Hompotdt Eureka.

Santa -San Diejro Coos Bay Los Angele San Oregon. City of Sydney-China and Japai. Ancon. 9d TI)0tl. StTJf AfiD TIDE TABLE, i 1L.

W. I Large. I L. W. Large.

I H. W. I L. VV. I Small.

Mar. I K.I 8. 15 lO.OlA 19 10.52am I Small. 21. 036pm 22 1 1.31PM 2 29pm 1.44pm 11.

10pm 3.58am 9.23pm 11.4iP.v 4.50 Large. 6.10pm a. 5.42am Small. Large, Ghcm 0.22am! 6.32am 7.25PMi 0.57am! 7.18am 8 03p 13 8 I'5am 6.17;619 6.1tij6.20 6.14j21 6.13 6 22 6.12 6 23 6 10 6 24 PRODUCE MARKET. FLOUR City Extras, jobbing at $1 25(34 i4f: City Superfine, 3 60 4 00; interior brands, 84 00 4 25 for extra, and $3 00 rt3 "3 for superfine.

WHEAT Shippi 1 32'fiSl 35 ctl for No. 1, and A1 30 for No. 2. Extra choice railUngr, 1 35 coast wheat at 1 22 BARLEY Brewing 37 1 Feed 1 25 ctl. OATS Choice California, si 30gl 40; Ho.

1. $1 2a; No. 2, 81 17igl 2i; Oregon 91 20 ftl 25, black, nominal; Washington Territory, SI Ihlal 20 elt. RYE For small rouod yellow, 20 ctl is ask.d. BRAN--Qaoted at $13 50314 00 ton.

POTATOais Early Rose, River Reds, i5or30c; Petalumos, ar-e45j; Garnet Chiles, 45c Sft5c; Peerless, Seedlings, sOc e90c ctl. New Potatoes, l'fcig2ic li. ONIONs 82 16 ctl. BtITEK -Fancy, 18c 19c; lGcglTc for good to choice; C15c for fainy firkm, pick led Toll. C(g mixed store Butter, wejrtevn 1012.jc lb.

CHSi Oauforn-a. 10c 11c for good to choice Eastern Creamery. I5aljc E. GAME Hare. SI 00 dozen: Rabbits, 3-Cl 26; Ma lards, 83 00; Sprigs, II 50 91 75; Teai, 91 r0l Uo; small Ducks, 75cal; Gray Gseie, 2 50 92 60; common 0O; English Snipe, $2 2 no 92 00; Widifeon, 9il 25; White Ueese, oo; urant, ji jtz Cinva8lcks 93 00.

EGO 3 loc dozen for California. UONEIT Bright comb, 12cttl3c; dark do, Gft new bright extracted, SJc 6c; amber extracted, 3 Jc.rf 4c; old dark and candied do, SJc 4c BEESWAX 2i)c25c lb. UUMfciic Hull Apples, 5c for common, i nd 21 a SI 25 box ior "good to choice; 91 SO f-ir extra choice. IKJMItSXH, OKIIO) FRO JT We nucto: Pears, i Peaches, 4 $5c; peeled, lo, 10gl2ic; machine-dried Appite, Son-dried Apples, sliced, 2a3c; do, quarters, liSljc. Plume, pitted, 6c onpitted, 2coc; prunes, 4c Fitra, pre3ed, 4J363; do, unpressed, 2c -c; AprivoW, 7S58c; da evaporatad, Ns-tirincs, per fb.

Raisins, 91 00 ixx for whole with the usual advance o-' fractional boxes! POULTRY Live Turkoys, It, 12c14o for henh for KObblers: dressed do, 12c C12c; Ge pair. 1 Oucks, doa, 94 u0(0; Ucns, 4 00; Rci8ters, ycucft. 97 509 50; do, old. 60 its 95; Brcilern 0 W5 CO Hi uozeD. PR0VISlu Breakfast Bacon, 1-2JJ2-j; Cali fjrnia smoked do, for hany and medium; "lOi SllJo for light; jrtra liht, 12c312c; Bacoi Sides, Hams, Eastern cr cured), fcr citv eiade, 10c Hie; Cdifornia Hams, 10c S9c; refrigerator cured, 10llc; LarJ, tierces, for a i kinds; eattes, llcQUJn; California tierces, i.c7c; half bbl, 7Jca7c, tict, 7JcC Sc; paiip, 10ic; do 5-fb, 10c; keg; 1 Swgblc lb; Mess 9 E0 60; xtr re fate, do, 911 O0 1 "0 family, do; 91aei6 03; clear pork, 164'a17 CO extra prime-, do, 9(2 5 12; extra cieac 75JE il7J mess do, 15 50 9l6 00; Pi? Pork, fee, S3'33 12; Pifrs" iee, il bOCtm fcbi; t-maked Bt, 12JO12J0 VEGETABLES Marrowfat Squash, 910 912 9 ton; Hubbard Squash, 9 ton; Dry 3 Turnips, 7 Beets, 75c; Parsnips, "81 60; Cabbage, SI 60 Garlic.

17i2fc Dry Okra, ltc il7jc 9 fi; Los Anaeles Green Peppers, 1 lb; Los Ansreles mat 91 502 60 bx; Cu. mbers, 1 00 doz for No 1, $l(ol 60 for No. Asparagus, 5c(a7c "ft Thubadb, 10c Green Peas, for common and (Jca7c for sweet. HOPS-4cS7c ib. HIDES AND PELTS Heavy Salted Steers, over B5 lbs.

9c: 'medium do. 9c liirht do. (aujc; salted Kips, 9ic; selted Calf, 15c ft. Irv Hides, usual selection. lSc; Dry Kip, ISc: Dry Calf, 20c Tb; prime hair Goat skins, 70cig 90c: medium.

SOc 65c: poor and damaged do, 10a2Oc each; small skins, 540c; kids, 5c10c each: Deer Skins, good summer, 2G(s27ic: me dium. 23c: thin. 20i'22c-. poor. 15c.

Sheep Skins Shearlimrs. 1025c: short wool. 36C0c; medium 60(fie75c; long wool, 9141i0: Uutchcrtown Green Skins sell relatively, niirner. TALLOW Good and choice rendered, 4c in bulk and 4c in casks; refined, Je7c; Grease, SJc per lb. WOOL Fall ranees as follows: Humboldt and Mendocino, 13c l'Jc free Mountain, 13c 16c; Northern defective, la14c; San Joaquin plains, uthern coast, i012jc 8 th.

Sewhall, March 15th. Tt arrive in. Oakland MarchJSth: Angel, F. Denver Anherale, Mrs Michigan Anderson, Miss Hau Francisco Aaes, Benson Burns, Missouri Bull, San Francisco Brown. J.

ana wife, Hudson, and family, Kentucky Hall, S. and wife, Massachusetts -Healy, J. Oakland Heineman. Dr. S.

-lobe, A. T. Higley. Michigan Inke, Albert, Illinois Bennett, Los An- lift. Geo.

Pittsburg Johnston, W. and son. New York Jogatle, Paul. Phila." Just, Benson Jackson, R. C.

Livingston. and wife, 1 St. Louis Murray, A. Kansas City Aleyer, C. Las Angeles i Ma'ks.

H. and wifer Los Angeles Maccunnon, J. jSan Francisco seles Brandon. C. Detr.

it Boyer, H. Illinois Brakey. C. Los Angeles Rarnev. Miss.

Cliicasro Broughton, L. and daughter, Missouri Boyd, J. Kansas Brookmyer. Louis-town, Ills. Cogan, John', Chicago Cone, Mrs.

Mary, Chicago Cox, Silas, and family, Missouri Conned, George and family, Chicago Cml is, Walter C. Oakl Colors, J. and wife, Texas Dimmock, Nelson, Grand Uapids Dimmock, John, Grand Rapids Dodswsorth, Frank, Kan Moore, W. Los Angeles McGovern, and family, Canada McGovern, Miss, Canada McGovern, Iowa Oabome, Kansas Pret'-yman. Mrs.

Ida, and child, Kentucky Parker, DeForest. Phte- mx, A. i Pierson, .1 A Arizona Purmort, M. Minn. Richardson, J.

Kan. City Russell, Arizona Skelton, R. Chicago. Biinois Sineberg, N. Orleans S.mon, and wife.

New York Htillman, Chicago Stewart, Willis. Missouri Kn-ift J)r and Dresser, C. Alictugan Ihihme. O. PltUa.

Davis, Mrs. Los An geles Daggett, H. Missouri Duuder. J. Kansas wards, New Jersey Forrest, Mrs.

K. Ver mont Fisiier, J. and wife, Missouri Ford, John and family. nocxiora, ius Green. P.

i and wife, Louisville Washinffton. Del. Grav. G. Omaha Tennsberg.

and Goddard. O. Alameda daughter, cnicai Gordon, G. wife, Walthall, J. Iis30uri cnicago Greeney H.

Benson Hoyt, ei. York Hoyt, Albert, Newy, York Hoe, Los Angeles Heffner Kansas City Hatch, Oakland Hunter, C. and wife, New York. Whitney, F. and wife.

Detroit Whitney. Miss, Detroit Wtlnart, aad family. Illinois Wilcox, Mrs. D. Oakland Wilcox, Miss Oakland Wilcox, Miss Oakland Williams, O.

Mexico BIRTHS. ALLEN In San Francisco. March 17, io the wife of James B. Allen, a daughter. TRAM PLEASURE In Sau Francisco, March 15, to wife of Albert Trampleasure, a son.

ZIITL AU In this city, March 1 to the wife of Amnist Zittlau, a son. YOUNG In this city. March 17, to the wifeof John Young, a sdn MA.R11IA.GES. VARNEY BOARDMAN-Iii this lity, March IS, by Rev. J.

E. Beuton, Ort th Vanfej) and Pol lie Elizabeth Boardican CUMMING-DOWNING In-East Oakland, March 18, by Rev. B. More, (Tei. C'umming and Annie D.

Downing. ZOLFO-OLIVA In tian March 18, Giovanni Zolfo and (Promina Ollva. lUlHfcR-MOBDAUKT Ma.cb 15, Prc.f. II W. Luther and Mad.

me A. Mcr.launt. DEATHS. LEPPOLD In this city, March i'J, Joseph Leopold' a native of Germany, aed 43 yesrs, .1 month and 12 rtays. SrLLIVAN In East Oakland, ilarch 17, ohn William Sullivan, a native of Oakland, aged? 22 years, 8 tftmtha and 2J days younfrest son of James and Janet Archer, a native of Oakland, aged 2 years, 3 months' and 20 'days.

i ROWEH -In Haywards, March 14. George C'awmfc a native of falls. aged 59 years and 5 roc ntbs. ORTON In H.m Francisco. March Norton, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 years, 6 months and 14 day JBAlLrJY la to rrauciico, aiarcu liouert ua Verde Bailey, a native of Knlanii, aged 22 years, 9 months and 15 days.

BRADLEY In Han Francireo, March 17. Oscar J. Bradley, a native of New York, aged S3 years and 10 mooths- SLAVLS In Ban Iraacisco, March la, Frank Al.urn a Ireland, azed 50 vears. BUGLES In San Francteco. March 18, Charles S.

Buggies, a native of Connecticut, aged ol years FAULKNER In Saa Francisco, March IS, Geo. H. Faulkner, a native of Massachusetts, aged 63 years. MoLAUGHLIN-In Ireland. February J7, Captafn Daniel McLaughlin.

JORDAN In Sau Francisco, March 18. Charles Jordan, a aativ of Ban Francisco, aged 28 years, 4 months and 16 days. FEREA la San Francisco. March 17, Soss Fcrsa, a native of San years. mouth and 8 Northeast Corner 12th and Harrison Sts FEEDEEIC AETH, (Successors to M.

V. ALLEN) Oakland Carriage Manufactory, Corner Tenth and MR. FREDERICK Invites his numerous friends A. BRITTOX, Secretary." California Relsllnir White Hock Zinfr per Oal.TSe9t1 00 T5e 5 i Q4 TSefJfl OC soia 7f 1 OOil St I Oo(i i i oovrtu or 1 OQX SO I 0 a oo uo a io Claret Via de Or Pluica tel. Port Frontier nan Grape Brandy.

niwallnc Brand j(1876)' 5 0 I oo toar its product pny. ''It seems iirposatble that bettst Oakland. Street, Oakland. suit, wholesale and retail, Telephone 172 I PrnnT'iotnT 1 --i Webster Streets! and patrons made while owner of the Pioneer rof ten years, to give him a call at his new quarters years anu is. uuuoei'eu 1x1 uniuauaui.

AND BEPAIRINO A SPBtMLTl varrtafrea Aiwayi on uana.t -j -1 GEOGER Miscellaneous S. P. NELSON CO. -DEALERS LN- Oils, Lubricating Compounds, And STEAM PACHlMi, Np. IO Commercial Street, Near Oakland Ferry, SAN FRANCISCO.

BELTIMC. LACIXU, ET4'. Goods of I kinds bonght and sold on commission F. T. HALL, House and Carriage Painter, Whitening and Paper Hanging.

Satisfaction guaranteed In every case. Fair and i reasonable prices and the best of work and material. Office Thirteen' between and Webster. Residence 1256 Alice Street. ALL WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.

OAKLAND BREWERY Cor. Telegraph Ave. and Dnrast KRAMM DIEYEV Proprietors Sold from May 1, 1881, to May 1, 1885. 15,506 BARBELS. Delivered to any part of the city and! its suburls.

NEW FEED SfORSi WIJlJLI AW SAjEMKN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FLOUB, HAY and GRAIN. Sixth SL. near Broadway. Goods delivered free of charge to all parts of th city NOTICE! fAjOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT OH i.1 and after this date, we will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any employe of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY, without a written order slgaed by an officer of the company.


practical experience in the manufacture of Pipe Organs, alio in the Tuning and Repairing of Oab'net Organs and Piaco-forte, in New Ynrx, I have settled in Oakland and am rrady. to Renair acd Tune any of these instrnmnt in the beat man ner. AU work guaranteed. Call or Address GEO. N.

ANDREWM, 620 Sixteenth Street. Oakland. RICE Ac WUITK, (- Stalls, i and 6, I Entrance on Twelfth street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Beat Onality -t Meats. Freeh Meats on hand aveij -lo Uam of aUktedst 1 fc-j-- i I a.

a mm vavwj rv.vNJ I 1 i Carriage Factory Painting Department lor more AU JVrtx ri nas oeen wun air. Alien ior six CARRIAGE PAINTING. TRIMMING New and Seeond-n ASK YOUR than i NEW PIONEER New To-Day. .1 Order of the Johaniter, Will examine and fcive consultation to lUetsuffeilDg, helpless sick, FREE OF CHARGE. Patients who! are able to pay a small fee are expected to do so, helping to, defray current expense XO COMPULSORY PAYMENT.

Chronic Diseases, And all apparently hopeless cases specially invited. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Arising in vtrjrin or married life successfully and confidentially treated. ALL MALE DISEASES. Including DELICATE DISEASES OF EITHER SEXi however induced, are treated confidentially HEART, LIVER and KIDNEY DISEASES a Special'.

gr Gout and Rheumatic Diseases not yielding to Animal, Mineral or Vegetable Remedies the natural elements of the ho man nystem will be treated br ELECTRIC and MAGNH.TIC healing power, aided by newest Electric Magnetic Instruments in U8e' Office 436 Eighth Street, Between Broadway Carpenter and Builder; W. A. KNOWM3S, 362, 364, 866 Thirteenth Street, Between Franklin and Webster. Buildings contracted for anywhere on the Coast. Office and Cabinet Work a Specialty- Gas Cooking Stoves ARE ECONOMICAL.

Cooking Stoves, for Sale and to Reel i Heating Stores in Newest Patterns CHEAPER 200 Special Term THAN COAL. in rsE. to Oma Consumers. itsTO SMOKE NO DUST. CALL AND BFE THEM OFFICE! at; Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Co.

S. E. Cor. Ninth and Washington Sts. DR.

LiORYEA'S NEW HAMMAM! 218 POST STBZZT. 8. J. mSZ AND HOST LUXURIOUS- TCRJK-I Uh. Btnelaa, Electric and Medicated Bath Heine ia tbe city.

Open day and flight. Single tickets 1, or twelve for 10 A.

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