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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

--t i ElHLFICrcCE. THE FESTIVAL of tba resolutions to ths San Francisco Bar. Carried. r. Atosila Jadtel Distri3t.

TMs Bf-eMnrs Disnatclies 1 Met YSTfJATlS SOfflffltt sSavUsMsel ReaevelesiS Secretary Wiggin moved that the 9eUaae Taatem la WEDNESDAY. -APKEQ 111877, Chair appoint a Committee of three to confer with: tha Ban Francisoo Bar Association with reference to this move of the Second Day tWAil claue tfltpitimati md terlimentt I not X(iJlrg tix litter, intrrUd in thia col- of t2ieV Alame Comity not txcttdinq tix lout, tntertia in thit coir was ror as i'sn arr awe -i per-Weak Fair. ment. Served by Eight 4 tWAJl ekuom ofltgUHnaU mdvertimmtt not extteding $ix fiso, inotrUd in Sacs tot-mmfor Cent per tettk. t'tr-XotMna intriedfor fast lrTo fid out th number qf lint on mil mat, in tki column, rckon word for tktjlrtt IhU, andvn word.

tWHolMnfitMsrUdfur imt Man SO enU. Ly Mail out tht numb of Unm an nrf- Assoeiaied Press Dispatches the I msr-Ji ointng tnttrtmjpr Kft aw wawi, fetF Tmtnd mut ikd uutir ofiinm aa ad The Chair appointed aa 'such Con An Item sppeared in the i TnTBrnoi a few dayg sines fgard, tha asss of a dsetitoto family in ths First Ward, who bad, beei tnrBsd out of doors on -aaeomnt of 'arrearages fblfMlMiWitlkt1VBVnU mm 99uua 4mm that mi ettaes1 9rtitmnt vriil ma kit. i n.ikiM noil rwcknn tAUeotumnrtckon Srw sportfj for trtt iin, and tfx-tn teord '4 ference Committee, Meaars; P. WigginWm. Van Voorhies and iNo- iH tat Aiaaaoda oeuniy word for tktjlrti lUutndtevn word for oack awoasewa lint.

Tmetiom of Unm The DvavaauaUe KasartAiBBwesit for tack bgun On, fraction tf ivrwacn noqnHt ttM. jrrmcuon aae arscAarged a fiM Unm. are caaryea gaywi ttnm Btaet at tfae 3 jk in rent, and who wars camped out i i itaa eKea-ise aieekefsMT v. mMlaea Bar sMlae Bar WAW'Ara 'lIBABai Judge William Van Voorbiea said wuian I-ast Tfse MUSICAL. DUS1NESS NOTICES." under ths umbrageoua foliage of a live VttS OAKLAND AD VtRTISE- in St.

liy.itlMt that it must follow, sines the legal aMwBB9ns Underwear. sto -t iijslMtib.tT escher, oak, and wars aruggling witb jgrand army of eaterpiHara for a plaos to lay Kif DOKBNg V4B1TE mtSEBSBTBTS LCaa'iS. Wtne atnel Uauerg. business of tba county had increased to such an extent aa to eoesaitate a Ask eel tm'C-1 R32bsiaV i Gold closed la-Vow Tork to-day at 10s flovevuineiit Bonds. USH tor rs of 1S6T, Ml.

Ill Vale Telegph, Nk; StacUagt Legal TMtet are owted kulM aad 97 to FT selling. CDOLPB Or PIABiK nsn 4 The philanthropic members pf the TJ. McDANIEL, WHOLESALE ABB- BE-. tag dealer Sue Imported and domestic tneu weary beads, tbm was His story told the Tbxbubb reporter. and lbs infnrmaHnn IatIomI th Ur.

Rmm. movement for a aeparata Judicial Dis 5tl UJJ aad drawW. tocu each: worth 110 dos. wboleaale; at the MeveHy AocOon flotise 919 Broadway bet, fifth aad 8Uth streets. an-lw Wanted.

I forte 42.3 Han Pabl aveane. Orders received fe sHaswntswY- V' 'J Forauant to call, a goodly naQbar mrI1t orders aollcrlsa: aU wiewe ana unm oods deUrered fn trict, that ths members of tne Hi, of charge. Cur. of Wood snd Ladies' Belief Society every reason to congratulate themselves over the de Tho Southern Hotel De Sevectb itreets. West Osklsnd.Cal.

as-ira at Baker A Hsnobette's amide store. Also teacher ef the fli mtsii tancaaga. apaVdw of members of th Alameda County Seers tary of lbs Oakland Benevolent Society, and which induced that gentleman to extend temporary relief. having been so crowded wltn busineaa, must be flush, and bs would therefore mors that each member come forward cided sucoess whioh crawnsd their en 1 nfllTEN TO BUT NOTIONS, WATCHES, LXfiJ pistols, pocket entlery, table catlery. stroyed 'by fire and Broken sr fevytag HaUDoUanat)iP4.

Bar assembled ia tba Third District Kohlre Saloon. RF. KOHLBB, WfrOLBSALC ABD- BaV teB dealer In roreten aad DomeaUc Wtoes raters, soap, an whlta ttnea haiidkerehhs soiling below wholesale genres; we only ask a b1a: at although he was of tha opinion, on tha terpriae on tha first day of their festival, and to thank the generous citi A Naw MusloBl Method. Mftt diMotmt Md MUiat tkm war coat discount, "fr--f Uvea and contribute two bits to pay for advertising the call for thia meeting uqaors, 1MB jianread a venae. Ueater 8ta Court room, last evaning, to tail sUps fuitkiBg to the aeggregation of Alameda the Novelty A act Ion stare 913 Broadway bet.

Fifth and Sftrth streets. ail-tw statement of acta, tnat It was a UOB, West Oakland. PwtotSco Boa 1S4. TtrnS. LfJELLA BfcABTBTJB.

A 4BADfJATB 111 of MW Holyoke Hemtnarr, wouMl aavtu ta alteBtkiB at frtemls and tba nablic to the fact Trad Dollars are an.iia la this marks at zens of Oakland for the practical and for ths action of tha Supervisors. Such aa-lm himself and Mr. Martin having ordered ammt from ana can jrrancueo) unuutt MM nnvinaendgTH aniline. cases, nowever, are always tnoroughly hearty manner in which they are re tha advertisements Shoes, FIBB A880BTBEBT OF LADIES AND cent's boats and shoes far 91 a of the iniru uaioiai xnainci. aowni investivsted by ths offloers of the So South Objection being offered, Judge Van I CanBu BepchliCAB) The UtwpooITkMl ntejrkes to advast so-day a 11 td to lis Mail OaWotrata and sponding to the four-days' appeal to that she has evened a school foe Piano, Harp, and Vacal Cottars.

Her method Is the soonest sad heat knew, saving years ot practice te beginners, and to those more adTsiced. The Elomttoe, Vocal and Physical Culture, Beading, kecnatioa. s. TBB AXTOBBBia PBBSBBT i i 1 ciety, and it new transpires that lbs blankets, clock most be sold at once; at the Oyster and Chop House. MOCfiEAp'8 PtOBEEB 0TSTBB ABB Chop Hones, has keen wml aad Is new opened at the new place, corner ef KaUroad aeoas andOedar sfreet, taactioa ol tha Berkeley railroad.

Prlvata rooms for ladies. ss-tm vooxnieaTentaraea, wiui Ktout psvuiua. their benevolence. Ths object in view, inrfiiiMii famfl am a. "hvt wi.tft.

novelty Auction House SIS Broadway batweea lis to jji Md forolah. j. i 1 i that if this motion wag defeated at least Were 'County Judge Stephen Q. Nye; Court Commiaaioner B. A.

Bedmond, and delivery of urUToai uemposiuon, win oe wa to provide a borne with ample accom One of ths sons has for soma time ren two! members of the Bar would bs iter the direction of Mrs. Dr. Aafostsv Brown. airta ana sutn streets. siMw Carpets Cleaned and Laid.

fABPBT8 TAKEN OP. CLEANED BT BEAT-J ingklacblneand htM asain th same day If The necessary easts tor modations for Mulier's saloon. good reading, sseaklng Ialty. All persons who FLO CnV Extras are steady at 91 lT Denutv District Attorney Bobart L. dared himself odious has been and ia now terror to the neighborhood.

aad stnaina.lsmsdeasDecu forced into bankruptcy, as ths advertising bills aggregated about $4. T) AIL BOA AVENUE. COB. Ol" CEDAB Hoxxxjcas CBXLDBBH MeKae. ex-Distrief Attorney" A.

A XV street; best of wtoes, liqoors and dears coa- ebL WHEAT quote shipping at S3 003 10; tiiM mniinv. aa 11 a ett. Taa motion waa put, wnen. Air. River and Harbor Appropriations.

I Two or three nearly grown-up daugh-. I tare manage to dress finely, and oo aaaq. roe i lawee, etc Whose parents are dead, or otherwise oo- (an interested party) voted sea im voice mere- waa war evaioary eowrei-aatioa wig and oar method tke very best for de-vetoplng. strensthenlns and preserving It. Lessons private or in classes.

Boobm at No. est wet ha etreet, aoar Breadway Oaklaad. Bates will be reduced to papOs eeauaenclng before the Moore, ex-8eretary of State Wm. Van Yoorhiea, Jdga Nobla Hamilton, Judge 8. F.

Daniels, Zacb Montgom- 'aye," In a whispered yell, all the iSUT-W toot feed at 41 MX. thrw.Mdtaxrnnc $1 861 49. gold. OATS We euote the range at 91 S5da incapacitated by emne, poverty, or dissipation for oaring for them, baa reqnired. Orders through the Poetogtee or la Order Bos, wiser of Tenth and Broadway ia front of Drag store win reeetve prompt attea-tlon by John Payne.

a Iw Couehlln. HOC8E AND. SIGN PAINTER, 919 SIXTH street, bet. Washtnstoa Clav. Oakland.

Wood and Coal. CLOOBET O'BSIES HAVB OPENED A jew wsad and eeal raid on ths corner ef 7th aad Petatta streets. Oanetaatlv aa hand a well. latin WltMrairaL cupy a large portion of their time in enjoying the cheap and doubtful lux nryof riding to and fro on the local trains, a pastime they are especially im.a apnt r'J. a.

Martin. Marcus P. WlSKin, others (except Van Voorbiea voting in the negative, amid a loar of laugh been thoroughly explained to the pub NkwYobk, April 11th. The Times' A. E.

Costello, John Yule, Bobert J. selected stock of coal aad wood. Orders solicited I instruction on tne Guitar. ter. POTATOES The autktiil weak at 90fg0e e.

for ell grades. Ui wamwi iwIm of sood to choice at STJsO lic in the columns of the Tsebuhb, and Christie. J. H. Shankland, and JC.

Washington special says; Chamberlain's A DIES ABB GBNTLE31EN WfSBINQ IB- Board Ins; and Lodatfnar. Granting, whitening A paper haagtng pvempuy Judge Van Voorhies "Well. aU I've done. as-bn Webster, besides number of county AJ etractaoa oa ta Ualtar. aocerdbsg a the lataatand BMatlmnnived method, can receive the TCBEDBICKSCUAV TSEB WILL OPKlf TBE withdrawal excites surprise here, for his etl.

has become generally understood and appreciated. The affairs of the Hems at Temescal have heretofore been so fond of after nightfall and until late hours. Ths temporary relief extended to these suffering people has been vary properly eat off. HAT Tha astraaiaa aia von- got to aay is, that that vote's mighty heavy on the printers." Benewed same by secaring the sen toes of Br. W.

i. Bost-wick. PnpUs Ttstted at taetr homes ia any part officers and other spectators. TBB OBOAB1ZATIOB. BTftAW Quia at 75o --oauraaa Avenue natal and estaaraatn a theTth day of April; new banding, and ta every partlcalar a flrst-dase hotel.

Northwest eeraaref Raftroad aveaeeand Chester street. recent utterances led to the belief that he would resist to- the bitter end. The etl. BDGKWHKAT QaotoMa at $1 Mr ef the city. Terms reasonable; for panicnlars carefully managed, and ths store.

1161 caB at ker A Hancbett's mssle naze lUt Democrats are delighted, as are the ex Jt lands at 4 tne disposal oi tne rOTQBE kfEETIMOB. Mr. Martin, remarking that it might streets, OaVlanoV mZlf Society have alwsys been so judiciously Judge Wm. Tan Yoorhiea called the meeting to order and suggested the name of Hon. Zaoh Montgomery for Chairman, and the last-named gentle Orooery.

i- -s, BL GLOVE It HAS OPENED, IB as style, a new eroosrv ea the aorta- Y1BO. JI S' laid out, that tne people not only approve the enterprise but have the full Augustus A. Rosenberg, TkBOrEnSOB OWBtUSIC. RXSPKOTF ULL be necessary to bold meetings frequently between the present time and Retrenchment 1 ATO 99 FEB CENT. SATB A DOLLAB XJ wbea yon can, and buy your groceries at the Bed Mar Tea store, at 10 to-SO per cent, leas than ever oflered before; remember the place.

Bed Star Tea Store, No 911 Eighth street, near Clay. aMw Florist. MRS. at. D.

KELLOGG. WILL BELL HEB pot planta, aad assorted variety of the best kinds at auction prices to doe out those ea head; boo nets, wreathe, iroioti and cut flowers to order; alas a lawn mower for sale at S8 00. at Clinton station depot, Bast Oakland; orders promptly attended to. aHm treme Bepublioaos. The latter believe the affair A Cabinet officer said to-day; Chamberlain has acted with admirable wisdom and firmness, and of Blsht and (Jhester streets.

The est confidence in the honesty and man was unanimously chosen, and finest stock of (rocertas, wines and sale cheap for cask, litre htm a caO. the assembling of the Legislature, REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. The following real estate traaaae-tions have beenjplaoed upon record in the County Becordar's office since our last report: TDBSOAT, APRIL 10. Estate of Henry Durant to Frank Feister (confirmation of sale) Lot 6, Informs too raaldaoU of Oakland end vtela. Ity that be will receive poplU for thorough ia-stractlonoa the piano or in staging.

He will exercise the ntmoet care to develop a correct and ability of those who have it in charge. hriaflr explained the object of the In a word, the meeting. Marcus P. Wiggin, moved that when the meeting adjourn it do so subject to the published call SITUATIONS WANTED. a elected Secretarv.

tasMrol style of execution, and by dtacarding everythtaa that leads te prodaoe a mere snper-edal with maftlc be will eadeavor EETKRPET8E HAS BECOME POPCXJLB, of tne unairman I CORS In gooaaamaiia BTB-Qaotabla at 1 ett. GKOUND BAELET Sailing from tne mllU ton. OiL OAKS ITIAlr Tie mill prtoa $33 60 a ton, with tba nraal diaoesnt to tha trade. BAH Tha mUl prioa la It ton, BOTTKB AND OBXKSB loUowing ara thajobmnfratoa. riiTOUnrlng ara Jobbing ratot HaraAfiS par dot.

Judge Noble Hamilton moved' the Chair annoint a committee of three to secure ise rapxi aaTancement oi pa pun wwsra Judge Nye "The Chairman to pay Situation Wanted. the will applaud his course. This morning Senator Patterson, who earnestly urged Chamberlain to contest his claims, expressed his apprehension that he would formally surrender wheit the troops were withdrawn from So popular, in fact, that tha success of the Fair now in progress is assured be that mar thoronch kaowledm ef me the cost of pabluuung the call. A WOMAN LATELT TBOM THB BAST IS desuions of Drocnrlna a altastloB as nnw: plot 13, V. and V.

PeralU Kancbo, on resolutions. rarely acquired nnder maay of tha exlattng math-ads of teachlna. The motion waa carried and the yond a doubt. The Tmbuki yesterday 'iF Jndse Nve asked the object of the I luuy oonmwat; lerms moaerate. Mrs.

v. At Pot farther Information, terms, apply to meeting adjourned, after which a col ot nenrv luraat to rancuco i tooay. at sure, corner of 43 street gave a complete description of the in RodoiBh 1001. Broadway, Oakland; or at Committe onBeeolutions. atWw Pt-T -r.

07 klnlr Tt. Vi. I SIM 14 block mrtrienca. AUG. A.

BOSKNBXKG. lection was taken up to pay advertis- the State Housei Patterson called at Hamilton explained it was to terior decorations of the pavilion and described the various tables and booths VB Twentieth street, near Takaende, gan Pran- Stationery- ROTAL AULD, DEALEB IN SCHOOL books and miscellaneous; books and Stationery of all kinds; newspapers and periodlaala, pocket entlery, legal blanks, fancy articles, etc 467 Ninth sleet, near the roetonVse, Oakland. man Fringes and Trimmings. MB. A.

COLOMBAT, FROM PARIS TS MAS nf aetnrlns to order all kinds of 1 rinses ia Homestead. $281 16. Situation Wanted. leto. suggest such measures and make such a showins aa would convince the next in detail.

Last evening the tent was OAKLAND BREVITIES thronged with a concourse of people Legislature of the urgent necessity of T-, W. BENBT. IM PORTER AND DBALBB AJ. in nunc Box, ana manufacturer of tne BT A TIBST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS, TJBDEB-stands all kinds of family aewlnc, catting I and flitting; understands the Wheeler and uson and Florence Machine and would do Pbt chamber-work, or would go oat by the day. No objections to the conntry.

Apply at No. 16S, Southwest cor. of Twelfth and Jsckoa street. Hw Situation Wanted The 50-mile mnstanw raoe takes edebrsted Geneva Hare AecotnDaniment. which making Alameda county a separate Judicial District.

can be attached to any mast box. Bepalrmg of Estate of Henry Durant to Dennis Neatny, 2.30 acres of block 7, Wetmore tract, $600 per acre. E. Bigelow to Wm. Atkinson Lots 11 and 12, block 441, Oakland, $1,200.

Charles Newton and wife to John D. Hooker 35 and 92-100 acres of the southerly portion of Richardson tract, and adjoining marsh land; (agreement to convey for) $83,000. place at Oakland Park toorrofs. Ihe Chair then appointed aa such who came to witness the amateur dramatic entertainment and to enjoy the succeeding dance. Owing to a mistake in regard to trains the audience was kept waiting for at least a half wrkHWwejaiaitois of an hour after the At unto rioxes specialty.

U'aarreu street, eat Francisco. afi-hu Silk, Worsted, Chenille, Gimp, Cords, Teasels, Buttons, etc, latest styles, at reasonable prices. 106 8toektoa bet. O'Farrell and Geary, Saa Francisco. J2S-m Boy's and Men's Clot hi ns.

Committee Judse Noble Hamilton the White House to see the Presides! and make a final remonstrance against the removal of the but was unable to see him for tha-reaaon that the Cabinet was in session Upon learning of OiaaberlsinV; jwithdrawal, Patterson said that he was not surprised, but expressed great indignation- at the course of the President, which made Chamberlain's withdrawal a necessity. He says, now that the President has rec A called mee ting of Alameda No. 36, B. A. at 7j30 this.

Comt Commissioner B. A. Bedmond eBNBRAX. HSBCHiNDWB. BAaS-Staadard Wheat Saetaara haldat tXoXe apiece; Wool for SftH ISTcalontU doublMeW Potato lie apiece; Tlow SaokM'9 Me (or amaUalM and 8o for large aiae.

BROOhW Hasnf aetarera qnoto aa followa-Oommon. 3 60 and $3 for tha three nam-here; Comma Braid. $1 60, $1 and $3 1 60; Car pet. S. $9 60 and 94; Extra, 64, $4 80 and S5; 60,66 and $6 60; Ship $260; Brewery, $6 and Toy and Wiap, 78 60 doaen.

according to alae. and, County Judee Stephen G. Nye BT A STRONG, HARD WORKING WOMAN, with a tittle girl about seven years old; would so a short distance In tho conntry, and time announced for the peformance Judge Nye You'd better appoint evening. Thomas Boss, for drunkenness, work reasonable wacea. Aoolv at aitlrs' 1ST GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES.

909 men's eaasimere suits from 99 dollars upwards, too boy's casslmere suits from 99 upwards, at Bornstetn 9M Market street, opposite Fourth, earner Stockton street, San Fran Professional Dressmaking. Wm. stokes and Aiirea wood to 4. to begin. But the tent was rendered some other arentleman than myself, Employment office, HI Eighth near Clay, sew MRS.

U. B. DKTOLL, LATE FROM CBI-nasn vlclnltr. aaa had IS rears exDsrience. The Chair No, that matter was left sentenoed by Judge Jayne this morn so attractive by floral adornments, the music was -so charming, and the au cisco, i se oneapen ctotning oonae ue ciw, i aad will irlve the ladies her services as cutter and with the Chair.

nMa Street cars pass i me ooor. I ing to pay a fine of $6. Situation Wanted. A WOMAN WISHES TO GO OUT TO WORK by the day: a sood bouexleaner and worker. Address bH.

8." this office. as-lw for 92 per day; also dress making done in highest dience so entirely, in sympathy with the object of the enterprise and in ognized Hampton, (Patterson) is pre Nlnht School. County i School Superintendent style ot ert at residence, ww leiegraptt-a. ve. so-im TNRTRUCTION GIVEN IN ALL THB BBS M.

Shotwell and E. W. Burr Lot 4, block 27L Caaserly tract on Fourteenth street, trust. J. E.

Whitcher to Kate Shepherd Southerly line of Twenty-sixth street 232 feet of Grove street, 50x12.1$ feet, $200. J. P. Still to John Aylesward Water right and right-of-way for aocmeducta, waters of Arrogo Mogo, section 3fr, Mur such good humor with themselves and Lynch has fixed upon Saturdays and FOR SALE. A.

llah branches and If desired, tn Latin aad Greek. Charge moderate. Apply at 717 Tenth street, mS-tf Mondays aa his office days. MBS. LEAKS' ST8TEX OF DRESSMAKING and Cuing taaght by Mrs.

D. D. Me Wade; alsodreasmaklns neatly done. Corner 12th are. Spltx Dei The British iron ship "Biver Lune" pared to recognize Hamburg Butler, and vote to admit him las Senate from South Carolina.

A Trlbat te Canatrlala. New Yoke, April 11th. The York Times says: Governor Chamber-lain has quitted with dignity a position XjHB SALE A MA LB SPITZ DOS, FINB and East 16th East Oakland. nSTJ-lm is discharging English coals at Long MINING STOCK REPORT. gMeUnj Tetoiraphed to tta Ballj Evwilaf Trib." Ham raAXCuoo, Aran.

11. The following aalea were made In tha Ban randjaoo Stock and Exchange Board thia aaomlng: Momma aianoii. 330 Ophlr' 1515 116 Balcher tM Boot Blacking, i PALACE, IS THE NAME OF THB OLD-BS tabttsbed Boot Blrck stand, ho. 465 Seventh etreet; as we have re-arranged and fltted up nicely. It la the place to get a coed shine; do not Wharf.

She will load with wheat for a. wmianair. uau ai see sag nut street. alMw For Sale or Exehangs OAKLAND PROPERTY. ONE matched spaa ot Bay Horses: 19 hands high.

ray township, at- A. B. Larmer to D. McFraser corner of Union aad Thirteenth streets everybody else, that no fault-finding growls were heard and no manifestations of Impatience. The play was the laughable farce of "Ici on parle Francais," and was very creditably rendered.

The cast was as follows: "Major Regains Rattan," by J. King Goodrich; "Victor Duqois," by Jas. Perkins; "Mr. Sprigging," by Sumner W. Bugbee; "Mrs.

Spriggins," by Miss Mary Gamble; "Angelina," by MRS. HATES BA8 REMOVED HEB DBES8-maUng estabUehment from Bo. 131 Turk street, San Francisco, to No. 568 sixteenth street, between Clay and Jefferson. Handsome silk suits Europe.

forget tha place. J. MART ELL, Proprietor. The steam yacht, built at North made from 1J to 14 dollars. Casblmere suits from Beach for General Thomas EL Wil TM Hex iTg uonna which he filled with marked ability, and whose maintenance has of late required no common amount of personal bravery and self-denying ftatriotism.

The tri 9 to 10 dollars. References: Mrs. Charles Ad-ler, Ull Post street; Mrs. Houser.Ul Hyde street; Mrs. Wstormsn, Sit Tyler street; Miss Addle Goldstein, Hyde street; Mrs.

Blum, SM Eddy 33.3x100 feet, block 666, Oakland, $300. -tl-, Frederick Delger te Henry Vrooman Lota 14 and 15, block Grove tract, $5,000. i Geo. Tait to D. L.

Emerson Lot 12, .494 38 1080 Ok 410 8 Her. weigm uiw ids eaca, agea years; gooa travelers; flae and stylish kind to drive; either single or double; also one open tronry and set of doable harness. For particular address or can on Mll-bnry A Bnrleeon.s07 Broadway. sio-lw Piano for Sale. A CALLABD UPRIGHT PIANO IN FIB3T- JUDOS NTS SPSAKS.

Hamilton and Bedmond withdrew to the rear of where Judge Nye was sitting for the purpose of conferring with that gentleman on the subject-matter of the resolutions, when Judge Nye arose and said he thought it would be well to take more time, and ascertain what amount of work had to be performed by the Third District Court, and compare its labors with those of other Districts. Just then the Committee passed by where he was standing, when he continued, pointing to the other members of the Committee "I suppose they'll go on and draw up the resolutions while I'm making my speech." Laughter. Judge Hamilton explained that the object of this Committee was to propose some plan by which we could go and gst together information that would oonvinoe the Legislature that we ought to have a separate Judicial liams of this city, will be launched this week. uitRtB. 33a34 388 Utah.

.3 4 Auction House 11O0 4018841 9t oiuiihi street, end several other ladles or ban Erancteco. Ladles taught how to cot and flu a34, Milliner and Dressmaker. The name of the Oakland Glee Club DOBT TAIL TO SEE "UNCLE BILLY" BB-fore he goes to Hong Song; new songs witty sayings aad lota ot fun combined with lots of business at the Novelty AnctWn House SIX has been changed to "Morgan Glee block 276, Caaserly tract, Fourteenth street, $4,250. Michael Foley to Stephen Haley Lot dass order for sale on account of removal from this city. OaU.or address 116 Franklin 4 50 ....30 AH 608 ,3 6003 40 ...904 Broadway net ween rmn ana six in streets.

116 Eiohqr. 38 Bel. 1130 Omnn. 40 Justice. 178 Saccor.

1170 Union. 1000 1398 Calado. WANTED-THE LADIES' ATTENTIOB to be called to our new stock of millinery goods. Dressmaking a speciality. Call and see.

st No. 980 Washlncton street, nnder NIcuoU Club," in honor of Prof. Morgan, its founder. 738 80c 17T0 OotT.38H(37 130OhoUar. 36 6S8CrPt thaw 110 Jacket 1830 0 Imp.

1 1691 3lo 30 Kentock 6 8 136MH streets aaiw For Sale. ORGAN FOB SALE VERT CHEAP, AT Bodolph A Go's. 1009 Broadway. mt-tf umph of Hampton is one of force, not of right. The time will oonae when the heroic struggle against the dishonest element of his own party and the lawless tactics of his political opponents will be recognized more clearly than to-day as one of the brightest pages of the checkered history of Southern reconstruction.

Block. nxa-H au iw Shirts. JUST RECEIVED A JOB LOT OF WHITE bosoms shirts; worth 99 each for 79 cts at One of the horses on ths Oakland Miss Ella Bugbee; "Julia," by Miss Irene Van Dyke; "Anna Maria," by Mrs. Sumner Bugbee. THE BXCHPTB TESTEBDAT.

The receipts at the various tables and booths and from tickets to luncheon' yesterday, and the' receipts for admission to the dramatic entertainment last evening, were aa follows: The Fancv Table presided over by-Mrs. F. S. Page, waa well patronized, her receipts footing up at $120. 22, block 445, Bnggs' tract, $700.

T. Banks to John Ziegenbien Lots 1 and 2, block 529; lota 1 to 8, and 10, block 528, and lota 1 to 11, block 698. Oaklaad, agreement to convey for) $40,700. John Zlegenbien to John F. Hammer Lot 23, subdivision of John Ziegen- Patterns.

THB SPRING ST TLB OF LADIES FASH-ionable dress patterns at Mra. T. B. But A Barsaln. tne novelty Auction House iu uroaaway street-car line waa accidentally injured yesterday in a collision with a run nmisii ArrcBMOOii axaaioM.

all-tw Fifth aad Sixth streets. 170 Lady W. ..154 309 Leopard .393 60 T70B SALE A MEW GRAND WEBBEB PMum, which cost 9S50, wttl be eoM tor 9500; the Instrument has never been used and ts In as perfect eondltlon as when it left the factory. away team. ler's, ts Market street, ratace iiotet vuiniog, rAan Francieco.

Patterns cut to exact measure, and warranted to lit. Bo alteration Is necessary In making garments cut by Mrs. T. B. Butler's Semlsi CreUsui Reambliewa 236 .10910 i Hats.

1 nfiflASSOBTED HATS JTJ8T ABRTVEB 1UUU from Bew Tork for 1 each; latest styles; at the Novelty Aactloa House 919 Broad- Henry Gawley and Barney Moulton 100 forms easy, inquire at tnis once. me-tt patterns. JSa-sm 90 30 Alpha 11 SWAndea. 60070c 36 Belmont lH 160 Baltimore 40c ISO 6S8H 1360 Bfc 938 Con 9814938 9S Calif lOSOOaledO 9 8694 For Sale. Removal.

District. Lrrm raost judos kt'ucs. While the Committee was in consul New York, April 11th. The Times Columbia special says: Ja pro nOMaahta 69 66NCoeo .....4 MADE A MAGNIFICENT OPERA CLOAK, were this morning each aentenoed to pay a fine of $6 for drunkenness, by Judge Jayne. Inquire at thia Jin.

in inoia, vaioea a ya. omce. way bet, rtrtn ana euttn streets. simv Socks. ALABGT INVOICE OF COTTON AND WOL-len socks at 76 eta and 91 per alee British and Shaker hose at 93 per at the 600 KT bien property, $4,000.

Abel Peralta to Jose Alcayaga Lot 21, block 7, Jnse Domingo tract, $200. In re of J. Meritiew Bankrupt, setting apart as homestead lota 19 to 24, block 21, Brooklyn, by his assignee in bankruptcy. MBS. A.

8. BAKEB HAS REMOVED TO her aew rooms In the new Bank Building, corner Twelfth street and Broadway, aad now baring faculties for extending her business, is tation Judse Van Voorhies said that Mrs. Hpear and I'ernne, at tne icecream table, took in $40. Miss D. I.

Hamilton, who had charge of the lemonade stand took in $7 15. And now the barbers of this city are ...1 15 himself and Mr. Martin had addressed prepared to do cutting ana a lung in with the making department. iWni Novelty Auction House 919 Breodway between Fifth and Sixth streets. alHw 40 850 H.

OonVe 60o 838 Ophlr 15914 1100 27038 (50 Prospect 95c 300 15c For Sale. JUST ARRIVED SIX HEAD OP FINE horses suitable for driving, family and business purposes. Cheap, at Tlakbam A ButterfleM, Grand Central Htable. Eleventh, between Frank- a note to Judge Sam. Bell McEee, of talking of organizing, and on a given day shaving one side only of the face of each delinquent.

found depression in the, KApublican ranks. Already the Democratic newspapers have mapped out changes, in the Constitution by which die Republican majority shall be suppressed. The Legislature will be called together In two weeks. .19018 156 Cr 780 MS 698 909 a Char 630 Ok REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10! the Third District Court, requesting him to be present at themeeting, and nn anq wanner streets. mn-u .3136 Bay Ely 4 wrw or mTrmTrrS-t, For Sale- Mrs.

Palmer and Mrs. McAllister, in charge of the flower booth, sold flowers to tne amount of $10. Mrs. George Perrine, in charge of the candy stand, received $10 50 for 908 9 Hill in reply had received the following Collections. HAVING DISPOSED OF MT DRUG 8TOBB to Messrs.

Edwards A De Wttt, aB persona uiiiiil mil en i nf i iisn i il In i an anil nilllu liiiamg ately.orelse the acceuot will be given to a eaa lor for collection. B. J. VAN VOORHIES Corner of Eleventh and Broadway streets. Cows for sale.

Kate Flynn, found guilty in the Po FINE COTTAGE OBjrFlVE 385 MOT JU 17BE8H MILCH COWS FOR SALE. EN Jalia H. Carr. The remains of John H. Carr, eon of Professor S.

Carr, State Superintendent of Publio Instruction, who committed suicide at Sacramento on Sunday, were brought to Oaklandyea- lice Court this morning of drunken letter: Oakland, April 10, 1877. 1970 3ft 118 Justice. 889 Koesath $2,250. Aroon I terms I For full A gulre ef J. TyrreL Sheriff office, Oakland.

ao-lw 36 Utah. 13X913 175 30 Ward 60e 00 down balance en very easy term. nartlcnlarB see Marston A Adama. Sevi 9S00 down hab parttculare set was sentenced to five days' im Mtftru Van Voorkiet and J. C.

Mar a Fraah SsiilAtt Caw. enth and Washington streets, Oakland. VtS lATi'a SOOLeeda 3 tin: Gkntubxm I have just received prisonment in the City Prison. TMIS BALE TOCNQ AND GOOD CON DI- yonr note requesting my attendance at a aMW v- For sale JP. tton.

A pplv at IS13 Teiegraoh avenue, oppo- County Becorder Smith scalded his SMW Character Reader. MME P.B. F.MASSON THE WELL-KNOWN French teacher, reader of Character, faculties, etc; win be at No. 469 Twelfth street, room Nos. II and every day for the next ten daya, from 1 1 a.

x. to p. where she will bold con street. Oak lard. aS-tw street, Oakland.

site Charter BORN. meeting oi me memoers oi we oar oi Alameda Countv. to be held this evening. band badly with hot grease, while LOT 21 1 100 ON FIRST ST BEET AND U)T SxTS oa Brush street, both near Market I am sorry that I can not attend, but I frying fish, in camp, on the bank of street denot: verv eheao If eoM within ten dsvs. The quo warranto suits against State officers are not likely to be waited for by the Democratic candidates.

They will probably enforce their demands to-morrow, and get their places, and so the last veetages of Republican rule will diaap-pear before the close of the week. BrlaaeSsvew Fire avt St. Loata. St. Louis, April 11th.

A fire broke out in the Southern Hotel at 1 o'clock sultations. sv-Tw apply to n. r. meaoa. stoat aaau ngens, new Broadway.

a7-4w will gladly do anything within my power to nromote the object which tou have in candies dispensed. The receipts of Misses May Kirk-ham, Dora Pearson, and Susie Davis, at the fish-pond or grab-bag, were $15 55. The little girl's table, presided over by Kitty Kirkham, Lou Wall, Florence Perriue, Julia Bray and Alice Weston, waa well patronized their receipts footing up at $24 20. Mrs. Alexander's receipts last evening for admission to the dramatic entertainment were $140.

The receipts for lunch-tickets used Business Wanted To Let. TN OAKLAND. ON FIRST STREET BET. tW.J aa Tf 111 Dtl IBOBAIlf In Alameda April to the wife of B. H.

Inglainason. Shipping Intelligence. OAKLAND. prU 18TT. view.

Everr lawyer of the District For Sale. terday by the grief-stncken parenta. Tha funeral of the unfortunate young man will take place to-morrow at 10 o'clock a. from tha Congregational Churchy Bev. M.

Molean, officiating. Deceased waa a native of Vermont, and aged 24 years. Three years ago an elder brother waa crushed to death on the Alameda railway. Since the above waa in type we hear knows that the Thud Judicial District JA. MOOBE, PAINT PAPER rooms whitened aad tinted In ad colors; an work warranted.

Order slate at Kester A Oe's M. oivwuway awavu ar ieysjsusi ixsesiaaniiBa nvvoh (brick building,) rooms, bath, hot and cold AT A GREAT SACRIFICE, A NEW AND beautiful cottage or Ave rooms, bay win- aa at: present organized, must be changed. southeast corner of Tenth and Broadway. down, inside Minds, pantry, gas and water-pipes The leeal business oi tne two iototb can Palomarie Creek, last Thursday evening. P.

Bobinson, the well-known attorney of San Franoiaoo, removed hie family to thia city to-day, taking np his residence on Jackson street, above Thirteenth. "Oakland Maid," who arrived today from San Mateo, to take part in not be dispatched by one Judge. There water; everytatag in nrst-ciaas oraer; garaen attached to the same. Enquire ea the preinlaes. akVw To Let Furnished.

BOABDING HOUSE OB PRIVATE HOTEL; hi rooms haadsomelv furnished, and In first- in bouse; merme manteu patent water ciosei, sewer; lot XSx74 feet; only 1 blocks from a rati road station; la worth ti, 000: price guno cash. Balance in I rears. ADDtr to E. J. Kellejr A s7im L.

Hutten WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OT Oakland rthat he has bought out tho meat are six hundred cases on the trial calen darof the Court of the District in San 414 Seventh street, Oakland. nvS-tf this morning. The building, six stories in height, is a total loss. Between 40 and 50 lives are supposed to be lost. But few of the employees, some 200 in nam ber, have been heard from.

Loss, Insurance unknown. dass location now doing a strictly first -dass busi Francisco, and the business of that Court alone requires the presence of a presiding that the Coroner's Jury in tho case, returned a verdict to the effect that they were unable to decide whether market oa Fourth and Webster streets, and ta prepared to furnish the best quantity ef meats at reasonable price aB4w For Sate. A HOUSE AND LOT FOB BALK OS THB ness; ran tn rooms ail day. Todd, Dye A Beal Estate and House A rents, cor. Broadway ftchr Emm Johnson, from CallfornU City, with bricks for BemlU A Bros.

UoopO li Place, Place, from San Trandaeo, with coel for Ayert A tioraet. -LONO WHkBUHlPPIHB. Arrirael. 8chr Abe Lincoln, Basmassen, raUraad ties for Co. MsUla.

gchr. kf erttkew. Banaea, for 9 T. A Installment man. two Mocks from Broad udge every judicial aay in tne year.

And the accumulated and constantly in a-lw and aaeventn streets, Oakland. way Station. House with all modern Imprevo-mente. Inquire at How A Doolittle'e Paint creasing business of. the Court in this To Let.

tha trot at Oakland Trotting Park Saturday with "Occident," is reported to Store corner Ninth and Broad war, opposite yesterday were $40. The receipts tor the sale of cigars at the stand presided over by Mrs. L. G. Cole, were $9 65.

The receipts at the Fancy Table presided over by Miss Crane. Miss Hattie Raymond and Miss Hussey were $36 60. Up to 1 o'clock to-day the subscriptions to the Bust of the late Mayor Durant were $50. "TICE EW STORE 94x40 ON BROADWAY Ferdinand-Sleotte. MANTJFAOTUBER OF ALL KINDS OF cantsgea, renatrtng done with unerases.

Weed work aaWpflerting strictly attended to. Our shoeing csnnot be exoeUed. Bast side ef Wood etreet near B. B. Avenue, Wast Oakland, mio-lm Union wank.

The ladders being unable to reach the be in fine condition. XV only 930 OS. Apply to 8 P. Meads. Beal e7-lw Estate Agent, 1IS0 Boradwav.

Carr a death waa accidental or suicidal. EtoII ef KICMaer. Following ia tha roll of honor for Layfayette School for tha month of March: Fifth Grade Annie Brewer, Nellie Lowrey, Bessie Allen, Grace The Berkeley Real Estate Union. Patrick Muldoon. found guilty in sixth story, none were saved in this way.

QOBNEB U1TIVEBSTTT ANT 8HATTUCK avenues, opposite tha railroad terminaa, Berkeley. Houses bnflt aad sold on the inetaSment in the Police Court this morning of using indecent language, was held to appear to-morrow morning for sen Fuel. SHAKESPBAB A WALTER SELL' WOOD and Coal of all kinds at their yard, No. U-Eleventh street, as cheap as cash, any aa Arm tot county is sufficient for any one Judge. Under these circumstance justice cannot be administered without great delay and much vexation and loss to litigants in the two Courts.

I therefore hope that you may succeed in the movement which you are, about to commence. Yours, sincerely, S. B. McKex. On motion the letter waa ordered spread upon the minutes of the meeting, whereupon Secretary Wiggins remarked, sotto voce.

"As Exhibit TBB OOBCBBT TO-HIOHT. To Let. 6BEW HOUSES, FOUR BOOMS EACH -UN Third street, between Broadway and Franklin streets, south side. Bent 1 14, cut wster free. Apply on the premise.

D. NBARNEY. mTf-tf To Let. HOUSES AND BOOMS, FURNISHED AND unfurnished. Apply at a.

P. MEAD'S Beal Estate Office, 1180 Broadway. mii7 tf tence, with bail fixed at f40. pUa Land for sale tn aU parts of Five women were rescued from the fourth story. Kate Claxton, the actress, had another narrow escape.

Several were killed jumping out of the windows, etkvr IbfaqMtefaws. St. Louis, April 11th. The Southern Hotel in this city was destroyed by fire at 2 o'clock this morning. About SO lives no cut ot laiaiw.

mayon House Movlrra-. WALTER 8UEELL, HOUSE MOVER AND Raiser, Seventh street, between 'FrankUa Professor Simonds, Court House gardener, places bis patent, portable, and Webater. Oakland. All Orders Prom imptty LOST. tended to flhra EsMals with wheat.

Ship eokdea Gate. Kempe, with wk-aU -Bark Osmya, 8aanders, eeal for 0 Co. Bark Severe He Intyre, coal for Co. Bhlp Lane, Bobson, coal for CPRM Co-gchr Abe Lincoln, Basmassen, railroad ties tor WDOo. LEGAL NOTES.

ThftcAae of Amei n. Qifford wag on trial again to-day before Court Oommis aJoaer Eedmond Judge Lorenzo Sawyer, of the D. 8. Circuit Court, goee to OregOD on Saturday next, te bold Court. House to Let.

Mare Lost. Rooky Mountain revolving fountain ho near the sidewalks aa to drive passing pedestrians into tho middle of the street. OUSB OF te BOOMS AND BATH: ALL T7 D. H. CAM PBELL.

401 SEVENTH STREET A SOB BE MA BB ST BATED FROM THB mooern tmprevemenia; gooa siaote on ue JCi Agent mr Oakland; Faskln's, Endnal Station Boberson, Sadie Wise, Frank Brown, ing, Charles Weston and Emma Porter. Sixth Grade Willie Burrall, If ollie Hutchinson, Jennie Baker, Carrie Benson, Gail Swan, Willie Whalin, Fred Fassett, Lucy Smith, Jeaaa Bur-ran, Sallie Woods, Lottie Stonebarger, Edith Thornton, Sadie Lambert, Katie Dart, Jakie Woener, Lottie Stephenson, Nettie Whitney, Harry Banner, Frank Deal, May Bobinson, Warren Thompson, Graoe Fisher, Graee Gage, James Farno, Clara Farno, George Fountain and Edith Cook. n. premises of W. L.

Goodwin, at West uea-iand. on Mondav nhrht: branded 8 on the right premises, euusxea souin srae weuin. kiwwb Weet and Brash. Applyto Lnke Doe, 968 Broad Agent for Alameda; Pepot 719 latngsns stieet. Abo Bateman, of this city, who has way.

aio-iw- hip. The ander will return the same to the owner st toe corner of Twelfth and Caaipbeil street, and been down in Arizona for some months FINANCIAL. Astrologer. MBS. ROLOtiXRAND FOBTTJNB teller; also consult on stocks.

Clay street, third door below Seventh. Oakland. neVtf i- be sufaoiy rewaroea, snuny. Fve Dollars Reward. DRT OOIKO FROM TENTH STREET TO TBB BBSOLUTIOHS.

The Committee haviog returned. Judge Hamilton reported the following preamble and resolutions: Wbbbbas, Owing to the rapid increase of the population of the county of Alameda, and consequent increase of business in the District Court which render: it physically impossible for the Judge (in the tune allowed by law) to try ana dis-dom el the causes cendinir therein; and. Ths concert to-night promises to be an entertainment well worth listening to. It will be under the direct charge of Mrs. W.

C. Little, and tne performance will be first-class. The Morgan Glee Club will render two choice selections; Professor and Mrs. John P. Morgan will play a duett on the piano furnished by Sherman Hyde; Mrs.

Little will sing a aolo. and Charles Dungan will also take part in the programme. DONATIONS TO TBE PAIS. In addition to the donations to the Fair already mentioned, and the various contributions to the kitchen larder, the aerviees of Mr. Jackson, of the Nicholl "Restaurant, and others, may be mentioned the liberality of Bequa fc who contribute the wood and coal if or the cooking.

The use of the superintending the celebrated Mo-Craeken mine, returned home yesterday, and will remain but a few daya. Li seventeenth street, from thence to Grove, a were lost, as near aa can be learned up to this time. St. Louis, April 11th. -The moat frightful calamity that has ever befallen St, Louis took place at a very early hour this morning, involving the destruction of the Southern Hotel by fire, and a loss of a large number ef lives.

The exact number cannot now be given, but it is feared some forty or fifty perished either by being burned directly, or first smothered by smoke and then consumed. JananeM loaket. with a otace of chain attached: euUnlu tha Ittrnisssn of two children: the Chinese Physician. B.OFFO, A GBADUATB CF IMPERIAL Collega of China, for tea years attendant obv- The "South America," having dis ebove reward will be paid by leaving It at 1019 Financial- -tOLBATEBA LOAM AND SAVINGS BAB K. Vj corner Post and Kearny sts.Jwa Francisco.

The Be. B. F. Pajrahall to-day withdrew his suit in the Third District Court against the Rev. J.

C. Beker. of thlgoity. TW AlleartMtaa charged her cargo of Iron rails at Long stcian of th Imperial family of China, has opened an offlee at 70S Broadway, bet. Third and Fourth streets.

No poiaonoae medtctnee need; the moot A Reward. WkUtaBAS, It is important to ligitants Wharf, eonaigned to the Central Bailroad Company, was towed to serious ejseesee carer win neros. A LIBERAL SEWARD WILL BB PAID FOB the ret ara to thto office of a large for boa; the gift of a deceastd friend. Lost ea Wedneo- i day evening April tth ia the vicinity ef Saa Pahis that they have a speedy trial and urination of their causes: and. BUSINESS CHANCES.

Thia talented troupe, consisting of the AUeghaniaaa Vooaliata and Swiss bell-ringers, a quartette, quintette, and sextette, and a ladies' and gentlemen's silver orchestral band, will entertain the people of Oakland, at Diets Opera Subscriptions for a porUoo of the reserved shsres of tha Collateral Loan, and Saving Bank wttl be received until further notice at tba Bank at 9U aerabare. The shares of this Bsnk will continue to pay dtvMenda ef 9 PEB CENT, per the tth ef each and every month, and on or before the I at of May, th price far tberjnatnlng abaree will be advanced to 92t per share and the stock with drawn from sale. The Bank has al ready declared seven monthly dividends of! PEB CENT, each, aad aa extra dividend of 9 PEB CENT, in January on all stock subscribed. Al to the other side of the bay yesterday. She will go to Manila.

J. Baker was arraigned before Judge Wbbbsar, The population of the county of Alameda is about one-tenth of CJ-. a 1 For Sale avenue. sw Lost. MARCH 97th, A LADIES' PIN (BROOCH) Bias set In gold; tke under will receive a suitable reward oa leaving a at thia ooVx.

A' HALF INTEREST IN A' WELL-E8TAB-U bed carriage factory: good location and tne population oi tne enure oura, sou tha hnaineaa thereof will reauire the en Jayne thia morning, on a complaint The second batch of prisoners indicted bj the Grand Jury be arraigned in the County Court this Afternoon to plead. In Justice Graham's Court yesterday F. W. Butler was awarded- judgment against Edward Duffy for $40, for house-rent. The suit of Bobert Dalxeil against Houae, on Friday evening next, Saturday afternoon at o'clock, and Satur doing a good paying Business a gooa Bargain.

Call aad aee lor yourself; Apply at this omce. eprlll-tf farther mfaraaattoa can ne ootainea oy ponies aa-tw. DeS BUver aad Harker Approprlatlema ITaexpe ariad Belaae New Yoke, April Uth. The Tribune's Washington special says: The President has authorised the expenditure of certain sums -under the direction of Chief Engineers, for the improvement of rivers and harbor. This money is a portion of the suspended appropriation voted tire time of the Judge of the District Court; therefore, That it is the sense of the entire Bex of Alameda county that mvestaaeni tor uw meney, oy day evening.

Two beautiful ehromoa, entitled: "Tha Fair, and only I EraVr. sale ate Uo! lateral Man ana savings Peatiacd Kearny streets, Baa Free- mammoth tent the rental of which is usually $25 per day has been generously donated by the Advent Church for the four days of the Festival. THB LUNCHEON TABLES To-day were literally thronged, and the edibles provided for the small sum LARGE BLACK NEWFOUNDLAND DOG; had on plated collar marked "Georgia BjBibnr 44 flala. st and bavin Saa lmnctsra cla jr.B. OABTER.

Decretory. Splendid Chance. A PA TING FBCIT AND CIGAR BUUNESg A. tar sale at a aacriBce; Saw location; stocks, good wul. etc ft 300.

Address WIS H. Ban-ail, Bona nia Real Estate efflca, Fifth and Broadway streets. aB-tt- tags of IS and "77; suitable reward wfl be paid. the Third Judicial District should be confined to and embrace only the territorial limits of the countv of Alameda. charging him with false imprisonment.

He pleaded not guilty, and the circumstances of the case will be ventilated to-morrow morning. Buck Sc McCourt, wholesale liquor-dealers in this city, ara building up a large outside trade, and to-day made a heavy shipment to Nye county, Ne i Dividend Notice- TMVIDEND NOTICE NO. OOLLATERAL will be presented to eaou person presv ant. Beservad seats may be secured at Van Yoorhiea' drug store, northwest corner of Eleventh and Broadway. ay imaiuinaj mtm am.

Smiley. Mo. 9M Pine street, Saa Frencleoo. and XJ Lean and Savinaa Bank, corirar rest SecondThat a (Committee consisting of three members of the Bar of the county regular aj-tw rivai Dollars Reward. aearny streets, saa monthly dividend of 9 per cent, for Property LOOK AT THIS-A CASH CCSTOMEB wishes to purchaee a house and lot In a good fWT.

MARf STH. A OR XT WOOLFSKIB IaeieBMlei9 Batcher. be airoointed bv the Chairman and con stockholders ot lsdodsreo, nayaate Aprn Li buggy rbe, llMd with bloa, edges trimmed F. 9. CARTER, Sec record, March S7.

isn. at the first session of Congress. The total amount is $940,000. The San Joaquin river has 120,000. This leaves a balance of $160,000 to the credit of various improvements.

Applications have been Nelson was tried yesterday, and judgment rendered for plaintiff for 15, for plumbing. Edward Murphy commenced suit today to the- Third District Court against Johanna Murphy, to quiet title to a certain piece of property. In the County Court to-day. a mo with red. 11.

Jt. avoras.ooaruis uma. an-o Henry Matte rn, butcher, corner of of fifty cents exeited universal surprise among the guests. There was everything that could be found at any first-class hotel table, and the ladies who waited upon the tables were attentive and painstaking in doing the hon location north of Seventh street; price not to exceed any party having sock property, eaa tell privately and save Oommlartoa. Address Cash.

Tribune Offlee. akHw firmed by the members, whose duty it shall be to gather and present to the next Legislature of the State such facts ia regard to population, business, in the countv of Alameda as will show the pro Ninth and "Webeter streets, bids de it. vada. Other wholesale bouses in Oakland; in the various lines of goods, ought to follow suit. DENTISTS.

fiance to the monopolists hsving ef- Wanted te Buy. MISCELLANEOUS. J. L. Cofrswell, fee ted eoatraeta for beef which will A LARGE AMERICAN HORSE; S1UST BS Will.

H. Burrall, real estate agent, aa exnreea sound, and cheap; TsENTIPT. S.KA KJl WI, A young, sot young, enable hint to supply emstoraers Wanted. Vegiar, dealer ta so aattenea at wagon. AoDly aduv corner of Fifth and Broadway, has -W XJ Saa rnmcuKi.

ntaer cfaloratorm administered. P. av tba aid af arUfldalibiht aa Third street, set, Broadway and Washing. wtcHANSB FOB OAKLAND PBOP- throughout tha year. He ia the only i BUMS, ton.

itnctA. hv aKMwo T. framed on the wall his commission aa priety of circumsenmng saia aistnct within the county boundaries Tf said county. Third That said Committee also prepare an Act to be submitted to eaid Legislature, embracing 'said and use arty. Lot JtxSt; with improvement there- tbiv eparatioss performed ea dark daya butcher ia town who publicly announce that he has no connection ocnea UewarO street neav aevwaua bihi.bu ivl-tw Mnt.

fnr S7S aar month. For full For Sale. Commissioner of Deeds for the State oral sight. aorUeuiars eaH oa Waistoa A Adams, esv Sev with tha Wholesale or Betail Butcher of Ohio, and the document bears the ors of the occasion. At 1 o'clock the receipts for lunch tickets amounted to $100, and there were constant arrivals of guests, with every prospect of swelling the amount to over $200 before 2 o'clock.

There will be a dance to-night at the. conclusion of the concert, at 9 ol clock. 1 1 THB PIsn-BOOTB The flower-booth ia for sale. It, consists of a beautiful new, green wire HALF INTEREST IB A BEAL ESTATE efflca, as th present owner Is going Ess on Tuesday morning; a good chance for investment. A poly at s7 Washington, bet.

Sixth and Seventh filed for the allotment of the whole of the appropriatkma for Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, and will be reported on shortly. The President desirea to do justice to works which are of general utility, but a number of jobs wars run through and will be ignored. Jersey Jlty Baaetiem. New Yobe, April 11th. The World says tke Derjkocrata carried the municipal election in Jersey City by aa orer-whebning majority.

enth aad Washington streets, uasasna aaVHrQ tion- tmada, to set. aside the second judgment for plaintiff, tha case of C. J. Frank ts. Lewis Shearer was denied.

Orlando Wright, a fanner -of thia county, hag filed a petition in the TJ-S. District Court, asking to be declared bankrupt. Iiabitttiee, signature of B. B. Hayes, now Presi all honorable means to secure rca peasage.

Fourth That said Committee also confer with the Bar of San Francisco on the Or. R. Porter. DENTIST, OFFICB AND BE9I-T deace cor. of Broadway and welftb Vuu iT streets, Oakland.

Bther or cMoroform admlnla-tared when a comnetont physiclaa for a modenmte fee. Orace, rooms 9, 4 and Oenteal eveni'scs. p-tf A Seeond-Hand Windmill dent of the United States. streets. a7-lw TXTANTED WITH TANK AND FRAME) -u.

vor Sale. t-- YV must be fen sod order. Adiress r- v. subject, and endeavor to secure co-operation from them, inasmuch as said Third David Putney end Daniel Church. i Box es.

Oakland. a-lw District as now organised embraces a Or. P. Crowell, charged with stealing a whip and a buggy robe from Walter Turnbull, Wanted. STOCK AND FIXTURES BELONGING TO A dressanaklag eatablishment for ealeoa reasonable terms; those looking tor a business of this kind will do wed by calling early on Mrs.

J. Birch, cor. of East Twelfth etreet aad Eleventh avenue, ander the Odd Fellows' Block. East Oak arch, purchased new in Ban Francisco portion of said city. THB DIBCCaSIOH.

1 OOOiZ nDfnn I work. Anio Tta- Blessing land. mnA Tweflth ara aeUlna a sbavtoc wpsa it. and selling a sbavtoc Tweflth are East. Oakland, wore arraigned before Judge; Jayne this morning.

They pleaded not guilty, and their case was gfito Eleventh tth onward, accord ins AdsatfaSael Be afae Out of a class of, thirty-three appli-ants for admission to the aigh-teen passed tha examinatioa I of tha Supreme Court on Uonday. and among the number ware Edward Lynch, Oakland; B. F.Del Valle, Albert Clarke, Chaster Seeber, P. Wright, Thomas F. Barry, George L.

Beaver, nomas A. Weils and John It. Whitworth, of San Iraneiaoo. i ROOMS TO-LET. Satle eT aneaeeag ill Mm muU-IM.

..1 Mtf Small Manufacturing Business roe vaj-aset The report of tha Committee been received, Mr. Moore suggested that tba expression in the. pre 92; with gold, 92 sd i time and amount gold of 8ne gold SOllnsa. Omce 1.92 and Theeaae of Thurmugel vs. Triplets, is tho County Court, bag been eon-dinned until 2 P.

X. on Saturday, "21st instant, defendant to pay plaintiff $5 i before that day. their work cannot be beaten. garantoayoa conenmeo. ppeoany No.

99 Kearnv street. TXiB SALE. A GREAT BAkGAIH, WITH Jr a monopoly for the Stat, together with entire satlstacooa. A. paaerei ma.vt pear rVt.aan Fraacfaco.

118 set for trial Friday morning, i Newhall Co. yesterday sold at their auction' rooms tha" Piedmont nwainuMf to Exohantce- v- amble, "in the tim allowed by law. was objectionable, inasmuch as the BOMKSTEAD OF FIVE ACRES OT LAN 1. situated a short dUtane from Oak- for the festival, and the ladies prefer selling to returning it, aa they have permission to do. It will bs a very pretty purchase for anyone who desirea such an article.

i TO-MOBBOW NIOHT. The entertainment for to-morrow evening will be a debate on "Woman's Rights," by five gentlemen of San "Francisco in costume. It has been voted by those who have seen ft stock ea bend. This agbrde a man of emaB capital aa unusual chance to get into a busineaa which I capable of being to any extent. It wlW be withdrawn from the market tf not sold witbtu tea days.

Apply to Kv BuaneU, OTweifthst. m2i-tf SHARP SHQOTlSa. law did not limit the time within mad, for a erst-ctaae isnror mm mm sw-wmwk A nnlv at this aftVe rn-tr Teeth Filled. TEETH SAVED TILLING TEETH Jf specialty: Gold, stiver and boneujtI7 SUtngs warranted; beautiful set of teeth for 919 and upward. Laughing gas administered.

Tea years constant practice. Orace, 130 Sutter street above Montgomerr, itan Francisco. Take the elevator. Ir. MorOhw.

DenlUi. nld-U which a Jndae should render a deci 1 She Teasa Meef e4 BUS sion. REOTAU RANTS. Park property. The sale attracted a numerous attendance of persons desirous of investing ia residential sites.

Block- snbdivided into four lota, was disposed of to John I. Babing for $4,600. In Block one lot waa sold for $800. The whole of Block waa gold to B-Tiffany tn lota, tha first of A Splendid Opportunity, A WELL ESTABLISHED -MILLINEBT bnainaeB is offered for sale on reasonable Judge Hamilton explained that the present condition of affairs the The Supreme Court yesterday made the following order: order that the business of th9 Court, at its pres- ant April term, may not Interfere with the eustomary annual vacation, it is ordered that tha present term will not be continued beyond Monday, April 80th; but tha Court willi nevertheless, The following-named members of ths Bestaurant. i terms applied for Immediately.

The present rfTWO FUBNI8HED BOOMS IB A PBIVATE A family suitable tor two genUemea ar man and wtfeTfer Hgnt koneekoeplng. Apply to a7 Court did not have lime in which to MHossve.thu' AHD DOARDirJC owner ts going mn avaorsse siuuraer, uie office. lotl-tf "trv and disnose of ths causes pend Oakland have beem selected to shoot In this match with the; Amateur Bifle Clubi of this city, si Melrose, next Tenth etreet, bets akMm I Oakland. ing" within ths limit of tba law for nl to bs ths funniest thing of tne season. It will be given nnder the leadership ef Snowdon Baoon.

Rooms to Let with Board, Usraa'a Che terms of IJonrt. Nice Sunny Rooms. Saturday i afternoon. The rrrwo good boom to let, with ob wHhout board, in a genteel prlvata family Tha resolutions wars again read, M' S. MOBSB.

FORMERLT OF THB OLD rjalmonlco Restaurant oa Broadway, has onrGLB OB SUIT. AT THB SUNN I I J. u. ova. Thtateeath aad Hsrrt- aj aide Mouse, where there are no otoer ooaroen; eaa ne let when Mr.

Christie suggested tha a. BaMwta, rropnetor. sea streeta, Oakland. Single saau ni nwn street, umjbbsw i 4 have the right to see any. rifle-the pull of trigger to be three pounds.

Ths Guard Team will use their Sharps opened at No. 499 Seven etreet, (near Broadway a 9tat daas Chop House. Oyster ta every style. New Tork batter cakes every naorniag. priety of changing ths expression.

"it is tha sense of ths entire Bar of Furnished Rooms Help! Help 11 SCANDINAVIAN, GERMAN, SCOTCH ABO American gtrie, at New Employment Office at Tenth street, Oakland; young and middle sged wemen for general housework; srasil girls at ts to 910 per month to taaecare of children; alao grst-claas nurses ta elcknees; amptoyee Pleeoe call or send orders etopce. all-lw Foatal Agent MoCusick andbpeoiai Agent Alexander have been authorixed to reoeiva proposals 'from Oakland steals at aa awuxa. continue its sitting thereafter, for the purpose of hearing soch of the oases, now on the at the reepective counsel may stipulate to be heard, such stipulation to be filled with the Clerk at "Sacramento, i within fifteen days next hereafter. i Te Letv -rnlTRNISHED BOOMS IB A PRIVATE FAM- Alameda county." to "it ia tba sense MRS. trtTTTH OB WTTHOCT BOABD, AT which fetched 1,225.

Six loto of Block 4 were sold for $3,400. Block 5 waa knocked down to William When-ton for $7,900. llrs. A. D.

Merrill bought Lot 1. of Plat for $1,825, and H. Kintz bought Lot 3 for $1,775. Lot 6, ia Plat containing over eight acres, waa sold to John 8elu for H. D.

Banlett bought Lot 11, in Plat 5.469 acres, for and Lot 13,4 346 acres, went to A. Uilitary itifie, with a pull of six pounds and over: Lieutenant mtt-lm mmsseifs. ixa proaoway. JC tty, neat Broad way, and convenlont to RaU of this meeting. aa many members of the bar of this county were not property-holders for the fitting np and Henry Ualoon.

Xaeutenant J. B. Xfiad artiresstiexi.Tia r. rx wv-n Loul's Oyster Depot. LOUl'SOTSTEB DEPOT AND CHOP HOUSE I have Eastern and California Oysters tn every style, Seventh street, opposite railroad dapok Opea ail Bight.

L. KILLOnLATlcH, Prop. u. BarpT4 fjorporai rvnii- present. Clrls Wanted.

MRS- WlLSOBr roBMESLT OT THE Knox House. Oakland, has taken and Judge Nye Never mind; we 11 rep TWO GOOD rANTEB IMMEPIATELT. thoroughly renovated the Centennial Boose, .1.1. learn dressmaklne at Mrs. E.

J. Corporal H. L. Pratt, Privates C. F.

Waltham, C. N. Bradley, George Zeier and II. F. Keating.

Ee- leasing to tha Government for a term of ten years suitable quarters and all modern conveniences for a poetoffice, together with 1,500 Yale lock-boxes. Several proposals have Already been information ttanted our nor a ouneenta aoa uaniaoa, wnere ear resent em. f. n'ts Tha resolutions wars then unani wtU ke pateeed to see her friends end the pubUo sagxsoB's SO. so aignio uoeiaar waaninyun, Bneral indwcemenU off-red.

ai(Mw OF iAME JOHN AND ANNIE MCLCEE. suapossa to be ka Oaklaad, CaL Wbea htsi Booth for $4,500. Is Plat Ovth lota Retail Ba tela era Baaectatiew. The retail butchers of this city nut last evenine. adopted laws and elected offices serves.

FnvsU If. Jf. Beynolda and beard troaQa 1871)Jamea aad Annie entrees Wm. mously adopted, and tha Chair appointed as tha Permanent Committee DTovided for in the second resolution. Flecerviiie, loane Ta Sergeant II.

Bysn. Uaptain, fnvate D. 8. llarker, Corporal gar. west srigMoa, ataaea JUtaao.

sucPTJooe employment OfTlce. OXtTtPLS F1LP OF ALL KINDS. TTB- IMMXDIATXLT AT SO. 1IS MA EE FT street threoor four flrstlass hsnds to work at dremkiiig- Kon but cwupsteBt r-os Pl. a iw Conatr, M.

T. W-tf Messrs. B. A. Bedmond.

J. C. Martin 4. fwomna. the following named officers: President, J.

J. White; Vice President, J. F. Smith; Treasurer; Conrad Liese; Secretary. G.

II. Smith. Fisanoa and To Let. 4ieetlFmSB submitted to Mr. McCusick, and doubtless he will be overwhelmed with them before he vets through with it; but the question is, what central locality will offer tha moat liberal inducements in order to secure the location XV- a in.

ma d- a aoeciaitv. oJ l.d met, -t 855SC77p: and A. A. Moore, and tha appoint rrrs tixi piafo to itt atpj OwVICoUa ik anal, Jaaine I J- J- 1 Tste Baces. 4-f There is a large attendance at ths menta wars unanimously confirmed by k' 1 -r to.

Appty at rr at -ra. V-7 Broaaway. a-tr T- TtVhrtar Leber rmnlevment rMXSDIATTTLT A CA TAV I i.m tern uersl. Fop nsnt- tha meeting. nxWTHrilfB DTJX1BB.

were disposed I- at pnoes ranging from $1,000 to $3,350. Tha plau were from one-half acre to 15 aerea in sixe, and the prices realised were from $500 to $1,600 per acre. Aaon tba purchasers were Bobert Ti Jnys Oeorge H. Wbeatoa, Luciue A. Booth, Frank Jaynes, James Gambia, J.

L. Wetmore, J. W. Kinsley, Mrs. Lormz.

J. Van Lobenseis. A. W. Thompson, H.

Banlett, George Wl Beaver, Le ander Sawyer, and others. The sg-gregate amount of galea waa $78,690" 4" Cerreetiaai. rTTirz. vo rovsia street, has I I tmA aiimher af Srst cisas servant. FOB BENT, AT BODOLPH.

A CO3. of tha poatoffloa for tha next ten years which will be equivalent to itg per Broad war. Mr. Moors (of tba Permanent Com Oakland Trotting Park this aftarnooa, to witness ths eentast between "Council Bluffa," Lady Amanda," "Wheat, ley" and and the mile-and- manent location. i stale aad Itwsl kiadsend as aU ectuse Hons, and wul fum(h them to aU parties w.nt-tne b- oa tha suoriest asuce.

JubD 1 I roprMior. mittee) I presume it will be in or ArriT S4-I other eommitteea ware appointed, to report at the next meeting, which will be held at Justioe LenteU's offlee, on Thursday evening, April 19th, and thereafter the Association will meat weekly. i-, I a Critlel Ondltteai. Carter, the 10-year old boy 3l aJ cutoff by the cars, fce-t -i I and Adeline streets. Ti 'I der, when tha Legislature convenes, Real estate.

reueat race between "JSmms Bksggs, "John Funck' end "Double Cross. ii for this Committee to take rooms ad Orlando an Alameda farmer, Ty. Ft. WOODS. OCt'Ur AND TTOCfiESTO LKT.HOCSTS ASP r'iH id a r-' ruec(HfT).

rii.oe jacent to the Capitol, at the expense 1.0 1- 11 sa i i I has filed a petition in bankruptcy. n. r.JHer, 4 SX'V 1 4 -at. i. 1 t-i(te il Revival Sleeting.

-iV I hia to twi in is nf of the Bar i. the uttle bar around lurtst, formerly at the corner of Ninth and 1 Wasbinon street, bs removed hlsornoe to 1 the new brick block on the northwest corner pf Davrnth V- MANTFACTtTREROFtATEjT IMPROVED styles Metal and Wooden uow Caoe. the corner. ClSt' 'v In tha list of Police officers pub-1 Special religious services will be celd I which $3,616 ia secured debts, and his H.i PAI.NTr.:,. Ices, vlty ard country Bet wore at kastern prl THB SAB PBABCISCO BAB.

i lished In. the Tbxbuxs yesterday, the Imitioti su. it thia evening at the Methodist Ipisoo- assetsland. live stock and pal Chureh on Fourteenth street. v- farming implements not exempt, is in a critical con-i i that a brakeman 1 1 -used tira to tall.

oroevspromotly attended to. Ware iooni 1 eoriug sireet, souihweiPt cornar of Caiumia. between Kaaray sh4 laantgouwry.Ssa im Mr. Bedmond moved that the Sec i name of A. Busnell It DuOt feC A.l.

POsltl, Card, and he a id to jour order. Ovi tellewa Luiy. Cltr. bcfcrv-i oe-, i i 0i tn i l--' -t i should have been A.

V7. retary be instruotsd to transmit a copy erybody is invited. i Uid, maxing a toiai oi.

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