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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

liBCcllaseous. Iusuraac Conpacies New To dy. DiYideBti Notices. 1 Ifew To-day. Bonds for Sa TII3 TyJCUaS ClresUtlaa are taa dasula that aj lhr paper publishes la Alara e3a County w.

i a (Successor to G. Builders' and; Carriage Hardware, IEO AND STEEL, 458 460 TWELFTH Near Broadwav. ASK YOUR GE0GER ex-retl 7 Cnli ms 1ft Cta. a Week. FRIDAY 22, 1SS6 TWO LIVES.

Tlm laid hand on the budding leaf: It turned to crimson, I lien brown and gold. He touched the grain; "tws a garnered sheaf. A laden "bin end the year was eld. Ton walked In the nun when time was young; -L in the shade and was ever old; My life a last to the daylight sprung. And yours crept under the graveyard mould.

Two ways, two 11 res, two leave of A sudden cloud; and a glare of sun, Written ia pasHiou, erased in tears 1 fa the chapter ended or but begun Marion iTKA VSA' StOVXAfiTNJ, KAIL City New York. Ancoo Alameda Oueea of Pacific. St Paul. Santa Arago Los Atnreiog Yaquina. San I FROM.

and Japan DUE. 23 J. 24 Honolulu and Australia Jan. 25 Victoria. 2 26 January 6 Janjarv26 2S 2) 30 1 Honolulu Bay Pedro ulna Oregon Geo Empire.

it AM Hjsauoldt Orizaba Oity of Cheater St. Paul February Sound. February TO DEPART. a 8 BR9TIKATIOS. Dico r-ATB January 23 21 Janutrv 2i and Japan January 27 30 January 30 February 1 itnd way ports.

FOR JOB PRINTING NEW BOOK BINDING! atuxr a yz tide table. t. IE w.i w. i a w.i l. w.

nsiuiisnu J- large. I Large. Small 1 Small. 1 1 S. 10.10a 5.33el A.

1 3.56ai 7.24 5.18 20.... 10.5'tAM 6.17PM 6.23AW 4.49am 7.24 5.19 21.... 1L47AM 6.58pm 1.05am! 5.44am 7:23 5 20 23.... 0 37pm 7.3:rst 1.45am- 6. 40vm 7.23 5.21 l.Slra 8 20pm 2.25am 7.SiAM, Small.

Large, i S4 2.3IP 9.10pm 3.0sAJfj 8.44am; 7.22:5.23 9 58lM 3 5iamI 9 gjAMi PAPER RULING I 1 1 THE WORK At Reasonable Rates! 0EDERS BY HAIL OR EXPRESS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTZB TI0N SEND FOR ESTIMATE BEFORE ORDERING VOUR PRINTING OR BINDING. TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. and 417 Eighth Street, i Dexter .3 tables, IvI. I10LNIIIS, Proprietor. First-class r.ivcrj- ami Finest Teams iu the City at Reasonable Kates.

f. Nortlieast Corner t2th and Harrison 8ts THE GREAT FOR Jg LEVER DISEASE PVPIBTftJIf Bitter or bad taste in mouth; I iSI I tongue coated white or covered with la Brown fur pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism; soar stumach Ions of appetite sometimes nausea and waterbrJ; or indigestion; flatulency and acid enwfbitioinsi bowels alternately costive and lax; headahej loss of memory, with a painful saation of having failed to do something which ought to havf been done debility low spirits a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes a dry cough ft ver restlessness the urine is scanty aad high-colored, and, if alIowed4o stand, deposits a sediment. I SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR I (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally in the South to arouse the orpid Liver a healthy action. It acts with! extraordinary efficacy on the TIVER IDNEYS, and! BOWELS. 41 EFFECTUAL SPECiFlC FOH Malaria, Iyspepsia, Hiliui'ss, Jaundice, Colic Itowel Complaints, Const i paticai.

Stele Headache, Nausea, Mejntal Degression Ktc, Ktc. Endorsed by tit use of 1 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY 'MEDICIKE For Childreaif Adults, and fot the Aged. SAFE TO TAKB IN AMY C0NDIT10B OH THE SY3TEM J. HJ ZEILEN' SOLE PBOPmETlDSS PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1'KICE, Sl.OO.

I IyIARGUSE, OENEItM, ALCTIONlimj, 853 Broadway, Oakland, (Whitley Express Office) Gets better priis for goods, gives better satisfaction tn tus customprt of returns of sal and prompter in his settlement es than any auctioneer in Oakland. Refers to any ULtson for whom he lias had sales for reconimendatiii. Sales at private reaidenees a specialty i AROTJSE, LTECTOII, S55 BrqadwG ay, And in Alamiia County for EEtAIT. TRADE. I have no partner and am not connected with any otnar arm in utKiaoq.

claim to te tne ionwr and Boss Colleator in County. M. 855 Broadway WrYlL HAMILTON, And Cbipner of Alameda County, uoved to las Jfew Etiildina, So. ifiG TOIRTEXTH "iTHE Bet. Ioadway and Waehiugton.

Everytln'n for -funerals Or- attendtll to day or uignt telephone. HALF ITSTM! Choice eorner, lot 72.15xJ)0, soiitliwes lVoatage, street work doi le, two febt above grade 3lodern I louse of nine rooms, 1 ulle parlors above and l)o'I ceilings; stable, eie Will be sold at less than if applies. he of the lot, for at once, 0. 1. 1 i GO.

9QO pKOADWAYj HENRY IpMiTH SCO'S CS LEBRATED kElijTUGKY KENRY SPiTH CO. ISTi L1ER5, Kenton Coun fy, 6ih Dist. Kentucky. OFFICE 252 254 West Third St For Sale by the Bottle, Case or Gallon, r.v i John Corner Ninth! aad Washingtori St3 )AKLAND. ALFRED NEUMAN'S Ladi Boring Parlors, 12G KEAENM SAN Iioms Kos.

EO and a Thurlow Block. ok every di scription made to order io ATE ST DESIGXS and i iSrtest notice. Sails Made from $10 to $25. Tajilor-uiaxle its and Riding Habits a FOUND EEUEF F0K AT LAST! THE SUFFERING no 's Harris COEN EMOVE8 CORNS. mnfldVS WARTS AND IV CaJouses, and sores ingrowing Sails.

It DoesXoti Leaxe Sore Feet i Price Fi Ay I Cents Per Box. Sen and get a bok by mail. Agents wanted J. IVp DE LAN I) Chiropodist, I08'- Tiirk Street, S. CaL, arters for thePacific Coast.

Head IiidepeiKlelt Pianiiif Mills livnniik av -LISDEXAOL JOHNSON, rtpiietors, Comer Second an r.ruab Sis, Oakland, Cal. MAJfUB ACTUREKS (Y 3Ioldings, Urad jkels, Window Frames W.t T.tNKS, i All descriptions of I'fening, Scroll-Sawing Turning ()STFR PK fPTt.v Amimn To! Irlll.ltl iev, IIOI SE jker and Rest Eataitc Apent. ijev to iviait 011 anni-tivpil u. cilntfr. OtBce.

5tl Broadwav. weiskey 1 XIVH9Np KOTICE. 8n Francisco Sawlafs Tnlen. CA1JTORNIA STBEKT. CORNER OF -W Webb, San Frmte-'sco For the half year ending 31st December, 1385, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four and ooe-balf Hi) per cent, per annnra on term depctts.

asd threi and three-ftmrths if per eetrt. per annua en ordinary deposits, free from taxes, payable ou aud after 2d January, 1S3S. LOVELL WHITE. Cashier. PIVIPENP JJOTICE.

The German Savings and Loan Society. FOR THK HALF TEAR ENTrN3 DECFM-' ber Slst, 18S5 the Board of Di'ectors of THK GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN KH3LKTY ha. declared a dividend at the rat' four and one-half Hi per eent. per annum on term dcpo.its, and three and three-fourttt per cent, per annnra on o-dieary deposits, nd pyable on and after toe 3d day of January, 188 Fy order; 1 1 GEt. l.ETTE, SecTyUrv.

DIVIDEND NOTICE. Union Sat lugs Bank. THE USUAL SEMI-ANNUAL ETrEBEST upon Deposits entitled fereto ufider the rules, wi be paid at tbe rate of four snd ore-half per cent per annum. Interest net drawn February lst will thereafter bear Interest as a deposit i A. PALMEF.

Two. Railroad Trftvel. S0UTI1ERN PACIFIC COMPANY. i (PACIFIC SYSTEM.) jj Trains leave, a nil are due SAN FRANCISCO. .11 LXAVF ros I From Jan.

SB.PJF IS 00 8 00 A on Byron iuiiMoga and I IO 8 00 00 A SO 00 4 oo 5 00 "Volfax 5 i Delta, R.drtingand Portland. 8 4il Gait via 110 401 lone via Ltvcrraurr. 401 10 10 PleaaantoB. 8 4C 13 40 on i 00 3 3fl 3 3) 19 OQ 3 00 3 CO 8 8 0) 8 SO 0-1 r. oo "I 10 I Mohave, Is-miog, I Exprsmj 10 40t 1 fcl Paeo I Emigt.l lu 40 A Niles and 3 40 Cgdena East 11 10 Emigrant.

1 11 lOi A Ked r-bli via 6 40 wtiumto via via IJvermest via i 11 10 101 River 001 8 30 A. tlO 00 00 r- 8 33 "i 30 30 9 20 A for an jie I 3 401 r. 4 13 40j 9 401 Stockton vfa Livcrmore. via 5 40) p. 7 10 4t' Tiilaxe and

7 10 g. for Af terncocl From San Francisco. Daily. To EAST OAKLAND "6.00. 6 S0.

7.00, 7.30, 8.00, S.30, v.Ou, 4.30. 10.00. 10 30, 1LO0, 11.30. 12.00. 12.30, l.Ofi, 1.30.

2.00. 2.30. 3 00. 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, B.00, 6.30, a. 6 so, 7 oo, s.oft, 9.00, io oo.

n.oa 12.0a i i To FhUiT VALE 15.00. 6 S0, 7.00, 7 30. fB.OO. 8 30. 3.30, 4.M.

30, 5.C0. "5.30, 6.00 6.3Pi B.OJ, To FRU1I' VALK (via AlsmoUr- a.30. 6.30, 111.00. -1J i i To ALAMEDA 6 30, 7.00, .30, 8 00, "S.Sn 9.00. 9.30.

10.00. 110.30. 11.00, 111 SO. 12.00, 11130. 1.00, 30.

2.00. 3. 00. 3.30, 4.00, AS0, 5 00, 5.30, 00 a30. 7.00, 8.00.

9.00. 10.00. 11.00. 12.00. 1 i To BERKELEY-: .00, 6.30, 7.00.

7 .30, 8.00.8.S0 9.00. t-3. 10.0 110.30. 1100, 111.39. 12.00.

100, 2 CO, 3.00. 4.01.1. 4.S0, 5.00, 5.30. 6,00, 6.30, T.00,i.0u, 9.00. 10.00, 11.00.

li To WEST BEKKELEY 6 00, 6.30, 7.00. 7.30, 18.00, 30, 9.00. 10.00, 11.00, 11.00, S.GQ, KOOfdu, "iSvt. 5.W, "B.J". t.ll, To San.Francisco, Dally Fkom FRUIT VAJ.K ".23, fi.6;t, n.23, 7 53, "S.I3, 8.53, 3 "10.21, "5.53, 6.rj.

53, 9.50. LJ From FRUIT VALE (.. Aiameaal 5. 1i4. 15.45.

t9.15. 3.15. From EAHT CAKIAND-S 30, 8 .00. .80, TOO. 7.30.

8.00. e.3J, 3.00. 9.30, 10.00, 10.30. 11.00. 11.30, 12.00, 12.30.

1.30, 2.00. 2.30, 100, 3 30. 4.00. 4 30, B.00, 5 30. fi.00, 6.30.

7.00, 7.67, 8.57, 9.57, 10.57. Fm "KOADWaY, Oakland 7 minutes later tbaii from East aiclsnd. ALAMEDA 63, 22. 6.57, 7 8.53, 9.22, 9.52, 10.2'i 10.52. J1L22, 11.52, 112.22, 12.52, 11.22, 1 52, 2.52.

3.22, 3.52, 4.22, 4.5S, 5.2275 Fi. ti.22, 6.52. 7.52. 8.52, 9.52. 10.52.

il Fpom BERKELEY "5.45, 6.15. 6 45. 7.45. S. 15.

S.45. J9.15. 9 45, 110.15, 10 45, IU.1. 11 45. 12.45.

1.45, 2.45. 3.45, 4.15. 4.45, 5,15, 6 43,6.13. 6 45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45. 10.45.

0 i- Fbom WEST BERKELEY 5. 45, e.l5, 645, T-15. 7.45. a5. 19.15.

9 45, 10.45. 112.43, 1.45, g.45. ij. 4.4:.. "5 15.

45. 6.15 6 45. 7.15. Ij CREEK ROUTE. From SAN FRANCISCO "7.15, 9.15.

11.16, 3.15. 6 IS. From OAKIA.ND-H.l3, 8.16. 10.15, 12.15. 4 15" Sundays exoejted.

ISnndaysonlri Time furnished by Randolph a Co H. A. N. TOWSE, Maiisirer T. H.

OOODMAfl Gen P. ft Tkt Ajynt. South P.cifjc iic Csast R. tj. Alameda, Newark, Han Fraariaco, Ala San Jose, Lot Galop, Oltnwowl, Felton, Ble Trees and anta PICTURE RQUE SCENERY, MOUNTAkN views.

Big Trees, Santa tiara valiey, Mimterey bay. Forty mils shorter to Hauls Crux than amy other route. No change of cars, bo dust, rinip ment and roadbed first-class. ABSENG ER TliAINS leave station. Twelfth and Webster streets i 1 1 A daily.

West Sao Leandro, West Hsn I. -Lorenzo, Kussells, Mt. Eden, Alvarado, alls, Newark. Uenterville, Mowrys, Alviso, Ag-ntw, Santa Clua, SAN JOSE, Los Gatos, Alms, Wrights, Highland, Glenwood. Doughertys, Fel ton, liig Tr, SANTA CUUZ and Boulder Crf k.

arriving 12 15 P. M. -II 0 )i I exeept Sunday, o'xprww: Mt. Eden AlvaraSo. Newark, OntervllV, Alvino, Annewii.

SscaCUra. HAN JOSK. I ltos and all stations to 8A TA CRU2 and Boulder Crwk. 4 A P. daUy.

for SAN JtWK, Los Ostos and stations. 1 il A. M. every Sunday, hunters' train leaves T. VM First and Webster stiet-ts for SAN JOKE, at all way stations.

EXCURSIONS to HANTA and 5S S4 to SAN J08E on SATURDAYS snd UNO AYS. ttr return until MON DAY. Inrluxive. Sl 75 to Pant or San. Jose snd return, Sundays only.

1 1 Through pa3cngert change cars at Alameda ote. To OaklanA and Aleirti tl-. from San rncl it gs 00 6 P0 -B 00 8-30 9.00 9.30-10.0010.30 11.00 11.30 A. '12 0012.30 1.0O 4 00-430 8.00 6.3O-.0O-6:33-7.00 9.30-jlO 45 U.5 PFrnin FOURTEENTH AND WEBSTiat STREET. OAKLAND, TO SAN SC30 9 00- 10.30 "ill.OO- 11 30 A.

12.00- i 3(W- 1.00 1 39- 2.00-2.30- 2.00 3.304.00- 5.30 6.00 7.0O- 7 iO g. 20 JfV 10.43-1-11.45 p. I Frcm HIGH STREKT. ALAMEDA 65.44M 56.lfiS6.4et 7. 167.48- 10 8-46 9.16 f.46 10.K 11.16 A.

St. Pi-lP jl.2.46 1.16 i 1.46 2.16 2.40 3.1" 44 4.1-4. 5 4-6 16 6 46 57 16-816- If 10.31 11.31 i excepted. 'Saturdays and fcundiys only TICKET, TeUgrsri and 2 rtr-c' an Francisco. L.

FILLMORE W. T. FITZ i BALD- I P. Aeti SnrHrirrtedent Alameda and Oakland Horse-Car Time Table I IMItl OIHI.1MITO AI.HIint. II Leave OAKLAND 46:35.

8, 8.33? lti'i'8, 1638, 11:0, 1138, 12:08. 12:38. 318, 3:33, 4Ai. 6:38. SUJS.

Leave SAN l'A CLARA Avevi A.vo WKBST Stitect fop. PARK f-TKEfrr 8:23, 6:55. 9:55. 10:25, 10:56. 12i 1:23.

2:25 2:55, 3:25, 3:55, 4:25. 4:55. 5:55. 6:25, 6:55, 7:24. 7:55.

8:25, 8:55, 9:25, Leave MORTON Street ran PARK StkertU 18:05. 8:35, 9:05, 9:35. 10ti5. 1-SS, 11:35. 125, 12:35, 1.05.

1:36, 2)5, 2:35. 3i)5i 3:35, 4:0. 4:35, 5:05. 5:35, 6:03, 7K 8:35, 9:05. 9:35.

1 1 Exr. pt Sundays. Saturdays and Humiay only. Twenty niiunies fiom Broadway, Oakf idi to the Alameda Baths. II lbs first car in the morning for Oakland, leaved the stable, at Webster strict, at 6:15.

and the sec jr. at 6:45. Ft RE. It 4 1TS. OceaL iTa-so: OccldenlaJ Oriental jf.iP.A5 axis cuniA.

li v. wharf, ctwner of First -d Brar i fectr, oo Fntnctsco, 2 ciock p. for I Ont-ctinii t-t YokohAma witL ttiiu for ShangisM. 3'ixA yr.K rru sa rxisciM 1KK6. GAEUI Saturday.

CEI.GIC... Saturday. FeiiuarrSOth' SAN Saturday, March 13rh Saturday, April 3d GELIC ThiUTlay. AptU 22d BELGIt Tnee.y, May 11th SAN rueaday. June li OtJEANIC Tuesday, June 22d Kteurslou 'llacota to Yokohama and tetunf st- reduced rates.

i i' Cabin nlnns no exhildtion ana rwrago Tickets fcr saie at C. P. B. Co's General ftjcep. Room 14 eor.

Fourth and Townsecd rtreets, Sao Francisco 1 For freight epply to GEO. If: RICE, freight Acot, at the Pacitic Mall Steamship Wh-. No. fsSSt Mark Union Block. Han T.

H. ('(KJDKAS, Paa. As" LKI.ND frTAVFORT). Preider.t OCEANIC STEAXSKIP COMPANY. Carry ing Uni ted State.

Hawaiian and Colonial Mails t7 ILL LEAVE THE COMPANY'S WHARF. corner Bteuart and Harrison streets, S. FOU IIOXOLLLl ST. PALTLi" 30th HONOLULU, AUCKLAND1 and SYDNEY, WITHOUT CHANCE. THE SPLENDID NEW 3,000 T' Iron Steamer ALAMEDA.

February 13t 2 P- M. Or ImmediatEly on arrival of the English mails. For fteight or nasssise spphr stofficS27Mr ket street. JOHN D. SFKECK ELS a BROS, Oeoersl Agents OAKLAN STABLES WM.

OWENS, Proprietor. Lirerj, Boarding and Sales Stable. Ail cbraesof Horses constantly kept ou hand, for Pale. New and Knterprising Firm. Solicits the natronsze of the Public generally.

368 Eighth St bet. -Franlihn and Telephone No. 18. 8KN1) OJrC OltUJrOIt EXPRESS i -By TELEl'HONK. to remove baggage, fuaurture etc etc i WH1TI OAKLAND HOSPITAL HOTEL for INVALIDS Cor.

Tenth and Clay St. This Institution is under the direction of E. H. WOOLSEY. M.

Surgeon and Physician-in-Chief, And a Board of able attending and consulting Physicians. Surgeons, Obstetricians and Oculists. All the appointments of a first-class general Hos pitaL and ail the requirements and conveniences of a first-lass Home for Invalids are' here provided. The Matron is an experienced nurse, and the nurses and attendants, (male and axe well trained and reliaible. The Institution is healthfully, pleasantly and conveniently located.

Its drainage and sewerage facilities are perfect. It has attractive igronnds, and is near the Chabot Park and Observatory. It is in a quiet neighborhood, surrounded by private residences, and yet within two blocks of the principal street of the city, and within four of Broadway station of the P. P. K.

and five of the if P. O. K. II. i The wards ana private rooms are ennny, well ven tilated and appropriately furnished.

The Hospital sectton, comprising surgical, a medical and a ladles' ward, is separated from the section for invalids, each department being provided with special bath-rooms, eta All classes of patients will be admitted for treat ment except those suffering from contageons diseases. Dr. 3 eey resides at the Institution, and wil give patitnu bis personal attention. TERMS Will be fired with a view of meeting only he actual cost for the proper maintenance' and nursing of patients, and, for the present, are as follows: In 8 glSperweek In Private Rooms J20 to 25 per week 18 to 20 per week IN VARIABLY IN AiDVAXCE In confinement cases an additional fee of $20 will be charged. Patients is private rooms, desiring special nurses in constant attendance, will chaigtid $2 per day extra.

The above rates cover all expanses, including professional services, nursing, board, washing, medicines, etc. Physicians in good standing will be allowed to maintain and treat private patients in tais Institution. FREE DISPF-NSARY F9B THE POO it Tnc.L. 1 OFFICE OF THE HOSPITAL, Every jnoming asjfollows: Diseases of Eye, Ear and Surgical Diseases, Throat, WEpVssn' ys Sath'ts Mondays and Feidais, 8a.m. A.

M. of Women, Medical Diseases, Thursday, Tuesday end Fkiday, 9 a.m. 9a. m. Doctor.

OBDEK OF THE JOIIAMTEB. Witt examine and give consultation to the suffeiing, helpless sick, F1IKE OF CIIAROJ3. Patients who are able to pav a small fee are expected to do so, helping to defray current expense s. X0 COMPULSORY Chronic Diseases, And all eppareutly hopeless cases' Piwcially invited. FEMALE fOUPLllSTS.

Arising in virsiif or married life successfully and connueniaiiy treatca. ALL DISEASED, Including. DELICATE DISEASES OF EITHER KEX, however induced, are treated confidentially ana CATARRH, LtN(i. HEART, and KIDNEY DISEASES a Specialty. Gout and Rheumatic Disease not yielding to Animal, Mineral or Vegetable Remedies the natural elements of the human system will bo treated by ELECTRIC and MAGNETIC healing power, aided by newest Electric Magnetic Instruments iu use.

Office 456 Eighth Street, Itetween Broadway and Washington. Oaklaud A Grand Opportunity for Everybody 50 Methods of Klakingr Money. A Ie)tiin te Business Iste on h. Mmatl Capitnl. Tbc subscriber will to any aililress in the X'uifcetl States or British IVoviucts, of the Kcst Methods and Fonualas for establishing a business, that have ever been -offered to the PubHc These Formulas and! Methols are germine.

and can be used as the foundation, for aoy piirphiser. to immediately commence bnsiuos un city or country as proprietor or proprietress, of whatever business they may select. Some of thtwe Mctljt'ds and Formulas have VM'en sojld ftir fabulous amounts'; and collected by th Sub-ciiber ht a great outJay. In order to give son.e idea as to the i'f establishing a lucratire biiMnepa, the Sulcriier would staie that many people to-day have bn very successful in the Katern Ktates through the investment of s5 to 50, which would be for the establishment of fcusiuea. Full directions sent with the 50 Methods and Formula a.

Price 1 Remit by Postal Note or Money Order. Address. rWJM. HKXLEY, PostofSce Box No. 2004, Raa Franciaco, California.

EDWARDS -FOR- OYSTERS r'''' FISH Also Clams, Crab, Shrimps, ASD lROZEIST OYSTHRS. Telephone No. 139 408 Eleventh Street, Bet: Broadway and Washington, OAKLAX Chroiiic Ops Treated! DISEASES OF WOMEN a $ifx'iAety. dr. 30 years' practice Office Htii'RH 11 2 to A r.

M.j and 7 to r. r. 23G Sotter Street, S. F. BAY CITY Packirg ar4 Provision House.

Finest of Merits always on hand. Cor. 11th and Washic'gton 3ts. STEPHEN DI VECCHI0 Props. OAKLAND BREWERY Cor.

Telegraph Ave. and Durant KRAMM A BIEVEH, Proprietor Sold from May 1, 1881, to May lj 1SS5. 15.51M AKStFLS. I Del'iTered tiaiy pi of di an I It suVirb STEPH. Machinist, Tool and Model Maker, Gunsmith and Locksmith.

Printing Presses and Bicycles a at ecialty. Vind mills and Pumps ICepaired. Lawn Mowtsrs and Hay Cutters Repaired anil Sharpened. Steam and Water Fitting. Estimated made on.

Boilers and Shafting. 963 franklin bet. OtSi and lUth J. Henry Strachan, JEWELER, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc CAREFULLY BEPAISEDJ Special attention given to the littles of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. i i03 Washington Oakland RAG CARPET WEAVED TO OlVpEI.

Viitl For Bale, BY G. 3IATTIIEW, No. 570 ith het. Clay and ffrgon; OaUan Harry E. Carpenter, V.

S. Honorary Graduate Ontario VeterhiaryCbllege, Toronto, Canada. TfETERINARY INFIRMARY, 371 NATOMA street; residence, 9fi6 Howard street, San Frau-i-jw Telenhone. i o. 309.

1 Offices In Oakland, at Newland Pumyea's. ami at Brown's Livery Stables, comer of Thirteenth and Washington streets. Oflice Hours, iu io Wholesale and Rrfill 5ea1er r- FI.0TJB, HAY and GHAI, Sixth Jioar Broadxr GoodB dehvered frea of charge to ail parts of the city. JOHN WIELAXD'S LAGER BEER. Wholesale Tiepot, 820 Magnolia St near Seventh CHA8.

Sole Ateut. Amount of Beer sold inl839, barrels. fife, S. BKOWN.) I Educational. California i Military Acafav, OlKLAM), il, COL.

W. II. O'BRIEN, Prlncipat THOROUGH PREPARATION FOR COLLEGE or for business. Special attention given to English. A limited number of day puyils admitted.

Next Term Begins Jan. 4, 1886. Ui id for Circular Miss Horton'j School Will Reepen Jan. 4, 188G, -IS THE NEW SCHOOL 15UIL.OINO, Cor. welflli and S(s.

Parents wi.jhii.g to pliire children in the 8chool can tee Miss Horton at 9ti4 Eighteenth street until Januarj' th, after that at the School Building. Tliis school tits tnys for the High School, girls for State University or any college that admits young women. BUSINESS COLLEGE, CcrdfrCirctiar. Commercial Education, Penmanship. Telegraphy, ShorthandTyne-writing, and the Modern are now ncluded in our Business Coursje all for tf75 for a six-months' term.

Bend for circular. THE HOME SCHOOL FOR OIAG 1835 Teletrrapri Avenue, Oakland Founded in 1872 by Miss'H. N. Field. The Next Term will begin on Wednesday, Jan 6 18.

Address MI 8.1 L. TRACY, Principal. W. E. Chamberlain, jk.

X. A. Robinson M.IFK St IIWLAIisrill'S, No Vacation, Day ami EvesiSo Sessions Ladies admitted into all Departments. erjt- fiend-lor uircniars. HOPKINS ACADEMY I Principal iJAKl.AND.

fl. REV, E. JEWETT, M. A. 'pHE SECOND TERM OF, SCHOJL YEAR -1 begins on moruiiiK.

Jauusry 1886. Oakland Academy, i 1205 Franklin Street! ISAAC WRIGHT WM. D. ARMES, PRINCIPALS. Next Term will betm January 4, ISSo.

Ifooittt Open tlic 'After-noons of December nnd 30th. Principals Address. I P. 0 Box 74 NORMAL. SCHOOL.

A NORMAL CLAWS WILL BE OPENED 11. 1886. at No. 10(3 Broadwav iL'en tral Block Room A Night School wil! also be held forthose wislring to take special studies, bcokkeepins included. i enus reasonaoie.

Residence, No. 480 Twenty-second street. A. M. CH.4!WfC.

W. PrinHpM. SOHST BROS, Pioneer Carriage Fa tory CAKEI.IKE IAITIC And IU-pairiug in the Wst style of workmanship Kieltih ard franklin Streets. STORM'S Market, FOURTEENTH STREE' Between Broadway and Washington Street.

First-class Meats, Popular Prices WASHINGTON. The Klim Wind Restaurant. 7 1 Wnod Mnd Pine. has changed name, and will hereafter be called the Washington. The new managment has fitted it up in tirst-class style, and will furnish its patrols with the best meal in town at popular prices.

Open ttll night. Private entrance for ladies. The hjt of waiters in attendance, and fine cooks. I All the delicacies of the season alwayun hand and cooked to order. Eastern and California, oysters served in every style known to the culinary art.

Board by day. wees or month at greatly reduced -meal tickets tor liEitSEN CLECAK -v. i FLOUR New i i BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF prrKTJ-Tisorsof Alameda made November sth, 15, prrrposa; will be received at the office of he i reMi rer of said Connty, at the cvmrt House in the City ol Oakland, until 12 o'clock noon of the Sthdayof February, f.w the of fifty bonds of the denomination of one hnndred dollars each, ot Sunol Glea School District of Alameda Connty. gaid bonds were issued by said of Supervisors under and la accrdan witu the provisions of Sections to lsv-i, both inclusive, of the Political Code, and in conformity with an order of taid B.rd passed November 80th, lJv, aud bear ititer-esst atthe rate of six (0) per cent, per anniim nntil paid, interest pavable on the first dsy of January of each yeaV.ontof and from the bull ling fund of said School District, upon presentation and surrenderto the Treasurtr of said County of the interest conpon. Said bond are dated January 1st, are numbered consecutively one to fifty, inclusive, and mature as follows, to wit: 1 to 10, inclusive, ix years from Ate.

11 to 20, years from date. 21 to 30, inclusive, eiht years front dale. SI to 40, inclusive, nine years from dste. 1 41 to 50, inclusive, ten vears from date. Bids will be received for five or any larger number of said bonds up to fifty.

Allbids must be equal in amonnt to the par valuew the bonds bid for, and accompanied by a eerrinea cnecK.or casn aepoit, in tnesnia of at least ten per cent, of (he amount of tbe bid. payable the Clerk of the F.ourd of Trustees of Sunol Glen School District of Alameda County The said check or deposit will be returned in esse of rejection of bid, and be forfeited to said Board of Trustees if the bidder neglects to pay for the bonds he bids for ithin five days after notice of the acceptance of tha bid. Upon the opcuins of said proposals said bonds will be sold to the liishest and be-t bidders, for cash in U. S. gold coin, subject to the aboveproviaious.

All bids or proposals are to be addressed to the '-iiytird of Trustees School Pfstrict, fare J. A. Webster, Treasurer Ala meda County. Oakland, Cal, and endorsed "Proposals for Bonds." J. I K1M1.M.IIA.M, T.

F. HAC1IF.LDKR, WM. H. SANBORN. Trustees Sunol Glen School District, Alameda Cal.

-glinted January 16th. 1S.S. Guardian's Notice of Sale of Real Estate VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, IX pursuance of au order of the Superior Court of the City and -Connty of Sau Francisco, State of" California, made on the eighth day of January, A. D. in the matter of the Guardianship of the Estate" and Person of Sophie Erniath (sometimes known as Sophia Ermatn an iusaue and incompetent person, the undersigned guantiau of said estate and person will sell at private sale, to the hiphest bidder, for cash, and subject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on or after the eighth day of February, A.

ISMi, all the rijjht, title, interest and estate of said Sophie Ermath, in and to all that certsiu lot, piece or parcel of land situate aud beinjt in the City of Oaklaud, County of Alameda, State of California, and furtber bounded and described as follows: Commencing at tbe point of intersection of the northern line of West Eishteeuth-street and the western line of Myrtle street, and thence running westerly along the said line of West Einhteeeth street feet, thence northerly an.l parallel with Myrtle street I lo feet: thence easterlv and parallel with West Eighteenth street 'O feet, to, the western line of Myrtle street, aud theuce southerly along said line of Myrtle street 115 feet, to the place of beginning: bein lot No. 1, in block No. 614, as the same is delineated and deslgnmed on the plat entitled, "Subdivision Map, Alfred liarstow Tract. Oakland," filed ou Ieeemlrer 30th, 1S75, iu the ofliee of -the-' Recorder of said Countv of Alameda. Teniis aud conditions of sale: Cash in lawful money of the Government of the United States" to be paid to thejuudersigned as follows: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale, and the balance on to'nfir-mation of the sale by said Superior Court.

Bids oa tiers must lie in writing and may be delivered to me at my residence, at No. Eighth street, in said City of Oakland, or at my place of business, at No. XI Main, street, in the said City and County of Sau Francisco, at any time after the first publication of this notice and before a sale is made- D. GERKEX. Guardian of the estate and person of.

Sophie Ermath, an insane person, i. January Kith, 1ks5. L. J. HAKD1, Attorney for the Uaatrllaa.

Oilier. No. 2l Alant-gemrry street, fmn Krancliro, -TO Adniinislrators, Eecutors asd Guardians. TURSUANT TO ORDER OF THE 8U-JL perior Court In and for the County of Alameda, and iu pursuance of Section 16'ZS of the Code of Civil Procedure, notice is hereby given to all administrators; executors and guardians, who have faJled to present accounts of their administration as required by the provisions of said Section, and especially to all, administrators, executors and guardians who have not filed for settlement accouuts of their administration during the year last past, to render immediately for settlement a full account and report of their administration to said Superior Court: and, in default of their so doing, proceedings will be taken, as provided for by law. Dated, Oakland, January 19th, 1SS6.

CJIAS. T. BOARDMAN, I Clerk. Notice to Creditors i Etate of SAMUEL O. II VST, deceaied.

-VTOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, BY THE iN undersigned, administrator of the estate of Samuel O. Hunt, deceased, to, the creditors of, and all persons ha ving claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within two months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at No. 10 California street, San Francisco, tluit lieiug the place of business of said administrator. COIT Administrator of Jue estate of Samuel O. Hunt, Dated Onkland.

January lGlSg.fl Notice to Creditors. Estate, of HAITI' MA SOX GlfJlSETTi de- teantd. I "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY T11E ll undersigned, Administrator of the estate of Mary Mason tiuruetf, deceased, to the creditors of and all personalia vingclttinis against the said deceased, ta exhibit them, with the necessary voulxT'f, within tea mouths after the first puljlicatiou of thts notice, to the said Admitiintrator, at the law ollice of Moore lted, southeast crr. Ninth and Broadway streijlts, iu the City -of Oakland. Comity of Alameda and State of California, his.

place of' business for the transaction of the busimsaof snid estate. ALBEItV U. UKNETT, Administrator of thle estate of Mary Mason Gtiructt, deceasud, Dated at Oakland. Jail. 7i Ik J'tSC.

Notice to Pi editors. IN' THE SUPERBR COURT OF ALA- meda County, tstAte of California. In the matter of tLe estate of Rodney Tabor, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administratrix of the estate of Rodney 1- Tabor, dec'ifed, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit ith the necessary vouclnrs, within four mouths after the first pubuicatiou of this notice, to me, at my residcace in 1 HARRIET fe. TABOK, AdihlnlstratrvK of the estate of Rodney L.

Talror. decenied. OLM.V 10 Pin, for Admtnls-trairlx. I Ice to Creditors 4 LL PEKSOX3 HAVING CLAIM againsti F. E.

Callisch will present the same, properly verified, to J. P. LKMiGE. Assignee for F. E.

Callisch for lite of his 42 11th 't Hew To-riay. a 1 1- NERVOUS DEBILITATED tVJEfl. You are allowed A fbee trial ttr vniaTV bats of the ut of Or. Uye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric fSnspenaory Aiiacces frr the speecy. relief aid pernianent cure of Nkrvoi Ijkkil- ity, ixwa or vitamtv and Mavhood and sHi kindred troubles.

Also for many other dieeaJ. Complete restoration to Health, Vigor ana Msritiooa guarantee), ao nsx incnrTect. Illustrated t-smphiet io sEALKO Esvcxora muled free, by atldreming OLTAIC BELT A GIFT: Send Ij cents stge. and we will rastl uarrr a rojal, valuable, ta-ple box of aroods thJLk wil, imt vt in tbe way of ntakusg surre nmii. n-r.

i h.n nv- thirtg else in America. Both sexs of all can livaat borne and work in Sre tin or til the time Cspital not reqntrcd We wp start u. mmefiite pty suro those who etart once. a for'taid. Mtin.

fiiANSFIELD APiLURlS. 1 ar idc tirre ei an SCALP AND SKIS DISEASES I Even the most inveterate that can bs fonnd, JVPILLAIIIS AOKN'CY. Office, 574 Seventh tL, Oakland. No. CAS.ITORKIA STSLrKT, tan lTstmetsnv CsJU CA8U C.

I. TiTLOR. Prest; J., Vioe-Prea't B. O.

Dick sod A. Bkjits, Bpecial AtU BRa.WC2i, Offlr-M8 Broadway, Oakland, Ct. hncAi, aoAK-a or OFnc-BJta ajts irrociu30LBipj A. K. P.

Harmon O. W. McXesr. Kraoris blake, T. J.

Cluni, Geo. W. Grsveon, i. N. Know its, a I.

Dingley. J.J. Scotcbl Alfred Barstow, Isaac L. Rsqiia, Geo. H.

Collins, James KotEts, H. H. Seatoo, Geo. O. PsrLuia.

A. R. P. HARMON. Fnsicsnr.

W. L. Prathsb. Secretsrr. -i The Oakland Home Ins.

home ojfick; Comnany's Bnillttir. N. W. corner and Washington trreta. 8.

P. Oeartinent-lt California Nt. i 'reliptiooe No US, Oak and. bSr, P. W.P.

frKFS. ..1. J. S. EMERV W.

F. BLOOD B. O-nral Airei UiRKcroas m. P. Jones, O.

Briirhmn, Cons. 1.. p. ShattueV. Jt hn Crcliin, J.

Emery, F. John M. II. Fnstman, Geo. F-.

Whit.ner. C5.VITAI-. Total fiGO. 7'-45 Karpiuafor Policy Holders. Fratik 31.

Gllcrest, Agent, No. 4B6 Elfrhth OakUml, Sim Insurance Co. HAS No. OriG.BROADWAK" Etst side, lvt. th and 10th Oakland W.

L. PR AT HER, Secretary. incorporated lrVi4. lie Mutual Go. 2 I Sarisome Street, SAW UttM Mutual in name only STATErvTsKT Of ft condition Decemlrtjr SI, at returned to tne various insurance uepartnient: Capit-il, Piiid up in Csh Re-insurnce 300.0K 75 Actiitti purpius over uapitij ana tu i Liabilities 52,06 Cash Reserved, for Unpaid Losses and Irividends due Shareholders.

4 i. 7,578 40 Total Cash Assets 13 To the Company means security to the Policy-Hoider The Company has paid a twelve per cent, annual dividend, awl iu the past seven years aocumulit nearly Two Hundred Thousand Dollars aduitli-mj assets, viz: Gross Assets. Not Surplus 1878 W70.462 00 76,081 00 13(5 C.n,X UU 70.W 00 ISSil 689,900 0C 113,561 00 ISSi 642.841 00 00 1885 679,832 00 19S.W& 0 1882 679.832 1883..., 1S84 75M7f 00 i33.4!2 tfl J. r. HOUGHTON President J.

N. BHEFARD. Yloe-PresJdott CHAS. it. 8TOR Secretary.

H. H. AH ILL. Ctmeral Ajftnt Alameda County Branch 922 and 82 1 Broadr.ay, Oi.llaad H. F.

CJOROiV. SHa.nm.uir HAHUi .3. HOUGHTON Meeref fry. tV. J.

KDKN City Agent. Banks. THE OAKLAND BANK of SAVINGS, Cor. Broadway. SsTwelfth st.

traklard. Capital and K6servo nhiZ ia DisEcroKi Francis Buke, fiArnL Merrttt, Henry Rogers, Israel LnwWuv W. K. Miller. W.

A Aidrict. R. Cole, E. C. Scsslors.

E. A Haines. E. C. W.

W. Garth-waits. rei'-ioii General baokirta business trausacU-d. Irt-erei allowed on Term Deposits. Loons on Real and Approved Collateral at lowest market rates i COBRESPONKKNT1 I San Francisco, ircttMA Bank and Bank op California: New York.

LAiratwt London, Asr.t. Oalikohsias Bank fLiMirrrji; DnHin, Ban ok Ucukd; Paris, mswei ik Berlin Mmh. DsKm ntR M'VIK A Fine B.iralar and Fire-Proof SAFE DEPOSIT VUT.T SATIv KEF.PIVG OF BOIS. STO UK, JEWELRY, VAII'APLK PAPERS OF EVER DES B1PTIOX F.If,, IS OFFERED FOR r.K THE FFKE1C MAM .4 EST OF TH BAXK. I ALL.

MA FES for rented, at low retAa. A 6 oomrarimt for siirerwaxe and oth bufty articles. S-3T Ktitrance to vauit in hanking roorj. UNION SAVINGS BANK, Corner Broadway and Ninth Street. i Capital ami Its-rv.

Fund, OOI1 BOARD O-F DIRECTORS A C. Henry. J. West Martin, j. v.

Auiswortn, tienscaw ward, U. J. Ainsworth, 8. Huff, Samnel Wotls, R. 8.

Farrelly li. W. Kirkham, Hiram pabhs, 11. A. Palmer.

J. WET A. Palmer IVice-Pres. and Treas. Interest allowed npon all deposits remaining threa calenflar nitmths, beginning frm the of 'each month succeeding the Oate of doposit.

NO ENTRANCE EE. Remittance from the country may 1 made by Express. or Check upon Buika in San Francisco aud book will be returned. Loans made only upon Mortgages, Estate and Bonds. CertiiicaV-s of Deposit bearing interest payable it di agreed upon.

UNION NATIONAL. BANK, TTsiiox Bask Bl-iidiso, Oakljnd. H. A. PALMER.

Deposit accounts opened in gold, silver and enr-rency. Exchange and telegrar hie transfan ou New York, in r-ums to suit, in gold or currency, at current rates. Funds deposited with onr correspondent in New York or San Francisco, paid here. New York correspondent, Chemical National Back. 1 First National Bank of Oakland, i 1C02 BROADWAY.

Capital V. D. Moody. Prfsitcnt J. E.

ice-President A. V. lliotisos Csabier BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A. Chaboi; .1.

E. Ruaglei-. Morehouse, A. J. Snri-r.

W. Jones; V. D. Moody. G.

J. Ainsworth, F. K. hat-tuck, J. C.

Ain.worth Transacts a general commercial barifcing business Sight Exchange, foreign rtic, for sa'e. CHAS. F. LUTGEN, Expert AND ADJCSTER OP TAt Km. OFFICE 306 California Street, San Francisco.

PESIDE.Vi'K 1012 F-mrtenth J. SEUL.rJEItGKIJ, NuFseryiiiaD, Seedsman Florist FLORAL DEPOT, tO SEVEXTII ST." StRSEKl'. PEKALTA EIGHTH Regular Impnrter from Europe r-f all kinds of Vegetable aud Floral Seeds. Mr. Seulberger, for twenty year, ia the will prrmniUly attend to the inasing of a'l Floral Woreand will udabak- EB BATISFACTIOS 1 snd OITY MAEKET Entrance on Twelfth street.

Wholesale snd Retttil Idlers in Bmt Quntliy of Meat. Fresh M-t. every day, Uanw of all kinds -mJmz i PRoaocs raassT. FLOUB (My Extras, K-bb'-n. fcA 871 City Saoer-fl-ie, $3 5G(ti4 00; Inferior, brands, 4 6 sttra, od -it 00 3 75 for ape Tie.

iVHVT Shipping, 1 323 ctl, for No. 1, and 30'tsi for No. extra choice milling, 35 371; coast wheat, 25 $1 27. HAB.LKT Rrewtagr $1 47J; Feed, $1 3S 1 S2j- for good to-choice, ctl. UATiJ-Chsjce, fl 30.1 40; Ho.

Si 22J31 25; No. 2. 91 lol 20; Orejron. lS al 22 i ctl; Black, for seed, 30Si 6J; Wwlliington Territory, tl lStcrll 20., COK.N 103 12i; yellow, 1 10 41 12 9 ctl. RYtL-t gJTfc.l.

BKAS Quoted at 15 60010 tot. tiAYr-Vheat and Wiid-Oat, 12 Carlej 9U4 13; SUalo, tr26a.4; Cow, ton. 8TKAW Viuotable 63i75csjl Dait. ETC Table Jtav. 24-- Fed $26j27 tor; Oracau." 00 sa; aoaiitsy, SVe IS OsUiSU PEA3 1 1 3TJ for Niles; si 10 81 75 for Blackeye; 1 COWfl 75 for Green.

SEEDS brown Mustard, 4i 60 S3 25; Yellow Uuatard, $3 00-3 60; Fiax. 50iir3 37J ctl; Canary. (gfHo; Airalfa, lOiUJo; llsie, Uemp, 8rt4c; Timofhv. 5icr ft. dUuRiiAr 1 25 ctl; 3KAJKS Sitiill hite, f9; i'oa, 91 75 ttl rs.yos, $1 30: Pmx: $1 151 20; fled, 1 30; faoos, 35 ti2 50 for good, and 2 25 for lower grades; yuttor, at 1 4U( 1 OO, Ct.

POl'ATOJiS Early Rose, k5 River 30e.a40c; Jersey Blues, TOcsOe; Fetalntuas, sweets. ctl. ONIONS-SI 60il SO ctl. Jfancy, 27ie3 2(5 427c for jroiid to choice; a 25c fur fair; firkin, SOcJSf pick- led roll, -ci mixed store Butter, IzjcrtlGi': Western, 10c16o i CaEKjSE CalJfornia, 8g9fcr old, m14c for choice new; Eastern Creamery, 14i3I6c 'ii it. POU1.TRS Live Turkey, ft-.

12c (13i tcr hens and 12 12Js for tfObblew: dressed do, 13c lc; txevac, ft pa.iTl lbCdsi-2 2i; Dncks, Sfdox, 00 17; Ksiis, 50, Koqsters. yenne 5 50jJ 60; f. 55: Broilers, t4 50 t6 dozen. GAME Hare, 1 CO i9 dozan; Kabbitd, $181 2 V0i2 75; Sprigs, iiite 81 60; Teal; 1 00; small Ihicks, 0c75c; Gray Geese, ii'Ssi 50; common Snipe, 75eS 81; Englleh Snipe, S2 bO-gSl Quail, 1 25; WKhreorj, l(te White Geese, $1 00(331 25; Brant, SI CO (d gl 25: Honkers, 60 4 Canvas Iack8. il 60(ff3.

EGGS V2c23c 1 dozen for California, and, 20 for Eastern. HONEY Bright comb. JcglSc; dart do, 63 8c; new bright extracted, 5Jc 6t 6c; amber extracted, 4c ig 44c; old dark and candied" do, 4c 4fc lb. BEESWAX 22S24c Ibj. lKJMKSTIO FRO rr Apples, 40c75e for common, and ilSil 25 9 box for good to choice; Pears, 9 box Cape Ood Cranberries, $10 fll bbl; Wisconsin Cranberries, OOMEST10 PBJED- FRUIT We qnote: pears, sSlOc; Peaches, 4(35c: peeled, do, 10120; machUe-iricd Apples, 4c ft 5c; Sua-dried Apples, sliced, 2ig3c; do, quarters, l'gljc; Plums, pitted, 6c (f unpitted, 2cg3c; Pruites, 4crd6c; Fljrs, preised, 4J5c; do, unpressed, 2c Apricots, 7c5b8c; da evaporatad, 12J(el5c; Nectuincs, a per tt.

Raisins, $1 CO box for whole boxes, with the usual advance or fractional boxes. VEGETABLES t9 9 on; i Hubbard Squash, iS ton; Dry Peppers, 1012c 9 tt Oirrota, sue Turnips, 7Sa-r; Beets, 75ct Parsnips, 00; Cabbasjo, bOiic ctl: fxUc, 10cg ft; Dry Okra, It. 1 S17J B.J 'JS Anaeies Green Peppergi 5jfttc i Lou ABgeles Tomatce, 25 box. i-fcOVltilONS brfaktist lsa-on, lij13c; Call-" rjrnia smoked do, Sjcc; for heavy and medium; lOtlUc for ligfct; extra light, 12c13c; Ba-jon Sides, llama, (Eastern sjar cured), for mty traue, Csjiiomia Hum, IOJc llc; refrigerator cured, 12c(il2Jc; Lird, tierces- East-i for all kinds; ca, lliUic; ifornla tierces, half 8ccSS4cr i 7yc 8r. pails, 10-lb, IOJc; do IOJc; kegs, BoaSJc 9 Mesa Beet, 9 E0 I0 50; extra I mens, 11 00ai? 50; family, do, 810 416 50; I porav 113rl out extra prime, Jo, 13 M) 14; extra clear 50(3 il9, ci' da, air 5 J16 00; Pig Pork, keg, 3SJ3 12i; Vw1 Feev.

til 60(12 bbl: Smosei Bsef, 121aUl3 S. HOPS 6c3Sc tt). HIDES AND PELTS Heavy Salted Steere, i Over 66 ts, 9ic; medium do. Se tt light do. 9Jc; salted Kips, 99e; ssltcd ZJii, lie lb; lry UidesLUsnal k' wise; lry Dry Calf, Sc Jb; prime hair Goat skins, 70c5 wjct medium, 60c ooc; poor ana aomagea uo, each; small skins, 2540c; kids, 6c10c emeu; Deer Skins, good summer, (i(4-4c; medium, 23c; thin, 20(a'22c; poor, 15c.

Sheep Skins: Shearlings, I025c; short wool, So jtOOc; medium 60 75c; long wool, $11 60; Uatcliertown Green Skins sell relatively higher. TALLOW--Good and choice rendered; 4jc in balk and 6c In casks; refined, c07c; Grease, KJo 4rsperlb. WOOL Fall rangos as follows: Iluinboldt and Mendocino, 18c lal-; free Mountain, 13c (rt 10c; Northern defective, iai314c; Sail Joatiuin plains, v12c; Southern coast, 10 12Ji lb. VEltL AND PA SSKB OKB, PKOSIOKT11V, January. 21st.

To arrive in Oakland January 23d: Mrs, Brown. New York; G. N. CloUon, Illinois; 8: WXodge, St. Lonis; Miss Dodge, Dayton; F.

Evertson, Illinois; lin, San Francisco: 1. Foley, Nevada Oans, Iowa; T. S. Hanchett, San Francisco; Hub- bard and wife, Detroit- Mrs. J.

Mann, IOndonj P. u. Merrill, St. David; T. Nye and wife, CNye and wile, Omaha: H.

Nictle, Butte; T. J. Perkins, Chicago; C. Petid, San Francisco; T. J.

Scotteld and wile, Utah; Miss G. Miss C. i -v ,1 1 1 1 1 wahi. Kansas city; w. H.

Whispell, u. j. New York. BIRTHS. MILLS In San Francisco, November, 21 to the wife or William U.

Mains, a bou. TTEDEMANN In San Francisco, January 9, to the wife of D. Tiedeinann, a son. ARMSTRONG In Han Francisco. January 21, to the wife of F.

Armstrong, a daughter. HECHT-rln San Francisco, January 17, to thewife of Emanuel Hecht, a son S1ARR1AQKH LAOET-FITZ'3ER LD In San Franciwo, Jan-vary 19, Edward F. Laccy and Katie E. Fitzgerald SHELDON-BALDWIN la San Francisco, January 19, George E. Sheldon and Cora H.

Baldwin. COFFIN-EAGAN In San Francisco, January 20, Arthur W. Coffin and Mrs. Katie E. Eagan.

BROWN -PATTON In San Francisco, January 20, W. 8. Brown and L. H. Patton.

i DEATHS. Coal Dealers. RETAIL PRICE REDUCED. The STewport Coal (COOS BAY) Is the Cieanest, Best a.d Cheapest. Ask your Dealer for it and be Sure you Get it.

WEESH Anthracite Coal. 25 PER CENT CHEAPER Than Pennsylvania. CHEAPEST BEST For heating furuaccs and llf -feeding stoves. NO SOOT. SMOKE, Welsh' Anthracite Pens.

Astiiracitk Fixed Carbon 93.09 Volatile Bituminous' Marter 2.65 4 83 Ash 2 50 3.C5 Water 1.70 1IJ0. 100. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT. RENTON GOAL AGENTS, 413 Tenth Street, Oakland tTr FILLE6R0WN Successor to T. CARR, COKE AND CHARCOAL, 4G2 Thirteenth Street, Between Broadway and Washington, Teleplione'boi.

IKI AI, t'AL erdisnt Tailora 5 rib do fi a '4 "I a s. a I uv I work for less money than iu Sun rancuco. Call and satisfy yourself. 'RilMEMBER THE FLACK. seiectiln Foreizn and Domestic Cloths lioaver nud Cassimcrea or dress and business suit cade in the latest style, and warranted to fit LEADING Merchant Tajlor, Ml J.

I IE All ISTo. lpo6 Broadway, Latest Styles KOM EAST 8us made in fesS manner by good i "5 i --i jVi'l 'T wornmen. Give him a trial ana he Gas itoves ARE ECONOMICAL. Coekiiijj; Stoves for Sale and to. Rent Heating Stoves ia Newest Pattema CHEAPER THAN COAI.

2(0 IS I'SE. Sp al Terojis to nasi Con sunt era. TSTO SJSIOK NQ uusx. CALL AND HKK THEM AT I OFFICE Oakland.Gas, Light and Heat Co. S.

E. Cor. Ninth and Washington Sts. H. W.

EDWAEDS FtV i So. 963 rra. Agent for Oakland and Vicinity tk K-ockfijrd Watches. S. AUTEY In San Francisco, January 20, Alice Antey, a native of San Francisco, aged 28 days.

GOLDSTEIN In San Francisco. January 2, Jacob H. Goldstein, a native of Poland, aged 47 years. MENDESSOLIE la Sao January 20, lienjamlu Mendessolle, a nati.e cf France, aged 50 years. HARRIS In Ran Francisco, January Salomon Harris, a native of Prussia.

ged 63 years. -J HALONEY In San Francisco, January 22, James Maloney, a native of Ireland, aged years. vEAPHAE'j-In San Francisco, January 21, Jessie Raphael, a native of Germany, aged 53 years. WAGNER In San Francisco, 21, Katie L. Wagner, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 months and 21 days.

LAWTON In San Francisco, January 21, Harry Lawton, aped bO years. HOSS In San Francisco, January 20, Frederic Hoes, a native of Germany, aged 3l years, 1 munth and 18 days. A IiT. AH ANIn San Francisco. January 21, John Callahan, a native'of Ireland, aged 00 years.

CHURCHYARD Iu San Frsncisco. January 21. John Churchyard, a native of Ea'land, aged 72 1 years. LEVINSOHN In San Francisco, January 21, Meyer Levinsohn. a native of Piufsia, aged 53 years ToLKY In Redwood City, January 17, Henry Foley, aged S3 years.

I OOWAN --In San Frahcisco. Jariuary 20, Lulu Cowan, a native of California, 3 years. TUKNKK In Han Franciscii, January 21, John Turner, a native of England, aged 33 year. I SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Hmia aTratsiclaco 1SS6 Arrivals.

Tim n.HOAY, January 21. Stmr Areata. Marshall. 72 bonrs from Ouosliay; Stmr Humboldt. Paton.

24 hours from Eurcka-Dasa and nids. to hearles btntiu. Htmr liooita. Hunter. C'J hours from Man Pedro; 1700 slwep, to Eugene Av y.

Thcrdat, Januaiy 21. Lr Angel. Von Helms, lUmuttoii tiiMMiall. Ferkin ft t. Ship Sea King.

Getdiell. Oueenatowji; Wml)n.

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