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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Hast fa Polar Expeeltlea. HEW TO-DAY. UYERSSL uln CITY COUIICIL 1 i 4 aawaawnwje r. J- 1 on the opposite side of Ban Pablo avenue from tha burning building. Tha safe in the Treasurer's offioa con QaHaiitr gbtnhig fgiiBxntt called.

He gave: soma very interesting statiatics with regard to his management of tha Recorder's office for the past two A great many important expeditions to the North Pole have been made, the peeehea a elates Before) the Peawla af Haw THE FIRE FIEND, Oakland's City HaU be- -V V.AUG. 27. The meeting then adjourned with Special Session Held rajr TOOTMstUi. -rf; tained only a small sum oi money, tha balance of the city funds being de-posited in tha Oakland Bank of 8av ings. Captain Band and his officers main object being to determine whether an open Polar Sea does exist Among the most prominent adventurers, we find named such men as, Henry Hudson xnree cheers for tbe ticket.

Associated lrcas Dispatches to the Wok UOntipw Beal Estate Auctioneer. Broadway, Oak--. land; 309,311, 313 Sansome street (H. M.iiewhall Ca's.) ban, this ZIorning in Armory Hall. VOTES ABDlCEKPTS.

Bennett, Jonas Poole, Baffin, Kane, and Tourcdtoy Flames. many other glory seekers. The laat ex took the xngutetwa their sells, and those who Wars in for sueh minor offences as drank, i et, vera allowed their liberty; twenty. toot were taken to the County Jail Christine Nilsson gave the receipts of one of ber recent London concerts pedition made though, perhaps, is the FROM OUR RESIDES! 00RREBP01TDRST.1 LtVERMORS, August 23, The following letter mailed; at liver-more on the 23d inst did not reach this office until too late for insertion in the Tribune of Saturday. Ed.

Tribune. Last evening the Democrats rallied in A Russian Victory In Action Takes Relative to the O. EXTJXUDQE, Aaetlo: most interesting one, but quite ridiculous and locked p. Seventy Thousand Dollars and detrimental in its results. refer vmnrosmsatMr to Ex-City HaH.

f-. WHAT WAS SAtD. more particular to the Drv Goods rigged "While tha foregoing scenes wars tak Worth i of Property Bark, Early which I. to a hospital for throat diseases in that city. The receipts amounted to over $5,000.

Mr. Wm. Beach Lawrence pays taxes upon property at Newport valued at Mr. J. G.

Bennett on Mr. August Belmont on ing puoe, thousands oi citizens cad At twenty minutes past ten this morn sailed about three weeks 'ago. on an ex Destroyed. aa elroolaUoa ai tho TBIBsaa aa mm Una aaaala tMat oi aay aaaor waUaaod la AteM Coty Financial and Commercial. Eur Tajuroisoo.

August StptSTT. 1 Gold close to New York tfrday a 104 Government Booda, 106H for ri I8qT 1(39 for S'sol 188Xi ectno MalUMi Colon Telegraph. 81 Sterling, Wi LcgU Tenders are looted at MM hvlilMd MSi selling. BrokersarebuyingHalf Dollars ail 5a pet eeot discount and are MlUnUein at 0 percent, dlaoount. Trad Dollars ere quoted in thia market at MM baying snd 9 sailing.

Th Liverpool wheat market given to-daj at lla lid to la 5d for average California and 13a 9d to lOd or elabc full force at this place. For the last- few days the people here had been in a fever of excitement, in anticipation of the rich treat in store for them when the respective candidates on both aides should put in an appearance. The meeting, which was in the open air, was very largely at Basalasi Victory In Anneal. Saw Toax, August 27th. A special from London says: A correspondent of the Bueslaa assembled in the vicinity of tha born' ing building and were watching with anxious eyea for.

soma slight victory over the fire; alas, they were doomed TrniteeB' Sale ing the City Council met in Armory HaH, all the members of the Council being present. The Council was called to order by President Walter, who stated in a few words that as the object of the meeting was well known to all, it was unnecessary to make further remarks. S194.UW; Air. George Bancroft on $37,000, and the estate of Edward pedition to try and close all the stores along the coast from San Francisco through tha Arctic Sea and round Greenland, When they reached about 23 north, they saw away in the distance a bright red light, and an enormous sign, on- which they discovered the words, Mellis Bros. Great Northern Auction disappointment; not until almost tended, and the speakers were otten in tha entire woodwork of the buildins The first Bang is assessed upon $1,577,000.

above tha first floor was destroyed did terrupted by loud applause, speaker wa ROBERT L. MCKEE, the flames begin to give way before the The Bev. Phillips Brooks tells the suggestive speech of a backwoodsman i THK. CALL. i City Clerk James Dods read the call Undisciplined Firemen and an Incompetent Chief.

What the City Hall Ring A coomplished by Do- I headquarters In Armenia telegraphs from Knrak-Dara, under date of Anguet 15th, as fol lows: A desperate engagement baa inat been fought near this village, about S5 miles northeast of Kara, resulting In aa aneeuit ocal victory for the Bnaaiana. The Turkish right attacked the Boasiaa left, which rested on a plateau In KnrakJara at 3 o'elock this rooming. The two armies fought all day lcag The weather throughout was inagnlAoentj and for fourteen hours the attack, repulse, and counter attack oontinued. The ruar of NOTICX 18 HEREBY GITEr THAT OH application ofThe Oakland Bank of Savings, and la pursuance of a deed of true mads by 4 FAJBCmJL To P. a.

Wilcox aad X. H. Hall, dated June 97. 18714 and duly assigned sad conveyed by said P. 8.

Wilcox sad at. Hall to P. 8. Wilsox sad T. B.

Bige-low, and by P. 8, Wilcox and X. B. Bige-low to O. Beaslon aad W.

X. Mille, and for default daelaiMl ondeff tho Sam, la efforts of the firemen; comments upon the utter lack of. discipline of tha fire department, and strong and harsh for the mee tins', which call Was signed House." The ship was hauled to, and one of the immortal Early Closers, was sent by A. Walter, President of the City Who eulogized President Hayes, speaking of him aa a man who dared to do right in spite of strong opposition, one whoee decisive action had been so far above partisanship that it might be well said of Council, i comments upon the action of the City Hall Bins for the part thev President Walter then called for reso as a delegate to parade with a ridiculous transparency before that store until it closed, but at the latest account it was have taken in rendering the fire de lutions or any other expression from tbe members of the Council. who heard Bishop Mead preach without manuscript, in a frontier church.

"He is the first one of tbem fine fellers," said the homely critic, "that I hats ever seen who could shoot without a rest" Tobacco cultivation in Germany occupies about 54,000 acres, according to a recent consular report, two-thirds partment of thiS city, an unorganized. straying the lire undisciplined luxury, an object of con The following resolutions were offered: musketry and cannon waa unceasing, and so thick was the smoke at tunes that the moon and son could not be seen. The Russians were (UI1NINQ STOCK, REPORT. Sseelsuy Telegraphed te Ua "Tribune. SASTn-UKJieoo.

August 17. Th following sale weramada In tha Ban Irenciseo Stock and Exchange oard this morning: IIMIOS. still open, and this is one reason why the Great Eastern Auction House in Oakland has had such a oooling effect on other stores. i Department. tempt and a mere political machine.

Theaa comments were not confined to RESOLUTION NO. 7044. Resolved, That the Auditing and Fi anv particular local tv: in averv rxir nance Committee be authorized and di mm that he was the "President of the whole people. When the Republican party sneer at our endorsing the President's Southern policy, tell them that the war is over forever: that there should be no more carpet-bag government; it meant reconstruction. It said that the internal discord that had existed for sixteen years should end, and above all it said that the United States were once more united in an eternal bond of friend- tion of the vast throng assembled to rected to obtain immediately suitable ha.

Citizens of Oakland Highly accordance with a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors, oa the frth day of July, 18TT, the undenigned Trustees, oa Satardar, August Ith, (Fourth), 1977, between the hours tiki and P. M. of that day. at tbe auction salesroom of Olney No. SSS Broadway in the city of Oakland.

Alameda county, California, will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, for eaah in gold cola of tho United Btatea, all those certain lota of land situate In said etty of Oakland, and described as follows: I Lots twenty-six (36) sad twenty-seven (37) in block one hundred sad eighty-four (1st), as oer Xellersborrer' map of quarters for the City Council and Muni- 1 iJ2 1 witness the conflagration, these com ments and sentiments were 'freely ex so persistently brave and pursued their well-known policy of reserving their nre until the attacking column was at very close rangei when after a discharge the Russians sprang forward and received their foes with the bayonet. It waa not always that the Turks wavered. Some portions of the Turkish line fought better than others. Desperate hand to hand fighting occurred. Ob two occasions Hew Books at Barely'aw Three new stories in Harper's Half Hour series, 25 cents each; "Mrs.

Arthur," by Mrs. Oliphant, 50 cents; M.ex... JM 8 Hill 763 a pressed. It was seen and understood that the members of the City Hall Bins Incensed at the State of Affairs. NT .3 60'i 6S 2u0 460 SO bad debauched the fire department of UAkiand, had placed In the important of which are in the southern States, and the remainder in Brandenburg and Pomerania.

The average crop is worth about $45,000,000, and the German empire, in spite of ita enormous consumption of the weed, exports far more than it receives. Prof. Philbrick, Superintendent of the Publio Schools of Boston, in his semi-annual report just issued, pepre-ciates very strongly the custom of Bavage K4 5 60 60 330 position of Chief Engineer, a man utterly incapable of managing a fire of premises, and to report to the Council this evening. ((Adopted ty a unanimous vote. RESOLUTION NO.

7045. Retolvtd, That the Committee on Fire and Water be authorised and directed to procure the use of bell of the First Presbyterian Church to strike the fire alarm and they have power to act, conjointly with the Fire Warden. Resolution adopted. X(aH "The Marqis of Losse," by George Mc Donald, 75 cents and $L25; "A Harvest of Wild Oats," by Florence Man-yet, SL50; "The Grinder Papers," by Mary Kyle Dallas, tt. 50; ''Garth," by Julian Hawthorne.

$1 and SL5; "Harry," by At ten minutes past sine o'clock 630 110 440 160 430 430 00 190 33 iso 130 160 490 100 140 300 eo 30 the Turks attempted to flank the right of the Russian def ensile position, bat were defeated in each and every attempt. General Moris Melikcff commanded the defense in sucn magnitude, and bad successfully snip uur opponent, Mr. Vrooman. says that we sty "lorgetthepasV' We do say forget the past We say that the fellowship and friendship of a united people are of too great a value to permit of old issues coming between them. He then alluded to the Chinese question and said it was a well known fact that the Democratic party had endorsed certain, resolutions to prevent the Point.

......3 90 Kentttck. 1 6 Saturday night the City Hall building of Oakland was discovered to be on,n....40i-V! 8074c Mnn 8Ur a Cnloo. 4 SftoU 80 Julia 1 OS Oaledo.8 703.75 4 i Peytonal 3011 Eureka. 84 Joe Meadow 9oo OouVe Aloha. 10 fcftUOS paved the way to a total loss of property valued at thousands of Belohec 4 95 100 1M M6 9T5 V0 460 390 160 400 49 fire.

The flames were first discovered dollars. This feeling has been grow Puh.iovai9s said city of Oakland, on file in th office of tbe County Recorder of said Alameda county; Together with the improvements tbereoa. -TRRMS OP i BALK Cash la gold coin of the United 'States, tea per cent, on the fall of the hammer, balance on delivery of Deeds and if not so paid, aniens for want of title (tea days being allowed for search), when szid tea per coat to be for- -feited snd the sale to void. The Oakland Bank of Savings or any member, or Director thereof, may bid and purchase at said sale, under the provisions of said Trustees, Acta ing continually and the tax-payers of Oakland mow fully realize that their by parties on the street, who noticed that the windows in the attic were 8 N.V .3 6693.40 Beg person. He waa enthusiastically cheered when he appeared.

Both the Buasians and Turks were in full strength. It waa on the part of the latter an attack in force to fully test the Russian position, but General Hell-koff was able to mass his forces at the point of attack, when made In the open property is at the merov of incendia RESOLUTION NO. 7046. Retatved, That the Auditing and Finance Committee be authorized and directed to determine, adjust and settle the immigration of Chinese. The speaker spoke of the foreign population, saying that their bones had whitened the ground author of Mrs.

Jeningham's Journal, 25 cents. i St rack a steof. While the schooner Mayborough was making her trip from New York she struck a reef thereby damaging a lot of lighted up. An alarm wan imme ries, for, by the malignant and reach diately given from box 24 at the City BOSK. erous coarse pursued by the lung.

bringing forward little children from the primary schools to speak pieces and sing at grammar school exhibitions. He supposes the idea is borrowed from the Sunday school anniversaries, and claims that in both instances, in the interest of religion, morals, and sound education, the practice should be at once abppressed. Hall, and an officer rang the bell until there is nothing to check or subdue any fire of magnitude that may break HUTCHIMG8 In East Oakland, Augtut 30, to th wife of D. F. Hutching, a eon.

the flames burned the rope in twain. out. In less than ten minutes after the fire of sale at purchasers- expense. E. O.

8KS8ION8. 1 -wL. W. B. MILf.KK.

fTT Bale of the premise above described OIBD. country, as to oppose man to man his enemy By a eavalry dash spout daylight, tbe Turks captured the little village of Kizzell Tops, a place wholly untenable, and it was consequently aban THK Cm HALL I ot many a battle-neld and that they also were to be protected in their rights from the encroachments of servile and degrading la)xr with which it was impossible for them to compete. He then reviewed the ticket and made an earnest appeal to all good citizens to lay. aside their prejudices and vote for the best men they could find. With regard to Thoa.

Smith, the incumbent of the Recorder's office, he said no more honest public servant could be found. The statistics from the office goods belonging to the Cash Auction Co. They offer 50 pieces extra heavy, only slightly damaged, Ticking at 11 cents per yard, actual value 30 cents 0,000 yards heavy brown Cotton at 7 cents per yard. Look for the Cash Auction House, 476 Was built from1 plans drawn up by was discovered tha flames had spread the entire length of the fourth story, and as the roof soon burned through. Insurance effected on the City Hall building.

Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION NO 7047. Whereas, A calamity has befallen tiiis city in the loss of the City Hall, but in the saving and preservation of the publio archives, therefore be it Resolved, That the thanks of this Council are hereby due and tendered to all citizens who by their exertions saved the books and records of this city and to those who tendered temporary quarters DCSKNBUBT In Eaat Oakland. Anie eldeet daughter of Thea. B.

and Leslie A Duaeobury, a native of Kaat Oak is postponed until Saturday, August 11th, at the same time aad place. The late Walter L. Newberry of Chicago left an estate valued at from Mr. Bugbee, under the superintend-aooe of C. C.

Olney, Jr. Tne founda the hot flames shot up toward the sky land, aged 9 rears, 9 months ana asja. n-Frienda and asauaMtance are re. putting the bright rays of the moon to UASXAJro, August 1877. E.

8E88IOKS, 1 WjE.MILLKB, Trustees. Sale of the nremiaes above described is blush. Cries of fire, and ejaoulatioss pectfully invited to attend th. funeral TO MORROW (Tueaday,) at 1 oclock r. u.

of thousands of people filled the- air postponed until Saturday, August 18th, at the from th residence of Thoa Eager, tion stone was laid in the spring of 18C9. Previous sessions of the City Council were held in Shattuck's brick building' on the southwest corner of Broadway and Eighth street. The original contract price for the building was and other amounts were added to this as necessity seemed to same ume ana piece. 826 Fourteenth street, without farther the police and officers around the City Hall rushed here and there, en tor the same. resolution no 7048.

Oaklasb, August 10, 1877. notice. deavoring to accomplish something of Whereas, The City of Oakland has sustained a severe loss in the destruction of the City Hall by fire and that rumor and Ninth street, next to Wells Fargo's Ex press GrasMl Tarkoy Skoot. At the Baxter House, San Pablo avenue, Sunday, Sept 2, there will be a grand Turkey shooting at 225 yards, any class or kind of weapon can be used. There will also be given by Capt Baxter a superb Turkey dinner with all the delicacies of the for the moderate sum of fifty cents.

If you are looking for pleasure this is the place to go. Iaterestlas; News. B. C. W.

EMiLLFK, Trustees. I 8al of the premises above described is postponed until September 1st, at the same time and place. I OAKLAND BREVITIES. advantage. Three or four parties un doned by the Russians.

The Turka will doubtless evacuate the place to-night. The efforts of the Turks to capture the village Kuruk-Dara was desperate and certainly did not fall from want of persistency prior to the opening of the attack only a few companies of the regiment forming the extreme Russian left had been encamped in fiont of the town, but ahortly after midnight 3eneral Moris at ellkok having been informed of the advance of the enemy, two entire divisions, each division consisting of four regiments of 3,500 men, were thrown into the place before 6 o'clock in the morning. The greater part of the Second Division was htld aa reserre, and did not ccme into the action until late in the afternoon. The first shock of the attack was received by two regiments of in reeled a small y. Inch hose which lay near the basement entrance, i and require; for stone and masonry work, for strengthening the timbers throughout, $3,000.

Other improvements since have brought the total cost W. W. Theobalds, of WaBhinp. ton Independent, was in Oakland to Vakuaxo, August 18, 1877 dragged it up stairs, at the first alarm E. C.

SESSIONS. the head of water, however, was not MILLER, Trustees. day. strong enough to force a stream so 000,000 to $5,000,000. His widow was to get $10,000 a year for her life, and at her death the estate was to be divided, half going to the heirs, and half to the city for the establishment of a public library.

Mrs. Newberry baa elected to take her statutory share, and the heirs have sued for and obtained an order for immediate distribution, so that in every short time the city of Chicago will have a princely library. The Maharajah of Jaipur, in India, has determined upon eradicating from his State the odious custom by which Hindoo widows are prohibited from remarrying. To carry out this laudable purpose he baa appointed a council, consisting of four Pundits and one European, who are well versed in Sanscrit. It will be the duty of these gentlemen to explain to the people that the remarriage of widows is nowhere prohibited by the Shastars, and that snob, marriages will be recognized by the State as lswful and commend hig, and this most favorable oppor Jim Kelly, for being drank, was fined $6 by the Police Judge this oeuei are prevalent that the same was the work of an incendiary, therefore be it Retolved, That the City Council behalf of the city of Oakland, now offers a reward of $1,000 for any information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of said incendiary, or guilty parties.

The City Clerk is hereby instructed to cause this resolution to be published in two of the daily papers of this city for the space of thirty clays. Resolution adopted. bears witness to his honesty and integrity. Mr. Porter says that they want no Democrats in office, and all he could say with regard to Mr.

Smith was that he was a Democrat Men who put forward such ideas as this, do not represent a free people under a Democratic government It was a mistake to say that the Republican party were the. promoters i of all the good. He then cited the names of many noted Generals of the Union army who. before the war, were Democrats, and others who were Republicans, who are now to be found in the Democratic ranks. The Democrats as well as the Republicans fought for the country; there was no difference between them then.

Like brothers they stood Hyperion-like before the foe; it was not the Republican or Democratic party, but men of the North, South, East and West; it was the American party fighting on this soil for American principles. He then closed with the remark that if elected he would perform the trust to the best of his ability, not aa a Democrat, but aa an American citizen: parties were the embodiment of morning. IF Tbe Oakland freed Store will be re YOU WANT TO SAVE tunity for checking the flames was lost. When the roof was UX ABXiiZS, And the tongues of fire were mounting far into the heavens the fire: en There will be a grand concert in the Independent Presbyterian Church to np to very near $70,000. The structure oecupied a portion of the irregular block bounded by Fourteenth street, San Pablo avenue and Washington street.

The dimensions were a follows: Width, inclusive of two wings, 100 feet; depth, 125 feet; basement built of stone, ten feet deep, in the clear; the rest of the building waiof wood. The second story was 25 feet; third 20 feet, and the attio measured 15 feet in height. A cupola surmounted the roof thirty feet high, making the bight from basement to apex of tower 100 feet. The base morrow night. opened by the undersigned on Saturday, September 1, 1877, at the old stand 418 and 420 Ninth street, between Broadway and Franklin, Oakland, with a full stock of hay, grain, flour, feed which we shall offer for sale at the lowest market rates, with satisfaction guaranteed.

Denison A Landox. Service! in Chinese and English were held last evening at the First Your Money THESE HARD TIMES! Baptist Church, corner of Brush and fantry, which had reinforced the small force in occupation of Keruk Dara, and In these two regiments the losses were terrible, soma companies being literally wrecked. They stood their grosnd. however, relief came. These men gave the Turks the first cheeck, and checked they were at every point throughout the day.

The repulse of the attacking army waa decided. I aaw the greater portion of the fight and retreat of the Turks at nightfall. Tha losses on both sides were nndoabtedly very heavy, but at this time, within two hours of the cessation.of the fight it Is Impossible to accurately estimate the Fourteenth streets, gines began to arrive. Felton reached the hydrant on Fourteenth street directly in front of the burning building, and got a stream directed Upon the Hall twenty minutes after the alarm was first sounded; Phoenix Engine No. 1 was in its house when the alarm was sounded, and had its wheels off, having been painted last week; when they got to work, the fire was burning briskly.

West Oakland Engine No. 3 took up its position at the junction of Broadway and Fourteenth and The Independent Macllahon Grcna dier Guard's target exournion to Bad' principle, and all that they were good for ment waS occupied as a City Prison AN INJURED MAN. Mr. Frank Buckley appeared before the Council and made a statement in regard to the condition of Edward Laperle, who had his leg- broken while endeavoring to save documents in the City Hall while the fire waa burning Saturday night. Mr.

Buckley stated that Laperle waa in needy circumstances, had a family dependent upon him for support, and was undoubtedly entitled to aid from the city, as he saved important and valuable documents before he was hurt. The matter was taken under consideration by the Council. SPECIAL MUTING TO-NIGHT. Bp ExpeaeUasjr It Wbero It Will Da Tea THE MOST GOOD; If you want to rent, or to have rented, a and by the offices ot tbe Health offi ger's Park yesterday, was attended by Tbe Dtflereaee. Dr.

Price' Extract of Vanilla is made from the true Mexican Vanilla bean, cer, Board of Health and Fire Warden a large number of people. able. An historical drama, entitled "Per-rinet Leclare," having brought on the stage as a traitor to king and country Marshal Jean de Villiers, who flour John Fennessy of the Oakland Bil On the first floor were the, offices of the City Assessor, Clerk, Police Court, Superintendent of Publio Schools, while most of the so-called extract of vanilla in the market is but an imita was that they might carry out the one principle of American citizenship. JUDGE LAMAR Was the next speaker. He thanked the Chairman for stating that he had not sought the responsible position that he then occupied, and that which he hoped to occupy in reference to the whole ef the liard Parlors will donate the proceeds of bis business this evening to the aid house, omce, store or iinilning; If you want to buy sell a house and lot, or lot, or land, ot business, or anything; i If you want property taken care of in tion, made from the tonqua, or anuff number of killed and wounded.

It was reported about 3 o'clock that General Roman. off Tcbauzauvadze was killed, but it trans. plrea that he was only badly wounded. 1 waa assured of this fact by one of his aides less than an hour ago. lie tells me that the General la doing well.

Tarfcish army at Plevaa. Brooklyn Engine No. 4 at the corner of Broadway and Twelfth streets. The hose of ail the engines got fearfully mixed up and twisted ana crossed in ished 400 years ago, an action for defamation has been instituted, in France, by his alleged descendant, M. de Villiers, of Isle Adam; but the Tri bean.

Dr. Price's Extract Vanilla has the fine, delicate flavor of the fruit Sometalaarte Seftea Hard Times. Fine hats cheaper than ever. M. Brink City Council Chamber, City Engineer, Marshal, and City Attorney.

The Council jn July last ordered the third story to be fitted and furnished for the use of the Council and Board of Education. This work had just been completed at a cost of over nmcxANcn on cm hall. The City HaH was insured in three your absence; If you want a loan negotiated as borrower or lender; i If you want rents collected, or collections made; If you want deeds, leases, mortgages, or citizens of Alameda. He did not wish to go over the history of the two parties; the Press had done that most efficiently; they had talked of the matter until the people had become well versed. He then bunal, without inquiring into his an sucn a manner as to greatly impede a proper use thereof; one set of firemen would get hold of the wrong hose oocassionally and jerk the nozzle away There being no further business before the Council, an adjournment was taken until to-night at 8 o'clock, the meeting to be held in the same place.

The meeting is a special one. ana the principal business to bo transacted will be in connection with the 'Eighth street bridge matter. London 27th. A correspondent at the headquarter of the Plevna army telegraph August 30th Osman Pasha received reinforcementa ef 1500 regulars yesterday from Suleiman Paaha. The spoke at some length on the policy of President Hayes, upon the question of labor and capital of corporations, and on the Chinese question, a full report of from another set FbcemxEngi ne bad not been at work but a short time when it broke down and was utterly useless for the balance of the night; the other en cestry, nonsuited him, on the ground that a novelist or playwright is entitled to bprrow real names and mix up fact and fiction, provided he does not give a well-known personage a character altogether opposed to historical truth.

Intelligence haa been received from Prof. Orton, of Yassar College, who companies a policy in the Home Mu has been buying at bed rock prices for cash, and proposes to sell at a small ad vanoe. Baeoa'a Palaee. Ice Cream, Chewing Candy, assorted flavors, Walnut and Peanut Croquet Balls. To Order.

IMPORTANT -ALE. tual Insurance Company for $10,000, other legal instruments written or copied; I If you want the services of 'a Notary Public, or Commissioner of Deeds; If you want titles of property examined, records searched and abstracts made; II you want anything of above or similar business attended to at best advantage, you can be sure of best rates, of the California Creedmoor team. Be v. F. F.Jewell of San Franoiaoo will deliver a lecture to-morrow night in the Methodist Episcopal Church, East Oakland.

Folks. The boys of Ihe Franklin Grammar School, of East Oakland, have erected a circular fence on the vacant lot back of the school buildings. The fence encloses a circle some sixty feet in diameter, which space is used as a foot-race track. The driver of the East Oakland hose-catt Is censured for his recklessness at the fire on Saturday afternoon, when Schley's barn was burning. It is stated that he drove bis horse so close to thefire that the animal will lose its eye from the heat.

gines now began to get to work, but witn sucn A LACK OF BTSTSH, which ha already been publiabed in the Tribune. The question of taxation was one of vital importance; when the Legislature can relieve you of one dollar of taxation, that moment it spreads its blessing all over the whole country. He expressed himself as being opposed to the taxation of growing crops. His remarks Plevna army now numbers 76,000, with 200 guns. gorvlat and tne Wit Bklqaadz, August 27th.

An extraordinary session of the Skuptachlna will be convoked to decide between war and a continuance of neutrality. All the commanders have been called to a council of war. Cavrlott Pattl Hopelessly III. And evident, mismanagement, as to render their efforts comparatively fu is now exploring the headwaters of the Madeira in Bolivia. From La Paz he had traveled via Cochabamba to the head of navigation on the Rio Chimore, Promptness, Accuracy and Reliability (no interference, however, with the busi Tfce Beaut Property Other Sale.

Saturday afternoon, a sale of real estate at auction was made by Olney in Diets Opera House, Mr. Joseph Eldridge officiating as auctioneer. The sales made, fully exen." plify the immense increase in the value of Oakland real estate in the space of thirteen years. The principal property offered was situated on the northeast tile in either saving the upper portions of the building or shocking the flames. iNoDDy pants, wi, at btrathern on Broadway, above Fourteenth street Blank's Candy Factory is under full blast Anything and everything in the one in the StatS Investment Insurance Company for $5,000, and one in the Commercial Insurance Company for $5,000, covering this amount.

As the entire cost of the City Hall, besides the improvements under way in the upper portion, reached very close to $70,000, the loss to the city by the fire reaches the sum of $50,000. i INCIDENTS. A chapter be written, using the scene as how presented by the on the agricultural question showed that he had given the subject considerable at It seemed as if there was a parcel of boys directing the streams of water as New York, August 27th. The Tribune says: Carlotta Patti, sister of Adeline, is hopelessly ill with a complication of maladies arising from a diseased hip-joint which caused her lameness. a pastime.

The streams were directed from the ground, and only one or two ness of anyone else), at THE BONANZA Real Estate Office, IT. W. Cor. Broadway Fifth St, down which ne descended by canoe to Trinidad. Thia is the first expedition down this river, Lieut.

Gibbon having explored the Chapare and D'Orbigny the Secure. In crossing the Chapare at Cone the Professor and his party narrowly escaped being carried off by a flood, the river suddenly rising in the night twenty feet and cov confectionery line. Come one, com all, come everybody and try the newt Candy Factory. Seventh street, between Broadway Station and Broadway. Candt Blank.

The first of September, 1877 will be A small boy about six years of age was wandering along abortive attempU were made to scale the building and fight the fire at short range; but one stream of water that erly corner of Broadway and Eleventh streets, running through to Franklin street and fronting 99 5-12 feet on ruins of the City Hall as a subject. tention. He then alluded to the different candidates whose names were on the ticket and concluded by saying that if he was elected he would serve tbem faithfully, and he knew of no greater reward than for his constituents to say "Lamar! you have done well." MR. INMAN, Democratic candidate for the Assembly, was then introduced. Mr.

Inman said: "I have lived among you for a great many years, and if I have not succeeded from Felton engine reached past the Twelfth street yesterday afternoon crying, and lost, a tender-hearted young third floor, and as a natural conse man who was promenading with quence, the fiery element had full swing of the roof and attic walls. The the day that all leading hatters introduce the genuine Fall style of silk hats, a sample of which can now be seen at A. young lady, took the urchin in charge, WOl. IX. BCataal.Ii, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Missouri.

Illinois, Ohio, Etc and placed him in charge of the Police The charred and blackened timbers which are lying in every conceivable manner, bent and 'twisted gas and water pipes, floors covered with cinders, and: bits iof plastering, and mutilated articles thrown here and there, all present a scene which invites description, After the firs had burned i itself out and bad devoured about all the wood Meyers', the Hatter, 1071 Broadway. SC. Paul's Cnareb. The re -opening of St Paul's Church yesterday, after undergoing extensive alterations and repairs, was attended by a very large congregation, and expressions of surprise and satisfaction were plainly visible upon the faces of the old parishioners as for the first time they viewed tbe complete manner in which their little church had been transformed into a stately structure. The lofty ceiling the simple, yet harmonious character of the stream from Point engine was used to advantage for a short time, but the flames drove the firemen back and they had to abandon their position on The charge of exhibiting a deadly Successor to G.

E. Smith, Beal Estate Broadway, 300 feet on Eleventh street and 100 feet on Franklin street. The improvements are two one-story brick stores on Broadway, a two-story lodging house of 19 rooms on Franklin, and three one-story cottages, the whole bringing in a monthly rental of $760. Thirteen years ago thia property was sold by J. Mora Moss for $1,200.

At the sale Saturday it was bought by A. J. Pope of San Francisco, for tha sum of $112,000. The first bid waa $100,000 for tha entire- property; when the sale was made and theauctioneer announced A Portable steam engine of about 20 weapon preferred last week against A Agent etc horse power, for sale. Can be seen at C.

Brown was dismissed in the Polio the coal yard of Freeman Jaffee, 411 ering their camping ground to the depth of a yard. They arrived at Trinidad on May 9, and at the latest accounts were busily preparing te explore the Rio Beni, which is to geographers an unknown river. Peace is concluded between Eygpt and Abyssinia, on terms which make the miserable war between the Khedive and King John a drawn battle. The old frontiers are to be restored, and the Bogos country will be given to Egypt; and on the other hand, Abbys- Court this morning on motion of the Eighth street Deputy-Uistnol Attorney. It ap- Livermore Gold and Silver Mill-and Mining Company.

in getting your good will in that time, I do not think that anything that I can say will help me to do it now." He alluded to the tax of growing crops, and made a very strong argument on the question of agriculture. He was a practical fanner. He did not think that theoretical farmers could represent the farming interests. A nation! of people without agriculture would not amount to anything. He alluded to Mr.

Poster's statement that he would represent the work of th building, the great activity displayed by the Fire Department i pears that young Brown is lying ser Acknowledged by all, Townsend's the top of the Council Chamber; an attempt waa made by the Hook and Ladder men to put up a spliced ladder; several firemen, got partially up and i Til XiADDK OAVS WAT At the splice and the men were precipitated to the ground, fortunately without serious damage. There was actually no earnest attempt made to con iously ill from an attack of brain fever, decorations the reconstruction of the chancel, completely and French candies are superior to any found California. 627 Market street, Palace Hotel, San Francisco. and the prosecuting witness withdrew tbe land "gone" at $112,000 there was I chastely furnished the graceful Location of principal; place or business, Oakland, California. Location of works.

Mill Valley Mining- District, Calaveras all charges. vociferous applause aa the purchaser countv, California. I ii Superior Extra Boston Chips, Cocoa- under the directions of its Chief was something remarkable; a stream of water waa kept playing upon the stone foundation ot the building most of yesterday; as it was anticipated that that mora costly portion of the old building might, by some means, catch fire and bora up. It took six hours to-day to pump the water out of the advanced to pay his security money." THE DUBAirr STREET PROPERTY. SALE.

POLITICAL KOTES. NOTICE There ia delinquent upon the following described stock on account of Assessment H.o levied May 1877, the several nut Snow Balls, aadCocoanut and Opera Caramels, at Bacon's Palace of Sweets. trol the fire, and keep it above the second floor; the streams of water i which were thrown from the ground of th amounts set opposite the Alvarsdo will be the seene of a Dem sima is to be at liberty to nave an agent at Maasowah, and to have free communication with foreign countries, except that the importation ot powder and guns is limited to fifty pounds of Dowder. ten suns, and 5.000 cars tare anareneMer as louows: arches and stately pillars all these were in turn admired and, at the conclusion of the service, opinions werefreely expressed that both Architect and Builder had done more with the old building than had seemed possible. Truly the interior of St Paul Church may now be considered very beautiful and a credit to our city; it is approached by a broad and easy stairway, on ascending which the visitor is at once struck with the soft and subdued light (which has been obtained by citizens of Alameda to the best interest of the Republican party; if elected he would serve them to the best of his ability in the interest of American citizens.

He had served in the Assembly, and no man could say anything against his record; he said the statement waa false that he had opposed the University; he believed in education; he knew what it wa ocratic mass meeting to-night at which Euphrosyne's Enameline, or. Bloom of basement. ll Ninon, a delicate face powder free from The bonanza business lots having been disposed of, Mr. Eldridge directed the attention of his audience to the sale of a lot on the southeast corner of Durant and Broadway streets, 56 3-12 on Broadway by 56 5-12 on Durant street. The bidding was spirited and the lot speedily knocked down to W.

were of no benefit to that end, for the simple reason that the fire was working on the Inside and the water fell on the outside of the walls. At length the J.A. NeaL. 1 J. A.

17 J. A. NU. 18 For sal by all Druggists. an arrangement not likely to be long satisfactory to warlike, powder-loving Have you seen Osborne's new harness 19 J.

B. Lamar and other speakers will appear. The Republicans will hold a grand mass meeting to-night at Ban Lorenzo. The assemblage will be addressed by Nathan Porter and whole upper portion of the building Abyssinians. Col.Uordon la not, however, yet free to begin his often-poat shop, 1160 Broadway, -between 13th aad J.

A. A.Neal... A. was in possession of the flames; their A report was: circulated that a quantity of paint, varnish and oil was in the upper part of the building, left there by contractor Hill, vho had just finished painting the inside of the upper rooms. It waa thought by some that these paints had caused the fire by spontaneous combustion, but it turns out that everything had bean removed JmU.

60 00 IS 00 00 io eo 10 oo io eo Mee io oo io eo i eo oo i oo 1500 is eo 14th streets. not ungues crept in and out the joints H. Sathbone for $9,400. si 2t SS frosting and sanding the windows) and which imparts what may be called a "cheerful solemnity" to the scene. Graceful outlines and an air of poned task of putting down the slave trade in tbe Bed Sea, for an insurrec to lack it He had children who were growing up, and he hoped one day to give them the benefit of a University education.

He waa not prejudiced, and he would as soon vote for the Republicans as the providing that they were equally good men. He and through partitions; tha hot sir J. f. A. J.

A. a -r Agency Wheeler Wilson's Cele hissed and eddied from one room to tion haa broken out in the province ot 600 100 MO 100 -ISO 100 100 100 100 100: i SO i.v- 60 .1500. 10S ,100 100 loe loe 600 soe another; portions of tha wall began to ea Ao AVSM a i- Caml aTrea the City Hall jMltor. brated Sewing Machines at Halsted's, lOlSBrosdway. Darfur, and he Is busy suppressing it Tha lot adjoining was next sold, 27 1-12 on Broadway by 27 feet in depth.

This lot waa also sold to Mr. Bathbone, who paid $2,450 for it Tha lot adjoing the last, 24 feet on Broadway by 100 feet in depth was sold to A. Marks for $2,450. He also from tha upper floors bv tha painters. Enrro Tarscss: I would like the use i an; nrst the cornices 1 and then the upright beams when tha whole roof J.

A. H. H. X7 tr 80 SI SS The admirers of Anderssen, the fa i Sewiivr machines of all kinds, rented had fell in the sides followed suit; of your widely circulated paper to answer some remarks fat yesterday's Tran mous chess player, called a chess con for $3 per month, at Halsted's, 1015 comfort are also decided characteristics of the auditorium. The Bev.

J. L. Parks officiated, his sermon being listened to with deep attention by all present; but as we cannot give the whole of it and are opposed to offering mutilated extracts, we merely say that it was aa full of interest and wholesome truths expressed clearly and forcibly aa are all the Reverend gentleman's sermons. His a seotion of tha tin roofing became de ie eo and the janitor: of the building had thoroughly cleaned out-tha rooms a few days ago. I The paint and oil pots left by the painters were in the Committee room, just off the old Council made reference to the national; debt, ana blamed the people themselves for the evils that existed: it was simply because they had not used the elective! franchise as they ought to do: they had fritted away their votes aad thereby lost the golden opportunity of electing honorable gress in Leipsio toward the close of I tached, and it together with a brick bought the two lots adjoining, 28x27 script about the City Hall fire.

It stated that there most have been a screw loose last month, to celebrate tbe fiftieth an H. H. H.BaUey.v..... N. Ingram.

NY Ingram H. M. chimney and a portion of the aide of feet by 100 feet in depth for $2,400 somewhere. because the fire was dis niversary of his appearance' in 'the snd $2,300 respectively. eo 60 00 6 00 6 00 600 S00 Broadway.

ji a fine hat call on A. Meyer, the hatter, Broadway, qetween Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Kid Gloves cleaned for 15 cents at the building on tbe eaat aide of the Hall went crushing to the ground; four men. The elective franchise waa an I vA. ftndolnh OaUaehalk Chamber, on the first floor.

Laperle, whose leg waa broken, was a member of the Fire Department before tha Bing destroyed its usefulness. individual prerogative, but a duty that SS ST 44 1 a a -4. men narrowly escaped instant death covered by outsider and outsiders gave.the alarm. It is natural enough that people walking in the, street should have seen contributed a poem in which he called Ex-Jus tic 3 Oeorge H. Fogg purchased tha lot on tbe south side of Durant street, 66 5-12 feet easterly from Broadway.

33 7-12 by 84 feet in thereby two jumped aside just in time M. Meodonhan M. MsodenbaU at. MendeoBall text was: "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there shall I be in the midst of th em. The ladies of the congregation had evi the festival, the golden wedding of the to escape wiUvahght bruises: a third He then acquired, the habit of Saving the glare or flames from the attic before Halsted's, 1015 Broadway.

M. MondenhaU was eaught bjMthe falling bricks: but Master with the Moss of Chess. Tbe jA we a depth, payiog therefor $1,300. A lot on the south side of Charter If. rs-.

.60 sefc" les" 100 i 600 60 1700 60S 600 60 600-H: every man owes to his leuow. it is a part of a unit representing, the will of a people for right, and therefore any vote that was cast wrongfully was' depriving every citizen of his just rights. Hs spoke on the "question of corporations, and said that if he had to vote on any question where the interest of laboring masses were against the railroad, he 0-0 4 the officer on duty, as his post was in the basement of the City Prison, where he has churn of the telegraph and 'prisoners, and am orders never to leave his was pulled out bat littls injured, While fir0 Jhm occasion called for firemen tha fourth, Edward-Laperle, bad bis to pnt fotih moat mest efforts. "it rTail ha han SklnratMl nniTav th nru. memorial that was then presented to the veteran player is an admirable SBW rUKSlTCKsS AT- I.E89 than auction price, by Chr.

Sohreiber, 1106 and IIS Broadway, west aid. U. Meodonhan M. MendenhaU aa PwtTVaVs dently been at work upon the altar-cloth, super-frontal, lecturn, etc. green and gold being the colors appropriate to the season.

We believe this part of the decoration was in the hands of Mesdames 6 00 is eo io eo 60 oo so eo 170 OO 6 OO 6 ee 60 oo MOO it 700 00 si i ss work of art. A column of black mar AA rM'jBaoo-o post, so it is not to be tuDoosed he can Lio BBoxxw I I ent regime he would undoubtedly have KtimiTL'KB AT LOW PftlCBff. lea asTCaV as TJ ble, about which is twined a wreath of 1 ochellhaas, O. O. Building.

Eleventh leave his poet to go aroand and inspect the building. The Transcript further street, 750 feet westerly from Telegraph avenue, 50x129 4-12 feet deep was sold to' Mrs. E. H. Conoannon for tha sum of $1,250.

This completed the auction matinee snd as will be seen tha sales foot up the very respectable figures of t-. Below the knee. A short time there- kept far enough away from, danger to after Barney Bennett of Felton Engine, escape being injured, i i tree. -rs more asks, "where was the Watchmanr Wm.M afendoBhsn, not )700S" he V.5. arm tiaaMil a f.ilino tim.

Ths prisoners i who wers allowed to oak leaves, wrought in gold and silver, bears the Muss of Chess in silver, with a chess board: supported upon one area, while tha right, band oonfers tbe The intelligent reporter of said paper NEW BEDDINO AT ftKCO wx ought to know by this time, that then ber. and another person not the back W. dQrlnK nte- hand price by Oh. Schrleber 1104 aad 1101 And in aoaordaae with law aad aa erder of The large and well balanced choir, under the direction I of Mr. W.

J. McDou-gall, organist of the church, rendered the musical part of the services in aa effective and dignified, manner, giving evidence of careful training. The choir is composed- of i sixteen members, dis would be with tne Laboring man and not with the railroad company, and that he would always be found on hand to vote aye or ne every time. He then spoke of Mr. Roberts, stating that he was sick and was quite unable to come, but that he knew him to be aa honest, upright and intelligent gentle- unmiii tiiA wiii.

i i wem ucctuuuueu too i nra were around tiae ment occasioned by tbe fire were avooaway, west moo. has been so watchman build-in or for ever two -rears. Tha Ottv Oram. golden laurel wreath Appropriate Inscriptions are on the pedestal. On one of his band hurt in similar manner.

I Theaa were the only accidents reported in 1 XT -tfj sii Si 11 1 nan ftp AS A-TOWfC, AIB TOK AU named James Watson, Wm. Thomas, Jeremiah Sullivan, Edward Curtis and MICHAEL KELLY'S PLUCK. if a k. side appears a cheaa board, with the complain Mabob Whisky- is ua. I tnoasn a inmor was circulated sole duty was to keep the several offices the Board of Trustees, made oath Ssth day of May, 1877, so many ahareaof each parcel of och stock a may be SMeeaaary will be eoid at public aoetiw at tho offlc oi th Company, tfekktad, Caliiornia, on Friday, tbe X7th dayot July, 1877, at IS o'clock K.

of said day, to pay delinqnent aasesoment thereon, together with cost of advertising aad expenee of sal. end position of tha deciding same In that a man buried in naiad. To be aad at all DraggUai aad Qrocera. 1 --s .1 and the Council Chamber and the Police tha bis Mr. AraoleVa Caalaaearar Saves th CIS Tea Tnoasaatel Dal-' lara the famous match played between An Court room neat and clean.

Last Satur- debris of tha fallen chimney, but tributed as follows 6 soprani, 4 alti, tenori, 4 bassL We append the programme: Hymn (as the Rector arose from kneeling) "The Church's one tune, "Awkuia," Wesley; Ner MR, KILPATBICK, Candidate for School Superintendent, day, a ther Was no meetings in the i remains have not been discovered. derssen and Staunton, in lsoi, in which Anderssen first won' bis world MEWTO-DAY, tne wens aoor AU the time these Incidents were tak C. Groinel. The Captain of Police let them go, as their crimes sgainst the peace were of minor character, such as drunk, etc. vi Portions of the melted City Hall bell were eagerly sought for by relic hunters all day yesterday.

The polios finally drew a rope around tha entranoe to the City Hall and forbade pedestrians A. W. COLLINS, Secretary, Oakland, Caaiornia. i it r.fw place, the firs was getting hotter, then called on. He said: When I placed in nomination I did not ex wide reputation.

Within the garland that surrounds this board are tbe dates Michael Kelly, who Jor the past five years has been in the employ of City Engineer Arnold, by his determined pluck and daring, while the City Hall was weu out a uu pan neu. a I tnft hniMlno vr. soon as tn alarm wa struct; ne was one i ti-- AaA wm'JlZ'JLTit ot Andersen's greatest triumphs in the aides, Tains, A. if. law; Venue and psalms for 26th day; chants by Norris, A.

D. 1777 with Gloria in chorous form by McDougall; Te Deum, Jackson in in five parts; Jubilate, Henly in An of Dissolution By order of the Board of Trustee of the of the first on the grounds, and worked mrj lin IWIUH, Will 1UV crowd of spectators wsa each moment international tourn amenta of Ajondon above aeaed Coapaav. tho sale ot Baden, Vienna, and Leipsie, pect to appear before you at aB, but hearing that my opponent had been given leave of absence, and was in the field electioneering, I concluded that perhaps ft would be aa well to pay a visit to tins au night saving the publio records. Ed. Latobt, Janitor of City HaH.

becoming larger and larger? Fonr- liaaasat atoek fc poatpoaed mntU MONDAY, August t7, 1877, at the aame hoar aod place. teentb street and Washington streets rtTflB PARTS ERSHIP HERETOFORS EX-J. iating between I. Hickey and John 11. Paul lathi dear dissolved by mutual consent.

The mtest news from Pern Is that tha merchants of lima and Callao aTlra Alarm assa police Telearrapa. were filled with people, gazing with inflames Saturday night, rescued all the valuable maps and documents from the Engineer's offioa aad had them removed to a place of safety. Mr. Kelly knew where all tha valuable papers were filed and being in the vicinity of the Hall when place and exchange friendly greetings The bosioeas win osaductod by F. Hickey I them, The Ixw-rt is Liovingunto Israel, Garrett; Kyrie.Meadeliwohn; Gloria Tibi, McDougall jHymn, "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord.

Several pleasing incidents occurred vesterdav in connection with the re from entering- Aa the metal of the bell would be worth at least $500 in any shape, it might be termed a mild sort of petit larceny to carry away a lump of the old bell. The bell and its iron fixtures weighed 3,300 pounds fore the fire let it down. feelings of. hopelessness and horror noon this wholesale destruction of who MaKmeanuMnsaa so coueet au have resolved not to accept the The, headquarters office of 'the Fire Alarm Polios Telegraph at the City Hall waa badly damaged by the fire of Satur dao the hat arm. sad Who will nay an 1 a VAJuiaoa.

Bswasry. FosyrpoMUaEsrr. By order ef tbe Board of Trustee of the abov named Cosapany, the sal ot delinotent atoek is furtherpoetponod until Tbursday. September 17, 1877, at the seme bear and place. A W.

COLLI Soerwory. property of the Publio Works Company in trade. the kUe arm. L. P.

HICKEY, i JOHJT H. PACU with you all. it is wen known tftatu a teacher attends to his duties property he haa no time" for electioneering. He stated that he was principal of the San Leendro High School, and that he would be oa hand to-morrow at 9 o'clock to at About $900,000 worth of these notes -day night. 3 Mr.

Carleton, tbe efficient and er.ergatio Superintendent, however. 4 Of the Oakland Firs Department eon fined his efforts in managing the fire have been issued, $2,000,000 or nearly fiAwarnmant bonds baying been de- the flames woke out, ha ran into the building, burst open the door of the office, i and began the systematic removal of the valuable contents, consisting of maps, field notes aad other public documents, in which he waa successful. opening of St Paul' Church, not the least of Which waa the graceful act of Mr. Strickland, bookseller, in presenting to each pew a copy of the Hymnal used by the Church. --k 1 It la a fortunate thing for tha city had the batteries promptly removed to the Phoenix Engine rooms oa Fifteenth OakLind Light Caralry, tend to Ida duties aa usual, i He would almost exclusively to tha neighborhood A iGACD.

TMsitad to seeure them 'iney nave otreet, and by neon yesterlay the lines I like to have every one make inquiries relative to the merits of hi school, and of wherePeiton angina was direct were in perfect working order again. A that notwithstanding tha rapid headway of the flames during' the; burning of the City Hall, and the incompetency of the Fire Department, all or nearly intf -i ita stream: lie tried to, good deal of damasre was done to the ma if ther found that the discipline there LEGAL COTES. It wasa deed that required coolness and more than ordinary courage, as the danger from falling timbers waa great. ranked per cent better than the current bank notes in Peru. The new combination not to take tbem is formed I take this manner to that carried out should lead them to believe get a ladder against ue xroni of tne chinery, but nothing that will cause any permanent embainMsment to the De- he was worthy of their support, aad if hall and ordered his -men to aseend signed the call to John Harmon and The police have failed to attain any au ins publio documents of Importance elected he would endeavor to attend to with the hose; tha attempt waa made and tne chance of retreat being cut off by the rapidly-spreading flames was imminent Mr.

Kelly did not" set through ABSZsTBLE AT THE AB3C 0RT TO-VoR-row (TUESDAY) evening at 7M o'elock ferdrilL AH charter members are narticalarlv rpartment. I Here laeestdlarlaaa. outof animosity to Mr, Benry Meiggs on tbe part of the English bankers and Grant I. Taggart to run as Independent candidates for the Assembly without his duties faithfully an eonscien tiously. after a manner; the nozzle of the hose etas to the mystery of the origin of Saturday night's THE CHAIRMAN cams off and tha firemen allowed tha merchants.

It is a sucoeasfal move rsoaeatot to attend and alga tho By-Laws. I reflection as to the result, aad Those who fail to sin the Br-Lawa en or bo-1 v- An attempt was made to burn property i Who had made some very pithy remarks hosa to fall to the ground; a second belonging' to Mrs. Fields' on Hobart attempt was more successful, aa a ment, however, and Mr. Meiggs baa had to suspend payment upon the notes. Tha same steamer which luring the evening, here stated that tne fmm te mil.

M. 'v, (is. I cart of the Ee publicans will be very de street some time last night This his perilous work until the flames bad penetrated to the room, and some of the last maps were in flames as he emerged in triumph from th fiery ordeal No valuable paper 1 were lost" Mr. Arnold says that this brave deed of Kelly's awed to the city documents of the greatest 'In the County Court this morning Tacadah Locke, Samuel Francis, and Joss Luis were admitted, to eltisen- papers had' given laudatory accounts of Jerry Tyrrel and his marvelous exploit fat stream wa directed upon tha front of the building for a short time, but no attempt was made to play inside of (he various city otnees wars rescued from the flames. -Tha various officers as welt as the Police officers are temporarily installed in the south room on the first floor of Potter's building.

an Absurd rumor, An absurd rumor wsa in circulation on the street to-day to the affect that for some unexplained reason (ha Horns Mutual Insurance Company had refused to pay their insurance on the building. Inquiry at their eCoa, how ing a Chinaman discovered a large roll of vjarjer which' had been set on fire and brings this intelligence brings also the news that Pern is sow debating the mhh iiiF hnMtMHSS. Ill MU uim Mtm itwO. trimental to the success of the Republican ticket herewiti Lhdraw my name from said petition and wZlrupport the rejular ticket xM At. rAn.

building. And sua the names greedily iiA not catch anv horse thieves however. ,1. BO catch any norso subject of issuing a greenback circula- SUDieCt OI thrown in an outhouse some time during the night' This is the third or fourth euiwant us cwuui ua mo vvuuij i I Court this mornins tbe ease of Farno I but he would show them a man who nao i as exists in tne nuea states. ate up tne wans ana partitions 01 tne Afnrnt.AA rtr1iTiflr --lnfil naavlw it.rv.

importance, and which could not- have been replaced for less than, ten thousand dollars. THE FIRST HEBREW COSGBZaATIOa at Oakland wiil hoid divine aim daring vs. T-lla wsa aontinnad "until to-mor. an' eye that meant a man tnat hoUt PnivUa attempt to burn the same premises. 'Callacl Cpea to Eeslga.

WW WWW WM thing above the lower floor was totally will catch thieve. lie then introduced row morning at 9 o'clock. i- A movement is on foot to procure sig- MB. WHITE, Ii Democratic candidate for Sheriff. Mr.

aesuoyea. ine uity mil could hardly have been mdre' completely burned the amount of 15,000,000 soles, nominally worth $14,700,000. hey are worthless aa active capital, and he proposes that the Government call them bolidavs at th af asonie Hall, on Eroatiwty between L.eventh and Tvelh streets, for turtaer particulars, iaquire ef S. 1. LosamrsTsur, See.

r. TaeCeaotr Jail. There are now over seventy prisoners Can Savi.3i':::n." natures to a petition requesting the fol Tha Suit of vs. Tharson, Lake ft Co, for was Uied before Justice Saturdsy; and judg had there been no fire department confined in the County Jail, twenty-four White then made a abort and concise gpeech that elicited loud applause. He in tne city of uakland.

in and issue greenbacks for them. Mr. Clarke, the street of the bond of whom were city prisoners transferred lowing members of the City Council 'to W. A. Waiter, Jcn M.

Miner, W. 11 Miller. W. 11 Crr-mell. and M.

had heard that ne waa gooa as catcmng vniaa and that if he was ss good at catch ment rendered in favor of plaintiff for f40 and costs. 1 aver, developed tha fact that there was no foundation for the rumor. An appointment has bean made for a meeting at 10 o'clock A. Wednesday ot the Building and Finance Committee with the erents of the Home Mutual Company, ftica the claim will be presented, aad the Company will be prepared to BC to the last dollar holder sin Peru, approves life idea, but from the City Prison during the fire which rendered it untenable. The county Fish.

Further ruculars of this WHAT WAS SAVED. 1 When the fire had got under way and it w-3 seen that the buildins would inevitably be destroyed, a large wants tne Government to fo on sua ing thieves he would make an excellent Sheriff, he was now working for votes. movement Were received too late for this thswhnl internal C. Of 1 issue. the lower floor, and the city prisoners he wanted them and had no doubt that The ease of McKay (assignee) vs.

N. W. Wells Jn the County Court this morning was set for to-morrow morn are confined in cells on the upper floor. "Vt Poas, iaciuaics tae puo- he would get- them, and ween he was elected and proven his ability to catch in ereeacis. retiricg tie l-' cuUUo.

acl es t' 's ia i nctknof av.1 ft' t- hto thieves it would then be time enon; around the City Kail, sat to work and a chase has been detailed as baiiiil in charge of the city prisoners. The jail is crowded, but Jailor Viers says he is running the institution on a ing at 10 o'clock. Plaintiff ws allowed to take the testimony of He- V- i i 3 i.nca. removed the faruiture, public docu- In tie Police Cczzt this morris 3 the trial of Price, chsrj'ed LU-in, -waa coEiincel WeJInesJay boast about what he could do. i ua.

smith, r. 5 Kay before the County Clerk at plain met irom vae varices -ccsg i cl -) street-car basis always room for one more. Candidate for Couiity t'. .1 1 tiff's sua couveyed tiem to Potter's Uocx,.

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