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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


l'CBIJBHUD DAILY OSoJieaya excepted i oi.cetnd7 eighth rrxrn. election was thrown, owing to Jackson's failure to obtain more than a plurality of the votes cast in the college. And aiter Grant's time there Las been bet one instance of a President obtaining a party nomination and tailing of reelection, namely, Grover Cleveland. At his first election, he was apparently the pocuLiX choice, receiving a majority of the votes cast in the electoral 'college, and in that respect he differed from Quincy Adams, who was not in any sense the popular choice for President. Cleveland, therefore; stands aione in the line of Presidents as the only one of who being once chosen by the people, was denied re-election after receiving his party nomination.

Seeoad aad Talrd Term The Columbus, Dispatch publishes a letter from General Grant to Koscoe Conkling disapproving a proposed nomination for a third term. It purports to have been written in May, 1830, revert months after Grant's return from his memorable two years' tour around the world. It is the first evidence that bas ever been offered that Grant was averse to a third term, to secure to him a nomination for hich Roscoe Conkling, at the 'heid jf the "old guard," made the greatest fight of his political life soon afterward at the Chicago National Republican Convention. It does not appear how such an important political document, if-genuine, has been kept in concealment all these years. IJat it publication at this late date twelve years after it is alleged to have been written and on the eve, as it were, of the Domination of candidates for the Presidency, coupled with the expressed opp -eition contained in it to frcwid term nominations, raises stroug doubts as 'o its genuineness, and excites a reatonalle suspicion that it has some sinister de-ign on the candidacy of both Harrison and Cleveland, each of whom is an aspirant for a second term.

The suspicion cf its fraudulent nature is still further strengthened by the thrust at For Scrofula1 "After suffering for about twenty-five years from scrofulous sores on the legs and arms, trying various medical courses without benefit, I began to nse Ayers SarsapariUa, and a wonderful cure was the result. Five bottles sufficed to re-. store me to health." Bonifacia Lopez, 827 commerce sL, San Antonio, Texas. Catarrh "My daughter was afflicted for nearly a year with catarrh. The physicians being unable to help her, my pastor recommended Ajer's I followed his advice.

Three months of regular treatment wlfji Ayer's SarsapariUa and Pills completely restored my daughter's health." Mrs. Louise RIeUe, Little Canada, Ware, Rheumatism "For several years, I was troubled with inflammatory rheumatism, being so bad at times as to be entirely helpless. For the last two years, whenever 1 felt the effects of the disease, I began to take Ayer's SarsapariUa, and have not had a spell for a long time." E. T. Hansbrougb, Elk Run, Va.

For all blood diseases, the best remedy is AVER'S SarsapariUa Prepared hyDr.J. C. Aver Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Price 1 six bottles.fS.

Cures others, will cure you Lindalista TERRACE CITUATUD about midway between Oak- land and Piedmont and traversed by the Piedmont cable road, is the most central and beautiful residence location to be found along the entire line of tbs road. Tbe lots are large, and almost every lot affords a magnificent and unobstructed vlsw in all directions. Tbe altitude pure air and perfect drainage facilities, and tbe temperature averages eight degrees warmer than in Oakland. The avenues are being graded and macadamized and a complete sewerage system bas been arranged. A number of fine residences have been erected and occupied by purchasers of lots, and the land is sold with restrictions as to tbe value of buildings, insuring a fiat neighborhood.

Present prices are VERY LOW and favorable terms are offered, especially to 'those who intend building. Houses built to suit and sold on easy payments, For full particulars inqulra of E. A. Heron AGENT, Z050 Broadway, Corner Eleventh St OAKLAISTD. LOW, Real Estate Agent; lOlO CHEAP LOTS Easy Terms, ALL GOOD INVESTMENTS.

Oakland Harbor Tract, On Twenty-third avenue, the main business thoroughfare from Alameda to East Oakland. Canal street is open to the water front. North Alameda Tract, Fronting on the Shin Canal and the streets adjacent thereto; best location in the city for factories, etc. Glascock Tract, San Pablo avertne, Linden, Filbert and Myrtle streets. Local Etation of the California and Nevada Railroad distant only three blocks.

Vernon Park. Handsome Villa Lots on New Broadway and vicinity. Telegraph Avenue. desirable properties along the line of the new electric road. Berkeley.

A fine one acre, near station of California and Nevada Kailroad; street car within two blocks. Jackson Street Fine corner lot, 100x100 feet, in subdivisions if desired. Alice Street, Fifty feet opposite the Harrison Plaza good location for flats. TO. W.

W. BLOW, lOlO Broadway. MUST BE SOLD PRICE REDUCED FROM $5000 TO $3900. Choice sunny corner lot with modern cottage of six rooms, bath and every convenience. Apply.

Immediately. J. H. Macdonald 470 Ninth Street. Oakland, IT 19 A DUTY yea owe yonrself end family to get the best value for tout money.

Economize ia Too footwear by purchasing: beat valne for price asked, aa thousands wiU testify. lionciaa sua, which represent tne 5.0D 43.00 44.00 J2.50 43.50 42.50 42.25 42.Q0 FOB LADIES 42.00 41.75 FOR BOYS 42.00 F0 W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE HI THE WORLD FOB THE MONEY. OTHER SPECIALTIES la footwear are ot thaaamo ala-bi srrd, and represent a moBoyvalaa far boyond th prtcea eharsrad.

Cm that name, and Brie aro stain on bottom of eaebshoa. -L TAfS MO SCBSTITDTfc W. It. Deaslas, Brecktea Ataa. OoUQ C3-0PEBATIYE EC3T 1XD SBCE C3, S8S WABHISOTOX BTKBXT.

W.W -visa. at fA 1 A Ft r.Il J. -a OTT-SV at i E. F. Cahill has none on a two weeks' fishing tonr, and bio friends In town have suspended tbeir fish orders at the markets for that length of time.

Mr. Cahill is expected to return with the finest collection of fish stories that has been seen in years. Mrs. E. If.

Hinckley is not going East, as was at first announced, but will remain on the coast this summer. Miss Tillie Maltey. daughter of Fred Maliev of is visiting Miss Huasey on Tnirty-nf th street. Mrs. E.

Cotton has returned from her trip to Santa Cruz. Baker will return from Los Gatos on Wednesday. Robert Smilie, tbe contractor of this city, ta ia Chicago L. Eeqaa is in New York. Miss Minnie Seavey bas returned from ber visit to Petainma.

Miss Josephine Mansfield has gone to Paraieo Springs. Mr. and Mrs. E. G.

Ward and M'sa Ward of Alameda are on a yiit to the Yosemite. Ber. S. Goodrnougti of the First Univers-alist Ci.urch of Oakland bas been engaged to hold regular Sauday evening services in San Francisco in aid of the Univeraahst Pariah recently organized. Georse C.

Fabens and son have reached Sew York. Tj leave for honve shortly. Mis Minnie Houghton bas returned from her trip. Mr. and Mrs.

Will Johnson will soon take iOasrSiiion of their new home on Mer-riuiac sireeu Felix Marcuse and wife of Alameda have gone to Los Angeles tor a mouth's vacation. Mis Mabel Edgerton and Miss Amelia Koppiiz of Alameda will leave iu a few days for Boston, wuere tney will enter tbe conservatory to complete their musical edu-cai oj. Mr. J. E.

Baker and her son leave this week for Denver. Carlton Mr. and Mr. J. P.

Martin Lave gone to Pa-aibo Spr.ngs for tbe summer. Mrs. H. P. Gregory of this city is at present in Paris.

H. P. Moreal has gone to Moraga valley. C. S.

Hounton of Sacramento is visiting relatives in this city. William Burd, a prominent merchant of Si. Louis, is in tbe city. Mrs. W.

E. Dargie, Miss Annie Dargie and W. E. Dargie have returned from an extended tour in Southern California. Mrs.

Julia M. Dyke has returned from her eight months' visit in tbe East. Miss Edith Gowell will pass tbe summer at the Mountmn House, Sierra county, FOB TWO XEABS, The Grand Central Property Let for 4 hriatiao Purposes. The executive committee of the Mills revival met last Saturday nuht and accepted a proposition from F. M.

Smith regarding tbe use of tbe ground at the corner of Webster and Twelfth streets, aa a site on which to erect the proposed tabernacle. Mr. Smith gives a two years' lease of the grounds free of charge, with the understanding that it is to ta used-for tne promotion of evangelical Ouristian work under tbe direction of tne Young Men's Christian Association. Tbe building ia to be eafScipntly large to meet tbe requirements of tbe Mills revival. Tbe premises may be used tor bealtnful amusements, but not under speculativa management.

The building may be sublet fur legiliwalt' purposes. It was decided to turn over tbe construction of the building to the Young Men's Christian Association, the funds for the erection of the same to be raised by the executive committee of tbe revival. Nearly $1600 has already been pledged. The committee desirei to raise $5000 and will meet again tonight to consider the bids ollered for the erecuon of tbe tabernacle. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectively on tbe kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, Iieadac and other forms of sickness.

For sale in 50 cent and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Something Wonderful. The following testimonial of a certain patent medicine speaks for itself: "Lear Sir Two months ago my mother-in-law could scarcely speak. She bad taken two bottles of your Life Kenewer and now she can't speak at all; please send me two more bottles wouldn't be without it" Crowley's Port Wine and Iron Tonic does not prevent people from speaking bnt it enriches tbe mood and builds up tbe system without fail. For sale by all druggists.

HEADQVAKTEHS FOR THE BEST Pure California wines and Kentucky for family use. as Sonoma Claret and Hock, Napa Zinfandel and Riesling, Fresno Ports ami Sbfcrry; liurgundy and Sauterne, the pride of Livermore; and a complete stock of tbe purest imported wines, liquors, champagnes, ales and porter for medical purposes at THEO. GIER'8, 915 Washington street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. Telephone 563. Talnable Property to Eiehtsr.

For sale or exchange, a fruit ranch one mile from Calistoga, Napa County, CaL, containing 25 acres lo acres in' table grapes, 8 years old, and 4 acres ia French prunes in bearing. First class property. Will sell or will exchange for Oakland or San Fraucisco property. Address X. (i.

box 1, Tkibusk office Oakland, Elk bottled beer is the boss. Done Very Cheaply. Yon should advertise your business some, so matter bow small it is. If yon cannot afiord to pay much, put your "ad" in our classified business directory, under which we will ran it for 50c a month. tost.

Once lost, it is difficult to restore the hair. Therefore be warned in time, lest you become bald. Skookum Boot Hair Grower stops failing Sold by druggists. Oue thousand dollars less than the market price will bay a beanti. tul building- lot.

olxlOO, Ituated on oak street. Vox farther parilcu-lare inquire of William J. Oingee, 460 and 468 Eighth street, Oaklana. Ladles, Attention! All kinds of fancy work, pinking, stamp-irg and pleating done at short notice at Mrs. Cabiil's, 1215 Broadway Infant wardrobes a specialty.

Stop! Ia your harness worn out? If so, call and see latest styles of harness at B. J. Bee by 's, 1058 Broadway. OB F. 0.

Haussler, the superior lotograferj successor to Dames, 811 Broadway, has the only stylish fotograf studio in Oakland. 25 OO Hardwood Bedroont Baits S2SOO with Flench plate mirroro, just arnved Foil line of bedding at H. BcheHhaas', 440- 461 Eleventh street. Dandruff. This annoying scalp trouble, which gives tho hair an untidy appearance.

Is eared by Skookum Root Hair prower. AU druggists. Ask your grocer for tho Elk bottled peer, $1 25 per dot quarts. Sato la I iUL net tuo pcrxvs Flour. TEIBOTE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLIAM X.

PARGIE. President. VIUrtllDBT CitUH it JIFTT CENTS A UOHT II. Printers' Ink Which EXPERTS Consider Best Authority ZSZ'SZ print tbs following notice in their Issue of ft clhijZ: 4- It it a significant that the j-aewspaper which control the so-called 'want' advertisements of a city is invariable a profit- -ble property. There is no jfrat- ore of the modern newspaper j.

if the deaths and marriages are excepted that has so many jj 1 eager readers as the department of want advertisements. Then, again, the bulk of want" advertisements exert an! indirect influence upon the general advertising patronage. A healthy showing of 'wants' is oceof the best 'arguments that can be brought to bear upon the general advertiser by the publisher." want: ad. record From ABjttt. 1891 to Apr I.

1892, Tribune, N9. want Adi 81,070 Esquirer I 5.1.669 Tribune Majority 29 40 1 6AILY AVERAGE AUGUST APRIL isai 182 Enquirer Tribune' INCREASE JSwT- Z3 259 24 424 DURING VJICATIGN. TRIBUNE Sabscribern who are gviag way for the suiuiuer can have the paper forwarded to addrss daring their absence by prepaying the charge at tbis office. By the Week By the Month 15 Cents 50 Cents TUS. TKIBOK" AT Tttss.

ftUKUS. Fttrona erTHS Tkibckb ran fln4 It on sale rtboih th Stead as Harrow Cuaa iemes, an Franrlseo le. OUR sUAbTERX OFFICE. TbaXaaiern office oi 7aiBrB. 230 Tern le Court New York Cits Complet flies of 5b1hbch nay bo found thef Visitors always welcome, tj.

KATZ, Manager. 310 A reword of 0 will be rai by the Trlbure PatllshlDf Company for the err. stand con fiction of any i-eroon lound stealing- ThiThbo.m Tom Its euhertr-. 1 Ciukosiha Theatre 3 iue Jeans, Iaidwis Theatee Jane. "AlCAiAK Theatre The Plunger.

BrsH-BTRiiT Theatre The Gonoox Tuou Ortaa Hotsr The Black Hussar. Seiiwocsd Park. May Caledcoian Clmb -1 ban Fra Cisco. I MAY 23. 1S92.

The total loss of the heavily armored Brazilian monitor Solimoes, arid the drowning of a crew of one hundred and twenty-three men, is another illustration of the worthies nes of a seagoing vessel without compartments when she encounters disaster below the water line. A flood of waters, accompanied by death and disaster, is the dreadful. mid-Mar visitation throughout the great Central States, while a flood of semi-tropical sunshine, hastening the maturity of fruit and th ripening of grain and forerunning a plentiful has been the custom arv lot of California. The change in the temperature within the past two days has relieved the Sacramento valley of In-" regular spring scare of an overflow. "With a few days' cool weather, the river will faU as rapidly as its waters rose under the influence of the hot spell last week, which brought the melung snows down the valley with a rush.

Tin Los Angeles Erprtti advocates toe abolition ol garden fences as a mean- of enhancing the beauty and attractiveness of that city. Unquestionably, the moat attractive residence quarters in tiarund are where the "no fence" idea naii. oeen pat into most general operation. There the green lawns extend from house to sidewalk, and the public gee in to reciprocate the coaSJeuc reposed in them by the owners by voluntarily respecting the privacy oi grounds thus exposed quite as stricty as they are forced to do the privacy of grounds protected by a fern-. Thb peaceable conquest of the Holy Land seems to be on the of accom- strutted now from the shores of the "Mediterranean to the city of Jerusalem, and a cunceeaion Las been obtained from the Turkish Government for the construction of another railroad from the bay of Acre, the last stronghold in Palestine of the Crusaders, to the ancient city of Damascus.

The route for the latter road lies along the eastern slope of Mount Cannes, past Nazareth to he river Jordan, thence skirting the astern shore ot the Sea of Galilee and across the plains to the Syrian canital. Damascus will, however, be a tempYrr terminus only, as it is intended ujjii-xnately to carry the road to the Persian gulf. This will open a new and quicker route to India than is now afforded by the Buss canal. 14 165 I A60 and 463 EIGHTH OAKTJkKD. ASTON, ELDBLDGK MAaaar raancuco, Cau Cheap Lots at Auction! OIsT EASY TSEMS.

SATURDAY. SATUKDAT 38, UW. At a o'clock, on tho ground. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS 40x100 Feet Each, In the POTTER TRACT WEST BERKELEY By Order of Kp. E.

POtTEK. Esq. The POTTKR TRACT is the highest around and most desirable location, fronting on tho bay between Oakland and West Berkeley. This sale is of importance to everyone desirous of obtaining a convenient loeation for a home. Tbe lots to be sold at thfs auction are th best altuated of any tract at West Berkeley, having a large frontage on the Berkeley Kailroad and San Pablo avenue, and being particularly convenient for those doing bnsineaa in San Francisco.

Half-hourly trains to the elty; time from Potter station, on tho tract, 85 minatea A fine stone depot and railroad park, at wbicb all trains stop, are now being constructed. Commutation tickets, 3 per month. The proposed new Electrio Road has been surveyed through this tract, being a continuation of the Ban Pablo avenue cable line, and will have its iarminus at I'otter eratlon. road is owned by the Southern Pacifis Company. Cement walks now being laid the entire length of the tract; streets graded and curbed! lot mi:" be sold at tba aale.

Uisa prices are not exsected, and a rare opportunity is offered to buy property that is bound to en-btnee in value. SPECIAL. TERMS! 925 per Lot Cash, balance $5 per month, with interest at 8 per cent per annum on deferred payments. A GRAND EXCURSION! To the POTTER TRACT will be held on tho day of aale. Free lunch, with refreshment.

provided, for all who attend. ifo not iorgei tne aay ox salt: 8ATCRDAT, May 88th, tP. M. Take the West Berkeley train aad get off at Potter station. WIjLIJAM j.

dingee, 460 and 463 Eighth Street. William J. Dingee 4G0-4G2 Eighth Street, OAKLAND. ial Sale Must Be Sold This Week. It will vay you to examine these mort excellent barealns and convince yotuaeif that we are atating XacUi.

fhonfrO EACb Two beonttfnjTSew Modern 0ciOJ Cottages of 5 rooms, bath, laundry, fire mantels, etc. Finished in natural wood. Large lots, 35x120. Situated in McKee tract, Lorio, on line of Berkeley electric road. Terms J2oO cash.

BtUiice "monthly. Socnn An elegant and desirable Modern JUU Cottage of 6 rooms, batar laundry, etc finished in natural wood. Fine mantel and every modern convenience. Large corner lot. 4bxl'A).

Situated in McKee tract, Lorin, on line of Berkeley electric road. Only c00 cash. uaiance mommy. soooo- An elegant and desirable 2-itory. Modern Kesidence of 10 rooms, bath.

conservatory, er Lot 45x105. Situated on a prominent northeast corner oh Fourteenth stieet, New electric road will pass the door. JJaay terms, if WILLIAM J. DINGEE, 460-462 Eighth Oakland. LiYermore Ranch VERY CHEAP.

Ivlalace an Two hundred and sixty acres one mile, from town. Income over SlOOO'a year. CRAM CO. 900 Broadway Oakl and Farms and Ranches LARGE AND SMAIjLi, FEIIIT, VINES, GRAIN, STOCK RAISING. A FINK LIST.

rpO exchange for Oakland property, or fei sale at bargains. It will say you to eall and see them, day or evening. Also, bargain in and about Oakland la grt variety. WILL hTbDRRALL, Beat Estats, Loan Agent cd lotsry, 1016 BROADWAY. MHE.

MARGUERITE REED, Fine Millinery, SVCCESSOaS TO MISS KEEID as CO. 47 Broadway isntJ 177 Fifth Ava, Now Tork. 11C1 BROADWAY OAKLAND Sfme. Beed constantly la receipt of all the late designs and novelties from her resident hayer In ew York. Snec SOMEWHAT HUMOROUS.

Fair FufcTi died with w-tter on tbe brain; She didn't know she suffered, any pain. When asked it codfUh-bhlla sbo liked, replied "I've ne'er attended any." Then stie died. Stranger (first day in Bowery restanrint) Bring me some roast pork with Worcestershire sauce, a cup of coffee without milk and some mashed potatoes. Waiter (to cook.) Hare tbe pig dressed op in black, make the booties la the dark and mash the murphys. mm Waiter (toptranger, next day) WaW.yerhftYe-terday? Stmnger iwith vim) Make tbe bootleg for tho pig.

fire off the cannons, maia Mr. kurphy'o eye, and hit tbe waiter in the dark. (As 'he waiter col l.epies) Why, what's the matter with that order? "Do you know General ebillty. major?" "Ye; (ieueral Iebillty and I hare boea enemies for years. major? Why, 1 thought he was such a popular msa! They're always talking about him in the papers always prescribing remedies to do him food." PEKSOSAb A3D PERTINENT.

fbe Duke of Cnmberl ud intrndi taking charge himself of the jewels anl oiher objects of rare value knowu a the Uuc.pu treasure i and dow placed iu the Austrian Museum, where the late' King Georgo of Hanover deposited them twenty-thrte years ago. This treasure is of great historical Interest. Jta foundslio-i was laid by Henry the Lion, who co lected many valuable stonts, on bis journeys to Con and Jerusalem in the Tear 1173. Tti is is the relic part first kept in a in Brunswick, whereaf ihe otbtr portion, -com-prislug plate, baa been locked np in the castles of Peuzig and Gmnden for many years past. In New Zealand Mr.

and Mrs. Stanley had a great time. Mrs. Stanley appears to have enjoyed ber stay there only one mote than tbe operation of being interviewed, which she declared ia "perfectly delicious." She expressed a hope that she and hrr husband would be able to visit these colonies again on a pleas-uie trip, and not, ason the present occasion, on a lecturing tour. Duke Ludwlg of Bavaria, who baa been so heartbroken since the death of his wife.

Baroness Walceisee, in Sovemlter, 1391, is now engaged to rd ROTrrss, Fraultin Clare Hsse. who bi reta acting for several years in court Munich. Iaku Lndwig ia the elder brother of the empress of Austria auJ Duke Csrl ThfKKlor (the royal ocuiist), and gave np Ms ei tbe eldest oti in order to marry his wife, who also au actieis.brt who, ol her msL rir'ucs, wa regarded with groat affection Ly ber royal relative, lie ia in his sixty-second year. CUBHENT POLITICS. The retirement, at an early date, of Comptroller of the Currency Edward S.

Lacey is among the possibilities, as he has been offered toe Presidency of the Banker' National Bank of Chicago, whiih be Lkely to -ceit A literary bureau in thb interest oi the 'stuffed prophet," Grover Cleveland, bas already been organized by Congressman be Witt Warne of New York, with headquarters at Chicago. Ex-Cnited States Treasnrer J. N. Huston has ben urged to run fur the Governorship of Indiana, to ctreugthea tbe party in that State. It is rumored at Topeka tLt Ingalls of Kansas expects to be appointed to a diplomatic i ost in the event of a success next November.

The Albany, N. Journal beading a boom for John SheVman for the Republican nomination for I resident. TI1KF.E TREES. Their Removal C.uae Considerable Trouble. Houaemo.vef Bayiea cat down three trees valued at $150 on the High school property on Twelfth street, when he was moving the Lutheran Church irom Thirteenth and Clay streets to Myrtie and Twelfth streets.

so as a consequence of an understanding Director Smith and Factor Ttieisa. Until he replaces the trees, tbe guarantee of deposited w.iii iL lvart vl 1'auiiC Works will not be returned. On the contrary, tbe board threatens with arrest and a fine of 10. He aays in turn be will have Secretary Kauf rrsn arrested for detaining bis money. i riruith sivi there was not much I of any agreement as regards moving tho tries, it be had a.a way.

uirre woman -t be a forest tree near a school. Director Uirard is angry. Nobody, he says, had authority to allow tbe removal of the trees. As chairman of the Committee on High school, he bad not been consulted, in fact, ho was never consulted on matters relating to that school. THE SCHOOfi BONDS.

The Council Committee Fnabea tbe Matter A At its meeting last Saturday night iq conjunction with the Board Of Education, the Council Committee on Ordinance and Judiciary agreed to roco'mmend tbe passage ot tbe ordinance providing for the sale of the $400,000 school bonds. The interest on the bonds is to be paid on tbe 15th of January and July of each rear, at the office o( tbe City Treasurer, bids lor tbe bonds will be received by tbe Council a the first mealing July. Tho rale will be advertised in tbe New York financial Chronicle, tbe Ban Francisco Chronicle, and The Oakland Teibcxe. The committee alao recommended the granting of a franchise to the Berkeley electric lino on Wasniogton, from First to Eighth streets. The committee will report at tonight's meeting ot the Council.

AMATEUR GYMNASTS. Members of tbe Tonne Men's Christian Association Will Coatest on Jane 2t. Tbe Young Men's Christian Association are planning for a conteat and exhibition to close the season on June 2d. Several modal aro to be given and the results of tbe pass season wore will be shown. The running high jump contest is thrown open to the ban Francis Association, but aside root this, no outside talent will be engaged, this association baring enough good me a to take all the numbers on tbe iroeramme.

I I Blaine contained in the allusion to the personal differences that existed between him and Conkling. It look too much like an attempt to revive the so-called "stalwart opposition to Blaine which the removal of Conkling, Arthur and others by death an i the healing infln-1 ences of time have eradicated. This is the season for killing off as well as for making Presidential candidates. It ma be stated, however, as a historical fact, that popular sentiment, eince Washington eetahlished the beta opposed to a thir term. Therenever was a time in the history of the Ration since Washington's retirement when there was any real danger of a third term precedent being established.

It came nearer being accomplished through Grant than through any other of the Presidents. But that hero's great personal popularity was not strong enough to mflueLce his party to risk the experiment of a third term nomination. The opposition to a third term at the White House does not appear at any time in the history oi the Government to have applied to a second term where there was a manifest fitness in the candidate for the high honor. Of the twenty-three Presidents who have cixupied the White House sirce 1 7b9 eix of them have served two full terms, namely, Washington. Jefferson, Madieon, Monroe, Jackson and Grant.

Lincoln was also elected to a recond term, but had served leas than six weeks ol it when he wa assassin -ated. Nearly oti-thud of the number of the men who have held the, executive office have, therefore, been-second term Presidents. Of the sixteen one term Presidents, three of them died before the expiration of their term of office, so thit their tress for a se-ond term can didacy was never susceptible of a test. These were William Henry Harrison, grandfather of the present incumbent, who died one month after his inauguration; Zach Taylor, who lived to serve only one year, and James Garfield, who fell a victim of the assassin Guiteau, six months after the assumption of the office. The state of public sentiment toward these second term Presidents is very clearly expressed in the electoral vote.

At his first election Washington received eixty-nine of the eeventy-three electoral votes represented in the electoral college, three of the States New York, North Carolina and Khoda Island failing to vote the former because it had no electoral law, and the latter two because they had not adopted the Federal Constitution. As there were four vacan cies in the college, Washington received a unanimous vote. In 1732 the college consisted of 135 votes, but there were three vacancies. Washington again received a unanimous vote. In the electoral college of 1800 Jefferson and Burr were tied and the election was thrown into the House of Representatives, which elected Jefferson.

For his 6econd term, ia 1S04, he received 162 ut of a possible 176 votes. Madison got at his first election, in 180S, 122 votes out of the 175 represented in the Col ege, and in 1812 he got li'8 out of a possible 218. Monroe received 133 out of 217 votes in the electoral college of 1816 and 231 out of the 232 votes in the electoral college' of 1820. At his first election in 1828 Jackson got 178 out of the 261 votes present In the electoral college, and at his second election 219 out of 286 votes present Lincoln's first election was secured in a college consisting of 303 votes by a vote of in his favor, and his second election by a vote of 212 votes out of the 233 pn sent in the electoral collegeor within a small fraction of two thirds the possible representation in the college had the States then in rebellion voted. The reconstructed Union gave Grant 214 votes of the 317 in the electoral college on the -occasion of his first election, and in 1872 he received 2S6 out of the 366 votes in the college.

In the record of Presidential elections, np to and including Grant, there is only one instance of a failure of a President receiving his party, nomination for a second term and failing of election. That solitary instance was John Quincy Adams. But Quincy Adams' election to the Presidency in the first instance, was not secured by tht popular vote or by the vote of the electoral college, but by the vote of tba House, into which the The Adaptation of Spectacles and Eyeglasses our Specialty. YEARS of experience, superior methods for testing the eyes, honest work and price-, ac the old reliable and best equipped optical store on the 1'acific Coast. Microscopes.

Telescopes. Field and Opera glansx. Magic Lanterns and Views, Barometers, Thermometers, Comrasses, iectric Batteries, Artificial Eyes, Drawing, Mining, Surveying and other Scientific Instruments, Photographic Apparatus and supplies. Eye Tests Free. CSF" Catalogue Free.

333 KEABNY SAN PSAN0ISC0 HERCULES Bas and Gacoib EHCIHES TTavo fewer parts, and are hrpfrtrp to iv-teui of order than any other gas or innes rmilt. Just Ihj'hl the burner, luru uio wheel, acd it runs all day. MAKES KO SMELL OS DIET. I7o double or false explosion, so frequent with the Uureliable snati, For Simplicity It lieats tho "World. It Oils itself Automatically, No Batteries or Eloctrlo Cpark.

It runs with a Chen-" Or-. of Gsclino than any buier P1B DK8CRIPT1VIC CI OCULARS AfftT TO PALMER REY, Manufacturers, San Francisco, Cal srd Pcrtianif. Cr. Jiirsetyler 8 Wine and Liquor Merchants lO 18 MARKET ST. SXs Francisco Cal.

Ten-Year OLD HORSEY RYE 110 PER GALLON. Kentucky SOUK 91 ASH In bond or free, mude by the most prominent distillers in the Fifth and Seventh Districts, ranging iu price from 50 to 17 60 per gallon, according to age Different Grades or DUFF GORDON SHERRIES and SP NISH. PORIS in bulk or bottle. Zinfandel and Riesling, first quality, 5 years, $3 per gallon. Was the year in which We Originated Cotton GARDEN HOSE To-day ow Blnek Lme is known the world orer as the standard.

We were the first to put a colored, line in cotton hoo. Why? Because others were tryinirto imitate our goods, compelling ns to protect ourfcerve. To-day other manufacturers are putting colored threads In eotton hose, but do not be cheated; insist on a Blacb Line. Your dealer may tcil yon others are as cood. because he can make more money oat cf them.

Buy only hose with this pink wrapper and a aing-le pure Black Line. If your dealer offers anything else, remember wa will send express free, for price. Sold everywhere. BOSTON WOVEN HOSE RUBBER 3 Devonshire 8b, 205 Lake St, 14 Fremont Boston. Chicago.

San Francisco. AL. WOOD BRO. THE LEADING 463 Tenth St. AB work gnaraotoes Srst-clat BAMBOO FURNITURE FACTORY AU kinds of First Class Bamboo Art Work made to order.

Bicycles and Safeties for Bale or Eire. CHAELES -WV ZFOUTQ-, S0 13th St, bet Washington and ClaySta, Oakland. Goods delivered free in Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, eto. HTRfE' POWER 1 B75 HiVhest of all in Lczvcoinsr Power. Latest U.

S. Gov't Report Li J32f222f.

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