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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND DAILY EVENrtTQ No. Prise. Prize. fltrzarald. Mlaxaa Fifawalrl.

If r. and Un. No. 76092 OFFICIAL DRlfflllG flint Mra. GasHll.

navni Vn. Na Prize. 65080.. 300 66273.... ....600 65843.......

.300 65397 .......200 76133..... ...801 88066 .200 88230 600 88426., 1000 Glascock, it OoodaU, Mra, Greene. Mies or THX 88754. .....500 88844 200 200 76225. 200 76479..

......300 65414 .800 aiaraie unzan. Mis Alice trrtmee. gliding among the snow whit tanta was pratty in tba extreme, for wbateTer absta-miooaness tba Adreatists praoao, the sis-tera ar certainly keenly sensible of tba a3-TanUeaa of attraetiT bob tames. The daia in the large pavilion waa decorated wita lilies and I erne and orer it was a canopy artistically draped. Aroond the top, so that it can be seen all over the auditorium la the text, -Behold.

I Came LOVE WILL WIN. Francis Murphy's Saga idiice to Hard Drinkers. 76481 600 76498... 200 89264.. ..500 i Us u4) 800 .200 76648 ,..300 ..200 ,..800 200 Louisiana State Lottery Single Number Class 65624.....

65619 65767..... 667S3 66827 659i9. 66325 66348.,... 89844 :..200 89947 300 vt nan Presldlna Elder Farnaworth eare oat the opening bymn every seat was ocen- 90045........ 300 90450 800 ....800 ....300 ....200 ....800 ....200 ....200 ....300 ....200 ....200 ....800 ....800 77068..

......200 77103. .300 77242. .800 77304 1000 77879.. 800 77417 ...200 77421....... .800 77755 200 77926 ...200 77952 200 78027...

200 He Tells Them How to Combat the Liquor Habit. piea. representing an audience or suuu people, not including the hundreds who stood around the tent, the sidee of which were tied up to allow the ppeakers to be beard by everybody. SBAWV AT 66572.. 6473..

6647.. 66527.. 66741.. 66745.. 66929..

.200 90670 200 90781 ...800 90878.. 200 NEW ORLEANS, AS DtPSESSIVX The earneatneas portrayed on the faces OS lltu MENDENIIAIX'S 2CO 800 Hondrels Aia Flocking to tbe of Repentance. of th vast assemblage a they lilted their voices in praise, the eloquence and force of 91218....... .208 91379., 200 91433.. 800 9149.......

.300 9 1538. .200 Tuesday. May 1O1802. a- H. fiaignt Height Sarry Hsight, L.

Haif ht, Jfiaa Hall, Mrs. Hawley lira. Heushnw. Mra. Hinckley.

Mrs. S. Hubbard, Charles Hubbard. Karl Howard, Mra. flush, Mra.

Hutchinson. Mum Martie asd Belle Hutchinson. C. H. Kimball, Miaaas Kimball, Mri.

Klrkbam, Mra. Knight Mra. Knowie. Misses Knowles, Hrry Mr. and Mra.

Livemore, Miss Liver-more, Mrs. Lyon? Will UtM. Tom Mama, Miaa Martin, Miss MUlar, Mra. Metcalf, Horaoa MUier, Mrs. Mboon, E.

Millar, Mrs, Moore, Mrs. Morgan. 4' 8 am Neat Carr Neel. Mra. Nicholson.

Mrs. Penuoyer. Mrs. Pardee. Mr.

Pierce, Miaa tare. Mrs. Fbiilippa, Misa Phillips, Mra. Pope, Will Powning, Powning. Miaa Nannie Prather, Mra.

Prather, Miss Myra Prather. Mra. iUlstoa. Mra. Randall, Mrs.

Kequa. Mrs. Bather, Mra. 81 by, Mrs. Sessions, Mrs.

T. M. 8mith, Miaa Bnali, Mrs. James Spiers, Mra. 8tolp.

Mra. J. TsTia, Mrs. Tubba, Miaa 'May Tubba, Miss Tucker. Mrs.

J. Wall. Misses WalL Mrs. Watkin-son, Mra. Wadsworih, Mr.

and Mrs. Wbeaton, Miaa Baaala Wbaaton, George Wbeaton, Misa Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yatee.

Charles Yates Jndga and Mra. John Ynla. COTJpX KOIES. 67065, 67215 67232 67386 67564, 67631 67680 .....200 200 200 800 300 800 HINERAL SPRINGS. fief Iilvornaore, AUmexU County.

the speakers and the rapt attention they re Aaafvjhrw IKa avJIa raK TmK tsma. rVtAnaavt rial 91659. .800 91698.. 800 of heads bowed in prayer amid the breath. 91736.

....600 67847...... f'ren BsTow Open. 78201... 78299... 78413...

78636... 78640... 78642... 79028... 78047.., 79251.., 79708.., 79760...

79790... 79898... 79961... 200 300 300 .....200 .....200 ,.,..200 300 200 200 200 ....1000 ....500 200 less silence, broken only by tbe voice ot tee pleader, formed a picture which is rarely seen in these days of frivolity and gmyety, 67866. 63877.

91952.... 91967.... 92069.... 3227.... 92826....

92409.... ...200 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...800 ...800 ana aaows mat principles ox Aavent-ism are fast increasing their bold on this 17M fe above the sea, in tha mountains. Delightful climate, beautiful scenery aad good accommodations for families. Coaches connect vrtUx morning train from ban Franciaeo. TTm.

M. MeatdanhaJI, Proprietor. Uvermore, CaL coast, rer, bag. prattler garden i place la Oti'aud then the on aTirraooa by lira. George at her handsome residence on i csi CMtro striata la aid of the rriiIaiE01 Association.

iciotu groundi and dwelling prt-a r.y arpearance, and it would impossible to bar embellished rt arUieally. From one tod of Jndfinc from, the remarks of Elders ALL GENTJIse LOUISIANA BTAT LOT tery Tickets are leaned at New Orleaua, signed by Paul Conrad, praetderat, and agree to pay ail prizes in! New Orleans, where tbe company holds ita charter from the State, and where both tbe purchaser of a ticket and tbe company are equally, protected by the law of the btate and the United States. Tickets sisrned with fictitious names, dated and issued from other cities in the name of tha Louisiana State Lottery Company, promising to pay prizes in other place, than New Orleajs. are not Louisiana State Lottery Tickets at all. but are-eoun-torfeits and cheats intended to deceive and defraud the Remember that ONE DOLLAR it tbe price of the smallest part or fraction of a ticket isaued in any single number ura wing.

Anything in our name offered at a less price is either a 92666. 92816. fxC '7 The Murphy temperafee rerival has struck Oakland like wildfire' and the greatest enthusiasm has been shown in'tbe meet mgs being held at the First-' Methodist Church. Over 700 pledges have already; been signed as a result of Francis Murphy's eloquent appeals, and. if even half that number stick -to their promisee Mr.

Marpby's efforts will have been highly sue. eessfuL Last night the First Methodist Church could not bave held another perron. Tbe big auditorium was densely packed to- the very doors, and at the lowest estimate 4000 Farnsworth and Olaen, the only funda 68066:.... 68308 68452..... 68861 68872.....

68922..... 68964..... ..300 .1000 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...200 ,..200 ,..600 ...200 ...600 mental principle in which Adrentism dif 92864....... .200 92890........ 200 1 fers from the many forms of Protestantism is in the observance of tbe day set apart 92921 ...500 80033.

.......900 80061... .....200 80402 ..300 80609 200 80672....... .200 80791 800 for the Sabbath. All that fail from their lips pertaining to tbe Christian virtuea ...200 69138. 200 93148....

800 ait to tit other Japanese lanterns rnc. wail froca the treea aad ry colored lan Urns and alrr drep. mie-bt nave been heard from the pulnita of 6916: 80839. 300 ,...200 :...200 Spurgeon or Talmage. 80842.

200 BLUE LAKES HOTEL, Lake coanty; mnder new management and ex-enaivsly Improved; tba of amar-ea; 1500 feet above sea level; sceaery graad: finest huntiDg and fishing la the elate; bottioc and healthiul oatbing; excursions to all points Interest in county; by rail to Uklab, thence 16 miles by stage direct to hotel: terms reasonable. MODRY-4 HEINEMAN. Fioprietot -Bertha P. a. Lake oounty, Cal.

3486.... ...200 93584..... ...200 ..25000 ,80868 penaeai. xvur auurmoua jep- The conference will continue an tbroneb counterfeiter a swindle. Remember further, when examining to see if your ticket has drawn a prize, never to accept anything but our ooioial drawings, which are copyrighted under the act this week.

Tba following officers are in 3 crabrtllaa ware located on tna lawn, 1 tich aeata were arranged. 9694..... .10000 69233 6i84, 69601 69608 69628 69840 69845 69995 charge: 8. N. Haskell, president; N.

C. Mary Cramer and W. J. Gurnett hare each sued the city of Oakland to recover f3500 damages for cbanging the grade of Twentieth etreet George W. Bead and Enfl Nnabanmar ....2110 ...200 ....300 ....200 ileuure, yiop president; E.

A. Chapman, of Congress and cannot be reprinted correctly 200 .....300 .....800 20O 200 .....300 800 .....800 secretary. The Executive Commutes is unaer penalty of tbe law. i nocts stood canvas tents, while neck! wara nruxt la awl ad ad enota. itissiaeoort at tae rear of the dwel.

waa ornamented wita festoon of pink composed of 8. N. Haskell, H. A. St.

John, MOUNTAIN RESORT, Sima Stntion, Cl. 81005..... 81014..... 81218... 61235 81566 81718...., 81814.....

81869 81900 81907 u. McCiure. K. 8. Owen, w.

M. Healey, J. H. Durland, and M. C.

Wilcox. 94S41 ..200 94458 200 4515 6000 200 84624.... ....600 94797 SOO 94932 200 No. Prize 23077..... 23116...

300 28117....... .200 NO. 46143... 45357... 46410...

persons listened to Murphy a vigorous ap-" peat. As nsual'several speakers addressed the audience and all of them gave discourses with telliDg effect. i After the usual song service Dr. E. R.

Dille was presented, and said be believed that temperance work in Oakland was only in its infancy, and that the results of Francis Murphy's crusade here was already being manifested by reuniting sundered hearts and in cementing the atlections of those who had become estranged. He knew of husbands and wives who had been reunited, and tha withdrawal of at least MOSUSIENTALi EVIDENCE. 23469.. 200 Climate uasurpaated. Finest treat Bshlng In, tha State.

Terms Reasonabla Addzeaa 70105... 70125.. 70322.. 70441 70627.. 70797 70815..

70861.. 70852.. ...600 ...200 ...200 .....300 200 .....800 200 .....800 800 300 300 SOO 200 "Wot Strength, pBrttT end Wboleaotne- .300 200 95221 2001 Prise ....200 ....200 ....900 ....600 ...200 ....200 200 ....200 300 200 300 ....500 No." Trlze. 129.. W9 500 284.

200 700 2001 778 'J0fl 854 200 955 200 9S1 200 1130 ...200 200 200 1424..... ...200 ess, the Beral Bakln Powder ia Superior to ell." The following certificates from well- B. SOUTHERN, Haael Creek. P. Shasta Ca; Cel.

81964.,... 82046..... 82468..... 82519 82523 82580 82617..... 95247 1000 96274 ...500 ,..200 ...300 ..300 70912....

..200 ..200 ..200 ..200 ..300 ..300 ..200 23593.. 23935.. 24000.. 24277.. 24306..

24361.. 24369.. 24458 24575.. 46042... 46244...

46369... 46446... 46557... 46605.. 46865...

46955... known chemists and scientists form as one divorce suit had resulted through Mr. 96401....... .200 96465.. ......600 96564.

.300 95658... 200 Murphy's great work. At the conclusion of Dr. Dille's prelnde Mr. Marohv stated that whatever success strong an array of evidence as was ever giyen in behalf ol any article of human food: 71117....

71271.... 71306.... 71741 7110. 71816.. 83135 .200 95610 200 88300 200 95902 200 ...200 had attended his meetings was due wholly 24S18 ....200 ....200 ....300 ....200 ....500 ....200 ....200 ..50000 ..500 ..600 .280 47132...

We, tbe members of the Board of 24327.. 2496.. 47313 200 Elamath Hot Springs. SISKIYOU COUNTY CAL. THIS NOTED PLEASURE AND HEALTH resort is now oven to the public.

It is beautifully located on the Klamath river, 20 miles from Ager station, oa the and O. R. R. Daily Stage or private conveyance to and from tbe springs. Hunting, fishing and scenery unsurpassed.

Elevation 27oO leei. Natural hot swimming, steam, sulphur and mud baths. Tele 83701 SOO $3728... SOO 83745 300 ....600 Health oi the City and County of San Fran 96047. .......300 96082........

200 96104. ......1000 96165...... ..200 cisco, cordially approve and recommend 72045.... 72169.... 47360..

47398.. 47764 47816.. 83766....... 600 200 260 the Royal Baking Powder. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of tbe ..200 "2172.

83956... ......200 96271 ..200 ....200 ....500 200 fe.200 25006... 25020... 25025... 25166.., 25199...

72210 500. best ingredients, of the higbest strength .200 2010 2U2. 2173.. 2213 toss 2162 2542.. 2717..

2728.. 262.. 2121.. 200 300 ......200 200 200 iOO 500 ....1000 300 ....1000 200 200 72283..., 72331... CLIMATE EQUABLE.

FREE FROM MA-laria aad cold sea air. Health-giving Natural Mineral Wetera Natural scenery un, surpassed. Cuisine and service perfect Comfortable beda. Table first euality. Hot and Cold Napa Soda Baths.

Trained donkey lor the boys aad glrle to ride. Two trains avery day in the week. Gas aad running water In avery room. All the boarders are happy. -What and character.

96327 ..200 96391. 200 96601 200 96611....... 200 96691.. 300 28292 ...200 graph connection with Western Union and Fa dfie Coast Postal lines at Ager. XD60N BROTHERS.

Proprietora 72433.... In our judgment it is impossible to 84009 84013 84355 4871...... 84484 84611 ..200 ..200 ..600 ..200 ..200 55670 ..500 make a purer or stronger baking: powder 72451... 72605... 25750.

.800 48087.. 48344.. 48436.. 4862.. 48470 48663..

than the Royal. 9677 600 96948 200 98976 200 a 500 500 2W 200 800 600 800 300 ......200 ......500 mora can you aaar Address ...200 ...600 ...200 ...200 ...600 ...300 ...200 ...300 ...600 ...200 ...200 25976.., 26088... 2413... 26423... 85143...

300 ANDREW JACKSON, Frop'r. NAPA BOD A SPRINGS, P. O. CsL 200 500 .....300 200 200 ...200 3021.... 72646..., 72826.,., 78271..., 73358...

78653... PACIFIC CONGRESS SPRINGS. I OPEN ALL THE TEAR. Carriages connect at Lee Garna with South Pa- clfio Coast Railroad with trains leaving San Francisco at 8.15 a. v.

and 1:45 r. sr. LEWIS A. SAGE, Proprietor. Saratoga, P.

O. 97530., 97833.. ......200 ......200 3081.... ...200 ...200 ...200 ...200 ..1000 HOTEIj BEN IiOMONP. 85158 ..200 86167.....:.

300 86373 6000 85700 .200 85708 200 .85728 500 nmt I 26461.... 26576 26585.... 26681... 600 78742... 98128...

98311... 98362... ..200 to tne love of Jeus Unnst. Ue believe i tbe time had lonV gone by when people would be called upon to sutler martyrdom for the sake of Christ. Then William Rutherford told of Mr.

Murphy's great work in Scotland and Mr. Murphy made bir address of the evening. He referred to his trip to London and of the letter he carried there from President Hayes. He told of bis introduction to Spurgeon and bow he had male 15,000 converts in the tatter's great tabernacle in fifteen days. During his eloquent appeal last' night on behalf of temperance Mr.

Murphy talked to the young ladies and advised them to be absolute iu their refusal to keep company wita or permit a known young drunkard to enter their homes. He said tha youngladies were largely responsible for the drunkenness of youog men. He knew of a young man of high social standing who was caught in a beastly state of intoxication by a newspaper reporter and was locked up and only saved havinz an account of his drunken debauch published by the appeals of the boy's mother to tbe editor. Tue fact wa? known all over tbe city yet respectable young girls would take this young drunkard's arm and walk along the public street witb bnu. Then he turned tue picture.

"Supppse that the youD? lady should be found drunk," said Mr. Murphv. "would anv HOTEL BEN XOMOND, SITUATED IN THE 8anta Crns Mountains, on the San Lor 200 "3859, ...1000 $00 500 3118... 3242.... 3591....

4016.... 4169.... 4201.... 4274.... 8766 200 98397.

enzo River, on the railroad, nine miles from 74218..... Vie Ma Vmbrtlla. Santa Cruz, eigbty miles rrom an rrancisco and three miles from the famous Big Trees. The 98405.. 98450.

98536... ,....200 98582 300 86039...... .1000 86056 200 74816..... 26775.... 26789....

26797.... 27482.... 27577.... charming spot of the Santa Cruz Mountains. 43080...

49174... 49262.. 49365... 49440... 49509...

49692... 49861... 50134 50172... 60200... 60375...

50485... 60300... 60928... 5093... have sued Badolpb Franke to recover $575 for larvieaa rendered.

Ihe case baa been 86155.. ....200 '200 ....500 ....200 ....200 ..200 ....200 ....300 74590..... 74698 new noiei ana cottages, eiegamiy inrnisneo. Spacious grounds, good bunting, fishing, boat .....200 200 ....1000 20il 200 ...300 300 .....200 300 ....200 ....200 ....800 300 300 ....200 ....200 ....300 300 ....200 98713 800 settled. rw F.naiB has failed to answer tba di PLITTSVILLE PAKE, San Iteandro Road, Corner Prospect, avenue.

Two and a half miles from Oakland. ELECTRIC ROAD. This Elegant House has Just been built and handsomely furnished throughout Ita ap pointmenta era new and complete In every particular. Families and Transient Guesta accommodated. Meals at all hours, and the choicest Wines.

Liquors and Cigars kept in The Beat Equipped Roadside House in the vicinity of Oakland. Telephone 714. 6 bella J. D. PX.1TT, Proprietor.

ing, cawing ana eu minus ox amusements rree for the guesta. Elegant Clubhouse with billiard table foe-ladles. Charges reasonable. FoatofBee ...200 ...600 vorce eomnlaint of P. Espeio and her de- 74892...., 76009.....

75057 76219...1. 75249.... rnl has Kn arttaraJ. telegrspn, express and teiepnone. Jos.

E. Davidsow, M. Chab. Mc- M. Uenrt M.

Fiekk, it J. LsTorKxinx, M. Members of the San Francisco Board of Health. purity and care in preparation Boval Baking Powder, eqnals any In tbe market, and our test shows that it has greater leavening power than other of which wa bave any AY. B.

Rwiso." Prof. Chemistry, University of California, and State Analyst. "From actual analysis made by me. I pronounce tbe Royal Baking Powder to be tbe strongest end purest baking powder before the public. Weszkll." Prof.

Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, I University of California, State Board of Horticulture, etc find the Royal Baking' Powder pure, reliable, and one pound to contain 200 cubic inchea more available carbonic acid gas than tbe best of tbe others. "HesbtG. Hasks." Chemist, Assayerand Geologist, State of Calirornia. "It is clearly demonstrated and proven that the Koyai Bakine Powder is pure and wholesome, and tnat it stands, as far as strength and purity are concerned, at tbe head of the baking powders of the United ...200 ...200 ...800 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...300 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...300 ...500 ...200 ...200 ...300 ...600 ...200 ...200 ...500 ...2 ..200 ...300 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...200 86221.. 86393..

80428.. 86467.. 86530.. 86699.. 86680..

86854 87124.. ...500 Jamil Carran and George Sheldon at. WARD. Manager. 27664 27749.....

27784 27943.,... 28036..... 28298 2S343.S 28481 28800..... niaarfad not eniltv to a charge of robbery. xstis uj, whole seal rafresbmeat tent tci and.

T-t was beautiful beyonA Cvarywhar bright-bned Uo-somi t.U-tad tba air with their eweetpexfume, tzl tliaJal tiair. colors hsraooioualy wi'Ji the pretty drapariea and banginge. In frost parlor waa aitnatad a flower boo to with a profusion of ferns and t3wt, td waa admirably presided over r-v II MoUia Hutchinson, Miaa McNeal. I'a llnowia and Mrs. Bnth Dnnnain.

98852.. 99839.. 99355.. 99479.. 99484..

.99619.. 99678.. 99692 99937.. 99988.. 75813 75316 BOARDERS ACCOMMODATED AT OCEAN View Fruit Farm, flanta Cruz Mountains, The former's trial has been set for Septem ...200 200 ...200 ..200 ...500 ...300 ...300 ...300 ...200 ber 16th and the latter a tor uctooer ina.

5066..., 513 5357.... 5713.... 6751 5857.... 6903.... 5911....

6996. 6:43..., 375... 6392 6758.... 75368. 75428....

Cal. Address THOMAS SLAUGHTER, Wright. CaL ....200 ....200 ...200 ....200 ....200 ....200 ...300. 61111. 87643.

.200 75815 7T82 A MODEL CAMP. 300 ..10000 ....500 ....200 200 200 ....200 200 300 2J0 .....200 51165 ..200 Paso da Eobles 87723. .200 87953 ..800 87990 200 75919.... FARGO HOUSE, 39 LOCUST STREET, A rejoining gardens of F. A.

Hihn, half a block from Pacific avenue. Santa Cruz; first-class accommodation, reasonable rates. MRS. ESTHER BROWN, proprietor. self-respecting young man dare to walk the public streets with her or even allow her to a Monster ....300 ....200 ....200 The speak to him? ISo," thundered the speaker.

29236 29382 29345..... 29S95 29443 29469 29525 298 29798 Springs Hotel, Approximation Prises. Adventlsts Hold Reception. ..200 ..200 ..200 ..200 ..600 200 "the young man would not even use her as ....300 i PLEASANT VALLEY COTTAGE One hundred numbers from 34.051 to 34.151. 1000 6825.

a door in at upon which to wipe nis feet. inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the ..,.200 6886 000 Cor. Pleasant Valley and Linda Avenue. Faao Bobles, A terrific burst oi applause greeted this, numoer drawing tne capital pnze ot, ....200 and at the conclusion of the service over Take tba Piedmont cars and ask the conductor X.esrit was a candy booth, omamenua riJi '-k xnoslia and Sowers, from which tie young ladiaa dUpenead ewsets: Misa Winnie Wiloox, Miaa Mabel nnowlas, Ulsa Flossie OofSn, Misa Janet JU '-ht, MUe Alios Owens. MisaFlonnae a antl Miss Bertha Wiicox.

A bcaboa booth, amballisbad with La France rosea aad ewaat pea bioeeoxne, was ii ciirf of Misa May PbiUps, Miss Miss Qaskill, Miss Joaepaina Cha- 61214..., 51244.... 51280.... 61550.... 61741..., 6186..... 52119..., 62178..., 62255...

62427..., 52431..,. 62477... 52561..., 62704... 52916... 52930...

Nsrer has a camp-meeting ia' this State One hundred numbers from 18.014 to 18.111. in one hundred pledges were signed. ....300 200 30207; .200 3024 200 to let you off at the above address. FRENCH DINNERS ana4 COLD LUNCHES, clusive, being 50 numbers on eacb side of the been oondacted oa a more tigaatic scale. naraoer drawing tbe capital prize of fioo.ouo, ..50000 ...5000 ....200 ....300 ....200 ....300 7198..., 7357....

7386.... 7645..., 7654.... or with mora decorum and system than 0365 200 30367.. 3')0 8300. The Best Wines, Liquon and Cigars.

THBEE PISTOL SHOTS. one nundred numbera from 7021 to 7121. that cf the Seventh Dav AdTentlsta at mates. "Gbaktille McGowas, M. Health Officer of the City of Los Angeies, Cal.

S'There is, therefore, no question but the Royal ia the strongest, purest and most 300 .....200 ....200 1 .300 200 30539 ..500 San Luis Obispo county. CaL The greatest health resort on tbe Pacific coast: climate unrivaled; new hotel atd cotteree; mud and sulphur bates; the waters of une)uale4ae-. dicinal value: new ann elegant bat bowse: competent attendants. Take train at Third -and Towneend streets, San Francisco, at 8:30 arrive at r. n.

same day; no staging. E. BURNS, Manager. LODTMAN HOUSE, inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of tne number drawing the capital prize oi "850,000, present in progress at Bashrod Park. Family garden with aummer houses.

Telephone No. MR. fc MRS. GRUEGGEL, Paor'as. 200 .....500 200 200 Mysterious Affair at Berkeley .600 200 Terminal Frizes.

Nine hundred and nlnetv-nine numbers "end There la very little of tbe transient air noticeable at similar gatherings to be seen there, but instead, a look of permanency M'CABE HOUSE, SAN JOSE. Prtvat Boarding. .200 500 .300 .300 .200 ,.200 Early This Morning. ing with 01, being tbe two last figures of the number drawing the capital prize ef 8300.000, Ge6. A.

Bethcsb." State Chemist and Assayer, Washington. "I find the Boval Bakine Powder super areata the ere. which is increased when, ..200 ..200 ..200 slum QENTRALLY LOCATED. on cazinc into the open tents, the solid na Niue hundred and ninetv-nine numbers end ..500 lure of the furniture is visible. PLEASANT ROOMS.

tri too -n sh o. Aaisui la tie adjoitdnt room another candy booth was tit oa ted. draped ia whit and tak. I waa here that tb followm ours ladiaa aold candy: Miaa MeDon-h am. Misa tiertrnd Bailey.

Mm Fltzger-1 1, Mite Pan bam. Miaa Ethel Moore, and liiri liillcr. Ca tie Uwa nadsrnsata on of tbe large breliaa paaaata, pop corn, and gam were soil by yoaag ladiaa. Tb booth, which was taattfuily decora ted, waa presided over ry. Miss Lassie Wbeaton, assisted by Miaa fVathar.MiaaJaaaia Coleman.

Miaa A piercing shriek, followed by three ing with 64, being the two last figures of tha .861 Beqael Avbq, Kast flaota Cms. ROOMS IS A QUIET furnished or unfurnished, for housekeeping If desired, street car direct to beacn pastes Address W. R. TVIGG6, All the arrangements are perfect, and number drawing tha second capital prize of Large grounds and lawns, with hammocks pistol shots in quick succession, aroused ..200 200 ..200 ..200 ior to all. the otheis ia every respect.

It is entirely free from all adulteration and unwholesome impurity, and in baking it gives off a greater volume of leavening gas than any other powder. Walter S. tbe reside ats of Berkeley from or terms aduress MBS. M. A.

BERGLER, McCabe House, Corner Second and 8an Carlos streets. Prises Cashed In Fall Without Deduc tbeir slumbers this morning at 63279 63340 53452 53506 53640 53714 53955 54064..... 54072 51323 51375 5481 649S0 ..200 ..200 nILLSIDS FARM FOR SUMMER BOARD; best accommodation. Postoffloe 139, Napa, CaL I 2 o'clock. The affair took place near the tion.

Vie. the undersigned bankers of New Or 8200 8424 32 8755 8855 887 9141...... 95S7 9TS5 10174....... 10176 10285 10341 10404 101.8...... 1014 10634 10731 10777 11157......

H267 1 1430 those responsible for them are deserving of great credit. Everything works smootbly, and anything like discord ia unknown- An air of peace and tranquility rests over tbe psrk. which is only broken by tbe earnest exhortations Vend aweet anbdned ainging that ascends from the pavilion. Central avenue. North street and Sonth street are the principal thoroughfares, and Haises, M.

Prol. of Chemistry, Rush Medical College. residence of Deputy Sheriff waterbury and leans. will Dav all prizes drawn in the Lou DANIELS' TRANSFER EXPRESS COM-nanv. 9 Locust street.

Santa Cruz; freight. be immediately ran out attired only in his a a Crimes, iliaa Nellie Cbabot, Misa 30837..., 30875.... 30041.... 31239..., 81342 31415... 31451..., 31466...

31477..., 31731..., 32035 32597... 32644... 32930... 33016... 33220...

38702... 81101 olo36 54417... 34520... 34723 isiana State Lotteries which maybe presented night garb. As he reached the street he Farrier, and Miaa Ma Tabba.

bsggage, delivered to any part of city; trunks or valises 25 centa. unicaeq. Chemist to the Chicago Board of Health. 'The strength of Royal ia shown to be 23 ..200 ...200 ...500 ...200 ...200 500 sa three men rapidly disappearing in the 1 fee lemonade booth on tbe tennis court TWO BEAUTIFUL BUILDING 8ITES FOR sale at Larkspur, Ross valley, Marin county; among the redwoods, near the hotel; fine climate, no fog: eight daily trains to San Francisco; fifty minutes' ride, fare S3 per month. Address LARKSPUR, box 2.

thit office. ..200 .200 ..300 ..200 ..200 ..300 200 ..300 ..200 ..200 ..500 .1000 ..500 .300 ...300 ...200 gloom, but beore he couid put ou -enough per cent greater-tban any other. Ln ehartre of Misa Borden, Mie Height, -m XT.n l-rxk and Miaa Blow. clothes to give chase they were out of sight. at our counters.

R.M. WALMSLEV, Preside nt Louisiana National Bank. PIERRE LAUAUX President State National Bank. A. BALDWIN, Presld ent N.

O. National Bank. CARLKOHN. -as a resun or my investigations. I nna SENATOR BARBOUR.

2J0 200 2Q0 200 200 fOO 200 ,.200" 500 .....300 .....200 iOO ....,200 .....200 300 200 200 600 ..300000 200 .....200 300 300 200 .....200 500 500 200 200 S00 the Royal Baking Powder far superior to aa each tent ia numbered tne mau is aeiiv-ered wita as much regularity as in Oakland. A 'word of praise is due tor the comfortable teat provided for the press, which At aa early boor tba guesta arrived aad tea the aftaxaooo and evening was most AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE ..300 .1000 the others. It is pure, and contains none but wholesome ingredients IOVELY SUMMER RESORT ON A RANCH two miles from' Colfax. For particulars address box 29, Colfax-, Placer ..300 The Content ui ltlevn-Roomed Two- Freatdent union National Banx. 56018 55163 55166 55229 553J6 554 '5 le supplied with every convenience.

On the table ia a crystal pitcher in which pure (Story Dwelllmgr, 858 Welt Street, His Funeral Conducteii With Catho X. Vaxadk. M. Public Analyst, Ontario. "Finding in analysis that is made of the Market Street station, on Account of Thesubscribers.

bavins supervised the Single water sparklea innocently. ..200 ..200 ..300 ..500 Number Drawing. Class Louisiana State 11167 11517 lic Rites. rpartar for the Katt. T.

H. B. Rosenberg, the only live auc A 5I05STSR KECIPTloy. highest grade of trearrrof -tartar ihd bicar 55515.... 11658......

Lottery, hereby oertify tnat the above are tbe numbers which were this day drawn from the 109,000 placed in the wheel, with the prizes cor- Yesterday, not being; the Adventlst Sab 55538. bath, much of tbe solemnity that charac- AZALEA ItOTEL, CAMP TAYLOR, NOW open for the season; reduced fare and increased train service now make this beautiful place not only the nearest, but the most accessible really country resort around San Francisco; magnificent redwood trees surround the place; a beautiful stream runs through use round: no dust, no fog, no wind, no mosquitoes and no picnics, make this tbe soma of a summer home. For further particulars address I. TAYLOR, Camp Taylor. CaL bonate -or soda, and ia entirely free from any adulteration, we heartily recommend the Royal Baking Powder for its-great strength, purity and to taem.

.300 ..200 WA8RI5OT0K, May 16. The Honae ad 12028..... WW2 15J2ti 135-19 witness our nanas at sew uumu 200 200 300 200 .300 200 300 ...300 jonrned to attend the funeral services of iuesoay. May iu, lsyz. erized the camp tba preceding day had vanished, and tba camper, observed the day with a monster pubho reception.

From ..200 "35154. Ee tator Barbour in the Senate. ...500 35182 55608.... 65622.... 65690 65692....

66790.... 5386.... 55986.... 1273..... T2720 bigned by members of Board of Ht.xt.ja, Seattle, our judgment, tba Royal is the best .5191...

The Senate met to pay a last tribute of i J. A. EARLY, W. L. CABEIX.

Commissioners, all parta or tna state aunoreas oi people 12S31 interested in such cataeringe aave been ar and strongest baking powder before the ..200 ..200 ..300 ..200 1237 respect to the memory of the late Senator JohnS. Barbour of Virginia. riving eacb day since tbe convention 12S43 opened and not leas tban nve thousand The remains were brought to the Capitol RAND HOTEL. DTJNCAN'8 MILLS POP-T ular, resort; elegant rooma, climate, fishing, boatlna-, scenery, drives and redwood forest rambles; we bave also placed a steam launch on the river for the accommodation of guests: send for circulars; 17 to 410 per week, and public. We confidently recommend it because of ite purity and care of preparation." Signed by Members ot Boabd of Health, Tacoma, Wash.

tioneer of Oakland, will sell on Tuesday, May-17th, at 10 a. si, sharp, on the! premises, without reserve, ail tbe elegant lurniture, consisting of maboRany, walnut, antiqueoak and cherry- marble-topped sets; upholstered parlor-furniture; bed lounges; settees; Touting and easy chairs; Brussels, ingrain and three-ply carpets; lace curtains; rugs; bedding of ail kinds; oil paintings; dining-room and kitchen furniture: eleeant cookstove; glassware, crockery ware, etc. This is positively a genuine auction. Terms cash. T.

H. B. Rosenberg, General Auctioneer and Appraiser. Residence. Thirty-fifth Oakland.

Lapie'i all-wool jackets in all shades 30 inches long at (5, worth $10. Palace Cloak people were on tbe ground in tbe afternoon, Na 34,101 draws capital prize, 8300,000. sold in Boston, Oakland, and Chicago, III. No. 18,064 draws second capital prize, 8100,000, told in Cienfuegos, Cuba, New York, N.

and Boston, Mass. Na 7071 draws third capital 1224.... The effect of many charming costumes .200 ..300 .200 .200 .200 .200 and deposited in the Senate chamber, which waa arranged for the ceremonies in the 1:543.... "The Royal Baking Powder is a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and special rates to C. BERRY, ironr.

pnze. oo.ow. sold in wasnmgton. u. cni- ....203 ....200 ....300 ....500 ....200 ....200 nana! manner.

35214...: 35S36 35463... 85485... 35512... 35946... 36049...

36188... 86237... 36396... 8651... 36798 36014...

13174... 13829.... 13683.... cazo. 111., and Houston and Fort Worth.

Tex. Senator Kenna, after the usual prelimi Na 69.384 draws fourth capital prize. $25,000, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEIj, FELTON. Santa Cms Co- every thine; nnt-cleesirood ,...2 ....500 ....500 ....200 ....600 300 ....200 ...1000 ....200 ....200 500 ...1000 old in Washington, D. Chicago, 111., San naries, delivered a personal sketch of the 13799....

flstine and huntine: fine mountain acenerr 53224.... 56234 56240 56313 66353 66124 56451 66570 56674 56815 66319 56858 56904 56961 57096... Francisco, cal. and Louisville, kv. oa om does not contain eitner alum or phosphates, or any injurious substances.

G. Love. Ph. Late U. 8.

Gov't Chemist. "Tbe Royal Baking Powder is undoubt .200 .200 .200 .200 aad beautiful drives; the famous Big Tree dead Senator, and closed with the usual and 93,694 draw each $10,000. Nos. 7198,59,967, Bow Knots resolutions ot respect 72,169, ana 94,5:5 draw eacn soooo. Grove only one mile distant: free batbnouaee and row-boats; camping grounds.

Write for particnlara 14017 14576 14604 14616 edly the purest and most reliable baking A recess was taken till 1 o'clock. On re-convening candelabra with lighted The work of sending tbe official list to every Company, 100!) Washington street. ...200 ..1030 ...200 ...200 powder onerea to tne puouc. "Hewkt A. Mott, Ph.

Late Chemist U. 8. Government. candlea stood on the clerk'a desk with a ..200 ..200 ..300 ..200 ..200 .300 .300 correspondent begins immediately after the drawing and continues day and night until completed. Should any of our patrons experience any delay in receiving It, it is owing to brass crneidx between.

Are aot eeuy faahionable at the present time, bat Though the dead Senator was not a mem they premise to rem aia kv. Their daintiness end tbeir names being among tne last on tne usu CUSSIflED BDSUESS D11ECT0RT of 1 -r Representative Oakland Firis! 14618...... 15200 15301 15469 15523 15675...... 15TS0 15S51 anmT Onra tO 6 o'clock ber of any church, bis wife waa a Catholi), beaorj of deaign i aore to gift them permanence. DIED.

FINCKBK In this city. May 16, Henry W. Fine Iter, a native of Bremen, Germany, aa.ed 60 years. I (TV Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to atteud the funeral TOMORROW (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock A. from his late XVaUworth avenue, near cable car power house, thence to the St.

OAKLAND HIGH SCHOOL. eel. Vh. faatnre. Hahbard, IMPORTANT Remit money by express in The fact that they are ia article of a aaveral ramea aa sums not less than ia.

We pay allcbarges on .500 200 .200 reel gold end ailrer at very moderate coat, does A-ras. tuna r-J VJm t. wm slur a hard fight, xia money sent to it a and we prepay charges on. ...200 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...300 ...500 ...300 and the religions ceremonies were conducted at the request of the family by Bishop Keane. rector of the Catholie University.

et detract from their popularity. ttlT. v.Vm. aat aa a PTiia. tickets ana lists or rnizES iorwaraea.

Aa- .200 15865 57111.... 57373.... 67520.... 67590.... 67594....

57602.... 57908.... 58141.... 58368.... 58720....

58756.... 58882.... 58964.... Francis de eies Caurch, where a solemn 15D53 ..200 PAPER BAltBBB. JAMES BELL Paper hanger; cleaning wall dress PAUL CONRAD, New Orleans, ...200 ...200 ...200 ....200 ....200 ...800 ...200 ....200 ...200 ...1000 ,...200 ....200 ....200 ,...200 ....200 ....800 ....200 List of Pupils Recommended for Graduates.

tbe eoacinsioa of tbe game the guests rlS UeTarioTis booths and.ouad much rarablina over the spacious paper a specialty. L8 Sereath street. This waa the first occasion in the mem 16004 ...200 high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 a. m. Interment Bt, Mary's Cemerery.

i (TUCK QUOTATIONS. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1892. by Tbe Louisiana State Lottery Com ory of officers oi tne senate wnen a th aftarnoon am 16065. .200 500 ...200 by Mrs. Earn! pany, in the office of the Librarian of Congress HENRY SCHELLHAAS 408 Eleventh shea.

16318. 200 Catholic clergyman officiated in such manner. The following pupils of the dais of May, at wasbingtoa. ...300 900 GACurry ......1 4 '92, Oakland High school, will be recom- Before opening the services tbe members 200 A ita TSi Halei.Nor 110 10J 65:200 Julia. lu KHa tarnbaa.

JUswaa 2'il er Drum, Archibald, Auoa llin Eala Oift. Miss Harris, 37058.. 37220 37311 37365 87834.... 87664.... 87729....

37811.... 37908.,... 38130... 38145.... 88244....

38392.. 88441.... 38529 38574.... 88628.... 88655....

39579.... 39716 39819.... 39930.... 40049.... 40131,...

4042.... 40573.... 40632.... 40650... 40692....

...200 103 .......1 30,430 Kentuck, .15 FOR TEMPERANCE, entered the chamber, followed by the Supreme Court judges and the members of 69014.. 69086.. 59192 69647.. 400 3 fc 2 45 300 2 15(32 20 100 Bullion 1 20 500 NeT Queen 10 500 4 4C4 Ophir 3 20 Tna Woman's ChrLUast Ualost Prepare J. timoMmenta the Cabinet resident iiarnson waa out ..200 ..300 Stransr BeelBleas.

woe Fim TtMaia end of towo. 60 Confide 2 40' 50 64 ...200 ..200 ...200 ...200 ...200 ...200 ..5000 ...200 600 .....200 ...,.203 .....300 .....500 .....200 200 300 .....200 300 200 200 500 200 200 1617... 168... 16714... 16855 16879...

17141.. 17254.. 17435.., 17530.. 17548.., 17869.. 17883:., 17917...

100 C. Foint .......1 8er Kev 451 50 Then came the members of the. dead 20D- 200 6T58 At tbe session of the Alameda County Woman's Christian Temperance Union in L.a acung aa the fortaae Tsnlng was dSTOted to a Mmmml Of musical Senator's family and the committees of the 59.W7.. SO) Del ioiw nioupjoai iCO Exchequer 30,100 Yei 80 ..200 Alameda on Saturday aixteen resolutions 69976. I HAT DtALKB.

LOUTS Hewlett uia Eighth avaaue. See Idenee U6t Eleventh avenue. i. MIT.LIMEBft. MME, MARGUERITE REED-U61 Broadway OPTICIANS.

A. fTEFFANONI 1073 Broadway BKAL ESTaTB HHDIE -RRO)BaMtS WILLH BURRALL 1016 -M. i. LAYMAN CS CO. 46 Elgbih street i W.

MOSS 158 Broadway. E. HERON 1060 Broadway. J. H.

MCDONALD 470 Nintn atieet, WILLIAM J. D1NQEE 400-462 Eighth Street fJKDCBf AKKKS. ALBERT BROWN 464 Thirteenth street by th. two Houses. They were followed by the acolTtes, robed in white, bearing lighted were adopted covering the tem 69990 500 I I ndolmClub, perance causa.

Among other things were resolutions requesting tha boycott of a.l. aaiafiUonS by 40SX. cw" 200 ai ..300 200 60164.. 60206.. 60317..

60433.. groceries that have bare attached and indorsing all societies that bave tha object candles, preceded by dozen priesta in sacred vestments. Father J. Gillespie, the Jesuit Sector of the Church of 8u Aloyslus, read the prayers for the dead. Ue cakes and caady aot rijos of were ..200 ..200 ..200 ..200 ..200 ..200 ..200 ..200 ..200 o3 by iamaa Jtrtniw 18064 oi destroying tne liquor tramo ana pledging the union's support to the Prohibition 61027.

...200 Bishop Keane, wearing purple robes of H130 SOO 100000 200 ...200 party, also protesting against tha lecord oi details of crime in newspapers and indorsing I ui da fcksts wara sold for the i fcencifome toto-eaxrajaxe, to -v tiekfta are aold. All 61190 .300 18102.... 18356 18499...... office, delivered an impressive funeral ser 35c ..200 the temperance anion official organ, tbe mon. i.

i a rreat succasa, aad 500 Kusrenia Home at Berkeley and tne ar SB- jf KMPLOTNIM OPP1CKS. T. R.BCRK8 862 Broadway. At the conclusion of tbe aerriam, the re .200 18630, Florence Critten ton Home at Ban Francisco. mende by Principal UcChesney to tbe Board of Education aa being worthy of receiving graduate's certificates, at tbeir next meeting: Arthur F.

Agard, Samuel P. Bodwell, Arthur Brown Chariea W. Brock, Carrie E. Bray. Margaret Kradley, Bertrand P.

Boyden, Eleanor V. Benoett, Percy Black, May a Barker, William D. Baldwin, Eugene 8. Chamberlain, Grace Clock, May H. Clement.

William (1. Cooke, Grace P. Cope, Anita L. Corbert, Arthur E. Corder, Mona I Creliin.

James Daiziel, Harry D. Damfortb, Edith P. Dart, Anthony W. Doyver, Harriette English, John E. Fennesay, Aylmer H.

Fox. James A. Gamble. Bessie A. Gaskili, Bessie F.

Gray, Agnes 1 Haley, Milton 8. Hamilton, Edna S. Hammer, Flora Hnggins, Harriet Hoggins, Josephine Harriss, Maude B. Hansehe, Chria P. Jensen, Mar.

ens M. Johnson, Theodore De Laguna, Lloyd B. Lame, Abraham P. Ltach, Clara M. Martin, Delancy Macdonald, George J.

MeCheaney, Arthur McCray, Bernard P. MUlar. Euiah Mitchell, Lucy Moffilt, Emma Morgan, Ethel C. Mossman, Neva Palmer. James O.

Qninn, Alice CL Rogers, Lu tie Rnch, Harold Scotchler, Albert F. Shulte, Susie V. Smith, Mary X. Souie, Edith Stowe. Sallie H- Storrie, Nellie South-wick, Mildred M.

Taylor, O. Leontina Tuttle, Gertrude Williams, Annie M. Winter. Anna, H. Yates, Bessie M.

York. Jack Reynolds. Lilian r. 8trong and Ida M. Keilber would also have been recommended for graduataa.

bat owing; to severe Illness their graduation will be deferred for a term. Tha programme of the graduatine exer 614S0 61677..... 61819 61846..... 61902 61923..... 61972 -MQ 18629..

200 ...300 .600 ...200 ...600 ...300 ...200 ...200 ....200 ....200 ....200 ...300 ....600 41314 4U79 41197...., 41608...., 41617 mains were removed to tbe residence of the deceased and the Senate adjourned. BAIL. FOK. Solid Silver or fine Rolled Gold Scarf or Bow Knot designs. Solid Silver or fine Rolled Gold Lace Pins," Bow Knot designs.

Solid Gold Scarf Pins, Bow Knot designs. FIGHT Rleder 95c .203 of DRESSMAKING-GOOD FITTER WILL GO by the day in farailiea. Apply at 808 Clay etreet. Hlsl Secure Wants to Charles .200 Any Other Hair ...200 200 ,41655 200 4177S A BIG LOCKOUT. The application of Charles Riedel.

the slayer ...300 62026 SITDATIOf WANTED TO DO LIGHT HOUSE-work in a small family. Please call at 803 Willow street West Oakland. Preparation of Nick Whalen, to secure bail waa partially heard this afternoon and eon tinned to Wednes 62207 .200 191M 19222 19247 19SO 19323....... 19459 19507....... 19544 19575.......

19828....., ....200 ..600 ....800 ...300 ....300 4178 41827 41S90 Tfcis Rare 95C day. It Throws 50,000 Men Out of .200 .500 :0 .200 .200 Production TJOR BENT-TWO ELEGANT, SUNNY- (Th arced With label. Is equaled tique folding bed in room and gas stove. Apply at 1504 8an Pablo avenue. ....600 ....600 J.

B. Wilson, colored, editor of The EU- tr-a ere is da Urs. JJayiey rc-f Itir aisUtants tar arranging the de It ia expectd tnt the I of the eatertAinmeat tt tis of JlCO, which vcui to the training eehooL eiui faanf present weres JUaa Aaams. Wra. J-CLAtes i l.ic!crtb.

Ura, AJbrscbt, Urs. Chanaa Allen. Un. W. i ABdrMn.

Mr. aod Mis. Archibald. Jama Archi -Ej ley. tHs Oet-r rayiiy.

A. iatea. Uaae I-rs. Erstow, Mra. lift.

eck. Mrs. iss Borden, Mrs. Lacy Bradley, 11 rs. 1 rack.

Missee liiss 7 i stct, Miaa r. A. Chase, as a 62223.... 62368.... 62568......

63113.... '63US Employment. Nxw May 16. A lockout of the valor of Ban Franciaeo, baa sworn ont ..200 ..200 ..200 ..300 .300 ..300 ..200 ..200 ..200 19-X9 warrant tor tha a rreat of Homer Bishop. Toilet Article For Beautifying The .600 ....200 Beautiful A.tsnred To All Who rse Skooknm.

The Principlea Involved la -It Manufacture Are Demulcent, Emollient, Tonic And Ahap-py Combination Not Found In The Formula FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE FOR MAST and wife or one or two gentlemen; convenient to Broadway or Market street station. Apply at C65 Seventh street also colored, and cook on the special car of 45 Solid Gold Lace Pins, -y. Bow Knot designs. AbasdaomeanocUBeaiof BowKaoteaet witb Plasaoade, Pearls aad enamelled, made ia tosa-aterable designs aad ia every conceivable article of Jewelry. One Price.

Plain Figures. ....200 granite-cuttera utrouahont tbe ew England sutes waa declared thia morning, throwing twenty to thirty thousand men 20321.. 2066.. 20966.. .200 Iceland Stanford, on cnarge of udsl .200 Ml" 42470...

42614... 42643... .42051... 42990... 43090...

4S227 43309 43532 43634 i. 68265..... Hair. 63376.. ..200 I Ik.

SUcaz Omll. oat of employment. At the same time GIRL TO HELP Apply MRS. CAR- .600 63A4. 21141..

......200 WANTKD A TJTTCJS-take car of children. PESTER, 162 Filth street 1 Being SpeoaUy Adapted Rev. 3. B. 8U cox.

who was called to ....200 alios. ...200 a number of strikes were ordered in sympathy with the tone-cattera. ....200 For the Pilgrim Congregational Church hare, has tendered his resignation at his mission la a i i i hi i cises, so far aa arranged, is as follower .1000 ..200 ..800 ..200 ....200 ....200 21906., 21974- .200 2 JO .200 Ladies' Cse. It is estimated that fully 60,000 men em FRENCH AND GERMAN TRANSLATION German and Preach translated In English. MRS.

P. PRILL, UU McAUister street, 6aa Sacramento to take effect in i ....300 Free ployed in quarrying and stone-building 63936 64047. 64095.: 64216... 64427.... Front works are now out Tha immediate enact o-V alitor Balsv rJ? All Is-i, iiiss ....300 March, Arthur Agard essay, Mary.

Barker; oration, Theodora De Lafruna; cornet aolo, Arthur McCray; essay, Eleanor Benoett; oration, Jackson Beynoids; Tocai solo, Susie Smith. Other numbers will be added during this week. Trade Mark ft eqitt end-ton saic av DRUGGISTS Prodnces baldness. It ia cheaper to bay 22018. 200 ..200 300 44U75 .200 44204 ..800 In this city ia to bring to standstill all Sticky Substances.

a bottle of Bkookum Root Hair Grower building operations, with menace of a than a wig; baaidas. wearing yoar own SI: ixfor CS. 22I6U 4421.. .500 44246.. ......200 FOR SALE BY SEASON OF URGENT eirenmsuncee, a very elerent to ord r-bufltrockaway (Laadauer) doable aad siogie, 2 aeata; 2 nice double and single narceu can be bad with it Mill accert lot iari -i t' paymeet if dtirel.

Altt t.0. I 1 E- still more far reaching affect balr ia more convenient All drngrbjtav ....300 ....600 ....200 SKOSKUri ROOT HAIR GROWER CO i zan Many other trades will undoubtedly tt 925 AAA A i r- MEU VOHK. 1 22716. influenced if the struggle ia protracted. in Alt 6y Iftss Taw tonight.

To-ntgM, ZIUs Ya Ji the phenomenon. 2u0 449S2 64S91..

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