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The Bristol Daily Courier from Bristol, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Bristol, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rnr roruiFK. PAGE lunior High Wins Athletic J. Murphy Dies; Meet in First Competition Served St. 35 Years i'Miir One rt'tav vIliilKlit. i'Mti) and did 111 half mil in 1 bv iitarKiii Morrhvlltc did bv arty Urt-dnt 'I'ttd I down a inintniiiin and ami Iti im wannlv until ituii atlfd Hiiintnary 75 yil till I ft in at It.

Ift ituot li-rii llriftui, 'riiiif a r. 75 il ttn-ti, tfl, ulniio ftiffio) Jiitl. Moll (fit Mfi-tol ('(tMtlMnrd frartt t'aar Owr paratory Inatlinie in St l'iillip tnml ftiti-iinK St t( l'tii! lplila to (tphv ami I waa urdaim-tl ori l-vit'. titilabop latrtf'k J. ftyan In of SS tor and Paul and hia In Pbllip fliiirth itiai Hf tbon of tho tluti ('burch ai niainltVK thiTf biit a Iif 1 JohII I mi, iaaalKimd lo St Ha Miti K).

t'tiurrh, to Holy Family h. Matiavunk 7.5 tloal Mowriutn. i Itulimo liiiftol. 3 rd arafki, (u-iifii ititi llh. i-oillf ritti, Hriftol MUI I I hf.ti lui Mllflol Jitd Mobiliali.

It ili. Vito Miift'io. Mrlttiitl 115 Imi lit I Mfiifii Itili. JittI, I.iiH iirti, Mt-irlxai. I ihlol Tino 1 I ,5 Mia ilii di, II I Ist, oiu 'M, iftol: Mowttiitfi.

Mt'iinalmo, 3rd Itli, Uisitr filli, Ma-itlo, MriHtol yd tliifli Ifl lui, N'fil lliiltttil. Itti toi. Jiid, Williiiiii Itii.iiltii. Soiiih- III Idoli 37 5 vd li.isti, 3iid tifut Ift, oiif Mri.Miid lltdi Kilt'r, Itotiitiil Wldtiiiiii, Imv iilf Timt- il iliifh tlriiilf liti, iiNtol, iK 111 Mriftid, futi. li Itluui ti.

Ito 5th. Urltitol liiif liiii dlt-" 1st, A til liofiy I rlittol. 3 ml, Mouiiiiiti. llftiitHlfin. 3 rd.

Mii-tol un, Alfi.ot iHti, I isvillf l.t-Koy Mratlv ho lf lllf 'l'titif ifi Min niii ifi, Tluttnptttoi, I IO I I Jiid, Latolla, iiftif, un. Mtitdol: Din, n.vtif Mi luto! Tliiif lini ist, l.iivwooti lorrisvillf Mris I. Uidiio-t St Itaiir, 11 II- Ib, Mnsttil;, Ktfd litoti-, Mristol Tino l'olf Villllt 1st yiiii. risi un iitol Stistol. IifK.iJtlo, Milhtol Ifiyrtil 7' Slod l'iii IH iiouiols) 1st.

TlioimtH loiiit-iviiio, Miistol. 3inl, VMuf mila, Mrisiol; Tom Hudt. 1 latlllf, un. Ituldno. tb, l'Iiatlfs Mnm n.

Mi Istol Utoail jiimp l.sf. Moli Uilllts Iri.stol; Mriftol; Immot iliiio. Mot I Itoili-rvino. Mtistol, 5in. Mit tr i 'Ut nino, Mnstol Hisiaiicf, i lii.a-ii.s throw ls(.

Sani I, trtsfoi; 3nd. Immordino, rd, ICoto-rt 4tii SfoM. 5th, Vliittoii Miisiol I tlirovt. Ist Iristol. liolifit orto-; oit.

Uh Mil-, fdli. insiol I li.stalit I-. ini' 1 IIM'Ii 1st, JiiiiHn. lainie- 3iol. Mrl.stoî.

I nino, Hiihtol; 4tn unti 5th lannsfii.s, ha.sM-r, of Imn- Mfl.flol 1 I mill- iflav- Ift, Hrlatoli AMinatit, and biiiiist iisoi, jiiil. dusic Instruction Course is Arranged f'anllnufrf from triM at Hi-lioot, will comiiict i bn rtasHfK in mont Ttio only is a or tloposlt I df-pomliriK on whit-ti Is rn- iiruod ail who attond fi ot fla.ssMM lodd. Imlivbtuals may apply or mglsti-r any tiim- in rtami 217 A ut li Hi-tntol, Final will on ititii', 2 Ktli. SOInt.Uii, mfkt A im-oliiiK of sofiball tt-ams In- fi-t'SN-d la fonnaliou of a Hris- ol TwIHkIu Softliall laaiiuo. was ul Hoys storp, Friday ItiK.

Six No I FloptwIiiM Istatp.M, Fifth Ward Club, ami Franklin A C. at tliis lupptlng mntiomd that tmy tbouglit would 1 infpiestpd, ml am Imlng Id-on Plaviii. Anottmr lupeting of bp KKtup will liHld Fri- ay fvpning at Hoys store at p. m. PliiladolphiM, lia asHistitiK itnr Mtotinel Mc-Knrop was In tliHt tip was nuined assistant of Our l-adv of Philadt'iphia was sta Ifi ComlriK to llristot to serve in Ht parlsb In tlie Itev Fr.

Hradiey tlie of June HtSTi, tbe Hev Fr I elebrated bis 40tb annlversary in tbe al a solemn liigli inass at Ht At afiei mion tlie tMMiy wlll lie tbe reetoi to Si Maik's li. where inK wlll take plai froin four Weilnesday. unfll a Tbursilay Memliers of tlie will foriii Kuards Intnor tbiougliout IHvIne office will start al Iti a Tbuisflay. wttb Hoh nin HI I i ass Ht inrtn The Hev. Pau! Halrd.

rector of Ht will serve as tbe Hev Hiirns, of Ht. Ann's Cbiircb. ib- wlll be deaeon, and Hev William Pope, of Ht, Cbutc Tttcony, wlll serve as sut)- deui-oii. otiier inetiitters of priestbood wlll be on tlie altar lai will be mmle in Holv Cross James 11 11 liaipn Never before do so many owe so mueb to those Utile Want Ads. Hospital Enters Sui! for Damages f'ftnfinnrct from whnh w.i- tifsiroyt-d and for tin tiveiMif, am! Hidilevaid.

lidoa n.iim-d Fiank l.ii’pm-r. nadiiM; Tuo Motor* C.iitt act iiip- Hrooklyn. Ilo iitlant in an Iloti in If spass Hai! was oja-raflni: I li oniplainant trm veli Houli In iow loiol, Hept 22 l'MT, lo il flg irti! in ti wliti a tiink operatffi liy tlie defendani's Tip- i i tiitt 2 is of milk et dt-stroyed ami lo milk in lo- io tdeni Mrs 1 tb Finilb- Hi Islol tow lisblp, I-; Hrlsttd. 1 bus sued fot by bei bus baml, Halpb Jr .1110 Noitb HroioI Pltiboleiplila l'Io Welt- inarib-d Mav 25 1 12 In paraied Jan 2 Ibis year TIo and ili LallgbollO' tnontliH Sislers Wed At A Ceremony frani One la-iinu William fotim-r Miss Katbryn Wn-n of gown was in wbile eiilmin, ber finger- lip vt-il of lit i bi'ing to a Hata ami Hiltle Oli an tbid Was given In bv bei Itroflo I in la Mr Fdwaialj Wyllle, Ihtlly. N.

Her lodior. Miss Itiaiia In lev Street, in ami tlo' Miss Jan et Vali Fraasseii. ii in tbe gowiis Tlo ii lo-ad I tis and ilo AtlemHng Mi Mtirgan as I man bis Mr Jr Ilo- Mi lltlanv Hogfis Ksttn sfieet loi no i Mi: l.cVtin Wien wori- a saitn wbb tu Iraln satin ap witb IliiKej tip ami all l'ii a wlilte was Miss Vii tiliiia Kfbit Sisifi tlo- grootn a lume ami Ito Mrs Jidin sti bo was attired In Thi- Itrbb to tbe aitai lo-r In law, Mr Stephen Hr T.rrate II Mr William I aiiiplo'il ksoii sfrei't was lost man ami Mr Holo-tt Hinilli Croc usber Wedding In tlo- social ball, tlo two couples leaving a week ludo-yimnui in Pocidio Moiin tains Ml and Mrs Moigaii will in an aparlmettt on Clo-ri and ami Mrs i ill live lib Mr Kebler's pat i-nts Mr KeJib'r in Ho- at 11 UHls Ho to at tendants Were ami Ilo- brldegriHtms the best no'ii and ushers i HUT.IIll.T VFJSETIAN BLINDS mmImhi free InMlNllNltcMi. Crre 4 llllnils by OK.NHF.I.I.S DiCicco and Ciotli Wedding Held Here Irani I' nh itne 'f 1 'one Hit I 1 Ni.ii '1 i I low 1 Miss I I am (, pl.iv. a im.i mat ami Me iFbitmii I'f tlo- hi hb 1 Maria I- of Mr-.

I he mol to r. for I to- i ntoti him luol pt int i i Sllie ill ape II.) atol a wbih- Mi I MCn OI a 111 1 1 ti) ve 11 wbtie irim. b.tvim ii bm biat 10 atul I i Follow tnr a i.m 'o paily al Mi- atol I (01 a I sojotii ti Iti 01 1 'riiM-llmn oi ibe bi i.b on of a I wo po nav bho- gabaiiliio siiii wiili Irim ot wbih- aiol In.i-s bnUoit- rieeii With lii.o II im bife oli ,11 ed bove s. bat and lipio-i tami pb'Ve- sio (in libi fuun lo-r bi nlai 1 1 in ly will l.Hble oll M.ilu Tullviown 'Po lo-t aflemlaiH bride etdil wHb sfoio fo ti Ilo it cow it ami HDl MKVI! 1 Meihidisf Cbunb I will be at tbe hono- of Mrs. ttow rtr.

lb- immtblv Woolmaii ol I Jaio-t 1 tin, tnfanl of tenlav morning Mr and Mrs Fdwln Ksen, was bv the Hev. John C. Kllip In N' shttriilny Methodist Church, ea- (in Voiir vSigiiaiiire GIRARD riAN LOANS QUICK CASH Here lui I'm iMd Hills Huy I bit lies Hepairlug Lulu Huyltig 1 Otti Midbiil ur Heiitttl Cure ur fur iHuiirjr I yuii. I'uiiie in, LLiHe ur 'I'Ullttf Mr eav initiaieti tie pill Ho- be-i man an 21 LI 11,1, I III. FT Hher LfeCrurj's) to 1 I'll.


BU11.DERS-DEVE1.0PERS HAULING BRISTOL 3149 Re-Upholster Reliable Custom Re-Upholstering Service All Work Done in Bristol bjr Local CnitMnea No misleading, drasticallf-low prices advertised whkli cannot be associated with superior workmanahipl Ijirge Selection of Quality Materials Available Fntabllnhcd INSl Ancker Upholstery Co. 904 Mansion St Phone; Day, 9598; Night, 1 Wemhrr llrUtol I hnntbisr of HKXKY II. HIHBF.F, ,0. II. Kxamlnatlon of the Eye by appointment Telephune 24 IS 301 Radcllffe Street Bristol, Pa.

RE-UPHOLSTERING mnilr In nrOer. suHra reroverrO A rrballt, renann- arleetlcin of rnvrrlnsa. I uatnm.mnil«* allp rnvera. fnrnltarp nnd rlranfd. nr Trrnna f'nil i.nenl Urprrarniatlvri Fil-Mor Uphol.

Fum. Co. SI 17 KIKI'ST NTMKKT aa. pa ill Venetian Blinds Steel Aluminum Cuctom-Made to Fit Your Window. Unconditionally Guaranteed lO' DOWN Up to 3 to Pay; $1.25 per Wk.

111 1 HTKKt trff K-llmal'- R. THOMAS MILLER Piaster Jobbing lllllaldr mad Nrcvgurtvllir IIHItCTOL Want to know who aelU a jrarticular product or nc-rvice in your locality? 'Take a gander in the yellow pages of the 'I'elephone Alnuait every buaineaa and profeaaion in your coiurauiuty is Hated there. You'll aave time and trouble by looking fimt in the Claaaitied Telephone Dinrctory. look in the YELLOW PAGES of the Telephone Directory THI BILL TILiPHONI COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA For the Information of the All Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger and Freight Train Service Will Be Discontinued in Event of Strike of I Enginemen and Firemen, Tuesday, May tl 1 he Pennsylvaniu Railroad announces that It will be unable to operate any train service In the event the lirotlierhood of Locomotive Lngineers and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Idremen and Lnginemen carry out their announced intention to strike at 6 A.M., Standard lime, 1 uesday, May 11. 'All train service, including passenger, mail, express, baggage and freight will cease.

The management realizes that complete cessation of train service will result in untold hardship to travelers, commuters, shippers and the general public, but it has no i alternative under the circumstances. Up to the time of strike, the Pennsylvania Railroad will continue the sale of tickets and reservations, subject to the cancellation of trains. If the strike goes into effect, ticket sales and future reservations will be discontinued until further ncnicc. No assurance be given that trains cn route at time of strike will complete their scheduled runs. 0 Acceptance-of all carload and less-than-carload freight will be discontinued at time ol strike, or earlier by appropriate embargoes.

ennsylvania ailroad.

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