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Kansas City Journal from Kansas City, Missouri • 1

Kansas City, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 'f -THE COMMERCE jqjukwajl. of 1875. VOL. i ESTABLISHED 1854JOUnNA COM PA 0 1 i' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 5 i OtS NEW SENATORS. rious question with all popular goverw- but eooiw.

JEFFERSON CITY. SAW.WOKRS. New Advertisements have mmihItn afW darVi and take to a aonwe. The moment the beat struck one of the children it died, and the other tents wheteer iMltfibimy ehouM appl; to any but the next term of office, em IT IS CASH Btfll XObrta to Xtka wot expected to five. We did not lean LBOAU he proposed so amend the bill ia that spet, allowing liability after six years.

T0PEKA, 5 Genuine Dyed In the Wool Democratic Paper te be ST. LOOTS SAW WORKS aauiav a ww wataaeaaaw-a. bt the aames of the parents. (i a.w one. i Ita ateabrtf -The lola Remitter The eitisrne sjH (ho amendment was allowed so fored.

Judge Hough Opposing Session of the Supreme Court in this City. Tit tha DfalrtF Oxm nt tht in I lad gutss tor sO)A saiiirn vu ioVa Kansas ity arid a pahMe mirting Tnsa- dav even ks the inuwwat of the nrwa- On motion of Mr. Roar the vote order ia Yry Poor Material a ina wwi-rn in rut of aiiaantirl i 1 lh malif af hmahlaa a aHiaaiear, Mtisrvfrti la banhraDlrr. ing the stain question was reconsidered. tsr the Pnrpoaf.

ing and thr ortrniaatron of the frndtaw1 At Coart, hit JrArM, la satd dlatriut, hs and the emeation opened to dierswaion. -mh aT a. it. ira. Wtrn fhslrlrtflf Mlrwrwri: Finally Mr.

Ward, of Illinois, moved to XIV territory and the improvement ol the ual-yeatoa harbor. i Reeolutioras ware adopted in accordance with the ohiert of the meet lav the neoiation on ins table. Mii.WAPts, Jaw. 3. The first vote The houM refused Jo lay it an the ta for u.

S. a is tor stood as follows: Sen A Bill Creating a Board or Rll rood Comnilfwloners Liable to Psns. Toor FleU tor the I Brest-meat of Additional Capital. BRANCH, CROOKES CO. Mannfaotwrara of all Klnda of A aaatMlnaj lb ra said tautkruttla Having bc--B htnti bald, imk aa ardor ol this Court, rnrlhapurpwof acting oa a prrx aliloa iffrd br am 14 banhrapla fnr a aawftaaaltoa), and aaM baakrapta an proaaalina to lh On-irt tha rraolulloa paaar-d at aurb meeting, bsjalbar ing, and the friends of this movement everywhere wera called even to act a ble, leu 'J- aavs 1.18.

ate, Cerptnter, Briggs, 16; scattering, 4. Aiessnbly, Carpenter, 46 Briggs, Mr. Ward then moved to recommit it to the judiciary committee negatived. tw scenes ag, m. PaovinicttK, Jsn.

26. When both lea HO; navs ITA. once. enters Iowa, Mehrasha, Kansas, Wester Missosri. Colorado, New Mexico and Texas are all directly interested in the improvement of the (falveatsm aarhor The joint resolution was then rejected.

houses of te legislature matin joint con Opposition to tha 7asaga of tho FaTorabU Reports from Wuh Yeas LU: nays 1'H. lm than two- wim uirmfni ni innr nam, ana 'Hntartrf lhtrtana by thaCnurt, llial paMlta-Mna ht maaV tar flrailara la tha Pallr Jocawai, or Commim a Bwapnprr piihlUhtot at Kanaaa Mty, Jw-kxtn fllatrlrt alomald, notifying all hom ll mar ronrtMn, that on lht Inl da? of abraarr, ISTS, It will inaiitrvd into bv tha t'otirl, wbi-lher aald raaulutloa fur a coin prorata. thirds of the members voting ia the and the opening of the Indian territory, and should use their infloenoe through Toxaa Pacific Bailruad. SAWS li POCKET ington in Regard to th War Claims. affirmative.

All the Democrats voted their representatives in congress to secure mm aar nifii, nan tmrnu MBara aa rcquirr) ir law, and nalem art mad la writing. Aaaadaaata Deal rati la Favor of tha for it. Adjourned. ivy. Wtiefce auael Bwawia.

fly TMfrath. Hew Toes, Jan. SS. linn lnwl dnwa In '1U mt ar Pasnaga of a Rfsolnltoa to Adjonra K. P.

an A T. an 8. P. oa or bar aalil It day of February, IS7S, and cauar aliova on said ilaf. brfnra tlta JiKlgf of tha Court, at fhamtwra.

In Ina 'Ht a( JrnVrann, whr aid prorHing for a fomnoalllon slioald nnt Lbs eccomplisauisnt af these measures. THE LATEST NEWS. Rr Mall Tataavaph. Deaths In Houston last week, 19 children under five years of age, 4. 114 and 116 Vine Street, 224 Lake Street.

-BO OarondelPt. Strpet. St. Louis Chicago New Orleans Sine Die. clntvd al Sats par cent.

Prim. atereanUle paper, rT ecu I. cob fir mi an order will. aald day, ba ratarad of rmird. ajrovlng ana onnflrmlng tha aarna.

Wllnraa th Annoralile Arnold Krakal, Judga of lha aald Omrt, and tha aaal Iharaol, at vention to lay, Dixon withdrew his name as candidate for U. 8. senator. Lt Gov. Van Zandl who had supported Dixon, then voted for den- Bu reside, who was elected on the first ballot, receiving ti'i votes; Bartsld, 16; Brown, Sheffield, Hunt, 4, scstlering, ft.

Nasmvili.B Jan. 86. The convention met at aooa. Gov. Brown refused to allow his nam to again preeentsai boforo the tsnwntion.

Tha MU ballot was as Muwar 'J; -Henry, II; Stephens, Kpv, The preside declared Andrew John son elected Unltpd States senator, amidst the wildest excitement and enthusiasm. Tha enthusiasm and excitement over tha election of Hon. Andrew Johnson to tha United Stasai M-maLn to -enV ia baroarf (Fvwa Oar Own Oatrtmteant. ToriKA, Jan. 26.

twin Kichnniv Kterllnx S4 8404 MH BI1UIABD TABLES. California had another earthquake at lorwinnTn; at kvi.m it aianv. Custom nvint aaiat. inaiif ni janvraon, in saiq dlsinrt, ea tha iSth dav of January, A.

U. 1S7S. Jtrnnson Citt, Mn.t Jan. 26. la Ik Jimmmt mf Vmrnmrnm Tha legislatirfj mill grinds exceeding! There seems to be a general desire to have the code of oivll procedure so four a crack Saturday morning.

(old aUrona; ihMimhoul the day, at Ilftsj A l.r KEl 8. UKKKL, Clark of FHstrtri Court for sahl district. ByCHAS. K. Hum, D.C Quincy has harvested one hundred amended as to require all parties bring E.

L. IARTIN XXLtXTimtxm City, Mo.f tonne fsrrrtnft ratea, lBA per sent, ao4 iU ClMiiDo OF EVERY BUYER low jurt now. The committees are not bridging in their grists promptly as thousand tons of fine ice this season Tmwnrr IMiiMirwatRBt Assietaat traaturar BJtwkrwatOjr Nwllr. ing suits to give bond for the coats. This is a much-needed reform.

If a law of 5 tha fHitrtr Court nf Ih I'nltad HUtaa for tha BHaruL warraaw aaaars roa thi anticipated. Beside this there is coniid dlihuriMd J77(-00. inil41nTiTTiiiicntn artlre and strong. Rail mad hnmli ilmni. Hist bond.

Hull. A juror in the Tilton-Beecher case was drinking with one ol the counsel 1 nMiarn inatrirt or Miaaourl In tho mailt of Joha II. Iuc4ataatsr, Saakrupt. this a at ore ts paused, the fees of the clerk eraMe absenteeism just now, owing to the of tha court and other court officials will Friday night constitution! convention election. N-'ilea 6 haribvatvaa tKal thattm 1 Mit aiiiMMiwiitij it-n roai.

In UUdarlain. Tbe narkat waa Great Amen Billiard Table Maiofactory TUB LBtADiaO UtlaBMSIIVBNT OF THBt IIVatTaV-WaTavT. Talaatlria al ib rimiiion of an id Twnknini. fir tlx bear a great redaotkm. Under the pres description, lie made a thirty minutea speech to ten thousand people, on the Tho.

Sturgeon, a conductor on the The prospect of lecnring a teuton of aoHOS. ent law, at least one fbarth of the aosts, purHiar-i aamed in thf twantyarvnalh aartloa of tha Bankrupt Artol March IWT, will ba baU at tha olttcr nf John l. S. Cook, Kcaislar la Uank- W. and was instantly killed at the supreme court at Kansas city, la de ox public square this evening, announcing his adherence to Democratic principles Ohnpons tISS 0um 'a and probably mora, are never collected Sswjtsalallsislioct 1804.

Pittsburgh on Saturday, niptcr, at Kanma lltr, Io aald district, at 10 as set forth in his administration of gov meat, b. oa ine nin im Many a case would be kept out of court (oupiitia (old)" ('Kiinn 'UlMfL. llAl.lTcnD.S'a SI cidedly unfavorable, Mr. Twiss, my respected colleague, labored to accomplish it faithfully and well, but to-day he was met, in house debate, with the assur EMANUEL BRUNSWICK The California bandit, Vasquaa, was, on Bat-inlay last, sentenced to be hung if the party bringing it in knew ho would srnmem aaa tormer speeches. There were minors en the streets and N.

C. CITY NOTICES. AaroaCTuaaas os on the 19th of March. have to put up. The resolution providing that the Com- hotels this evening that he had made concessions to Republican members for their votes, but be denies emphatically ance that Judge Warwick Hough, of Petition for the Grading of a part of STocaa montctaltk shall publish three columns James Myers committed suicide aa Sunday, by throwing himself in front of a V.

Can having made concessions in any form, or (St. of proceedings daily, and give each mem' v. EN aiifTfuiu a-trvsja. rthe Oramon Coanctt al taw City at Kanaaa, Jacksuo onualjr, MlssKurl: Th uiMltrilgued rraJ aalata owner and reaidaoU of tha Cltr a Kanaaa. rfaiwrtlretr own tha ral aalata aa Kiev- DRY-GOODS! locomotive at Collinxville, U.

M1 ber five copies of the paper during tbe entering into any ansWstanding with other candidates or opponent; that he was elected upon the broad platform of A boy named Ernst Weil, aged thir W. OO III fflH'd Vurt War DA. aana stra, (rata tha treat (In of tVfia atraet to qulrktllvrr U1 A'lania' r.i ParvnKx Aiupricaa 6-1 U. V.t P4clfic MaiL N. Y.C 102! session, all for a sum not exceeding four hundred dollars, ia certainty cheap the constitution and administration of and A an prntma.H..i.iiw the laws as enumerated by the national enough.

id wrai nor of nataa' Aililttton drarrthrd opposite thHr aaruca, 1v Ibatn Strata autacf1lM4, and htrrbr petition tha Cnmmno Counrtl tba of Kansas, to hara add Klrrrath alraai, from tba wast hat af PYnn atrart to tha waat Una of Oatra' Addition, all in tha said Hi 7 of Kanaaa, srrIM uemocracy. i. ana C. and C. Eria I teen, was killed in Bt Louis on Sunday, a street car running over him.

There was a fire at Martinsville, on Tuesday, burning four frame houses on Maia street Loss $10,000. No io- 11. ana The gentlemen having the Pomeroy York fund in charge, may not see fit to do 41 Harlrtn I2S 1 44 and 46 Dearborn Street, Cbioaco. ELEGANT INLAID BEVELED TABLES! Wllk ItM Prwaat Mr.kl. UUrtl Atmrr Im all TUa.

THE SAVAJOES. 74; R. I ic. Cans I. C.

ins inn wima iBarani, iariuaiT at aiaawaiu en tha north sidr of aald slraat. J. Hara, aaal ana-half ot lota 11 aa4 IS, return tbe money to Pomeroy. That the money came from Pomeroy there Is no S7 M. 7hUW.

C. 01 SID. sn snd WHO TISITS iOS.l -mum min mt raas. K. Onatra, ftilf fi.

on anoth Una nf Elarantl at, aommonrtaK al weal Una of Catholic churrh 14. Joha "math, cor. of Uarantb and Jtffrraon The Party Returning from denial, and that it has any owner, other Win. Rochester, son of CoL W. H.

Rochester, of Danville, was shot on Sola MftanftMtamra at th Xmrriemn Ov-ondoUt Tbl. and P.tnk aarolTlu Oil Bsok. AIM, Uu N.w atria of PoSl T.bU. Brlk. UuU.M urn mmt HlKkly FlahM ta lk Dlrael Inportn.

4 CMk, Italh, OMk, nd Cu. Tl. All ot mar Tabfc. ar InhM mrw-1 ol li. Art, tu4 trr ill auppllffl EmuiMl Rr.MU-'. BIIIUT4 Cuahloil, vblrfa lo th. mquUIIMof AKWWT Md ItaimMlltr. vm mmU bv aillUnl KiiwrN to Ik. IMratton il Iklltarl Cii.blJiu. mj W.

Will not b. nndrranlil. hrth. T.tiU riMth fVu. than Pomeroy, no one asserts.

The Mew Twrk Market. question is as to the rights of the parties Saturday night by N. S. Miller, keeper of Washington and Who They Are. John A.

Soaa, waat lota snd IS, Work CoatV fil ttmu KiW Toss, Jan. 26. Kr TrWniph.l FtJit'Hrm nrhangMl. the Lancaster hotel having it in charge, to make any disposi Jackson county, was opposed to the wants of his people in this respect and of course Kansas City, so represented, cannot expect the little boon. What Judge Hough's peculiar reasons for this antagonism, as yet don't appear.

The penitentiary committee are hard at work, and it appears to be the impression that Warden Sebree's theory of modifying the leasing system so as to abrogate as much as possible the present clashing of interest between the state, through the warden and the lessees. The bill creating a committee of three, known as railroad commissioners the same in substance as offered last winter promises to pass. It gives these gen tlemen considerable control over these soulless corporations. Unless the pass system is restored to us members, railroad corporations need expect naught else but legislative despotism as a regular diet. Cheering news comes from Washington in regard to the assumption and payment i of the war debt of Missouri.

Our members are obeying the request of the Missouri legislature in urging its prompt hd-sr-l H. A lira. Int II, Mock OoaUa AdS. "IV DoMrllv, Br. (by povarel au'h waat Ms.

Wlifal ciulat and vrrv firm: No. nrthtnff In th. Bl en low tmwm mr Pmf of Mtr In. ttmw Mrk of TbMmjl aprltitf. SI 2.

I 071 no- Uo. 1 CM. The losses to merchants and business incur prviwir, DBUMll AU. .11 II ll I I I HI T.LIm I I- -1 i. I BllLUfd lor Ml.

T.l'lM, Cltr Knrlnaar af tha atfraooai u'nanartr, tion of it It is a burning shame, a hardship oa the business community, an evil that should be cured by some means, to WlTlni loour Wnwrn Aitrakj, VL. MABT1K txi" L'o. nil. of Tntrrlln. Ar-nts.

hut tn ill dim, f. Martin A Co men in Marysvilra, Cat, by the flood eartlfr that tha lorwitnf aati. About Oor. Amy and his Viewa mku, SI ffi'Ht1 No. 3 DorthwMtcni.ll lira 1 1.1; while wntrrn, Si 27(81 :12.

Hjcqtilet. Rnr-trr dull. ra snd mora dnlmt; mlfd wraliTn. ww. WttMc: whil.

S'xtthfiUr. Oats Uon ts sbrnad by tha owarra of a taaJoHtr of tat There was a heavy northerly fMntaita ol tho amnrrtr oward of tho Indian Qaeation. Kansas City, tof mudaata of keep this seven thoasand dollars out of rUXNITDRB. aald dtv. frootlDC on Havanth alrwc.

htarati quifl olwiilf; mlml wi-atrrn, S.oS'c. HRk KRIKS Cotleo excited and uaaetlled. Smrmr dull uml nomtnnl. gale on Tuesday. Four schooners were blown ashoTo on the north beach, near Praa aUfat and tha wast lino of Coataa' AaV circulation.

KOV MIiNi iwk Sim; new moa. flt9 50. Topeka is going to have a downright KPMOSO O-FLAHRRTT, Otf Enalaaar. JOSEPH COCHRAN, WBOLISAIil ill BETdUIi SaAX-BB IB Re-f unrhangeil. Cut mata quirt; plrkled ahnnl- San rrancisco.

The body of Herman Grippe, of Cin What Kind of People the Navajoa Are and What their Country. Democratic paper at last, something she ii rn, i. Lara iowr; pruue noom, ityy 19 l.i-IIM1. REAL ESTATX-APCnOW. never sported before.

This is putting on WUlaa Y-tesdT at 07c airs too early, and we miss our guess if Valuable Real Estate cinnati, was found on the railroad track near Cumminsville, on Saturday. It is supposed that he was murdered by one bU.1owib Market. FURNITURE tbe thing don't go under in less than Bv Tlgnph.) Kr. Louts, Jan. 24.

AT twelve months. We do not wish any in. nrm ann nnrnantcu. FI.DI Dull, woiik an.l iim hanowl. Louis Schmuker, who was arrested.

printer bad luck, but we can not help GRAIN Whwit flrniM: No. rad fill tl 01 W.l Schmuker had blood on his clothing at And Colls on Our Friends AUCTION. feeling that it is a poor place to start a SI oi: No. 1, SI (Hicaali; St OS Man No. '2 "prlnrf 9K.

lrn ltiariir; Nn. 2 Democratic paper such times as these. Ox thi Rail, Jan. 22, 1H75. 7b tht Jommat a Cuts res On our train, bound for Denver, we have eleven Xavajoe Indians, who are un der charge of Hon.

W. F. M. Amy, U. S.

Indian agent at Fort Defiance, N. M. They are just returning from Washington, D. where they lave held counsel with the Great Father, snd submitted several mlxtxl, mcriir cMh; me March, mt Insctlre; No. i niiai-d.

IHk'iiV. Kirlov dull and weak: No. 3 iitrlns; Si 'il No. 2 $1 871 40. Hye BEDDING, teWWrW GOODS.

Topeka is a good town, and Is undoubtedly the liveliest town or city in the state, but she can't furnish business for every enterprise that freezes out in every other TIIR new hrlrk hulldlns on the nortb-aaat cornar of Twrllth itwt and irand araniK1, known aa tha Mlaanori VaJh-y Bank, wlthtlin l'RVsUiN8 Pork very quiet bat held firmer at own and ull. Ir' aalt iifala inactive; Alra of Iiwae iliouldiTi at fc; clrnr lib, clenr Hm, linen dull, nnlr en order traae. mnaii muHiinaa aujoiniiix, win oa amtl at tnp gosllMain Kansas City, Missouri. town in the state. important propositions, which, they are the time of his arrest Democrats down in the Sedalia senatorial district rr id an election on Tuesday for delegates to an unauthorised constitutional convention, in which A.

V. Hull, of the Sedalia Democrat, a Democrat, received more votes than Wm. 11. Letcher, another Democrat, Selahl Being understood that Tuesday would be the last day of the cross-examination of Moulton, a great crowd struggled for admission to the court-room. After the Uird dull; iiritui' (ticiiui, l.v..i;,1ccab.

WH1.1ILV-Ilit(lwr -c mulaaa, at piumr aurllun, tha litKlilst bidder wliSoni rwrr, on Moadiif, tiiolitU day of February, at 2 p. m. prmUoly. The fact is, Topeka is already too full guaranteed, will be accepted. The fol HARDWARE AMP CUTLERT.

Tanas, whlab will be rarr HVral, wllirbc made 3VE lowing is a LIST or KAMKfl 1IUIO Oi Sale. UL ULc.l i Mitrkec Rv Telegraph.) Cnicaoo, Jin. 28. FTX17R Dull; aprln ex ran, Sj 30,34 75. GRAIN WliMt No.

1 aitrina, KtUc of print-shops for the good of her printers. There are now six good and sub stantial printing offices, and the aggregate J. FORBES and position of the entire party: Hon. MEDICAL. value of priuting material in tbe city will No.

2, HMc nli, nml HfflC(S'c fur Vbruary; No. 3, W-jmHJr. Corn iteady; No. '2 mind, C41 cab; fi4'4c Fobniary. Unta Mrndy; No.

'J. rwtiigc cMh: Klc Fi-lmmrr. live dull ami W. M. Amy, formerly governor of New Mexico, United States Indian agent of the N'avajoes; Miss M.

S. Cook, teacher ol HARDWARE conclusion of the cross-examination of not fall khort of forty thousand dollars, which certainly seems to be enough for a city of eight thousand inhabitants. uiicnitiiKnu. iviricr unit HU uivuiiidu All. X.

ai wumiaii. the female department in making cloth INSTITUTE. PltoVIriKiNS Pnrk dull, nniflllpd, lower and Irregular, at rah, $17 Feltruary, and SIS JO li. Ijird ciiilet and wt-ak. nt by looms S.

N. Goodale, superintendent tbe witness, ex-Judge Fullerton began bis redirect examination. There has been incorporated at Salt Lake, a company to build a narrow gauge Hj laaoelnlvd Press. Toi'KKA, Jan. 26.

In the senate ot machinery of woolen mills; Dr. W. Builders' Hardware, Carpeutera Tool, Couper-V Tools, Flnlilug cah or February, and $13 39 March. Utilk uieaU Whitney, surgeon of the tribe Norman ait nuT nun inn iinniM. WlflUKY Iwfy at Me.

to day the following resolution was offered and considered Wendiman, su pari ten dent of laboi railroad from Salt Lake to Ogden. SHBLLEY1CD ReMoiv4i bu tht tenatt or the atait. af Jesus Alviso, interpreter; Manuelito, Tackle, Fine Cutlery, Clothes Wringers, Rubber llelting, Leather Bui Hug, racking and Babbitt, Circular Saws, Manilla Hope, Sheet Brass, Etc. 4'hlmtr aJve falock Mnrkel. Br Telearanh.1 Chh-o.

jh. Zi tending to connect with the Utah Wes i'. i DRg, COOLEY PATNE, of the nrsteal suid Modloal Iauitttnta), Twelfth Bt. and Grand Treat siinraaf till' pKroauiTiKii ami HMiKk l.iwiiaof all kinds. AU the Apfttitiiret for lha- liclonnl- head war chief; Cayatanito, second war Uern at Suit Lake; at Utah with the concurring, CATM.K Onumon nnd niiHlium dull and weiik; itfHwl to extra, ariino And firm at 6 7-'-; Liulcbcra' atock, alockvra, 42 7AJ chief; Juan ita wife of Manuelito; Man I hat we are opposed to the rtolicv of Northern at Ogden with both of the uelito Segundo, son of Manuelito; Barbes Narrow Gauge roads.

The road will be 7Q6 Main Stroet, Bxxaciva Oityf Mer. HlHiS Active and firm, and 10c liluhnr. with Hueras, chief counselor Mnrriano, thirty-seven miles long. Ten per cent of a ruottu of 24 for Inferior i rxlru; abliipinit gnula sollliiK uiut ljr at SO 8 1a puiktra, Su- giving any subsidies whatever to private corporations, and pre especially opposed to the passage of this bill Texas Pacific as doing great injustice to the Kansas Pacific and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railrondn, which have constructed over i second counselor; Cahra Negra, chief the capital stock has been subscribed and Tene-su se, chief; Ganado Mucbo, chief; work will bo commenced at once. Camera Mucho, chief, and iluetio ttn-nia, tlraarvtuadcal Ihu InMltuti', and Ailed to each eaaa.

IV ramors Tc-Miaof all Unit as FniHoin-PitLV-rva and atoTHKKN Mask. Canckhm ivniorad wlibuut tlif a title. I'lLKISud FliTf- Mrs. Kate Clark, recently a seam J. X.

KIXY HARDWARE chief; makine seventeen mat. Jcsu ve hundred miles of railroad from the stress in the family of Senator Stewart, at wi. Mt. l.miU Live Hlo-k Market. By Nr.

Loi'ia, Jan. 3rt. CA ITI.i: Weak and Im-Riilar, with deHlrra apurt; 8 00 fur prima to choice; $1 AO l'ir eii iiiimn li ft nhI uivn olira; flO(i 1 .17 lor lair 1okooI leira and IiidUu. I i rt Kirtii und ortlTe with Miiiolm higher; pnt'lcera, S'i av-tfl butrhera, S', OS; 'rk-era io dcuiiiud at S'i 'JA. ttvcvlitla, 1,600.

Missouri river across the blains with a Alviso is the interpreter from Navajoe to Spanish, and Gov. Amy from Spanish to 306 Delaware St view of ultimately ccnuccting with the Washington, was arrested at Baltimore, Atlantic and I'acinc railroad, and sol on Tuetiduy, chnrgt'd with the robbery of i1. ni nsn. ias Cook, has, for the past year, been forming through lines to the Pacific: nml HOTELS. la rr mined with Mrs.

Stewart, on Saturday, of diamonds, nt Sante Agency, Dakota, teaching the out iaiu or dangar, also the Atlantic and Pacific railroad bus abandoned its land grunt and proposes laces, valued at tti.OOO. The prop Cutlery, Iron, Steel and Nails, snd Wagon Wood Work, Cor. Third and Delaware Kansas City, Missouri. ami ii cup' KUtirrin-ttl in arer casa. I'aKota imuaus now to spin, weave, with great success, aud through Gov.

LOUISIANA. erty was recovered, and, with the accused, lK.r aaa and ny tnis uiu to change untune ot construction of its road br intersecting the Texan Amy's influence, she has been secured Catakhii Iran I LINDELL HOTEL St. Louis. FELT, GRISWOLD, CLEMENT upon a naw rutin- sent to Washington. Two trunks were also secured, containing between $10,000 and Pacific railroad, and thus forcing the nti aaloniahlixr. Kansas I'acihc and Atchison, loneka or ime uuuei wun ine itavajoes. UOX. W. V. H.

ARN'T was formerly a resident of Uloournflrtou una viin-ira in cnm ir(uruaa as uoiH-icaa. as Iioih and worth of plate, laces, velvet, of tlia Kvk snd nmciairr GARDNER MUIXETT, anu Da nut re rauroaus to ouild a greater distance in order to connect with the and other valuables. TKlNNof THK Liiia a nit CataKjut Meoaaalullf temovt-d. and tha 1.1 1 ml raaiorcd UialithL A Good Reason for the Partial Report Made to Congress. This new aad Elagant Hotel la now open for the receUan of guests.

All tbe modern Improv lexas and Pacific railroad. jjiMKAa or an a ukm aiaaa a aacujij. aaa We. therefore. earnesUv nrotest acainat Fun lor Mrinberaof Ike Cowvealloi 111.

Tbe Illinois State university now stands on a portion of bis homestead, he having donated the same to the university at the time tbe decision was made to build at that place. In IKjC he went iian iweo apiiiia-a in ita cwiisirucuoD, ana it ranks among ibe Lauuiu Molfls la tbe Waat. uhb aasurwu ui vTtrj maw. 1'ahalymm and Kpii.kphv anil all ifd 8t. Ixicis, Jan.

-A mass meeting IhrNMViK-fl Hvstkm, protlnriiig dahiliir Iroia it locauon ia on WawhinartoH Araasa. wii atk kh CAL'itiL pnuananilT currd. this proposed injustice, and we request our delegates in congress to have it so amended as to grant like authority and facilities for the construction of a trunk oi uiuies was neio to-ni(iit in the Mercantile library buildinii, to consider the Ques Hcnd for tho Jin raaalarlr la. HARDWARE! QiUwr, llonn, AaiBunltbM. Klifcln.

ttckU, O.rrnlm', Onopm- ud MuhlnbnV TonU. "luu ill! B.W Uumuun, lipu7SIUQ. (Win. Her. Cuunur ud ruuora kuTl aaa Min mtroct.

to Kansas, and was the leader in the at suati, fur uiora roaiplalo lafuriualioo, aol adl'lraaa tba thoroiiRbfaraof therltr, ttnea the openBBol tlie (rraat urtdrfe. Ita afevatora are In eoaalaoi op-eratioo at all botua. both da and uigbl. tempt to make this territory a state; he Only a (Vrtutu Vhiss Culled Upon to Tentiry. line from near ort Lvon to Colorado ter Dra.

COOLEY Tc PAYNE, Hurideal and Mrdtral Instllnta, TwaIKh HtraHaad was elected a member of the legislature and afterward judge of one of the state ritory to its intersection with the Texas The Table will at all times be Bappllel wlU Liberal Abaadaaos-vith the Obeiseat that tbe uraiia Avraw, and alwaya tncloaa a sUrop. acitic railroad at or near the Kio Grande courts: be was a great friend ot John Msraat Affnrda. eystone Iron Worlis. Brown, and worked with him agaiust sla river, and that said Texas and Pacific railroad shall pro rate each way with said BANK STATEMENT. DRT OOODS.

very. He is a lover ot relics, having in his possession John Brown's pistol, a Now There Are Other Witneaaea Testifying. tion ol sending a delegation of women to demand seats in tbe state constitutional convention, to meet at Jefferson City, in May. Mrs. Francis Minor, one of the oldest and most prominent advocates of women's suffrage in this city, presided, and made a speech, in which she cited many instances of the injustice oi tho laws, as they affect women, and claimed that the question of framing the organic law of the state having been referred by the constitution itself back to tho people, and not D.

M. JABB0E Proprietors. I MuulMturm mt mU kind, ol trunk line in passengers and freight. Mr. Bauserman offered to amend aa BTATB 2VX Z11VT hinge of a piano burned by the border rutlians in ltOti at Ossawatomie, part of follows OS TUB COSDITIOI Of iU-di-M bu Ik fffttale of Slot of A'inmu, Ike ball fired at the ree State hotel.

Law Steam 'Engines, Boilers and Machinery rence, by Col. Atchison, and many other pieces valuable to him. In lb til be rtook That our senators in congress are in lMIU'ient Slate of Affairs Found to Exist. A lea, acenle structed and our representatives are re charge ot the Navajoes, relieving Kit tbe on Ukx- aod daaiatB In all kinds of Mill Furulshlnt; Uooila. Attcpts for tba Ham Heparalor, aaal Warahouaa Cleaawa tha Ulcbaxtla' Gaca Hbellar.

ef all ata well Hltua 1-urjip and Hollar Feed; thaJudsoa Governor, aacA and etr for lh fiuffaio laj flaoanaod tataaa. We alaorap la sloct lh the quested to oppose, by voice and vote, the are ooe tirrulr Carson. In 1862 he was appointed secretary of New Mexico, and for about to tue voters merely, tne entire people women as well as men have the right to tttarld'vaiil rYaaaura asd granting ol any further subsidies to private corporations. HSIjIbsiTH.

rD ninwar. J4S wjt year was acting governor. Gov. A lec Oa KAMSaS CJTr, HlSaOUSIt iukb part in tne proceeding. Tbe progress of the nice havina abol tured to a crowded house at Lincoln TOBAOOO AND WIMES.

KANSAS GOSSIP. At lbs I'lsMor Boalsteaa, Jasu 1875. Hall, Washington, and Cooper's Institute. New York. He savs: "lt is cheap ished all legal distinction between man and man.

tbe same course must be pur There are only fifty applicants as yet tor the position of railroad commissioners (in ease the bill passes), but there a few hundred precincts to hear from. It is a good year for applicants for office. Some of the hungry cormorants here are borrowing money now to keep soul and body together living on hope. Lay, of Cole, and Kelly, of Caniden Democrats are olected to the constitutional convention from this district BEOOHD DISPATCH. JxrrKRHoif City, Jan.

2G. Special fe IhtJoHrwttqf Commerce! The house to day passed a resolution making the adjournment of the legislature sine die, when that time cnmon. The senate will probably concur, and leave the responsibility of calling an extra session on Gov. Hurdin. Gov.

Hardin, to-day offers three hundred dollars reward for the capture of Samuel Orr, charged with the murder of William It. Davis, of Christian county, in March, IhTA, The house bill passed the senate, abol- ishing the Brunswick court of commou pleas. The house committee on elections reported adversely to bill for the protection of primary elections against fraud, and the report was agreed to. The governor has recommended that the fees of the coal oil inspector be reduced one-half. A bill abolishing the Chariton court of common pleas passed the house.

An attempt is being made to establish a new Democratic state organ here. The asylum committee is absent on duty, and the attendance small on account of the election. FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. St KM ATE. Washington, D.

Jan. 2ti. The chair laid before the senate a message from the president transmitting the report of the committee of engineers i appointed to investigate and report a permanent plan for reclamation of allu-, vial lands of Mississippi. Iteterred to committee on transportation and ordered that ten thousand extra copies be printed, The senate after the introduction ol a number of bills and petitions, and dispos-1 tntc of several bills on the calendar, re- sumed the discussion of Louisiana mat-, term, and Mr. Pease continued his argument Mr.

Thurman following Pease, but before concluding the senate adjourned. 1IOIMK. Washisjtus, D. Jan. 2G.

Nr. Potter from the judiciary committee reported a joint resolution proposing the following amendment to the constitu-, tion, article one: From and alter the next election for president of the United Slates, the president shall hold bis otlice during the term of six years, and together with the vice-president chosen for the saino term, be elected in the manner as now provided, or that may hereafter be provided, but neither president nor vice president when i the otlice of president has devolved upon 1 aim shall be eligible for re-election as presidept He remarked that the amendment would not effect the next presidential term-, aud the previous question, which was seconded, and the main question ordered. Mr. E. Hoar expressed surprise that such a proposition should be passed without discussion.

Mr. Potter replied that if any questiou had been discussed until everybody within the huss and outside was familiar with it, it was this question. Mr. Garlield inquired how it would be with the vice-president succeeding to the preaident's office within a week of the close of the term. Mr.

Potter replied that he would have to take tlie office with its restrictions and disabilities. Mr. Hoar remarked that, while be was not of opinion that there was likely to be any occasion when be should favor, or believe that the American people should favor, a continuance of any person in the presidential othce beyond two terms, he did not believe an argument as to the corruption of the people by executive power was of such strength that the people should confess that they needed auch protection agaiust such influence, or that they would not deprive themselves of the power of selecting their chief Biagistrat. lie did not propose to aid in depriving the Auericaa people of the right under any emergency or exigency of determining whom they should keep in the presidential chair; he did not believe that they ever would keep a man beyond the time which Washington' example had seno-cUoed, and which was one of the tradl-tiowaaf the republic, bat was a very grave aae serious question te deprive the people of the power to choose. Mr.

svasson sulfas Hl tiiat was a se The government stables at Fort leav er and more humane to feed than to fight autru who respect io women mat no class of people can be free whose freedom en worth, were burned Saturday night by incenuianes. toss about fvu.ixju. ASSETS. is not guarded bv constitutional enaran tne Indians. TUB KAVAJ0K8.

These Navajoes are an intelligent look- IMtoounta Samuel Healing was killed last week Due Iroiu otltr banka l- 1 a near Oswego, bv bis wauon. loaded with inn set each one has a red handkerchief tees. On these and other grounds it was claimed that women have a right to participate in framing tbe fundamental law of the stnte, and therefore are entitled to and maB IU-iqs a saw-log, upsetting, and the log rolling i Mjr and other 18.087 71 RaliUI mas! 00 over mm. Taxes and cxpanatw paid 76 seats in tue constitutional convention. tied around his bead, they still hold on to their buckskin breeches and blankets, and that same passion for jewelry that Indians love so well, exist with them, some have ear-rings that could not be A Leavenworth ciirar-muker.

who waa iuiiau cHHwa ifM ouutta Speeches were also made by Rev. John gradually sinking with consumption, shot ii i iSSS'S -rT nnvder, ftcv. J. C. Learned.

Mai. li. Mer- 'ia s.o,ono 00 win, and one or two ladies, all taking sim bought for two horses, or two hundred nimsen inrougn the Heart Saturday morn ing of last week, to end his misery. Capital stock. t-ArniiiKB itar grounds, and claiming that women dollars in money.

While east thev were M.4W1 S2 Fifteen persons including the hardeit furnished with a carpet-bug, a full suit of uue io oiuar iwuka lua WESTBHN OiaAB. should be represented in the convention. The following delegates were elected Mrs. Francis Minor, Pbtcbe W. Cossens, black broadcloth snd a uir hat each, all 877.S1S 74 oHH.IWI 83 S7.44S Tlioa da)Kalla arm Ken, signed a pledge Jan.

2nd, to abstain forever from intoxication drinks. of which they now have with them. The Maturing aacuaaKM J. A. BAOHMAN BRO Mrs.

A. A. ruley, and power given to The saloon men are said to be alarmed. governor says 1 took them east wild as Indians and bring them back carpet-bag Doniphan COUntV Inada (fin mitiro uiuoi to add to their numiwr. A committee wna also appointed to Issue an address to the women of Missouri.

gers, they take their regular three I caitiff last tbe sbov itatainsnt la corract JOHN J. HAHTIN, Cashier. balance of the state 'combined, in the matter of heiua railing. I jiai vnnr tho meals per day, JUcMeekin ot lopeka, and Keith of Saline, nivinii them tbe best ta Wholesale Tobacconists DXAIiUBS ia FOIty AXI IJIIvSTI WI1VKM. Sworn to snd subscribed baiora tne this etbdar urging them to take similar action in the January, A.

IS7S. product of the state at large was pounds, and of this amount l.HOu.OOO pounds, or three fourths, were raised in (Mml) N. K. M(K)HE, Notary Puttlfe. ble in the dining room, filling one large table except one seat, which was kept for the train conductor.

They say that they various senatorial districts of the state, and simd'ile legates to tbe convention. This committee consists of Mrs, Francis Minor, Mrs. Prof. Jaokson, Mrs. uompuan county.

416 Main Kanaaa City, Mo. TS-BI PENS. are much pleased with their visit, Tbe Leavenworth Giinmeivial niadn and think much good will come out of it necsensou, itev. John Snyder, major Merwin. Tbe action of this meeting is novel, and said to be the first time in this Tbey have induced their agent to pur COM MIMION.

some reference to Mr. P. B. Cutttte, iu which it represents that, as secretary of the Northwestern Mutual Life insurance A. J.

HIIJ.EMPIK. chase lor them looms, spinning-wheels, woolen cards, and many other tools, to be PlMlduat Kium cltj EtmUtr Co. UU Oublv rw NuluuU Bank, Kuhi CUf. used at their agency. They hone that company, be had failed to settle un in full.

CoL HaUSton. nronritnr nf ilia n. GILLESPIE BANOBOFT. STEEL PENS country that women have met in mass meeting and sent delegates to a constitutional convention to demand seats therein aud tbe right to participate in framing and organizing the law of tbe state, ClawtlOM In at. Lenta, per, has been arrested for criminal libel.

Last week Mr. aud Mr. Barrett, liv Nkw Oui.kans, Jan. 26. Ex- Governor Wells was before the congressional committee to day, aud testified as to tbe action of the returning hoard.

He submitted tbe returning board's report to the legislature, about seventy foolscap pages, as bis statement, and explained his not appearing before the sub-committee that he was not subpa-naed and that he had received no notice whatever about the committee being here, except through the newMpupera, and did not think they would leave so soon. He intended going to Washington to testily, but beard that another committee was coming, so be did not go. Mr. Well testified as follows; All polls in Hapides were thrown out on my evidence; we had no other; I made my affidavit on the 14th of Dec; filed these statements and mentioned these facts to tbe members of the board; there was no Erotest by the election officers in Hapides ecause it was worth a man's life to do bo; Judge Mauning, one of the worst White leaguers in tbe country, made up the supervisor's statement; tho sheriff of the parish, a White leaguer, held on till tbe 20th of Dec; they put in the regular sheriff aftewards; the recorder it a Mo linery mun. Mr.

Marshall uhM if Gov. Wells had beeu assaulted in Hapides tov. Wells: was not assaulted, but my lite was threatened I received a let i ter from my sou-in law." I The letuir was read; it advised the gov i ernor to beware; that he would be killed 1 by stealth, and, as it was in the discharge of his duty, his friends would die with him in protecting him. Ho said: "Assassins can intimidate me; but my enemies dare not face me; I am afraid I could not speak in the parish 04 I would have been killed; the colored people were my only frieuds duriug tbe war when 1 was driven out for uiy opinions they watched over me and cured for me: 1 am sixty-seven years old; was born iu the Hapides was a Whig before the war, aud voted for Douglass to avert the struggle; I was a sheriff before the war I was a federal during tbe war 1 bad to sleep in tbe woods during the war 1 was called a jayhawker 1 am proud of the name; 1 would rather lie a juybawker than a traitor; 1 was governor alUrthe war, and was removed by Oen. Sheridan in 1H67 I had one hundred and twenty-seven slaves when the war broke out, and owned two plantations, but am very poor now I have acquired no prooerty sines the war; could not pay my debts, but may be able to do so if 1 livelong enough my neighbors treated me very well anttl tbe Whits league was orgauived; I proposed an amaadwent to the constitution, in my meiiaage as governor, which produced political difference the ill feeling toward me has only sprung up since the Kellogg-HcEnary 7 BOLD BT ALL STATIOHRS, Usnufscturara' Warehouse, It JOHN 8TUKET.

Wholesale Grain Produce St. Lot' is, Jan. Returns from the ing near Fredonia, left their childreu at home alone for a short time, putting a large camp kettle filled with ice on the lire before thev left. The ice mailed and JOS. GILtOTT tc SONS.

congress win give tnera pastoral land tor the rich mineral lands now held by them in the San Juan country, which is a part of their reservation. They left tbe agency oil tbe Mb ol November, and have been on the go ever sinae. 'Tbey will remain in Denver over Sunday, when they will leave, via the Denver and Rio Grande railway, for Pueblo, where they take the stage which is daily, thereby taking five days before all can get passage and go to Santa Fe, from which point they get election to-day for delegates to the conatt tulional convention, to be held at Jeffer MfcAIII 11UK. Note KU OoztXTtxlasMlozx ACoxoliaxitas, KANSAS OUT, MO. son City in May, indicate the election of the water got to boiling when one of the little children fell into it and was fatally scalded.

MEAT MARKET. wi bur idi sell aa eedawa. all tha Produdta af tha Van. i ik, taasita oi Orata lor afkina or sale la this asarkel ar aalawiaaU fcuta aa Frrl D. A.

PAINTER, WkoWte aud aUull The lola Re. titter Tha nwUm has recommended that a mint be estab government transportation via stage and KANSAS CITV EUVATOB In r.u.1 Un. umr mmh4 mnrrlu. with urlrtl ...7. BUTCHER.

lo.ln the following gentlemen: Albert load, Tbos. T. GhuII and Ixjuis Gottschalk, Independents; Jos. Pulitzer, J. O.

ilroad-head, Henry Hjiaunberst, N. ort II, H. 0. Brock merer and J. C.

Kd wards, Democrats; Henry Hitchcock, Henry T. Mudd and (ieorge H. Shields, Republicans, Home oi these gentlemen are among the most prominet and influential citizeus of Bt, Louis. lished in tbe Mississippi valley, and the Kansas Citv Jouskal ov bu wagon, hey ride nearly seven nuudred miles. blub.

W. h.r. Wl Mala Kimu City, Mt. CHOII1 HEATH AT MARKRT fRirKH. TUB VIVXIO RUSSBVATIOX loug and able article aettiug forth the ad nN Hmui, 111 iimi uu.

A. H. INliKHMllI I 5 02 vantages of that city. If a mint is established in the West, we think Kanui Pit occupies a strip of territory sixty by ninety miles, situated at tbe four cornera W. H.

KELLER CO. ia A- 1M I.I1 BOOK-KEEPINO. would be a good point. COAX OIL. Home splendid fish have bean obtain.

lMliKrlM Til. brl.Hr clmulv of Cowredoh New Mexico, Ariaoma end I'tah, and the tribe aamber over souls. They are a very industrious snd cleanly people, and their woolleu, silk and wicker fabrics would reflect credit on I. II. Id AUK A General Mice Comission llBrctms vltb r.ltulil0 Riili.

TmMm tiir biujm iu. Cliilb tl. Itrd. 7ftrU. bwil ni.lti.ld, UltU' ed iu Fall river the past week Large sized buffalo, bass and other varieties of fiah were frozen in the ice during the late cold weather, and all one has to do is to DKALBU IN urf M4L Atuuil.

tulvd. workmen, ihey have blankets of AND PURCHASING AGEVTa. i n. WAIlQEIf EH CO. Ukfloatliii, HtU-Ulit, ana eighteen different styles some of tare nd them and cut them out with an ax.

Pulilllhw " Book." MO. Oor. aaynsTH ui iiuwtii iTBiin, kak.a. oitt.

tmr mj FMmkafa. to BiUlra. Umctm Km7, firda, Sawn A Irn. MMkrd. beauty, ihey will soon earn enough to COAL OILS! When taken out they are in a torpid con ditioo, but upon subjection to thaw in a paiilati Affaire.

MaDKin, Jan. 26. Tha Car lists have Biscav and (iarposco. and have moved into Navarre with all their material of war. The army of tbe North has assumed tbe offensive.

HaKTaxiifca, Jan. 2t. The Carlists have fired on a British vessel loaded with tsJegrapb cable, off Biscay, on tho ooast. A Deatal KBerer. LovnoaT.

Jan. 28. The emperor af China-died on the 12th inst His natural p.ndirx. sustain themselves. When they were PLUMB1NO.

first informed in regard to taking this trip thev thought they ware ooing for aood to i influences become restored to their nata- rei state. Our Ob OU ts lis flm a teas. Our Uaad-Ught 8UAW ak BEWNUEII, W.A.M. VAUOHAH, J. M.

DAVIMOa, WBa.WlT.Stl8. I Br.iii. VATJQHAN dJ OOm 11s are teat. take a reservation in sonic eastern city Tbe Garnett Journal: We learn! WE FILL THat BARBTELfl tha dav tttor aaa FLUMBEBJS, GAS ani STEAK FITTEBS the cold Friday, the ttth in Osark township, in this county, two children. 1 shipped trues Kaaeae Olr, and wsubaht Vull MaAauaa.

1 hla la a aavlof of trosa ala ta tdsat gailoaa pm haml ta the nuller. ii Fbbm of ktndk Iron ui Id PlM fur Uu, Biua ul W.Ur. one nine and the other twelve, started successor is five years old, and this dis thai was beceming depopulated by tbe I whites coming West but soop that Idea was changed. Gov. is sixty three years old, and one would judge that he was in his prime bv bis actions.

He says bis wife has the honor of having this town, where we take supper, and where I i olose this letter Satiua -named for her. Urden iToaa Use eauatrr pawpUj aUM. Ortnca aaa Waeaanosm Cm. vrot. nd ndmn IM Ji riopRiwruaa or General Storage uai llMavkul aa akJwfkoUrW Ai Offles sad Sslssroos 4J rolaasrs LL, 1 Bat WiwtoiM, ww, Bl.wrn trni JUtwtmtt patch says it is not certain woo wm succeed the lata emperor.

C7r. Thlral and Otak BtrMla. from the school-house, in tbe evening, and bad one mile to go against the norther. About midway between tbe school house and home they ber.aue chilled, and sat down on a log. They wera discovered AOENTS.

Yocho We rise in alorr as we sink bed to kaow that tha Joaa tluifWI IVmafrw. AddnK iUl U. W1XKI1I 4 iVmtwd, lUlM. ia pride. WAMTKD-J max 4am.

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