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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • 5

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GRAND BALL T0Naght HDMANIA UAI I dancing every Tuesday UEKIVIAIXIA HALL and Saturday nidnt Phan B8O Societies are invited to engage this newly decorated haO for their dances Under the Management of Christian Reia Main 4255 AMUSEMENTS park 1 qnn inp Anderson ZIglr M(r VUU At lUV ASSOCIATE PLAYERS in THE AMOUS UTUC lEWII ARViNE MODERN COMEDY TlC ULV1L AS NRXT Happened to Jones" OnllBEHI HI Vim I I nEillnC Thmtre Bok OMcb Now 370 Main 0 100 MATINEE TODAY CASTTTriME TONIGHT TrHENRY KOUffiR in THE GREAT NAME Seals on Sale Prices 8Oc to B1J5O The best new piny Hepry ravage han given pn th bp fton 1 Unite It O) BANNER SHOW THE BANNER SHOW THE WORLD REMEMBER Yoh Can See the Ordt nary Every Day Show Any TIME o' A THIS IS THE ONCE IM A LIETIME EXHIBITION Big rontier Street Parade This Morning atlO JfOD AY TONIGHT i iWesblanten Street Show Ground 2 and 8 Doors Open 1 an 7 for Inspection "jk COWBOY CAMPS AND INDIAN VILLAGES 7 '7 'C Horn repairs 231 fiouthfcRlnmarck 1350 red Sanders airdome 1104 Prospect $800 E'P Jewett repairs 4220 East Washington $125 Keener dwelling 1440 Hiatt $1300 Bradley repairs 1053 High $35 John Sohn double Union and Ariiona $3000 Kunz repairfl $25 Weghorst Catherine Cashman repairs 140 North Bel mont $150 I DAY'S STATISTICS BIRTHS Lora and Cecil Dainter 408 South Gray boy James and Priscilla Mays 2132 Sugar Grove avenue boy Albert and Marie Teagarden 501 South Delaware girl Glen and Nellie Dixon 1215 West Thirty Recond boy 1 Chester and Pearl Morris 216 East Morris girl '4 Clifford and Emily Hofer 224 Downey boy rederick and Josephine Harbottle 3 846 North Delaware boy William and Carrie Barringer 3136 Park avenue girl MARRIAGE LICENSE Paul Pollak and 'Anna Baluk DEATHS Sam Snitm'an 31 City Hospital gunshot in jury homicidal Nan Miles Perry 48 1'321 Park apoplexy' GRANO OPERA HOUSE SIX MUSICAL CUTTY8 Eddie Leonard A Mabel Russell GEORGE AUGER CO MONKEY VICTORIA OUR NEXT WEEK JOSEPH BATHING GIRLS Matinees Dally fl ft KEURVED SEATS 1 fl 4UUssas 10c Charles Oliver Terry 1 day 431 North Gray patent foramen ovale Ernst Miller 72 A26EasL Morris uremic poisoning BOARD PUBLIC WORKS ROUTINE INAL ASSESSMENT KOILS APPROVED Local sewnr in Keystone avenue from Pleasant Hun to a point twenty feet south of Woodlawn avenue Vacation of first alley north of Washing ton fltreet from Brookville to Gain and a part of firflt Alley west of Brookville from flrat alley north of Washington street to a point 410 feet south first alley south of New York street cures CHRONIC ULCERS There is a natural element of the circlation known as plasma a fibrous constituent which is the true healing quality of the blood This plasmic property is frequently destroyed by impure accumulations in the blood and this vital fluid not only loses its power to heal' but becomes a source of irri tation to any wound or open sore or ulcer on the flesh The blood contin ually discharges the impurities into the place and gradually the infection spreads and the sore enlarges External applications cannot cure an old sore because such treatment does not affect the blood the most that can be expected from plasters 'washes salves etc is a cleansing soothing effect on the ulcer SS heals old sores in a perfectly natural way It goes down into the blood and removes the impurities and morbid matters that are the means of keeping the ulcer open then the sore is bound to heal is I greatest of' all blood purifiers and not only docs it cleanse the circulation but it restores the healing plasmic qualities and" aids in promotingjevery necessary quality for good health builds new flesh tissue from thebottom of the ulcer to the outer skin and makes a permanent cure Book on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice free is for sale at drug stores THE SWIT SPECIIC CO ATLANTA GA Constipation Written All Over His ace 7 PROVE IT YOURSEL REE business Addrai Clean Ont Your Bowels And Be Young Here Is The Gentle Safe Home Rem edy That Makes Tired Out Con i stipaled People Spry Wear a Truss PBCr PLAS TR PADS ar different Iiwu the painful I being rnadu eelir PJgSgtf 1 adhesive iHirpoftely to i Ayfs I hold tho rupture In place cm without strapa burkks i or "Prlngn cannutnUp so I eannot chafo or compress i' 1 aguiut tho pelvic bone The musl obeli J' I ht0 eared in the privacy tOofl home ThouHiindu have Ritceenfully themselves without I KI AL PLAPAO MndrancH from work dolt a enny to Inexpensive Procitsfl of enrn in natural i mu no further uhh for IruHfles Awarded Diploma And i Medal an merhoriouH Invention prove what bri we nay by Rending you Trial of Plapuo RISK rito name on coupon and mall TODAY iddrMi PLAPAO LABORATOKIR8 Block 337 ST LOUIS Mi i hcn a leln Im a Goduend to men and nil who fret too IlttlA it means a clear head a higher efficiency l' and the run and go tho bright eye clear Hkln and glorious health these only conto1 from perfect net Ing bowels hen a lelns jh ptuireiui nnu pteasunc nna doh no reac tion Try It It cures chronic ennstipa tlon nvor nleht: hfllousnosH snllnwnrRft tired feeling sick headache congested or torpid liver 25 cents per hox at drug gists nr direct from The pix Co Chicago Ill A liberal trial package will bcBont free 1 A uV MO 4 Return null will bring ree Trial riapao GOITRE TRIAL TREATMENT REE To prove that my home treat mem win enrr uoitrp i wm ovtid you ft liberal Trial Treat a ent aan wnicn wut quickly inc ciiuaiuK uu oilier alarm ing Hymtoma JtwtllalBobe gin io rMttce sire of ftoftre Iiuh nrovlna tn vnn tht mv method will iermanentlv 7 1 II 1 I ncau uun irvirr iruiu Mre Arthur BpII nd whk in one of k'lnt am happy write you thatyonrflampjp treat ment two years hgo entirely cured my goitre Jthlnk won lerfnl tbai the treatment cored ho quleklri6' I have noth ng but pray era tor you and whaU always 4 recouimeud your wonderful 15 Don't today for niv REE "home treatment Y'Ou riAk nothing I prove that your goitre call be ettred AddrveH Dr Bobo Goitre Specialist 622 Minty Block Battle Creek Mich 'A' SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES EstKc the anliacptic powder4 It relieves painful smarting tender ner i toua feet and instantly lakes the sting out of corns and bunions the greatest com fort dlMcovcry of the age oot Ease makes tight or new shoes fee easy It is certain relief for sweating callous swollen tired aching feet Always use it to break In new shoes Try it today Sold everywhere 25 cents accept any substitute ore'V lli trial package nddro8 ALLEN OLMSTED Le Itnv Both Bhones 418 424 Penn CaMnigB i mlnuiu Bra Phosphor Brome A a a Brome and White' Brass BraH' Mailings and Joli BURORD HAS IT tMOSM'ridinlSVlVflkai INDIAN imb ABILITY HELD POWER SEEK SKILL Wes LINDLEY SALES CONTINUE SLUGGISH AT AUCTION THEORY IS OPPOSED HX HumtinC'TOH ii GREGORY APPEL INC MAYOR LEW SHANK AUCTIONEER of Eggies CITY NEWS BRIES VETERAN HURT AT CAPITOL 1 00 102 100 BOYS DEBATE RECIPROCITY 100 100 GUNTER ASKS DIVORCE Jersey Marth a hsolufefy Pure Transfers cn nsidcra ton $4725000 against alunu be as such from such such demand of the of the state said person 'has fled indictment or affida conclusive and Indis the he the by or Bismarck avenue north of Ohio obtaining $2800 from ea6h sale Lovell purchased two of the prop Cleo Turner was the other pur Hie OnSy Baking Powder Made from Royal orape cream 01 tartar Toms not less than one four th cash balaneo to bo agreed upon Premises open for inspection from 10 to It a in and 3 to 5 any day 200000 Leon lot 30 vacant weat of Culbertson Tnez Smith Webster Helen Watts Norris Schooley Stevenson Ernest Esther West street while descending the entrance steps at the State House 5 last evening fell suffer fracture of his left leg He was to the City Hospital for treatment automobiles room second received diplomas Glass addition vacant east side Kinsoy of Thirteenth street 50000 Robertson to Sarah 57 sub part vacant east RESURACING IS ORDERED 1 The Board of Public Works yesterday adopted preliminary resolutions for the resurfacing of South Capitol avenue from Washington street the Union Railway tracks and of Park avenue from St Clair street to Seventeenth street Resi dents of Lowell avenue from Hawthorne larie to Arlington avenue told the board they had had the appraisements tof their properties raised so that improvement of the street in that dictance may be or dered by the Board of Works PROVIDES OR DELIVERY executive authority of the or territory to which such person fled shall cause him to be arrested secured and shall cause noticA nf arrest to be given to the executive thorlty making such demand or to agent of such authority appointed to celve the fugitive and shall cause ii amination of th no bidding street Craig addi nort Gray 80000 Hilanri et addition tri Indiana University Instructor Address Ing Broad Ripple Commencement 4 Advocates Developed Talent were made to get the beef magnates to New Jersey for trial it was found that they were thoroughly protected ny the ex tradition laws and the Supreme Courtjs interpretation thereof The packers simply bld defiance to the New Jersey authorities and there was no way of getting at them A similar outcome attended the efforts to get Clay Pierce of St Louis into the Texas courts for trial for violating the anti trust laws It was al leged that Pierce was the brains of the Standard Oil alleged conspiracy to evade the Texas statutes but because he was not physically present in Texas when the alleged offenses were committed he has always succeeded in evading extradition It is evident even at this early date that there are two schools of thought in Congress in reference to changes in ex tradition processes Mr Henry of Texas is an able exponent of one theory 'Sena tor John Kern of Indiana is an equally able exponent of the other Mr Henry would do away with all court proceedings On the other hand Senator Kern and those who believe as he does pro vide for the fullest court proceedings be fore the accused Is surrendered Efforts to amend the extradition law will precipitate a lively battle among the lawyers of Congress next winter Quite a number of them already are making a thorough study of the authorities on ex tradition BUILDING PERMITS George Toner repairs 1423 West McCartv $800 Hendricks repairs R09 Hast St Clair $500 BY A STA CORRESPONDENTWASHINGTON May Growing out of the sensational Arrest and summary re moval of John McNamara from the jurisdiction of the Indiana courts there Is a very strong probability that Congress will enact ederal legislation of some sort to amend the extradition laws As the program of legislation at this session is restricted proposed amend ments to the extradition statutes Avill not be passed upon by Congress until the reg ular session next winter but at that time It may be expected that the issue as to changes in the extradition processes will be a very lively one before Congress Opinions as to changes that should be made are varied There is a strong and growing sentiment in favor of one par ticular change however which is em bodied in a bill introduced by Representa tive Robert I Henry of Texas chair man of the Committee on Rules BILL ATTRACTS INTEREST Mr bill Is decidedly interesting for several reasons It is intended to fa cilitate the removal of indicted persons from one state to another to stand trial If it had been the law no court proceed ings of any character would have been necessary at Indianapolis in connection with the delivery of John McNamara to the agent of the state of California All that would have been necessary would nave oeen me delivery or tne prisoner the Governor of Indiana to the officer officers sent to take him away Mr bill of which more will heard later establishes the following the law on extradition: the executive authority any state or territory demands any per son as a fugitive from justice of the executive authority of any state or ter ritory to which such person has fled and produces a copy of an indictment found or an affidavit made before a magistrate of any state or tetory charging the person demanded with hav ing committed treason felony or other crime certified as authentic by the Governor or chief magistrate of the state or territory from whence the person so vnargea nas nen executive authority lory from whence together with the vit alone shall be putable proof to the executive authority and courts of any state or territory wrucn saia person nas nea tnat person is a fugitive from justice the 8 trie or territory from whence person so charged has fled Rev lvnn of th Broad Rip LHUrvll piunuuiivcu lii umv Lne ciiiucji woo Tdndley used a series of lUustra taken from the world of commerce art and education to emphasize his which hinged upon me remove hen put to ennerent Minor Residence Deals Constitute Bulk of Marked Building Per mits Aggregate Seventeen NEW YORK May 5 The Hoe library sale at which single treasures of written and printed art have sold for a fortune came fo 'the end of its first quarter to day wlth nearly a minion dollars reauzeu Three thousand five hundred books and manuscripts were disposed: of and the grand total for the ten days reached $997 36350 The record breaking price of all bookdom $50000 was brought the Gutenberg Bible cold to Henry Hunt ington of Los Angeles sale de veloped the highest price ever paid for a bit of Ameridtina when Smith who has been buying for Mr Huntington paid $10000 for a book by John Winthrop printed at Boston in 1645 It is the of ormer Passages and Proceedings Betwixt the English and the Narrow Another interesting sale was $2350 which Walter Hili of Chicago paid for a ten volume edition of plete ISSUES CHARITIES BULLETIN 7 State Beard Reports 11554 Inmates in Indiana institutions Th eighty fourth quarterly bulletin of the Indiana Board of State Charities was issued yesterday The bulletin contains copies of many of the new laws relating to the welfare of children state institu tions and public charity The report of state institutions under supervision of the Board of State Charities showed that there were 11554 inmates enrolled Dec 31 1910 which' number 6785 were males and 4769 were females There were 856 inmates received at the insti tutions during the quarter and 812 in mates discharged The per capita ex pense including the cost of administra tion subsistence clothing and ordinary repairs was $5230 for the quarter The net total expense for all the institutions was $56475822 Alleges His Wife Is Too Strongly In clined to Luxury Michael Gupter a well known man among foreigners fror southern Europe 1 yesterday sued his xife Sadie Gunter for divorce alleging 'constantly demanded luxuries and was dissatisfied after he had furnished several hofnes He says they were married in Columbus April 11 1907 and separated Nov 23 1910 rom the first day of their marriage Gunter alleges his wife displayed an incompata biliiy of temper and left him frequently He furnished a city and country home in Columbus he says and later a third home in Indianapolis trying to please her each time but she refused Io live with him Gunter is known as a friend interpreter banker awl counsel for a large part of the foreign element of Indianapolis trade lecture values of materials 1 CITES VALUE WEALTH is whatever contributes to extension and the expansion of u'Hri ii whatever contributes to weal of the world Wealth is something intellectual Everything else being equal the Marion County farmer succeeds best who mixes brains with his potatoes Hu man beings are the best form of wealth in the world That country is literally the most wealthy whlch has within it the most efficient men and women boys and The speaker quoted from statistical reports of scientists on the actual value of men compared with other men He touched upon the diversity of mankind never in the history of the world has there been brought together such an aggregation of talent as is in New York he said men are specialized types of course They keep each other at a high degree of ex cellence by contact and Mr Lindley quoted from the sayings of a famous Englishman who has de clared that not more than 1 per cent of the talent of this generation has got into the fight for life of the inhabi tants CULTIVATION IS IMPORTANT question is one half so vital as this question of cultivation of the talent which may lie hidden within Mr Lindley said tariff problem or the reci procity problem are mere shadows com pared tp The graduates from the Broad Ripple High School included: Alethea Amber Dawson Edith Camille Dawson Ruby rances Daubenspeck Mafeel Nellie erguson Geneva Bates Myers Imo Modessa Overbay Edith Muriel Rodocker Ioulse Ocal Steger Elizabeth Espy Specs Rosa May Stephenson and Charles McKinley Dawson Those from the common schools who received diplomas were: Howard Maxwell Georgia Bartholomew Ruth Winenow Lee Hunter" Ralph White Alice Spees Clara Smith Thelma Engle Beatrice Parr ranklin Johnson Horace Devenlng Neva Steger Marcia erguson Cedric Kassebaum Esther erguson Mar guerite Blasdell niift rl I a Minturn Mae Arthur James Hinton Lillian Lamb Valeria Brink Gladys Murphy Miriam Heaton Laurel Heatqn Helen Calla han Mae reund Jesse Huber Alejandro Abellana Anna Shelton Eloise Ludlow Esther Dargltz Helen Courtney Barbara Bridgeford Ruth Bridgeford Walter Gatey Wilfred Singleton Ruth Whitinger Glen Bowen Kathryn Gllgour Hazel Moose George Moffitt Ear! Levitt and Harry Sav age Horace Marshall superintendent of the Broad Ripple schools introduced Mr Lindley 3 Pt Ms Tuesday May 9th 1927 North Meridian Street west oLJBoyd 25000 EXTRADITION OEBED Bl TEXAN11 f' alls Down Entrance Steps Suffering ractured Leg John Miller 75 years old a veteran 1134 North south about Ing a taken John Isenhour Martinsville Ind em ployed as a lineman for the Terre Haute Indiianapolis Eastern Traction Com pany received serious injuries early yes terday morning when he fell fifty feet from the top of a pole upon which he was working near the Belt railroad tracks and Oliver avenue Isenhour was attempt ing to reach for a wire when he lost hold and plunged headlong to the ground He was picked up unconscious He was removed to liis home in Martinsville where it is said he will recover Pays Record Price for Single Volume Lively ight Expected When Con gress Takes Up Proposed Change in Statute Declaring that men are beginning To understand that Intensive cultiyatiotj of the being is 'a problem which the present and future generations will have to Ernest Lindley oflndiana last night addresscd'the grad listing classes of the Broad Hippie High School and common'schools lirthe Broad Ripple Cliurcli 'ills subject was "TheConservation of Human Talent" Eleven from the high school and forty nine from the common schools County SuperIn tendent I co iswalls presentotl the diplomas with an appropriate address following Mr Dmdley talk Montam Orchestra played during the evening Th Tile cation a benedicUou 111 I Mr THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR SATURDAY kJ REAL ESTATE TRANSER RECORD Rovk Baking Powder 220000 Mav et ux lot 67 Marion Highlands 40x132 feet vacant west Ride Park avenue north of Highland drive 100000 Elizabeth Miller et al to Robert Ken dall et ux lot 144 Miller et Park way addition 47Vix140 feel improved northwest corner Twenty second street and Schurmann avenue 160000 Alice Chapman to Emma 2 Klein lot 114 Ardmore addition 50x132 feet vacant east side Park avenue south of ortieth street 80000 Isaac Blnzer to Mary Cook lots 113 and 114 North Tuxedo Park addition 80x136 feet vacant west side Glad stone avenue nortn or Mh nJgan Klw8 Lumber Company to Marlon lot 13 block 27 orest Park tion 40x132 feet improved side Newton avenue west of street Calxin Isenhour to William lot 62 Bybee angular improved tract east of Di vision street south of McCarty street Charles Cline commissioner Rob ert Scott et ox lot 17 block 11 North Indianapolis Improved south Ride Eugene street east of Clifton street 230000 Lulu Brown to Charles Schwap pacher lot 56 Cottage Grove 34x134 feet improved east side Villa ave nue north of Orange street 130000 rank Perkins Clara Shannon lot 7 Brown's West Michigan street addition 36x1252 feet improved south side Michigan street west of Good let avenue 250000 Nora Connelly to Walter ischer lot 25 Reset's sub outlot 107 etc 39x et unproved west side New street south of 280000 Inlow tn Hester Roth Wt Indianapolis 33x1 234 feet Improved northwest corner Sheffield avenue and Miller street 40000 Sarah Hillix to William Arnold lot 49 Bradbury southeast addition 40x125 feet vacant north side abor street Edgar Kline Harriet A Gnod win lot 1 Creighton et addition 42x150 feet vacant north side Wash ington street west of Webster ave nue 70000 Nora Creighton to same one third interest lot 2 same 17000 Representative Measure Would Do Away With All Pro cedure by Courts Widow Gets $60000 Estate The will of the late John Pierson gives the entire estate to his widow Martha Pierson She is made the executrix of the will The instru ment was probated yesterday The estate is valued at $60000 Woman Journalist to Lecture Miss Mary Agnes Best of the of the American Magazine will speak before the Contem porary Club riday May 12 She will tell of the! lite of foreigners and working girls In the streets of New York Awarded Postofflce Contract Henry Doll man a local contractor was awarded the contract to rearrange practically all of the executive offices of the postofflce on his bid of $2396 approved by the Treasury De partment The work is to be completed by June 30 Prepares for Trade Trip Harold Hib ben Jr Lafayette vesterday in the interests of the Indianapolis Trade Associa tion and the trade extension' trip its mem bers will make May 10 and 11 Mr Hibben is the retiring chairman of the trade ex tension division of the' association and Lew Cooper is the" newly elected chairman urniture Dealer Bankrupt Otto Joiner a furniture dealer of Sullivan Ind yesterday entered a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in the ederal Court Mr Joiner gives his liabilities as $631108 and his assets as $730843 Among his creditors are Laycock Co Smith Day Co? and the Kramer Manufacturing Company of Indianapolis Orders Cheese Destroyed Judge Inderson in" the ederal Court yesterday ordered the destruction of twenty six cases of bottled cheese seized some time ago by government inspectors who alleged that It was adulter ated The cheese was manufactured by a firm at Detroit Mich The shipment was consigned to a local wholesale dairy flrm It is alleged that the cheese contained borax Judge Taylor ines Judge New ton Taylor of Juvenile Court held a drug gist responsible for the acts of his clerk yesterday when he fined Burget Massachusetts avenue $10 and cqsts for selling tobacco to a 10 year oid boy Burget introduced testimony to the effect that the clerks had been ordered not to sell tobacco to minors but the prosecution showed that when the boy bought the tobacco no ques tions were asked and that the lad took a in the presence of the clerk for raud Accused of having de frauded a department: store of apparel valued at $50 Emma Belcher 22 years old ort Wayne Ind was arrested yesterday afternoon by Detectives Ulrey and De Rossette charged with grand larceny According to the officers the girl went to the store several days ago and using the name of Mrs George Koontz 3740 Sutherland avenue a former employer had the bill of goods charged to Mrs account It is said the gir! two years ago was an inmate of the Girls' Industrial School and had been taken Intothe Koontz home to live Several weeks ago she be came dissatisfied and left without any warning The alleged fraud was uncovered when a bill was sent to Mrs Koontz for the clothing Decision Is That Treaty Would be Det rimental to United States Reciprocity with Canada would be det rimental to the interests of the tinted States according to pupils of the eighth grade of school No 26 Park avenue and Seventeenth street who the question in a debkto yesterday morning ourteen boys between 12xand 15 years old entered the contest an8 made deter mined five minute talks The question was: That reciprocity with Canada would be beneficial to the United and the judges the Rev Harry Hill Harvey Stout Jr and 1 Murphy awarded the decision to the neg ative by note of 2 to 1 The students of the school are preparing for a similar contest as a part of exer cises in June tests have shown that a part of the alum from biscuit made with an alum baking powder passes Into the stomach and that digestion is retarded thereby Aeaif tha label ant! make suae that your baking povnier Is not matte teem alum Colege Park Land Company to Isaac Rush lot 116 orest Park addition 55x131 feet vacant north nrnrr Hrnndwav and ThirtV second 250000 James Hodson Jr to Sidney Vestal et ux lot 500 Washington Heights 44x132 feet vacant east side Park avenue south oP orty second Btreot80000 Ethel Shedd to Harriet Matnews int27 Ketcham Place 32x124 feet im proved east side Haugh street south ol Wilcox street Indiana Society for Savings to Emma Rohr lot 11 North Capitol avenue addition 4Qxl30 feet im proved west side Kenwood avenue Moutn or nirtietn street Helen A Olsen to Thomas A Kirk shod 214 Blake $225 Southern Lumber Company wreck building Grace ami Washington $300 dwelling 633 North Dear born $1100 James Entry dwelling 3110 Broadway $2500 uehrlng addition 48 South Oriental $100 ells A Bryan repairs 327 North Alabama $100 Jacob Woessner repairs Virginia $100 Thei'e little change in the real es tate market although the ten dency was towaid rise operations gen erally this week hate proved sluggish al though Monday and Wednesday were marked with imflortnht transfers Resi dences continued as the bulk of property transferred Trotter A Henry Company disgosrd of three Improved properties on the west side of street red erties chaser Harriet Davis sold to Sarah Walker improved property on the west side West street north of Indiana avenue fnr $3500 Earle Edson sold to Blanche Eggleston improved property on the north side of Twenty sixth stneet cast of Parkway avenue The consideration was' $3750 I Armin Koehn purchased from Johnson a residence property on the east side of East street south of Pratt street paying $3200 Edward Helm acquired from Elizabeth Viernickel a resi dence on the east side of Hamilton ave nue upon the payment of $2000 Nora Connelly sold to 'Walter' ischer a residence on the west side of New Jersey street south of Bicking street The consideration was $2800 The Col lege Park Land Company Isaac Rush upon the payment of $2500 a vacant tract of land j5 by 131 feet in dimensions at the northeast cor ner of Broadway and Thirty seond street Real estate transfers recorded num bered forty one and the estimated value nf the property involved was $47259 Only seventeen building permits wero is sued the value of the proposed improve ments being assigned as $11585 RECORD TRANSERS Realty transfers recorded and building permits issued follows: Charts Schofield to William De Vor trustee lot 27 block 9 Sangster et addition vacant west side Manlove avenue north of Twenty fifth street $20000 Kies Lumber Company to Lillian Clark lot 7 block 25 orest Park triangular Improved tract north side Newton avenue near Tuxedo street 65000 Harriet Davis to Sarah Walker lot 6 sub outlot 161 40x155 feet Improved west side West street north of Indiana avenue '350000 Elizabeth Viernickel to Edward Helm et ux lot 105 Milligan 'Brook Park 83x1 40 feet improved east side Hamilton avenue north of 'oyner i avenue Northeastern Land Company to ara cnarpie et at part Spades Park xl20 feet north side Nowland avenue Keystone avenue Cdwun tn R1annh ton lot 335 Miller et al Parkway addition 40x140 feet improved north side Twenty sixth street east of Park way 375000 Peter Warmaok to David Smith lot 84 McCord et southeast addition 30x1324 feet vacant north side Me Dougal street east ofiShelby street 150 00 Cornelius Means to Ix'roy Templeton lot 23 square 40 South Indianapolis Industrial City Perry Township 5000 Crown Hill Cemetery to James Pres ton lot 162 Sec 48 Crown Hill 6000 Ell Williams to Harry Burnet lots 84 and so 68x150 feet street north Alexander Bowman lot Oak Hill 40x140 feet side Winter avenue north of ern way 32500 Lilly Johnson to Armin Koehne part lots 11 to 14 outlot 179 35x165 feet improved eust side East street south of Pratt street 320000 Union Trust Company trustee to Letha Long lot 39 Garfield Park addltlqn feet Improved south side Kiernan street east of Shelby street 190 00 Same to Edwin Weinberger lot 345 Warfleigh 60xl57Va feet vacant east side Central avenue south of Sixty third street 85000 Same to Aurllla Rich lot 249 North croft 40x175 feet vacant east aide Park avenue north of Clark Rtreet 65000 Same to Bert Voorhls lot 248 same 65000 Harry Robbins to Cicero Disher lot 34 sub outlot etc 40x 160 feet Improved east side Noble street north of Vermont street Trotter Henry Company to red Lovell lot 50 Trotter et addi tion 38x107 feet improved west side Bismai rk avenue north of Ohio street 280000 Same to same lot 31 same same size improved east side Bismarck avenue north of Ohio street 280000 Same to Cleo Turner lot 35 same same 280000 Carrie Nordyke to Walter Poe et ux part lot 406 McCarty's ninth West Side addition triangular improved tract at junction Sliver avenue and Bridge street 80000 Otto Overbeck to William Overbeck lots 19 and 20Hazelhurst 70x140 feet improved cast side Keystone avenue north of Bloyd avenue Charles Cross to Daniel Higgin botham lot 18 block 1 Myers's Uni versity Place 49x170 feet vacant west side Grande avenue north of Burgess state has I and the au the re thft to be delivered to such agent wien he shall annear: and the said order or warrant from such executive authority causing the arrest and securing of such person shall not be inquired into modi fied' disputed or invalidated in any court or fHbunal of Ithe state or territory to which such person has fled or in which he is found nor shall any such court or tribunal have any power to release such person for any cause If no agent ap pears within six months from the time of the arrest the prisoner may be dis charged All costs or expenses incurred in the apprehending securing and trans mitting such fugitive to the state or ter ritory making suoh deipand shall be paid by such state or If the Henry bill becomes a law there can be no court proceedings in the state wnicn tne person wantea is rouna ana it would be mandatory upon the Govern tiirrondur tha anrnRari imnn thft presentation either of an indictment orl an affidavit charging mim with the com mission of a crime DRATED BEORE ARRESTS Tn justice to Mr Henry it should be slated that he prepared this bill before the arrest of McNamara at Indianapolis and it was not drafted with a view to any bearing it might have on that par ticular Its author who is a man of large influence on tjiie Democratic side intends to urge its passage however with all of his energy at the next session o' Congress In drafting this bill Mr Henry had in mind such cases as those which afforded Taylor and Charles inley of Ken tucky an asylum in Indiana the case under which the Chicago beef packers were held to be immune from extradition to New Jersey and the Standard Oil case where' Clay Pierce evaded extradition for violating the laws of the state of Texasf It has been held that under the existing Statute even thona a nersnn ahnuM havo originated and participated in a conspiracy commit a crime in anomer state fte can not be extradited to the demanding state through court proceedings if he re sists extradition if he were not physically present in the demanding state at the time the crime was committed There is not the slightest doubt that if John Mc Namara had resisted extradition had the benefit of counsel and a hearing in court he could not have been extradited to California because it is conceded he was not in California when the Los An geles Times building was blown up EXTRADITION IS BLOCKED The beef packers were accused of form ing a trust in Chicago to put up the price nf meats in New Jersey Indictments were returned in New Jersey but when efforts This property is not only to be offered but is to be sold at auction We want prospective buyers to feel that it is worth their while to give sul'tieient time to tho cx premises and know lint it they conn to the sale that there is to be Time is afforded out of town bidders also to inspect property Let 42x170 Ten nrineinal reruns besides billiard ronin trails two bath iwrms two lavatories closets and pantries direct supply of soft water throughout five bed rooms besides room house perfectly heated with hot water every opening has metal weather strips hardwood floors three artificial gas grates barn with ample room for i ii i Lv HUin vs ciiiLi uiircv ii ur or lv i i ii i co floor 1 1 1 rtTr 1 A vt 7771 Mini Mm ini I il I Mi I Sz EE ji ft I 38S 3K 3K ft 38E I Li ivA oy VS Sy? dcuckV ar fl'" I I I i 's St till 9E ft 3M i SC ft ft MT ft Mrm I Hbi a Hi I V' M' Jf A jg oHE 4 4 'i 1.

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