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The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa • Page 2

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I. -f. WANT COLUMN. tilt." it tut tf iltt Ut lirllO, will It ft I WANTED to Wm. iwo W.

Im otc i FOR HKNT ii during low ilKnnrrtlhoAAHHrfn: Apply lo I A i W. I KOWAtUV I Thuriday.Mornlno,Aufluit 12, I860. Republican National Ticto- roil JAS. A. OK 01(10.

VIC'K 1'IIKKIDIWIT. CHKSTEK AllTHUJt, YOIIK. Thoy flhow owncw of town lots and that they would eccuro occupants nnd purchasers for thcao, thoy must onablo me- to become constant producers--must iccuro for them lho regular employment which lho Imllspcnsl- bio prc-rcqulsUo to thrill. Thus, tholes- sons of Uio Census aro such, In this direction, thl no ono at all Interested In tho growth of our towns nnd cities can afford to Itfnoro them. this (act, tollowlnfc Uio augscrtlons of concerning lho relatively rapid growth ot Mollne, Kaclne, Chicago, AN IDLER'S IMPRESSIONS.

Through the Villoya'end Ovop tho Moun. Ulna of Colorado. tho Main HnoffO of tlio and into the Man Jnftn Mffht in a "Jerkor" nnfl Uay on A TO A W.M. A.MBKHK. run FOR SALE Rii'l ft thy ffi'fti I')') fifltp.

foil MAI.3C-TIW 1'iOf Lot 0 i A i i i i uoi Kwywheru llio Hcpubllciin Iiopc dally. Tlio Vurmont KcpiibllcAnti havo "pcncd tholr campaign with UoncrM Wondford liu inado noiw In Hint Hluto. Tho Hrptiblictins nro tn Mis slislppl. thoy nro duurmlned teat lho i ft fair vote, wherever tlioycnn. A poor follow, 1'nlrtck Muitry, rivaled Tanner nl McKlnttf, near (blikoah, Wisconsin, because Im could not help U.

sixty-two dajn he lived without lood and for thirty-lour without ft drop ol water; tlio 5 111 Inst. CML', lho ncrvcJ thai ho could not ftwftllow, wiw brought on by exposure In rob'l prison pens durlnit llio war. rial on Ihls themo cays: Tlio two m'-iKlpdl ficion Ihit haw caatrlbuicd lo Ilnrllnxlun 1 urowlh ll A I A I I rufii fumollliiK ilMinof wlf- 1 i rufiii MO Of I'M W. I A iiril lollcl LKTTEH NO. IV.

KimxKA, San Juan Counlv.Col., August 3, WSO. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock wo left i i Wagon Whce) a about a nulo from Dovoral of our co temporaries have ru-1 Uot springs, where wo had slept lho night ccnUy directed particular attention. Thus, I before. Tno Uio Grande, -which had been tho recentcdlto. followed for 80 miles, grow moro narrow 1 and clear.

MOUNTAIN TJIOUT. Thcso also bccamo moro RUllolcssand abundant, much to my own satisfaction, nnd -thai apparently of ovcry traveler. Thi'BO trout aro served at Uio eating cabins 21 times a week, and It Is not onco too often. Anglers arc employed regularly to furolsh them, and Uio Uy-lhrowora mako from thrco to flvo dollars per day. Ono gets SO cents por pound by Uio season.

These tlsh nro worth 2o ccnU por pound lor nhipmcnt to Denver. Thoy usunlly run from ono to two pounds, but lino specimen wulgluing thrco and a half pounds wasocrved for Sunday's dinner. A trout, biscuit nnd oup of coU'oo mako a bill of faro which DO ono of tho metropolitan hotels In Iho country can equal. Of course thcau clomimU cim bo had In Davenport, but a iroui isn't a trout unless thrown from tho wnlor Into tho frying pirn In lho short- cat posslblo time, Every mile of transportation extracts tho rich flavor nnd Hwuuinosa. Tho Kio Orondc exceeds other tteatcrn waters for trout Hailing.

STAUr.NO IT. At Wivgon Wheel Cunnihcham and I took tho overland atago, wllh seven passon. gcrs abend of us. They uro something larger than Saratoga trunks and nino trav- clcro, thro i on a scut, nro stowed nwny llko ninckvrul In a kit. Thoro la a great ad- vaningo In tins' packing process which aloncs for tho lucouvonloaco, as otherwise- tho pMBcnucra would bo pitching about llko tho bulls In medium's cabinet.

This would not bo onjoyablo going over tlio cs nnd gulcbca. Six huracH aro used of four, as on tho imtolneMMcdihotclaHliwIoin nocramli-oiillcrgMao- or mcrchnmltno, nucli nro nut tinully In ittOle eni variety In country i tores to moot Alt tho or tuo wcll'UMlu clMso.iU tkrlftranil rich agricultural Ami wo aroMturtnl thai, in Urn future, Miifllagton. well bur conlomporarr clllw, miunlcjicnil upon ruluro unit Ificrvuoil Tticso suggestions as to tho fuinro worthy of rtpoUtloa nnd emphasis. They havo enforcement, (too, In other facia than lho very wolghlyonca shown InlhoCousua. For Inslnneo, let comparison bo Instituted between tho relative returns, during lho pMltcn roars, of capital Invested in manufacturing enterprises ai contented wilh Ihnt Invested In luaurnnco companies, mlnloK ventures, bank stocka.rallrond cor- poratloni, etc.

Look abroad in thU Imtno- dlatc vicinity for faclu upon which to brvso such a comparison. Sco tho steady success which has nlteudud tho flagnclous men who havu placed tholr money In and exerted their energies In conducting KAW nillla, nurlcultural Implu- meat works, plow factories, Iron and inn- clilno wagon maktnx. glucotio worlw, etc. Hcc, too, how ihcio men havo not only secured fnlr rolurna lo llielr capital and onte.prliiobul two been and nro to tticlr follow ami W.M A 'lho New Virk in I he recent visit of Ucncrrtl CntlloM lhat clly "now "Illiulrntlun 'f Hit 1 union and hnrmuay in "tin? Kepulillcan party which hla noinlna- "lion iinduublcdly produced. Thoro "wtrw no ulcmcnlfl of dlMA'Isfacllou lo "show Ihcmiulvcii, no ImtkftUnn of dlllcr- "cncw opinion or of tendency lo be "rccuucllctl, no us lo the posl- "lion of the cniidldnto In tho cnnVAM In to I arl from any blUco wllh ovon more cor havo added to tho taxable wealth of thu ly ftntl nromptncss than In rallwa; Hcu how they havu IncrcnawHho ourney, nmUhey nro crowilua along in a vMimnf iholr own roM wilftto- how thov I buslncHi-llkc Tho mulls arrive nnd i i incir owu rcnicamn-, nllko roil A Ihn A.

i pf i a alttHMt iMMon of und. conirnlly t'XRtml H.lo of Uio bluff. ilm clly. with enn of tint Id cotiitlrr. tnrxonfiin'Kir of fruit Tmirtiiie b-rf A of lit f.

if in. .1. UOUMJ. Kuciitnn AyrllW. Independents, nnd lilni an tholr ami vied wllh each other In i nml In avowing "their lo work Inr hlrt clcc- "llon." i I of ihv cdllor ofllii' who nccniiipnukil llio ciHloflftl to tlio Like Hupc- rlor tho i was In every n-iipccl dellKhlful.

Tho rullTimn rnjirln-J were nt rnch. niu! the rnllroiitt cnm- Ihi'in fret-. 11 ilwlrc'l Imiirs. tuvltm Thu pwly mloplttl ft ol rcvilultnnn llu- ncwitt nln, the nviiUi-incti in Ihr vtslUiM r.t the pointy i i PrHilcnt i ol Hi" lowft I'rcsrt Afla "tliu in token nf respect, oftlertd inagnlllticnl chulr to be nnd cxprcisul i ot ulilrh notion IIP i i i home." city, county nml Mtulo ami how they Imvo ftlvi-n life ami current to ft thouaaml rllla of wblch courso through nnd frucUly every put of tho uommunlly. KututK Hieao fuctn, wo ice clciuly how to build cliy rnphlly, Hccuroly and happily.

KAILUOA1) T1MB TAULE Third Street Hurto Hiillwiy. Or vncli 1 1 ft r. H. Tlmi on K. Mr II ttO U.

fUllronU ind l- twwnly mtn.tWU tf- OAKO.M.K A. will (of Mill A. i Ten Oin r. with wo nil HIT.NPAVH. will M.

from Wetttrn Union fUllroid. 5 A M. Rook tilind Morcer Oounty. i 1O A. M.

i i 15 Hook lilirul A PwrU Thu Dr. Do l.n Martyr, Is atiotlicr Orcutihack orator ami oracle wlm entirely with idea ol liberty. Mo learned of thU t-i hli licart'n coiiti'ht (luring hU recent llttccii pollucnl cnmpnlgutni; In 'uul Ho upoko dilforrnt nnd preached seven times; his newly mrul'. 1 wife Ho wni nnrl courteniHly received nl every point vltilctl. Me no Inter- leri'ncc wlih cilrul voters, nor any peiitccutinn.

Uul tUU hu tltil ti-MK: unlvcrnnl tcMlmnny of "Iholcatllni; men of our pnrlv who were "foniwrly that Hint party wan "determined count In llu-tr voted, ami no (Jrenilmek role wnn nllnwid At tliu count. "The art stated, (o appoint two "tlinrpnmUhrewd Domocrntlc poll'Ictnns "to rrprrsvnt tlielr parly, nnsl tonio negro "or iKimrnnt whllf nnn whom thoy "cnn i-onlrd, lo represent lho He- nn tlio Election Hoard. TUclr election Inw forbids any innrks "upon Um voles ol description, hence I "of Cnthrtno ot Aragon" and "Tho New this hoard Is charged with the "I'arlmiiicnl In acssion." Of these, per. viiira i lho linnillInK of mo interesting to the general American render aro tho papers on "Lnnd- "lordi, nnd Tenants, 11 Imparting much valuable Information con- ccrniiiKlho relations of Ihcae clnaaes uudir Kntcllsh law; "Tho Now rnrllamcnt In "Session, 11 In which Isrovcnlcdsomo Inter. Cbtlng facia concerning the Gladstone vlc- TUB Tttt Qtmrterly Ifaiew for July, reprinted lor American renilcra by Iho Leonard fcotl I'libllahlng Company, 41 Bnrlay alrcct, N'uw Vork, prt-Bcnla a particularly noteworthy (nhlo ot contonta.

In Lho paper on "Father Curcl'a Now "TrnnslntlonoflhoGoupcls" iapresented view of the progrcoa of Illraral thouxht i i the pule of thu Itoman Catholic Church, which muni provo to bo really us- lonlshlnje to thoKmU nifljorlly ol I'rolest atit readers. In 1870, IhU Iloviow tinder llio hcwllnjc "Tho Vullcim mid Civ- "Itlxnllon," contained mi rvccouutof Father Curci nnd liU expulalon from Iho Company of Tho present article, nnnouncuiK' Iho Appearance of a new version of Iho Now Teatutnent by that celebrated writer, not only givoa full from the very IntcreatuiK pre- tacc to thnl work, ehowlng why UB undertaking Imtt IKCOIIHI necessity, but shows how t'alhcr Curcl htia been rcatorccl lo tho Society of Jcaua without In (act at all renouncing his liberal views. The other articles of tho number arc "Tho Two "lions and tho Cotiiinonwonltli." "Koltgion "and Morality," "Kvolutlon Viewed In Ku- to ThcoIoKV," "InaplraiUn," "The "Irish Land Kcforma," "ThoUmlonWater "(iucstion," '-Tho Ocncral Klccllon and "lift lU'BUlls" and "Contemporary "ure," roTlfcwinK number of notablu works, recently Issued Irom tho Kngllnh press. The Kttinburyh Ittoitw for July, also reprinted In this country by tho Leonard ycott Publishing Company, conlaino ten disllnclconlrlljutions: "Tbo Kngllah Precursors of Nowlon," "Mind In tho Lower "Naval Power in Iho Pacific," of tho Prince Conaort (concluded)," "'talilnna and Chrlallans of St. Tenants and Labor, "era," "Memoirs of "HodKkin's InviulotBor UMy," "JJrlght's "Kdlllon of Pcpv'a Diary," "Tho Divorce them, ninl t'H'ii counting them out.

I i the DcmoemUaro permitted nitinl "Hnljd 1 Is 1 mid to llio peoplo of tho "South llnl Iho I left tho Hepllbll- wjn my opposition lolhoscc- talnty and promptncfls than in railway towns. Thin alntcmcnt occmB llko nn on- thuslnsllc ono, but It is soberly made. Tho horses nro tho best that can bo bought In Chlcntco and St. hauls, largo, well fed and carefully bundled; but their 12 or 14 miles day lor each relay simply have to bo madu on time, nud nothinfcjlcnu prevent --tho request ot a passenger, heavy load, rough rondsornn accident. Wo dined at Anlulopo Bprlnip and changed coaches.tho through one nolnir toward tho LOB Pluosor L'ncompahij re ugcncy, and our party taking "Jorkcr" i toward idllvorton.

A -Jerkcr" hnulud by four hones aud In specially adapted to tho rougher roads. It la smaller in size and will comfortably four, but la mndo lo transport twlco that number. Our party numbered six, llvo gentlemen nnd a lady, thrco on peat wedged In fur keeps. THK. WAV.

From Antelono lo Hrowstcr's csbln Is 3'2 mllcR. The distance was in ado In six hours, nud during lho lilo tirando was crossed times. cloar as crystal, smooth as a mirror, wllh pebbly bottom and grassy banks. Tho rondway follows the vulley olosely nearly nil the wnv. Our pagseiiRcr, whom wo called Magglo, some of us was "seeing tho country." Hhe had been to Ucnovor, Lemlvlllo and Fort Onrliuul, never wavering tn courage.

Hut Hi IB was too much. Going around ono mountain lho "jurker" balanced ItscH on iwo wheels, and those on lho lower side, for more than rod. hooking to tho right she Raw nothing but the mountain going up 2,000 feel parallel with tho side of thu "Jcrkcr," while sldo glanco lo tho disclosed nothing but tho river a thousand fuel down Uio precipice. gave one or two shrieks of fright, her face grow palo nml white, and she leli by her own weight and helplessness into tho friendly arms of Cunningham. He evidently thought ol his wife nnil children at home, but auld nothing.

Tho situation remained unchanged until 0 o'clock Sunday night, when wo pulled up to IIUKWSTKU'S CAIIIN. This Is built of Iocs, and so lur as table accommodations go la the worst on tho route. Supper was announced little bo- fore 10, and we nlc, or tried to, of such ns was before us, asking no questions. At 11, blankets nnO beds wuro InKcn until in tho morning, when lho aix posscngcra distributed themselves on two "buck-boards' 1 and started In tho. mountain darkness tor Sil- vcrton, 23 miles over the range.

A "buckboard" is "a thing on as Indispensable to thu country as pnck mulo. It will carry thrco persona bcsldo the driver with a small degree of comfort. Sunnso and snow storm above us camo at the BMTIO llmo, making an overcoat tho moat sociable o( companions. The road Is up, up, up until eight o'clock when wo aro surrounded by snow banks. Timber lino IB 11,000 Icut and wo aro almost on level wllh It.

OVBll TUi: UANGE. A 1 4 i ct tat r. M. On 0.. M.

A 81. PNU! f.lnt Mtcr i "tlnllhl.i "Smith wi i and financial pnllcy nntl i ptsslnn.i In tho IT nu-l n.otld North and U'owuru nil lho early morning ascending lory nnd lis dangers, and 'Tho Ulvorco of tc ln range of thu Rocky mountains. "Ualhnrliioiil Aragon," bringing lo light At uo very summit Cunningham gave hitherto unpublished recitals of Stato turco ringing chccru for Hancock and thrco pnpcw, concerning lhal.dark, yet over In- moro 0r Weaver, tho driver who Is a Texan icrcstiiiK PW of hnxllsb history. I calllo herder. Joining Magglo chimed in whole number la onu of unusual interest.

I uw while I looked ailenlly on in pity. A I r. M. r. M.

A. Ohlotoo, Burlington Qu1no tt4. 7i41 MAIMS A Mil 4. M.I A.

ItorV I A r. HTXUMNU UUAM'U tIATtf HOCK A A i ml AecommodAtlun -Vino TfiMn ran iiltr ArconM Ohlwgo, Rook lilind A PnolHg Tim TiUM I 8TATION8. Jhl. Bi 1 4 1 I 4 ft 4 4 4 4 1 4 m. yn 4n I 1 rot Atrc pm a.m ft, Dl a a.m 10 4 V.I* ptn Cunncll Rt i IP 3:10 1 i m.Tp a 4 I I 4 ft Eh.

7:10 n. 4 ft I i I i Tl wntk uf i-onvcrntnn ti Hit: Truth n-fl lirAVt-Iy mi. vxniiiplr. llicn. 1 have been nmuy pcnnns who.ntriiOKi'ly cnoURh, IIAVC CUT clinxcn tn rvftnril tho ol the vlrction nf I I nnluly from Uio iUml- poid of tin? election rcturnii ol lho yntllHTU Stftti'9.

They hnvo reflect! to consutcr the I'icl Umt thu rcsl "ffftltd" ot tliftt ckTUoti in tlm fuel (hnl the nctunl Ihu rnllro Southern pcopto Imd lictn duntcil expfcwlou--thM on fiilr vote an lutncil count, thu popular vote of Aliibmnrv, Ktorldn, Mlssln- MppI; yovitli Cnrollnn, ft at, wouUt Imvo scoured lo Ilnycs nnd Whcvlur such cviilcncu of election rvs would havu tendered all dispute i thu mull entirely Now, however, many pcr- 80113 hitherto tn Klvtnn (hero!" tltc full consldrrMlon they demand. Thus, our own town hrvvinx visited tlio ttamh nnd tnken ntioos for lit self, IIM recently toUl the editor ot tho Wheeling (W. Va.) trttlWj- (n-'tr hu ii untldlcd Ihnt thero not been for ycnn nn election In Alabama worthy of the 'I'n Umt alntemcnt Tho 'I'nunci' roollsuncutt la benrioc trull. An IOWA tuna, mnklnK hcadqitartora at Kcokuk, propo3L'H to fan '15 daya on Iteer nml wntur. The MuscftUno county AtfftcuUurnl A3- soclatton olfcn a slaku for two yorvr oWa, to bu trotted lor nl the nnniml ftvlr next month.

0rhc holKhlortho capltol domo nt DCB ololnet), ns it in now determined upou, bo U75 foot from thu ground floor of tho building. Diibuqtic County'9 annual llftrvost llomo featlvnl occum it Parley IwowcoUBtroin tomorrow, (lov. Ocnr, Col. Hendcraon, lion. Kred O'DonnoIl and 8.

Springier will deliver nddrcsaca. Nexl Mondav lho swifi-wlngcd pralrlo chicken will bo lawful gamo under tho Irvws of tho Utato, and there will bo Mnrkf of Klfinnllc- finow nnd rock slides wore nil nrouiul ua. Down tho sides of the moutnitto tho grnnlto hfid been pulverized like macadnm by thcau ahdofl until tt covered thousQiulH of acrcfl, Tho "buck board" found Its way nlong these slippery tolling pieces of rock without UlIUcuHy. Yet hero aru llowcra of nil tho rninbow colors urowlnp aceailngly In baro grnnito. They look llko touch-mo note, morning glories, vvrbooaa, blue bells nnd violets.

Above ua on tho peaks seems ns if tlm jnr of a rlllo ball would eoml tumbling down rnKRcd piccool' rock ns largo as a house, so cvculy balanced docs It seem. On. lho rnngc I tried a hnlf mllo wnn too much for tho llrst trial tho rnrl- fled nir. Tho breathing npparntua couldn't get tho thin iluttl in nml out fast enough niut lho rceult wns Blight expectoration of blood. Mngglo naked If thoroWAsn'ttlangcr, and tho driver nnswcreU: "No moro danger, mum, than anting at homo In a parlor rock log-cheer.

I-ook over thnr anil see ILLINOIS INXLHiGS. Judgo David letter falls atUI born upon tho domzcna of hla own county. Tbo July aiaburaemonts from tho Stato Treasury aggregated $307,803.03, ol which $7,720.77 was for in tercel on tho State debt. A shooting affray occurred on Sunday night, at Mascoutau, St. Olalr county, in Which Gcorgo was inatantly killed, and auothor man badly wounded.

Tho best clay for pressed brick between Chicaffo and Denver is found in a bank La Ballo, and it is shipped in largo lies to Chicago. Tho brkk made it aro Imporviou3 to water, contain no llmo nnd command high prices. Jeremiah Daley, convicted of burglary In Chicago thrco years ngo nnd sentenced to tho penitentiary for six years, has been pardoned ly lho Governor, tho prosecuting Stnto's attorney, nnd judge pell- Honing for the anmc. Adnughlcr of Kudolpu Helm, ngcd 18, was thrown from a milk wagon white bringing milk lo Dundeo station Monday morning, and died In ono hour. She wna a bright young lady, anil will bo sadly missed, Ayoungnmn named Charles SpUUger- bor wnsjknockcd oil' the towor on tho Jewish templu, at Pooria, last Saturday afternoon, by a derrick nnd fell to Lho ground a distance of CO feet.

Ho landed on tho ground 20 foot from lho bnso of tho towor, falling face downward on bia hands. Ills right hip wns dislocated and hla hands and wrists bruised, but IB not otherwise scrl. ously Injured. Uo was well enough to go to his homo In PuUln on Sunday evening. E.H.HAZEN,M.D hyutolttu O7F10K IN FOKitBtirH BLOCK, OOH.

nniDT A rountn STB.i Davenport, to 11 X. 3 to 6 v. M. InClrmnrjr, Woet Davenport, 8 to 0 A. M.I 1 to 3 P.

OF- Great Variety of Design arc being erected In thin city and vicinity by tho i CunuiilorntlonH for From tho Now York rubllc (Commcrclnl Paper.) Tho country hns roachetl a condition fc ot' great prosperity. Yet wo arc tolil that ft chnngo Is most desirable. For tho politicians who happen tit present to bo out of 111 co pcrhups Is, but what reason is thero for believing that ft change would promote tho business and Industrial IB there not groat reason to fear, on the contrary, that a chnngo of parties would disturbcontldcnco, disorder industry, check tho development ot; resources, lessen lho activity and tbo rewards of trade, and diminish the enjoyment or tho wages ol labor? Thi'so uro not questions to bo dia. cussed in ft partisan spirit. Of that sort of discussion thero has been a thousand times moro than -enough.

Thoy nro serious, practical questions which nlftct tbo re- bourcoa and prospects, Uio means und lho profltH, of every Industrious or enterprising man in the country. 33! and 34 1 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. A BKAUTIPUIi juat creeled by this Comimny for C. Desenim, Iowa. EDUCATIONAL.

N.V.) ILTT Alt 'ACADU MY. 1'orclrculiUB, Col. 0. J. Wilnlit A.

Principal. WESTERN FEMALE SEMINARY cCosh Donahue, CHrAP LANDS. LAND EXCURSIONS TO SA8TKUX AND CKNTKAU S3O3FT NEBRASKA TO TUB QAHDENQF TttR WRST. To tho land of lho Union Pacific lltiilroad Co Along lho Great Platt Valley. Company has for cale tho Cholccnt in Aracrkxat mnRinti Jrom to new, on ft anil 10 yenrt only ill per cent EXCURSION EVERY TUESDAY Fare Rtfandfd to Land COAL.

In Of Sale, lUto Duality nnd Mid NcarnciMo Market and HciUhfal by any In tho For Map8 Sicanlon CONTKACTOK FOR ALL KINDS OF JOHN OCHSI SONS, Uccrra) District Kxcarflon nnd Tlcko ARCntw.U* 1'. U. H. Land Iowa. L.

A LanJ r. It. II. Lund ing, alciminin IOWA LANDS. PAPER HANGING, 2O8, 210 212 West Third.

Street OXroill, Sit. Itolyolco year will couimonco Hoptcmhcrl, 1880 Hoard, Tuition, Fuol nnd Lights S170 per nunnm Bond for cntfilogno to 1IKLBN PKAUODY. IMnclynl I 0:10 tn i arc tho 4 I I blliul rllbcr i A mcrrrartrv mul own. i fimloliitf Thn Invr thut Muli hnvc a Wfcon cm faum! WluMi hono At hi Pt-rve Ihetr I i wull Hrown, nntl it will not bo so much nn oxtormhmUou ns eorno ecivHonti. The Auditor of Btnlo mrvkcs tho foliow- tnK ronott ot valuo of live fltock In Uio HtMo: CftUio vftluo vMuo, fcJhucp, Tttluo, Bwlnc, 3.4flD,« vntuo, Mules, 43.100: value, John Me ten If of Btiontv Vlsla county hns rcprCHcnlnttvo IOWA farm comprioing Uo 1ms under ouUlration tlm titUowIntc ncrcAgo: Corn, -150; Flrvx, 3331 WheM Bftrloy, 80; Tnrao Krasj, 70.

Ho I col a 24,000 bushoU of corn lo alock each nnd liaa sold $30,000 worlli of cnttle nnd hogs eioco March lOUt, ho tM)iitHMn i If tn.ipm (ili m. ticket thAL ftflcr iliu olhrr, Allut bivt tho In uncri A tn I miduuf tt, fii ft ItcKct nnd I mn soberly CfcillLnMy Informal tiann to th9 on 6-50 A 1-00 LrMru fol H. 9T. JOHN. T'UlAr It 1ULLH.

A I. DECIDEDLY TRUE! Summor Rosorls to Minnesota, VIA "THE IOWA ROUTE" Tho C. R. N. and M.

A St. L. It 11 tHtotti.Y by tttikh tbo piMO'ijtcr KPI ThrouQh Pullmin Sloeplnn Oar KKOM Mt. nml All i'olnlH unit JllanrnpoIlN Tho Horton Roollnlng Chair Cars. (OH ihln Bt.

nartloK- lou aotl wtihoal A HoundTtlpKtcnrtloe Ttckvli on ttutionn blfut of Trivia ftir dsjs from hni not Oct. 31it, an2 wltl rud-icttoa trota rtcnlsr -Viitojoaf Tor K.MU.L9. Tills 19 lho testimony of AH can-ono who ilcfuatcd Ihn UnpubtlcAn nomlnco (or CuiiKtcM in Iho Sixth District of (hu ytMo two ycivrn N'or nil, Ucu. Weaver proceeded to Hist tho openly bOMt of this info, moils business, ami Joko over tho Incl that aometlnu's, nfter nil tho "Muillntf," thoy hATc to "llx up Iho rcUirnV nf(er the count. Then he mldcd: think Tlldcn "WM fairly elected, but ho HOW TO I A I Tho of tlie Cvnstti, lor tho current rcsr, In reipcct tn j( rowl cities, IIAVO hcretoforu been cttcx 1 to Mten.

.1 a wm TM" hA B4 M. how thoso LAVO nfinlo en- city of Now York as they Ucom beat for forced the truth, Hint In mAiiufaciur- tho purpose ol soliciting subscriptions." A A ing arc lo bo found tho most Molnrich, ol Iowa University, well known AS lho hand center ol tho IOWA wcAthcr service, proposes a system ot lAiUcrn sitinnlt), to be displayed from thu slRHAl clntlons. Theao olgnnls, an incnt of colored ItKhls, are Intended to give knowledge, tho night previous, of tho kind of weather that mny bo looked (or on the tollowinie day. whether fair, rainy, clearing or otherwise. Tho plan has been successfully carried out at lho Central Station, nnd the professor reports that "during tho month of July wo hnvo not missed it a tiln- Kio lime, but tho weather of each day Una corresponded to tho lantern signal ol" tho preceding evening." TroBMon Honorable.

Krttn lho Now York Tribune. General N. H. Korrcst's treason is to bo commemorated by a monument at Mom. phis.

A coQimittAQ of ox-fjontodcrnto WAS lately appointed which has Advised that tho of Memphis or- Forrest Monument Assccfation to solicit subscriptions In lho Bomb, And that "said society appoint ngcnta ID such places throughout tho Northern States and In tho la yoatb.ntrroa* MMJ do of manboMl. 1 will "ift a Mai wUl 700, yilKX Or Cit.MtUX. Tttti rtmidy wu dUcovtrtd by ta Aw Stud lo lUr otirt Statttn York Cttv potcnl loflucnccs forproinoiloK tho growth and prospenlr ol centers of population. Indeed, thoio tacts so larthor. Thoy show how such centers of population occasioned and Und increase.

Thoy ruvcal thu secret of tho creation of pallilcs. Tli 17 point out to Cftpltallita and to of real estate tho only royal road to wealth. They cnfnrct) the truth that It they would innko thulr invest- mcnts at onco surety romirucratlVQ lite, rboy must so pUco thorn AS that they will he foctori In creating prodtiota. fhlsis A curioussuffgcstlon. What would thooK-robols say If subscriptions for Col.

bhAw'h monument woro requested lu Mom- phis? What A "Northern outrage 11 it would bo? i llo and Ilnppy. If yon will stop All your extravagant and wrong notions in doctoring yourself and families with expensive doctors or humbug cure-alls, that do harm always, and uso only nMuro'a tlmpto remedies for All your menu--you will bo wl-, well and hnppy, nud BNVQ great oxpcoBO Tho gioateat dv for thts, tho groat, wise ana good will oil you, Is Hop ulitoru--roly on it. 9oo nothor arc OOIKO DOWN. At 10 o'clock we wcro over the range ami had begun pitching down tho gulches. Tho melting snow formed lho Kio Gnmdo on tho onu Hide, and tho trickling drops soon bogan mountain 8t ream a which ran toward tho Pacific on tho Away up on desolate peak, or rather between two of them, was A Hock of six or seven mountain ahcop.

Thoy could hnrdiy bo from tho rocka about them. Wo camo down Stony Gulch, nnrt never was a name moro.rlphtly given, and struck Cunningham Gulch. A (ow miles moro and Uowardsvlllo wns reached. Tula la near tho heart of tho Ban Juan silver mining counlry, and ovcry fow rods minor's cabin was passed. At Howardsvillo tho Anlman vatloy Is In stcht, nnd I walked up It for thrco miles', to Kurokn, where an old friend Is postmaster.

THK RAN A COUNTRY. This Is not now tho wonder and crazo.of the mining world, but it such men as ator Wlmtom aro to bo trusted it will bo In another year Ho told mo never to return homo without visiting tho mining camps (n ban Juan, and It Is upon lho advico of him, aud others, that I havo extended my Journey to lho silver mountains whoeo development will mako Loadvlllo. This development of tho mineral resources is now going forward, and how far It has BO tic I shall dcacrlbo juat as I BCO It nfUM A fow days vloll to and study of tho mines. Tbo mountain grandeur about Kuroka Jnr excels anything I havo scon or read of. Here at tho head ot tho Anlraas IB a vlow, a long panorama of thorn, I would describe if I could, but Na- luro Is BO much bolder than art of brush or pen that tho sccno is beyond description, or any that could be given must bo BO tamo tn comparison as to scorn Insipid nnd common-place.

At i'uoblo I saw J. F. McKlbbco, forsU years until last May, a well known cltizon of Hock Island; also Jud A. Root and Dwight Bcnhani, long-tlmo citizens of Mo. Una.

As a stage rolled by near Antolopo BprlngB I met lor moment David J. Van Meter, for years tho city editor ol tho Rock Island Argut. lie was on his way to Denver. Ilcro at Euroaka Fred J. Candco.

of Ho line, is postmaster. F. T. Flllmoro, The Boston Traveller waa thohaddaomcstof all tlio Amor- lean presidents, nnd Mr. Lincoln ws tho homollcut.

Qonornl QarfloUl, proBpcctivo president Is a man of commanding flguro and flno face. Uo givce nn improeslon of rugged fttrengta ooltoncd by klnullnocs. CoufcHHlonH, 10 Loulavlllo Courier-Journal (Dem.) Nosv, as to Hancock, wo nro inclined to think Hint ho, too, is better than his party. He Is not professional politician. Ho is a frank, engaging soldier; mnnly, genial unpretending.

It would be hard to Hod moro attractive person In great public placet). Hancock, It must be owned, IB nn amateur statesman. Tho wisdom of men may bo judged by their IVlenda. Hancock's rc03t conspicuous friends nru Ulack nud Gun. Franklin, two ot lho greatest and purest men In this country, ihs immcdi-, ivto surroundings uro clean.

He ought to ho elected, there-tori 1 NOWM nnd No Senator JJruce, of Mississippi, Is re. ported to bo lho possessor of two large plantations In his State nnd has fortune also of $200,000, Mr. WeM Ilayca la lo become a member of tho law linn of Swaync In Toledo. These gentlemen are sons of soulttlu.Iustlco Sffayne. By the death of the Dowager Lady Cow por, Lord Cowper, tlio present Viceroy of Ireland, becomes one of iho wealthiest men in Kncltiml.

After listening to the colored jubilee singers at Uunutawiun, on Sunday, Ucncral Garneld remarked: "The old prophet said 'Ethiopia shall stretch her hands to I believe God lias stretched out His hand to the children of Ethiopia." Connecticut has population of 023,160, a gain of 87,804 since 1S70. Vermont's population Is a gain of 3,004 since 1870. Maine hoi population of gain of about 15,000. A portion ol Maine's census Is estimated. Hcv.

Arthur Mitchell, for twelvo years pastor of-tho Second Presbyterian Church in Chicago, on tho 3th lust, announced his resignation of Its pastorale. Uo has nc- cvplcd A cnll from the Firat Presbyterian Church of Cleveland. i3rct Harlo writes thAt ho nover sees in Europe A woman toiling in tho hot fields that ho docft-not thank Heaven that he lives In a Kcpubllc where thero nro men enough to plow cud hoe nnd reap, nnd which has room enough on level ground for nil Us people. "Dr. Tnlbot, a physician ol' DIghlon, died a few days ngo, and his cooks showed outstanding ftccoxmts ngninfit persona whom he had visited professionally In tho towns ol Dlghton, Somerset ami He- liobolk amounting to Ho scarcely over prcEcntcd a- bill, and It was dilllcult to got settlement wllh him.

It Is aald that his private papers contain request thut no bills agsinat poor people shall be collected. Norlu and South the total of members reported in IJapllst churches this year is against 2.102,034 last yoar, show- Ing an increase of 31,010. Thero arc 1,005 nssocialions, being an iiicreaao of 20; 24,. 71)4 churches, an increase of S95; 15,401 ordained ministers, an Increase of 447. Tho additions by baptism wcro a fulling of! from last year ot upward of Tho exclusions numbered 20,530.

WALLACE'S MUSIC STORE Jjvor ProBontcd tn thta.Olty. A A i-l out. And a Variety or other IManos. dot And Al! at Lowosl Possible Prices. Block Ol Hhcot Mimic and Mnnlcal pood a.

IManos will bo fiirnlahcd Irom 8175 to MOO. INTEEE6T EEDUCED! And all iiortODR of modcrnto Wanting Homes nro invited TO BORROW MONEY IPei- Oent tho DAVENPORT LOAN, BUILDING AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. Cnll (it offlco of D. H. HARTWELL, Seorotacy, BLOCK, KASTTHIim STJlBHT, Of BILLS Practical Grainers, OatUndoxmino workmanship at Show Cue Factory.

Corner of Fifth and Bradv Streets. (Up stain), or nddrcss If Browm Mt. 8AT18PAATION REELEY FEED STORE, EMC Third Htroot, E. J. CLAKK 9 Proprietor.

A FULL STOCK OF BA.LED HA.Y AND STRAW, and overytblnt lu tho Ffod Hno. Too cheapest plaw in town to bay your fend, "and you for- WAU orders prompUr ailed. TROLEUM JELLY Used and approved by tho leading PHYSICIANS of EUROPE aud AMERICA. Tho moat rxRTius rtd locatcil Itultroatt.LaLiild for anj iluuo ir CHICAQOp ROCK ISUND AND PACIFIC R. R.

noar its lino Jn WMtorn lown, All Uiula uro tittiir Itnllrnibl i ScbiMU urn! Cburvbrd lucvcry htxij Alrcmlj luillt. low, niul lonjf ttmo ftt fi IMT cant. Intercut. By iiroeurinir Ksnlorlnjc Tickets, or Uio U. I.

A It. It. nnd iu llowoU to of Low FARES AND FMIIOKTS TO PCRCHASERS. Tor Map, ntitl ftill mWrom II. Acrnt fc J.

IHEHW, ClnrU CH10AUO, Or UT loura. IL l.A K. cV, HIGHLAND HALL by tho lato Edward P. Wonton, LL.D.] A UOArdUtR find Dny School for IH near Chicago. Vitlh ho Sopt, 18SO, For catAloiMia, npply to BtJTLKH, A.

JACKSONVILLE FEMALE ACADEMY. Bint Your OpenH Moptcmber Nth, 'HO. I'rcpnrntory and Collednto COUTBCH com. ota. Itaro ftdvnntftRCH In Music und Tuiiitlng.

Ii. F. A.M.. 1'rlnclpfi), JncUnanvlllii, THE BETTIE STUART INSTITUTE. Tho most Valuable Fomlly Romody known.

For tho Treatment of WOTTNDS, BURNS, SORES, CUTS, CKILBLAINS, SKIN DISEASES, RHEUMATISM, CATARRH, HEMORRHOIDS, Etc. Also for Coughs, Soro and Diphtheria, etc them, 25 and 60 cant sizes of all our goods. A Day (in1 FAMILY 11O.VKI)IXS UHOOIj for Yoniut I.ndlon nnd Children. Tlio coarsoU comprubODMvo. Tho LangimiiCB, Mosfc, Drawing, Palntmtc, Kloculion, oacii in thoroughly tnnglit.

1'or tormtt, midribs MUS. JIOMSS, A MF.DAlj AT TIIT. PHILADELPHIA KXPOW1T1OX. MKUAL AT THE KXPOH1TION, Tho ArUclMlrora Vuollno--inch Pomado Vaaelino, VdWluio Cold CrCflni, VaMlino Camphor Ico, Vftiolino Toilet Soaps, An ain'Mahlo form of taking Voaolino internally. 25 CENT3 A BOX.

COLGATE 30 BAITS' TRIAL! LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY On Lake Michigan 28 imka north of Clilcaco, No Saloon U'wptflUonH. No malaria. A A A Preparatory and RnuHph School of tho hlghcitt Order YOUNG LADIB5 1 HKMlNARY-Prlncl- K.TnourHOsr, formcrlr Actina I'rcH Wollcsloy. Jfcallntho Went. COLLKUK --Open to both BCICH.

Stnndard of thu boflt. Fait Term bcglna HojHoniljwr 8, by PA11K INSTITUTE For JlrIn nnd lOlt A 1O5 A A AVJtNUK, CUXOAC10. UtliMclutol Year lleslnH Mopt. Iff. 1NHO, A thoiontrhly organized Scboolof tno flrel nblo Tcachcrti.

Un- unnul for tho study of Mnclc, Art mid tljo Hclcncoti, Special atccutlon to tho btndloo Amplo Boarding accommodatlono. Far MUH. A The Hershey School of Musical Art, CHICAGO, Uon In cvory oopartmontof tho Art. Special fiicll itlcis for Concert Fall Term HcalaH Hcptombcr 15th. Sond for Ulrcalar with fall to either of tho II.


STATS AGK BTKINWAY, BTECK. I ITAINES McCAMMON ChlCMoX and JUBptutmenta. urftduaUnc coarn la Koala. An Rmlntnt rrofeawn. FiiU twin Vor catAlo lutd T1IAYKH, JOHN CLARK, Jr.

GO'S TRADC MILE-END VOL COT 3O3 Bradv Street. THE 1IERSUEY SCHOOL Of I TM Tor YOUNG ABIES. HUtconth Anneal SoiflloQ will open Monday, Hapt 13th. Full of teachers tfpeclAl ndvun tnircfi In Nuislc. I'nr catalogued 1SU- I A CUTBBKUT, Uor.

16Ui nnU Pino 6Lroet, tii. Loula. MUSICAL ART. Kersfiev Music Hall, Chicago, II Vail Term Opens Mcptembcr 19. U.

CLAKBNCB BODY, General Director. 8AHA HEUS11BY fiDDY Vocal Director. -FOK- Machine or Hand Use. For bv J. II.

C. tPttenon' A 'Sonf, Boldorbocko Miller, Wadsvrorlh Davenport. Bvory faclUly is oflorcd for acaalrlnf; a thoroogh and nrtlutlc mustcM education. Bapoilor factilty. Many Irco advintagcfl.

Papllfl 1 tf AUDOCB ovcry tvro wcukB, Chamber Ooncorlfl. Piano Itocllaln, OrRftn Loctarcfl, etc. llcat boardlDK accommo- datloaB. Bond for MILITARY ACADEMY, 1'AHIt, Cook County, 111 AChrletlnn l-'drally School for Locallon nttnicilvu. IMucnUuncvl fActllUcn unsnrpnnHcd, HoflHion DORlns Soptombcr 7th, 1530, Jj'orfoll ln rornmUon eund for Cfttaloguu.

Chicago Medical College. Tho Pioneer In tlio Orndod and alto In conr0c cf Instruction Hdoplcrt by American iicUlcrtl Colloiw Amoclatloiit bCKitio lie next Mem. asthi Laboratory catat ANATOMICAL MATBKIAL IN A11UNDANOB. numborcdt ami accued in order of publication. Fees, PrdctUloncm' Coureo Through Fco Forannounccmont or Informialon atlUrcfla DC.

J. H. 11OLLIHUK, 70 MODTGQ HL MOUNT AUBUKN R. Hoe Chisel Tooth Saws OIvo nncnnalcil BMlufhciUra in all parti of tho country. order, thoy ninlio bettor lumbar with Icen iwworthftn imy oiUor.

UOS KM Oriuul Btroot. Now York City THE SHEET IKON HOOF On tho Gsxflllo UnllChiK, which entire satisfaction, WQI pat on in tho eprlnR by TI i A. WorthrutJ fOR FO Superior artvrtntftgOB tn LUcratoro, Froncli, Made ml Art. HMhSOBBlon opens Sept. 'X.

tJoiid fur (Jlicnlnre. II. TDANK MILL A PAKKB SMITH, 1'rlnclpftl. Immaculate Conception Academy Dnvonport, Iowa, CONDUCTED RY TIIS SISTERS OF CHARITY Off TKR It. V.

Offers to yonnff Intltoa OTory ftclllty for acqulrlna tlioroueh monwl anil moral odacnilou. Tlio Scholastic your Ifl divided Into tvvo BCCBIODB of Ovo months each, boRtnnliif; respectively on tho first Moiidnv of September snd tho flrnt Monitsy in Kobrnnry. PnpllB are, however, received at any tlino ilurUin tlto your, tholr flOBatonu dating from Uiotlmo of entrance. Hoard and laltlon por nceslon S3 1 Music, Taint' IOK," form nadlllonul charts. 1'or partlcnlars address BISTillt SUi'BKIOK, Immaculalo Uon option Academy.

Davenport, Iowa. Whoco and Woilu aro First Afanna GANGERS AND OTHER TUMORS An luiinufncturod ly Andrew At Clnclnnntl, Ohio, Is tbo Quoon of tablo nnd Uio clcltclout off Matzo 1M47. 1HHO. IOWA COLLEGE Tlile uoJl known lontttntion en tern upon ito with thirteen luetiuctora and an orgAUlxcd MOKMAL COUH9K. In addition lothoTonu oaUbllfthoil ColloKiato, (Clnaalcal and acIontlUc), Ladlco'and Acdomy Coarsen, and tho JiQRllsh and MoBlcal Dcpartmcnta.

Tbo Conicrvft. Atory. In lla Blxth ycur, has rcffulnr conrao In Mimic from two to foar Opona ilonday Tomov, $7 to BoAn with room fa .76 to Si. 00 por wools: without room to Ladles' Uftll, for ladles only, W.W. OBO.

K. MACIOUN, rwaldont. without the drawing of Stood own of kntft. Dr. H.

Rico cnroa cnncors, Lane Dlioiujes, FltB Bcrofala, Llvor Complaint, Uropay, Ithoumatlam, and Mercurial BOFCB, Halt lihoum, Kryalpa- and Catarrh; Weak, Innamcd and Granulated Hyoa, acrofoloaa Ulcora and Female DiBQaaoBOfaHkinda: NcrvouflProatraUon.KIdnoy and Venereal Dlacaaoa linpturoor Uernla Bnccoaa- fally troatod. with tho uaoof my AatrlnRont IMaator and Blaatlc lioltTroaa, which la tho only oaay, linolo and Bafo Truae In nee, candnR so puln or inconvenience In wearing or eloopinR. nnd dou have to bo removed after once properly adjoatod; Hemorrhoids or Hlca cured, or money rofundod. Con- OOlco hours: 9 to 11 A. and 2 to 6 r.

M. cvcningB, 5 to 9. DR. K. HIGH, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

QpyiOR--Sott Pearl ncond door iow(v of JJroadtcav, 09. faclM JOHN DODGE BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, 12 WALL STHEET, NEW YORK. It in lucoinjmrablyiinro, healthful oounumlciil, nnd a bio ft si UK alike to tho well, for children nud tululU. It Into tho inoit roclwrcho Icon, and ilennert dUlu Ico crcum. plofl eto lending peculiar dcllcncy nnd nulrlllouA quality, and at onco tipcesuliy and a luxury In ovury clomostto Htorchouso.

No edlblo Kturch ftlandi lilgh tho world ovur. Sold by 23d Popular Monthly Drawing of.lhe Commonwealth Distribution Co. At McCnulov'o Theatre, In tho CUT of LonlBTlllo, on bought fcnd icld tho Now Toih Otock cm 3 0 Block I'rlfU on at ftvorftbU JTuIl iQformfctUu oniJI rtUUngla Wolt If of uioriiutuU ID liook mttkct Mill DENTISTS. WM. O.

KUIP, D. D. $., Dental Office. MERCHANT'S BLOCK, THXICU HTltKBT, OF BBAOT SAVING tho NATUKALTEBTa. Dontal Burger; and HdUoMca ot tho month.

Also, artlflcUl tcoth nppllcduDon (ill tho popnlfcr baaca. E. T. BIGBY, DENTI All too naaol practice ot tho profcanlon. PartlCT- lar ullonUon Elron to correction of Irroxalftrttlti tho Dontftl Arch, and to treatment of dlWMM of tin Heath.

Offlcfl rooma racwtl; occupied Dr. Grace. Oor. 2dand Brady DR. MARSHALL'S Dental Rooms 319 PERRY.

STREET. Dental. Work. of. every kind done promptly oxd at Lowcet Tcoth' Extracted AU'Work Wftrranlod, THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED BYTHB LUGmLATUliB AND BUiJTAINKD BY ALL THB COUBTB OF KBNTDCKY, accotdlDRtoa contract mado with tho owncra of tho Franklin rnt.

vlIloccnrrcRtUulron tho LAST DAY OK MONTH. HandATB and Fildays ozcoptcd. for tho period of PIYK VKAH3, tonnlnfttlnR on JUNK8. 18S5. Tho UnUcd StMoa Circuit Court on March 81 rendered the following decisions: Common we tilth Distribution mtr.

Tho call attention to tho scJicmo which has met with aoch popolar Aw heretofore, and which will asaln boprcflcntcd for tho JULY DRAWING. lOOPrlzeBlOOeaehllO.OOO QUOPrlzca DOoach 10,000 AOOPrlzea sooath 12,000 10 each 10,000 S30.000 1 Prlto 10,000 1 Prluo 6,000 10 FrUcs lOOOoaca 10,000 Frhceo BOOcach 10,000 0 Prince $300 c(ich, Approilmatton Prizes. 2,700 9Prlze6 200 each, 1,800 VPrlcoe lOOoach, 900 $112,400 Whole Tickets, 9SO. 05 Tlokotff, Hcmitby Poat Ofllco Honor Order, Kctfetcrcd Letter. Bank Draft or Express.

Tolnsoro mlatakco and dolayi, conca- ponOonts will plcaao write their nunos and placca of residence plainly, diving number ofPoit box or atrcct, and Town, County and SLato. All commanlcatlons connected with tho Dlstrl- bntion and Ordora for Tickets ahoatd bo addrcaied to li. M. BO A ROMAN, Covrtor-Journal Bolld- In 2. LoolflYtllo.

or atNofl. JOT 4 309 Broad- war York; Propared bv tho Poorla Starch Manufactory O. WARD. Produce Commission Bond for Circular of Great Vnloc, RlvlnR fall Btrnctlonfl for snipping. POULTRY, GAME, AND PBODUCK.

ICQ. HATIOriL Br. Y. NOW 7oA OltT 400 Brady Street. DAN.B.HORWE, Has purcbnaod tho atoelc of H.

Mason, 406 Brady Atrcot and Ifl prepared to Buy, Sell, or Exchange, Bvory kind of Now and Second Hand Furniture. And other goods of OTcry description. If you haw Second Clothing, or any gooda to lolt let him know It. Pftruoli and Wrlneatt repaired on ehort notico. D.HORN1.

1 1 HAS STRUCK, OP And vrllt donbloln tilcc In Ihreo ycwi. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. of UlTV PAHM8 and WILU LA SI) for al very Come and Secure Bargains 1,000,000 4 Acrtnof Land tn Iowa and Nchrarki for tho Land Company, at Low TrlccA andou COME WITH ME And bar a 160 Aero Farm In tovra. and pou nothing for Fire or OarrUcn Hire. ELDREDCE, IQHrndyHt.

Iowa Land Agency. COFFIN HENUY, i 180 Stito Strait, 212 Bradv Strwt, Vtolo't Block, BOSTON. DAVENPORT, IOWA. ITY PKOPKKTY, WILD UAND8, PAKM AND Town Lola for Paid, lands Ittod tor thrco Lo acr or looffer. I A I A THE DAVENPORT SAVINGS BANK, Davonport, lown.

orncB in FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Cash Capital, $72,000 Surplus, 20,000 Five por Interest Paid on DC pot Money loaned on rcul ceUto tad porTonal Office from 9 A. M. to 8 r. tod on tobr.




SCHMIDT. J. D. MOKKISON. First National Bank IOWA.

The First National Bank In Operation In the United States. CAPITAL. Undivided Pro fits $100,000 $50,000 531.000 V. T. DOW.

Prcnldcnl. Vlco-PrertdcaU JOHN IJ.KIDLAK. Owhlcr. OnAKLBS K. MKYKlt.



11UKDICK, C. UESSAINT, UENHYKOUIta. General Banking Business Transacted CITIZENS 1 National Bank OF DAVKXrORT, IOWA. Capital Surplus 50,000 OFFICERS P. H.


DZRRCTOR3. McClelland, I RtchvJcon, Itobort worth, OttoAlbrecht, KIIOrlesF, Lorenrcn, Goald, KleholM Knhcos. II II An.lroe?*ft. Koch, AQtneral Banklna Business Tranuoled. Foreign BxchftDKOBOldUba Lowest Wo lnao oat owe on tho Principal Cilia of Barooo.


V. UMITH, Vlco-Prcf Idcnt. QKO. S. M.MWliLU 0.


S. BALLORD, flpcdal attention given to collections In Ibli Bute bllle In anma 10 xolt 'Bxchaajra on all principal polnu of (or A General Banking Butlnost TronMCtad ARCHITECTS. 6. CJLAUHKS Offlco: Din Second floor, WcatTn.rd And Solicitor of In connection A Son. Washington.

P. J. W. ROSS, AND SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINGS, XLDBXXMB'8 BLOCK, OPTOSITX lancard's City Itfo offcn maar under which the body pleaao -ffi" tiiu- 4 aympton a Mlow, Tba Wood. THlaW by dnporltlci, bccomei thto.

To rwtom and "tipplTihc Wood Iron. Tali done- br Wlaneara THU of lodlnaor Iron. The lodlno parlflet. tho Iron, JtrcniSJM. Fwicrtbcd.

br pnytlclwa. Bold by all KINDS AND SIZES. TrMETRIEOandFIRETESTED. Thonunila In QIC vrtthont any your Dealer for them, or tend for tfoxs TJUTED ClXCCLAX. CUTCACO JERIT: STOVE Limited.

Office, 171A173 CHlOAQO. Wo manuf acturo tho stores and 171 and alita, for all klndi ot toeL Circulars moiled on application. Q. Ai 308 Perry etroct, 4 FLORENCE OIL STOVESI.

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