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The Hardwick Gazette from Hardwick, Vermont • 4

Hardwick, Vermont
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W. Simp-on were. i A. I N. I ill -i tli'-- Tl.e-i a I B.

Pip. a- mi I ami Lit- Stomach Troubles I Since Childhood PERUNA Made Me Well I I Now Enjoy The Best of Health Just the tiling for early Full wear, and those cool nights. We have them in Brown, Green, Xavy. Maroon, ami Grey. All wool shaker and cotton for men, women and children.

Mil mm Gebbie-Sil er. Mi ai Mr-. G-orge Wright enti Mr. and Mrs. Babbitt of Worcester.

week, and Friday motored with them to St. Johnsbury. Monday, Mr. and Mr-. Hayes took an auto trip with Mr.

Drown, to Willonghby and irleaiis. John Harrington and wife and J. D. Wilson went to Newport Tuesday iu the former's auto. The two men of the party were drawn as juror- for tin pre-eut term of Orleans County court.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins and Mr. and Mi-. C.

C. Haines went to Glover Monday, to vi-it Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rich. Mr.

and Mrs. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser and Mr.

and Mrs. Miller visited in Stowe the first of the week, returning to Greensboro Wednesday, p. in. .1. D.

Olmstcad was called to New Hampshire Sunday by the death of his brot her's ife. The Caspian Lake Branch Red Cross has sent to Burlington since organization, the following articles: Ten pajamas, 211 "housewives" Idled, -Js comfort bags filled. Cost of material, 571.IM. "Housewives" furnished men from this town, cost S.l.;. The following articles have been shipped to the Boston Headquarters: Fourteen hospital shirts, two convalescent robes, four knit mitts, nine napkins, four dozen wash-cloths, 12 pairs bed socks, two four-tailed bandages, 20 abdominal bandages.

2t fracture one comfort pillow, four dozen arm slings, or triangular bandages, la hot-water bottle covers, one dozen di-h cloths, six dish towels, one roll old linen. Value of materials, Also the following articles from the surgical dressing class: Fifteen packages four by four inch compresses, 24 in each package; three packages nine by nine inch compresses; nine The Theodore N. Vail Agricultural Schools and Farms The State Board of Education announces that the Theodore N. Vail School of Agriculture at Lyndon Center will open on Sept. 25, 1917.

A course of twelve months of practical Farm Education is offered without tuition to such Vermont boys as in the judgment of the Acting Director are prepared to profit by such a course. The School Offers to Vermont Boys: A itaff of practical and qualified instructors. A property and equipment valued at over $250,000.00. A School Farm typical of the ordinary ermont farm. Splendid dormitory equipment.

An opportunity to meet at least half of the expense by f-irm work. A method based on LEARNING by DOING. Prices $9.00, 7.50, 7.00, 6.00, 3.50, 2.50, and 1.25. We pay 48c per dozen for fresh Eggs in trade. R.

E. BATTLES, East Hardvvick, Vermont i-itnr will wi'h'oineil anil iic-tiins relative to the chiiul will he' (liven prompt attention. The e.f iitte-inlitii: the- -school not for the twelve months. tii.l.-nts may -nter at the U'liinnina e.f any month may e-nnt itnn-the 'iir-e for a- lonu a perio.l a seem- Mr. Win.

W. Everly, Z21j Xort'i Hancock Street, Philadelphia, writes: "I have been troubled with stomach disorders sincA childhood, but a retaking six bottles of your Peruna, I now enjoy the best of heal'h. I had catarrh In the head, whii practically has disappeared, tJ the Peruua Co. for their good Those who object to liquid medicine can procure Peruna Tablets. to se rve as many Ye out hoys as pos- the school should be addressed Lyndonville, Vermont.

"11 Faster Means More Milk The e.f the school will he in a- many as pee. ihl. If yon ele-ire- your hoy to a year's in-tniction tha' he can are invited to to the Nail Se-hnol to iuate i1- po i- an-l hili All correspondence concerning to R. G. Reynolds, Acting Director, in Barton Tin-day.

Mr. and Mrs. FraTik of Barton were visitor- in Pail.ll.'lord toWtl Tlle-- day. Mr. and Mrs.

C. Williams of Albanv were callers on lelativi ut icre Friday. Lola Allen and daughter, Bi-rnice. were in Glover Wednesday. Mrs.

Jennie Randall returned home from Clover Wednesday, where she had been with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Anderson, the past two weeks. Miss Bernice Alien went to Cmld'hill last week, where she will tench school.

Mrs. Fritz Jackson and a party from Barre were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C.

O. Thayer were in Wateitown, X. last week. Henry Hoyt suffered two week. At this writing his condition is critical.

An automobile party from Barre were guests ut M. Williams' Saturday and Sunday. John Crowley of New York City called on friends in town last week. Mr. and Mrs.

Payne of Burlington were guests at Clarence- Brewster last Week. Mr. I.ovcjoy and Mr. Burt of Stowe were business visitors in town recently. Ahh-n McF.wen of Stannard visited at C.

C. Bobbins' Sunday. Several Masons from this place attended the funeral of Almon Burt at Albany Sunday. C. J.

Brewster was in Motitpelier Sund ay. Roberta Ladd visited her uncle, Sam Ladd, in Greensboro Tuesday. Mrs. Jennie Hubbard spent Sunday at Ren Moodie's. NORTH CRAFTSBURY Mr.

and Mrs. M. B. Johnson were in I.yndonville Sunday to visit Mrs. Johnson's brother, Dr.

Sheehan. Mrs. Clara Mossman, who has been in Hyde Pari visiting her daughter, Mrs. Labelle, has returned home. Fred Pierce of Orleans was a guest at the Orleans; House Sunday.

Ned Guire and sister, ith Mr. Small of Barre, were business visitors in town recently. T. M. Gallagher was in Burlington the last of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Root visited friends in Fnosburg the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Woods of St. Johnsbury were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.

H. X. Stevens Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Downes of Connecticut are visiting friends here. James Holloway has moved hi-family into the Bert Colburn house. Henry Hoyt is Tory ill and Fred Hoyt has returned from Xew Hampshire to care for him. Robert Farr is home from Massachusetts, where he has been working. Mrs.

II. X. Stevens was in Stowe Wednesday, to attend the funeral of her cousin. Mrs. Alice Stevens lapp and daughter (f North Dakota are vi-iting at II.

X. Stevens'. Miss Lena lark has finished work at the Orleans House and gone to her home. Mrs. Agnes Witt returned to her daughter's in Greensboro Bend Wednesday.

Prof. J. Colburn has closed his camp for this summer and they have returned to Burlington. Mrs. Will Farrar of Hardwick is visiting her son, Bliss Farrar.

Miss Winnifred Williams was in Moriisville, visiting friends the last of he eek. Miss Grace Fairbanks of Greensboro was a recent guest of Mrs. Fred Root A. R. Garvin and daughter ware in St Johiisburv Tuesday.

i tiding a week her sister-in- law, Mrs. Charles Bailey, in Jamaica. Gavlord Schoolcraft and Houston and families took an auto tiip to Bradford, Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Wilcox and little son, Waltir, of Cabot, wen-guest- at Burt Lewis' otic day the of he week. Miss Alice Dutton of Hardwick spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Mabel Wilson. J. R.

Houston and family visited at II. M. Perkins' Sunday. Homer Farrington and family of Cabot at Mrs. Fat i ington's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Harey Chase's, he til st of he week. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Houston and little son, Ralph, were guests at In-home of Mrs.

Houston's sister, Duncan McDonald, in Hardwick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. 11.

Niwton were rieeiit isilors at the heme of thiir daiiuhter, Mrs. lain Stiwait, in Fast Hardwick. Hooki finished hav ing for I J. Smith, Saturday. Miss Nettie Ross Boston, is visiting nlaliws in this vicinity.

IB 1 1 Taylor has gone to Maine. Mis- Anna Porter of Mahh n. called on nlatives here last week. Mr-. Harvey Cha-e to thank the ladies of the Houston 11:11 Circh of King's Daughters for the nice book, '1 he Good News in Mory and -etited to her by them last week.

tli II al ale! Mr. and Mi-. i'. rkni-. Mr.

and Mr-. ('. C. Han of Lake-port, N. and Mrs.

(dm-ie-ad of Gl ee -boro w. re r- at W. I). Hill's Monday, Mrs. Harvey, Mr-.

I and Mr-. Montgomery a-: iel. t. I.ii. I ia I me, tit.

R. v. Mr. Howard read -d at the M. K.

church in Hardwick Mllnlav. Mrs. wa- in town ov. Sunday. Rev.

Mr. pi, -ached at the M. F. churdi Siindav 'I In- mill at Fa-t known as the- mill, was burned in the-ground Saturday night, lining to a large crowd hich gat lined (iiie'kly, the- surrounding building- e-r- sa ved. The- origin of tin- fire- is unknown.

Mrs. Lizzie Hill vi-ited In St. Johnsbury lie first of h- Howard Sargent is vi-iting friends in town. W. D.

11,11 has sold his black team to George Cary of St. John-bury. Milton wa- home Sunday from the training camp in He expects this will be he la-t vi-it for a time. His many friends wi-h him good luck wherever he goes. F.

R. Collins i- making exte-n-ive re pair- on his house. Tillot-i-n friends here over Sunday. Oscar Patch and Frank Hutchins have- returned to schoe.l at Lyndon. Mrs.

William Sternberg Huffe-red a shock Sunday morning and for a time was in a very critical cemdition. At present she is gaining, and it is hoped by her many friends that she will soon re-cover he-r u-ual he-alt h. I II. J. Stannard of Barton is in town.

The Ladies- Aid will meet at the' M. F. ve-stry, Wedne-day. Se-ptembe-r lt'th. Dinner will be at men.

Ladies, ph-a-e- furni-h for the tables. The Real Cros- -oeie ty ef Green-boro has accepted an invitation to meet here at this time. Let everyone plan to atteml. Miss Ruth Barr has to M. Johnsbury.

B. D. Pipe-r was in Burlington Friday. W. D.

Hill was in St. Jedinsbury Monday. WOLCOTT V. L. Fisher and family of Wilton, X.

are guests at C. C. Fisher's. C. Xelsem of Stowe was a caller in town Monday.

G. L. Premati and family at the home of Sylvander Goeidwin, in Stowe Sunday. V. A.

Reed and wife and II. C. Re-ed and wife attended the. wedding of W. K.

Reed ami Miss X'ortein in St. Albans Wedne-sday. Ray Golden commi-nce-d work Monday on he milk train. J. M.

Golden ri turne-d to his work in St. Jedinsbury Weelne-sday. Mrs. M. A.

Mudge-u is in Boston, pure-ha-ing her fall and winter line of millinery. Miss l.e-afie King is in I.yndonville, working for Prof. Re-ynohls. Miss Vera Gilbert of Morrisville is a guest at R. M.

Hubbe-ll's. Mrs. Arthur Martin and children of Barre are guests at W. K. Foss'.

G. R. Bie-kford and wife and Mrs. Lucy Richardson were in Montjxlier Sunday. (iordon Bie-kford has rented the Terrill house-, recently vacated by Rufus Montague.

F. P. Twiss and family were in Irasburg Sunday. Hugh Green has purchased Sam FI-elre-d's farm on Fast Hill. C.

W. Jones was a busini-ss visitor i'l St. John-bury Tuesday. S. J.

Thomas and wife and daughter of Ilrdwick were- at 1 W. Albee's Sunday. Dr. love-land and wife arc passing the week with friends in Ste.we-. Dr.

Cooper and family and his meet lier and sister of Lynn. spent Sunday with relatives in Derby. C. W. Jone has sold his Pot tersvillc property to W.

A. Bennett, who takes pelssessieill October 1st. W. A. Bennett has purchase-el a horse- of Dr.

Coope r. Mr. and Mrs. Fre Grant and Mr. and Mrs.

X.lson Grant uie.tored to Lincoln Friday. Miss Carrie- Poor was he. me frem Burlington the first of the- week. Captain lb-lh-nbeek was in Meirris-v ille he first of he wee k. C.

F. Haskell is transacting, business in Boston this wee k. L. C. C.lall left Monday on a busi-ni-ss trip to Boston.

Mrs. C. Fdall -pe nt Tin sday it l'i ii nds in I lard ick. DISTRICT NO. 10.

Mrs. Grace Sepi and three e-hil-dren, who have- been her si t- Mr-. G. H. Bailey, re turned to th.

ir home- in the ht-t of he- week. II. le-n Haines a- ill and unable to be gill school until i l.i- w. k. A.

L. oo.ibin and vv i-a me- ho lue-Saturday, a ton-day-' vaca-i-n, spent with relatives in New Hampshire Connecticut, r. Milk 4pJ7 The- sharpies Milker (one unit) avernue.l SO minutes in milking 101) pounels of milk in the-Xew York te-sts re-peirte-il in Hulh-tin Xo. 7. This is 17.1 minutes faster than the Ilininan, EAST HARDVVICK Robert French anil eon are building a new veranda on Mrs.

Mcl'hilomy'g house. Miss Nettie Nay of Lynn, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Smith. Tliayer is working fur CI. II.

All bee. Mr. titul Mrs. Chaihs ami Mr. and Mrs.

Hay Nnrcro-s left Weil-nesday morning for an auto trip to Maine. Mrs. At wood held a Red Cross party Tuesday. All Red Cross members are earnestly to be present at the work rooms next Wednesday, September There is important husiiic.s-to be transacted. Mrs.

Henry Pearson was in St. Johnsbury Wednesday. Mrs. Martha Goodenounh of I lard-wick visited her daughter, Mrs. Casson Allen, recent 1 y.

Mrs. Susie Parks and daughter, Miss Mattie Parks, of Lancaster, N. were recent at Casson Allen's. Miss Ola Allen is in Marshfi.LI. Miss I.ulu Alh-n is in Knfie-hl, X.

II. Fred Peh-w, 1-rael Peh.w, Mr-. Ilar-hy I'e ar-. V.s. Hairy 'laylor and Wallace representing live generation'-', in St.

la-t Wednesday. have their pictures taken. The Mi Club will meet next i lember lMh, with Mrs. I Rctll call Some about Canada. Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Currier and Mr. anil Mis. Carroll French were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Fniory Clifford in Mclndoes, last Sunday. Otis Hovey and daughter, Miss F.llen Hovey, were week-end guests at W. Hovey's. Mr-. McCarthy is visit inu at Xe-el t'ndi rwood's.

Mr. and Mrs. Iiert Smith and daughter. Mabel, of Cabot were recent callers at Mrs. McPhilomy's.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Russell and Mr. and Mrs. P.

X. Allen and twoson-motorid to Willonghby lake, via St. Jiihn-biiry, last Saturday. H. J.

Ma--e-y visited in Barton last Sunday. Mi-s Ailmc and Ray hav. urni to I.v ndon. Mi-s I.orim'a Hardy i-i ctl Rita Boh- last week. Rev.

A. S. Bole i- attending he Cun-gii-gational convent in Middb-bury this week Mis- Rita P.ole ha- bein in I.yndonv i I If Arthur Cote was called home recently by the death of his father. Rev. A.

S. Bi le and family were in r. i 1 C. S. Stal is on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Battles were in Harre Mr. and Il.nry Fldridge, Mr. and Mrs.

Allmt ami Filic McPlnlomy mi-'i r. .1 to West field, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert IVgg of Id, have been filing at Mrs.

Amasa I airbrot In Miss Mary Batten ha- reli.ii.ed to 1 ndon. Carroll li.nih i- working on Fd. ollitis' in home in Irecn-horo. Mr. and Mrs.

Hoal.ooni re -turned from their honeymoon 'I ur-- lav night. Brewer of Roxbury, Mrs. J'airbrot her, during Mrs. Me 1 absence. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Stevens ami ii a i 1. 1 Madge, have returned from Bo-ton. Mr. and Mr-.

of Cabot eie callers at Mm. McFlul-y's: reia ntlv. A. R. Montgomery and family and Wayne.

Montgomery were in Barre Sunday. Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Waterman, Mrs. Hart son, Mrs.

C. A. French and Mrs. A. R.

Montgomery attended the W. R. C. meeting at (Ireensboro Bend Tuesday. Wayne Montgomery is visiting in Randoph.

Mrs. Xoble is spending the week at Louis Haines'. Mrs. Weymouth and Jack O'Hara of Lnfiehl, X. were recent guests at Casson Mr.

and Mrs. Clinton Stevens returned Tuesday from visiting their son, Kenneth. Young Peoples' Night will be held at Caledonia Grange, Thursday, September 20th. G. Smith and family and Mr.

and Mrs. C. Wilmerson motored to Lake Morey last Sunday. Mrs. K.

G. Smith was the guest of Mrs. Wilmerson in Hardwick Wednesday. Robert Smith is attending school in Hardw ick. NORTH WALDEN A few of the King's Daughters at-t( nia the i lint den church last Thursday.

Sidney Dome-y is cutting grain in this vicinity. Mildred Orton i- in Athol. for the winter. Gladys niton b-avt soon for Bos. on.

Miss Bc-sie Holloway and two friends from St. spent Sunday at G. W. Holloway's. Miss Kate Reille i- visiting nt H.

A. Domet's. George Shepard. George Shepard, son of Moses and Sally Shepard, was born in Stannard, and died in this town, September oth, at the age of S-7 years. The funeral was held at the- M.

K. church at Greensboro Bend. Friday, September 7th. The G. A.

R. and W. R. C. were present in a body at the ser ice.

Rev. Howard Ihcia! ei I Mr. Shepard enlist, July Is, 1-01, as an original mber of Co. Regimeiit, and a- mustered in with the company at St. y.

10th. He re-maim wi'h the compat until December I In rc-i aii. I wi 1 me- on a uty-livi-days' li.ilough. He returned 'o the-company at Bi a St at ion, March was -( nt to the Howard ho-j iial, Washington, I). April sick with rheumatism, and remaini I hi re until July Kith.

He was then sent to Clifton Barracks, thence to ami. Distribution. He iijoineel company at Bolivar Heights, July J7.1M, and remained with it until wounded in the leg by a ii.iiinie ball, at Cedar Creek. October lt, lMil. He wa-carried to the hospital at Newton, and his leg amputated.

a- then taken to Martinsbiirg and Jarvis hospital, Baltimore, January 1st, He was sent from then- to the Mont-pi lier In 'spit al, and remai ned until discharged, September 1st. lie came from Baltimore. M.I, to Joseph lark's about welve yi at- ago, to isit hi- son, remaining in the family until about three months ago. when he came to ieorge llillowav's in Waloon, and where he was at the time of death. SOUTH WALDFN John eile and family of Mannar.

I wire guests Sin. c'ay at the home of his daiinht. Mi-. Archie Miles. Mi-s (d.

una Pel km- went to I. n-donvillo Monday, to attend school at he it lite. Mrs. Chaile- has been packages lour oy lour men wipes; lo packages two by two inch wipes; five one-yard rolls, six in each package; one three-yard roll; two packages two-inch drain; three packages one-inch drains; two packages one-half-inch drains. Value of materials.

The total value of materials used amounted to 1 132.S2. All drafted men from this town and Stannard are requested to send their names to he Secretary of he Red Cross Branch, that they may be supplied with "housewives" and comfort bags and pajamas, when they are called for dcrvicc. Wednesday evening, September 5th, a pretty home wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Ilattie K. Silver, when she gave her daughter, Bessie, in marriage to Mr.

Foster T. Gebbie. The ci remony was performed by Rev. V. A.

Collins, of South Ryegate, in the presence of the near relatives. The double-ring service was u-ed. Ralph Silver, a brother of the bride, acted as i r. The bride was attended by her cousin, Mi-s Ruth Peppin. of Springfield, as maid-of-honor, the best man being J.

Harrison Wilson. The bride was dressed in white crepc-de-chine, with pi ail trimmings, and carried white roses; the maid-of-honor wore white silk, and carried pink roses. The wedding march was played by Miss Rulh Collins of South Ryegate. The house was prettily decorated with golden rod and ferns. The happy couple left for a short wedding trip amidst shower of confetti unil with the best wishes of a host of friends.

Several from this vicinity went to Hardwick September 3rd, to help celebrate the 1 Lv wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Gebbie. Miss Flizabeth Baldwin of Middle-bury is the teacher in School No. (I, and is boarding at D.

G. Speir's. A. Hazen of Xewport wa-s a business visitor in town one dav last wei k. Jasi II Young i Nashua, X.

visitid friends here last week. Blanche Duckla-s Albanv is staying with her sister, Mrs. Allen Hall, and at tending scla oh liairisen Wilson has finished work for T. W. Ge bbii and has gone- to 1 lliott, S.

where he- has a position. A. 'a Hill has gone to Lyme, X. for a few tiiinil hs. Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Philbrooks and family visited at Guv Ahlrich's in al ien last Sunday. George Spe-irs and family were called to Stannard Sunday by the- sudden illness of Mrs. mother, Mrs. Sternberg.

The family re in ne-d home excepting Mrs. Spe-irs, who is staying a fi'w eiays with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Connell and little-daughter of Ne wport Cent, visite-d at A.

W. Chafl'ee 's best Sunday. Wold has been li-ceive-il of the- birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Perle-y Kiith die of Wahl.

n. Mr. and M-. A. .1.

bbie- vi-it. I al T. W. G. bbie- Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. 1 Sin, dav vi-iiois at A. R. we re- e.v e-r- I' ait bank's.

CRLENSBORO ELND i 1 tail.ll-eM be- hi An th. M. A. hail I lay v. mng, Se 1 t.

tube 1 lilt, to hu vei one is I'onlially invited. A piogram will he gii and r. lie shine nt- si There will be s. m. thing to intete-t evervoiie.

I'loeei-ds an- to be for the Red Cross. B. D. Pip. aiiied L.

A. Buck to She hi Tue-dav. 31.1 minutes than the Umpire, four minutes faster than the- 17.1 minutes faste-r than the L'ehle-r, minute faster than the H-L-K, ami 7.7 minutes faster than the Mehrinn. The- Sharpies Milke-r is faste-r than any e.the inilkini; mae hini- in the worhl that may ne he- in this i-i i The Hian L-f Milker is fastest and most efficient Milker in V. c.

L. S. ROBIE, Hardwick, Vt. i TED -AT- ONCE: FIFTEEN CORDS SPRUCE or FIR DIM HI rULf in tin titiy statimi iMtili i.r -e-twci-ii Miry ami C'anil Junction. Yt.

innn tUUU 1 i .1 i i. i an t.iui.l. I. 1 hi. i'iiii.

It e-. i i i i-1. I He- i i se al (I I a I -th- was the- re-e ipie nl e.f a iiiiinii. of Hifts. Mrs.

DwijJ.t r.iirnham of i a-t llaielwii i- visitii-n her pare nts. Mr. ami Mrs. YV. I Harvey.

Mrs. Carroll ami wife- eif Troy, X. are making he-r a vi-it at the- He el. II farm. The- lio.Ts of ahh We-re in the- lieitllihol hooil the lirt of the week, looking for stock.

(ih nna Haih-y was a of he-r aunt, Mrs. 1. Cu in ininiis. Yoo.lury is working for .1. Y.

Pnrkhur-t I.awr. .1. io aiol family visitor- in Sun lav. House and Barn To Rent De-iraUe- holm- of ij n-h. -ro l.i n.l on loail to Sprini; at hmi-e- ami harn X.

Y. Iiarr, (Jree-nshoro Bi-nJ, Yt. ('Hit facts simietl tip with parties for winter delivery. For furtliiT iiifunnatiou ami price, write L. ('.

FDALL, Yt.J NEVER BOTHERED SINCE. r.iii; "t.l ami it.K- In. .1 i-: S-. u. -rs.

I 1 tir-l Im.i-,.. ,1. kmiin ii ri cy. St. Ailv i.

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