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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 7

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND DAILY EVENING- TRIBUHE, WEDNESDAY MAKCH 27 a 895, DYJEKTlSEMKBTTa. hiiaatt- A 'J LKOAL. mm sale. OFFICE OF THE Assessor of Alameda County, SiDoi Sanderson Bis Mim Tells Bsr Tale to the Court. ko.

NOTICE TO TIX PAYERS. Haussler's Gallery Play Recited in Detail. GRACE G. WAITHSf AN, 1 Plaintiff HSRY F-, AIDES, kt il. I Deteadante if snYSt rTlHE genuine 1 Johann Hof fs Malt Extract has built me up after an attack of the Grip.

I take it now reg- ularly and like it very much. Ttia FiioiogfipHer Gsis firl Snots From UNUBB AND EY VIRTUE Ot AN ORDER ot ati and. dec -ee ot foreclosure and sale issued outot superior Court of the Count? of Alameda, of state of California, on tue tbe OA XI ASP, MtrSl 4, 1S9V ALL PEKSON3. flKMs. COMPANIES, tsotl-porations and aociation are required!) deliver at the Asseaaor's office, at tno Courthouse.

City oi Oakland. Conatv ot Aia nsi. Immediately, a statement under oatn. of ail t.u property, both rest and personal, owaet or claimed by him. her or them, or ia their poseeaaiou or held in trust for at o'c'uec meridian oa tbe MONDAY Of MARCH.

189 in accordance witi tha Now t'cnit'tatica. Refusal or to maks a sw iri stateme.i: of all tno property or held ia trut sub; oct the peraoa letusingox uec tin; makssucft sworn statameats tothe all of the aundred dollars Cae tel Of a miadcm.acor. A.i rersona cjlat eia'-e tnat haherc-toior. I eon aaae in the wrong name oa tae Krai F.aiate ii.tumcn: Uook.o: uuohare oa r- ltsta day of March, a p. 1S95, la the above entitled action, wnerein Grace tubman, the above nam--d plaintiff, obtained a judgment a id decree of foreclosure and aie against Uenry E.

Alden and John U. Church, defendants, oa the day ot March, a. for tbe na ot four thousand, three l.unlred aod e.eveu aud f.C-loo dollars la I'nited gold coin, besides interest: and wherein defendants, Al. Wood and Charles N. Wood, copartners, doing bnticai ss A I.

Wool Bro obtained a judgment for the anm taree haudred ana fly-three ana 79-1uj which said The case in which F. O. Uaussler, the Broadway photographer, is charged with battery by Miss Laura Watters, came op in the Caurt this morni anl attracted a large attendance. Tbe oflen'se consisted, as is alleged by the plaintifl. in Haussler puihing Miss Watters, who is a weekly young woman, down two flights s'aira.

Tbe defendant was represented by Major J. E. McEirati. Tbe i lainti'f was attended by her sister, and, rn tuotiou oi Ass slant District Attorney Church, Judge (Jibsini was appoint- has been cured in a multitude cases during the past fifty years by Pain-Killer. This potent remedy rat bed vigorously la and around the) suffering parts, three times a decree was, oa tae day of March, a p.

i. I i (S. day, will relieve toil itnTness, reduce the prevent Inflammation and kill all pain. Chased real wiraiu 'Jie last, year, are re ijuca.od to, doda. thi Absvstor's usm and bars th.

crater chr.nga made for the year nis i late Kitesifoa is nccessarr, aa work on the iuk has airexdy been 1. i'ropvr Diniaa mar be obtained althe Assoai-or's oilice. mm r. daltox. Assessor of Alameda County.

Beware cf imitations. The genuine Huff's Malt Extract has the signature on neck label. Eisner MsjiDELSoy td to id in the prof-ecutio! J. Tbe first witness was Miss Wstters herself, fche testified 'hat she Lad seeu the lv5, recorled in Julgment Book 17 of said conrt, at pa.e 457, 1 stn canmanded to sell all thoe certain lots. pieces or parte 8 'f lan situate.

Lying and beinir ia the co.iutv ot Alameda, xare of Oai-forui. and boualei and par eitniarly descriovd aa lo lows, wit: Commencing atapoiutoc ttse outii westerly l.uc of Monroo or Sixtves.h atreer, di-tinnhe-eou northwesterly two hundrrd and elhtv-iive (JH) froia tbe aortaeU-riy line ot KruU Vale avenue, anu ruauine thoa noiihwes erly two hundred 2j0 faet al uc the aid aouthwosier.y line ot Monroe street: thence street ansirs south westerly para! el The most stubborn cases yield to this treatment when persevered in. Use it freely. The quantity has been doubled but Sole Agents, New York. tbe price remains tue tame.


with the iluo of rruit Va sveaue one hundred and sev. ntv-seren OT7 feat; thence at rict I I I angles lontheasterlr four boudred and aiuhty-five (465) feet to the northwesterly liuo of Fruit Yale avenue; tbeuce at right angles north-easterly niou; the said line ot Fruit Vaio ave OFFICE OF THE Assessor of AlamcJi Ccunty. defendant on tbe I6tn of tb month, and that on that occasion sne bad stitlered violence at bis bands, bite bad told Hauisler that be intended to leave employ and he did not appear to relish the information. He refused to talk on the subject. The next morning was Fridsy, and witness said that she bad the foreman of tbe gallery tbatsbe intended leave Uaussler employ.

Sbe did not speak on the subject to Hauss er that day until toward evening, when sue talked about the matter to bim. Uaussler paid no attention to her. He claimed be was going horn, and be did go, saying that if witness wanted her monev" to call around the next morning. Saturday, and he wouli? talk with ber. She told him that sbe might not be able to be around tbe next day.

Haussler said that if sbe eould cot call sbe could send some Cellars Brooklyn Wine nue twenty-tt ven (27) feet; theneo at light angles north wester lr hundred and eighty-five Wi) fet: thnce at rishi ancles north-easleriy one nundroa and uflv 150) iet to th STEVENSON'S HEIR. Half tbe An Oakland pomtol coinimucerncnr. Beiu: nnmbars nine (), tea (i0. eleven (11), two ve (12). vhir teen (13i, end aevecieeu (17).

iu 11 ocic "tf." a Boy Gets Estate. said lots aud block ar laid down, del noatcd I POLL TAX NOTICE. aud so designated up a certain map ent tied "Mep of the Church Tract, containing Tbe story comes from Samoa that Rob- WINES NATIVE bert lioais Stevenson left half bis estate to Kisdon. Elwell and poaion of Bray estates, Brooklyn Township, Alameda Co. caL." surveyed May, 180.

by W. F. Boardman. and filed in the office of the t'ouctv Kecorder tweUe year old Joseph Austin Strong, sou body lor the money. it nets tbeu lett the of Alameda County, April 21, lJi, in Book 8 ot maps, page 7a Cast.

p. March I. l9i. tKi-isY tr.Vi i AW tor iwodoila: fo- the gallery. Iiteuc roTicr.

the State o.l public notice is nereby gi7en tast on She called on' uaussler tue next and found bim abusive. She told him year is now cue yaoie BRANDIES LIQUORS and I Boon l. Courthan-e, to a Aateasor. that she did not think that he liad treated s-oc.

cSoS ot tno rol.ticai cole real Of Thursday, the llth Day F.vcry male th :) ore ae. twenty-one and u.ide iity yr ar In iiauv Cept pauyers iue person aid April, A. D. 1895, Tax of wo taxed, muai pay a I'o1 of J. D.

Strong, a well-known artist. Tbe latter married a daughter of Stevenson's wife and settled in Hawaii. Krevenson formed a great attachment for the boy. Tbe BtroDgs wer subseqnently installed on a plantation In Samoa. The boy became a boon companion ot tbe great novelist, a year ago be was sent to Oakland to be educated.

The lad's absence, however, preyed upon Stevenson so much that be returned to Samoa. Tbe young beneficiary was with Stevennon at tbe time of his death. wight hvrong, curator cf the Free Library, is an uncle of tbe boy. 'I be estate ot Stevenson at Samoa consists of a fine cultivated plaatatiou of extensive dimensions. 801-805 East Fourteenth St.

Cor. Slxteentb Ave. Kast Oakland. Collars, provide-! lettue i t' la i a ia firs her right, and he told ber to cet out or he would throw her out. Hm9ler finally paid her what was comiDg io her.

Witness loft the and when she got to the bottom of tbe stairs sbe remembered that she had left behind some pictures that belonged to herself and ber sister. The pictures bad been on llaussler's desk and when she sought tbem again they were missing. She asked Uaussler what bad become of them and be reD.ied that he bad put them At tea o'clock of that dv. ia froat of thi Court hoiue door of the County of Alameda hiiv. then itbti.

tie :t.n-' d-iar. -C. iS4icf the Po r.icr.i i. th dv.iy of tin Poll Tar ot every person liaiio '-tid on the neglect or rcfjal cf tn nerom to pty. ne must collars by f-iuro a i i any iierJJ'ia'.

pmpertv lv i-erc'i 1 pera.iTi wUori-(uses to civ. Jits own na-ne or rr-) nam i of any All Orders Promptly Delivered I will, in obedience to tid older oi sale i decree oi foreclosure sad sa'e. eMl the above-desf ribe 1 property, or g. tnuc i thereof an may be ue earr to r.t.s- saftleient 'monev to aatinfy mid -fl li inter. and cosU.

ec the lii -best nud best bidder, fir 1 coin the ted ti'e, Oakland. Mrch 1. IMS. I Family Trade a Specialty. in the stove.

Witness said that sbe did not think heoueht to have burned trie persoa in hi or who in any manner pictures and then Haussler caught her by ZKTo-vtv for Oalnlancl the neck and pushed ber down tbe two flichts of stairs to the street. As witness 1.1.1 AM HATU.OW. A Commissioner appointed by said Miuerior Court JOHN YULR, Alt rny o- IMalntifT. oosttnctf in" Avessnr or any oi -i-pu ihe co. ect on of the Mite I oil Tat.

i.r.y of a and liat.lo to a fiuo of ISOO or iniprif onnieut l.i ihe i or boti such only tuose persons under twenty-one or ov MARKET QUOTATIONS. ('real. FLOTJB Net cash Family extra, J3 35 bbi; Superfine, $2 Bakers' extra WHEAT No. 1 Shipping. Ktc: selected fane t.

Xio: good to choice White Milling, OAT Feed, fair to rood. 87K95c: No. 1. i o.i 1 ax be 'id Bixtv eai 9 ma exempt, on demand. was going down the first flight she fed against the side of the staircase and injured her side.

Witness theu went home. She also testified that Haussler bad threatened to put other ladies out. Miss Waters was subjected to a lengthy cross-examination by Major McElrath, but no change was made in the story. At this juncture, for the purpose of saving time, JudrfC' Wood gave permission for the emDanelinc of a jury in a liquor case, IIE.MIY Arsess of AlameJa County. 97HcH choice to fancy $1 5(iai 17J; NOTICE.

State and County Tax9s for the Year 1894. i TO ALL TAX PAYERS IN THE COUNTY of Alameda, State of California: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. Tax Collector of the countv of Alameda. S'at-j 17U; nrpiise. i i Vj; Milling, i U7'yai Milling, tl Norway mici, fi i.j; uray, skc(i Sed.

tl lt'(Sl 17(4 BAKLEY Fair to good Feed. 7 atomic; No! DIEHL CO Adjudtcattnn of Ins-'ivettw-y Regular Caterers for and. for the first time in the history of the court, two cases were conducted in tno department b'i the same time. Tbe experi LUNCHES, DINNERS, ment. however, was attended with some -tN THE SfPERl COL 1 the Co icty of in tlu of Levi 1' iv roa ta'e of i a'dfornia.", au vea: DELICACIES confusion, becanse the examination of the reea, extra cnoice, bijc; fc5'J0c. CORN Small yellow, cental, 11 l'Ol Large yellow, II a); White.ll 2 KYE-8o90c ctu BKAN No. 1. lz(14 ton. MIUDLINGS-rairtogood ton, $17; Na 1, 17 5C018; extra choice, SlH BliCKWHEAT-8090c ctl.

GKOUND BAKI.EY-117 60(318 SO jB ton. HOPS 58c A rb. according to quality. BEANS Large White. 12 60 8 2 sO; Small iurors and tbe loud questions of tbe at Parties.

tornevs sadly interfered with tbe almost Ce i.r. trdero a id.ciiton iijsolv -ucy. Lev: i nrritt tiavns tile our; hit ytli.ion, scheJu and luveuv ry icy. lrn which it lUIrari I i( Viitt indistinct utterances of the witnesses in French Char cuterie Keceptiong, tbe battery case. WHAT SIMONSOS 8W.

An employe of Hauisler's named Simon 7 fit. 1 On IV rr.A Xmc Ti (92 VO: Butter I'i 2S- 50: Lima. (4 60; A SPECIALTY son said that be bad seen Haussler and of California, is in receiot of the uplk'ate assessment book" of taid county, and that, in accordance with the Section of the Political Code, as arnended July 6, 1S51. Notico is hereby given that the Asesstncit Roll for ftate arid County taxes for the year 1S94, on all property withm the County of Ala- i wed have been received by me.

that the taxes as shown by aid Assessment Kolia are row due and payable at mv office in the Coiirtlnuse of raid coun-y, in the city of Oakland. Alamela coiiniy.fita of California, every day during oflioe hours after tne first Monday in October, and as follows: Tne taxes on all personal property secure I by real property, of the taxes on real property it the county of Alamoda will be due and i-ayahle on the nl Monday in October In the year 1P94 at my in tne Court Houaa of said Alameda county, situated inthe-ityof Oakland, in Ud ountv. every day (not a legal holiday) during oftife Iiours as lixod by law, and thai alt Faid taxes on s.aij personal per- Fancy Groceries k.d, II 65: Fink, fl 751 90: Bayou, tl 60 to 1 95: Black-eyed Beans. t2 00: Bed Miss Watters going from the gallery to ward the staircase, bat be could not swear Telephone 842. that Uaussler bad bis band on the com taint rlsred to be iuoveut.

it h-sr-by or 1 I that aivia ite, h3i.ii" of Aiam la outity. and he is herebv Iver fie of ut i I that upu tie n4 to ih. of tti. -te of Ci Ir t'i'' cu -t (i. ia-' d'tione as re-i'inv 1 ia iaj '1 be take cfca-ge an 1 sieKiiiu 01 Die rem rt'i'l ot IvrriTi.

inso veu. del tor. ati-oever I a-ricr a luate, nctiu nicn i a may te iy utoii from execiitio-i. nl of a ileJs boousoi account ni papers tc-u an i en iorau i iln? po't cf au 's-' ne; oi uu te ill irai n-hvinit th-S'Ui-i i.r euv i I Ii-'-iH olainant. Witness bad beard Hauisler and Miss Watters talking, however, and 1112 BROADWAY that, while be did not know what Haussler said, be bad beard Miss wattera say to Haussler: "I thought, at least, you could CAti aot like a centleman." Witness also beard priperty secured bv real estMte aud ai 1 one- i 1 Uaussler tell one of bis employes, Earl half of the taxs on real as aforesaid property Williams, to pat Miss watters oat.

Kidneys, 12 ctl. bEBDS Yellow Mustard. ctl. 11 752; native, $1 50l 7i; Canary, 3(ct4c for California; 4fa4'c for 1 in ported; Hem p. AyltjMic; for California.

HaY Wheat. 8 Clover. 8 50; Wild Oat. 18 50; Alfalfa, Js9 50; Wheat and Oat, J(0H 5U; Tarue Oat. V-t(U: Barley, 8 50((pl0; fclock, I67; Compressed, 3 60(110 60.

fclKAV-7(Xa0c bale. Iralta and Taeelablx. FRUITS Bananas, bch, tl 2V92; Apples, bx. fancy, tlOl 50; Mexican Limes, tXi5 50; 1 anions, California, common, 5u22 Barbara, tancy, 12 50(53; Pineapples, doz, SCAI7 50; common, 12; Oranges, Washiugton Navels, fl 75; teeJllngs, 90tl 5u. 6075c: Garlic, lb, B4e: Cabbage, ctl.

50(60c; Cauliflower, doz, 8o(05Oc: ParKuips, sk. 9fctl 25; Turnips, fcOc; Carrots, (aouc. Tomatoes, bx, tl(3tl iu lw or their p.tses.n. re i i to D'rflae tu -l'l tc.iv bu i t.ii aa nit pai 1 on or before the Mrs. Tracy, aiso an attache of the Uauesler gallery, testified that sbe had Novembe Last Monday In also beard Miss Watters sav to Haussler i84, ''lirk p.

m. of that dav. will b'j and deltnouent, fwl 'beine so "I thought you could at least act i ke gentleman." That ended the testimony tor tbe com i delinquent, tifteen per cent of the amount I thereof each respectively will be adde 1 thereto plainant. Earl Williams appeared for the defenl- 'taStv IS Lai 4 iA Mi- atUHns each case respect! e.y. an that ant, and proved an excellent one for tb suid cf said lase1? upon paid property as and so te- complainant.

He testified that be bad ii i ueiit ns aioreaii, re iioi, uhmi iH-iuto ihj last Monday in April. at rix o'clock P. beard Miss Wattera eay that Haussler ought to act like a gent.eman, that then Celery, doz. 40050c; Green Peppers, tt, 12', 25c: Los Angele Green Teas, rb, 36c: String Beans Mushrooms. Kbabarb.

of thit dav, an addairnl five rer cent 'Urof still be a-lded there'oin eat ii rrceivrr keep ie ai y. or iny p.o cc-da thereof, li 1 ihe luri ei ler tin i ou-t. An al pe'soo are hereby rii; anv db to -aid ins vaut, or de i er any proper be io su in hiin, or to any pt 11 u. orp ira: on or O' tat on. fo.

hit Ufa- and the sai debvr is he-ebv lorcld ifcu tr- or ive any propertv until the tnnh -r oraer of th Co iri, lmrein Ula further derf-d. :bf.taHth- creditura of deb or bud pesr b-fore the tupei or the County of Ali'' cia, epar lueut No. 4. in opeu at the of sail Court in the Couuty of Alameda, on-tu Ut day of Apr i. ') l'J a a.

m. ot that day, toprive 1 1 debt, an choose ouo or more analjiiee the -ttte aatd debtor Jt Is further ordered tht this order be in tlie Cuh.n;i TemasB newspaper of general c.ri-Ulst on publishe 1 ln'he County of Alameda, as often as the said paoer la published Lefore the day set for the meeting of crelilors A nl it i further ordered, that In the mesa-tim" ali proceedings against said insolvent be staved iJa.e February it. lsJX F. B. OGDEN.

And notice la further trivpn i oat th rei Haussler ordered witness to put Ms Watters out but that witness would not do so. He then saw Haussler put bis band FOR of the taxes so levied and ai-essed cu all reai property in sid A lamed on Miss Watters' neck and "assist" her county for yea ann not paid prior thereto, wi.l wcome uue nl in v- to the undersigned. Tax Collector of sail countv, as aforesaid, at my ottice as afort-ssll. on ard after the One DoiSa? down the stairs. Witness also heard toe complainant dash against tbe wall of tbe staircase after she bad been "assisted" by Haussler then took the witness stand and said be nsed no more force than waa necessary.

He was found uoi guilty. Kirst Monday in January, and so much thereof ai is not paid ont.ielist rt. 597c: Asparagus, rb, 37c; cucumbers, doz. 60cJl. POTATOE9 Good to choice, ctl.

Karly Rose, River lieJs, Burbanks, River, Oregon, Salinas, 75ccdtl: Hweet Potatoes, ct', Kivors. 26; choice, 1 502 50; New Potatoes tt, i'-c. ON ON Good io choice SiiveriklnSi 85c fl 10 ctl; common stock, 40075c. rl-u ruiu nRIED FRUITS-Apples, sua dried, (5kc; evaporated, bM9Wx Apricots, bleached. tfttTuc; kloorpark, fccatajjc; sun dried, Peaches, bleaobed.

unpecled, tco'jc; peeled boxes, lC12c; Bun OrieJ. 5 'c; Plums pitted, 4 5c. do, unpitted, lC4-c; Frenefe Prunes kg, rb 0 to 60, 5L.c; 0 to 70, 6c; 70 to 80, 80 to 4c; 90 to luO, boxes, 5.Vc; tiugraded, Pears, sliced, 45c; quartered, 4(aCc; Figs, fniymj, tb. llHpJ12o; California, boxes. 75c(tl; eks, tb.

Dalrr rrouoeetaad Poultry. BUTTER Fancy creamery. Tb, 14915c; creamery second, I30i3c; imitation cream. Monday in April, at nix o'clock p. si.of sid i day, will be and become delinquent, and live per cent of the amount of such delinquent and i theru court J.

K. PKIKUOL Ai.ior for tlon.r. unpaid laxea aa atoreseia. win oe aaaea to me i SfJd amount thereof, in each case And notice ia further that in accord Liavi orders for removal ot garbage, with the Sanitary Garbsgs Corpora-ficn 458 Ninth street. Telephone 2SX Get vonr watches and jewelry repaired by Wickruan, Jeweler, torraeriy with Sbreve, 1215 Broad war.

don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills They are a positive cure for sick headache and all the ills produced by disordered liver. Only one ill a dote. Probate Notion ance with said section 37-k. of the Political Code, and after the first Monday, in October, all the taxes, whether trst or second installments, before delinquency thereof, or If delinquent, together with the percentage added thereto, as aiiove is set foith, may be paid to me at my oOice as aforesaid, at any time during business TS THE 6UPEKIOX COURT O' THE ot Alameda. State ot California 1 County In the matter of the estavs of Atitonc Crux, hours, as atoresaid.

and alter said pfirst Monday in October. 1894, and upon snch full navment being made, full deceased Notice of me eet for proving will, etc Notice hereby si vea that a p.tltlos for tls proba'e Of tae will of Anions Cruz, deceased, and for the iaaunnce Mo Mary V. Cruz of letters testamemaiy thereon. For Tn Day. You can buy household goods cheap for cash, at 11.

Schellhaas'. Eleventh street. Ihe ybysicians send all their patients to 5 bee, S15 Washington street, for pare vines and liquors for medicinal purposes. receipts for tbe taxes, both first and second in- i ill 1 I 1 OR A i has be-n filel in tais court, snl that Moo 'day. tne 1st iy oi a a.

a. '3 id 1 tfclOL-k a. of day. tne Courtroom of siaiimensa, wui given, iu Kwiuiun jkhu Dated at Oakland, CeX, tola 19 th dayoi September, JAMES E. BARBER, Tax Collector ot the County of Alameda, etate California BONTON.

Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SS OF SOUP! HE Eleventh and Broadway. 4rn CONSTABLES Department 4 wnri, al court-hone in thj city of Oatland, ia the County of Alameda b. been set for tbe hearin; of said petition, when and wnere auy -ersoa later- sted nar appear and coniett the aa Dated March la. lsj- FEASK C.

JORDAN. Clark. By J. Cal Ewiko. Deputy Clerk.

Fndorwd: Fi ed March l'J. U35. Kr.AifK C., County Clerk. By J.

Cat. Ewiso, deputy Clerk. riTZhERALD AHKOTT, Attora.ya for Potttlnn.r try. 12i013c: fancy dairv. choice, 9 luo; tair to rood.

ticled roll, old, rirkin. old. dairy-packed tubs, (sllc; creamery in tubs. KGG6 C'aliforn choice ranch, 13015c; tore, Duck Eet. CHKUbt-Mild, new, 4 California Young America, choice to fancy.

New York Cream. Westers, hoosi era, doz. 4 25.4 50; 16 00(47 50; fryers, ti CO6 tO; broilers, large, t5 50(46; smal Hbb: Hens, doz, 14 5 00; old. ti yoang, to t)07 'lurkeys, live, Heiis, lb, 10(4 11c; PUc; dressed, 11 13c: Geese, pair, tl NKs) 8: GosUugs. tl Pigeons, tl 50(41 75 old.

tl 76. Mmt Sfartt" hols sals rates for dressed stock from slaugn terers are as oF ws BEEF First quality. 55ic: choice 6c; aeoond qaality. third da 34c. tb.

VEAL Large, small, 5460 la, MU1TON Wethers. Ewes. COc LAMB Spring. lOc; Yearlings. 6K7c rb.

PORK Uva hogs, 3U(c for soft and 49 Hc rb for hard and for feedels; tireased do, 5(jS7c, n. jt. RETAIL MARKET. The following quotations are the prices pre vailing In the Oakland retail market-Produce nd Poattrr JOHN STEWABT, GAS OFFICE Thirteenth and Clay Qto. vs.

AUCK WE LI A VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED out of the Justices' Court of the Town W. H. PARRISH ship of Oakland, County of Alameda, of tbe Adjudication or Xoaolvoncy. IN THE SCPERIOU COURT IN AND FOE the County of Alameda, State of California In the matter oi Elbert Olney, aa insolvent debtor. -firderof adjudication of insolvency.

Eibert Olney having fl.ed la this court hie petition, scheduie and taventory in insolvency, from which it appears taat he is aa insolveut debtor, the asid Elbert Olney is hereby declared to be insolvent. It is hereby ordered thatC Vbtto. Sheriff of Alameda County, be, and he is hereby a pool ate recover of tae property of said iuaolvebt. and taat upon his giving a bond to th. p)le cf the Slate of California, ia the sum of i.

conditioned as required by Uv, aad qaalifylag. he take charge and possession of all of the oat ate, real and personal, of said Eibert Olney, insolvent debtor, whatsoever aad wheresoever situate, except such as mar b. by law exempt from exeexttJoo, and or bis deeds, vouchers, books of account and papers, and to keep and car. for and dispce of the same until toe appointment of an assignee ot hie estate. All parsons having the same or any part thereof in his or their possession, are hereby directed to pay tbe eame to said receiver, and that eaid r-eeiver keep the aald property, or the proceeds thereof, till the farther order of this conn.

Ana ail persons are hereby forbidden to pay any debts NEVADA LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE gocaesior to Tate FarrUo. Truck and Expressman NORTHWEST CORNER ggi California, 9 dos Eighth and Harrison Sts. tTmrk.ya, Chickens, Broilers. -apieoe. Cbickena, heat, feta.e ot calliornla, wherein John fctewart, plaint iff.

and Alice I. Wells, defendant, upon a judgment rendered the 6th day of August, a. p. IsOa. for tbe sum of twenty-five and 70-100 70-1001 doliara, United States gold coin, besides costs ana interest, I have this day levied upon all tbe right, title, claim and interest of said defendant.

Alice Wei is, or. aud to the following described real estate, to wit: Commencing at a point oa the southerly line of i-uttar street, distant thereon one hundied (100) feet westerly from the western line of Lowell street, and running thenee westerlv along said southerly line oi Sutter street thirty-eight feet; thence southerly parallel with Lowell street seventy-seven and 30-100 (77 iO-100) feet: thence easterly parallel with lUtter street thirtr-eignt OS) feet; and thence northerly parallel with Lowell street seventy-seven and 67-iOj (77 57-1001 feet to the point of Commencement, being lot number fire (5) in Block as said lot and block are laid down, delineated and ao designated npon a certain map of the J. E. iictlrath tract, sabdivlded August. F.

Hoard man, C. fl ed in OAKLAND. CAL. 9 2 40 4a 12 14 40 C0 50 60 (A 60 50 75 y. i 1 9 1H 75 20 a 2o 25 (5 tO rrntu Geese, apieee Vegetabl.

and retatoesVt ro tlweet Potatoes Green Apples. i bask.L Sanaaaa, dos Craagea, Kaval Ladies' and Gentlemen's Ridicg Hones Particular Attention Paid to Boarders. I Telephone 41S. I a Specialty. HACKS AT ALL HOURS.

RIGNEY OBRIE'N Proprietors. the County Kecorder office of said Alameda lb. Mayor. Salary. Thcr seems to be quite a debate amonjr.

tha different political parties aa to what the Mayor's salary should be. eay it should tie S5O0O a Tear, County, on tbe aist day of Augnst, p. 189L Public ootioe is hereby given that I wilLon rrairp ajtb ima: 842 Broadway Oakland. ant prepared to move Heavy GranitA all kinds of merchandlae and mala- 1 a specialty of moving Bales. AU orders promptly attended to as loweettates.

lelephonaJM, to said insolvent, or to deliver any property belonging to each insolvent, to him. or to any person, firm, corporation or association, for his use. aod the said debtor ia hereby loxhlddea to traasferor deliver aav property until the further order et this Ceari except aa be res a ordered. It i farther ordered, that ail the creditors ot eaid detKar be aod appear befora the eaverter court ot the County of Alameda. Department Po.

4. la open Court at the Court raom of said Coart, la tne Coanxy of Alameda, oa the first day of AprtW-mvat leV o'ctaek a. ot that day, to prove their debts antT'ehoaas one or SBOfesalraeea ot the estaf.ot. said de or-; aMlarther ordered, mat this order be pas-shed la the Oaxlaxd riaisc, newspaper el general eirealsttoa, paa-fihed In tbe County ot Alameda, as often as th. said paper is pob-Usked (ore tbe day set lor the meeting of sreditora.

Amd tt ta farther ordereA. taai tat tbe msas Monday flthjofly, CARrIageS and WAGONS i3 it Mpnr, h. u. iea. i TvelMi while Ute People's party saya it ahould; be 12000 a yesvt! as a matter of econOTuf to the Wty.

6ome of the Democrat! hsve re-, marked that, to a Mayor who gives bis en-' tire situation to the office, should receive 17000 a year. Bat there has never been a debet or a question derogatorv to tbe tact that the Peoples Express aod Transfer Co. Is tbe moot reliable. They check batricg hotels and rasideocaa ail paru of toe At ten o'clock A u. of eaid day.

In front of thai Laandry Wagons and Pbyaiclana Pb as tons Spocialty. Baaalnag Done at the Shortest Katie and All Work Guaranteed- 331 EIGHTH Bet, Webster Harrlaon OABXAND. RAX. conrsAPP near ox tae voansy pt Aiameoa. sell at public: a float for United 6Utee rold DT.

COLIN, 411 Twelfth St. I I coin. .11 tho tie aue, claim and interest ot said defeada lice Welia, of. in aad to tha above dearnbed Moaertv. or eo mnch Af.U tlaie sll prooBedi cgs agsiast said iaaolTeas ha thereof as snav nececsarv to raise anfficient Wita tM ha9as mt tareary years ex aerieaee and i aqaarry, tb rook frosa waiohU tae aacdaat talm mmA ut iinnM.

na sssaasl laa aa.naa The Oakland Paving Co Unitad Btatea. aad our leading merchants elect tbem its their preference tor eeoor- ste aotf prompt aerrioe. When you want tbem tslepbooe 328, or call at their filot. 4U8 Ninth strsst. Xwtstl fsbmary 3s.

18 Li Jadgsof the gaparior Court asaisrax tn CiisBtata. wm exeeate maaaeiaal aad acivase oaatraou tar all branches street saoaey to satisfy said jndgment. with interest aad costs, etc, la the high! and beat bidder: f. a weXdon, Constable Brooklyn Towaaoiyi. Datad OaUand, Mareh wera, aad vrlllceeirlauewrLUOraaca issr Uaeaaipmaatec haawsM other SiUea, Offios aUk A ALaABbuUdlac -s ar.DAJtixUa.Attxauiy swr.

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