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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


FEMAUE ELITE COMCERT, jrOOMa AT Bo) JCYJtZUt BIRXST. amit, anew aad modern taowee of AFTBST-CiaSS COOK, BECOKO GIRLS, good assumes, hoaaek per, geaserel house work and anree giria eoachman, garden era. etc. employ can depend upon getting just snehaegraato aa thoy desire, by leaving nlae roosas, tanaary ana bathr oa sonny sue of atreet; throe local treiaa; you Soloists Sctteel WU! Appear -ToBBrr ow Might. AJUCKLT FCRSI3HED 80SHT FROST roosn with aee at bata.

ta privata iasaOy. htv rv VjfUSMfm.c. wuuu niuicr. shonid see (hie nones to ep pi a elate tt; par tor aaiened in old ivory, a baantifed grlU area ra tM Jaetsoo street. tneuordars with the BCaHHISAVIAS Ai GERMAN KM PLOY EST BCREA.U.

921 oeater. plate glees throaghoot tne Jtonee, rtOTJ8A HOUSE FIXE FURSIEHED In your lungs are tile Homes of Consumption Germs. The (diseased spots are wiped out with new tissue made by Scotts ra eunTenieaeee for rooms with Brwaewey. eoethweat corner of Ninth atreet. eesnent Dssentent, ia taet everytning complete to make a home comfortable; price only rwoa emcee; alao for honaekeepingt ao small children A MID DLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS A 81TU- Cau ana see ts.

vs BAinaun. waea; sarme ww, to ami tns omen, aiuu J. atlen for houawork for a widower wtta wawsiw amei near xenm. ehiiarea or la private laanuy; city or country. Some of the tBMt distinguished soloists Of 8cheeTs orchestra, mes who are kaowa to every torn of ynusle, will appear in grand concert in.

Elite Hail, tomon ow pibW lmoni these performers is Herr Tieitar, Uie celebrated French born player, Who has a world renowned reputation. rTVEH LOTS FOR 8ALs AT A BaRGAIM IN the koee Tract near Elm hurst, SxLB, $200 each. Apply to w. o. TAT LOB, 417 Kiirhta at.

POK BENT FURNISHED ROOMS, BXSQLC kiwi raaann screev, A or enenrts; eleo reenaa emltasw for AYOChG GIRL WISHES A 81TTJATIOS to do seco: work wilder aad obliring: keeping, with modern lmacovei 1X)S BALK A 81X-aOOM OOrTAGK WITH 1 tea asion fees, in Parson's Coidea Gate near local traiaa: vent roatoaablev four years the last alaea. Plaaee call at $14 tieelare apwy 4Xt Sixth near Broadway. traet; witaia six salaatea walk ef station aad ut iu fm. Sea Pablo avenno cable oar Una, iwenty-eightn atreet. There an asroral other excellent masietans on the ere am me av one of wbom will f4 KE fLEAaAAT rCKSiUHED FRONT price aajfcoaly oeeh dowa.

balance la 8 STEDISH- AW ERICAS. FIR8T-CLA8S room to let at 1JS rraakltn etraes, Oakland. afford a great deal of pleasure to be aadi- coon, wants eit nation: aret-claae refer- Emulsion ssiaif MyetieiuaDi KWN autv Applyso ALBE aT SCHMXaT. U4 East Twelfth no ooieetien to a anon oistaneo ut tne CHAIRS TO LIT FOR ENTERTAIN ENT8 and oartlea. Wa rent dishes ot all kinds.

smoe. neee penormers nave oeen a urea at peat expense and yet. the price of ad street. Feat vaeiasui. country.

Ceil at 831 Franklin street. est and lowest prices Of H. SCHsiH.H AA8'. A GERMAN GIRL LATELY KOM THE East tabes aitnatton to do gene al house mission will ee only 60 cent. The prosramme as folio ws: CITY REAL ESTATE.

UNIMPROVED work; is a good cook; wages $Al Address X. 0.. rrX EEST 1219 HAREIBOK STKEXT. Grand sinfonie, part 1 Rococo: 'iO X. de Pleyel If DoT BE SOLD THAT' NICE BOnlSaBs dox mis omra largs pleasant sanny roam; breakfast if WANTED WE HAVE TWO CASH BTJYERfl for the follow lag located rostdeneee: la-r-tioeorj to SUuOu, location moat be berweea) Market street and Broadway.

Tenth aad Six teenih streets; mast bo thoroughly mod.ra anifoontaJn not lose than nine rooma 2n We have a buyer for a fine residence, located from Myrtle street to Broad way, front Twelfth to Eighteenth areeta; must contain at least ten to twelve rooms, largs lot and have al modern requirements and located strictly on quiet leaidence atreet; value $12,000 to BHirN. III property ea southeast earner of bhettuck avenue and BUke street, Dwight way siauon. Btnng quartet aaa piano. Cello solo, 'Andante" i Goiter, Hrr H. Brandt Jr.

AM.DDLK A ED LADY WANTS TO TAKE care ot child and do sewing or very iisrht neraautv-aoTi'Ai- mrat aroraai ioosu ana eiew rpO REST THREE ROOMS. WELL FUR- tns care ease the door: offar la wanted. Call Taute solo, isntaaie de Chopin Doner tttvum H.rr A. EndUDUO. upstairs work.

Address M.flX, box this offiee. aiahed (black wain art fnrnltnro.) fog or write to M. 8.. $3t Devisadsro. near Oak the Cream of Cod-liver on, and hypophosphltes.

This acts immediately upon the Lungs and makes new tissue there. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't ts decelTjj tj Sobstftstes! by Scott Bowse. N. Y.

All erfcrta. housekeeping. Including use of Oath! convenient to local train; no 'objection to eaiidreet VioQn solo, anuaie Carmen) ZTuoy atreet. 8an Francisco GOOD DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE WORK la famiUee, Alpor day, or will take work Herr B. Moilenuauer.

French bora enlo. rural scene, romanza. rent iu. uau at use seventa luwit nrks i-OTs oa bale at a uakualn in the Rcee Traet swar Elmura xLto.rtJ Adenae station. $4 end $0.

Address 2147 If yon have or know of any. first -case residences similar to the foregoing that are for aale, please eommunlcato with ns at ones, M. Meyerbeer home; suits made, Telegraph avenue. Apply to W. O.

TAY1.UK, tWlloJ" rpHRJLE NICE FTKNISHED ROOMS WITH AH 11 UfWAJUi J0.41CS TRACT j. AJt at AJtca oi cu, 466 Eighth street. ba and hot aad cold water, all complete S300 AJJTaT GERMAN GIRL WANTS SITUATION lv to do renrrsi housework. Call or add ess Lote 125. aad 10x150, to Ut lcr hoaaekeeninr-.

aolendid locauoa; rent iu Harr. Josepn Kener. act L. Huguenot, with Tlolin obligate and H. 6cbuey and C.

Brand. Itiierraiktioo. Nocture a. for vloun. flute, horn and piano.

ver month or will take two or three boarder. M. 7f3 Grove trees. Boau: lnseresc oa upaia if von desire a reaUy fine aown. ee $ic per i Inetellments only.

S-etFlfte-nta street, one door west Oi iweniy- OLTCATION WANTED BY AN AMERICAN iflini avenna aaat uakiana. TEST HFLP-FPEE REGISTRATION FOB woman to do upstairs work, care for aa Djppler lesadoa lot a easy subarbea homo see tks JoaesTraot, Churches, aeheols, retail stores sna every oanvenionoo at head, The Joaee GIRLS and HEN. invalid, or win 00 ngns nonsewora. Aaorese 1264 Eaat Tenth street. LADLES and GKNTLEMEN.

nleaae select Messrs. noaemaun. iteiivr, Brandt. ROOMS AND BOARDING. Treat coaeesed bv all to he tne boat aioeeoC here anv kind of nationality.

MITCHELL property ea the Uaebf the Hay wards oleotrts Vloloeolo. "Tranmarei" OITITATION WANTED BY AH EXPER. Soma' Old Employment Office. 86S Broadway. PERSON OF BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR railway, aaa tne sneer clans ef oauaiag ee I meat walks in every street, highest elevation.

Herr bebner. StriDg quartet, Reminlscenz Jotrph Metier A ienced womeq to care for a baby or children nd eewing; wilt sleep at home; good refer aud retired. good refereneea cults Address E. box 4, this office. Baestaou.

ana win every reapeot snpener do sarrennding praoertv. Oar on aee sad excellent tab. a large garden, sunny rooma Messrs Moiiennauer, rupke, Scbuey, Brandt There ia no time better than flj Rnfilr-A BARGAIN: PRICE GREATLY lOclUUVJ reduced to make immediate aila; new one and one-half story colonial stylo reai-dence, 9 rooma and bath; replete with all modern convent -neee: has fine kitche range: building completed teat year; Urge lot, ft3xl75; location unexcelled on Oakland Heights; grand marine and Isnd caps view; two blocks ol Senator a id in the immediate neighborhood ot man elegant and prominent homee; two blccke of Piedmont cabl era; rents $40 per month to an ran Pisco attorney; owner ca led East recently. If vou want a convenantiy located near oaaineae center: Dvet for horn sod flute, serenade Till terms are the meet reasonable It will nay iU lntendine nnrohasera sn tnveetisrata hafers ANTED SITUATIONS FOR COMPETENT vf Welsh second rirl. four vears in last place; terms reasoaabla ISC teat Twoifta street It Is Measra.

Belter and Rodemann. With quartet accompaniment. corner Third avenue. baying. MOIT; CO.

UU the present for using Psine's Celery Compound. Get strong and wall bv nsinz it now. We also second girl five years in last place; cooks of sli nationalities, good girls for general I nroaaway, uaxtano, lu. T7IR3T- CLASS HOME FOR CHILDREN. 29111 MM tEU.

ACRE, housework, girla to assist, cau at iim wasn in ton atreet JL Enanal avenne, Alameda Now. recommend it. lOfficiaL OP SUPERVISORS. BOARD WANTED A 6ITUATION BY A NEAT Swedish, eirl to do second work orceneral home in one -of tne choice localities of Oakland call and be shown this property; write for information at once: terms can bo en angel. BAEGA1N.

flxtv aares ot level land on San Loandro NTED ROOMS AND BOARD. OSQOOTJ Feveath St. and Breed way Oakland rhousework: wages $20. Please address MlaS J. LAYMAM.E il 466 Eighth.

Street. road now offered for sale in one, hva and ten Bionday, Adjourned Reenter F. thla offlre. tTTANJ i ED BY SINGLE GENTLEMAN. area and comfortably furnished aannv acre tracts Aftjoinlng property Has ait oesa subdivided ana sold in lots at $3000 to $4000 per acre.

Oakland. Sea Leendro end Ha wards Electric road and Central Pad tie Railroad past 4 WANTED HELP. FEMALE. stairs in private lamiiy, wnere ne accounts of each and every department of the rmanenu with breakfast and supper. room niv can beV-pi mealatoi be served iu his room; price about $40 117 ANT A GIRL FOR County Government of the County of Alameda, Etate of California and to examine, in tn property, only ten nunntea to ciaxianx Cement walks laid up to line of this property.

reference exenangea. aaaresa a. per moni vT genersl housework and cooking; refer spect and expert monthly the tocs and B. 171 1 Webster street, tan rancisco. A grand opportunity to mane money, aasy ences required.

Apply 1528 Lafayette street, accouuta of ech aad every county ofticer of terms If desired. Bend for maps. Aiameaa. NTED A SMALL COTTAGE OF FROM Janaarr SI. 1895.

The hoard at 10 o'clock a. u. RoU was called and the following members were prase ut: Supervisors Taicott, Church, I'sloaze and Chairmen B-iley. Absent tijperviaor Johnston. annates of the test meeting held Jannary 14, 1895, war read and approved.

ihe following applications for relief were made by the lol.owlug named persons: by Mrs. J. O. Darnel for lira. Martha M.

Claik, a native of New York, residence, 612 Ninth street, widow, five children. Referred jto Supervisor church with power. the County of Alameda, State of California. fonr to five rooma in good location and WILLIAM i. D1AGEE, st and 462 Eighth street.

Oakland. Be it turtner modern improvements. Address Tenant, box WANTED SITUATIONS. MALE That the aaid employment of a aid CT7KA A ARGA'N; NXAT COTTAGE IPX JU of tour rooms and go stable, oa corner lot. 60x150: owner must sell: will make cas terms: see thd property situated on the southeast corner of Twenty-second avenue and Eaat seventeenth street.

Further particulars at offiee. M. J. LAY MAN CE 466 Eighth a.reet, Oakland. 1.

this office. Fred a. Davi, aa aneh xpert, commence oa COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. A RKdVOKBIBLK MAS WlaHEd A 81TUA- tne 1st day of Fe ruary, 189a. and that the aame XXtion to do eny kind of work; is wiling to do continue until tne autnority conierrea upon FLATS TO RENT.

aid red A. Davis by this resolution be re- nara wore Aaarese 1 dox mis omca. in LOfs run. at a uaRcai.s in Wj the Rose Traet near Elmhurst, 2xli, il vokad by the Board of Supervisors of the aaid KTlDULE-AGEc. SINGLE MAN.

AMU RICAN Iliac E. feizer. a native of Mississippi, resi- uouaty ox Alameda ue it runner. each. Apply to W.

G. TAYLOR. 417 Eighth St. iOR KENT xLATS OF THREE AND FOUR rooma each, ior houaekeeplM. in the Han fa block, corner nineteenth street end baa Rnolvtd, Thai the aaid Fred A.

Davis as ivl employed -li years in last place, wants situation as driver, care of horses and general aence, fceventn street, married, one cni.a. Referred to Hospital committee such pert aforesaid, be. and he ia hereby re T.OR SALE 160 ACAtEs. SOU At A) MiUU fromSenU Kosa, CaL: ail level vaUey man about lace: good milker; ior reterence. M.

native of Ohio, residence, cor- Isbio avenue. Apply a 147 baa Pablo araans quired to present to the aaid hoard of Supervisors an 1 file with the clerk of said Board oi crto J. J. HaNIFIS. last einnloyer in Oakland.

Address box thla office. Ber seventn ana rinestreeu. Sent to Hokpital. Margaret Water, a native of Maryland, real Supervisors, on the first day of each and and 20 acres in bearing orchard sna seres in bearing vineyard, balance grain and pasture and house of 9 rooma. barn suxsO, else cow-barn, 4 horse, 2 cows, wagons, cart, mowing machine, hay rake, eta UPPER PART OF DWELLING.

NO. 830 Webster itreet of three pleasant rooma every month, during hia emnlovmtnt as such dance. 269 Sixth atreet, married, one child. Expert, a written report enowing the result of WANTED--BY AN EXPERIENCED YOCNG man a position as driver for milk, bakery or grocery business: ia well acquainted with and bath: some furniture cau be rented or for Referred to supervisor cnurcb with power. auch inspection, examination and expertina of tale; also a first-class windmill for sala In QA MODERN COTTAGS OP SIX (PrxUUU rooms and batn; corner lot, 40x100; eaat of Broadway, aoutn of fourteenth strrat; very central location, in which (here is very seldom any offerings: convenient to central part ot city; oad and narrow gauge trains to fan 1-ran ciaco: thi-.

is ofle-ed for less than cost to owner is price it cheap; terms only one -quarter eaah. M.J LAYMAN CIS 466 Eighth street. Oakland. said Dookaana accounts during the pre-eding or wui oe eaoaiviasa nw-aoia tracta Address P. Bot29 Ma a Rosa.

CaL tne city, a aareaa pox tnia omen. Maurice Pecheco, a native of Portugal, residence, 29 1 wenty-third avenue, marrie four quire within. month. Be it ur.her Ruolved. That the aaid Fred A.Darv!a as such SITUATION WANTED BY A RELIABLE trnatwnrthv Tonne man as coachman and FOR EXCHANGE.

Expert, be pa out of ihe County General HOUSES TO RENT. cnuarca. ferred to Supervisor Johnston, Geore aril a. Keferred to Hospital Com nittee. lund 01 the county of Alameda the sum of gardener; can milk and make himself general naefui around place; good references, flsaas address B.

box 4. thia office. THE XCLUS1VK $125 per month as compensation for his services at such Expert. LTOR EXCHANO jonn renaergaat. ima application waa ANBODY PRESENTING THE ANNEXED coudoo orooerlv filled out with tne name right of a profi ab patent with fourteen upon motion of Supervitor Church, rejected, Henrietta Bahr, a native of Ire.

and. rest- of the owner of any vacant house will receive years to run; It is ainercaatue necessity, in The aame was duir seconded. Mr. 1 alcott moved to amend aa follows: To ATTORNEYS. 25 centa daaee.

2U34 Union atreet, widow, one child. dorsed by mercnanta. Darners aau every hud of business: sells rapidlv; owner will exchange employ an expert to expert the boo and ac Keferred to bnoerviaor re.ouzo. counted an county omcera ana report to tn TEAUTIFUL MODERN RESIDENCE, LO. for real estate.

Address D. DAVEfirurti, dox CORNER Wm. M. Dewolf. 1118 Broadway.

Oakland, is Virginia Miller, a native of ortujal, resi A. MOORE, eOUTHEAaX ooay the condition 01 tne county nuances in Oak XJ cated in choicest re-ldence part of A. this offlca hereby exclutive anthorized to lent my house dence, 712 Myrtle atreet, married, no children. Ninth and uroaawav. all the fan da aud departments on January 7, 1895, at 12 land, near le'egraph avenue, five miaul- a'nde r-rsi Keferrea to euperynor cnurcn.

EXCH AN GE STYLISH DRIVING and light team of work horses to ex 1 ODGEecritX, AilOuaKl S-AI-Lan, No Mra F. A. Warner, native of Irelaa reii- JL Broadway, iwonsa sna auaae at avs- The amendment aid not receive a second. 1 he roll was called upon the original resolu oenoe, 7su xnira atreet, married, one child. change for good top buggy.

Call at sis tuev-entn street. kttbnildiE.g. Ke I erred to superviior enure fx. tion and the following vote was given: A commnnloatioa mi reoeived from Frank per month signed Ayes supervisors cnurcn. reiouze ana ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 45 and 46.

FRANK B. JOSEPHS, office y06 Broadway, FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Chairman alley. V. Way asking for free licenae to peddle trait and vecetablea It waa rejected aud the state oea supervisors rajcort ana ltJL, KA.LLOGW A GRAY.

ATTORN! at Upon motion of tupervisor Church the bon address ment made that the stand mg rale of the board prohibited any such permit. CtARKlER PIGEONS rROa FlNa 1M-J Korted stock: only $2 per pain Addreas of tue Expert waa fixed at XJ. X' law. Pacific MnUal Bnuaing, loom s. fourth floor, fcan Francisco.

The following reports were received from the "tHEAP RENT FIVE-ROOMED COTTAGE. from butineas center; on rise oi gounu witu a good view; lesidence contains ten rooms and bath, large closets betides chlnaeloet. iting den. pantry, bathroom, laundry with cement floor end tubs, linen clos-ts, lance halls, furnace for heating, burglar alarms and electric appliancea three m-tntels. interior artistically dec'irated; honse built two years: property tja perfect condition; beautiful garden, choice and large variety of large lot.

72xiot and 175 feet in depth; lot and improvements cost over Thia property must be sold, and for cash, and choice bargain can be secured. Bank mortgage of $4500 can rem 'in. or would exchance equity tm Brat-class, clear city or ranch property: anyone wanting a perfect home wl i do well to investigate this place at once. M. J.

LAYMANCE Si 4oo ine following -requisitiona were received 261 Willow sti set. 3ao Fifth street. $15: also nice cottage with county omcera: D. W.Martin showing that he had allowed from county viz: A. W.

White asking for certain plumbing: EKAUbE, ATTOR.NEY-AT-I.AW, 1(08! i roadway. Oakland. Cat. 7KED L. room 1 stable for one or two horses, 1946 Linden street, rent $1L CARPtTS CLEANKD AN1 LAlU THIS tCHREIBER FUKSITUKE CO, 17 and 1159 Washington atreet.

also from County Clerk asking for two gas lamps and connecting pipe. indigents for 0 cember, 1S9S. $153, number of indigents aaaUted 110. Alro report for month of Jannary, 1895, showing amount allowed st W. LANGAn.

AllUKiii ai uw IT. rooma 28 and 24, Blake A Mofiltt BuUd- aii tne requiaitioas were reierrea to tne TF YOU WISH YOUR HOUSE RENTED WINDMILL TASK AND TTOR BALE A Building Committee. log, 806 Broadway; sacs sueo a. mensgrs, Indigent $150, number assisted iiu. Ordered filed.

place it with SNYDER 467 9th st. sme; cheap. Inquire et 571 Caledonia ay. X1 fr The Clerk called the attention of the board Heport of Thomsa Clines. foreman in San I tOKtii.

h. UK GOLlA, 7 BROAUWAT. VJ northwest corner of Ninth. Oakland, Ual to his receipt from E. A- Heron ot a deed giv IVIR WI1HUR Wlltt qinC VERY CHEAP FOR A MODERN (D two-storv house of nine rooms and Lorenzo road diotrict was received, showing out mattresses, pillows, bolsters and top room A telephone Na SS.

ing a certain piece of lana in Oakland town-snip lor a street to be called Laura atreet. Eighth street, Oakland. iisi oi tool on nana. Referred to Supervisor Taleott bath: stable; cnoice, healthy location; 532 Thirty-first atreet, fcetwe Telegraph avenue beda, clean and cheap, at H. bCliELLHAAS 4t8 leventh atreet, Oakland.

ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. XT UGH b. ALUR1CH. Upon motion the aame was received and the clerk wsa ordered to record the aame. and Oakland.

XX Office, 906 Broadway, and Grove street electric can. inquire ot M. Henry Behrena road foreman of Vallecitoa road district reported for July 1st to December Laurel street in the Piedmont Villa tract was J. LAYMANCE 466 Eighth street. SALE A RE MING toil TYPEWKHEK aX in gooa condition at a bargain, also bnrT.

SI, 12KMU Referred to Supervisor Ballsy. duly declared a county road ana public high wav bv a nnanimoua vote. MCA. am a a A a a Law, 7 hroadway. Oakland, CsX, rooms brown ana wnite cegnorn cdioabdn aau iieu LOST AND FOUND.

A statement from William Hrophy, Justice The -petition for abandonment of Road No. eggs. ca.l at io cypresa street, uetweenriius 4 and a ana reventn streets. 653 in Alvarado Boad district waa then brought OBINSON ADAMS. ATTORNEYS, vi tne reace, ior montn ot December, 1891.

Ordered Died. From Fred C. CUf Justice of the Peace. Ordered filed. LT'ANOY up for bearing on tne petition ana protest.

Mr. E. Nusbaumer appeared for petitioners; rooms 11 and 12, 1003 Broadway. LAMP SHADES, FANCY flowers, embroidery and pinking. X' paper Mr.

Welles Wbltmore appeared ior protestants. Ihe petition waa read by the Clerk. The fol Ja. FllZtiERLD, A'flORNEY-AT-LAW. ec4U Broadway, rooms 1 aad 2, Oakland, The following requisitions were received viz gentlsmen's taumers and hat crowns a specialty.

MR-. CAHILL'i fciaUonery Store, lis Cal from uenry uarneai asking lor 2m note lowing whneeses wire aworn aud teat) fled In behalf of the cautioners: W. F. Boardman. izia Broadway.

OST ON FRIDAY EVKNINGw JANUARY pooss. Reierred to the Building Committee AM CEL. BaLLMcKEK ATTORN KY-aa- JU 18th. a High tchool pin, claaa of '91, with F. B.

Granger, j. C. Whipple.Samnel Poor man, C. K. Nauertend Edwin Whipple.

The testi 1iOR SAL a A $100 TRANSFERABLE 1 scholarship in one of the leeding, practical Law Broadwav. Oakland. Cat. Front F. B.

Ogden. A. Frlck, C. B. White, monogram H.

'i, in pink ani gray. Trans: C. Jordan and Charles Snook asking mony waa then closed for the petit onera Mr, The finder will te suitably rewarded on leav busineaa colleges cn the Patiflo Coast; price $70 cash. Address D. DAVENPORT, box 1LLIAM H.

O'BRIaN, A1TORNKY AND Counselor at Law. rm. 15, Broadway Harlow a Anues of Bheriffs and Con- Wnumore in behalf ot the protestants pie ing the pin at this offlca. tablea" sented to the board and had read bv the Clerk thia office. Alao from Charlea H.

Barber asking for protesta signed by O. Putnam and fonr others. riOOD CHANCE A FINE THOROUGH certain articles of stationery. PHYSICIANS' DIRECTORY. by Marie Webber.

E. P. Kerriaon and Beretta VT bred road mare, has a record of 2:26, for Oris ted as to items included in contract for aale cheap, or owner will trade as me. Apply 813 Elevemh street. "Pi D.

CROWLEY. M. BURGEON, OFFICE and four others. The request of Charles Rieaer withdrawing hia name from the petition for abandonment waa also read. Mr.

Whitmore then bad read the protest filed December 8, XJt Central Block. 1068 Broadway, uakiana IOUND A LOCKKT WITH PHOTOGRAPH. AM PA PARLOR OR HANGING. SHADES TT 8. PELTON.

M. PHYSICIAN A1D 1894. to whicn Mr. Nnsbanmer entered a chimneva crockery and slaasware, stove "Why so shy. Jack." Owner may have same by calling at thia office and paying for i 1 1 i tr a ira XXaSUtreon.

Office and residence. Ilia Broad formal obiection on the ground that it ad no this advertisement. relevancy or pertinency the matter before way. Canning Block. Telephone 857.

Office Eleventh street. We are bound to sell. tne board, lit. Whi.more then Introduced honra 1 to 3 ana 7 to 8 p. m.

AT A LOSS TO FIND VIW AND SECOND-U ANU PNEUMATIC TF YOU ARE house to ren! the following witnesass. who were aworn and call on SNYDER 467 i safeties, cheap. NORMAN'S, 826 McAllister MDLLER. PnYcIClAN aNU Office hoars. to 9 a.

to 3 gave teatimony, via: John Quigley, Antone DR. H. E. Surgeon. Ninth street.

street. Ban Frauciaco. Lee, Edward K. Foley. Patrick Matthews, end 7:30 to 8 r.

Sundays from 8 to 0 a. jc BARGAINS IS REAL ESTATE OFFERED BY GRAY AIMITH. 463 NINTH STREET CA7f 50x100, ON FORTY-FIiTH tyM; sJ near Grove atroet electric cars. I CCf" 25x149, ON NORTH SIDE OF 2STH it UJVJ street, close to San Pablo avenue. tfjC r-r7X20O, NEAR.

GRoYE STREET; PJJU atreet work all done; must be sold. QftOft txll5, ON NOrtTH SIDE OF SIRf ET tpOuU only short distance from San Pablo avenne. WE8T SIT OF TWENTY- tDJ third avenue. East Oakland; fine location; cheapest lot on the s-reet COflfl SJxltO. ON NORTH SIDE OF tpVUU thirty-third atreet, between Grove etreet end Telegraph avenue.

CQC PER DOT, THIRTY-SECOND STREET, itOD between Grove atreet and Telegraph ave. tEK FOOT WILL, BUY A BE.tU-tpOU tiful lot on McClnre Hill, short distance from Telegraph avenue eastern frontage. UQC PrR WiLi. BUY A FINE LOT ipOv 40x140 on Caledonia avenue. Thia is ebsap.

tCOnfl DOWN AND BALANCE ON SMALL itUU monthly instalment, not mnch more -than rent, will buy a good cottage of four Philip Gibbon. George Aitnauaer, rrank bear LOST- $28 RKWARD. A THOROUGHBRED collie dog. ssb.e color, fonr white feet and etationery, other wis 3 referred to Building Committee. From Chas.

H. Spear asking for certain Stationery. Granted as to items on schedule or included In cou tract, otherwise referred to Building Co mmlttee. A communication waa received from Ingler Atkinson offering to make improvements in the county Recorder's office, as mentioned in communication, for the sum of $300. Supervisor church stated that the changea mentioned were necessary, that he had obtained another bid from Towle Broad well for the sum I $a5.

Upon motion the contract was granted to Ingier A Atkinson for $JW. A commenication was received from the Oeiden Gate Improvement cinb in reference to the condition of streets, eroaainga, aide-walks, and in fact the entire district of Golden (ietev and asking that the board tace auch PICTURES FRAMES-. RK AT BARGAINS, AT WlLHELM'S ART STOBK. KF.LIANCB BL'DO. man and Daniel Rilev.

Office telephone 31; residence t.lepuoue 51 Oflicf, 1155 Broadway, cor. 18, at, rooma 2j-2L tip on tail. Address CAPT. MaTSON, Mills The testimony being all in the matter was Beaidence. maruoert.

corner istn street. corner 17th st and Saa Pablo 40 to 50 per rant reduction on framing and all orders, coiiere rost times. upon motion taken under advisement B1STB1CT ATTORN BT. TTMJWIN J. BOYEi.

M. D. OFFICE, CORNER OST SA1UKUAY EVENING. JANUARY for the next 30 days; repairing and tuning of AH Thirteenth and Clay atreets; teiepnone I 12th. a silk bag containing pair of red The District Attorney reported upon the fol all kinds of musical instruments.

813; residence telephone 3J7; hoars. 11 a. m. to lowins- namel bills: As to bill of Dr. E.

alippera and fan. Please retarn to 1358 Alice at. AND BEDROOM SUITS, SOFAS, TlAaLOR 12 m. 2 to 4 ni 7 to i p. k.

Woolsey for StSO, teat the sum of $15 presented under date of December 28.1894. waa a legal cloths and matt easy caaira, carpets, oil OST -GOLD PIN WITH HP VINE ON ings at bottom prices, at H. SCHELLHAAo', the sime. to ur to or at Odd Fellows' Hall OCULISTS AND AURISTS. and proper charge; the three other Itema of $15 Eleventh atreet.

December 29. 1894. Leave at this office and get eacn, aatea beptemDer 100, reoruary n. reward. 1891, and November lu, 1892, coma sot be paid AN17 SURGkON rrHOROUGHBRED BROWN LEGHORN TR -HUS.

PHYsIClAN by tne board. OST FEMALE ENGLISH PUG DOG and Partridre-Coohin cockerels, lor sala AJr from Leyden University, The District Attorney alao reported favor- 1 answers to the name of ToDsy." Finder 1749 Eleventh avenue, Kasvoakl'Mia occn st Office, Central Bank Building; hours 10 to 12 and 1 to A Free oolv clinic 0 to 10 A- X. ablr upon the bill of E. Gieake for $18. He suitably -wajded by returning to 480 22d at.

-lITiLeHIliK SAFE. PLATFORM said that it waa a proper charge and when ENttLIdH PUG. properly certified to. to the saUaiaction of the esiaeace. oaa ttoDart atreet KM ALB Oof A meesnree as are nscesaarv to aacertain the true eauae of the trouble and hare the avila corrected.

Referred to Supervisor Peloaze. At so a oommunlcatioa from the Golden Gate Improvement club informing the board that a committee of seven had been appointed by the olab to confer with the Board ot Supervisors and asking that a committee of the board be appointed to meet for the purpose of devising letter press, money tut ana aean cneap 102 Ban Franciaco. M. l. EYE.

EAR, NOSE of "Leta" Finder J.J answers to the name board, shouid ba oald. IT G. TilOMAi, rooms, bath room, pantry boiler, mirn casement, etc, ou north side of atreet, only i.0. (DRfSfl DOWN WILL BUY A GOOD COl-tpOUU tage only two blocks from narrow gauge depot; aix rooma bathroom, lot Is 25xlrt; high baement. Offiee.

Central Bank B'idg. return to 744 Peralta street and receive reward. He also reported favorably upon the bill of XX. and xnroat. August Browning for $10.

HOTELS. OUTHARD" W. IN SAN FRAN- 'I 'HE PARTY WHO PICKED UP A MINK Concerning the bill of T. B. We 11a he recom boa in baleonv of Macdonough Theater.

ciaco only. 603 Sutter street. Honrs from mended that the aame be referred to the fore 11 to 12 a. a. and 1 to 3 p.

m. From 9 to 11 a. m. Monday evening, wii, please leave aame at 304 DO'7hn W1A.L. DU I A WHAUti itmJ I OU of five rooma baih, laundry, etc oa good 55x75; easy terms if desired.

man of Dublin Roaa district for some changea and correctione- which, wnen made, would Tenth street and receive reward. by appoint-weit. 1 ephone 5572 entitle it to avment br the board. rxHE MERHITT PL.i ASANT, bUNNY rooma and anitee; one block from narrow gauge depot; northwest corner Twelfth and Franklin atreets, Oakland; electrio ears convenient to all parte of the city; Uoeral terms by me week or month. Special rates to families and parti ce DENTISTS.

MUSICAL. In the matter of the Centerville Jail the District Attorney stated that it would be neces sary to advertise ior plans and specincatlona. TATE. DENTIST. Ha REMOVED HI3 TkANJO.

GITITAR MANDOLIN AND VIOLIN Si 'oi and he waa directed by the board to prepare COOflfl WILU BUY, IF iAKt At orHt IfOUU large house of eight roms, bathroom, etc lot is 44x100; now mortgaged to bank for $2000: well worth $4200, bnt oar sell. CCnfl DOWN WILL BUY A NEW MODEKN LpOUU cottaee of six rooms with lot 32x200, with street work all done: sewered, macadamized, sidewalks, etc. house will be built and delive-ed inside of sixty daya; now ia the time omce to mis osningion street, corner XJ taught bv Profa Kolander, Picclrillo and end advertise ana to limn expenditure to tns Eleventh, room 23. Mocker. Macdonough Building, Fourteenth sum of Wmo.

and Broadway. The Hospital Committee to whom had been DR. WM. E. TAYLOR.

DENTIST. 1116 WASH ington at, rms 142; nrs, 9-12 a. 1-6 r. a- E8SUN IN MCSIC AND PAINTING. AND reierred the applications ot Amelia Borga, Panla Harris and Joseph Aniteslde.

filed Jan to make arrangements. pictarrs ior sale at OoJ lugnieentn atrevi. UOTEL METROPOLE The leading and only first class hotel ia Oakland. Corner Thirteenth and Jefferson strecta MEsDMES, NORlON A KSLSEY. prop.

NOTICE THE MARKET STREET HOUSE haa changed bands and ia now under able hotel rooms are alleunny, not a dark room In the house; will run the dining room on European plan; the tablea will be aup-pli a with the bet in the market, prepared by il. DUNN. D. D. 8- 1155 BROADWAY.

us rv 14th, reported against the allowance of J. H1KK18U.1 B1KB.B.I A BIl BAStjAIH-Large two-atory house of eight rooms rooms 27. 23 and 29. Office honra 9 a. a.

their applications and, on motion, the report was adoDted. to 5 p. a. WINES AND LIOUORS. etc.

with large lot: will be sold ior $6000; lot one remeoy ior tne eviis compiainea 01 in the matte ot pnbllo a treats, etc. Upon motion the matter was referred to a Committee of the Whole, and Thursday, at 10 o'clock, was fixed as the time when the committee would visit Golden Gate end investigate. communication was reoeived from John Flanagan, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Mendocino County, stating that the Board of Supervisors 01 that county had de-aided to nrge representatives at bacramento to amend Section Mat of the Political Coda tnatues laeg; also Section 2652 Political Code, Btatuea 1691; alao asking that this board cooperate with them and aecura the desired amendments. Ordered piaeed on filed. communication wai received from John Rincke selling attention to the application oh file petitioning for appointment of himself and wife as steward and stewardess of County Receiving Hospital and asking for the consideration ef the board.

Ordered tiled. The application of J. H. Rourke for permit to obtain license, which waa laid over from last meeting because bond waa imperfect was again read, the bond examined and approved and application referred to Judiciary committee. A protest was received from J.

P. Havaa TP ere being no lurtner ouaineaa xo transret TVR. HERBERT IX BO YES. 1ENT13 If honra 0 a. m.

to 5 v. telenhone 813: the board adjourned to meet Monday, January alone wortntn-money: aee it. BUSINESS IS IMPROVING. NOW 13 THE time to invest; lots, houses and tanchea DO YOU KNOW W. H.

JaCKSON OF THE Virsinia Cltv Saloon, corner of Eighth 28th, at 10 o'clock a. m. residence telephone 397; offiee. corner Thlr- on easy terma and at bo om prires. Cadi and end Alice atreets, carries standard brands of Sroieaaionai cooka; epecia rates to lamuiea; alf hour trains for ran Franclnco atop in front ot the house- Give as a call before settling see us.

no trouble to snow proper'v. teenth and Clav street. PERSONALS. niBjtsa DAii.t x. Chairman Board of Bupervisors, Attest: Fbahk Jordak.

Clerk. for the winter. V. ihiiemaw. rropnetor.

UKAI A13N1111. 43 NINTH STREET. fine liquors, such aa O. P. B.

Cutter'a ao. Martoli Brandy and fresh beer on tap UiO GELa GRAND ARMY HALL SalooD, Thirteenth atreet, between frank EUREKA HOTEL JOHN njMlBK, rrttJ-prietor; southwest corner Seventh and On Her Thank She Wore a Irittle Ring: HILL. PIANO AND FURNITURE D. MONEY TS LOAN. lin and Broadway, is the place to get a giaaeet Waabtaa-ton stream: orsna new surntiare ana mover, southwest corner Thirteenth ana Marie Heath for several years has worn lunch ea fcchliu Miiwsnkee beer.

Tables lor best of tsbies set; meals. 26 eta special rates Washington; pianoa end furniture moved with little ring upon her thumb, and though Best of wines, liquors and cigara by the montn. care at ieasonabie ratea Leave oruera wim Metropolitan iurnitnre Co. Residence 1802 a dashing soubretta with the Turkish Bath LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY REAL E3-taie arranged on short notice; eherges reaionab expense unless ws secure the 'CHUTA MILWAUKEE BEER DEPOT. H.

ECCKi. nronrletor. 468 Twelfth at Myrtle street- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Company, in the role of "Dot, the Kid," ia 48 vears of age. and plays the part admir- Oakland: orivato entrance for iadiea OIL TTKAi.NU STOVES.

COOKING OR applied for. xtcou m. vajsahom. Broker, 47S Ninth street. Oakland.

hf. XX rangea lamp stock, gas beat era, all at low against the granting of a permit for liquor Ccrt CAPITAL lO BUY 8 OCK AND A IL- H. prices, or will exchenge for other gooda- LaJJ itv to sell to merchants end banka e- uoease ior aira u. uiacometu on tne ground MEDICAL. Tns People axpress ana Aransier com fcCHELUHAAS.

408 Eleventh street euree solo agency tor a new article patented MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, FU a- niture.plaaoa, without removal: any amoun lowest rates. BECKER. 240 Montgomery. 8. F.

tnat Camilla Uigneen waa not a eltiscn of Alameda County, nor on the Great Register of pany lias not osen estanusnea years, nor do they wear rinse upon their thumbs. May. 1894; $150 ean be mane in montn. Aa-dress C- CHESTER. Gelindo Hotel.

Oakland. UEsX OAKLAND DOOR COMPANY. 1609 Beventb. street: aaah. doora windows.

rrecinct ao. vl Temescai. OAK SRANCUCO COLLATERAL LOAM bunds, new work prom puy attended MASSAGE KINESITHERAPY, THE 8WED-fah movement euro, has by degrees been acknowledged aa an excellent therapeutic both at home and abroad: and particularly effl-cacious in eaaee of partial paralysis, rheuma- But it is known as Doing toe largest ana best express service in Oakland, proven by the fact that it was the only company that The clerk waa instraoted to notify Mr. H.eyes that it would be necessary tor him to give snore satisfactory proof at the next meeting of OBank. 38 Kearny corporation that lead money on diamonda washes: low interest tOL jriaiu ana laney glass sept atoca.

aiyea have a broken wiudow. don't lor get to call oa coaid handle the last large theatrical me. PETE BkiSENO. Telephone 7eie beiia me ooara. The Judiciary Committee reported favorably, neuralgia ehrohia heedaehe, dyspepsia.

attraction whose property ana scsnsry WANTED-MONEY. EW FlbH MARKET. SIS SAN PABLO A tlBST-CLABS LIQUOR BUSINESS FOB upon the applications ot the following named persons, via: Mary MeConnell, Hollla street, at entrance general weaxneaa aua csiwks Tne method is founded on th facte that tne activity ef the lympuatic vessels increased, the current of the lymphs ss well as. the otood took a whole ferryboat to transisr across the bsy. The pr cession as it went up Broadway attracted as much attention as patronising the new firm: fresh fish rosea Xa i.

or axehanra for Alameda CoantT MONEY WANTED ON GOOU UAL K. tale security, at current rates of interest; of sters, ciama, and all kinds of sea food: orders to Race Track; JL u. itonrso, stoekyaraa; property. This laa rare opportunity for a good called for ana promptly OedvereO. osuaAS is accelerated ana tnus tns noso rpuua gi ia-flammaui aeTnaloBs ia cenaidarab.v assisted.

Brincipale only need apply, r. A. box office. Christian Petersen. 8an Lorento, J.

R. Ony, Midway: John Logan. Milee; Frank Ore, Central avaana aad Ban Laandro road. a nuRiY. a circus procession, it cnecKs Daggage to all parts of the United States from your residence or hotw.

Offiee 418 Ninth itret. Vaainsss m. en. The business nas oeeaestsn- Treatment given at patient's residence day or lished fifteen years and hss aaid well continu TjKOFEBfcOR W. W.

CHAPMAN TEACHES HORSE SHOERS, an the latest society and fancy dancea Appro plate resolutions granting to them permit to obtain 11 ceases were duly passe by tha haarA. nignc; references giv.n, wru. PRQr. GRAY WILLIAMS, 648 TwenUethaL, Oakland ously. For full particulars address Business, Claaa nichta Tneadav and Sarardav eveninga WANTED MISCELLANEOUS.

Academy. College Han, comer Twalf sad box 2, this office. JP. PATKEY. PRACTICAL BORAS boer.

Sen Pablo avenue and Nineteenth A IX LADIES, BEAttUKTAB, ears, ttuxCA, County Treasurer O. M. Banford naked that certain wires be repaired running between his Harrison streets, ANTED HO h8ES TO BOARD AT CUR-1 rent rate and excellent ears taken. A cure guaranteea: u7 eweaae or irres-niarit aura -relief though others fall; street; bone clipping neatly aoae; special mee ana that 01 tne en erin, Rafarmri to the Bnlldine Committee. HAVE YOCR OLD SUITS CLEANED AND dyed to look Use new.

remove all home, travelers treated: low lees; self attention givsn to au ueieota vi uooia, suca ss Interfering, quarter crack a corns, etc. will take cost of sams out in- trade Apply 813 Eleventh street Oakland. Bnnarrltar TilnotX asked that a Committee cure: aena call or write; strict Munaeaee: stains and ahinlng spots without Injury to tne a arm ant. "Wedveall ahadea no matter how nht.iriaa of wide experience: asalftanr. of the whole visit ahd inspect certain bridges and roana ia hia district HOGE BOOM practieal horse sheer, successor to A.

W. COB. SALE FOK WANT OF TIMS TO GIVE fj it proper attention, we wish to dispose of MRa DR. DAVIKA 14 McAllU er street, next DRESSMAKERS. aelicete, Fpeciai attention given to ladies' garments.

YOU CAN BAVE PER CENT. Do Upon a tion the committee of the whole to Hibemla Bank naiioing. ean a ciaco; the Grand central Prevision Depot, oa Wash Palcifsr, $10 Ban Pablo avenue, between Seventeenth aad yightssnth strsets. Oaklaad. decided to make inspection asked for oa aes- not forget the namber.

BOSTON DYE HOUSE, Freaen F. pills. saiegnra se 1IB3. J. aar as IB o'elor Ir.

ington etreet, between Eighth, and Ninth atreeta This is aa exeelleat opporttmity for a live man: will exehaB for Oakland reel estate JORDAN FASHIONABLE Abrahameoa Building, room i raxtxun street; corner xinta. kiAnm Teiepnone aaa. .1 RS. ti er 6. W.

CDON NELL OFFICE innarviaar T.lcott also drew the attention JU dressmaker, Proprietor. sad realdenee. 784 waaningiom at Of the board ta the coadUon of the Blue Hill 15, Thirteenth and Washington atreets. Patterns TM. GRABTREE.

fKAUTlOAIj UOKSB a Shoer: arst-class work guaranteed: special or particulars apply, uaauak urauii aa TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND 8AT- "kPtN earny. and Tea stataes street, una road in Redwood canyon, and stated that ft strop lis so Kieveatn atreev. ot ail kinds cat to oraer: b. T.

xaytore system taught. Papila taken any time, all reasonabie avairiMA SCHELLBAABf at aaa VJ ardsy omee hoars as a. it. seen. waa not aafe to open the gatee aeroaa and that ha had to atr acted them to keep the gates Lahore re, mechanics, cordially iavitad.

No IVERY STABLE: CENTRAL LOCATION: Sr. a. Fartieniar aaeaBon pesa to attention given to quart cracaa aaa interiev ing; horsee sent far and re to mee, Baop 4U0 Tenth street. Heree shod for 50. pricea tren Pre to show roods, eoe Eleventh atreet.

Xj laiCo board inc trade: very low rent ex We ea and eBlioren. OTYL1SH DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE cellent chance for a live man: will take real Mr. Lannan aa-ain called the board's atten miSLF. LINCV AMD ANTtC ERCHIEF8 anaea-ementt in famlliee: tl 58 nor dav: estate in ekehaage: owner going; awsy. Ad- tion to street.

Hay wards, aad ssked for in NOTARY PUBLIC. embroidered: fancy paperwork, Reliable Employment office. A HILL'S Station- suits made any style to home $4 aud cats by Taylor system; children's clothes also, 2147 orsss a. tt. waa, dox tnisomoe.

Yeettgation by the board. Taksa BBasr aSvlunssL err Store. 1215 Broadwav. Telegraph avenue. lf KATEL HOWARD, NOTARY F01UO FANCY ROCKERS.

ALL PRICKS AND arradcsL table ehalz sad fsaev goods for Saasrviior Chnmh that the board fix JJX 1050 Broadway, oakiana. cav SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS. JOHN W.GRAT SOOAliLMACDONOtiG Building 6 urv ays of city lots aad traota and sabdlv oas of leads, water supply, sewer. as street improvement aad general sorv sy lag and engineering work, Keperts, sarr eya. maps, pleas aad esriwistes.

a day te visit the County Hospital aad na. as. stBSUf presents; FURNITURE FOR SALE. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS. V.

BROWNS, a OTAXT--PUBLIC. 4M 406 Eleventh as a boor. Ho uuaa taken. HAAS. The board than took recess until 1 o'clock.

I7i A. HA6KK, KLOM S. MACDONOUGH block. Plana anedfieatlotis end eeti- "VFTICE DESKS AT- THE. BCHREIBEB Washington.

Always ra srrennsnca. i SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Tne beam met at a o'elecK. Jtou caueo COW ILMeaa 1L Wsaning DINGAa. Ata ess ANBsas all mamherantnaenA matea for arohiteoaral work sad engineering 1LLLAM 1 AAgntaat tOII kl'aSstt.

structures sad btidgea aaa lor ateenanscat RESTAURANTS. TATJ KAY SMITH, EEAKtHJJB, OF ftXCOEDd The BaUdisg Contmittee reported favorably on the requisition of J. P. Garlic for check wotk of .11 kinds. aaaceaseisassa, aassasna aaaaii.yatssj LAUNDRIES.

CIVIL EN CINE: .3. an ana nnmecrmg stamp, ana open atouen SafKlath ae sea neat waa allowed- A ELAND FRENCH. LaJJNDRY, P. CALOO supervisor can a inueoneea tne hujvvisi MORA AS AND E.OSS MORGAN ak Co. 430 Twanty-niata street; same rates THE LOUVRE, CN LER THE MACDONOUGH Theater, serves the boss meals, eaters taeater parties, handles the beet of oysters, sad hss special dspexttnoatg for fsatiUsst tabisa furnished with eeieetad dalicaeiee prepared by preisnlosai gs, T.

tfTOCa-R cJrii Enrineara, room 37. Xsedonoog A STEAL SEXEPROF.HOLME52XsGXXKT EEAKCHERSt OF RXCOaDeV Ala aria zeeolnUOB, which was read by ths Clerk: "JtteolMd. That Fred a. Davis be, and he Is hereby emstered as Expert to in-s-tcW tad fTpert ontly Ut bopts aad Aisaa Jiaaciscaann voaia laiuuin 'kestwarkatchseTtest rates; mrtaini done is Slock, Oakland. Room aj CXOOAH iHDid- xa.

at, aoiosropca, qassuons, iwtu vOaalXi ImltmmTU AUSSJUES iJ adyics, litaf7ts AsicAeati-Sk.

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