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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 5

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


i't 1 II I I it 1 Ulavin-Uken advanUg of thereeentlow price iaC- -re have unported from India, direct, a iarge conairnmett c. wLchwmoCer at price thatwlU aatocdah th etos: THIS WEGK ONLY C-i tW FOR Th5 Uasonlo Rttuil. Civea 7Ith I Salssns Were Intsn2sd by 54 inches wide, ALT STTK ctsa a yaxd, ehea? at r5 .50 "iCts. a yard, cheap at .60,. ets.

a yard, cheap aif a' 70. Ota, a yard, cheap tt g.exi 36 inches, wide, AXLj SLLjK 27 inches wide, AIT, SILK i 28 inches wide, ALL SILK xx inches wide, ALL SILK i. 3S inches wide, ALL yard, cheap 75 tsv a cheap at i. Hue ciBhadant, rTengaUu, TaGe rT -L eww mw- wmmnn mutsim ABRAHAHSOrJ BROS, We are alao showing extra ralnes ia all and Fancy 'i Ladie win pica caueariy IN INDIA SILKS. SWAOa SMAKIC.

CAPITOLA 7 IVoshington and Thlrtodntha: FOB QUB TUSE BiSX 17 TIE C9R1EI COTTAGES! of Prloee per Month i ToJuntOd. ...112 00 15 00 $30 00 5 00 15 00 -30 00 1500 SO 00 15 00 SO00 15 00 90 00 13 00' 16 00 12 00 16 00 $18 00'' 20 00 12 00 16 00? 09.1 4... rooms. 8 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 A 00.vl:'L: 10 00 14 00 8 00 rooms. 12 00 8 00 12 00 The Following: Scbedalo CAPITOLA AVENUE, two rooms.

CAPITOLA AVENUE, three rooms HAWTHORNE PLACE, two rooms HAWTHORNE PLACE, three rooms. BAN JOSH AVENUE, two rooms BAN JOSE a VENUE, three rooms CORONADO PLACE, two CORONADO PLACE, three rooms HUANA PLACE, two rooms HTJANA PLACE, tbree rooms a west of Feirview. 2 tPiTni.A AVENUE, west of Kairvisw, 3 FAIRVIEW AVENUE, two rooms FAIR VIEW AVENUE, three rooms The Rate per Montri is Equal rAttimhiT been thoroughly renovated K.tia on table, two neacaes. one -I 1 oiling pot 1'hree-room cottages hare one extra to the Rate for Four Weeks.

andoentatn the fo'towtng faraltnreV two -AWK wl.k rrriaa nan aad '4. An Elegant lev Batn Eonso vitti 200 Rooms i ll ba Open lor lb Fitstit Seua Fob Fcxtsxb Pabxicoxaxs, Assaras FEANK REANIER, Superintendent, Capitola, CaL SAVE TOUR the J. H. R. Franklin Olsen bedkteal.

Sewer la rear of alloottagea CARPETS." Renovating dtlsens of Oakland. 8atlsfsotlon gsaraateed or no pay- woris.3 xast oikEAaix Company Steam Carpet Cleaning Wlub to Inform thai many patrons and tbe psbUe a larre to beware of tbe UnpoeUM wko aw wound oUcng carpet cTeknlrg on ie floor, claim Dg to do the work by the same rcMB ee i wenlfc and ao so far to claim to bsths originators, and nee onr references If yom Ulead hssji, cue i u. art rOR or br ST AM BE AT IN 3. vow will 2nd i r.iaiiaible firm indorsed by the very best Sewing.

Re-Fitting and Lajlng Ezpeditioasly none oy uompewai, sooir and laid the earns day, If dealaeCW -Z Our charges sre in keeping with the ttmea ntflnftci en -m XJrveVU way. vki vwuwe m. cleaned THE Ij-A. in the tcib. -HBLBHB WINS.

J. Hinder Benson Hait Paj fltil Damage Blil, She Gets Salary Without Doing Any Work. Comedian soubrette, hvy man, iveniles. managers aad authors crowded Judge Wood's court this morning to listen to or ia th celebrated dramatic case of Helo Courtney against A. W.

Benson. The plaintiff claimed that Mr. Ben-aon, a manager of. tha Feople'a Theater, eagaged her a season of twelve weeks at $20 a week and then, in the language of tha profession, "froze her Her testimony was that aha was to play the part of "Countess Nida" in the Nihilitt, and that after she had read tbe firat aot at tha first rehearsal she waa asked to give up the part, acd that two weeks later she was told that her en gagement was cancelled. W.

11. Cook, attorney for Manager Beneon. apparently doubted Hit nya ability to read and at hi request she read a heart-twisting poem by El a Wheeler Wilcox on mental- love and mental sin. Then Judge Wood wanted to know what tbe ease was aU about, and then Mr. Aid rich, tha attorney tor the plaintiff, looked aurprised when discovered that in hi complaint he had not hidden away a aolitary cause of action.

Tha Complaint alleged that Manager Beneon bad broke a contract, the document 00 styled began. "1 hereby agree to engage Miee Helene Courtney. Aa there was no allegation that ahe bad bad not been engaged tbe court took recess to give her attorney time to draft an amendment to the complaint that would give his client a standing in court. After fiftaenminnates' recess the complaint woe amended and Gerald Dillon, critic of the Oaliornia World, testified tbat haviog for Sixteen years tackled parte ha was now criticising Mr. Benson testified that be waa informed Mies Conrteney waa incompetent, and discharged her, bat did not know of his own knowledge that ahe was not competent.

The case was submitted without argument and Judge Wood gav Judgment lor tba plaintiff lor $73 and coats of suit. IT AN UNUSUAL CASE. Apathy of tbi Relatives of Suic de Cook. A curious eircumetance in connection with the suicide of J. P.

Cook, who poisoned himself on Thursday, ia the apathy with which the affair is regarded by relatives, several of wbom reside at San Pablo. Not one oi them ha called at the morgan to see the body, aad evea hi 14-year-old daughter de clined to come. Hie wife was the only one who man ilea ted the leant interest iu the disposition of remains, bat on account of her poverty the county took charge of the funeral, the intermea taking place la the potters field this afteraoon. v-; There is a chain of odd circumstances in the history of Mrs. Cook.

who is comely gki of 18 year. Young a she is, she exparieucea a taste of main moay before ahe married Cook, having secured a divorce from her first huaband five month ago. Three month later suw -w uw eighteenth birthday that he committed. be Imarried Cook, and it on her suicide. HIS BBAOT, JTa Freebera Tmm Away ta the Old World.

There' a vacant tomb at Mnuntain View that will soon hare an occupant. It was built by order of Jamee Free born a hi resting piece nntil the laat trump shall adund. It owner died Thursday ia Paris. Franc. James rreeoorn wa a pioneer mar chant of Ban Francisco, where be wa member of thewholesal groeerv firm of Castle dt Freeborn.

fJabeeqaent ly was a stock broker and aooumalated a larMiortanar.a.-f. 'itfi He wa a director 01 me Bank of Call forni and Jk, charter mtmber of the Block Exchange, il wa awaiting in Pari the aradnetioa of his son front the University of-Heidelberg at the time of bis 1 He leave a widow, two ona aad a daughter, all of whom were with him at the lat May aVkUwrees The Braditreet Mercantile Agency re-' port 102 failnre ia th Pacific Coast States and Territories for the month cf Mxy, 1834, with aiaejba $479,835 and lia-biliti fl.04S.862 as comparad with eveaty-four for the previoas month. with aseets ol aaa uaouuiei 01 $368,047, and eighty-one for the corre sponding month ot iaw, witn asseu $478,693 and liebilitlee $866,043. The following ara tne etnae easignea xor tne fsilnrest Iaeampetency, thwtr-five; iaadsqhate. capital for 'the buiiness Vundertaken, forty- three injndiaon erediting, three per- eonal extravagaace.

four; neglect of basiness and bad habits, two; excessive com petitJoa, six; nn favorable circum-atjuiceg; fiseds, etc, four; fraud, twe 'w BaWaaass Aemttma Manuel noe ha sned Mannel 8. i 1 If i kmmmm. 1' Bemas for an accoantinz. ihe men were In th tallk basinasaandnow nox claics that bis partner has. ousted bim from.

tie share in tba property. There Is about t'CD to be accounted for, Bad XSnnrla XtUsUoe. hUscit ZL IZ. rc.icr. They- tare bth -1 i I a I FLOATA IS WOT lost! Ca mis.

otfca- dies of 1h Saottiah Btte. tua MMo-Je Veteran Aaaoetatioa 1 al invited gneata. Upow tables tn front ol tn oQoare were tbe Tarioaa symb Js of th order to be need ia the ceremony. Tbe exercises opened with aaoda tp Maaoary to the tan of "America rendered by tha llasonio chohr. Than were eondoeted tha aerrieaa Id- Cideatel ta the lay fax of fonndation stoaee by tba order, and.

at tha com mand af the grand maater, tha grand treasnrer deposited tha casket contain-in the heart, togetbar with a somber of other artielee in the carity of the foondatlea, with the following iaroca tion by the grand master: the Great Architect! tbe Universe Hie Wisdom, grant that acea opoa agea shall peae away era tney snail again be aeen of men." This was followed by tha rast of the ritnal. aad then shortly before Uia bene diction El win A. Sherman, the actinz grand oraipr, delirered aa aloqtieat aad forcible address, part of whicn was in 8panieh. The foundation of the monument con stats of a fire-foot cube of concrete with a cavity, keystone theped. Tbe heart waa contained ia a sealed glass lar wrapped la documents abowinz its ideatltv.

which in tarn were placed in a casket and the casket was then deposit ed in tbe cavity, together with a num ber of Masonic documenta, daily newspapers and other articles setting forth the standing of the organisation! inter ested in the ceremony and acting alao as an index of tbe time of sepulture. On this cabs wee then placed a fire-foot block of granite eighteen thick. Later a monument will be erected. CURRENT BA8TKRM COMMENT. Colonel Breckenridge declares that nothing bat death will drive him from the Congressional race.

Unfortunately, death ia too busy attending to better men, and haa no time to devote to euch mm l)Mt St Qlobe, Dem. Woman's logic is like her sharpening a lead pencil she ha each queer ware of getting to the point. IVrnss, It is to be honed that no paragraph fiend will dare to aay that tbe Saltan of Morocco is "no Moor." York Prrss. We are reaching that point where no statesman ia quite eafe unless he baa two aeparate and distinct views ou the financial question. Wathington Pott.

Davis H. Walte aeems determined that Colorado ahall be known in hiatorr as the on fortunate that once had him for Governor. rFatftinatOR Star. The German Imperial Currency Com mission has gone ont of baalneea without reforming the sliver situation. Nev York Telegram.

It the year 1894 is marked by the final aqoelcbkig of Fennoyar, much of its disgraceful record can be overlooked. Chicago TribuM. In select circle of Washington society it is no longer considered polite to serve anything at dinner which necessarily involvee the passing of tha eager. CAv-cayo Reord. The Popaiiat of Ohio have selected aa thair motto, "Keep off tha Grass." This woakl seem to confirm the kn- pseaaioa tnat ra jropnuaw are loctinea a a to go to grass.

Nets York Tribune. Allowing policemen to pat their hands in their own pookete ware preferable to tbe Hew York habit of their patting them in other people'e. 'Philadelphia Timet. Mr. Carnegie should meat Mr.

Croker at Liverpool and ooagratolate him apen keeping off the grass at a crisis. JXtv York World. The Washington Scandal Committee ha not yet driven any oaa to Bgrope, and the worst of it is that it ia not likaly to. New York Advertiter. RANDOM JtOXSS.

A recent account of tha Balubaa tribe of Cwstral Africa ay they era "famoas for their skill in casting aad forging iron. They construct tall cyliadro-coaical furnaoea of clay with tnvsres of cley aad wooden bellow. They make arm aad collar aad bracelet of iron." Apropos of tha report that Mrs. Nellie Grant is to marry General Douglas, it is recalled that by tha will of ber father4a-law her income of 000 a year cease If she marrise again. Mr.

Barton prondad this ample eom- oeteney for her aad her three ehildren, but lie haa very decided viawa an) the state of matrimony. Wiadsor Castle has bean need for a royal residence for 784 years. Tha women have appropriated the ahirt aad other part of man? costume. bat the men are retaliating, Oaa at tha latest things they have laid hand npoa 1 tha saiety pin. it is an ingsnns contrivance, and arer so maky foen, inar-rted and uamarried, use it to hold up ahirt leave and for -other purposes.

Bat the latest lnyailon of the feminine realm ia the buckle Mnvar to war them on their kamaxband-belts, and. what ia strange stuk are to-wear tnetn ia silver fastened on their hat bands. Garters are no longer an anknown ad' jaeetef maacnHae apparel, and the only queeuoa is, where Is the thiBg going to ena rkuaatupHV Timet, According to the annual report leaned the last ox May the BalraUon Army la now established in forty two eonatnea. It baa 1S97 corps, namberiag 6443 am eers. 10.828 local offloera, and 3331 baAdsmen.

Tha nam bar of "eoldlers" not atated. bat -General" Booth claims that the army convert ta Ohxia-tianfty 203,000 people every year. General 8chofield ha leaned an order directing that all water inteaded to be draak by eoidierp abevld first be boiiedU Ha hope tan greatly to reduce Oieeaee in tba -r--' Baasian aoMkri bara advaneed lata Chinee Turkestan np to within fifty Cbiaaaa 11 (abont twsaty aile) of Kaahgar, aad ara acttvely angaged ta bailding foruacauoaa and la atorias muuarjr prevauon waa ewjlaar Malta GsxianritUe Tex. Jon 22. The Grand Jury lutglstdCtnte Tm tlenderson and C.Ai Johssn(- ho were charged with conspiracy to swia(ua railway oompaajee.

TLay are Charted with cheep and tying it en tha ra.U.ay tracks ati est- tiac a haaaacma from the carasy titer the lUc wskUled, i or a All Solemnity- 1 Qcsbj Qitplei ci ttt Riaiics From The heart of ez-GoTvao Yffnaeio Herrera Cairo, which ha been ten derly aad cherished 'by Gethsemen Chapter, No. 5, of Bsee UrcJx, A. and A. 8. BUe cl dporited this afUmooa la Jto finsl mUBf place la Moastfia VInr eematanr.

Tha oocmIoq a nact aa vnU oao aad aUraetad a Ufta Qaabr. ol Mra of tba JUaoaio ordat nop aU' pvta 01 ui Diata. Amosg tnota praaant wara rtpreaaotatimM of man 7 oatioaali-tiaa. aoatpitfaeat'aiBOfig wbom waa a Mtiva dvtacbmeot tba Oturdla da Joaxaz, who aaamed ta apprtelata ia a moat haartfalt muatr tba coamldara-ttoo aad tba honor tbowa tha last wiahea of thair mutrrtd countryman. Tba story of tha liia of tba daad Go- araor baa already baan told la The Tkibux aad an apttoma ha aiao beaa maaa tba ctrcomataaces ana ca re- moo iea attandias tha recaption of tha heart by tha chapter which, haa now dia cnargei uaobllgaaona ta tha memory of tha deceased.

Baffioe tt to ear that Oerernor Cairo waa a martjr to the priaciplea of Maaonry. Oaa of liia laat reqaeaU waa that hie heart migbt be placed in the seeping ei a enapter ol Kose uroix or other Maaoeic oruaaiaatioo. Tbe troat waa aecepted by Qethaemane Chapter. The proceaaioa waa formed in Ma- eonic Temple ehortly after aeon today and proceeded ta tbe cemetery, the par- lei pasta takine camatea and cara to bring them to their deailnatiotf. At tha cemetery gatee tbe haa was re- lormeu ta tbe 101 lowing order 1 Band.

Detaehment of the Onardia de Jnarez. Tbe Oread Coaitetorr of California and It snborainate bodies ol the Aacleot end Aecepted Scottish Jite of Free Ma-eonary aa iteaerai eioort for the Maseaie fraternities in tbe following order: Grand Trier wUh drawn nword. Oakland Lodge of PerfecUon, No. li, of Oakland. Terba Saena Lodge of Perfection, Na 6, of SaaFreneiseo.

Getbaemane Cnapter of Bose Croix, No. 5, ot Oakland. Yerba Baena Chapter of Hose Orelx, No. 4. of ban Francuca JH Molay Council of Kadosn, Ko.

2, af Oakland. Godfrey de St, Oau Council of Kadosh, no. 1, 01 nan jrraneiteo. Tbe Grand Consistory of California, Aasiatent HarsbaL A Tyler with a drawn sword Veur Steward wttarwnlte rods. Entered Apprentice.

Fellow Crafts. Hatter Masons. Masonic Veteran Association of the Faclflo Coast. Stewards. Jnnior Deacons, benior Deacons.

Secretaries. Treasarera. Tbaiirand MafahaL Tba Most Worahiptal Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of. Caufemla. Bepreeeatod by Oakland Lodge No.

,188, ree ana a.ocepea masons, uas land. Cel. In tbe following order The Grand Trier. The Grand Stewards, with. Waits Beds.

Jnnior Wardens. Senior 'Wardens. Fast Masters. Tbe Grand Standard Bearer, Aided by two The Grand Pureuiraat and the Grand A Brother bearing a tfelden Vassal ol Corn. Two Brethren bearing Siirerf Veuels of The Grand Orator and tba Grand Chaplain.

Xha Friadipal Arcblteot bearing the work ins Tools on a Velvet Cushion. Foot Brethren Knights Bos Croix carry- nog toe vocer containing tne ueszet ta which is pleoed' the Heart of oar late and tJstlegalshad Brother, Ex-Governor. Ygnscio iterrere Cairo. The Grand Secretary aad the Grand Trees- A Steward with White rod. The Grand -BiUe Bearer.

A Bttward with white rod. Two Masters bearing the Tuscan aad Com posite Orders. Three Masters bearing the Doric, Ionie and i intniaa urders, Fast Jnnior Grand Wardens. Fast Senior Grand Wardens. Fast Depnty Grand Masters.

Fast Grand Mastera. A Master bearing a urge UgbU Brothers Hon. Alexander K. Coney, Coa-sul General of Mexico, and Thomai H. Caswell (thUty-Uud degree) and: WUU Urn Frank Pierce (thlrtT-ttalrd de gree).

Active IJupeaMt Generals California (s. I Br oonrterr as nnesta of rank.1 Tbe Jnnior and Senior Grand Ware ens. Two Masters be ring iiegaBghts. The Dspnty Gf sad Master. Tha Master of Lire Oak Lodge.

Ko. 61. bearing to book at constitutions. Junior Graad 'Deacon with red. Senior Grand Deaeea with red.

1L W. Hiram K. Baefcec, T. G. Acting Grand Marehal.

Grand Sword Bearer With drawn twerdj Tha proceaaien 1 meved to theeitw an which tha moangsant is ta be erecfad, which is an imnrevbd spot, Iiai1 Witk Aftnln nAMh LTu. KoIIam plot and in the Tleiaity of tharooker maaeolenm. It le a boantiftri was donated to Getheansas Chapter of Bbta Croix Ty tha Voiuitaia Tltw Cam- aterr Asssociatlon- -Vr Arcnnd the trs rranieranta had baan made lor tba aecomaodatioa aj th grand cmcera 01 tbe grand lodge, those wboeaaauee were conneetad erith the ceremoaiea, the ahoir, tha mneicians. the ofScere of Gethaemaae Chapter ol Bos Croix, the Grand Consistory of AwvtSed. Honor- Wrld flrw Sl2.aZ1 i If a Ctt Crraa of Tarti Cowdf.

Free t3 ArcHcda, Ali-n or try ceraiitrast th3 Crdiaanca. The case of the People wa. William Loag, adriver for the Oakland Botttiag Cempaay, -who waa arreeted to determine the applicability of the Xtaaor. or dinance to wholesale houaea, ia exettiag eonguerable cominanx Th wholesale man elita'taal the or. dinanc doas not apply to tbem and five reasons for tthear ttaad.

Tney assert thai the ordinancef was paaaed In order ta regnlaKesaaloeaa bara ana comer groceries, which were' required' to set the permteion of five propesty owners and five -a bond for to tbe-condacting of their baalneea In an orderly aad moral saaaner. It also reqasred that each piaeea an owe not oa eoaaoctea la coa- BecUoo with any room-where merchandlae, other than tobacco, wa Old. That tha aolaAim of the ConacO was to' regnlate the ealooa element waa admitted by aereral member. Since the passing of the ordinance in September, 1889, it haa been limited to the saloons, and no oaa supposed that bottling companies or breweries came within itvV- Tbe business of the Oakland' Bottling Company is to put up the beer ia bottles and send it in wagons to hotels. reatsarante aad private familiea.

The company has no place or bar in its premise where bear i drawn to be old and noae bat workmen era allowed about tbe place. It ia purely and irmly a factory where buainea 1 on aa reepectably as that of -anr mannfaistdrfaghonte. 'f The-reqdireaieat of a fkmd for iddrW behavior, aaifhat the place of burtons -hail net be connected with another 1y door, and the other clauses of the ordinance show that it was never intend SI to apply to the wholesale hoases and would be vajuet to The ordinance, like all the law oa eubjoct, epplta to the retail and not the wholesale dealers, and no decision applying to the whole sale dealers haa ever been made; in fact the allied industries oi vineyards. hop raising and breweriee form one of the greatest source of wealth in the State and one of the chief rwiaeea interests ia this city, over $250,003 being ic vested; while employment ia given to several hundred men, the loss of whose vocation would be a serious detriment to the beat interests of ih city JUnnng the establishments interested era the Washington Brewery, Brooklyn Hofburr- Brewery andithe Oakland, National, end Buffalo Bottling. Companies.

Thomas Lloyd, for -many years a talesman at 1 Jones' Biiar, "died very suddenly at his homi Fruit Vsle, Toeadsy morning, after but a few hoars' sickneeis. Lloyd was very popular. A an employe, be waa faithf ul paios- taitiugi as a friena, uinn ana eit- cerej as j- parent, gentle and full of tenderness, and as a man. honest. straightforward and free from vice.

He died at the early age of 33, in the noontime of He leaves a widow four children to mourn his loss. He waa a native of North Wales and haa lived in Oakland about nine years. The remains were buried at Mountain View Cemetery yesterday afternoon from the I Welsh Presbyterian Church, on Harri son street, near Fourteenth, where the funeral services were held. a Jackman alia -English Bed," one of the bay pirafes wbb Was arrested dme cm go, wa released by Judge Allen yesterday on aeeopat ol the insufficiency of the eyidence to hold him. He was at once rearrested on another y'' i.

8taT or Oaioi Ott or T0U00, -lr4ia' make oath tnrfii fa the senior paMnet; of the firm of'ttFJ. rrrfcr isiniw I UHE51T A Co doing basiness tn tbe City of Toledo, county end mate aforesaid, nd that said firm will pay tbe earn of OKB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every inus 01 uiiirro urn eionoi oe curca oy the use of Haix's Catabbh Ctjks. case or catarrh that cannot be cured JTtfAXIiV. J. U11J1.XJSX.

Sworn to before me and abac I bed In my this th dsy of December a. pl 1886.. v. GLBASON. jtsATj i jietarg PubOa.

Hall's Catarrh Cur 1 taken internally and metM direct! on the blood and mocons surf acea of tha sistsm. Send for testl- montala. free. 1 3. OHXSTJBT A CO Toledo, O.

g-Soid by dniKgwaJoc. AlEKBS oeHiat Boaewood Cofflna.from $lf) to $21; Boeewood Caskets ISOt Bnri Casltstv0--aU trimmed -and au other casaete per eeni oneai than sny" othsr house ia, Osxlaac and 468 thirteenth street, Oakland. Tela pbon jNo. 18. I Bnisira COi aHate anICmwS acsmy nd Ptna ea rntaelsoa 'Ai's5rJAsie' LehahardL.

the candy man. can aire yon a aotnteV on dont beliav IV eall andifry WUM oeiictoas nmawrorum Trim. -link Ol KenrnckV aovrBOS SSOFTS whisky sneev tiiera via street Wsaaiaoea -7 strange as it nay seem, caused ffonk-, a lact of that which is never exactly gteatestlact in connection with ar.i ii atJtjrs at thufpoint--it is fartfj digested and most weakened- digestion; is. quickly strengthened by-it. Theonly possible help thr-Cmstfrtpitl is" toe arrest '-cf, isast land re-nctoal-f- Incm-heaUhy '-s pmulsicn hasdonl iideriin Gm just this way: Vr TT Tr.

rt Eowm, T. XtewAia. Scott Emulsion lax to 2Q I-ost Stkebt, Saw ifaAKexsco. i IMPORTER OF DRY GOODS, Both the method and results when Bjmrp cf figs taken; it is pleasant ftnd refreshing to the taste, and acts trently wet promptly on the Eidneyg, Lirtr and iJowels, cleanse the sys tem erectusjlyy dispel colds, bead-i fiut mtTfl ana nree fivrno Fifirg' is the only- remedr -'of ita: kind ever dncsxi, pleating to the iaxte add ac ceptable to itonianh, jprompt tn itSiftction goad-truly beneficial la its efieeta. pwpijed cmlr from tie nw healthy ajad agreeable aabstaoces; its" aanr exoellent qualitiea odmmend it Uj all and bare made it the' most popular Teaerlr known; Syrap of Figs' Is for sale in 50c and 91 botUeanby eil tleading 'Any reliable druggist who may not Jiive it on band will pro-pure promptly for any one wbc tj sues, to try it.

JJo not accept auj CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO 1 SAW FKAMOtSCO. CL iousvuu. erfav TheGrtHctuDrtnk Safe, snre and reliable. Always on time. A pleasure and a delight.

Com toxtable, enjoyable. -r IMIRESV R.ootbeer ZSc. SoW ererywher. Sca4 St.

naap Sar bcw-tlfnl pic Mr. end an hoo. The Chas. E. Hires Co-, PUladelphU.

Easily, Quickly, PertnaneBtly Restored. Weakness, Nervousness. sscwimy, ana iu ute ixmu or evils irom eariy errors or later excesses tbe reenlts ot overwork, sickness, worn. eto. opment and tone given to every and portion of the body.

Simple, natural methods. Immedi ate Improvement seen. Book. Failure impossible. 2400 ezDlanation and proofs mailed (seated) free.

ERIE MEDICAL Buffalo. N.v "LURLINE" PRICES: Spectators, I Cents. the: tank SO -cents, with a nit. four tloaeia Tor sji; One month. 9S.

Tbree months, TUBS 4a cents eeclx. i i. Three ttckece. )L One Htontu. SO.

Ihree montlis, 916V THE Family Tiokete, five member. Tab ianK, so a montrt. Lookera at S3 a Tear, LURLINE HOT OR COLD SALT WATER. Essli Street Saw Fvajaeiseo. Notwitbstandins; th w-toWtt of the hard V- Ob Mere By lao1nrabd.

'Ta I fji stare uay vowommir now anena Jjti- ina for eonetrnetion, of aheritaw 1 railroi irtruiR El Moro- direct connection with the "mala. 8otli ern: Faotflo Overland -Rail- i Km khmi MmidMiAii or vhioh will treativ eahanoe the i vale ef this As there are oary a few more cnoioe tots to be I offered I at $75 anil $100, Those anticipatinr bnyinc should thenuetres of net fall to avail the opportunity opportunity effsred. r- DO ROT DELAY, a small payment secures yon the aeWtotag of all advaneee in prion. Yow. ere aordially inrited to call ad examine maps.

and eesar any ether -deairabl in for asaaea tegardiag thia property. Doro Bay fiaproYement frjco A C2J Erititrwe (Stt. Webster sad Harrison' HsaaJSetaretJ f-'-'t Jar ty li civeBe: pratf immtl i toe at short aouoa gr trlpiryJ' yf- f-ff i-1 Wtlie Front Xaclss' Misses and Inlante" Wsydroba. Bildal Ontass oomoiete innos uum eeiplete. Also nave every ardeU tbstls kept In Sist-cUss state, a the lowest prices and tbe most reliable goods.

D. SAMUCLO WllOWtSAJWs Aau itttAAUi Tyrrel Cam JERRY TYRBKL aad FRSO A. OAJCTw BELL, for many year city aejent for th Oakland Home insurance Company, bar been appointed CIT7 AGENTS for th Fireman Fund and Mechanics nUI teance Coipiy 'nil ELECTRIC And will reprsssnt those two cxesllcnt UOmDames in vaatana uhi twbui. ties holding Oakland Home Policies san kawa tha aama anbatitatsd bv nraasnnns their policies at the office of tb above mr Ik. as ii aim unur mill nirr UHllLHIIU IIUHIl- UUIUU1UU I.

tir. nl ear4lMw SkWaWI 5 K- '4" IwaS Ww) sasfsssBLsslWaj Jab au i tv sal tw -r -1 nianirv Wamseil ASi LIGHTS CALL UP Telephone No. 17 Oakland Electric I4g N. W. Cor.

2d Webster Sts. OAKLAND. arte emir reUable h.n at ptteian in Oaklaad, hay yeas eyes MVtWr m.mmm. ADJUSTI50 arKCTACues Ze wis all tha varies nntjaS mmimAtm mil tha rsrises esaSIW imihh leases steer eav aatalsy. KLAJaaJI AXIOM VafmB.

For abort time, to latrodaoe we offer you a sa, 1 a.QO RAPID FOUNTAIN PEN For tl.50 Cask wlU Uroer. Inrt Vmm aeeomMnlad bv welMmowa ib an nfarrt Brer's rnsrantee. Pens ex ehaarsabie at any time, i 'a' CO Q. Box coet.l-TraatiaKtow, P. hlVtPBXDilOTIOK.

H-ktth rvicyi aavinas BAVK. OAXXAXTX cl A dividend bss been deelared to dtTwsitoTe'fortbesixmeatha wndler JaeS9, 1.11 at tm Tmfm nl UT eeat POT IDSSm. rate Are per eens pe sneow ei all. term account payable oed -after OAK LAM Grossrisa PitjibIoiiE: t37 CITY ta- it I hit c'cri 3 1' mJ greiJt jtil v..

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