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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


i CITY REAL ESTATE-l md FDBITISHED ROOMS TO RENT. MS. BRIGHyjBA worn DuViooBsl 'All ISIassachnsetts Total Abstinence Society (FAO-SIMILE REPRODUCTION.) SALE OH 1HS INiTALiAiN itlaa. twa bentirn) bernes. ea aearlv tliW laouira OAKLAND UjXH AND I2 VtarMKNT Broadwey, Oat 'aq d.

tTTWti CHEAPEST AND Mis EOCU1 JL OakUad Two-storr honaaa of Mspu, -hot and cold watar aad bain; fe4-eUe4 sot; aash and $iffmonthrr tastaileaanta. a a-dreee eQ POTTS ft. Caltfernia at, fcf. a TTESTION 1 1 'f1 yon ar ia trouble aod eanaot ken 7001 tnterest pail up, come aad ae me, may aaaikt TOO. I here some fine ranch and eitr aprtiee always en band la aU paits of Die Facia 0 oaa to excbaage.or lot tale at your Ikva lefta Cill aad see me.

''Wt- H. T. BMNTOJT, fi Land and Rnchaaae Broadway, Oak land, room IV i CIlQnn LOT HOCS OF FODBY i i OUU reams; street work cent: 500 cash. balance easy terms; 'iXS Etna street. North Csk.

1 a .1 A OI TT BUVt 3 41 Tt r.m street, Berkeley IrOK 8ACK BY Wi ROBINSON CO aSi 4I into street. i H9 aerea, whole or rabdivlsjoas, sis mites northeaast of Oakland, adloinlo the Talbot ranob: oae and one-halt nallaa uorUl at S.L4H.E.S.E.; tloo Mriota 10 acres rich ailavlal anal, center of Brnttltt BY THE- a meeting of the Board fR91flf)-A BARGAIN TWO-STORY IftlXUU heme Of seven run vith I At on north Una of H. A E. R. VIS) acre.

too per front foot, business prncr let SSX 164 feet; southwest coraar Seventh and Peplax. Wanted Heuaes to rent. Leave na year rmoent houses. W. SOSIKeOi CO, 4m A t-Math street.

I The Fittz Cure Company, Gentl emen: At k- Uaasachusetts Total Abstinence Society held lowing resolution was unanimously adopted: Having listened with interest and attention to ments made in regard testimony ofseveral to the Fittz Cure, supported by the who have been successfully treated, large number of letters from others who have been likewise wholly delivered from the appetite for alcoholic liquors, this Board commends 'the Fittz Cure to the candid and careful consideration-of all interested in the salvation of the victim of the liquor habit, especially in view of the moderate cost of the treatment and of the fact that it can be followed without leaving home or business. (Attest) Acting Chairman, Officers of the Massachusetts Total Abstinence Society for 1893. President, HOlf. JOBH T. Vice-Presidents.

ITon. William Claflis. Hon. A. Morse, M.

C. I Hox. Matthew H. Cushixo. I Hon.

Johx L. Swift Hon. Oliver Ames. Hos. Rvrrs S.

Frost. Hon P. Emery Aldrich. Hon. B.

B. Johsso.v Hos. Eustace C. Fitz. Rev.

albert H. Plum, D. D. Rev. Daniel Dorchester, D.

D. Rev. Lewis B. Bates, D. Hon.

Edward H. Haskell. Hok. David I. Robinson.

Treasurer, Benjamin R. Jewell. Clerk of HOAHT OF DIRECTORS. Secretary, Rev. Alfred Soon.

71 on. J. Alleo. E. Bridgewatar.

Hun F. M. Ames, Cautuu. Oakei A. Amej.

tastoo. II ou E. Dana Bancrofi, Ayer. Mrs. E.

E. Barkr, Quincy. ''force V. Blake. Belmont.

TL Bowman. Cneisea. Bowman. I'opeka Kansas. 4.fT.

is. W. Bush. Hostoa. Hon.

William laflln, Boston. Rev. Joseph Cook. Boston. J.

C. Haynes, Boslbn. K. E. Hoi brook.

Holorook. Stephen A Hoit, WlncbeMer. Daniel S. Howard. Brockton.

Kll A. Hubbard. Springfield. R. Jeweil.

Ho ton. Hon. B. B. Jobuso i.

Waltbam. Ilav. 11. Jones, N. Abini(ton.

Kev. J. w. Kingsbury. Sltaate.

Bev. Larbaree, Kandolpi Rev. a. II. Ciolidee, Leicester.

Kev. H. W. ma', C. Cuv )nng rtela.

Kev. E. 1-. baruxrn, Stoughton. Kov.

J. H. i.iirt". Jamaica Plain, loo. K-ifus S.

Krot. Dr. He.iben Boston. Vm. C.

Greene. Bo9ton. A. W. Uoldard.

BrOokltne. Hon W. H. Llaile. Springfield.

Bod. E. 11. Haskell, Newton. SJT- There is no room for doubting that the Fittz Cure saves men from the Disease of Alcoholism.

It is sure and safe, ft is a home treatment of low cost and does not interfere with a man's business. Write or call upon us. We shall bo pleased to hear from see all who are interested. All correspondence strictly confidential. 1 nni Jackson stejct-a mcjs rooaaa lor iwt la venieat to beta local traina aad street Mrs, to augi gentlemen; Mice nosa as to par ontn.

fp qb wtta cniiara piy. rHB PAIKU HuUBE 12SS tkLxcraph avaaiM. baa ba nopntd ndr new iBitMMSBMV foraitnteaad earpett: roema slnfie or ea ulto: with or wttiumt board. Price rait the tinea. AKICKLT rURSiBHED SUNNY BOOH IN private family; near atreajt can aad Usla; very reaaanaMe to right party.

Address H. H. pox nil omoa. TV KSlaVa.BU EOOM8 TOR. OBTS TWO inufnn ia ynyavM laaauy; aaaet sawa; Doarau na aira 11 ai aa.

ts aaz x. aula alee. FOB. GENTLSMBN NICBLY FURNISHED snnay aloeve suit in Drlvate family, with washlna aad mendlns: Si2 per month: board opUonal MOrubarteueat. JJTJRNIjJHED rOUR.

OB FITS ROOH8 JC aalUbla for kouaakMBlar or will rent separatebath and laundry. Apply 1168 Web- aiar street, corner oi rourieenin. HANDSOME FDRNISHSD ROOK: RBKT reasonable. Apply 1017 Castro street. NICELY FUHNIeHED FKONT PARLOR suitable for eeatlemsn or man and wife: no children; nae ol kitchen for light house- Keepiog aeuraa; also sonny room on second floor.

715 Tenth street near Grove. ONE PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT room to 1st at 1409 Franklin a treat, Oakland. ORIENTAL BLOCK. 864 WASHINGTON nu local ears: furnished rooms by tha day, week or month; transient solicited. MRiLOBAKT, Proprietress.

LET UaKDSOMELY FTJRNIStlEC mnny rooms, en suite or single, for two gentleman or married con pie; convenient to train and electric car: rent cheap to good party, seventh street, npuirs. LET NIC i FURNISHED ROOM, WITH bath, is prirate family; all oonTanlenoea. 1367 Castro street. rpwo BEAUTIFUL. CLEAN, 8LNNY ROOMS X.

or fist of three rooms for light houaa keep ing no cnuaren: small private lamiiy; very central, eu ruteentn street. THE NEW -LA 8EIP" HOUSE, LOCATED AT -i- 476 Twelfth street, between Broadway aod Washington, is now being elegantly furnished in ma latest modern style, ice rooms are large and sunny; bath and all modern improve-menu; slnKle room! from 16 to 110: suites from S10 to IX) per month, a few lisrht housekeeping rooms. This house is under the able manage ment oi MKj. Bur-HiA btif, who respectfully solicits tbe patronage of the public MRS. surHIA otiP.

Proprietress. LET LARUE bUNNY KOOMH FUR- niabed: eood location. MRS. H. ROBINSON.

230 Twelfth atreet. Oakland. KOOM8 ANU BOARD WANTED, ANTED BOAP.D AND L0D8ING IN private family by married laly; can give reference. Aaaress c. box 4, tnu omce.

IOa K.r.A'1 iLa'Ib THREE AND FOUB rooma each, for housekeeping. In the riant. fn block, center Nineteenth traet and ban la bio avenue. Apply at larf ban Pablo aveaua Cr IO J. J.

l.OCJIn- -i Mi -lOQQ TELEGKAPH AVENUE. CORNER J.OOy Nineteenth atreet Sunny rooma and Rood board at moderate rates; also table board 520t TENTH feTREET, NEAR WA8HING- ton. newlr ooened as a Drlvate boardlns house; handaomely furniheed rcu mg, vrltb gas ana bath; hrst-ciass table board; terms moaer ate. r1 IRSr-CLASS HOME FOR GENTLEMAN and wife with German family wltnout children or other boarders: use of horse and bueev acd niano AfD 667 Twenty-aecond ritieet. between urove atreet and ban Pablo ava, "OLE ASA NT SUNNY ROOMS WITH GOOD i.

board; large grounds; bo Ti reasonable; df'lizhtful for 'be summer. Ion East iwelfti street, corner Third avenue, East Oakland. References required. IjOOMK WI1H FIRST CLASS BOAB.l FOR I ge-iii-man asd wife: 9i0 Myrtle street, oak and. hoi.Sr IO LtTT.

UUKNISHEi) HOUSE To LB I AT FRUIT Vaie io a iami.y who will board the owner the diffdrenie between rent and board to be paid in cash by owner: society more than compensation. Juquire Fruit Vale. IjURNISHED HuU.E TO KENT, FJNt l.O-1 cation; sunny rooms; flowers, grounds and stable; rent $40 per mouth. Call at 2106 Telegraph avenue. EAP WILL NOW SECURE a modern s-room house with basement: large yard, lawn, cnoice collection oi roses, excellent waier and plenty of sunshine; con-veuiences for horse, cow or chickens, eta; electric cars pas the door; only ten minutes' ride to local train, although the walk is never objectlonaDle; this place formerly rented for and tM.

Apply without de ay to K. J. MONTGOMERY, 4bl Nintn street. TfOR RENT ONE ACKt LAND, MODERN five-room cottage, barn, chicken yard, etc; five minutes to electric csrs; near Teruescal; rent12. G.

A. WILLAKD i lOjii Wasa ington street D1 3IX-KOOM HOUsE, STABLE FOR lf3Xi two horses, base ant, cement walks; cheap to responsible, permanent party; 1946 Linden street, a im. seven-room, new modern house, cement walks and basement: $lb: 367 Third atreet Keys at Bakery. 857 Washington. oi o-a FOUR ROOil COTTAGE.

LARGE IDJ-t basement and yard, on 1 hirteenth street between Cemer and Chester; electric ctrs on two sides. Apply for key to W. J. LINGEE, 46-) Eighth street. ry0 LET I ODGING HOUSE OF 21 ROOMS JL on Sixth street.

Inquire for particurs at 471 tlx to street. HOUSES WANTKD. 7 ANTED IMMEDIATELY A MODERN TV house of 7 rooms and garden; rent not to exceed 130. Address N. C.

box 2. this office. ANTED AN UNFURNISHED HOUSE OF VT eight or nine rooms In good condition; no objections to carpets and shales; east of Broadway and noith of Fourteenth street a preference, but not a necetsity. Address with terms, which must be reasonable, Good Tenant, box 4. this office.

81 ORES TO LET. TO RES TO LET. CENTRALLY LOCATED. rooms in rear; rent $15 and $AJ. Apply at 1116 Broadway, BUBlNEtMB Or-fOltT UNITIES.

FOR els OR SALE, Af A BARGAIN A FIRST- sss hotel of 61 rooms centrally located: li well filled and is doing a large transient business; this house must be sold, as tbe owner Is going East For further information maulre of CHITTENDEN A CLARKE. 463 Ninth St. atEDlCAb. AGU lllAUi 1iLu arret- Jatl ia ebetroctioat of sseataly periods from cold, torpid drcalation. ete Ladles sncieate ahoold not nse tbsm to gvard agstast miscarriage MRS.

DAVlBft, 12 Market Bw. atarpayBalldina Caa FTanetsoe, roem as. MRe. DR. GOODWIN MAKES A SPECIALTY of diseases oi women and restores all irregularities from any cease in one dsy, guaranteeing a eure or no charge: home for pe-tlonta.

8 seventh street Ban Frsnclsoo: pills 1 tt- W. CDOXNELL OFFICE Ay aad reaioeace, 704 waaaingtoa aer Aeeray, aad KS Market street, 8aa Vraa- cisco. Omee hoars a. a. to sr.

m. aad 7 to Ir. a. rarttenlar atasnUon paid to diseases of wemaa aad anliaren. GET DOWN TO FACTS WA8 8CFFER-Ing greatly wish Acute Bhsnmatlsm.

unable to leave my bed. Alter the flret application of Dr. eUegun's Great Rheumatic Remedy I was relieved of all pain. I con tin Bed the nse and am completely cared- I recommend it highly. Signed: Abthcb W.

Bavseit. Manager People's Theater. The ei gun Remedy office 804 Clay st cat, Oakland. WANTED THE LADIES TO TRY EUCA-lyptns Suppositories: restores all Ixregn-larrtlaa: alast. surest for all female diseases: sold by all draggists.

Ageat, Ceatrai Phar macy, 1901 Broadway. AGENTS WANTED. ACTIVE AGENTS, IITHEB BEX; BELL) AT eight: good commission. Baafoasl Besiatry aadsre for MeatifleasleB ana eare. abbit room so.

Croc aer eaiidlpg. eaa rraaetaeo. JBPBTWtlXH KK3WON NICE BILLIARD TEMPL WHAiiE YoW eaa nemd a aleaaaat aoac itig eoa- dactod by XJ. WeaoleaatfaM eevaatb afW. a BORONlE CO.

HlRf ffRXET ra-eeeaaar Myree; si an sam raatasa snare aaaled tektal aartsayaaaat atomnt VbMta Dociriaes Hut All SbonM StnJj, Explanations to Be Given by Able Divines. Cliircli levsasd Aonoancementsfor the Srnidaj Serilces. Th moat interesting event in reljgkms circles tomorrow will be the dedication of the Twenty-fourth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Chorch, when cervices of a tried character will be held at variouj timet dorinj the day at follows: Opening serYices, 11 a. by F. F.

Jewell, D. presiding elder of Oik-land district Dedication services, 3 p. by Eisdop P. A. Goodsell, D.

LL. D. assisted by F. F. Jewell, D.

D. E. K. Dille, D. D.

Alfred Ka miner, D. D. 6. J. Carroll, D.

and others. Epwerth League praise service, r. by James A. JeilreeB, president. Preaching, 7:45 p.

by Kev. G. R. Bun ley. Second Presbyterian Church Rev.

Barton W. Perry will supply the pulpit morning and evening Morning subject, "Jesos Was Tempted. He I Abie to Help Them That Are Tempted." Evening 'service at 7:30 o'clock. Sabjsct, "Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly." Morning service at 10 o'clock. Pilgrim Congregational Church, Eighth avenue Services at 11 a.

m. and 7:30 p. m. liev. M.

Willett, pastor, (subject in the morning, "The Christian Race." The Rev. J. Clarke Kobbios of Berlseley will preach in the evening. Subject, "Who Is Your Pilot?" Gospel Temperance Rooms 8o9 Clay street, between beventh and Eighth. Rev.

James M. Wishart will address the meeting tomorrow at 3 :30 p. m. First Methodist Episcopal Church he pastor, JJr. Rummer, wilt preach at a.

m.j on "Self Examination," and at 7 :30 p. m. on "Lessons of Flood and Flame." Gospel Tent On the rieht of Central Bank, Fourteenth street and Broadway. Prophetic Lectures, with diagrams, by Donald Munro, evangelist, at 3 p. m.

and 7:39 p.m. on Lord's Day, and every evening during the week (except Saturday) at 7:45 o'clock. All are cordially invited and seats are all free. First Free Baptist Cucrch Rev. John Palmer, acting pastor, will preach a.

m. and at 7:30 p. m. First English Lutheran Church At Yenog Men's Christian Association Hall, 522 Twelfth a tree Services at 10:30 a. m.

and 7:30 p. m. In the morning the pastor, Rev. Philip Graif, will preach on "The Wise and Foolish Builders," and in the evening on "The Secret ot Happy and Triumphant Living." Everybody cordially invited. 6t.

Marcus German Lutheran Church The pastor, Rev. A. Jatho, will preach at 10:30 a. m. Subject: "The Nature of the Prophesy of the Glory Which Shall Be Revealed." German Evangelical Lutheran Zion's Church Corner of Twelfth and Myrtle streets.

J. H. Tbeiss, pastor. Sunday school at 9:15 a. m.

Morning service at 10: 45 o'clock. Sermon by J. W. Tbeiss. Subject: "Swo Special Reasons Why the Oariatian Should Be Merciful as the Father Is First Congregational Church Rsv.

William Rader will preach morning and evening. Subject for the morning, "Communion and evening, -A Plain TaJk on Miracles." First Universaust Church Rev S. Goodenoagn, pastor. The second sermon of the four L'a will be given at 10:30 a. m.

Snbiect, "Lipht." Christian CHtfRcn Eider J. M. Wishart of Topeka, will preach at 11 a. u. Subject, "The Christian Bace." First Baptist Church Corner Fourteenth and Brush streets.

Children's Day will be observed in the morning, at o'clock, with appropriate and pleasing exercises, to which the public are invited, la the evening, at 7:30 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. C. H. Hobart, will speak in bis series of special subjects upon the theme "Woman Suffrage." West Oakland Baptist Mission Oa CampbeH street. Rev.

L. T. Bush will preach at 7:30 p. m. Rsv.

E. G. Wheeler, with trie chapal cat Emmanuel will begin a series of meetinte in the car ia the vicinity of the mission next Tuesday evening. Abbury Methodist Episcopal Church South -Corner Clay and Fifteenth streets, T. H.

B. Anderson, D. pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m.

and 7:30 p. m. Rev. John D. Vincil, D.

of Su Louis, will preach in the morning. The doctor is one of the most eloquent preachers in the church, besides being past-grand master of Masons oi Missouri. He is now and has been ior many years their grand secretary. In the evening the pastor will preacn. Subject, "The Priesthood, Tabernacle anb Blood of Jeius Christ" Snadav ohool at 11:45 a.m.

Epworth League 6:15 p. m. Everybody is invited. FrkBT Presbyterian Church Corner Fourteen! and Franklin streets. Rev.E.

8. Chapman, 'D. wil1 Pch at a. M. and 7:30 p.

m. Sabbath school at 12 Young People's Society of Christian Endeavos at 6 :15 p. m. All are welcome. Christian Advestists Will be addressed by Elder W.

R. Young in the Young Men's Christian Association Hall at 11 a. oa "Optimism, a Sign oi the Times." Sunday schoal at 12:15 t. M. Social services at 7:15 p.

m. Snbiect at 7j45 p. "False Peace vs. True Peace." Wednesday evening prayer meetings at 7 :45. Tenth Avenue Baptist Church Preaching by the paator, Rev.C.M.

Hill, at 10 :30 and 7 Morning subject, "The Unhidden Christ. Evening anbject, "The Salvation Army or Efforts to Reach the Masses," being the second ia the series on practical phases oi Christian work. Chester Street Method ibt Episcopal Church Corner Chester and Ninth streets, George W. Beatty, tAor. June 17, 1894.

children's day service at 10:30 a. M. Preaching by the paator at 7:45 r. u. Praise service at 7:30 p.

m. St. FaBl's Episc opal Church Fourteenth and Harrison streets. Rev. R.

Ritchie, rector. Fourth Sunday after Trinity, holy communion at 8 a. m. "Morning prayer and sertnoa at 11 a. m.

8nnday school and Sunday evening ser-Yicea will be omitted until further notice. j- Eighth A vena Methodist Episcopal, Church S. J. Carroll, D. pastor.

Preaching by the pastor at 10 :30 k. and p. m. Subjects, morning, The Doom of the Little Ones" even-Ibr "Knowing God." Epworth Leaftie 'V-J i Gbacb Mission Upper Fnut Vale. by the saaior at 11 a.

aad 7:30 p. k. by the Bar. De. Rogers.

Ep-worth League 6 TuoserBiCAi. 6zu JNT. J. STONE C7C CASH. OR 625 ON 1N8TALUIENTV f.

WJ I In Lorla, near Aleatras avesxe. house of three rooms; lot 50x100; good barn. Apply or addrtas A. LETTER. 567 9eventh st- OW utoat HOME v.

BTOP PAYING JUDOS plan did nta eottaga of four roema. very thing aedern, tust completed ea HosvkfaM street, near VYileom aveuue. East Oakbvad, tww blocks fxom Hermitage: will be seM for eassi on terms to salt pure baser. Apply 2S Klntay. QQAA DOWN: BALANCE OS apaJlU terms; bay a homel 8 tor, borrewtOE( ana A werklncrman's opportunity! Yam oa bey a cosy noose oa Thirteenta street, neaS Center, of fonr rooms: lot 25x114: sanay aid, fortlSOO; electric lines on Twelfth and Feat teenth streeu and horse-car Una en Peralta This proposition is almost as chase as paying rent and you are securing House.

AaV areas Homo, Box S. Tkibiims orkce. ClXY REAL ESl'ATE Cnimprovel $300 AND UPWARD TRACT Lots 10 125. aad 60x10. 115 to flS down, $5 to $10 per month; interest on unpaid installment only, if you a really "fine location for a eos? subarban home see tbe Jones Tract.

Churches, schools, retail stores and every convenience at hand, lhe Jones Tract la conceded by all to be the best piece of property on the line of the Hay wards eiscaria railway; has the finest class of bulldtnca, ca-meat walks ia every street, highest elevation, finest soiL and is in every respect snperier to the surronnding property. Our stnoee eal terms are the most reasonable. It will pay ell intending purchasers to investigate beforo boylng. Mai'DONaLD, MOTT fe CO, Km Broadway, Oakland. CL StsuPEK A BARGAIN.

Blxtr acres of level land on SaaLaan roaa now ec srea ior as ie ia one, owe an' acre tracts. Adjoining property has all subdivided snd sold in lots at $AXX) to $4000 acre. Oakland. 3aa Leauuro ana nar Slactrfo road and Central Pacific Rallread tha TtrOTiertv. Onlv ten mleutae to Oakla Cement walka laid op to Una of thia proptr; A grand opportunity to uoaey.

Unas if dsslrad. for maps. WILLIAM J. DINGER. 4fl0and 46 Kighth street oaaland.

COD NTH KSTATIC F'OR fro 8ALK-1W FOUR 14) MILES from Roa. ali level vallor land; J0 acres in N'arinsr orchard and lo acres in bearing vim ya lnlatie grata and pasture laud; house of turn also cow-barn, tooi-hojsc, iairy-u I Dote cows. ivagonH. cart, ui-r'iuir, hay raku. tKs.

I'ricn or ivil'. snJ Iivido in 40-ncre tracts. Address P. O. Bt i iC.

sanla liosa, CL WO JLLaRS LOid IN the Uose 'Iract at Eimharst. Oaklau.1 peerless srrburb; situate a uuirer to Oakiun.1 thau Berkeley; oulv minutes irora Han Franclaeo: it has a uubiic school, ohurcn and all other elemc.its of a coraaiuaitv; electric and car uucs running tha tract on either iv1e: elentric cars pas every 1 only L5 minatea to Oakland: seed to uolenlgned for pi.rticu!urs, snaps, eta. JNO. McOOVf ribniieOffioo, Oaklind. OaL PKOFKKTY AVANTEI.

WANTKD SMALL IIOUSK AN'fi LOT, west of Broadway, for equity an acre and bouse in Fruit WOLF, Fruit Vale. Villi. WILLIAM M. Difi IO LU.U CAN FRANCISCO COLLATERAL LOAN OBank, 6" Krurny inJv that lends money on diamonds, watcher-: low intercut, POTTIVKLY' TliE UE3T AND cheapest place fu: aev tedcoom parlor furnitnre and carptU, at A AS'. 4W Eleventh elreet.

H. fcOUlLLL. ffjnC REWARD-OPAL lJ)ZnJdiaEionds in 8KT WITH FOUR 1 reniy-flv9 dotlara will he paid tor its return to in. uz, a su-eti. ana no questions stvea.

OST AN ENGLISH 8KTT El. BLACK- oi nuLdar. June ltta. Please return te 35 Bummer street, near Benlua, Park, aud recelvs reward. GilOKuE HOW BCHNEIUKK.

MlitjlCAL. ANOTHER CARLOAD OF LATEaT SfYtS pianos received; just whatyoj waot ana the prices sre jut right. J. IjEWING Ca, Flood Building. San Francisco.

$80" SPLENDID "FPuKTUNITY AN" upright piano: good condliioa. Room 12. Flood Building, San Francisco. ni A fklOAS eoLD OS EASY rlAiaUblbe bust the market af. i fords, at tae lowest prices.

MAX iKAJiCK Ha Seventh street. Market straot sUUon. 1JIANOS TUNED, 60; FlRST-CLAajS WORK and aatiafactioa guaranteed. Call fer or address "Inner," flo9 flay street SC. BALDWfN.

KANIO AND ''(TlTAHi studio. 906 Washlnston room THE HANCB OF TH2 5EASON-cellent teinway piano for 1H0X -AN Rosea IS. F.ood Bniidlnt San Frftclsco. Young Lady desire yuiti toal' piano lstsoas. Adlrsss box thin office.

8E. BAtTSKS, DENTIST THE 'ajUIXi best improvsments to dental wars; dge work, iesth aidioat pistes: wcl ttfae and work as good as sa torsi testa: oa HJ sst wiUi cemllbrt and Halo naaKJt agala, CaSL a lliiJB roadway, receprioa in nan la. WAN SB AMI Aid47aU. HUGO FUGEL'B 8BA7D ARJttT BALI Sfllooa, Thirteenth street Betweea Fraas lin and Broadway, is the plaoJ to Yet Soatft laiiwaakee bear. ehies Set haaejftaa.

Dees; of ST oaV i Agents for the Pacific Coast, Room 7 Flood Building, Market San 27x75, adjoining Market street station: conld be easily changed into a store and flat and would oa always rented; present rental, IJO per month, af. J. LAYMANCE 4 466 tiehlh stw. Oakland. $3750" A 1'AKGAIN NEAT TWO-STORY house of seven irtnmi mil hth- iu Drit-cla coudtbon, same as new Urge lot, 75x100; present in p-ovements cover oulv 25 leet: East Twelfth street; choice location; land alone worth more than the rice, in vetieate at once.

M. J. LAYMANCE Ca. 466 Eighth street. Oakland.

5QCnn-XIW Fi-ATS OF FIVE ROOMS 1GJUU and bath each: Seventh street, near Adeline; rents tw per month; iot25xlOJ: easy terms; only (750 cash, balance monthly payments; see this for an installment home. M. J. LAYMANCfc A 466 Eighth Oakland. cqnnn a i.kodce two-biory and a IfOUUU half modern cot tare of seven roams aad bath; lot 25x100; terms 1250 cash, balance J0 per month; location central and on one of the choice oios streets between Grove atreet and Telegraph avenue.

M. J. LAYMANCE ca. 466 Eighth street, Osklaud. CJCCrvn A BARGAIN NEW TWO-STOKY tPJJvU residence of eight rooms; co-ner lot 50x100; must be (40 per mouth; M.

J. UY- banc loan of tl'JCO i st eet. MANCE 466 Em lis (gQORn-50 CAsH BALANCE MONTHLY, modern six-roomed cottage: Urge lot. 50x150; very des.rablv eiiuated in East Oakland, near Ninth avenue; ask to see this. M.

J. LAYMANCE A 466 Eighth st M03 $3000" CHOICE COKNKR 45xlC0. JUST east of Brna central cart of toe city; see this for an investment. M. J.

4o0 ighth street, Oakland. Dyi hoooe of eight iPtUVJU rooms; lot 50x100; Twentr-giith street, near Telegraph avenue; easy terms. M. J. LAYMANCE A 466 Eighth at 1S7 21250- CAsli, BALANCE -'0 PtR month New two story-nouse of seveu rooms and bath: lot 40x132; within twenty minutes' ride of the city one block of electric cars; owner will sell at a bargain rather thau rent M.

J. LAYMANCE 466 Eighth street, Oakland. $7500 BUSINESS CORNER, PARTLY improved, on San Pablo avenue: a Lareain: lean than SliO per foot. M. J.

LAY MANCE 466 Eighth street, Oakland. OR SALfc A COll AG Wll'H lot 4.X100 feet in rarson's Go. den (iate tract; within six minuti s' walk station and not far irom San Pablo a veviue cable c.r line, price $10; oulv cash dow Ivlsnre in monthly payments this is a drciued Applj-toALBE 1 -CHM1DT, uJ4 Eust 1 we.fth street, h'lit Onkland. TTOJiN y. A.

Ninth nnd broadwai. DOLGE FRY. AllOhNEYs-Al-LAW, t)l Broadway, rooms 2i ana 22, Blake Mot- tit bniMiL.g. E.LLLOGW 4 GRAY. ATTORN AC law.

Pacific Mniaal Building, euuaace loom 6. fourth Coor. baa Francisco- 1 RED L. room 1 KRAUsE, lu03V Broadway, Oakiond, Cai. GEORGE E.

DK GOLlA, 9C7 EKOALWAY, northwest corner of Nintn, Oakiand, Ca. room f. telephone No. 3S. J.

L. PLL.NKErr, AXTOkNEY-AT-LaW. northeast corner Broadway and Seventh ttreets. looms A snd 6, Oeklaud, Cat Money to loan on real estate. LANGA A LANGAN, ATI rooms -j3 and 24.

Blake MomU Building. 906 Broadway: emces also at iiay-Wards snd Livermoro. HLV1 CHAPMAN. ATTOKNEY-Af- Law, 7 Bioadwsy, Oakland, Cal, rooms 4 and a. 11 CaL Ai.

FIT ZGERLD. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. dUx btoadway, rooms 1 tap 2, Oakland, SAMUEL BELL McKEE Iaw 9J7 Broadwav. Oaku ATTORNEY-A1-ind, Ca', "WAN i t.D il ISsC fcLi A Ni bU S. PNEUMATIC SAFETY WANTED, IN GOOD condition, in exchange for good, small sailboat.

Address H. box 1, this office. WANTED A HOR-E fOR HIS 1 KL, ii with option of buying. ddress 1080 East Mneteenth street. East Oakland.

TANTEIJ TO HIRE A WAGON SUITABLE for cxmplng; will be need two or three months. Address A. box 3, this office. V7 ANTED PARTIES WHO ARE A BOUT VV to get married can secure an order oa the County Cierk tor a Biarrite licence by rur-cba'ing twenty dollars' worth of household goods at bottom prices at H. TITANTM A PARTNER WHO IS AN EX- VT pert book-keeper snd eaa-e ia a lezi'imate busir accoumant to en gage la a iezt'imate business smaii capiiai reajiieddresCjbox ao'lKLS.

v-OR 25 f-JST8 YOU CAN GET YOUR SUN-P day dinner at the Hotel Wilson, corner oi fourteenth and Washington streeia that cannot be duplicated in town for less than half a dollar. Dinner to a. li otel Corner Thirteenth and Jefferson streets. Speeial rates fcr the summer. t.

B. PHC8-IA. Mansger- AN SOU CI," 1051 MAstKET STREET 1 HE well-known resldenoe of tbe late Geseral Willlama Strictly fhst-class room snd board, also private tabie at a reason-ble rate; all sunny sooms, large garden, gentlemen's club-rooms, balcony on first and secood flare lhre biecis from Market Street s'ation. Cars for all parts of the city pass within fifty yards. MRS.

PERMIN 4 MRS. GRONENBERG. Prop'B I'UREKA HOTEL JOHN WINTER. PRo-'j prietor; southwest corner Seventh and Washington streets: brand new furniture and best of tables set; meals, 25 eta. Special rates by tbe month.

CB ELLIN HOTEL TENTH AND WASH-laftoa Streets, Oakland; E. VL Lawman, Pren. The new management has thoroagnly veshanled every depaxuaeat: sample rooms for traveling merchants; street sere conneettag WMa an alias at sax taenia suaet aepwa the doer. 11AKKET STREET HOTEL AMERICAN iu aad Earopeaa plan; handsome sunny rooms, ea saHe or single; liberal rates io files. 856 Wst street.

Market-street station. fcaaivr fauteav A. raw nietec aerthweet eoraar.olTweifta ana im1ii antf, Oakland i aleaaaat rooms. finale er essasw; every room, sawayi UWe rss-elaet horse sad eleetrte ears pees tae rlsiTmrT tea mlaatan litwral terlai to pec-eSraem- JoesTrxaias Within a block ay Us-spiGiJKEKa. at AMD ROM atOKOAN CrvU Eaarnsers.

roem 67. Macdooough Bniidtac Oeklsad. Room iiO, Crocker Boiior tag, asm fraacaKe; of Directors of the May 9, 1894, the fol- the state- personal and a mrv Sec'y, the Corporation, Jonathan Bu.tterfl.elt Hon. John D. Lone.

ITingbam. Dr. Lew. a O. Lowe.

Bridgewatef lion, a. Morse, tant Kev. A. H. Plumb, D.

Ho Rev. S. Pottr, Cbarles X. Prouty. Spencer.

A. B. Bbeld. Kev. v.

K. Tenney, Roxbury. Thomas J. Tockei; Cambridge. Hon.

A. J. Wood worth, Cblcopcai Francisco, a a SITUAlfOSS WASTED FEMALE A NEAT. EXPERI-KCED WOMAN WISHES to get work by th- day wiabing, ijoulngor cleaning. Address E.

room 6. 72tt seventh st ADAH McFARLIN HAS REMOVED HER Employment and Real Estate Agency to $52 Castro street comer Seventh, two blocks eaat Mar set (no stairs to climb): hours, 10 a. m. to 5:30 p. M.

Cut ad. out A WIDOW WiaHE3 A SITUATION AS Jr housekeeper iu city or country: has a little girl years old. Call at 815 Twelfth street. A YOUNG GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO do general housework or chambermaid In private iami referenoea. Pieasa call at 7-12 Chester streets.

AVEKY CAPABLE GIRL FOR A FIUfiT-class place, second work; Irish. German, English and American cooks tor hotels and private families; only first-class work and wages: girls or general housework. Apply ac 76o tevemh street A CAPABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY GIRL with references wants to do general housework in private family; wages $20. Apply to A. J.

TaIT, 154 Seventh st, center station. A ENGLISH GiRu WISHES A SITUATION place in country or on ranch; German second fcirl: good references furnished. Apply at tbe Reliable Employment Office, 960 Clay, near Tenth street A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A POaiTION TO do general housework and cooking. The best of reference. Wages $28, Please call or address M.

J. 674 ihlrty-sixth street, between Grove and We it AMIDDLE-aGEU GERMAN GIRL WISHES a situation as a good cook and do general houaework; good reference. Call or address 6 SO Second street. A RESPECTABLE, MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wants a situation: is a good cook and baker; would do washing for a small family: country preferred; has good lelerenoee. Please call at 76 Castro street LADIES IN SEARCH OF HELP OF ALL nationalities, for domestic work, will be able to find what th want by calling at MRS.

MARVIN Employment Bureau, 1115 Washington street. SITUATION WANTED BY AX HONEST AND willing Swedish girl to do second work or honsewerk wsges Sgi Call st 1010 24tn st. COMPETENT GIRL WI9HBS A SITTJATIOM to do general housework; la a good evek. Call or address 889 Center street. 1ADIES I FURNISH EXCELLENT FE-j male help of a 1 nationalities at shortest notice- A ppply to MRS.

E. FRANK'S Employment Office, corner Campbell aad Tay or streets, est Oaalana. RESPONSIBLE EASTERN LADY WAN 1 to care lor and board two small children; mother's csrs. Apply at 1078 Fourteenth avenue. East Oakland.

SEVERAL SWEDISH. ONE NORWEGIAN, two Danish, tare German and a few other girls with the very best of references desire sltastions aa cooks, housemaids, none girls and do general housework, eta. Scandinavian aud German Employ stent Bureau. 2i Broadway, corner Ninth street, the only office where von can obtain firae-elasa referenced servaata. male or femaie.

orUCniKtVUK AND GI iERMAN employ. msnt Barean. the only efflee wnere yon statin Swediah. German. Ameri can.

Danish and ether first-elses lefsreneed servants for alt sltaatioaa, male or female. 921 Bread way, southwest eorner Ninth street, ANTED BY A Y6DNG 1AN1BH 1161 Seveata street, (iarpar i AV ANTED BY YOUNS EN(U8H LADY I aituatloa aa riureaewet to a single gentlemen; chUdrea a obieenea. Plaase sell at 759 Harrison street. WANTED STRANGERa AND TIbTTOKS IN Oakland, who are) la search of heaseheld eoa Eleveata atseefc XX7 ANTED WOBX BY THE DAT. BY to 4 any kfa of work TT aompeceat and waaaoag.

best tireev Aoaxeat aoa wa- flMALE HELit WaXTED LADIES WANTED TO FEED MANHATTAN Egg Food, Red Ball brand: healthy chickens; lots of eggs. Depots corner Fourth and Washington streets. 413 Eleventh street. Thirteenth and Frarjklin streets, J401 Broadway. 567 ast Fourteenth street, East Twelith si ret, 1694 seventh street, corner Jourl enth en'l Jeferson streets, cornel University ana Pb avenues, U.

D. Berkeley: H. Koerber. Bbroeder Sc Brune. Vict 1 wenty-third avenue, Emery Prosaer; i Vale, J.

Muoc -rANTED-A NEATCOMPETENTGERMAN f-v or Swedish girl for general housework and plain sewing in an American family of two. I always huve first-ciasi aces and gooa wages for competent girla. Scandinavian and German Employment Bureau. 921 Hroadwav. ANTED LliTLE BOY8 AND GIR1S with their parents, to call and ge with their parents, to call and i et a cob pie of little brown lugs at H.

8CHELLH A AS', fur niture store, nong of "Little Brown Jug" ior sale by Bru-nn, 1073 Broadway. WANTED -A SPANISH GIRL TO GO TO country snd tace care ot children; wages $15 to $20; also several girls of ail nationalities waiting to rill placet, with wages irom $12 to $30. Ibe Reliaole Em i oyment Orhce, 96j lay. ANTED A NUMBER OF LADIES WHO have a good circle of friends and who are willing to earn from Jii to in a week. Apply by leuer lo W.

G. TAYLOR, Tribunc office. fcl'iLAii'. jX. I MALE.

CIIATION WANTED BY A RELIABLE man as watchman, janitor or with a private family; good references. Please address B. box 2. this office. COACHMAN-uation witt YOUNG MAN DESIRES SI f- ith private family; is thoroughly competent and experienced: beat of reference.

Address G. hox S. this office. A LIMITED NUMBER OF UOOO MEM wasted to canvass for Intending purchasers of Real Estate; send application in writing and give at least half a dozsn good references; applications mutt be in writing, no others eniertsined. JNO.

McCOMB P. O. Box 47S, Oakland. Cat. a) Oil fcvALiK SIlbCKLiLiAK EOCSj WLt-aS Al SURREY, NEARLY new.

Call on D. BROWN, 1C1S Broadway. IQrv AN EXCELLENT SECOND-HAND tpOU osgin; also stock of fine naw organs; lowest prices. THE J. DEWING CO tJ9 Market street.

Flood I nlldlng. San Francisco. ELEGANT SINGLE-FOOT, SADDLE horse for sale cheap. 418 Pewell st F. ffll r7C AN ELEGANT.

THREE-PEDAL, UP-Lpl I right piano, new, for $175; uken for bargain. Call at 1046 Peralta street at once. TEN HORSES FOR Eighth street. SALE CHEAP AT 868 TV ED SOFAS AT HALF PRICE, BEDSTEADS Xj and mattresses, uses and carpets cheap for caah at rtCHELLH AAf 408 Eleventh st. CARPETS CLEANED AND LAID BY THB t-CHREIBER FUKSITURE 1L57 aad 115 Washington street.

17OR BALK-ONE GRAY af ABE, YEARS Sj old; fine saddle bene, or wnl work to harness: perfectly gentle, lady can handle; can ran quarter of a mile in S3 seeoads; price $4u. Apply to D. Fr IMACY, soorheast corner Eaat aitnteenUi st end Foart -eath E. Oakland. OK 8 ALE A GOOD SQUARE PIAHO FOR tuo: owner mast leave the city.

Address Widow, 63? Eighteenth atreet. -If DsFOkTONE CAUSES THJt IMafEIHATB 111. sale of a very fine now wtaao It end anake aa effen moss seU at 1856 Teata awe, earner Kirkaaaa. Oekiaad. TWO-6EATED BOCKAWAT FOE: ehesp.

Apply at wa Fifteenth sir et BJLB 'RAJIG1XX PERSOHALf. MArDEsVADECOfiTUatEer-AJUtOOUSTRY wrdere filled, U. tM JsUrAea A. Harris. Sublet, "God and Man." Odd Fellows Hail, corner Frank in and Eleventh treet8, 7:45 p.

m. Beth Edejt Baptist Church Sixth street, between Harrison and Alice Pastor R. A. McGnina speaks in tbe morning on a "DiatiDeniLiiDe Feature of tbe Children of God." Evening topic, "Concealing and Market Street Congregational Chcrcii The theme of the morning will be, "What the Charch Ought to Be to the Comninnity ia Which It Is Piaced." In the evenine the pastor will preach tbe fourth sermon on the journeys of Christ, entitled "From the Mount of Temptation to ta Passover at Jerasalem." IHiSiLiA.Ns IMKiOJlOltX. H.

C. DUKES. M. OFFICE 1C6S BRO AO-way, rooms 15 and 16; hours 9 to 11:30 a. and 2 to 6 p.

m. residence Oaremont avenue and Hudson ttreer. North Temescal. II RAY SMITH, SEARCHER OF9KCORD3 And Conveyancer. Alameda ocuaty.

Omce 11 nth street, keiween rtroaelwajr ana Waak-mston. Oakiaao. DURING TEE SUMMER 8EASOK AND. until October 1st, Misa A. E.

West, 509 Thirteenth street, will make fine street snits for $12 so; raduetion on aUk suits. LADIES GCING TO THE COUNTRY bave their hats trimmed reasonably at private millinery parlors. 1055 Broadway, cor-ner Eleventh etrest. room LADIES' AND MISSEs DRR3SMAKING atylishiy dona, also wrappers, very cheap, at blxteenth street, near Ban Pablo ave. MKLTl.NG SPIRITUALIST CAMP MKBTlNO FOB benefit of California Benevolent Association, corner Twelfth and Adeline streets; con-feienee.

2 i0 r. lervlce, 7:80 r. x. daily. Electric cars direct to the door.

OCLiaaiTS AS Lt AUK1STS H. G. THOMAS, and Throat. M. D.

EYE, EAR, NOSE Office, Central Bank B'ldg. OOUTBARD. W. F. OFF1C.S llao BliOAU way; xealdenee, 100a Market street, Oe Jane hears.

4-ote t-Mr. Eye. Ear. Thxoml OAKLAND FRENCH LAUNDRY, P. CALOO Co 690 Twenty- ninth street; same rates as San Francisco and Contra Costa laundries; ten work at cheapest rates; curtains done In first-class style.

Telephone 614. PARISIAN LACFDRY. 230 TWELFTH ST. Old clothing cleaned and dyed; lace curtains and bienkeia a specialty. J.


Cat, 1 BROWMB, KOTARY PUBLIC. 4Af lnntli street, between Broadway and Washington. Always in attendance. 7 1LLIAM J. DIBSU, UJTjriCst aeu AND ais Elrhth aSMac PKIlSO i NOTICE-SCHOOL CAILDRiTN WITH AH order from their "pa" or "ma" can gat a knifeor panel I sharpeaer free Of eaaxae at a ab' eua iOeveata atreet.

SAXITARY BtBDINd AT THS SCHRSIBXat tXKt usj Hi WAaaiac wa umi Best of weoes. Ilgaors sal efyaes. OCHUTZ MILWAUKEE BEER DIP li XV -n H. ECCKS, proprietor, eeS TweifcA. sa-eet, Oshlawa; prlTSte enuseee for J- RESTAUXlAATaV UNITE RSAL RF5TAPRANT Oyster hoase.

4V TtA SL. beet wwa i0t am aaa aowaraa meals at aH hoars Mr or ataa ads te older: cho; enoia wiae.anos sa erersj Jaaies ana aarticr, ataspaone pfonrlstora, BttJEDIVBfa. nrRS. J. WBITNBT ill trance, fast eaiaai ana are iere- flock ton sueet, bet.

Post aad Geary sueeta, Baa frsaciaoo. pnvase sitaags Si araiAAMlxVRlC BXJK IX) ALE JC6T ARRIVED; tDal'NllUAS A a and soneeats of foar eYflereat eattacee. re. moved te ear store, aad will be sold sscrtsea; splendid eottage to hit. Apply to BCMELLHAAB, aia Eievesth sreet CTJCAJL aXCOX D- 13 a aenvd rarnltsare see eele eheast at H.

fcimms Nsws Stead, fri Jbteadwa. i- I below bevaasa gtrfet, ry 4 1 7.

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