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Kansas Farmer from Topeka, Kansas • Page 5

Kansas Farmeri
Topeka, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

409 DECZOSB17, 1879. THE KANSAS FARMER. Woman's Wisdom. St. Louis Wool Strayed or Stolon On the 14th of November from my farm, three Special Notice.

The Kawsas Fabues, Weekly Capital and American Young Folks are distinct publications, each carefullj edited bj different persons, and the reading matter appearing in one is not used in another. The three papers are sent to one address one year for $2.50. Address Hudson Ewing, Topeka, Kas. The Weekly Capital for 1880. The Weekly Capital for 1880 will be found one of the most desirable family newspapers.

The present enlarged form will be preserved, giving the readers a clear, clean faced, easily-read type, and the large amount of interesting news, political, summary, literary and domestic matter, the best ever offered in Kansas for the low price of ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR The Capital will be bright, fresh and spicy, independent and outspoken in its opinions. The editors will seek to make for the people of Kansas the most COMPLETE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. The Commercial Department," giving latest commercial and financial news and telegraphic markets, will alone be worth the price the paper. The State News will be a prominent feature. News from the Capital City of the state.

All important conventions, mass meetings, and state gatherings at the capital, will be reported in the Capital. No part of the paper will be of more interest, especially to the mothers and daughters who read the Capital, than THE HOME DEPARTMENT, which will hereafter contain a good story, articles upon the fashions and subjects of household economy. The Capital will be sent to any address, in or out of Kansas, one year, postage paid, for ONE DOLLAR. The light receipts meet quick sale at firmer prices. iuD-wanea maium 55 to 57c, diner and low hO to lamb 40 to 43c; nnwashed-mfom and combing 27 to 30c, mediun 35 to 37c, coarse 82 to 13c Tab-washed indium 55 to 57c.

dinrr and low f0 to fine '27 to 80c, Texas 28 to 32c Burry, black and at sc to iuc per id less; eoutnern burry wortn Chicago Wool Harket The demand for all aualiities is eood. and the sup is light. There has net been very much shipped this market during the past week, and the feeling on the part of the dealers is hold for higher prices. Tub-washed, coarse and dinsrv. 42 to 45c tub-wash bright, 47 to 50.

Western Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota unwashed, fine, 24 to 26c; unwashed, coarse, 2S to 30c; unwashed, medium. 31 to S4c; washed fleece, fine 35 to 40c; wksfced fleece, coarse, 34 to flocce mediura- te 43c; fall Colorado. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, December 15. 1879.

FLOUR Quiet and unchanged. WHEAT Dull, weak and lower; No. 2 red winter, 81 82 No. 2 sprint, 81 2tai 29 cash 31 January: $1 32 14 SI 328 February: No. 3 spring, 81 15 rejected, 97c.

CORN Dull, weak and lower; 4o3fe340iAc cash; 40ff 40c January 4U4c February; 4tffec May; rejected 38c. OATS--Dull and a shade lower; 35J4J cash 34 34: December 3434c January 39c May. RYE Steady and unchanged. BARLEY Steady and unchanged. PORK Heavy; fair demand at lower rates; 813 75 cash; $12 87te12 90 January 813 103 13 12lfe February; 813 35 March.

LARD Active, but lower and heavy 87 25 cash; S7 8507 87M January; 17 60 bid February; 87 A2i March. BULK MEATS Fair demand and lower; shoulders, $4 25 short ribs, 16 50 short clear, 86 60. WHISKT-Steady 81 12. 8t. Lonls LiYe-btocK narkek 8t.

Louis, December 15, 1879 HOG 5 Slow, packers standing off light to hea shlrmine. JU 60: Dacklne. nominal. 54 20 4 45 butchers' to fancy, 14 404 60 receipts, 12.000; shipments, 5.O0O. CATTLE Firm supply only moderate choice to fancy shipping steers, 84 7024 90 fair to Srime.

S3 50(74 50 cows and heifers, 82 25 25: feeders. 8't(3 50 corn-fed Texans, 82 75 0)3 75: receipts. 1,100 smpmentf, none. SHEEP Scarce and wanted values finn; fair to good muttons, S3 25rr3 HO; choice to fancy, $3 65 receipts, 400: shipments, none. Kansas City Live-Stock Market.

Kansas Cm. December 1879. The Indicator reports CATTLE-1 Receipts for 48 hours, 54; shipments, 154; market steady, with a very good demand for good butchers' cattle native steers, averaging 1 lbs sold at $4 25 cows, good, $2 IndH 25. HOGS Receipts for 48 hours. 832 shipments, 1.111; market unsettled uuriog the forenoon, and hOi 10c lower In the afternoon, closing weak; sales ranged at $3 U2V4 85; balk at 4 20.

SHEEP Rrcehrts for 48 hours, 350; shipments, 350; qute! and unchanged. Kansas City Produce Market. Kansas Cm, December 15, 1879. roe Indicator reports: WHEAT Receipts, 12.413 bushels: shipments, 8.254 bushels: in store, 072 971 bushels; weaker; unsettled and fraction lower: No. 2.

81 26 bid; No. 3, SI 101A1 tOVB No. 4. 81 091. CORN Receipt.

53.363 ousheis shipment 44,237 bushels; in store, 158.335 bushels; a fraction lower, No. 2 mixed, 30ty. OATS- No. 2, 42c asKed. RYE Nominal.

BARLEY Nominal. EGGS Steadv. at 2()c dozen for fresh. BUTTER Choice selections tirm, at 2lc; choice 18fr20c; good, 15c. New York Live-Stock Market.

New Tors, December 15, 1879. BEEVES Receipts, market slow but firm, especially for good, prime and premium dteers; very poor to strictly prime steers, $6 75(910 25; extra and premium steers of show cattle, $10 50 1150; exporters used 850 fat steers at $8 bOd) 11 50. including 150 at 10 25 11 50. SHEEP Receipts, steady lambs, firmer and higher, sheep, $4H 50; lambs. (5 25.

SWINE Receipts, no change in live; fair to good westerns, $4 H0QA DO. St. Louis Produce Market. Sr. Louis, December 15.

1870. FLOUR Lower; XX, 85 753 5 85; XXX, $5 9536 05: family. tf 106 15. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red, 81 83 cash: 1 85tfe 31 35 January; 81 40141 40 February; 1 35.

1 34 March; No. 3 $1 24al 244- CORN Lower 86iA33ttic. cash: 36fec 3U4c December 3714337c January; 38838ir2C February; 4014 March. Lower; 36cJ cash; 40c bid February. BYE Dull; 80c bid.

BARLEY-Oulet; choice, 85. WHISKY Quiet; SI 11. LEAD Steady; 85 50. BUTTER Unchanged for dairy, 2027c; roll, lower, 14 22c; country packed, 8318c. EGGS Steady at 20c for strictly fresh.

PORK Easy; SlScash; 118313 Februarjt LARD Nominally lower: 17 20 bid. DRY SALT MEATS Dull and nominal; 84 10 4 20, 0 106 20, 0 206 30. BAOON-Dull, $5, 17 2537 50. Our readers, in replying to advertisements in the Farmer, will do ns a favor if they will state in their letters to advertisers that they saw the advertisement in the Kansas Farmer. ROSES and hERAHIUHS.

50.000 now ready. None better. 100 by express, 50 by mail, $3. Samples 14 for $110. Lists Free.

Address TYRA MONTGOMERY, Mattoon, Illinois. To Bee-EIeepsrs. Many of our subscribers are lovers of Honey and would keep bees enough to supply their own tables at least if they know how. We have made arrangements to furnish all such persons the 82 page monthly Bee-Keeper's Magazine at only fjl a year (formerly $L50) or the KaNSAjb FaBMiR and Magazine for 12.00. Also au Dee dooks ana articles uea in at very low prices.

The Magazine gires beginners tust such information as the must have to make the main ess successful and profitable. Send the money direct to us and we will see that your orcers are promptly filled For Prices -of Extractois, Hivss. Smokers, Uncapping knives, of the Kansas rxck, Topeka, Kansas. THE CHEAfEST 3C0SC r. lr.l fcOPlDI The Hew Lmm Mm.

Contatuiag Woitps. nakleClw Page, and Uloatrated with U) njrvinr. OrtB raAr, Pmmftmttos. an-l eordiaa- to th brat EacUal MMll Amfflf Iexicraplier. Vay had.ieir bound ao4 Gilt.

St Free JT rirr of advrtinii ipM racrfp of 33 7 vnMMt. Tkia a mat fp Of SBT JeaU poataje urn mmrr Tkt rmi aflTrr ia rood Cur AO (lu VB en'T. and uii mni- far tfce atnrnM ef iatrodiKiMMa. But two Us-tioiiari will lc aat It, one addrra for Fifty Cent a. OrdT mW4 EactoM Jtl Cent ia wacjr or paU Kaapa ad maatioa tk'a paper, and aldTaa on on She insists that it is of more importance uii Vant in full ho1tfi that her family shall be kept full health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the times.

She therefore sees to it that each member of her family is supplied with enough Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptoms of ill health, to prevent a fit of sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women should exercise their wisdom in this way." Ed. i In 1850 the "Bronchial Troches" were introduced, and from that time up to the present their success in colds, coughs, asthma and bronchitis has been unparalleled. No household should be without 'Brown's Bronchial as by their early use most troubles of the throat inaucea oy com can De overcome. From the Hub.

There is perhaps no tonic offered to the people that possesses as much real intrinsic value as the Hop Bitters. Just at this season of the vear, when the stomach needs an appe tizer, or the blood needs purifying, the cheapest and best remedy is Hop Bitters. An cunce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; don't wait until you are prostrated by a disease that may take months for you to recover in. Boston Globe. A sample copy of the enlarged Weekly Capital free to any address.

It is a family newspaper, bright, cheerful, entertaining and useful. Address Hudson Ewing, Topeka, Kansas. Bargains Bargains A very large and varied stock of stylish mil-linerv for thirty davs at Mrs. Metcalf's. where vou will fret the most nobbv styles, and alt qualities to suit all tastes and purses.

Fifty cents will buv the Marsh Ague Cure liquid or pills. It cures the worst cases of Tertian, or Third Day Ague, and all forms "of chills and lever. Js ever known to fail, lryit. For sale by all druggists. Buy "SKINNER'S BEST" BOOT.

Sheep Wanted. The subscriber desires to secure from some party a flock of from 500 to 1,000 sheep to keep on shares. Have plenty of leed, shelter ana water. J. A.

Blakburn, (treat Bend, Barton Kansas. The above party I know to be reliable, and thoroughly acquainted with the care and breeding of sheep. He has had large experience in the business east and west, J. K. Hudson, Topeka, Kansas.

A Sample Bottle Free Marsh's Golden Balsam, the great throat and whooping cough, hoarseness, sore throat, bronchitis and consumption. Trv it. Sample bottle free. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1. For sale by all prominent druggists.

-a- The Secret Key to Health. The Sci ence of Life, or Self-Preservation, 300 pages. Price, only $1. Contains fifty valuable prescriptions, either one of which is worth more than ten times the price of the book. Illus trated sample sent on receipt of 6 cents for I postacre.

Address Dr. W. H. Parker, 4 Bul- finch street, Boston, Mass. jg: 8 and 9 Eight and nine per cent, interest on farm loans in Shawnee county.

Ten per cent, on city property. All good bonds bought at sight. For ready money and low interest, call en A. Prescott Co. Chew Jackson's best Sweet Navy tobacco.

9 PRESCRIPTION TREE For the speedy cure of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, and all dlsordeas brought on by indiscretion or excess. Any Druggist has the mgred ents. Addross DAVIDSON 78 Nassau N. Y. Topeka Produce Market.

Grocers retail price list, corrected weekly dt J. A. Lee Country produce quoted at Duying pne ces. A PPIES Per bushel 1.2031.40 REANS-Per bu White Naw 2.25 Medium x. Common 1.50 Castor 85 BUTTER Per lb Choice .20 Medium .10 CHEESE Per lb 10 12 EGGS Per doz Fresh .20 HOMINY Per bbl 5.255.50 VINEGAR Per gal .2040 I IU.

XV. UlAiV JLO CI P. B. POTATOES Per bu .70 SWEET POTATOES 7580 I POULTRY Chickens, Live, per doz 1.25 1.75 Chickens. Dressed, per lb Turkevs.

.09 Geese. .10 ONIONS Per bu 1.00 CABBAGE Per dozen 40.56 CHICKENS Spring 1.502.00 Topeka Bntoners' He tail BEEF Sirloin Steak per lb Round Roasts 44 44 Fore Quarter Dressed, per lb Hind 44 4 By the carcass MUTTON Chops per lb 12 Rnst 4 12 12 PORK 810 1012 Topeka Be tail Grain XXaiket. Wholesale cash prices by dealers, corrected weekly ay T. A. Beck Bro.

WHEAT er bu. spring. 1.05 I.U1NOZ 44 Fall No 3 Fall No 4 1.95 .85 CORN Per bu 23 44 White Old Yellow GATS Per bu RYE Per bu BARLEY Per bu FLOUR Per 100 lbs No 2 No 5 44 Rye CORN MEAL CORN CHOP RYE CORN OATS BRAN SHORT .23 .23 .25 .35 2O40j 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 .90 .70 .6 Topeka Leather Harket. Corrected weekly by H. D.

Clark, Dealer in Hides, Furs. Tallow and Leather. HIDES Green Green, damaged Green, kip and Bull and stag Dry flint prime ...4. Dry Salted, prime Dry damaged' TALLOW .03 .10 54c. mixed light cotiea ply into ed, .80 .50 .05 miles north of Osage City, Kansas, THREE HORSES.

One light srrev Horse branded on left shoulder and other indistinct marks, tail cut square. One bay Mare, black mane and tailvery small tall and had a headstall. One little black Pony, saddle sore on back. $10 REWARD for information leading to their re covery, swan tiUXNASOX, Usage city. Osage Kansas.

Box 1 6. VUKR CITY GALVANIC CO rt.WV ASTHMA CURED 1 The latest and most successful ASTHMA OR PHTHISIC CURB ever offered to the suffering. Gires relief almost instantaneously. Has no equal for promptness in action. 49-Trlal Packages sent free application.

Regular Size, 11.00. Address E. Q. SMITH. M.

D. Kentland. Indiana. Use Smith's Cough Syrup for Consumption. IUUEST QUE CEPY In a postal card, address it to H.

A. KENTON. wight, Illinois order our Club List of 800 Newspapers and Periodicals, which we send singly to any address at lowest club rates. You will get much information that we cannot give you here. Kx elusive territorv riven to agents.

SECURE YOUR READING FREE. Please say you saw this ad. in the Kansas Fakmkr. AGENTS! READ We wiil pay agents a salary of $100 a month and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new ana wonderful inventions. We msan what toe mi wonderful inventions.

We mean ichat toe aay. Sample Free. Address Sherman Co Mich. Marshal, GRAND HOLIDAY OFFER 1.000 Grand, Square and Upright Pianos. 3.000 Church, Cabinet and Parlor Organs.

My own manufacture. wiciy offer.ut Prices lower twfor. PIANOS, tl45, 1150, I65, 1225, 2JO ni upwards, inciudif Cover. t62. 75.

ICO. 185. 90. ItOO. '1 20, ul StOOl u1 Book.

All inntrfltirnn fully warranted SIX YEARS hipreim5 DAYS' TEST TkIAL. beit.ltoriiiutrmUl CatalorwiitatuiuKfull iu. urination AulmalhUanuXactVM JAMES T. PATTERSON. v.o.

Drawer it. Bridgeport, U.S.A 1 Harriet Gardonors. Fresh, Pure Seeds lnr vou. Send for Garden Manual and Trice List" for 1880. J.

B. ROOT, Feed Grower, Rockford. 111. TE1! A FHErilEUD AND GOOD FARM HAND. Ap- piy to JAKIES J.

DAVIS, Everett, Woodson Kaa L. A. KNAFI. Dover, Shawnee breeder of Pure Short-Horn Cattle, and Berkshire Figi. Several choice young bulls for sale.

ff'3 PrintingPress PriaU earti WmU Ac (Salf-teaar 11)1 tar For bininet. or plasara, young orekd. Do you awn a4-UerO'nc and printing. CaUlocaa of mawa, rur ktampa. jitiKi ak v.

jaenaea vu SHEPHERD DOGS. I have for sale tome handsome, pure bred imported Shepherd Pupe. Address A AUUJ1LL, Topeka, Kas. TO FARMERS AND SHIPPERS, The nndertlgned pays cash for dead hogs, crease. hides and tallow at his slaughter house, a half slaughter house, a hi mile sosth of Topeka.

17. T.1AI1UELL, $20 RE17ARD. will pay the above reward for any information leading to the recovery of the following horses A dark sorrel brood mare 9 years old with short mane and tail, with no marks except a small white spot In the forehead, her weight, I think, is about 1300 lbt. Also her colt, a large horse colt of a bo at the same color of the mare, having a small white spot also In the forehead, he is 6 months old. At the same time a roan colored horse colt of fair size, 2lA years old.

These strayed or were stolen from my place, 2 south-east of Auburn P. Shawnee the last of September. I will pay the above for information of the three, or a proportionate price for one or two of them. SAMUEL J08LIN, Auburn, Shawnee Kas. C.

H. BARTON, General Canvassing Agent, NEWSPAPERS AMD PERIODICALS, Office with the County Clerk. Headquarters in the field. Subscriptions taken at club rates. O.

L. TRUDBULL, Successor to C. A. Sexton, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Oil Paintings. Steel Engravings, Picture Frames and tJoulaalngs.

3 doors north ot Post Office, Topeka, Kansas; (Orders filled by mail.) aaMBaaBaBBBBBWBBBBBBMBBaBBaiBBBBM conGiGnoEtrro of APPLES UJACJiTEEB for the English market, also correspondence solicited as to game and poultry for November and December supply Commission 5 per cent. Address ALEXANDER Fruit and General Salesmen, 23 Brunswick Liverpool, Eng. TREES and PLANTS, If you want to sell GRAPE VIHES, suALLFnorrc and choice varktles.of PEACHES, PEARG. CHERRIES, PLtOO, en commission, I will give yon the Uost Lljzral Terms of the age. Park Nursery City Gartens, Lawrewce, Send your friends back East semething that advertises Kansas.

Either the Weekly Capital or Kansas FARMERdoes this they give a large amount of information about the state. Just add the names to the club making up at your nearest post-office or by some neighbor. If no one has yet begun a club, send for a sample package of papers and club lists and go to work and make one up. You will do your neigh bors a favor and us too by placing in their hands a splendid paper at about the cost of white paper. We will send you agent's outfit by return mail.

Gilt Edge Batter-Maker. We have been presented with a print of butter by one of our best dairymen, who has been experimenting with the "Gilt-Edge Butter Maker" advertised in the Farmer, and the sample was rich in color the golden June color without streak or speck and of fine flavor. The maker in highly pleased with this preparation, and commends it as a valuable adjunct to winter dairying. Contributors. Farmers and others who feel like contributing an occasional article or "farm letter" to the Kansas Farmer, will please drop us a postal to that effect, and we will send them a package of blanks prepared especially for the purpose.

If you want to send your father, brother, uncle, cousin, or your old neighbor back East something from Kansa? that will give him full and complete information about Kansas, its soil, products, farmers and farming, send the 44 old reliable" Kansas Farmer. The crop notes and farm letters are from every part of the state. You can have his name put in the clnb which ycu will find being made up at the post-office or by some neighbor. Fowl Fanciers, Take Notice. We have inquiries for pure-bred fowls White Leghorns, Games, etc.

The first to advertise their stock in the Farmer, will get the cream of the trade which is opening up in the country west of here. We do not recommend that any one branch of industry be followed to the neglect of every other branch, but a judicious combining of several but if we were compelled to choose one to be followed as an exclusive and permanent business, most likely to prove successful, we would tie to sheep husbandry, with confidence that in the vicissitudes which every industry is subject to, that it would suffer the least in a series of years. See in another column the advertisement of the Moline Scale reliable manufacturers at Moline, 111. All scales warranted five years. Obituary.

State Senator G. W. Spurgeon, of Neosho county, died on the 3rd inst. Mr. Spurgeon was the first secretary of the Kansas State Grange, and a yery active member of the order.

The farmers of the country rdaybfe divided into two classes, according to age and experiencethe old and the young. While there are many exceptions, as to each class, it must be admitted that the old are too prone to contiuue bid ways and methods, and the young are too ready to disapprove of the old, and risk their interests on what is comparatively new. The true policy is, to cling to any custom until something better is learned but to be sure, while clinging, to be on the alert for any improvement. Much of the life and interest of farming arises from its being a progressive work. Many important truths have been developed during the last few years, causing important changes in the means and methods of agriculture.

Those who disregard these developments must, of necessity, fail to compete successfully with producers who judiciously adopt what is good in the new, and hold to that only which is good in the old. A plain, middle-aged farmer tells ns that, in his community, the younger men are succeeding much better than the older, because the former are using more of the fruits of recent experience. Rural The Ladies Favorite. Among the many thousands of ladies who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and pronounced it their favorite remedy, because so efficient in the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women, are many who are well and favorably known in the world of letters, as well as artists, musicians, and a whole host of names from the brilliant ranks of wealth and fashien.

It is pre-eminently the ladies' favorite prescription, its use while being far more safe and efficient, exempting them from those painful, caustic operations and the wearing of those mechanical contrivances made like Peter Pindar's razor seller's razors to sell, rather than to cure. Killmore, March 20th, 1878. Dr. R. V.

Pierce Dear sir Your favorite prescription has restored me to perfect health i Yours truly, Grace Choate. 422 Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Md. June 10th, 1878. Dr. R.

V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Yj Dear sir My wife was a hopeless invalid for 20 years. Your favorite prescription has cured her. Thankfully yours, R.

T. McCay. of OUR LOW CLUB RATE. Ten copies, to one or more post offices, for 19.00, and an extra copy to club agent. Names must all be sent at one time.

A sample copy sent free to any address. Hudson Ewing, Topeka, Kansas. P. S. In writing for a sample copy, send the names of half a dozen of your neighbors who read or who ought to read, and we will send them copies to examine.

The enlarged Weekly Capital, the best family paper in the west, is sent one year for One Dollar. Sixteen hundred and sixty-four long columnb of reading matter for one dollar. Send for a sample copy. Address Hudson Ewing, Topeka, Kansas. a Three Hundred Dollars Worth of Pictures for Fifty Cents We have concluded an arrangemennt for the illustrations of the American Young Folk for 1880.

Three hundred dollars' worth of engravings illustrating historical incidents, biographical sketches, travel, natural history, scenes in foreign lands, puzzles, rebusses and numerous other subjects, will be used in making the American Young Folks the most beautiful as it is the most useful boys' and girls' paper in the country. Notwithstanding the great advance in paper and printing material, the price for 1880 will remain as heretofore, viz 50 cents for one year, to any address. Send your name, get a copy and make up a club. The new pictures commence withthe anuary number. Remember you get $300 worth of pictures for 50 cents.

Address American Young Folks, Topeka, Kansas. Farmers If you want dry feet for the winter, buy 'Skinner's Best" Boot, at 212 Kansas (opposite this ofSce.) Nervous people should avoid the temporary relief of tea and coffee. A cup of pure Cocoa will be found nutritive as well as sedative. In sist upon your grocer furnishing Walter Baker A Paper For Young People. The Youth's Companion," of Boston, employs the same writers as the best English and American magazines, and no other publication for the frmily furnishes so much entertainment and instruction of a superior order for so low a price.

Its illustrations are by our best artists, and it has recently been greatly enlarged. Look At The Evidence. A retired physician in the state of New York says I have read with care your Brochure and many of the cases given and treated by the 'Compound Oxygen Treatment' and freely say the testimony from so many different persons of reputation and character, and your reasonings and facts, ought to influence the most in credulous to take the treatment in such cases, at least, as have baffled long perseverance and skill." Brochure sent free. Address Drs. Star- key Palen, 1112 Girard Street, Philadelphia, 1'a.

The Next President The politicians are anxious on the subject, but a much more important thing for all who have poor appetite, or impaired digestion, or skin diseases, or an enfeebled constitution gen erally, is to know that Warner's Safe Bitters will cure them. One thousand dollars will be paid to any one who will prove that there is a better medicine of its kind. Take AVer's Cherry Pectoral to stop vour colds, coughs and bronchial affections before they run into consumption that you can not stop. Prom Bev. J.

Rankin, D. D. June 19, 1879, the Rev. J. IL Rankin, Dn of Washington, D.

C- certified as follows I have known of several persons who regarded themselves as greatly benefited and some of them as permanently cured of diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs by the med icine prepared by Charles Craig, of Chanotte, N. Y. I have known, too, of its use in similar cases by physicians of the highest character and standing. 1 do not doubt that it has great virtue." In a previous communication to the VbngregattonaluL Dr. Kankin referred at length to the beneficial treatment of a case in his own family, pronounced Brieht's Disease by six physicians, with the Safe Kidney and Liver Uure, and said lhia treatment I want, in the interest of humanity, to describe and commend..

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