The Valley Falls New Era from Valley Falls, Kansas • Page 3
- Publication:
- The Valley Falls New Erai
- Location:
- Valley Falls, Kansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
STATEMENT OF PAUPER RELIEF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MEDICAL T. W. Campbell will have sweet potato plants. Sec his notice.
No damaged goods at the auction store. Remember the spelling match which is to come off this Friday evening. THE KANSAS HEW ERA. SATURDAY, MAY 8. 175.
To Machine Buyers. The Buckeye Reaper and Mower combined gives one cutting bar and one sickle extra, more than the Champion. The cam on the reel rake of the Champion break. We have sold for one machine run three years nearly $25 worth ef repairs. Those running the Champion machine have been known, in our trade, to buy 'ratchet bolts for the pitman by the dozen.
For cutting flax nothing can equal the table rake of the Buckeye machine. xl4t3 Strickland Bliss. -O O- We cannot sell over KfGITTBEX YARDS of BOOTS for ONE DOLL A 11, but we can and will sell you a good pair of OR A GOOD PAlli OF lEEWS BO.OTf6rS.75. And all other goods at greatly reduced prices. We have just received an invoice of Burl's St mon Goat, High' Cut.
Polish. Thee well-known goods are elegant in style, neat filling and very desirable. Wc will sell them at the remarkable low prince of $4.00. A full line of Infant and Children's Fine Jlioes, Philadelphia make. A complete line of Men's heavy shoes and, in fact, everything that can be found in the appointed shoe ol our large cities.
They warrant every pair they ami menu free of charge it they rip. Call acd see their goods and prices before buying. They can suit you. LORD WAITE. I will welcome the ppoyde of JefiVrson couiitv and surrounding country at my NEW STORE-in Hillyer's Hlock, Valley Falls, Kansas.
All are cordially invited to come and see for themselves. LOOK AT MY S00 pieces of the lntest styles of prints, 18 yards for $1.00. 300 pieces bleached mu-lin, at 10 cents per yard. SCO pieces Lonsdale at 12J cents per yard. COO pieces heavy brown mualin 10 cents per yard.
50 No. 1 Gingham at 10 cents per yard. 50 No. 1 suitings, a'l olors and styles, f3 PRICE LIST: nt 10i cents per yard. 100 dozen ladies hose, from 10 cents a pair upwards.
500 parasols from SO cents upwards. No. 1 ladies" Serge Gaiters at $1.25 a pair. Au immense stock of clothing from $8.00 a suit upwards. The latest styles of hats and caps.
So. 1 Boots at S3.C0 a pair. I. FRIEND. tr'B Block, Valley Falls, Kansas.
IN JEFERSON COONTY. AltTllLU IJAIN. NOVELTY VORKS. fctcel stanips. Uuni- brands.
Cm slencil work of al. kinds. plates. Engraving ou metal, and model workers. Plating table ware a specialty.
T4 The goods are the IJest, the stylo the latest and the display is the largest ever exhibited in a country town. My stock of goods is New, no remnants, no old-style of goods and "Unrivaled its ttraotioa I I REPEAT-THE INVITATION Come and nee mv NEW STOCK and DISPLAY of DRESS GOOJS SHAWLS. at the CHEAPEST I'RY GOODS house west of the Mississippi river. Mv expenses' are final! and I WILL SELL goods accordingly. Do not forget the tin MONDAY, MAY 3D, 1875.
Allowed by.the Caaaty Beard at tkeir April Session, 1375. Quiett, overseer of the poor? 11 Roberts, do do do A Dean, do do do It Bowlby, do do do A Coy. team and buggy, PChnttield, uids for poor 0 Glynn, overseer of the poor lUisseil. overseer of the poor Klinginsmith, overseer poor Uogehoom A Buekmaster, medical attendance on paupers MeClellan Cooper, uids poor farm 31 Barnum, advance payment on first quarter of tue poor Wm Alien temporary relief Conklin. overseer of the AClliird, do do do Geo.
Davis, mdsfor poor farm 1 Schaefcr, overseer of the poor Mrs. Hattou care and support ot paupers OSKALOOSA TOWNSHIP. Widow Widow Pvle, doctor bill, fcc Widow Williams, house rent, doctor bill and digging grave A Arnold Widow House, house rent, Harry Nichols Geo Clark Samuel Edwards John Fletcher, doctor bill, James Townsend Edwards, Uoctor bill, Ac McMillan, doctor bill, board Ida Iteese, doctor bill, Young Vince Smith Finch A Bliss, keeping pauper 0 mouths Hopewell, keeping child lor Nancy Davis Miscellaneous Discount on scrip 18 00 900 37 00 12 00 2 00 6 SO 10 50 19 00 SiOO 37 00 36 80 50 00 75 27 00 80 00 4 35 24 00 22 00 810 45 84 52 07 580 18 5 1 40 1 15 1 15 2 90 2 05 10 75 33 3.i 15 45 5u0 8 45 3 55 40 00 8 00 21 10 IS 77 Total $31173 CNIOX TOWNSIIir. MrsKnowIton 10 50 Southard 8 I Clements 6 75 James Parsons 4 00 Robinson 5 80 Widow 4 00 Widow Barlow (5 5:) McCain 3 75 Aba Coruforth 5 70 A Sniitti 10 50 Widow Louis 5 70 Discount ou scrip 0 71 Total JEFFERSOX TOWNSHIP. Elder Smith, doctor bill.
Widow Wilson, doctor bill, Rachael Snodgrass, doctor James, doctor bill, Geo Murry II Tivis, doctor bill Discount on scrip 78 sG 30 35 32 95 12 50 27 60 7 27 32 00 77 TotaJ. 152 34 GRASSHOPPER FALLS TOWNSHIP. John Anderson John Koderie A Beunon Widow Flannigan James Cufhingberry Price Anna Faulk Alex McCloeg Jane Coleman Maggie Bobbins Johnson May Geo Kunkle Henry Stiref. Marriaii Bundy Campbell Mrs Havdeu Wm May Discount on scrip Total ROCK CREEK TOWNSniP. John Trimble, doctor bill, I) Young Reedy 11 Uk'ketts Miscellaneous Discount on scrip Total 34 08 54 00 24 10 0 05 8110 2 00 600 0 28 5 85 6 50 610 4 S5 i 35 2 05 8 28 1 oo 1 05 J8 74 28 58 05 20 00 29 00 6 50 5 00 1 95 $121 10 OSAWKEK TOWNSHIP.
James Wilson James Robinson Margaret lierrou Ben Leigau James Lovele Smith, doctor bill, coffin, c. Wm Rhodes A McDonald, colli and shroud 2 80 ISO 40i 1 30 5 10 33 95 3 10 11 00 3 99 Discount on scrip Total KAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP. Widow Richie Thomas Myers Cassebler John Wilson A Newberro Foster Maihew Dcreift Ham David Jones Michael O'Brien Widow Tennison Widow Croau A Arnold Michael Boyle Casebier MrsReynolds Mrs Sicily Frank McClain Discount on scrip Total RAW TOWNSHIP. Davis McCuteheon Warner Total KENTUCKY TOWNSHIP. Mrs.
Tole, doctor bill, Mrs Reynolds, doctor bill, Herrfmrton James 11 Hill, doctor bill Thomas King Peter Jordon Felix Scaggs Widow Boles, doctor bill, WM Judd, doctor bill, Edward Owens $67 14 21 49 3 8 2 30 4 25 3 i5 3 55 12 60 17 25 5 15 7 80 6 95 4 05 3 40 3 80 4 00 -3 00 2 00 4 15 IS til $13171 3 50 11 05 6 50 $2190 10 40 25 3 11 40 400 50 50 25 101 20 23 50 2 80 23 00 lirowu Mrs lloges Mrs Tutt Mrs-Fisher Mrs Johnson Mrs Williams Mrs Taylor Miscellaneous doctor bills Discouut on scrip Total RURAL TOWNSIIir. John Lemon Jack Taylor, doctor bill, Mrs Hill Sam Kirby John Hunter Tavlor XV Bradshaw Mrs Mitchell Petty Kreckbauir Joseph Crummett Cotton Cook Mayhew Alex Tom Mitchell Seal X. Omey, keeping John Lemon John Lemon, doctor bill 18 O0 10 40 16 25 6 60 4 00 3 00 12 00 14 25 $302 42 1175 15 65 2f0 5 SO 24 80 19 9.1 7 55 5 30 4 05 I0ii5 9 05 4 00 8 35 5 50 3 15 990 24 50 500 0 90 250 20 50 10 25 10 25 0 35 37 Mi in tiunter Melvina Long, doctor bill James Carney Wintield Jacob Overly Miscellaneous Discount on scrip Total 8AHCOXIE TOWNSHIP. Samuel Tenpenny Mrs Tenpenny, burial clothes Mrs Tenpenny, burial Mrs Wellmen Geo Poeverline Catharine Griffin Miscellaneous Discouut on script 320 I 85 1C00 t7 27 16 85 3 03 34 10 916 $11155 Items designed "Misscellaneous" were not accompanied by too named ot the recipient. D.
B. BAKER, County Clerk. Claims allowed at the March term Adams, quarterly settlement poor farm $358 60 Adams, making clothiog for paupers 29 70 Mrs tiatton, care and support of paupers 600 D. Johnson, care and support pauper 16 00 James II Hill, pauper relie 18 00 King Son, bridge appropriation 500 00 1 certify the abova to le correct. D.
B. BAKER, County Clerk. As you cannot avoid your own company make it as good as possible. Habit is a cable, and every day we weave a threat, and soon we cannot break it. It is the high price of slate pencils that is driving the saloon-keepers to the poor house.
The side-Walk around block 21 to the depot is finished and now one can walk to the cars drv shod unless one is tight." Several large herds of Missouri cattle have passed through Yallc-y Falls in the last wee for summer pasture on the prairies of Jackson county. Some knight of the quil has undoubtedly learned a lesson, judging from the following "Two tilings in this world that should not be trifled with a woman's opinion, and the business end of a wasp." An offer comes from Helena, Montana, of 100 per month and expenses paid, to our devil to write up big bonanza lies for the speculators in mining stocks. The boy think he won't go his first effort in that lice exhausted him. Take your home paper and keep posted upon home markets, and the best places to buy or sell. The family that is too poor to take a paper devoted to home interests will always be poor, in purse and management.
Mrs. McCartney has the best and cheapest stock of Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, and Children's Hats in town. She is determined that she will not be undersold by any house in the country. Call and see for yourselves. Harmless Files.
M. M. Maxwell has successfully answered our item about "harmless flies" by leaving with us a vial of chinch bugs. Says there are millions of them in his orchard. "Why do you paint?" asked a violinist, of our city, of his daughter.
"For the same reason that you use rosin, papa." "Howls that asked her father. Why," said the gay little Miss, "to help me draw my beaux." Wc were glad to meet Mr. II. Sehaeffer Thursday night. He's recovering notwith-stand "The Midnight Assassin" is Known to be committing h's murderous deeds some 5,000,000,000 miles west of our happy homes in Valley Falls more or less.
Ah, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Broadway Barber Shop. I have opened a Barber in the Broadway Hotel, and guarantee a smooth shave, stylish hair cut, or anything else in my line. Charges reasonable. Give nic a call. I'J-tf (jKouc.e Kast.
M. P. Evans' new building is rapidly approaching completion. John Gains is at the wood work, and Strickland Bliss are having their man Smith put on one of their best tiii roofs. The man who puts goods into this building will be sure to keep them ury.
100,000 Sweet Putato 1'lniiU. On ami alter May 15th I will have an abundant supply ol White Brazilian, Yellow Nansemond, tueen. Red Bermuda and Spanish Red, Sweet Potato Plants for sale. Apply on my premises, 4 miles cast of Valley Falls, ltj-tl T. W.
Campbell. We were pleased to receive a visit from F. A. Dudgcou, of Great Bend, Kansas, on Monday ol this week. Mr.
Dudgeon, while a citizen ot Valley Falls, by his close attention to business and tine social qualities made many warm friends, and it seemed like old times to see liim around, if but for a day, and if many of his old associates had married and settled down to be old folks. Teacher-' Association. Office Sitp't Prune Instruction,) Jeflerson County, Oskaloosa. Kan, April 27, 1S75. Eihtok New Lisa: There will bean Association of Teachers at the Township School House, in OsKaloosa, Kansas, on the 8th day of May.
1S75. We are meeting for the purpose of miturin a plan for a Normal Institute for this summer. Teachers, and those wlfo expect to teach, come to the Association. Cuas. Smith, 15-t2 Co.
Sup't. One thing that we need here is a Green House, and it is a wonder to us that some industrious man that understands the busi ness doesn't go into that when dull eare makes the hours drag Lea ily along, and tired mind needs rest from reading and ivoeation and the eye grows weary, nnd memory with a paag the scenes or beauty of other days and places, a calm, sweet, contenting, refreshing relief can be had by repairing to feastinrr the senses upon the lovely fragrant flowers. To Frescrre Flowers. It is often desirable to -preserve flowers nthered by departed friends, or render ed sacred by having decorated their cas kets. It can be easily and beautifully done by dipping th'j flowers, when fresh, and perfectly freo from moisture, into melted parafllnc.
The paratline should not be heated any more than to just melt it. The flowers should be dipped in it and moved about until no bubble of air appear abojt them. By this process they become hermetically scaled, and remain fresh and bright as when plucked from the stem. Hillyer's Hall has been furnished with seats for. an audience ol 12j, and is just such a room as our city has long needed.
Posts have been provided, lor the room below, that make the floor secure beyond a peradventure, and our citizens can now have little gatherings for amusement or information without placing the authorities ot the city churches in the embarrassing position of either refusing to open the church for an entertainment or incurring fie displeasure of those who think that churches should only be occupied for the purposes of religious instruction and religious worship. Post-Offlce Changes la Kansas During the month ending May 1, 1875; furnished by "Wm. Van Vleck, of the Post -Office Department: Established Adamson Rooks county, Daniel White, P. M- Aladdin, Douglas county, Henry Webber Itond, Dotig-hi bounty, Silas Bond Calcutta, Douglas couuty, Sarah A. Bowen Forest GroTe, Montgomery county, William James: Lapeer, Douglas county, Riley T.
Baldwin; Salcmsburgh, Saline county, John P. Charleson Trivoli, Ellsworth couuty, Luther R. Johnson. Discoxtinced Dclila, Ellsworth coun- ty. Name Changed Grasshopper Falls.
Jefferson county, to Valley Falls. Postmasters Ap pointed Arkansas City, Cowley county. C. M. Scott, Cedar Point, Chase county, Charles A.
Garlick; Elma, Republic county. Audrew II. Turner Nickei-son, Keuo couuty, Mrs. Lizzie Raymond, Rice Pet sr. Smith Reno Centre, Keuo county, Samuel Dilley Stockdale, Riley county, S.
8. DR. JOHN-BULL'S GREAT IIElitlES DR. JOHN BULL- MAX fFACTCItER AND VKXDEU Ol- Til tULEUR AT El SMITH'S THIS" SYRUP. TOR THE CURE 4)F OR CIIILL3 AND The proprietor of Justly claims fur it a superiority ocr all remedies over offered to the the sale, certain, speedy and cure ot ague ami lever, or chilis fevrr whether of slrort or lonir Ile refct-s to the entire Wcslern and country to hear testimony tf truth of the assertion, that'll no whatewr will it tail to cure if" the dlivrlioiis strictly lollowed and carried oi-t.
In yreat many cases a single dose en sufficient lor a cure, and whole families have been cured by a siinjle bottle, with a perlect restoration ol the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every ease more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses fur a week or two idte the disease has been elieeked More especially in and loii-stainlin Usually this medicine will not reijiHi any aid to kci-p the bowels in order. Should the patient, however, require cathartic inedieii.e. utter has three or four doses of the tonie. a dose of Hull's Vegetable Kamilv SAF1SAPARILL1 Read the follow inn extract of a letter from Mrs Itivers, wile of Itev lr liner.
ne of the most learned, eloquent and popular Ministers of the Methodist Kpi-t-opal Church, and wjio i at pi ts-cut stationed at the Kroadway church, Louisville, LonsviM.K, Oct. 8, Dr. John Hull Dear 6ir; to you for the medicine you so kindly riveu; tne. I have lieeu" a Treat suileicr lor years, nnd had the advice of various physicians. Some pro.
nounced my spine, some my lui, fotne my heart to ke the seat ot uiy disease-. 1 have been burnt, blistered ami cupped until I had become disheartened. Several -very eminent ptiYsieiati who examined my spine informed r.i? that I was threatened with paralysis or apoplexy any da, and that nothing but. a seton would relieve me. 1 bad a perfect horror of and was hesitating about haviusr one inserted, when you kin lly sent mo your Sargnparill which I immediately begun lo taku three times a'day.
I bad fullered terrible with a most acute pain in the ribt side ot my 'head, especially wneti I would reml or wiiie lor any length ol time, and on rising to my feet -1 would be perfectly blind for several minutes, and would have to bold to to; prevent falling. I 1 am most nappj' to inlorui you tha'; flirt nnlii in mv hunil ij 1 1 1 fi .1 xw 1 1 i i 1 .111, 111 1.1J 1.1.11U 1.11.. 1. I sillier but seldom with my spine and then not -s acutely.
My sipjx'tke is rood indeed foilhe first time iu mv life enjoy my dinner more any meal during the day. Von kindly fceiitine four bottles last idght. and I began again this morning, and I hope to be entirely relieved. I'lease accept my heartfelt thanks and best wishes. Very truly your most grateful lend, M.
li. lilVKHS. My journal abounds ith similar letters, all ot'vvhieh I guarantee to be genuine and written by the persons whose names they bear. Do not suffer yourself to be imposed on. Don't be drawn away alter new ami doubtful experiments.
Don't i your health by letting novices cxpci imciits upon yu with their trash. My sarsaparilla has stood the tet for it is still the Sarsaparilla of he day and of the ae, lowering over all ol hers in popularity and its curative Avoid till those who are trying to pain oil' on you other extracts ol so-called, i'emcmher it is lirjohn lit. Sarsaparilla. of Louisville. that is th old and reliable remedy lor impiirii ie-ot the blood und scrofulas Always bear that in mind.
A NOT II Hi TESTIMONY. llAiniACKS, April lsc. Dii. Jtei.i. sir: Knowing In filieoy i4' your sa' que.ilhi 1 lie l.v.ili li'iieiieial jti it I seinl the statement ot'inj case I Ivan noui.i'.r'l ulmul.
lv jtvirs a-i, wa- tukea pi isoneraii'! oi.flr.eil lor si tern I't'in. niovc'l so often, uiy woiimls nof hi uletl et. I have not i-ut nt a 1 was wounded. I ton th'-t tin- hips. My health impaired, mid I io-e-1 to nature 1 have more faith in your than aiilhin ele.
I which is irc.i'iiMc. Hie hall dozen Lottie, ol.lie CAl'l 1. JllllVSMV, r. l.oni Mo. fs The following was written Apri by Jennie Johnson, mot In i oi'C'apt.
lrar My I5r. s. wa-' a skillful aiet jih in in Nov York, uhete. ho if 'I, Iran P. i n.y ca'r.
At tlin teen years ofarc Lc had ti ejiron-ie itrrhea aud Si Vol'iil-i, for uliili I your Sarsniiyril'it. It mrrd 'Irinr. nve lor ten ears it to ueiiiy in Newr Vol Hflip xiui siwi, Iir fcioful.i. li'irr md 'eiieral debility. I' 1'fe -t In i at 'fended it.
The out ffieefed in scrofula und lever soles ere nlom-4. 1 ion very iiiimou.h for toy to ve recourse to" lie i- Jem-ful ol fn-tliu spurious article, Leme lo. to von for it. lii w. mints were terrible, bill I think he mil WORM DESTROYER.
kxtuact FiioM a K1COM I OEOIIOIA. I I VllLAVOW-, WALKKB, 0., iA lifl.l. liui'Nr i line ro iitl tfirrii voiir Worm rover several ae-l iind itinonderlajlv eilieacioiio. li lias not fail ft ed in a sinle in-t ince to ive it h' -t lor fleet. 1 iloiii.if ti preiiy.
ooiii r) tiac- ice liavt oaiiy lac iur aouie aoiun; yi uiu Uiu.l. i I am, ir, respectfully, ie Ci.EMrvT, M. I-j So iie.pi:tllie(l ami iitiiuerit4 aretiu tei-tiiooniiils in favor of my Worm leirojrr tiiut hc simper sace utsutirely too Mujil lell its tiieiiw. It is an i a fal Sic-remedy for norms, i it and l-e evinced, hee uiy Joiu-nal for I full liesclintion. Jolixlli l.t, BULL'S CEDE0NBITTEHS.
fill's Slim WILD fiEBRY. BULL'S EXEACT BUCHU. iwi mmm nw puis All tlu ithove n.licin' preiwred by U. Joti IHi-r. ttthis lalwratory, Fifth Street, Ia Urille, Ky.
For' sale by Granville M-laniel, JUUnd, 31ycr Best. Arnold Jk oy, L. Myers For goods at yourwn prices ero to the auction store Cowan's old stand. "Hoing, going, gone!" has been cry at Cowan's Id stand all the week. the T.
C. Thurston, a called last Thursday. Leavenworth typo, Read the list of Pauper relief, and if any dead-beats are living on the county whoop 'em up. Cap'i, XV. S.
Burke, a veteran Kansas editor, now of the "Descent of Woman," read enr exchanges on Thursday. t. Friend's sales were over $350 on last Monday. All cash, too, but then people will buy where goods are cheap. We learn that Mrs.
Davis, wife of Conductor Davis, of the Kansas Central, was hurt at Uolton, yesterday morning, by being thr wn from a buggy, but could not learn the extent of her injuries. The farmers have had more rain and more rest the past week than some of them wanted, but then others think that the rain is the best thing out. M. T. C.
Thurston and Mr. Mowatt, of Leavenworth, are to take the Oskaloosa Independent. They arc both practical printers and will be at home in the entertainment. From Wm. Sargent, of Uolton, we learn that on Thursday morning of this week George Sargent, of that suicide by cutting his throat with a razor.
Deceased was about 25 years old and had been an invalid for several months. IJrix went to the spelling match last night but that is not what we are going to tell about. Well, about an hour after he had gone to bed, his wife poked him in the ribs and said, "Brix Brix! wake up There's a burglar in the Brix sat upright in bed. "Burglar b-u-r-g-l-c-r burglar," and he rolled over and waited for a harder word. If you should hear of any person missing the train, don't say anything about it he feels bad enough.
He made an extraordinary eflort this week and, when within three squares of the Depot, ascertained that he had left his tickets at his residence, but, undismayed, George pushed forward and actually stood a live man on the platform befcre the train started. Just mark him 1. IVORTOXVILLE ITEMS. Business dull. Farmers are busy planting, and only come to tovvn when obliged to.
AH crops arc planted in good season. No grasshoppers here, but a few gross within coiylc of miles. Dunlap Taggart still take the lea 1 in merchandise. X. Kline is building up a trade in general merchandise.
Dr. Webb still runs a stock of pure drugs and fine groceries, cheap for cash. Nortonville wants a lumber yard, Ajax. The Descent of Woman. XV.
S. Burke's leciure last Wednesday evening drew a full house, and was listened to by au audience tliat could appreciate the many points made. No newspaper report could do the lecture justice. In the language oi tne gentleman ium--eir, see ing is believing." In manner, Mr. Burke played the naturalist to perfection, and it was not difficult to imagine that he had so long been locked up with his theories and his fossils that he was almost a fossil him self.
This made the keen points of humor cut like a Damascus blade, and the proy ing of each position taken by the learned gentleman brought down the house. The Descent of Woman" places Mr. Burke in the front rank of humorists and at the head of satirists. Special Locals. Advertisements under this head will be charged for as follows Ten cents per line, each insertion.
Newspapers suitable for wrapping pa pers, for sale at this offiee. cheap. tf, Wanted at I. Friend's, 30,000 dozen 12-tf eggs. Bricks at per 1,000.
Clark. Enquire of Win. 15tf For Sale. The business lots on Broadway, known as tho McCulley property. Enquire ol Wm.
Clark. 15tf I. Friend wants to get 500 Green Hides also 500 Dry Hides, for which he will pay the highest market price. 12-tf Just received at Parker's Warehouse, one car of white seed corn 200 bushels of Hungarian seed 200 bushels peach blow potatoes, by HillYek Co, xl5tf I. Friend is receiving new goods every day.
His Stock is now complete. It will pay you when you are in town to go and spend a few minutes to look over his Goods and low prices. 12-tf Legal Blanks. The attention of law yers, justices of the peace and notaries public is called to the fact that wc keep constantly on hand a full assortment of lesal blanks, blank deeds, mortgages, bills of sale, etc tf. Sweet potato and early tomato plants of the best varieties, in any quantity, for sale on II.
Legler place, one-half mile east of Valley Falls, during the season commencing May 1st. George Stilts. xl4t4 Money Loaned on good city property in sums of $250 and upward, city property to sell aud rent Those wanting either would do. well to call on or address 134t Land Dep't Valley Bank. Money to Loan.
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance of Milwaukee, loans money on first class real estate, in sums of One Thousand Dollars and upwards, at ten per cent, interest, for three or live years' time. Inquire of It. K. McCautnky, 12-tl Special Agent, By someneans the idea has gained cur rency that Dr. Northup has discontinued his riding practice.
This Is wholly a mis take. The doctor is on the wing as usual, and is making faster time than ever. Go to Eophlisg Co. Country Merchants wbo want to purchase a good stock of Groceries at reduced prices. shoald go to the lrre establishment ol Ko pliling1 A Co Leavenworth, Kansas.
We have been acquainted with this firm for the list six years, and know them to be honest, upright ge. Uemen. When they recommend an article to be good, you may rely upon their word, for they never recommend aa. article unless thy know it is what they represent It to be Work on side-walks is fashionable. Crosby Kendall have determined to raise the second story of tbeir store building about four feet higher and fit it up for a jiublie hall.
When completed it will comfortably scat 300 persons, and will jpvc Valley Falls one of the best public halls in the state. We are g'ad to see the advance step that our leading business men are taking in providing for the entertainment of our people, and hope that all citizens will cordially second their No Eicane for Bring Sick. No person can use Uoscliee's German Syrup without yetting immediate relief ami cure. We have thetirst case of Coughs, Colds or Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lung, yet to hear from that has not been cured. We have distributed cvery.year, for three years, over 2.V,000 Sample lJottles by OruggisU in all parts of the United States.
No other manufacturer of ever gave their preparations such a as this. Go to your Druggists, Arnold Coy. Valley Falls, and get a bottle fur 75 cents and try i Two doses will relieve you. Sample battles 10 cents each. vlinlSvl eoW SCHOOL KErOKTS.
Prairie Hall, District No 84, for the month ending April 1875 No. of pupils in attendance 2- Average daily atlendanee 20 Ni. of visitors 2 Spelling (Class A) No. words spelled. The following is the number of words missed by each pupil Lydiu Kitter, 8 Libbie Hughan, 8 Alice Kooser, Uclle l'rown, 1 Emma Todd, Cora Zimmerman, 2 Lilly Ste-phan, 10.
Spelling, (Class 15), ords spelled GOO Sadie Kooier missed 1 David Hitter, li. No. of pupils neither absent nor tardy Cora Hull. Alice Todd, Jennie McCoy, flattie Clayton, Gcorgie Hull, Lcnnie Me-Ck-lland, Kiiuna Todd. T.
11. Fl'LTOX, Teacher. A Short Bniinrss Talk with oar Cmtomrr. In these times of 'Bankrupt Sales" and Openings," with not so grand a closing" on the basis of fifty cents on the dollar, it is with no small degree of satisfaction that we can say, that In twenty years of selling goods in Kansas, through tire and drouth, War, famine, pestilence and plagues, we have never yet failed to pay 100 cents on the dollar of our obligations, and now that we have put our trade squarely on a cash bu.sis, we will notquote the price of a few leading articles to prove that wc mean to sell our goods very low this is merely one of the of the trade," and when you see a merchant pist up in large letters over his door, yds of prints for 1.00," walk in and see. We hope you will remember: Walk into my ir, said the spider to the fly" when you realize that standard print cost nine cents per yard in the hands of the manufacturer, you can see the r.AiT intended for the CATCH in this ease.
"Actions speak louder than words," and now to prove that we mean business iu good faith we make this proposition If we do not make you prices to avkh-age as low on same grade of goods on a straight bill for a full line of family supplies, as any other house, wo will donate you tlie whole bill. Now, if you do not believe that we intend to make things lively, try us and get a full line of family supplies cheaper than you can go F.ast to beg AID. t'KtlSKY KKNKAI.I.. ITt.HS. The yeomen are busy putting in their crops.
Grasshoppers are thick, and are eating the oat crop amazingly. H. W. Johnson is at his post as'usual in the store. Mrs.
A. .1. is teaching school at the Farming tun school house. Mr. John Ilennigh, having bjught a larmot Itev.
Pardee Uutler, will thrive in our midst. We welcome him. Thev are married Mr. 1. IJ.
Ilofj'inau and Mi'. Lou Lawless. We wish them much joy. Bachelor Wo: ley was visiting friends here last week. George Haines says, "To Texas with the grasshoppers." Mr.
W. White and lamily start for California in a few days. We wish them success in their future home. Daniel ltork aud family are to emigrate to Texas soon. The young folks of Farmington are practicing for a concert (to be in the night, of course Plovers are plentiful- uow.
Boys, get your guns in order. News is "skase." Jap. B.VMtnrPT STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR SALE AT AUCTION. Xw is ilie Time to Lay in a Stock ol Dry Goods at lonr Own Prices. Dress goods worth 75 cents selling for 25 cents.
Jeans worth 4 cents selling for 18 cents. Hats and Caps that cost selling tor one dollar. Muslin, Prints, Tweeds, and Cheviot Shirting, 25 per cent, below cost. These goods arc first-class. No trash in the stock, and no such goods as prints "18 vards for a dollar" sold by us.
Wc have a large lot of Blankets which wc retail at 75 cents each, at Dr. Cowan's fctore, on Sycamore street. G. M. Barns, jC-tl Auctioneer DIED.
MrrnV-On Mondav. May S. 1875. fever. Tirzah.
wife of Wni. MrCov. of Nortonville. Kansas, aged 39 vears," 11 months and 13 days. Deceased leaves a husband and five small children to mouru their loss.
LOWMAN At bis home in Valley Falls. Kansas, May 4th. 1S75, Father Ephraim Lowman. his vear. lie ieae four soils and two fighters.
Mr. Lowman was born February i 1790. near Martinsburg, Butler cpuuty, West Virginia. When he was 23 years of he and Ids brother George emigrated to Ohio, and located near Laucaster. He thoro married to Miss Mahala Bar- ricks, who died March 21, 173.
In IS42, Mr. Lowman and family emi grated to Missouri, and when the Territo ry of Kansas was opened for settlement 1854, ho moved on to a claim on Coal creek. 3V miles from this city. He assisted in the erection of Mr. Joseph Miller's mill and in the contruvtiou of the dam in 1854 and '55.
In the summer of 1803 he sold his farm on Coal creek and moved to this city, and remained here to the end of his life. Father Lowman was a member of the M. E. church, and truly it can be said of him that he was a good and useful man in his day and generation. Valley Falls, May 1873.
Hilly xS THE CHEAPEST FARM TEMPERANCE COLUMN Edited under the direction of the Woman's Temperance Association of Valley Falls. WHY THE FAI1M IS AN DOYVX. Did you ever rid eby afarmiu the country that seemed as if by a very little effort it could be made beautiful, and produce large crops of sniiliiip; grain, and yet there was un air of listlcssnes3 about the entire place the land overgrown with grass and weeds, fences out of repair, and window stalled with old hats? And were you not able to guess at once the reason xchy tie farm teas running down The edi tor of one of our exchanges met such a ease lately, and here is the torv 'I wit riding past a large farm a few days since, in a public convey ance, when anan remarked, as he looked out "Th'is place seems to take lo red sorrel the best of anything. 1 should rather have it in ed clover," "Then, followed some conversa tion between him and the driver with regard to the owner of the property. Once he was ollered eight thousand dollars for it; now it would not bring half the money.
The fences were all broken down, the boards of the bar.i were swinging in the wind, the old plows and wagons stood about unsheltered in the neglected barnyard, and the house just opposite was in keeping with all the rest. The old man sons mostly hang around the old place but don't seem to do much toward keeping it. up. They are a lazy lot. All three of 'cm are at home now, living off their father.
How they live, with their families, I can't sec. They never have anything to sell off heir ace. "One could readily" believe that, when he took a survey of the broad liclds, which should have been covered with waving grain, but, instead. were red with sorrel. There sat the lazy young men, looking on the pas6crs-by, as if they had no other business in life.
The old farmer smoked his pipe, and saw his valuable place going to wreck and ruin with the coolest indifference. The women of such a household were well deserving of pity; for on them fell the principal burden of making bricks without straw. In such a Sleepy llollow" atmosphere, the most energetic would feel a lethargy the spirits, effectually checking all advancement. "Would you like to 'know the secret of such thriftlcssness It was a ichisky '-barrel in the cellar." The Commercial says get your hair cut short the Indians are com ing. The Lexingtou, (Mo.) Caiicassian has died in the hands of the Sheriff.
The value of exports from Phil adelphia last mouth was $2,423, 024. THESE CENTS A LINE Notices of Wants, To Kent and For Sulo, will be. inserted under this head for thri-e cents line, each Insertion, rjrsh paid advance. WANTS. "ITT ANTED 1,000 Farmers to buy their fruit trees of tne Fairview Nurse ries, 4J miles northwest of Oskaloosa, Kansas, of J.
N. il.wx. Proprietor. vxnots FOR SAIiE. IJtOH SALE A farm or RIO acres; choice bottom land, timber and water.
five miles south of valley rails, one mile to school, cheap for cash. Apply to J. E. Stevenson, on the farm. xllm3 FOR SALE OR RENT A house of four rooms ant good cellar, on a lot 5)x 1j0 feet.
Enquire at this office. 13tf OCTAGOX HOUSE. THE dome of the Octagon Hotel is tho first object which greets the eye of the traveler approaching Valley Kansas. The building is situated on the cistern brow of a hill, and overlooks the city and surrounding country. The site was chosen, the euinee designed, mult, and is still owned and now kept by Dr.
L. jnortukit, an old nity-nver oi the town, with whom the traveler feels atltoinc. sick or well, vxnl'J-tf FITS CUBED TEEE. AN person suffering from the above disease is requested to address Dr. Price and a trial medicine will be for warded by express.
free! The only cost being the express charges, which, owing to my large busines, arc small. Dr. Trice has made the treatment or Fit or Epilepsy a study for years, and he will warrant a cure by the use of his remedy. Will Core You, i i U(l JHiltlvr VI UVW BMUUIU may be. or bow many other remedies may nave lailyu.
Circulars and testimonials sent with Free Trial Bottle. Be particular to give your' express, as well as your Po-tothce direction, and Address, Dit. CUAS. T. PU1CE, xllvl 07 William Sew "York.
tie ummmi. DAILY AHD WEEKLY. Published at Topeka, Kansas. The Commonwealth for 1873 ill continue in the future as in the past to maintain its position as the LEAD IMG PAPER OF THE STATE. And will uphold the- great principles of the Uepublican party, reserving the right to criticise men and measures.
Notwithstanding tho fact that we pay the postage the price of the paper is not increased, but will remain heretofore Ten dollars a year tor the Daily, and Two Dollars a rear for the weekly, cash is advance- COMMONWEALTH, Voiiitf Topeka. Kansas. I ISO ilJgRHS OF SPLENDID PRAIRiF, ALL FENCED, MOSTLY FIVE WIRES, Oneinileof hedjfft three years old, Eighty acres under cultivation, eighty acres tf Mea'dow. three hundred fruit trees, plenty of torcM trees, is as nicely located as any farm in tiic county. THE FARM HOUSE IS MADE OF PIKE, ROOMS, AND A tenant house of two rooms, and a spring of never failing water.
This farm ts surrounded lv range for a thousand head ot cattle and is the BEST BARGAIN lor a stock or grau farm in Jell'erson county. Price, Half Cash and the Balance on time or in Trade. Address or Call sxt tlij-! in AltTUUH FULGELt. LEAVENWORTH Manufacturers o' Grange Itcgaliu, Masters' tools, jewels, badges. Ac.
Grange and Notarial Seals, a specialty. Silver and Gold Plating of all kind. Cormpond' nee COUNCILS Will lindour goods the best and cheapest v2iU7yl i 3f'kx- Solicitel and Estimatea Cheerlully Furnished to all. OF GHA1IGE5 in--the market. Shops, 104.
Delaware WENWOi: TIL KAN. li: THE DEST DEPOT OF PIAN0S1 ORGANS AT FACTORY PBXCES. Commercial street, Atchison, Jkan. A full crd varied Stock-' cf "t2xa smallsr: Insfnraents of all Zincs. ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF SHEET OK BOOK MUSIC AT EASTERN HATES.
Do not senclyour Money East WHEN YOU CAN DO AS WELL OU BETTER NEAilEU HOME. T. ul-ly-.
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