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Manitoba Morning Free Press from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 8

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MANITOBA FREE PRESS, WINNIPEG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, IfMO. uhowed that the union of several Msgnnorinu societies had started In-tcrmally. and provident- u-lly. The Idea was first carried out In Now Haven and hud afterwards Do farmers eat the proper sort of food? The farmer of today buys a much larger proportion of the that goes "The People With the Goods" MARCH RECORDS NOW ON SALE, including 3 New Records by Harry Lauder in en i.iken up ny ninny cities throughout the world. The largest C.

K. union tlie world was In London. Kngland, vvltli TOO to K00 societies, and next In oroer fhlhulelphla and Chicago lth r.00 or (jIIO societies each. Tho (,. Z.

union was for mutual help yme)mison Records The Edison Phonograph Store end suggestions. jr. Clarko noticed with pleasure the monument with the 355 PORTAGE COR. CARLTON BABSON BROS. for MARCH ft' a good thing that this is so because he has a great variety to select from.

He should, however, use great care in selecting for the best results in health and strength. The widespread tendency in the city to increase the amount of Quaker Oats eaten is due very largely to the recent demonstrations by scientific men that the Quaker Oats fed man is the man witlb greatest physical endurance and greatest mental vigor. Farmers should give this subject careful thought and should increase the quantity of Quaker Oats eaten hy themselves, their children and the farmhands. 57 AIRS GRIEVANCES OF LIVE STOCK MEN On Sale February 25th 1 tram Paue One.) To Be DYSPEPTIC Is To Be MISERABLE. HE first question is, have you an EDISON PHONOGRAPH If you have, we won't need solutions had forced constructive legislation upon the government.

The budget debate win he continued to-day by J. tV. Rohsuii, Swan hast nlrjit the members of Aw legislature attended the sessional dinner at government house by Invitation of his honor the lieutenant-governor. urge you to read through this new list of records. WELCOME CHRISTIAN civilized life.

It is la reek due to jirosi errors in diet, ovor-eatiiiR, too free indul 1.. monogram In front of the city hull. Ho that a Dominion C. E. union would soon be established In sfmo leading centre In Canada with Htrcpg headquarters.

'1'hls would be very iiifluental and helpful, and It might unlertake tho )ubllcatlon of He suggested cxecutlvo for tlm discussion of topics nnd to consider plans for helping local society work, to strengthen local societies and 11:1 rear. numbers. Ho thought the K. society could do good work among tho foreign population. Societies in Different Languages.

Mr. Shaw stated that within the pant year societies bad been started hi seven different languages In the City of Worcester. He hud just received a letter from Chicago tolling of a Persian C. E. society, with fourteen members.

The senior society was spoken of as a new oifitmlzatloii. An Important part of Its work was to help the pastor in making the mid-week service of tho church successful, every member bring ready to take pait lu the meet-Inge. Peforc closing Dr. Clark commended the proposition for campaign to secure a million new members befoio tho middle of J911, that Is. before world's convention.

This would mi an new societies formed, and he expected that the result would be accomplished. Junior Rally. mass meeting of the Junior C. 10. workers of the city was held in the first Haptist church, between fi and ti o'clock vtsterday afternoon, flow A.

A Shaw, l.astor of tin- church presid ENDEAVOR LEADER GOOD ROADS RESOLUTION gence in stimulants and over-taxing tho ause Unai mously Adopts Motion (Continual fror.i IVkp Btomacn wiin inaigeatinie ioou, eating too rnpidly without chewing the food sufficiently, indulging in hot, biscuits, pastry, brought, together bo great an assembly ir v.lititr Mitt In Mado by Member for Dauphin. 1. A. Campbell, Dauphin, moved the li. Mowing resolution: "Whereas the prosperity of the nro- picnics, comeciioncry, eic.

Burdock Hlood Bitters has an establish In tills regard, wan tnlo or other cities. For twenty yours tho ed reputation, extending over thirty-four venra. us a nositivo rure for dvnnnnsin. in iikcr been addressing north, youth, ami west, lie ''had watched Hit; effect of tin; assein- You've been watching for it, as every Phonograph owner does every month. But if you haven't a Phonograph, this list of Edison Standard and Amberol Records will certainly interest you in owning one.

Read down this list of selections, one by one, mark, the ones you wish to hear, and any Edison dealer will be glad to play them for you: Amberol Standard pon all itfl forniB, and from all diseases arising vmco uepenas in a jarrjo meaaui the existence of good roads, biles, and he found Hint an a result Mrs. Herman onir.ion of this house the government should have a definite policy whorebv Dickenson, Benton of them, young people hud been more 'faithful tu the church nnd to their Muster. One of the. most blessed ro- -4- N.B., writes: "I ha 4- Can Eat f- Anything Can Eat Anything can co-operate yvith tho municipal-ties in building a first class system if main thoroughfares, and that a com 4- used Burdock Blood suits of the great conventions, unci the petent engineer should be appointed as now. -f- hitters ana una mat 4- few medicines can 4 I 4 4 4 I give such relief in dvsneneia and sto- fjood roads commissioner, to panties and their officers i 1 mncn irouoies.

1 wns iroumou lor 3oun'Bnd lttatT La tetlre de Manon 10118 I'm Auoln' to Chance Mr Man ed. Tho galleries were hung with lines. Tlie ciumren sane number of bvmns and after the devot 1(1111) HiintliiK onj; SUnley and (lllUuu 10320 I.avcrne-Walt2 Ctprlc-(Saiophono Bolo loral exercises Ilugli Armstrong inade an mnxiers ot roaefmakmg, and to sup- numbcr of years with dyspepsia and could orvise the expenditure of all govern- ect no relief until I tried Burdock Blood ments for this purpose." Bittere. I took three bottles and became Speaking to the resolution Mr. cured and I can now cat anything without Campheii said wiiereas tlie gov- it hurting the.

1 will highly recommend eminent pilded Itself on tho lalhvay it to nil who arc troubled with stomach pollcy-he didn't know whether Iroublc." 1. prided itself 011 its elovalor police i elaborate sijcccm or welcome to ManueinonUn AnthonT and IUrH.An Clark and Mr. Shaw, referring thf fart of the former helnc a Caiiadlni IttVJ) Irlfh Hlood Ada Job. by birth, and gave a good summary smaller gatherings, wns lie deepening of the liiterilenoiiilimtlonul spirit. This liiid been manifested to a large on-.

tent In civilized countries, but It was linuch more In evidence In nil mlsslou- ury lands. Heprt'sentntlve Christians, In heathen countries, bad continually they must get together, nnd present in united front to the enemy. Thla was true of iho non-Chrlstlan lands) but It also true of Chrls-4 tlun iiotuitrles. There were great foes to llglit, and'jthe churches, ough'l to be Vloseil 'toyetliei- than they were. The Christian JJudeavor movement was uldlng In thlH mutter.

Reference h'ns innde to the (banquets In which tho speaker had Joined. In Honolulu a native menu was Kcprwcntatives came to that from all the Islands of tho groud, except from Molokar, tho leper There was a Christian il-Jndelivor socluty among, tho lepers, ibut the lepers could not attend at the In Honolulu. All the special were provided of which Ha of the early C. K. movement.

I03JI HuiiRarlau Dance O. Minor (J. Brahnif) Victor Herbert and 111 Ordieitra, IftJii Homo With tho Milk in the Mornlnt Pete Murray -it 'lid not The welcome w.vo hy tlie. 111 the riuestlon of ads from granaiv Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Limited, Toronto, Ont.

any stand whatevc M-od ronds, (Jooj shipping point audience sing ami Heartily applaud-h'cr. Dr. Clark luiinillv responded, lb S85 KoJc-Waltz from Suite "Hose of SMrnz" Sojfa'n Rind 356 Put On YnurOM Grey Honnct.K. II. I'otliT 387 DoThcyThlnU nlWltat Home Manhattan MlicMTrlo 3(1S Kaor .183 HmiiniKi- Victor Herbert unit Mi Ortliotra 370 Monologue on Married Life Murray K.

111)1 .171 Then. W'eto flhtlier.I KdUon Mixed (piartette 373 White Wing Mamie! Itoniaiti 87a Fanta-le on Themes of Leonard and Paeaninl (Violin Sold) Mlct.acl Daiaur 374 I'm a Woman of bnpnrtnico HU-lla Mnliew .17.1 bynat Oh, Oh, Mlt-s Lna Collins and 37(1 DreaniK-lVlolln Ohllgato) Kll7ahcth Wlu tler 377 American Waltze.New York Military 378 Dai J.m l.ocker (ln Und 379 Nearer, My God, to Thee, Knickerbocker Quartette 3S0 I'll lie Cro.p, Arabella Jack lMenanH 3.S1 llalmy Nli'ln Vienna IuMrumciitnl Quarti tto 383 The Hat My Father Wur Upon Kt. I'atrlrkV Day llilly Murray and Omnia 383 The nnbe and (he Country Doctor Ilnrlun Stanley 3 Kins Karl March New York Military Hand BY HARRY LAUDER 12113 The Houn.IlniHc 12I.K When I Cet Back ARain to Bonnie Scotland told a story! of a C. K. junior meeting In Spain at which a letter of greeting as tallway lacilMeu lftT-'P Four Little Bupar Plums American Symphony Orchestra Not fur Mo-" Kid" FonK Bcjile Wynn was doliverrtl lo mm trom me juniors nf Tho letter was written 10! What Makes the World Oo Hound III the Old Cntalonlnn language, aim was handed to him by it boy dressed 'n Hii L'-irl of a Catiilonlnn postman.

Aun and Ullly New York Military Band Falcon March He told' of the welcome given Him ny 'lir an Km eavoiers 01 many unlries In tho Orient, and had the children repeat the word "welcomo" In four languages of India, China, Japan waiian poopa; ure no toiul. No knlvtM were sup'pllod. tile Idea of the irlonds being to' uiiiIhIj a banquot In IMIfnti deaUrr overyivliere. Oo to Ihe neareil i noiiogrnpn pi.iy nniii ftdlion hfand- and Hawaii. Mr.

Shaw followed and was also wel rd and Amberol lit 11 nt: nuiivu a uc natives Hawaii un exceedingly lonil of slug anil they sung over and over cist ot haul to Hhlpplng point from grui.ary w.ia rt -n us great as that iron, shipping point lu the head of thu lakes. Heads and ralhvav.s must be oeveloped toKether. of tho haul hy was often less Important than the condition of the roads-. In the 11 1 U.I States lilgliwuv eommls-sloners have been nppolnted to lnves-ttgale the (juestlon of good roads there. Ho trusted that in the new provincial university a department of tmod ro.ids would he Instituted.

The spealior lauded highly the worl; dnm In Ontr.rlo'by A. W. Campbell, the new deputy minister of railways at Ottawa. Municipalities' Good Work. Municipalities imd done good wnrl; In the province, hut they lacked knowledge und Inspiration, and they had different wava or going about the same things.

Campbell Mooted a icsoiutlmi iiassed In rerent yiara by the Union of Manitoba Mum iclpalities and also the detailed by the Union ut Its convention lust VlVi'. Hon. Robert Itoirers r-lnlmnii lint comed by tho audience rlsinsr. ne gave an entertaining, practical address. Arrives in Winnipeg.

Dr. Clark arrived in the city yesterday morning after a tour of the rl.l lllr. irrwuest event In when uguin at tlie uawiiicl. There nro 0111 hundred and lltly societies in thi Islands, and thu -hold Kdisan l'lionogrnphs $16,50 to Standard Hccords 40 Ambtrol Kccords (play twice as long) Grand Opera Records .85 and 1.2.1 ing liiUOO people, iviui "crowded to the llli Hu-ilo. oooru.

vt nurever tin; wont li was lils attendance at tho great Chris Wodetiret-ood live We Hawaii they were met with the words 'Alalia Nlti," meaning "J-nve. vory much. J'rum all the countries, which tian Endeavor convention 111 Agra, 111-dla. He spoke with enthusasm of liiu Ion-- irln 11s follows: -a luvlnge. dealer to tell Edlton ere we are not now well rejirv cnlr.l.

labll'licd stores rhould wrlt us at once. Orange, N. U. S. A.

ne imiuti, irom an uie i-Jncienvorors In all the countries wlilrlt in; imdsecii. National Phonograph Company, 100 Lakeaide Ave. "Tho trip around the world was niomorablu one because it wus the llrst time for a steamer to circle the globe hn cmnu wJtti -the- message' "Aloha Mr. Shaw also iho v.n dcavoiers, and spoke of the deepening with a party of sightseers. J.

no at tempt was successful und 630 pcoph gathered for the Journey. One hundred wero Christian Endeavorers win wished tu attend the convention of tin tween Canaifa ami the United States, ttcod roads h.ul always been the policy of the government. A irood rn-wl societies In Agra, India. The steamer commissioner had already been appoint'. Ul wont 01 me ciiuieti li lands.

Conference of Workers. Helpfulness In C. K. was tho Clevelund and It sailed fr. Now York.

Interpreters Kept Busy. was object, of a conference in "We landed at Bombay, crossed to en in uie person ot Mr. MeCUllvrav, a very ipiallfled engineer of the public works department, and the provision bad been made In the ct-timiites. lu respciiH.) to the committee n-i-'i-ii hud walled on the government about a mouth ago, a good roads bill had been brought down Mint sr. woi.uuihml- cimrcu yesterday alter rt-on.

'After (levoilunui exercises con-ducted by iter. J. J. J0y. tho chair- You don't have to mix "Black Kuight Stove Polish.

There is no black watery liquid to stain your hands or dirty the floor. There is no "hard brick" to scrape no trouble no waste no hard "Black Knight" is a firm paste ready to use quickly applied and shines quick as a wink. It's as simple and ensy to use as shoe polish, and a big stove can be shined with it almost as easily. Perhaps your dealer does not handle rran. Howell in a few Introduc Agra, and then went on 10 uicuuu, where we again Joined tho steamer.

This steamer Is now making the return trip from San Francisco round the world with T7-1 passengers. "Arifr the work at the tory wordy, expressing hope that slon. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS WHOLESALE ONLY A Card Will Bring Full Particulars of How to BECOME A DEALER huuiu oe a genuine eon iLienee, called on Mr. Shaw, the In leruatlonnl secretary, to lead thn o- world's convention at Agara, we visited Dr. Thornton, Delor.iine, pointed out that the rberal platform adopted In moo outlined a definite good mads policy which the government had nnnconn.

Manila. Canton. Hong Koit; crclses. Mr. Sltaw Invited all to take and a number of Japanese elllos from pinieipie tnat vorvliod practically adopted word for word.

i'. wiser than anybody." Ho made I rlef reference to the Tacts that the anniversary of tho founding of the Christ. an Kudcavor org.mlzat Ion Anrris said 110 was gias in see ernmcnt followed tlm lend of Nagasaki to Toklo. The audiences w. addressed were almost all natives, tin speaking being done through Intcrpre tors.

In the nudtencc was large ly white, und in Honolulu the last con vontlon held. Since that we hav. been in She slates of California, Orcein and Washington. Great Agra Convention. "The convention Agra was ver; was tho second of this month, that Dr.

Clark Mie speaker CSL SONS Co, LIMITED the Liberals (Laughter). Dr. Thornton, continuing, said that unfortunately the opposition was to .1 large extent deprived ot the right of initialing kgisli'tlmi. At the same time the opposition was then to assist In the administration which It did bv eo- operating in what was right, eriti- 1 R. S.

liul WESTERN DISTRIBUTERS a veiled L'l; ijOO miles to get here. He proceeded to take up several questions rich had been sent in in writing to at.lgo poitpald. 421 McDERMOT WINNIPEG tirst had reference to the steps to THE F.F. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, cislng whore criticism was necessary, Hamilton, Out.

25 luken by the louk-out conunlttoe tit leading associate members tu become cumpmcnt was loaned Tor the occasion without cost. Without this we would thi famut "2 In SAot folUh. investigating where opportunity ofier-ciV and by condemning what It did not approve. The opposition had a right to claim credit for much constructive have been compelled to erect sunn ladldlnc' as there Is no structure m-ue memi.ers. rn uie answer It brought out that the object of C.

E. was not to promote social- In the city capable of accommodating hold literary meetings and enlertaln'- policy, for time and time again the ineins, o-jl 10 uevemp spiritual life. Societies that had pursued the onno- onstriiciive poucy 11 nan nrougnt no va id by resolution, the only moans ipen to It, had been adopted by tho tovernment and turned Into legisla poll P-0t 'l Wl'nnff 1111(1 Sold to Speculators. sltc course, finding that they could HeartlieMewEdisoiiRecords our audiences. in tne vice-regai encampment there are two very largo tents, one of which was used at the Delhi durbar when King Edward war proclaimed as the Emperor of India.

This lent was used at Agra for tho meetings In which English was spolten and the othor was used for those In which Hindustani wns the languugo used. Many of the natives could understand English and they attended tho meetings held in thu English tent. Other natives wero addressed by speakers 111 tion. The government had followed the opposition's leud In regard to liquor legislation a year after the opposition hud announced Its policy. Again, the opposition given the government He believed.

If recent happenings were a guide, that tho present system would be altered beforo vere long. Immigration, railway, provincial lands policies supplement one another. At present the lands were sold to spec- a lead on the government ownership not suum more uian one religious n.eetlng a nionlh. did not usually live very long and they did not ac-eompltah much 'L'lie speaker impressed the thought "What von don't use, you lose," which was illustrated hy tin; case of a 'species of bird in tho Honthom Pacific, which once had Inge, but now has none, never having had any enlmles, and never having used Its wings. Another mutation wan I'ow best to win the young people of the- community for which the church Mintilrt bo responsible.

The danger of filtering too much lo educational or 01 elevators tour years ago. un me telephone (mention th" opposition had abortive immigration propaganda. Uirgc areas of lands were still tor sale In tho St. Rose du Lac district, hut the railway, tlm lands of which had been guaranteed at the last session of Bpoko interpreters wero employed, vailous languages, were spoken those attending the convention, but or any of the Other 1,800 Edison Records at Cross, Goulding (Si Skinner, Ltd. Phonographs sold on easy terms, send for catalogue F.

323 PORTAGE WINNIPEG was not yet out of the nuvocnteci lor years government ownership ns opposed to the government's lfolley of fog ends of telephone ays-1 tcniH and government phones side by I side. Thus to a very large extent I constructive legislation had come from the opposition while the government bad talked On being put to the vote the motion passed unanimously. lLuiua me construction department. uie (subject of a tne gn-ai majority 01 1.0 people prcseo understood either English or Hindi's tunl. Why Agra Was Solected.

We selected Asra as tho place for t'e which the ndjournment of the debate on t-i-j ution. F'rrther point; to take garnering chlcily owing to the fact how to I JOSEPH BERNIER'S EFFORT. ici consecration th without getting SQUANDERING LANDS. (Attempt to Explain Government Men into .1 rut; how best to raise hint mere is round the Taj Muliai, tin most we-nderf ul structuro In the. wotld Then Agra Is situated in the heart tlie country, mldwav between tho can Resolution Condemning Governmen bars' Silence in Debate.

Joseph Rernler, at. Boniface, coi tinned the debate on the budget, at and the west, with good railway eon uectlons in all directions." Methods Moved by J. A. Campbell. The following resolution wns a'so moved by J.

A. Campbell, Dnuphln: "That this house regards tho action away tlie money. Thu prenerit irovoni. llnmU iiccount of which Itemn mcjit wns assured, hy an atrrfi-mcnt I nlono wen- MHTIrii nt to ulpo out tlie with the Cimn.lHui r.illway. Hiirplus.

Mr. Halrd continued woul.i uhsnluli- control of nm.Mit lor Including un amount of rates up to tho year 1930. This htul no jl.l.OOO In tli. lr mindu as canital for resulted In a saving to tho. people bcciiiij thai the sum ng of tho effect of Enc Ish rule iliL-lr cattle tlie inarlict value of nock iih Ontiirloanil AinCHconfannoi were.

TIktc whh no reojon, in wurU why tho Mnnitoba should not rcl ralr proportion value of hOff. Vor nlno out o''n iiiDiitlis In tho Manitoba xpnuneu me silence of tlie govern In India Dr. Clark snld: "I have no hesitation In expressing my conviction that the ISrltWi huvo ruled India whh ment members during the pout week. tor missionary pui poses. To tho last Mr.

Shaw answered: 'The best way to raise money Is to give proportionately nnd systematically." The con-i-titutlou of an effective temperance L-ommltlec- was also discussed. It was announced that the conferenco would ho continued at Munltou. C. E. Union Conference.

A conference on C. U. loenl union work was opened by A. R. Wulkev.

Tin- chairman outlined the work- nf ro tluili Jl.OOO.OOO nor nniiimi In 1 frr wisdom success. The people ofl of the government in selling the public They had. made no speeches, he said, lands by private sale in larae quantities because the opposition members hud to speculators, and putting the 'receipts advanced no real arguments and had frclglit chargcE. In tholr adinlnlstm- clcannir. otc.

On tho othe'r lian.l tho sold for from it cciit'io ceotf lion of the to cnhons they hail re- r.nli rm, i .1 i. i xfnntnttO" well off as they are now. The com man nogs in MuauTj4.i Xor was it a different 1, led as i-ipUal InMoad of (JlUcngu. mon people wero never so nrosnerous thus drawn from capital into current mont. Tcy (1 SriiiclMd In a mi" revenue, ns improvident and inimical terly way, hui the house and the poo and unrest Is confined largely to the Instruments and had accumulaled alwlmlo 7ht -uL nUiV JZ the innlpeg local union, and spoke of fioni- encountered.

1 In snrpU.H In operation. could huh It. .1 ml the need for to tho public interest, and declares in pie expected more than that. Facts, No Reason for Difference. There vn 110 rrcwan In lue for Mich difference.

to tin nn am th li plral ions not fulfilled, and thee wan! the hivw nlnr won; of the Rob 11 i ..1.,., Invor of a system by which tho lands hilt thor men caiico on ur. i.iari; to give advii the work could be Improved. ahfolutoly nald Mr. nernier. was its Kovei '1 tiou trb t' it cmihl get otllees which uro now closed to them.

I will pass directly from the government these. rt mid not iiag ttiovcrntneiit 'file tho voters to swallow son, a method of ii to pay heavy tallied to the higher oillclals in the' r.or.don Times had said Clark gave an account of tho origin Uie local union movement, rerrlMg ilnaneliiK'. i.Vltlclzliar Hi- linmlratlm 1 1 .,1 lo' 10 the riiloc es of Its Ottawa reive- ,,,1. iK'iu. Mr.

I -mDJJ to tho actual settlers." The speaker entered Into 11 lengthy lOnlarglng 011 the resolution Mr. comparison of the respective records Campbell said that almost cveryUdiig he might urge had been urged before, the present government was intlnltelv spotulent on the ubjecl, ami that was iialrd claimed that wl Kiiftlclont pictured tne government ill roas In IS93 casu A ahUJjb im 1 "ouac cold storage taeW. o. had nL.0,lt.r, out he ww live slates and they vrlthoiiL exception that they would pot go bailc tJ the -atlve rule. The I.

est thing that ever happened to India was tho coming id the race, and the same thin-; la iii.iJiii'cstly true of Egypt. I will go from hero direct to Boston. I have heeu away for four and half Igor- Its therefrom Ii bencllts to bo derived froi our parrying out nf ilils jioeci. 1110 oppoMiiuu wuk. com.

011 heitcr than its predecessor. Tho i been -spent without afraid to let Mich Institutions go 4,1 from the parable of the ireignt mies nan noen reduced from Used .19 Political Football. practical patriotism, and made specinl 1 niontlon of the effect upon the minds; woman and lived In the hope that tho 14c jo; un. nanus, or mo government. CURED OHjORSTIPATON Mr.

Andrews praises Dr. Morse's Indian. Root Pills. 10c per hundredweight. rd fell that something Jiu government wmi 1 menu Its us vs.

Thornton "Between what Mr. lialrd. the boundary nin.ition had have been done before tbii WP" He closed by thai wlu-n been used a political rootb.iJI andjing the facilities lor live-stock it eieciKin came around tliere would nipeg government had in many direction') confirmed the criticism of tho opposition by a change or Initiation of policy. Althouch tho government was In th Mr. Bernler "Between and Port Arthur." ne end ot tin- eiinnitu- 1 poriation.

It was toinCUiinBi Dr. Thornton "Does this apply lo iuonins mm am naturally very anxious to get back." ALL READY AT MANITOU. Arrangements Complete for Billoting of Delegates. Manltou. Feb.

24. Arrangements nre now comnletc for tlie laud business as trustees their incth- any stations west of Winnipeg''' BAIRD ON BUDGET goal that time and had lieen used in and hogs were nov treated In tlM every succeeding by-election. Tho 1 stockyards. The one Httlo pa'1, mints-. t-r of edin ation had announced scales in the yard' worn not oven that the boundary football would bo 1 guessing scales, let alone good air.

ncrnier lea. to uird's Hill." repuiauie trust company. The (Lend laughter.) Corrected by tht rystem enabled the government ministers, the speaker went on to miv Pilot Mound Member Exposes Govern- Ing scales. Being kepi eo const to piesent the public accounts In a inflated again for the ny that ho mennt Rosser. The RoblJn menvi negiect ot Live stock Industry.

I iincn was not exact. it was a Sraw convention here to-morrow. Af guvcnimeni jiau worneo nam. Thev lie warned the govenuaent i-iuch the man in the street could not It. Balrd.

Pilot Mound, who was nscovereu tne iHrtden resources of ter dinner the delegates will go to tha convention hall where tho nf Mm ball wus io old that It would thin time mdcrstand. Dumping all receipts Into Mnnltnbu. ocveinpeu tlicin, allr.ed 1 undoubtedly get burst. (Laughter.) Mr. Haird nicniloncd that lie wo heartily cheered on rising to speak, continued the budget debate.

He was prepared to concede to iho provincial billeting committee will completed' Uvery delegate will he given a home during the convention where a room reserve his remarks 011 the elevator central province of Canada. They had 1 taken hold of the railway? and the 1 telephones In a business-like way, and were preparing to lmndlc tho treasurer a real cash surplus of In place of the .1024,000 alleged sur- question until ttio nut Had been bio light down. win oe given tree or cost. The convention hall Is cnllv in use, as tnoy were. 11 woa siihij.j.: possible to keep the scalo correct In rejialr.

Transportation caused heavy loss to the shipper, who an recouped himself from the did not represent a mar there was not room enough tltfto the llrst place. There were buyers the city, but no market was prop for them. Over four years ago iho present dltlons had be-sn exposed and Uie stock men had been nssured would have a ranis nnd ket Inside of a year. Every yeflf; railway company told them the A public abattoir was one of thp ted with mottoes, Hags and "bunting, unit n.s ugainsi last years SH7.000. which by clever book Mr.

George Andrews of Halifax, writes: "For many years I have been troubled rith chronic Conatipatiou. TiiL; nil-rucut never comes single-handed, and I have been a victim to the manv din- that brings in its train, tyed-icine after medicine I have taken in qrder-to find relief, but one and all left rie in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the oncailtueut that caused so much trouble, yet at last I read about these Indian Root IH1U. That was indeed a lucky day for me, impressed with the that I determined to gi-csLhenr a.air trlil. They have regulated my stomach and bowels.

I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal as a For over half a century Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have been curing constipation and clogged, inactive kidneys, wfUtialUJic uilnicnts which result from cleanse" the whole system snd.purify the Sold everywhere 25c a "box. 2 In Head and Catarrh In front of thu ball la draped with da; 111,11 on me stare tlie Arner can keeping had been to appear as a surplus. However, even a surplus of 347.000 had only been possible through an Increase of $138,000 In the Dominion subsidy and school lands fund and by receipts of jirlnclpal on provincial Hug is draned mi me union Jack In most important maucrs, said the speaker, that the government would have before It during the session. He would warn the government to be very careful In handling thn proposed bonuB.

With regard to the reasons for the present condition of the live stock Industry In tho province he was prepared to admit that the high price of lltn-ct and feed irrnliw mb-hi li.ivo honor of the nationality of Dr. Kra tJSETHEOitD Main stieet bang streamers of red only a dlsgrnce to Wlnntpog and grain cieyaiors ami tne punilc abattoirs In tho same wav. Goes Into History. Tho speaker delved Into the history of tho province and quoted elaborate Matlstlcs from a speech by the late Hon. J.

A. Davidson, provincial treasurer, drllvered In 1901, to show how fortunato it wan that Mr. Greomvay had been defeated. n0 claimed that the former administration had Increased the debt to the extent of 51', 500,000 In ten years, while the present government had accumulated surpluses amounting to more than $3,000,000. The Liberals' bad given $1,0112,000 to railways, with 110 benefit, no control of rates.

Thoy simply gave Only One "5ROMO QUININE," that is province, tuey wem hninunlty. Ho wondered the IjJ. the Presbyterian church where a imn- uinine something to do with It. It wna well known thut farmers could not give up Laxative Rromo Qii Cures a Cold in One Day, Crip in v.111 nu given tne delegates and kors on Frldav evening tlmrn 2 Dava lllo'-'ler hiocivs or crops which, Some of his own stock Itnd elxrOA tho yards eleven hourg wUhtWf profuse decoration of llaqs and mottoes bearing the word "welcome." The ban-duet will begin at and Is In charge of tho ladles of the town. slock had ttood there for tfgttv ltliout wncrt moving 1 owing 10 special reasons, involved a In some years.

The reason why every farmer worn P0 anxious to get out of 25c lnc Industry was beeauso I they knew they wore not jetting for i rRRCHIVE QQpymr iNi.WSfAr'tKilliUill.

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