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Manitoba Morning Free Press from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 5

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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MANITOBA FREE' WINNIPEG, MONDA JANUARY' 31', a continuanco of tho coalition with the as the steamer started a man arrived In L. maj 'J10S Jj. nrnj 301 'oldest Insurance Office In the world IrPSfie 3 Brtnoi. Sun Bulldlrul. Toronto.

H. BL Blockbarn. Manner. SpW, LANG, KILLAM McKAY, WINNIPEG AGENTS Announcing a Very Comprehensive Showing of Webb's Irish Dew Bleach Linens 1tt0I7Us. and tno coming over whoso antl-lrlsli pro- "riX over.

The a if 1 ti Work P''lncilo Is, however, for almost all com-thfl thc parliament except tha Labor members themselves. Infant Prodigy. Another tliinn- New Arrivals of Old Fashioned Linens, the Kind Our Grandmothers Used If, is well-known by nil housekeepers, whoso experience oxtowls buck lo ti generntion ago, that the Household Linens of tlio prr-Kcnt day will not benr comparison in appearance or wearing qualities with the linens of former times. The modern system of chemical bleaching, though much cheaper and more expeditious, weakens the libre and ruins the wearing qualities of linen, and at the same time robs it of its beautiful lustre which is natural to flax when properly treated. Anyone who possesses an heirloom in -the.

shape of linen which was hand-mado and grass-bleachetl in tho days of our grandmothers, known the soft and silky appearance anil feel of what linen used to be and ought to be still. WEBB'S IRISH LINENS arc a revival of the old-fashioned home-bleached linens referred to above. aro both woven and blenched at the some establishment, and under Mr. Webb's individual care throughout every process. The new arrivals are representative.

of a very extensive choice in variety of designs, respective qualities and prices. It's a showing that will appeal very favorably to women who can recall the sterling qualities of the linens as they used to be. To women who havo never seen linens of this nature, the display now presented will meet with most enthusiastic favor, and wc invite your inspection at an early hour, while stocks arc complete and fresli in their silvery whiteness. Fancy and Plain Damask Table Cloths Fancy and Plain Damask Napkins Fancy and Plain Huck Towels Fancy TowelsBath Towels, Hemstitched Towels, Huck, in Piece; Fancy Toivelling, in Piece; Roller Towellings Glass Cloths, Kitchen Cloths, Etc. Embroidery Linens (for Drawn Work) Soft finished Household Linens for Underclothing, Pillow Cases, Etc.

Hudson's Bay Company i-iauontes ana tno irisn. wnctner. with a politician so radical as Lloyd-George, they could continue In power lu, according to opposition lenders, a matter of serious doubt. The general ballot Is stronger than ever that thc tenuro of office of tho next ministry will bo short. Should tho Conserva- tves make a strong oiu ior mo insn Ote.

nrnmlHlnir home ruio and tariff in accord with Ireland's wishes, tho Liberals would probably bo swamped. Voting Practically over. The declarations of te-dav'u returns is virtually the end ot tho election. With majorities In the parties almost evenly divided the balance of power rests with inlnor factions. SATURDAY'S RESULTS Liberal Position Slightly Improved ir Race for Majority.

London, Jan. 29. Of tho twenty-one seats which polled Friday or were de layed owing to Btorms In Scotland, ten ent to tho Liberals, eight to Unionists and four to tho Nationalist The Liberals therefore slightly im proved their position in tho race to get a clear majority over the opposition, In dependent of Labor support, nnd this assisted by thc Liberal gain of tho Jarrow division of Durhnm from the Labor party. The Unionists gained three seats: thc Ramsey division of Huntingdonshire, where A. U.

I' Boul- ton, tho Canadian, was beaten the Droitwich division of Worcestershire. wltero Cecil Iliirmswortli, brother of the Unionist peer, was tho victim; and Buteshire in Scotland. Sir Charles Dllko was returned by a big majority for the Forest of Dean. In Derbyshire. tho only place where polling was toning piaco to-day a Heavy snowstorm is raging and many voters will be kept from the polls.

Three Contests Monday. London, Jan. 20. On Monday there will bo polling lu Wick Burghs, Scot- ir.mi, ana in uoru county, ireianu, in both the west nnd north divisions. In the general elections of the Union- hid carr cu wie uurchH hv uu maior- Ity, and in both divisions of Cork, tho -Nsuiionnusis members wore returned unopposed.

CABLE NEWS TROUBLE IN THE REICHSTAG Conservative Member Makos State ment Which Coubco Uproar. Berlin, Jan. 30. Tho Hclchstaff was the scene of an angry demonstration of protest on Saturday when In th course of a speech Hcrr Von Olden burg, a Conservative agrarian, declared that the Gorman emperor, as king of Prussia, must have thc right at any moment to order a Prussian lloutenant to enter with ten men nnd clos Ttclchstag. At tho words nil thc bers on tho left sido of the houso rose to their feet protesting with shouts uf munsirnus, pcunnai, impuuence, anu breach of tho constitution.

Thc snoc- tntora joined In thc uproar which lasted for sovcrnl minutes. Finally Herr Sohrader, Liberal, made a formal pro test againox uiacnourgs remarKS, which he said constituted a grave Insult to tho Ketchstair and to tho em peror nnd tho army. Tho Conservatives, on thc other hnnd, had greeted Oldenburg's words with thunderous nnnlausp. Herr Slnccr. Socialist.

speaking to a point of order, said that he assumed thnt 'he president had not' henrd Oldenburg's declaration, otherwise ho would have vindicated tho honor of the Reichstag. Prlnco Von Ho-lienloe. who was presiding, admitted that ho had heard tho words objected to, nut wild tliat he understood the speaker as meaning onlv to Indicate the degret to which military discipline must bo carried. Oldcnburc lmmedl- alely conilrrncd this Interpretation of ed to show how In extreme ensos discipline must bo required of tho army without respect to thc constitution. Herr Bnssennan, National Liberal leader, said ho recognized in tho offensive words a contempt for the Itcichstnsr and Its constitutional rights.

regretted tnat the soivtiment nou been applauded from tho Conservative benches. Herr Grcber. on behalf of the clericals, expressed -profound regret at the utteranco of Oldenburg. Herr 'Mueller and Hcrr Meiningor sharply criticize-a tno vice president ror nis re to take prompt uction when tno Inuldent occurred; and Herr Sach, Socialist, shouted "Come down from the prt-sldcnt's chair." A'Icc-presldcnt Ho-henloo called Snch to order, but tho disorder continued during the attempts of other speakers to get a hearing until Prince Hohenloe withdrew, when the duties of tho presiding officer wore assumed iy Dr. -spann.

MAY SUCCEED RElD London. Jan. 30. A usually well in formed newsnaner snys that It Is re ported on good authority in diplomatic circles here thill. John L.

Cadawalder ill be Whltelaw Hold's successor hen the 'latter retires from his pres ent nnst n.q American ambassador It London. It has also been reported, however that 7vir. Bold win remain here for two years more. GERMAN STEAMER SUNK. Hamburg, Jan.

2 P. A crowded pas senger steamer, the Bonstel, was sunk In the lower Elbe to-day, when she wat rirmmnri hv the Ttrltish Gtoamcr Alba tross. The AlbatroHs' bows were badly dnmaged. Tho crow and psssongors of the Bonstol were saved, tnougn me paa-aengers were in a panic. THE WORLb.

DYSPEPSIA CURED Was Weak, Now Strong "For nearly three yeara," writes Mrs, Ferris Joy, of Sarnla, "I suffered the untold misery of dyspepsia, 1rought up in thc United States and attribute the weakened condition or my stomach to haHty eating and excessive ice water at meals. Thc morbid condi Hon of my stomach affected my liver, and also affected my system In other ways. I suffered distress after eating, burning sensations after tho food had passed from tho etomaoh. My appetlto would vary for days, having little, then would seem as if I could not eat enough. Tonics and bitters failed and very sovere constipation led mo to use nr Hnmlllnn's TMlln.

Can VOU lmairino the joy after repented failures to find a. remcuy tnat actually win cure. nvy arc a wonderful pill in their action upon the stomach, liver and kldnoys. nnd their mild action makes them all tho more suited to people that aro sick. I am well because of Dr.

Hamilton's Pills and I owo you a debt of gratitude for thein." Don't fall to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills ror general family uso no medldne compares with them. Sold In yellow Doxcs, zoc, on ueojers, or hid uutiu-ozono' Kingston. OnL nusio irom uonaon ana oilmen on to mu boat and served the duke with a document. Tho Incident gave rlno to an interesting mystery, what tho nature ot Tho man who served 11 would only Hay Hint no was a special otilc.iai.

nut wnai that meant or what tho document was he had brought in hucIi haste he would not disclose. Whatever it wns It did not dc- thelr Journey. BREECHES BUOY RESCUE. Dover. Jan.

10. Fifty-three officers and men were saved from lhe llrltlsh torpedo boat destroyer F.den yes terday by menns or the brcecheH buoy, riii) Kden brcko from her moorhen dur- liore off this place. WINNIPEG MAY BE DARIS UNDERSTUDY (Contlnvjl ask ourselves If the people hero wero airy bolter than thosn who aro noiv suffering in that gay city of life, and it tnoy wero not being piungou mio that oamo degrading abyss." Continuing lie said there waa sot forth for the gratification of the people a play that was publicly stumped as Immoral and no one seemed prepared to contest Urn fact that It np-pealed to the lowest' instincts of man, tho whole action In the courts resting on whether the actors and others concerned In Its production had Li ought themselves within reach of the law. There was no question of decency or purity, and In lnct it was openly declured on tho part of sonic of the theatres that the sole management wns to cater to the nubile of Wlnnlpoe and get as near as they coiuu without orcauing mc inw. ii was said that was the lino of action ot Winnipeg theatres for thoy entered aH far as ever they could to the heastlal pusulons of tlinso who frequent the playhouses.

Commends Magistrate. Father D' Alton commended thepollco magistrate, Mr, uaiy. tor ins reso lute attitude in this concern, bu criticized the failure, to punish thu gumy, saying n. ponucu uisiinciiy to miserable state of nubile opinion. It seemed thut men had gono to the theatre to gloat over what thoy would see.

He had no proof what ever mat piays nr. mis uaiuro not ve.rv common In Whinlncir. that tho city wns anything but an understudy of l'aris. No decent man. Father D'Alton could go to such places of amusomcnt as inoso wnicn uro nntier mm nwm degradation and concluded bv savlnir: "It is your duty as Catholics not to attend theatres.

Your mind miiBt be sot against lhe tldo of Infamy that Is running llko an awful deluge through tno city." JOSEPH DOUPE DIES A Well-known Winnlpegger Passes Away aB Result of a Stroke. Josoph Doupc, civil engineer and Do minion lands surveyor, died at o'clock last evening at hl9 roeirici 109 Edmonton street. Tho deceased waa ono of tho best known engineers in his prmession western oniaua. -camo west with Dominion government surveyors in 1871, and for twcnly-llvo years ho wa engaged on thl3 class of tluronKhout the whole of Manitoba nnd the Northwest. About fifteen yearn ago lie retired from the service of tho Dominion government to entei woon a nrlvnte uraotleo which ho con tinued with energy up to the hour of his death.

On tho morning of Friday last he was on his way to his Business oinco rrom jus residence ho had a stroke from which he i recovered. The lato Mr. Doupc was born aL Naplnec, OnL, in 1837 and waa educated at McGIll university, taking UU degree of C.K there. He leaves a son. J.

L. loune. nil of tho eitv mourn uieir mas. ine ueccaseu nos always enjoyed the best of health, nnd ha was one on an important purvey Calgary, only two weeks ago. DEATHS AND FUNERALS.

Fort Frances. Jan. CO. J. McKay, a well known commercial traveller of nnlneir nnd the tiKKieniy at tno jjtnperor noiei tie nnd neeu eomn inn ne or a coid nnd hnd been eonllued to bin bed for only one day, De'ith was due to heart failure.

He wns an old timer tho Rainy River district, and formerly of Kenoru. Ho was a implicit- ChrmlchaeL of tho latter nlnec. was about forty years of ago. Ho Is survived ny a nroiner uavid, also i traveller. Tho hodv Is at the under- lamng esiauusnmeni iicrc awaiting instructions.

Air. ftlcKnv ronrn.snntcd vooas jjimitcu nr winnqieg. Emerson, Jan. 2S. It is doubtful If crowded the local Anplletin church tlian vtco In memory of tho late Mrs.

John curded, and mnnv rcmnlnpii ii ilwir i-p, hlclefl outsldp. I-YlendH nf tho pre.Hont limlpci i rrln nnmlnlon CAtv. Orelnn mwl ci.utitry. Among those noticed were C. loyier, uio memDor ior south WinnlpeR nnd many ot the pioneers of the district Prior to thc church service flev.

Mr Drand conducted a brief Borvlro ot Hie hou.ic of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hell, at which eovered with beautiful Hornl trlluiir nuriio iu inu ny luur sonfl anu Ing Thomas Hooper, of Victoria, 'rahk S. Hell, of Kmcrsoii. A very Im- prosHlve service who conducted bv Rev.

Mr nrnnit. nnd ill the closf MImk fnBfl). man snns mo ocniiuiui snio, uroHsmg a' beautiful pillow of white rones from thn boiib and dnuehtore. with Hip Iti (lowers, while the Suffered Terrible Pains From His Kidneys. Perhaps no other organs work harder than the kidneys to preserve tho general health of tho body, and most people are troubled with Bonus kind of kldnoy complaint, but do not suspect it.

Thoro is no way of getting tho kidney poisons out of the system e.icapt through tho kidneys, and no medicine bo offectivo in taking them out as Doan's Kidney mis. Thoy help the kidneys to flush off the aorid and poisonous impurities which havo collected, thus olenring out tho munoyB, oiaaucr ana urinary passages. Doan's Kidney Pills nre entirely vege- utuia, niiu muy dj oaiciy lancu oy oiu Mr. Dotigald A. McIbosc, Broad Co-o Banks, N.8..

writes: I wns troubletl with my kidnoys for nine months, ami Buffered with such terribto pains across tho small of my book all tho time that I could hardly get around. After taking two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills I began hj iuei Deuer, ana oy tne umo nai taken threo I was completely cured." Prico 50 cenU per box, 3 boxes for 31-25, at all dealors or mailed direct by xiin i. oiiiDuru ijimiiea, loronto, Ont. In ordering apecify "Doan'a." Ross and Comarty. Lib.

(no charmed J. Lib 4130 N. (Maclean, his Antrim, South, U. (no change). Craig, 5310 Clow, Lib sno U.

mnj At tllO lost Erenernl Piwilnn frn'cr wits returned without opposition. Donegal, East, Nat. (no change). Harrison, 'JSt; Nat. maj 678 N.

mnj 453 Dublin, South, U. (no change). Cooper, G038 Colion, Nat 4M1 IT. maj Ut U. maj.

Fermanagh, South, Nat. (no change). Battorsby. AH Mayo, North, Nat. (n.

change.) l.Sfil 3.S21 Jloyla, Xnt Tyrone, East, Nnt. (no change). T. m. icottlo.

Nat 3a Sandorsoa. ai SCOTTISH PEERS Bare Torphichen Who Supported oudgot 13 Replaced. London, Jan. 2S. Premier Asqulth yesterday afternoon furtilBhcd the iioll- tlctans food for gossip when ho slurted unexpectedly for thc south of France, whore ho liopes for a period of quiet during which ho may review the situa tion and develop his plan.

His absence Is likely to cause a post ponement of the cabinet councils an nounced for cany In thc coming week. Thc oillclal explanation of the premier's sudden trip abrond Is the great strain nut upon him by the campaign, but this uarxiiy eausues inose wuo realize mo urgent Importance of the prime minis ters presence at liraiinuartcrs In tno present state of political nffnKs. Sixteen representative Scottish pecrs. who will sit in tho new Darllamcnt. woro elected yestOTjay nt Holyrood SIR CHARLES DILKE, Lib.

Re-elected for Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean, by nearly 3,000 majority Ono of the beBt-informed and boBt known of British Politicians. nnlace. Edluhurch. the onlv ehanirn lio. Inc that Lord Semnhlll rcnlacea Baron Torphichen, who had tho hardihood to support inc smnii uouy or peers voted for tlio budget.

Await Speech From Throne. There was evident a disposition among tho more conservative eleinonts of the rival pnrtlca to recognize the fact that for nil substantial purposes It ivna "nobody's game." That tho position of tho government Is onc of uncertainty Js not doubted and experienced politicians are unwilling to predict Its security for cvon a few months until the dobato on tho speech from the throne furnishes further cvldenco of the probable trend, of tho different factions composing tho! tripartite government majority. IriBh Faction a Thorn. Tho success of the Independent-Nationalists who probably will havo a total of ten scats, Introduces a mont interesting new factor. The feud between tho RedmondltCB nnd the combined O'Brlonltes and Hcalyltes promises plenty or diversions, and tho rival clans can be depended upon to chock ench other in the ovent of unorthodox leaning toward either of the Saxon parties.

Mr. O'Brien talks of a trip to America and a tour of tho prlnclpnl cities there, with a view to Justifying tlio action of his adherentF, as soon as tho preliminary fights In the House of Commons are over. Wm. O'Brien again showed his strength in Ills own county of Cork, wlnnlnc- the election for the norfhenqt division over the official Redmondlto eanaiuaie, w. Aoranam, by a majority of 1.471, In a total of less than 4,500.

Mr. O'Brien has now been elected to the two seats, onc of which ho must resign. GREATEST SHOW SINCE 1B32. London, Jan, (Special cabin to the Toronto Globe). Tho olections yesterday took tho expectod course nnd It now looks as though tho government majority Including the but It cn'nnot iro much hevnnd! TiioiiKh ureat crowds still anther around the bulletin boards in Fleet streeu tlio loyous abandon of first fow days, when tho result was in doubt, Is no longer noticeable.

Tne greatest election show since 1S32 will be definitely withdrawn Monday ASQU1TH IS SICK Opinion Entertained That Lloyd George May be Next Premier. London, Jan. 29. David Lloyd-Gcorgo chancellor of tlio exchequer, and tho man who precipitated the present po litical crisis In Great Britain with hl3 budget, may be the next prcmlor. "It became known to-day that Prem ier Asqulth, who yesterday went to the continent, is probablv In a much more serious condition than has been supposed.

If he cannot regain his Btrength In France, he will, according to his frlendn reftinn to take thr, linrrlon nt guiuing tingianus neim. uno tcrrinc strain ot the lost rew months- and tho a dozpii vltnl Issues, havo eomblnert tn make tho continuation of AFqUjth's rule a decided uncertainty. Ho Is being shnrply criticized for leaving at this tlnw. Liberals, however, are confident of holding thc whip hand, although their way will be ono beset by many 1 Another Unionist Gain. Thc Ilrst return declnred to-day, that of Rjiniscv.

Huntingdonshire. gave tho Unionist another gain. Tho Liberals can hold dominance only by. fit) ELECTIONS, if fBACTICALLY OVER 'fThoiher op not he is a momber 4 'results to come. I 'ihe cabl despatches state 1 ifijfy 7 poll" "main, 14 results have Winnipeg.

Wick Burghs, Cork Wost poll to- I of these I Winnipeg fro. Derbyshire, Mid; 1 jSi'rft'South; Edinburgh and St. JLj'Unlversitios; Galwny, North; Aberdeen Universities; Shotland' and WdSAii South' Scm0 of thoso con" ndoubtedy Plled at1d LrVfl'rrivaI mUBl t0 3n ta-Orkney and Shetland atwaya jSloral day later than anv cther J-ng 'to the scattered nature of PcJflitHuanoy; J'lection is over I power. I 30. Another 1 I a year, is tlic Studied general prodlc- iVfl'ot'o'l who have studied the rc- rib'V Ue election, which praotlcnlly pn Saturday.

Seven constltu-uaroyct to vote, but their forecasted confidently. Tjrtdfction Is bnscd on the almost Ure'rcortMnty that tlic Liberals tio'T'owcr and will do the bent Ofj'an with tho coalition ot forcca A.X. F. BOULTONj LIB. IiiuJim Defeated in Huntingdonshire (Bimify) Has published many bMkiand is also an expioror of somo ti, having' been engaged wth tho CiMdian Paoific in Wostern Canada in'tha'early Eighties.

14 formpil hi- thr. l.lhrrnls thntn. tho Irish Nationalists and tho members. Ho l'ar iifi tlu. ulii-U rtsnlta can be llirnred the will have 273 sents In parliament.

-'Miionniists 5'J and tn- l.nbor party while thc Unionists will have 271. Majority of 122 HUWill give tho government a but It Is idle to lmastr.o Ht this majority will mean a iree JM for tho Liberal premier. On tho ni0au unit the Liberal 'tramcnt will bo liuiitlieaDpl "faille. If Irish Snslet rule, and if the L-ibor membera tn their proposition that every a EfiaJi havc tUe -riKllt to 'rtp? mftans that the government the work is necessary or -'-iub. premier -tvlll linvo a nani lt Is -agreed that the llrat "Kimportonco will bo tno euro on the House of Lords' bj'-'iti Wnro the parliament will b7.i3' sweep or thc coming Thoro is much extremist ZJ "W-Ola lira dutv of tho new uiwuid pass thc gHlthout delay, but as time goes tit mjK)rtanco or tno 1 white Uic lmportunco of 5Trmony In tho Cabinet, trthn 0,0 lM see" 1,1 tDBtSfti" provisional of which launi and considerable lllL whiskey which 'or th'wriful to tho largest, or one idw weeat iihJstrlcH or Ireland, nm" so tiir 11 been trlwl In bringing in tho (ik4 t.pntenipluted In the' levy of tij to Vork." Ubor 11 Is oiear.

will leavo thc CutIor unl'roly out of the cal-tt tho t'! 11 "tcKotl.i- to note the liberni to l.vulu although It lv a snudl one. "i HABIT VtSi MeTart. -J yonK8 V'la tn mutters Is ot Uic infant fhTrl' The election, cllca ly uloseu l-diy. 1101 precisely make England a protected country, but It Ins paved the wny, and for it" age lusl' onc Big Uncertainties. How all forces will play ngulns-t one another when purlinment KotH down 10-work la problem which the shrewdest thinker In London cannot forecast.

Perhaps never in British history hut a parliament been confronted with the big unccrtalntltH of this one. The Issues that wilt clash me the budget, home rule, protection, thc navy increase, tho "right to work," which was rejected by thc last parliament, but ia now fresher than over, and hist and perhaps most vigorous of all, tho power of tho H01130 of Lords. Unionist Anticipations. Unionists nrc certain and do not hesitate to say it. that the government will be harried by the Lubor mombors, who will Insist on another bill of the same kind, if not stronger.

It Is therefore said that If Mr. Asaulch takes power, It will be of a kind that win keep lils hands warm whllo he DETAILED ELECTION RESULTS Devonshire, Honiton, U. (no change). Mnlnv A Mnrrlmn llnll. II CflM AV.

U. Luke, Lib 2 way. lit Durham, Jarrow, Lib. (gain over Labor). II Tnlmnr I Ih 41 Liil) Lib.

plurality Palmer, L. Tahncr. act Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean, Lib. (no change). Hlins.

Dllkc. Lib R14 J. It. Itcnton. "327 Huntingdonshire, Ramsey, U.

(gain). O. lacker Lompson. LT U50 V. maj Lincolnshire, Stamford, U.

(no change) Hon. C. Wlllougliby, 4G66 nuj Somersetshire, Frome, Lib. (no Sir J. U.

Barlow. Ilb 'JS Lib. maj S) lt'OS. MOO. Oarl 1 r.

'7 13 it L. CECIL HARMSWORTH, LIB. Defeated (Worcestershire, Droitwich.) Brother of Lord Norlhcliffe and associated with him in his many journalistic enterprises. Sussex, Lowes, U. (no change).

lit. Hon. Sir II. A. Fletcher.

916S liasll Williams, ljd Fletcher. C. Fletcher, accl. C. maj 1714 Wiltshire, Westbury, Lib.

(no chango) it. Ivong, 457 Fuller, L. Worcestershire, Droitwich, U. (gain). Hon.

J. C. Lyttleton, E07S Cecil Ilarinsworth, Lib -K73 L. maj 554 maj 26) Yorkshire West, Osgoldcross, Lib. (ni change).

Sir J. C. Illckett. Lib ti. Do La ilargreaves, OS 17 Lib.

maj. V77 1W. Klcke'tt. L. Austin, maj 2- I- nrnj 25JI Dumbartonshire, Lib.

(no change). j. i j. Wiiltc. Lib H.

Brock. Lib. maj. 1900. .7401 Wylle, C.

L. mnj C. maj 600 Fifeshire, West, Lib. (no change). Lib.

plurality V.S. Constable, C. Sold Exclusively by in i tho St. Luke's Sunday, hcIioo! and l.einlirol wri-iilh: from 13iirrldk-e ulid (he Manitoba De- radden, Mr. and (J.

U'uilou, Mulrhrad, Mrs. Mr. Little tlio Mi-ee? Hell WinnlpcK), Mr. fr.i rt nl Jt Simpson (Hortut'c la l'rulrle), Mr. l'eti, Mr.

nod MHr Atu-UB, cooper i Win Mr. and Mrs. l.oKan, Hrundrlt, Mr. V. Sniltli.

liondtmt to expn-K? their apirerlal Ion for the ninny klndncpres rendered vlirir mother, ami oIho for tho gi-iiorous nnpathy mni coniiort given mem sorrowful visit. Waterloo rounty, Ont. Louth took pier" lu lufe-eiMill, ill I ho of nor diiemhter, Mrs. It. Davy, and Interment will take placo In Ireston.

Mr. Hebnann hn.i Just retuni-M from a visit to his mother, who waa In hor 30th year. Tho fuuornl of tho late Wllholmlna. Temple, who died on Jan. LT, ut 3G3 Jasper avenue, took plum Saturday from tin- family rcMUunco to too oerman unn- Tho rcmaliiB of tioorge Mole, which havo beer: lying hi K.orr'fl uiidertaWng liariors sinre juii.

o. rea.sed, and thct-e wore carried out by Mr. KeiT. Tho funeral took place from thu undertaking parlors on Adelaide Hireot, and tho Lev. It.

A. Scarlett conducted tlio services. Death yesterday romoved a well-known old timer la ihe perron of William James Tesltey, who passed away TamllySence I l' nio lo V' "mlt Ci-SLcT wSS "or manvnyaars iho ucceoseu was ror years mayonUtv has AV. J. McKean.

Members of Minnehaha lodge, I.O.O.F., took chnrgn of the funeral ami cmuhicted the burial service of that order nt the ccmclery. L'e'W Voile lUinouiicliiK Ihe death of hit father. The dceeneed wns known by many westerners and was held In high esteem by a large number of acquaintances. Owing to the lateness of tho word arriving. Mr.

Nnuer will not. attend tho funeral. The funeral of the late Christian olh ubei of Henry avenue, who died "ti Friday, look place ycslerdny afternoon from the (Ionium Lutheran church to Brookdale remote rv. Ho v. Mr.

Hank oillelatod. Tho funeral of Oeorgo C. Chose the Infant son of Mr. and Mrn. Albert Chasely, took placo yesterday afternoon from tho family residence, 230 io conietery.

MONTREAL ELECTIONS Race Cry Raked in Vigorous Muni cipnl Campaipn. Montreal, Jan. 30. Wltli a largo number of Bmull ward nicetlngti held during Sunday nrternoon and evening, the proBcnt mmilclpal cntnpalgn reuched its Jlnal atages, as the main work on Monday will be devoted to setting arrangements concluded for tho voting on Tuesday. It has been ono Of the liveliest e.uiinnlcna nn record, owing to Uio active efforts of tho C'itlzcnif association to elect a reform fllalo, and tho equally actlvo but loss concertod work of the discredited aldermen to combat their work.

Bur-prlslngly little mimlelpal polIUca hnn boon talked, the rn- har, Princo Rupert's Council. Victoria U. C. Jtui. IVlnol rtuwrt will bo cmcn underr Hio stnonU i ot Uieproi 'Dclllc r.

city, favor Uio MARINE NEWS. ocean m-KAiiniw. York Koillinniptin Pre-h Urn. -it NV-tv Ytnk HUlfx Uv(in(i Irlodrlch Wllh'im. Kr York Kalwr lUavnTr-uwrt York wiuuiann, Now York anov n-ihic Quwnsiown (Sow Vork Nav York RADVVAFS READY RELJEf CURES CROUP In attack of (his dangerous dl6cu prompt, attention Is all important.

Tho moment sign of Croup nppear. apply RAdway'M neady Relief freoly to tho throat and chest, tind fflvo sufficient qunntlty of tho Syrup of Ipecac to produco voinltlnp. If Una treatment Is followed, not ono case In a thousand will prove fatal. Ask for RADWAY'S and bo aure you get what you ask for. at tho ytreel.

giua, and JIark 11. or Winnipeg; una rini nnd Miri -Tiumes "Wllllama ofi Ardcn. Thc -brothers arc llcnjamln of Doloralne. Josenh and John of Nava- no necrnseil wns a momher of Do- loralno lodge A.F. nnd A.M.

and also 11il" i Sis the orange oruer ana a.u.u.. ino(lj. funeral will lake placo on Tucnday from tho aoovo address at 3 o'clock. A prlvato service for the family will be held nt 2 o'clock after which Iho eor-tego will proceed to tho Masonic Temple -whore the regular Masonic sorvlco will ho carried out under tho direction of St. John'fl lodge.

Interment will tako plnce in Kim wood. The death occurrod last cvonlng nt tho residence of Mrs. LlDsett, 393 Cuin- beriand nvenue. of Mrs, Itebecca Ma- Is a't present In Saskatchewan, being eonnected with the elevator huBlnesa The deceased w.xh 30 years of age. Thc remains tvrro romoved to Thomp arrival of Mr.

Mather, who Is expected in tne city xouay. Tho death occurred nt the General hospital on Saturday of Aloxondcr S.I tunics, lonowing an uiness irom appendicitis. Deceased wns 44 years of ogc and is nurvlvcd by a widow. He was a native of Prince lidward Island. The funeral will take place today at i ooioeit trom Tnomsoii's undertaking parlors to Elmwood ccmeiery.

Tho funeral (iT the lato William Jonew took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Thomson's undertaking pnrlors to Elmsvood cemetery. Tlev. Mr. Durch conducted a Horvico at Holy Trinity church. Tho following acted as nail bearers: 11.

E. Turner, E. T. Bubl. it.

it. i'arK, v. u. j. iveitn ana L.

mnj 4PH5 L. maj 191 Invernoss-shire, Lib. (no ohange). Sir J. A.

Dewnr, Lib Sir It. MoLeod, IT -J 'Lib. aiaj paperRRCHIVE opnunc IHb. srA li Kl 1 I L..

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