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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Development pf a Rich Mine. The Empire Consolidated Gold and Stiver, Xffl and Mlnlns Ccpany of Oakland, California, or- tlx law of Caiiforala. with a eaoltal (mulled I BDQer Wff 5 i in i If in nil? iiiisRi ul tfi Hi fiPlfsififfllfi! iff nig rf 4 Bis' WEDNESDAY. 31, 1875 stock of (0,000 shares sf a par ue of 1 109 per REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Following la the record of real estaUtranaao.

tlons, as reported for the Taistrcnt by-G. W. MeXeand, Searcher of Be cords for Alameda County, at Oakland. July 19, 1875: -Warren Hubbard to Thomas 2f4 x210 feet southeast corner Twenty-Eighth and Adeline streets; 3500 Chittenden to WiUism Harrington, share. V9" Suck at Lett, FtmU, Ar Tha Oomnanr'a mines are altnated in Tnickee Hlnlnc District.

BumboUt eoontr. Nevada, and 8er by Carders, 10 ceatt par Week Sale, To Let, Wanted, CUtb and 5ocuiy Notice, net exceeding Ks Unet, aterted ia tkis echmtn for are six miles distant from the Central Pacific Bail- aw Venn per week. TRIBrNK JBSCIIIPTIONS. To find out the number afllnet an adrertise- 3000 Orders stay (l at (A Ctyar Store of Waller wtenl wm swutc, in (Ais column, reefcoa Jttw tuordt road, at Hot 8pr1nga Station, ftfty-nlne muss east of Bene and nineteen miles same direction Wads-worth. The consolidation embraces two lodes of geld and silver bearing qaarts, each three and one-half feet thick and fifteen handled feet long, together with several lateral veins, or spurs.

The lodes lie parallel and about U0 feet apart, with smaller (edges bet sen, on the east elope of the mountain, and their course la northwest and southwest, with an Incline to the east of desraea. uauasa t. far the fir line, and rtx icord fir each tubtequent corner of Broadway and Seventh. line. racium of unrj cAaroed at full Unet.

Copits far sols 4 subscription received at the Wore Barred, 457 Atntt street. rr XotMng inserted for lem than eenlM. I ad at (A puWtatftow ojee, (11 Broadway up '635 PluMl Ms stairs. These lodes have been prospected to a depth of a jo isxf pas Wanted. MININO STOCK REPORT.

oo ieet southeast corner Harrison and Taylor streets; East Oakland Estate of Scotchler, deceased, to Mary 8 Smith, south line west Fourteenth street 38 feet inches east from Kirk, ham street, esst 38 feet 4 inches by 103 feet; Oakland Estate of A Scotchler, deceased, to Henry Cook, north line West Tenth street 115 feet west from Poplar street, west 38 feet 4 inches by 110 feet; also, north line West Tenth street 38 feet 4 inches west from Poplar street, west 38 feet 4 inches by 110 feet; Oakland Estate of A Scotchler, deceased, to A Campbell, east line Kirkham street 110 feet north from West Twelfth street, north 38x115 feet; Oakland Henry Cook to George Babcock, north line West Tenth street 38 feet 4 inches west from Poplar street, west 38 feet 4 inches 1 net een mirty ana rony ieet, aiso or unit rroia tne ravine that divides the ledgeain the center. Ten tons of the ore have been milled, yielding SSO per ton. The ledRes are wen defined and Increase In width downward. A small force Is now st work ra the hpirqa eima. jo -oij CITTJATIOK AS HOUSEKEEPER BY A BE- spectable American lady, with beat of references.

Competent in every reeled. Ia a mod 1710 Yesterday Afteraoo 's Session. fl snarls and Incline. The mines are accessible from seamstress. Can cut and: fit.

if reanind. Is the railroad by a good wagon road, over a plain of willing and obliging, and would make home pleasant. For particulars, apply at 460 Twelfth a The following sales were made la the Ban street, between roadway and Washington. 550 Stock and Exchange Board on JO Situation Wanted aoout lour mues, me rest oi tne way Deing a gradual descent There Is no mill nearer than Reno, fifty-nine miles from Hot 8prlnga. At Wsdsworth, nineteen miles from Hot Springs Station, the Company own splendid mill site, and water lights sufficient for 75 or 100 stamps, on the Truckee river, a never falling supply at all seasons of the year.

The climate In this nart nf the Htatj Having ust Received a URGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS I am prepared to sell at rates that WILL DEFY C0MPETITI01I. sx nsetasASs pas RY A YOUNG LADY TO DO GENERAL 9.u ttaaaiaq ou ST by no feet; slao, north line West Tenth house-work, or up-stsirs work, and sewing hpijqs oiSsa JO -osi Ho objections to the country. Apply at 721, street 76 feet 8 Inches esst from Kirkham ham street, east 38 feet 4 inches by 110 feet; Oakland corner oi rourtn and Franklin streets. is mild, snow never tailing over one foot In depth, while in summer It Is cool and delightful. Twenty-five thousand shares ot the Company's Work In a Private Family.

Carlos White to Willlsm Lambert, west ca wm ue an asioe sa worung capital, tne nrst line Poplar street 111 feet 6 inches south from West Twelfth street, south 76x115 feet; Oakland A 31AM ABD WIFE DESIRE WORK A private family. The man have the care of horses, carriage, and the wife to do the suousd ten tnousann snares or which will he sold at St per share, and the remainder at $2. The proceeds will be devoted to developing the mine and building a 1600 srqa jo dtumrs George Babcock to Cory Willisstun, north rpavnB eqopun general work of the house. Address N. Rothbone, Oakland The Company's office will be located at M0 femad- line west remti street 38 feet 4 inches west from Poplar street, west 12x110 Mn oqji em jo I mi aaasAespns where diagrams, ore, can be seen by those 270 interested, and stock purchased.

This enterprise offers inducements seldom If ever reet; uaxiana Fisher to Mary Furber. east line Colored Man Wanted rOR PORTER APPLY AT DtJKHAM -PUIS wipni Jo -ox presented to me public, as the Uomoany slve one- Filbert street 360 feet south from Tenth street, south 30x125 feet: Oakland 4250 Photograph Parlors, No. 1167 Druauwsy. United States of America to Sam'l Laugh- 33 hall of a rich and valuable wine and water right for a developing fund. Mot one dollar ssked for purchase money, the owners ivlvlng on the known value of the mines for their Misre of the profits, and they are willing to share with sll buying the stock.

The money being pledged to developing the mine, bulldlns mill, etc Wanted-Plain Sewing HU fe CD Ui CO a CD tr CD 2 CD rS CD CD 00 2. op oo c7 im, leu acres nve miles northeast from Livermore Schroder to Smith, east line Broadway 200 feet north from Four TJY AN AMERICAN YOUNG LADY WITH best of references. Work by the day or to take to her home. Will work reasonable. a jo sxsaj a Ay Map 05 3 teenth street, north 25x125 feet; Oak.

land I HAVE THE BEST IMPROVED Plesse leave orders at 460 13th street, between -on najpfrqj jo -ojc; 3850 With mill on the Company's water rights st Wsdsworth, In the center or sn extensive mining district along the Central Pacific Kallroad, where new mines are constantly being discovered and developed, with the only drawback that there la no Edward McLean to James Woodall, south oroaaway ana wasningron, uajtianq. Situation Wanted. WATER CLOSET A SITUATION IS WANTED BY A GERMAN line west Third street 175 feet esst from Chester street, east 25x100 feet; Oakland Chappcllet and Berrrman to Aplin, 4 acres in Berkeley (bond for 325 girl, to do general housework in a private Tuesday, July aor 1990 Andes, 4,5. 200 Alpha, 33. 1W Belmont, 310 Best Belcher, 41 Ji, 52.

70 Bullion, SOX, 50. 100 do S0b5. MO Cosmopolitan, 67 70c. 150 Caledonia, 24. S5.

lift Confidence, 28 X. 40 Cob. Virginia, Sly. 1970 California, 61 34, 82. 250 Eureka 58, 58 X.

SOO Empire (Idaho), 87J4C StXFFlortda, 1340 Gila. 6. 5. 100 Golden Chariot, 2. 405 Gould Curry, 19 19.

IS Illinois Central, 6. 640 Jackson, 2. 77Q Jefierson, 4. 45. 65.

200 Kossuth, 21. 90 Leopard, 17. 75S Lady Washington, 2, 17,. 20 Leviathan. 76e.

280 Meadow 1H. 1000 Mansfield, 25c. 760 Mahogany, 1. 100 Mint, 40c. 130 Maryland, 75c, 1.

685 Mexican, 21 H.UM. 30 North Belle, 38. 600 1615 Ophir, 54, 53 X. 170 Overman, 69, 70. 500 Phoenix.

2 2 Ji. 163 Pioche West Extension, 4. 160 Prussian, 2. 300 Poonnan, 35. li 420 Pacific, 214, 300 Prospect, 4K.

300 do 4 s90.y 634 Baymond Ely, 50. 49J. 4S do SO ByePateh.Uf 40 South Chariot. 73c. 100 South Mountain.

6 b5. 0 Beg. Bock Island, 87 He. 150 Bavage, 120, 117. 185 Utah, 13, 11.

375 War Eagle, 60c, 87Hc. 1000 Webfoot, 62)tc. 200 Whitman, 2. 1500 850 Wells Fargo, 16c, 13c. mill in the vicinity where the ores can be crushed; a never falling amount of ores for crushing will be Insured to the Company, that will at all times pay large profits, and Insure a dividend every month after the mill is completed, even in case the Com- 1 InA I I i i Si lauiuy.

ppiy or address im Shipley street, between 5th and 6th, Harrison and Folsom, IN THE MARKET. xn loonssam deed) 3200 OAMwttibikMHXiaQMikaAteuMa a 10 oc- 00 -l tJ So UsWdttSaSS MOatgQtflwa VtnCOtt it I flnxmp nm ins is oau ranciwo. HIiE Schroder to Maurice Dore, esst line n.iuu.u wi, tuvuftii iiuui ah anuwn indications there is nothing to fear lu that direction. By order ol the Trustees. jsiooqas onqnd pa -pa OAiq oqL Employment Wanted Broadway 175 feet north from Four-teenth street, north 25x100 feet; No Springs! No Leathers 1 3 ass jo sjvsA aaana 4050 AN INDUSTRIOUS AND HONEST MAN.

ss clerk, collector, book-keeper, porter, DR. H. H. EAMES, II. SMITH.

S. V. HAVKXS, KLI.IAII CASK, M. Jli DONKELL. A9S pus 3An aaaai John Kelley to Kelley.

half interest CALL AND EXAMINE IT. or anything else to make an' honest rq ajpni JO -0Kj jauitur, living. in 75X1UU feet northeast corner Sixth and Franklin streets; Oakland 2250 Salary not so much an object. Apply at this office Alva Wethsrbee to 8 Raven. 109 by about 85 feet in Pleasanton 500 CANDIDATES' ANNOUNCEMENTS Wanted.

A Palmer to William French, south line jeni Suunp smtu UUBNISHED HOUSE OP EIGHT ROOMS; Atlantic street 75 feet west from Willow street, west 25x100 feet; Oakland Lias srooqss 400 biTQUd ou inq una auu moaern centrally located; for a respectable party. References given if required. Apply to E. W. WOOD- mooqas osAfjd p- 1 NEW BOOKS.

paaus sasti on For County Recorder. rpHE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY presents himself as a candidate for the office of Recorder of Alameda county, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention, soon to assemble. FRED. M. CAMPBELL.

es jo snX nMtm aku ass Broadway. Wanted am pus sAg aaat 3 Latest Additions to the Oakland ntpnqj jo -or DAKtSTS TO GIVE STRICKLAND A- CO. A A share of their patronage when purchssing Library. ot-uooi cooks or stsaonery. Tnelr bookstore 33 tr J.

For County Clerk. is 1001 Broadway, just below Twelfth street. They import their goods, and sell st Eastern 6 OU3)-l isw 3C SO -J 3P 30 Cw 6C The following books were received at prices. PLUMBING GAS FITTING rpHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ANNOUNCES himself as a candidate for the office of County Clerk of Alameda county, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention, the Oakland Library July 20th: i' jooqos q) aujxap stan ias i ooqas- papa I ou 8Aq oqa 3s jo snsi us i hAaspassAgiissa ujjpuqo jo -OK; Wanted Mexico our Next Door Neighbor: A PRIVATE HOUSE KEPT, BY OLD soon to convene. tuAKD usiNa.

Problems of Life and Mind David Cop- people, two furnished rooms and board, for All city and county papers please copy.) per field; Constantinople; Ragged Dick; oue iaay anu inree cniiaren. audit to W. 9 Tti la Morning's Session. WILSON, watchmaker, 961 Broadway. Fame and Fortune; Mark, the Match Boy; Bough and Ready; Ben, the Lug At Reasonable Rates, For Sheriff.

8s Special to the "Trlbase" per Atlantic sad Housework Wanted. HE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ANNOUNCES gage 13oy; Ragged Dick Series Rums jowsai nsaA9t I ispan nsjpnqa ano8aon jo "ox; VI KS. BAKER. NO. 617.

BROADWAY. BE. WARRANTED. himself as a candidate for the office of 8 and Rose; field and Forest; A Perfect Adonis; The Old Tramp; Man and i tween First and Second streets, is prepared to do Housework by the dsy or week, or act as Sheriff of Alameds county, subject to the action of the Republican Convention to meet August 2d. E.

A. HAINES. (ooqas aujpu uurne 11 required. 83s jo sjssa jnaotasAM pas sau Beast, Here and Hereafter; Oldbury; At Capri; Ocean Born; Invasion of the Crimea; Oakridge; John Dorrien; A All city and county papers please copy. Situation Wanted.

JOHN SPENCER, usuoSaojf jo -o' Ty ANTED, A SITUATION TO DO GENERAL housework in a small family, or to assist Norseman's Pilgrimage; We and our i 98s jo 50-CTS. PER ffEEKI ne wora oi large iamlly. Address or spply S24 Sixth street, between CIst and Wasbinir. Broadway Station, OAKLAND. 11, UUilUU.

Neighbors; Little Fortune; Classics Poems; A Double Story; Wincote; Love Afloat; Boys and Girls in Biology; Life and Growth of Language; The Defence of Guenevre; Brief Biographies: English SAU upnqaqurnp i jsap jo -OK I Such advertUemenlt at Lott, Found, For Sale, To Let, Wanted, Club and Soeiety Notice, 8s jo sna aoiaa pus au uaaaiaq naa Furnished Room to Let. Statesmen; bigna; Paul Massie; Memoirs of Gen. Sherman; The French at no exceeding tlx lines, inserted in this column or 1 Dissomtioa of Partem Pirqa PU'iq JQ 'QK A SUNNY ROOM TO LET, NORTH- SO Cents per week. west corner or Tin and Harrison streetx. raeine Line.

Fbaxcisco, July 21. The following sales were made in the San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board this morning: 2350 Ophir, 53. 63, 53. 725 Mexican. 21, 207i.

3075 Gould Curry, 19, 19 b30, 18T, 806 Best Belcher, 49 54 50 b5, 50. 155 Yellow Jacket, 91, 90. 810 Savage, 118, 118)4, 115, 117, 210 ChoUar, 80, 79X. 380 Hale A- Noroross, 42, 41 43. 860 Crown Point, S3, 323.

32Ti, 3254. 33. 30 Seg.Belcher, 100. 40 Justice, 125, 126. 10 Succor, 1H.

155 Lady Bryan, 1. 400 Union. 75,, 8,7 1330 Globe. 1. 196 Knickerbocker, 93,, 3J.

406 Utah, Mi, U5. 470 Baltimore, 4 H. 170 Belcher, 81, 30K, 590 Alpha, 22)4, 23 b5, 23, 22. 105 Kentuck, 15,157,. 885 Empire.

7 7 7 7 1H5 Imperial, 111, 111,. 205 Con. Virginia. 319. 320, 318.

205 Confidence, 29, 28, 28, 28. 66S Caledonia, 25, 25. 140 alia. 164, 16. 16.

2185 California. 62, 61, 61, 61. 61 1660 Sierra Nevada, 15, 15', b30. 190 Bullion, 49, 49. -85 Orerman, 69, 69.

69. 68. Tojlnd out the number tif lines an atlvertise- lnquire on The premises. Home; Plane and Plank; In Camp and Field; Kaloolab; Heredity; Notes on Paris; Oar Sketching Club; The Schoolmaster's Stories; Morals of Abou Ben ment will make, in this column, reckon live icord! for tnejlrst line, and stx words for each subsequent To Let on I st of August. lute, factions of lines charged as full lines.

Adhemn; Social Life in Greece; Con rpjttt AGMOJA RESTAURANT, NO. 4G4 i i I i I I I ca I cs 1 a si ei MwMxuoiUMt: MA4.frCMO9 CO te a to oi csmis i-. n-wb tgwftgi cw fc eo aMcfcwttaMa -j tc aa ot "tew kma it yi ii 'Lp'3i C59SOi-M K-b H. I4C CitS34 i wT IlLn HI rFfl I I aalw mnt maba I quering and to Conquer; Hittell's Re rpHE PARTNERSHIP HEBETOl'ORE EXI8T--1- ing between the undersigned is hereby dissolved by mutual consent of the parties hereto. All debts due the firm of BOYD A BROWN will be paid to Fred.

T. Brown, and all deb-due from said firm will be paid by said Fred. T. oirgmin xor nxtuTCB. rurtbep particulars apply sources of California; Whaleman's Ad a ax.

vynM, uu iue prrinjrjeg. nW Nothing inserted for less than 30 rente. TV" -VI 1 a-ri a To Housekeepers. ventures; Queen Mary. Brown, on demand.

Kt. t. bkown, Two Unfurnished Rooms. Mutual Loan Association. W.

M. BOYD. Oaki jo, July 14th, 1875. TTOTELS, BOARDING-HOUSES AND PRI- rnwo UNFURNISHED BOOMS TO LET, TO A nartien vithnnt a .11 -h i 1.1 a. Ia Are Articles of incorporation of the West vate families csn be Bundled with all lo- Oakland Mutual Loan Association were catea on fiinert street, between Second and kinds of female help st short notice by calling or leaving st 460 12tb street, between nurd.

filed in the County Clerk's office yester Broadway and Washington, Ladies Employment To Let-SSO. day. The objects are to raise funds in umce. aua (JAVL. NEW FIRM.

A HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS, PANTRY, BATH- room. vulMWim arrtn ,.1 mnl shares not exceeding $200 each, payable in periodical installments; to make loans Board and Lodging and all modern improvements. Annlv to f' 1 5i i F. Lorquin. Naturalist.

410 Kearnv street. San TN VERY COMFORTABLE QUARTERS CAN A be had in East Oakland. The house is spa year commencing July 1st, 1874, and Irving, 353; Prescott, 496; Lafayette, BOARD OF EDUCATION. DEFERRING TO THE ABOVE WE HAVE tu its uieiiiuera lor me purpose oi aiding them in acquiring and improving real Francisco, or Elm street, between Hawthorne ending June 30th, 187o: cious, commands a very pleasant view and has with a Iadepenrteais. a to ssy we will continue the busim full ana uonege avenue, Oakland 511; Franklin, -142; Lincoln, 387; Grove street, 263: Durant, 294.

Some of the nandsome surroundings. Apply at No. SOS 11th street, corner of Tenth avenue, East Oakland. John Bid well and Creed Huymond are July 1, 1875 Amount on hand 15 00 Receipts 108,313 38 Furnished and Unfurnished classes are over-crowded, and division isl References required. announced to Address the people of Oak estate and to take mortgages and other securities for such loans.

The principal place of business is to be West Oakland; time of existence, fifteen years. The names of the Directors who are to serve Fresh Stock of Groceries, 81 DOOMS TO LET, ON THE CORNER OF A Broadway and Eleventh street. Annlv to Interesting Reports from Superintendent Campbell Financial Condition mt the Department Teachers Klected. land on satorday next, July tilth. Total amount of money on hand Disbnrsenients Fresh Bread a.

aiuyueii, arsei nesiaurani. 107,895 93 41 88 i AT THE CORNER OF TELEGRAPH AVENUE until the election of officers are as fol PVERY MORNING AND EVENING, AT THE -Li American Bakery, 813 Broadway, between Fifth and 'Sixth streets. Fruit Cake. Sponee Furnished Rooms to Rent. AND BROWN STREET, Coaatjr Court.

In the ease of the People vs. Donner, indicted for assault and battery, the jury rendered a Terdict of guilty. Sentence June 30, 1875, balance lu treasury. Distributed as follows: General School Fund. School Building Fund rtSE SUITE OF NICELY FURNISHED lows: E.

Z. Taylor, N. Glamboni, Wagner, C. A. Martin, Jeremiah John Cake, Pound Cake.

Jellies. Pies. everv necessary. In theLafayette School, Mrs. Vrooman's class contains 78 pupils, and Mrs.

Pelham's 73. In the Franklin School, the Sixth and Eighth grades 85 each. The Second grade in the Lincoln has 72. In the. Eighth grade at Grove street there are 82, and in the Eighth grade of the Durant 93.

There are 92 in the First grade of the Irving, 91 in the Sixth grade of the Prescott, 26 C8 oay. r.wL, ncicn, rropneiors. rooms; also one or two single rooms. Terms moderate. One minute's walk from Broadway.

35 20 And hope by careful attention to the wants of customers to deserve and receive our share of son, George Pettitt, E. T. Hannaford, A regular session of the Board of Education was heldlast evening. Present: Messrs. Cole, Chairman; Bowell, Kel Notice.

Apply at 523 Eighth street, between Washing I the patronage of the public. Total ti61 88 wn ana we snail continue to ma nmacture ana sell G. W. Drake, H. H.

Fassett, all of West Oakland. The capital stock incorporation is $600,000, divided into 3,000 will be pastted on Saturday. Hrtleultaral Meeting-. In our advertising columns will be TJUBING THE ABSENCE OF THE SUB-iJ scriber East, refer to W. B.

Hardy ou business and to J. J. Gardner for $300 lots in the STATEMENT OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, logg, Folger, Swett and Superintendent Piano to Rent. To F. M.

Gamvbell. Suverintendent of Brown's Pare Yeast Powders and Kimball tract. L. W. KIMBALL.

A FRENCH UPRIGHT, 7-OCTA Campbell. COMMDNICATIOKS, seen a call for a meeting of the Horti shares of $2U. New Patent- -i- piano for rent at 16 per month. In. and 128 in the Eighth grade of the snnie school.

The report was referred to the Committee on School Houses and Sites. Public Schools, Oakland Dear bib: In accordance with your 'request I submit Crand Central Hotel quire of P. BERGER, 967 Broadway. QHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Brown's Pore Baking Powders.

When we say PURE we mean lust what we aav. culturists of Alameda, at the City Hall, to-morrow evening at 1 o'clock. the following statement of County and Miss Jennie Hart, a graduate of the High School; Miss Emma' Schenck, a Through dispatches to Dewey Twelfth street, Oakland. Everything in Furnished Rooms To Let. btate school Fund, annortioned to (Jak first-class style, SAMUEL PARSONS, Pro Patent Agents, S.

we receive the, fol srPEBCrnCKSENT'S AKKTJAL BXP0BT. Superintendent Campbell presented LET a NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY land School District during the school prietor. front rooms on the first floor; one large lowing advance list of U. S. Patents We neither adulterate witn chalk, starch, alum, lime, floras slbus nor old bone dust, but on the contrary the powders shalLbe CHEMICALLY PURE.

year commencing July 1st, loVi, and the following as his annual report: graduate of the State Normal School; Miss Allen, Alicia Ludwig and Miss Emma A. Bice, applied for positions as teachers in the department. Mr. L. D.

room, suitable for two gentlemen, and one single room, at Mrs. Lottie T. Wakeling's. Clay FOB. granted to Pacifie Coast inventors, viz ending June 30th, 187o: To the Honorable the Board of Edxica- Baslness Meeting.

There wil'. be' a special meeting of the Ancient Order of Hibernians at their Hall, Thursday eveniDg, 22d, at which business of importance will be street, mcudu aoor irom smeenui. comrrr afpobttonxent. A. W.

Anderson, Lyon quartz For Sale House of 8 Rooms. Aug. 10th, 1874 3,400 00 mortar; J. R. King, Modesto, fur Jan.

12th, 1875 11,400 00114,800 00 CIZE OF LOT 33x103 RENTS FOR $30 PER tion Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 53 of the Manual, I have the honor to submit this, my fifth annual report of the financial and educational month. Price 1 1.800. One-third cash, bal STATE appobuonxent. rr Hot only families, but the trade generally, will be supplied at the lowest possible price. Every can shall have our warrant of purity.

nace for burning straw; F. T. Doland and F. Scherb, Sacramento. vehicle ance auu we Duyer.

inquire on tne premises, Sept. 10th, 1874. 2,173 20 D. near tne corner oi ie and cypress streets. spring; H.

Pike. Seattle. W. bal March 10th, 1875 27,403 40 ,630 60 NEARNEY. ing press; M.

Ross, San Jose, vine condition of the ecnool Department of the City of Oakland, for the school year ending June 30th, 1875. BADGER'S We shall buy the material from first hands. yard plow; J. is. Webster and W.

For Sale at a Bargain, Allen applied for the Principalship of the Durant Grammar School. P. A. Es-pina applied for a position as writing teacher. G.

H. Aldrich, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, sent in an application for a position as Grammar Master and a request for information as to the salary and cost of living in California. The communications were appropriately referred. The resignation of Mrs. Head, as Assistant of the Cosmopolitan School BM Rang.

JVC. Olmsted, of this city, has grounds which he thinks will make a good rifle range, two and a half miles from the City or about one mile south of the Berkeley ferry landing. Dorr, Stockton, and M. McClena-than, Merced, harvester; John Total apportionment for school year $44,403 60 W. T.

B. -TOCH, County Superintendent of Schools, The total amount expended for books, A GOOD SECOND-HAND BUGGYr and harness. Inauire of flKO OZNKXAL STATISTICS. in Europe and New York, in large quantities, for cash, and CHEMICALLY PUBE; and will not be VNDEBSOLD by anybody who makes or attempts to make a pure article. A.

8TUBB8, Flaaa Stables, 4th street, between Perry. S. mortising machine: Population of the une 30, 1875, as per census Children under 5 years of sge urosdwsy ana rnnjuin. Manasse, process of prepar I4rtl Mnnna nneln ttl 90,691 2,482 4,749 for indigent children daring the year was $122 33. The amount re a mo msniis Huaiiicssl ing or tanning skins; w.

scnmolz, a. Watts' Tract. uniiaren Between a ana 17 years of age Total under 17 years of sge who Central Park construction of dams; Macondray Co. A 3Sxl33 FEET LOT. WHY PAY $300 FOR trade-mark tor tea.

when a 25x133 feet lot can be boueht for was presented, to take effect the 1st of nave attended publlo school during the year We intend to have the business be 3,235 $175 in the same tract with a choice of location. Apply to OLADDISa, SURBYHXE A 950 ceived for tuition from non-resident children and paid to the Treasurer as per receipts, amounted to $852 60. The report, a Toluminous one, certainly reflects great credit upon Mr. Campbell. Marine Matters.

August. niEfCH XKXT BOOK CHANGED, umber found who might be sub- Tha Proceodlag-8 Of the Eighth Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church recently held in Oakland have been issued in phamplet form for distribution. The Tbtbtob acknowledges the receipt ot a copy with the campuments of Rev. J. B.

iderson. Schooner Euphemla has arrived at La cause we Know we shall deserve it ject to tna proTisions of the com-pulrory school law A communication was received from For Sale. Increase of children since last cen iie'waB instructed to complete the report Rue's Wharf, from Bodeyn, with 2,000 railroad ties to the G. P. B.

B. Company: A ONE-STOBY HOUSE, CONTAISIKQ FIVE Professor Champion, Instructor of by the next meeting, when action upon sus, under 5 years of age, 813, or 14 4-10 per cent. French in the Hish School, and Princi it will be taken. Increase of children between 5 and rooms, bath-room and pantry, with all the modern improvements; also stable, carriage house, together with a lot 50x125 feet, centrally located, about five minutes walk from schooner Skylark, from Stewart's Point, with ton bark to Christian Boid schooner OXE CAN will suffice to test what we aav. 17.

882 or 22 8-10 tier cent. pal of the Cosmopolitan School, asking for a change of certain text book. Re THE SEVENTH ANNUAL PICNIC TKACHKBS XLXCTKD. Miss Stearns was elected to fill the City assessment roUS 119,867,102 00 We Chov the Bay. from San Francisco.

Market-street station, will be sold at a bar and if any puAhaser desires to have the price refunded, we ssy, in all cases, bring back what you have after a test and we will refund the money yon paid therefor. rotai city tax collected, lnciuain Of the gain. For further particulars spply to I. Loben- per cent, on delinquent taxes ferred to the Committee on Modern Lan guages, with fewer act. HXOUOXST JANITOR.

stein, croaaway. $1.07180.. 178.003 05 ISLE SONS OF THE EMERALD with Sydney coal to Oillard Brothers; schooner Vnficld from Antioch, with 117 tons of screenings for the Jute Company. The bark J. B.

Ball, from Amount 6 per cent, on delinquent vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Head, in. the Cosmopolitan School. Miss C. Lewis was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of SHOWN BROS.

House and 2 Lots for Sale. taxes aevotea to scfioois 48,430 48 Mr. Bowell, from the Committee on Now Iacarparatlona. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday in the, County Clerk's office, of the Great stern Consolidated Gold and Silver Uill and Alining Company, of Oakland. Term of existence, fifty Directors, Elijah Case, Henry H.

Eames, J. F. Havens, Henry D. Benevolent Association, Average cost oi tuition per year ror THE LAND IS 50x102 FEET One story hard finished house, of five rooms, with l.r7 eacn vrum.oaaea on a Tenure en Seattle, with tons ox coal for tne Hiss teams. School Houses' and Sites, reported the Durant school-building nearly completed roltment 21 48 Sunday.

July 26th, 1870. P. B. B. v.

is diBcharsnns at H. P. Carlton was elected to the posi closets and a fine store room. Grounds nicely improved. Street macadamized in front.

Cmrrent monthl expense for June, Long Wharf. Ship Orpheus loading with tion as Principal of the Durant School: 5,246 03 and satisfactorily bo. The Committee reported that the janitor of the Lincoln Splendid out-houses and everything complete. 73, salaries or tescaers Halarr of deputy clerk and janitor. Water The society anticipates the largest assemblage OAKLAND STONE wheat, and three schooners are discharging lumber, at the suae wharf.

Smith, M. McDonnald. Capital stock, Bituatea on tne norm ae or sycamore street, second door from San Pablo road. Will be of people on that occasion that aver assembled 680 00 25 00 12 60 97 SO sold cheap for cash. Frlce, (2,400.

For farther Mrs. Sexton as First Assistant and Miss Dame was elected as teacher of the Third and Fourth grades. Miss Towle was assigned as teacher in the Harrison Mi i vr ion ii 1 of his position. The matter was referred each. Also articles of Interest on mortgage.

$100 incorpora in that park, for they nave some or the ncnest and rarest sports and games, with valuable prices for tha successful competitors. The particulars inquire of 8. Milbury, 909 Broad Tha 81gelia Restaaraat. back to the Committee. Mr.

Swett from Number of school buildinm. 10: classes now tion were med oi the mpire Consoli way. The above popular eating place, con this Committee, stated that the furni Committee intend making thlavone of the MANUFACTURING CO. ocnooi, in piace oi jxiss uiauuiug re organized, July 12th, 1876, 63. The 7,231 children under 17 years of age are enjoyable affairs of the season, fend the crown Cow for dale.

ture of the Durant School had bee- signed. ing picnic or tne sons. distributed as follows: ducted in the highest style of the art, by Mr. J. II.

Oldham, now on Twelfth street, will in a few days remove to 1111 A FIRST CLASS FAMILY (DUB AM) M7BANT SCHOOL. Tickets can be had of any member of the placed in position. xxcxsstvx nrscfiiscx East of Broadway, south Twelfth of Society, or at the Secretary's, 1159 Howard street The following resolutions were passed: 1.153 Cow for sale for 150. A No. 1 milker.

The milk ia of the richest quality. Apply at north side of Sycamore street, second house from San dated Gold and Silver Mining Company, with same Directors as above, and same amount of capital stock and shares. Pallc Csu Jose Boderiques, convicted of brutally beating an old man, was fined $120, or A. BERARD PATEZTT. street, San tTancisco.

Between Broadway and Market, south of Mr. Folger recommended the floating Resolved, That in conseouence of tha crowded Broadway, (Canning Block). The new will be onened on an enlanred Pablo road. roarteemn East of Telegraph avenue, north of of $1,000 of the $5,000 insurance on the condition of the Lincoln and Irving schools, there be established in the Durant school ail the Grammar grades. scale, newly itirnished, and many im First Reunion and Picnic of the Twelfth street 1,383 696 1,383 Grove street school-house to some other For Sale at a Bargain.

provements. oara wui oe Dy tne wees, West of Telegraph avenue, north Four Office at W. H. Parkinson's, A GRAND SQUARE FOUR BOU5 That the Superintendent be and ia hereby Instructed and ordered to remand to IU DORADO COUNTY SOCIETY, corner Chickering Piano, beautiful property, the building: being hardly worth The recommendation was adopted and the Committee on School day, or single meal. Canape teat Drasa -Mafcor.

that school, too scnoiars linna norm Saturday, July 24th. teen ui street Bctsjeea Adeline and arket, south of Fourteenth West of Adeline, south of Fpurteenth streets. of TwectTecond and west of Ssa Pablo road: in finish and a silvery tone. It has been used, but not'injured la any way. Will be offered cheap to cash customer, a It must be sol-Come and see this gem at Dunham A Lathrop's Houses and bites was instructed to ao 456 1,155 1A0T Cor.

lOtfcf and XraiLklin. and Hobart street, between San Pablo road and Telegraph avenue, and Twenty-first street east A competent dress-maker wishes to go ,120 days' imprisonment. Ah Leung, charged with assault, plead guilty, and the case was set for trial for the 23d. Frank Brown, convicted of disturbing the peace, was held for sentence, with bail fixed at $20. Ah Jake, convicted of violating the Esst Oakland.

out by the day or week. See 50-Cent of Telegraph avenue. SOSCEIANEOCS XATTEBS. photographic parlors, 1157 Broadway, between 13th and 14th streets. Column.

The matter of obtaining more insur Miss L. A. Gladding sent in her re-1 Total 731 The Diano will be sold an the Installment FACTOBV, ance on the JLrarant echooi and furni sjffnatiom as a teacher, which' was ao-1 Number of regular teachers. 60 OVERLAND ARRIVALS TO-NIGHT. plan.

If ths purchaser ahould prefer. ture, was referred to the Committee on eentad. specials, 5 total number of pupils en- School Houses and Bites. Temporary RepyaL Corner 2d and Franklin. Following is a list of passengers to arrive by license ordinance, was held for sentence, with bail fixed at $20.

Two cases of mild drank -were Thi nmmittaa a f1nAl niiua inl I vuw a atuuui vt wi year, BOAS AXOWH. AU WWIII'UW VW kW WIVVt I Ang Ml im i II overland train this evening i A)WO jitto iia uvui ww Shirt Stud Lost. Mr. Kellogg, from the Finance Com oe wj uswiewu tu ao miuua to- i mnntv t7K wnn om Mrs. M.

K. Bewalsu East Oaklajsdt mittee, reported favorably on the follow IT, a I smallest in the month of July, 1874, 2,. I Owen, Detroit. Michigan; Treaevant and wife, Weathered and wife, Tennraaea; 1 Banna It, Mrs I. Hardy, California; Bears, STONE WORK A CRYSTAL 8BTRT STUD WAS LOST AT the masquerade, Friday.

July 16th. The finder will pleaaa return tha same to William ing bills, which were ordered paid: Co- for a rrfano for finnoln SchnoL was I Ifewa. 4 WOO refemA tha TCia-m Pmmitt-. I WHAXCIA- STATE EJT. USA; Mrs Cornell, lxmdon, agland; i Cook.

Johnston. Wait, 3 Johnson, i ferowo, of rosso a ay, urvaaway, Between Alameda County Branch Home lutn ana lata sirects. Brooklyn umber 4 60 A.6ihra...... 4 00 Professor Knowlton. through the Su-I xouowing is me report ox tne viy Mutual-Insurance Company of ufalu In Raal Estate.

There are soma excellent bargains In Oakland Beal Estate offered by KELLY. Sea liat at his offlca. ota oaChesut street, $250 eaca.allcoadsUl street, $300 each. ZxoellentbargaiM. Callim- saediately st offlos and aecurs TKTJ.T, 414 Seventh street.

Beton, Pennsylvania; WAS Fays, Sacramento; airs Anas? St Louis; Mrs KisgTir, Missouri; i Whitney, Hubbard, Horsey perintendent, made amlicao to teach 1 Treasurer in regard to school moneys. Commercial Insuranca SO 00 Phcs Insurance Company 37 60 XnTZLDXETG ZHO-7TS. California Pending the raisins nonograpny, aemnng a room I He has included fn the amount received Book Lost. and remodeling of the Union and wife, mis waiterort, a noma, ween and wife. Mrs Pan Mrs Harris.

Miss erred to tne uommutee on School I i Rnnnt Tnumn. mmmt as is Mr. 8,000 00 CAHBIAGK STEPS, W. B.tteada Co tn 99 Bruner, New York; A Curt, Michigan; Need bam, Chicago; Annie Roberts, 3 James, Bank Building, the Branch Office of this Company has been re A MEMOBAKDA BOOK, COJfTAEnSO several hundred names, with locations, haa been lost. The finder will please retvrn SrJiSfffiJI the Trustees of ttte Temescal fcJi-1 cnoolJDistrict as it wa.

paid by an or- A number of new bills were read and tt srwt, n.ngiana; numpnrey, npo-m. Biton: Miaa II Lvou Msssaclmsettsi CEMETERY AND GARDEN WORKS. moved to the real estate rooms i der on the County Treasurer. This ex referred to the Finance Committee. The Board then adjourned i the sst thU office.

of Cladding A Sunrhyrietpn the lnZ; -RtynllV the discrepancy of $1,000 between -51- Co! t.ui..tir 3 ui, JLi- a 1 tnteadent: Bturn, Kentucky: Payne and Wife. Buffalo; Miss Dsvis, Davis, Davis, Mam. chusetts; A 8 Seprotv Ohio; i Cushimr, Canada; Miss A Way. Miaa Way, Mrs A Way, Maaaon, Illinois; a Wilson sad wife, Minne East slds of Slassrs. Dsn uum St at rop'a New Photographic Art Gallery, at So.

1157 Broad-wsy, west side, between Thirteenth and Four tsenth streets, near the City Hall, Is now open to the public. This is the only photographio stebliahment en the Padfle Coast, fitted up la nrt-clssa style, where everything is en the ground floor, altogether dispensing with an "elsTator'! or st n. Erary stylo of work Japavstaaa' Stsaaoat. DISSOLUTIOK NOTICE. -SSi TTIBB UJTDERSIGXED HAYB THIS DAY DI8-.

solved partnership by aratual ecoseat, Mr. HsrrisoB witbdrawing. Mr. Kittredga will hereafter eondnet tha business -tha Good enough Horse shoeing Society. -All parties Indebted to BROADWAY, BET.

9lh and 10th, sota; and 1HQ immigrants. r. ance. siiv Aivrwi tiviv vw -vj MwpMr- lion of th CUv of Oakland Gramjarni: Among the scholars at the Lafayette primary school is a Japanese youth of about sixteen years oi age. He is a son of the Japanese Consul located at San OSTBXX BKPOXT.

Keys Found. The undersigned. Treasurer of the City Wsnw to Ga. Ifyou wish to bear supe lor music, and tndalRe ia a Klaas of beer, ro to 1 BUNCH OF FOUR KEYS. ON A CORD.

The Superintendent read his regular oklar.i rfnii- imbmita hX the Teutonia Hall. 473 Eighth street. There wars found on Saturday, July 17th. Ths I owner can have the same by calling at this monthly report of the condition of thej ith to your Honorable Body, the fol- Pranc co, who has his residence at aits. known ia the business is hers executed la ad- Bilrabls style.

Including the new promenade and gray vignettes. Special attention gi as to children's pictures, locket work, copying and anlarsing. Tiew work will also reoeiTS special atenUoa. Tanni wajt mioaablt. OAKLAND.

i R. H. MACILL, Manager. WU A. OUie.

S-rtmr7w no better viae in town. AU kinds of winea. the firm wui pay tne same to Ueo. 8. Kittradge.

B. A. HARRISOy. -f: i Qabjbx i'aly 30, 1S75. office, proving property, and paying (or this I Blake's boarding esUMiRnment, Wash- achools.

The attendance at the schools i-a one. -n tn c.t...t ji. liquors and cigars. Beef, easts. Aa elegant lowing statement of school moneys received and disbursed daring the school SOta, Ujm wwswob aai jxm sees put uu ingion street, tus city.


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