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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ve recall vnjne'y a custora sail to cr.sif iTL.v.:. SiO'l) 'ii ifliii k.ii iij. I prevail amors tribe. ct ko, la t-s nf Africa. When kins dies, npsanpsaasB 1 v- n-rnrent ia first seised by tie ProgreM of vvork on tne Great Gen.

3. F. Houghton has gone to the Centennial. An Lavalnatle Vork on Oakland XlaLilllaca rrcjseisd and In Coerse i ef Xotloar-Th tlarck of Za- Jnte Enc Laprovemants Prult-? Aamaementa A Take Caetlon ol 022onr-S treat Xf aamea t. UJtekuMSO legitimate oOvurtitanenU XTortnexn Trunk Line neoDlaand alothad In ths moat wretched -s-n ha ia seated upon the 5, 1876 as There will be four races ever the I Duinnni.

BUT Mltlaun of I txeteding vs Unet, 1nerud SO Genu par wee. ear yoUUm tuertadfi let en BW To pmA svt ths number of -tt-i cm 1 unnU uMmm mm IB Bay District course to-morrow. 7 The Oakland and Berkeley Branch, and Alamada County The Centennial Tear Book from tlx Pen ei William Well Eaova Jeanaliat. JTatMM tmerleOT tost Oas) to 6 -Tved by Carrier- Cents per Week. rr -nd treat nloa to San Francisco will have a yacht Tq js Mt Oe etsasaro UMss aw mtver uis Tuean language a.

tm After or U. is me uue dj iiuoa ue Tram the Brooklyn Tldstte of to-day. 1 aa eirealailo at the TBIBDSI 7U saefes, tMs eotaaw, raom At the present time there are a dozen first-class improvements in excursion to Vallejo to-morrow. Oakland Division of the Northern u.aiiHMs word for st Four hundred Chinese operatives aroreU for Osjarat Hue, end mm tcvnU fuosegiient HM TOetton 0 in firs saare double that af way atHar pnblUhed Is AlnnaeA gtotjr. lJrnvui rm him with The Oakland Democratic Club JroetfoM Unet ere eaoryad Eailway is known among railroad full I wf peian hint A day or two since we noticed, iuu ue nun, ana laani.

will hold a meeting Monday evening, i briefly; the forthcoming "Centen are employed in the Brooklyn Jute course Of erection, to be used for business purposes and we believe i Waahington Square, near Tubbs' that so many expensive structures H'otel, has beeiT put in order, and have never before been sunultaneous-now appears to advantage. rm' men. The new road is owned by the managers, of i the Central Pacific Bailroad Company, and is being con wna awiwaesj. At tne nJ of this interesting perfonnnaoe, he CITUATIOMSVAriTCD Jal3. nial Year Book of Alameda County, which is now oeing compiled and waaooo, arrayea in tne most goreaoue There is some talk of removing the postofaoe from Temescal to Berkeley.

structed by the Western Develop Coancet By a Coach maru will shortly be issued by Mr Wil S.AKCE5-MAO. Blind TomwiA give an exhibition building at the corner of Ninth and respect, crowned with infinite rr.cM owe sham dp to aht desired sum- nard and Son. Ir. kvathsw. Adrtce ment Company.

Charles Crocker, of the Central Pacific, when before liam Halley an experienced journal Mrs. It. A. Hensey of Oakland is V-TJATIOW WAimTD BV A VXRT BX. Me jamnt men, la a erlrate family, as a very sate drlTer; taeronghiy anoa BER OF SHARES, sn "i1 Washington street, show.

it. nil VSJV among the passengers due overland marrtaee, joarneya, aceent or frtenda, tells what is beet to do; core Ala, ear rheamaUem, aore eyea, deafness, dropr, cauu i ton Hall, on Saturday evening. eea: caa sase can of a imenuia the City Council for the right of whose long residence ana critical examination of and thorough Ooachmasu Is this afternoon. suaos bis bosh. Strawberries three inches in cir-l neemsty; thses yoare' beet 'Mt emptors hoM prate to Sri tU oa, or aadrm by tet- way through certain streets in West crevod sad So' proportion, "and will probably be from civilisation that only a few hardy the finest in the city.

It has a front- have penetrated it territory, age of 125 feet on Ninth street and ITJi? roiM debtuty, nrer eompuuat, ana aa no pay; materialising seances (Sunday, u. v-I Tharadav ereniriM: handreds of pereous fc-e The Episcopal Board of Missions city eumf and pins apples, bana- Oakland, slated that the Northern as uw mwvuuu 4 I -rr erenoe, aod recognise qnuit trwnd. lis lourth stress pf ee ter, WI, Rail way would run direct toTehama Jw I nas ana cherrlea are in tne market. f. uantrai rectus i EM, familiarity with the history resources and industries of this city and county, gird him peculiar ad- nn(ft0M in 4rtA TTODAration -Of SUCh sranewcaw Oaktaad.

100 feet otf WsiOdngton street; it is leeTp ria MartineB and Suisun, and would I toped that the project or a toili hichand rwVviv Via nr.A on Supreme I -U i tnree atonef mga and has a large I choosing a ruler, otherwise it would be To Car for Cht. iAB basement, i The ground floor will to resist the conviction that the an invaluable vade-mecum. As the ITUATIOJI wajitiw in u. 't wonW Brooklyn has not wholly subsided. rrtHB TEIBTOB PUBLISHrSO OOMPAJTT IS JL incorporated with a capital of $50,000, dl.

Tided Into 500 the par value of 1100 eaelu Stock la the Company la B(rw offered fat ale, la any desired camber of shares, at a nominal figure. The patronage ana droiflation of the Taxstrra are more than double that of any other paper published In Alameda, Oounty. It la acknowl-adgod to bs, la all particulars, the leading pa. par of the city and la thoroughly established, on a sound and paying basis. Apply to or address.

BIN. A. DIWB9. Oakland. MUJInery Ctere, Sttls akd boowomt obsrenrtp yT be fennd be Kew MSJlnery Moreofl Broadway, near Vkfteeatli stre, wtaerea imci -aortment of hats sad naiilaery snod, may be bad at erf reasons prices; aiae, fehknaie dreae-t M.

Satiacvkm sua antaed in aU cawe at i rm. unhnrf tlllin in 1 .1 practice bed some such sinister purpose. as tne main line to uregon. ne aiso i wir wm wmmcuCT ui oaa instated that his company would con-1 cisco on Jly 15th. rtctntty, by reepectawe yeanc wa.

mi work er attend te child rea end ssw work is to be something more than a i Auwwwn ossaiTiai. contain seven stores and there will be 58 rooms up strain, those on th Professor James Stratton visited I likstotrs whit fkmilr gotns Kast.Aa mere business directory is to be re the Bad Star Tea Brooklyn on May Day, and went out corner Ukay ana roonea. ooamr ttah stmt eaw struct a branch to ISantas, on tne Anbselloon-Central Pacific, so as to drain all the templates building himself a beauti-easternand southern roads, of their fni home at Berkeley. second story being designed for use as I JiuiUtin "An up-towa atrseu; sr UMra. Broadway.

plete with historical, brograph i on the hills to see tne ants fight the 'ewJBrosdjray, near Yifleuth strer. ami- office, The seoond rtory i will also grasshoppers. As UurM. Stews. fast WjttJj aniiBtamm at' 8 o'clock contain a Masonic Hall 38x60 feet in shoold argue some aneetion franklv anS A Plnmmm 4a mnatnor I ieal, descriptive, statistical and scientific facts, carefully culled from original and authentic sources: TtTAirntD bt a rxmvrmn last, a 2SS teOTICCS.

sttaattoaj as Karsa. laqatra coraer twaatr- freely every evening and try to learn preparation to -build a two-story BMB W1U" "uaukU1 reireanment and nln stree sod Saa Pablo arenas, sr ef Dr. Jae, T. CUSla MAnM.r. ante rooms.

The hicht of the, fco.11 8rT otter. The quesuoa for MoGrew ste rooms. The night of the hall UiO uiu I reuaas. 11 Ontral mil Tweina .1 tnus avoioing 8B to-morrow afternoon, corner of Fif-rSEhSybSn -t completed some twenty- miles be- The Oakland Guard had a moon-yond Tehama, and work on that end light parade last night and presented tiww ana pronray. and wrougnt into grapnioana attractive form as a chronicle of the Past, blacksmith shop.

Papor arkTJo brow that will feet. The architectural M5p6nlSl appearance or the build tatSS To Do Housework. a record of tne rresent and an earn Those seeking desirable homes, A sewer is needed on Twelfth ave aa fa. a. mis mt Vim-- The TTT A WTID BT A WOMAN, A STTCATI0K est of the Future we feel that it xI-reTBlCKlASD IS TlJturuuojj ma -x trx nue, from Fourteenth street to the is boxes, the Terr latest eto but when he was last see.

ron and pressed brick. John Nich-1 he hadvUmhaA 'i noaeewar, or take can of cbtturen. either to rent or buy, should call on Mr. EE. Smith, corner Broadway deserves something more than a pass aire as sou TBire sbssc Bona sue.

aetwsei AJTD BXBXXXXT BBAHCH the Coast, has Just been Imported A OO- which taar offT for sale tt Bay. The sewage ia accumulating i ii. xi. i rr.r and Clay. nH-lw wayTn.

at that point and wiU soon beoome rr-r laoaer up alter mnu taeer Book store, un Brosowsr. Is also beinaf pushed with all the ing notice. A limited amount of space will be devoted to advertisements, and fifth i uruuiixiiT. muu wiibii BLua aiLrnrTT.riT'w ii SJo large sires lor genuemen-s na men whose labors-can be turned to Housowork. GIKL WAHT8 A SITTJATIOH TO DO GXS-eral honarwork ka a mil funDr.

Call ai KASTKBUf KOUD AXJOTT sTOTftS Dresamaklng. MatriaaoaiaL account between Oakland Point and The new business block is about IwOU.uw. Tne plans and specifics- and as these will find circulation throughout the -civilised world and be preserved and read for aye, on xne Diate rjauoauonai oooieiy wiu meet in the San Francisco City Hall at 10 o'clock to-morrow. Dr. Sherman, CKty will hold a vaccination matinee at City Hall to-morrow afternoon.

A man named Kaufman had his left hand cut off by a buzz saw, near sold for laea Uaa San rmaeiaoo priese, et the foorth boaat ttvm Henry's earner, Twenty second street sad San Pablo aTense. bit 1-1 Berkeley. The track, with the ex MBS. J. B.

WOOD. PRESSMAKIB, dTDIB the Centennial Hotel, Fourteenth street, between Uay and Washington streets. Oakland. Afl orders nromottr filled. Onaranlaa aalixfaetton.

stationery, note papers, Envelopes, cards, Ao.L Ac," of 'the tobe erected ne Gilardin'scoal 11 D7' ZZJF.jl yard, xn the ground where Judge the well kwn architect. rtreets, 0hri- avriaier.pTOpr7 Howard's office recently stood. A. J. Snyder is erecting a first- v.

ception of the crossing of the Seventh luol hu han nnmrklAful account of the. valuable nature of the work, business men would dp well to uhm ran umiona, apie-im latest styles, furnished promptly, at BUOQH AVMM A WM, AMW. vw I up to where the line puts out across class punning on the opposite cor-1 tcu totjk mbiohbobui that Visiting Cam. consult Mr. Halley at an early day The new built by W.

ROOMS TO LET. 705 Fifth atroet, PrXIOHTTTJIi BOOW, WITH OX WITH Ban Jose, on -Monday last. ner or Washington and I z.lrlv?... rrr.7r amum. weT7awf as to the cost of placing their names, Strickland Uo.

Bookstore, xuox Broadway, near Twelfth street, streets, having the eastern arm oi tne Day Between Crane, opposite the Tubbs residence, the Point and the and The Third District Court in and modeIedafter Washington Hali uvuiiks us locations and line of business upon Kfi White sr tfnted Briato VI s-JKJ Ittnc Cards 90 eta, seat poss paid tar eft eta. la stamps or a i tan -4-. out board, ra a araall famllr. eitlier to cetiUe-1 50 feet on the former street NOBBT, KICK, WBrW.MS aaan and wlfc of twa friends; statfeaary waabstaad HyauaaaL km. PrtcaXistsadssmplesof and 76 ieet oa.

the latter. wnas ibo soys aay aeons tl shose tor.aai at tjenram's. room saw aaa nucooM this more lasting than a marble mon ument. yy-: ZHB HISTORICAL DBTABTMBHT i Repp, Marble, Damask, Granite, Snowftake, Scroll and Acquain tZZZ. I I r.

-s lone.xesemDies toe oww, n.kil. tk- will Awwui rVrrtsr t. i 2. i I oaentnt set; ear af parlor tor sttUn-ooos. Twc residence On Sunday last, at the 1 as.

Can at I niaates' walk tteei srtet-eti set station. SKT canHOI The County Democratic Conven- The plans were prepared1 Mr. Day. The building will e-three stories high and will have a deep TeS Fifth street. mayMw Of, the Centennial Tear Book will TBUB AKLXXfiTOft CANOT 9At tory.

Ninth street. na the Postofflos tance caras ur cb stamp. H. S. Oaacwr, East 11th St East Oakland, Cal.

WP? 8TU tion is to meet in Oakland at the "of the bride's parents, jA East Oak- land. Charles Bozidr of San Fran 307 Seventh street. Ul aHaaW AW ask vaa bm saa imi- a NnTenftted ooats of paint. Academy of Mua on the 20th basement. 1 On the ground floor than one-half of this distanoe open with the first-occupancy of California by the Spaniards, and the Professional Nurse.

FATKNT TAR RMVa BSD AT OX) LIT-on OH TWO HAHDSOMXLT TCU. A nlshed treat rooms; new boeas, bay windows, hot and cold water, ess of bath, with or wtthont already been piled, and it is expected onn w- "f.6 Mei" OI Cio0lF to select tmrteen there wiU be three stories and the Srhailhsss. Bevente saraes. history of the country will be sue that train will cross to the Willows JJaramore ana mo jauroaa, ana a delegates to tne state convention, upper stories wiU contain 23 rooms. board.

Superintendent of the Pacific Coast Division 'of the era Union Telegraph, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Bent til to. Wf Seventh stojet, near the Harrison, sonth slda. MBS. BABAH SWAlir. PROnsSIOVAL nnrsa, baring returned iron the Sast, wiehes -to inform those hi need of her set-rices that aba la permanently located at last Oaktaad.

Residence -oa Hepburn street, near Twenty-am arenue. P.O.Box 7. Befereoee glren If rrauimi. sprKMm within three weeks and that in the OI xrienos, arnvea last mgnt. which meets at Hajn Urancisco on the The front of the building will be cessively traced to the present pe DUD.

Ka.nni Littleiohnj tne Jsev. rf. Central Block. Course OI lour or nve weeaa we w-1 ouc uugo a. n.

jne ana hidut i buju jwuj xnrwnvuB oomotive will roll into Berkeley. It I left for the Atlantio States this At the literary Society on nd pressed brick and it will present OEDDKS In this city, Kay ftta, ltTe. Mamret. Wt 0T BOOHS TO LBT, WITH HXW IXB-! McLean officiating. Muslo Teacher.

wlft of Joseph Craddaa, a natiTS of Aleve riod; embracing the conquest and condition of the aborigines, Spanish and Mexican pioneers, the founding of missions, the allotment of the S' nitera tor sale. uentm woca, ireatmg oi Bcotta, aged of years. is reported, also, that the heavy work I morning, and will be absent three I Wednesday evening, Mr, Pensam on the road the deep cuts and fills months I stated that the Society numbered 40 Broadway. Apply at room LB880KSOH THB rUHOrOBTB, TEBMS, SS ner noaUvKI8S CRAM Tiwinlr aaKi rrlends and acquaintances are respectfully "gtillT-ey at RoHolph'e booktora, Broadway, between Tenth a very nne and substantial appearance. The cost will be-about $28,000.

On another corner of Ninth and Washington streets, in the former site of the Methodist Church. Mr. members. Mr Newland claimed 3O0. 1 Oth Street-To Let, invited to attend her fenaml TO-MOKBOW Industrial Reformers wfllhold- and the tunneling in tne vicinity ox.

Rati Pablo ia being pushed with land and its division into ranohos, the first white settlers in the county (Batareny), et o'clock from residence TTrXXI. VURNTSHXD BTXKHT BOOKS. BX- This is the cry of Mr. Kihlmeyer, Employment OfTloe. I that there were 80, being made up thusly: Ladies and gentlemen on .1 A.

I. iween weoeter ana rJamsoa. oa Sycamore street, near Baa Pablo aveaae. vio-nr. and it is Deuevea iut ueiun Nos.

461 and 463 Sixth street, as he without further notice. Par HeuaekeeDlnac CCABDINAVIAN, IRIMH-AKIEIOAH pkqmeat Offloa. The beet giris snd men tA, tia before the discovery of gold; the arrival of the Argonauts of '49 the organization of the county as a part of continues to deal out foaming the end of September Martinez will be within one hour of Oakland. So the rolls, 40; and a piano-40 making Good, of San Francisoo, is building 80. I a three story structure which will CB06STT OO- Agents, S3 rpo LXT- KICXLT rUBMISHAO STjyBT A Boona, aaltabls for hoaaakeeptnc; local tram stops ra front ottbehoaoB.

AppU bosses wast end 28 Clay street, 8. T. Bib-im bock beer to his many customers tin AND COUNTY DIRECTORY. The annual election of officers of haTe oi Aaeane street station on Bailroad i Chinese mote it be. --I Wamtwd Hie Slrnn Shot.

His saloon is one of the newest, airy and comfortable the city, and just mentioned. The plans were Contra Costa and ox Santa Ulara, and its subsequent separation from them in 1853, the organization of Alameda the Brooklyn Independent Fire Cor Franklin and 1 7th streets ItaOit Tratnt, Stones, rtre DUtricU, OU aw pHTTaSB 8IEVAKT8 PTEBCX A OOb, 27 Sacramento atreet, between Montgomery and Kearny streets, 8sa rrancisoo. tarnish reliable Cht. -rUTBwiSHIO BOOH TO IR, SOTJTHWXST those wishing to cool the inner prepared by Mr. Tibbals, an architect and contractor of this city.

Tha VinilirXT will Company was held on Monday, with the following result: President. rosromcx. corner oi rrspsim ana perenteentn streetA oomesue serraats, at an prlcea. Ibeoldeat well as the outer1 man, should not a publio meeting at the Council Chamber, City Hall, this (Friday) evening. If you want a good square meal call and see Mr." J.

Donahue, No. 460 Seventh street, adjoining Broadway station. the 'Sunday School connected with Dr. Scott's Church of San Francisco will enjoy a picnic atSaucelito. St.

Peter's O. T. A. and B. Society will make an excursion to Belmont Park to-morrow, leaving San Francisco at 9 a.

k. i mtA stresf, eeeisesn Jroensiowif and waaaetofoa. eetabttebedofleet mh26-lm or tne Ktne caiuorni dlfornla. ROOMS WANTED. W.

H. H. Hamilton Foreman, Jas. Moffit; First Assistant, J. Schneider; luuzeeton Washington street and a.m.

jfcmrrra.cruryQTom Second-Hand'Furniture. fail to giro him a eall. 'I rPyjTBt Boarding. la 4. JO n.

KecrvUao fhmdau. 80 feet on Ninth street, and the nrf A mfA Tt. ft him Ik mdmmn CSOOHB-HAKD PUSHITL'RS WABTTP Uf Second Assistant, H. West: Secre county, the rise and progress of tne city of Oakland, etc. BIOOBHPHICAI.

SHBTCHBS Will be given of the principal Spanish and Mexican pioneers, missionaries, soldiers and early American and European settlers, as A Sunny Room. IS av, 4 a. at. for Ban rrandaoa, a. mi BepaMng af SB kinds i mj large er nil quantttia promptly attended to.

A pi tary, Lewis; Treasurer H. Turn to n. ocaeuoaaa, oa Mrs. Olmstead has taken the new TTTAXTrTD BT A TOTJSO CZHTXVUAN A weB rarBlsheaeanavrooin. with board.

Mast mmerema sireeu tar way and franklin, A slung shot was found near the basement entrance to the City Hall yesterday, evidently thrown there by some person who had been taken into the prison. Charles Lincoln, who had been aent below for sleeping in a barn, was supposed to be the owner, and his term of twenty-four hours confinement expired this morninor. When he was turned Suden; Trustees, A. Fonte, F. jm jwwn, jr.

ml. TRAISM JJTD BTAOMS. AM a. at. Dotty.

Me Atlantic Asna trans a Oddfellows' its' building. be within tea minutes walk efraitreea station. Ae areas. "Cook," Tribune oaloa. 5 nU-wl Pianos.

building, Block," near the corner of Telegraph avenue, anl will rent pleasant, sunny Schimmelpfennig and B. Nedder-man. It is difficult to understand the arts for Sacramento, MarymMU, MatUng mmd Cotas, JSeno, Opde em OmaJtn, wUhmaU. fcr-afci mrrtvtt rA well as some of the prominent and Ur RIGHT ABT SQUABS PIABOS Rat. Price at and per oUi.fir front will be of iron and brick.

The lower floor will be for stores and the upper stories will be divided into rooms for use as offices or for lodgings. The erection of three first-class buildings in this one locality will certainly, give to it an importance it would not otherwise attain for some years to come. There are not now stores enough on Broad WANTED. successful men of the present day. Apply to IV Bergrs Jswssry store.

If a. The Photographic Society of the I benefit of, and necessity for, desig- Ja. Daily! Bom Jo mm jtsroaa-Jtltf rway. Domestics. Bwo(aMMatlaffsna.

aj Pacific meets this evening, at Taber and a list will be given of county officers from the organization; of the ncers irom tne organization oi tnei: Son Jobs. French Lessons. 1 or in furnished or un-furnished, with or without board. a pleasant home, with first-class board and lodgings, -will do well to apply soon. WhSTTD imfEDIATXLT TETBKX 0B four young Oermaa, Sweds.

or Scandenerlaa IK) Montgomery street, Ttnvrl'a county to the present time, members lo0' policeman Summers was post- a yomro FBXMCtt LAOT THOROUGHLY CISCO. gtrlsfcr light housework, nice plans. AS kinds af help supplied at thort noOca br calling or karma J. adncated to bar own language, end teaght for several years, wishes tmolkv Bering Bbe also I oi tne legislature. Mayors 1 oi the eaus potuuuu wuero uo wmu nee orders at Itad Star Tea Store, eornsr Ctey end Voer.

p. as, aaaifnyt aetensM. awssapei araea to fltoaUonsaly.eoatieeeine et LatMrop vitMemprtm train for Merced, FlsoUo, iWenoeiMlXotaoeics, ygilh mail for Arimtma, tic. UM jx.ah rrsMt from Stoektoik, tie. T.0S p.

m. Daily: Overbaul JBmtffrmU trwta, TlroHoK VerM, etc Arrtvr S.0 a. m. SamPablo dagee leaf at 10.1 a. as, ItrUkmaOX emt.4tn.m.

Arrlmemt aJOa. at. mmd Las n. City of Oakland, and an official Macbea drawtng, psinting, and Binsic Speaks taa -Kngiish lsnguaga SuenU CaA SU TweiLta street. The examinations for, the Senior Class -of the State University com what was going observe whether Kvnia waxxirn.

an. uareue. mya-tw betwaen UarrUoa aad Aitoa. nsuDg uio eirees running parallel with East. Twelfth street, as East Fourteenth street.

Being the. next street to Twelfth it should hfi ealled Thirteenth in the years to 'come this lack, of numerical order 'will cause confusion; and if there is no very weighty cause for the "jump," the matter -ought to be regulated before the town grows much larger. For Tnatanee. Store Wanted, directory of the county, of the city of Oakland, of the incorporated Lincoln would take the weapon. The fellow watched for what he supposed tobe a good opportunity and pick Literary Society.

TfTAimP-A STOBB OH BBOADWAT. Zjast Friday two young men from VV snltaUe for Dry Goods. Address m. Dick. ftaobeeo stapes iaaw Oakland at .40 m.

m. (vUA maUX, ArrUMtotmeenUand 1 o'stoe noon. way to meet the demand, and as quick as the new buildings are ready for occupancy they will undoubtedly be filled by desirable tenants. The bank building on the corner of Broadway and Twelfth street will be a prominent feature in that part of the city and will stimulate other towns of Alameda, San Leandro, Hay ward, and Livermore. aw taay suaat, pan i ranctsca.

saya-w BB00BLTH IalTEBABT SOCIXTT KBITS erery Wednesday ereab at 7t o'clock, at Odd Teflows's HsO, Esst Oakland. The public are cordially tainted to attend. The question for debate ing up the slung shot ran as fast as he could. Summers emering from mi DISTZIOTS. Jrtt-MlafcUyvofAdeUMtreeL San Francisco, came to the Tkibtjnb oSee, inserted an advertisement for room, paid their fifty cents, and Furnished House.

HtrrmdNortSim TweUtk Hreel. earn ha am, DESCRIPTIVE. Articles will be carefully prepared his hiding place and pursuing him. WAHTXD A rUBNISHSP HOC8V, wh or rooms, er tare tarnhbed cottMee ad way, tout tAs taotar frxmt, amd axst by Acielme on weuneeoay, Apra tota, iwe, la- Besoired, Thattba Ousadea bade Beneficial effect en Bare? pean cjriHisltoa. called, yesterday, for their answer.

nurdITortX etty ISm. eatt bv joining eacn otner, wita tea same amount or rooms, ta Oakland errtdnlty. Apply to J. IJETTKa, Telegraph ouims. sotaA by ay Waahinsrten Street.

The Council has provided for the sprinkling of the, macadamized Uroadway. a4-l mence on Friday, May 19th, and continue for about one The picnic of the Knights of Pythias, at Badger's Park, on Monday next, will be a perfect "stunner" for size of attendance and for enjoyment. The Coroner's jury in the Hastings case returned a verdict of death from heart disease, in accordance with the facts published in the Tbxbtthz yesterday. Since Judge McKee's decision against the laundry license was pro Adeun etraez. Captain Band saw what was up and he joined in the foot race, down Washington street, which became quite animated.

At that kind of exercise very few can excel the Cap tan, romrt-itori ey toeyi, east and sokA 6 Engineer. waterfront, yremt by Jtreadtoay. AMUSEMENTS. comprehending every portion of the county as to topography, soil, climate, character of population, timber, water, minerals, fossils, animals, birds, and and incidentally They received no less than twenty-two answers, coming from all parts of Oakland. Some say that advertising does not pay.

Does it not aae i. San Leandro'e New Offloere. North by cUe isas. east ha Lot bmm TXrASTaTD AS BHCmriBB TO BUH A OAK. building enterprises in that vicinity.

At any day we may expect to see a large force of laborers at work excavating on the property of D. L. Emerson, adjoining. Whenever he moves in the matter, he will certainly be prepared to erect a building that will be far ahead of any- a V. -S a-e an Mns ntmntng north from (As lake, tooth by den engine, twa hours In the renins, three fwl sweet, tpsst by jtmatmoay and Ttleorauk times Apply to Oaklsad Srenlng and he soon overtook and captured the fugitive, who had the weapon TnistnrB.

iitzth- BVisf OaMawd. orrrauts Small Furnished House. streets on a more extensive scale than heretofore, though it has not yet gone for enough in this direction. There is an agreement with the Contra Costa Water Company to furnish water at the rate of 25 cents per thousand gallons, so that the At the election held in San Lean- those of the continguous counties of San Francisco, Marin. Contra Costa.

ML Asrwes Mayor. concealed upon his person. He will have a chanoe to explain the matter before Judge Lentell. to-morrow Superintendent PmoUc Bchncit AC Camobmll WAVTBP A SHALL, TTJEKT8HID HOTJ8B, for famBy of three, eenreaioit to steam dro on Monday, for town officers for San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Santa Clara ctrrn. Aeaiess lack box mh, Ban rranasen.

Treasurer and Clerk ff. JZBleorona Martnaland To Collector Perry Jonneon CUv Ameuor. Joseph If. Dillon and oan Mateo. morning.

mulgated the Celestial laundrymen of vallejo have engaged counsel to the ensuing year, the following named gentlemen were elected: PuliceJvrtoe 4 H.Jnyne -John OoarU Clerk or xrmcm of STATISTICAIi. The statistics of the county, from Trustees James Demont, A'Estu- City Attorney. Bary Fh Arnold dillo, M. C.TLaGrange, 8. Huff and HAY FESTUM, HOUSES TO; LET.

Third and Magnolia ngnt a similar oroinance. Henry Hauschildt of No. 1057 Broadway, opened this' morning a new and select stock of boots and J. J. Aorter City Xnoineer Marthal'l Clerk Drpvty City 7Uat W.

W. Beed; Assessor, S. S. Saul; wing eise.m tne city. Dome time in the latter part of the season we are informed, W.

W. Camran will erect a costly structure on the corner of Broadway and Fourteenth street, adjacent to the Delger Block. Wemmer's two-story- brick building on the upper side of Eighth street, between Broadway and Franklin, is progressing very rapidly, and will be completed in a few weeks. At East Oakland and at West Oak mm laVOb its first foundation to the present day, as far as necessary to exhibit the increase and development of the rno LIT. A HBW HOTJKI OONTA1KIFQ TOTJB tieauhv Chief af A Leap Tear Party.

The ladies of the Church of the Advent, East Oakland, did the leap year business last evening in a graceful and fascinating manner. They called it a leap-year hop; and to. the JJ. M. Hand fjlerk, J.

A. Murphy- for Marshal, H. Shirley and D. Pratt tied on a A rooms; city water; located an the corner ef water bill will be light. The city runs two sprinkling wagons and is about to procure another.

Those in use are each' of a capacity of 750 gallons, making a total of 2,000 gallons. As these wagons are to be' run day and night, each will make about 40 trips in the twenty-four hours, dis or THB of Jrt Department JL dla.Uomtammta LenttU. hJL jYooa. Asa Howard. Third and Magnolia streets; thres minutes' walk from A define street stsUoo.

Bant fl per month. vote of eighty-four; Treasurer, H. C. county, and of the city of Oakland, Wm. Graham.

CITY COWfCZLWm. BohtL W. A. Waller. appv oa his premises.

mayww shoes. Do not fail to see his new advertisement at foot of local colum. The May festival of the Brooklyn Turn Verein, at Keller's Gardens, Temescal, on Sunday, will be the will be culled from authentic sources Brooklyn Turn TereiiTl Jot. Dodt. B.

H. Walton. John Miner. J. n.

Ongsby. Another Great Sale. West 1 1 th street. ic rendered by Ballenberg band ana arranged compact but com? Hard, wm. Mwutnaton.

MteU Jtrtt and third afnoaVTift sarft wwntx, BOARD Or KD UCA TTONR. OoU. ZSBatm. prehensive form, giving accurate the ladies acted the grenadiers. TXl HOIT8B OT TIB BOOHS, A wAh water, oa West Herenth street, be tween Omter and Kirtbam Tour MockC tram.

TO BE HELD AT To-morrow weekMessrs. Wood- ttton, Benf. AkerUf, C. W. KeOoaa, Jam.

A. MXfer, Center street Station. Inquire se premise. land there is the same degree of activity in the erection of buildings designed for 'building purposes, which we regard as a most gratifying figures as to population, nativity and race, taxation, fruit trees and vines. 1-2 -rard A.

Taggart will sell by auction Tweedavm. tributing a total of 80,000 gallons per day, costing $20, or. $520. for the month, counting only the working days. This might be doubled or trebled to good advantage.

The myl-lw Keller's Cardan, Temescal great attraction on this side, of the bay; There will be no hoorihtmfam there, An! immense concourse of people assembled at Pelouze Hall, West large and varied of desirable wine iruuung, Breweries, uve stocx, Washington Hall was thronged with over lour hundred from the "first families," each of whom seemed -to enjoy the scenes presented to the fuUest capacity. The ladies fanned the gentlemen and protected them BOARD OtT KIALTS-Wm. Bamford, a 8. KUtreane.Wm. Solton.

roJJck roBcx-w. auhcK A. waton, b. Tyler, W. D.

Thomat, W. Nedderman. Shore, W. IT.Bwnmm; H. CbrUoas Cham.

P. McKay, jTOLTrv sign, or the last two or three vote at the last general election, vote real estate, the terms being as favorable as could be desired and such as at the municipal election in the city 7l3Twelefth streetv John Bmnmtt, John A. Dodge, Cham. cheapest way to preserve a macad- years business improvements nave amized roadway is to keep it well not keP P00 lth development J. Boant B.Lnftcm, Boandy, to offer a rare opportunity forspecu rpO LIT-HOTJSI 0 BOOMS AHP BATH, SUIIDAYt MAY TTIIf 1873 A.

with stable, to tot.No.7gJ Twelfth street, I wn tweea Brash and Weat sUenta. Apply haawdiatatr V. v. k. One of the best of bands hah bean enxaned ta watered: mere Bpnnkling is not I rwjpouwi, uui uu COVMTTI' year we are likely to see a desirable of Oakland and the several incorporated towns, school census, apportionment of school table of distances, etc.

In the preparation of this work the a1 to F. Ia. Page. Miff Broadway. my-aiw i aySMaC FrwewXl eVMsKCaWri furnish music.

i The line of property offered i(a more particular description of which will be found in our advertising Columns) embraces slots and from draughts, and each gentleman considered himself a lady, and conducted himself accordingly. Each lady acted the man, and looked to it that the gentlemen provided change. Very many valuable resi-1 Jmioe Probate and cotmty anmru. mA Ve afPyC Oakland, last night, to participate in the closing festivities of the Ladies' Fair, and a glorious good time they had. The jury in the case of James Cas-sidy, indicted for perjury, were unable to agree upon a verdict yes ter- -Y S- -w Meat Market.

Prise Bboottng far Osntlemea and Ladies. ymntotie PsTfismiiii by Msmbars of the r1atlr)Aai aA afAITIrff WW ahWn1 VAAIIW VftAMl I aAeWWl mm eXPrsW rpO LIT A MBAT MABBBT. CDTTBALLT O. Beed Ootmty Clark and sawitor. enough.

Many mountain toll roads in this State are thus kept in repair. The macadam on our more important streets is wearing out very rapid- ly, and the Council cannot be too UQAIWVO ami? gVAUK MsT IMlaJ AVA are projected, and everything we can A. iscataa; and a first daa stand. Aauiyat next KGCtmWQtW mini Society. i ADKUSIOM AS Ceette IMPOST AST BCIENTCFIO UTTERXSTS boass toeomrsr VUaa aad Ktofcik mrt iwk.

buildings on Broadway" and Eighth, A. Smith aaawaaaV90Bn JMit Outre learn, justifies the opinion- that the evening, lie- with partners for the iana romt. m44w Of the county will not be overlooked. reralta, fJampbell, Four ShVrtjfl JB.jY.Morm building record for the present year fore this concluding leas-year hop day and were discharged. It is un nromm in earmrnr nnt a himitim Under Sheriff a gentleman thoroughly! versed TO RENT.

"T'r'Hf i 1 B. Bariow teenth, Fifteenth, Filbert, Linden, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Castro, -Fourth. Atlantio and other streets. that win at tne same time prevent I w. 1UCTU iUt Grand Call In the Evening BO ABB OraUTXS USOXSZwhmm Ccue(PreH needless expenditures for repairs I ceding one.

commenced an interesting pro- derstood that ten were for conviction gramme was acceptably presented and two for acquittal. Judge John A. Stanly, of this city. Church l0. M.

Barnhom, fetor rwnyee.J. B. Mar H. Qssraatsr. Jamee BeamtU.r.

K. Bhattaek and also add very greatly to the at- rno so that purchasers cannot fail to be BBHT THB OLO PBB8BTTBBIAH A. Cbarch. tornss Thlrteentk in pure and applied science and natural history is preparing a comprehensive chapter on the meteorology, flora, fauna, ornithology, ichthyology, paleontology, geology, Broadway. UA uuaiwiiws, tauicaiu, SUIUII.

CWl- I TTT-3 3 suited as to locality. LAFAYETTE SCHOOL aracuveneBS 01 sue ciij. Inquirs af J. O. Matthews, Unbas tans, and the amusing farce, "rTV- aanomg.

ACJaJDEiarsr of music. Wbere tae Priaea wUl be dletrltated. Tin iv. r-m, I uvreruur ixwui asa i.iUBiee Ul vxa MISCELLANEOUS. -see Temple ef Oajahrtaaa.

Coeaplbavent Dost Pedro. luS enrmin! Homor Bon of Aprils 1916. ASKiaSION Cents nuneraogy ana nyaroiogy i ox tne Ik. T' nvAr wiVh ia fnr TlCe Ai. AWkeTjreSlgned, HOARD AND ROOMS.

Near Broadway station Tba beet ef order will be enforced, and a ectv county, whicn will include to hold for four years. The new two-story brick building of David Wemmer of Teutonia Hall dial inritaUoa ia extended to the public the benefit of the church. scription and analyses of the! waters UUBHUUID BOOKS. AHD BO ABO IB A The Brooklyn Turn Verein. oi our medicinal springs.

A7 prtrata family, four blocks from Bread way is receiving the timbers for the roof. While the Emperor of Brazil was admiring, and ''dilating upon the beauties of 'Oakland, last Friday afternoon, his attention was attracted to the number of people rushing up Broadway. His curiosity -being FRESH ARRIVALS Station. Kefenmces reaoirsd. Addrsss The Central Pacific Bailroad Company is preparing to build a very large barge at their West Oakland ship yard.

The refitting of the The building is situated on the north AS A WOBK OK BEFEBIKCXv The Centennial Year Book will be BozOtOskland. ml7-tf Oakland Qar4 Flemte. The Oakland -Guard turned out side of Eighth street, near Broad in a private Family invaluable, as it will show the time strong this morning, and, headed by rpO LBT rOTJB A. rooms. With sr wttboat beard, to a nitrate Fourth.

Grade Edith Hayes, 98; May Browning, 97; Margie JJrewer, 97; Bennie Taylor, 90. Fifth Grade Mary Stuart, 100; Frank Lizzie Metzger, 97; Eddie Hunt, 96; Nellie Pullman, 95; Minnie Howe, 92; Ethel Brodt, 92; Mary Pullman, 91; Carrie Fross, 90; Katie Benner, 91; LarenaBickey, 90; Lucy Fisher, 90; Nellie Johnson, Of Goods Erery Veek somewhat he ordered his aa 01 meetings 01 tne uounty 1 the Hannoverian Band of San Fran way, and ia 50x75 feet square, two stories high, and has a fine basement of full area. The basement and YosentiU is going on very rapidly, and after completed she' will be placed in. service on the -Vallejo route. air, and la a rery deeirabte aetghboraood, with of aaa aaa hatk.

Annlr at daw ftrna Supervisors, of the City Council and Board of Education of Oakland, of xetegrape arenas, on rradencfcstrest. apnanr ITT. a a fl .1 suit to move along with the crowd and learn the cause of their" He was somewhat amused when he street floor will be ready for occu the Town Trustees and Boards of pation in a few weeks, when Mr. Antonio Garcia, who lives near Mignis oi rymias! cisco, marched through the principal streets and thence to Badger's Park, East Oakland, where a large concourserof people assembled to witness the annual target practice of the company and to participate in saw that they were hastening to the Education of the "various incorpor-1 ated towns in the county, and of the store oi Jtfarwell at ilirshberg. No.

wemmer wiu 1 move in, carrying with him the magnificent orchestral 1 organ which has delighted so many thousands with its rich tones in Purse several Courtsr it will define the 1103 to secure some of the great bargains offered by this 1 i 06T TE5TIBDAT, ATBIL tBTH, AH OLD boundaries of the oounty, of towns. SV iaOa Niles Station, in this oounty, shot Dave Cavagrxaro, an Italian, through the head, two miles' from San' Jose, on Tuesday last The Italian was alive at last accounts, and Garcia was in jail, A woman at the bottom of it. la parse, tasteaed with pin, containing to to para Md aLI mmmJm krMaSaA ataa AAA Wa (T IT SlVVfi ar I I sAsiS Sixtli Anniyersary Arm In trunks (of which thex; have townships, oischool, road, squirrel Ja 1 ana pleasures a very large and excellent and pound districts: describe the of the day. The splendid appear- byW. H.

ration la faroref Mr. McGea. A suits- Wallace Uarstow, 97; Mary Farnum, Teutonia Hall. The upper story will be fitted up for the accommodation of Mr. Wemmer's family and by W.

a Dins-1 bie reward will be paid for -LU1 i ye; Annie urewer, ao: John White, more, W8 Broadway. satchels, gents'; furnishing goods, coast line, and the course of bays, praHw-i 95; Philip Kiley, 95; Alice Miller, 94; Willie Lussier, 93; Flora Hyde, ALL THB LODOBS Ol DISTRICT HO. 4, including Oakland end Brooklyn, will FOUND. though highly pleased with the vessels, railroads, femes and stages: 1 1 TTT' celebrate te sa appropriate man run- the StA 92; Ollie Swain. 91; Sadie Wise, 91; awJenettse et Teteernsa style in which this firm conducts giTe the location and officers or man- "uuureon 01 p8opie aiewmu.

nouae, ueiween George Bodolph. 91: Frank Brown Jewelry. Sargent's Chin ana Speech. Senator Sargenta speech on the Aveaae nasi its business quick sales and small agers 01 tne state university, ueaf Tl ry ---w rr" ing, 90; Bertha Smith. 90? May profits.

I and Dumb and Blind Asvliun and xu? yuauia jwuj. wina up jrenaiesou way, auauve 01 vermoni. AIlittVERSABY PIGIHC riBSOH LOSTHO A WATCH, chain, bracelet, ear-ring er rug, will please aged fifty-three years, a harness McKes, 90; Annie 90; iffer a (a ror br mmnMntt a description, tododlng dsscrlotioa. 1 -r 1 other puouo and private educational I A Bat Opportiuirty. establuhments, halls, parks, gardens P100 Park this evening.

number of watch, to T. A tbls pace, apranw i Where we erepoee to keep a GOOD ASTIGLn andseUCHKAP. Ladles', genw sad shlldran's work mads to order oa short All work made of the best material, end warranted. Chinese question has done more good than a dozen square miles of newspaper articles in the California press. Albert Wood, 90; Ernest Jeffres, 90.

Seventh Grade Hattie i Angier. I MaalaaMflnWl iTWHIflrlBl rfaW TkA aasT11 Ka OH THS ORDIB AT FOR SALE. rMaurice Dore 4 Cfe's auction sale 1 7 Claas Day. Please eall and examine goods and prtoea. We Carrie Benson, Effle Cushman, Grace Fisher, Clara Farno, Fannie Fitz- He baa presented this matter in a will endeevoe to pisses you.

eof tbAt beautifuL valuable and cen- SL nf th nf wsmrif maker by trade, and a man of intemperate habits, dropped from a chair and died instantly. Work on the new church edifice of the Seventh Day Adventists is progressing very rapidly, frame is up and partially enclosed. BAQGER'S CEIITR AL PARK, Cottage. clearand Tdispasaibiiate manner mm A 1 1 UUUDO BUU LVUXeaiUUlUU 111- I maurioe, Millie Marcus, Nellie Mil- t' HOlVOOn a OVTKAJt. TMI SALB AH ILZGAMT OOTTAOB OVSTX property ironsmg out ei California has elected the follow-! which 'has at once commanded the Noma.

bath, hat aad eoM water, and ail mod at -n tm Tl a a vwevaj wa ail a WIUII aun I Sackett, Honors Toomey, coio avenue loner rVTT" ffi for C1 townships of r- attention and respect of the Eastern I Mary Faulkner, Oakland, Alameda, jjuiu, Annie era tanpreramentA Lot, SthUOe. aubto and ear. rlagshoote. Only baif quare from statioa. Price, tt, WO.

Inqnrrs ef Dr. Wss. Bottoa, next door Carre streets, will take iaco at lain, Miss Hattie Hodson; President, Garaon an! Poalliy Earn lor-oewMnoa, wesmasiana. apras-iw. Brooklyn, Eden, Washington and Murray, the city of Oakland and Ilonday, Ilay 8tli.

on Thursday next, at their jsalesrooma, 228 Pine street, San Lease and Furniture. press, and its comments during the Wilson, ismmie 4 Tulie last two or three days have been Bosenburg, Maud KelleyV Bertha quite different in tone. When the Arps, Sarah Walter dith Thornton, people on the other side of the Con- Mamie Dean, Willie Bier, Lincoln tinent realize the full importance of Dbda, Harry Beaner, Willie Achard, the incorporated towns, as well as In a few weeks one of the rooms in the basement will be ready for occupancy, and will be used until means are raised for finishing the main i'Ti Trt ia.irt t-i 170B gALS-A THBIB-TBAB LBA8B, AHD furnitura af the Ttetnoot House for aala. Thla and should at- tho Tillages' and hamleta of the Is sentrslly locatod, on Saa Pablo araaaa, ba Musis will be furnished by Wtloott! ttended by' all desire to Mr. J.

G. Yager; Orator, Mr. J. N. E.

Wilson; Essayist, Miss Sarah Shuey; Poet, Benjamin P. Wall; Orator at the Tree, Mr. Geo. T. Wright; Historian, Mr.

A. O. Bradford; Prophet, Mr. Warren S. Palmer; Dispensator, Henry M.

PoncL tweea Kxteealh aad Sereoteeath streets, and coa- I gad String Bead. the Chinese problem, they will with-1 George Ainsworth Adolph Eber- county giving a list of local laws passed by the last Legislature, purchase, on very easy terms, souui the most desirable residence and hardt, James Farno, Joseph Higby, Itshth yesterday extracted a oortion of the t10" y-unurma .1 Apply to Woodward 4 Tunit street, near Broadway, Oasiand. TlCAXTn Ol ASKISSIOH (for adalts) OO busineaa'Oroperty in Oakhuid. request of legislation restraining the UtMg of? newspapers and periodicals, George Bobert Benram, Frank Stevenson. Arthur collar-bone from the left shoulder cents.

OAKLAND PE0PKRTY. be sold in twenty-four immigration of Asiatics. secret orders, benevolent, literary Furniture and Carpets. cbildrea under 11 yeaix aooompanlad wmr un jr Committee Of Arrangements, Messrs. of the wife of Frank J.

Adams of The patient, who is FBBB. subdivisions, and those who are not by parents er gnardiaaa, ana scienuno associations: manu- Wm. H. My er Jacobs Temescal. Eighth Grade Bertie Allen, High, Prentice Hutchinson, Al T7CBHITUBB AHD OABPITS TOB SALB AHD aV Hoass to tent House of etebt rooms to tot, and FaraitanhlCarBeU.

BMctiaa I. ttmrnii. lamuiar' with the should I factories, mines, nulls. Publio works 1 and David Cnmminrf. SPECIAL NOTICE.

thirty-nine yeazs of age, has been ileal Estate TrmafMra I i 4. The, following transfers have been ptota for sis rooms. fred btevenson, Itobert Williams, ir sale at a barratn. If anniurf bargali enp toii lue grouua, auu wr uaps ana 1 pnvaw enterprises, prominent Beat Areut, for Immediately. t.

a. fage, yTProadway. John Bedstone, Artie Slate, Willie sneering for two years from disease and decay ef the bllar bone, and iuu panicuiars saouia cau uponi oapiuuisis iana owners and farmers; At City XThrnrt. ws orrxB to. sax.

on or An set pieces of Property for either $3,400 Hardy, George Meredith, Freddie rJmitn xaatner ln rear 01 eiis, 1 puouo, private and eorporaaon lands mads aince oar Ustrepprtr -P Johnson to 0-8aulre Lot a.a Express Business. 'The, following schooners have was unsucceeBfully operated upon ar- Fargo Woodward Tagsart.Jand land values; incorporations for Brockhage, Gussie -Cantin, Albert Hollis. Harley Fredericks, Arthur TfOM SALB A OOMPLBTI EXP BESS BTJKI- last autumn. OABDX2T OB POTJLTBT TASK. Temeaeal Park, Oakland.

S00 OUSOJUS private Tjurooaea. bnblie I med: ousan JL twew, from Timber rvawuna mm two aorsss. -40U and 4uis jigntn street, or upon I puouo ana mm oa. tv- i iw A report has gone abroad through agood Business, will be soid cheap Forrey. Willie Bieroe, Amelia Durst, buildings, streets! driven.

I Cote, with cordwood to G. H. Nagle: Dore A 326 Pine street, to be found In ths Ststo, Tary vl llerriU to Mrs Ferrie 87 Jaekson street -150 and 387 eatad In Pajaro Valley, four or five miles Affnes FortLn. Katie Bedstone. May wa numiwa Aufcag WWI PlveU Wy.

TlWVF'lW hotels, churches, postoffioes, express Sarah from 1 Lime Point, with 8 of Lake avenue, Oakland 11,500 some of the papers that parties going East must obtain sleeping apartments on the ears twelve or fourteen days WstsottTilla, at the tislwrn base of the Santa Ores Uoontalne, about ene nolle from ths Ball- V. Robinson, Bessie Hilbert, Leila lsslo Knlfs Polisher. WILL HOLD XHBTB tferKeiey ii and Asaoeiauon to Avers Part of block road. a w-a -M wa i il wm.w iiw, vwwwmw MU nJtlAJXAA.W Hard ware, Catlery aad Tool. a ims as.sM aiatt MfJAniiarirt ajj ra jima ia -e a Darrow, Annie Turner; Ullie lieed.

Lula Bierce, Emma Wilcox, Gertie Sy? pals -at burns, whitthah a comer luth and Broadway, tbe sgtc Anue Pol lobar. Tbe rery beet method of pot. The ptueeity eonslete et S4 ecrae of very aauress 01 eacn patron Of the book 1 7 zr. mua prupwr quw 7 to same; Salamander, from Calif or- ter developes the fact that the rail. IONIO rich cardan sou; about ons-nail is already x.aja aoq roTeffugai rtit a high state of culti ration; a good orchard.

how bb I TnA City, with brie to liemiliara road company has sufficient sleeoine NEW AKBIVALS I AH Murphy. BAPID One of the largest and most, complete stocks of cutlery, tools, agricultural implements, rarden. etc; plenty of timber to last a family a eel Tina at mr store, no. 1067 Broadwav. be.

I Kron. Hxnal. from Calif ornin Citv. l-i, in life-time. Ths most valuable featsre of tola wwMuuvwm BUW twen 11th and lull a fresh lot ot aawand Piano.

"pOB SALt-A PPLIVDID PIASO, TH OO-JO UreaTnoetaw. VV'Ubeaold ar a bargain. 1 nonlrson eat Je ef Hamson street, a). bo-twsen UJiandSixth. OOtf 87, tract Berkeley.

1,000 Height to Mary Hogaa Lots 3 to tloek 9, Bhepard- son tract, Alameda 795 Haigbt to Ooobv-LoU 6 and 7, Hook Skapardsea tract, COO Hayward Park llomestead to with brick to Eemillard Bros. Piuta. choioe pro patty ia the marnifioant end ever. likely togo East. True, everybody rrawtk In popularity of the Tenaa Bcmaa Brmna la eomathlng wonderful.

In a little on this coast is "that to be found in Sowing spring or Pure, eoid water, ssarding abundant supply for erery purpose, aad to Target Encirrcicii! from Ban Francisoo, with lath to Kemillard St. Thomas, from the importing and wholesale and re- tgate ae vaote property, cannot do accommodated with central or lower berths, but yet there are cars and berths enough for all. lastaionsbie goods, amnractnff arery arttole In the line of (eat covering, front the Snest French- kid slippers, to a slogs boot. All of which will be sold at extremely tow prices. I invite an inspection ef my stock, sad it is no trouble to show goods whether persons want to purchase or not.

Alviso, with hay to Sarpy A Bars tow. iail establishment of A M. Ever- Cows and Calves. SAt15. TTS EUAD Of- KSW HTLK W.

WOODWASP A CO j.y Broadway, on, southwest, corner of Ninth and cori.jLacul'H. Apmyoa the prwniwa, cor more than two years from its first Introduction to the public, without the aid erf capital to pesh it, but simply upon its own enparalieled merits si eathartie and teiralator, it has st-tallied to a degree of Importance as remedial airency unknown in the annaia of aaeoiclna. Irom Ite first starting-point, its first trial, it has been advancing step by step, from city to city, from town to town, from Bute to biata, mnul to day it la being sold by erery rwpecta. EoelaUs. ner ef 1 a sd i'yj-lw INGBRSOLL'S PHOTOGRAPHIC This, well; known firm, i Gallery Is the place to get photographs, and ia fact all styles of pictures known to the Art.

A social party will be given at the Wrf mm- A -h byf air Coaling and keeping constantly tiADIKS A PINK IXJT Of LADIES iiycz, All work executed in the best style. OriTe him -pOTl 8 tlU 0 EEJf T. THS rXt-3AVT KEI-X1 vfvm Mint m8wKTOnr ol i 'ithaad CH'Hircti For iur msoce, 4i0 root sweet, tan raaawo, Bu.2-lw on nana an ampie suppiy pi tne lat sandals erf different patterns. -rnah AO.1U0 eroaawar. -r- 5S Twelftk street, mamx Breadwm; kid button and lace gaiters, at Bolcomb A Ontromf Broad way, between fourteenth and 1'Uteeoth streets.

est patterns ana most approved appliances in the hardware line, have Independent Church this (Friday) evening. There will be music and select Strawberries and cream will be served. Admission twenty-five cents. All are cordially WTLSOJf. AT NO.

961 HO AO WAT. Alary Deyle-Lot, 3, block 17, Hayward. 230 HS Fitch to Giblin LoU 11 and 12, bloek 11, Fitchborg. 225 see Felloe Court. Judge Lentell presided- at the Policy Court this forenoon.

The following business was disposed of The complaint against Terrct Forri for carryir i a conceiled waj dianissej; Das oa nioplay as fine and choice stock of built up a business that might be Die orngRist, ana nae necome a aousonoid necessity in erery family ron this eosst. The prentiga of its power diMsaa has been I waited by the grateful voicea of tnouxnda cf restored swlerers to other landa; and from ail I quarters of tas earth coma Inquiries and or- for California's sorareism romedy fo the K. Van Demark AAA Wstcbes, Clocks end Jewelry aa can be aaan this aids the bay. r. envied by the largest establishments iV.i 1 1 in oan rs 5uu, sj.i wiu uiuiuess invited.

-r Teacher of Elocution in all its branches. Special stfention to stsea and lyoeum eirarj. Boeus ho. Id, Bomtst House, AS2 street, Oakland. jcst rrcnvED.

a fins invoicb is constar.iIv i-crra ir and extend B. J. L. VHZVT, I VTT fennir. Amorg mportant forei -a hsrs reinetei and obfioed eici n- i AMortments ef CAU, AT WILNOTS.

-vrv. oai ttrmn, ink ranviACo, ia into tne m- ing fartif-r i 1 i over i e. Broadway, and make a note of the hard tima I of Dwarf aim, extra nne. Carlo gi-itea new pnrr, bold at laoethan Ban IrnciTO prio-. O-kland rnnutara Ware, rooms, llei and HOT feroadway.

for end oraered large invnioea, are Let A of Caicmta, InU and tarrey cf Everson keep rel from the prices, a. norm is no better time t-ia present lot mskina tmrchaiiM in v. ha La was a WW." WESTr VFVCIta 8Ti." Crpet iD, repairing aria var. sishir furaUurev surweabt Cor. lutfl and lrrauluiu tta.

B. J. T. 1 J) ij a ma 1 of a Ut Jewelry, if toe buyr considers the of money an object. Ail woairtng proaipt.y done and satisfaction guaranteed.

tenor, i I -everythir- i 1 i ''rtz mlA, l.v.i a r- 1 1 i a I 1 fg fat comb Babt ana cbeepest place to pi your whiterilDf done Is st I. E. Tow's, cor. tir Kiath sad Broadwy, ofrvisite Ckioa i-mfei. a -T A 1 1 ACHNT I'Uit LiiAtaMAN'S FI.ri3 for restoring tamtaheii soi'ed iver-wr, to ins br.aancy.

TTT-s CF it oa a cases cf T7n. JTcisa 1 n. Drjr- I Auto, a. tin painting, o.i, TnirsDcuiri --rr rsr at wt el -ye TBS NATIONAL COLD KTZiA J. wa wsid to- BMKiiey A liaiofgon lor tus bt la tne United ttstea, and te Vienrt tiie btiot ia tao woi.i.

ra r-t in a ec-' 1 1 ..11 i 1 1 1 a la: AT Aseei la i.e a-J A.oni iiomery an ttnm- ts i aul Jt a of bor cap for 1 lie fc Ii. ETcCCTC: 73 r- i 1 3 I 3 -j.

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