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Arizona Daily Sun from Flagstaff, Arizona • Page 5

Arizona Daily Suni
Flagstaff, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ARIZONA DAILY SUN Chosen By Auxiliary 216 N. Verde, was appointed Wednes-1 clwnnan for the State Convention of the I Auxiliary when it in Flagstaff member of Unit for 30 Soothe American Ambassador to caa -National a Pro- fpmifnls Cluba for their li of of American Women's -WMli offers-US all a oppor- touUty- -jo evaluate -'arW the made by American women 1 dtfriafc the ear, lo look, to new achievements. National Federation of Business, "arid Professional Wo-i as a member of the I i Federation and as founder ot the first worldwide fpundatipn ror business and professional women. Is' 'undoubtedly interested in the progress made by- women -In other coun-' tries. It is not the least of i your- that, women i throughout the wijfid find guide, 1 spur and an inspiration In the' achieved' by Ameri-, can; woman.

As United States ij Anibassadorrtb 1 am happy to you that'italian wo- men top are-steadily gaining recognition iri business, and In -'The in a society might be considered a crl- et-the Uon of that society, just as their 'participation might 1 criterion of democratic of that govern- At present she Is on the Auxiliary's atate finance committee and also secretary of the Flagstaff unit. Employed In the office of James F. Brierley, Justice of the Peace, Mrs. Solberg i i to act as chairman of the Cocontno County Board for the Arizona Children's Home in. Tucson am! she has been secretary for the Flagstaff unit of 'the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysjs for years.

The Democratic Women's Club Hsta treasurer, Mrs. lived in Flag- I am preud: that' bflr society and our these" ori- terla. May' I- occasion to the- for what it hM done, and is in conV itantry. imprpvtaiK toe status of American to benefit mentT .1 offer my sincere best National Solberg since 1924. 3ne and Mr.

Solberg have, "son, "Ole a 3ast vice-commander of the American Legion. Married to the former Eleanor White, daughter-of Mr. and Mi-s. Albert. White of" Flagstaff, Ole Solberg lives in Tucson with his wife and "sons, Ole III and" Ueif.

Mrs. Solberg (Lydia to most of-her friends and; acquaintances) jhas.very little time for other active hobbles', but as relaxation she needlework and has won' many prizes for her crochet- irig." i i Ari Flagstaff The entity VRock- sbgjvs Uie col- v. ap ardent The Is a "lively ISose follow prje.of of hob. collecting of "anil known un' usual rocks, and toda'y'literally 1 Sr-'fMte- this of 'an scientfpc, JidHries, there are. many towns and cities" throughout the j-- shows what rock- i hounds whafiheyCdo with the produits.

7 Em- recep- Sept Venture-: tJiute wili at home of Xipen. 'Sept. 2V 3 St Marearefji Guild will meet at the home of iferelf, lfj.Bu»»«U. 27. 7 p.

m. Special meeting ctf.i-lmjBtatt Sberiff'i Powe, 'Oiambfr ot.pbm- City Park Hajl, Beginners' square dance sponsored tjj'itow- talneer StftSff-Itact jnut'. FRIDAY m. Pythian Sinters' din- lier, at Oddf eDoin For -reser- TaUoms eaB JIM Friday' I pirn, Clnider Hals Hoeroakeri wW 'meet' with pet 7:30. p.

m. 'CSKmell-- wiH meet at Important Pay of seasoD. AH and (nests GaU for Pmrti, 'Marshall Kriples Receives Award KnoleSj srn of Mr. and, Mrs. M.

Kixries Jr iind a Uiversiay senior frwn Flagstaff been awrlrdet the 7 5500 "Ralston Purina. scHolar ship, Harold Myers, doan oflfthc of A- College pf The Ralston Purina scliolarship is'awardcd annually a upperclassman in afirlculture has evidenced leadership scholastical ly and in agriculture-related -activ ities, and whose character am standing among his fellow students are outstanding. Only one such scholarship is. in a state. Recommendation for the schol arship came'frbm Professor E.

Stanley of the of 'A departmen of animal science. Marshall -is -a rancher and cowman at heart and hopes some day "to have a rea nice cattle ranch layout" of his This past summer he hns been a rider on the large Tom Pollock, spread near Flagstaff Marshall's father operates the Knoteis Bakery -at Flagstaff. Baha'r Youth; Group Meets The Baha'i Youth Group of Flagstaff has invited anyone interested, fn an evening of friendly companionship and to meet with them on Thursday evenings, at 8 p. m. They held their first meetings of home of Miss Jin- Plans for future meetings-were discussed and ofificerg selected.

Stephen Powers was chosen chaJnrian. and IMariaiihe McCor- rriick, secretary, Mrs. Nina Seibert is group sponsor. Although the weekly meetings will consist largely of informal discussion of of interest, guest speakers-will be heard occasionally. Shorthand Class Meets Monday The adult education class In shorthand, and review.

will meet at the college next Monday at 7 p.m., in room 21 of Old Main, according to Dr. J. L. of 1 the college here. The by Norman Uorg, has lo more than Justify giving the course, it was announced If-! enough additional advance studenU in shorthand appear, Mr.

Borg will offer a second course, one for beginners and 'one for advanced. Every one interested should attend the opening meeting next Monday evening. Sir. aW Mrs. M.

McCrenrj and son Ted recently went to Tucson to attend funeral services for Cowperthwaite, aunt of Mrs. Mis. known In -Flagstaff, Guest Speaker Gives Talk On Care Of Hands Dnrlene Swaillcy was host ess "Monday evening to members of Phi Elii Chapter of Ku I hi Mu. Mrs. Jay Sitterley was present ns ajid Phyllis ivas co-host ess.

Other members present wove the Misses Perry Wolf. i i i Dixie Rogers, Carolyn Harper, Sue Bellinger. Jo Dean Rolircr, KMwina' Sherhun, Rocky Stacy and Miirjorie Jones. The guest spcnkcr WHS Dorothy Royhal, who talked on "Care of the Hnnds," Miss Emily Coi'teic was also a guest. Jnck (Betty) Richardson of Phoenix visitor in Plujc- staff Tuesday.

She stopped liei-e visit friends for several dny.s visiting nl Ciimoron and Gray Mountain Ti'iicline; Post with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sanfill and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Reid.

PASADENA "EXECUTIVE--Miss Murgiirrth Ohes- Amonjr the Ftagstaff Girl Svuuli-n. more of -Pasadena (standing) spent three days prraent were Airs. Milton ICelsrl, seated, loft; Mrs. Flagstaff tkta week, giving a conrw in leadership Frank Bell, I'ciiler, and Mrs. Kiinni'tli Bntltr, seut- for niemberVof Northern Arizimn' Girl Scout As- rjg-lit (SUNioto by Bill Driver.) Girl Scout Leader-Training Course Of Instruction Given Mrs, llflcii C'Dllins of Mr.

i Mrs. Albert A. Hull nt the Weatherfoi'd Hotel Saturday. She left Sunday morning for Niitrinso near SpringcrvLHi; wlim-e she la tenching this year. She recently returned froin a visit in Denver with licr mother, Mrs." Fletcher.

Playmakers To, Produce Shaw Drama Soon Goornc Ecrnnrd Shaw's Barbai-a" will he thr? fii-st jilny by AILZOIKI (his year, occoi-ding to Ralph J. Holly, itircctor of tlio Arizona Stile Col- it'jjf! at FlajjKlaff grnup. i I It. lx? produced Nov. 1 and 2.

Ti'yoiits for Die piny bo TJnir.sday, Sept. '27, at 7 m. in HID college auditoriiuii. Tlicie nre nine roles for men imii six roJcs for wonu-H. This year is the lOOlh nniiSvcrs- aj-y of George Shaw'a birth fiitiT hn.s IncrcfisfU interest in his plays, Charles LaughUm will revive "Major on Broad- wfiy Ihis full- Other plays to be stngetl this year include "The Cradle Song" by Martinez Siorrru This is a rn- mantle Spasilsh oomctly.

Thnre are from 40 to 12 women in the play and threo men. The third of the will bo. Shaltespcarc's "Othello." A miVsical will be staged in cither Jainifiiy or Ma rcli, dcrcnliiify the scheduling of "Tlie Cradle Song." Auditions for the principal singing roles in this musical will be held Friilriy, Sept. 28, ot 8 p.m. in the office of Jn'ck P.

Swartz, Season tickets for the plays arc now on Wiliiams; Guestti Are Entertained' Members of Ihfc Noble GrancU Chi.bJ talned Sept. Past Noble Grantls A 7 o'clocX tiinner lows hull was followfil evening 1 at caixls. (InriiU from Katie Sinilh. Anna Han Is, Mabel Kastot Ti'idtid, Miiuiie ol Cole, -Mary Duffic.d| sytJie Ailcne mrmbc Jean Shanks. Klizateth Sullivan, Brysoti, Ruth Beanj A Ruth Crosby.

Ethel lijin Hlckcy. Father Tissaw, Ne i Chris ten sen, Agues Willis, Rut: Godwin, Margaret Compton, Ouid CaUlvrell. KJagsUff I Txjdijc Noble and Eishopp, Flagstaff Rebekah lx Vice Gvand. Prizes were won Stella For-sylhe, Mniy Duf, i Donna Bryson and F.ean. Girl Scout Troops and how fo Irnin the youngsters after organization.

Five Wirislowans accompanied the local group arid Miss Chcsmore to Iake Mary for an all-day out- ins. Demonstrations on i building, organization of outdoor affairs, assignment of duties, knot and lushing, were Riven by Miss Chesmore, 'and a talk was 'A very successful three-day course of instruction in Girl Scout troop organization and. train i was completed here Wednesday, with Miss' Margareth Chesmore of Pasadena as teacher and demonstrator, Good representations from Flagstaff and Winslqw.wcrp-preser.t for the IVJonday and Tor the "nosebag" picnic ut Lake 1 given "on" fiTe.control,,and accident Mary The swimming safely measures. session was short, Miss, Among'-the Flagstaff women who Chesmore had raorvalions for an tri werc early plane-to-the Coast. Mmea.

Milton -Hclsel, Frank Bell, Eight Winslowwmen were FloyU Hofman, sent-for the-Monday session at Joc Goni iiles and Keriuctli Butler. Rees Hall, among them. nelYoutnirandMrs. Charles Rap-LA PTMscnt Flagstaff has 12 Girl son. large delegation of i Sco 1 tr TMP aijou TM Flagstaff Girl.

Scout proponents, Asjm many other Ic- they learned hov 1o organize'new 'allies Flagstaff is desperately in need of leaders'for the hundreds of girls on waiting lists, called soon by Mrs. Abel Munoz, secretary-treasurer of tbe Flag-; Staff Girl Scout aixl officers will be elected. Robert MiKirc, wlio recently moved to California, was formerly president of Iho association. Hope that leadership will soon be supplied by college girls was 'I'Vte college sturinnts will receive, credits for their work and 1 work under adult leaders wlto will coach them in leadership, Don Thqmpson, umterwent major surgery in the Collonwootl and ariyono interested, in wel hospital ffuesday rnocning IE 1 these young girls is invitee. Thompson who wont there arid i with returned ijiofnc Tuesday night.

Miss Charlotte CustLs, youngest daughter of ami Mrs. O. B. Ciistis, aUcndin'K Mills College In Oakland, this year. She left the.weekend alter Labor Day with' Miss Betty Custis, who is head Art department at Roosevelt School in Oakland.

1 HARENBERG BlOCk TtiX 4 8-in. AU Metal Wlsdoira AtamiHin Windows Stones, P. O. 2M rkwe Ariz. Plant: 5tb, E.

Flagstaff, IIS A.reorKunizalioii WAKE UP RARIN'TOGO Without Naming Backache Now You can Ret The fail rditf ou need from nireins teck.iclw. hewl.irf^ a m-ji: eniar athts and pain that rcat! IW ri incso ciiscomfo rts come on with ovrr- rtion or and you mutt want it Anolher dialurbanc. My ba kl cr trritfltion Wluwink food nnd dnnV ofk-n Bettiria up ft rrstlcsi urjcwnforlabrc feolinp tor quick nlk-f FH Itoan'a Pllfs. Thpy work fast 3 iterate ip-Hiv pne mracular 1 1 "oihmr effect on W.itHcr iinlniion. 3.

Iiy tmr mild diutcllc tcrjlinE lo incrfiii ouloiit of He li miws or kjilney Kml oiii how Ihis imnlicioc lo inxiy a cood niahl's tho fttr.e fcnpi.y relief linv. or over CO jtars. money. Ckl Do fc i HBWseM.senw wrw mm dhow KM Mftmu to few MdxMt, M-tetKXMl hr-itarf nmrm Isak skin Mt stduti )M 4 Nice Aisortmenf Colors PROMOTION AND RALLY DAY FIDERATED COMMUNITY CHURCH Sitgreavea and Aspen Sunday, September 30 9:30 a. m.

AH Primary Children being promoted will receive their Bibles. AH Parents Are Urged To Attend 30 Minute Film will be shown in Ecus Hull FVrn JilCftltS, a ill' iospital. wi)K leave Sunday' for al with relatives in Grant's Ore. She expects two weeks there. Pet Country Fresh 'AA' Medium EGGS 54c Tiistewoll OLEO 21bs.49c Kern's 2 Ih.

jar GRAPE JELLY 33c Morehousc 2 Ib. jav MUSTARD 29c Skippy DOG FOOD 3 cans 29c Vet's DOG FOOD 3cans25c Spreckles SUGAR 5lb49c 10lbs.95c Hex PURE LARD 8 Ibs. $164 Medal FLOUR 5ibs.55c 25 Ibs. $2.39 American Ige. 18 oz.

PEANUT BUTTER 49c GOLD COIN BACON lb.49c Whole or Cut-tip Ib. PORK LIVER lb.25c BOILED HAM Slked lb.89c GROWD BffF 2 Ibs. 85c LEUUCE lb.8c GREEN ONIONS 2 bunches U. S. No.

1 POTATOES 10 Ibs 47 Cello' Pack CARROTS 8cj PEARS 3 Ibs. Delicious Oak Creek APPLES Swiftiimg givw you A 303 can TOMATOES 2for29c Lazy A SOS can GREEN BEANS 2 for. Star Kist Green Label TUNA Swift's 12 oz. can CORNED BEEF Seaside' No. 2 BUTTER BEANS Swift's POTTED MEATS 1 Ib.


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