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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAIHiAlTD DAILY EVElTTNGr THIBXTNI5, iFIXlDAX, IIAUOTI 18. 189S. MALR HELP WAXTaU. Isatiafsotory report of the great bond meet-ins it tttm ni b-laM uul fNflYKIiAXD THEATER. maining meeting of this week wlU determine whether or not Mr.

8ayford shall 6RILLIA1IT OPEIIIilG. continue the meetings next week. THE RA11KS. Continued Tro. Fug A POSITION 11200 A YEAR.

STEADY -permanent: open lor reniitmtn not ih thbtt wavt inrnoTMrara. Tn people of Oa Improve cmakchust AKO MAKCH S2D. MOKDAY AND TUX8UAY. J5 years, neat sppearaave una good ejacsiioct snnst haTe 30o cash. Apply or writ immediately to MRS.

BECK, tx ourteents. street. TWOHIQRTs.) at ment and they want them badlT. Tner Fassnj CIstilsz Csssssy ftsirltore, UK TheForemost Classical Actor of America. it TTvKSEMES -W ATKI- TO -TEB -Vsclared both the eisnt ancLthcearneataw last erening at the meeting called to indorse the proposition to raise 51200,000 of city bonds.

1 jl atou loacn ra ami ptsbo. Avk r.i -i hattan lo: Charles Biuwr, K. 8. Brionea, H. Hamilton.

John a Kruu. C. 8417. J.B. Pierce, John Schmidt; -J.

MoTavUh, Ch tries Paalfsr, John B. O'Neill. John Delaney. D. H.

8lar Cstisa fcr a EwTrlsl far dealers. ls) for Manhattan Egg food. the) Fablio Are Invited ts FREDERICK WARDE The gnUierinir was adrertised to be a Csrisrsr Bsli. SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUR roods by sample to the wholesale and re Xlae of Daniel R. Murpny.

J. V. Hennessey, And a Moat Complete Company, in Two Mag C1oUi1bs M. I BtUlwagon, M.D. F.

Cslou. mass meeting; and each It certainly proved to be. The Oakland Theater bad been chosen as the place la which to held It. for tail trade. Liberal salary aa expenses i aid: permanent position; money adraae or wsgea advertisiDg, etc For fail psrucnlnrs and refereneea addrtss Centeanlal ills.

Co. 8ast Fbavcisoo, March 18. District At jehn I. Montcvmery, nineent rroaneuoaa. MONDAT-r Johnson, torney Barnes began his argument this The proprietors of the Famous Clothing Chicago, iu.

The Lioa's Mouth! fixed in ladies' Company have reason to be proud of the morning in opposition to tbe motion ox Sidney Bell for a new trial, on aunpse reason mat mora cep dons ball could not be found. If it eould haye been it would undoubtedly; bare been secured, for it' was needed. As it was. a good many hundred more people were pres grand opening reception held oa Wednesday evening at stores, 909 and 911 the charge of having murdered Samuel 1 11 M. Jacobson.

In the trial, seventy- WANTEDFEEDER ON GORDON PRESSES. Apply to Foreman ot Job office, Tmbcs k. TTJXSDAT The Uountebanfc I five witnesses were examined on behalf Broadway. For several days previous experienced decorators- were engaged in transforming a prosaic business bouse Into of tbe people, and on motion for a new trial over -120 affidavits have been read by ent than seats could be provided for, and a large additional number had (to content themselves with standing in the vestibule, and even on tbe sidewalk, catching nothing, of course, of the proceedings Inside except veritable bower of beauty. P.

J. Keller Peata for this notable enraeement are now on the prosecution and the defense, beside sale. MO AXVANC IN PRICKS. WANTED EVERY BODY TO KNOW ill at when in buying ont a bouse el from to (200 worth of bousehold goods, in place ef the oral testimony of many witnesses. excelled himself in making some of the handsomest floral decorations that have ever been seen in Oakland.

PK1CKS, 75e. BOe and SSe. It. BO. cauingan auction and paying one month reat tbe bursts of applause which from time to 0SS SMt He said the principal question was if the testimony of EL W.

Campbell and Charlee um ol nouse ana fancy eemmlsuon to aacboa- eor we take too goods to our store and cieaa Reserved Seats now on sale at Kirkland at The crowds commenced arriving about 7 Schmidt was true or false. tnem up and sell them at a tn Sling atiTsnc ot time greecea me lemarxs 01 in speakers. Nsveribeless, tbe great msjority of these outsiders remained until tbe last. Tbef drag store, corner xentn street Trowbridge's and Broadway. coat: yon lose no time, not forced to buy, but and at tne Taeater box omoa Counsel then traced conneetion-of o'clock, and from that time until midnight they good naturedly jostled each ia all a pleasure to see the assort mart at fcCHKLLU AAS, great store 404 to 416 ieTAU were willing to endure discomfort to prove these witnesses with the case, and claimed that both had been associated with Bell fat street.

If otiee of 8trtet Work. VfOTlCK IS HKRK3Y GIVSN, THAT OH i thelth dav of March a. n. 1892. the Cltv other in an endeavor to inspect the large and handsome display of clothing of every description for which this firm is justly 1 numerous robberies, ana that thereto re FTJR I IIEr ROOMS TO KENT.

they were fully conversant with his crimes. dress boots that we can sell a superb gossamer kid button boot for: $6.00. Not a hammer and tongrs affair, but something: elegant. Youll say theyre cheap at $7.00. Twenty -live styles in these $5.00 boots.

Gents, don't judge our $3.00 guaranteed calf shoes by other people's inferiorities. Expect $5.00 quality and style in every pair. Test them by use and be Council of th city of Oakland passed Refla Tbe Fifth Reriment orchestra furnished Campbell was with Bell when he com tion of intention namber 17,110. to order the fot lowlnr atreat work to bat dona via. the earnestness of their desire for the progress o( their city." I A HOriLKSS OFPOSITIOH.

Tbe Post, that bright evening paper, said on the night preceding the great-mass meeting: "The meeting to be 'held in Oakland to-nignt under the auspices of tie Oakland lilQT 8Ali Pablo avxxue ecrsisheb IWI rooms for mitted the murder, and the District Attor the music for the occasion, and their artistic rendering of the most popular airs of tbe day added greatly to the enjoyment of Ibat Eleventh avenue in said city. Xiwm the AGl NINTH STREET TWO NICE, xvj1 furnished rooms suitable for llitf northeastern curb line of ast Twenty-flrt street, to tbe sonth western line of aat Twentj. ney claimed tbe former admitted the crime to Schmidt when they were occupying the same room. honeekeeDins. two blocks from Broadway sia- second street, be aldewaiked oa tne aorta- tion, between Broadway and Waahincton.

toe on-iooKer. xne aesire of the puouc to see and hear all that was going on was so great that the spacious stores could not accommodate one-half the visitors, and the western side with a cement walk six feet wide. Improvement League will be one of great exceDUnar therefrom the SoO feet next soath- lOll TWELFTH AVENUE NEAR PIX-lOH teentn street, aiz nicely farnisbedr westeriy from tbe soatttweatern liae of Sast importance to that city. It has been called DIVIDING police stationed at the door were com TVMitTJMond street, alreadv done. of laying before the people At the north corner of Eleventh avenue and nonsekeeplng rooms on lower fiat; rent reasons able to desirable parties; location nnesceUed.

pelled to refuse admission to-many. Realizing that each department of the East Tweetv-nrst street a cement curb be eon the project for tbe issuance of bonds for accessories which eo to make tbe well- strncted as prr specifications In order ot work, end the sidewalk laid to meet the enrb as municipal improyement purposes, and will be addressed by gentlemen whoare in favor World's Fsir Comoisslcn and The Stats ifilJ BVESTa AVENUE. TWO BLOCKS lUXt from Clinton station; furnished rooms single or ensoite. by the week or month; ren 5 per month and upwards. dressed man requires a salesman skilled in per plan potted with the proposals for street Charles M.

Scott; J. Johnston, IF. Hlckey, Thomas Chaehan, B. W. WonderUah, Stephen Hoot, X.

Johnston, W. Sutron, -Thill Stocklnger, H.J. Magan, Carl a. Swanson, D. Hnsing, J.

IX Tcjln, Henry Evers O. J. Cctamaa, Charles J. Poherty, George XeMaetar. M.

Roach. Charles X. Quixlcy, J-Isaac, KC Levy, Gust. Becxart. H.

W. Doanellaa, Juim Woouworth, A. V. Abbott. Grwnewald, A.

H. Bchleuter, 7. M. Slater, W. B.

Morelng. Herbert Smith, 3. D. Soots, J. Foley, I.

J. Murphy, A. W. 8. Smith.

MT. K- Landon, J. A. Eital, Tlscb, J. W.

Donahue, Peter Beardon, George Peader, 7. B. Bolton, James Holland. Rushmore, James Flneran, X. Fernandas, W.

a Tabb, XC Moore, X. Bronagahea, J.M, Carroll, J. J. Hanlfln it R. t.

Gordon. B. Faroe, B. A. Coleman, John Geary, yt.

J. Dlagee, L. Nanoa, I M. Rasmuses X. B.

Faulkner, P. Bruman, P. Wallace, Marx, A. A. Bleser, me particular line, tne proprietors 01 tne of the proposition.

Ex-Go vemor Perkins Famous" have secured the services of marvelous convinced of their tbe Appropriation. 1F1EESTH STREET. NEAR CLAY) JUJ street nicely furnished room euitaUi clerks whose long experience in their vsri-oui specialties enable them to properly cater to the patrons attracted by the enter will preside and there will be many prominent speakers, all of whom are deeply interested in the future of the city. for one gentiemsn references exchanged. value.

State Sah Fbahcisco, March 18. The AT. THE GRAND CIFTRAL, CORNER OiP Ninth and Washington atroats. best loca wort. For farther partiealars, reference Is herebv made to said resolution and specifications for street work on file In the office of the City Clerk of the Cltv of Oakland.

This notlee'thaU be published for six days In Th Oakland Tkibcnx, beinr tbe newspaper designated by said City Council for such public tion. eJ eV Xb Superintendent of Streets ot the CUT Ot Oakland. Cai. Oakland, atareh 18. 1892.

'If the proper and judicious ezpen diture this World's Fair Commission met tion: two blocs from local trains; aiceiy fur prising Dumness metuoas oi tne arm. Cesser Alexander has charge of the hat. department, which is in itself a guarantee that the head wear best suited to your style of the money to. be raised by I tbe sale of morning and started its work. Blshed rooms, corner, front and emu to bonds can be assured, there is literally no II 11-11 13 Broadvay.

rooms: root by tbe day, week or noota, After yesterday's meeting tbe four com argument against their issuance. Every XT'IUHTH 661 COSY FRONT ROOM TO I missioners preseut went into executive Oakland. JQi gentlemen; also pleasant front room salt? city owes certain duties to (its citizens, session, on Commissioner Thompson's able for two, and single ball bed room: prii ate family: only two blocks from Broadway among which is the creation and preserva wui be forthcoming on application, roe youths' and children's clothing is under the care of Mentn Winslow, who has a peculiar fcnac of selecting for mothers tbe kind of clothes most becoming to their offspring. The general direction of the store is proposed method of arranging the plan CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 of staUon: bath aad gas. -I of work.

tion of schoolhouses, the construction of streets, boulevards, squares Sand parks, Tbe principal feature of the plan, as TOEK MILLINERY STORE, and the maintenance of all public works in Oakland Firms! adopted, it is stated, is contained in the Representative HANDSOMELY rooms, with all FURNISHED STTjrXTf modern eonvenleEees. to) vested in Samuel Meyer, who is untiring in his efforts to nlease the nublic. as he good condition. That public improve following paragraph from tbe committee's hnrt walk from Mmr-i let at reasonable prices; 510 THIRTEENTH STREET. ments cannot be made by the ordinary realizes that courteous treatment is just as ket street station: sarroundinra rerr rueasani: report: All employes shall be employed by and under the direct control of the Secre process of taxation is evident, Jf or the bur requisite to Keep tne patronage 01 Duyers 1 as first-class goods.

MRS. WATSON 363 Weoster street. Oakland den, if imposed on a short series of years, Half Block West of Piedmont Cars Electric CaraPass tbe Door. That important department containing tary, with the advice' and consent of tbe commission, such employes receiving all would bs too bird to be borneJ To avoid this a city must avail itself pf its credit, XTEW AND HANDSOME FURNISHED the men's clothing is in the bands of J. Abrams, who has eighteen years' ex pe-rience in tbe line at back.

orders through tbe office of the Secretary, THERMAL H. B. Mo VALK NURSERY. li rooms to let, with or without board, si tho WestohaL Fonitcanth street or 1162 Wuti GOWAN, manager, p. O.

box 131. and making all reports to the same. and spread tbe repayment ot its loan over a long series of years; He is acknowledged in business This allows Captain Thompson to begin Ington Street. Also elegsni offices to let. There is a double advantage in this Ft'KKltCBC HENRY SCHELLHAA; (OS Eleventh she MISS R.

A. GALLAGHER, LATE OF NEW YORK CITY, rrm tquvp vn via avr t3 sr vr work at once. circles as one of the most competent tradesmen on the coast, and those who patronize his department will be certain to go away method. It makes the annual taxation A complete far honsekeeping. bsth.

1 The ether part of the report is equally BAT DKALKK less, and it increases tbe taxable property important and makes an allotment oi wen pleased. The gentlemen's furnishing goods Bes of the city so that the repayment of the LOUTS Hewlett His Eighth aveaue. idenoe 1166 Eleventh avenue. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS enT-able for gentlemen. 629 Fourteenth street.

funds as a basis to the different depart loan is distributed over a greater area. ments. near Jetferson street. counters are under the skillful management of Arthur ohn, who ia also a specialist in his line. Public improvements, if properly made, uir.r INK, Tbe allotment to the departments, made XI ME.

MARGUERITE REED-lJhT Broad way add greatly to tbe value of private prop William Smith looks after tbe financial this morning, was as follows Chsnncey Smith, George Smith dt H. D. Bewail, J. Crnit Xd BonKlason. George H.

Allen, Joe Rosenberg, George W. Lawton, W. A. M. Dunbar, William Butherford.

Thomas Halo, K. Bock, M. C. H. H.

J. McAToy, Im M. Beandry, H. Shaw. -Charlee EL Day, J.

P. O'Neill Bettman, Kast, Thomas Newman, Paul CarrolL B. J. Ferrln, J. Joelyn, J.

H. Lafferty, j. L. BiTer, William Bchaffer. J.

Sealbercer, P. O'Kane. J. Eaton. D.

LawsonJr Jamee O'SoUiTan, W. H. 8Ioraey, Fraak Rieardo, M. C. Fox, Martin Ward, Orrin Page.

J. J. Brers, H. Wllkennlc J. M.

Kelley, WUlUm Bents, PatDrlseoll, H. Hopkins, John Holland, Martin Brett, Jamee Donoran, A. A. Barotean, William Bhanley, Joseph Roberta, George Turner, K. G.

Vlnsent, Charles Pinens, B.H.MslUJr J. H. Bills. H. E.

Alden, X. P. Cook. F. Boardman, K.

A. Jackson, T. H. Allen, J. Healey, O.

Falconer, T. B. Barns, B. B. Bothenberg, -J.

O. Black, a P. Dnnham, G. Edwards, D. F.

Murphy, W. Hah 6. F. Heeseman, T. MnlTeney, J.

P. temegi W. A. Bouse, C. A.

Boyer, B. Chapman, X.D. Ormsby, P. Pumyea, J. X.

Murphy, A. Pumyea, James Hamaway B. B. Nixon, H. B.

Alien, H. Peck, James O'SulliYan, C. B-Bltcer, Sam TanoTlch, O. F. Metcalf, T.

Barmelane, Jones, C. Chapman. George N. Bloom, Joseph Folds, G. Crag, A.

Pagge. J. Laborbe, Ik Cheyrias, A. Mublns. M.

J. Moran, Frank Mullheron, Patrick Tracy, Dan Dowd, John Doonly, N. B. VaU, TonyFeno, Joseph Gerke. Simon Vingan.

AntoneBllTa, Joseph Roberta, M. J. Flynn, Andrew Johnson, P. J. Lynd.

F. McKlnnon, Xd Flnley, T. J. 'Flynn, James McCoffsrty, O. Glenan, H.

Harley, C. Band, J. H. WlUebrands, T.J.NaweU, James Newell, J. Flynn, F.

WlUebrands, Austin Obrlne, Charles WlUebrands, Joseph Baymond, T. McKeTmar, J. H. Bohr, M. P.

Detels, Agricultural department Agriculture P. Donant, OPTICIANS. erty and induce private improvement. A city like Oakland must rely on improve "Wishes to Inform the of Oakland and Aluiuuda that She hews just Opened -with, a ITirst-olass J-iirxe of Latest Novelties in Millinery, Pattern Hats, Etc. And Host Bsspsctfuliy IsTitas yoo to Call and Eiamine Her Stoct.


proper, malt and spiritous liquors, part of tbe business. Wednesday night's opening and concert will long be a pleasant memory with all who had the good fortune to gain admis rpOLET ONS HANDSOMELY FURNISHED sunny front parlor with folding bad. (12: also large back bedroom, well famished, with use of bath. 937 Harrison street. rpHK NEW PARDEE HOUSE AT 123M4 NEW X' Broadway has changed hanas: is handsomely furnished in suites, with accommodations for light housekeeping aad siagle rooms: none bnt respectable and responsible paxuea need apply.

ments to make it prosperous, for its value $1000; forestry and forest products, $6000, BKAL KSTsTI A MOUSE HROKIBS, is and must be chiefly that of a city of Total, $17,000. homes. I WIILH BURR ALL 101S Broadway. M. J.

LAYMANCK CO. 466 Xlsfaih sion to -the stores. The proprietors of tbe "Famous extend a cordial invitation to the disappointed ones to call and inspect Horticultural Department Viticulture, "It is to be hoped that the bond election $6000; floriculture, $2000; horticulture their immense stock at their leisure. will be carried by such a decisive majority proper, total, $20,000. CNPCUNISHED KOOJIS TO LET.

as to leave no shadow ot doubt regarding J. W. MOSS 958 Broadway. A. HE HON 1050 Broadway5.

J. H. MCDONALD 170 Klntnetieet WILLIAM J. DISQEK 60-63 Eighth Street VKDCRfAKCKS. ALBERT BROWN 466 Thirteenth street.

Li restock department assisting exhib PINE FRESCOING. the sentiment ot the people of Oakland. itors, $500; fish and fisheries, $8000. Liberal arts, ethnology $2500 There will be some obstinate people, a Two Artiste tvnw r. Making Reputa UNFURNLHED TWO FLEAbAKT 6LNXY rooms with cloet and bath in a new house at per month; one a large octogsn front room.

Na 764 Brash street. matter of course, but they should be in tion In Oakland. George F. Neece and Frederick E. Adams, bureau of publicity and promotion.

Short? such a hopeless minority as to make their KHPLoTHKtT OrFlOEl T. R. BURN 8 862 Broadway. freight and transportation, $10,000 Mines and mining, machinery opposition of no weight or value whatever. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET.

well known young men, have formed tbe California Decorating Company with an JUDICIOUS KXF ENDITUR E. SITUATIONS FEMALE department, assisting exhibitors. $500; This morning the Chronicle, the great office at 1105 Washington street in the Masonic Temple. They are artists of more OF Mm- A NICELY FURNISHED COTTAGE five rooms and hath; rent fS. 1217 sisting exhibitors in transportation A SLAYER'S EXAMINATION.

Charles Rledel Will Apnett ia Court on April 7 th. Charles Riedel, who stabbed Nick Whalen to death at Warm Springs recently, will have his preliminary examination before Justice Peters at Nilea on April 7th. Yesterday afternoon he deeded to his wife, Lucinda, six acres of land near Warm Springs, where they made their home. Thia property will be Bold in order to secure money to employ lawyers to defend the prisoner. Republican daily, publishes another ed -RELIABLE HELP FURNISHED UN SHORT noils street.

department, $500; assisting exhib than local reputation and make a specialty JLii notlee; cooks, ehambermsids, and wait itorial favoring the bonds. It says, under itors in manufacturers' department, $500 resses; day work, eta, people ready to fill auy the heading of "Improving Borrow money at the Oakland Collateral Bank, a reliable, confidential first-class, loaning institution. of frescoing. Already they are at work on several tine houses and have the contracts for frescoing several more. Their success position.

liuairtau xenut ana astro assisting electricity exhibitors, $500; tint arts department, $500; total, $100,000, or Oa Wednesday evening a large and en streeta. A SPLENDID FURNISHED HOUSE OF FOUR rooms and baseuent. on Leak sTcnue, near Fortieth good water.chickea Iioom, garden and everr cnyenience; rest par mouth. AdjTss J. 3.

bos this office. TURNRHEDHOUSE TOLE 1-8IX ROOMS has been instantaneous. thusiastic meeting was held in Oakland to CWEDI8H GIRL WISHES PLACE. GENERAL hear arguments in favor of the issuance of housework; wages 920 to 125; good reference; also Germau girl, second work or housework. LICENSEO TO MARRY.

one-third of the appropriation. ORPHAHFRANK. bonds for public improvement purposes. 914 Broadway, good acook. Appiy 50b Mntn street.

and bath: sunny side of street, north of Center Utjou; good neighborhood. Inquire The meeting was presidsd ovef by ex-Gov Charles A. Denny, feau Anastacia Walsh, San ..26 ..25 OWEUIaH (iIRL WANTS PLACE FOR EEC Near 9th. at 3l Poplar street. Examiner Building, AUCTION SAliE ernor Perkins, and among the speakers ond work, tewing and wait on table: good were Mayor Chapman, ex-Mayors Davis references.

Address Broaawsy, usauno Unhappy Eipsriances of a Little Was rjWO GIRLS UK9IRK SITUATIONS ONE TO and Glascock, David Hirshberg and others. rpo LEI HANDSOME HOUSE of toveu rorni servant's room, bsth aod lauudry: nswly ed and papertrd: AL 15ii Muth street, near center st.tioa. House Ca be seen at any time; 'he owner from 11 a. x. to ii p.

M. do housework and the other second work; all of whom are old residents of that city Notice of Street "Work. can get the best of references if required. Ap- Oakland Boy. Rogers' and have her interests at heart.

piy at 1783 wuiiesa street, near ring street. VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT ON Of Klegaat Varnltare and Carpets of StTiD.Ruom Cottsce at 2009 Ban Antonio Annne, Alasaeds. on Saturday, March 19th. ttlOA.lL Sharp, Without Beaarva.

Consisting in part of one Krand mahogany upright 8teck piano, new; one large antique sideboard, marble top; two large antinue bookcases, one droo-tOD walnut There is no human being in Oakland ITT AN TED A LADY WOULD LIKE TO GET UNFUR- nZLC EAST FOUKTKENTH STREET: the 7th day of March, o. 1892, the who will charge any one of the gentlemen te Rati corcer inlrteeoth JJKJ ulshed rooms to let. City Council of the city ot Oakland passed Res He Was Driven by Cruelty in a nice family to do sewing and ligbt duties around or to take care of a little child or The Old and olution of Intention Namber 17,106. to order the J6. B.

KobUtt, r. Mailer, Hanne. jr. W. Finlgan, T.

Sinclair, W.M. Wheels A. B. Finch, H. Flab.

9. P. Gray, A. W. Palmer, P.

Frltaa, P. O'Rourke, J.B. Bandy. W. M.

Gibson. B. K. Allen, U.D.Allen, A. UBobit, Phil JonnlaL 3L Rowland, Prank Roblnsoa, P.Cspdavtlle, Cohen Lladow, X.

Farrell, J. XTera, XX Conley, aXUdads, P. Lnvorel. B. B.

Boyer, M. Pontons, Err Leon, A. Pierre, JohnBodden. V. J.

O'Dee, John Dowd. Dan Downs, X. A. Hennlnga, GeorteBodden, Cmnrles Belmkk B. JT.

Hanly, Fred Roberta, John Green, Ok Cartln, XX H. McKamam, John Johnson, A.Xynd. Tom Flaherty, J. O'Doaell, W. J.

CConnelV M.Matton, M'UUai Aldln, jr. Hopkins, friUlam J. Bhanley, M. vreetran, JXMoUod. F.

Grot beer, Xd Fltsieerald. James P. Ieacy, M.Dinneen, Ben UcSelly. J.Ward, Xdward Flnley, Martin Detela, X. Findley.

named with having any selfish or personal teach music to children. Address or apply 10o4 avenue: two, three or lour aetirabie snany rurninhcd for. honieteeias ail modern cve lii-nre'. following street wore to be done, viz: 1 Celebrated ends to subserve in advocating the issu Away fiom His Guardian's House. Twenty-foe rth street.

That Kieveuth street, from the eaotern line' of Alice street to the western line ol Jackson street, he sldewalked on the south side with a cement ance of bonds. William R. Davis, John ANTED SITUATION FOR KIRSf-CLAS- sKtJT-nSMllEMOSE OF writing desk, with chair; upholstered parlor bwedish girl with best of references in pri s-oiuraily Jofsled. Apply on walk, except where already laid in cement or JR. Glascock, and David Hirshberg have ived in Oakland too long and are too well- vate family; wages Apply to A J.

AIT'S street or to J. muis preisiiites No. int! real estate arc it. pA Few little boys of 12 years of age have Employment Oihce. Io0 1 Seventh street.

oailway. Mruminous ssndrock. I For further particulars, reference Is hereby made to said resolution and specifications for known to be even suspected of having any had a harder experience than Frankie 11T ANTED SITUATION BY A VERY kind of an ax to grind in this connection. i.l.A..4-. .1 It A TV com Decent American woman as hooae- Cookley alias Harry Potter, who lives in keeoer to widower: competent to care for Dav and Glascock have been Mayors of West Oakland.

children and take full chsjge. Apply at 1422 the city and know its wants and needs, furniture, easy chairs, roc King cbairs, hail fumiiure, walnut and oak marble top bedroom suits, mattresses, large lot of new bedding, parlor, bedroom and dining carpets and mats, diningroom and kitchen furniture of all kinds, including French china and silverware. The contents of this cottage all in first-class order; good as new. Sale peremptory on account ot owoergoiag East. Terms, cash.

T. H. B. Rosenbirg, General Auctioneers. Office, 408 Eleventh street.

1L. A-AN'T soSV KooMS WITH OaK1 en be foind? at Iho Teeth cet. crnnet Frankie an orphan, and since his bixteentn street. ewer work on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Oakland. This notice shall be published for six days in Thk Oakland Tribune, being the newspaper designated by said City Council for such publication.

1 J. 8. WALL. I Superintendent ot Streets of the City of Oakland, Cel. I Oakland.

March 18. 189-1 tlerj-cu. uue ot the fiuest local! tv; mother's death he has lived at Third n.ath ir a lh tho X-ITASTED A SITUATION BY A COM and Magnolia streets with an aunt named netent woman as cook, is com Detent to paioi iliraa i4. Mrs. Susan Potter, wboiwas appointed bis and their testimony is (hat oi experts who know the situation and, fe interested in seeing the city improve in every respect.

"Ex-Mayor Davis gave some figures which showed the business sense and utility of the bond proposition. He said: OAKLAND, DOAhii KxuMs-lS guardian by an order of court. take full ehanre of a house as working housekeeper; no objections to a ahort distauce iu the country: reference if required. Call at isu7 Third etreet, Oakland, A3 it" Iu lsr5 fin bouse Since living there Frankie's life has been one ot abiect slavery, SUMMONS. From very early in the morning till late at LAUNDRESS tat at 7J3 W7 ANTED A FIRST-LASS it wants work by the day, coram lining a i jtrb vic-w of i-ay aud ur-rouudiu iVMias aud b-iard a stricuy vela tn teslrsblu parties: large yrj and barn: ail or adiiress tirJ tt Thir-y secout Take the taxes of fen years ago.

The records mgnt he nas been lorcea to work, ana Brand The Standard of Quality in Silver-Plated Ware SUGAR SPOONS, 35c. 1 BUTTER KNIVES, 40c. TEA SPOONS, 85c. a set. TABLE Franklin street.

TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COUNTY when showing any signs of fatigue he has of Alameda. State of California. been cruelly whipped. Tbe atten show that In 1883 the assessment of Oakland was today it Is 142,000,000, so that the increase in ten years has been SO per kElfo.vT ii'V E. SAS! PAULO Department iso.

3. tion ot Secretary Theobald has been iconc, li-h and lath street: AkUJAH BAKER, called to tbe case, bnt be has so far taken Plaintiff: cvcr7rbtii4 lie i room uitaue fur txmiiies, with or without lc.rd MRS. M. J. EM.VO i ruMlotres-.

no action. A few days ago tbe boy was so vs. VOUNO LADY WOULD TEACH MUSI'S A eettificatei T. English educntiou. and assist in light duties, bamry no object.

Address "Music," box 5, this office. OCNG LADY WOULD LkKE A FEW MORE A engagements to sew In private fnmilies: wages (1 26 per day or will do work reasonable at home: reference from dressmaker, Please call or address Mid-- t6S -tV'ctJSter street. JAMES HAWLEY ET AL.S. 1 roughly used that he ran away from his cent. Ten years more, using he same ratio, and it will never be less, will make the assessment 163,000,000.

But the bonds we propose to Issue have twenty years to I run Instead of ten, and taking the increase in the same ratio aunt and was looked after by some Defendants. Action brought in the superior Court of ROOMS AS it llOAKI) WAXlEi) the neiebbors. Last night he went to the house of Mrs. Belbt, on the earner of Fifth ana Adeline street, and was seen there bv Tribune reporter this afternoon. He ia a bright would make tbe assessment at the end of that time That is bqt the natural growth of the city, and it is thi4 that we will VT ANTED ROOM JlND BOARD FOR It wife aud chiid.wltnia ai minutes' walk to Brookbn atiou, -private family preferred: Kast Oakland Nuisance.

The Twenty-third Avenue Improvement Association has written a note to the Health Officer complaining of a nuisance on Sixteenth street, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third avenue. It declares that the aewer through the hollow, from Seventeenth to Sixteenth street, intended for storm water, is used for sewage matter and empties in that neighborhood, rendering the grounds adjacent to the Garfield school wet, offensive to the sense and dangerous to the health of the community. It is claimed that this nuisance is responsible for some of the sickness which has been experienced in that neighborhood. Secretary Bchafer of the Board of Health said the communication would be referred to the Board of Public Works. little fellow, and nas already reached the FEMALli HELP WANTED tt? with termi, ett'.

ATldregi F. P. O. have to redeem our bonds instead of our as iTHe was clad in rags. On his arms and iLastXisciauc shoulders he showed mark that had been sessment ot today.

It cannot be said that it will double the taxes. As a matter of fact it made by LiacksnaJte, ana -on bis sec are L1TT1.E GIRL, 11 TO 14 YEARS TO HELP about bouse, a good bomer -andschooling, or a small salary paid. Address Mrs. L. box 2.

this otfii-e FLATS TO KENT- some scars and bruises, which he Will cost but 111 per capita to vote this 1,200, says are tbe result of an attempt made by his annt to choke him. He has a sister OR COMPETENT GIRL INDORSED. l' AJiTED A 000 of bonds. "Mr. Davis' statement was; ajvery con SPOONS named Alice Ceakley living somewhere in this county of Alameda, btate of California, and the complaint filed iu ea county of Alameda, In the office of said clerk of said Superior Court.

The People of tbe State of Call for a send greeting to James Hawley, William Hawley, Thomas Hawley. Charlotte Cornell, Elizabeth Holt, and H. D. Holt, defendants. oa are hereby required to appear ia an action brought against you by the above uatned plaintiff iu the Super lor Court of the county of Alameda, State ot California, and to answer the comp aiut tiled therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after service on you of this summons, if served within this county, otherwise within thirty days.

The said action is brought to obtain a Judgment: First. Adjudging that 'the above named defendants, except H. D. Holt who is the husbaud of the defendant, Elisabeih Holt, have sot, and that no one of the in has any estate, right, title or Interest of. in or to the real oroperty hereinafter described, or any part thereof, and general housework; wages 130.

At 66 City, he thinks is married, and street, between Castro and drove Thirteenth EEM-rUli Or- TUrtEE AN1 FOf .4 1 rooms eacn. lor honsskeepin, in tha blocx. corner Niaweuui iuvit ahdsa lau.j avenue. Avr rtmu rua or J.J. HAN if IN OR FORKS, tree's.

if so he would like to lire with her. If she cannot be servati ve one. The judiciouf expenditure of the money derived from the sate of the bonds would add very greatly to 1 the as ttil8rh) FrOSI iBflBIBtill ANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 10 JO Fourteenth straet found he would like to go to the Good Templars orphanage at Vallejo. $1.70 a set.

iBasmststs HOLMii TO KENT. 1 AN 1ED A YOUNG GiKLf OR GENERAL On the death of his mother he Inherited about $300, which his aunt has used in his housework. Inquire at il Tenth street. TABLE v4 ri sess a lbe value ot the city, so that in twenty years the assessment instead of being $95,000,000 would be more likely to be one-third greater, or 1120,000,000 in round numbers. NothingSadds so much COURT CALENDAR.

maintenance. AVONDERF-UIj Guowia WANTED a GIRL WHO Id A GOOD COOK and laundress nd do the general housework: references required: waeea Sib to ltd. nBxnnatnsr. Cfcroaide" sa4 The FOR RENT A DESIRABLE CPTTAGS "four room in the rear; completely furnished lor housekeeping; very reasonable for adults. Apply Sis Third street, near Webster a 1 rV) LET ELEGANT NEW HOUSE OF FOB MARCH 19.

1892. No proceedings. KNIVES, $1.20 a set. Call at MRS. J.

II. MtVtUS, corner Audubon street and Strawberry East Berkeley. Take Telegraph avenue cars. "Port" Adrisex OafclaBeVere Tele for Bonds. i Kxtribitien of Iw Littlo-Olrla With.

Wonderful Growth of Hair. There has been upon exhibition during the past few days in tbe mammoth show rooms with ail modern conveniences; es- to the stable wealth of a city' as public improvements if they be of a desirable and suitable kind, and certainly no one will seriously question the desirability of STOCK QUOTATIONS. ANTED A- ment waik; situated oa Brooklyn ucigait; W1 FOR GENERAL Fourteenth. WOMAN wages 2 SO ...45110 100 bonaework: 2 65(92 SO One Price. Plain Figures.

1000 to at they and eacn oi mem be perpetually enjoined and restrained from pretending to have or atserrlng any claim thereto, or any right or interest therein. be co: id. That the plaintiff is seised in fee of said real property and every part thereof, aiid that his title thereto is good and Vsl.d. Third That the plaintiff recover his costs of suit herein. The real property above referred to la described a follows: That certain real property situate in Wash The wide-awake, energetic papers of Ban Franclico are gjiring hsarty support to the convenient to cr line: iarge lot; wui r.

nt te good tenant fur $30 per montn. tor further particulars apply to J. COOKE, 619 feast kleventh street, near Brooklyn ilea on, Eat WASl'ED-A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN vV light housework in a family of two per iuu beg 250 Ser Kev 100 Best Bel 2 20 800 Caledonia 25 100 Challene so 30 .4 804 85 190 Con Imp 10 100 Curry .1 40 844 Jack- 93 35 6a ....1 5 ....1 OS bonding proDoaltlon. They arc the people sons. Cail between and 4 e-ock.

sou street, references required. Oakland. ot Oakland to east their to tea for progress lOOiUnlon Con. oO Yel and improTement. Their Influence is ANTED NEAT YOUNG GIRL FOR WAlT-ing on table, sewing and making herself 100 33 LET $2, HOUSE OF FIX ROOMS AND 'X bath, conta ning all modern improTeraeuis wifb stable aud barn, at 117 East 'ouxteenth sv.

useful. renerallv Apply 1403 Jackson street Tuesday. Wednesday or hura 3ay, or Thursday, between 10 The Sxamintr, In Us introduction to a Reference. a. u.

an between tecond ana Third venues, tist Oakland, inquire at HUiING'S. 3Ty iwtlitn -r. the improvements which id is, proposed to make in Oakland. "Between now and the date of the election there.should be a great jdeai of missionary work done and a constant appeal to the common sense and good Judgment of the people of that city. They should be persuaded and convinced that the only way to help them is fori them to help themselves, and that the only effectual way to do that is to avail themselves of tbe deservedly high credit of the city, to be used in a legitimate land prudent manne Practical Ealter, tT ANTED PA RTlEd HO ARE IN WaNT of household lurniture to call and see the largest assortment of mods In thisor sat rpo LET II0l5E OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH, parti furnished.

Apply Center srrsct. 1319 Saa Pabie other sity; we all but give goods hwav; auction sales are not In itat H. SCHEi.LHAAa',404 to 41 Eleventh street. HOUSES WANTED. windows of Messrs.

Kirkland Trowbridge, druggists, Broadway, corner of Tenth street, two little girls wbn possess a remarkably luxuriant growth of head hair. They are aged 8 and-10 years, respectively, and all wbo nave seen them acknowledge that they have tbe longest and most beautiful hair in theLworld at their eges. 1 e': They are accompanied by their father and mother, and we believe have visited all of the principal cities In the United States, exemplifying by a display of their own hair what it is possible to ae-com plish in hair culture with the assistance of a remedial agent, such as "Skookum Root Hair Grower," embodying in its formula the most active tonic and ttimvlant principles that are possible of combination. Mr. BaUeck baa made hair cuitvrt Ufa Hudv, and through the agency of tbe be discovered this Ptnt herb" Skoobipm Boot while visiting Vancouver Island, British- Columbia, some few years ago.

since which tune be has been experimenting with marked success, his children being living witnesses of Fashionable' Hats retailed at lowest prices. Bilk Hats ironed and remodeled. Bilk aad Soft Hate cleaned, renewed and brimmed. COTTAGE WANTED OF ABOUT 6 we located, in Aiameds. Address H.

F. box SITUATIONS WANTED MALK. ington township, county of Alameda and State of California, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the north line of the road leading from Union City to the San Jose Mission, and on the west Una of a on hundred acre tract of land of Baker and Curt-ner, formerly owned by William Hopkins; thence running northerly along said Baker and Curtner's west line to the Alameda river; thence down the south bank of said liver to sucn a point that a line ran parallel with the first mentioned line will include between the first, second and third boundaries or lines, aad the said road one hundred acres of land, and no more nor less; being tha same land deeded bv John M. Horner to Isaac B. Horner by his deed dated Nov.

10th. 164, and being tha same land deeded to Joseph Ralph by Graves and Dyer on tbe twentieth day of January, le7; That tha description above given i accord ance with the landmarks and boundaries as they existed on the 4th day of November, 1S37; special reference being made to the complaint oa file herein for further particulars. And yoa are hereby notified that tf yon fail to appear and answer the said complaint as A YOUNG GERMAN WOULD LIKE TO GET OAKLAxi O.t ANTED TO K.T IN COIXE UNTO MEL" Ik a situation mnrivate familv: nnderstsnds i ary good 4 ness" a icniio-ti WATCH THIS SPACE the care of horses, bug git -trdenlng andean Tfotioe of Street Work teUue- Asi Address by Mr. tne) rooming bouse, from 10 to SO rooms; re.ert.if-e exctiaugid. Aply to T.

R. br.ia- WIT. auk; would not object to to the country. Address C. F.

box 7, this oftce. OTTCX IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT OH THE ui asy oi starcn. a. wm. wij ri of the Cit-r nf Oaaland passed Reso STOKES AND TO J.K r.

A YOUNG MAN WISHES A PLACE AS gardener and take cere of horses; can rive disc Chmreku I The meetings "being conducted by Mr. Sayford la tbe- Methodist Church are being largely attended and are producing beneficial results. The Interest) la largely increased by the volunteer choir of forty three years' references Address F. E. JOHN- Of Other 1 Hair I rTcpexation.

C' This ViudaLtiou Is 'A TJnequaJcd Toilet Article For ton. Martie aveaue; half block from Adeline TtatUl Assured 7 To I AH AVhO fi'-oamXtm. Tbe Friaclplee I Jo-ved ILL l-1 lt I 1. It ianulactre A-e 7 i street. For, Use) srreat to appear-next week.

Not the King of Beasts, bnt the Fur nit ore King. J.Im. JjXON SON, Mammoth Furniture ,1 notion Hoase. 13004204 Broadway. the merits of this preparation.

It is guar- WANTS SITUATION above required, the said plaintiff will apply to COOK GOOD COOv hotel or restaurant. Cook box 7. this office. good baker. Adlress members whose singing is greatly Appreciated, v- Thursday night Mr.

Sayford selected for lution of Intention number 17.111, to order the following street work to be done, That Eighth street, from the eastern of Webster street to the western lino of Jackson street, be sldewalked oa both sides with a cement walk, except where already laid In cement or bituminous sandrock. For further particulars, reference Is hereby made to eaid resolution and specifications for street work, oa file in the office oi the City Clerk of the City of Oakland. Thia notice shall be published for six days in The Oaklahd TaiBVMK, being the newspaper designated by said City Council tor such pubUeaaoa 1 J. 8. WALL, Superintendent oi Streets Of the City of Oax-landl CaL Oakland.

March 18, U92, FOR RENT OTFIC'ES iND BOOMS CKN-trally located, rooms well ligLitd i all modern arrangements: ia thira story of the new "bruwu liail northeast corner Teeth and Weahingtou tr va Apply on premises, entrance on isaui COACHMAN AND GROOM BY A MAN WHO bis theme the simple Invitation "Mjome." Thia invitation was first given to Noah and KJ thoroughly understands tbe business, also nnaemanas ptsm gsrcening and cows and 7 11 YTsaat hie familyVOome thon and thy family into make Himself general useful: best tefereaeea at. Being the above-namea court tor ins reiiei ae-manded In tha complaint herein. 1 Given under my band and the seal of tha Superior court of the county of Alameda. State of California, this I4tn day of March, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. isasx euranioa oopavAtAM bpa, -GOttTti CAUVoaHiA.

JAMES E. CRANX i Clerk. By RoBgatXPOAa, Deputy Clark. W. HAMILTON.

Attormayfar Plaiatlfr, SOS (JsUlforaia 8 root, umm 4 j- moiiient, Ton I enedaBv a tne xn epmt ana, tne tsnae sa Come'." fit Adapt A PPRENTICE WOULD LUCK TO LEARN Jt. tailoring. Address M. R. box ft.

this anceea to stop raMsng nart- tnavsaum aana-ruff, and grow hair rapidly, preserving the same indefinitely and causing a strong growth where the hair has become enfeebled by sickness or through the ravages of a parasite, and in numerous cases where baldnes' hat txiatsd for yeor. this meritorious article has 'made pnlii the barren aoafp and ogam restored, -thm hair to it former tuxurianc. Numerous testimonials from the best people substantiate and verify these statements-, and it Is indorsed by physicians everywhere. We believe these children wUi' be exhibited during the week at the following hours: Morning, 10:30 to 12; afternoon, to 4:30, and evening from 6:30 to 8 o'clock. Skookum Boot Hair ti rower Is sold everywhere by ail first-class druggists.

office. i Imolaat, I A h-TT I omiii.vlon I OITUATIOX WANTED BY YOUNO MAN TO For Ladies' Use. Pre fion All -1 -The whole subject of life'1 concluded the speaker "Is to obey the Master's invitation 'Come onto Me and then to obey HJs command 'Follow Me'. The meeting was of great earnestness, and manv signified their desire to find salvation in' Christ, and. with take ore of gentlemens place; understands -Hind 7- art Rtgxlr HAliliS TO ItEXT.

NEATLY FITTED UP. EHiL BiLl. trally located to rent lcsiyt. 1 1. Fridays, taturdsys sod s.

cr ins Aypiy at Iu4 Tp fii i care oi norsee, cows aad garden. Address w. box 6. this office, L.OST AAD FOUND. Hi: UOGxJST3 substance.

WANTED A SITUATION TOGETHER BY an energetic young German couple with OST FRIDAY a few earnest words of prayer, and two verses of a beautiful hymn, the meeting ICO RNTNG. ELLOW oa blanket. JLd horse with cut tall, also also had AK.MY li ALL 1-1-: RAND Finder will receive reward at 1261 Came bail private family will endeavor to give eauafae-iioncan give good reference. Apply to T. K.

BUsVXg, Broadway. was dismissed. The spirit ana earnestness and attendance which characterize the re- sir ser, west waaiant.

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