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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • 3

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm ig and couiirEitv Ssiifords Independent Line. FOR BGSTONAHD LOWELL. MILLINERY, TRIMMING, BLEACHING AND PRESSING Splendid Residence AT' AUCTION new soonc. HAYING BBTDBNKD from New York utd Boeton. whera for tha laat two week.

I have been engaged in tbe most fuhionabla deatrabla aa Zmhroldarlaa, Laeee. Draaa Trimxolnga, Ho.lary, Olevaa, Pans, Trench Valla, and TANCY GOODS, in all their beautiful and manifold variety, I meet respectfully invite my friend, and and tha Generous Public of Bangor and Vicinity, to examine thia rich aaaortment, and hv tha TEHI LOW PRICE at which it will be offered, in order to an. tain tha eatabliahed reputation of telegraphic to iss daily vrsia ahd courier CONGRESSIONAL. WiIBHQTO, d. Sb.hai- The morning hoar wee oocapied ducuuion on motion by Mr.

Chandler of Mich, to appropriate $50,000 to flniah the channel of the Su Clair flat. The debate rammed somewhat of a party eolor. the repub-licana wishing to make it a test Tote on the question of internal improvement. Finally substitute, that the committee on commerce he instructed to report aa to the expediency of making appropriations sufheient to preserve from decay the river and harbor works already commenced, wa. agreed to 23 against 22.

Mr Chandler gave notice that he would tomorrow introduce a bill asking a special appropriation of $350,000 to complete the works St Clair fita. The Indian appropriation bill was then ta- ken up- Hr Trumbull of HL objected to tome of the items, but the bill finally passed without amendment. The bill appropriates over a million and a quarter of dollars. Adjourned. House.

On motion of Mr- Gartrell of a resolution was adopted that the daily hours 0 meeting of the House, on and after Wednesday next, ahould be 11 inatead of 12.. Mr Stephens of gave notice that tomorrow at 1 oclock he will move to take np the Senate bill for the admisaion of Minnas -ta. On motion of Mr Stephens Wednesday and Thursday of next week were set apart for the consideration of Territorial business-Mr Grow asked leave to introduce a joint resolution, prohibiting the public lands from exposure at public sale under a proclamation of the President, till the same have been surveyed, and the returns filed in tbe Land Office fourteen years. Ur Clemens of Va, objected. Mr Grow moved a suspension of the rules.

Sefosed, 74 against 78. Mr Letcher of asked leave to offer a resolution that during the day time, the debate to Committee of tbe whole on the state of tbe Union, shall be confined to the bill under oon-nderition, and that the evening cessions may beheld, when tbe majority of the committee desire them, for general debate only. Objections were made, and the House refused to suspend the rnlea to allow of the introduction of the resolution, 91 against 57, not two-thirds in the affirmative. On motion of Mr Glancy Jones, tbe House vent into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and resumed tbe consideration of the bill making appropriations for the Legislative, Executive and udicial expenses of the government. A message from the President of the U.

S3, was received, acoompanied by four immense handles of manuscript, which were piled up in the centre aisle! Mr Jones of Tenn. facetiously observed that from their bulk they must involve the safety and perpetuity of the country. (Laughter.) Much anxiety was expressed to know their contents, and the committee rose. The message was read, by which it appeared that the documents contained a copy of the correspondence relative to Indian affaire in Washington, Oregon and California. Mr Morgan of New York said that five clerks were employed nine months in oopying it.

Mr Jones remarked that the war department had yet to reply to the resolution which called forth this monster document from the Interior department. The House after various suggestions laid tha documents on the table, and refused by a large vote to print them. The consideration of the legislative, ex ecu five and judicial appropriation bill was resumed, but the proceedings were vary dull with but a thin attendance of members. Without acting, the House adjourned. new York markets.

New Your, May 3. Flour State and weatern 5 a 10 cents lower Superfine State 4,25 a extra State 4,30 a 3.40 round hoop Ohio 4,35 a 4 65 common to good extra western 4,25 a 4,76. Southern -heavy Mixed to good 4,46 a 4,70) fancy and extra 4,75 a 6,00, Canada superfine nomi- hri at 4,20 a 4,25 extra 4,40 a 6,60. Wheat dull and declining Chicago spring 93. Corn dull and drooping mixed and western nominal yellow 71 a 72.

Oata dull and lower Southern and Jersey 32 a 44; Northern and Western 44 a 48. Beef steady Country mesa 10,76 a 11,50 prime nominal at 8,00 a 8,50 re-packed Chi-cigo 13,00 a 14,00 prime mess nominal at 18,00 a 22,00, Fork unsettled and lower Mesa 18,60 prime 15,25 a Western prime mesa 16,75 a 17,00. Sugars unchanged Muscovado 6 a Porto Rico 6. Coffee steady Rio 10J a 10 Java 18 St, Domingo 8. Moltssea quiet and unchanged From Washington.

WijHutoTow, May 1st. A Urge number of Democratic members of Congress have united tn requesting the President to confer oh Judge Lnng of Massachusetts the position of Judge of the Court of Claims, made vacant eater -dT by ihe death of Judge Ranaotn Elielt was yesterday confirmed aa Solicitor of the Court of Claims, vice Mont-flery Blair, removed. The question on the admission of Minnesota will be immediately brought up in the House Mr. Stephens. Washisotok, May 2d.

It ia the southern politicians who ask Judge Lonng's appointment to the vscancy in the Court of Claims, the northern Democrats do not reliah it, and is doubtful. From the Heralds correspondence i m-08t T'gorou policy will be pursued throwing out of office all those who have erfd themselves in opposition to the admin The President is determined hit Pitical friends alone shall, be intrusted with tbe determination will be carried to iu fullest extent. Spring and. Summer GOODS i Received by A. F.

OEASH. a a 3 3 So -W 'o Ca ta e3 3 A Good Assortment of READ? MADE CLOTHING AND I ICTFtrmiBhing Goods, FOB. SALE Cheap for A.T No. 1 Taylors Block, -I Kendnskeag Bridge Bangor, April 27, 1858 4w I I OUR Carpet Rooms are now stocked with over 150 of New Style Carpeting, of every description, which we offer at Also, this day received, Jpbolatery Goods. pi vary description of apr28 8TICKNEY 5c ROBERTS.

EMBROIDERIES WE shall open FRIDAY, April 23d, one of the largest stocks of Embroidery Goods ever opened in Bangor, of tbe latest styles, bought at Auction in New York, and will be sold for a-boat two-thirds of the valae. Ladies will pi call. 8TICK.NET A ROBERTS. april2S FIRST OPENING ssseOF.sss THIS DAY, April 17th, AT GREELEYS To which the attention of the Ladies is invited. 48 sptil 17 MAIN STREET.

(-WANTED, MAN acquainted with Gardening, and with work in a uraery of Fruit Trees of various kinds. Call on Centra street. N. HARLOW. Something Wide English 12 1-2 cts.

Small figd Challies, 16 2-3c, A large lot of Dimity Bands for 12 1-2 cts. per pair, usual price 16 2-3 to 25 at 1 No. 2 Main Street. apr26 lw A. 8.

WEED. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLE BONNET BLOCKS, At tha Great Eastern Depot for Bonnet Bleaching. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the Ladies of Bangor and vicinity, that he has wived a new and supenor pattern of BONNET BLOCK, and that he holds himself in readiness to perform all business entrusted to him with neatness, and with as great despatch as poi StT Bonnets of all kinds Bleawhed and Pr Warranted done in the best possible style N. B. Particular pains taken with Neapolitans I 0-All orders promptly attended to.

I N. B. Gents Hats bleached and pressed, liberal discount madf to Miiliners. CT'Give' a call I At No. 9 Stetson's Block, comer State and French Streets Bangor, A.

HILL Jr. aprilT i Rowland Wheeler Begs leave to inform his friends and the public generallv, that be is now prepared to furnish every description of DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. A150 Window Frames, MOULDINGS of every else and description made to order. All orders by mail, or otherwise, promptly attended to, at the lowest possible terms. Factory at A.

Woodward Steam Work, of Brood way. april 7 dAwfiw A Farm Farming Land. A Faithful and Capable MAN la wanted to carry on a Farm, joining the city, a part of which ia plowed np for tillage, and is of first quality. ALSO buiq good Land for Fanning, cat about two miles, on the Stillwater Avenue, for tale.) 0P lease call at this office. i april 8 Hitchcocks Combination Suction and Fnzspl piOH.

SALE, a new kind PUMP-veamSiroa and for different from any tkiagMmka rae, for darabUity, Ja Yon can draw watesW wall and lores it ef TOT Cheap 8to 5Q. 0 56 MAINj STREET as tha best place to buy the most desirable Goods at a reasonably low prioe, which ia invariably marked in plain figures on s4 article. Meineoke. In addition to this Establishment will be opened Thts-Doy, at o. 68, np stairs.

I'd" 351 MILLINERY ROOMS under the kirection of Mias L. Kittredge. Long and favorablv knowh to this commnnitv as an experienced Milliner. She ha spared neither pains nor expense to oollect the LATEST STYLES of BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, Ribbons, and all other Millinery Goods, Which the NEW YORK and BOSTON MARKETS eonld offer for scrutiny and selection. Miss Kit tredge cordially in vile her friends and former customers, in want of Millin.ry, to call and ieava their orders at No.

58 Street, (up ovxn THS Trimming Store of I F. MEIJtECKE. Bangor, Apiil 15, 1358 18J8. ON THE TRACK AGAIN! AT No. 25 MAIN STREET, (UNDER THE HATCH HOUSE.

S. C. HATCH HAVING disposed Sof his stock saved from th late fire, WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, APBIL 2S, a saw stocx or I Which were selected from the latest importations, and from the newest designs of American manufactaro.j Mj stock of Slack silks, VALENCEAS, RAW SILKS, FRENCR PRINTS, FIGD BRILLIANTS, and many otber kinds or DERSS GOODS, is aa fall and complete aa can be found in the city. DOMESTIC GOODS, or aU kinds. HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES, Corsets, Bodice.

8kirta, choice style of English and American PRINT'S, together with many other Goods, to which the attention of purchasers is invited. Customers may be assured of getting GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES. (UP Merchants from the country will 88 my stock worthy of their examination. CALL AT No. 25 MAIN STREET, Nearly opposite my Old Stand.

S. C. HATCH. April 24 2wd w4t THOMAS MASON, Dealer in Lumber of all kinds, Long lumber, clapboards, shin. gles, Pickets and Laths.

COAL. Of best quality, suitable for Grate. Furnace and Foundry use. STORAGE Lumber and Merchandise stored cn reasonable terms. I Agent for Boston Packets Goods received and forwarded.

I FOR SALE, 1,600,000 feet Spruce LOGS, now in Penobsoot Boom. I BROAD STRBBT, Wharf next to the Ferry Way. spr29 dw3w I Choice Early Grapes WE OFFER THE TRUE DELAWARE, REBECCA, DIANA, HARTFORD PROLIFIC and ISABELLA GRAPES. For sale HENS LITTLE CO. april 8 dJkw 1 Lumber 1 pUfl, AND HEMLOCK, ON JL hand, and sawed to order.

A good stock of SO quantise of Pine and Spree Clapboards; Sift aad Pawed Pise. Cedar and Epruee Shmrlte; Ptm aad Bproe Pickets and Laths; Blind Slats asd Stiles; Sash Stuff; Ladders; Cedar Post, 4, 8, 10 and 12 feet long. i -ALSO Doors, Sashes. Blinds, and Frames, of th bast aaka, trow. Msrrymani oslebrsted SdS iTSST NORTH NURSERY.

Thd nbkiriber offer, for 7 we sal hit Sure ary, in Bu lk, unusually low fine assortment of Fruit and Ornamental TUBES, Shrubs Plants, Bmmtg which ire Apple, Peer, plum, and Cher-ry Apple Tree dwarfed on the ParadiM itock, (a beautiful article for Crab Apple Tree, dwarfed, and others; Goose-berriea, Lawton and Dorcheater Im- roved Blackberries Raspberries, Thimble berries, luckthorn for Bom. Honeysuckles, and other aeveral varietie of Khu-barb, th. Linneu. being the carlieat end beat. Early Choice Grapes Of.serenl varieties, much lower than they have been heretofore sold Early Gardes Vegetable PJasts, aueh aa Tomatoes.

from teed of my own raiing. elected from the beat ahaped and early fruit; Early and Winter Cabbage, Lettuce, Bed Pepper, Celery, Cauliflower, c. IL" Orders by mail, or left at the Eastern Express Office, will be attended to, and the article, packed and delivered in town May 1, 1858 J. WINGATE CABJL York St. Green House A.

SEKKNGER, YORK STRBBT, BAN OOR, He now offers for sale 25 varietiee of Dahlias, all choice: the beat assortment of Cabbage. Tomato, and other Plants to be found in the State. RHUBARB Colossal, Linneus, and Giant, GRAPE VINES AU tha approved varietie constantly on hand and for sale low. ICT Orders by mail promptly attended to. eThe public are respectfully invited to call and examine his plants, whether they wish to purchase or not.

may3 tf Green-house and Bedding-out PLANTS, Sale to commence May 1, and continue through the season. The subscriber offers his usual collection of Green House and Bedding -out Plants, together with many new varieties of Geronmme, Buchuu, Carnations, C-, procured at hesgy oost, and never before offered in Bangor. Also, my unrivalled collection of choice Verbsnas, which were eo much admired last season, embracing over one hundred splendid varieties, besides many new ones procured from abroad the past fall and winter. I varieties of Choice DAHLIAS, strong and healthy plants, grown in pots, all of which are offered at muchlesa price than they can be procured from Boaton-or elsewhere. Barly Wakefield, Early Ox-Heart, Winning, stadt.

Premium Flat and Red Dutch Cabbage, Fe jee Island and Mammoth large Red Tomatoes. Curled Belicia and Head Lettuce, Celery and Red Pepper Plants. Green House, Nursery vd Garden on Levant Road, corner of 14th street. $JOrders by mail promptly attended to. ALBERT NOYES, apnl 27 Apple, Pear, Cherry, and Plum Trees.

New Rochelle or Lawton BLACK BERRY, Dorchester Improved by tha dozen or hundred, very low. Red and White Antwerp, Falstaff, Franconia, Hue- vetts Giant, and Fillbasket RASPBERRYS. Thimble berry's, Gooseberries, Red and White Dutch Currants, Ac. STRAWBERRIES Boston Pine, Burrs new Pine, Jenny Lind, Walkers, Scotts, McAvoys, Hoveys Seedling, and Early Virginia, from 60o to 3,00 per hundred. Giant, Collossal, and Linneas Rhubarb.

Delaware, Bebeoca, Concord. Diana, Isabella, and Clinton GRAPE VINES at the lowest prices. ALBERT NOYES. Bangor, April 27, 1858 PIANO TUNIJVG. Mr.

John Conley HAVING been engaged in Tuning and Repairing Pianos, Organa, Melodeone, in this city for more than a year, still offers his services in tbe above to his friends and the pnblio generally. Orders left at his Room, 74 Main-st, will meet with prompt attention. N. B. Mr.

C. also offers his -services in selecting Pianos. Melodeons, to persons about buying. jy6 tf SHELLEY AND BYRON Recollections of their laat days; Church and Congregation, by C. A.

Bartol: A new supply of H. W. Beecher's Life Thoughts; received by i E. F. DU REN.

LUBINS PERFUMES. A large lot just received and for rale bv B. F. BRADBURY A CO. FRESH FIGS, Raisins, Eng.

Currants. Citron, Malaga Raisins. Prune. for sals by B. F.

BRADBURY St CO. 4 CIGARS TOBACCO. Tbe choicest imported Cigars, and the best Chewing Tobacco, are to be found at oar store. B. F.

BRADBURY A CO. PAINTS OILS. Boston Lead. Philadelphia Lead, French Zinc, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Japan, Bpts Turpentine, the best Varnishee, Coach, Furniture, Wnite, Black, Ae for sals by pr20 B. F.

BQADBURY A CO. PAINT BBU8HR8. the best in New England, at B. F. BRADBURY A COS.

HOUSEHOLD WAVERLBY. FeverUofthe Peak, xeod by D. BUGBEE A CO. may 3 1 Copartnerahip Notioe. alHS imderzined hxv thU dzy formed fe eo pftrtaenkip on dor the nzme of GOLDEN dt for the transaction of boaineee in the Dry Goods and Milliaery line, in all ita branches.

I April 7, 1858 4w ARPBR8 MAGAZINE, for May, received by E. F. DUEEN. PERMANENT REALITIES of Religion sad the present religions interest, by Prof. Huntington of Harvard jOni varsity, racd by i 'E.

F. DUREN rpHB ATLANTIC MONTHLY for May, racd by oh- LIVINGSTONS TRAVELS; large and email editiens, for sals by E. F. DU BEN. prim Parkers Sermons, "A FALSE 4' Tra iRsvtvaf hf and The Revival of Religion whMt we Need, 1 twe SermofM by Theodora Parker, just and for aaio by t.

a- 1 ah Ai BARTLETT, 5 EaM Mstkot Bqnaft! 1 )uuy MW. tu OM, Tbe wall asasi Captain knows aid superior MKNEMON SANFORD, Cher las A 8eVbrd, tone bnrtben, bnUt axnrwwiy for Bon every teams Eiaaaa MONDAY en4 Imam, at 11 oclock, touching at all tb emal tan tags oa tbs Rimr and Bay, aad arrtma la Boston smry TteasRsp and RVwtey cseles, la eeeee for all tbe early trains vi Cam and Stsgro from tbe city. Kitvuiss Will leave Fester's Bomb Wbarfl Boston, for Baaenr, every TUESDAY and FRIDAY afternoon at 5 o'clock, touchier as abora. ARE From Bancor, Hampden, Frankfort and Bucks port te Boston or Lowell, $3 00. From Beereport and Bellast to Boston or Lowell, $3,50.

From Camdee and Rockland to Boston or Lowell, $3,00. River Fane at tbe usual rates. Weals extra. AGENTS ON THE RIVER T.R. Wasgalt, Hamp- Kaler fc Clark, Frankfort J.

W. Paueraoo, Bocke-Pprt: R. W. Gilmore, Searsport Joe. E.

Davis, Belfast: E. M. Wood, Camden W., Rockland. Camobeoe, Marches.

Burnief Fluid, er extra baaardoue froisbt taken. AU freight most be accompanied by Bill at Lading la duplicate. LOOMIS TAYLOR, Agent. Bangor, April 14, 1858. dhw FOR Portland, Boston and LowelL Tb superior Bteemer DANIEL WEBSTER Cape.

BAM'L BLANCHARD, Utm Bangor avary MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY noraiog, at 6 oclock, touch ing it all tbe uau al landtags oq tbe River ao4 Bar, cod nee ting with the tars at Portland for Boston and Lowell, arriving In Boston early nine evening. RETURNING will leers Portland for Bangor on the arrival of the 5 o'clock train Crum Boston, touching as an bore. PARE Prom Besgor, Hampden, Prank fort and Bucks-port to Portland, to Boston and Lowell 00. Prom Bearsport, Camden and Rockland to Portland to Boston and Lowell $2,50. WAY PARES on the River and Bax as usual, Meal extra.

AGENTS T.R. Wasgatt, Hampden; Kaler A Clark, Frankfort; Daniel Robineon, Bocksporf; Isaiah lath so, Bearsport; Joeiah Simpson, Belfast: N. B. ft J. H.

Jones. Camden; M. W. Farwell, Rockland; Charles C. Eaton.

Portland. Burning Fluid, Matches, or other extra haaardoqa freight taken. J. O. KENDRICK, Agent, Bangor.

Bangor, April 14, 1858 CITY OF BANGOR. PUBLI 7 I 23 NOTICE is hereby fires that tbe JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE of tbe City Council on Accoust asd Claims will he in session at the Aldermens Room, on FRIDAY, preceding tbe first Moiroar of each Mooib, during tbe ensuing Municipal year, at 9 clock P. All persons baring claims agaiust tbe City will present them to said Comm lues at the ume of -ard meeting. ABEZ TRUE, Chairman. SMITH7 ELECTRIC OIL.

Tbii preparation, which bas made such speedy cures la Philadelphia and many other places, begins to attract almost universal attention, and elicit comments of erery kind. Some say is xmaoi atiojt. Of coarse they assign any thing bat tbe real and philosophical reasons. Inflammatory Rbeamausm, Gout, Ptisy, Borns, Piles, Neuralgia, Bat Rheum, Erysipelas, Scaly Eruptions of the Sato, Womb Complaints, Abscesses, Croup, Asthma. Indolent Swelling, Stiff Joints, Felons, Wounds, anc Sprains, Broken Breast, Hemorrhage, Sore Throat, Frosted Limbs, Acute Nerrous Paine, Tooth, Ear, and Headache, Deafness, he-, and Teething children are mot omw cored in from 5 nunntee to a few days simply by the iMAOiMATioa.

Not any have used this oil without deriving some special benefit within an boar, and many are they who have been perfectly cared of the die very speedily larg Bottle Ten Time the Cheapest, 3-KEEP WELL CORKEDXff Cm according to directions. Apply with tbe warm hand only eat plain food drink no coffee. A CARD. To Druggists and Merchants of Maine. For tbe leoi enieoce of dealers and indmdualeof this Buts, I have ad pointed H.

H. HA? A of Portland, my Wholesale Ageutafor the Bute of Maine, and they will be at all time supplied wuh all sizes of my Genuine Electric Oil. I would urge on all dealers in medicine to order from Messrs. HAY fo CO. a supply of my Oilatooce, that they may be able to answer tbe earliest demands.

Tbey will also format) each dealer with Show Cards. Posters, and 1000 Circulars, with their name (Minted thereon as agent A. E. SMITH, Chemist, Philadelphia. A gents for Bangor, A.

F. Guild and N. 8. Jy X0 3uwd GROVER Ac BAKERS CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 18 SDMMEB BOSTON, 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 3-TbeM dm an now justly admitud to be tb.

beat in use for Family Bewunf making new, strong, and elastic stitch, which will hot np, even if every fourth allien be cut Circulars sent on application by letter. Agent, wanted. mcb29 3m McLane's CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE Jc LIVER PILLS, An two of tbe bert preparation, of the Ag. fr. FLEMING Sc BROS.

Pittsburgh, Pa. H.H, BAY, Gen. Agt. lor Maine. For advertisement sett pegs.

July It $5r-Now is the Time, The Place is 41 Broad St To buy your RUBBER BOOTS. Mena, Boys, Youths, Ladies, and Misses; warranted tire beat in the market. Patent Hetalio Rubber, and Rubber Coats re-poired at short notice. Rubber for sale at wholesale. mehl7 B.

W. HANSON. FINE READY MADE CLOTHING. Spring Overcoats, Business Coats Droek Dress Coats, Pants and Vests, GOOD, stylish, well mads garments, such as men of taste and good judgment will wear, enn at all timea be found at our store. Our aim is to produce for our customers the beat Ready-made Garments, at the Lowest possible Pncss for Cash.

J. W. SMITH Dock Square, corner of dm SL, Boeton. April 3, 1858 8taw3m CUSTOM TAILORING. J.

SMITHS Deck Square, center et ta Street, BO SJ OK, Miirit TO ORDER Gentlemens Garment of every description, in the Baar Bma, a a much lower scale of prices than is ehaigtd by exclusive Tailoring Establishments -it being our aim to furnish garment of the Best Hotsnai, Style aud Mass, at homer Prioes than the same goods nn be had elsewhere. The reasons why are can afford to do so are, that we carry on three distinct bind of tmsines under on kaptrvirio and 1 KEADV-MADB CLOTHING, 4 custom tailoring, and a GENTS FURNISHING G00D8, April 3, 1858 Lac lie ather OOSB HIDE LACS LBAYHSS thsbcM article in the market; fcr wait at HWJKNWAY A.HABaSYS,-,, oawdtTX' V.b Jsiiy et iAsrifc -r jvv to xtv awbtj or v. rvi IU MRS. REID BEGS lrava to inform bar former patrons and tha public, that ah has returned to th city, and taken Rooms No. 12 Masn Street, over th store of John Lowell, where she will be pleased to show them her new Spring Style, of Boanele, and restore old one.

to their farmer beauty at short notice. Bangor, April 17, 1858 Sw (Union 3w) EX. XX1S EX. XXS, Of our own manufacture and LATEST BTYLBS, for sale by V. L.

CATINAUD. qa Shall open, on MONDAY, a choice kit of Frenoh. Soft Hats. april 3 Ladies and blisses Side Lace, Congress Gaiter and Polka Boots, With and without Heel, Manufactured from the Best 8tock, and by Experienced Workmen. Every variety of and Misecs Shoes, Boots and Slippers Made to Order, and warranted.

Heels made to Boots at abort notice, at H. P. CROWELLS, aprlO No. 0 Mein -street, Bangor. Freights for Vessels OBTAINED On Commit Ion, By BETH B.

BBN80N, Commission Merchant, No-1 City Point Block. CAPTAINS visiting this city for employment will fiad st my office a list of all Freights ready tn the market, collected drily, and will be eharged a commission on th freight, tf they are Introduced ta one. Shipper of Lumber, or any other article of Merchandise, will confer favor if they will call and make their wants known, and every facility will he mfforded them, free of charge. A hat of the vessels in the market will be kept, stating their capacity, fits. Captain of easel are respectfully invited to call and enter their vessel on Lhe bit, -and if they do not, re ceive any benefit I will at ihetn no pay.

(3Lumbev of all kind for sale om commission. Orders for Dimensions, of all kinds, filled at short notice and on aa favorable term ae by any dealer in tbe market. SETH S. BENSON. April 25 th Ship Yard, at Brewer.

The snbsbriber has latly jrarchaaed the Yard of Meesrs- Wilson ft Gal lape, and ia prepared to do ail kinds of Vessel Repairing, In tbe moet thorough and workmanlike manner and with promptness. Mr. F. L. Gailups will be in attendance at the yard, and will give hi per tonal attention to the work.

JOSEPH OAKES. April 7. 1M8 lm Flour Flour. 1000 BBLS- SUPER and Double Extra. GEO.

C. PICKERING. No. 45 West Market Square. CORN CORN.

Chfl Aik BUSH. Prime Mealing CORN. siUUU GEO. C. PICKERING.


400 Elegant Stock of Dress Goods WE are opening this week an elegant stock of fashionable DRBsS GOODS. Rich Fancy Silks, -New and Beautiful India Silks, Foulard Silks, Elegant Paris Muslins, Organdie Muslin Robes, New Patterns Baraga Robes, 8 tells Shawls, all colors. Soring Talmas Ladies Millinery, A large stock of nsw and beautiful fabrics, ter Misses and Childi ens wear. All of our goods we shall offer at the very lowest cash prices. I.

A. HATCH at pr27 Nos 40 Main and 3 Wall street. We have Just Received A large Invoice of FINE SOLD JEWELRY COhHI8TINO OF Cameo. Jet, Florentine, i Earring, and Bracelet in separate piooes, all Gold Brac.f Sleeve Button, whi offer small per eentajr from the Coet. FENNO m6 istf 24 Main GREAT BARGAINS ICJ-FOR A LITTLE MONEY.

THE subscriber, wishing to change hit business offers for sale soma of tb best and most eentral Real stats in lb city Two isrgs Brick 8 tore on Main Street, two Brick House, two wooden oases, and several Lots, suitable for Store or Houses Prioe low, and term of payment easy. WILLIAM LEW 13, tf Main Street. Yoses Cider, By the Barrel or Gallon, Far sals cheap by A. L. A R.

C. Boyd. fb30 3m RIBBONS -73 Cartons of nsw style Ribbons will be ready for sal Ihmdsy, bought at A ration, and will be sold cheap. Those who by to sell again can be supplied at less than Boe-te price. BTICKNeY A ROBERTS, april 28 REMOVAL BROWN to the Spacious Rooms, No.

II Main Street, Over th' Crockery 8 tor of N. H. COLTQJ hr may be found a large itock of FUnniTURE Fcm fate at the- -EoKt Trices TA 18, 1 WILL be sold at Auction, on tha 16th day of May, at 10 oclock A the House and Lot on Third bweet, now occupied by tbe subscriber. Tb buildings are in perfect repair, and tha house is newly pmted and lapered throughout. Tha outbuildings and stall have been remodeled, and put in th most thorough order.

The bouse is well supplied with hard and soft water all tha rooms of the main house are supplied with gas Ttus estate, by its excellent condition, ii desirable neighborhood, and convenient location ia unsurpassed, and presents a favorable opportunity to every os. in want of a eomfortab le residence. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber. JOSEPH W. LOW.

March 30, 1858 6w Houses for Rent. Two new aud convenient Houses, situated on Market street. Also, one two story House on same street. AU supplied with hard and et ft water. For particulars enquire of GEO.

RBTNOLDS. Nov. 3 tf 2w TO LET. Btore No. 3 Kxehau? Block, oa Kx-ehifie street, one of the best stands ia the city for a Grocery or Fnut Store, or foe any kind of buain eta, will be rented ery low.

Apply to S. C. BKAnTs FOR RENT. LARGE HOUSE, well situated for a boarding-house, or would accommodate two f.mtliaa. Also, a small Tenement on Hindis street, near to Colombia-et.

Inquire of TfiffS A- HTT.T. apnl 20 tf Music, Mirth, and Novelty I CONCERT HALL, No. 39 EXCHANGE STREET. Powers Serenaders EQ leave to annosnee to tbe fit sens of Bsn-and viernny that they will give a senes at No. 9 Exchange 15 gore ot FREE CONCERTS.

Street, Bangor, on Tuesday Afternoon and Evening, April 6. and erery afternoon and emrng daring tbe week. The Company consists of aix talented Perform ere, Mr. WM. WIGG1N, Mnsical Director, Mr.

JAMES POWERS, 6tu Mr. JAMES R1CHAKL6, Proprietor. STDoore open at and 6 clock ADMISSION REE. april7 On Commission, only to ihe public, as a CmiRunos Merchants and ao-LeiU consignments of any and all hinds of Merchandise. LUMfcER, of all deecriptions, particularly attended to; arrannements for dockage and care of vbich are convenient and oa reaeonable tenci, Having encooragement from many of the ena-tomers of Mesara Faulk Vo where he has oeeo connected in the sale of Lumber for the past two yearm, he fiattm himeelf (hat their natronaye will enable him to make ealee which will be eat-utactory, and 07 ready sale and prompt returns be will endeavor to merit the confidence of his patrons on the Penobscot River.

Seth E. Benson, General Commission Merchant, Office, No 1 City Point Block. (Over Atwood A Nickersons.) Exchange Street. Bangor, April 6, 1858 tf City Point Lumber Yard, (Foot of Exchange Street.) S. S.

STEVENS 'ey HE RE can alwavs be found the largest and TV best assortment of DRY LUMBER on the River, consisting of Dry Pine Boards and Dimensions, Hemlock and Spruce Boards. Shari Lumber of aU kinds. ALSO Doorty Sath and Blind manufactured from the beet of aeaaoned stock, always on hand. Order filled at short notice. Frames and furnished to order, which they offer on accommodating terms.

Bangor, April 8. 1868 d3m Lumber and Logs! For Sale, by the subscriber, 600.000 feet Seasoned PINE LUMBER, 100 Tons JUNIPER TIMBER, 200 JUNIPER KNEES, 2000 CEDAR SLKKPtRS, 2,500,000 feet SPRUCE LOGS. 600.000 feet PINE LOG3. ALSO Fine, Spruce, and Hemlock Lumber sawed to' order ia any quantity to suit purchasers, by GEO. W.

LADD, Commission Merchant, Broad -st-Bangor, April 13, lbi8 lm Smoked Alewives. JUST RECEIVED jfrg-3000 New Smoked Alewives, ap20 lm at Lo Wd AhK EX SAIVS Or ETrv Manufa.tured and sold -T Miohael Sola'wartz. janlS Exchange Bangor. Dissolution cf Copartnership. THE copartnership heretofore existing between J.

K. Bayern and L. Fmdenthal, under the style of J. K. Hagen A this day dissolved cv mutual consent.

The business of tha firm will be settled by are J.E. HAGBN fbeidenthaL. Bangor, April 10, 1868 dJ Copper Tip Shoes Children's MetalicTip Shoes; TWO PAIRS Warranted to do as much semes as three pain about th tips. 0Call and sea them. Ladies and Missee Boots and Shoes, Of all kinds, mads to measure and warranted, at th old stand of Crowell, Lnghton Oa, No.

43 Mara street oppomte the Hatch hotter, Bangor. April li LEIGHTON te CO. DIPice Ice FOR SALE ia any quantity, and datirered tn any pert of th city, ty wm: low. april U1T, IMA CsdsyV Ldy eons, Arthur. Grahams, andBalten.n Migariras, fss May, at Reek, Fetra- BAETLXTNS, a deep to any part yon btetid- i 'C" ingest the same in sera five as any othsc ties, rof sale low by IraraS tiior withouttae forrinx part.

Any person, with a jaek-kaite. sen APr MwdWw 14 City Point. do all the repairing thvd it will need for twenty years, as It will not get out erdts sad it tot 1L abls to freesa np like other Pomps. It hae received the first premiumq at four State fairs, tad numerous oounty Airs. i 1 1000 Galls.

Boiled and Raw OIL. It may be examined at the Tin Shop of F. B. 6001b. GREEK FAINTS, for Blind for sale MTI.Uk, Riohaag street, Baagar.

where 1 ishsU at the iiroste prism, by P. GUILD, remefcefor a tew week, town ngkti fcwarim VxrEITR WASH BRUSHES Extra six M. it ftUA 1 quality rief tefcsnsmi and ectnston, fw rale 1 by A. GUILD. CARR1AGB SPONGE I bale superior qua.

Hy, foe sate by '1 A. DANADA-DARLBY. diploma AWARDED DA CLAEKTfl i. Celebrated Sherry Wine Bitter, 1 Baym, Oxen As.synv. rad by tbs Mass.

Charit Mtebtoie Afwoeutto at Ukf bU tn la Boinn J856. ir eJe of koek Rom, Dock Bent, WBd Char-fnefcl JTwjoSiiwpariil, TboiwuJiwoit, Popiu emd Cossjdaiat, Jaan- 10 we fia tkeStemaeb, Bowata, Back wfe-40 car Hssdachs, Costlvrasse, FUas sad WirmtsJ to cars 8kia Eruytteas and Hamoss aU Warrams tjrfi far SMdieai qazUtXy ta laroc. ao4 eba OfS L10 c11 penom boU bm Ua. fo booiM wr ooirf em fMi, liittiiif tkMi te estetraud maSMsmli tbs woriA qaartsdSew; fliyuns IS am Boll d-. 8014 J'ftor, flees owe kotlU te a sloes, by S.

F. Bote ales bv Bsatnal E. rwklns. Wat frterykei tessail Bmsbsi.aad Aides, also bydssi- tenn tks Bsaes.1 a -'-1 kkcLMB, pns fe. 4 dlVV Md ini 8A.e riieqqo hiaromsH rAl STBB- WINDOW SHADEff, tellfibx at r- LoarL3oh.nt ia Va raCi Jul.

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