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The Old North State du lieu suivant : Elizabeth City, North Carolina • Page 1

Elizabeth City, North Carolina
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five stiellibffs the day before thai, andftfita Published every Saturday Vol 10. 44 error is harmless, wheit trutii is left free to combat it." No. 6. ELIZABETH GIT SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1850. Xftf MAN IV, Proprietor.

O. TVIMMER, Assistant Editor TERMSPER ANNUM. To (hose who have to pay postage on the paper, $2,00 To those who do not, $2,50 Payable in six months after subscribing, or Three Dollars will be charged if Payment is de layed until the expiration ot'the year. No paper stopjed until all arreages are paid up, at tne option oi me proprietor. Advertisements inserted at 551 per square for the nrsi insertion, and accents tor eacn continua" Advertisements must' be marked with the number of insertions wanted, or they will be charged uutJJ ordered out.

J. P. HARTflTAN, JllERCHJm TJILOX, Baltimore Street between Calvert Tiht-Streets. Baltimore. 2Vb.

163 Tfci to inform his North Carolina friends and all others, ihnt having disposed of his stock (at his former Store on I'ratt street,) he has taken the above store wncre nu nan upeneu an vuuic usn 1 I am 4 wr riAIlt and fashionable assortment ot SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which will be made to order, in the latest styles and fttjHodcrate prices. He has also on hand a 7 large and superior assortment of CLOTHING Ready Made which he flatters himself will favor- lably-compare in styles, durability and prices with any other establishment in this or any of the Eastern -r Gentlemen wishing to purchase will find it greatly to their ndvantage to call and examine his stock it being very desirable; no old goods that have been lying on hand for years; every 'garment having been manufactured within the last two months Should any article sold at this establish mentnot prove as represented the mony will be refunded. Also oii'liand a large assortrncn of On motion the Convention "adjourn until tomorrow morning 10 o'clock. Friday, March 15th, 1850. The convention met according to adjournment.

Dr. R. K. Speed introduced the follow-inff Resolution, viz: ResolvedtiThz a committee ol 6 persons be appointed to have printed the memo- rial, mat may oe prepareu uy inis convention, rand when the same shall be printed, to distribute copies Resolved, That a committee ot be appointed for each-county represented in thii convention, and for the county of Currituck, whose duty it shall be to pro- cure subscribers to sam memorial, ana transmit therii to the members, represent- the 7th 8th and 9th Congressional Districts. Resolved, that the committee appointed to superintend, the printing ot said memorial, send copies or tne same to sucn persons in our commercial cities and else- where; as they may deem properr and urge the several persons, to whom the same may be sent, to co-operate with us in our enori, 10 ouiam a ueiier ouuei 10 the ocean.

On motion of Dr. Speed, the blank in the second Resolution, was filled with 'six trom each county. The President -appointed the lollowing gentlemen to compose the committee un- der the first resolution, viz Hon. Wm. B.

Shepard, Dr. R. K. Speed, Gen. J.

C. B. Ehnngnaus. The President appointed the following gentlemen to compose tne committee ol six in each county, under the second Re- solution. SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, HAND KERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS UMBRELLAS, For Northampton County, H.

K. Bur- ing be diricted to take charge of the funds gwyn, Samuel Calvert, John Randolph, raised, and have Wimble's chart (laid on M- Srnallwood, C. VV. Barnes, and E. the table by Mr.

lithographed, and Jacobs. have such documents printed as they may For Bertie County, L. H. Webb.W. deem proper and dispose of the same, as A.

Furgerson, VV. P. Gurley, Priston their judgment may direct; and that they Perry, T. B. Hardy and R.

H. Cox. open a correspondence with different un- For Gates Count', Whitmel Stallings, derwriters interested in the commerce of Henry Miller, Reddick Gatling, George Ihe Albemarle Sound to obtain in form a- B. Gordon, Charles E. Ballard, and Wm.

lion upon, and their co-operation in effect-J. Baker. ing this great National work, and also take For Hertford County, Col. Starkey such steps, in furtherance of the same as there's" pat malone and tim flaharty 'anil got a wife sbe'll Uke him. he kape kiu mg mine all the time be'tjn the boot, jut.

for the fun of itr in mike troran, tad Ur ry keegan, all good ttiddv boarden ia oar ing tivin shellings a week1 'em, barring barney who Wt tnr thing, cause me wife sayg ht sih eom fort to her, and larry who hasent done a day's work the last, six weeks, and mike who is sick, an pat who owes for two months, and would be turned off onlv VA lose the "whole of it, and tim who swore by the sow) of his fathers pig he'd welt the hide off me back if tasked him for the money i foreot to tell yees the dhrinks was seored on a bit of board which tim smashed through the window': when: he threw it at barneys head for taxing him but he'll pay whats scored on it when he pays the rest of his bUl, so thats as isfe aiT the other. if yees wants to buy me out when veea comes to see me, i'll stand treat, taxve yees dacent. Yours till death his Teddy Ragw mark "barney wrote this for me. and foreot to tell the number of the hooi. neter mine that yees can find it when yeea comes to see me.

BUYING TITLES. "An office for the sale of German titles of honor is now open at Paris. Aknisht ship may be had for five thouiand franci. countship for twenty thousand, and marquisate for forty thousand francs." n5 VaPer' The above isno noveltyaa it is notori- ous that many of the petty German states nave been lr years seeking out their re venue by this trade. Even in Spain there is a way to purchase a title.

One hai only to write a letter to the minister ot finance, stating that by an examination of family documents, it has-been discovered that one's ereat-srreat grandfather owed the crown some 60,000 rials, and a receipt always come addressed to a count or mar quis. Ihus it was that redro Jtsiancno, the Havana stone trader, became a grande de LsParia ari that Cuba and Jf orto Kico h.aTe become stewn with a new nobility innce as proud and much more worthleii than the old Castilian Senores. N. Y. Express.

RESPONSE TO MR. WEBSTER. With some exceptions, the general tone of the public press, both of the North and South, echoes earnestly the purely American spirit of the great speech of Daniel Webster. The idle assaults of the Hale and Sewards make no more impression upon the compact argument and national spirit of the great New Englander than would a couple of bum-boats upon the bows of a line of battle-ships. They may sink themselves by the collision, but the colossal batteries above them will not feel the shock.

After Mr. Webster's magnificent thunder-storm of eloquence, the South can listen without consternation to the chirping of the two grasshoppers from New Hampshire and New York, tiale may "tear a passion to tatters," and Seward, who would be scared into fits by the sight of a drawn sabre, may talk lustily about "extirpating slavery with the sword," but no one will heed either of these disgrunted pigmies. The voice of the North has been heard through Daniel Webster, while Hale and Seward speak for nobody but their own little selves. The late crisis (for we rejoice in the hope that the critical point has been passed, and that the ship of state, emerging from the midst of the breakers, is once more approaching the open sea) was one to try the metal American statesmen to test, not their powers of eloquence or of interest, so much as their moral man to place patriots on one side and demagogues on the other. Mr.

Webster has nobly stood the ordeal. He has exhibited an intrepidity of soul which had not been ascrib-: ed to Jiim, and a patriotism which knows no-boundaries but the limits of the whole country. Representing a constituency strongly opposed to slavery, he has dared to tell them their errors, and to proclaim that he should pursue in the Senate an independent course of action. An old man near the close of his public and mortal career, jje seems to be imbued with the fire and energy of youth, and has sprung to the front of the furious battle, wielding in one hand a sword of argument, which, like the ponderous weapon of Douglass, no other warrior can raise; and raising in the other high above his head, the banner of The Constitution and The Wholv Country. Under that banner, North and South, will rally.

The Soutluasks nothing but. to be left unmolested in the quiet enjoyment of her rights. The North, follow ing the lead of Webster, will desist from the insulting measure of the Wil mot Proviso, and from interference, with slavery in the Districtof Columbia. We hope for these beneficial results. We believe that the question will be honorably and satis-actorily adjusted.

We feel satisfied that the Rights of the States and the Union of the States have before them a prospect of safety, with Webster and Clay in the Senate and Taylor in the Executive chain Richmond Republican. Mr. A. W. Dessaner, a merchant of Weston, Missouri on his way to toe.

East, lost a belt at St. Louis containing 000, in gold and paper Henry Clay is too great a man to be President. You can't put an elephant ia i tal! intended onlv for horses. time returned and reported the following Gentlemen, as proper officers for the Convention, viz. For President, CoL Andrew Joyner, of Halifax County.

For Vice Presidents, Norcurn of Washington County, Thomas P. Devereux, Halifax County, J. H. Leary, of Chowan County, and Thomas F. Jones, of Perquimans County.

For Secretary, H. G. Spruill, and Mc C. Boyle of Washington County. The report of the committee was.

concurred in, and the officers were conducted their seats by Josiah Collins, and Joseph Halsey Esqrs. Mr. Burgwyn, offered the following Resolution Resolved, That a committee, to consist of one delegate from each county be appointed, to prepare subject matter for the consideration and action of the convention. The resolution was adopted, and the president appointed the following committee; viz: Messrs. H.

K. Burgwyn, Richard H. Smith, W. Bagley, Joshua Skinner, Willis F. Riddick, John A.

Anderson, James L. Bunch, J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Thos.

Grandy, Jos. Halsey, Jos. B. Cherry, Thos. E.

Pender. The committee retired and in a short time returned, and reported the following resolutions, through their chairman; H. K. Burgwyn. Resolved.

That a committee to consist of one Delegate from each county here re presented, be appointed by the chair, to draw up a memorial and lay the same be fore this convention, setting forth, all matters, in relation to the reopening of Roanoke Inlet at or near Nag's Head. Revolved, That the convention appoint a committee to consist of members, to whom the memorial shall be put in charge, and that they proceed to Washing ton city, and deliver the same to each and every one of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, and call upon them, to use every proper effort to enforce the same. -The Resolutions were adopted. On motion of S. B.

Snruill, the blank in the second Resolution, was filled with one from each county. Mr Collins proposed that those Gentle men who had maps, documents relating to the subject of an inlet at Nag's Head, be requested, to lay them on the Secretaries table which was agreed to. Charts and documents, were presented by Josiah Collins, J. C. B.

Ehringhaus, and J. C. Bond. The President appointed the following gentlemen to compose the committee under the first Resolution reported by Mr. Burgwyn, from the committee to report subject matter forthe action of the convention viz: Messrs.

Wm. B. Shepard, Josiah Collins, Augustus H. K. Burgwyn, Wm.

J. Ellison, Joseph Halsey, Thomas F. Jones, Cornelius G. Lamb, Kichard H. Smith, P.

H. Winston, Wm. D. Valentine, and Willis F-Riddick. The Convention then adjourned until 34 P.

M. The Convention met according to adjournment. Hon- Aug. Moore, moved that a com-mitte of 5 be appointed to open subscriptions to meet the expenses ot printing and Lithrographing Wimbles map, laid on the table by Mr. Collins.

The President appointed the following gentlemen to compose said committee, viz: Messrs. Aug. Moore, Dr. Benjamin, L. S.

Webb, C. Latham, P. P. Clements. it Mr.

JLllison, introduced the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That a committee of 2 from each county, be appointed by the President, to report to Uiis convention, (for the use of the committee appointed, to draw up a memorial to Congress) the amount of ton3ge passing through Croaton Sound, and the Dismal Swamp Canal, and other statistical information, of. the amount of Produce exported from the Albemarle Sound, and its tributaries, The resolution was adopted and the following gentlemen were appointed to compose the committee, viz: Messrs. VVm. J. Ellison, D.

W. Bagley, ti. Ji. S. T.

Wheeler, W. L. Daniel, J. H. Smith, J.

McC Boyle, C. L. Pettigrew, James F. Abner Harrel, James F. Devereux, L.

S. Webb, Starkey Sharp, Willis F. Riddick, John Cox, John H. Leary, Wm. E.

Mann, Jos. Mullen, C. M. Ford, E. Smith, Willis Grandy, Abner L.

Dozier. Dr. Manning of Beaufort, Cartaret county, was introduced by Josiah Collins, who made a very interesting statement and presented statistical information, on the subject of Beaufort Inlet, and advocated the re-opening of IS'ag's Head. On motion of Dr. Benjamain, ordered that the thanks of this Convention be tendered to Dr.

Manning, for his statistical information, presented to the Convention. 'T l'roceedin gs of the JVa g's Head Convention, held AT PLYMOUTH, ON THE 14TH MARCH, 1850. In pursuance of a proposition made by several Gentlemen of Halifax and Northampton Counties, that a Convention, be held in the Town of N. on the 14th day of March 1850, to be composed of Delegates from the Counties interested, in opening an Inlet at or near Nags Head; and to adopt such measures, as" they may deem proper, for accomplishing that object. The convention assembled, in the town of Plymouth, on the day appointed, viz: the 14th March 1850 The convention was called to order by Josiah Collins who moved that, for the temporary organization of the convention John A.

Anderson, of Hertford county be appointed President pro tem, and Gen. H. G. Spruill, Secretary pro tem- The counties, were called over, and the following counties were represented by the following Delegates. Northampton county, H.

K. Burgwyn. Bertie county Samuel B. Spruill, Dr. John R.

Gilliam P. H- Winston, H. B. Hardy, J. H.

Ethridge, Josiah White, VVm. D. Ethridge, Noah Green, John B. Freeman, John Henry, H. A.

Gilliam, James Gill, Wm J. MitchelWm Hyman, James R. Raynor, George Mitchet, John Deverau, L. S. Webb, and VV.

G. Uary. Hertford county John A. Anderson, Abner Harrell, William Hanes, William D. Valentine, Col.

Starkey Sharp, Dr. R. H. Shield, A. Jackson, Maj, W.

L. Daniel, Joseph JL. Scull, Watson Lewis Jr. Starky Harrell, Dr. S.

J. Wheeler, W. N.H.Smith. Gates county, Willis F. Riddick.

Chowan counlyHon. Augustus Moore, Col. Jas. C. Bond, E.

C. Hines, Joshua Skinner, Thos. W. Hudgings, Thos. J.

G. Maning, J. H. Leary, VVm. D.

Lowther, Jr. John Cox, R. R. Heath, Thos: H. Jno.

W. Skinner, B. W. Hathaway, George W. Bruer, James N.Floyd R.

R. Felton, John Bad-ham, Wm. R. Skinner. Perquimans county Thos.

F. Jones, James M. Summer, Chas. M. Ford, John P.

Jordan, Edward F. fcjniith, James L. Bunch, Wm. Sumner. Pasquotank county Gen.

J. C. B. Ehringhaus," S. D.

Grice, Dr. R. K. Speed, A. Jones, Thomas Knox, Jos.

Mullen, Wm. J. Kellinger, Hon. Wm. B.

Shep-ard, M. S. Sawyer, Thos. Harvey, Wm-E. Mann, J.

E. Weeks, John Small, A. Curran, J. B. Godwin, Thad.

F. Banks. Camden county, -Thos. S. Grandy, Willis S.

Grandy, Abner L. Dozier, G. Lamb. Halifax countv, Col. Andrew Joyner, Thomas P.

Devereux. James R. Smith. Richard Smith. Martin county S.

SShephard, Clay ton Moore, D. W. Barley, Wm. J. Ellison, A.

C. Williams, Dr. J. H. Burnett, G.

L. Moore, D. C. Guyther, S. C.

Benjamin, J. W. Glass, P.P. Clements, P. W.

Yar- rel, N. B. Fagan, F. W. Tatem, John B.

Whiteaker. Washington County Josirh Collins, R. B. Davis, H. W.

Davenport, J. J. Lind-sey, Wm. D. Davenport, Franklin Snell, Henry Downing, John B.

Chesson, E. W. Jones, Asa. Johnston, A. F.

Garrett, Jos. C. Norcom, John B. Beasley, Dr. B.

F. Fessenden, Thos. E. Pender, H. G.

Spruill, T. B. Nicholls, Saml. Kissam, John McBoyle, Charles Latham, W. VV.

Mizell, G. J. Cherry, F. F. Fagan, Thomas S.

Johnston, Wm, L. Arnold, Abram Newberry, Thomas S. Armstead, Dr. Wm. Armstead, Joseph Downing, Doctrine P.

Davenport, H. H. Waters. H. B.

Short. Jehu Nicholls, Thomas Beckwith, B. J.M Spruill, and Dr. J. F.

Gaylord. Tynel County, Joseph Halsey, Solomon Hassell, R. Davenport, James F. Davenport, Charles L. Pettigrew, John T.

Spruill, J. R. Stubbs, Jos. McClees, Silas Davenport, S. H.

Sample, T. L. Hassell, B. J. Sikes, VV.

DrCarstarphen, S. H. McRey; Thomas Swain, J. B. Davenport, R.

B. Knight, George VV. Davenport, Dr. R. S.

Halsey, VVm. C. Davis, J. D. Armstrong, B.

A. Spruill, Thos. Clayton, J. D. Brabble; VVm B.

Elheridge. Mr. Collins introduced the followino- Resolution, viz. Resolved, That a committee of one Delegate from each County, represented in this Convention, be appointed, by the President pro tem, whos; duty it shall be to propose proper officers for the Conven tion. The, Resolution was adopted, and the President appointed the following gentlemen to compose the committee, viz.

Josiah Collins, Dr." J. H. Burnett, C. L. Pettrigrew, James N.

fc'mith, A. L. Dozier. R. Speedy John P.

Jordan, Starky 'Sharp, Willis F. Riddick, Dr. J. R. Gilliam, H.

K. Burgwyn and B. W. The committee retired, and in a short of to I Chowan James C. Johnston.

Dr. T. V. Warren, Hertford Hon. Keneth Ravner G.

C. alternate. Perquimans J. P. Whedbee Dr.

C. M. Ford, alternate Pasquotank J. C. Ehringhaus Dr.

Gnce, alternate. Camden Willis S. Grandy D. D. Ferebee, alternate.

Currituck B. T. Simmons- -Tully L. Dozier, alternate. Halifax A.

Joyner R. H. Smith, al- tern ate. Martin W. J.

Ellison J. H. Jurnelt, alternate. wasninston Josiah Collins J. C.

Norcom, alternate Tyrrel L. Pettisrew Jos. HalRov alternate. On motion Resolved unanimouslv that Hon. VVm.

B. Shepard be added to the list I ol JUelesates to Congress. On motion of Mr. HaJsev. Resolved, That when this Convention adiourn it adiourn to mppt in Edpntnn nn Thursday after the 1st Monday in Novem- Der next.

Ud motion of Hon. Wm. Shpnarfl Resolved, That the President of this Con- vention be requested to transmit to the several Boards of Trade in our commer cial cities, a copy of the memorial of this convention, and request their co-operation in accompnsmg tne ooiect. The Convention adjourned until 3 p. M.

The Convention met according to ad- journment, Dr. John R. Gilliam offered the following resolution, viz: Resolved. I hat the committee on Drint- they may see proper. The resolution was adopted.

Resolved: that the President of this convention be appointed chairman of the del egation appointed by this convention to carry the memorial to Congress. -Dr. Jno. R. Gilliam, offered the follow ing, Resolution.

Resolved, that the thanks of this convention be tendered to the President, Vice Presidents and Secretaries, for the able, and efficient manner, with which they have discharged the duties of their respective officesT-the resolution was adopted. On motion of T. E. Pender, ordered that the proceedings of this convention be sisrned bv the officers thereof, and the papers friendly to the object, be request ed to copy. after the first Monday in November next.

ANDREW JOYNER, President J. C. Norcom, T. P. Devereux, Vice Presidents.

J. H. Leary, T. F. Jones H.

G. Spruill, Secretaries. J. Mc Boyle, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy, from the Journal of the Con vention in mv possession H. G.

SPRUILL, Sec'y. Plymouth, March 15th, 1S50 FIFTEEN HUNDRED PASSENGERS FOR CALIFORNIA. A NOVEL SCENE. The rush for California by the steamers is unprecedented. In addition to the 650 who sailed in the Geor- gia, on Wednesday, from New York, the Commercial says that the steamships Em- pire City and Cherokee, which leave that nnrt to-dav for Chaores.

will take out full -Z eigut hiindred more passengers. Thev had about an equal number on their books. Thus some 1500, will have gone forth from New York alone this w7eek. The first locomotives, it is said, did not average five miles an hour. In 1825 a European writer placed the maximum velocity at six, and ridiculed "such nonsense as that we should see locomotive engines trrvelling at the rates of 12, 16, 18, and 20 miles an hour." AN IRISH LETTER.

The following characteristic epistle seems to have been written in reply to an advertisement of some person" wishing to purchase a Public We give it as a model for letter-writers in general: 'mistur R. howly jabers! isn't mee-self is the boy for yees. aint i kapeing a public hoos what am doing a fust rat gin-tail bizziness." Sure dident that's me wife, and meself tak in sevin and six-pinee fur dhrinks yisturday and more nor a dnarp, j. a. jacKson, a.

r. lancy, vv. L. Daniel, R. G.

Cowoer. and G. C. Moore. For Chowan County, Wm.

D. Low ther, John M. Jones, James C. Bond. R.

R. Felton, James L. Roberts, and Jas. J. Cannon.

For Perquimans County, Dr. Ford, Thos. S. Jacocks, Edmund C. Blount.

Jeptha White, Edward F. Smith, and Joseph White. For Pasquotank County, Dr. Speed, Dr. S.

D. Gnce, VVm. E. Mann, A. Jones, James E.

Weeks, and Mark S. Sawyer. For Camden County, C. Barco, VVm. tj.

Wilson, C. u. Lamb, E. L. Dozier, A.

Berrv, and VVm. R. AbbotL For Currituck County, B. T. Sim- mons, John Barnard, E.

C. Lindsey, John B. Etheredge, J. B. Lindsey, and Tully L.

The President then adjourned the con-Dozier. x- vention to meet at Edenton on Thursdav --srerv TV A great variety olGentlemens Silk, Woolen undeletion. Under and Drawers. Sept.2y, i UN S. DIRE CT IMPORTATION.

have in 6tore, ofour own importation, from fa tori ev of the highest rejiutation in England a fine assartment of DOUBLE AND SINGLE GUNS, And having purchased them at the Manu factures' lowest cash prices, we are prepared sell them us low as they can be hought in this or any other-flrket. Also on hand Povvt der Flaks, Shot 'Pouches. Gun Caps, Shot UtitSj Gaiue Dags, fee. BRO, I Imporljers'Tjf Hardware, oct 27 Eat side Alarket Square. '1 I RE MO A U.

WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, Dealer in PaintsT Oils, Spices, Dyc-Stujfs, Win-dour Glass, Putty, Perfumery, Soaps, Articles, kc. kc. 1. South Calvert Baltimore, Md. WOULD reepectlully inform Country JVlerdhantSj lysicians, Druggists and others, I that he has lienioved No.

8 to Ntvl South Calvert Street, (nearly opposite to his former place of business) in Johnson, and Lee's large building. A full and fresh Uitpck of every article in his line ofbusiness, always to be found at this House, All Goods sold at this House must be as represented or no sale. Good Articles, Low and Liberal Terms, may; be relied on. Orders from any of in customers, or others, will niet with prompt attention. Merchants coming North will do well to call.

Jan. 24th, 1849. 3nv GliATUS GUAES, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. BKO.THEIt invite theatten-tion of buyers to their extensive stock of Grates em bracing every variety of size atnl pattern; all of which are offered for sale, AT REDUCED PIIICES. -oct 'M.

PAHM FOIL SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale a Form, alout 1 mile fn.m the Great Bridge, containing. 108 acres, more or 1js. A The said Farm has on it a two story Dwel-jfjfcttng House, 20 by 28 feet two Rooms and a Jf usaage bt'low, and three Rooms and a Passage above, a Kitchen, Smuk-house, Crib and SStablL's. There is land enough cleared to make about 50 his of corn.

The cjeartd is high and sandy, and the uncleared land good Oak and land, and ea-v to drain. There is- plenty of Timber on the aaid land for fencing, and has a most excellent raime lor tattle and Dogs. As tne said tarm lu about 7 nides Ironi tho sutscrihcr5 ho would sell it low, and on aceoainiodating termrs. An adjoining farm ot 80 acres can also be iurehascd should it be wanted. JAMti' G.

AlAKTliN. Mount Pieasant, Korlolk County, Va. Feb 16 le50 Good Things. Jrst received 200 lbs. Fresh Candy assorted Preserved Limes Ouavai JtUy, Citron, Currants Oranges, A pjhs, Almonds, Kaisins Hlbtits, Butter JNuts, Pea Tsuts, All ot which arc fresh and good, at the Curiosity Shop, of KELLlISUEIt.

Feb 16 J. T. SALTER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. AVOULD respectfully inform the citizens of -Elizabeth City and vicinity that he has rented -the Office; recently occupid by Dr. Jilusgrave, where he can usually be found at all hours of the night as well as day when not absent on professional Jbusiness.

Dr. Salter courteously solicits the pation-age ol those xvlio prefer the Reformed or Botanic Medical treatment to any other; also of those who reel disposed to give it a trial, feeling confident that since he has had several years experience in thU mode of treating diseases he will be able io render entifeatis-faclior. to alUvho will give him a fair trial. A full asEortment of pWe Thomsonian and other Botanic preparations of Medicines Can be obtained at Jus Othce. Jan.

26, 1S50. i For Halifax County, -Win. R. Smith, W. J.

Hill, M. Ferial H.J.Harvey, James Simmons, and Ur. VV. L. Lon.

or Martin County, Clavton Moore, G. L. Moore, D. VV. Bagley B.

Wm. K. Williams, and Dr. S. C.

Benja min. For Tyrrel County, Jos. Halsey, Jno. McUlees, (Jharles McClees, C. L.

Petti grew, Jos. McClees, and J. F. Davenport. tor Washington County J.

B. Ches- son, Charles Latham, A. J. Mizell, Dr. H.

Hardison, Henderson Phelps, and VV m. L. Rhodes. Hon. Wm.

B. Shepard, Chairman of the Committee appointed to draw up a memo rial and present it to the Convention, re ported a memorial, which was adopted. Ordered that the Secretaries have five copies 01 the memorials prepared, and that they be signed by the President, Vice rresisenis, and secretaries of this Conven- tion. Jtion. m.

15. Shepard introduce! the following Resolution, viz: Resolved, lhat this convention do highly approve 01 the publication of a N. C. Ga- zetteer by Dr. VV heeler of Mui freesboro', and recommend the delegates compos ing tins convention to lurnish such aid, as may be required in the completion of saia woiK.

On motion of Mr. Collins. Resolved, I hat the Convention now pro- ceed to the aDnointment of one deleo-atf A in each county and an alternate delegate under the.second resolution reported yesterday, from the committee reporting subject matter for the convention. The Convention appointed the -following gentlemen, for the following counties, viz: Northampton H. K.

Burgwyn D. A. Barnes, alternate. Bertie Lewis Thompson S. B.

Spruill, alternate. Gates Whitmel Stallings H. Willie, alternate..

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