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North State Whig from Washington, North Carolina • Page 2

North State Whigi
Washington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

J. jm-m. 1 The direct trade to Charleston will 1 who carry the laws into operation. Thus each company possesses and exercises the right public mind, and unite in one firm front to oppose fanaticism at the North, or tho rashncs3 cf our Southern Rights friends 7 foster the agricultural interest, which is tho great interest of the State. And thus 'the' great ends of government will be accomplished by the silent workings of the system of internal improvements, the author.

The editor says has won a character vwhich commands tho respect of the wholo country for the light it has shed upon its best interests, and for tho noble example he exhibits of uriflinching fidelity to the convictions of lllS imnd." a variet cf soil and productions not to be found on any rail road in the country. It commences in the rice fields on the Cape Fear and terminates in the cotton 'fields 'of the ancient and honored county of Mecklenburg, traversing-'-on its ray a highly productive Grain, Tobacco and Ccttcn growing country. What is deficient on cne partof the line to supply the wants of man is found on another, the rawj material on. point will supply the manufactures at another, who in "turn will send'out the wrought fabrics to the producer. The wheat and flour of the West will1 be exchanged for the products of the coast, and thus a reciprocal, growing- and constantly increasing way trade will Epring up, which the historv of railroads shew, is most business that pay.

Then there is the cnterpns-inT and flourishing town of Wilmington which may be regarded. as the the road, with her large West India trade, and varied commerce, giving! her the ability to supply the wants of the producers and creating a constant 1 demantF for their productions, and. the markets of Virginia thrown open by the Raleigh and Gas ton Rail Road, with their demands and means of eupplfau uniting to timulateindustry and pro duction and thus add such an amount of tonnage and business to the road as to render it almost unnecessary to look beyond its limits for the 60uxceof its productiveness. But, if we were permitted to. look abroad could with quit as motoW of argument as we seo urged every day, in connection with other schemes, place this one also in communication with Mem 'y phiswhich seems to be regarded by many as a point on the great high way to the Pacific! and we could then without any very great stretch of the imagination, extend this road to Beaufort, arid, fancy her safe and secure harbor crowded with from all parts of the world.

Such speculations would probably not bo considered rational though far within the bounds of the visions which fill the mind of the projectors of Rail Roads possessing nothing like the probabili- 4ies of accomplishment as would seem to attend the 0 very reasonable I project of extending the North Carolina Road into Tennessee and down to Beaufort. y- And why should not North Carolina accom plish this enterprise I believe she will she lias already authorised surveys to ascertain the cost of extending the road oyer the mountains and Wanted charter for a Rail dtoad to New schemes are entirely feasible and practicable, and will at no distant day, I have no be accomplished. aro, probable in theory, and what is probable in theory' has in practice always proved true. But these schemes are in tKe future, although in my opinion in. the certain future.

I prefer reasoning from the past and grasping what is before me. Lodlcing, then I as I nave said, to the wide spread-demand, and it- it. mix ri Lc xu 1. immediate borders of the road to supply that de mand I have no fears of the result and feel no need of travelling beyond the borders of the State insearch of and travel to demonstrate the 'productiveness of the Stock of the N. Carolina Rail I am, however, not indifferent to income' arising from tho through business it is one of the certainties of the present which I 1 edunt largely upon from our connection with tho Charlotte and South Carolina Rail Road, Hav-: fae.

however, in the outset confined myself to the i limits of the roadJand to a simple statement oi lis innueuces pFumuwug wmc lixuuaujr, auu IHereby- addirist to the wealth of the State, and 1 creating business for itself I have, although in no 00d3 would be imported. 'ILo itLauts, iim city wouia nave io leave it. instead of v. citing tho sympathy of tho other ycutLr Y-, we should incur their displeasure aud tin. I Such a step on the part cf South Carolina reflection on their patriotism and intelligence.

They have all, except Mississippi, cxr rcr t'lf selves satbCcd with tho Coini-uoml iflaitLfui. ly carried out. 1 his is doing nr.d lias been Aircaay many oi our bCbt citizen? aro jnc ing to leavo the "sinking ship," and many others have expressed a determination to pond ir property if S. Carolina doc3 tcccdoT We Lnu.y a gentleman of this place, one of the largest tl.ivo-holdcrs, if not the largest, in tho upper jart of South JJaroluvi, who is now preparing to quite tho State, whero ho has resided fur thirty beforoour troubles commenced, and take up 1n abode in tho upper part of Georgia. There a merchant of this town, who ha3 a branch of Lis business in Augusta, and who always hcrcioruro ordered his shipments to Charleston, Las rea nily directed them to Savannah, in order to clear of our troubles These arc only indication of what mischief and ruin wo may expect to follow in tho train of secession.

Greenville (S. Tat) Li. NAG'S iJIEAD CONVENTION. At an adjourned meeting of tho Nag's IjVn.l Convention, held at Plymouth, on. Thursday tho 22nd May, 1851, Meeting wan call -d order by II.

G. Spruill, Secretary and Jo. li C. Norcdm, ono of tho Vico took tho chair as President of tho convention. The Secretary called over tho conn ies nn-1 tho following Delegates appeared and took their seats, viz Bertie county.

Lewis Bond, Dr. Bon 1, Col. Worlcy, R. B. Freeman, Henry A.

Gilliam, Dr. J. R. Gilliam. Martin county! D.

C. Guythcr, N. B. Fa.r.i, J.B. Griffin.

1). W. Bagley. all i '1 Chowan county. 11.

11. Heath, E. C. Iliu'v, W. C.

Hunter, Col. J. C. Bond. 'Pasquotank county.

Gen. C. B. Ehrinr-haus, Br. Godwin, T.

Knox. Camden county. Capt. Forbc3, M. S.

Uuhh-cU. Currituck county. D. C. Lindsay.

Tyrrcl county. J. Halscy, Joa. IMcCIm, It. Davenport, J.

F. Davenport, N.Owciw, S.Lcili W. Carstarphen, J. A. Warrock.

Washington county. J. C. Norcom, C. t.,' E. W. Jones, T. E. Pender, T.

11. Nirh-oils, J. G. AVilllams, I. Kelly, II.

B. Short, II. Batcman, J. Brabblo, Dr. B.

F. J. Griffin, T. Bcckwith, II. II.

Harrison, 11 Rcppcss, A. Johnston, E. Hanks, W. E. J.

Johnson, J. Ramsey, W. liborn, .1. 1. WinilcyT T.

S. Latham, E. II. Willis, 11. U.

White, C. G. Haughton, J. Bcasley, F. F.

Pagan, W. A. Littlcjohn, A. AViley, C. Lowther, Dr.

W. W. Ward and II. Spruill. J.

McC. Boylo, ono of tho secretaries, beir.g absent W. C. Hunter was appointed in L'u j.Lico. On Motion of T.

E. Pender, Resolved That a committee of seven bo appointed by tho President, to prcparo and report subject matter for tho convention. The following gentlemen wero appointed to compose said committee, viz: T. E. Pender, C.

Ehringhaus, J. Halscy, II. Gilliam, B.C. Lindsey, R. Heath and D.

C. Guythcr. Information having been received that tho Hon. David Outlaw was in Town, Ordered that tho President appoint a committee of tluco to wait on Col. Outlaw, and invite him to attend the convenion-f-committcp composed of Menu-.

Pender, Knox and Davenport, who retired nnl in a few minutes returnod and reported that llou. D. Outlaw was in the convention. Col. Outlaw, being called on, roso an lex; plained in a neat and appropriate ppceeh, tho causes of tho failure of tho appropriation ir Nag's Head, at tho last session of Congress, ani urged upon the pcoplo to press tho subject lo-fore Congress.

Ho suggested that tho people tihould make tlin a question in the elections and not vote for uy man who was not pledged to vote for and an appropriation on Congrcas. Mry Halscy from tho committco to prepare subject matter for tho convention, made tho fallowing report Resolved, That this convention regard uiih unabated interest the importanoo and practicability of re-opening Nag's Head Inlet; that thu convention approves and re-affirms all the pro- Eositions heretofore adopted by the con vvi.t Join eretoforo assembled in l'lymnuth and Fdcnloii, for tho furtherance of this most desirable object; tha wo believe tho measures already proposed, if persisted in and pressed, will' secure to tho completion of this work; and this commits recommend to the convention to act upon and pursue the resolutions and projects adopted by t'ao convention at its previous sitting. This committee recommends to this convention, tho adoption of such action as hi i all public attention to the importance of thU work, both to tho state and general government. Thi committee recommend that when this convention adjourns it adjourn to meet again at euch laco and time as tho convention shall approvo of. Mr.

Fagan moved tho adoption of tho report, pending which, Gen. Ehringhaus addressed tbo convention in an eloquent and animated ppcech, urging upon the' people to prcs.i th'm subject before Congress, and pledging the warm support of Pasquotank and adjoining counties, to the work- Col. Lindjy, of Currituck, bein'; called on, roso and declared, that ho regretted that nn prcssion had gono abroaj-1 that hia county va- opposed to this work, ho said thatsho warm--ly in favor af it, and ho was here as an '0 of her friendship. Tho report of tho committeo was adopted. David Outlaw reported, that be had rft ceived of vjho committee appointed at the ton convention (Messrs.

Hathaway and Woj'1) the sura of $13 and that ho had placed tu ammint in tha lmnd-i'S.znr Bachc. tohv.O Map cf N. C. lithographed, and tbit the work would soon bo "completed, and dtn uted." Halscy. moved that an Executive com-'mittco Of cno from each county iatercr to 1, 1 t1 T' propria11 for Nag's Head, hereupon! the following com mittce was appointed, vh Northampton, Halifax, Martin, Washington! Tyrrel, Bertie, Hertford, Gates, Chowan, Perquimon.1, Camden, la.vpiot:iu!:, II, K.

Bargwyn. Ja.i. Smith. I). y.

II. B. Short. Jon. McClecs.

It. B. Freeman. Btarkey T. J.

T. Bun I. Jo.i. Cannon. V.

11 Harriet. Mai. ib ri----; N. Uray self-government. Wo need not be alarmed for the stability of tho form of government adopt ed by the framcrs of 4 our glorious constitution when its principles are so well understood by our people that even our boys are able prac tically to carry them into operation.

We would say to tho members of tho Phoenix Company you have shown a praise worthy and commendable spirit in forming your company you, have dono yourselves credit and the town good service at your first lire. Persevere in your laudable and no doubt your exer tions will bo rewarded with the applause of all good citizcUs. We would say to the citizens cherish this company. I hey deserve well at your hands. The youth of 'a community aro its pride and its hope Furnish this company with all the ap paratus they may need.

If they had a good suction engine they would bo a much more effi cient company than they are. They are deserv ing of a good set of apparatus, and we hope they will bo supplied with it. It FOURTH 0 ULY.r; I Arrangements arc making this place to have an unusually spirited celebration of tho glorious 4th. SALARIES. Tho annual salaries of Bishops in tho English Church are stated as follows.

Archbishop of Canterbury, $217,000 Archbishop of York, 135,520 Bishop of Durham, 140,200 Bishop of London, 5 290,400 The 25 reriiaining Bishops, 726,000 SALE OF A NEWSPAPER ESTABLISII- MENT. Charleston, May 28. The Charleston Evening News has been sold out fto a party who will conduct it on decided Union principles. ADVERTISING. The following is a good illustration of tho "penny wiso, pound policy which very many worthy persons still adopt i A man in Saybrook, Canada, recently had a farm for sale, and was advised to advertise it he said ho "couldn't afford it." Tho farm was sold for $1500 the purchaser bought "on speculation," paid $2 for advertising, and shortly afterwards sold tho samo farm for two thousand dollars Comment is unnecessary.

An orator holdinjr forth in favor of women, concluded thus "Oh, my hearers, depend upon it, nothing beats a good wife: "I beg your pardon," replied one -of the female auditors, "a drunken husband does." A Georgian Editor Busted." An editor in Georgia, who has recently 'busted as he terms it, crows smartly over or upon the fact that he did it with the honors of war. Although he admits that ho retired from the field, he says that ho did it with colors flying a Sheriff's flag fluttering from two windows and the frost dooi of his ojjkef i.r: --y -vi VIOLATION OF THE U. S. MARITIME LAWS. The ships Essex, Coriolanus, and Australia, threo British vessels, wero seized at New York On Saturday byVthe United States marshal, for a violation of act of February, 1847, which limits the number of passengers to bo brought in each vessel.

The above named ships had twenty passengers each over. and above the number allowed by the act, by which, says tho Herald, they become forfeited to tho United States Government. The Governor of Massachusetts has appointed a lawyer of Boston an Inspector General of fish. Lawyers ought to have a practical knowl edge of fish, for they are generally considered very great Ledger. i The President received a pressing invitation at Buffalo to visit Detroit.

The Democrats joined in the invitation, and particularly ener-al Cass and his family. Mr. Fillmore also received a pressing letter hero to vis tho Brandon estate in Virginia one of the most beautiful and extended, in the Old Commonwealth, and occupied, we believe, by a daughter of Mr. Ritchie. Ritchie, who is now in retirement, also joined heartily in this invitation.

It is due to the Democratic Mayors and Common Councils of tho cities of Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica, and Albahy, to say that they nave treated the President and his Whig companions in travel with a respect and attention eminently creditable to them as men, and most honorable to them as gentlemen attached to a party of opposite politicSii T-''i The President of the United States camb and departed yesterday by the most expeditious1 route to the scat of government. Wo have devoted a largely additional space to tho accounts of his reception homeward, to which we ask tho attention of the readers of the Express and particularly to the speeches made by the President and Messrs. Graham and 'N. Y. Express.

A BENEVOLENT HORSE, A horse in the neighborhood of New York dragging a load of coal; 1200. weight, in a cart on a slow walk, came up to a child carelessly seated in the middle" of the' road, gathering up the dust with bis hands, and making 'mountains out of The horse stopped he smelt of the child therd was no room to turn off. ith his thick lips he gathered the frock between Lis teeth, lifted the child up and laid him gently on tho outside of the wheel track, and Stent on his way and well he rejoice Lo had done a noble deed, THE CONSEQUENCE OF SECESSION. We abandon the Union, and involve ourselves i xt. tt i t'i a in a uuiuxiub ui uruis wilix tuo umieu man capable of bearing arms will have to abandon his business and repair to the tented field.

Tho property of the State would have to be consumed in taxes or driven out of the State. Thousand and tens of thousands of our citizens would leavo tho State with their families and Business of every kind would be interrupted. The present hi gh prosperity autl happy condition of South Carolina would vanLh: Therefore be it Resolved, That we will support, in tho approaching lection for Governor, no man vrho isiwt firm and fast in his attachment to the Constitutional Un ion principles of our party, arid who is, notub-i licly and irrevocably committed to the After, tho reading and adoption of the above resolutions, Hon. Garnctt Andrews, who hap pened to be present, in answer to repeated calls from the' audience, favored the meeting with an eloquent and spirited address giving an instruc tive history' of late crisis, explaining the doctrines" of the Constitutional Union Party, and exposing th. motives of those persons who art endeavoring to make 'Disunion schemes under the doak of old party sentiments 'In Talbot, there is a like movement.

So in Decatur.4. Ditto in Macon and in Upaon. In Meriwether, it was set forth r- I Whereas, a' feeling of hostility still exists in many portions of our country against the Union of the States of; this confederacy, and whereas, one of our sister States is now making all necessary preparations to sever, the cords; which bind her to the sisterhood of States, the imperative duty of every patriot tcho duly 'appre- to exert himself in favor of. the Union, soiokg as the Constitution is respected and carried ait its original spirit; Thereforej Thus the serious character of the issue-f'-y hick is Union or Disunion breaks down aU. ola party organizations.

It is refreshing to a largo majority of the Georgia" People seem be awake to the crisis and to its THE CENTRAL RAII ROAD A5TD NAG'S, HEAD. Commencing "on the first page of this jjaper may be found the report of IMaj. Gwynn io the President and Directors of the Central! Rail Road. The report contains information; and facts interesting to veryjNor th Caroliiuiwbeth-. er ho is to bo immediately benefitted by the Road or not.

Directors havqlpcaecl the Rjoad through the whole andhaveadvero tised for proposals to build tho wholejUi jS.lctions converiient to contractors. xi- 4' -v Wo also give to-day the proceedings'pf the Nag's convention held at" Plymouth on tho 22d This, is a work of vast im portance to tho people of a large section of North Carolina tho wholo of that section bordering on the Albermarle Sound and it tribu-tariesx And not only so, but it is of great importance to the commerce of the whole Union. It is a shame, that this 'work has not beeri'moro encouraged Twice have bills makmgrapPro- priations for it been defeated by the interposi tion of the Presidential veto and at Tthe last the friends of tho work lost $5CbOO by thb factious opposition in the Senate to the River arid Harbor bill. Rut the spirit of jersever- ance and determination to have the inlet re opened, which animates the pcopleorthe Albe-marlo region, mustr prevail. The worcnas got to bo donc, in spite of croakings against It here in NortU Carolina, (or, elsewhere, a "fixed fact." l- -'f'; CLINGMANS DISTRICT We aro greatly gratified to learn that urgess S.

Gaithcr, Esqr. is a carididatc for Congress in opposition to the Disunion (Whig) Clirigman, and that there is but little doubt of his. triumphant election. I Mr. Gaithcr is a gentlernan of great popular ity and very handsome talents.1 He is entitled to the thanks of the country for coming out to save North Carolina tlie disgrace of any Jonger having such a representative in Congress a Mr yWe' have received a pariiphlet eritjtle tracts from the speeches on various subjects and we venture to say that since the world was created, just such a bundle of inconsistency and folly, was never -heard of, as Mr.

C. is shown to be frorii his own speeches The pamphlet before us is enough, of itself, to sink him to a political "damnation so deep that tho hand of resurrection never can reach him." DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Tho convention meets to-day in Newbern to nominate a candidate for JGSy We have a specimen ofi new Irish pota toes, the largest wo ever saw at this ebason. They were grown in the garden of Thomas Spar- row, of Newbern. The largest weighs 101 ounces.

They were dug on. jthe last day of May. (iuano with stable manure was used in their production. I w.n5.J sn B. Lowther, Esq.rhas become associ ate editor of tho ''Plymouth the title of which is to be changed to the' Villager," and it is to 1 be neutral the late political moveriicnts'in AhU bariia we notice that the Hon.

Wm. LVYancet declines the Secession nomination for Congress in the Montgomery District, leaving the field open for the Union candidate, James Abercrombie, M. Yancet also deolines the nomination of Disunion friends for Governor. Hon. Benjamin G.

Shields is the Union candidate for that office. ANTI-SECESSION MEETING IN SOUTH -CAROLINA. y.y-y The Ilamburg Republican understands 'that there is to be a meeting oq Saturday the 31st instant, by those who' are opposed to- separate secession by South Carolina the Federal Compact, and that someitHrcc nundred names are attached to the call--all citizens -of Ilamburg and its vicinity. Judge Sutler, Gcri. 'Hammond and others, will bo invited to addi-css the meeting.

4 THE "UNION" PRAISING WEBSTER. '-i l'. Washington, May ,27. f-The Union this morning publishes Hon. J)an iel Webster's Speech at -Buffalo, and culos03 liberty to draw- heavily from other sources I without domg violence to the theories or pre- judiecea of any one.

The greatest benefit will be conferred on the greatest number. In tact all will be benefitted. For the North Carolina Rail Road is not a mere line of rail road accommodating a single line of travel and operating on a narrow section of the State there is scarcely any portion or any interest in the State that is not benefitted by this work. It traverses nearly the whole length of the State, it is the Central Rail Road projected Jy the eld and ardent friends of internal improvements, crossing the channels Ot the principal rivers, bringing tljeir water fails and Manufactories into the actual vicinity ot thebea- boaid. It would be' difficult to plan a so properly, so obviously and so essentially a State work.

The oeoDle themselves have made it so by their wide spread and unprecedented individ ual subcription of a million of dollars, and by their endorcemcnt of the copartnership of the State from one end to the other, ii her sudscrip- tion of two millions more. hat they will not be disappointed in their I am quilp sure, unless it should turn out, arid there is Jno reason why it Should be so, that the same cause North Carolina will not produce the same ef fects as in other States, North, South, East and West. In those States it" is found that rail roads relieve the burden of taxation. First by the difference in the cost of transportation by common roads arid by rail roads, which may be stated at about two to one. Secondly by increasing the taxable property on the line of the road, a general reduction of taxa3 is made, thu3 lessening; the taxes on lands more remote, giving them an additional value, and thus the benefits of the road are extended far and wide, and telt by the whole agricultural: community.

And more, the general benefits which result to trade and commerce from rail roads in other States ex tend to every portion of their territory; every branch of industry is offected by tho trade, and commerce opened by these channels of commuui cation. No one can doubt that the same results will be experienced in North Carolina. In short, the enect or a iudicions system oi. internai im provements is to unite a State as it were in one great community with all their wants, demands and supplies brought to view, stimulating enter prise and industry in. all the arts and various pur suits 4 i And last though not on this account the least, I of the important benefits of the North Carolina the inducement to emigration which every deprives the Btatc of a portion of her most vig- oi ous, enterprising and intelligent JL am, gentlemen, very respectable obedient servant, WALTER GWYNN, Civil Engineer: THE WHIG.

JBe justy and fear not Let all the ends thou aim's at be thy Country'1 WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROIxINA, 1 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1S5J in i 1, i. ii.i i.i.i FOR CONGRESS, WM. II. WASHINGTON, OF CRAVEN. THE CONTEST IN GEORGIA.

We like much the spine mac appears 10 per-the Union in? Georgia. vade the friends of Whigs and Democrats are forgetting the old party issues, and uniting to meet the great issue of Union or Disunion. Wo subjoin the resolutions adopted at the primary meetings in several counties, and bespeak for them the careful consideration of the people in this latitude In Crawford county it was Resolved, That the Constitutional Union Party of Crawford recogrfizes no distinction of Whig apd Democrat, but will again go out to battle, with all and who will unite with it in defence of the Union and Constitution of their ancestors. Resolved, That we plant ourselves upon the platform built by the Georgia Convention, and that neither fanatical abolition demonstrations at the nor belligerent demagogues at the South can fright us from it. Resolved, That we believe a National Union Party can and ought to be formed, which will put down fanaticism at tho North and allay agitation at the South.

Resolved, That our thanks aro due to those eminent statesmen at the North who, amidst ev ery abuse and denunciation both by the influence of their names and the power of their eloquence have contended for tho Constitution a-gainst the. higher law." I Resolved That we, believing tho old issue of Union and Disunion will, in the approaching Gubernatorial election, be predated to the people, will cordially support the candidate who may stand by the Union and Constitution a-gainst the enemies of the one and the infringers of thd other i Resolved, That the interests of tho South; require the rigid enforcement of the Fugitive Slave, Law, and that we will strictly abide by the provisions of the Compromise, and that we deriumd a like adherence on the part of the North. I That a committee of twenty be appointed "to report suitable delegates to represent the county of Crawford in the approaching Convention to nominate a Union candidate for Governor' ry-r In Twiggs countyit was i Resolved, That a crisis, has arrived in thes affairs of our country, which impels us to a repudiation of. old distinctions, and that; we dissolve all pre-existing parties of Whig and Democratic, and that we approve of the organization of the. Constitutional Union Party." Resolved, That we deem it highly expedient to send delegates to a Convention to be held in to nominate a Union candidate for Governor, and that; we will support the nomination of said.

Convention, whether it be Whig or Democrat. o-i 's -1 Resolved, That we invite all lovers of lata and order vrithont distinction part ies to join us i the vxaintenance of the Compromise of tie last Congress to aid us in the execution of, the laws, and to assist us in preserving the Constitution inviolate. i I Resolved, That we support no man who is disloyal to tlio Union qMIicsq United States: In Raker, a preamble 'set forth Whereas, we believe that the old issues of ihe Whig and Democratic parties are no longer before tho people, and wishing to obliterate the "old party asrociations that heretofore engrossed the brefer -leaving that 1. branch of tho. estimate to i Albany Argus- (one of the few Northern Dcmocratio papers' opposed to further slavery agitation) in alluding to Mr.

Webster's visit to )that city, has the following liberal remarks, more honorable even to their author than to him who the subject oftherii "We intended to have said yesterday, in al-lAding to tho demonstration in honor of Mr, Webster, that it originated with young men of this city without regard to party, and was intended be an affair altogether of that character. Thit the invitation was afterwards more gener-ally signed was not the result of solicitdtion on the jsart of its originators. No sooner did, the rBOvement become known than it was found that many regard to age or politics, irere desirous of being parties to it and the opportunity "being presented, they cordially availed themselves of it. No doubt, had it been the object to make a parade of names, the list might have been indefinitely extended without effort, Such we are gratified to say, is the. depth and strength in this city of the truly national "and patriotic sentiment which Mr.

Webster has e- mitted no suitable opportunity to inculcate and strengthen during his visit to this State. And, we may add, that, honorable as such expressions of respect may be to him, they are much more honorable to those who, regarding country as a-bove party, are prompt to tender them. THE MASSACHUSETTS COALITION-y JSTS. Ono hundred and seventy members (Whigs) of the late Senate and House of Representatives of Massachusetts have published an address to the people, exposing and denouncing the bargain of the democrats and free soilers for the election of Governor, United States Senator; The address says- V- think it duo to the fair fame of our State that such transactions should not go forth to the world in a' silence whichmight be construed into an admission that they arc in conformity with tho usual principles and conduct of those who are trusted by the pcoplo of Massachusetts to mako its laws. Wo think it due to the public morals that the true character of such acts should not bo obscured in- any minds by tho miserable sophistry which has been thrown over 'i "The address is quite lengthy, and exceedingly severe upon the coalitionists.

THE FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW, IN VERMONT. Hon. Samuel Prentiss, U. S. District Judge of Vermont, (formerly a Senator in Congress,) at the opening of the court, May 21, delivered aa able charge upon the spirit of lawlessness and insubordination which, has recently found so ma ny advocates in the country.

He closed with discriminating and sound refutations of the "higher law" doctrines of the day. The last paragraph has a pointed reference to the Vermont nulUfying in relation to fugitive slaves, thus The merits of every law may be freely discussed, and opinions may be freely expressed for or against it. But it must be remembered that it is one thing, to disapprove of the law of the general government and seek by constitutional means to procure, its modifications or repeal, and quite another thing to oppose or encourage re sistance to it, or under the forms of -local legis lation to array the State authorities against its execution. Every act Congress passed pursuant and in conformity to the is by that instrument declared to be the supreme law of the land, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Of course, every State enactment which authorises any interference with or obstruction Jto such general paramount law.

being in conflict with it, is inoperative and void This is a principle esseatial to the existence of the national government and it may be affirmed with truth, and I state it because it is matter cf the highest moment, that it is only under the operation of this principle, and by a faithful observance on the part of the States and the people of the obligations and injunctions of the constitution, that we can hope to preserve this Union, and continue its blessings to ourselves and our posterity." FIRE NEW FIRE COMPANY. A fire broke "out on Friday night last amid the naval stores on the wharf connected with tho turpentine stills of Capt. John Tyler. It was extinguished with a loss to CaptJ T. of only about 100 barrels rosin The new juvenile company the Phoenix rendered good service on this They were first on the ground andlield the fire, in check till the other companies came up when the flames were smothered "in less than no r.

7 are'sorry to learn that Mr. Oliver Jarvis, of the Company, was severely, burned, from melted rosin running down upon him as ho' was in the river endeavoring to move a flat was in the way We owe an apology to the Phcenix company for not. having before noticed is comprised entirely of youths who, although subject to military duty are not entitled to admission into the other fire companies in consequence of their not having attained the ago of 21. Their services have been accepted by the Commissioners, and they are a legaUy organized entitled to aH the rights and privileges of the other fire 'companies, yyvy: 1. The formation of this coiapany is; at this time (when secession anol disunion meet with so much favor in certain quarters) peculiarly gratifying.

companies possess and exercise rights and powers similar to those possessed and exercised l)y the general and state governments. Each company la fact a miniature Republic, possessing and exercising the legislative, executive and judicial powers. As a legislature they make all laws wtich they think necessary to promote their prosperity. As a judiciary they try all offenders, against their laws. jTho oEi? ccrs of the companies constitute an executive ijutte as competent to the 'computation as 4 myself, to make such additions as may suit their effect of rail roads every is to in-4 Jcrea3e the value of lands.

The ratio of increase 7rt is dependent upon the fertility of tho soil and, the remoteness of the lands from market and' the amouat of iqcreas-3 is exactly the annual produce of would give. For instance." if the annual saving the transporta-4 tion of the produce of an acre of land is one dol-J lar, the value of the land will be increased $16 i capital which at six.per cent, would yield a dollar. My own impression is that the lands onj '-'tho' line Of tho North Carolina Rail Road will be! 1 increased in a greater ratio than this, now uni-j Tersolly principle of ooiiiputation roald give, for the reason that tney are ironi i'somi causo greatly underrated, especially from! i liexington to Chariot to Lands on this por-j tion of, the road which grow Cotton as well aa with lands inVirginia similarj IV Sixuatou iu reiereuuB ui iuu auu rnuuu l'-J grow only grain arid grassy are valued at very more than halt the price ot tne lands "Virginia: ThVcfibct of the Rail Road will to raise these lands to their, proper standard vilue and add also thereto the jenhanced valua arising from the diminution in tho cost of trans station. Tho manufacturing establishments on the line fhq in a comparatively feeble arid declining condition, will receive an 4npulse that will reward their enterprising prol i 1 i xu ii st iineiors. uuu revive iuo uvvP1" jx ofihome, industry.

For it must be ob edl ivious to every one "how they aro alTocted by thd expenseCof transporting the jaw material manufactured goods, constitutes an elemenl CvT', in the cost of those goods in market; The riieans of transportation are iu fact but a part of tha 'V' machinery" in the irianafacture'of goods for mar Ket, ana tne same principle applies as weu the improvement of the one as in tho other The. man with, good machinery can manufactun profitably and sell at a price at which the on with ooor machinery would be ruined. If thei we apoly this principle to tho transportation the raw material, bread stuffs, and Other articles OI Consumption 111 iUUUlUiuiiuiug couauxxoxxxuuixws itneeds no anmment or oaicuiauon to snew tna 5, ho who can make use of rail road for this pur pose can always undersell those who are without the accommodation. This is the true secret of the success of the Northern manufactories tho C'taJ 1 '4, it- iioerai sjsrem oi mierum jutpruvuuicxiu rf. North has cheapened the transportation of their I doubt not, it would proye upon in4 vestigation.

that the transportation of a bag of VIIAA1X XftVXXX WAV I4WIJV4 vv iwu of her rail road to Iowelli costs less than the 'y-''transportation to many manufactories 'in Northj Carolina, within a hundred mile? of the Cotton r. rvlnptinti in tliA tirfflo of transnortatlon must be attended at least with the working of ths existing cstalilishmcuts up to their lull ca- i lit. xt-. with pacify, and their success, the erection oc others will follow, until in the course of time thej fjtit will become a manufacturing and by coa-t a as well as producing State. The home market built up by tho manulactur-i in establishments will stimulate, encourage andt.

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