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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Hvv To-da7." EAST OAKLAND. NeW To-day. HENRY VROOMAN. I FLDWERT STEYEHi. World dirdllBsr Crclist Tbe Hlilsrr a Day la rke I Tbe THE WILKES STALLION seveath 'Ware.

Tom Carroll has recovers 1 from bis FtrBUSHEO DAILY tSondaj KxoepteJl 413, 4U ASB 411 EIGHTH CTZEET ABRAIIALiSOII DR Name Presented Before the Joint Contention recent illness and offers to tike a fall out cf any rink in Oakland. timlmg Eats. I -Thomas Stsveuf, the 'cyclist, who has been 'round the world, will leave for borne next Sunday "via the Northern Pacific route. In a published letter be says: "I beg leave to express in a few brief re CO Ii. Ganlene has somewhat recovered Vrbat Senator Ifelawsi Tklaks et AIlcwekVB Porosis Plaster.

Sskah Chakbib. Alb a nt, N. 1 1 AprU 4, lSSx On the 27th of February, 1883, I was taken with a violent paid ia the region of the kidney. I suffered such agony th.t I could hardly stand up. As a wn as possible I applied two Allcock's Poaous Plastebs, one over each kUnejv and lai i down.

In an hour, to my Kurprisi and delight, the pain had vanished! and I was well. I wore the plasters a day or two aa a precaution, and then removed them. I from tbe injuries be received in the accident st Park street, and be is now able te be about. I i ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE. As Officers Nedderman sod Gass are re Candidate for the Office of United Etatee Senator Twe Eloquent Eulogies.

ceiving the congratulation ef the people of East Oakland for their recent Ciptura We call. especially attention to cir of chicken thieves. Director Lord. Theodore A. Lord, attorney and counsellor -at-Uw, Director of the Institute for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind and of the State Home for the Adult Blind, doe not appear in a very: enviable politico in, the light of recent events.

A gentleman learned in the law, yet in hi capacity as a publio servant, be assumes to disregard a leading provision of the Constitution regarding the employment of Chinese by the State, and when asked his reason, by the investigating committee of the Senate, he explains that he considers the provision Stacg by the independent oourse pursued by Dr. E. H. Woolsey, his brother Director, be undertook to prosecute for criminal libel tbe man he could not browbeat. For Mr.

Lord the prosecution was rcoot unfortunate, for Dr. -Woolsey it was a. complete vindication. The petition the Legislature for the have been using Alwock's Porous EMBROIDEBI parsage of Motli.ts bill and Lang for In presenting the name of Henry roo Piasters in mv fimilv for tbe last tin Din are being circulated in last Uakland, Company, No. 1, and while engineer of that company be spent spare moments in the study of his fotare profession, at the rame time holding himself ready at any moment to perform his duty as engineer.

The resuit of this indomitable energy is that he is to-day one of tbe most tboroueh lawyers in the of California. Henry Vrooman is ahd has been preeminently a laboring man; there is no laboring man cn earth but who, if we should succeed to-day in i the election of Henry Vrooman to the United State Senatorship, would cry out from the bottom ef bis heart, "All nail. Henry Vro j-man; in you we see the triumph of one of our own people; in you we feel that we can repose our heart's best desires1 in safety." I say, Mr. President, that ths Republican party to-day it proud, tj present the name of Henry Vrooman bsfore this Senate. It i I AX HONOR WHICH HE DID NOT SKSK.I i His election tithe office which be hold in the State Senate to-day is an honor which he not ssek in bis absence he was norti-nated and elected.

The issue in Alamedt county was Vrooman and snti-Vrooman; bis friends bis name, sacursd bis nomination and at the election when be had no reason to expect a very trrat majority, be was overwhelmingly chosen by a voteio.f over 500 above that i his antagonist. Tfaii is a spontnams act by the Republican of this In tbe Dame of the man who earns his daily mer! before tne joint ejonvenuon or tne AVILEES. MAMBR1N0 out are meeting wit a but sligat favor. years, and bave always found thom tha Fred Brnnies. who was victimized bv fiad LlIiEtl LSCES! f-'ecate and Assembly, for the office of United States Senator, Senator Wilson James R.

Henry, ion a fur zed check some andsaid: I bad the pleasure, sir, of i Scld Below Market Valae- That are quickest and best external remedy Ifor colds, strains and rheumatic aft actions. From my experience I believe they arc tha best plaster in tbe wdrld. Hesrt C. Nelson. I Cautiou.

ing yesterday to toe apeecnes oi time ago, was owed a large bill by Btrney O'Donnei), a resident of the Sobriati, and in order to recovet it, he commincei an attachment suit laain.t Barney. But M. E. BAR4.IE, Mauser. SELITSRED CAABIBRS AT FIFTEEN CENTS PER WKEK TSKHS, BT hail.

ro rem n.r: ITS YKAB 00-8IX 04 AnnitneaM Ta-misrat. OAKLAND THEATRE Richard UL ALCAZAR Little Jack Sheppard. BALDWIN TIlEATitB Mikdo TIVOLI THEATRE Nemesis. PAXOKA MA Battle of Waterloo. FRIDAY.

18S7. Calif enai Production. Geo. W. Msed of San Francisco, are probably ths beat authority lor fruit statistics, especially of dried fruits.

Their review for though Tery nearly correct, moat necessarily failt Embrace a Tery Urge quantity of dried JruitB and unto that oerer find their way to the general market. Probably 15 per cent, of the production ia consumed in the immediate vicinity of emen who placed in nomination the icee of tbe Democratic party for this 100 Taids Teal IiIsU Emliroldery. marks my great appreciation of the heirty manner in which I bave beea welcome i heme and entertained by the' wheelmen and wheelmen's friends of San Francisco at tbe termination of my tour around the world cn a bicycle. Ia a few short day they bave succeeded in convincing me that the Californiarjs are among the most hospitable and thorough -going peopls oa BunqueU, theater parties, dinners and leceptions have been my portion daily in San Francisco. Tbs fricasseed kitwn of Cathay, the not of Persia, the dlia'l of Hind, the yaort aud Ipillaa of Islam generally already seem liki an ugly dream cf long ago.

The best hotel in the city was placed at myUposal by California Division L. A. and what, a person returning borne after three years wandering in foreign proved still mrre acceptable, a niche in the charming family ci'cle -ot a prominent member of tbe San Francisco'Bicycle Cub. I shall csrry with me to the East memories of Cdliforr Un hospitality, the psrfuma of nuaiy gathered violets, presented oa varions occasions by fair Calif urnian handt, and of pleasant experiences generally that will not soon ale away. Sinaerely, Thomas Stsves3.

This 'evening a parting entertainment tendered Mr. Stevens by the San Francisco Bicycle Club at their rooms oa Market street. Us there was a n.istake made in Sirring tiie paper, and a few days ago Barney filed bis petition in ins ilvency. office, bcth in the Assembly and in iteu neea iroiu ia Unscrcpnlous Dealers are selling infer- -j mate. Bnt I failed to detect for coal and JUucea cool genuine eu-ingtoo.

Do not be imposed upon -sk II ellinrdon from the Vunsmuir Slim: It part of those Republican members nominated the Republican nominee So much was this the case that the peo Republican party, any allusion to ple generally regarded! the prosecution; ndidste cf the Democratic pty, as a trial of Mr. Lord rather than JJr.l I A meeting of tbe m.e-oberj of ths First Presbyterian Chujrch of East Oakland was held last bt the church, in or Isr to take action on the proposed i eraotio i of a new cl.urch building. jtu spite of the di-aagree-able state oi the weather last evening there was a very large attendance! and after soma dj1a the question aa til whether the new buil 1-ing should be erected was put and carried reflected upon his character as a Brother ot Harry Wilkes, 2:14 aad sire of Kas ilkeiu. Fred by B.J. Treaty, Lexington, Ky.

sired by Geo. Wilies, dam Lady Christ-iiiRii. tr Todhuute Mambrino. 2d dam by Pilot Jr. I Todhui ter's Mntihrino by Mambrino Chief; dam dam by.

Hunt's Com-mcdore: 2d dam Potoroae. Ceo. Wilkes sired 58 colts that risvekestcn 2. Of thee 3S Wave average records of cf 2 Ji, aud 12 of SiembrlnoW tikes is a black horse.Whands in lipht, weight 13iO of fine proportions and cl can! fiuih. His colts are lrue stylish and handsome, and all show epeed that have been ''worked" for it.

Gus Wilkes. for the first season gives promise of great speed in the future, Mambrino Wilkes will receive a few approved mares for the season of 4S8T, at Seventy-five Pollers, at Glen-Cairn Farm, Oakland. Entrance from Orchard street, corner brook street. Pasture, with plenty of shade and clear running water. Small fields to separate mares with colts; boa stalls snd all facilties for taking proper care of fine mares.

Particulars may be had I. Woolsey. The people agree with the resultsfof that trial, and agree that if maa, oe which in any way tended to hi any man was convicted it was not Dr. is the Ec.r tale bjf neariy all Dealers and by i I Fisher Tatioh.

4-)5 Ninth ft Agents Alameca Couatr. Largest Uilliaret Parlors Cn lhe Pacifio Coast. 13 superior Jacob Strahle Billiard and Pool Tables st the! Temperance Billiard Parlors, Nos. 471, 473 and 475 Eighth street, between Btoadway and Washington, at 5 cent per cue, at the disposal of its patrons. -TRf' the Candy atLOG' CABIN.

detriment, and I assure yen, sir, that Republican upon the floor of this convention to-day woald have referred to the candidate of the Democratic party had Woolaev. A man who assumes sufficient 100 Yaids Eeal Irisli Po'ut Embroidery, from 50c tJ 23c 100 Yards Keal IrBli Point EmbrcIJcry, Kcdnced from 83c to 43e 1C0 Yards Eeal Irish Point Embroidery, Reduced from 123c to IC0 Yaifls Hamburg Skirting Embroidery, I Reduced from 4 Oeta 2 3j 1500 Yaids Hamburg Skirling Embroidery, Reduced from 45s to ZZ; -SCO Yards llambnrg; Skirting Erabroidery, led need from Jc to 37s SCO Yars Hamburg Sklrtinsr Embroidery, Reduced from 85e ta ZZi ALSO, Embroidery Webbias to mat-ch. Feather Trimmings at Lcv.sst funsu mously. A subscriptiou was then taken and was pledged on the legal lore to interpret the State Constitution to suit himself might have had not the Senator from San Francisco stated in lis speech that if the Republican party. tndupbt it was doing rigot ty tne people of tke State to nominate Henry Vrooman, sufficient brain to discover in advance what the results of anch an examination ao far as he was personally concerned tnat be.

upon Denau ot ms party, onea amen. I tbink, sir, that speaking for the Republican party. Lean return the com were likely to be. The arraignment of bread by the sweat of hU brow; ia the name of him who; has the ambition and ill to elevate bis position in life; inj the name of the intellect and honesty and integrity and tbe moral wealth of the people of this State, we present Henry Vrjo-man aa a candidate for this high office bold, agtrresaive if need b. gentleman at all times; brainy, intellectual, experienced in social and business life, well read in ths able to cope with the brightest minds and most intricate subjects, of strong personal magnetism, and of indomitable willpower, Henry Vrooman would win laurel for tbe State of California.

Mr. Sims, Assemblyman from Nevada county, arose and addressing the Convention, said: I rise to second the nomination of the Hon. Henry Vspoman. Little remains for me to add to what has been TS Second Battel fjtaalra For sale in lots to suit at H. his course by J.

C. Martin and W. W. Dexter Stables', 12th and Harrison pliment, and i say tnat if tne Lumo-cratic party believe that it has done a gced tbtns for tbe people of the State to nominate I the, Hon. George Hearst, thi Republican party and the' peo- Streets, Oakland, or of CHAS.

WATERMAN or A. L. HINDS, Focte before a publio tribunal has never been answered because "it was unanswerable. As a consequence we find Mr. Lord repudiated by Hot Cakes.

Ham and Erg a specialty at FISCHER'S, 8G0 Washington. 8.ic to 15s 43c to 2 Sac o.j 500 Yards Red need from CO Tare's Fed need from CCO Yards Eeal Marabout, A Blgr lorlunc for So nae One. Two year ago Lieutenant Moxia discovered that a little fodder 'plant would core the tobacco and liquor appetite. Since, it is ascertained that it will care nervous and the tired-out at once with ne reaction like a stimulant. Five million quart bottles were sold by tha apothecaries last year.

Everybody drinks it from the President down. Statistics shnw it has cured 228,000 drunkards and 389,000 nervous wrecks in fifteen -months. It is cheap, 50 cents a bottle. They make a medicated lozenge cf it that stops colds after the most, severe exposure. It i called Moxie Nerve Food, 14 of the State cry amen.

Yet while the leriator from San Francisco and my friend Brand Cider Aiiclior epot, after which a committee was appointed to look outs'f or a sits and to make ail arrangf meet Tbe old church will be moved onto a let out at Park station somewhere, and i will there be run aa a branch, the present lot will bessld-aud a new one purchased, and it has beea decided that the new- lot will be east of Eleventh avenue. He was deliciously and "chock full as be atgmbled along over Derby's wharf at the foot of Thirteenth avecua. Whether be wanted to join the angel or wantad another drink East Oakland whUky ha couldn't quite determine, so be stood on' the end of Derby's wharf and meditated on the momentous question for some moments. When be emerged from his Lrown study it was very sudden and unexpectedly, a ltd be found himself floundering, in! the water and ooze of East Oakland harbor. There was a wild rush for some 1 msans of rescue and the lowogers around Charlie Hardenburg's pews stand each bad some scheme to suggest.

In the meantime the fellow bad sunk into the mod a little way and was gazing iheiveaward with an expression that was at ones childlike, bland Seoator Goucher nominated in such eloquent language the candidate of the Dem-cratic party who 'by the grace of that his' own party in 'the Legislature and only achieving confirmation by the narrowest of votes, Those, who have watched the progress of this affair know ill Colors to Match SniUngj. K. B. Beaded bd Flossi Passnionteries, Bii Trlmmmr, IVood TriTKmiric, ChenHte Trimtniugs iu Hiarc ud C-l r4. will be fr-oid at ball the origiual price, during this tale said so eloquently and forcibly.

1 map say, however, that it is a delight to intil- When Baby was sick, we gave Tnor Caatoria, MEINBOU), Iigectl humanity to confer honor upon bow that confirmation was reached. meet highly respectable institution, the caucus, wilt to-day without doubt be elected to tbe high office to which he aspires I could not help but: reflect upon the past gloiiesof the United States Sen tma alio was a imiti, sue cried for Caatoria, I thoie to whom honor is and I think the Renublican uaitv feels that pleasure. They know that Senator Vrooman, with I i yHLl truTEK Coitktt. Kew Tokk boa she became Iltsa, she clang to Caatoria, Whja she bad Childran, ebe gave them Castoci tbe object of breaking up the strength and delights to confer honor upon the honorable gentleman, Henry Vmoraan. Truly 1 1 1 iivirfivjiif i and cohesive power of the Dem 1 tVJ 1 lAIIUlllWUII asaf I WW has it been spoken to-day tsat be cim-menced bis course at the lowest round of where these fruit and nut are produced, sad never geta into the general statistical of production.

Bat the produotiou given by the firm above named ia amply sufficient to demoaatrate what thia State ia doing in that line, which ia bound to increase: and grow in geometrical progression for yearn, The report give the following figures of dried fruits, eta; Kaisinv 20-pound honey, extracted, 6,000,000 pound; boney, comb, 800,000 pound; French prune, 2,000,000 pound; German prsnes, 425,000 pounds; peaches, 1,050, 000 pound; plums, 585,000 pound; pears, JdOJOOO pound; grapes, 175,000 peands; apricots, 600,000 pounds; Urines, $5,000 pounds; apples 500,000 pound; walnuts, 50,000 pounds; almonds, 600,000 pounds; peanuts, pounds. The above, comprise only such dried traits as are prepared for the market, and is a showing of which, the State may well be proud. i And now, just aa California fruits are gaining a reputation, and its productions taking the place of the imported production of raisins, prunes, and other dried fruits, there is a movement on foot by the free traders at Washington, headed by Secretary of State Bayard, to reduce the tariff on these foreign fruits, forcing California to compete with the pauper labor of Europe, or go out of the business, dig op its raisin grape vines, cut down its prune trees, and uproot its In Ctses cf 1 dczen Quarts or 2 dozen Pints. Cider, hen soond. Is a wholesome, atreeabl and tcfreshinc stimulant beverage.

ate, it was about unity years ago, Mr. that in the State of Illinois St el hen At. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln measured minds in their mighty contest fof a seat in the Senate of the United Statee, Day after week after week, tbete giant of intellect edncated the peo- New Patents. Dewey SiiantiSc Press Patent Agency, 252 Market street, Si Francisco, has official repoiti of the following United States patents issued to PacIScpoast in. ventors for the week ending Jan.

11, 1887: ocratic caucus, induced his political friends to stand in with Mr. Lord's personal friends and the ladder. On life's bed rock, using trie parlance of my mining county, he l4d the foundation of his magnificent career 1117 Annual BROADWAY, ClearancD Salo. hence the It is not an endorse- in troth, honesty and industry, and: then 1 ment of Mr. Lord, bat the reverse ps ot tneir atate and ot tma nation upon New To-day.

bnilded with a noble purpose and grand aspiration. WhSs his boy associates were the great questions and moving issues of tne times. Their was a contest of brain, pursuing frivolous pleasures he was to be Is the Right Direction. indeed, prompts 1 by lore of country, integrity of character and purity of heart. Their sou's were fired by ambition to rep The Oakland Board of Trade shows and Woomin ina'iy, with tbe a-su tance of a rope and a board, he ts abstracted from the mud with a mighty smack, like an Oakland Theater staa kiss, and as he rose gracefully up to the wharf he murmured, "Let's go out an take 8omethia" Charlie siya that it seemed as if alf the mud that was slung in the last campaign had struck that jor found consuming tbe midnight oil, in solving problems without the aid of a teacher, When working i i AS A BLACKSMITH AT jfHE FOBGK, During intervals of relaxation from ex Shcrwcod Sherwood PfClfiO COAST AGENTS, 212 and 214 Market Street, and 15 17 Pine S.

F. resent tne people 111 tne mneet! and most snored council of the nation, for at that an intelligent appreciation of our needs ia the endeavor it is making to induce ASE MI P. Abrahamson. S. window ventilator; Adelson Proll, S.

reversible window sasb; N. C. Boyntin. Ln Angeles, animal trip; A. I F.

Brewer, S. F.jidrilling or slotting machine; B. Cantrell, Portland, latch; S. M. Fuiton.Hia'.t., Cal windmill; P.

Giovan-nini, S. macaroni machine; F. A. Huntington, S. ore-crusher; K.

A. Jerome, Fast Poitland, laying-out machine; H. S. Jory, W. L.

l.eland, Oroviile, tractiia engine; Paul Seiler, S. electric annate ator; mall fWarner, Tiwrni, W. rod 15. Si din Viilii. manufacturers to locate here.

It is un titne, sir, the echoes of Webster' thpnder tones and of Henry Clay's silver notes hunstive toil, with one hand he wipel feiiow. away the big sweat i drops, and with the questionably Oakland's destiny to be the great manufacturing city of the Pa 3 're yet reverberating tttrough the halls the Capitol and ringing in the ear of a mdering World. To be ad United States other be turned the leaves of hisj Litin THE METROP cific Coast and thia is the logical neces tutor then meant to be in point of intel- grammar. After collecting a sufficient amount of money to enter apm a system iewi Debrijs Adrllt on tlte Cur sity of our position and undeveloped cf education, no found a position in ths character, integrity and in greatness, THE PEER OF SUCH MES Benton, Calhoun, Wde, F-essenden windmill; J. 1L C.

Ssnt, S. F-, A BARGAIN Oakland School College, and. aftir taking a preraratory course, he gained admit- potentialities. do not need immigration here until we have work for those who corrif and when factories are tance into Cornell University. Coming Seward.

Why wera Charles Sunriejv telephone transmitter; Ueoj 1. Walker, Napa City, Cal roll for roiling nail plitai. i The ltapldlly of Proeress Toward hn Shermsn, Oliver P. IMarton, established population of a desira currant bushes, Wa ever such politi' handler, Ro-coe Conklinp, John A. back to California he applied himself to the study of law, audshortly after, being admitted to the car was elected a City Att a-ney, then District Attorney, in ble rent of Events.

i Only four caret of diphtheria were reported to tbe Health Department yesterday. Charles Russell was found dead So hid room at the Over la ad House yesterday. Alcoholism. i Tte TiusteeS rf tbe Mercantile Library are tbe advisibility of uniting with be Acadiemy ef The argument before the Supreme for a reheaiingir. the Tyler disbarment sort must -follow.

No igan, James G. B'aine audi other bright cal stupidity manifested! -Talk abou organization ever did so much good for a short time he gleamed forth like a fixed killing tfce goose that lays the golden; Oakland in its way as the now defunct riir.dsio honored by their States'; Why, sir, it was because they were men of ri rtarkeble brain pewer. tl'hey Business Men's Association, and' the good it effected was all in the direction star upon the forehead of the horizon of the legal profession! What he has bom connection with the Republican party a political leader is well known by bath eggs this movement of the free trade. Democracy would ruin this State. The tariff on the foreign article simply pru- A.

'NEW PiArao, I -i TO BE SELECTED ana neia opinions upon tne greu questions which sgi'a'ed tbe conatry; they of the establishment of manufacturing fas been postponed until lebrnary tu. At a rneetins of the creditors of tha industries. The Jndson Iron Works, Democrats and His inorjd character is beyond reproach. His executive capacity, perhaps, can hardly be bad the mteilect and skill to advance their rpinions and the moral courage to mt in tain them. Not only tbix, Bir, they re elected to represent the people ia the the Pacific Nail Works and the East firm of l)yer it was resolve 1 tot sell tLe stock; on band and divide the By pcrcbaser from a large stock; Oakland Cotton Mills are the lasting equaled, and his judgment is a'moet; un-, His decisions lare alwsvs satisfac proceed.

i Nctv- Line Overcoats I'etluced from monument of the association. William Flicl er, iwbo swindteri' a num. Bigr.ebt council oj tne nation, cecause were roud to point the foreigner i the Ameiiean Senate as th? index the-American character, i As heretofore -AT A 812 50, er of pisoris with worf nless has I een held answer two charges of felony in the stun cf The East begins to understand that Sects American labor and American in-j dustry from foreign competition, and makes it possible for California to be- come prosperous and wealthy from her fruit production. It protect the small agriculturist, with his few acres of orchard and from competition with the cheap productions of Europe. California ia most deeply interested ia this tariff question, for her future depend upon it, arid "her united efforts should be directed to its maintenance.

r.d to-day, sir. the foreign i pjssas 'Health, Evcn'when a gjod remedy fjrdiscaie is in some measure upon the itis taken. frresular, interrupted doses fRii afford nofair test of the. efficacy efany hoWever sslntari? Taken iu proper doses at proscribed intervals, a reliaMe curative will elFeet tU pb-5 jeet of its lite. reihedius which, systematically snd persistently used, a'-coiiiplish thorough and lfajstilis; "euros, and feventa tl.erevurrciit-e-ot-perimlic StomachHitters ranks speciaUy hlpj.

Xn cs of tlvsptpsia, delility, rhturcatisln. fevkr and a.ue, liver nibi-' Ijliut, inactivity iff the kidneys aud and other it is a tried remedy, towhich the medics). lrotherliood iiive lent their-professional sanction, and which, as a tonic, alterative and houst-holdstiecific for disorders of the stomach, liver Slid bowels, has an uulxmnded popularity. nr. lurrell Accepts.

Charles B. Turrelt has aceptedthe'io-. eiti ri of Special CommissioDercf the Sttte Viticnltuial to take general charge of an exhibit of. wines, brandies, jaisinx and other vitiou'ttural products the Lnndm Exhibition this yeir. Mr.

Tnrreil had charge of the Southern Pacific exhibit at the New Orleans exposition. 1 Florida, aa a sanitarium, is a humbug. William Riilly has been orrestal for ly the universities; our -mountains covered a ith forests and tilled with precious tory and conclusive to the party of hich he ia the hooore i he id. Physical and mental exertions have undermined his physical org.13i.-m- Tnu brings to my lnmd the current iaci iint resr ecting tbe young man wh) on one to-ess. on went tt.e great statesinmi Daaie! Webster, and said, in a melauqpojiy find it "very bard, sir, obtin room in the midst of the crowded bir." and for climate cannot compare with tearing a pair of heavy gold earrings fiom tbe ears! of a Chinese woman at ths California, and, the tide has turned west Irqiiire at this office.

Bietal; our great fertile; vsljeys washed by mighty rivers productive of inigbty agricnltnral prqjducts and rivtti corner af Jackson and Dupont streets. Say the Boston Journal: Robert P. Golden, who altemrted to Absolutely Pure. This powder norrr artos. A marvel of puTi-v, tro2tri arstl holcsonsicsSL 15ore ecmoniuai iian cannot bosoklicom-Kticica with the miUtitu4o cf ir test, shon I veiKUt.aluiaorphO'JjJhatepowders.

FoLolfi.l" Jisa. CorX Jfowixsii e-o-, 10 WaWt. its eves upon our representativa man. Boys' Overcoats at $2 50. New Stock Boys Suits, age 4Lto 11 year J.1 Jat 82.95.

Latest Style Stiff Hat Beducea fro 2 50 to $1 50. A. Full Line Trunks. ami "There is mourning among the landlords ivl as my friend Goucher act as 1 q. 1 1- ff fr m.rFnini-.nt a 1 kill his wife by putting poison in her whisky, lies keen held to answer in ths sum cf loklcn formerly lived un of Florida; The winter crop of tourists stntmeis upon tbe outer wall, a ail in them stes reflected the true meaure of the has failed and the hotels of the interiar happily ia Oakland.

ntt Uect and) worth ot the American iMMBsffsMBntSsnM atmost empty. This lamentable Work on the Washington-Jackson street becple. I say then, sir, that the occa- state! of affairs is attributed to the di ion which we have at hand is one of rtBTKAlTS treat noment, iThe grtai quetion cable progresses very Blowly. The six mon'Li which was to be spent on the road, iunder the provisions of the version of winter travel to California. 10S3 tarkin street corner of Sutler.

6aa Fro-ia ft Judicial Pint-pots. Mr. Ohleyer baa introduced a bill in the Legislature which makes it a felony to persist in contempt of a' Court of record. New the- power of punishing for contempt is a necessary- evil, but it seems to me. whether we, viewing man war, "Plenty1 of room on the upper Yea, we find plenty of room in the epper gailerie; but the majority of these who occupy such lofty positions jy fonnd broken down, soiled with sweat and having their hands and banners stained with blood.

That vital organ that throbs, within the bofom of that nobis mis has' been shattered in its power: indications of -organic disease are now apparent in tne ciiclea around hia eyes. He does not 'expect to live to a protracted period at any moment be may fall on the battlefield. A reduction of fares on the railroads is GEEENHOOD MOEAI this question in the light of hi torv. should expired a week a io. mnsementi Roeie Kelly, a conrtesao.

wis shot in suggested aa one means of meeting the emergency." It is not wholly owing to follow in tbe footsteps of illus-triouj Rome, -forget the glories nod fail to profit by the arm on Dupont street last bight. She Ithe experiences 01 the; past, and in the I Ccmer Eleventh and Bit)eidwav. claims that the ehroting i done by another prot-ttute named Mamie Cummins, with Whom she ha a quarreL jexcitement, in the ecstasy and whirl of tie thrifty present, crush to the earth the HPILLS 23 YEARS IH tSS. OAKLAND THE6TER. VESSEL.

a ROSSBACH-Lmm aud MauageB tbe reduction of fare, but to tbe fact that California i becoming known and appreciated. It is the spread 1 of in pafeguarda againtt the probable ill of the Is it not, gentleman, worthy of tbe party Four more jurors bave been secured ia 500 Not Called lor. It seems f-tranire that it fs necessaryto meri that you ean cure their diseases byofferiUEa premium to the man who fails to receive iienefit. And yet Lr. Undoubtedly cured thonsaiids" of casea olfctinato caiarrh with his ''Catarrh -who would neve-r have amlied to formation that hat: done the work, and that he has labored for so long? Will it the case of Josephine Higgins, accused of suture.

say then, sir, tnat the election lof an United States Senator ii a most TKE NEW MANAGEMENT TRIUMPH the more information there is distribu not be in tbe interests of our honor to place upon bis brow this chaolet i of glory (solemn act. What should we do for Cali stabbing her husband to death. 1 hs special venire of 40 ha been exhausted and STAR COAL GOHPAZ Thjo" Greatest iieJicol Trlumj-h of tbe Ago! Kew Ccnrraro! Kew Orcfcmtr Kew Scvbcxj before he falln; no matter when his body anottcr venire c-f 40 baa been ordered, i fornia to-day? tVby, sir, less tUan one hundred miles from this spot there rests a ted broadcast over the East, the greater will be the tide of immigration and vis I.SYaiPTfViS (OF A einks; be will: continue to live on and to The sealed testimony in the contested WZBHESDAT, JANTJAEY 19, 1887 city one of the finest, and greatest and TORPSD LIVER speak' on as long as time shall last. itors to this State, elect iorrca.ea of Kaston vs. owi.

Twenty-ninth Assembly District, and William rur six lncrnding SATUKDAY MATINKE 1 nefcett upon the Amencai continent 1 here sleep within that city every night over 300,000 sonis, whose property! an i wbcHe lives are at the inercy of any warlike invader. It is titnated adjacent to I' HE IS NOT MAD. vs. CnmmoD3. Iwenty-third Di-trict.

ha been forwarded; to tha Secretary of State. i 0 REIGN DOPJIESTIC-GG Thb Los Angeles Tribune ak the question, "Do oranges pay?" aud of course answers the question to its own him, if it had not been for liis offer ef the above sum for an ineurableicaee. Who is the next bidder for e'ure or cash A Wonderful (realtor Nature Is Miraetiiccs exhibited tn irmr-'publie ei-hibitious. When wc gze.uprn some of the reM-uiiar freaks dauii UKtiiro occsioaally indulges in, our minds revert back to the lentioii of man, "who Is feirfully and wonderfully made." Tbe mysteries of his cnture have been unravclejd by lr. K.

V. Fierce, of Buflalo, and through his knowledge of those mysteries he has been able to pie-pare his "eiobieu Medie-al Discovery," which is a speciric for all blood t-eints, pol-Mns and humors, such as sciofula. pimples. nr. Mctlmcr Will Have Ills A nd tperial Prrforaiaure Snaday Errniay.

A SHAKESPEARIAN REVIVAL OSO. ill p.8eu bia iuimitUle imperaoiiation ot, -0fc3 ct EoTrels cortr. Pain fa th-s lictr-l, witb a dull R.nLica ia rariW S'ain uiiJr tiio eLouiJr-wlaalo, FulitJt-Hi uft triatiiirt. wIttjiisiacliitioiitocz.iUc3'f tcirar. wiwli tcvin.tneiec'cd cnoC.ity VVtcri-l-iepa, Di-szizke, ta Ilccrt, Llote before tiis eys.

Ilcdael-o Ctct rigUt eye, ReIesess, vith tiltuX dreamy nihly colored CONSTIPATION. (re cf the most magnificent harbors on the face. of the earth: vet into the bay of Jtuendmcnl "Patched if BERKELEY. The ciitical judgment of the Jor on $an Francisco the gunboat of warlike satisfaction. It quotes the price of oranges at SI 50 to $1 75 per box in tbe orchard.

It may be assumed that these ISotca uf Pcrtouali-A Confer the amendment offered by Councilman EICHARD McGivney to the Sunset Telegrapl-Tcle- eiicc Couimltlee Appointed. An adiofirned uieetinz cf th, Towrf none the less it is an evil and is liable to the moat flagrant abuse. It is a dangerous instrument in the hands of an overbearing Judge, and if every-irrita-ble mam who ait on the bench were invested with the power to brand aa a felon a man whom be may have already wronged by a stretch of an irresponsible prerogative, it would add a new peril to a lawsuit. Already the en--croackmenta of the judiciary are a danger tot thia republic. The bench assume to legislate, and does for a by their often arbitrary rulings on acts of the Legislature.

They make the lava, because they ssy what, the laws mean, or say that they are not law because unconstitutional. 'J It is iropos-aible in this Stater for the wisest lawyer, although working on the lines of precedent, to guess what their ruling will ne on any bill prepared for the Legislature." That body is compelled to take a leap in the dark every time it passes a law, and that the leaping is so dark just now ia due to the fact that the judges are inferior men about whose possible conclusions on any given subject it ist useless to reason, be-jmoae it ia imposatbla to say in advance are the prices paid for the best oranges, Cedar River Star Con fTLis Coal Js Frte frem Soot or Clinkers aad Emit 1. 1 phone ordinance bainut rufHed the temper Jncland. tnina, ranee, or Ruiria may at any moiffent enter with absolute defiance. California needs a man: in the United States Senate who it able and who can and' Will Urge the neces-tty if her ji' Trustees willi; held Monday evening.

of tbe gentleman from the Sixth in ths and it is obvious that the) price does not exceed that paid for any 'other fruit of II. J. JLerrvman and A. b. Rharer havo little imle, leaving a "iVLIlc Ash, been electee) Directors of the Paiifis Indicator Company.

gOod quality, while the cost of cultivat COAST SEFEKSKS. I I Eupoorted lir 1 W. IT. TIIOISIISOX And tfce following pally svelerWfl coiupxa: 1 K. IS rlhjer, Jobn iliutler, 1 i -or ge l'riftom I i vtt ic-k ir.l ired Belsnco, Job a Hilj Miis Dvlic 'J he iu pi iu, Liilina Owen, Dot Koa Foi trJar i rlcps, 6 and 50 ceuta.

Seats oXala at blotches, eruptions, swellings, tumors, ulcers and kindred affee-tious. By druggist. Of health isto be found in Dr. 11. V.

Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," to the merits of which, nsa reihedy fop female weakness and kindreil wflf 'thousands testify. ing oranges, when the necessary irriga Tie siiiewalks 8 re beicg repaired nnder least. Moreover he has no apprehensions regarding its approval by the Mayor. "I enpoose it will have ti be patched up," be raid to a reporter this: morning, and then in sarcssm, wonder where I can find a good lawyer to patch it up for For Sale to the Trade in Lots to the direction of the -Town Marshal in caeeav onedoscbocrtsBucli a clxaugo of eeluig t-o Utoy Inert ais tLo Appetite, Q9 ixttlytoTacariwA.tuuatiie eyKic-ci i- l.oiir- bjrihr Tooic AcUoncu Kcp iSrico 5c 44 Murray 2. Y.

TUTTS EXTRACT llcnovates tiio body roakca bcalUiy flcsli. etrentheris the wW, wastes of tfiasystecj with pure tikxtl aul hard tones tie nervous i.n i xratoc the brin, impart) iha i--cr tf lranhocd. 1. Jd by ururtista. OmrEt 44 JU array g-, Torfc different parts the town.

tion and tile extermination of insects is counted in, is higher' than in ths case of any. other, fruit1 Et ii.aiis lt ik Ktorc tvud the 0kiud TQaWri H. Hammond and family, me wsy. have removed ti Lio Anaeles, which tliey will niake their future homo. "Do you suppose the Mavor has any OAKLAND THEATERj i Office rrd Eufifeerf, FIRST STREET between Bruali aai lixtra Charge for Loading on Cars.

IE. M.KA1LT0N, For many years paet we have been struggling with one' of the greatest and most eeikua international questions kno-n to history, owing to the presence on oar shores of a con-eesimilating pagan people It unnecessary for me to say that many of our working men and women bave been reduced to starvation point by thU inroad of baibarians. The subject cf relief by no means and California needs a man of brain, of active, energetic character, one who can and who will meat objection to the intent of the amendment? Au Estate Settled. In the rr a'ter of the eitite of Mn 'ia Emilie Fair, Aecsarol, t'ths executor, Amatda Neuville. has tiled her final account, which has been allowed and settled.

i Atlachmeut suit! have bean brojTjat ALL THE WORLD OVER. tbe reporter inquired. The amendment ti-nply campsls sgaimt the sal wns of West Berkeley t.uiK week. Two of them will prababty vloie. ESS ELLS BOSBACH Lasaees aad Mamsars The snmiof SC5 has beea appropriated A newspaper prophet predicts that the New York World will support Blaine should he bo the Republican can the Telephone Company to cut and repair tneir wires when notified to do so by tha City Marshal.

At presmt it a man want Stands at the Head TWO NICKTS ONLY, on' ui tbe lown tr- ami lor too purcnise of bote fof the We i Berkeley Fire De didate. to move a honss hs hav to bear the ex MONDAY AND TUESDAY 'I. partment. The bond of Won. McVey, recently ap- jinrAKT urn asd tsra.

pense of cuttine and repairing) the wires across the streets through which the bou passes, and there objection to 1 Ft I I oint-d Town Cunstable, has been ac cepted by he Trustees. V. and i-' L. K. BALDWIN BU.TTEF these emeigenciea.

He ought to be a man, air, wbo understands tbe requirements of our agriculture, vitienltnre, mining and other- important interests He ou-ht to understand the great questions of interstate and foreign commerce, Which are now agitating the minds of the great set men cf this nation. More than this, sir, be ehcu'd thoroughly understand the ungau mTV.WB survbit. ChilUand Fever "lhe undersigned bas no hesitation in asserting thi-t the judicious use of SIM-MONSUVKR KJaUUBATOK as a pr Tentative ard tunic to tbe aystsui, will secure immunity from the weakening an I dangerous effects cf malaria, anel will effect a enre i chills and fever aid all il-aiial dieorders. II. H.

JONES, Ed. Macon (G.) Telegi-apliJ Beware of imitations colten up on the popularity tf SIMMONS 1.IVEU UE.i-ULATOK. j- The attendance at the night school is "Is it usual to submit ordinances, resolutions or amendments to the City fore they are. passed upon by the Fine Extra Mess aud o. 1 Mess Mackerel, In from la.

not tDcreasing any, and ths Board of iu. cation will probably order it discontinu Thorn all Melo Dramas, i all Melu Dramas, The annual report of the Southern Pacific Company for the year from November 1, 1SS5, to October 31, 168G, shows an excess of west-bound paisen-gers over east-bound of 31,053. The Toungston Telegram, discussing "the booms that loom, says with a good deal of enthusiasms "Such a one is the peerless boom of tha man from Maine. It is symmetrical and beauti Council?" 1 i "Net that I am aware of. Besides, you ance at thqir next meeting.

In the Greatest of Several c'tizen assembled last Taeiday great questions of the relation ef labor to capital, i wtich. ia destined to keep this country in a turmoil for years, if not to be cant always find the City Attorney when you want bim. If there anything wronn with my amendment it was the evening and appointed Messrs. Olaxwall, Uarker. lioone.

Umver anel sell to corner THE BLACK FLAI tne aubiect of our next gnat revo duty of the clerk to correct it, or' call my with the Oakland Board of Trade in the matter of consolidation. Mass. Trj Isaac Rich's Mackerel, la 5-lb. Cans. BEICK and BONELESS CODP: I Obi own Importation boa iba Hah.

I fiENl iE GEOBOE'S "CODFISH. from I. HOLIDAY! iouelt: what reason or set of reason will strike theaa as conclusive. You can't hold the contents of gallon in a pint pot, and therefore it ia that thv ablest fiands in California are to-day groping in the dark -to 'devise laws which will be held constitutional. The considerations, which are Conclusive to the abler mind, cannot be grasped at all by tie inferior.

It is not clear then, wkjLwe should invest our Superior or Supreme pint-pots with additional arbitrary power, which we have little guarantee from experience that they would exercise wisely. The power to declare a man a felon without a' trial by jury or the right of appeal is, we hope, not likely to become part of our jurisprudence. attention to It. 1 guess hs does that service for others in the Council, and I funk ful. Nowhere in its outlines appear the The YouOb Woman's Christian Temper lution.

He ought be i a mm of brains to submit before the Senate the requiiements of this State. He should be a man of intellect and power, abnormal swellings and the ominous documents worse than mine were pvse I without an fuss. The intsnt of my ance Union is in a prosperous and new members are received at each 75 cents for this ea palpitation that suggest hard rk at wbo, by tbe, force of bis reasoning, hi PRICES, aad gsgemeut Only. amendment was plain, and it was seconded Way's Estate. Elvina Way bits baen ap I ilmin-istratrix oF the estats Jesse W.y, deceased.

She bss filed her bond in the sum of with W. S. O'Biien and D. J. Moran as snreties.

Those omplaiainc of Sore Throat. Hoarse ness, or "taking cold, "-should nseBaowN's Bronchiil Tbik hes. The effect isextraor diuary, pari icularly when used by singers meeting. The total-membership at present is one hundred and thirty. personal magnetism and bis integrity of the and; presage collapse." Oh, by Mr.

Barker. But I suppose ths Mayor will withhold his signature until it a'acter, would be able to tecure the good Bevi Geonre McDonilJ and wif a. of In- rest eu the palpitating bosom oi my things which this State needs. I bave in SEATS NOW ON SALE. patched no.

8e th "DOMESTIC btfore barbs a Sewins Hadiiae. boom, dearest. rlianapolir, are visiting the family of Bev. lr. Kestmaru Rev.

Mr. MoDjnald Mr. McGivcey manner throughout Edward Berwick, the humane and in-l Dime two ct three men oi tne ttepunucin patty who would fill these requirements, but no man mere so than tbe Hon. Henry Vrcomanof Alameda. His life, my friends, BEMINISCENCES Cliristmas Cards tbe interview was as calm at a summer twilight, and he sroke neither in sorrow CBce 1107 Broadway.

Oakland, is the sob of tbe brat Governor of this State, and is the brother of Mrs. Eutrnaa. telligent secretary of the local branch and speakers for cleat in; lie voice- I o' Between Twelfth aad TblrUeath sta. nor anger. of the Peace Society, devoted an hour A few of the citizens are agitatiag the bsa been one of hard, continuous manna Eenirts whh fy Ferspnal struggle for a means ot subs-snoe.

You Last night to proving to a San Francisco rruestjon of disincorporating and reincor-poriSintr1 under the general laws of ths HICKS Sc JI UD, RAMBLERS. THE can ree in trie steady eipressioa ot hts face audience that it is foolish to go to IMPORTERS OF BOOK binder a Priatera aod blank-book the cf intense pby sulfur DAM1ANA acknowledged by those who Have used it to be a irreat iu vij.ortor ana nervine Go to E. A. Brown lor coal and maks your prices. "WBITTIEE, FTJLLEE Cz stale, iney man toe pioa noaer the present condition of thinga, a sufficient But, good Mr.

Berwick, nobody want Final Arrangements lor lie Bl ic gt, but ro man can watch his eounte- "(English) Friends, Peet. Authars, Statesnca, Et, I i BV amount of taxes cannot be raised tor town mannfacturers. S3 Pint tree. near Marker, slaa Francisco. CaU.

cycle Kleeilu; Mew ltooms to go to war here unless it is Major cacce, tne steady features ot Henry Vrroman, wbo ia not forced to the con improvement. General Turnbull, and it would take a clusion that there is one of natire noble At a meeting of ih Oakland held last evening ths final arrangements for their bicycle race meeting to be held Real Estate. sermon from a cannon's mouth to con G. W. JAMES men, aay, sir, that the ite publican AN OPEN LETTER.

party of California is doing a most bttiog SrKCiAi. attentii raid to Balls and Parties. FIbCHER'S. 86 WaihinRtoo. -i Bexbt rell Harness arid Sa Idler goods cheaper than any one e'ae.

vert him. Better go and. preach to Bis V. A. F.

K. H. 8., etc. st tbe Oakland Trotting Park oa Wash thing upon thia occa ion, honoring (Late of Locdon. KwUn-5) Must be Sold marek, Mr, Berwick.

Henry Vrooman with tbiavote for tha ington's Birthday were The HAMILTON MA tV. Kennedy Willlas to Pose aa a Candidate. The following coo mnnication StjU- United States Senatorship; this is par following will be the. list of events: FiUav EvkbIbc, Jxasarj 21st, at 7i39e'rl-k Charles Faroes, of Butte, left bis wife-and children oa the farm and went tj To pay liens now 09 property. 412 and 414 Twelfth Street.

Oaklanl. I rJAMES I Mieteiter to MURLIIIT A (iAI.Vn, I arriage and. agon aiming and Trimmiiu; Carriages and Wajoc Boilt ta C. Cf 'Mi ttfLiti fct. Hid Tclrgisph Oakland.

llMbc.L.-j One-mile midrn race. 2. Oas-anile tri ticularly true tecs, like this greit country of ours, Henry i Vrooman h.t irtown to be what be is by virtue of explanaJlive; 'J teirrrarl lilV. IK. LEAN.

TnfontialReJ in 1-1 1 3: 5 Cm rjafcta at 0 r-1 evele: ii. Five-mile L. A. Stat cham- A FliME HOUSE live in Chico with another woman. Tbe met in indignation and disi rjionsbio.

1 4. Three-mile handicao. Oakt.akd, Janusr 18, 18S7. DiMcodti, PttiiUrnt Baanl of Evebtbout says "I feel 5 years jonn er Bineo Uficg May Flower," 75 ets. Proggbt.

'Y Best Coffe at FISCHEn'S. 803 Wash it'gton. I 5 TS Two-mile, opeo; bandieip. 6. Ooe-mili Beautifully situated TrotleDiLK Sib: Tbe efforts of yjars-lf "Star." 7.

One-mile tandem exhibition. 71erkr ptevtd late gmc-'ul, rc)r tared loctn with cssy ftbnar, nin-ft of coised the ides of converting Fame into an extemporary bird of passage i a rail with a coat of tar and feathen Une-half-niile club. Uold and si BIS OWlf IXTRIKS WOBTH. i Why, Semator Henry Vrooman is a laboring maa. He came to this State when, 8 yesrs of age fro li.cb.igan, wher he was born, and he has been a laboring man.

and assrH.Utes to revive and extmd th-trade of our city, to improve and it, to attrart and securs for it a portion of medal will be offered as Erst and secaa 1 (Near rrk rooms, bsth tor zee in each event. K(vienr and ot id ot tMrrtuots.i 1 has kw.ure wxftlisVcei to tri rocli 4tep! Evvrt thins; neat and clean CHER'S 806 Washington street. at FIS- and ait modern improvements. tot 100x130 feet, Tka University Bill. Vrooman'a State University bQl should pass the Legislature, without one opposing vote.

That great State institution has been too long degraded to the position of battledore and shuttlecock at each session of the turn, begging for means to sustain and maintain its efficiency. The bill pro-; poses a perpetaal levy of one cent, on each 100 of valuation of taxable property in the State, collected at the sams time other taxes are collected, and mid a a special fund for the sole nae aid leoefit of tbe University, doing a v.iy -with the degrading necessity of each two years wrangling ever University appropriation. To make the eity what it should be, its income should be fixed and and the Uui-veraity should not be objected to the caprice of unreason and prejudice, which' often finds its way to the Legislature. The bill making the income permanent should pass at once, that our State institution learning may be placed on a basis that will give it a standing equal to that of Eastern, universities, and become what it should become. tr at thrtny, and en rgetio people who are swarming into ie uth r.i J.

D. Arkison was elected Captain an I R. H. Msti Lieutenant, to succ-sed i an be pu-rcliascd at ouc-lialf Us value. the retiriiig read officers whose terms had tiit, tbe he ht(sHe3Ci (or tiewif 1 1 ft iit.ui cii E1 i-rs4 retiring, it 1 srdiie was tic ti hu ot 1xhthf ti i cn! iat nd rs in ery fscC" KlMtl fcliTSs Of tl.9 tborifffct Of th MT i di.j." tan.ieBtoKxorti kn, Jaouatrr 1 Fruit and Yctc Poultry, Game, Also.

expired and woo retassd reaomisui i. portion our aute, crownin it witn a pioeperity heretofore unpa-alleled, are known and appreciated by only a sw oi ycor fellowritizens. Ladies Hesu Braeais, SO cts. Bett make. We have a wagon load and plentv of bargains for alL Gome and see ur.

H. SCHKLLH A AS. lb Jtamblers bare engazed ths H3is in But their virtuous ardor cooled wbeh Faroes got out his old shotgun and tolji them to bring on their plumage, I San Diego baa a girl with double allowance of brains. The San Dic jan relating the circumstances, with a good deal of pardonable local pride, says she "baa never learned to read, but can im 1 TBE BEST THE JfABKET AfFOIIW, tbe Wilcox Block formerly occupied bv fce task a hard one. ion rtei aid tbe Oakland Railroad Company, and will Constantly cn hand at the old reliable st: fit them up in comfortable stylo as trs; roust bave the help of all, eeiiecially that of the executive officer of the city.

A geo), large house of 10 rooms aud bath, with trTerV' modern convenience; extra well-built- Lot 40x110 let. tVntrallr Located. Prirc ealr sf.SiO. House atone cost tff.lltiO to i At AMI DA permanent he idqusrter. i Within Mxtv-days a Mavor aad fau Athletic cV Baseliall WK niier l.

T- exchanee I furniture at SCIlELLli AAS', 408 Eleventh street. Porcelain Lams Hoades, cts. Sells eyervwhere for 20 ct. Thousands of provise tbe most beautiful poems ami Beards of Council and Education will be elected. Al'ow me to ask what you are goirg to do about it APPLY TO THE "BUSTED" BROKERS.

witty sajings at a moment's notice. Tile A. J. Mauax.r. Snudaj, Jannary 231, LouisYiiSes vs.

Pished Nine 1 have devoted hltaeu yearj ti the ser lix-s-ajcc's? I gczzzzzzzaZLm'zz child is very aBeotionate and if ed bargains at H. SCHELLUA AS. Anotner Bleetina; ef Kenny Iyer' Creditors. vice in which yon are jast enlist'ng, and shall be very glad ta co-operate with you in any way. in which yon think I can be A maeting ef the creditor of ths sus cated would i probably astonish the On a quiet night she can heir herself think, so powerful is the.

action Ths Iiekl lvr will eonrfstrf California rr9- at Furullure Itepairlut Shop. Please leave! your orders SCHELLHAAS'. Eleventh street. pended firm of Kenny Dyer, ttock- of assistance, and I would suggest that brokcrf, was held in room 39, Merchants icseclatiTa plsjen, followa: Catroll, Srrris. trent).

1 rVgarty. id Draoy, 3d CaaiU. a. r. Tar lor.

iaoer. a. t. brown, r. i.

Admlaaiom ErirflMai, 33 Cents in that distracted globe, and onr cop earning hU bread and his butter by the worth-of his good right arm and ths sweat of bis brow ever since. He worked upin a ranch upon the Willamette river for years; he cams to San Francisco in stayed there a short time only, whea hs went to Butte county aud labored upon a ranch; he was a driver of oxen, a bewer of wood i and a herder of cattle, from that titce until 1861, when be concluded that he ought to do something bet'er for himself, than that, and then, at a place out here somewhere called Shaw Flat, he began to learn the tiade of a blacksmith, and from 1861 Henry Vrooman earned his dollar and a half or two dollars a day, as tLs case may be, at a forge in a blacksmith shop until Seven years this man worked to support and educate himself, which latter be did in his leisure hours, going to school by night all the time. He went to Oakland in 1867. Then it was, sir, that the kernel burst the shell; be taw that there ought to be something belter in this life, when tha man has tha mind to do so, than mere manual labor. Ha began to study law; hs was a thorough student, and was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of this State- in 1874.

Why, sir. but thirteen year ago, Henry Vrooman, whom the Republican party today delights to honor by placing nis name before the people as a candidate for thia high office; Henry Vrooman, only thirteen years sto was engineer a fire cornpiny ia Oakland. 1 think it was Phueaix you in ute the prominent candidates of all parties DemocraUo and American to appear befors yon in ome large ball open to the public and submit Excbange building, yesterday afternoon. A. E.

Ball called the meeting to order. Carpets are Cheaper at H. SCHELLHAAS. WILLIAM J. DII3QEE 460 and 468 ElffhlU OAKLAND.

03OOO. ForSale in Highland Park 10 gocd lots with house 6 rooms, brn snd tome fruit. Tke rxoit beautiful view, in that sightly locality. A great bargain. Call at once on LL0TD PEATT, '459 JSiBth street, Oakland.

temporary thinks it would be a stroke of enterprise to borrow three pounds lof BaservedtSeata, 13 Cents Extra, i themselves to a tort of civil service exam for editorial use. Cams Called at ltlS tPsrlnr Sets. lounges, seel Fprire Ee lis MaJe to Order. Tf slid J-ifciikliii. -KUIK't Ihia fcbop I.

viii SI. I ination. Into snch a contest I am willing to enter for any position in which you and said that he, as one of ths advisory committee appointed to act with the assignee in disposing of the stock, recommended that the assets be slid, bat the other two member were in favor of bold- Fancy Sttatlnar. think I can best second the elf arts yoo sre roakimr. And may the best man win.

Yoars truly, IaW. Kekkedt. NEPTUNE GARDENS Tbe patrons of ths Social Skating Rink, on the corner of Harrison and Eighth ins tbe stock for a rise. A they consti ejusl to the best of Eastern colleges. Sr.xi The Tbibtok to your friends at the Last, and let them know what kind a place Oakland is and what a rich 1 Alameda is, and what a choice 1 happy homes snd lit-'t one's own Vine and I '-3 vrirjiera of frost do hot summers sr.

1 tuted a majority their opinion, prevailed. 1 11 I HOTEL KEPTITSE ICO W. A. HOUSE streets, bad a rare treat' last evening in ATLANTIC PACIFIC R. R.

Overland ticket and steamship office. Only authorized office for Oaldand. Geo. B. Bxakak, Pass.

i 950 Ice Cream, Fancy Cakes at shortest no ties notice at FISCHER'S, 866 WashiuK-ton. 1 s. Boots tor all deficiencies in borse mads to order promptly at Palmer's Harness Emporium, 424 Eleventh street. Mr. Hail tenaerea his resignation ai a tbe performance of Miss Mabel Silvester, member of the committee, bat the credit ths well-known fancy skater.

Miis Sil ors unanimously retned ti accept it, WHOLESALE and RETAIL 3. O. ana Froprtetos 8. Mtlbarr) Kel Estat AgtaMi ntouev Messrs. Marfan, Bitter and Wetmoro vester performed some very difficult and graceful feats, and at the close danced the to loan; booses mtea; rea eouaosea For sale Renraea nronarty fa aU Pan -IS- were selected as a committee to investi A Hsnse Palntsr Failure.

J. W. Tucker, a boosa painter, has petitioned tbe Superior Court ta be declared an insolvent debtor. Hia liabilities amount to $1,307 and hi creditors are Whittier, Fuller $1,221 75; Jacob Shina, tlO 80; and J. P.

Jorden, $74 73. A-eU doae. gate the existing condition of affairs. A resolution was then passed instrnctins ths nn-claccncrt-eTrTT Son-lay; deraat groaods fc fsiollr and picnie pamea. 1 Tfr uolytiru eiafcKcttatrraniiaAIaaMda.

Meal at all hours la any ityie. reach Lnusfis a I te rt tl irw. lirmor. Cievi, if-ie gaut furuif Lt itiate Eooiua for ifamuies i sailor bornpipe in a manner that won rounds of ar-auf. has traveled nil over ttte and contempiat-M a trip to Green Fruits, t.

416 and 478 Eleventh Si. het. 1. rca ot Oakouid asd subarba. r-rxos and tarmlof land in de arable portions of the State.

Furaonai atba lioagiren to to ease of properir for abaent ova ere. boa Broadway, between MIbiA aad Tent Itealaad, Cat. advisory commi'tee to urge ths assignee to Try fc. Loo Cabin Cake is good. Ac-it! ot tte stocK oa hand..

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