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The Gazette and Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 12

York, Pennsylvania
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I 1 4 It 'I f. i The Gazette and Daily, York, 12 COUNTY Saturdar M(rning June 17, fr4 Flinchbaugh, Dallastown. Misses Ruth Hoffmaster, Timo-nium, and Gladys Blevins, Stewartstown, were recent visitors of Miss Hazel Akins. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Smith and children, Rodney and Leon, have returned from Pittsburgh and points in Ohio, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wiseman and other friends. Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Gable gave a chicken dinner in honor of their aunt, Mrs. Callie Emenheiser, Tampa, Fla. Attending were: Mrs. F. O.

Savior. Mrs. Delmas HrffWr Hold Classes In Food Preservation Three courses being offered during summer months at Fawn Grove, Stewartstown and Spring Grove. Under Supervision of County Home Economics Adviser. At the present time, in connection with homemakine classes Fawn Grove Church Organizations Meet Fawn Grove Mrs.

Charles Trout and daughter, Helen, entertained the members of Circle No. 1 at their home Tuesday evening. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Hanson Streett. Mrs.

A. K. Foster had charge of the business meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Elmer H.

Jones, New Park. Mrs. Joseph Scott and Mrs. Vernon Morris had charge of games and Mrs. Ervin Slenker entertained with original piano compositions.

Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Mae Brooks, Mrs. Wade Edwards, Mrs. A. K.

Foster, Mrs. Edward Grove, Mrs. W. I. Herbert, Mrs.

William Jones, Mrs. Edgar Lowe, Mrs. Vernon Morris. Mrs. JoseDh Scot Mrs Wilson, Mrs.

Willis Bulette, Mrs. Earl Hanna, Mrs. John Almoney, Mrs. E. W.

Hyson, Mrs. Ramsey Snyder, Mrs. Marshall Warner, Mrs. Howard Burkins, Mrs. William Campbell, Mrs.

Charles Pyle, Mrs. William A Mrs. Glenn Brown, Mrs. Wilburne Trout, Mrs. Arthur Dows, Mrs.

Robert Lacey, Mrs. Cleveland Heaps, Colleen Burkins, Sara Campbell, Fiances Lacey, Marlene Hyson, Louise Hanna, June Keener, Clara Burkins, Sgt. John H. Ruff, Webb and Richard Daws, Mr. and Mrs.

S. C. Pomraning. Mrs. Arthur Dows and sons, Webb and Richard, Lebanon, are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. S. C. Pomraning. A musical program will be presented Sunday evening at the meeting of the First Methodist Christian Endeavor society at 8 o'clock.

The meeting will be conducted by Miss Helen Harrison. Sunday services are as follows: Sunday school, 10 a. morning worship, 11 a. m. SPRY Spry Rev.

B. D. Rojahn, pastor of Spry Otterbein Brethren church, announces the following services: Sunday school, 9:30 a. worship, 10:30 a. Junior, Intermediate and Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p.

worship, 7:30 p. prayer service, Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Glen Rock Boro War 1 Loan Quota $320,000 Glen Rock The committee for the Fifth War Loan drive for Glen Rock borough announced that the quota is $320,000. The drive started here Tuesday.

The committee pointed out that this is the highest quota ever. They request the citizens to buy more bonds than ever. Mrs. L. B.

Klinefelter was admitted to the York hospital, Monday and on Wednesday underwent an operation for the removal of a cataract on her left eye. Mrs. John A. Strevig, Baltimore visited her mother, Mrs. Lovina Wolf.

Hammond-Strevig Mr. and, Mrs. John A. Strevig announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jane Wolf Strevig to Sgt. John Henry Hammond, U.

S. Army Air Corps. The wedding took place Wednesday, June 7, at 8 o'clock, in the First English Lutheran church, Baltimore. Rev. Dr.

Martin Luther Enders, pastor, officiated. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. David Hennessey, wife of Lieut. David Hen--j nessey, now serving in India, was matron of honor.

Robert P. Harris, associate editor of the Baltimore Evening Sun and brother-in-law of the groom, was best man. A reception was held after the ceremony at the bride's home. Josephine and Esther Gable, David Gable, Mrs. Emenheiser and Mr.

and Mrs. Gable. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hannigan have received word that Ralph, youngest son of Dr.

and Mrs. J. C. Akins, Forreston, 111., died June 10 and was buried June 13. Dr.

Akins, a former resident of this place and Cross Roads, is well known in this vicinity. Community Fla Day Service Address by Hon. Theodore R. McKeldin, Mayor of Baltimore, Fair-mount Park, Sunday. June 18, 2 You Art Invited.

Adv. Women's Guild To Meet At East Berlin Home East Berlin The Wnmpn's miilrl "Behind the Rising San" with Margo, Tom Neal. J. Carroll rfeish, Robert Ryan. Gloria Holden.

An accu-rate portrayal of life in Japan. James R. Young's exciting book about Japan brought to the screen. See it at Glen theatre, Frj June 16-17. Show Fri.

at 8 p. mfe 2 shows Sat. at 7 and 9 p. m. J16-2t Adv.

DRAFTED FOR SERVICE FaAs, Tin Cans, Waste Paper, Rags, Scrap Metal. AU are needed to win the War Turn Yours In Today Clyde Stewart, Mrs. David Streett, Mrs. Hanson Streett, Mrs. Emma Streett, Mrs.

Harry Tyson, Mrs. H. E. Webb, Mrs. John Barton, Mrs.

John H. Wilson, Mrs. Ervin Slenker. Mrs. Maurice Thompson, Mrs.

Edgar Pyle, Mrs. Hanlon Britton, Mrs. Preston Baker, Mrs. Charles Trout, Margaret Lowe, Anna Wilson, Betty Jane and Norma Jean Scott, Shirley Thompson, Delilah Scott, Helen Trout, Richard Britton and Rev. Eugene Ackerman.

Circle No. 3 Circle No. 3 met at the home of Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Delta. Devotions were conducted by Mrs.

Elmer Harrison. A program of games, riddles and readings was in charge of Mrs. Harrison and Helen Harrison. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Edith Morris.

Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. W. C. Manifold, Mrs. Daisy McCarter, Mrs.

Kenneth Cotton, Mrs. Amelia Brown, Mrs. Orville McGinnis, Mrs. B. H.

Jamison, Mrs. Hannah Brown, Mrs. Wilmer Towson, Mrs. Avon Hess, Mrs. Harold Manifold, Mrs.

Elmer Harrison, Mrs. Martin Lowe, Mrs. Robert Ziegler, Mrs. George Harrison, Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Mrs.

Carrie Sprenkle, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Helen Bur-kins, Georgia Anderson, Nettie Webb, Helen Harrison, Romaine SprenMe and Jo Ann Wilson. Circle No.

4 which have been held during the past year throughout York county, three classes in food preservation are being held during the summer months at Fawn Grove, Spring Grove and Stewartstown, taught by Home Economics teachers, Miss Wilma Kidney, Miss Elizabeth Replogle and Mrs. Dorothy Blevins, respectively. Enrollment includes 30 women in the classes at Stewartstown, 15 at Fawn Grove and 12 at Spring Grove. The women in these classes have received 12 lessons in nutrition and are now processing their first garden vegetables in new pressure cookers. During the past year 125 adults were enrolled in the homemaking classes conducted at various communities in the county by the local Home Economics instructors.

Subjects taught consisted of "Family Clothing in War Time," "Furniture Refinishing," and "Home Decoration." Communities par i i a i were: Dallastown, Dover, Hallam, North York and Red Lion. Classes will again be held in the fall, beginning with the school term. Interested adults in any community, wishing to organize similar classes, should contact Mrs. Ruth B. Marsh, county advisor of Home Economics.

W.M.S. Of Felton Celebrates Anniversary Felton A treasure hunt was held Tuesday evening in connection with the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Woman's Missionary society of the Evangelical church, of which the Young People's circle is a branch, in charge of Mrs. Luther Grove. Treasures of the spirit were the devotions held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Ted Grove and the theme was "The Light of the World." A reading was given by Faye Hannigan, and each member responded to roll call with a Bible verse about light. The "Treasures of the Mind" program was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hannigan and the program around "Youth Fellowship" was as follows: Poem, "Youth," Phyllis Grove; sixtieth anniversary thought, Mrs. Marguerite Grove; Y.

P. M. C. creed, Mrs. Lester Schmuck; vocal duet, "Send of the Mt.

Olivet Reformed church will meet at the home of Mrs. Arthur Bubb, Tuesday evening. Items of Interest Mr. and Mrs. William D.

Gibbs, entertained the following during the past week at their home on route 1: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wert, Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbs, York, and Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Pitzer, Aspers. George D. Wagner has returned to the home of his daughter, Mrs. William D.

Gibbs, from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Oliver Emig York. The Mt. Olivet Reformed church Bermudian will hold a picnic on the lawn adjoining the church, Saturday evening, June 24. Refreshments will be served and everyone is welcome.

The following persons from the. Youth Fellowship of the Red Run church attended a Youth Rally of the Mercersburg Synod of the Reformed church which was held in the First Reformed church, Carlisle, Sunday afternoon and evening: Miss Minerva March, Miss Dorothy Leathery, Miss Dorothy Grove, Mrs. Helen Wallace Snyder, Sherman and Claude Brown. Carl Sinner, a member of the Red Run Youth Fellowship, was elected as a member to the cabinet of this organization. The Charles Grove family entertained at their home Sunday the following: Mrs.

Glen Snyder, Mrs. Frances Smith, Misses Dorothy Leathery and Minerva March. Circle No. 4, Mrs. Fred McFadden chairman, met Tuesday eve-nning at the home of Mrs.

Morris Scott, Delta, R. D. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mvs. Howard Wilson. FARMERS Here's A Hybrid For Late Planting Funk's H00SIER-CR0ST No.

405 This hybbrid has merited praise for dependability by its large number of users over a wide range of territory, it produces a good quality of high yielding Corn of the Reid type and is also noted for its standability. Approx. Days to Maturity: 95 to 100 Heighth of Plant: 9 Ft. 2 In. Heighth of Ear: 3 Ft.

10 In. Distributed and Sold by: D. E. HORN COMPANY Sherman and Claude Brown, Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Grove, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert McClure, Mrs. Eugene Coulson, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Lau, Miss Gertie Shaffer and Bob Lau. Taek, Peon. Red Lion, Pe Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Howard Wilson, Mrs.

Fred McFadden, Mrs. Gemmill Strawbridge, Mrs. Lavada Channell, Mrs. Clarence Orr, Mrs. L.

E. Devilbiss, Mrs. Pauline Hostler, Mrs. Howard Webb, Mrs. Charles Brooks, Mrs.

J. G. Hostler, Mrs. Charles McFadden, Mrs. N.

J. Wise, Mrs. Morris Scott, Helen McFadden, Mary Ann Wilson and Dorothy Scott. Circle No. 2 Mrs.

S. C. Pomraning entertained the members of Circle No. 2 at a lawn party and weiner roast, at her home Tuesday evening. A talk was given by Sgt.

John H. Ruff, Camp Livingston. La. The next meeting will be held July 11 at the home of Mrs. Howard Burkins.

Those attending were: Mrs. Roy H. Trout, Mrs. William Matson, Mrs. S.

E. Marsteller, Mrs. Harry Brooks, Mrs. Roy McNeil, Mrs. Everett Rohrbaugh, Mrs.

Charles OR THE FOLLOWING DEALERS: Anderson New Park. Penna. Anderson Roseman Company, Hungerford. Penna. Clay Anderson Bro Stewartstown, Penna.

Julius Barthelme. R. D. 1. Eaat Berlin.

Pa. Codorus Manheim Farmer's Assoc, Glenville, Penna. Dover Feed Company, Dover, Penna. George W. Lillich Son.

Abbottstown. Pa. Earl E. Landis, R. D.

No. 1, York. Pennsw H. H. Minnich, Felton, Penna.

E. E. Nell. York Springs, Penna. J.

F. H. O. Nenhans. Glen Rock.

Penna. H. J. Shaiabaagh, Dillsbarg, Penna. D.

H. Sharer Son, R. D. 2, New Oxford. Penna.

Sunshine I'eed Store. Carlisle. Penna. Dallastown Hardware Dallastown, Penna. (Dealers Solicited) Leaiers ouuciieup Miss Anna K.

Hull and Carl Sinner, this place, left Thursday for Atlantic City, where they will be employed for the summer months. Fire Company Auxiliary Of York Haven Convenes York Haven The Ladies' auxiliary of the Susquehanna Fire company met Wednesday evening in the community hall. Games were played and a covered dish social was held. Those present were: Mrs. Stock, Mrs.

Walter Malehorn, Mrs. John Nagle, Mrs. Thurlow Brenneman and children, Tommy and Karen, Mrs. William Horning, daughter Audrey, Mrs. Crist Sipe, Mrs.

Edith Fish, Mrs. Ralph Horner, Mrs. Harold Shaffer, Mrs. Clarence Repman, Gertie Bracht, Mrs. Lee Pugh, Mrs.

John Householder, Mrs. Adam Kone, Mrs. Grace Willis. Rajean Willis, and Mrs. Rufus Rodes.

Church Services Church services for Sunday are: York Haven, Sunday school, 9:30 a. Fathers Day program planned by the Ladies' Bible class and the ladies of the young people's class; church service, 7:30 p. sermon, "God and the Holy Trinity," Rev. Ward Smith. Pleasant Grove, U.

combined Sunday school and church service beginning at 9:30 a. Father's day program planned by the Ladies class; guest speaker, Horace Strine; special vocal and instrumental musical numbers are planned. St. Pauls Lutheran, Sunday school, 9:30 a. church services, 10:30 a.

subject, "Americas Modern Idols," Rev. John E. Rine; beginning Monday morning at 9 o'clock Bible school will begin at St. Pauls Lutheran church. All children of the public school, from grades 1 to 8 inclusive are invited to attend.

Communion service will be held July 2, in St. Pauls Lutheran church. The Light, Phyllis Grove and Hannigan; "Treasures for the Body" was held at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. Luther Grove.

The dining room was decorated with the circle Colors, blue and gold, with an anniversary cake and flowers. The anniversary song, "Thy Hand Hath Led Us," was sung and refreshments served to: Rev. and Mrs. L. P.

Markley, Mrs. Kenneth Grove, Mrs. Lester Schmuck, Mrs. Luther Grove, Mrs. Curvin Paules, Rozena Strayer, Virginia Hannigan, Jean Snyder, Juanita Downs, Lena Schmuck.

Delores Straw-bridge, Brenda Grove, Faye Hannigan, Daune Downs, Dalton Downs, Sherdell Snyder, Donald Grove and Florine Grove, who joined the circle at this meeting. A committee of Fay Hannigan, Jean Snvder, Daune Downs and Phyllis Grove was appointed to ar- Sange the next meeting, which will a weiner roast and outdoor iaeeting. Miss Dorothy Gladfelter, Stewartstown, is spending this week Visiting her aunt, Miss Tonetta Flinchbaugh. League to Meet Miss Lorraine Tyson will entertain the members of the Luther League of the Lebanon Lutheran Church at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Pius Tyson, Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Tyson is president of the league, and at this time the membership contest will be concluded and the losing side. Miss Martha Tyson, captain, will pay the penalty agreed upon at the beginning of the contest. Mr. and Mrs.

Elwood Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Burke entertained the following guests: Pvt. and Mrs.

William Wise and son, Glenn. Chanceford township; Pvt. Dean Tracey, Red Lion R. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Hall, York; Misses Margaret Heffner and Barbara Schoomaker and Reynold and Dean Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and children, Rodney and Leon, and Mrs. Ida Grove visited Mrs.

Grace protective fi mm ootids. But Lowe Brothers STANDARD HOUSE PAINT eii tains 90 of surface pr otectmctt fcosve Broth ei ttlQft STANDARD HOUSE PA-INT covow solidly mora equare feet of surface per gallon, wanlo9r and tually coats loss to UN thaw cheap paints. And hero 3m why Recognized laboratory tests show that many "cheap1' paints contain aa isMseh aa of water and other evaporating liquids and fifcn-torwwng solids. That's coat less to usewhy it evenly and saves time and Come in for vour FREE Color Keys to Sunlit Homes; FULTON, MEHRENG HAUSER lire 114-122 South George Street 1.

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