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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKTiAKP DAILY THURSDAY, FEBBUABY 21, 18S4. ay Hew To day. New To day. AT HOME AHO ABROAD. All coal yards will be closed to-morrow.

JACOB SAMM. (DaMarai ceitmjg Sprite U3LISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted.) Af 18. 417 EIGHTH 8TRBKT CRIBTJNE PUBLISKIJfQ CO. VM. B.

DAROIE, NllM(W I Numm it osbiiibs AT FIFTEEN CENTS PER WEEK. THUU, IT MAIL, FOR TH DAILY: PER YKAR $6 00 I SIX 00 Samm's Mills, FIRST AND CLAY STREETS, R. W. MILLER YEAST POWDER Is not Manufactured urrfer a patent, the Formula and Process only are secrets. Its Ingredients are Cream of Tartar and Bi Carb.

of Soda of the Highest Standard of Purity. Try it, and you will use no other. fe. W. Miller School Board In Indianapolis.

The Indianapolis Journal is making a righteous and vigorous war upon the School Board of that city for interdicting the history of the United States from 1860, as a text book in the public schools. The course of instruction in the history of our country closes with the malodorous administration of James BucHAXAXi. In the capital city of Indiana, a State that" sent two hundred thousand of her brave sons to the front in defense of the Union, who fought gallantly in one of the most stupendous wa4 of history, and yet tfce chjlldren of these heroic men are not permitted to catch a glimpse of tnat glorious page, because a partisan school boarjd feats it may give a political warp and tinge to their minds. The history of She nation must close on the eve of its most splendid epoch, a period Manufacturers of the Celebrated Ol K. and WHITE FOAM BRANDS OF FX.OURI BY BTHEC 413 TWELFTH Lace Curtains PATENT HOLIER SPECIAL Also keeps on hand a fresh stock of Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Graham Flour, Buckwheat Flour, and a full line of Feed.

Country trade Extraorflinary Having just effected the purchase of the entire Stock of Nottingham and Guipure Curtains from a prominent Lace house at a startling, i educ-tian from importation prices, we have much pleasure in placing the same before our customers and the public at the following UNUSUAL and ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES 200 pairs Fine Nottingham Curtains, a large variety, in White and Ecru, at $1 50 a pair. 150 pairs Fine Nottingham Curtains, White and Ecru, Taped Edges, at pair; value forS 50. 100 pairs French Guipure Curtains, neat patterns, full finished, at $3 a pair; value for $4 50. 150 pairs French Guipure Curtains, White and Ecru, stylish designs, at $4 a pair; worth $5 50. 175 pairs French Guipure Curtains, elegant patterns, at $4 50 a pair; regular valne, $6.

Now is th Oportiity to Secure GENUINE Bennison, J. C. WESTPHAL. New To day. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE I PART FOB Oatlaii or San Francisco Property, HUE'S CONTAINING 430 ACRES.

300 acres in Crapes from 5 to 8 years old; 70 acres iu Orchard Trees, Of all varieties and kinds Vineyard produces from to ts ions ol jrapej uj the acre, owing to the season SO A Kt IN WHEAT. Has tine dwelling. Karnes, large ackiug and drving house, trays for drying raisin. and machinery for carrying on the place, underground irrigating inie uhwuj wirougn tne raucn. boh sandy lo creek bottom land.

Situated oh line of the California 1'acitic KaRroad. on Putah Creek, in Solano county; one quarter mile from Davisrille. With a fa- season tins place can ana nas uetecl Pit 14 S.MO.OOO $60,000 cash and $60,000 in annual payments, or wiu I II A M.i: IN PAH I FOB Oakland or San Fran cisco Property APPLY TO SWEETSER St ALSIP. Real Estate Agents, No. 1015 4th st, Sacramento JERSEY BLUES, Peach Blows, Kidneys, ILL FIRST-CLASS The Only Choice Cooking Potatoes IN MARKET.

C. R. LEWIS 467 Eleventh Street. Amusements. OAKLAND THEATER.

Twelfth near Webster. Oakland. FiEB. W. Bert Manager.

MONDAY BVB'NG February 18th EVE BY EVEVTNG (INCLUDING SUNDAY) AND SATURDAY MATINEE. B. Densruore's sensational idvl of the Sierras, in 4 acts, entitled REDDY REDDY REDDY MISS ALICE HAKRISOX And our Complete Dramatic Company. New Scenery. New Effects.

ASThperiAL Notice. Curtain rises promptly at to, ici i oi u.ancf uTtr at ADMISSION, 25 cts. MONDAY EVENING. February 25th, I XDEK nr. i.

ii.ii i. COLDEN CATE THEATER. Wm Peri- Fred. Mai klev. Proprietor Stare Manager NOTICE.

Monday. February 18. Re-engagement MS" MINIS I. -9ft The Adonis of Ariel Space, in his incomprehensible owcuBui giui.y on me iTapeze. AI.KO The Champion lady song and dance artiste of the c.iiinrv Mf a1 i'MVfUITA V.

wiju mm sucn a inn at. Fhictcap'o A.I oaii rancisco. I will portray some of her magnificent songs and I am. iinuuir ueimeations. I W.

AKKULL, Irish vocal MISS A BE VEKE, the beautiful and ac-comphsbed song and dance artiste THE ORTO.S, Jessie Norton and no. Nor- 1 iciiutru irieu Buescnes fltEU. MACKJLKV, our old favorite. ANNUAL BALL CF THS Oakland Fire Department AT GERM ANIA HALL Washington's Birthday, February 22, 1884, Net proceeds to be donated to the Old Ladies' Home Tickets (admitting gentleman and ladies), 50c Mitt's BirtMay Will be duly Celebrated in Grand Bali in Oakes' Hall FRIDAY EYEXHW FEBRUARY WD By the Proprietors of HAYWAED HOTEL And OAKES' HOTEL pains win be spared to make this the most sociable and enjoyable entertainment of the season. The best of Music has been secured.

An ITlnfnt Supper wiil be served at Hayward's Hotel. TICKETS OF ADMISSION (includieg ladies) $1 Supper Tickets. 75 cents each. I TONY OAKES. WM HAYWARD.

MRS. ADA CLARK, DAXCIXG ACADEMY For Juveniles, Monday and Thursday afternoons, at half past 3, Hancock Rifles Hall, eorner Franklin and Twelfth Tsiring Anai 377 12th 8t- 1 Clask Days -For Adults. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Mips. Select invitation Tot PROCESS.

Pota toes Potatoes! Washington's birthday. L. 1 1 erris and wife, Boston, and J. J. Tracy, Lathrop, are at the Galindo.

Scott producers and dealers in Cali fornia wines, brandies, 473 Ninth St. JurKens Billiard Parlors, 409 Twelfth street; first-class iu every respect. For a quiet game of billiards go to Ned Campbell's Billiard Parlors, Galindo Hotel. The manufacture of gloves is developing into a considerable industry in Oak land, Pickles enough to pucker the palates of fifty thousand people, are put up in Oak land. Oakland hotel registers show arrivals from all the Eastern States aud the Do-intnionj A dense fog prevailed during the morning: atui sphere warm and moist; temperature at 12 53.

Housekeepers, buy your fresh meats at the Chicago Market, 900 Broadway. First-class and cheap. First-class shave, 10 cents; just as good as a ceut xhave. K. L.

iiriones, 844 Broadway, near Seventh. An Oakland mechanic who sits idle at present does so from choice, not for lack of demand for his services. Oveiland Ticket Office. Secure your tickets for Eastern cities autl Europe at Overland Ticket Office, 4(10 Ninth street. Dr.

Curran's Ameiicau Depurating Bath hot air, vapor, spray, medicated and electrical baths Adeline and Seventh streets. C. W. Cook, Laramie, Wyoming, Joseph Prera, San Lorenzo, and Joseph Lenly, Lorenzo, are at the Eureka Hotel. MrswO, have you tried the Boston brown' bread and baked beans from derrick's Eclip.e Bakery, 900 Washington street.

They are splendid, and delivered free every Sunday morniog. L. McLean, 479 Seventh ttreet, near Washington), has a large and select stock of Kvergreeus, Ornamental Shrubs, Seeds, Fruit Trees, Rosee, and Flowering Plants, etc. Cut Flowers made up in any design. Christian will engage in building houses on his numerous vacant lots in West Oaklau and will sell on terms to suit purchasers.

That gentleman has paid over eleven thousand dollars on assessments for street improvements. O. C. Balidy, veterinary surgeon, being about to leave for Los Angeles, would in-form his friends and the public that he has left his principal recipes with H. Bowman, druggist, corner Broadway and Ninth streer, where they will be tilled with fidelity ami at a- onahle prices.

LeConle'i Lrctni. The thir i -lecture in the Young Men's Christina Association's lecture course will be given this Thursday evening, at the Y. C. A. Hall, by Prof.

Joseph LeConte, on the subject of the "Influence of Darwinism on Philosophy and Religion." i'rof. is one of the" foremost scientists ofithe day 1 the Pacific Coast. This lecture ou'ht to be well attended on account of the sitibjei matter, the speaker, and because it wiil benefit Tin institution which is doimr much oood in this itv. The admis sion is only 25- cents, thus bringing it within me reacn oi an. A Card.

Our daughter Emma aged IS, fcas for ix years s.tlfcred severe pain, has been exceedingly nervous aud often sleepless and the best irieqieal sKUi nau neen em- ploved in vain, tin we brought her to Mrs M. E. Avers, of 581 Seventeenth street. Oakland, wherf, after a few days treat ment she has been relieved and benefited, and we den're to express Mir gratitude and thanks for the good Mrs. Ayera has done us all.

and Mrs. A. A. James. FaoiT Yale.

February 21, 188-4. Kemoval. J. C. Plutwett, Attorney at Law, has removed to his new office in Chas Elsey's building, northeast corner of Seventh and Broadway streets, Oakland.

Kle trie Vapor Baths. I'r. E. Hosibrd's Thermo-Electric Vapor Baths at 1055 Broadway; a cure for rheumatism, pneumonia, neuralgia, sciatica, oaralysis, nervous prostration, liver difficulties and malaria! fevers of every form. Special attention to female difficulties.

A profession lady in attendance. Consultation free. JAUijhms open from 9 a. m. to p.

M. SAMM CO. guarantee their flour to make the sweep st and whitest bread. SEW ELL FRONK aie prepared to remove bodies when required immediately after death toitht-ir undertaking rooms. Fourteenth ami gtou stt-eets, oppo site City Hall, Oakland.

Funeral services of any creed or order may be held at their spacious parlors. Everything requisite for funerals, from the cheapest to the most costly. i Sell your poods to RYAN" MELLOR. Try that fine cider, (guaranteed pure apple juice, at PET A DrtESUO'S. For school supplies go to SMITH 1154 Broadway.

Never Say Fail. "In the bright lexicon of youth there is no such word as fail." MeDonouifh never fails to irire satisfaction, Cali and lie convined. A. MeUonough, 1164 Broadway, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. RYAN MELLOR sell cheap for cash.

Go to SMITH 1154 Broadwav, for picture frames. Pa ilar Furniture, at II. SCilELUIAAS', call and see t. Practical Horseshoeing. DAN.

HURLEY, Eleventh street, near City Market, will An you a firer-class jub in horseshoeing. He has been fourteen years in the business in Oakland, and master of the trade. overreaching and quarter eracks cured or no chaise. Tkt Zinfandel claret, and that delicious, sweet Muscatel, at t-ETAR DKESCO'S, Twelfth and Broadway. The nicest lunch rooms in San Francisco, for ladies and gentlemen, is at the original Swain's Bakery, 213 Sutter Btreet.

For a couirh or cold there is no remedy equal to AMMEN'S OO06H SYRUP. Mast recommend and trv to seil what ajs them the largest profit. Do not he deceived. Ask for AMMAN'S COUGH SYRUP. Take no other.

The remedy stands on its own merits. You ea buy a sample bottle for 15 cts. and test it yourself. Larger bottles at SO cents and 8L Ask to see the larger size and read the wrapper. Dowxisvillr.

Cat, July IS, 18S2. I am selling AMMEN'S COUGH 8YRUP. and the sales are grauuany increasing, it givei good satief action. V. P.

SMITH, "Miner's Drug Store," Downieville, Cal. SMITH 1154 Broadway, is the jj.uce to outain nne papetrie. Mr. J. G.

Soi-TBWORTH. Ludinirton Minb says: "1 have used BROWN'S IRON, BITTERS as a oiooa punner, and it has done me good." Mr. J. T. Pkriiam, Kent Citv, sav: "I bave CROWN'S IKON BITTERS for sale, and Id gwu tKiLieiacuoD.

1 rv Philhp beat's Milwaukee beer. PETAR lke.v, soie agents lor Alameda county. The ovist oeer ltnpertttl New To-day. THE NEXT YEAR jPfte Home School for Young lJulies, 1825 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, WILL BEGIN ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 30. L- A.

FIELD, Principal. rno let HUM11UI leoxrt, 153 neighborhood: "i blocks with board; from Manet station: apply at 1065 Market. corner Tenth fett-lw I1UU CUeciVT anas fenti trally located. eontainiBg live rooms, with aB roan; cauAi'isnnz ue pnee ana place in Oakland, inquire immediately at 7188 TUB WKBKI.V I PUBLISH 1 RVRftf SATURDAY. TSRiiS 0E TtAB-i 3 60 I SIX MOKTH3 jj FEBRUARY 21 Ainawikvau OAKLAND THEATER Reddu.


STANDARD Emerson's Minstrels. TlVoLi JAROEi Donna Juanita. New Code Vc Old Code. The annual meeting of the New York Sttte Medical Society enJed in a schism. It was a stormy gathering, the "new code of medical ethics" proving as explosive as a dynamita bomb.

One year ao the "new code men," as they are called, believing the time had come for establishing friendly relations with the physicians of other authorized schools, adopted the following rule: "Members of the Medical Society of the Stata of New York, and of medical societies in affiliation therewith, may meet iu consultation with legally-qualified practioners of medicine. Emet-'gencies may occur iu which restriction shall, in the judgment of the practiouer, yield to the demauds of humanity." As there were only eighty of the several hundred members present the "old code" men complained that it was a clear case pf snap judgment, and this year they mustered in full force, ami beaten by a vote of 124 to 107; Thereupon, the old coders withdrew and formed a new association, which they called the Medical Association of the State of New York, with Dr. H. D. Didama, of Syracuse, as President.

The "new code" men claim the clause for which they contend does not lower the standard of practice, but tends to elevate it, and put it in accord with the spirit of the age. That it emancipated the members of the Society from dogmatic and austere restrictive legislation, which, however necessary in an immature state of society, certainly had no relevancy to its present condition. Dr. C. R.

AoKKW, of York, a physician of national celebrity, said "It would have the effect of combining all qaaliiied practitioners against empirics and outlaws. Ic will drive irregulars like tramps from place to place, and will quickly lead to a registration of ail educated medical men, and thus insure protection to the public." He fortified his position by quoting the following from Hkrbekt Spencer "Restrictions of every kind cannot last much longer than they are wanted, and cannot be destroyed much faster than they ought to be. Society, in all its de velopments, undergoes the process of exuviation. The old forms which it "Sta. successively turows on, have once oeen vitally united with it have severally served as the protective envelope with which a higher h-umanity was being evolved.

They are cast aside when they become hinderances; only when some inner life and better envrlope bas been formed, ana they bequeath to us all that was in them iriod." JL Lt At the recent meenng ot the Republ can State Central Committee in Chicago, four hours were spent iu speech-making before the committee went into execu tive session, as the Senate would -say, with closed doors to decide where the State convention shall meet. The Inter-Ocean says the most eloquent speech fell from the lips of a colored man, the Rev. C. S. Smith, of ISloomington.

Speaking of the eight millions and a quarter of colored people in the South now practically disfranchised, and who look to the Republican patty for help, the colored orator said: know it is not popular now. Men say it waving the bloody shirt. Would to God we had no bloody shirt to wavef Would to God there had been no Meridian! Would to God there had been no New Orleans! Would to God there bad been no Memphis! Would to God there had been so Yazoo City! Would to bod there had been no Danville! Would to God there had been no Hamburg! AYould to God there bad not been a hundred places! If those had not been there would have been no bloody shirt. But in the loom of disloyalty they woven the shirt, made it bloody iu the blood of the innocent, and so long as I have voice and so long as I have an arm I will wave that bloody shirt until they take it out of my hand and it in the waters of sincere repentance and bring forth good works. A hill has been introduced into the House of Representatives by Mr.

Holmes, of Iowa, providing for agricul tural experimental stations in connec tion with the agricultural colleges of the various States. object is to aid the Agricultural Department in diffusing among the people useful information as to procuring and propogating valuable seeds and plants. The bill finds much favor among the agricultural journals. The experimental stations are to be placed under the control of the regents or trustees of the State agricultural col leges. To pay the salaries of the professors and cost of experiments and research and an appropriation of $15,000 is asked for each statiou, provided, before any college shall be entitled to draw such fund the Legislature of the Stata hall pass an Act accepting the trust and agreeing the experiments shall be conducted according to the tenor of the bill.

0 Sknatok Millkr esterday introduced a bill into the Senate appropriating 9150,000 to build a postoffice in Oakland, and Representative Budd presented a strong petition to the House in favor of the measure, and took occasion to urge the necessity of such a building. There is no doubt that Representative Glascock, indeed the whole California delegation, will heartily co-operate, and in that case, the success "of the measure may be considered as quite hopefuls It is every day becoming more pa-teat that the leaning of the Democratic party for a Presidential candidate is towards a millionaire like Flowers, of New York, or Payne, of Ohio, who will make it pleasant for the boys. They realise that it will be' a bootless race, and this explains why they hanker for a big bar'l to tap. OAKLAND PI1IASE! Low Prices Towels and Linens. '200 dozen Fine Damask Bedroom Towels, with knotted fringes at $3 a dozen; worth $4 50.

300 dozen extra large Fine Huck Towels, with satin border, at $8 a dozen; worth $5. 25 pieces S-4 Satin Table Damask at 75 cents a yard; usually sold 25. Spreads. 150 Extra Heavy 12-4 English Marseilles Spreads, reduced from S3 50 to $2 50 each. BARGAINS 13th and 14th Streets.

Chinese Japanese No. 465 Twelfth Street, Between -Broadwav and Washington, Oat land, The largest aseui I of the finest articles, both useful ami fancy. Call early and 'avoid the rush. Sue Woo Sing fc 465 Twelfth Street. Bed Room Suits PARLOR SUITS, Dining Room Suits.

CHEAP FOR CASH H. SCHELLHAAS' 408 Eleventh Street. i 1 1 I 1l WW FOR THE COMPLEXION TliU elegant reparation is the most perfect heautlfitr known It it pure and felibt-ful in it application ami wonderful in itw elfects, while the closest scrutiny faUd to detect its use. Prepared by H. BOWMAN.

951 Broadway, Oakland, Cal- it CURED WITHOUT PAIN. It not necewiry for a personal interview, as it is not the tapering-off iciufe. Semi name (if your nearest express office, as the medicines are liquid, and caiino. Ik- sent by mail 1 A full course will sent with winch must le followed to complete a cur1. State your case definitely, the amount of Opium.

Laudanum or Morphine taken daily, and how taken hy-podermically or otherwise; also the length of time yon have Iteen in the haSit, and the present state of your health, etc. There is no danger whatever in the remedy, it La perfectly nannies, and not. unpleasant to take The patient can gu wherever he and while the elimination of th- drug from the system is being accompli hed ho feeli nearly as comfortable, although not probably art strong as while a victim to the drug. If directions are fol lowed, a radical and comparatively pa inlets cure is effected; All corTeftpondence is strict ly confidential and the strictest?" secrecy maintained. Write your, address plainly, with county, etc, Address 3 COOK, By Welle, K.irgo Oakland, Alameda -u Vi( orjpioa OF THR "DOMESTIC" Sewing Machine And Papor Fashions TO N.

Cor. Broadway and 13th St FOR SALE At a Sacrifice A beautiful Corner lot, 90x140 feet, in Highland Park; elevated ground and extended and charming view of the surrounding country climate noted for its mildness and purity; horse cars within two blocks. This is a rare opportunity to purchase a choice building site much below its value. Apply to WASSON PATTIANI, Real Estate Brokers, No. 460 Tenth Street, Oakland.

The undersigned announces to parties selecting lots ujion this property that he will erect dwellings thereon, irpon plans furnished by purchaser, or will furnish plans to suit, charging for the improvements only the actual cost of expenditure, and glT-ing liberal terms of payment. The plan for development of this property con templates sales, with desirable improvements erected to order, or of lots for improvement only Thus securing to purchasers protection and ad van tages not obtainable in detached This feature, accom pan i edby the natural ad van tages of the locality, elevation, good drainage, tine view, accessibility, render it unequalled for nealtnlul, convenient and beautiful homes. Present purchasers have a choice of sites, an im- Iortant au vantage. E. SESSIONS, 422 Twelfth Street, Oakland.

DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Desiring to remove to my Highland Park property at an early day. I will sell my present residence northwest corner Eighth and Market streets. The house Is very substantially constructed, handsomely finished and in perfect repair. Lot to suit purchaser say 100 feet or more frontage, with depth ot 125 fees. One-half of rmrrharr money may remain a low rate of interest.

Parties desiring to examine the premises, most is ail casts flrst apply to the undersigned, as no person win be admitted except by appointment Also a portion of the Market street frontage north of the house lot, say 50 to 100 feet front, will be sold JB. fUioe Mm that wiped put the greatest crime of the ages and manumitted four millions of people; a period that produced some of I our greatest men, and chronicled i their mighty deeds of valor, patriotism, eloquence and dt votiou to the Republic; a period that witnessed the settlement of the Alabama claims by the Geneva arbitration, the most magnificent achievement iu di plomacy the world has ever known; a period that has added rive States to the Union, built continental railroads, and been characterized by unusual progress in arts, ajuience, education and all kinds of! industries, must be left a blakik because a lot of Bourbon fossils and butternut politicians have so decreed. Was there ever a greater instance of partisan fatuity an I bigotry? We hope the Journal may succeed in firing the whole squad iuto the limbo of "grim forgetfulness," where they belong. The fact that General Rosbcrans cannot understand why the uoun'ry newspapers are making a vigorous' fight against his bill providing a copyright for newspaper articles, shows that the race of fools is not dead. lie is the victim, intentionally or uuipteutionaily, of a newspaper ring, that is attempting to foresfall aud monopolize the news market in the interest of the rich als.

Pass this bill, and ho country newspaper would dare to touch a telegram published iu these big organs it was fcrty-eight hours old? General Rosecrj.ns is helping these journals get up a corner on the news, and with amazing stiiidity wonders why the country newspapers do not like it Our Reading-Rooms. E.DITOB TalKCX What! abolish the more books reading-rooms and purchase for ths LdbraryL To be sure, our neigh bor says sha has read every novel in the Library nd is hungry for moie." Is that a supply reason why the taxpayers should her? Do they ay that "It is money thrown away to purchase and disseminate newspapers by means of reading-rooms? Are the dark ajies coming again? Where would ths world drift without the newspaper? Aloes not the laboring man, after scanning a dozen papers, iu ths reading-room, go out better fitted to vote intelligently, $ntl to help bring into office those men who will be an honor to our city? It is said that "papers are cheap and but dimes are also scarce in many a pirse, and it often takes the last one the father can earn to supply his children with food and clothing. Besides, where can our tempted brothers and sous tind so safe a place to spend their evenings as in the quiet, cheerful reading-rooms. Who would not rather be taxed for news; papers and otjier good periodicals than for the services of policemen, and who can say that the restraining influence of a reading-room is not equal to that of several officers ofj the law. If retrenchment must come, lets the trashy portions of the library be allolishcd, and many of the lovers of 'fiction) will patronize it no more, or will borrow frohi it those works which will improve their minds, and be of use to them in after years.

As to trashy fiction, it can "be found everywhere on the street corners," and should not be purchased for a community of taxpayers. Indeed, we fear that the reading of trashy novels "is a sort of amuimejnt which is liable to degenerate into a species of dissipation." A Taxpayer. East Oakland, February 19, 18S4. Wants to Close the Library and Build a Home for the Poor. ElITOR TRlBtjxK: Will you be so kind as to insert the following in your paper In perusing The Tribune, I notice we have many indigent poor applying to the Board of Supervisors for assistance.

It is our duty to carej for them, and as we taxpayers are not! rich, we should be just before we are generous. Would it not be a good idea to abolish the Free Library and Reading Room for the present, and build a Home fcjr the poor as larpre and convenient as we can afford, and as far as we make it self-supporting. A. L. Oakland, February ,19, 1884.

The Mining At-cldent Union-town. Unioxtows, February 21st The scene cf yesterday's terrible disaster, was visited by large numbers to-day. The majority were sinply curious, but many came with an earnest intention of investigating, and, if possible, ascertain the cause of the explosion. Heretofore gas has not caused much trouble in Western Pennsylvania mines, but it is evident that a vast quantity bad generated in a short time without being discovered. The majority of experts who examined the mine this morning incline to the belief that the explosion resulted from the falling in of a portion of the roof of one of the chambers and exposing a crevice fi'led with fire-damp, etc.

They are not however, willing tjo stake their reputation on this until a more thorough examination can be made. Ceffins for the nineteen victims arrived from Pittsburg this morning, and all will be buried from Uniontown to-morrow. Two-thirds of the victims are Catholics, and it has not been decided whether union services will be held, or each family bury its own dead. The Connellsville Coke and Iron Com pany, owners of the mine, pay all funeral expenses. There are none here who censure the Committee.

The opinion is universal that, the explosiqn cannot be charged to their neglect, as the shaft was a model of the most approved appliances used for safety, and greater precautions were taken thnn are required by the law. The families of dead miners are not in immediate destitute circum stance, bat the sadden withdrawal of their support caused by the sudden death of husbands, fathers and brothers will be seriously felt in near future. Many had their lives insured only last week. Insurance agencies have collected among the mines and miners, aud a large number of the miners have Availed themselves of the opportunity, among them several who were killed. Firing 1st the Direction of Trinltitat.

Sir a kin, February 21st Firing was heard here early this; morning in the direction of Trinkitat. Gen. Graham, com mender of the Tokar expedition, will ar rive at Suakin to-night. supplied. NewTo-day.

BUTTERICK PATTERNS. Send for Catalogue. TAFT PEHNOYEB 1163 and 1165 Broadway. mm For 1884 Will Maintain its Reputation as the REPRESENTATIVE NEWSPAPER ALAMEDA county. Published every Saturday 413, 415 and 417 Eighth Street TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.

:1 HAVING A RESIDENT CORREO. FONDEST in every town and village in the County, every item "of interest in each locality is leathered and published in its columns. ITS EDITORIALS are carefully prepareu and all question of the day will be discussed ina candid spirit, with an especial aim to promote the interests of the people and especially to aid in the development and prosperity of the County of Alameda. THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT is replete with valuable information for the Farmer, Vine Grower and Stock Raiser. ALL IMPORTANT NEWS by telegraph and mail from ail parts of the world will be pub lished in a concise form.

i It is the aim of the publishers to make The Weekly Tribune A Necessity in Every ouse hold. Send it to Your Friends in the East. TERMS, Including Portage, One year (including map) Six months Three months 50 1 60 76 CLUB RATES, Including Pottage. Club of Five, $3 26 each, or 11 26 Ten, 25 eacn, or zz so Twenty, 2 00 each, or $40 00 An extra copy will be sent free to the party getting up each club. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE 4th Ward Republicans.

ATTENTION THE FOURTH WARD REPUBLICAN CLUB will meet at Viazent Block Thursday. Febru ary 21, at p. M. By ordepjef the President. FRED.

L. BU! mi )N. Secretary, Fifth Ward Republicans. THE FIFTH WARD REPUBLICAN CLUB will meet at the Armory Ball, on Thirteenth ftreet, between Broadway and Franklin, THURSDAY EVENING, February 11. 1884.

at 7 o'clock sharp. A full attendance is requested. A. C. HENRY, President.

LET- VERY DESIRABLE MODERN' 2-storv residence, on Alice street, near Thir teenth; also en Thirteenth, next to corner Alice; nrst risss location; rent onslils; BSKtuiui, CAPKLL A 457 Ninth street, near Broadway. f21-lw him mnun rvrrir, A. II lll.l I .1 I 1 1 I BHII rooms, large nne grounds, nam, rmn trees, meat with laundry and servants room; all a thisofflee fezl-lw 1157 aU 1159 Broaflway, Oaklaaa. REINHART CO'S FIBTE STOCK GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, 50 Cents on the Dollar I at JONES' BAZAR, Corner 9th and Broadway. removal! 2VE.

SUBRAM. (Successor to BECKER SHEKAM) IMPORTING TAILOR. HAS REMOVED TO 902 Broadway, near corner of Eighth Street East Side). A fine stock of Foreign and Domestic Goods of the latest shades and patterns. Suits made to order and a perfect lit guaranteed.

Examine our price list and be convinced. PRICE LIST Pants. American Cloth, to order, from 87 up Pants, French Cassimece, to order, from $10 up. Suits Coat, Pants and Vert from $25 up. Very Fine Dress Suit.

Frf rich Diagonal, from $40 up. Very Fine Dress Suits, French Beaver, Pique or Wattine, from S45 up. M. SHE RAM, Importing Merchant Tailor 902 Broadway, near corner Eighth Street, Oakland. LADIES9 PAPETRIE.

Finest Assortment -AT- M. S. SMITH GO'S, 1154 Broadway, bet. SEXDJOR ORDERfFOB Whitney Co's By TELEPHONE to furni ure Newport Coal Is the Cleanest, Cheapest and Best. ASK TOUR DEALER FOB IT.

Rosso's Cottage, Tais Mewnrit lint ctxan conataatiy on pspBt SALS tsstr Twe yw JTSSV rooea eilssjs on Fifteenth street, near Pesaeaa! only a short walk from the IsUleenlh street depes; uti; aneey toCawsv llsn Tlaiss 1ISI Twine, ie2t-o ewaoa atwlffmSer.

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