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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ii aaaaaaaaaa. FEJL3 CF Cr.I-Z'.IL smRoa. aanraix VY. C. T.U.

COUMCILCOMMITTEES. IPPOMAHOX POST. THE COOKItIG SCHOOL Final Eeporta of the Secretary and Treasurer. Tit Initial Stepa-t-Fortnatloa of tno SeBtool Ladle PromUteatly Goaw i nected With the Movement Tko i I School tat Operatlea Uaexpeeted i I SkerteainaT ei the Coarse The i -'i 1 Caaw of I ad as trial Edneatloa i The Treasarer Report. The following Is the final report of the Oakland Cooking School Association, made by! the Secretary: AU ladies interested in a school of cookery, to be taught by Mb Juliet Corson, of New York City.f were invited! In September last, through the public prints of I Oakland, to meet at the Congregational! Chapel.

In response to this invitation the rooms wer filled at the appointed honr. Dr. Anaette Buckel presented the subject, stated that she bad been for some time corresponding with Corson in regard to it, and read and expounded extract from Miss Corson's letters concerning terms. Miss Corson's nsual terms, it appeared, were as follows: Traveling expenaea and board, and $100 per week as fees for teaching. But in view of the enormous distance between Oakland and New York, of Miss Carson's great interest in tho work on this coast, and of her cherished desire for a long time to visit California, Miss Corson offered exceptional terms to the ladies of Oakland.

If her traveling expenses and support were provided for, said the letters, she would forego her usual fees, -tor those fees, Oakland ladies should not: be responsible- On the contrary, fees should be trusted to the enthusiasm which, unless Oakland were unlike other places, she should create after her arrival. So much interest and such disinterested ness on the part of a stranger, were most inspiring. Dr. Buckel announced that she herself coald do no more in the matter, oh account of professional duties, but other ladies came forward, and many pledged themselves to take lessons. A COOKING SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Was formed.

Mrs. Edward HunJ who had long tines added fins cookery the other branches taught in a privaJ school under her supervision, was ajer-suaded to accept the Presidency of th organization, with th following list of responsible Oakland ladies as her associate officers, Mrs. Albert Aliller, Mrs. A J. Ralston, Jess Wall, Mrs.

Lui Janin. Mrs. A. Liilincrantz, Airs. Fred erick B.

Ginn. Mrs. R. E. Cole.

Mr. Wm Sherman, Mrs. Hugh J.Glenn, Mrs. Frank M. Smith, Mrs.

is. K. Prentiss, llrvli W. MoNear, Mrs. Chas.

H. Chamberlain, Mrs. K. G. Mathew.

Mrs. K. C. Wil liams. Mrs.

S. E. Henshaw. It was on September 20th that these steps were taken. In a week thereafter guarantee fund of $600 was advanced by six ladies, and by the end September a proposition based on the terms thus offered to the ladies of Oakland was forwarded Miss Corson by and accepted by her through the telegraph immediately upon receipt.

Mis Corson being notified by telegraph that time was of importance, it was supposed that shelwould start immedi ately for California, and preparations want rapidlv forward. The Oakland evening Tribcnk, always interested in social affairs; always a friend to the ladies or Oakland, and one which has helped them in many an undertaking, gave to the enterprise, from the firat, a generous and. powerful support. Notices, locals, and articles of all sort on the subject of cookery followed each other in its widely-read columns, and kept the matter before the public Mrs. Hugh J.

Glenn made the generoua offer of her beautiful home, than unoccupied, as a place for the cooking-school. The kind proposal was gratefully declined, as involving too much responsibility in th car of such handsome premises, but it contributed, all the same, to the eclat of the undertaking. Practice classes and demonstration classes filled up rapidly. Ladies enrolled themselves in the former, ladies purchased tickets for th latter. Three, four, five weeks went by, and a4at it was announced that Miss Corson was on her way.

Then, to crown the whole, Mr. A. N. Towne generously assigned to the Oak land ladies a special car, with the privilege of filling it, and in it a party'went up the road to meet, and give her welcome. ANTICIPATION AND REALITY.

Thu inaugurated, the Oakland School of Cookery promised abundant success. But it soon appeared that Miss Corson bad oome here in a state of health which was not to be depended cn for carrying out the engagements and pledges of the Association. Unexpected anxiety on this score, resulted in an entire change of arrangements. The ddemonstration lessons were reduced from six weeks to three, and ladies holding tickets or th is course were notified by repeated advertisements to secure before a certain date the lessons due them." and were informed that at this date these lessons would close. The practice lessons were reduced from twelve to six for each class; the practice classes were notified of the change, and on half of their money (paid in advance) was refunded.

By this method, all the! lessons of all the classes ware compressed into the space ei one month. i This change had been a little anticipated bv th association a by the classes. It was a change adopted after mature deliberation, as the best method of securing to the ladies, holding tickets, the value of their, investment. Though taken by surprise at finding the demonstration leeaooa contracted, aa to time, from six weeks to three, those ladies would have been still more surprised had the lessons failed altogether. The Oakland School of Cookery lasted therefor just one month; from November 19th Dece-nber 19th.

Reference to the report the' treasurer, published herewith, will show the items of its expenditure. A little over $2,000 passed through its treannry. Of this. Miss Corson received nearly $1,000, or literally, support for a month at a cost of $146 30, and also $825 in cash, making an aggregate to Miss1 Corson of $971 30. Th guarantee fund, th sum refunded to classes, and running exbensea, consumed th jr The true value of the School of Cookery lies in what the Oakland ladies themselves those who conducted the school, aad those who attended it have done by it means.

They have, headed a movement in favor of industrial education; they have made one branch of such education the TRAILING THE CROOKS. I Masterly Detective Work Accom-plfshed 1)7 the Police. Hew tat Sat Cracker Wert Raw to Earth A Sterat Cbase amd Itomg QmvTht) Klegaat Ddeiv ffkt Worked la Iroa Captala Pamjrea's CkaM During the past three monthi the police of California have been trailing a gang of eaie crackers, wfaoee excellent end acute understanding: of all the require ments of their nefarious profession, enabled them during that time to elude the beat detectives in the State. Black Bart, himself; was not more "fly" than these men, and it would seem as though no safe, however "burglar, proaf" could withstand their assaults. Many of tha safes which they broke open mint have been extremely poor affairs, for the "crooks" had no mors trouble in forcing them than if the "boxes" had been ordinary wooden packing case.

When the jimmy and the 1 crowbar failed, i a pinch of' gunpowder was sufficient to shatter the combination and the contents of the Bfe thereafter belonged to the thieves. It is estimated that the cracksmen, during THEIR OPERATIONS Here, cleaned up at least $8,000 in money and Jewelry. They came from the Eastern States, and probably have a good criminal record on the other side of the Kockv Mountains, i It is thought that the gang consists of three men and one woman, the latter a female weighing over 20b rxraoo. who might, as lar as appear ances went, have entertained dukes andH marquises in a princely mansion. Tiffs.

Quartette were rapid in their movements, pas robbery scarcely becoming public when another in a different portion of the State would be announced. ihey piew open safes in San Jose, Kedwood, Santa Cruz, Stockton. San I rancisco ana Oakland In Saa Francisco they forced six- or seven aafea with excellent financial results and last Monday night they "went throuKh" five others in Sacramento beinor interrupted in their attempt upm the safe in Dwyer's faro bank at four clock in the morning by AX ALARM Which was given by a woman awakened from sleep in- an adjoining apartment, by the noise which the robbers made in endeavoring to open the "safe. Thu was their -last series of "jobs," and led to their capture yesterday by the San Francisco Before making any extensive, raids in San Francisco, they operated in the outlying districts gradually closing and descending Oakland previous to their advent in the metropolis. In every instance their plans were well laid and all traces carefully concealed, so that it was almost impossible to follow them after i they had secured their -plunder.

The first I cine obtained was the fact that all their work was of the same character, showing a thorough knowledge of every weak point in. a and the surest and most rapid methods of opening it. In additio'n to this slight clue, the detectives have only been able to use i their information regarding suspicious characters and new arrivals in the State, in the working of which, have displayed great shrewdness and an extraordinary amount4 of cunning and acumen. The first work which THE CROOKS Did in this, city was in East Oakland, when they cracked the safe of a grocery I dealer named red. iSrages, securing about $175.

Tjbis robbery was committed on the night of November 15th. and the same -night they opened the safe of A. Font, freneral merchandising dealer, but i they only secured a small amount Of jew- I tk. ant ow-mA via xwoiuuci ifii, bikkotuu wu the store of W. A.

Memam at jmo. 13S2 Telegraph avenue, blew the safe opeu with gun-powder and got away with $100 in coin. The same night the safe of J. S. Adams, oa San Pablo avenue, corner of Twenty-first street was but noth- i ing was found, and the robbers probably returned to San Francisco on one of the early trains, after lying concealed in the suburbs until they could pass through the a.

I V. wibuuufa exciwug niuarft. pium time Capt. Pufnves, aud detectives Fuller and Holland have been at work day and night oh the case. Following a certain ciue, taey were soon convinced tut tney were on the right track, and soon after "spotted" three elegant dudes as, the cracksmen.

-These fellows would, have VERT DISTINGUE INDIVIDUALS Ib any society. They dressed neatly, and in costly attire, but not flashily, or even in a manner that would lead an observer to elasi them with i the gambling fraternity. They were simply young men of leisure, apparently strangers in California, sojourning temporarily for Their ages were apparently about 25, 30 and 35 years respectively, and one of them was particularly noticeable on account of a handsome gold watch chain and bar guard. These men were eloeely shadowed by the detectives, and every detail of clothing even to the buttons on then coats and vests impressed upon the memory. This atteution to minute detail afterwards proved exceedingly important, and will probably aid materially in securing a conviction.

Last Monday one of Capt. Pumyea's "look-outs" at the trains sent hi wnrrf that the hii-da wore wincine their flight to Sacramento by the 4 o'clock train (afternoon) from West Oakland. Captain Pamyea immediately communicated with Chief Crowley of San suggesting that they be followed on the 11 o'clo ck freight, but the Utter replied that perhaps it would be "best to wait further developments. In the' mean time, full details of the j' BfOVIKKNTS Or THE BURGLARS On the train had been sent in from Suisun, tha fact that a woman was in their company being telegraphed. That night they rattled the old iron of Sacramento to the extent of five sales and a loss to the owners of an aggregate of (1,250.

A San Francisco detective had, notwithstanding previous arrangements, landed in Sacramento on the 11 o'clock freight and was found there on Tuesday morning by Capt, Pumyea who took the morning train. The work, however, had been accomplished, and- the thieves had flown by the six o'clock train for San Francisco. A search by Certain Pumvea. at Jjwver'a faro bank. where the last attempt was made, remitted in the finding of a bar guard, three links of a gold chain, and one of the peculiar buttons worn by one of the three men who bad shadowed.

These souvenirs had been lost in the flight, being craped off in the exit which the burglar made through tha transom when the woman Save the. alarm. The identity of the men, owever. had been established, and soon as It waa positively known jihat they had returned to San Francisco, it naa resolved to take them into custody. They were arrested yesterday and are "booked ontbesaaall book" of the San Francisco police office previous to charge based on evidence which is being secured by the detectives.

The came of the three mea under arrest re Joseph Hioea, Henry Thomas and Joseph Randolph. The woman has not ye4 been arrested. POLICE COURT. Tha following business eras transacted in tha Polios Court this morning: Ramo Brioaea, battery aad violating a city ordinance, continued as til the 7 th inst. John Riley, disturbing the peace and threats against tile, continued to file complaint.

Thomas Koberts, drunk, fined or four days. Tnomaa Brail and John JUeary. drank, fined $10 or five day. Margaret Cook and Frank Carroll, sentence tc-aoor row 'f Mr. Ssnltlt Adveatare.

Mrs. James Smith: residier at 106 Teeta street, insane efty. visited the beach bv the Cliff Hons vastardav. and overtaken bv aa agyrtasiv and washed ant to sea. Her theee-year old chIM was washed out with her.

SUv May bell aad others pulled then out. Mrs. Smith tainted a vara! times aitar she SpeeiaU) Reported, up to Soon teh Jtov. i wxra. Hoefler Alexander Johnson It 4.

5" and 6. block 2V lAnd, a i 1600 1700 300 1200 Ofi Huiakamp and wile to A Ems-40x100. a corner Uruah and Tirentj-aewnd. Oak-laod. Barab Mclean to George Bare Lot block U.

dar View Humumi (MUul 0 Barraclas. 8r to Home Lot aad portion lots, block 6, East San Edward Carr and wife to SUra Lota 4 and 5. in Mock 4. black Subdivision. Har- lalan's Adilitio Ban Leendro Orant Metcalfe to 8 Tama Lot on Bailroad avenue, at Hoe Aughinbaugh Tract, 99 a io sun uuara arenne.

a hois viara avenue, at same un r. a to ventral Emmeline A (iray to Georitii'Gnr 30x1001 1500 1190 1S00 6 3000 Tenth, 13 from West, LJJBardr to Mlofaael Murphy S04xl22L Myrtle, 1434 from Third. Oakland Kyte and wife to Jacob Pantoakv 40x100. Tbtrd. 110 from Webster, P.rcr Jacobs et al to Walter Levy-N of KG i 8etion JO, Townahip 3 8 3 Murray i 8hingltrrT to Rhodes-jPuxlOU, Lanrei.

2S0 from Grove, Ziesnbein to Estate A JoeL deoeaaed KxlOS, -V Twelfth. from Center: 30x 100. Henry; 100 from Eighth; 26x80, Railroad avenue, i52 rom Henry, Oak- I MORTGAGES. yaiDT. January 4.

i Kelly to Union Savings Bank S0x95 NE corner Kant Eleventh street and Eleventh avenue, Oakland. Mayer to Union Savinrs Bank 25x15 on SW Eart Twelfth. 100 SW from Thirteanth avenne, Oakland Craker and wife to Union Savhiga Bank 47x136 8 Twelfth, 47) from Wilkiw, I 400 900 800 6000 3500 Tama to Albert MM-r A in deed Temnore to Oakland Bank'of Savinri -40x100 at NW corner Tenth and Webster, Oakiaad Michael Murphy and wife to Johanna Iobo- Sjvan oOftxlXit is Myrtle. from Thin s. iMlaUtt J.

Beabury to Orra Chick -Lot 90 frem'w Use 660 nineteenth avenue, 230 from East Twen-tv-fifth. Oakland. i 400 Jacob Pantooky to Elizabeth Kyte 40x100 IV imru. nu rrom wcMMr, Marsh and wife to San Francisco Saving Union Deed of trtirt let on NW corner Eighth and Cypres, 101 -100, lit 3J-100, 11 9-100. 20.

113, 3 138 3-100. 4000 Rev. 8. I. Fxrgcsoh.

Five Points Mission New York, rocomme-xl- ST. JACOBS OIL. for rheumatism and other ailments. 'j- The memoranda of the British Bark. Jame Livtrey, Captain Fraser.

144 days trorh Newcastle, treports tbat on September 24, SCHKLLHAAS Birthday, they found sue of bis advertising boards afloat, when but S8 days at The Old Ploaeer Barber Shop, 844 Broadway near Seventh, has been renovated, newly furnished, and reopened by Paul Schubert, who will be pleased to see his old friends and new. i i .1884. "I havs been married now," boasted a proev, old fellow, "mure then forty years, and have nsver (riven my wife a cross' word, for tbe last Ave yeare, a'l because I have all my dealings ia my household line, with cur popular dealer H. Sche'lhaas." i Jack Beat Not pardoned but onlv on a friendly! visit at H. store to eecure a new carpet for Lia room.

i i i or a cou'h or cbld there is no remedy equal to AMMEX'aCOUUH SVRUP. i 14b "rty. The reson why men like H. Sehellhaas succeed. Wanted.

For cash. hduwbbld (roods of ill kinds at H. Sehellhaas. ttemoval. J.

C. Piunkett. Attornev at Law. has removed to his new office in Chas Elsey building, northeast corner of Seventh and Broadway street', LHKland. i Parents, Tukf Your Children To the Tenth.

Dime Broadway and Save Honey by purchasing rem one who no partner to divide with, and that means low prices, H. Schellhaw, 408 Klewfth strwt. i I. Preaeats. Wilton Rugg, on Willow Kockerj inquire for F.

B. Crocker, at H.SCHKLLHAAS. i CASH GROCERY STORE HAVISu QPEXED A'FIRST-CtASS Grooery Store at tbe Junction of Seventaentn, Center and Peralta street. I. am prepared to aup- ply famines at tne Lowest Cash, Prices.

Also have constantly on liahd Imported WIVES. LlUi WRS AD OtlAR Please give me a call and you will thoroughly sati- WM WALSH. Camp's' i i A CAMPS'! SHIRT FflCTDfiYt 1: 863 I 1 Between fieisith acd Eirhth gt.i....OAaXAKD Useful, Appropriate, Acceptable Holiday i Present, KELLER'S SHIBTS, Re. 1007 Bread way. OAKLAND.


I Puat and Geary, with the same faculty, u-iui eelior. lately dextrfryed by ore. i tk- farnd 4 5- i What the Oldest Xahatoitaats Pre dict Hearardlas; th MetorodpV aaJ avahailrtiea Shis Btatsa Iwtereatlaar Celaeideade. The native Calif ornians, of this section of the Stated who date their knowledge of the seasons iback over sixty years, either personally or through tradition, state that dry season: this year is' almost Inevitable. They base -this prediction on tbe fact that an unusually dry season 1 has occurred -at intervals of twenty years since 182324, and that ths seatun of 1889-84 must be dry or all their signs and records fail utterly.

Thu far the prediction sewn correct, and there is every prospect that tb present will be as dry as wsre ths seasons twenty, forty, and sixty years ago. The traditions are unanimous ft-, i hinr nkrehed and burned by tbe ardsnt ray sof ths son and the lack of moisture. In 1843-4. a simitar drought occurred, and in 1863-4, only 8 36 inches of rain fell. This season twsnty years later we have only had 4.08 inches of tain from July 1st, 1883, the precipitation for the month of December being only 1.15 The Californtana also subdivided the! period of twenty year into epochs of seven jrears, ach seventh year marxing a very siignt raiuiaii.

ju. iu 1843-4, there was but a light rainfall; seven Years later, in 1850-61. tbe raintau was only 4.71 inches; in 1857-58 19 inches fall, being wholly inadequate for th country; in 1863-64 only 8.36 inches fell; in 1870-71 the rainfall wm 8.47; in 1877-78 32 inche tell, but- th previous year only 11.71 inche fell. season is the seventh 'yearaccoiding to this calculation and should, in due i course ot coinci dence. be: a drv season, thus cob firminsr tha theories Of the Californians.

Dr. Tr'emblv. however, who has devoted a great deal of attention to local meteor' olozv thinks that as the records of the weather previous to 1849 were not k-pt as closely as they have been since, it is pos sible tbat there may be seme inaccuracies in the alleged recurrence of dry reasons. The facta as far as can be ascertained. however are remarkable, and the accurate records kept of late years tend to confirm the inature thereof to a very remarkable degree.

The heaviest rainfall of which we have-any accurate record occurred follows: 1849-50, 38 inches; 185253, 36 15 inches; J867-68, 32 inches; 1877-78, 32 15 inche: 1880-81, 30 84 inches. The total rainfall to the prrsent date in 1881 82, was 8 inches! 1880-81. 13; inches; 1SZ-U, 11 inches. I THE INFANTICIDE. A One-armed Men Aeensecl of "DI- poslnif" of tbe Haby'i Body.

The oblv new developments thus far in the infanticide case reported in yesterday's Tribune, the statement of a twelve-year-old boy named Gnffin, who lives in a bouse adjoining tbe vacant Dremise on which the body was found. to the ettetit tnat on weaneMay aiternonn abont five o'clock he' saw a one-armed man dressed in li a dark suit of clothes approaching the h'uae and throw a hnnilJe ever the fence, it la rather strange tiat the; boy. with a child's natural cUriositv did not examine the "bun die" at the time. It is a moral certainty that tbe mnrdered bibe was not born anywhere in the vicinity where it was found land the detectives bare struck a tiail which will probably lead to tbe die coveryj of the An autopsy DDon the remains of the infant was to have "been held this afternoot but it I was unavoidably p-istponed The autopsy will reveal whether the babe was still born or not, all the evidence in the case tending to demonstrate that the child was at least two days old, i i ghe Jaraped From a feiecond-Story i Window. Gussie Carter, the mistress of a saloon keeper! on Sutter street, San Francisco, created something of a sensation about half-past eleven o'clock this morning, by jumping out of the second-stoiy window of her rooms, at the northwest corner of Kearney aud Sutter streets.

She landed on thei sidewalk on Kearney street in helpless mass. She was taken to the Re ceiving Hospital when it was found that her hip bone and her arm were broken, and that she baa received interna injuries. Her condition is creticaL She is said to have been out of her mind. Tne In junction oa the Park and Ocean Rati road Denied Io the San Francisco Superior Court to day, Judge Finn rendered a decision ad verse to tbe application for an injunction against the x'arlc ana ucean Beacn road through tbe Golden Gate Park. held that ths road was not a nuisance' and did net prejudice the right of the people i 1 EAST OAKLAND ITEMS.

SptcicMy Meported for the Tribune. Four car-loads of pine lumber arrived this morning for the repairs on the Seventh street: railroad bnOge. The Bounder fleet was kept very busy this morning, a great many fish being taken, nearly all of them of large size. A Portuguese- family named Barge, living on Twelfth street near Fifteenth are reported to be in destitute circumstances. One'of lithe Bailroad Companye pile-drivers jis jbeing mted tn tbe'erection of new telegraj'hfpoles in tbe bridge across the estuary siuth of Seventh street.

Durihgithe entire morning. Truck No. 3 of the Oakland Fire Department, was busy at Second and Madison streets, the scene of yesterday's fire, in overhauling the hay to extinguish any sp.trks which might still be smouldering in it. Chief Moffitt supervised the (work. One the whalers now lying off the lumber taxf, is the oldest vessel on tbe Pacific: rvast.

She was built in Germany inthe 1793. She- is as staunch and taut aa-Jthe day hen she was launched. Her name' whicL is Russian, is spelt thus Teptripida. Translated into Enelish, this satis Qerlrude. She is a two-master, square-rigged in I the fore, and arrived a few day ago from a successful two years' wbalingpruise in th sea of Okhotsk.

I VEST OAKLAND ITEMS. Stptctally Reported for The Tribune. Thef fiineral of John W. Patterson, whose 'sad death was mentioned in the TaiBuix yesterday, should have taken place this afternoon but the body did net arrive from Tucson. The Central Pacific Rsilroad Company has under consideration the construction of a second track from the Mols to Port Tbi track will, if itia decided to build it, greatly increase the facilities for tha transportation of freight.

Officer Chase found a valise well packed with vi earing apparel, at the Bay end of the-Main Lake Sewer last evening. It bad probably been stolen from an express wagon and left in tbe nlaca where it was fuund'i until a I convenient opportunity should occur for its Ori Wednesday last Kenneth Watson fell from the loft of Dr. Wm. M. Bunn'a barn, -corner of Tenth and Center streets, to the ground, and was taken up insensi.

bis. (jit was at first feared that he had broken his wpine, bat an examination showed, that beyond several bad bruises and a severe gash over the left eye. he had sustained no aeriou injury. The lad is a son of Mr. Alexander Watson, of No.

1419 Tenth, street. SUPERIOR COURT. Department One Crane. ad go. January 4th: In th matter of the application of the German General Benevolent Aasociatioa for leave to sell real estate; application granted.

Gibbon vs. Bigelow; i coa-tinned to January 14, Godbry vs. Tha Berkeley; Land and Town Improvement Association; decree of foreclosure granted plaintiff, for $1,669 83, together with ensta and counsel ee. Department Two No proceedings! Department Three No proceedings. 11 Tata Oallovrs few Hajeri.

Sheriff McCleverity says that he does not think be can use the gallows in the Conhty Jail for the execution of Majors as tbe space is so that there weald be no room for tbie who are entitled to be present It will not cost much more to build a scaffold in tb jail yard than to fit up the one in the oorridrr of the. jail. i Majors himself is qn'te confident be will Bot bang and is gaining in weight every day. i k- Heetlar at tho Kzecatlve Board- Mr. IjowltcB Worse Th Executive Board of tho Womao's Christian Temperance Union of California met in Oakland, at 1274 JYanklin street, onj Wedneeday.

NotwithsUndiog the lowering alias and frosty air, quit a goodly number of ladies were present by 10 a. M. Mrs. P. D.

Browne, the State President, opened the meeting by reading the forty-sixth psalm. A number of prayer were offered, after which 'the meeting was open for business. The subject of work among the German population ot our State was discussed, and a Cpmmitte ap pointed to make arraogemerjU for, that purpose. Reference was mads by soma of the ladiei present to an article which appeared in the San Francisco ChrvnirU, of recent date, in regard to a policeman nna-ing a drunken mother In the act, of eating her child. A Committee was appointed from the Board to investigate and inquire into the facts of the case.

A resolution was passed that during the week of prayer, the pastors of the different churches be requested to give the subject of temperance prominence in their prayers on Tuesday evening, ana that Do ing the day set apart oy tne omen Christian Temperance Union for prayer for the cause of temperance, a letter was read by the Secretary from a lady of high social position, in regard to the work of Mrs. M. Jjeavitt, or lioston, who, under the auspices of tb Women Christian Temnerance Union, is organizing unions and lecturing throughout the different town in the State. She said: "Mrs. Leavitt's visit to ua was a great success fortv-five ladies joined the first dsy.

My husband thinks Mrs. Leavitt tho finest public speaker he has heard, excepting such men aa Clay. Webster, and the few like them." Mrs. Leavitt has been working for the temperanoe cause in this part of California for November and December, and is ntill retained for the months of January and Feb ru ary. The meeting then adjourned until February eighth and ninth to meet in San Jose at the esmi-annnal convention at which time three delegates from each Union are invited and will be entertained.

and they are requested to forward their names to Mrs. L. P. Recording Secretary, at 2723 Sacramento street. San Francisco, that arrangements may be made for a reduction in travelling ex penses.

JNlrs. leavitt appointments ara: January ISth, Sunday, Kedwood 4Jity January 20th, Sunday, Modesto; January 27th, Sunday, Merced; January 21)th, Tuesday, Fresno; January 30th, Wednes day, Tulare; February 2d and 3d. Satur day and Sunday, Santa Clara; February 4th, Monday, Juoe Gatos; February 5th, Tuesday, Saratoga; February tith. Wed nesday, Santa Cruz; February 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, Thursday to Sunday, San Jose: February 11th, Monday, Gilroy; February 12th, Tuesday, Salinas Febreury 13th, Wednesday, Watsonville February 15th, Friday, Hollister; February 17tn, Sunday, Monterey; February l'Jth, luesdav, Htockton; JPehruarv zUth, Wedresday, liodi; rebruary, 22d, triday. San Rafael; February 24th, Sunday.

santa Kosa; rebruary 25tn, Monday. Healdsburg; February 26th, Tuesday, Fetalnma; February 28th, Thursday, St Helena; February 20th, Friday, Calistoga March 2d, Sunday, Is apa City, March 4th Tuesday. Auburn; March 6th, Thursday, Gold Hill: March 7th. Friday, Lincoln; March 9th, 10th, lltb and 12th, from Sunday to Wednesday. Nevada City- March 13tb and 14th, Thursday and Fri day, Grass Valley.

Saturday, arch 15th, Mrs. Leavitt goes to Nevada for a week or ten days, and then to Oregon. where she begins work the first of April, SULLIVAN'S PROVOCATION. Hi Story Bcgardlng the Affray la Which He tihot ford Keneally. John P.

Sullivan, a young man arrested about a week ago for shooting another young man named Ford Keneally near Alvarado, is in the County Jail awaiting action in his case either by the District Attorney or the Grand Jury. According to his statement of the case was in no way to blame for the affair. He says that about a week ago went duck-shooting on the Alvarado marshes accompanied by a friend. Tkav croased the bay wish Knaeeliy aad a friend of the latter, although the two par-lie were in no way connected until they arrived at the hunting ground. Here they disposed themselves so as to produce tne best mutual result, and, while patrol ing the marsh, bullivan fired at a dock which he wounded.

The bird fluttered along the surface of on of the sloughs, cnassd by bullivan dog. tsetore the am mal could, capture it. however, Keneally fired at the duck killing it, and claim ing the game aa his. own. Sullivan objected, saying that he had firat wounded the bird and that the dog would have retrieved it for htm without another shot.

Keneally urged his. own claim, and finally hu Hi van told him to take th duck. Keneally then refused to take the duck. and with his friend crossed to the opposite side of the slough. Sullivan's friend then inquired whether "that was Ford Ken eally," a question- which Keneally heard and answered angrily in tne affirmative, at the same time remarking that be would "come over and whip them.

Suiting the action to the word, he recrnsaed the slough, and walking up to Sullivan attempted to wrest the latter'a" gun from him. gun was at full cock, and in the struggle it was discharged, the load of one barrel lodging in Keneally 'a shoulder, lty tne advice or ms Iriend, vrh told him that Keneally would shoot him as soon as the pain of his wound would permit, Sullivan left the marsh and went home. He made no attempt whatever to avoid arrest. Sullivan's friends assert that Keneally is "a hard case," and that coue from bad stock;" a proposition which counsel for the defense will endeavor to prove en the triaL Sullivan is an honest, peaceable, hardworking shoe maker, and is given a "first-class character by a host of respectable friends. MUNICIPAL FUNDS.

No Lack of Money For School Par- pose Iaarge Anaoamt of Interest Paid en the City's Beaded In debtednessHolder of the Heavi est' Bands. City Treasurer Fisher states that there is sufficient money in the School Fund to pay all outstanding- claims, the City Mar shal having turned over $16,200 48 taxes collected. To pay February's indebted ness the receipts from tire State and county appropriations will be sufficient. The City Treasurer -yesterday paid about $18,000 interest on the bonded indebted- tbe city, leaving about $3,000 in yet to be paid. All tLe Alain Lake Sewer coupons were paid except one.

The bolder of these bunds being always on hand early to collect their interest. The majority of these bonds are held by th estate of Michael Keese receiving $4,200 interest, and the Fireman Fund Insurance company (about The Oakland Bank of Savings holds 162 bonds of the New issue of ths Bonded Fund of 1882, issued to clean up tbe final indebtedness ot tbe they received in interest (six.months), $4,050. Teaac Thieves. Officers Fuller, Wilson and Morri son thu morjing arrested antes Higgins, James O'DonneH, John Born, Pat Higgins and. '-George Efckman, member of what known "the Higgin an4 booked giary.

them for suspicioa of bur- These Doys are an aoout of age, i and have jail before onr varieas bfteea years all been in petty charges. They are rttspected tLw tima of robbine ha troosts "4 and pt-rpetratiriK various other-saealc thieveries in the southern portion ot toe town. i I I Pardest The SUte Prison Directors bare de cided to recommend nine prisoners for pardoa and fx for eoramntation. A few cases were taken nader advHemant. The Directors go to- Folaom to-morrow.

A Ctalsaeee Barr-lar i.f I la the San Franeiseo Folic Cottrt "Wed nesday. Ng Ah Kee, feloniotialy enter-4 ins the room of N. TI. Gordou ia this city. was held fur grand larceny burglary x.

i- -o aaa -k. ta um wiiii ua I Th Pmblle Ie.etalle.tlea of Its Newly I Sleeted Officers lat Mwrnrntrng. The publio installation of the newly elected omcer of Appomattpk Post, No. 50, G. A.

was held last evening at their headquarters in the Medical College Hall, Jefferson street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. The platform was crowded to its utmost 'capacity by the com rades of the Post Tha Hall was taste. fully decerned with i flags and among them1 being a flag captured by Deputy County Clerk W. R. Thomas from the Sixth South Carolira Rifles; end presented by him tj the Post The flag is a square ot cueapj red corson, wimnwo uiskihim crossbars of blue, with a line of white tars running the fengih of ib bars.

A note was; received from P. S. 'C, Davis, regretting his inability to preside, as had teen expected. His abeence was ow ng! io the installation of the officers of Lincoln Post, No. 1, of which he is a member; P.

P. II. Allan, I was thereupon i appointed as the installing officer, who. taking the station vacated bv the Post Commander. gracefully proceeded with the ceremony of installing the following officers elect: Post W.

K. Thomas; W.jE. Morris; J. Thomas Newmas; QuartersMaster, N. S.

Douglass; Chaplain, J. 6.tEsey; Surgion, Li. H. Montague; O. L.

S. Parrfttlj Thej fellowing are the appointed l(iffictr: i Quarter Master W. O'llrieji; ergant Major, Richard Pat tie tun; Adjutaut, J. J. Hambrigbt.

Upon tpe conclusion of the ceremonies Mr. Wm. Davis delivered an excellent and patriotic address which; was enthusiastically applauded. Mi Thomas, the charming 1 daughter of the Post Commander then ascended the platform amid continued applause, and gave in graceful style a recitation "SandyV'i'th' Drummer Boy." (Comrade Boynton, of Joe Pot, No. 23, added materially to the1 ei joyment of the evening io a moat -interesting account of army life io.

which he Ipaid a worthy tribute! to the work of Americas women during pur civil war. Commander Thomas then gave a history of tha from the t'ine ofl its institution up to -the present, and suggested the advisability of forming a ladies auxiliary corps. jThe suggestion was received with expressions of warm approval.) A recess wai then taken, in which inady I hearty hand-shakings, were ex-chahgea. At iU conclusion Comrade Hasseji. of Lyon Post, No.

8, gave Wht-tier's "Barbara an excellent manne P. Pj C. Trumari H. Allen then made i brief address and was followed by Commander Thomas, who recited, amid much laughter, a Lurlesqu on "Barbara Freitchie." After thanking the audience for their attendance the Post closed one of the ni8t enjoyable evenings ever spent under its auspices. li REDDY'S DEPOSITION.

The snclniion of tlie Testimony- Be fore tlie Notary. In the concluding part of Fred.i C. Bur- chard'a testimony yesterdiy, the witness stated that he had never talked to Senator Sharon about Miaa Hill. He said that he had ten informed that Hill was Senator Sharon's mistress. Told her so when we: were out riding at Belmont, and she denied it strongly.

He became en gaged Jtoi Miss Hill aiter fce had been in-iormef that she was noil virtuous. He understood that it Mr- Barney who advanced the; Shnroi, 1 $290 and not Senator i. My present: wile maiden name wan Kate- Cleveland. She used to be an actress. I was married to her on the 24th of last ovember.

The witness was then 'asked if he intended to pay the money advanced to him byMitsHrlL i -'If (Mrs. Sharon, or Miss Hill, as I believe 1 er to be, is in need of money, I should like to repay it, although I considered it as a git, but I have no funds at i. ll In afternoon the examination was concluded wifih the question by Colonel Flourhoy "Did yon ever'have any trouble at the) Palace Hotel aboutfsleeve-buttons?" The witness replied Barnes then announced that the will be called in Judge court I this morning and-place upon tLe trial calendar for an early, fdate. 1 ANOTHER BURGLARY. A Jetveler'a! Store at Ceater Street Station Gutted.

It Wuuld appear aa if 'a gang of house breakers had settled nppn Oakland as a permanent field for iheir eperations. Withia tb last two weeks some half dozen stores and dwellings have been forcibly entered and robbed a greater or lessej extent of their contents. The latest of these burglaries occurred last night, the victim being Mr. K-S Ormsby, who keeps a jewelry store at No. 1458 Sv-euthlBtreet, directly faefng Center station.

The thieves gained ant-entrance to the store) from the rear xi the buildi ng, breaking a pace of glass in the windpw, and then reaching throng Ii the japerture: -and unlatching it This done! they jmade a clean sweep of the IcohtenUj.of the show cases, leaving behiad them only such articles aa were too cumbersome tb he easily carried off, with the )le exception of a Small silver watch of trifling value which escaped their notioa. The articles stolen were for the mosd part gold and silvfer watched, and the loss is in the nffighborhqd of $400. Mr. Ormfeby, the; proprietor, is particularly unfortunate in that he had only recently established himself in -t West Oakland. There is as yet no clue to the perpetrators ofthe robbery.

A TERRIBLE FALL. Werkmaia Falls from tho Roof of tH Narrow-Gaag Depot to tlie sSroamd. This afternoon at shortly before three o'clock Irwin! Perigan, si young, man of about twenty-three years, of age fell from th roof of the! I Narrow Gauge Depot to the; ground below, a distance of lorty-five feet. It? appears that the unfrtucate man was engaged in carrying plate of iron which ate used in roofing the building. One iof these overbalanced him and he slipped over the edg-of the roof aad shot down through the air earrying the plate of iron with him.

He strutk the ground with terrific force.and at firslj it was supposed I that he; bad been killed outright He recovered conscious-ne4 after some however, and complained of intense pains in the. bowels. Thq only outward strange to say, is a severe braise on one of the wrists. Dr.j Legler was sent for and the sufferer removed to the Receiving Hospital, where he a now lying in aui critical! condition. His injuries are internal.

His noma is at xmo. ioo oiru evreeu. AN EXTENSIVE FAILURE. Jena Ztegeabetn, of West Oak la ad, la FLaaaclal plfficalty. Qa Wednesday last John Ziegenbein Col produce aud commission merchants on corner ot Uavut and Sacramento treeU.

San. Francisco, were attached by the! First National Gold Bank for Mi Ziegenbein is a well-known resident of Oakland land baaldora. individually. more than any twenty-five men in build ing up and increasiag the valuation of property in th western portion of th city. was an extensive bolder of real octat nearly all of which, was improved.

To do this he waaobligod to carry mortgage for large amounts. The late depreciation in real estate is one cause cf hi mbarra-mnt. which it is hped will prove only temporary. The immediate can, however, is to be attiibnted tn unfortunate speculation- io-. flouring mills at Benicia, by which be lost $15,000.

and a disastrous venture in barley which, eost him $UL00Q. It probable that hU loss will reach $80,. 00a This calamity falls with peculiar reve-ity eu Mr. Zieffenbein, who i tb father of a large family, three of whom ae aSlieted with tthnd: Sale of tfew Coatrw. jThia morning tb Sheriff sold under a decree of foreclosure tha Ooatra- Cnata I read and tunnel and the real estate belong- iar to tha Tunnel Company to a IHol fur $bv ThAjCiB Set For Trill -Beftrel Jnd0 Sullr Jadfs Tyler Talks at aa Applies- tlaat tor Allaaoay a Cenaeel Fees-HI Objeetlea to afavlao; the Case Set for Trial Barnes1 KepJy- r-Senae Uvely Paasatres Bc tweeai Ceaaael.

When the divorce case of Sharon vs. Sharon was called to-day in Judgs Sulli van court in San Francisco, Gensrtl Barnes arose and said: "So far as the defendant is! concerned the case is ready for trial, and we wonld like to have it set fcr next Monday, or a week from that udge jTyler immediately jumped to his feet and replied: "We are not ready to try this ease, for several reasons. which, I.lbiuk, will commend themselves to your judgment. In the first place, we have received no notice, of the intended motion the defendant to place the case on the calendar, and such notice is required by the rules and regulations of the Superior Court. In the second place, there is a suit pending in the United States Circuit' Court to compel this plaintiff to surrender her mar rinse contract, and furthermore, there are several indict ments in the criminal department of this Cosrt against this same plaintiff.

While these proceedings are pending. will not consent to go on, because it ia giving too much handicap. Brother! Barnes has been making things lively for us, at, aa he tells us a great loss of flesh We desire time to prepare for him, anil I want time to get testimony out of the State. I have not yet prepared my interrogations. It is a matter of record jtttat tbe criminal indictments were procured at the instigation of Mr; SharonJ and as he gives ua so much trouble, be should allow us time to meet him." 1 Barnes replied to Tyler with some asperity, saying: So far aa tbe removal of this case to the Circuit- Court is concerned, we have stipulated tbat it should i be remanded to the Superior Court, to be tried before your Honor without a jury.

So far as tbe indictment are concerned, if the offenses charged are true, the violators of the law should be punished. It is a novel idea tbat criminal and civil proceeding may not proceed part passu. I his is the time TO SET THE CASK FOR FRIAL. It is matter of public notoriety that Mr. Sharon ia troubled by these cases, and fdesires the aid of judicial determination to see whether Miss -1 1 run is in wue, ana wnemer sne is entitled to a share of that wealth.

which they have, with their joint economy and industry succeeded in accumulating. It is a subject of public discussion. It is demoralizing and injurious to the public morals. and we desire it to be settled. Tbe pendency of criminal proceedings cut no figure in the case.

The only issue that comes within! the cognizance of this Court is the true marriage contract of Hill's whether it is and the foundation of alleged rights, or whether it is fraudulent in character. My client, Mr. Sharon, is old and in feeble health, and his hold on life is at best tenuous, and we desire tbe case tried before he dies. I urge it upon the conscience of the Court, as a conservator (of public and private morals, to set this case for TTLEK WADES Judge Tyler, during tbe delivery of Barnes' sarcasm, was somewhat taken back, but he was not unsettled. He sailed in for the General in the following style: "Itrjis true that a preat deal has been said (of a demoralizing character in the case, and it was dragged into the papers, but it was against my It was Barnes who allowed ths reporters present, he should not complain, if like the old Englishmen 'he had bit off a little more than he couli chew He should) blame his -shorthand reporter.

I cannot be ready fur this case till tbe middle of March." I Barnes -If Tyler will agree to set thi case for an early day, we will stipulate to hang up the criminal cases till he is -ready. Tyler There is no hanging id case. If therejwere, I know somebody who would either be hanged or be in the State Prison. sP. Evans If the counsel consents to set the case at tbe earliest day consistent with the convenience of the Court, we will waive all right of notice in the taking of depositions.

1 Even this concession did not appease Tyler, who still adhered to his desire not to set the case. "I want time," he said; my client has not the plethoric purse so successfully wielded by the defendant. Barnes Why don't yon make a motion for alimony and counsel fees? Tyler I intend to move for alimony acd counsel fees, and in a shorter time than Mr. Barnes imagines, and don't you forget it. Here a laugh was indulged in, even by the court, and-Judge Tyler chuckled over! the '-success his repartee, and he was so far conciliated as to magnanimously offer the proposi-tionj.

that if Barnes would stipulate to dismiss tbe criminal he, Tyler, wonld agree to set the divorce case for Monday. The Judge than set the ease for February I8tbr with the understanding; that both parties should be positively prepared at that time, MINIM STOCK REPORT. Sab Faascisoo, January 1884. Tbe foUowtna sales were made at tb Saa Fran- I cue Block and Exchange Board. Moaimre sal: SKSSIOlf.

400! .1 70 100) 600 180 Mexican .1 06 xiO i io roo 6T0 NB 95c 800 Anrenta 500 ft 65(32 75 870 Ben SO Belle Iale. 15 160 Overman. 100 10 140 00U1 05 0f Bodle ...4 60) 50 Chollar 45 lie Cob V. .130 9 Utah .1 soai 5 70 Grand 16c 250 3c 1 65 .100 Yellow i 15 70 a TBarsaoAT arraanooH satas asevkAB ssssios. 1100 AIU 1 701 66 100 Bel moot 1 ce 80S 480 Bodie.

.4 0O6 50 100 Mono 85c 76 3 to TO If Belle to 150 SavajJL.S 6X 46 fioo Benton Uon 30c 750 .1 10 610 8avire. 1 00 I 650 chou eom tn Sse Elko C. 20c 430 8 8 00 130 Exebec SSc 40 50 Utah 1 SO 200 Caian C.I 60S 65 50 TeUow 10 900 Orand 450 a 2 S9II0 Justice. 1450 N. Wcti 15 I DIED.

PATTEltSON At Tocaea. Arizona, December SI. Jno I'at tenon, a native of Maryland, aced 37 X-fFunermj services will be held at the varlors I of Wm Hamilton, tos Tnlrteenth street. Uax-land, to-morrow (SATURDAY), January 6, at 3i 9 M. OB AST In Enreka, Nevada.

Charha Geary, a na tive of Uermany, aed 4b yean ana io montns, orothrr-ln-law of Mr and air rmup Bill. r-yyotioe of fnneral hereafter. SHIPPUiO IMTEIXIOENCE. Saia raatcaca Jaassry 1884 Arrival. TnxasDAT.

January Btmr Hombuldt. Patoa. ft boors from HoinboWt: pass and nulae. to Searlea a stone. otaar UotoUa Boilea, 55 hears from Portland, via Astoria 43 boors: pass aad mdaatoOR and Jf Ce Br bark James Uverasy, Fiaaei, leSdays from KewcaaUe, Eng.

1196 tons eoal, 600 asks eeaaeat. 40,000 srefarick, to Merer, Wilwa Co. Oer bark Fold. Bohlman, 144 day from Cardiff; 1171 ton eoal, to Mayer. Wileoo aad Co.

raur, Janeary 4. sfealeak Huntington. 75 hoars from Port TsnMil.i aad aadae, teOoodall. Perkias and Ce. Bear Hannah MadiaaB, day fronv Piano; 2049 beans, 48 do barley.

5SJ do wheat, 7 do rye. aa-fcfg and Bros. Claamsen, I TaPBsnav. Jmnary 1 8tmr Empire. Butler, ganalmo and Port Town- Tacaanax, Jaauary Mas Empire.

Batitr. port To Br ator uaraara uwua.amiu I FUDtT, Jaonary 4. ScarLKtteBtrer. Andereaa. VThlteaboro.

Scfar Bill the Bet raw. Kiansnn, Boaea's Bchr Meadocino, Fainter, little fcriver. Hear Faney Oilavnr. Farias. Bent Cram.

Dear Jeaai Tbaua rarest, Caspar Cnak. ran. id 1 8 i A 8 8 Routine Business Discussed by tke Members Last Night- I "ads in tha Hands tha City Slar- shal Bicycle, Trieyele aad Boiler Skates A PakUe Feoatala tfovver Nalsaaces to Bo Abated Redemption of Mala Lake Sewer Boada The Tweatleth Street Ob- Stoddard Snetloi The Council Committees met last even ing. present, Measra, Carothers, Babbitt Dean, Montaaya, Garber, McGivueyi Mr. Garber in the chair.

city; marshal's reckipts. Mr. Carothere, of the Committee on Ordinance and Judiciary, stated that the Committee had. an ordinance in regard to tbe disposition! of funds in the hands of ths City Marshal, but ha did not think tbat it was imperatively necessary that! immediate action should be taken, and would ask fnrther tins. Further time was granted, CTCtlSO and Mr.

Garber called attention to the fact that the Ordinance and Judiciary Committee have an ordinance under consideration prohibiting the use of roller skates and bicycles, and desired to know what action had been taken in. regard to the matter. Mr. Carothers replied that the Com mittee had such an ordinance under con but no action had yet been taken. i Mr.

Garber said that the use of skates and bicycles was a great esnecialiv to those who have been to the expense of laying' stone pavements. One man had intimated that if the nuisance was not abated he would tear up hi walk. Mr. Garber thought that the ordinance might be amended if it was thought too severe. Judge Yule thought that the ordinance might be ameaced so that bicycles could prohibited, as the latter were probably the most annoyance.

Mr. McGivsey was in favor of giving the boys a chance. They had all been I boys once: upon a time. Mr. Cat-others thought that the ordinance could be modified so as to permit the use of bicycles in certain portions of the city and to prohibit tbe use of tricycles.

The whole matter was referred to th Committee on Ordinance and Judiciary to consult with the City Attorney. Mr. Dean thought it would be a good idea to com pell the bicycle riders to carry horns and blow them when approaching a team. Mr. McGivney was in favor of setting apirt some portion of the city for the use of the boys aDd girls and the-'general amusement1 of the public.

He called attention to the fact that the pavement around the: Hall of Records would soon be in excellent' condition for skatiog and bicycling, THE rOSTOKFICB FOUNTAIN. Mr. Babbitt, in regard to the postoffice fountain! said that the committee was at work in the matter. He calculated that the fountain would be ready for placing in position to-morrow, but the expense would be little more than' was at first estimated; but not much more, and he thought there would be no objection to tbat. I DEFECTIVE SEWERAGE.

7 City Attorney Yule called up the matter of the passage, of an ordinance prohibiting the carrying of sewage out upon the public streets in view of the objection to Mr. Matthews' sewerage on Franklin street. He had been requested to draft such an ordinance and he should do so, presenting the same at the next meeting of the Council; when it might be passed under suspension of the rules. He regarded the passage of- such an ordinance as highly beneficial to the general public Mr. Babbitt designated th Matthews sewer, a nuisance, which should be abated, but thus far it had beemimpossible reach the evil.

There had been a great deal of complaint in regard to this sewerage, and Mr. Cole, one of the property owners of the vicinity, had stated tbat be desired to grade the street at his own expense and by this means obviate, as far as possible, the evils arising MAIN LAKE SKWKB BONOSL City Attorney Yule asked- whether the Council would be prepared to receive bids for the redemption of Main "Lake Sewer bonds on Mouday night. Mr. Dean said that they wonld not be. Judge Yule said tbat it would not be tn draft an ordinance until aftejrj that meeting, and that a special meeting for the adoption of the ordinance could be held-dn the succeeding evening.

i bixbt's thoroughfare. Levi Bixby appeared before the'cjom- mitteea: explained that Twentieth street had never been opened, or declared a public 'street, owing to the fact that a bogus map had been made by W. Everson, and placed it on file. This was not known for several year, but the history of the street and snrroandirig property, as detailed by Mr. Bixby, tended to show that street is not a public street, the City Coun cil en two: occasions having declared that twentieth Btreetts not a public street.

Mr. Bixby also showed a deed to the property and stated that the fence which' he bad built across- the street six years age was standing at that moment. Mr. Carothers informed Mr. Bixby that no action had been taken in regard to opening; the street.

When such action should be taken it would be time to argue the matter before the proper committees. Mr. Bixby said that, in reply to Marshal Ciougkv ne would deny that be ever threatened any city official with a shotgun. He might have said that he had a good rifle, and he had one of Uncle Sam's 'guns, which he cams honorably by as honorably as bis grand-father had came by the sword which he carried through the battle of Bunker Hill. He would say, however, that he had no objection to; the opening of the street provided tbe other property owners would stand an equal amount of the expense attending th opening of the street.

The natter was finally left over until some formal demand for the opening of th street shall be made. QUIT CLAIM TO A SUCTION. Mr. MoGivney presented a. paper which was read and which stated that James Stoddard had given ex-Chief James RI'I authority to manufacture and use the four couplings in question, and tbat he relin quished any and all claims against ths city for compensation lor the adoption and as of tbe hose couplings.

This waiverfrom Mr. Stoddard will probably have the effect of causing the Council to compromise with Dan Hayes as City Attorney- Yule recommends and pay him $20; the sum demanded far the city having used the four hose couplings containing1 an infringement on his patent. The Commit ittees tbn adjourned. Aasaalt wlta a DeaeTly Weapoa. Charges' of aatanlt with a deadly weapon have been placed against Alex.

Woods and Gas McMillan woo attacked J. R. Bigler Ian Peralta strw last To-day night. Wood pacta adorns the Kogaes' Gallerr, under theaams of Alexander Hoten, hav ing been convicted, with Michael UDca, tn this city, of robbery and sentenced to aae year ia the State Prleoa. Oa December 26.

1877. Aaue McMaiaa was held before the Urand Jury tor aasanlt, bat tb bill was irnoretL On December 23, 1875. Woods was convicted of petty larceny. Woods McMillan claim that they attacked Bigler because I he talked about them, and asserted tbat the former was a state rmwa Feaaer B. Fenaar, who was arrested about two months ago on a charge of violating- a city ordinance in driving piles on tbe city property on Lake Marritt wa disKissed in the ice Court thla morrrf nr.

on motroa of the City Attorney. Mr. Fenner haviiMT signified hit intention not to attempt to fofring upon tSs ssnnidpal doaiain. a fashion; they have brought household la-1 nesafif bor into repute; they have dignified thaiuponi inpons kitchen as th pivetand "hub ot the home; and they have given voice to the growing disquietude of the public mind because of th exclusion of all instruction in practical pursuits from the, public school. Sooner or later is sure to come soma radical improvement in the schools of tb city, as the fruit of this movement on part' of th ladies of Oakland.

infvU i It is only truth to say that the daily reports of th lessons and recipes of th school of cookery war given to th public prints in direct opposition to th protest of tha ladies of th Association. To tb six ladies who advanced th guar antee fond, to tha Oakland Evening TkTB- urn. to lira Hugh J. Glenn, and to A. N.

Towns, the ladies of the Association of th Association offer earnest thanks. Mas. Sajuk K. Henshaw, Sec TBSABCBEK'sf WXFGKT. Mrs.

Frederick B. Ginn, the Treasurer of the Oakland School Aasociatioa, makes th following1 report of receipt and expenditure Receipts, by, guaran tee fund, $600 by gift, $25; ayXaal of tickets to demonstration leeaooa, $943; float practice classes, $480: by sal of food, utessila, ftc, $67 30. Total, $2,117 30. 1 Disbursements. Return of guarante fund, $600; cash returned to practice dassea, $240; running expenses of school as rendered $306; personal expsnars of Mis Coreost, $146 SO; cash paid to Miss Oorson.

$82t Total $2,117 30. 8. i aka Ball BdaeeaV t7 Ball in tha can of Percy Jaeobna, now in the Saa Francisco prison on charge of embexxlement. was yosterdayrcduced from $32,000 to $16,000. He expects to be oat a lew days, lis wul be Tuesday.

i f..

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