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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • 3

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BAN A 1 HIG AND Vessels 'Wanted, For Rent, A HD WAR CONNECTICUT XanaoHED. On Saturday last from -the yard of Carter "Co, a fiae white oak barque of 450 tone She ie owned by Brookmao Co, New York. Belfast Age. vCrlMfljItlU minority of the present their were I he am-nda'ory enrol I- from tbe Set are with amendL.1 On tion of Mr Stevens. of tL resolution was adopted he Resolved, That in the opinion of thia use upr.

Mdtters tQfc Capital. Various Rumors Concerning the Resignation of Bec'y Chase. Wasumoton, 30th. Representative Garfield, fron the committee to investizate tbe subject ooneoted with the Treasury Department, repot ted today that the system of printing is very thorugb, and great efforts are made trom time to tiia Ur better that there is no evience of a single dollar ever havinghaen frandaletly issued that the cost of printiog as oompareawith the charges of bank note oomp.oies is heeily in favor of the Department; that the bank iote companies have made persistent effores to brak the printing by tbe Government and injure tb personal character of Mr Clark, the Supemtendent, and attempts have been madsto bay tm off from tbe service of tbe Treasury Vtbat besfusid all suoh offers, and that be has been a failful aud energetic offioer, and all his official ats are worthy of the confidence of the Uovernmnt The charges of immorality are, he committee say the result of a conspiracy on he part of Col Baker the defrc'ive, and Provost Aarshal of the War Department, with tbe aid of emale prostitutes and an access rq Washington and that by tnreas and coeroon'" he obtain, affilavits to prove gross immorality on the par of Mr Clark and his associates The committee recommend that te charges of Gen Biair be referred to the com it tea on the coniact of the war. New Yrk, 30th.

The Commercial's special despatch say 8 it is reported that Seorttary Ctse did not seriously intend to resign, bat tbe lesident so cepted of the Treasury port-tolio an appointed his aaccegsor. The Secretarys friends say ha wgned because the internal revenue is nt mai so large as tv should be to meet the expeases the Gov eminent; and that tbe finance comittee gave h.m encouragement that it would bencrea-ed Others declare that the Secretary insied on the transfer of Field to the place oAssistant Treasurer at New York, but the Prtdent was persuaded to nominate Governor Morjna former Adjutant General, bat that afterards the President requested Mr Cisco to witlraw his resignation Washibqeon30Ui. The Senate in executive session confixed the in lowing, among other nominations: Lt Commander Francis A Roe, for 'vance-men in grade five numbers, lor distiuished conduct tu battle in command of the fcteam-er Sassacus in the attack on the rebel tn Al-bermarle. First Assistant Engineer Hobtryr advancement three numbers in bis grade f. distinguished conduct Lieutenant Terry, for ad.nce-ment five numbers in his grade for gallaicour duot on Red river.

Howe, Assistant Appraiser of Pormd, -Maine- Moses of Maine, Consul at Bnhi Borneo. Washington, 30 It is reported that the Senate has appoint special committee to wait on the Presidento ascertain the facts in the case of Seorey Chase. Mach exeitement exists about the ot. tol Washington, Jone 30th The result of tee consideration of the nomte tion of David Tod of Ohio, as Secretary the Treasury, in place of Hon Solomon Ctaa was its reference to tbe finance committee of tl Senate. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, -OF- HARTFORD, CONN.

Accumulated Capital -OVER $6,000,000. The events which in this country now press and orowd upon eaoh other with suoh startling rapid! appeal in tones ot strong monition to every husband and father in the land, and are calculated to present to his consideration with impressive emphasis the duty of providing for those for whose sustenance and oomfort God has made him responsible. Whoever loves bis wife and children must now especially ieel their account, and doubtful as to their fate shou id he himself be taken suddenly away. He knows that if tbe pressure ol the times bears hard upon a in the fullness of his strength, it will be far more severe upon a woman and onilaren left at suoh a conjuncture without resource9 or proteotor. Is it not now proper, more id per, than ever before, that all with dependent families should take advantage of the means Assurance alone affords, and, by devoting a email part of their income, save themselves muoh anxiety, and seoure to their wives and children comfort and independence I Ready Cash Most Impomtant i the Settlement of Estates.

One of the most important benefits to be derived from Life Insurance is, that it enables the man oi large means, but of extended and varied basinets, to provide an amount of rkadt cash immediately after his death, to be used by his family, either to meet their dally necessities, or to aid In closing up the estate to tbe best advantage. To this end some oi the nohest men in the country have made large insurance on their lives, and the results are always salutary. Thousands of dollars have been saved in the closing of estates, means of a small amount of ready money. The records of our Courts will attest to the truth of ear proposition, that, on the other hand, thousands and tens of thousands of dollars have been lost, and estates utterly ruined, fer the want of this small sum ef readv money. Life Insurance provides a remedy for all this; and a policy of insurance on the life of the husband, payable, as tbe law directs, to the wife and children, dees not wait tbe laws delay, but comes up promptly to tbe rescue of tbe bard earned estate of tbe aeoeaseu.

We say, therefore, to ail, rich aud poor, secure without delay, the boon whioh will so surely guarantee a result so desirable, and a oonsummaticn whioh all labor to attain. which an labor to attain. Easier for a Man to Pay his Pre mium than for his family to live 'without his aid and without means. If asked, Why do you not assure your life? some will tell you it is as muoh as they oan do to maintain their lamilies; that the present wants of their wives and chiadren absorb ail their limited means, and that they oan spare nothing to make a future provis on ler them. Allow that it is so, and inquire 1 with the husband and father In health and streig'h to toil for them; if; with the dear head and busy hand of the parent, their wants are but just supplied, what would be their condition if they were to lose Lim and be left alone in the world That question is easily answered.

There would be an euu to all independence a broken 4 home, descent iato poverty, tbe oold kindness of relations, tbe reluctant charity of friends, tbe widow and the orphan undertaking any description ot labor for the mere means of existence. But what else could be looked for Can a man expeot the world to do for his family what he has refused to do lor himself How, these bitter ills may be averted by a little self-denial, and a resolution to act. RATES OF INSURANCE -FOR- One Thousand Dollars, Th By Annual Payments, with Profits. IS THE STORE now occupied by John B. Boden, on the Qoraer of Exchange and Somerset Streets, poaaession given June 10th.

Inquire of May, 26. tf C. BROWN, No. 14 Somerset Bt Storo for Bent, Situated at the oorner of High and CJin ton well suited for a retail Grocery having been used for that pur- avexai years. Jfor particulars enquire of apr27 8.

A. Jb ALLOWS. JsijyULt pose sever For Sale, A Rouse and about ten acres of Land on tbe Extension of Broadway, about one and a half miles lrom Kendnskeag Bridge. For particular, enqaire at No. 19 Main street.

lebO 3tawtf F. DREW. rilHE BARGE8T WATER PRIVILEGE In New Brunswick is now offered for sale, by the only heir to tbe estate tbe late Robert Etsgar, of Fredericton, N. B. Tbe property is situated at the Aroostook Falla, in the County Victoria, and adjoining the Boundary between Maine and New Brunswick, lt has a front of one mile on one side of the river, and half a mile on the other side, including one Island and part of another.

This Is one of tho finest water powers in the country, and commands any amount ot lumber fioa tbe upper parts ef Aostook river. 'lhis is a rare obanoe for speculators, and as tbe terms would be made to suit tbe parties buying in ftlame tbe owner knowing bow difficult it is to pay in United States greenbacks, would make bts terms reasonable. JOHN RGOAR. Fredericton, April 22, 1864 10-40 LOAN. Principal and.

Interest ble in Gold. 1 paya- First National Bank of Bangor. AGREEABLE to instructions from the Secretary oi the Treasury, this Bank is prepared to re-' of United States oeive subscriptions, account Bonds, authorised by tbe Act of Maroh 3, 1864. These Bonds have forty years to run, but may be redeemed at tbe pleasure of Government after ten years, bearing interest at five per oent per annum, payable in Cote, annually on Bonds not over one hundred dollars, and on all other Bonds semi-annually. Subscribers will reoeive either Registered er Cou pon Jxndfl, as they may peier.

lt expecred that Coupon Bonds wal be ready for delivery about the 4th of April. In addition to the ameunt oi the principal of the Bonds, payable in current funds, subscribers will be required to pay the accrued interest lu coin, (or in cui rent iunus, adding fiut per oent. ior premium until further notice,) lrom the first -ay ot March until the day ol payment bubbcriptions anu remittances may be addressed to tne First National Bank, No. Uo Exohaoge-at. GtO President.

JOHN WYMAN, lasiuer, Apru 4 ifiU DRAKES PLANTATION BITTERS. Speers feamouoi Wine, Wincheste 8 Hyp. of Lime and boda, Peruvian Syrup, Niuhols Elixir of Peruvian Bark, with Protoxide of iron. Just reoeived and for sale by BLOOD A ROWE, jn 13 121 Exchange st. WEBSTER HOUSE HANOVEE STBEET, $1,5 0 FER DAY! One othe best Hotels in Boston for families and tjosie; eat company, who desire good aooommo- small charges.

The rooms are large and i bat well lurni bed Hotbath rooms with hot and oold water, and all other fixtures oo tained in a first class hotel. fr-T-l-fift PEftUAV: JOB JENNES3 80N8. June 4 3m Proprietors BUCKWHEAT FLOUR EAST BOSTON 8YRUP; Raisins, Currants, Su gar, Teas, Coffee, Spioe, Rice, Tobaooo, Saler-atos, and a New Stook .1 GROCERIES generally, by A. M. SHAW.

nov25 Florence Sewing machines, TAe Best tn ths world and as to beauty durability and simplicity of construction has no equal. This Machine taxes four different stitches. Has tin advantage over other Maohines, xn fastening noth ends of the seam. Will embroider and raffle beautifully, without? any extx a machinery. It has tbe greatest speed of any Ma-likely to 5 chiue, and is the least get out of repair.

W. K. FOSTEB, Agent, Bangor Bazaar, No. 1 Union Blook, Main street. Feb 1 8 NEW FISH MARKET.

I HAVE opened a Fish Market on Kendoskeaj Bridge, next door to Lows Market, where shall keep constantly on hand, FRESH AND SALT FISH, in all the varieties wanted for femily age, and shall deliver them to customers, in any part of the oity promptly and in order. "'kinds of Pickled Fish, No. 1, 2 and Extra ih, Bea Packed Mackerel by the bbl or half obi. Also, Salmon, Shad, Halibut. Trout, Piokerel, Peroh.

and Lobsters, In their season. 3T-1 shall sell nice artioles, at a fair price, and hope to reoeive a liberal share of patronage. May 27. WM. H.

LAWRENCE, A CO. are reeeiving Fresh Ground- XX FAMILY PASTRY FLOUR, from best St. Louis and Western Mills H. C. COLES F.

G. New Wneat. ALEX. H. SMITH A CO.B CREAM, do PLANTS, New Wheat 8T.

GEORGE, do VENUS MILLS, do UNION FOREVER, MACOMB CITV, 80LFKRIN0 XX, Extras and Supers. For sal low for oash at wholesale, WALTEB BBOWN fit 102 Exohange Street. J. C. HOLMES CO ckAXXBS nr Ship Stores Chandlery.

ALSO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Flour, Reef, Lard, Hams, Tea, Sugar, Tobaooo, and CHOICE GROCERIES. of all kinds. bio. 1 Exchange City Point. C.

HOLMES, F. A. EDDY apr8 2m 1000 Doz. Pairs Wool Socks Mittens, For whioh tee highest market prioe will be paid by THOMAS HERSEY, may 1 2 No. 20 Mats Street.

HYDRAULIC CEMENT i CBMENT. of tee beat quality, now landing from aehr Otis, and fer aalo by J. B-IISKE, maySSfrn No. 18 Broad street. on.

art BL8. Boston Extra Winter LARD PIL ill jD just reoeived and for aale by BLOOD BOWK, 121 Exchange ill the amendments assessing a special tax oa comes to pay bounties contravenes tbe olante in the Cons'iru'i of the United States relative ore1- for the support of the Gov is an infringement npon the pre trve of this Hones, and that the bill be tu.ned to theSenate with this resolution. The Senate bill to establish a bureau for Fnedmene affairs was referred to the select mmittee and ordered to be printed. The House passed the Senate bill authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to iDvest ihe naval pens'on and naval fund, tbe 8enate bill providing for tbe efficiency of tbe navy. It repeals the clause in the enrolment act for transferring soldiers to the navy, and gives the sailors the same bonnty as soldiers.

The Hoase passe 1 the Senate bill establishin the salaries of postmasters The House here took a recess LOCAL AND OTHER ITEMS Returned. Major Crossman of the First Heavy Artillery, arrived at his borne in this oity yesterday, by steamer Lady Dang Major a painful bullet wound in bis right arm, bat we believe it is not considered dangerous. Ia tbe battle of the Wilderness and in the last fatal oharge by the First, Major Crossman gained tbe reputation of being one of tbe bravest officers in the Brigade, and we trust be will soon be restor ed to health Deah op Lt Crowell The telegraph yesterday announced the death of another member of the gallant First Heavy Artillery, Lieut Crowell of Orouo, who came to his death from wonnds received in the last charge. He was brave officer, and bis loss will be severely felt at the regiment aod at Orono Camden on the Brain Oar correspondent has been sojourning a short time at the Bay View House, and is evidently affliotad with Camden on the Brain. It is truly a delight ful summer resort; and we give his article en tire, that others may know the wonders of that famous town.

Additional casualties in Co First Heavy Artillery: Sergt Frank Robinson, George Crosby, wounded in thigh. John Jackson, wounded badly in leg They use so mnen water in Portland mix with whiskey that they have to ran mills by steam. Ordered Out Co State Guards, Capt Morse, has been ordered to garrison Fort Mo-Clary, Kittery. They mast be on daty by the 10th of July. Tbe following wounded soldiers arrived at the Gymnasium last night Wm Small, 7th Gray, 31st, Sedgwick.

Look out tor Spots. The indefatigable Ashman, Wingate, is on another fishing tour. He expeots to get trout enough to supply all bis friends. David Shepherd, of Dover, is dead. He was 69 years of age.

Evidence ot Weakness. The Portland Press intimates that they are obliged to pot twice as much labor on that paper as is pat on the Whig. Sorry yon have each hard wo: to keep np your circulation, neighbor. Why dont you try hal as much matter of a better quality, for a while, and see bow yonr subscribers like it. Tbe little Courier bas no difficulty in getting a large circulation, right by yonr side.

jfLaunched from the yard of Hiohborn at Stockton, Jane 25th, brig of 340 tons bar- fires in different eeotions have been doing lsiderable damage to farms timber lands, understand that above Fort Kent several uhes have been burnt oat of bouse and borne, 1 their crops almoat entirely destroyed, Ashland the fire destroyed several acres of Os Mr Mosher loat four sores of oats, worth ost one hundred dollars. Clayton of Masardis, had a large amount ass land so badly scotched aa to entirely de this years crop. estrnotive fire between tbe Aroostook road ame Oxbow settlement occurred on Saturday a0Qnnday, 18th and 19th, which extended ovee valuable timber land. Thursday last Jolark, at Winding Hill, in the sooth part this town, lost his honse and barn, and he man ia left entirely destitute. had a honse frame and a quantity of boaro-jarnt.

The bridge across the Honlton road Mr Clarks waa also destroyed. Same day, thouse and barn of Mr Flint, neat tbe brid8e at Ashland waa bnrnt, also a school go iq the vioinity of Mr. Flints. The house Dunn took fire several times, but by closatching, jt was saved. Jw belonging to A Flint, and Da-'i of Ashland, were con tamed by fire on lhars.

We dld not earn the estimated loss. of the fence for a distance of two 00 kReaoh, so called, was destroyed ireday. The aettlera along thejrest bank of difficulty saved their pioneer ent. On the 23d, Wm Young, hving part 0f the 0jtJ the Belmont liniq from tbe roof 4 barn on whieh w. a "nd was almost instantly killed, ThVhith18? and dren la hie lungs.

Hn At aaed him to lose hia balance. He was 43 yef Belfast Journal. Fatal "In AleXLia, Va, of typhoid fever, Mr Samuel Tenneja of HonJohn 8 Tenney of Horridgewocki go yarg. A Whole Burnt. On Thursday teroon re broke down upon the Lit-tie vilUge of A1 toat 14 milee eooth of here, ond in few mm foarteen buildings were laid in aahee.

first caught in the ook. stable of Mr Jobell, and from that tends! to tbe bt ngs of Joel Valley, and weeping 0B bb th. road, wijh the exoe, of thrM bnitdings, for hard from half a mile. The henorthwe.tatihd7i;' with, such rapidity anything wan saved from the baik) a bores and carriage In Valleys stable wm lo(t good bogs. HI.

Falley very heavy, altho To load at Maeblas for 'Freight payable In Gold. FRED ATWOOD, Winterport, June 16 Vessels Wanted. ONE of 500 H. standard capaoity, to load deals for United Kingdom deals for United King One 150 M. for West Indies, teveral to load Coal at Washington C.

fur Boston and Provider ee. ALSO beveral to load Coal at Nova Beotia coal mines, itr Boston, New York at high rates. Apply to P. MoCONVILLE, Jane 10 bhip Broker. Vessels wanted.

A FOR NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, and WEoT INDUS, by may9 THOMAS J. BTRWART. Best Stock' of the Season! AT- GIBBONS KELLYS, WE HAVE RECEIVED a Barge and Splendid Assortment of the most. YASGIONABLE CLOTHES for Gents wear. Ready-Made Clothing, are prepared to show our Customers, and the of mankind, the best Msmuiaotufol STOCK in We rest -he btate.

BE SURE AND CALL, and you wj.i te satisfied with your bargain. Ey We are bonne, to 11 CHEAP, and keep the best of GOODS. No. 6 Smith Block, in 10 BANGOR. RICKER IRELAND IMPORTERS OF Crockery, China and Glass Ware.

1, MAIN STBEElT, BANGOR, MAINE. Bangor, June. 6th. dis. OLIVER H.

BAKfcR, 25 Mam Street, invites attention to his assortment of Fine Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, Silver Ware, Table Cutlery, Fancy Goods, My assortment is COMPLETE with the latest patterns, and every article is offered at the Lowest possible pnoe. Watches and Jewelry carefuly repaired. Engraving neatly executed Jd7 WRAPPING PAPER AND TWI5E, an hand and for sale low by constantly W. BARTLETT. jn8 -JYG leave to inform their friends and the public that they have leased and fitted np the Btore No.

7. East side Kendnskeag Bridge, four doors from their former rooms, where they will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Piano Fortes, Uelodeons, and Cabinet Organs, which are warranted of prime quality. Having the agencies of the different Manufactorys they are prepared to furnish the public with Instruments unrivalled either in price or quality New Pianoes from $226 to $550 Seoond band from $40 to $50, and Piano Stools from $5 to $10. As large additions have been made to car Rooms, we have every laoility for Repairing, Jarnii gt Var-Iishing. 9 mshing or Po.

A) so, a large ooHeotion of SHEET MUSIC and INSTRUCTION BOOKS. Pianoes. Organs, and Melodeons. repaired. Old Instruments taken in exchange fer new.

gy Remember No 7, opposite Lows Market, june 13. Doomage Notice. THE Aceonnts for Rafting Logs at the Boom, the Penobsoot Lumbering Association," for the Penobsoot Lam the month of May, have been made upland an assessment of seven tv-five cents per thousand feet has been made on said Logs. All who pay this boomage to the Treasurer at his Offioe, No 6 Grenite Block, on or before the 20th be entitled to a discount oi six per and on the 2ist 6 per on the 22d 54, and so on; makiDg a quarter oi one percent, less discount every day after tbe twentieth for twenty-four days, aad after that time charging interest. Those who have not sent in their marks, will please do so immediately.

B. FOSTER, Treasurer. Penobscot Lumbering Association. Bangor, June ibth, 1864. Delays are Dangerous All kinds of Goods are Rising.

BUY NOW IF YOU WOULD S-c Money. NEW GOODS, NOW OPENING BY SAMUEL Bv STONE, Jr, jn 20 18 West Market Square. DENI80N BRIDAL EVE. jn 20 For sale by F. DUREN.

Penobscot Log Driving Company. NOTICE, jiven, that the Dibictois of the PENOB8CO'ff LOG DRIVING COMPANY will be in session at the offioe of A. W. Pairs, in Bangor, on FRIDAY the eighth day of Jnly next, of at three oclock in the afternoon, fax the purpose making an assessment upon the owners of logs included in the Drive of the present season, to pay tha expenses of said Drive and inoldental charges, agreeably to the provisions of their Charter and Aota additional thereto. By order of the Directors, ALBERT W.

PAINE, CLKRK. Bangor, Jnne 23. 1864. tjy8. E.

0. JONES, Teacher of tbe Piano Forte. npRRMS MODERATE, and no charge for unsatis-JL fretory services Address Box 358. References F. 8.

Davenport, J. G. Wasgatt. Juuej7 4wd 3tw Silver Gold Plating. BAVING bought the Oal vanio Battery, Solutions and Implements oonneeted with it, of J.

O. MORRIS, deceased, I am prepared to do Silver and Gold Plating, Rings, aad Jewelry of all ksnda plated with sliver or gold, ia tee best aad most finished manner. Loose work plated to order. Harness Trimmings filled to order. Door Plates constantly on haao.

All kinds ot Carriage Work plated in tee best nyle and at short notion. A.W. DO AXIS. Baggor, May 47, 1864 Notice. of the Mwabcn of tho Bad-.

npHH Annual Mooting of th ioe'reWeSSJS, aliases, at tee effiee ef said ay of Jely being tee 4th day of the moath i etaoek, amrnooa. ALBERT ROLTONBeey Bangor Jaae 21, 1864. tm ba held for th ehoioe tee traasaotloa of any other legal bniiases, at the effiee of said Bank on the first Hon da; PAINTS OILS I and VARNISH I and BLINDS. DOORS SASH HAYING TOOLS 200 DOZEN BCYTHE3, lOO DOZEN SNATHS, 100 DOZEN BARES, 50 Dv. HAY FORKS, SAW TELLE ABBO cT.

No, 40 West Maiket Square, jn 23 dlv BANGO', ME- FICTION SALE. 7, sold at Pnblio Auotlon, on SATUR- wnenfifn 'Jhly 9th, 1864, at the offloe of JOHN .11 in Bangor, at 11 oolook A. of tamuel Striok-land. survlAing Rood, of thg erooers Bank, in and to the foilb-iji mortgage of real in ESLklns. Jr eaUte, due to said Mortgage of John Jfilitos.

Jr-tj B. Foss, dated September 17, 1854, recorded in iwgtry of Deeds in Penobsoot County, vol 260, pa, 4 mn signed -to the President, Directors swi Comnanv of said Grocers Bank on tho 4h day of M1 357 ot Lot number one hundred and eight, coiD1D wo hundred acres, more or less in an unmoorarr ted township called West Indian, number Two, aw the note ot said Jehn Elkins, Jr. for two hundred dollars, dated Sept. 17, 1855. and payable in two years, with interest, peonred by raid mortgage.

A deed of release, without covenant, will be given to the purchaser Also, at the tame time and place, all the retraining property of said Bank, unless previously dis posed ot at private sale, vis: 1 large 8teel Chest, with Back Locks; 2 Back Looks; The above may be seen ac the Land Office. 1 Bitting Writing Desk, with drawers; 1 bitting Writing Desk, without drawers; 1 Standing Desk; I I Counter Desk; I Motfregor Coal Stove. 8. 1. 8TBICKLANI).

Surviving Receiver of the Grocers rfank. Bangor, June 1, 1864 ts WANTED SIX BOOT BOTTOMEKS. None GOOD aes and constant employment bat good wcokmen need appt Boardman Gregory, Corner State and Exchange 8ts jn21 tf jF I RE WO RKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CUTTER AUSTIN, 32 A 86 Federal, and 107, ill, and 113 Congress BOsTO Wholesale Dealers in Fireworks, Chinese Lanterns, Torches, THE NEW UNION LANTERN, Red, White and Bine, for Political Send for Exhibitions furnished to any axonat. Prios List.

jn8 tJy4 KEEP COOL! SCHOOLEY and Wrndshlp8 celebrate 1 Refrigerators. A now lot just received and for sale by jn21 tf G. MERRILL. No 66 Main St. ABMA.RT CAPABLE BOY, to learn the Grocery business Enquire at this Office jn 21 JULY GODEY and LADY 8 FRIEND.

jn 22 reeeived by E. F. DUREN. U) (5 ID 5 OAA DOZEN Dunn Edge Tool Co. Double Ref.

fJ SCYTHES; J00 Dos Dunn Edge Tool Co Casf Steel Scythes 100 44 do Gernran 66 Cold Pressed Scythes; 100 -300 wOiu rroonOu ooyvnes, Burk, Ball A Co. patent Soy the Sneathsi Hay Rakes: a- Drag Hay Forks. i Also A complete assortment of Agricultural Implements, SEEDS Ao. jn 21 tf H. DUNNING A CO, 42 West Market Square.

United States Internal Revenue. COLLECTORS OFFICE, Foubth District or Vauts, (Bangor, June ts 1864. In pursuance of the Aet of Congress entitled An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government and to pay interest on the Pnblia Debt, approved July 1, 1862, and the amendatory Aot of Maroh 3d, 1863: hereby give uotioe that I have received from GEORGE 8EWALL, Esq, Assessor for the Fourth Collection Diatnet of State of Maine, the annual list of Doties and Taxes assessed by him in the month of May, 1864: That said Taxes-and Duties have beoome due and payable, and that I will attend at my Offioe, No. 2 Granite Block, in tbe oity of Bangor, to receive the same, for the First Division of said District, from the sixth to the thirtieth days of June instant, inclusive. That for the Second Division of said District, ALBION K.

P. GRAY, Esq Deputy. Collector in said. Division, will attend in the County of Penobsoot, at Charleston on tbe 13th, at Bradford on the 14th, at Garland on the 16th, at Dexter on the 16th; and in the County of Pisoataqnia, at Milo on the 17th, at Farkman on the 18th, at Dover on the 20tb, andoaoh tuoeeeding day of the month of jnne Instant, to receive the Taxes and Duties ass ased within said Division. That for the Third Division of said Distrlot, FREDERICK hUTE, Deputy Collector for said Division, will attend at his Offioe at Lincoln, in the County of Penobsoot, on each of the days from of the I3th to the 30th of Jnna Instant, inclusive, to reoeive th Tax and Duties sreessoii within said Division.

That for the Fourth Division, JOHN H. BRADFORD, Esq, Deputy CoUeotor therein, will attend in the County of Aroostook, at Ashland on tbe 14th, at Presque Isle on the 16th, at Fort Fairfield on the 17th Honlton on tbe 20th and eaeh snooeeding day of 1 one Instant, to reoeive the Taxes sod Duties assessed within the Oennty of Aroostook. And I further give notice that sdl persons who hall neglect to pay the I a ties and taxes so as aloresala assessed upon them, to the Collector or i ike time specified, shall he lia ble Deputies within bis te pay ten per oentam additional upon the thereof and that the penalties when burred will invariably ba enforeed agreeably te the the Aet eforeeeid end the special in provisions of strneaioneof IheCosnmissioner of InternalRev.nuo. Nejnrther notice of the Annual List JS're- quired bylaw than the foragoin gj and all persons I by-Lew than the foragoin ana all persons ere respectfully rtqusstedte govern them. f.

A. 5. 8 elves j.84ir HfThe Union District Convention, Second Congressional, was held at Anborn yesterday. Hon Sidney Perham waa nominated for re-eleo- to Congress, and TAD Fessenden, Eq, of wee ohosen as candidate for Elfctor Pi silk. nt lilnoolna Acceptance-Etkcut Mansion, Washington, 27th, 1864 Hon Wm Dsomeou and vt the National Union of Gentlemen: Your letter of thv14th inat-nt formally notifying me that I have bVo0minftt fd by the Convention yon represent for in, pre id.

uo, of the Uuited States for four year frh ibe fourth of Maroh next, has been reoTe(j i'te Domioa ion is grvtefaliy accepted, resolanons of the Conyeatioa called tbe platform are heartily approved. While the reaolatioa regard to theeuppUnt-ing of repahlioan government upon the Western Continent is ful'y oononrred in, there mig'ht be miganderstanding were I not to say that the position ot the Government in relation to the return of Fraoce id Mexico, ac a seamed through tbe State Department and indorsed by the Convention, among tie measures and aota of the Ex cative, will be faitbfuMy maintained so long as the state of facts ehal have that position per-tioenf and applicable. I am esptuuily gratified that the soldier and seamen were not forgotten by the Convention, as thejrfprever must and will be remembered by the grateful country for whose salvation they de vote ibeir lives you for tbe kind and complimentary terms in which you have oommanicated the nomination and ocher proceedings of the Conven tion, I subscribe myself. Your obedient servant. ABEAHAM LINBOLN.

What is It restores the Bair to its origins What is it that ooior Giofray's Improved Renovator What is it that changes gray hair or light hair to to a dark brown ooior Giofrays Improved Renovator Wbat Renovator ooD'ains neither lime nor lac sulphur Giofray's Improved Renovator What Renovator gives the least trouble, and ans-weis tor a Restorer and dresser I Giof fay's Improved Renovator I What Restorer iovigorates the oapillaries and produces a healthy action apOn the Hair in the shortest tune 7 Gtofrayt Improved Renovator Manniaatored bv J. L. GIOFRAY, Custom Honse Block, Rockland, Me. and for sale aU Draped gists and applied by all Hair Dressers. jSForsale in bangor by W.

L. Alden Co. bradhury, and N. a. Harlow.

Jan. 25. 1864 wly. oAIR DYJK, UA1R DSTE! BATCHELOR8 celebrated HAIR DYE the Beit the World. The only Harmleee Trae and Reliable Dye known.

This snlendid Hair Dye is Per ect changes Red, Knsty, or drey Hair, instantly to a Slate Black or Natural Brown, without Injnr-ng the Hair or Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Keautifhl; imparts fresh vitality restoring it to its pristine ooior, and reotifie the ill efieots of bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed Wi l-liam A. Batchelor all others are mere and should be avoided. 8old by all Drug gists. Ac.

Factory, 81 New York 1062 mlydAw Hard Times Coffee, 1J1HI3 Coflee has stood the test two years, and is unequalled by any other snhstitnte. No one who delights in a CUP OF GOOD COFFEE should be without lt. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY II. B. WH ALL, No.

36 South Market Street, BostoD, Certificate of Dr. ffayee. HARD TIMES COFFEE. This substitute for the more expensive kinds of Coffee has been analyzed obemieally and microscopically, aod found to be free from any deleterious substance. It also corresponds In comp sitlon with the manufacturer's statement.


THIS Association continues to ad iusf and collect War Claims of all kinds on the lowest terms. Advice given gratis. A to No. 11 Railroad Exchange, Court Square, Mass. wly Boston, Sept.

101663 FiIATWOOr)f Successor to N. tf J. Atwood ,) WINTERPORT, MAINE, (formbrlt frahkfort COeWwTtfSSO.r JfMl CMAwtJYl jrn nxAisRR ur Hackmetack Knees Timber, STRUCK SPARS, STRUCK AND HKMLOCK Pile lug. Railroad Sleepero and Telegraph Polee White Pine Matte and Bowsprits, and all kinds of Pine and Spruce Masts, Spare and Polee. Will sell at Winterport or Bangor, or ship to or-or parts of Cargoes furnished at short the very lowest rates.

der. Cargoes or ana at notiee, I AN FUUIITTIO TO KIRS TO Gen. Samnel VeaHe, Pros Veaaie Bank Bangor; Wm, J. Lord, Cashier Joseph Bryant, Esq- Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden.

Winterport Boston Lathly Rich, Esq, Messrs. DurhamSargen Messrs. Charles Buck A Co, A Co, Rufus Buck, Esq, Capt. Wm. MoGilvery, Bnoksport Searsport New Yo Philadelphia Baltimore Messrs.

R. P. Bnek A Co, Messrs. E. A.

Bonder A Co-Messrs. T. R. Matthews A Sons, ootl6 For Rent. HOUSE No.

43 Cumberland street has been put in good repair. Will be rented to a good family if applied for soon, for $150. Enquire of W. NICK.ER80N, jn25 tf 128 French st. To Masters ot Vessels.

OEFER a Large Assortment of Goods, of the Best Quality, mid in suitable packages for Ship Stores. AMOR PATTEN, jn 27 2w Btrleklands Block, 14 Broad -t- House For Sale. A good two story HOUSE on DlTiaiou atreeil with good stable, well, and other conveniences. Lot 123 front by 100 Sl CaU at Phillips fiXXSBY. PHILLIPS RICE.

Jo 24 FRENCH, GERMAN, Cl thsl Am erican Also, fancy CA88IKERE3, of Latbst Stylss; oao be lound at 8. B. FIFLELD8, and made np to order, for Ken and Boys, aa Chxap aa theCHSAPaar. jn e3m Fo nOht DSS A GOOD HOUSE, pleasantly leoated-Reat $150. Poeeeaaiea din let ot July.

GEO. i.THATOHKR, At City Hall, or house Basez street, ju 22 4 MU 1st Jy BBL8. PICKLEAlso, Pickle In half bbia. lea, called the Caprera. The Caprera is doable The steamer Union from PensaoolSeoked copper fanned, and to be commanded 20th, and Key Wfest 25th, bas arrived.

n- au She carried out 400 seameu for the West Gulf CaP- Wm Hiohborn. She is owned by the Squadron. She captnred en tbe 10th, off Jnpi-tsster, Hiohborn, and Capt Wm McGil-ter Injpt, schooner North Carolina of Nassau, ry, of Searsport. trying to rnn the blockade. Acting Assistant Paymaster, New York, 30th.

Assistant Paymaster, A Winter, Fires in tub Woods. Since oar last issue tf i a i eS I A -a 'r died on board the Union on the 28th. The Union brings a detachment of 42 men belonging to the Penn Volunteers, under Lient Warner, and 100 aick sailors from tbe Gulf squadron. New York, 30th. Another effort to launch the Princeton will be made on Saturday.

Washington, 30h. Tbe Senate wsa still in executive session at 8 on Mr Tod'a nomination. New York, 30th. The 12th Mass regiment arrived this morning and had a banquet given them by the 9th State militia. The officers of the 12th also had a oollation at the Astor Honse this by invitation of the proprietor.

The regiment leaves on tbe 8 oclock train via New Haven for Bolton New York, 30th. Government stocks np and Second Board faociea down New York Markets- New York, 29. Cotton 2 cts higher sales 1800 bale. middling uplands 150 Flour State and Western dull and less firm Superfine Bute 9,00 a extra 9,25 a choioe 10,60 a round hoop Ohio 10,45 a ohiice super western 9,40 a axtra 9,85 a 10,65 Southern firm mixed to good 10,00 a fiency and extra 10,60 a 12,00. Canada firm common extra 10,00 a extra good to oboio 10,35 a 11.75.

Wheat 1 a 2e lower but closed steady Chicago spring 2,30 a Milwankie club 2,45 a 2.4o; red western 2,38 a amber Michigan 2,55 a 2,50. Corn better sales 30,000 bosh mixed western. new, 157 a 168. Oats firm Canada 95 a 98 Thirty-Eighth Congress: FIRST SESSION Washington, 30th. House.

House concurred in tbe 8enate amendment to the bill seeimilating tbe nk of warrant officers in the Nary The bill heretofore reported for the oonstrac-xion of a new railroad between New York and Washington ws recommitted. Mr Garfield made a report from the select committee to investigate the affair. of tha Trsaa-Hfj which was ordered to be printed, and the The -Dividends made by aver age 50 per cent tens recaeing tee eon one hall. Polioies are also issued upon the tea year or aoafMdian plan, when desired. Applications, Statements, and all Information Decenary to effect Dianranoe ftirniahed without charge by tea undersigned 'Agents for Eastern Maine.

B. Sons, Apr7J AQENTS. we learn that he waa ind 10oo. Mr Bherman loat awreral liy, joeladinf store filled wUh goods, fntVhieJl ba, dared. Hr wee insaf.

6qq lrootlook Pionter: ii Sbeep Waah XNEW LOT roooiyod byifco Amt. A UVXVl ID Kegt, Jars, and by the gallon. jn re fw aaleby Te. W. HAN TON.

--j 4r. i A r- I vcy 4 et ie k-.

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